#and when gill is being looked at directly
Adding to my Nosey Neighbor thoughts from earlier:
(@bigb-enthusiast and @mapleejay pspspspspsps)
Imagine it begins to snow on the server. Pearl lets it fall on her, still, watching from atop their tower. She's shivering, but doesn't really notice, hands stiffening slowly on her spyglass as she stares at the Mean Gills chatting. She says nothing, but it hurts. Somehow it feels like a betrayal to see Martyn and Scott getting along so well. She starts to lose circulation. She still does not move.
BigB sits on the opposite side of the tower, though indoors, clutching his own spyglass. He doesn't really need it to look down and see the Clockers. Scar is waving around a sword as he talks for emphasis. Cleo doesn't even flinch. Cleo turns her back to Scar to talk to BDubs. Cleo will never turn her back to BigB again.
(Pearl will. She will turn BigB's sword towards her and look away from him, begging him to kill her so he can live. He won't anyways, even with the extra time. Neither will she. Both of their blood will mingle together on Scott's sword.)
BigB can't watch anymore so he turns back inside. It's only then that he realizes Pearl isn't inside. He climbs up to meet her but she doesn't respond to his greeting. He sits down next to her and pulls her spyglass away.
"A little cold, huh?"
"Oh, yeah. I guess,"
The snow has started sticking in his hair, but it's already piled on her shoulders and hood. He fights the urge to wipe it off. Pearl's reaction to touch is...unpredictable. She forgets shes not alone sometimes, even if you're right next to her. He tries not to think about what it means that she doesn't think the people talking to her are solid enough to touch.
"I'm going to head inside, I think Jimmy's heading over to ask about Judy again,"
The aforementioned man is loitering on the bridge outside their tower, being way too loud if he's trying not to be suspicious. Grian shushes him and BigB is reminded of late night meetups that felt like betraying Ren and freedom in equal measure where both of them spent half the time shushing the other and the other half giggling.
He begins to climbs down and trusts that Pearl will follow him. The inside of the tower is warm and what little snow was clinging to him begins to melt.
Pearl won't come back inside until Jimmy has come and gone. Falling snow doesn't have the same bite as sitting directly in powdered snow, but she is tinted blue all the same. BigB will place a hand on her, fingertips first to warn and then the rest when she has acknowledged that he is real, and guide her towards a furnace. She will hiss in pain as the blood returns to dying nerves and feeling returns to fingers that are scarred from the frostbite of a previous life. They will never talk about it.
(In the next life she will drop dripstone on his head and he will be reminded of his skull splitting open in time with Ren's. And he will feel like he's speaking with Ren's voice as he banishes her from Love Island. They are back in the Box and she is a demoness who has brought death with her. But she will tilt her head and ask "Nosey Neighbors?" and he will sigh and forgive her, remembering how the time he took from her tasted.)
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zombiifyd · 1 year
jay ferin is the tallest out of the albatrio and i stand by that.
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valsdelulucorner · 5 months
Imagine the brothers were mermaids
Ok but like, imagine instead of you going down to the devildom and meeting the brothers as demons, they were mermaids in the human world.
You were in a horrendous storm that completely destroyed your ship and killed all of your crewmates. You washed up on a deserted island and soon realized there were a few heads watching you from the water. After you calm down, Lucifer introduces himself and his 5 brothers, explaining that they saw you floating in the water face up and decided to save you. He then introduced you to his younger brothers, putting mammon in charge of taking care of you when your near the beach
There was a cove on the other side of the island that you were prohibited to go into, besides the only visible access to it was underwater, even then its blocked off by a large boulder. After hearing cries and begs from the cove, you looked around the top of the cove and found a small hole in the side of the rock, seeing another mermaid inside, Belphie.
After meeting him and making the pacts with the brothers, you manage to let him out by moving the large boulder infront of the enternece by using the powers of the pacts, and you know what happened when you let belphie out💀
Things happen after that, there was alot of tears and words but everything turned out well after the incident. Lucifer gave you a spell so you could breath after that though, hes not willing to have you suffocate and die after what happened with belphie
They all started to warm up to you after a while like in the actual story, growing a attachment to the pretty/handsome human they saved on the island. They may not be able to go onto land with you but after setting belphie free, you guys were able to set up a proper home that you all can share in the cove.
The cove is quite large with shallow pools littered around the area so the brothers can comfortably lay down without drying out but still allow them to be close to you. The dry parts of the cove is where they helped you make shelter by carrying in different resources for you to make a bed and stay warm at night. they are fascinated when you manage to find another way into the cove from land, fascinated by fire once your able to bring in dry wood
Once they start to grow more fond of you, you start to find more dead fish and shiny shells near your bed, not realising they are trying to court you more obviously. You still don't know why the others give each other the evil eyes for the day after you find a really shiny shell on your make shift pillow
. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lucifer had deep red scales and a tail with a mix of red and black scales. His nails are sharp and his hands were covered in scales, running up his arms and ending at his elbow. He had red gills on his neck and in between his ribs. His fins were sharp-ish and the end of his tail was a nice pattern of red and black scales. The whites of his eyes were black while his pupils were red, slit irises. His tounge was a deep red aswell, teeth razor sharp like sharks. He took a shirt from a shipwreck and wraps it around his waist, tailoring it abit to make it actually a waist wrap and not just a shirt. Lucifer calls you his love
Mammon had vibrant yellow scales with his tail being a beautiful mix of yellow and white. His nails are less sharper then lucifer but still sharp, beautiful yellow scales littering his hands and ending at his forearm. He had dirty white gills around his neck while his gills on his chest were directly over each of his ribs. His fins are more flowy along the sides of his tail, his larger fin at the bottom of his tail being a beautiful mix of yellow, cream and white. The whites of his eyes were a bright yellow while his pupils were blue, thicker irises but still slits. His tounge is a nice shade of cream and his teeth are more like vampire teeth but with his bottom teeth having fangs aswell. He is covered in bangles and treasure, he pierced his own ears and tounge so he could use some of the jewelry. Mammon calls you his treasure
Leviathan has deep blue scales with his tail being a fade of purple blue at his hips to dark blue at the end of his tail. His nails aren't the sharpest out of the brothers but are can still be used as weapons, deep blue scales covering his hands and ending at just below his elbow. He has some scales littering his neck that complement his blue coloured gills, uneven gills along the underside of his ribs. He has a sea snake type tail, his fins being a nice, deep, translucent blue colour. The whites of his eyes are a nice light blue colour while his pupils are a orangey colour, the slits of his eyes being diamond shaped. His tounge is a purply blue colour, his tounge and teeth snake like. He found a ruri-chan bracelet after it fell off the side of a cruise ship and that bracelet has been on his wrist since, he's been on the hunt for anything else ruri-chan after that. Levi calls you his charm {ruri-chan ref}
Satan has some vibrant green scales with his tail being a mix of green and sea green scales. His nails are the sharpest of all the brothers while his hands are covered in green scales, running up his arm and ending at his bicep. He has deep green gills resting near the back of his neck, his gills being more near his back but still on his ribs. His fins are the sharpest out of his brothers and are a beatiful green colour, the fins at the bottom of his tail a mix of sea green and green. The whites of his eyes are a dark green while his pupil is a nice green, the irises of his eyes are spikey but still vaguely resemble slits. His tounge is spikey and deep green, his teeth alot sharper then Lucifer's, his teeth are made for shredding. He wears some silver jewelry on the tip of his fins to be able to lure fish in for dinner, he wears it more as a hunting tactic then a fashion statement. Satan calls you his darling
Asmo has the most gorgeous pink scales with his tail being a mix of cherry pink and raspberry pink. His nails are the dullest of the brothers but they are still lethal, his hands are littered with pretty pink scales that end at his wrists. His gills are a bright pink colour that are closer to the front of his jaw, the gills on his chest resting right under his ribs. His fins are very flowy and are such a beautiful shade of pink, the fins at the end of his tale is a beautiful cherry pink fading into a deep raspberry pink. The whites of his eyes are a shade of apricot pink while his pupils are a nice orangy pink colour, his irises in the shape of hearts. His tounge is a raspberry pink and his teeth are really dull. He is like mammon with the fact that he loves to wear beautiful jewelry he finds on shipwrecks, they make his beauty stand out. Asmo calls you precious
Beel has some vibrant orange scales with his tail being a mix of sunset orange and mandarin orange. His nails are quite sharp but are quite short, beautiful mandarin scales covering his hands and end at his shoulders. His gills are a nice orange that are right above his collar bone, his other gills resting right under his pectorals, on his ribs. His fins are abit rough but are a nice sunset orange colour, his fins at the end of his tail a mix of mandarin and sunset orange. The whites of his eyes are a deep orange colour and his pupils are a beautiful purple, his irises in the shape of little suns. His tounge is a deep orange colour while his teeth are lion like, his teeth are MADE for eating meat. He got a piece of rope he found off of a shipwreck and made a necklace for himself, having made a tail bangle for belphie so they match. Beel calls you his guppy
Belphie has some beautiful purple scales with his tail being a mix of Lavander purple and deep purple. His nails are second to asmos in being dull but can still cause alot of damage, soft purple scales littering his hands which end at his shoulders. His lavender gills are also placed right above his collar bone, his gills placed right under his pectorals aswell, matching beel. His fins are nice and flowy, the fins at the end of his tail a lovely mix of lavender and deep purple. The whites of his eyes are a deep purple which match well with his purple pupils, his irises shaped like little moons. His tounge is a mix of deep purple with the tip being lavander, his teeth being quite sharp but quite unnoticeable at first glance. He loves the little thing beel made for his tail, he never takes it off. Belphie calls you squishy
. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
woo, its mermay! Im sorry if their designs aren't described well or fit your own head cannon but i will try and make some visual designs for them! I will probably come back and edit this so it can make more scene
The top part is so ass but im planning on doing actuall head cannons for mermay, so please dont loose hope on me just yet
What should I do next?
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too-much-tma-stuff · 3 months
Fear is a Dangerous Thing (Part 10)
A friend edited this for me because my brain is so mushy today but I haven't checked their work. Let me know if you find anything wrong.
TW: Torture, child abuse, descriptions of violence, panic attacks
Previous | Masterpost
Tim led the way to the meeting hall and opened the door to the meeting room where a bunch of the core members of the JL were already sitting. “Right, thank you for coming,” Tim started as Nightwing ushered the rest of them into the room, leading them to four empty chairs that were probably supposed to be for the teens and Nightwing. Instead the rest of the Teen Titans stood in the back and Hyena and Phantasm were sat between Hood and Nightwing. The collected members of the JL made various sounds of shock and anger at the sight of them, (Constantine looked green around the gills).
Robin completely ignored all of them and carried on as if nothing was wrong. “I’ve recently become aware of a troubling conspiracy that the Justice League must not be aware of.”
“Robin, what are they doing here?” Batman growled, watching Hyena and Hood warily.
“Phantasm is the newest member to Teen Titans, and both she and Hyena have been directly harmed by this conspiracy, so I invited them both to be here,” Robin said calmly. “Besides, though I independently verified all of it, the majority of my information originally came from Hyena. So if you have any questions at the end they’d probably be best directed to him.” Batman opened his mouth again and Robin raised his voice slightly, “Hold your questions till after the presentation please,” Robin chided before he switched to the next slide and carried on as if nothing had happened.
The presentation contained just about everything they needed to know, about the anti-ecto acts and the entire group of people that they targeted including a few members of the JL if the GIW ever got brave enough. It included that they had been experimenting on sentient and sapient beings and killed multiple people, that they were affiliated with the government and had plans for weapons of mass destruction specifically targeting these beings, and that they had taken over a small town and instilled a complete media blackout.
In other words they were unethical and illegal and the fact that the JL had allowed it to happen was nearly unforgivable.
“That concludes my presentation,” Robin announced, “If there are any-”
“Before you wrap up I have some… supplemental material. Because it’s one thing to hear about it and another thing to see it. I want you to see it,” Hyena interrupted with venom in his voice as he got up. Robin looked confused but he surrendered the projector remote to Hyena and allowed him to plug in his USB. Before he started it Hyena went back to his seat and glanced at Phantasm, hesitating for a moment.
“Little Star, would you mind leaving the room? Or coming here. I don’t want you to see this,” Danny said softly and Phantasm looked at him, judging his expression for a moment before she nodded and slid out of her chair and onto his lap. She had regressed just a little after everything, acting younger and more subservient for lack of a better word. She allied allowed  him to cup the back of her neck and hide her face against his shoulder before he started clicking through the images.
The first one was a picture of him as Phantom with Sam, Tucker, and Jazz, then the death certificates of everyone in the photo besides him. Next was a picture of Phantom when he’d first been captured by the GIW, crying, collared and gagged, looking at the person behind the camera with a pleading expression and obvious fear. There were many more after that, all bloody. They had kept a proper muzzle on him the entire time so he couldn’t scream, so his face was hidden somewhat. They showed him with his arms cut open or even off, his chest cut open and broken apart so you could see all his organs, his throat dissected and the skin pinned apart, and many worse things.
With each picture the life faded from his eyes, he was still alive in all of them but the fear, and pain, and any possible hope died in his eyes as he dissociated from the situation over years. Then there was a collection of other images, Ellie strapped to a table, destabilizing, then in the tube. Vlad’s intake photo collared and bound, then his autopsy. Ember with her arm cut off and screaming. Finally a somewhat blurry photo Danny had taken himself after his escape of the makeshift stitches and bulging wound, he had to just shove a few organs back in after all, the blood, pus, and ectoplasm leaking out of it. Someone gagged, Danny didn’t look to see who.
“In that first photo I had just turned 16, the GIW took me soon after that, killing everyone who tried to protect me from them. They kept me for two years, you just saw what they did, and the results. The GIW may seem inept, and they often are, but they are also sadistic and ruthless. They do real harm. Phantasm and I are the only people still alive to testify about it, and only then because I’m functionally immortal and she destabilized before they could get far.”
Once he finished he turned off the projector and let Ellie up and off of his lap, allowing her to slip back into her seat as he got up to grab his USB. The room was silent for a long moment, everyone's expressions ranging from furious, to heartbroken, to dissociated. Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, and Zatana in particular looked like they would like to tear the entire organization apart with their bare hands right now!
Jason felt a bit sick. He really would have liked a warning that Danny was going to do that because, even though he had seen the scars, it was a very different thing to see the wounds themselves. They were just as extensive as he had feared. At least now he understood why Danny had had so many panic attacks this week, if he’d been setting that up in the background it was half a wonder he hadn’t had more!
“What do you mean you're functionally immortal?” Batman demanded.
“They’re threatening the Infinite Realms?” Constantine squeaked.
“How have we let them get away with this!” Lamented Martian Manhunter.
All three nearly at the same time, it was an explosion of sound as a few others spoke as well, or tried to respond. Jason wrapped an arm around Danny’s shoulder, feeling him shaking a little bit, that had been very brave of him and Jason did think it would have the effect Danny wanted, but this explosion of emotion had to get out of the way.
One of the louder voices in the room though, was Superman, and Jason did not like what he was saying.
“Are the people of the Infinite Realms a threat?” Superman asked Constantine. “Should we have weapons to defend ourselves against them?”
Which, honestly, were fair questions but now was Not the time! Jason was sure the people from the Infinite Realms could be a threat but they hadn’t been and they had a very good reason to defend themselves. These were sentient people, would he be asking the same questions about a new species of mer? But he had already known Superman could be surprisingly intolerant for someone with his reputation.
“If we need to defend ourselves against the Realms we’re already fucked!” Constantine nearly shouted at Superman. “We should be dealing with this and be very grateful that they don’t have a king to organize them against us right now!”
“That could just make them more dangerous! If there’s no leader that we can make a treaty with then how can we trust them?” Superman argued.
“You don’t have to trust someone to know what the GIW is wrong!” Manhunter accused furiously.
“That’s not what I’m saying, of course it’s wrong,” Superman tried to placate, but it wasn’t working on Manhunter, and it wasn’t working on Danny either.
Jason and Ellie clocked it first, that the temperature in the room had been steadily dropping and was now almost ten degrees cooler than it had been at the start of the meeting. When Jason glanced over with concern he saw Hyena sitting perfectly still, his chest heaving in short shallow breaths and his eyes fixed on Superman, swirling with a very dangerous shade of green. Jason stood abruptly, slamming his hands down on the table in front of Hyena, startling him enough that his building rage turned sharply into fear and he flinched back, knocking over his chair.
"What-" Someone asked indignantly into the sudden silence as Danny backed up quickly till he hit the wall, curling in on himself.
"Everyone who doesn't know our faces, out!" Jason ordered abruptly.
"You can't just-"
"He's having a panic attack and you're making it worse! You know how dangerous panic can be in someone with powers! OUT!" He ordered and, begrudgingly but swiftly, he was obeyed and the heroes filed out of the room. The only ones left were Batman, Nightwing, Robin, and Phantasm. Jason ignored all of them.
He took off his helmet as he approached Danny quickly and crouched in front where he was curled on the floor, eyes unfocused. Jason unlatched Danny’s muzzle and took off one of his gloves, hearing a gasp behind him as he slapped Danny with an open palm, cupped for more sound than sting, enough to bring him back to the here and now. He grabbed Danny's face and forced him to look towards Jason.
"Look at me Cub," He cajoled, but Danny didn't hear, still reeling and panting. "Look at me!" Jason ordered this time and Danny obeyed, focusing on him finally. "What do you need?"
"Hold me," Danny gasped.
"Hold you or Hold You?" Jason asked.
"Hold Me," Danny hissed as he practically threw himself at Jason who braced himself and grabbed Danny quickly. He dragged them both up and spun Danny around, getting a hold on both of his wrists with opposite hands and wrapping Danny's own arms around his waist like a makeshift straight-jacket.
Jason stepped back into a fighting stand pulling Danny with him so he was off balance, and leaned back, bracing himself and keeping his head out of range as Danny thrashed and snarled in his grip, getting out his energy without trying to get away.
Jason didn't know how long it went on, but he knew his shoulders were sore by the time Danny went limp again in his hold, finally breathing properly again.
"Okay?" Jason asked sternly.
"Ya, okay. Thank you," Danny responded, meek and tired. Finally aware of what was going on around them he looked at the others in the room, and winced a little when he saw the worry and fear on Ellie’s face. Tim and Dick look worried too, Batman… Danny couldn’t tell what he was feeling. “Sorry about that guys, I’m okay now,” Danny said as Jason let him go slowly, easing him back into supporting his own weight.
Ellie rushed to hug  him and Danny hugged back, pressing his face into her hair. Dick approached more slowly, avoiding sudden movements that might freak Danny out again. “Are you sure you’re okay? That was… a lot. I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through.”
“That shouldn’t have happened-” Batman started, and Jason had no idea how he was planning to end that sentence because Danny didn’t let him.
“Well it did, you can’t save everyone, and now it’s too late. I’m never going to be what I was before they broke me,” He said, blunt and honest, Jason winced.
“Are you alright to bring the JL back in? They’ll have questions. If not it’s alright, Hood can take you home and we can handle the rest,” Robin told Danny.
“If you do stay I’ll make sure they behave themselves,” Nightwing put in with a grim set to his jaw.
Now Danny could read Batman’s expression, he looked startled. He hadn’t known Nightwing and Robin had gotten so close to Hood and Hyena behind his back. Danny wondered if he was more likely to question their judgment or his own in the face of this revelation.
“No, I can stay. I want to stay,” Danny insisted. He had been worked up already, and then upset by what Superman was saying, especially since he already didn’t have a particularly high opinion of the big blue boy scout since his treatment of Kon. “As long as they all don’t yell over each other like that again, too much noise,” Danny said, shaking his head.
 Danny slowly eased Ellie out of his arms, guiding her back to the table so he could slump back in his own chair. He dropped his face into his hands and took a few deep breath, Jason could practically see him counting to ground himself. Quietly he approached and scooped up their masks again, putting his helmet back on before gently nudging Danny’s arm and putting the muzzle down in front of him.
“Agreed. They shouldn’t have behaved that way in front of outsiders to begin with. I’ll talk to them." He started to leave before pausing and looking between Hyena and Phantasm. "It was brave of you to come to us about this. If there is any protection the two of you need to make sure that you do not face consequences from these people, we will gladly provide it.” Batman said and swept out of the room.
Danny lifted his head and saw the mask, giving Jason a little smile before he put it back on, doing the buckle up behind his head again and making sure it was secure on his face. He was as ready as he was going to be to face the rest of the JL again. At least Batman seemed to hate him less than he did before he knew a bit more of Danny’s backstory and exactly why he was like this. He thought that was fair, he didn’t think that anyone could remain sane after everything he had been through.
There was a knock on the door and Nightwing opened it, the rest of the assembled JL members filed back in, more quiet and calm now. They took their seats again, Superman looked a little sheepish, Kon paused to squeeze both Phantasm and Hyena’s shoulders, Danny patted his hand lightly giving him a grateful look. He’d like to have a better bond with Kon, all of the Teen Titan team really, but Kon in particular, he deserved a better support network with such shitty progenitors.
“He’s telling the truth,” Constantine cut in before the ruffled feathers around the table could progress to fighting again. “We do not want to mess with those fuckers, being beneath their notice, and letting them keep that tyrant king of theirs locked up, is the best that we can hope for there."
“We’re sorry our response wasn’t ideal,” Wonder Woman told Hyena diplomatically. “It was a shock, but that’s no excuse for making this harder on you. It was brave of both of you,” She praised.
“Thank you,” Hyena said, leaning back in his seat, his hands still pressed flat against the table. “I want to make it clear that the people of the infinite realms are a threat. It contains every afterlife, demons and gods and various other ancient and powerful beings. Violence is a culture and a language. However, most of us have very little interest in the living and the mortal. Despite being without a monarch there are rules about interacting with the living worlds, humans don’t exactly put up an entertaining fight anyway, a bit boring all around,
“All of this to say, if you don’t antagonize the Infinite Realms the Vast majority of its inhabitants will continue to happily ignore you, and if you do antagonize them you will lose.” The declaration held no doubt at all”
Hyena inclined his head towards Constantine in a subtle gesture of gratitude for the backup. “With that in mind if you ever have to deal with something from the Infinite Realms, call me. I’m from this world but I’m of the Infinite Realms as well, as long as Hood agrees, I will help.”  
“As long as Hood agrees?” Batman questioned, his gaze sharp. Next to him Constantine hissed and moved to elbow him before apparently thinking better of it.
“Yes. You know this Batman,” Hyena chided him, rolling his eyes at the super hero. “I am… potentially stronger than any one individual here, but I answer to him. You need my help, ask him.”
“If you want a demonstration I’m sure he’d be happy to provide. Just not where there’s anyone to get caught in the crossfire,” Jason put in smugly. “Right Hyena?”
“Oh absolutely,” Danny agreed with an unnervingly feral cackle. “I can survive in space, maybe Big Blue and I can give the moon a few more craters! Wait, no, probably better not use the moon we might knock it out of orbit. Mmmm Neptune?”
“Maybe some other time!” Constantine squeaked before anyone could make the mistake of taking a Realms creature up on his offer to fight.
“Too bad,” Hyena sighed leaning back in his seat, his mask hiding his pout. “I haven’t really gotten to let loose in ages.”
“We’ve gotten off topic,” Martian Manhunter said. Jason bit back a laugh at how quickly Danny subsided after being chided by his favourite hero. “What are we going to do about the GIW?”
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
“After you.”
Nico tugs on a curl as he walks by Will’s bowed head, scoffing when Will winks at him. His hand lingers, though, waiting for Will to kick the door shut, trailing past his ear and down his neck and twisting down his arm, sliding down to his palm. His fingers are cold, as they always are, and Will brings them up to his mouth and kisses them, gently, and Nico rolls his eyes then, too, but the smile pushes out onto his face anyway.
“You can’t be doing all this in public,” he scolds.
“You started it,” Will points out, even though he’d be doing this anyway. Cursed be the day Will has Nico next to him and keeps his distance. He can’t imagine it. When he is around him he often feels like the desperately spinning needle in an old compass. Whirling around to find his source, his true North.
“Stop saying mushy shit in your head.”
“Out loud it is, then.” He clears his throat. “Oh, Nico, shimmering stars in my skies —”
They’re loud, far too loud, for this time in the morning, and even Nico’s slapping hands and laughing shushes do nothing to keep the infirmary quiet, but Will can’t bring himself to care. Partially because each one of the fuckers kept him busy for hours yesterday, straight through lunch, but mostly because the freshly risen sun beams almost directly onto Nico’s face, melting his eyes into pools of amber, and he smiles in that quiet, private way of his, close-lipped and crooked. There is breath in Will’s lungs, he knows it, but his body forgets, and all he can see hear think feel is the shape of Nico’s smile, and the slope of his nose, and the feel of his cool roughened hands on Will’s face.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmurs, and the words are muffled by his palms but the sincerity is not. The sincerity is punched out of him like the air hisses out of the gills of a hooked fish.
Nico huffs. “You’re buttering me up.” But he is preening; shoulders shuddering and eyelashes fluttering at the praise. At the wideness of Will’s eyes, the brazen, blatant awe.
He doesn’t let Will look long, because he rarely does, but he pulls away with a smile, softens his distance with three quick squeezes to Will’s fingers, with a brush of his hair. He stalks over to the nurse’s station, humming, plucking the clipboard from the wall and inspecting it, pulling his own crumpled paper from his pocket and smoothing it out side by side. Will trails by after him, plucking his coat from the bench and shrugging it on.
“Where are you today?”
“Arena, mostly. Kiddie classes today. You in here all day?”
Will looks over at the sleeping Hermes kids — all nineteen of them — and sighs. “Yep.”
“Won’t see you much, then.”
“However will you survive.”
“Maybe I have a nervous breakdown and get reassigned. You think I’d thrive in California? Maybe Pennhurst —”
“Oh my gods.”
There’s no one quite as effective as shutting Will the fuck up as Nico. Something about him just makes him pensive, makes him reflective. Makes him realise that time is limited and silence holds weight, that moments of quiet tranquility are infinitely more valuable than one realises outside of them.
Also tonsil hockey. That works pretty well, Will has to admit. Lou Ellen has disgustingly described it as ‘Will’s off button being located in the back of his throat’, which, fair, but she shouldn’t have said it.
“Have a good day at work,” Nico murmurs, pecking Will’s pout. “Try not to commit medical malpractice. Or negligence.”
“…I might do negligence.”
“Oh, shut up. You love your job.”
“I love you,” Will grumbles, his own smile twitching behind pressed-closed lips. “My job drains me and violates several labour laws.”
Conveniently ignoring the second half of his complaint, because he loves to watch Will suffer, apparently, Nico murmurs “Love you too, drama queen, I’ll bring you lunch,” kisses him again, and then jogs off, headed for the Arena.
Will sighs, turning to his clipboard, and starts running through a list of every god he knows, thanking them for Nico.
He’s pretty lucky.
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ex4nn · 20 days
Thinking about merman!San at 6:20AM and I'm really just about to melt.
Thinking about cute little(huge) merman!San who was always a bit curious about land. And so being the adventurous lil' creature he was, he would often swim towards the shore or go to the more rocky side of the beach where he could happily lay and enjoy the sun.
What made him like it even more was when he met you, who enjoyed going on walks around the beach whenever the weather would allow it.
One day that you had been feeling more risky and wanting to see more of the beach, you had gone to the rocky part of the beach with the intention of hopping on one or two rocks to see if the view of the beach was better from a higher point.
What you hadn't expected was to see some movement out of the corner of your eye and when turning seeing a man, with an overall normal appearance, trying to hide between the cracks between the large rocks, until you looked more closely. At first you were confused of why some random man was trying to hide from you if you were both here to enjoy the beach, until your eyes focused more and noticed the few small scales on his cheekbones.
You realized it wasn't some normal man, and you should've ran away when you noticed it but you couldn't help but find it comical how the big man tried to hide in a crack too small for him.
Stepping closer you took notice of the gills on the sides of his neck and your curiosity peaked. Crouching down, you tried to reassure that you weren't here to hurt and that you really couldn't harm him (considering how big he probably was compared to you).
After a while of reassurance and waiting patiently, the wary man decided to trust you a bit. You offered a small smile in acceptance at the progress and soon enough the man had used his strong hands and arms to push himself back onto the rock his was on before.
Revealing his naked upper-body and his long blue tail, you could swear you could see small reflects of silver on his scales. You had taken your time to admire him to the point where his cheeks started getting slightly flushed. You thought he was so pretty and handsome at the same time, his facial features–although sharp–gave way to a soft, friendly expression and his hair damp and falling beautifully over his forehead.
You also noticed how around his shoulder, collarbones and hips there were few scales sprinkled around the areas.
While you took note of all those things San could only be quiet as he started to have an inner turmoil, not knowing why you were suddenly so quiet. Every human he had met had either tried to get close to him too quickly or directly run the other way, and yet you were just admiring. He started thinking about wether you were thinking he was ugly or had just been shocked to complete stillness, if you were thinking about maybe trying to hunt him and get good money.
He wasn't broken out of his thoughts until you have a small "You're pretty... And handsome. Is that some type of mermaid thing?" and although he appreciated the compliments he felt the need to emphasize that he was a merman, not a mermaid. And that's where the conversation started, him unknowingly ranting about his 'daily problems' as a merman and the misconception people had of them and whatever, and you had just attentively listened.
He didn't stop until he realized he was starting to over-share with a stranger eventhough he was usually a private person. The cute little flush on his cheeks and the small pout had made him look like an upset puppy–kitty– and you giggling at him made it worse.
After that afternoon you realized that not only had you made a new friend but that your new friend was also just a little, innocent sea creature with a sensitive heart hidden behind a strong face.
After that you kept going to the beach as much as you could and building your trust with San, now to the point where whenever he saw you approaching he'd already be waiting like an eager puppy, more than happy to be able to lay his head on your lap once you finally settle on the rock, much to your poor butt's dissmay. He'd gladly let you run your fingers through his hair and pet it as he talked about his day, listened to you talk about yours or just asked whatever questions came to mind like the little curious thing he was.
Some days where you felt more teasing you would graze your finger over the scales on his cheekbone or his gills, since you remember the one time he told you how mermaids and mermans' scales and gills were usually sensitive but his were extra sensitive. You just couldn't help yourself when he'd whine and pout so cutely.
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qprsmackdown · 1 year
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propaganda (under the readmore):
My friend wrote a fanfiction detailing their platonic relationship from childhood friends to spouses. It is over 1 million words long. Pls he needs this
my good friend sunny wrote over 1million words of fanfiction about them that was so good it permanently altered my brain chemistry. also i think the feat of over 1mil words is worth the win (:
Ranboo and Tubbo are canonically married, semi-canonically platonically so. Tubbo and Tommy have known each other for years, and have an understanding of each other that no one else does. Tommy and Ranboo went through a very awkward and begrudging beginning of their friendship, but Ranboo would go on to make Tommy's grave when he died.
I want to start off by stressing that these 3 are characters and are not at all connected to the real world creators that portrayed them aside from having the same name.
c!Ranboo and c!Tubbo were canonically married, with the nature of their marriage being largely ambiguous and up for interpretation! They live together in a mansion with their adopted child, Michael, a tiny baby piglin! c!Tommy was never an official part of their marriage, but the three spent so much time together(before the series' writing took a very unfortunate turn due to behind the scenes stuff) that they might as well have been a qpr polycule! It is confirmed that c!Ranboo(an 8'5 foot tall enderman hybrid) can only look 2 people directly in the eyes with it being STRONGLY implied those 2 people were c!Tommy and c!Tubbo! Their relationship didn't get as much time as it needed due to the series's unfortunate downturn near the end, but while it was there, it was a very comforting, very tender relationship between 3 traumatized young queer teens who were their for one another through their journeys in healing from their various traumas. Also one time c!Tommy and c!Ranboo got high together in a tiny smoke box they made(they also met when Ranboo hit him on the head with a giant flower. An allium, to be specific!).
i went so insane about them they spawned inside my brain, guys ever
They are the Mean Gills and they are canonically qpr!! They would also canonically die for each other
Canon QPR! Confirmed by cc!Martyn :D (he confirmed it on stream after the series ended)
They're canonically a QPR guys!!!! Both the CC's who play the characters have said that they see them as being in a QPR!!!!!! literally the first time ever i've seen any media ever portray a qpr of some sort
someone in Martyn's chat explained what a QPR was and he said "oh that sounds like me and Scott"
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wings-of-flying · 1 year
thinking about chip and death now. because he's nineteen. a baby. and all his life, or at least since the hole in the sea, he's been basing his entire personality off the people around him. arlin and price, however inadvertently, turned him into chip the bastard. jay and gillion influenced him to be more caring, so did ollie. seeing lizzie makes him want to become a great captain, a great leader, making those long speeches and looking out for his crew. he's fragments of the people he's surrounded himself with
if he died now, would there have been a chip? a true chip? has there ever been a chip? gillion and jay have things that separate them from the people they're around, things not directly influenced by their past and more just elements of who they are. what does chip have? even now, what does he have that is truly his own? jay has her tinkering. gill sketches sea creatures. chip's pranks are from arlin. you could argue for his fire magic, but even that - or at least the awakening of that - was influenced by gillion. his name is a remnant of his childhood on the midnight rose
i just. i'm so utterly insane about him because even his clothes. it's like a combination of lizzie's original outfit and price's, which i could make a whole other post about. he's so young, he's still basing himself around other people even if it's having a positive effect now. he's a frankenstein already, not quite alive as himself. he had a heart but it beat with the life of others
he's haunted with the spirits and souls of people he's admired. how much of him is actually him and how much is someone else? if he died now, would he die as someone else? has he ever lived as himself?
the heart is often symbolic of feelings and the essence of your life. when it's removed in fantasy settings and the character somehow stays alive, they usually act differently. a part of their self has been taken so something appears wrong
chip's heart was taken and he didn't change. in fact he stayed very much the same. i actually forgot mid-combat that his heart had been taken in the first place. you'd think in the switch from being alive to being undead, something would change. but in a way, maybe chip's always been undead, sewn together by string he's taken from others
this is all very dramatic sounding and honestly a little bit of a stretch, but i can't help it my brain is exploding and all i can see is that one picture of haunted chibo with the fish eye effect. help
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year
thinking about him (spoilers for jrwi)
thinking about how in atleast 2 scenarios chip has blamed himself more then needed, first with ollie ("i took him from his home") then with gillion ("i gave him the card") and each time he tried to put on a confident face but really it ate away at him inside.
thinking about how gillion is constantly taking on responsibility and chip canonically sees gillion as inspiration (humble beginnings, bizly says the inspo from the future is from gillion tidestrider) and its not like he only takes some blame but usually its all the blame because gillion knows how to acknowledge his faults somewhat.
thinking about how chip takes promises ever so seriously (ie, not even doing simple lies after promising gill that he wouldnt) yet hes such an example of "change doesnt happen overnight" and how he acts can be directly or indirectly related to past adventures and/or trauma (probably even how he copes is atleast somewhat connected to the guy he killed under price).
thinking about how chip grew up looking up to arlin and seeing what a great example of pirates the black rose were and trying to be something atleast somewhat great and feeling like he failed when hes the only one on deck with somewhat an idea of what a pirate is.
thinking about how chip would lie to protect his friends yes but became a lying machine to protect himself before and hid his intents because while he can absolutely trust his crew his instinct is too not because he got used to being on his own and putting himself first and now hes around people (mostly gill) who put themselves before him to help protect him.
thinking about how easily gillion made friends with people on islands and eventually it rubbed onto chip too (ie: gryffin, felipe, etc) as he unlearned the idea that hes alone in a cruel world that only exists to make him suffer and theres a light in everyones life that makes it even just slightly better, no matter the background (main example is gill again).
thinking about how much gillion is willing to sacrifice for his friends and when felipe wanted to stab him every night, it was chip who tried to talk sense into gill because he cares for gillion and (most likely) was worried that felipe may be lying about healing and may full on kill him.
and all these thoughts (and more) make me feel so much when they found the empty rowboat with nothing but ashes and a fiendish smell and gillion starts blaming himself so chip grabs his shoulders and says "its not your fault, you werent the one who made him grab the card" because somewhere in my heart it feels like maybe chip isnt just talking to gill but to the part of himself that keeps on trying to hold onto every wrong hes done, every sin that keeps him up at night, every lie that is amplified in his skull, that he deserves forgiveness and not everything in the world lays on his shoulders.
and with these thoughts, one more comes to mind: chip and gillion are so similar in backgrounds and morals and thats why theyre the ones that break each others walls and misunderstand each other and fight because they probably dont even fucking see it.
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twistedchatterbox · 1 year
you > work
“summary: how would they act around you during work? ft.Azul and Floyd (seperately) tags. GN Reader, Fluff, This is basically my first ever “fic” reformatted, No Spoilers, yes I am biased as fuck mind your business, the fish mafia acts like an actual fish mafia, loveels, domestic Azul, Floyd is a lover for you and a danger for literally everything else, Jade makes a cameo, the fish are all so lovesick oh my god, no beta we overblot like men; i am kinda busy atm so please just accept these crumbs while i work on many things at once lol,, enjoy.
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Wordcount; 700+ | Masterlist & Taglist
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They’ll treat you the way they always have; adoringly and lovingly. As unpredictable as they can be, for you, they’re simply smitten. Lovesick fish. It’s adorable, really. The way... The way Azul’s eyes light up into a look of excitement upon seeing your contact light up on the screen of his phone would have been contagious.. had his witnesses not been thoroughly terrified and possibly beaten out of their wits to even think or consider commenting on it. He quickly gathers himself, though, and asks his clients if they’d mind waiting a moment as he casts a spell; pointing his pen and channeling the spell directly against their throat, effectively ridding the poor unfortunate souls of their voices.  Elegantly rising up from his chair in a well-practiced manner, he grabs his phone and heads towards privacy, where his own voice turns sweeter than honey as it fills to the gills with affection for you. Azul chuckles as he whispers a “Hi”, sighing as your voice brought him the fresh breather he’s yearned for all day. “Hi darling, has everything been alright?” he asks, softening with not only his voice but his smile as it turns genuine for you; which only intensifies as you explain you just called him to ask what he’d like for dinner, since you remembered the two of you forgot to assign kitchen duty today and you arrived home early. Azul’s eyes crinkle and he finds himself indulging in a closed-eyed smile, fondly shaking his head as if you could see it. “Ah, is that so?” Azul teases with no edge to his tone, “You just wanted to ask me what I’d like for dinner? My, my, aren’t you so benevolent today~?” he playfully murmurs, enjoying himself. But he can’t take too much time, since he does have a real answer for you. Sighing, he says so, “You truly are the sweetest thing...Can you please make my favourites today?”, feeling proud of himself when you pick up on it and ask if today has been exceptional, nodding as if you could tell. Azul feels sad that the call cannot last forever, yet he knows a way to remedy it so he gently murmurs his response, “Yes, today was great, thank you darling, i’ll see you at home. I love you.” Feeling more refreshed than ever compared to earlier, Azul re-corrects his posture and draws a breather, determined to quickly finish his leftover work early so that he can join as you soon as possible. Plus, getting home early and being able to wrap his arms around you while you navigated the kitchen just sounded perfect.
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Now, visiting Floyd during work was Russian roulette with all chambers rigged for most people, meanwhile you could only describe it as a game of hide and seek. To say he adored you and was biased for you is an understatement.  Wearing a warm, fluffy on the inside winter coat, you walked alongside Jade as you neared the place Floyd was supposed to be at around this time- according to Jade, at least. And today, that hunch seemed correct. In your sights was Floyd Leech in the flesh, humming a cheerful tune as he dragged a trash bag alongside the floor with a carefree smile that turned strained whenever the contents seemed to move around- or at least tried to. The way Floyd’s entire figure is engulfed in an excited and thrilled way is a familiar and endearing sight to you; making you smile when he notices you in the middle of his previously assigned task, looking directly at you as soon as you entered his line of sight. Smiling from eye to eye, unable to suppress the trill of sheer joy your surprise visit brought him. You couldn’t help but notice how his clothes were clean as of now, which meant- “Shrimpyy~~!! Gimme a hug~!” Floyd’s laughs with a lovestruck grin, showcasing his sharp, white teeth as he opens his arms for you. And his smile only grew happier as you ran upto him, jumping into his ready arms; he hugs you securely as he twirls you around- he has always been so careful of his strength when it came to you, protective of you, far more gentle towards you than anyone else has been, or ever cared to be. And as his right foot pressed down cruelly onto the tie of the suspicious body bag that finally stopped squirming, the none-existent audience was his witness. This gentleness would only ever be reserved for you.
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trafficlife · 1 year
I Could Even Learn How To Love (Like You)
As the last greens on Limited Life, Tango and Scott are hiding from the yellows on the server. They bump into each other underground and temporarily team up, until they can naturally turn yellow. There is some tension, but not the kind that Tango anticipated...
word count: 2192
AO3 link
(inspired by this artwork)
"He's here! He's here, I can hear him!"
"No- No he isn't."
"Etho, don't protect him! This is for peace!"
"Well, he's not here, so you can just turn around and look somewhere else."
"You know, even with the mask covering half your face, you are terrible at hiding your facial expressions when you're lying."
Tango, several blocks underneath Grian and Etho, threw a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter. He kept his low stance, mining through the stone, his fiery hair being his only source of light. He didn't think being one of the last greens on the server would be so intense. But at the same time, it was pretty hilarious, hearing Grian shout in frustration whenever Tango squeaked "polo" in response to hearing his name.
The commotion from Joel, Grian, the clockers, and the rest of team T.I.E.S. changed in volume several times, giving Tango's heart constant whiplash. If anything was going to kill Tango at this moment, it would be these heart attacks.
Tango heard stones breaking from above and bit back a gasp, deciding to move down. Unfortunately for him, his pick broke and he didn't have a spare on him. He cursed and sets down his crafting table, quickly crafting a new pick as the stone-breaking noises became louder and louder. 
Just as he was about to pick up his crafting table, he heard a hushed scream from above, then a thud as someone fell directly onto him. 
"Ow..." Tango opened his eyes and found Scott sitting on him, smiling sheepishly. Tango almost forgot how exquisite Scott's new outfit was. As one of the "mean gills," he went above and beyond with his aquatic theme. Coral and seaweed wrapped around his cyan hair and arms. A couple of scales were visible on Scott's skin as well. Tango assumed they'd be more prominent once Scott became yellow or red. He always went above and beyond with his designs, which was something Tango never really appreciated until now. "Ah, hey Scott. Nice to see you dropping in."
Scott rolled his eyes, crawling off of Tango. "Haha. Come on, we need to move. I have no idea where Martyn is but he's covering for me..." He took Tango's hand and helped him up, took out a pickaxe, and continued to mine. "I am hoping we can find a cave," Scott whispered, "and that nobody is in the cave ready to ambush us."
Tango nodded, following close behind, and covering their tracks with the blocks Scott mined. He and Scott never really talked in these games, save for some hellos. But Tango always wanted to talk to Scott, to apologize for taking Jimmy from him last season. He knew about the flower husbands, and how much Jimmy and Scott loved each other. But Double Life came along. And Tango was bound to Jimmy. And they fell in love as if 3rd Life never happened. Though Scott didn't seem to care, he was good at hiding his emotions, masking them with a smile. Who knows what Scott thought about the situation? 
But it was a terrible time to apologize now. Any noise they made would've alerted the group. It didn't help that they were outnumbered. Yet, Tango knew he couldn't hold his tongue much longer. And what if they never got the chance to be alone again? He took a deep breath, his tail flicking behind him. "Scott..."
Still mining, Scott turned his head to face Tango, making his face burn up. Void, he was pretty. But he couldn't get distracted this fast—just apologize and get it over with. "I'm sorry." 
Scott arched a brow. "For what?"
"You know... Jimmy."
"Ah." There was silence, save for Scott's pickaxe (which was much slower now) and the muffled commotion coming from above. How was it that Jimmy's name held so much weight? Scott managed a smile. "You don't have to apologize for that, you know. It was just the mechanics of the game."
"Really?" Tango was surprised. "I thought you'd be upset about that. It was kind of a shitty thing I did, taking Jimmy from you..."
Scott sighed. "Tango, if we were still at the beginning of Double Life, and I saw the message of you and Jimmy dying, I'd probably make it my mission to cause you hell."
"So... You hated that we were soulmates at first?"
Scott nodded, a little embarrassed to admit it. "I was upset, for a while. But then I learned I was teamed up with Pearl..." He shuddered, as though trapped in powder snow. Fitting imagery for the woman who often froze herself to spite Scott. "You know how that ended; I went off with Cleo and I felt good. And then I realized I have no reason to hate you. Yes, you 'stole' Jimmy from me, but you still made him happy. And I think that's what matters more—that Jimmy is happy."
Tango nodded slowly, his tail swaying behind him. He remembered watching his former soulmate go off with Joel, shouting "Sorry, rancher!" as he left. Tango would have been mad if Jimmy didn't look so happy. Tango always adored it when Jimmy smiled and he wanted to make sure that smile was permanent. And if it meant a slight change in scenery, so be it.
"Besides," Scott continued, "it's a new season and it's fair that Jimmy wants a change in pace. It's the only way we can grow."
"Right. We can't stay stuck in the past."
"Exactly!" Scott put his pickaxe away and leaned into Tango, his breath gently tickling the blaze's lips. "And, not to be self-indulgent, but I like to think I've grown." 
"I think I can agree with that," Tango whispered, eyes flicking down to Scott's lips.
"You know, Tango, I used to think about why Jimmy loved you so much. At first, it was because I was jealous. But now, I think I understand better now. Except..." There was a mischievous glint in Scott's green eyes. "There are still things I want to know about you."
Tango raised a brow. "Well, what do you want to know about me, Mr. Major?"
Scott leaned in closer, barely closing the distance between them. Tango's eyes widened, his tail curling up in anticipation. "Are you as good of a kisser as I've heard people say you are?" He whispered.
The blaze chuckled, cupping Scott's face in his warm hands. "Only one way to find out." 
Once their lips connected, Scott and Tango completely forgot about the yellow army coming to hunt them down. Tango could only focus on the softness of Scott's lips, the taste of sweet bread and saltwater—which tasted much better than Tango would've anticipated—and the slight roughness of the scales on Scott's cheeks. One of Tango's hands slid down to Scott's lower back, grabbing it tightly to pull him closer. He felt Scott's lips part in a gasp but he made no effort to break the kiss. Neither of them did. It was so intoxicating and passionate. The area felt much warmer, all thanks to Tango, but Scott didn't seem to mind.
Scott threw his arms around Tango's neck, and one of his legs around his waist. Tango flinched at the sudden motion but smirked against Scott's lips. He grabbed both of Scott's thighs from underneath and hoisted him up, gently pressing him against the stone wall. If Scott wanted to be this fiery, Tango could easily match him.
That was a similarity between him and Scott, Tango noticed: their fire. But the main difference was that Scott's flames were more suppressed, or at least less expressive. So when he did let the flame ignite, it was definitely a moment to remember. It was probably how he got so far in both Last Life and Double Life. Tango always admired Scott's passion and his desire to survive, as long as he could. He often played by his own rules to do so: refusing to kill the second time he was boogeyman in Last Life, choosing his own soulmate in Double Life, and killing Skizz much earlier than he should have this season. Tango loved that.
Tango loved him.
He wasn't sure what Scott thought of him now—he didn't elaborate on that—but he was confident that Scott felt the same way.
The two pulled away once they were short on breath, taking heavy breaths. Scott appeared dazed and his eyes were half-lidded. His face was flushed and he managed to smirk up at Tango. Tango pressed his nose against Scott's and whispered "Did that answer your question?"
"Yes," Scott gasped breathlessly. He played with Tango's green tie, loosening it slightly. "And suddenly, I find myself a bit jealous of Jimmy. He was definitely lucky to be soul bound to you." He huffed playfully. "I like me a man that can kiss me breathless."
"Well, now you got one," Tango rasped, going in for a second round.
Since they were hypnotized by each other's lips, neither Scott nor Tango were aware that the yellows were getting closer to them by the second. Even though the talking slowly crescendoed in volume, the two managed to tune it out. Scott was nipping at Tango's bottom lip, a muffled groan escaping the blaze's lips. He continued to hold Scott, refusing to let go of him, because nothing mattered more than what was happening now.
Until Grian's cackling disturbed the two, interrupting their moment. They quickly broke away and turned towards the noise. Of course Grian had to be the one to catch them. "Oh my God!" The avian poked his head through a hole in the wall, his wings flapping behind him. "Guys, I found Tango!" He called out in a sing-song voice, still giggling.
"Grian—" Scott's face was redder than Tango's eyes.
"Well, this also explains where Scott was the entire time," Grian teased. The rest of the group came over to Grian, who completely broke through the wall, so they could see the whole picture.
Joel leaned against Grian's shoulder, whistling softly. "Oh, Tim's going to love knowing that his exes hooked up." He smirked a bit, peering at the two over the rim of his glasses. "Though he might be upset that you didn't think to invite him." Tango bit his lip at the thought. That'd be something to look forward to.
"Oh, you guys found Tango?" Martyn was the next to show. He gasped upon seeing Scott and Tango before smirking. "Ohoho! Well, now I feel a little bad for interrupting."
Scott rolled his eyes. "Shut up, Martyn, we all know that's not true."
Then, Skizz's voice could be heard from the distance. "I don't get it, why won't he just give me his time?!" He showed up with Impulse and Etho behind him. Skizz's eyes scanned the two, up and down. He pursed his lips and put his hands on his hips. For someone who was an angel, Skizz had quite the devilish look on his face. "Well, that makes sense now, he's clearly occupied with Scott."
"Skizz!" Tango laughed nervously, finally putting Scott down. "I-I was going to give your my time, I just wanted to get away from... Everyone else."
Impulse snickered. "Well it's clear you got distracted." Tango's tail flicked behind him as confirmation. "Alright, let's go back to the surface so Skizz can kill you, Tango."
"Well, who's going to kill Scott?" Grian asked.
"Me," Martyn declared. "I'm also low on time. Besides... I'd like to get some more details about what happened, in private."
Scott and Tango looked at each other in embarrassment. They should've seen this coming and they probably should've put up more of a fight. But they were already caught. Besides, it wasn't entirely a loss: they got to kiss each other, which was definitely their highlight of the season so far. "I guess I'll see you later? With Jimmy next time?" Tango asked, his voice a husky whisper.
Scott nodded. "Yup! Though this time, we'd like some privacy." He glared at the interrupters who just smirked and put their hands up defensively. Scott went back to the Coral Isles with Martyn, while Tango went back with his team. As for Grian and Joel, they had a lot of news to spill to Jimmy.
For Scott and Martyn, their trip back to the Coral Isles was silent. Until Martyn asked Scott a very important question.
("Does he kiss well?"
"I mean, you were gone for a while, and you seemed to enjoy it! It's a valid question!")
Meanwhile, Team T.I.E.S. was quick to tease Tango for his moment with Scott.
("So you like fish, huh Tango?" Skizz said with a smirk.
"Fraternizing with the enemy... I wasn't expecting it but it's an interesting twist," Etho chimed in.
"Listen... I can explain," Tango said sheepishly.)
After Tango and Scott became yellow, Grian announced "IT IS TIME FOR YELLOW PEACE!" in the chat. Tango and Scott spent the first hour of their yellow peace with Jimmy, giving him many of the kisses that he missed out on.
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frozenjokes · 3 months
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work doodles. every time I draw them mumbo must get bigger
The course correction was awkward, but once Mumbo straightened himself out he was flying after Ghost. The mer was sprinting like their life depended on it, but Mumbo was quicker, catching up from below just as the sand started to brush his stomach and rearing upward in a flash of teeth, tearing at Ghost's tail. Mumbo wanted to flip them around, drag them by the tail back where they came from, but unsurprisingly, Ghost did not make this easy, thrashing and snapping and being extraordinarily difficult.
Muffled yelling from the surface turned sharper every time Mumbo was spun above the water, Ghost writhing in desperate circles to force Mumbo to let go, but Mumbo didn’t process the movement in the water before something attached itself to his back, making him rear back above the surface in startled surprise.
“SCAR!” was the first thing Mumbo heard, the shrillest shriek he’d ever heard out of Grian’s mouth, but he didn’t have time to think when Ghost was shooting away toward the beach and something was crushing the fins on his back and wrapping around his neck-
Mumbo slammed himself into the sand, rolling through as he fought a sharp panic, but Ghost was escaping, they were going to-
All rational thought went out the window when The Something found the lip of his gills, pulling with uncoordinated movement and sending fiery shots of pain down his neck and chest. Mumbo slammed himself against the sand twice more, but the thing just wouldn’t untangle. The delayed realization that he could use his arms hit fiercely, but before he could rip off whatever it was that had latched itself onto his back, splashing outside of his own caught his periferie, the clumsiness of a human racing through the water unmistakable.
“Mumbo! Stop- stop! Fucking fuck FUCKING Scar FUCK. Mumbo!” Before Mumbo could even recognize Grian in front of him, something blunt slammed against the side of his head, then his shoulder- ow- Mumbo hissed, confusion rattling his brain more than hostility, then something else yelled, really loud directly into his ear, but the thing did drop off his back- had Grian done that?
Oh. The thing was Scar. AAA! That was Scar!
Mumbo jumped away with a start, fins tense and quivering. Scar was sitting dazed in the water, shirt torn and tattered from being crushed against Mumbo’s sharp fins- skin- most of him was sharp, actually. He was bleeding everywhere, but closer inspection revealed the injuries were mostly scrapes, the worst of it on his arms from pushing against Mumbo’s rough skin as well as Scar’s neck and upper chest area which had probably been poked and punctured by Mumbo’s hair. Goodness gracious. What was he thinking!?
‘Scars! Never in my many years have I ever met anyone as eager to die as you! What is wrong with your head? I could have killed you!’
“What is your fucking problem!?” Grian started speaking to Scar at nearly the same time, who at this point was not looking very amused, ignoring the both of them in their continued tirades as he stood up, brushing sand off his torn shirt and limping to the shore.
“That was stupid, Scar,” Mumbo whipped up when he heard Ghost’s voice, their human voice, but Scar didn’t look concerned at all, meandering right up to the bush where the other mermaid was cowering in the shade. Ghost’s tail was tucked away where Mumbo couldn’t see, but the small trail of blood across the beach indicated he’d still done some damage. “I told you. Territorial. Not sure how I’m going to get out of here now, so.”
“I’m sorry then.” Scar huffed, hunching his shoulders as he plopped into the sand. Mumbo hissed, somewhat uncertain now, but stopped with a few startled clicks when Grian grabbed at his hand to get his attention, letting go as quickly as contact was made.
“No. That’s Etho. Good.” Grian gave him a firm thumbs up, to which Mumbo returned with a thumbs down, to which Grian returned to a thumbs up, to which..
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Okay we've seen Ren/Redacted crumbs. We've seen Leon and Jae crumbs. We've, ugh, unfortunately, seen Teo crumbs /lh) How about my girls Violet and Elanor? I know Elanor is ace so her crumbs don't need to be explicit. :3
Also your own head canons of Mer Ren crumbs? For me? As a treat? /lh /silly
✦゜ANSWERED: FINALLY...... FINALLY I CAN TALK ABOUT MY WIVES...... MY LOVES......... Oh look Mer Ren is there too >:3c
A switch, but prefers to top/dom if her partner has a cooter
She's really into blindfolds, sensory play, praise kink (giving), and shibari/tying/being tied up.
Her thighs are extremely sensitive; merely gliding your fingertips across them will have her legs twitching and back arching.
She makes the prettiest sounds!! Nothing too loud or vocal; just soft moans and airy sighs. Violet responds to almost any form of physical contact, even if it's just brushing hair from her face or pressing kisses against her collarbones.
Violet enjoys intimate positions the most. She likes being able to see her partner and the pleasure on their face. It also allows her easier access to kiss you, though it usually doesn't cross her mind unless she's directly staring at your lips.
Greatly prefers to share these intimate encounters in the privacy of her own home (or yours)! Public woohoo isn't really her thing, but she won't shame those who enjoy it (she's looking directly at Ren and Leon)
Violet is better with her fingers compared to her mouth, but that just makes it easier for her to whisper praise into your ear or leave a trail of butterfly kisses down your neck.
Adores the fantasy romance genre and secretly wishes to find love in a similar way.
Gets embarrassed reading smut in public, so she either wraps up her novels with homemade book covers or downloads them onto her Kindle.
They've read aaaall kinds of spicy genres, ranging from flirtatious fae, cunning spiderfolk, and all the way to possessive werewolves. While she isn't into anything too extreme, you'd be surprised by her taste in books.
Often likes to let you rest your head in her lap while she reads, but also likes to sit in yours while she does your makeup/skincare. It's very romantic and intimate to her.
Playing with their hair is a sure-fire way to get Elanor red and stuttering. She'd be happy to wear your masterpiece to work if you can spare enough time to do it in the mornings — even if it's embarrassing on her end.
Mer Ren
His kind bonds for life, and comes with a few additional quirks and side effects.
For starters: when mating season rolls around, both Ren and his mate will feel the same wants and urges — almost as if you’re sharing the same thoughts and wavelength.
You'll be able to feel every pang of need and desire that washes over Ren as he patiently waits for your return to your secret meeting place. And in turn, he can practically feel you get closer with each step you take.
His gills are faaaar more sensitive too, and touching them will have him pressing his body closer and slotting his mouth against every patch of available skin he can find.
Most of his fleshy scars and wounds start to glow when he's getting close, and all of his fins flare out once he cums.
Mating season is also the only time you can feel all of Ren's emotions as well. You'll be able to tell when he's feeling lonely or jealous as he runs his webbed fingers across your body or possessively ruts himself against your heat.
Mer Ren has more endurance (compared to his human counterpart) when submerged in water, but he finishes a lot faster. On land, he tends to dry up quicker and becomes more lethargic.
He has two..... you know......... down there :D ehehe
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qprsmackdown · 1 year
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Gillion, Chip, and Jay (JRWI Riptide) vs Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo (DSMP)
Propaganda beneath the cut!
Gillion, Chip, and Jay propaganda: They're three gay ass pirates who; despite coming from very different backgrounds, found eachother and formed the riptide pirates! All three of them are co-captains on their crew and they're trying to destroy the government HI HI HI I ALREaDY SUBMITTED FISH AND CHIPS AND IN THIS AREA I tALKED ABOUT HOW I WISHED JAY WAS ALLOWED AND THEN I SAW YOU ANSWER THAT ASK THAT SAID YOU CAN HAVE MORE THAN 2 PEOPLE SO IM SUBMITTING THE ALBATRIO INSTEAD THANK YOU LOVE YOU Gillion is canonically asexual and shipped with both Jay and Chip respectively. I just think they are all very queer and platonically in love is all. I love polyamory. Put those guys in a relationship.
Benchtrio propaganda: My friend wrote a fanfiction detailing their platonic relationship from childhood friends to spouses. It is over 1 million words long. Pls he needs this
my good friend sunny wrote over 1million words of fanfiction about them that was so good it permanently altered my brain chemistry. also i think the feat of over 1mil words is worth the win (:
Ranboo and Tubbo are canonically married, semi-canonically platonically so. Tubbo and Tommy have known each other for years, and have an understanding of each other that no one else does. Tommy and Ranboo went through a very awkward and begrudging beginning of their friendship, but Ranboo would go on to make Tommy's grave when he died.
I want to start off by stressing that these 3 are characters and are not at all connected to the real world creators that portrayed them aside from having the same name.
c!Ranboo and c!Tubbo were canonically married, with the nature of their marriage being largely ambiguous and up for interpretation! They live together in a mansion with their adopted child, Michael, a tiny baby piglin! c!Tommy was never an official part of their marriage, but the three spent so much time together(before the series' writing took a very unfortunate turn due to behind the scenes stuff) that they might as well have been a qpr polycule! It is confirmed that c!Ranboo(an 8'5 foot tall enderman hybrid) can only look 2 people directly in the eyes with it being STRONGLY implied those 2 people were c!Tommy and c!Tubbo! Their relationship didn't get as much time as it needed due to the series's unfortunate downturn near the end, but while it was there, it was a very comforting, very tender relationship between 3 traumatized young queer teens who were their for one another through their journeys in healing from their various traumas. Also one time c!Tommy and c!Ranboo got high together in a tiny smoke box they made(they also met when Ranboo hit him on the head with a giant flower. An allium, to be specific!).
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hnowu · 1 month
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Made a pressure OC, because why not?
More Info (including their document!) can be found under the cut! 🕺
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Text reads (from left to right:)
-Scales around gills + Very fine, short “fur,” almost feels like flesh
-(next to two scars) Bullet Scars
-(next to an image of one of the spines) Produces a Non-Lethal venom that causes mild skin irritation via small barbs
-(Next to a crude drawing of the tail) Extremely thick, feels almost smooth like a fish’ tail.
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They’re partially bioluminescent! Because of the glowing, they are blind in that eye — the multiple eyes on their other side give them poor depth perception. Generally, their eyesight is considered poor and they are nearsighted.
If you get close, they will also move in close to get a gooood look at ‘ya.
They’re also quite scary to encounter in a dark room, you know?
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Text, from top to bottom:
-Can be found within the Oxygen Gardens and rarely within different parts of the blacksite
-Can be considered a “neutral” character, even friendly at times
-You feel rejuvenated after interacting with them! (Petting or being near them for a certain time provides a small regeneration health boost: 1 health every ~10 seconds for 5 minutes)
-Small chance for them to have an item to gift to you.
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Text reads:
The Lionfish Z - 56 - Codename: “Lionfish,” real name: “Kylin Kierra” is a large feline-like entity; it is characterized for its “werewolf-like” movement and bright red appearance. It should be noted that despite their heavy appearance and large size, they are incredibly lithe and light-footed: mild caution should be considered when approaching or being approached by Z - 56 as they may become unpredictable. Z - 56’s exact height is unknown as their height would fluctuate with their posture — their shoulder height averaged about a stud above an average-height human on four legs and more than double the height while standing on two.
Curiously, Z - 56 can be considered docile, or, in special circumstances, friendly. Many faculty members reported that they tolerated or even liked being pet, and could produce a noise akin to a purr or rumble. Additionally, members reported feeling happier following direct or close proximity; many operatives also reported a creeping “uncanny valley” feeling if staring directly at the face of Z - 56 for a prolonged period, or if Z - 56 was staring at them.
If Z - 56 is approached, extra care should be taken to avoid touching the spines that line their back — each spine produces a mild venom that can cause mild skin irritation. No deaths or major injuries have been reported after coming into contact with Z - 56.
In early 2015, Z - 56 was selected as a test subject in the second round of experiments to give humans gills using DNA strands from a Lionfish, an axolotl, a sturgeon, a mantis shrimp, a tiger shark, and leopard seal. Z - 56 was also selected as a test subject for additional features — using DNA strands of several large feline species as well as breeds of domestic cats. Whilst the experiment was successful, Z - 56’s malformations, physical and mental, were considered irreversible and thus Z - 56 was given the Z as well as the MR-P classification. Because of the malformations, Z - 56’s mental state declined and is akin to a “hyper-intelligent domestic cat” and it should be noted that regardless of Z - 56’s docile nature, Z - 56 has the potential to be incredibly dangerous. Z - 56 lost their ability to speak but can write short sentences if given the option. Z - 56’s vision had also degraded and they were possibly blind in their right eye.
In late 2015, Z - 56’s, the “Kylin Kierra” case, was reopened following the wrongful conviction of ███████, and no new evidence was recovered, leaving Z - 56’s conviction in place. Kylin Kierra was legally considered deceased following the report. After the experiment concluded, Z - 56 was permitted to roam the Oxygen Rooms.
Z - 56 was euthanized following the Blacksite’s original lockdown. They were believed to be deceased for ██ months before reappearing on CCTV footage within the facility. It is unknown if Z - 56 has interacted or will interact with EXR-Ps.
Here’s a size reference, too!
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nocturnalazure · 5 months
Character Focus: Romeo (Part I)
This is Romeo's first line:
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Little did he know.
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Feel the pressure yet, Romeo?
Then Gilles de Rais comes in (we never see his face but we know it's him, right? *wink wink*) and proposes a deal with Luca Pastorini to get rid of the entire Golzine line. Romeo is clearly not on board... and as usual, his father shut him up.
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Romeo, the honorable man entrapped in a less than honorable life by a homophobic, abusive father...
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Caught in the act, he has no choice but to lay low and obey. Which he has always done before anyway.
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Luca is not only abusive towards his son. He is an absolute shit to his wife as well. So much so that she... is not exactly in her right mind most of the time.
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Zeke is the only person who knows and understands what the family is going through under Luca's reign of terror.
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Romeo hates his father's scheming. When invited to Nathaniel and Ivy's funeral, he looks away.
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Laurie notices.
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Anyway, probably because of the scandal, Luca sends his son on what is basically a suicide mission to off Laurie directly. We get a glimpse of his relationship with his wife, Georgia. An arranged marriage, there is clearly no love lost between them.
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Their communication is so bad that Georgia doesn't even tell him she's pregnant before he goes. She had to know he was caught with a man, and feels humiliated and lonely.
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Poor Romeo finds himself in what he describes as a grey and cold city, with the mission to kill a young boy or to be killed himself.
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With his father constantly on his back to shoot Laurie before the Hei clan does, Romeo finally gets an opportunity when Laurie is alone on his parents' grave.
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Unsurprisingly, he can't do it... Good thing too because it was a trap.
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At this stage, Romeo is quite sure that he's going to die. He's ready, even asking for it. Even Erik looks mollified for a second.
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Which brings us... to Romeo's capture.
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Laurie tries to barter for Romeo's life with Luca, but realizes with shock that Luca doesn't care about his son's fate.
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He's got nothing left to lose, so he openly admits to being gay for what must be the first time in his life.
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Still very much convinced that he's going to die one way or another, he makes a last wish for his mother.
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But Laurie has other plans for him...
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On to Part II!
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