#best power energy
greentechenergy1 · 1 year
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amerricanartwork · 2 months
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Oh my, is that really what I think it is...?
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It is!! Another little creature has arrived! And it's so fluffy too! Though that isn't gonna do much in this hot weather!
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Here, have some food, little guy. And come inside! I'm sure the others would love to have you!
That's right guys, Rain Wool is back in business!! Now that I'm getting back into the swing of needle-felting and FINALLY have lots more core wool to make all sorts of projects with, it's only right that I keep on going with this project, especially since, after Saint, I'm only one away from being done with the slugcats! I apologize for waiting so long to continue on with this project, but going forward I hope to start felting more of these guys more frequently.
In the meantime, however, I'm happy to finally share this fluffy little green bean!
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It probably isn't very visible in these images, but on the cheeks, arms, and tail I intentionally left the wool less felted in for a softer, fluffier appearance. Since I have barely any of the straight wool roving felters normally use for long hair, this is my general go-to method for fluffy creatures.
I still think he looks adorable though, and I'm so excited to be close to finishing the slugcats!
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Well, I hope you enjoy this new Rain Wool content! Hopefully there will be more to come soon!
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ahalliance · 3 months
antoine + étoiles insane moments for ur consideration :] @etoilesbienne @icockeatpanda @jahanmp4
eng transcript below:
[Video Transcript:
(First clip plays.)
Antoine: Look at what’s written in the heart, dude.
Etoiles: Holy shit, it’s you and me, dude!
Antoine: Oh yeah, A + E, dude
(overlapping) Etoiles: Antoine and Etoiles. Dude, holy shiiiit
Etoiles: Hey all that is destiny, dude
Antoine: I’m the one who did it in the hopes of stumbling across it on Geoguessr one day
Etoiles: Fuck, and after all these years you’ve finally realised your objective
Antoine: And yeah, dude….
Etoiles: peepoShy, as we say
(Second clip plays.)
Etoiles: Where are you, Antoine?
Antoine: I’m on— I’m on the blue level of the TDM (Tour de Merde)
Etoiles: Where are you, darling? I’m coming
Antoine: The blue level of the TDM
Florence: No but he’s horny, Rayou, tonight
Bagz: But Rayou— he arrived— he arrived (to the stream) saying, “I’m exhausted’, and he’s really in shape!
Antoine: He just wants to fuck, Rayou, tonight. He wants to fuck so badly tonight
Etoiles: But I said ‘darling’!
(overlapping) Bagz: In ‘Just Fucking’ (as a Twitch stream category)
Etoiles: No but I hate you all, bro
(Third clip plays.)
Antoine: I want to vape but I can’t
Etoiles: Vape my ass, dude
Antoine: Wow, what the fuck? What—
(Fourth clip plays.)
Etoiles: Well I don’t know what my favourite party is, is it the one where we played the capitals game? Or—
Antoine: Or the one where I sucked you off? Oh, no, sorry. No, you were saying? Yeah
Etoiles: That one— that one was crazy
(overlapping) Antoine: Sorry, my bad
(Fifth clip plays.)
Etoiles: Antoine I just looked at the camera, you’re incredibly handsome, dude
Antoine: Really?
Etoiles: Yeah. You have a cool look about you
Zerator: You mean, as opposed to normal?
Etoiles: Yeah, because usually you’re disgusting but here, honestly… I find you very fuckable tonight
Antoine: Well, thanks so much dude
(Sixth clip plays.)
Etoiles: Me, I’ve never cried. The only time I’ve had water on my face is when I’ve showered
Antoine: When I performed a facial on you too, no?
Florence: Oh nooooo. No but I respect it, you guys do what you want
Etoiles: Actually it’s not water it’s sperm
Antoine: In sperm there’s water, dude
(Cuts to a later portion of the same stream.)
Etoiles: Y’know you’re only gross with me, with your other friends you don’t make jokes like that
Antoine: That’s true. I don’t know why I’m like this with you. Maybe I should be asking myself questions, bro. I don’t know!
end Video Transcript.]
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succulentsiren · 9 months
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Snowflame (singing): Oh Harley!
Harley Quinn: Not this guy. Roy, stand back.
Roy (Arsenal): Can you not say my government name out here.
Harley: Yeah, yeah, stay behind me.
Roy: Why, what is going on?
Snowflame: HEY I'M BEHIND YOU!
Jason to Roy: Get ready for this.
The trio turns around, the shorter Harley using herself as a shield to protect a confused Roy. They spot Snowflame... The cocaine powered super villain.
Roy: Am I high or is there a guitar riff in the background?
Harley: We haven't figured out where it comes from.
Snowflame: Harley, Helmet man... Ginger man I've never met before, how dare you return to my jungle! I sell COCAINE to give others the euphoria that COCAINE provides! They can never be as powerful as I, but the world needs-
Harley, aggravated: Stop, stop, stop! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I get it! He gets it. You say this speech every time we have to deal with ya and turn off that guitar riff! I can't hear my thoughts!
Snowflame places his hands on his hips annoyed then snaps his fingers. The music stops.
Roy's eyes widen as he checks that the music actually stopped?
Roy: What?
Snowflame: You're no fun. Typical freaks like you who can't handle the true power that the life giver COCAINE provides!
Harley: Oh my God, Roy are you okay? Do you need to go a good distance. I know all the toxic talk is probably clouding your mind?
Roy, looking around confused: I'm fine.
Harley: You sure? I get if you need to be away from this walking drug dealer.
Roy, offended: OH FUCK YOU!
Snowflame: Have you deprived the follower of cocaine the sweet nectar as well? Red head join me and we will rule the world with the power of COCAINE!
Roy: I was never on cocaine! Harley you don't seriously think- Of course you do... of course you do!
Jason, rubbing his forehead: I'm getting a headache being around him again. Roy if you need another job he's hiring and pays in cocaine.
Harley: Hood! Stop it. Roy-
Roy: Stop calling me that! Is the name Arsenal that difficult to remember?! I was never on COKE, you jackasses!
Harley: Yeah but I know how those gateway drugs work. Snowflame, keep your distance from us we don't want your coke crack.
Roy: Those are different drugs.
Jason, trying not to laugh: You're not helping your case.
Roy walks a few feet away begrudgingly agreeing with his friend.
Snowflame: You may attempt to inflict pain on me, for I will not give up my magical powers that are provided by COCAINE! I feel no pain, freaks!
Roy: Is he ODing?
The guitar riff returns.
Roy: Seriously, how does he do that?
Snowflame: I don't know the meaning of that word for weaklings! I crave any excuse to burn brighter! I burn with thought, accelerated thought! Always moving. Always on! I never sleep!
Jason walks sits on the ground and rubs his eyes and laughs.
Jason: Okay... I can't every time... he's like an escaped mental patient.
Harley: J- Red Hood, you are insulting your boyfriend!
Roy: I'm not insulted... We're not dating! I'm embarrassed for this Snowflame nutjob and pissed off.
Harley, turning to Snowflame: See what you done? He's mad.
Snowflame: Hahahahaha! Weak! Another freak who can't handle the true flame to life! I will never give up my COCAINE! COCAINE is my God, I am its vessel and I am- am the human instrument of its will!
Guitar riff stops.
Harley checks her invisible watch.
Harley: You done?
Snowflame crosses his arms waiting a second then nods.
Harley: Goodie… can we have a moment to chat?
Snowflame: Yes, I will prepare over here! Precious COCAINE let's get started.
Snowflame sits down on the ground where a cutting board is with a large pile of white powder. He starts chopping it up and treating it as if he was eating a fancy meal.
Jason stands chuckling at the insane come addict. Harley walks to Roy and yanks him by his arm. Maintaining a safe distance from...the cocaine powered super villain.
Harley: We got about a minute, look at that man's smile. There's only one thing runnin' through that coke fiend's mind and it's snortin' coke. What’s your plan, Jason?
Roy: What if-
Harley: Nuh-uh, R- Arrow man? Nah that's not it... I forget your hero name. Red head, I can not sleep in good faith having you close to him. I don’t want you relapsin'. Sit this one out.
Harley turns Roy the other way, snaps her fingers like a parent and points the other direction. Jason chuckles.
Jason: I hate that she does have a point... But she has a point. I got a contact high punching him once, so yeah sit out.
Roy: But-
Harley: Nuh-uh. Over there.
Roy: Man. It wasn't even coke I was addicted to, it was heroin and I've been clean for years! Damn it!
Roy takes a few steps away and sits down annoyed.
Harley: Jason, plan?
Jason: Can I shoot him?
Harley: Yeah, but he’s strange. He can take a bullet so I’m not sure-
Jason shoots Snowflame five times as the man bounces around after doing his boogar sugar. Snowflame falls to the ground. Five seconds pass. Snowflame jumps to his feet.
Jason: I forgot he could do that… okay that was kind of awesome.
Snowflame: FOOLS! You think your measly human bullets can stop the COCAINE that flows through my blood! I am a TRUE GOD! Fueled by sweet co-
Roy, at his breaking point: Would you shut up!
Roy shoots Snowflame with an arrow. The guitar riff cuts off, but the former addict pays it no mind.
Roy: I didn't go through withdrawals, one relapse, custody battles and losing my father figure for some 80s villain rant!
He shoots another arrow and another, and another. Totaling to four. Snowflame topples backward. One arrow in his arm, one in his stomach, one punctuating his hip, and the last in his thigh. Snowflame remains hyped up but severely injured.
Snowflame, weakly: Snowflame ... Will tap out.
Jason claps as Roy seethes.
Roy, angry: Such an asshole. I hate guys like that. I’m going to the car!
Harley nods, appreciating Roy's resilience, at least that's what she thinks. Jason could spot how aggravated he was at a coke addict bragging about something Roy struggled with and dug himself out of that dark hole.
Harley: I'm proud of him. High-five?
Jason walks past Harley to get Snowflame.
Jason: You’re lucky Arsenal got pissed off.
Harley shrugs and high fives herself.
Harley: My years as a rehab counselor paid off.
Jason: You were a drug counselor too?
Harley: I was a psychiatrist, duh. Who did not sleep with her teachers.
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starppleb · 2 years
I need more Danny ‘No more hero’ Phantom, so here I will be reasoning why he’s an Anti-Hero (in Dp x Dc prompt)
Danny doesn't see Death as the worst thing. He's too familiar with it (He is Death).
Sometimes it's better than 'living'. It's like a 'new beginning', a chance to let go like he tried to he did.
He left hero things with everything in his hometown. Where no matter what, he's been The Villain, The ghost, the menace. 
People Humans only see in him what he did while being mind-controlled or forced to. Not that he saves them every day. They are afraid of him, of his power. 
Just how are people still like Superman and other heroes who are more powerful than regular humans? They get mind-controlled and forced to be evil sometimes too.
That isn't fair. 
And while They chose to save other people's asses because they wanted to, Danny didn't have a choice, if he didn't step in, the town would be destroyed in days. 
He hoped that his parents Fentons would finally realize why ghosts were coming into town, but they just blamed Ghost Boy for all of the wrongdoings and never considered they were wrong. 
So after 2 and a half years of hope, he burned out and just destroyed the portal, cleared out all of the ectoplasm, and left.
Now if ghosts wanted to 'visit' living they needed to go to Danny and personally ask.
This means no more Technus 'I will take over the world' and Emder 'I will make everyone love my music by mind-control', and just Technus 'I'll only check new tech stuff' and Ember 'I'll hang out with Kitty in the park and play some guitar', of course in more human form.
Danny himself decided to stick around Gotham because one - Bats are interesting, and two - ectoplasm (which he tries to clear out, at least a little bit). 
So now he messes with Bats and humans while he's Anti-Hero - Phantom.
And gets yelled at by people at Batburger while he's a regular worker - Danny Nightingale. 
But what will the Justice League do when Phantom will save the world from some big bad ghost with impressive ease, and just leave…
That powerful being is not just some generic troublemaker in the streets of Gotham.
He's the end and sawing of the world (and Infinite Realms). 
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purpleshadow-star · 1 year
Imagine if Nico could learn to control when he turns into shadows.
Like, in The Blood of Olympus Nico would start fading after shadow traveling too much, and sometimes Reyna and Coach Hedge wouldn't be able to touch him, and one time he even accidentally walked through a tree. Imagine if he learned to control that intangibility.
Imagine if he could just turn parts of his body into shadows. Imagine if, in a fight, someone swings at him, and he knows he can't dodge in time, so he turns into shadows for a second so the weapon goes right through him, and while his enemy is confused he uses the distraction to land the final blow.
Imagine if he could just walk/reach through walls and doors and stuff.
I just think that, for someone with the title of ghost king (and as a child of the Underworld), he deserves more ghost-like powers.
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ingravinoveritas · 3 months
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Absolutely loving that this is a selfie and that Michael and David are so naturally close together...
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non-plutonian-druid · 24 days
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[ID: a comic in the TUA paranatural au, depicting Patch recruiting Lila to spy on the Activity Club for her. Both of them are about twelve. The first three panels are a flashback of an argument between Diego and Patch.
Flashback, Panel 1: A younger Patch shouts at a younger Diego, "WHAT is the Activity Club!" Diego growls "None of your business."
Panel 2: Patch says, teary-eyed, "You've been so different since you joined."
Panel 3: Diego looks guilty while Patch continues, "It's like it ate your brain! Why won't you talk to me anymore?"
Present Day, Panel 1: Patch is leaning on a desk while Lila sits on it. Patch says, "So, yeah. That's why I want to know what the Activity Club does."
Panel 2: Lila kicks her feet and says " And that's why you want me to join YOUR club. So I can spy on them for you." Patch smiles, embarrassed, and says "Yeah, basically."
Panel 3: Patch hunches her shoulders, saying, "It sounds bad when you say it like that."
Panel 4: She looks beseechingly up at Lila. "But I'm really worried about him. He won't talk to any of his friends. What the hell did they do to him!"
Panel 5: Lila waves her hand reassuringly. "No, I totally get it!"
Panel 6: Lila holds out her hand to Patch, smiling. "I'll tell you everything I learn."
Panel 7: She continues, "Trust me." Meanwhile, she writes a list in a notebook, headed with "Lies for Patch". End ID]
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lorddetaur · 4 months
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Jarvan IV and Kayn
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wikitpowers · 6 months
give me ty obsessing over the shade of kit's eyes i'm begging,,, like i need him writing poetry about this
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kuragesoda · 1 year
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troythecatfish · 9 months
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sweetest-devotion · 2 years
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succulentsiren · 6 months
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fili-the-jester · 9 months
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the sillies
(cinnamon rolls who can kill you)
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