#couldn’t care less if it hurts dick anymore?????
zylev-blog · 7 months
Batman opened the door, catching the falling body that had come out of the tube. Glowing green Lazarus water flowed around his feet, but he didn’t care. He gently laid the boy onto the ground, listening for breathing sounds. But he wasn’t even sure if his species could breathe. The boy was no older than Tim, with stark-white hair, and pale green skin. The boy wasn’t human, that was for sure, but as to what species he was, Batman had no clue. The teenager hadn’t even opened his eyes since being removed from the tube.
The Lazarus water didn’t smell quite like the pits he was used to. The water smelled cleaner, stronger. Less like battery acid and more like a strong-scented cleaner that he couldn’t give a name to.
He grasped the boy by the shoulders as he picked him up bridal style. He needed to take the boy to the cave, and figure out if he was even alive. A regular hospital wouldn’t be able to do anything for him.
“Batman, we’ve apprehended the last of the men in white suits.” Red Robin said over the comms.
“Good,” His voice was gruff, “Make sure they don’t escape before police arrive.”
Tim didn’t bother saying anything else to him. Neither of them were in the mood for jokes. Not after what they had seen tonight. They had stumbled across a lab in Gotham in an abandoned warehouse. They had thought that it was a Joker hideout when they first arrived, but they had quickly found out that wasn’t the case. After they had began to investigate, they had found corpses of many people that had been thrown into a pit. The bodies had evidence of vivisection, torture, and experimentation. The bodies had ranged from children to adults, but the results were all the same. They were all dead.
They had found tubes like the ones used at Cadmus. They held a few humanoid-species, but most of them looked like they were in varying stages of death. The only tube that looked like it held someone living had been the teenage boy he now held in his arms.
The worst thing about all of this were that they had no idea what this place was, what they were doing, or why they were in Gotham. They had stumbled in by mistake.
He had a lot of work to do.
“No survivors.” Nightwing’s voice sounded. Not even Dick was in a good mood anymore, and he had been joking around for the last few hours.
Batman looked down at the boy in his arms. The boy hadn’t stirred once, hadn’t moved, and hadn’t breathed. He might be carrying a corpse for all he knew.
“And the files?” He prompted.
“Downloading.” Red Robin’s voice was grim. “You’re not going to like it.”
He didn’t like anything about this situation already. How could it get any worse?
“From what I can tell from skimming through the files,” Red Robin continued, “They were experimenting with people’s souls. They killed all of these people because they wanted to catch their ghost.”
“Hrrn.” He looked away from the teenager in his arms. Maybe he didn’t have a corpse in his arms—but a ghost. A ghost of a teenager he failed to save.
What if it had been Tim lying in his arms? Dick? Jason? Damian? Did this teenager have parents before he died, or were his parents in the pit?
The boy stirred, whipping Bruce’s attention back to him. The boy moaned in pain, starting to writhe in his arms.
“You’re safe now.” He said to the boy. “You’re saved.”
“Nnnngh.” The boy opened Lazarus green eyes to look at him. The eyes were hazy, as if exhaustion plagued them. “Batman?”
“They won’t hurt you ever again.” He promised.
“Where is my sister?” The boy asked. “They took her.”
Dick’s words played on repeat in his mind. No survivors. But the boy didn’t need to know that. Not yet.
“We’re still searching the base. She’ll be here somewhere.” He lied.
The boy closed his eyes, letting out a deep sigh. But even with Bruce watching him, the boy did not breathe. Maybe he didn’t need to anymore. Tears leaked down the boy’s cheeks, as if he knew Bruce’s lie.
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
Hello! Hope you're okay :D
First your writeing it's so good and i love it, and this is mu first time asking you for a request :)
So idk if you aleady did this, i don't remember reading it but i wanted to know how do you think Damian would react when he finally meet his brothers partner?
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When JASON borough you home, Damian wasn’t certain whether he was seeing the same perpetually annoying Jason, especially when he watched him look at you as though you were the only one in the room.
It was something completely new, for as long as Damian could remember Jason was a man who held great resentment and anger within himself, which often resulted in making him prone to rash decisions and act out on his self destructive tendencies. So seeing him smile with you, laugh with you, joke with you was a side to him that only Dick had told him stories about.
Damian wasn’t fond of trusting anyone outside of his own family, but he’d be stupid to not see that you were an extremely positive influence on Jason, and soon found himself hoping that his brother wouldn’t be the one to fuck this up via self sabotage. However he didn’t have to fear that being the case when he saw the way Jason seemed more at peace by your side then he ever did in his entire life, his shoulders were no longer hunched and the furrow in his brow was less prominent, his jaw was no longer clenched and is more relaxed.
It was as though Damian was looking at a completely different person and he couldn’t help but find himself being thankful to you for having such unwavering patience with Jason and secretly hopes that you continue to do so for the nearby future. Damian could clearly see that you helped Jason through the moments that he wouldn’t dare bring up to his own family and while that hurt, he’s glad that Jason wasn’t alone with his thoughts anymore and was able to carve out a future with you.
‘They’re good for you Todd.’ Damian said once you were out of earshot.
‘I’ve known that since the moment they didn’t shy away from my scars and brokenness.’ Jason told his little brother.
‘You’re not broken.’ Damian corrected as he saw the look upon Jason’s face as he looks at you play with Titus, ‘ you’re healing.’
When TIM brought you home Damian didn’t know that he even got a partner, he didn’t bother to think that Tim was capable of engaging in a romantic relationship with anyone, given how co-dependant he was with that stupid laptop of his.
Damian understood that Tim and himself didn’t have the best of relationship, it wasn’t perfect and it wasn’t exactly ideal for two people who were meant to be considered ‘siblings’, but Damian didn’t want him to be mistreated by anyone regardless.
So when he began to take notice how you took care of Tim without it being overbearing or controlling in the slightest, you made sure he ate properly and took adequate rest whilst letting him uphold his responsibilities. You trusted Tim to take care of himself when you knew you were out of your element and he trusted you to keep ahold of his heart no matter what, and Damian could see that in the way you would boast about Tim as though he was gods gift to humanity; Which to you he very much was with a side order of sarcastic wit.
You reminded Tim that he was more then what he could give to other people, a lesson that Damian truly believed Tim needed to learn and if he learnt that through your relationship then that was good enough for him.
‘I didn’t know you were capable of being in a relationship.’ Damian told Tim and he sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.
‘Thanks Damian, much appreciated.’ He said sarcastically.
‘You didn’t let me finished Drake,’ Damian told him before continuing, ‘however I’m…glad that you found someone who makes you sees your worth.’
Tim smiled softly. ‘Thanks Damian.’
When DICK brought you home, Damian was quick to follow you throughout your visit to the manor in hopes of getting a good gauge of your character, he valued Dick as his brother and wasn’t just about let him date anyone he decided to pick up from the side of the street one day on a whim.
Damian wasn’t exactly trusting towards you at first -despite the many stories Dick had told him about you- genuinely thinking that by next week Dick would’ve dumped you and bring home another one of his short lived romances, and seeing as how commitment wasn’t exactly a thing Dick was well known for. So he wasn’t expecting much to come out of your visit but when he saw just how happy Dick was with you, holding your hand, practically glued to your side and just acting like an human version of a puppy dog whenever he was with you it was almost sickening; well it was but you get the point.
Not once did Damian see Dick’s adoring eyes wander from you, he was completely entranced by anything and everything you said as though it was gospel. You both were the epitome of lovesick and Damian didn’t know whether he should be happy that it seems as though Dick found someone whom he could be genuine with and no be judged, or be grossed out by how much pda you do.
It was a tossup between the two but Damian found himself gaining some form of respect for you throughout the day and soon would in your corner for most of your playful disagreements.
‘Oh come on Damian, you’ve barely known my partner for a day and now all of a sudden your pally pally?’ Dick whines as Damian stood by your side.
‘So? It’s obvious they’re the one in charge of this relationship.’ Damian replied and you could’ve busted out laughing at Dick’s expression afterwards.
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savanir · 2 months
DP x DC prompt [16]
Danny has been with the Wayne’s for a while now and his status as a halfa is starting to affect some things he comes in contact with a little bit.
At first he thought this only happened back in his old home in Amity Park because the ectoplasm samples were kept in the fridge, and though that does speed up the process, it turns out Danny causes the same things to happen just fine on his own. It just takes a lot longer.
This means he now occasionally has to replace or decontaminate some of his things every once in a while. and with the electronics the same applies but usually the protections that Tucker has made do the trick too.
Danny has been very careful, he never borrows anything that’s highly susceptible to ecto-contamination from the others and whenever he needs something from the kitchen he just goes to Alfred (he really doesn’t want to see how the old man might react to the coffee machine starting to act weird because of Danny). Just, the last thing Danny wants to do is inconvenience the Wayne’s by ecto-contaminating something of theirs.
It’s really only when Danny slips back into vigilante-ism that things go sideways.
And Danny really tried. His obsession is space, not heroism, so he figured he’d be fine just focussing on his education. But he kinda forgot about the fact that he just really really loves being a hero.
He loves the thrill, the danger. He loves giving a smackdown and just in general having a good fight, he loves helping people, he loves being a force of good. And yeah, he kinda also likes the praise, but nothing weird and overbearing (some people go way too far in their hero worship, but that’s a story for another day)
So after some back and forth and arguments with Bruce who, contrary to popular belief, was absolutely not thrilled that his latest traumatized kid who was being kept safe in the mansion so far now decided that no, he wants to be part of the family business too please.
Danny eventually threatens to just go out anyway without any of his help and that just gives Bruce flashbacks to the time when he had just taken Dick as his ward. Not to mention some of his other kids and… dammit.
Well then… Danny can go explain things to Jason himself once he finds out and is probably going to be mad about it, Bruce is not taking the blame this time.
So Danny (name pending, he could just go with Phantom again, but he also wouldn’t mind using something bird or bat related) gets back into the game once again! And that’s fine that’s cool. But back to the original point.
Danny figured that he would just do what he’s been doing so far with any bat gadgets as well, and maybe it would be even less of a problem cause he’s pretty sure that these things break a lot more often because of all the fights and stuff.
What Danny had not really thought about though is potential intense high emotion situations. Like for very specific example; Scarecrow taking an obsessive interest in him because of Danny’s ghostly ability to feed on fear (somewhat) and the situation getting out of hand, him getting very hurt, Batman having to carry him out of there while Danny was kinda bleeding a bit (a lot). Bruce being worried and Danny wanting to be anywhere but there anymore and-
Well, you get the point.
So, take all that and add high tech bat armor and what you get is suddenly sentient batsuit.
It actually took a bit for anyone to catch on that something was going on, but it was eventually figured out. and once that was the case Danny couldn’t really help his seemingly endless stream of apologies.
But how can anyone ever blame him for bleeding out on Bruce and the weird reanimative properties of said blood making it so Bruce’s suit can now “talk”
Bruce described it more as like a martian mind link, which would explain why only he could hear things. it’s probably only for the wearer.
It can’t move on it’s own, it needs someone to wear it. But it can sense things and react for the wearer and honestly all that alone is more than enough reason to find a way to exorcise it… if not for the whole,
“but if it’s a sentient ecto entity now we can’t just ‘kill’ it, we literally abolished the anti ecto acts just so that can’t be done anymore”
it’s probably a good thing the suit has grabbed all the ‘Batman’ and made that what it is. All the core values are there, so there isn’t going to be any risk of it killing someone at least.
Still though… what to do now?
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milkywaydrabbles · 1 year
They already asked for breeding and dubcon separately, with Alucard and I wanted to ask for the same thing but both Indications for the same Alucard Castlevania. If it's not possible anymore, I still liked the ones you made. You have talent!
A/N: breeding and dubcon for Alucard equals babytrapping in my head, so that's kind of the direction I went with this! I hope this is okay, and that you enjoy!! MWUAH
Dubcon/breeding x Alucard
“Nng, Alucard wait--aah.” The dhampir had you pressed into the bed, face smothered within the pillows as he plowed into you from behind. His fangs were dripping with saliva, dragging against your skin. Alucard was already too far gone as he fucked you, hands gripping at your wrists with his entire body covering yours. “Don’t you love me, darling? Don’t you want me happy?” He’d taunt you, knowing you couldn’t say no to him. You’ve never been able to say no to him, not when he saved you from a life of torture and being used as a blood bag from a small collective of vampires. How could you say no to your savior, the one who lets you stay in his big castle, keeps you fed and clothed and bathed? 
Alucard tried hard, he really did, to not let his lust for you consume him. But it was so difficult, when you kept telling him you’d thank him in any way, begging him to let you do something for him. It was so hard, to not take you then and there, instead slowly building up to the perfect moment to capture your lips. He’d give you small and slow touches here and there, fingers lingering longer than they had to, eyes roaming your body so obviously he saw the heat settle on your features. He’d capture your lips one night, letting you feel in control, just this once, asking for a taste of your blood as you rode him in his bed. You nodded, exposing your neck to him as he drank--enough to get you lightheaded, but keeping you alive all the same. He fucked you harder after that, now understanding why those vampires wanted to keep you for themselves. It was the best meal he’d ever had--he didn’t drink blood, rather disliked the taste if he was being honest--but you were different.
He’d never let you go after that.
You whimpered under him, but pushed back to his thrusts as best you could, forcing himself deeper into your hole. “So good for me, sweetheart--making me so fucking happy.” He growled in your ear, feeling you clench around him with each sweet word that dripped from his tongue. He licked and suckled at the juncture of your neck that always stayed bruised with how often he fed from you. “You don’t mind if I indulge in your blood, do you my love?” You whined, but exposed yourself further to him, wincing when you felt his fangs pierce through your skin. You’ve learned that it hurts less while he fucks you, though the pain still throbs your veins after. 
Alucard leans back on his knees and brings you up with him, hands exploring the span of your body, finding purchase on your tits as he thrusts in and out of your pussy. “So good to me, always letting me do as I please, what a good girl.” He would whisper to you, to keep you riled up and feel you tighten around his cock some more. He slowed just enough to grind into you, pressing you deep onto his dick, nearly kissing at your cervix with his length. You whined against him, hands flexing as you gripped onto nothing. “Do you know what would make me the happiest, my sweet girl?” He teased, fingers pinching at your nipples as you gasped.
“Let me make you a mother, darling.” 
Your eyes flew open (when had you closed them?) and you felt panic shooting up your nerves. “Alucard, I-I don’t think I’m ready for tha--aah, fuck!” He began bucking his hips harder into yours again, hands coming down to hold onto your hips and fuck you down to meet him. One hand trailed back up, fingers wrapping around your throat cutting off most of your breathing as you were pounded from behind. “Of course you’re ready, you take care of me so well already--you’ll be a wonderful mother. I know you will.” He cooed, licking over the still bleeding wound of your neck. 
It was hard to argue with him, not when he was so kind to you outside of the bedroom, not when he spoke so sweetly to you as he fucked you so well. How could you argue, when he never asked anything of you, except to make you a mother? “You’ll let me, right darling?” He wasn’t really asking, he’d do it anyways. He’d convince you later if he had to. But he didn’t need to, not when you were nodding and clenching around him--ready to milk him dry. He groaned, tightening on your throat as he humped into you like a dog, climbing closer and closer to release until he was spilling deep inside your cunt, praying it made it directly into your womb to catch. 
He would keep you plugged up, day in and day out after this. You’d never be able to leave now. Not when you carried his child, not when he would protect the both of you. You’d be his forever.
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pedroshotwifey · 5 months
To the Flame chapter 16
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Series masterlist
Pairing: Dark!Javier Peña x afab!reader
Chapter w/c: 3k
Chapter warnings: mentions of physical abuse, talk of suicide, manipulation, mental abuse, description of injury, controlling behavior, comfort, crying, javi being a dick, javi being "nice", reader being ✨delulu✨, idek how to tag this shit anymore, i think i might be gaslighting myself 💀
Chapter Summary: You get a glimpse of the man you used to know while you try to sort out your feelings in the hospital. You're faced with a tough decision---did you make the right one?
A/N: Don't know what to say about this one. Yes, we all want to scream at reader, yes, we all want to scream at Javi. Scream at me if you'd like and I'll happily scream back 😭 Love you babes!
You’re not dead, but you really wish you were. Your body aches more heavily than it ever has. Every breath you take is a massive effort and every twitch of your fingers sends a twinge through your entire body like a shock of electricity. You don’t know what’s easier—breathing deeply or taking in shallow breaths. Deeper means that your chest has to rise and fall painfully with the movement, but shallower makes you feel like you're not getting an efficient amount of air. You don’t want to decide, so you just lay on the kitchen floor and let your body do it for you. 
You don’t think Javi’s here with you, but you honestly could care less if he is or not. All you have to do is turn your head and look around, but you don’t think that’s possible for you right now. You can feel the way your throat has swollen and would pull tight if you tried. You just want to lay with your pain for a while and let it consume you so you don’t have to think. Though your head pounds painfully, it’s the clearest it’s been for weeks. You know you’ll have to get up at some point, but that point is not now. 
You can feel every organ individually, the way they struggle to work with every second that passes. Your lungs heave and sputter as you try to suck breath into them, and you’re suddenly curious to how they’re working at all. There’s no way for you to tell how long you were out or how much water you consumed, but you can only assume it was close to your limit. You thought you were going to die, you really did. 
You have no idea how long you lay there, staring up at the ceiling, before you hear the click of the door opening, then several sets of footsteps making their way inside. Their voices are muffled by the staticy noise in your head, and you frankly don’t care enough to try to figure out what’s going on. 
Javi’s blurry figure comes first, leaning over you as more people crowd in. 
His dampened voice sounds panicked. You couldn’t give less of a fuck. You know that you’re probably going to be fine at this point, but you almost wish that you weren’t just to spite him. Suddenly, the light comes on, and your head starts to pound even harder. You close your eyes. 
***** When you open them again, you’re in a bed. Not yours, though, you can tell immediately. There’s daylight in the unfamiliar room coming from the window on the other side. So you know you’ve been out for a while. 
It takes a moment for you to remember what happened—why you’re probably here. And it’s with that realization that the pain returns. It’s more dull this time, immediately making you thankful for whatever meds they have you on. Just the underlying tightness throughout your body is enough for that. 
You blink and look around a bit, trying to scan your surroundings without moving too much. But when you spot the chair in the corner closest to you—who’s sitting in it—your adrenaline spikes. Javi sits up out of the chair as soon as he sees your eyes open and on him. He moves to the side of your bed and your body jerks away from him on instinct. 
“Get away from me,” you bite, though your voice is so strained it’s nearly incomprehensible. 
You can see hurt flash in his eyes for a split second, but it’s quickly replaced by anger. You don’t have time to dwell on that short moment of vulnerability before he has his hands on you, trying to hold you steady as you thrash and try to yell for help. He knows you won’t be able to muster up enough noise to be heard. 
“Fuckin’ stop and listen to me,” he spits, and you do, letting your body go limp before it gets any worse. You lay there and look him in the eye as silent tears sting your cheeks. 
“You’re going to tell them you tried to kill yourself,” he says calmly. You don’t realize you started shaking your head until he grabs your chin and stills you. “You’re going to say you couldn’t handle the stress of the move and you tried to drown yourself in the sink when I got home and found you.” 
You say nothing, because you know there’s no point. Why waste your breath and hurt your throat even more? 
“You tied a scarf around your neck, attached it to a weight, and threw it into the sink.” 
Oh, God. It makes you want to throw up, how elaborate his lie is. That would explain the bruising on your neck. He thought of everything, covered every track. You know you must be looking at him with pure disgust, but you don’t dare change your expression. You want him to see you, what he’s done to you, how he’s made you feel. 
There’s suddenly a knock at the door, and Javi’s expression changes to something almost tender. The hand tightly gripping your face moves to cup your cheek, the other to pet your hair. You feel panic and frustration crawling under your skin, consuming your body until you think you might scream. This is your chance to get away from him, but you know you won’t.  
All you have to do is tell the doctor you want to speak alone, tell them what’s happening, and you’ll never have to go back. But what if he didn’t believe you and you only make it worse for yourself? Or worse than that, what if he does, and you’re taken away from Javi. Exactly what you want, but also the last thing you can ever imagine happening. He’s still there, you can’t leave him. He’s still there. 
So, even as it crushes your soul and makes your heart jump wildly in your chest, you say nothing as Javi calls for the doctor to come in, and a man in a white coat steps inside with a clipboard. He smiles at you, his eyes full of so much pity that it makes you swallow. 
“Glad to see you up, honey. We were real worried for a second there.” 
You say nothing, just watch the doctor as Javi continues to stroke your hair, then places a kiss on your head and backs away for the man to check on you. He comes to your bedside, opposite of your husband, and places his hand on your forehead. 
“Still no fever,” he mumbles to himself, jotting something down on his clipboard. He brings a hand to your neck next, lightly pressing on the skin there with three fingers. He grimaces slightly. “Throat’s still very bruised and swollen. How bad does it hurt when I touch it here?” 
He moves his hand up and places his fingers on a spot right under your jaw and to the left, putting a small amount of pressure there. You try not to flinch. It’s not a lot of weight at all, but it hurts like hell. You can only guess that’s where most of the bruising ended up. 
“Hurts,” you rasp. The doctor puts his lips into a thin line and brings his hand back away. He writes something down and then sets the clipboard on the nightstand. 
“How long have I been here?” you question, voice barely a whisper. 
“You’ve been in and out for about forty-eight hours now,” the doctor tells you, glancing at his watch. “I’m not surprised you don’t remember it, you weren’t very cognizant.” 
You nod, resisting the urge to look at Javi. Instead, you let your head lay back on the pillow and inspect the water-stained ceiling tile above your bed. 
“When will she be cleared to come home?” Javi asks from where he’s sat in the chair. 
The man sighs contemplatively. “If all her vitals stay about the same as they are now for the next few hours, hopefully tonight. We would like to have somebody come talk to her to see where she’s at mentally first, since you’ve said that you work and she stays home. We don’t need her trying something like this again while she’s alone.” 
“I can take time off,” comes Javi’s quick reply, making something twist in your stomach. If you weren’t so mentally exhausted, you might be surprised about that. He had told you before that it was hard for him to just take days off. Though you suppose it would make sense for him to be able to request time for a family emergency. 
“I think that would be best, but we’re still going to have someone in to talk. We need to assess her cognitive functions as much as we need to make sure she’s not planning anything drastic.” 
Even though you’re not looking at him, you know Javi’s jaw is clenched. You know he’s smart enough to hold his tongue to not give himself away, even though he wants to protest more. He doesn’t trust what you might say while you’re alone, and frankly, you don’t either. 
“Can he stay in the room with me?” you croak. 
There’s a beat of silence as you look back to the doctor. He looks at you, then to Javi, then back to you. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk alone? The social worker we have on staff is very—”
“I’m sure,” you cut him off. “I want him here.” 
There’s a sickening sense of betrayal coming from yourself as you decide your fate. You don’t know why you’re doing this, but you do. It hurts your head to try to decode what you’re thinking half the time these days.
The man watches you for a few seconds, obviously trying to gauge how much of a mistake it would be to let you make this decision. “If that’s what makes you comfortable, we can do that.” 
There’s a wave of relief as Javi leans forward slightly to cover your hand with his. 
“I’m here, sweetheart,” he comforts. You visibly relax, letting your body slumping down into the mattress. You let yourself zone out for a bit while Javi and the doctor talk for a minute more, just savoring the warmth of Javi’s hand touching you so gently, so caring. You know you have his approval right now, and it feels so good to bask in it. 
You close your eyes and pretend to be asleep when the doctor leaves, trying to have Javi like this for as long as you can. You’re transported back to one of the first dates you went on with him, leaning up to him in his truck, his free hand over yours as it is now. The smiles you exchanged, the kisses, the laughs. It hurts so fucking bad. To think you’ll never have that again. 
Tears trickle from your shut eyes, a quiet sob leaving your lips even as you try to contain it. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” Javi consoles, genuine sympathy in his voice. It makes you want to cry more. You open your eyes and Javi gets up from the chair, coming to the bed as you begin to sob. You don’t know how to explain to him the grief you’re feeling over him when he’s right there, but you don’t have to. You sit up the best you can and he cups your chin again, watching you tenderly with furrowed brows. 
“I know, honey, I know,” he coos before tucking your head to his chest. “I’ve got you. Get it all out.” 
And you do, you wrap your arms around him and cry into his chest until you can feel his shirt soaking your cheek. You shake and heave and clench the fabric until your tears go thin and start to burn your skin. 
He’s patient with you, holding you the entire time, whispering reassurances and rubbing your back, holding your head to him. It feels like your Javi. Yours. But it only makes you miss him more because you don’t know if it’s true. Don’t know if he’s snapped out of this awful trance that’s consumed him, or if he’s only here momentarily when you need him most. Either way, you let his care overwhelm you, let yourself drown in the affection. 
It’s only when you open your swollen eyes a few hours later that you realize you’d cried yourself to sleep in his lap. You’re laying down now, Javi in the same spot he was the first time you woke up. There’s a woman in the room talking to him, but you’re too groggy to think about what they’re saying. More nonsense about your mental state, you’re sure. 
And just like that, the love that had consumed you a few hours ago starts to fade. Your mental state. The carefully constructed lies you’re about to tell this woman. She turns to you when she sees you try to sit up, rushing to your side with a gentle smile. 
“Careful, don’t want you straining anything,” she says, placing her hands on your arms to help you. You nod at her, still trying to wake back up. Your eyes hurt from crying and your head is throbbing again. You really don’t want to talk right now, but you know you have to if you want to get out of here. 
“You know why I’m here?” the woman asks gently. Her name tag reads Chloe. She looks a bit older than you and has the most beautiful green eyes you’ve ever seen. You decide you like her. 
You nod, then realize it’s probably better to be verbal. “Yes,” you tell her. 
She nods understandingly, rubbing your upper arm in a comforting motion. “I’ve been told you’d like your husband to stay in the room while we talk?”
You confirm again, glancing at Javi, who seems to still be in whatever state he was earlier. 
“Alright, I’m just going to ask you a few questions, and then we’ll get you out of here. Sound good?” 
You nod, swallowing the thickness in your throat. “You mind if I sit?” Chloe asks, gesturing to the side of your bed. You shake your head no and she makes herself comfortable, clipboard in her lap. She doesn’t even look at Javi, which relaxes you a bit. Her sole focus is you.
“I know it’s not going to be easy, but I promise to be patient. You can take all the time you need. Are you ready?” 
“I’m ready,” you reply before you change your mind about doing this with Javi. 
“Okay. Can you tell me how you tried to take your life last Friday? In as much detail as you’re comfortable with.” 
You take a deep breath, force yourself to not look at your husband, and pray you don’t mess this up. 
“I tried to drown myself,” you lie quietly. “I tied a scarf around my neck and attached it to a weight. Then I filled the sink with water—.” You have to pause, emotion hitting you hard all of a sudden. You blink and swallow the lump in your throat. “I filled the sink with water and threw the weight in.” 
Chloe nods somberly, watching you with the same pitying look the doctor had earlier. “It’s okay to cry, honey. It’s a hard thing to talk about. You’re very brave for doing so.”
You listen to her, bowing your head and letting your tears overflow. They’re slower than the ones you’d cried with Javi. More quiet. They feel more like defeat than grief. Chloe writes something down and looks back at you. 
“And why did you feel like that was the best way to achieve what you were trying to do?” 
You bite your lip, contemplating for a second. “Because I knew it would work over everything else. I thought it would.”
She jots something down.  
“There are no firearms in your house?” 
“Only mine, and it stays on me all day,” Javi provides before you can say anything. Chloe whips her head around to him. 
“Did I ask for your input?” 
“No,” you say, before whatever just happened could escalate. The last thing you need right now is Javi getting angry. “Just his.” 
She turns back to you, gentleness returning to her face. She again scribbles something down. 
“Two more,” she tells you. “We’re almost done. You’re doing really well.” 
You nod at her, giving her a small smile. 
“Do you wish you had succeeded? Why or why not?” 
You answer quickly, maybe a little too quickly. You hate the way you still feel like you’re lying when you tell her no. “I was just overwhelmed that night. I was lucky that Javi came home when he did.” 
She nods, writes something down, and asks you the last one. 
“You’re not going to try to take your life again?” 
“I’m not. I don’t want to die.” It almost hurts to have to say it. You don’t even know if that’s true. You put on a brave face though, needing her to believe it even if you don’t. 
She writes the last thing down and smiles at you. “Okay, I’m going to go talk to some staff and get you ready to go home. It was very nice to meet you. I hope things go well in your future.” She holds her hand out for you to shake, and you do. 
“Thank you, it was nice to meet you, too,” you tell her honestly. 
You wait to hear the click of the door before you look at Javi. He doesn’t look angry exactly, but you can tell he didn’t like Chloe at all. But he still nods approvingly at you, taking your hand again. 
“You did good, sweetheart,” he says. 
***** A couple of nurses come in about an hour later to take you out to Javi’s truck. They watch as he helps you in, waves his thanks, and gets in the driver’s side. You cuddle up next to him like you used to, and a calm feeling starts to ebb its way into you. He holds you tight the entire way back to the apartment, and after cooking you dinner, holds you tight as you fall asleep.  This. This is why you stay.
What are we thinkin'? 👀
Series taglist: @corazondebeskar @yorksgirl @nerdieforpedro @axshadows @melaninmommy
@survivingandenduring @kewwrites @oldenoughtoknowbettersstuff @missladym1981 @sofiparallel
@koshkaj-blog @sheepdogchick3 @movievillainess721 @jessie8605 @casa-boiardi
@justlulu @iamsherlocked-1998 @hjzghi-blog @glitterymanboy @letstalkaboutshtufff
@untamedheart81 @1nsommia @joelmillersblog
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redbird-tf · 1 year
Mended Hearts
Nightwing x batsis reader
Summary: Nightwing awakens in the Batcave after a mind-controlling encounter with the Mad Hatter, only to discover he hurt the person he cares for most. How could he ever forgive himself.
Word count: 930
Warning: mention of injuries
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Nightwing's head was foggy as he slowly gained consciousness, it felt like he had been out for weeks. His heavy eyes finally opened and recognized the familiar rock ceiling above him as the bat cave. He tried to sit up but found it impossible. He turned his head and found himself restrained to a medical table. His body ached at every inch, and his memory was fogged beyond belief, What happened to him?
“Bruce? Alfred?” He tried to call out, but his throat was raw and dry. He lay there for hours trying to remember what had happened knowing there was probably good reason he was in such a state. He turned his head hearing the door open and saw Alfred stepping into the cave. “Master dick, you're awake” he stated with a little shock in his voice, he walked over and began examining him. “What happened?” Dick asked. “Let me call master bruce first”
Less than 2 minutes had passed before the bat appeared, and made his way to dicks side. “Nightwing do you remember your name?” Bruce asked “dick grayson, what going on?” He asked growing more anxious “What was the last thing you remember,” Bruce asked again, “i- i don't remember, why am i here Bruce!? What happened!?” He asked pulling against his restraints. “Alfred?” Bruce questioned “i believe whatever effects mad hatter had on master dick have worn off” Alfred stated. “Someone answer me!” Dick demanded. Bruce sighed removing his mask and began undoing his restraints. “A week ago, we were dispatched to deal with the mad hatter after he escaped from Arkham. We had infiltrated his hiding place. We were dealing with his goons when you spotted Hatter and against my orders went after him alone. By the time i caught up, you were gone” bruce explained
“and how did i end up back here,” dick asked rubbing his wrist “Over the week I and the others responded to sightings of you and followed your trail. You were being mind controlled by him, you attacked multiple of us when we confronted you until i and Tim was able to take you down” Bruce finished. “Hatter?” He questioned for the last time, “taken care of” Bruce stated.
Bruce took dick back up to the manor to rest properly where he ran into Tim and Damian. “I see you're not beating anyone down anymore,” Damian said in his bratty voice. “I'm so sorry, both of you, i never wanted to hurt you…” he explained in sorrow. “Where y/n?” He asked turning to Bruce “On a mission, now go rest” Bruce demanded. Dick tried to sleep but was pledged by guilt, he couldn’t sleep until he knew exactly what he had done. He silently made his way down the bat cave stairs before pausing. “Are you planning to tell master dick the truth about y/n?” Alfred asked Bruce who was busy at the computer “No, i want y/n to be able to make that decision, he’s already too hard on himself” Bruce's tone was serious. Dicks mind started to run.“have you told her about Master dicks current state?” Alfred questioned back “No, i don't know how she’ll react” he stated coldly.
“What happened to y/n?” They both turned around in shock, “you should be in bed” Bruce started “What have i done!?” Dick shouted fear and anger laced his words. “Get in the car” Bruce instructed. They had arrived at one of the many safe houses and Bruce led him to a room slowly opening the door. There you were, an arm in a cast, heavy bandages around your head and throat, heavily stitched lacerations and hooked up to a heart monitor. Dick backed himself into the wall guilt and denial filling his body. “She was the first one to make contact with you…” Bruce paused seeing the fear on his son's face “I'll give you a moment” Bruce said excusing himself.
dick watched your chest rise and fall while you slept unable to look away. He couldn’t believe it, he had beaten someone he loved, his sister, to a bloody pulp. How could he let himself do that? “Dick..?” He broke from his trance seeing you awaken. More fear filled his body unknowing how you'd react to seeing your attacker. Your eyes were wide but slowly softened as you realized the man across from you looked more terrified than you. Your body was weak but you mustered the strength to hold your hand out towards him.
He was shocked but slowly made his way towards you, softly taking your hand into his, holding it as if it was made of glass. His knees collapsed at your bedside and tears streamed down his face. “Y/n i am so sorry for what I've done, I promise you’ll never have to see me again” he cried “No!” you screeched with a hoarse voice “Y/n, i almost killed you, You're not safe around me,” he explained grinding his teeth at the thought. “Please, dick...i still need you” you began to cry “i don't care what happened that night, it wasn’t your dick!” you said weakly gripping his hand “But it was..” he whispered “No, dick you were the first person i ever felt safe with. The only person i felt i could trust completely. I need you. Ill always need dick Grayson” you cried out. He embraced you so softly, allowing you to hide your teary face in the crock of his neck. “I'll be here as long as you need me”
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mxlti-fand0m-imaginess · 10 months
I Don’t Hate You // JJ Maybank
request: none!
prompts: none!
summary: jj maybank has hated you for as long as you can remember. but when a game of truth or dare leads to explosive arguments and forced confessions, you discover that everything isn’t like you thought it was.
warnings: jj being mean, slight ooc, language, arguing, crying, reader gets called a bitch, it gets a lil bit suggestive at the end
word count: 1.4k
a/n: gn!reader, routledge!reader, reader is john b’s younger sibling
join my taglist!
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“So, truth or dare?”
“Dare,” you answered almost immediately.
You knew that if you picked truth then Kie would’ve somehow made you confess your feelings to JJ. She was adamant that JJ liked you back, and was constantly trying to get the two of you together. But she couldn’t have been more wrong. JJ Maybank hated your guts. You didn’t know why he felt that way, you’d never done anything to him. That still didn’t stop him from being a major dick to you. Kie tried to convince you that he was mean because he liked you, but you didn’t buy it. Kie might’ve been your best friend and sure, you loved her, but her insistence on getting you and JJ together was starting to get annoying.
Kie smirked as she thought to herself, before her face lit up in a smile. “Alright, I dare you to… kiss JJ!”
Your face fell as you looked at her. She couldn’t be serious. You were waiting for her to crack a smile and tell you she was joking, but with everyone looking at you expectantly, you were beginning to realize that she was dead serious.
“You’re kidding, right? I’m not doing that,” you said, your eyes glaring harshly at Kie, who only smiled in return.
JJ scoffed, scooting over to you and wrapping his arm around you, pulling you into him. You tried to stop yourself from blushing from how close you were to him, but there wasn’t really much you could do to control it.
“C’mon, what’re you? Scared? Don’t worry sweetheart, I don’t bite,” JJ smirked at you and you felt your stomach flutter with butterflies. “Unless you want me to.”
You huffed and shoved him off of you, glaring daggers at him. It was almost like he knew how you felt about him and decided to use it against you.
It wasn’t like you didn’t want to kiss him, god sometimes it was all you could think about. But it would be your first kiss, and you wanted it to be special. You didn’t want to waste it over a stupid dare with someone who didn’t even return your feelings.
“I said no. Can we just drop this now?” you said, looking over at Kie again, almost pleading with her to give you a different dare or to skip your turn altogether.
“See, typical y/n. Always such a stuck up bitch. Why’d we invite you here anyways? I mean, I’m pretty sure John B’s the only one who can even tolerate you,” JJ said, a harsh bite to his tone.
You knew his words weren’t true, but that didn’t make them hurt any less. You felt your eyes well up with tears and your face burned red with embarrassment. You stood up from the couch and turned to look at JJ, who’s smile faltered when he saw the hurt in your eyes.
“Fuck you, JJ,” you said, before turning on your heel and heading into your bedroom, slamming the door shut behind you.
You collapsed on top of your bed and pulled a pillow to your chest, finally letting the tears you held back fall from your eyes. You heard bits and pieces of an argument happening down the hall, but you couldn’t make everything out over your sobs.
“What was that?! …can’t treat them like that! You better… or I’ll…,” John B’s muffled voice said, clearly yelling at JJ.
You were a little comforted by the fact that your brother was standing up for you, but part of you felt that maybe JJ was right. Maybe they didn’t want you there. Maybe you really were just John B’s annoying little sibling who always seemed to tag along unwanted.
You heard Kie start yelling, but you didn’t care to try to listen anymore. You were too upset to put in the effort. You just clutched your pillow tighter as you sobbed into it, until you heard the fighting die down.
Then you heard footsteps approaching and a knock on your door. Thinking it was your brother, you said he could come in. You sat up as the door opened, only for you to scowl when you saw JJ standing in your doorway.
“What do you want? Here to make me cry some more?” you tried to sound intimidating, but your voice wobbled as you spoke.
JJ sighed and shook his head, shutting the door behind him and walking over to you, sitting down next to you on your bed. You shifted away from him, eyeing him warily.
“I’m sorry,” JJ said so quietly that for a second you thought you had imagined it.
“What…?” you asked, almost in disbelief that he had actually apologized.
“I shouldn't have said all that shit to you. We do want you here. I- I want you here.” JJ couldn’t bring himself to look at you as he spoke, he was too ashamed to after all that he had said to you.
You hummed in acknowledgment, not knowing what to say in response. JJ eventually lifted his head, looking over at you and debating with himself over whether or not he should ask you the question he’s been thinking about for the past twenty minutes.
“I know we don’t exactly get along and all, but why were you so against kissing me? I mean- I’m not that disgusting to you, am I?”
You sighed, looking over at him, just now realizing how much closer he had gotten to you.
“No, it’s just- I’ve never kissed anyone before. And I wanted it to be special, and with someone who actually felt the same way about me,” you were so embarrassed about admitting to JJ that you’d never kissed someone before, that you didn’t realize you had inadvertently confessed your feelings to him.
His eyes widened slightly as he looked at you. “You have feelings for me?”
Your face fell as you realized what you had just said. “N-no! No, I don’t. I just meant that I wanted it to be with someone I liked and who liked me. I- I wasn’t implying that I liked you, that wasn’t what I was saying at all,” you rambled out, stumbling over your words in your panic.
“Kie already told me that you liked me, I just didn’t believe her.”
Your eyes widened, and you wanted nothing more than for your mattress to open up and swallow you whole. “I- I uhm… She- uhh,” you tried to come up with an explanation, something to get you out of the situation Kie had gotten you in, but you couldn’t think of anything to say.
“It’s true, isn’t it? You like me,” JJ said, something almost like astonishment on face. Burying his face in his hands, JJ groaned in frustration as he laid back on your bed. “God, I’m such an idiot.”
That… was not the response you were expecting. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you looked over at him.
“I mean, I’m not saying I disagree, but why exactly are you saying you're an idiot?”
JJ pulled his hands off his face and looked over at you, still laying down on your bed. “I’m in love with you. God, I’ve been in love with you pretty much since elementary school. I just never thought you would feel the same, so I started being a dick to you just so I could interact with you in some way without you ever thinking I had feelings for you.”
Your eyes widened before you let out a huff of laughter. “You’re right, JJ. You are an idiot. We could’ve been together for years right now if you weren’t such a coward.”
He grimaced at your choice of words before shrugging them off. “Yeah, I probably deserved that. But does this mean that you’d still be interested in being with me? If the whole me being an asshole thing didn’t mess things up that is.”
“I don’t know. I guess that depends on if you're still gonna be a dick to me or not.”
JJ instantly sat up, looking at you almost pleadingly. “Never again. I promise, I’ll be nice to you and I’ll treat you right. I know I definitely don’t deserve it, but do you think that you could maybe give me a chance..?”
You nodded, smiling softly at him. As much as he’d hurt you with his words, you couldn’t deny your feelings for him. Something kept pulling you back to him, and you would hate yourself forever if you didn’t even try, just to see where things could go.
JJ smiled, shifting to face you and taking your hands in his. “So, how about we complete that dare?”
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Kinktober day 23
Marc Spector + Oral fixation
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This is just Marc with stuff in his mouth tbh.
Kinktober list
Marc had always loved having things in his mouth, his thumb, toys, any necklace he wore, the list went on. Now experts said this stemmed from not being cared enough for as an infant or young child, and that might be true in some way if you asked Marc. He had thought he had grown out of this phase of his as he got older, but in reality, he just found less obvious ways of having stuff in his mouth.
Cigarettes, lollipops, pens. On nights where he was feeling extremely desperate whilst pulling at his cock, he subconsciously brought his other hand to his mouth to suck on his fingers, his tongue running between them and getting spit all over his palm. On nights where he allowed himself to indulge, he always came hard enough to see white and have to lay still to catch his breath afterwards.
When the two of you got together, along with Steven and Jake, Marc never really thought of bringing up just how desperate he was to have things in his mouth. It had become an everyday thing, so it was nothing special that needed to be talked about. Though he couldn’t help but come near the front when Jake was choking on your dick, or when Steven was wetting your fingers so you could stretch him open. The other two obviously felt when Marc was paying attention, and had both been teasing him about his apparent obsession with sucking and gagging on you.
It wasn’t to say the two of you weren’t getting physical, you were, more so than you were with Steven and Jake actually, but Marc never sucked you off or let himself be brave enough to drag your hand to his mouth so he could wrap his lips around your fingers. A part of him thought he might lose himself in the action if he did, and he was embarrassed at just how badly he wanted to do just that, it was starting to become somewhat of a problem as Marc let himself stew in his negative thoughts and become distracted by it.
When Marc got hit by an attack he could easily have avoided during knight business, Steven and Jake both agreed that they had to do something about it, because Marc was getting hurt denying himself something he truly wanted. Taking Stevens approach first, much to Jakes annoyance, they tried to talk to him first, though to no one’s surprise Marc didn’t see a problem and shut himself off when they tried to press the issue.
When that didn’t work, they decided to go with Jakes plan, which wasn’t hard to put into action. That night when you got home Jake had been quick to kiss you and rub you down, barely letting you get your jacket and shoes off before he had dragged you to the bedroom. Placing you at the end of the bed he had dropped to his knees and undone your pants skillfully quick, his tongue running over his bottom lip as he gave you a few jerks before taking your length in his mouth.
As expected, Marc seemed to be subtly paying attention as their mouth was filled, your length quickly hardening as you ran your hand through Jakes hair. When you were fully hard and Marc somewhat distracted by the weight on their tongue, Jake switched out and forced Marc to the front. Marc choked at the sudden change of perspective, his hands gripping at your thighs as he froze, his bopping coming to a stop as your tip just barely touched the back of his throat.
Seeming to notice that it wasn’t Jake anymore, you removed your hand from his hair and looked down in worry. When it became clear it was Marc, you tried to carefully dislodge him from your length and ask if he was alright, but to your surprise he resisted being moved. You had always thought Marc hated going down on someone since he always seemed to struggle with the concept and seem strongly put-off by it, but as he started slowly bopping his head between your thighs that theory was becoming less plausible.
Marc could almost feel his eyes roll back into his head as he started sucking, his tongue rubbing over the underside of your length as he pressed it as far into his mouth as he could get. He gave a soft gag and choke as he forgot to breath for a second, gulping a few breaths of air in through his nose as his grip on your thighs loosened. The room quickly became filled with the noises of your moaning and the wet sounds of Marc moving at an almost desperate pace between your thighs.
He seemed to almost preen under your touch as you ran your hand through his hair, his eyes shut and eyelids fluttering as he swallowed around you, spit dribbling down his chin and into your lap. Marc seemed to get pleasure from just having you in his mouth, he didn’t even seem focused on getting you to cum as his movements grew less desperate until he came to a stop. Your cock was fully inside his mouth, his nose against your abdomen as he softly suckled on your length, tongue running over your length as he seemed more and comfortable just holding you there, cockwarming you.
The two of you stayed like this were a while, Marc lazily palming between his legs at his own hardness as he kept you in his mouth, his eyes shut in an almost peaceful expression. Yet at some point he seemed to regain the fire he had had before, moving his head up and down at a more sedate pace, slurping up most of his spit so he wouldn’t spill even more into your lap. As Marc grew closer, he doubled his efforts on your cock, deepthroating every now and then and tonguing at your tip, his grip on himself moving faster as he did so.
You could feel it through your entire body as you came, it started as a tingle in your toes and traveled all the way up to the top of your head as you flooded his mouth, Marc making quick work on swallowed it all down with a couple of audible gulps. He held your softening length in his mouth as he got himself off, shooting white across his hand as he finished, tiny moans leaving him as he did so.
You both sat in silence for a while, panting as you regained your breath. Marc finally pulled his mouth off your length, though he looked like he hated doing it and truly wanted to stay there and keep sucking on you forever. Reaching down you pulled him up onto the bed and scooted you both back until you hit the pillows, Marc wiping his own release on his pants or shirt for later.
You didn’t question Marc when he hesitantly grabbed your hand and placed two of your fingers between his lips and started to suckle, his eyes half lid and pupils blown wide. You just kissed him on the forehead and cuddled him close, enjoying the sensation of his tongue flattening across the pads of your fingers.
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gay-dorito-dust · 5 months
You may request A batboys reacting to the death of the reader
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First time writing for Tim, so he’s probs ooc in this one.
Dick feels as though he’s failed you.
He tries to act like he was fine but he was far from it and everyone knew it as they stepped on eggshells with him during this time.
Dick would often find himself sat on the very rooftops where he’d take you on countless dates or just to star gaze and talk as though you were still with him.
It was his own way of comforting himself with your loss but that was never enough to stop the tears that fell from his eyes when he spotted a bright star he’s never seen before until now, and laughs humourlessly.
‘I see you’ve finally made your way amongst the stars huh sweetheart?’ He’d say as your star would twinkle in response, making him chuckle. ‘You’re so beautiful, the brightest of your kind.’ He adds sombrely as he wipes his eyes with the back of his hand as he felt his heart sing out for you, only to receive nothing in return.
Reality was often disappointing but with you it was a fairy tale.
Waking up to you was a dream within itself and getting to do mundane things with you before heading off to work was something that could only exist in a daydream.
He knew Hayley misses you as badly as he does with how he’d hear the poor dog whine and whimper at the door, as if waiting for you to walk through it and tackle her with kisses and love like you always did, only to get nothing for hours.
‘I know, I miss them too.’ He says against Hayley’s fur as she whimpers and whines at the door. ‘I miss them so fucking much it hurts.’ He adds as he allows himself to mourn for you alongside his dog long into the night.
Jason blames himself for not being fast enough or strong enough to keep you protected and safe.
The apartment you once shared with him that only recently had started to feel like home to him now felt cold and haunted with the ghost of you, so much so to the point he avoids it at all cost.
Nothing felt right without you, everything felt wrong and unjustified that he became more ruthless then before on patrols just to let off some steam and would come back from them more beaten and bruised then normal.
He didn’t care, he couldn’t feel anything anymore with how numb he became after loosing you.
Dick and Roy would stop by to see how he was doing but each visit was the same with Jason refusing his older brother and best friend entry as he held one of your plushies tightly against his chest. He knows they mean well but he just couldn’t find it within himself to hear the same thing he’s heard from everyone else; It just felt disingenuous after a while and didn’t feel as though people truly understood the impact that you had on him throughout your time together.
Jason would become more destructive with himself and going headfirst into danger without a second thought and damns his teammates for dragging him out by the scruff of his neck as he fights and kicks out of their hold. He doesn’t want to be saved! He just wanted to be with you again, why couldn’t they see that?!
After loosing you Jason becomes more prone to angry outbursts and often lets them out on the wrong person but he couldn’t care less at this point, his favourite person was gone and he was left back where he was before you.
Lost and deeply afraid.
Tim would retreat from everyone and everything by cooping himself into his room, rarely to come out.
He’d rather rot in his bed and on his phone, looking through all the photos you’ve taken together and seeing just how happy you both were, all the while a pit in his stomach grew at the thought of all the plans you’ve made but would never get to do.
He hated how easily he gave you his heart and hated it even more at just how easy it was to loose you that he wishes that he could stop himself from meeting you for the first time, just so he could selfishly save himself from the best moments of his life and the inevitable heartbreak he’d soon suffer.
Tim would do anything in his power to get you back but knew that it just wasn’t possible.
He knew Jason was given life by the Lazarus pit but he wasn’t willing to subject you to that even if he was held at gunpoint. He’d rather you rest in peace than force you to live with the knowledge that you should technically be dead.
Tim would remain in his room, wondering about the what ifs and the what could’ve beens if you hadn’t died. Would someone have taken your place? Was your death an unchangeable fixed point in time that was meant to happen?
He would only be reunited with you in his dreams where he has saved you and you had gotten to live out the rest of your life happily, rather then left for dead in an alleyway not too far from the place where you were originally going to meet up for date night.
Damian dedicated his life to getting revenge.
He had lost the light in his life, so why should he think his adversaries should live when you weren’t even given the option?
There will be more bodies pilling up on the streets of Gotham at a faster rate than normal whenever Damian is on patrol, much to Bruce’s dismay.
His anger and grief was all consuming and that left little to no room for logic to make him stop and see what he was doing was no better than the thing that took you away.
Life was black and white for a long time for Damian and you were the colour.
You were the air he breathed and without you he was gasping.
He knew about the Lazarus pit in his grandfather’s possession and its mythical properties and how it gave Jason a second chance at life. However he was at a cross roads on using it for his own selfish gain, on one hand he could have you back and everything would be fine again, but on the other hand you wouldn’t be the version of you he fell in love with…
Damian didn’t know what to do. The grief, the anger, the sadness…it was all too much for him. He felt as though he apart of him was missing and he would never get it back, it just wasn’t possible.
Bruce feels as though nothing has changed since his parents death.
He may be older, faster, stronger and wiser but that didn’t mean nothing in the face of death, and your death only proved that to be true as he held you in his arms, holding you close to his chest as he quietly sobs into your cold neck.
Much like Tim, Bruce doesn’t take care of himself anymore and it was up to Alfred to make sure that he doesn’t keep over and die unexpectedly.
‘They wouldn’t want this for you sir.’ Alfred would say as Bruce slams his hands down on the surface of his desk. ‘And what would you know that they want for me Alfred, y/n’s dead and it’s my fault.’ He would bark and bare his teeth at the only father figure he had in his life, a father figure whom has seen this expression bore on the young master’s face more times then he could count, but it still hurt him to see Bruce in pain and heartbreak.
‘They would want you to take care of yourself, sleep proper hours, eat full meals, shower, reach out to anyone,’ Alfred began to walk towards Bruce and place a hand on his shoulder, where he could practically feel the unbridled anger and pain radiation through him that he kept under control. ‘They wouldn’t want you to wallow in pain alone, Gotham needs you.’
‘And I needed them.’ Bruce replied sharply, aggressively wiping his eyes with his hand as he looks over at a framed picture of you that he always kept nearby. ‘All I wanted was them.’ He adds softly this time as he looks at Alfred, lost and confused at what to do now that his anchor was gone. ‘I miss them so much Alfred.’
Alfred brings Bruce into his arms, much like he did when he lost his parents, when he lost Jason and now you, allowing him to burrow his face into the Butler’s shoulder and softly sob into the fabric. Alfred felt his heart break even more as he rubbed Bruce’s back in an attempt of bringing him comfort. ‘I know master Bruce, I know, but you’d be doing their memory a great disservice by destroying yourself.’ The older man started as he looked over at the framed picture of you and smiled soberly, you were a beacon to Bruce and Alfred wasn’t afraid to say that he viewed you as his in law with how happy you made Bruce and that was all Alfred could ever want for him.
Now that you were gone, Alfred couldn’t help but feel that the manor got just that little bit lonelier without you.
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starr666 · 11 months
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No Sleep in the Sheets
IB: Sex with a Ghost by Teddy Hyde
gn!reader;unspecified reader parts
Cw: angst???, light smut???, mentions of hallucinating, light knife-play???, sadzawa, idk what im doing???
minors dni
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Context??: You are Aizawa’s past lover that passed away in a tragic accident. Aizawa struggles with the reality of what has happened and even started having hallucinations …or at least that's what he thought it was.
…One…two…THREE empty Coors Light boxes scattered across the room as the sleep deprived pro-hero tried to drown out his sorrows. To wash away the pain of seeing your reflection in the mirror once more after his shower.
“I’m going fucking crazy” he mutters to himself, wiping the stray tear that fought to fall down as the glass bottle hits the hardwood floor. There it goes again, the random wafts of your thrifted perfume that you wore often when you first started dating flooded his senses. He picks up another bottle, removing the spiked cap with his calloused fingers to inhale the yeast stench that overpowered your flowery but rustic scent, even if its effect only worked for less than a minute.
You couldn’t take it anymore. Not seeing your lover cope in such a way. It's been weeks. He already barely gets a wink of sleep on a daily basis but lately Aizawa has been going on 3 day long benders, stumbling into work despite being given paid leave to deal with the grief. Always trying to save everyone but himself.
Ghosts are not to interfere with the daily lives of the living, no matter how badly it hurts to see.
“He seems so lonely”,you found yourself whispering every now and then as you watched him from various spots in the now trashed apartment you shared. It was often followed by a soft cringe from him…as he could hear the sharp and piercing version of your voice. He just chalked it up to paracusia.
wOOSH, you snatch up the bottle from his weak grasp
He stares at the floating bottle making its way to the dresser with wide eyes.
“This isn’t the way, my love.” you whisper, knowing he will flinch from the altered version of your once light and comforting voice. You needed to find a way to tell him that you were there. You find your legs making their way over to your side of the bed that he refused to sleep on and you pull him into you.
“Y-Y/N?” He stuttered in confusion. He had so many questions but they were muffled as he found himself sinking into your familiar warmth. His 5 senses being fulfilled by you.
Your smell, even if it wasn’t real, the comfort the smell brought him was too much to pass up. He found himself wrapping his arms around your figure and nuzzling his head where your neck would be.He missed your touch. He felt your small kisses showering his forehead. Being able to feel him again just made you want to do more. And luckily, he still knew your body like the back of his hand. ‘Just a taste’, the both of you think before finding yourselves in a deep kiss. One filled with love, hurt, and desperation. His kisses were still a bit sloppy due to the beer but who cared when your tongues danced their familiar tango? Hearing your soft pants that overrode his whines as he used his knee to get you aroused while your hand rubbed and squeezed at his ever-growing bulge. The sight of the knife you kept in the dresser next to the bed from your friskier nights together against gently pressing against his stomach as you rode his length. The knife pressing deeper into him as your hole consumed him further.
The familiar pain only turned him on more, which was apparent in the way his member twitched inside of you, ready to burst as blood began to trickle down to where both parties’ joint arousal pooled.
“Shit, you still take that dick like a champ…”,he mutters under his breath, struggling to keep his composure but with the sounds of your bodies colliding it was impossible. You use your free hand to choke him, hard. He relishes in the feeling, being completely fine if this ended up being the thing that meant he’d be able to be with you again.
“Gonna c-cum- ah shit-“ he curses through his release, his thick spurts of cum coating your walls, causing you to also finish. You both let out heavy breaths as you recover. You subconsciously let your ghoulish body rest upon his chest, a gentle sigh escaping his lips from the feeling. Neither of you are moving in fear of the consequences of this.
Bonus Angst based on Francesca by Hozier
Aizawa’s dream that night included fleeting flashes of your memories together as he feels the ghost of his lover slipping away slowly as you’re drawn back to the afterlife to deal with the consequences of engaging with the living. You either have to kill him, or he’ll have to have all memories of you two together wiped so he can move on.
“Heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I” is what you mutter to yourself as you have to watch the memories of you two being extracted from his brain.
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shieldofiron · 2 years
Cry Me an Ocean (Runaways)
Co-written with @discodeviant and also on ao3
Steve and Billy have been just hooking up for months now, and Billy cries pretty much every time they have sex. He tells Steve it's automatic, he can't help it and Steve thinks it's kind of cute, after he gets over the initial panic.
He cries when Steve presses kisses into the back of his neck while he rolls his hips into him, cries when he goes down on Steve, lets Steve brush the tears away with his thumbs. And he cries when he’s inside Steve, presses his face into the crook of Steve’s neck and groans when Steve tells him how good it feels.
So when Billy's making plans to leave town at last, he goes over to Steve’s for one last time. He knows they aren’t dating so he promised himself he won’t say anything. But in the heat of the moment… he doesn't want to cry, because he doesn't want to close his eyes and miss this moment.
He just looks down at this… boy, who he can’t bring himself not to care for, and even though his eyes burn, he holds back, praying Steve doesn't mention it because then he'll cry harder than he ever has. He just couldn't take it if Steve knew how he felt, he'd just rip in half.
Steve brushes the curl off of Billy’s forehead, and presses a kiss to the cheek that’s normally wet with tears. He can tell something's going on. Something's not clicking and he hates that he doesn't know what it is and can't figure it out. Steve’s been feeling it since the moment Billy waltzed through the door. But he doesn’t even know how the hell he could start to figure it out. Because how the hell could he? They fuck and Billy cries, he doesn't know anything else about the guy.
Afterwards he holds Billy and he decides… fuck it, "I never thought I'd say I missed the crying. You ok?"
Billy tries with everything he has to keep his voice even, "Yeah, pretty boy, I'm good."
But he's not good at all and it's really obvious. His voice cracks, and he's trembling. Steve rubs his back gently and Billy doesn't want to fucking leave, but he knows he has to. It's killing him because he was so sure… and now he's torn all to pieces because he let himself get attached.
Steve just rubs his back and whispers, "You know... I'm more than just a big dick... I have pretty big ears too... good for listening…”
Which makes Billy laugh, which makes him really cry.
"Yeah you do have pretty big fuckin' ears." He touches one and just fucking loses it because he's never been intimate with somebody like this, where he just wants to know and hold every itty bitty detail even down to Steve’s ears.
Steve just kisses his tears away, “So, who am I beating up?”
 "Me, because I'm fucking stupid." California bound and leaving the one person he's ever actually fallen in love with. Fuck, he's really done it now.
Steve just laughs, "Aww, i'd never beat you up. Like you too much."
Billy can only look at him, at his rumpled hair in the dim room, and think, it'd hurt less than leaving you.
But he can’t completely bring himself to say it. Not now, not when he feels like he could shatter from another soft word.
He’d planned to leave in the morning but he falls asleep under Steve’s soothing touch and wakes up in Steve's arms and in the morning light. And it all seems even stupider than ever.
Steve wakes a few moments after Billy sits up and tries to take a few deep breaths to calm himself, and swipe at the tears that have escaped down his cheeks.
Steve reaches a hand out and brushes Billy’s side, “You slept ov-”
“I’m leaving.”
“Well, it’s kind of early, but yeah, you don’t have to stay,” Steve pulls back and runs a hand through his hair.
“No. I’m leaving Hawkins.”
Steve inhales, "You're leaving?"
"Shit, Steve, I don't know anymore--"
"For how long? Where? When?"
Billy cries harder, burning his face in his hands and trying to stifle the noises.
Steve just frowns, "Damn. And I was going to ask you to go to California with me."
Billy freezes, but tears keep rolling down his face.
"I was thinking in the fall," Steve shrugs, "When it starts to get cold. A-as friends... or... I dunno... anyway, you know all the spots to go."
Billy exhales shakily, and turns to look at him. Steve’s so… everything. So plain yet overwhelming, curled up in his navy sheets with his morning breath.
"Friends. Yeah, alright.”
But it's dripping with sarcasm and they both damn well know it, and it's quiet for a while. They're still sticky with sweat but Billy's still there, he hasn't left yet, and he asks, "Would you really come with me?"
Steve reaches out, tentatively, and pulls Billy back into the bed, back against Steve’s chest.
And Billy has to whisper, "It has to be now. Today. My Dad's gone."
The next time Billy cries is when Steve lays him down in the motel bed in Nebraska.
Billy thinks he's being selfish about the whole thing because he wants– needs– Steve so fucking badly. And yeah, maybe it's the most insane and reckless thing Steve has done in his goddamn life, but he needs Billy too. So, Nebraska for a night. Then Nevada, and that's when Steve cries.
Billy stops riding him, shaking hands digging into Steve’s face, "Is it home? Do you want to go back? I wouldn't have–"
Steve just swipes at his face and lays a hand over Billy’s, "Nah. I just realized I'm in love with you. It's cool."
Billy just looks down at him for a moment, bleary because he's starting to cry too, and everything's slowing down. Steve is fucking beautiful inside and out, and Steve is in love with him, and Steve is at a motel with him in Reno-fucking-Nevada because he wanted to go with him. So he leans over and kisses the fuck out of Steve, and they're both crying. Billy starts riding him again all slow and overwhelmed but it's the best night either of them have ever had.
Billy doesn't think too much about saying it back because he's not the best with words like that, but by then he bets that Steve likes to hear those things out loud. So when they're worn out and snuggling up for the night, he gets real close to Steve's ear and whispers, "You know I'm in love with you too." 
Steve nods. "Yeah, man. You ran away with me. You love me so bad"
Billy snorts, hiding his face in Steve's neck, "Shut the fuck up"
When Billy sees the ocean again, he doesn’t cry. He just looks, hand folded into Steve’s. He doesn’t cry when the sun sets, and they sit on the beach until it turns cold.
But that night, when Steve pressed him against the door to their little cheap motel room, and kisses down his throat, he chokes on a sob.
“We did it,” Steve murmurs against Billy’s clavicle. “We did it.”
Billy grips Steve’s shoulder, plying his fingers through the hair at the nape of Steve’s neck.
“You’re free, Billy,” Steve whispers, “It’s okay.”
Billy can’t help it. Same as loving Steve, he can’t stop himself from crying. It’s automatic.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
well now that your ocs have been brought to my attention I can’t stop thinking about them 😭 so that led me to think about if justin and reader were dating before, doesn’t that mean everyone was trying to kill him too?
I answered this thrice and every time it got deleted for absolutely no reason.
Tumblr. Why?
I’m not mad anymore just tired 😭 This happened to my Batfam x Deadpool reader + other drafts too wtf
Thank you for your curiosity over my babies though anon! It gave me the motivation to write this several times over lmfao
warnings: mentions of dick size, tons of justin (yandere ex & jock) slander, slander towards filipinos cause i hate my fellow countrymen sometimes, attempted murder, cheating (by reader)
[ previous ask for context ]
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So, Justin is pretty smart. He knew what he was getting into from the beginning. He knew the risks. He knew that he’d potentially get killed.
His archetype is morseso based on the bad boy who’s smart rather than the usual jock. I’m thinking of making someone else the himbo or even making a bimbo/thembo but we’ll see.
So, despite his grades being rock bottom due to the Yan! Faculty, Yan! Student Council, and Yan! Rich Students teaming up to end his academic life, they can’t change his wrinkly brain.
Justin prepared every meal of his (male wife material fr fr) and shared them with you to squash any attempts at poisoning.
He got buff(er) and attended Aikido + Boxing lessons to help defend himself when he’s apart from you.
Did I mention he’s like, the tallest, buffest dude in school? (Which isn’t a huge achievement in a school set in my universe’s version of the Philippines.)
( Fun Fact: Midnight Darling is set just a little south east of The Guest is God )
Canonically speaking, my character design sketches of him is just the genderbent version of the mc. Albeit his fashion sense included less b l a c k and is leaning more to the basic sports for brains guy style. So he technically is on equal footing with you in everything if not excels more.
But he’s unfortunately late to the party.
And he gets slandered to hell and back every single day.
I mean, if they can’t kill him in the physical sense, might as well emotionally damage him til he breaks, right?
Your poor goons had to pull a lot of strings and delete so many goddamn posts about him. Many rumors and articles were about his appearance, his terrible grades and how he’s definitely not worthy of you. A lot of those posts shit on his dick size.
Your goons mostly did it for your approval, they couldn’t care less about him. They also made sure to destroy the social lives of those that questioned your decision to date him. Sure, they sooner want him dead and all, but arguing against the decision of your being was utterly disgraceful. Horrid to even think about doing.
In addition to all that, you had to publicly cheat on him just to lessen some of the blows. He has received so much footage of you being with someones else that people have begin to add that he likes getting cucked to all the rumors that has piled up.
And don’t get me wrong, most if not all your harem are down bad masochists, but it still hurts seeing you with someone else.
Yeah, Justin would have already lost his sanity with the shit he has to deal with everyday if he were anything close to normal.
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klbwriting · 7 months
Broken Prism
Chapter 27 - The End
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: none
Summary: the aftermath of everything
Notes: I thought this was going to be 2 chapters, but it fits better as 1 I think, thank you everyone who enjoyed this and liked, replied, reblogged, you're all wonderful
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Jason knew living in Wayne manor wasn’t going to work a few days after that night. YN wandered the halls the day of the funerals for Jocelyn and Aura, still in a stupor. She had been like this for three days. She had stopped talking to any of the Waynes, even Alfred could only get a few words from her. She barely slept, didn’t eat, and Jason knew she was seeing Dr. Thompkins nearly three hours every day, she was struggling but not showing him. He knew now exactly what it was like dealing with him and he didn’t know how anyone could stand him. He just wanted her to open up, to talk to him. Even if she blamed him for everything he still wanted to know, to help her.
“Hey, come on, its time,” he said, gently taking her arm to lead her to the car. She nodded and followed him, gripping his arm tight. He was glad she clung to him; glad she had put the ring back on after getting back that night. She needed time, he knew that, but it still hurt to see her grief. They got in the car, and she looked out the window the whole drive, but she held his hand like if she let him go he would disappear too. He watched her, seeing her taking deep breaths, looking up to keep tears in. She wanted to be strong.
The service was small, the girls’ families only, along with Jason and YN. Bruce, Tim, and Dick were there, but stayed far back. Bruce had taken care of the funeral costs, citing a nonprofit he had to take care of those that were victims of the criminals of the city. Jason hoped he kept it, didn’t just create it for this moment. YN spoke, keeping her composure the whole time, until finally everyone had left, and she watched the coffins lower into the ground. Then she started sobbing, the sound echoing in the quiet cemetery. Jason grabbed onto her, and she clung to him.
“Do you want to stay longer?” he whispered as she calmed down. She shook her head and he led her back to the car.
“I know you’re worried about me,” she said softly as they drove back. He looked at her, feeling relief wash over him. She was talking to him again. “I just needed to get through this without anyone telling me that they were sorry or that it wasn’t my fault. I needed to process life without my best friends. Everyone acts like the only deaths that matter are the romantic ones, a lover dies tragically, but this hurts too. I haven’t felt this much paid since you died.” He kissed her hand softly.
“Why don’t we get away to that cabin?” Jason asked. She nodded. “We’ll pack as soon as we get back. You can keep doing your sessions with Dr Thompkins remotely and anything you need I’ll get for you ok?”
“Thank you, Jason,” she said, leaning into him as the car trudged back towards the manor, which looked less like home and more of a reminder of the pain.
You were finished packing, waiting for Jason to go around the city, closing down safehouses and getting gear to other locations so they wouldn’t be found while he was gone. You could feel Bruce watching you from the doorway of the bedroom. You nodded that he could come in and he did, sitting down at the desk chair.
“Jason killed all of them…” he started but you glared at him.
“If this is you coming in here to wax poetic about his moral failings, I will punch you again and I won’t stop,” you said, in no mood for his Batman bullshit.
“No, that’s not what I was going to talk about. I just wanted to remind you that those people who did this are not coming back. They are gone from this earth, we cremated them so that they couldn’t come back. I know that this house is not a safe place for you anymore, its tainted for both of you now, but you are welcome any time. Jason doesn’t know if he will come back to Gotham after you leave,” he said. You nodded. You weren’t sure you wanted to come back either, but you needed more time to figure that out. “I hate saying this but sometimes Jason is right. I don’t think he has to murder so many, but some people are not able to be saved. This city seems to attract people like that, its cursed I swear.”
“Jason told me about the curse your family put on this place,” you said. “Even if it was something like that you know that you don’t have to stay here paying that penance right?” Bruce was silent. “Either way, if Jason and I come back it won’t be to this house. You will never let Jason really be himself here and I can’t be here, not anymore. I fall asleep and see nothing but my friends’ bodies, that fucking pig mask, that doctor. I’m not sure if I’ll ever stop seeing them.”
“I know, I have nightmares like that too, about…Selina,” he said softly. You looked at him. You had never heard him mention a specific person before.
“Selina?” you asked. He nodded. He got a far away look in his eyes before looking down.
“She was the person who made world burst into color. She was a cat burglar…”
“Catwoman?” you asked, shocked. He nodded. “I’m so sorry.” You had heard that she had been killed by Bane after Bruce’s back had been broken. Nightwing had taken over for a long time and many wondered if Batman was dead.
“She was brave, and beautiful, and I couldn’t protect her. Honestly, when Jason said that you were using yourself as bait I was sent back to that night, Bane attacking, Selina distracting him while I tried to take him down. My back, then watching as he…” he trailed off and you just nodded. “I’m grateful that Jason got you back, that none of my kids have ever had to see their soulmates like that. I want you to get away with him, and if you stay away, just be happy with him. Make him happy.”
“I will,” you said. Bruce nodded, standing and heading to the door. Jason walked in just as he walked out, taking a few minutes to say goodbye, and you looked at him.
“Ready?” he asked. You nodded and headed downstairs. Dick and Tim were in the foyer to see you off, each hugging you tightly and wishing you well. It felt like an ending, like everything was going to change forever. And you knew it would.
Two years later
Bruce stalked the rooftops of North Gotham, doing a patrol that was almost pointless by now. This place was safe, he knew it was. Jason thought he was sneaky, coming back to the city a few months ago, but making sure that he was never seen. Red Hood was a fairytale criminals told each other, a guy from years ago that had vanished. He wasn’t back, couldn’t be back. Then someone would get busted for trafficking in teenage boys and they’d be found floating in the river, a single hole in their head. Bruce still didn’t like it but not even he knew where Jason was to try and stop him. Not that he was putting in a lot of effort honestly. He patrolled like he didn’t believe in the rumors, keeping his eyes out just in case he spotted Jason somewhere.
It was just getting dark tonight, meaning Bruce would need to move to other parts of the city, ones that actually needed patrolling, when he noticed someone walking near a park. He stopped and stared. YN, he would know her face anywhere. She was pushing a stroller, and he heard a cry coming from it. As silently as he could he moved closer, perching on a lamppost above her, watching quietly. She opened the protective covering of the stroller and lifted out a baby, maybe almost a year old, dark white and a streak of white right in the front.
“I know the Batman is there Jocelyn,” she said softly. Bruce froze, seeing YN look up at him. She nodded silently. She kissed the calmed baby, putting her back in the stroller. “You can come down and meet her.” Bruce dropped to the ground, walking over slowly.
“How long…”
“You know how long we’ve been here,” she said, letting him peek in at the now sleeping child. “He knows you know he’s here too; you don’t have to skulk around.”
“I don’t skulk,” Bruce said, and she laughed. It was nice to hear. “Will you ever contact us?”
“Yes, someday,” she said.
“Can you tell him we miss him?” Bruce asked. YN nodded. He took a step back and flew off into the night.
You sat in bed that night, waiting for Jason to get back from his patrol. You heard him go into Jocelyn’s room first, greeting his daughter first in the helmet voice and then with it off. He said it was to make sure she was never scared of Red Hood, she needed to know that he was safe. He got her settled back to sleep again before coming into your bedroom, going into the bathroom as Red Hood and coming out half an hour later as Jason again.
“I talked to Bruce tonight,” you said as he slid into bed next to you, pulling you to him like he did every night.
“He finally decided to show himself?” he asked. You shook your head.
“No he thought he was being sneaky, but I always know when one of you are around,” you said. “Introduced him to Jocelyn, he wanted to know if you would contact him again. They miss you.” You heard him sigh in the darkness, gripping you just a little tighter.
“Are you ready to see them again?” he asked. You looked at him. You hoped he hadn’t kept himself away just because he thought you needed this space. You had told him you were fine, the grief and pain were just a dull ache that you knew would never fully go away, but you could handle things now.
“Yes, I am,” you said. He nodded.
“I promise I’ll call them tomorrow,” he said, “but right now I just want to be here with you.” You smiled and fell asleep with Jason, sometimes the Red Hood, sometimes broken, but always your soulmate.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 2 months
Lily of the Valley
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Jason Todd dies and comes back to life. As the League takes him in, he navigates his morality and family values over the years.
Chapters: 26/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Talia al Ghul, Ra’s al Ghul, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Sheila Haywood
Relationships: Jason Todd/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Immortal Jason Todd, League of Assassins Jason Todd, Protective Talia al Ghul, Good Parent Talia al Ghul, Jason Todd Needs a Hug, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Hurt/Comfort, Adopted Children, Resurrected Jason Todd
Chapter Twenty-Six: Houma Way From Houma
After his first two years alone, traveling and learning as much as he could, Jason trained with a woman who, at first feared him and his potential. She turned him away initially, but after weeks of begging, she allowed him in. Her training was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. It was grueling and left him with frightening visions. He kept them hidden from her, fearing that she’d use them as an excuse to end his training. The hours were long, and he didn’t sleep even when he had time to. He fasted most of the week at her request, but it made the visions worse. 
Jason trained with experts in everything from chemistry to cybercrime but something about this woman was different. She tested him in every way that mattered. It was like she wanted to break him without killing him, and she’d gotten dangerously close on a summer day in Louisiana. She delved inside his mind to take a walk through his thoughts. He always consented to it despite the discomfort he felt at the thought of her touching his memories, like fingers through a file cabinet. This time felt different, though. He was mildly aware of what went on outside of his mind and something was wrong. It made his heart race and his chest felt tight and heavy. “Where are we? You moved my body,” Jason whispered. 
“You’re being buried alive as we speak, but I want you to let go of that fear—.”
“No! Nonononono! Not again, please! Let me out! Let me out, please—.”
“Jason, calm down. You’ve trained with me all this time. I’m going to release your mind, and you’ll have an hour to use what I’ve taught you to get out,” she interrupted. 
“Please don’t leave me here,” Jason begged, “Please, god—. Please don’t—.” Jason hyperventilated as he awakened in a wooden casket. Tears streamed down his cheeks as his body shut down, and he felt along the walls of the casket. He protected his face, inhaling as much air as he could while he searched for a way out. He’d done it before, but it was different this time. The woman was right. She gave him everything he needed to escape. He relaxed, feeling energy travel through his body, and he touched the small crease of separation between the casket. 
“Oh god, please let this work. Let this work,” Jason thought as he blasted the door open. Dirt fell on his face, but he was able to dig his way free from there. He pulled his shirt off and took a breath of fresh air, and he met eyes with the woman. 
“Less than five minutes. Good job, Jason,” she smiled. Jason’s chest heaved up and down as he fought the urge to strike out at her. Tears streamed down his dirt-covered cheeks. “You’re upset. That’s alright… But you shut off the fear. Didn’t you?” 
He couldn’t speak. His lips tightened into a scowl as he sucked in a shaky breath of air, nearly sobbing as he balled his hands into a fist. “Get cleaned up. I’ve taught you everything I can—.”
“What did I do wrong?” Jason asked.
“Nothing… There’s nothing else I can teach you,” she answered. Jason frowned and nodded. “You should leave before nightfall.” 
Jason left her, wondering what was next for him as he headed for the showers. He washed the dirt out of his hair and face, thinking about all the other times the woman buried him alive. It usually left him sick for days afterward, but he felt nothing this time. Once he’d stopped crying, he didn’t care anymore. It all felt like a distant memory. He bathed until there wasn’t a trace of dirt on him, got dressed, packed his bag, and left. 
Jason never carried anything more than one bag during that time. He often left at a moment’s notice, carrying very little. After he killed the first handful of teachers, he decided he’d move quickly from place to place to remain hidden, so he knew he couldn’t stay behind in Louisiana. As much as he liked it there, he had to move on to the next place. Jason blended in well on the streets of Houma, feeling almost at home there. If he wasn’t planning on visiting one more person before returning home, he would’ve liked to stay there. He smiled, thinking about Damian and what it would be like to visit there with him. Before leaving, he decided to have dinner at a seafood restaurant, where he met a young man about his age. 
The restaurant wanted to have the man arrested for not paying for his meal, despite the young man offering to work to pay his debt. Jason’s jaw tightened, and he stood up and walked over. “What you doin’ man?” Jason asked in a feigned cajun accent. “He always do this… Listen, how much is it? We was gon’ pass a good time, have dinner… I say I’m gon’ pay. He so stubborn, knowin’ he forgot his wallet. How much?” 
The waiter looked at the bill, and Jason winked at the young man. The waiter read it out to Jason, and he took the cash out of his wallet and tipped the waiter for his trouble. He and the man left the restaurant, and Jason chuckled on the way out. “Hey, man… I owe you. Where you from? Maybe I can pay you back—.” 
“Don’t worry about it,” Jason smiled. 
“What’s your name? I feel bad not having the money to pay you for the—.”
“Peter,” Jason replied. 
“Well, Peter, I’m Josh… And I’m real grateful for you saving my ass out there,” Josh smiled. Jason shook his head. 
“In another life, we coulda been brothers or somethin’. I’m not gon’ be in the city too much longer, but it was nice to meet you while I could,” Jason replied as they passed an alley. Josh looked at Jason, and Jason noticed a glint in his eye. It wasn’t dangerous. No. It was something else. Josh leaned in to kiss him, and he recoiled. “I’m sorry. I just—. I’m with somebody. I got somebody waitin’ on me.” Jason had to admit to himself that Josh was handsome, and his intentions were sweet and rich-smelling like a summer wine. If he weren’t in love, he would’ve found the smell appetizing, but it only made him ache for what he had. 
“I’m sorry… I misunderstood,” Josh apologized. Jason shut his eyes, chewing his bottom lip as he swallowed the pain the moment brought him, and he hugged Josh. It was all he could do to ease the pain in his own heart. He slipped a wad of cash into Josh’s pocket and rushed off toward the nearest train station. He cried about it as soon as he was alone. The smell lingered on his skin. 
After all his time training under the mystery woman, he’d developed the ability to smell souls. The woman had no explanation for this other than it being a unique gift that his training awakened. A form of magical synesthesia. The more ordinary a person was the more cut and dry the fragrance was. He knew Josh would stick with him for a while. And it hurt. It hurt more than anything he’d felt in a while. Jason cried so hard it made his throat dry. He drank water and slept until he reached his next stop. From there, Jason boarded a plane to Guyana to follow a lead about an illegal land development project in the Amazon.
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theredwritingwitch · 2 years
How to Fuck Your Sister’s “True Love”
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x fem!reader
Summary: After catching your sister going backwards cowgirl on your fiancée, you didn’t think the holiday season couldn’t get any worse, but it could get a thousand times better: especially if you revenge fucked your sister’s “True Love.” Dieter was all too happy to comply!
Word Count: 8.8
Warnings: Cursing, lots of fucks so NSFW, oral (female receiving), fingering, biting, butt plugs, virginial sex (p in v), creampie, unprotected sex, infidelity (but not form reader or Dieter)
Ratings: E 18+
Author’s Note: Loosely based off of one of the reddit AITA posts
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Step One: To Be Fucked Over
He had always told you that he preferred to be on top. He preferred to be the same each time. He liked it quick and simple, like everything in his life. But that seemed to turn around when you walked in on your now ex-fiancé mounted by your own sister. You screamed and sobbed as you saw her ass bounce up and down against his length just as your ex laid back with his hands tied to the bedpost. His face showed blissed out euphoria even as you slammed the door behind you, not even paying attention to the yelling and cursing of your sister falling off your ex’s dick.
Even when you drove away, listening to the ringing and beeping of your phone sound off, you didn’t bother to look back at your traitorous family. You didn’t even comprehend how you got to your friend’s home or how a bottle of wine and a carton of ice cream were both emptied. The giant crack on your phone was unexplainable when you woke up wrecked and depressed the next day. A quick look at yourself in the mirror rewarded you with what you had suspected you looked like: unruly hair pointing every which way, the shine of drool in the corner of your mouth, dark circles under your eyes, and a nice stain of ice cream and wine mixed together on your shirt. 
You didn’t bother to look at your phone, knowing full well it was probably blown up with gossip, exclusives, and bullshit about your breakup. News always did seem to travel fast in the entertainment industry. Soon, if not already, the world would know about a famous actress’ latest flop in her love life and all the juicy gossip of her family’s secret life! You rolled your eyes, knowing how the tabloids would spin this tale.
If only your ex could see you now, he would be begging to take you back, you joked to yourself.
Not that you would want him back, if there was one thing your remembered from the day before, other than the obvious fuck, is that it was agreed between you and your friend that you were under no circumstance going back to that cheating ass ex and betraying loveless sister. They could fuck off for all you cared about, but hopefully not each other anymore because that would hurt more. Still disheveled and disheartened from the long night, your call to your parents was less than ideal; swearing they would have a stern talk to your sister. You fully knew that it would lead up to a whole lot of nothing, as it always did.
But the disappointment led to a new idea. Over a healthy dose of over easy eggs and fried potatoes, you and your friend hatched a plan. One that required you to be completely empty of all your fucks. The two of you asked yourselves: who does your sister love? Who would she be pissed off if you fucked in bed? Who was actually an easy question to answer as you remembered your sister rambling on and on about her “One True Love.” She had each one of his movies downloaded and on dvd. Your sister had even waited long hours and nearly got run over by a car in order to get his autograph (which she never did get.) There were many moments you had caught her editing photos of him on her phone.
Your mind was made up quickly, you needed to fuck Dieter Bravo.
The plan would go as follows: Meet Dieter at the upcoming benefit gala. Introduce yourself, and convey to him the idea of you two fucking. He’ll say yes, cause Dieter is known to say yes to outlandish things, and then the two of you will have paparazzi taking pictures of your date. Then the final piece of the puzzle will be an exclusive pic of you and Dieter together, packaged away as a Christmas present to your sister. 
The invite to the gala would be easy to score on short notice, your latest film was reaching high on all charts and well with many critics, the gala would beg you to attend. Convincing Dieter to join you would be easy, the man attracted gossip and the wild extravagant. Getting him alone probably wouldn’t be all too hard, lately Dieter’s popularity had de-escalated after the Cliff Beast incident. Convincing him to score pictures with the paparazzi might be hard, no one likes being followed. But with the promise of sex you were sure would convince him to overlook the exposer. It could work, you could hear your sister’s cries of disappearing and heartbreak hitting you now. Maybe it would heal your own heart from the betrayal, but it would certainly make you happy, for the time being. 
Yes, no matter now or later, the idea of revenge was set, now all you had to do was to spring the agreement on one Dieter Bravo.
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Step Two: Fucked In The Head
Dieter wished he was engulfed in his robe. He wished he was drowning in kit kats or snoozing in his bed. Hell, he even wished he was high and that’s something he hadn’t thought about in a long time since he went to rehab after Cliff Beasts. Anything would be better than schmoozing his way around a benefit gala. This place was full of golden stars, swirling snowflakes, and cascading holiday lights. The gala was in full holiday swing. It was even full of people he didn’t care for and people who didn’t care for him. The people to his left were all the clique comic book actors, who were all well paid and would donate well to the benefit, but were a little too serious about their roles. To his right were the Oscar chasing actors, brimming with parental issues, drug usage, and able to cry on demand. Ahead of him; producers waiting for their opportunity to gloat about their latest projects, directors running circles away from said producers, and executives jumping in to cut off the producers and directors with their own grand pyramid scheme plans. On the outskirts was Dieter, snacking on the kit kat he hid in his pockets before leaving his house.
There were so many places he would rather be, with so many different people. Although now that he thought about it, there weren’t a lot of people who wanted to be near him. Even after rehab his reputation was shit. People didn’t like the messed up, druggie disaster and they currently didn’t like the boring, old man disaster that he was now. Which is why Anita left him. She needed someone who actually had the same interests as her. His passion for art was weird. Even obsession with his homey comforts was too gross and American for her taste. But Dieter didn’t understand what was gross about lounging in robes and eating kit kats all day.
Dieter roamed his way around the crowds, scoping out drinks or appetizers that came his way. It wasn’t long into the evening that his attention was caught on one singular person who was snaking their way through the crowd straight to him. He watched one of Hollywood's top starlets waltz right up to him in one of the curviest, and sexiest little black dresses he had ever seen. You smiled a rather dopey yet heartfelt smile to him and handed him a kit kat with a definite Japanese label.
“Your agent told me you like kit kats, and I had one of these bad boys left from the last time I was in Japan.” 
He looked over the Japanese packaging with awe and then looked back at you, “Thanks, babe, sorry that I have to ask, but are we…”
You waited for him to end his sentence.
“Well maybe were we…”
Your brow lifted as you continued to wait.
“Have we ever…” Dieter drew a finger between the two of you.
“Fucked? No but we should.” You said it so blatantly that Dieter coughed and nearly dropped his present. Past him would be joyful in your straight forward attitude, current Dieter is well he’s still happy about it but also trepid about your prowess to just be able to demand sex right off the bat. Then again, he’s also turned on.
“Christ honey, that’s not actually what I was asking. Normally people finish the sentence for me with whatever movie they’ve done with me. Although there have been plenty of people in the past who end the sentence with where we’ve done the deed before…now that I think of it.” Dieter mumbled to himself as he walked to a further corner of the room, you followed closely to his steps.
“Listen, I’ve got a bit of a weird question for you.”
“As if it isn’t weird already…” Dieter eyed you. “But I do like weird.”
“Then maybe you’ll like my proposal. I need you to sleep with me,” you paused as Dieter’s eyes nearly sprang out of his head. “And then I need some sort of proof that we were together.”
Dieter was frozen on the spot as his fingers fumbled to opening the kit kat. Here in front of him was one of Hollywood’s A-list actors looking for a hook-up. As well as porn for later? His mind wasn’t comprehending what was being asked of him right now, but he knew his agent wasn’t going to be happy. But there was part of Dieter’s old self that was basking in the heat of the moment…potential moment that is.
“Say that again.”
You sighed, “Let me explain from the top. I caught my sister and ex-fiancé fucking in my bed after I got home early from a photo shoot. Obviously I’m not thrilled by the news that’s roaming all the tabloids, so simply put, I want pay-back and that starts with you. 
“Why me?” Dieter was intrigued now.
“She’s always said that you were her one true love, and she obviously fucked my one true love, or who I thought was my love…”
“And now you want to be fucked by her love,” Dieter nodded. “Shit, that’s petty.”
“Actually the petty part comes in the form of pictures being sent to her as a Christmas present.”
“Shit,” Dieter laughed. You were definitely fucked over and from the looks of your straining shoulders and tapping shoes, you needed to be fucked as well. The old Dieter would have jumped on this plan without a thought. But he was supposed to be better now…
“I’ve got a thought.” You leaned in as he continued, “I say yes to this fuckery, but we do this whole thing my way.” 
You frowned, this was supposed to be easy. He was supposed to be easy.
“Now I don’t mean in the bedroom, I’m all for consent and communication there babe. But if I do this, I’m wining and dining you first. We do this damn thing right.”
You looked stunned at Dieter as he spoke of nice restaurants in his area that had good food and atmosphere. This wasn’t what you had expected when your friend had proposed this ridiculous idea. Actually, you expected to be running to his house by now, not talking when your schedule was open for date nights. 
“So maybe on the first date, we’ll do the normal movie and restaurant? Then date two, we could do a picnic or some evening in the park shit. And last date, cause it’s the third date right? That’s when we fuck? Maybe a concert or museum? I like painting. Would you go to a couple’s painting class?”
You mumbled a “sure” to the pondering actor as he continued on and on about romantic and fun date ideas. Taking your hand and settling it on the croak of his arm, he led you around the party, introducing you to the idea of home made kit kat desserts that he wanted to try out maybe after you two had fucked. You limply nodded and followed as the man continued to befuddle you into what would be a series of actually really nice and decent first dates. You really couldn’t remember the last time you had been on a date.
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Step Three: No Fucks On The First Date
It was Dieter’s idea. Plenty of photo opportunities would show up, he had said. On that he was definitely right, the day at the flea market was packed full of people. Multiple venders laid out their stalls to groups of people wandering through the thorofare. The two of you wandered down the rows past used and refurbished furniture, handmade jewelry, vinyl records, thrift clothes, and various pieces of art. Perusing past the stalls, you caught whispers of celebrity sightings from people passing by. Dieter said that the two of you would get a lot of attention, he was certainly right.
You watched as the man traded stories with vendors and swapped cash for some records. The two of you looked over refurbished mid-century furniture that he thought might complete his bedroom set. He slung his arm over your shoulders after he bought you a strawberry smoothie at one of the food trucks parked nearby. He even bought you some handmade clay earrings that matched your sundress. Under the warm dazzling sun, it didn’t take long for you to lean into Dieter. You couldn’t help but smile and giggle because you were actually enjoying this date. The man had even picked you up and gifted you a bundle of flowers as soon as you got to the market. 
“It’ll look damn cute in the photos to have a bunch of tulips sticking out of your bag, but also they match your eyes,” he had told you as he grabbed one flower from the bundle and placed it behind your ear. 
He was right again, the paparazzi photos would look great, but you did also hide your face when he announced that the flowers matched your eyes. Honestly you wondered if he had done this before. The grapevine had always told you that Dieter Bravo wasn’t a man you could date, he was a man that could fuck and would fuck just about anyone. Your agent had always stirred you clear from him or others like him, to say it simply, she wouldn’t be too happy that you were about to be seen with this man. The rumors would start to swirl soon enough, if not already. 
You eyed the cameras from behind your sunglasses as they hid behind booths and vendors. This is just the start as your arm winded around Dieter’s waste and your hand wrapped around his hand on your shoulder. The two of you had already taken a few photos with fans and had loaded up your bags with trinkets from several stalls. Your belly was full from lunch at one of the food trucks. Even as the day was meant to be just a stunt, you were actually having a great time. And Dieter for his part, looked like he was having a good time as well. 
An easy smile graced his face every time the two of you fell into a sweet embrace of sorts. He leaned an arm over your shoulders or around your waist. You settled your chin on him as you watched him sort through bins of records. His fingers would skim over your figure as he helped you try on new jackets at a clothing thrifter. He couldn’t stop grabbing you when the walkway would get crowded; holding your hand, tugging at your dress, or holding your hips as you led the way. Dieter was never too far away from you, always within reach.
It wasn’t till near the end of the evening sun, when the two of you found a quiet spot at a local restaurant for dinner, that the conversation opened up to the real reason behind the first date. You had enjoyed the conversation earlier, Dieter educated you on different local artists, while you rummaged through bins of old photographs worth $0.25 each. You told Dieter how you made up stories to the old photos, piecing them together as a puzzle. He smiled brightly as you told him about your collection of old photos that you wanted to write stories from and smiled at him when he explained the series of paintings he had created for a recent book he read.
But now after a day of getting to know each other, Dieter wanted something a bit deeper.
“So this sister of yours is a real bitch huh?”
You laughed and gasped as your drink almost went through your nose at Dieter’s comment. Composing yourself as he held back his own chuckle, you eyed the man up and down.
“You think? Or is fucking your sibling’s fiancé normal?”
“I’ve personally never done that, but I don’t have any siblings so…”
“Well I can tell you from my experience, it is not fun. Not one damn bit.” 
Dieter studied you as you took a too large bite out of your food, stuffing your face as a solid crease developed on your forehead. The day had gone extremely well, in Dieter’s opinion. He had fun, you had fun, and he was sure the photos of the two of you together were circulating the socials by now. But looking over you now, Dieter was upset with himself for bringing up your sibling and ex. You looked so carefree and happy, a million times more happy than you did the night of the benefit where he first met you. Truthfully he didn’t know you well, but he didn’t want you to be mad. He truly wanted you back to that carefree vibe you had just a minute ago.
“I haven’t talked to her or him since I found them together. I’ve blocked both of them on my cell. They kept sending these stupid texts about how it wasn’t what it looked like it was.” 
“Oh cause that line always works,” Dieter munched down on his own food.
“I know, I don’t know what else they would be doing completely naked with each other in my bed.”
“Did you burn the bed? I heard that burning things makes people feel better.”
“I threw it out and bought a new one.” You pushed your food around in thought, “I should have burnt it.”
“Honey, I’ll buy you a used one to burn if you want?” Dieter raised his eyebrows in question, making you laugh. “Seriously, we buy a mattress, take it to your sister's front yard, and set it on fire. Good reminder for your sister that she’s trash.”
“That’s not a horrible idea, though I like the idea of secrecy more. Something that will really get under her skin as she got under mine,” you drummed your fingers to the table as you thought back over this proposition with Dieter.
“Which is why she’s getting the best Chrsitmas present under the tree…” Dieter finished for you.
You jumped as you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, “It can be us cuddling, or us kissing, or something simple like…” You didn’t want Dieter to think you thought less of him, that he was just a tool for revenge, if anything this first date proved to you that Dieter wasn’t what you expected.
“My dick pic!” Dieter supplied.
“Dieter no!” you laughed and swatted at him. “We don’t need to go that far.”
“You think a dick pic is too far, but we’re still fucking right?”
“Yes… well actually… I mean… we can…only if you…” you stumbled over your words as you stirred your straw in your drink.
Dieter placed his hand on yours, “It’s a good plan, I like it, we should stick with it.”
“Yeah?” you made eye contact with him.
“Yeah,” he said so quickly but then held a finger up to you, “After the third date of course. No fucking on the first date.”
“Of course,” you agreed as you took his hand and placed a kiss on his warm palm.
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Step Four: A Close Call To Fucking
Dieter had felt lonely for some time. Even when he was in a relationship, he was still lonely. In all the beds he had shared, and all the drugs he had gone through, he had felt nothing but empty. The paintings he created, the stories participated in, and the events he attended; alone, in a group, or with someone on his arm; he felt abandoned and hollow.
But lately, that had all changed. Even if the circumstances weren’t ideal, Dieter felt joyful. The lonely actor actually looked forward to the days ahead. The last couple of days he was waking up and feeling quite excited and rejuvenated to work. He was working harder at his auditions and he found himself pouring more and more into his painting, a hobby that he was neglecting since he went off to rehab and quit drugs. Even his agent noticed the difference and welcomed the change in attitude, who then encouraged the actor to take you out on a second date as soon as possible. Dieter knew this whole dating scenario only made him look better in the eyes of social media and producers, while potentially making you look bad, but he had to admit to himself that he was having a lot of fun on this slippery slope. 
It had been such a long time since Dieter had gone on a real date, and really, he didn't want these dates to stop. He knew they would, that was the deal. but Dieter was reconsidering this “deal.” Maybe, just maybe, the man could work just a bit harder and make this situation even better, or rather even longer than just a three date rule. He had ideas, and step one was to take you on the next date…
Which brought you two to one of Dieter’s favorite art galleries. It was owned by a friend of his, and he was promised a private night at the gallery. No strangers, no cameras, no posing. It would just be the two of you in your own little world, for a couple of hours at least until it was time to get to the dinner that he reserved for the cameras to see.
For now the two of you walked hand in and through the gallery. He was glad you didn’t flinch or put up a fight when he grabbed your hand, there wasn’t a need for the two of you to portray your relationship as you were all alone in the gallery. Yet Dieter was basking in the warm glow he felt from you by his side. He loved the gentle way your hand held his and the sweet way you looked at him. Even when he went on and on about different paintings, different mediums, or different techniques used in the art. You didn’t seem to mind his rants, just as he didn’t mind your questions. The two of you were speaking so fluently and quietly to each other, your hold on each other felt so in sync. Even the silence was lovely in the space between the two of you. There were even moments Dieter caught you staring at him as he noticed your reflection in some of the glass displays. He wondered if you noticed that he did it to you as well. 
The topping of the gallery was at the end. Dieter remembered how you expressed your desire to learn how to paint or draw. Now he could easily teach you how to paint, that was his favorite medium after all. But Dieter had a better idea, one he got from one of his favorite movies.
In one of the back rooms of the gallery, you and Dieter walked up to a pair of stools and pottery wheels. Your eyes lit as you quickly jumped to the pile of clay. Dieter followed you quickly as he laughed at your squeal. Now he had only taken a few pottery classes himself but he was convinced, by himself, that he would be able to create a bowl or two. At the very least he could make something that the two of you could paint later on.
It didn’t take any time at all for the two of you to screw up bowl after bowl. Even if you followed Dieter’s advice and instructions to the letter, your clay creation always seemed to collapse. Luckily to your delight, and to Dieter’s, you always laughed the failure off. The smile on your face didn’t seem to disappear or fade as the night went on, even when you brought up the reason for your gettogether.
“Why did you say yes?” your fingers traced the lines of Dieter’s hand as you stared back at him.
Dieter had a feeling this question was coming. Through all the laughter and smiles, this was something you probably had been thinking about since the first date. 
“I’ve fucked up a lot in the past. Fucked myself, fucked others.” Dieter paused as he watched the wheel spin his limping clay creation. “You can probably guess I’ve fucked people who were definitely in relationships, some were open some were definitely closed.”
You nodded, of course you had heard the gossip, that was part of why you walked up to him. There was also a part of you that almost didn’t want to be seen with him because of it, but you were desperate. Which was fine by your friend, desperate times call for desperate measures after all. But your agent was not happy with the new development in your life, cheaters don’t do right by more cheaters, she had said. And this would make you look terrible. Looking back on your agent's advice, you were sure she was right, but this wasn’t that situation. 
Certainly Dieter didn’t fit the persona that you had developed through your career, but sometimes you need to step out of your own shadow. You fully knew this wasn’t the time for a lifestyle change. No this wasn’t that, not for you it seemed. This was just revenge…right? Fucking your sister over, that’s what this was all about. That’s what your friend said, that’s what you said to your agent, but that wasn’t what you were telling yourself anymore. 
Your finger ran up and down the clay bowl as it swirled around and around. Dieter had restarted his bowl again, jumping back into his explanation.
“I’m an idiot on so many different levels, but I think I’ve got it in my dumbass head how shitty I was. There’s a lot of things I shouldn’t have done, and this doesn’t make up for all those mistakes but maybe it’ll help you somehow.” Dieter paused again as he ran his finger in a wave pattern into the clay. “I probably still be fucked up after this though.”
You watched the top of Dieter’s bowl swirl in uneven  waves and smiled up at him as your own bowl started to flop to one side, “I like your kind of fucked up though.”
Dieter took his hand away from his clay and looked back at you, “Really? You don’t think I’m a waste or a piece of shit or an idiot?”
“We’re all idiots, Dieter. Look at myself. The first words I said to you were to fuck me. I’m the real mess in this situation. I mean who the hell does that? Loses their fiancé and sister all in the same day to just then go and begged to be fucked by a stranger.”
“I mean it’s not the first time I’ve had someone ask me for sex without anything else being said. Not so weird to me.” Dieter looked on as you smashed your clay into a pile again. “You’re not messed up, your sister and ex are, but not you.”
“This coming from Dieter Bravo, king of the tabloids.”
“King of bullshit,” Dieter chuckled. He leaned over to you and whispered, “Wanna be my queen?”
You laughed and leaned away from the wheel, “Hell yes! Only if you're fine with being with someone so emotionless and unromantic.”
Dieter’s brows furrowed as he looked you up and down, “I’ve been watching you since we started this date and you’ve been laughing and smiling this whole time. I wouldn’t call you emotionless at all.” You inhaled and looked over at Dieter as he held his clay covered hands up and studied you. A large smile grew on his face as you saw the gears turn in his head. “And for the unromantic part,” Dieter stood and walked behind you where he sat down on part of your seat. You scouted up to give him space as his arms came around you and placed his hands on yours. Together your hands melted into the clay, sculpting together.
“They did this shit in Ghost, super fucking romantic right?” Dieter whispered into your ears as his stubble ran against your cheek. 
You bit your lip as you adjusted yourself on the seat, moving against Dieter causing a huff to leave his mouth. 
“Yeah this works,” you mumbled to yourself as well as Dieter.
A minute went by in silence as Dieter’s hands engulfed yours to the clay. The two of you shifted in your seat every once in a while. Dieter’s thighs encasing you just as his chest settled to your back, making you want to arch back into him. Between your small movements and caught up breaths, the two of you made a decent vase. Small marks from your nails ran through the clay as well as uneven strips from Dieter’s large fingers. You stopped the wheel from turning; the pair of you looked over your creation. Not perfect, but not bad. You straightened out to look over the vase as you leaned back into Dieter’s lap, letting out a soft gasp as Dieter grabbed hold of your hands and gasped your name into your ear.
“It’s not half bad but you know I think it’s time for our reservation.”
You felt Dieter quickly rise away from you, missing his warmth instantly. But he wasn’t quick enough to cover the bulge in his pants. Your own legs shifted and jittered as you stood as well and looked back to Dieter.
“No fucking on the second date,” you mocked as you quickly gave Dieter a kiss to his lips.
Dieter grabbed your hand and held it as he tugged you to the sink to clean up “Fuck.”
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Step Five: Time To Fuck
He was wearing matching pajamas.
“You look so amazing, Dieter! That’s a way better outfit than mine,” you laughed as you entered his home. 
Date number three was underway, the next step of your plan was in motion, the real clincher of the entire idea of dating Dieter was happening tonight…you were excited. and so was Dieter. 
He had prepped all day, cleaning his space, cleaning himself, ordering food, and new clothes. The man was nervous, to say the least. Ok yeah, he knows he’s good at fucking, but it’s been awhile and this situation is different. It’s more than a Friday night orgy or a fling in a gala event restroom. This needed to be right for you’ you deserved it to be right. He thought just for this special occasion he could forgo the old and comfy bathrobe for some itchy yet crisp pajamas. It rubbed against his balls in all the wrong ways, but he really liked the little dogs depicted on them. He wanted to be cleaned up for you, but he felt weirdly professional in the matching pjs. He was longing to wear his boxers and bathrobe.
But that wasn’t the only place Dieter touched up, his house had been decorated at his best attempt. Lights roped around the railings of the stairs, a tree was thrown up in the corner of the living room, and wreaths were pinned throughout the house. Dieter wasn’t one to decorate for holidays, but his agent was a good sport to help out. He just wanted to be a little festive for you, but felt a little confused as he eyed the Santa hat that sat upon his Oscar over the fireplace.
“I’ve got a matching set if you wanna try it on?” Dieter deadpanned as he closed the door behind you.
“What? Really?”
“Nope, just joking, this is itchy as fuck. I wouldn’t want you to go through this hell.”
You laughed as you toyed with the top button of the shirt, “Well maybe you won’t have to wear the outfit for long, although I appreciate the effort.”
Dieter held your hand and placed a kiss to your fingers, he felt all of his nervous energy lift away as he finally held your hand again. 
“Later, I’ve got a gift for you.” He tugged you to the dining room, where he had plates setup with candles and a fine bouquet of flowers placed in a vase that looked vaguely familiar. Dieter pointed his hands to the vase. “It’s our vase, the one we made on our last date. My friend fired it up in the kiln and I painted it.”
You walked closely to the table and inspected the vase, realizing he had painted it in some of your favorite colors, blending together in a vibrant display. He was a much better painter than clay molder.
“I love it, Dieter. it looks so gorgeous with the flowers.”
Dieter perked up and stoped fiddling with his hands, “Yeah?”
“Yes! No one has ever given me a handmade present before. It’s wonderful.”
“Well merry early Christmas, babe.” Dieter’s hands found their way to your hips as he turned you around as he planted his lips to yours. 
The kiss was soft and gentle, just like Dieter’s hands as they gently squeezed you close to him. Your own hands stayed settled on his chest, feeling him inhale deeply through his nose. You hummed as you felt his tongue swipe at your lips, and huffed in amusement as you butt hit the chair behind you. Dieter pushed you slowly but you tapped at his chin and squeezed his hip, making him jump away in a giggle. 
“Now who’s getting too ahead of the schedule,”  you smiled at Dieter as he gently pulled you back into his arms.
“Couldn’t help it, been thinking about this for awhile now,” he whispered as he leaned his forehead to yours.
“Well you're not the only one who has a gift to give…” you announced as you pulled a box from your purse.
Dieter undid the bow and opened the box to find rows of Japanese kit kats lining the box. A soft sigh escaped Dieter’s mouth.
“I remembered how you scarfed down that last kit kat I gave you back at the gala when we met. I thought you would want more.”
“Fuck I love it babe,” Dieter mumbled in disbelief as he thumbed through the rows looking over the flavors. He pulled out a strawberries and cream kit kat, ripping it open and dividing the kit kat with you.
“Dessert before dinner,” you nodded your head to the empty plates.
Dieter smirked, “No, I’ll be having you after dinner.” His hand ran past your hip as he walked to the kitchen, returning quickly with a bag of take out from a local restaurant.
“I'm not a cook, but I know good cooks,” Dieter smiled as you took your spot at the table.
You were all too happy with the food selection, “When you brought up the idea of a stay at home date, I was a little confused, but I’m liking the idea more and more as the date goes on.”
“Good,” Dieter sat down next to you so his leg brushed against yours. He was certain of this idea himself, but was determined to make this comfortable as possible. “I wanted this to be just us, no extras, no cameras, no bullshit.”
“I’m glad, this is nice. All the other dates I’ve been on were all so pretentious and over-thought out.”
“Also since we’re home, when we get to fucking, we’re already alone so it’ll be easier to get going…” Dieter elbowed you. You laughed and swatted at the man who grinned away at his food.
“I take back the over-thought out part.”
“There’s been a lot of thinking on my part. Especially tonight.”
“Really? Like as in second thoughts? Cause if you are uncertain, we don’t have to do this. There’s no pressure, I don’t want you to feel pushed,” you rushed out the words as your hand seeked out Dieter’s thigh and squeezed.
But Dieter interrupted you from talking yourself out of the occasion, “No. You’re not pushing me. I’m not uncertain about a damn thing when it comes to you. I want this. I want to spend the night with you, to fuck you. And it’s not because you want revenge or I’m horny. Although that is part of it. But I want to spend time with you, to have you. I want you to have a good time, because you deserve to have a damn good time. I want to have not only sex with you tonight but also many nights after this.” Dieter paused as his hand cradled your face. His eyes searched your face and you watched as his mouth wobbled to form words, “Do you want to have sex with me? And potentially a couple of more times?”
Your hand ran up his arm and held his own to your face, “Yeah Dieter, I wanna have sex with you, now and many times after.”
It didn’t even take Dieter a heart beat as he sprung forward to crash his lips with yours. The gentleness he had showed you just moments ago was gone as he was bent on devouring you. He took in all your breath as he nipped and pushed into you. His tongue passed through your opening lips and collided with your own just as he lifted you from your chair and into his lap. His arms circled around you, one wrapped around your waist and the other hand buried into your hair. But what you were aware of the most was the growing bulge that was grinding against your leg, or maybe you were grinding against him.
Your own hand was buried in his wild chestnut hair as the other centered yourself to his broad shoulders. Dieter moaned into your mouth as you pulled lightly at his hair. Becoming desperate to rearrange yourself as you felt the heat in your core building up, you raised yourself up to straddle the lap of the man under you. You both moaned in unison as you lowered yourself down, rubbing your clothed heat against his growing bulge, causing him to buck up to you.
“Fuck baby, we need to…we really should…oh fuck,” Dieter franticly mumbled out words between kisses and his own dry humping. You got the message clear as day though.
“Bed, where’s the bed?”
Dieter tucked his hands under your ass and lifted you up as you yelped. 
“Yeah yeah I know where that is,” he breathlessly said the words as his mind caught up to his body, finally clicking in to move his feet to his bedroom. It probably took longer than it should have, Dieter kept banging you into the walls as he carried you away. You giggled as he struggled to keep himself away from your marked up neck, but soon enough he led you to his plush bed. Bouncing you to the center, he climbed over you and attacked your neck, marking his way down the plunging neckline to your slightly exposed chest.
His hands racked up your shirt so he could nip, kiss, and suck at your skin. Creating a trail of marks up to your now uncovered breast, Dieter leaned away from you and took each of your breasts in his hands. Squeezing them and rolling them in his hands, he looked down at you as you arched to his touch and ran your own hands up his thighs. Lightly digging your nails into his pajama pants; the scratch of starch cotton filled the air.
“You should take these off,” you said as you pinched at the fabric. Dieter smiled down at you as he rolled your nipples in his fingers.
“In a minute, I want to know how you want this.” He leaned down as he sucked at one nipple as you moaned out. “I’ve got toys. Vibrators, dildos, plugs, straps, a tail.” He raised his eyebrows a few times as he spoke and then turned his attention to your other breast. You stuttered out nonsensical words before he finally popped off your breast. “Or we can go the natural, old fashion way,” he spoke quickly as he planted his head between your breasts and licked up between them. “I’m fine with whatever you want,” he finally said as his head resurfaced to your face so he could kiss you deeply. 
“Shit,” is all you could get out as he continued on kissing down your body to your stomach. The man was driving you crazy quickly and this was only starting. 
“Anyway you want Dieter. You can have me however you want,” you breathed out in a sigh as he rocked your hips so he could strip your pants and underwear off. Finally bare to him, Dieter pushed your legs apart wide. He lowered himself, kissing your thighs as he went, to your heat. He smiled dumbly at you, happy to hear those words come out of your mouth.
“I need to taste you first, then we’ll figure it out from there.”
You nodded to him, unable to believe this is how it was about to go. At the start of this whole dating thing, you simply thought you two would grab some drinks then have a quickie with a photo for proof. Then move on. But nope, you were surprised by Dieter Bravo all over again. Your friend had been surprised by the news of the dates and so had your agent when the rumor mill came out that he was treating you like a queen. And now…you gasped and clutched at the sheets of his bed…Dieter Bravo was licking a strip up through your folds and wrapping his arms around your legs. Holding you down as he took another lick though your folds, digging his tongue into your cunt.
Muffled against your clit, you head Dieter say, “Fuck this pussy is dripping for me, aren’t you honey.” He then jumped back into giving quick licks to your clit till he sucked your clit between his lips. 
You squirmed against him and threw your head back against the bed, letting a high moan pierce through the air. The man below you hummed into your clit, as you buried your hands into his unruly hair. You felt him flick and swirl his tongue against your clit, making you hotter and hotter under his pressure. His arms wrapped around your legs, allowing his fingers to gently probe at your entrance, dancing around your fluttering hole.
“Please Dieter, fucking please,” you begged out.
“Please what baby? I wanna hear you say it. Need you to say it.”
You huffed out a long breath and propped yourself up to look down at the large round brown eyes, “Make me cum sweet boy, please make me cum so you can taste all of me.”
Dieter groaned, specifically at you calling him baby boy, and pushed his finger into you causing you to throw your head back in a cry. His finger rounded your heat, strumming your walls just as his tongue rounded your clit. Your legs shook and pushed against Dieter’s large shoulders, unable to close and relieve the mounting pressure in you. Dieter for his part wouldn’t let up as he felt you near your climax. 
It was the cry of his name, the aftershock wrecking your body, and the flood of juices in his mouth that almost made Dieter lose his own load. 
“Shit.” Dieter raised himself to fall on top of your stomach as your legs laid out boneless. You patted his head and closed your eyes in bliss, and to also recenter yourself for whatever he wanted next. Dieter scruff scratched up and down your stomach as he rubbed his head to your rising and falling stomach. “Your pussy tasted so good, but you’ll feel incredible around my cock baby.”
You laughed and swirled his hair with your fingers, “Just give me a minute sweet boy.” 
“Need some water?” Dieter raised his head and looked you over before getting up properly and grabbing a glass from the bathroom and handing it to you. “Always prepared for care,” he smiled and kissed your temple.
You smiled back and ran your fingers to his chin, scratching at his gray beard as you drank your water. He sat down next to you and wrapped an arm around your waist to tug you to rest against him. You happily leaned into him, basking in his warmth. As your head rested on his shoulder, you soon realized that Dieter still wore his scratchy matching pjs.
“You still have this awful thing on,” tugged at his pants in amusement.
“Got caught up with eating you out,” Dieter shrugged.
You giggled for a second and went dead serious, “Take your close off sweet boy.”
Dieter’s eyes went wide as he instantly jumped off the bed and threw off all his clothes, standing fully nude and fully erect at your attention. You smiled at the beautiful man.
“Happy now?” Dieter asks.
“I’ll be happier when you fuck me, but yes,” you laughed as you leaned over to him and kissed up his chest to his lips. Dieter took hold of your face and deepened the kiss, leaning you further back till you both collapsed back on the bed.
“Ready for more?” you questioned Dieter.
Straightening up, Dieter looked down at you, “Still up for whatever way I want it?”
You nodded, watching Dieter curse and run off to his closet. Coming back he held two objects in his hand.
“You like feeling full, so do I,” Dieter stated as he held up two butt plugs. The plugs matched but one had a purple jewel while the other had a red jewel. “I call purple.” 
You nodded and grabbed the purple jeweled plug from him, applied lube to the end and lifted your brow to the gawking man before you. He smiled and kneeled on the bed with his ass up. Slowly you pushed the plug into him, watching his reaction for any discomfort but in reply you got a low throaty moan. When the plug was fully in and the purple jewel shined up to you, you patted his ass. Dieter stood and waited for you to present your ass to him. You flinched only a little as the cold of the lube and plug touched your skin. Dieter’s warm hand rubbed your ass as he slowly pushed into you. You held your breath as he twisted the plug slowly and pulled it in and out of you, until he finally seated the whole plug in. Kissing each one of your ass cheeks, Dieter smiled as the red jewel sparkled back up to him.
Surely, Dieter’s hands rolled over your ass and up to your hips and you felt the bed shift under his weight. Dieter tightly held your waist as he hovered over you, brushing his chest against your back as he kissed your shoulder. You preened under his touch and care, pushing back against him. You quickly felt his cock softly pushed against your ass as one of his hands curled around your front and grabbed ahold of your boob. The other hand grabbed hold of his cock and directed it to your entrance. You both moaned out as he swiftly entered your drenched folds. 
Waiting a few seconds before pulling out and pushing back in, Dieter tried to remember himself. His mind was exploding with the fact that he had such a beautiful heat surrounding his cock, a full ass that matched your own full ass, all the while his ears were full of the loud cries and moans out of your beautiful mouth. Dieter had imagined this moment happening as soon as you walked up to him at the gala, but he still could barely wrap his head around the fact that it was real. You were so willing and happy to be with him and damn was he happy to be with you. Completely forgetting the fact that this was really revenge, he didn’t care as long as you wanted to see him again. Which by the way you were babbling, was going to happen.
“Dieter… shit… you feel so good… I feel so full...fuck…Dieter.”
“That’s it honey, tell me how it feels.”
“So damn good baby…so good…I…”
Dieter continued his movement in and out of you, “Say it.”
“More…please more…” you stated it like a question which made Dieter love your moans even more.
His hand gripping your breast ran down to your clit, swirling around it making you cry and push back on his dick. Spurred by your cry, Dieter straightened up, taking you with him so you were pressed to his chest and clinging to his hands. Throwing your head back, Dieter attacked your neck with kisses and teeth just as he continued thrust in and out of you. Rubbing harshly against your clit, you felt Dieter take you to the top of your climax again. The blinding heat ran from your core to your eyes, taking your breath away. Dieter cursed and spurred on still.
“Knew you were going to feel amazing…fucking knew you’d be perfect.”
“Yeah…cum in me then sweet boy.”
“Fill you up more… is that what you want?” Dieter asked breathlessly as he felt his own release nearing.
“Yes. Do it. It’s what you want.”
Cursing as his pace went frantic, Dieter’s lips attached to your shoulder, biting down as he finally released inside you. Holding you tight to his chest, the two of you collapsed to the bed, breathing deeply into the sheets. Minutes later, while still seated in you, Dieter’s fingers traced your side as you nestled into the crock of his arm. 
“Need another glass of water.”
You nodded into the man’s arm, “But in a minute, want you here.”
Dieter smiled and buried his face into your hair. 
It wasn’t till another round of fucking did the two of you remember to take the memento you had hooked up for initially.
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Step Six: The Fuckery Of Christmas
You decided to skip the traditional family Christmas. You knew that your parents and sister were busy opening up presents just as you found yourself sleeping the morning away. Maybe there weren’t any presents under your tree, but wasn’t the holidays about giving rather than receiving? Making someone smile as they opened up their present, that was the meaning of Christmas. The joy of giving… well maybe this wasn’t the idea of giving that the songs had sung to you when you were a child. But gift giving did bring a smile to your face this year, that was for sure.
And smile you did as you rose to the smell of fresh coffee and burnt bacon. You cooed as Dieter presented you a freshly toasted pop tart. You laughed as the charming man showed off the pile of broken and discarded eggs in a bowl over at the stove. You hummed with delight as you felt the warm arms of this darling man encircle you as you tried to teach him how to properly make scrambled eggs. And you sighed and moaned with each kiss Dieter gave to your neck, face, and lips; fully knowing you would be getting more of these in the future. But you silently smiled to yourself as you knew that a mountain of rings and pings silently gathered on your phone. 
It was the thought of your sister clutching at the gold wrapper present. She would squeal in delight as she would see your neat handwriting sign the present away to her. You had always given your sister and family the best gifts money could buy, and knew your sister would be excited to open this gift. Just as you knew she would be excited yet confused as the box would hold only a polaroid picture, flipped up for the receiver to see all its glory. Oh yes, you could hear the screams and cries of your sister as she tore apart the very photo that would curse her dreams for the rest of her life.
The copy of that very polaroid sat back at Dieter’s dresser, propped up against his mirror. Frozen and encapsulated in the picture to your and Dieter’s delight were the two of you: you laying on top of Dieter’s bare chest, clearly naked but cover by a bit of a bed sheet as the scruff of a man’s chin and lips settled against your forehead, with a relaxed and propped up arm seen behind your head. One large triangle tattoo could be seen on said arm. Dieter even wrote the words X-mas 2022 under the photo, forever set in time.
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dramat-ique · 2 years
Okay so I’m thinking about the differences in the way that fandom treats Dick’s relationship with his parents opposed to how they treat Jason’s relationship with his.
When talking about the Graysons relevance to the batfamily they’re held very preciously. Even when a media portrays Bruce as Dick’s father it’s with the understanding that he will never replace them, and they are respected as people who will always be a massive and important part of Dick’s life despite not being there for him anymore. They helped shape him into the amazing man he became yada yada. With Jason we see this a lot less so. I basically never see the Todds talked about in how they will always be Jason’s family, or how Bruce could never replace them. Their role in Jason’s life is diminished, as well as his personal connection to him. When their importance to him is recognised it seems only to be for how they damaged him, how they failed him.
(Side note: I find it interesting how many fics I have read where a Jason calls Bruce “Dad” when Dick never calls him anything but Bruce)
There’s a lot of reasons why that probably is. Largely I imagine it’s got a big part to do with more recent rewriting of Jason’s parents (by this I mean the Todd's, since Sheila is written out of most of these entirely. A decision I disagree with but isn’t really relevant here since I’m talking about the family that raised him) to be more terrible people than they originally were. I also would wager a lot of it is a certain kind of classism, but that’s also the underlying factor in the decision to rewrite the Todds as well (Reading Scott Lobdell’s Red Hood books reeks of a man who has only a cartoonish understanding of poverty and addiction. Just look what he did to Roy as well).
When Jason’s parents are portrayed to be the physically abusive drug dealer father and the lost it drug addicted mother who showed up drunk to prenatal classes, I understand why people would but less weight on their importance in Jason’s life after their deaths. No one wants to think about a child holding the parents who hurt them as important people in their heart once they have the support of a wealthy, loving father to replace them.
But that’s not what Catherine and Willis were meant to be. And their reduction to that pisses me off to no end.
I’m not giving anyone unheard of information when I say that originally (well, originally if you ignore the brief time when the Todds were just Grayson ripoffs) the Todd’s were more vaguely portrayed as people who were down on their luck. Willis was a small time criminal who grew up in poverty, jailed for crimes committed trying to provide for his family, and Catherine died to, quote “A disease that just didn’t care how much love she had in her heart.” I’ve seen that interpreted as a literal disease, the disease of addiction, or a combination of illness that forced her to self medicate to manage. But for the sake of this let’s chose to interpret that Catherine struggled with Addiction.
Jason’s parents couldn’t provide much for Jason. He likely suffered a lot because of it. Willis choosing crime as a way to provide would have made life rough. Catherine’s addiction and following death would have been deeply traumatising. But they loved him. And he loved them. And it feels weird to act as if they would stop being important to him in the same way that Dick’s parents are to him.
Jason’s story as robin is, famously among his fans, misinterpreted a lot. Everyone knows at this point the way more modern comics have misrepresented him as “the angry Robin”. And it feels very significant to me that the same comics that push that idea also push the idea that Willis and Catherine were just straight up bad people. The statement ends up being “Jason Todd’s parents were bad so Jason was always going to be bad.” and “Poor people are poor because of their own life choices” WHEN IT SHOULD BE “Jason’s parents were in an impossible position and unable to provide all the opportunities that would have allowed Jason to be a happy, carefree kid.” and “Poor people often turn to crime and addiction because they are the only accessible options.”
To me, the appeal of Jason’s time as Robin is getting to see a child, who due to the affects of generational poverty and tragedy was forced to grow up too fast to survive, getting the chance to be a child again. Not because he is free of his terrible parents, but because someone with the resources to provide helped him. And this allows him to go on and be happy and actively do good rather than perpetuate the cycle of crime and poverty. It’s not that Jason chose to “do the right thing”, he was given the resources that made doing the right thing an option in the first place!
Jason is not “bad” because his parents were, and he wasn’t “good” in spite of his parents. But they were important to him. So much so that he struggled to talk about them, to the point where Bruce was very concerned about Jason’s inability to process the loss of them at the end of his time as Robin. Jason’s feelings about his parents are allowed to be complicated. Loving or not there were likely a lot of problems in his homelife. But that does not mean they don’t have value to him or that they shouldn’t.
To act like they are less important to him than the Graysons are to Dick just really doesn’t sit right with me. Especially when we see people in real life think the best solution for children in poverty is to remove them from the families they love and who love them, rather than provide support and resources to struggling families. Impoverished parents are not villains, the systems that create poverty are.
And I know that’s a bit of an intense complaint when talking about how much fandom values the parents of a fictional character. To be clear I’m not saying that people who don’t place value on Jason’s parents are contributing to some evil system opressing the poor. Because obviously not. Mostly the problem is that Catherine and Willis Todd don’t even come up that much in can material to begin with, and the bad writing overpowers the good. whatever. But what I am saying is that this kind of thing both represents current and effects future perception of these issues.
When I complained earlier in this post about Scott Lobdell’s piss poor writing of these subjects, I do so knowing that he probably does that because that IS the popular perception of poverty.
Anyway I have no point to saying all of this. Mostly I was just observing things and talking out my ass. Basically just. more people should write Jason’s family as important parts of his character I guess.
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