luna-azzurra · 1 year
Character Movements (Lips) Part 2
1. Smiling: The character's lips curl upwards at the corners, indicating happiness, friendliness, or amusement.
2. Frowning: The character's lips turn downwards, indicating sadness, displeasure, or concern.
3. Pouting: The character pushes their lower lip forward, often conveying disappointment, sulking, or a desire for attention.
4. Biting lip: The character lightly bites or presses their lips together, suggesting nervousness, anticipation, or hesitation.
5. Licking lips: The character's tongue briefly touches or moves across their lips, indicating desire, anticipation, or hunger.
6. Pressing lips together: The character's lips are firmly pressed together, indicating determination, frustration, or holding back emotions.
7. Parting lips: The character's lips slightly separate, often indicating surprise, shock, or readiness to speak.
8. Trembling lips: The character's lips quiver or shake, suggesting fear, anxiety, or suppressed emotions.
9. Whispering: The character's lips move closer together, and their voice becomes softer, indicating secrecy, confidentiality, or intimacy.
10. Mouthing words: The character moves their lips without making any sound, often used to convey silent communication or frustration.
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julygirl67 · 2 years
I know not how I love you for it is so intense words could never be enough to explain for some it makes little sense my emotions run deep deep enough to swim in every day I think of you in my mind is this for us a new begining? memories come to play in my head they dance about as I sleep I dream of you and wonder did you fall as deep? will we ever share an embrace a kiss a gaze into eachothers eyes? and when will you tell me more lies?
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writingforlosers · 3 months
Easy and Fun Character Exercises!
Alright, so i've been having a lot of fun with character exercises lately and thought i'd share some of my tips!
Write a scene from each main characters perspective, even if the story only has one perspective. This really helps to get into your characters thought process and see what their motivations are, what people they gravitate towards, and if they're an optimist/pessimist/realist, etc.
Write a dream sequence or scene where the main character's worst fear happens. I've done this with almost all wips i write because it really fleshes out your character to have fears. I usually do three fears: one future fear, (not being remembered, losing a loved one, never travelling the world) one common fear, (spiders, heights, public speaking) and then one "person" fear, like if a person did this to them they would be scared, (yelling, vulnerability, grabbing their hand)
Make your characters have connections. This can be two main characters secretly being ex-lovers, or one of the characters having a younger sister who comes in handy halfway through the story. Things like this that are infrequently brought up and then suddenly come to full effect are reall fun to read and realize!
let me know if you guys would like to hear more, and ask me any questions you'd like advice or tips about! I am in no way an expert, but I do really enjoy writing and love helping others. :)
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shannyhere · 19 days
pockets are empty, dreams on hold
bills stack high, and the nights feel cold i chase the hours, but they slip away working for pennies, day after day
i need the money, it’s all i can see freedom’s a price that’s too high for me counting the minutes, waiting for more but the struggle’s the same as the day before
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plotandelegy · 1 year
Crafting Future From Ruins: A Writer's Guide to Designing Post-Apocalyptic Technology
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Photo: Standard License- Adobe Stock
Crafting post-apocalyptic tech involves blending creativity and realism. This is a guide to help you invent tech for your post-apocalyptic world:
Tinker, Tailor, Writer, Spy: Start with modern tech. Take it apart (conceptually or literally if you're feeling adventurous). Using the basics, think of how your character might put it back together with limited tools and resources.
Master the Fundamentals: Understand the basic principles underlying the tech you're working with. Physics, chemistry, and biology can be your best friends. This understanding can guide your character's resourceful innovations.
Embrace the Scrapyard: The world around you has potential tech components. Appliances, vehicles, infrastructure - how could these be deconstructed and repurposed? Your characters will need to use what's at hand.
Cherishing Old Wisdom: Pre-apocalypse books and manuals are the new internet. A character with access to this knowledge could become a vital asset in tech-building.
Indigo Everly
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2soulscollide · 2 years
10 underrated tips to become a better writer
hello hello, it's me again!
today i want to share some tips to improve your writing!
1. write in a different style
sometimes it's important to step out of our comfort zone, especially when it comes to writing. the next time you sit down to write for a bit, try to do something different from usual... try poetry if you always write prose; try fantasy if your thing is mystery; try adventure if you only write romance. it's up to you, just do it! who knows if you discover a new passion while trying this exercise...
2. write from a different point of view
i know it can be tempting to always write from a certain point of view, or to always use the same narrator voice, but (like on the first topic) sometimes change is needed to improve. you'll see things from another perspective, and maybe you can have a brilliant idea!
3. write with music
this one is one of my favorites! i love music, my spotify is full of playlists, one for each mood. try to create different playlists for your stories, and pick songs that motivate you, or that make you feel like you're one of the characters of your novel. this will not only give you a boost to write but also make you feel inspired.
4. set a timer
i always do this! it's a life changer. i started doing the pomodoro method to study and realized how effective it is. it's the same when it comes to writing: set about thirty minutes to write (it's up to you, depending on for how long you can be productive) and ten to fifteen minutes to relax. you'll see how much more work you can do with this method!
5. use prompts
you know how much i love prompts! i think they're so useful and help us so much to become more creative. they are a great way to step out of our comfort zone and develop someone else's idea in a span of a few minutes or hours.
oh, and if you're feeling adventurous, try this month's writing challenge!
6. write in a different place
guys! change your writing environment sometimes, especially when you're feeling overwhelmed or drained. i know it can be tempting to always sit on your sofa / bed / favorite chair, but sometimes we get so accustomed to the same place, that our creativity slows down, as well as our motivation. try to go outside to a park or a café, it can be so fun and you'll feel like the main character. or maybe, if you don't want to be in public, try another room in your house! just make sure you feel comfortable and don't have distractions around you.
7. change your writing support
do you always write on your computer? try to disconnect for a while, grab a pen and a paper, and let your imagination flow. it can be so freeing to write by hand sometimes, especially when you're plotting a novel! how cool it is to draw a scheme to connect all the characters and locations, and to doodle...!
8. find a writing buddy
personally, i don't have one, but i know it can be such a fun way to keep you motivated and to keep yourself (and the other person) accountable. it's great to have someone to share your ideas with, to give and receive feedback, and to lift you up to write when you don't like doing so.
9. write yourself a letter
trust me, it's amazing. it can be to your present self, past, or future, it's up to you. tell yourself what your writing goals are, what you are writing, how you see yourself in the future, what you're satisfied with your writing style, etc. just let it flow and re-read it whenever you feel unmotivated.
10. write with a sense of humor
i know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it can be so fun sometimes. try something less serious when you don't feel like writing. try to come up with a joke mid-dialogue, write a fun scene or re-write a serious scene in a less serious way. this exercise can be great to see things from another perspective, to try a different style, or to lift up your mood.
i hope this was useful! have a nice day!
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vasopv-blog · 2 months
Don't expect life to treat you well if you don't care personally about your life wholeheartedly.
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susanomalis · 4 months
It’s cute that you don’t realize that you are so easy to be loved.
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Character Development in Different Genres: Tailoring Personalities to Fit Your Story's Needs | Part I of Character Development Series
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When it comes to writing, one of the most exciting and challenging aspects is creating compelling characters. Whether you're penning a thrilling mystery, a heartwarming romance, a gripping fantasy, or a thought-provoking literary novel, the characters you bring to life play a pivotal role in captivating your readers. However, not all characters are created equal, and tailoring their personalities to fit the specific requirements of your chosen genre is essential for a successful and engaging story.
So, how can you ensure that your characters shine in the context of their genre? Let's embark on an insightful journey into the art of character development across different literary landscapes.
The Foundation of Genre-Specific Characters
Before delving into the intricacies of character development, it's crucial to understand that each genre comes with its own set of expectations and conventions. While a hard-boiled detective might thrive in a gritty crime thriller, they might feel out of place in a whimsical fantasy world. Therefore, the first step in crafting genre-specific characters is immersing yourself in the nuances and tone of the genre itself.
For instance, in a fast-paced action-adventure novel, the protagonist is often characterized by their resourcefulness, courage, and determination in the face of danger. On the other hand, a character in a cozy mystery may possess a keen eye for detail, a sharp wit, and a knack for uncovering secrets amidst the charm of a small town. By understanding the core elements of the genre, you can lay a sturdy foundation for building characters that resonate with the expectations of your readers.
Investigating Character Traits Across Genres
Let's take a closer look at how character traits can be tailored to suit different genres:
1. Adventure/Thriller:
Courage and Resilience: Characters in this genre often face high-stakes challenges and adrenaline-pumping situations. Their ability to confront danger with courage and resilience is a defining trait.
Quick Thinking: Whether escaping a treacherous trap or outsmarting a cunning adversary, characters in adventure and thriller novels are often marked by their ability to think on their feet.
2. Romance:
Emotional Depth: Characters in romance novels thrive on emotional connections. Their vulnerabilities, hopes, and desires form the cornerstone of their personality.
Charm and Passion: A touch of charisma and passion can elevate romantic protagonists, making them irresistible to both their love interests and readers.
3. Fantasy:
Imagination and Wonder: In the realms of fantasy, characters embody boundless imagination and a sense of wonder. Their belief in the extraordinary and the magical defines their essence.
Epic Journeys and Destinies: From chosen heroes to enigmatic wanderers, characters in fantasy often carry the weight of epic destinies and monumental quests.
4. Mystery:
Curiosity and Intellect: Mystery protagonists are marked by their insatiable curiosity and sharp intellect. Their inquisitive nature drives them to uncover the truth hidden within the enigmatic plots of their stories.
Intrigue and Suspicion: Characters in mystery novels often harbor secrets of their own, adding layers of intrigue and suspicion to their personas.
Crafting Characters with Genre-Specific Flair
Now that we've glimpsed into the distinctive traits that define characters across genres, it's time to infuse our characters with that genre-specific flair. Here are some creative strategies to tailor your characters to fit the unique demands of different genres:
1. Know Your Readers:
Before sculpting your characters, get to know your intended audience. Understanding their expectations and preferences within a particular genre can guide your character development process.
2. Subverting Tropes:
While adhering to genre conventions is important, don't shy away from subverting tropes to inject fresh and unexpected elements into your characters. This can breathe new life into well-trodden genres.
3. Embracing Authenticity:
No matter the genre, authentic and relatable characters are the cornerstone of captivating storytelling. Infuse your characters with genuine emotions and experiences that resonate with your readers.
4. Reflecting the Setting:
Characters are not isolated entities; they are shaped by the worlds they inhabit. Reflect the essence of the genre's setting in your characters' mannerisms, speech, and worldview.
5. Dynamic Character Arcs:
Consider how your characters' arcs can align with the thematic essence of the genre. From personal growth in literary fiction to valiant heroism in fantasy, tailor their journeys to harmonize with the genre's spirit.
The Power of Balancing Familiarity and Innovation
While it's essential to cater to the expectations of your chosen genre, it's equally vital to infuse your characters with a spark of innovation. Readers are drawn to characters who feel both familiar and refreshingly unique. By blending genre-specific traits with innovative twists, you can create characters that stand out while remaining rooted in the essence of their genre.
Unleashing Genre-Defying Characters
In the ever-expanding universe of literature, the art of character development is a dynamic and thrilling endeavor. As you embark on the journey of crafting characters for different genres, remember to immerse yourself in the heart of each genre, cultivate characters with depth and resonance, and balance convention with innovation.
Ultimately, the characters you create have the potential to transcend genres, captivating readers across a diverse spectrum of storytelling. So, unleash your imagination, breathe life into your characters, and watch as they navigate the rich tapestries of diverse genres, leaving an indelible mark on the literary landscape.
So, fellow writers, as you embark on your next literary odyssey, may your characters be as diverse as the genres they inhabit, and may their stories resonate with readers far and wide.
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Happy writing! Warm regards, Ren T.
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Think of this as a post-it note about showing instead of telling.
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luna-azzurra · 1 year
Here are some examples of "show, don't tell" in action:
Telling: Sarah was very angry.
Showing: Sarah's face turned red, her fists clenched, and she slammed the door shut.
Telling: The room was messy.
Showing: Clothes were strewn across the floor, books were piled haphazardly on the desk, and dirty dishes filled the sink.
Telling: John was scared of heights.
Showing: John's palms grew sweaty, his heart raced, and he clung tightly to the railing as he looked down from the rooftop.
Telling: The food tasted delicious.
Showing: The flavors exploded on her tongue, a medley of sweet, tangy, and savory notes danced in her mouth, leaving her craving more.
Telling: Emma was sad about the breakup.
Showing: Emma's eyes welled up with tears, her shoulders slumped, and she spent hours curled up in bed, replaying their last conversation in her mind.
Telling: It was a beautiful sunset.
Showing: The sky transformed into a canvas of vibrant hues—pinks, oranges, and purples blending together in a breathtaking display, casting a warm glow across the horizon.
Telling: The car was old and unreliable.
Showing: The engine coughed and sputtered, emitting puffs of smoke. Rust covered the body, and the faded paint revealed years of wear and tear.
Telling: The meeting was tense.
Showing: The participants leaned forward in their seats, their brows furrowed, and their voices became sharp and clipped as they argued back and forth.
Telling: He was a kind person.
Showing: He often went out of his way to help others, offering a comforting smile and lending a listening ear whenever someone needed support.
Telling: The forest was eerie at night.
Showing: Shadows danced among the trees, the wind whispered through the branches, and the distant hooting of an owl sent shivers down her spine.
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u-adskinaesthetic · 11 months
LOL, imagine: Twisted Wonderland mini fanfics.
(P.s. I have only read book one out of the five books so far. Book two coming tomorrow. Based on what I know, this is how Rollo would act in my world).
Lol. Imagine Rollo trying to ask you out after the Masquerade event.
Rollo: (Y/n), I despise you. Everything I worked so hard for is down in flames because of you heathen. I am a pious man whose mind sways before you. Gypsy woman, how dare you cast this spell on me. I abhor the very bane of your existence, and I hope you die a pitiful death.
(Y/n): *Confused*
Rollo: Please, date me.
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k1ng-ej · 1 year
Making it up to you
Sukuna x reader oneshot
Notes: Fluff, out of character
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Sukuna constantly wrestles with the challenge of expressing his deep affection, often shrouding his emotions behind a stoic or prickly facade. You're left in doubt about his genuine feelings towards you. You've noticed that he hardly ever compliments you and has stopped showing physical affection, and this has been really bothering you. You yearn for his love, yet your heartfelt pleas seem to fall on deaf ears as he continues to neglect your desires. You're starting to question the very foundation of your relationship due to the distance between you two.
He couldn't help but notice your behavior. The way your eyes would quickly shift towards him, followed by an immediate change in your mood whenever he came near. He thought about the things you shared and wished he could communicate better. Despite his lack of skill in expressing himself, he put in great effort. He had once placed his faith in these small gestures, convinced they would suffice. However, he has now come to the realization that they were insubstantial. He surprised you with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, prepared a delicious dinner, and lovingly played with your hair while you were resting in bed. He longed to see your smile again. Your eyes gleaming at the sight of something delightful, and the way you gazed at him with love, it truly captivated him.
He made an effort to gently awaken you in the early morning, avoiding any negative impact on your mood. Once he finished preparing breakfast, he carefully selected an outfit for you and revealed that he had an exciting surprise in store. Even though you're not one to rise early, it still took you a solid 20 minutes to muster the strength to leave the comfort of your bed. After establishing your morning routine, you found yourself comfortably seated at the dining table alongside Sukuna. With a small smile on his face, he watched you eat, brimming with excitement and hope that his surprise would fill you with joy.
No matter how much you asked him about his anticipation and astonishment, he firmly declined to disclose the secret, guaranteeing that you would soon uncover it on your own. You savored your meal at a relaxed pace, trying to acclimate to the early time. Looking outside, it seemed as if the sun had just started to rise. He better have something truly worth it planned.
After enjoying a delicious breakfast, you conscientiously cleared your dishes and neatly stacked them in the sink. Ready to embark on your adventure, you eagerly trailed behind Sukuna as you both made your way towards the waiting car. He graciously held the door open for you, ensuring that you entered the vehicle without hitting your head. You wondered what had caused his sudden kindness. As he drove down unfamiliar roads, your curiosity heightened. You appeared to be driving down a road flanked by forests on both sides. You relish exploring different flora and admiring their beauty. The great outdoors and surrounding wilderness can serve as excellent stress relievers, providing a sense of peace. You highly value the fresh air and warmth of the sun. The sight of swaying leaves and the natural scent of flowers evoke indescribable emotions in you. You prefer the freedom and joy that nature offers over being confined indoors. Nature has always been a fascinating topic for you. You have cultivated numerous plants over the years, providing them with the same level of care and attention as cherished pets. These plants hold immense significance to you.
You averted your gaze from the window and directed it towards Sukuna, whose disheveled hair always enhanced his features. You couldn't help but find his faint smirk on his lips quite attractive.
“Are you really not going to tell me where we are going?” You asked, hoping that he would finally surrender and reveal the truth to you.
"No," he said with a growing smile. With utmost care, he leaned in tenderly, gracefully seizing your hand, and affectionately pressed a gentle kiss upon its back, before elegantly resting it upon his lap.
You looked ahead, watching the trees speed by. You don't like surprises because they make you anxious, and you're not fond of keeping secrets. As the sun rises above the horizon, it brings forth a dazzling display of golden light that illuminates the vast expanse of the blue sky. With the break of dawn, the forest awakened in a burst of vibrant life, as the sun's rays gracefully bathed the trees, casting out the shadows that had shrouded the land. You intensely wish to depart from the vehicle to breathe in the fresh air and bask in the warm embrace of the sun. However, you didn't want to inconvenience Sukuna by asking him to stop in the middle of nowhere. You also didn't want to prolong the surprise any further.
After driving for nearly two hours, you arrived at a clearing designated for parking. You spotted a trail leading into the forest, and your excitement grew. As nature walks were your favorite, you wondered if that was the reason Sukuna had woken you up. Sukuna and you both stepped out of the car, and he took your hand, guiding you down the trail. Every now and then, he would pull you close, delicately planting a kiss on the top of your head and whispering sweet words of affection into your ear, all the while tenderly holding your hand.  Despite yourself, these actions made you smile and gave you butterflies. You admired his affectionate demeanor and desired even more of it. As you walked, he pointed out flowers because he knew you enjoyed looking at them and let you share facts about them. He appreciated listening to your voice and seeing the enthusiasm in your eyes when discussing a topic of interest. After a delightful 20-minute walk, an enchanting sight awaits: a captivating lake and waterfall nestled amidst lush trees and immaculate grass.  The water shimmers with a mesmerizing cyan glow, while the resounding echo of the waterfall resembles a bathtub being filled, relentlessly crashing against the rocks and the liquid beneath. The natural beauty of the scenery is absolutely stunning, with no trace of human interference. As the sun rose over the waterfall, the view became even more breathtaking, with the clear air making it a breeze to breathe.
You smiled while gazing at the lake and then locked eyes with Sukuna.  You embraced him with an intense and profound kiss, expressing your sincere appreciation. Your spare hand caressed his hair as you gently pulled it, causing your partner to groan softly.
He pulled away, appearing deep in thought before speaking, "We should get in."
“The lake? Are we allowed to?” As you raised your eyebrows, you turned your head towards the stunning cyan water.
"Mhm, a lot of people have already swum here," He released your hand and smoothly pulled his shirt over his head, confidently discarding it on a nearby rock.
Initially, you were filled with uncertainty and felt reluctant to disrupt the delicate balance of the environment. Sukuna reassured you several times that it was alright until you felt comfortable enough to enter the water. You tentatively dipped your toes into the frigid lake and shivered. Sukuna, already immersed in the water, can't help but laugh and beckons you to join. It took some time to adjust to the freezing temperature before you could fully submerge. Sukuna smoothly maneuvered himself right in front of you, gently placing his hands on your waist, showering your neck and shoulders with tender kisses. You chuckled and asked if this was the reason why he woke you up. He paused and murmured, asking if you enjoyed it. He was worried you did not and afraid that this small surprise would not be enough to make it up to you.
With arms draped around his shoulders, a wide smile adorning your face, you exclaim, "This is beyond perfect! I couldn't have asked for anything more. Thank you."
His smile reappeared, and he gently squeezed your waist before submerging. You didn't give it much thought until a mysterious hand grabbed your ankle and violently dragged you beneath the surface. You were able to catch a fleeting breath before being forcefully pulled under. You were startled and scared.
Once you composed yourself, you emerged from the water, inhaling deeply, and cleared the moisture from your eyes. As you opened your eyes, Sukuna appeared before you, sporting a mischievous grin.
“That was not funny,” You furrowed your brow and playfully splashed water at him, prompting a joyful chuckle as he retaliated with a splash of his own.
"It was just a joke, don't be grumpy," he said playfully, rolling his eyes. His hands returned to your waist. He was constantly affectionate towards you, delighting in twirling your hair or placing his hand gently on your thigh whenever the opportunity arose. You're still puzzled by his recent distance and hesitant to inquire about it, fearing the answer. You presumed that it was due to the extensive workload he had undertaken.
The morning was spent nearby, with Sukuna cracking jokes to make you laugh. Despite his neglect of your desires and needs, you had a good time and felt better. His loving actions, sweet words, and intimate embrace restored the harmony. As more people arrived throughout the day, you and Sukuna decided to head home.
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plotandelegy · 1 year
P1 -Types of Scarcity in Post-Apocalyptic Fiction: A Comprehensive Guide to Survival Elements in Dystopian Worlds
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Understanding the Types of Scarcity
Material Resources: First, start with food, water, fuel, and ammo. Once you have the basics, move to less commonly thought-about things like batteries, clothing, scrap metal, and wood.
Skills and Knowledge: Doctors, engineers, survival experts, and mechanics would be some people worth knowing or being in a post-apocalyptic world. What if there were none?
Emotional Resources: Once the world goes to hell, trust and community become resources. Surviving sometimes means getting along with others; you'll want all parties to mean it. Getting fed to a zombie so someone can escape sounds like no fun. 
Information: Who are you going to let hold the map for you? Things can get harder on your team if it gets stolen, left behind, or destroyed. In a world without GPS, information is a resource; let's face it, you must trust its handler. 
This is part one of a five-part writing guide to post-apocalyptic scarcity. Tune in next time for a more in-depth breakdown of scarcity and who makes the decisions? Not me, that's for sure. I'd probably be the one used as zombie bait first.
-Indigo Everly
Want more advice? Check out my other articles!
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shannyhere · 29 days
yearning for a touch that's cold,
a love that leaves me feeling old, your words, like poison, seep inside, yet still i crave, though tears i've cried.
i reach for warmth that isn't there, lost in dreams of tender care, but all i find is endless ache, a bond that's broken, a heart to break.
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vasopv-blog · 3 months
Too much overtinking spoils the feeling.
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