#dad Peter imagine
backtothefanfiction · 6 months
Super Dad | Dad!Peter Imagine
Summary: Peter fell asleep working on the kids science homework.
Length: Short
Warnings: none, this is mostly fluff
A/N: Just another one of those quick imagines before I sleep.
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They had come home with the assignment on Friday. They had exited the school and run straight into your arms all giggles and smiles, sheets of paper in their tiny hands, blowing in the late autumn breeze.
“What have you got there bug?” You asked as your youngest waved the piece of paper, too large for her hands, towards your face.
“It’s science week next week!” She squealed excited, little fists punching the air once you’d taken the piece of paper from her.
“Each grade has an assigned topic.” Your eldest added as she handed over her own assignment to you.
“Well, it looks like we are going to be having a very busy weekend.”
Anna, your youngest’s, project was a model solar system. Your older daughter, Maria, had to do a project on renewable energy. She insisted that she wanted to make a working water mill, but her Father (knowing he’d end up being the one to do most of, if not all of the work anyway) insisted she make a wind mill.
Safe to say Peter had been right. The girls gave up on their projects halfway through the Saturday and with a trip to Aunt May’s planned on Sunday afternoon, your Sunday night had been relegated to finishing off the girls projects, ready for the following morning.
You had put the girls to bed before returning to help finish painting the tiny paper mache planets for Anna’s solar system. You turned the TV on with the volume low, the sounds of Friends re-runs acting as background noise as you both did the work.
You couldn’t help but get fixated every now and again on your husband’s concentration face. The way he squinted his eyes and quirked his lip. Every now and again he’d lift his glasses slightly and survey his work. When he got the motor mechanism for the windmill working he looked so proud of himself and it made your chest swell.
“Right, that’s the last planet painted.” You announced as you placed the cocktail stick attached to it in a piece of foam to be left to dry.
You grabbed your mug and took a sip of your drink. When you placed it back down you realised just how covered in paint you had become as sticky paint finger prints covered the once white mug. “I think I’m gonna go take a bath and salvage what’s left of my weekend.” You announce as you get up.
“Huh?” Peter says as he suddenly pulls his focus away from the job at hand, now that you’re standing. “Uh, yeah, okay.” He quickly follows as his delay in processing your words finally catches up with itself.
You smile as you give him a pat on the shoulder. “Don’t be too much longer with that.” You say giving him a quick kiss before you leave the room.
You end up spending nearly an hour in the bath and then another half an hour after that pampering yourself with a full facial before climbing into your pyjamas and reading for a little bit. When it’s near midnight and Peter still hasn’t started making his way to bed, you reluctantly get yourself out from under the nice warm covers to look for him.
When you make it back out to the main area of your apartment his head is resting on his arm on the dining room table. Both projects are completed in front of him. They look perfect, your girls are going to be so happy when they see them.
“Hey.” You say softly as you shake him awake.
“Hnngggg.” He groans as he slowly rouses.
“Hey super dad.” You coo quietly to him.
“Hey.” He says back sleepily,
“You know, I think our bed is much more comfortable than the dining room table.” You say softly.
“But then who would protect my masterpieces.” He jokes.
“Come on Spider Boy, I think they’ll survive the night just being in our apartment.”
“You promise.” He continues to sleepily play along.
“I promise.” You say holding your pinky out to him and he lazily hooks it with his own. “Okay, come on.” You say helping him up and escorting him to bed.
The following morning there’s a squeal and a crash that makes the two of you race from your bed. When you get out to the dining table where your youngest now lies in a heap on the floor, surrounded by her project, rubbing at her knee, you know you’ve been too presumptuous.
“Survive the night, eh” you hear your husband mutter beside you before he’s bending down to attend to his little girl.
“Hey bug, what happened?” Peter says gently but you know from his tone of voice he’s trying with all his might not to be irritated by the fact his hard work last night has been damaged already.
“I went to grab it so I could look at it and I slipped.”
“It’s okay.” You say as you begin to pick up the pieces of the solar system to be put back together.
“Well, are you okay?” Peter checks in with her,
“Yeah, I just hit my knee.” She replies.
“Do you need Daddy to kiss it better?”
Peter feels you kick him in the side gently. He knows how much of an affect that word has on you and he fights to hold in his grin so he can keep tending to his daughter instead.
“No. It’s okay. I’ve got it.” She says before getting up to come and join you as you sit at the table and start glueing the planets back into place.
“Come on bug, how about some breakfast.” Peter encourages her towards the kitchen and away from you and the project before she does it any more harm.
When he brings you over a bowl of your favourite cereal moments later you hear him say, “Bet you’re wishing you’d left me to sleep on the dining room table to protect them now, eh?”
“Hey, I said they’d survive the night and they did.” You smile up at him. “Technically nothing happened to them until the morning, after the sun was up.” You wise crack back.
“Yeah?” He jokes,
“Yeah!” You sass back.
“Well I’m sure you would have felt differently if it was you who had done 80% of the work.”
“Hey, I painted the planets.” You reply with mock offence.
“Fine.” He concedes with a sigh. “75%.”
“Thank you very much.” You smile at him in response before there’s a cry of “Daaadd.” From the kitchen.
“That’s my queue.” He smiles.
“That’s your queue.” You smile back as he leans in for a kiss.
“Oh and don’t think I don’t remember you calling me super Dad last night.” You roll your eyes at his own ego, “I’m gonna be using that for a long time.”
“Yeah, yeah:” you say waving him off. But it’s true. Peter is a super dad and you couldn’t be more happy to have him forever by your side.
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parkerpeter24 · 1 year
HIII i am begging can you write a Peter Parker x reader one shot where peter and reader are married and have a toddler and maybe the avengers team find out PLISSSS ANS TYYYY 🫶🫶🫶
baby 🥺
pairing ➳ peter parker x reader
requests are open (but i barely write stuff)
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“what is he doing on the ceiling?!” kate yelled as soon as you entered the lobby, searching for your little toddler ben. you rubbed your eyes as you approached a very baffled kate, “your child is on the ceiling! how are you so calm?!”
“it’s 7 in the morning.” you winced as you looked at ben, him giving you an excited look and extended his arm towards you, making you do the same, “come on, benny, come to mama.”
and he did so as, un-sticking himself from the wall as he perfectly landed in your arms.
your two year old was way better at this than peter when he had started out as spider-man. his hand kept getting stuck to different places and after a bunch of ripped t-shirts and a couple of haircuts, you bought him rubber gloves. however, that didn’t work either.
as your little boy nestled against your chest, you looked over to kate who still had surprise written all over her face, “he’s spider-man’s child.” you explained simply.
“but- what if he fell down?”
“oh, he wouldn’t. he’s way too smart for that, aren’t you, benny?” you booped his nose and he gave you a grin.
“yes, mommy.”
you and peter had kept your relationship secret for a couple of years, at least from peter’s superhero gang. so it didn’t come off as a surprise when the avengers found out that you two had a one year old. they were very disappointed in you two for not telling this big a thing but the second they saw ben’s cute little face and his smile, you were forgiven and everyone was happy.
when you agreed to move into the avenger’s tower, tony was more than excited. he added a bunch of toys to the huge playroom that was originally built for morgan.
you were surprised to see that thor was the most attached to your baby. he spent time with him and thursdays were reserved to thor and ben taking a tour of the city. you trusted thor, however you had only allowed this after ben turned two, which was only a few weeks ago.
whenever natasha was around, she would tell ben all kinds of stories about how she kicked bad people’s butts so that little kids could sleep peacefully at night and ben would adore those “tales” even though they were real.
“next time you find him on a ceiling, just show him a cookie, he’ll come right down.” you told kate as you patted ben’s back, gently lulling him back to sleep.
“if you say so.” kate replied, chuckling as she watched you for a minute, “you should get some more sleep too, you look tired.”
“he refused to sleep last night because tony let him have extra ice-cream.” you rolled your eyes.
you noticed ben had fallen asleep, already drooling over the material of your t-shirt as you carried him back to his crib, placing him securely under his blanket before you made your way to your own bed. your husband, peter was still fast asleep. you laid down on the bed, peter already pulling you closer as if it was a reflex. you felt his arm relax against you, his head resting close to your shoulder and soon you felt the soft caress of sleep take over.
the bedside clock showed 10:34 as time when your eyes opened again. the room was empty, peter and ben both gone. you quickly freshened up before making your way out of the room and into the main gathering area once again.
only this time you were greeted with everyone sitting around and laughing as steve held his shield on his lap with ben sitting on top of it.
“hey, babe.” peter was the first one they greeted you as he placed a kiss on your cheek and dragged you in the middle of whatever was happening.
“uh, what’s happening?” you asked, looking around.
“your child is stuck to cap’s shield.” tony said, an almost proud smile spread over his face to which steve gave him a glare.
“guess who inspired it.” natasha rolled her eyes at her two friends, however a small smile remained on her face at the little banter going on.
just then kate ran into the room, holding a cookie in her hand as she handed it to steve, “got it!”
“come on, kid.” steve said, waving around the cookie in the air in front of him. ben’s eyes lit up and steve smiled, “it’s yours if you leave the shield.”
however, cap’s efforts failed as ben reached out one hand to grab the sweet but didn’t move a bit to release his shield.
“i bribed him good.” tony shrugged as he sipped on his black coffee.
you watched the whole scene unfold, amused to say the least. you noticed peter snickering as he stood beside you. you smacked his chest lightly, “you think this is funny? go get your child.”
“and forget the spider-bike mr stark promised me? never.”
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idk-bruh-20 · 11 months
Irondad fic ideas #148
You know those homework assignments where you have to interview someone in your family and then write an essay about their responses? Fic where Peter's class is told to interview their dad / a father figure in their life. 
Peter decides to interview Tony. But, he doesn't want his class to accuse him of lying, and he definitely doesn't want Tony to know what the assignment is about. 
So for Tony, Peter makes it seem like the assignment is just to interview anyone. Then, he carefully chooses questions to ask that are domestic and personal enough to avoid any mention of superheroes, celebrities, or so on. The few details that do slip through he just leaves out of his final essay.
For the class problem, Peter solves it by referring to Tony in the essay exclusively as "dad"
Unfortunately for Peter, the teacher then announces a part 2 to the assignment. Right after collecting the essays, the teacher says they will now need to bring the people they interviewed to school for their presentations
Peter has pretty much decided to not even mention it to Tony and just say his dad is busy. But then Flash has to open his big mouth. 
He accuses Peter of just making his assignment up, loudly reminding the class that he's an orphan. Peter clarifies that this father figure thing is a new development, but now the teacher looks suspicious
Peter is going to have to ask Tony to come to his school. And he's going to have to explain why the class will be full of kids and their fathers
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drizztdohurtin · 3 months
Rolan's First Day As a Father
pairing: Rolan x afab!reader ("she", "her", "wife" used)
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Okay, I wrote this in the "Rolan: fatherhood" headcanons but erm.... it got really long and turned into a blurb, so I'm releasing it separately so that I can add more actual headcanons to the post (I love when my own thoughts make my stomach hurt)
Warnings: this is hella angst, and a little comfort, please buckle in
would recommend reading my 'deciding to start a family, and conceiving' post before continuing
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His attention had been only on you, a never-ending string of loving encouragement falling from his lips as you labored to deliver your baby; your strength and persistence only fueling his own, not allowing the anguish he felt from seeing you in so much pain to get the better of him.
The second he hears those first big cries when your baby is finally born, every single cell in his body is flooded with the parental bond he had been so utterly desperate to feel while you were pregnant. He focuses his attention on helping you get a little more comfortable now that the hardest part is over, praising you for how incredible you did as the doctor and cleric checked over you and your baby.
Rolan looks up with wide eyes to see the cleric carefully handing the newborn to you; a weary but thrilled laugh leaving your mouth upon seeing his beautiful red skin and adorable little tail for the first time.
Rolan goes motionless, staring at you cradling your newborn through the tears beginning to trickle into his vision. Time slowed as the overwhelming waves of love crashed into him - every single fear that he had while you were pregnant going out of the window, never to return again. He hadn't even held his baby and yet he already knew that if he had to take an ice knife to the chest every second of every day until his last day to protect him, he would in a heartbeat.
That night while you slept, he'd sit and rock his newborn, eyes full of adoration, tracing over every one of his features as he slept peacefully in his arms - trying to commit the image of his son to memory as if he'd never see him again.
He eventually works up the courage to gently graze the pad of his thumb over the baby's delicate features that mirrored his own: the light red skin, the bright yellow eyes, the black nails, the long pointed ears, and the tiny ridged tail that was barely the length of his own hand - wondering if his horns would be black like his, too.
If anyone had been watching Rolan at that moment, they'd see an expression of deep contentment and affection gracing his features as he traced his son's face - but then they'd see his smile fade, his eyes widen, and his lip begin to quiver as he fights back tears.
They'd watch as Rolan realized: this was the same sight his own parents had seen before they abandoned him.
When Rolan looked down at his baby boy, he saw the most perfect being in the world, the ultimate testament of your love, a blessing from the Gods that he did not believe he deserved.
And tears began to fall from his eyes as he tried to imagine it.
He tried to imagine watching the person he loved most in the world carry his child for months, laboring every day and night to create their son out of nothing.
He tried to imagine watching you go through hours of pain - pain that would bring even the strongest to their knees in surrender - to give birth to their son.
And then he tried to imagine looking down at his child and seeing anything but perfection.
He tried to feel hatred and disgust for the very being that he'd burn cities to the ground to protect
He tried to feel anything but unconditional love for the perfect angel that you had gone through so much pain to create.
And, obviously, he couldn't.
His head started spinning with emotions - the fire of his anger and pain being doused by the tranquility of his love and adoration for the tiny tiefling in his arms. He did his best to wipe his face without disturbing the sleeping boy in his arms, but it didn't work.
The bittersweet cries rang through his ears, momentarily erasing his own troubles, consumed by the singular desire to provide comfort - offering gentle kisses as he drew his son closer to his chest. He allowed himself to soak up the moment, gently leaning his cheek on his son's head as he rocked him back and forth - only realizing once his son's cries diminished that he had been purring.
Rolan had never been fond of that particular part of his lineage - though he had become less self-conscious about it when he had found out how much you loved it years ago. And now, witnessing how his body had instinctively reacted to calm his crying child, he had never been more thankful for it.
He softly pressed his nose and lips to the top of his son's head, giving him more gentle kisses and breathing in the heavenly newborn smell - before pulling away to look at his sweet face once again.
Rolan knew he'd always love him, that there was nothing his child could do that would make him stop loving him - and he promised this to his son in the gentlest whisper he could muster as tiny, bright yellow eyes peered back into his own.
He promised that he'd always keep him safe; that he'd always keep him fed, healthy, and warm.
He promised that he'd always take care of him and heal him when he was hurt.
He promised that he'd never leave him, that he'd never know the pain he felt growing up.
And Rolan took great solace in knowing his son would never feel the pain and abandonment that he felt as a child - in knowing that he would do everything for his son that his parents didn't do for him.
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redhoodedangel · 7 months
Okay, but Arkham! Jason as a dad is literally Rebecca Parham’s mother after finding out she got bit by a bully they were standing up to…
Omg, just…
Jason’s kid: *thoughts* Wait a minute… he didn’t get a call from the principal. He doesn’t know. But that’s not right. He should know… or I got this bite on my arm for nothing…
Jason’s kid: *inhales*… Look what Millie did to me…
Jason: Oh hell no…
*minutes later*
Jason: *kicks in the door to the principal’s office* EXPLAIN YOURSELF, MEATHEAD!
Principal: *absolutely shitting themselves*
Jason’s kid: *Regrets everything almost instantly*
And then Reader is the equally supportive mother who rewards their kid with ice cream or whatever they want at the toy or candy store.
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literaryavenger · 7 months
Literary Avenger's Masterlist
Bucky Barnes - Masterlist
Avengers x Reader - One-shots
Heartbroken - Dad!Tony
Back To You - Steve Rogers
Unleash Your Inner Avenger - Masterlist
Welcome to MCU! - College AU
coming soon...
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my-status-single · 1 month
The One Where Peter Parker Has a Baby: Chapter 1
He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. They won’t let him run to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. He can’t go to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s safe with Happy. He’s safe. His name is Ben. He’s four. He’s Peter’s.
She had been pregnant. 
It had been early. 
So early that it had been months before she even realised. Half of the universe disappeared, Peter included.
And months later she had given birth to their son.
Their son.
Fic Summary: Mostly canon compliant fic that centres around the relationship of Tony Stark's daughter and Peter Parker.
From the Author: This is a Peter Parker/Reader fic. It jumps back and forth between the "present" (after the blip is reversed) and the past (pre blip reversal). The main focus is Peter and our girl Y/N, but there will be exploration into other relationships as well. These include but are not limited to Tony/Steve Peter/Harley Harley/Harry Peter/Harley/Harry Steve/Bucky Tony/Stephen. Each chapter will have content warnings listed that are specific to the chapter just for added security, there will also be a summary of the chapter if the content is something you don't want to engage with but would like to continue to the next chapter. There will also be a comprehensive list of warnings. The severity of these topics varies from very intense to simply implied. Be sure to check the individual chapters for more detailed descriptions of how these themes are used.
Fic Content Warning: Underage sex, unplanned pregnancy, teen pregnancy, polyamoury, child abuse/neglect, parental death, suicide, self harm, Tony Stark in Endgame Chapter Word Count: 1743 Chapter Summary: This chapter sets up the premise of the story. Touches briefly on Peter and Y/N's relationship, as well as introduces us to Y/N's powers. Chapter Content Warning: Teen regnancy/unplanned pregnancy-We discover that Y/N was pregnant during the blip. Peter and Y/N are in high school at this point. Blip-The Blip is a part of this series, the way Peter was blipped is mentioned Mentions of anxiety/depression-It is implied that Y/N struggled/struggles with mental health Parental death (not Tony)-Peter has dead parents Descriptions of injuries-After the battle with Thanos many characters are injured, Tony and Y/N's are discussed Medical themes-Tony and Y/N are in a medical centre, Y/N is in a coma
Please, if there is ever something in this or any of my fics that you feel needs a content warning, feel free to message me and I will make sure to add it. I want this to be a safe place for everyone.
Ao3 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
May 2023
Peter has known her for as long as he’s known anything. 
Back before his parents died, they had been prominent members of the Oscorp Foundation. They worked directly with Norman, and so Peter grew up spending a lot of his time with Harry Osborn. Occasionally, though, there would be a collaboration between Oscorp and their largest competitor, Stark Industries. With S.I. came Tony Stark, and with Tony came his daughter. 
She was about a year younger than him and Harry but she held her own just fine. She was smart as a whip and full of fire. 
He’d been in love with her for longer than he knew what love was. 
They had taken such a liking to each other that Tony made the effort to get them together as often as possible. Eventually, moving them to New York full-time after Peter’s parents died. Tony made an effort to keep up the relationship even then. He did it for his daughter; she’d become so attached to Peter. And he had done the same. 
The sun rose and set with Y/N Stark as far as he was concerned. 
The bond between them grew as they did. They became halves of the same whole. One rarely without the other. He held her when she sobbed, broken and exhausted, after spending the court-ordered time with her mother. She calmed his overloads after he was bit. They knew each other instinctually. Better than they knew themselves in some ways. 
And yet, there was never anything romantic.
Until there was.
They both knew. When they’d grown old enough to understand what love, marriage, and dating were, they knew it was inevitable. That there was no Peter without y/n. 
And that is a very daunting thing to face at such a young age. 
And they understood that there would be no going back once they crossed that line. 
They knew they would cross it eventually. 
But they had all the time in the world to cross it. And now, when they were so perfect as friends, neither wanted to risk what they had. 
And so they didn’t.
There was flirtation that couldn’t be helped. There were touches that toed the line between platonic and romantic, touches that lingered. Nights where they would fall asleep next to each other and wake up in a state where you couldn’t tell where one started and the other ended.
But it never went further.
Until it did
They were good kids, really. Good students, excelling in their studies, involving themselves in extracurriculars, making a difference in their community. They were good avengers as well. They weren’t officially on the team, certainly were never put in harms way. But Tony allowed them to patrol the city in the evenings, and to train with the team at the compound on the weekends. They excelled there too.
But everyone has times when they just need a break.
It happened the first time during one of those breaks
They had finished midterms, Natasha had been kicking their asses in training for the last month, they were tired.
And so they snuck into the hangar and hacked one of the jets. Because she could override her father’s protocols without even blinking. Spain. She had wanted to go to Spain. He’d remembered her talking about it, so he puts in the coordinates and settles in for the ride.
They’ve shared a room, a bed, countless times at this point and yet somehow this is different. Somehow this leads to their mouths on each other and their virginities lost to each other.
Things change after that.
It takes a while for them to get over it. To admit “I want you” and “I always have” and “I don’t want to wait anymore”. But once they do, once they allow those walls to be broken down they are inseparable.
The funniest thing about the whole ridiculous situation is their behaviour barely changes. 
They simply kiss now. Because they already spent nights in the others bed, they already were always touching the other somehow, they already could read the others mind and anticipate their needs. So at school, no one noticed they were dating until Peter gave her a quick kiss before running off to some sort of internship activity.
Its been years now. They are perfect. Ideal. He loves her with everything in him. 
And that’s why, when the invasion starts, he webs her to the bed so she can’t follow after him as he goes toward the battle. 
Why he goes to the battle despite her screams, her begging, her pleading. Why his last words as he disintegrates in Tony’s arms, after pleading whispers of “I don’t want to go” are “I don’t want to leave her.”
He spends five years living a life with no memory of his previous one. No memory of her, of Tony, of Spiderman. 
When the dust finally settles after that final battle, he’s the one screaming, begging pleading. Because his girl, his brilliant, beautiful, reckless girl, simply refused to let her father die. 
She’s always had them. The powers, the enhancements, that were so graciously forced upon her by her mother. 
She hated them, hated why she ended up with them. But they gave her the ability to save Tony’s life, despite it being at nearly at the cost of her own.
He’s held back, not sure by whom. He hears Steve yell for assistance to get them both off the battle field and to get them immediate medical assistance.
Her powers are…complicated. 
Her ability to heal is incredible. Whether it be herself or others. But it comes at a cost. 
Healing takes energy. She’s able to choose, when healing injuries, whether to use the injured person’s energy or her own. The severity of the wound would usually influence her decision. 
She was comfortable using someone else’s energy for smaller things, scrapes, bruises, most of Peter’s injuries because of his own accelerated healing. But bigger things…she would use her own “Because I heal better” she would say. 
Like after he’d taken the weight of a building their sophomore year, she’d used her own energy to heal that. He watched the colour drain from her face, watched slashes and bruises come and go across her skin, watched her exhaust herself right in front of him as the pain eased from his body.
After a fight like this neither had the energy to heal something as severe as this. But she did it anyway.
She does heal better. Quicker, more efficiently. It’s hard to leave any kind of mark on her because her body just rids itself of it.
So she lay in a hospital bed, half dead, as her body begins to repair what should be fatal.
Tony was exhausted, on the brink of death, he’d had nothing left to use up. She herself had been spent. So she took, and she gave. She gave what little energy she had left to Tony and took as much pain and damage from him as she could. Took as much as she could until her body gave out.
Tony woke later that night. Exhausted. Badly scarred. Weaker than Peter had ever seen him. 
But alive.
Peter is sitting at her bedside now, holding her hand in his. Needing to feel that it’s warm, needing physical proof that she’s alive. He’s fading in and out of consciousness. Fighting sleep because he can’t risk something happening while he’s asleep. It would be a restless, nightmare filled sleep anyway.
“Tony, we shouldn’t be arguing about this; you’re exhausted; you need to rest. We can talk about this la-“ He can hear Steve’s voice in the next room.
“We’re talking about this now.” Tony responds. 
Peter, even with his heightened senses, can barely hear him. He tries to tune them out, focusing instead on her heartbeat. A comforting, familiar sound that lulls him into a sense of security. 
But the next words he hears make his blood run cold, and his head snap up.
“He’s my grandson. He’s likely scared. He can’t have his mother, so let me see him.” Tony sounds angry despite his severely weakened state.
“Tony…” Steve says gently. “Look at yourself. You’ll only scare him more. He’s my grandson too. Let me look after him.”
Peter takes a moment. 
Tony has no biological children other than y/n. There is Harley…a boy Peter’s age that Tony had taken in when they were thirteen. They’d been fast friends. And…maybe Harley could have had a child in the five years Peter had been gone…except he’d been in the same place as Harley for the last five years, and there was no child. 
So…so that must mean that y/n had…that she’d had a child. 
Sometime in the last five years she’d moved on…gotten pregnant…had a baby? He shakes his head, his chest aches. His feet move before he’s fully aware of it. He walks into Tony’s room. He stands there silently, until Steve notices him.
“Peter.” He whispers, a sigh in his voice.
Peter laughs weakly, tears on his cheeks that have no right to be there. It had been five years, he had no right to have expected her to wait five years. “I um…” He clears his throat, sniffing. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop…it’s just so quiet here.” He says quietly.
“Kid ther-“ Tony starts but Peter holds up a hand.
“Don’t…don’t. It’s okay. You don’t need to defend…just…if there’s a way I can help? I could call his father, if someone hasn’t already or…or go pick up anything that he might need…or…or I can fuck off if you think that would be bett-“
“Peter.” Tony says as firmly as he’s capable of. Peter looks up. “Come sit. We need to talk.” He says, gentler now.
He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. They won’t let him run to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. He can’t go to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s safe with Happy. He’s safe. His name is Ben. He’s four. He’s Peter’s.
She had been pregnant. 
It had been early. 
So early that it had been months before she even realised. Half of the universe disappeared, Peter included.
And months later she had given birth to their son.
Their son.
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iamironmanlol · 9 months
Ngl I think I’ll always feel robbed of the Peter and Loki interaction we deserved
Peter: oh man, you’re the one that tried to invade earth and take over back in like 2012
Loki: yes.
Peter: …you’re not like, still into that, are you?
Loki: on a good day.
Peter: what do you- what do you do on bad days?
Just imagine. The potential I believe these two had. (Add a little sprinkle of irondad Tony freaking out bc his kid is talking to the god that killed 80 people in 2 days)
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backtothefanfiction · 8 months
It’s A Right Of Passage | tasm!peter/dad!peter imagine
Warnings: none, fluffy embarrassing parent stuff
Word Count: under 1k (it’s another quick I’m not counting)
A/N: been itching for a while to contribute to dad Peter content and feel like there is a lot of dealing with young kids stories but not enough about dealing with teenagers. So here is their eldest son Ben bringing a girl home for the first time. (Also the gif really just sparked an idea to raise this even more)
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“Peter, what the heck are you wearing?” You hiss at your husband as he enters the kitchen in a Hawaiian shirt and straw hat.
“Don’t worry, don’t worry, it’s all a part of the plan.” He says, moving round the back of the kitchen island to place a kiss on your cheek.
The doorbell goes and there’s a thundering of feet racing down the stairs, your son calling out, “she’s here!” and you start to put two and two together.
“No.” You turn to your husband. “No.” But he’s got a devious smirk on his face, his eyebrows raising at you mischievously.
“Oh yeah.” He counters with an exaggerated head nod.
“No, Peter. This is the first time Ben is bringing a girl home. He finally trusts us enough and you’re gonna embarrass the poor boy.”
“Poor boy? I’ll have you know that poor boy was the one who started a prank war with me when he was 9. Do you know how many pairs of underwear I had to throw away because the itching powder just wouldn’t wash out.”
“Uh huh.” You listened as you continued to chop the cucumber and tomatoes for the salad.
“And let’s not forget the time he put eggs in my shoes. Or the time him and his friends tee peed my car. My car babe.”
“Yes I remember.” You reply unenthusiastically to your husbands reasoning. “But Pete,” you say, putting down the knife in your hands and turning to him, “he’s 15 and this is the first girl he’s brought home. You do this and he’ll never forgive you.”
“Of course he will.” He says, already laughing about the thought of the future conversations he’ll have with his son about this. “Come on Babe, it’s a right of passage. I’ve been waiting for this day.” You turn away from him and give him the silent treatment. “You seriously telling me your parents didn’t embarrass you or your brother when you first brought a date home?” You begin to soften as you think back to a memory from your childhood. “Besides, this is still way better than what Uncle Ben did the first time I brought a girl home.”
“Dad? Where’s the TV remote?” Ben’s voice calls from the living room.
You watch as his face lights up. “This is my moment.” He says before swaggering towards the door.
“Just take it easy- and I want to hear the whole story about what your Uncle did to you later!” You call to him. He gives you a knowing nod of agreement before he leaves the room.
“Sooo, who’s ready for lu’au night.” You hear him say as he enters the living room and you can’t help but roll your eyes, already mentally preparing yourself for the damage control you’ll need to do after the poor girls gone home, later.
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Y/n: Great now my asshole hurts aswell
Tony: excuse me?!
Peter: Mr stark?!
Tony: you two had sex?
Y/n: nah his cooking gave me diarrhea plus bladder infection
Peter: Dude don't tell him that
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layla4567 · 9 months
Vaccines are good
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Dad!Colin Zabel x Mom!fem!reader
Summary: You and your husband Colin make up a happy family, Colin turned out to be a great father and you both love your little son. But can the detective get out of trouble when they take his son to be vaccinated?
Warnings: fluffy things and mention of needles and childhood illnesses of course
Word count: 2.8k ***************
Colin was preparing lunch while Alex was sitting at the table drawing with his crayons. The handsome detective smashed two eggs into the pan, adding salt, pepper and coriander and then began to beat them with the fork. He would take care of preparing something else for Alex, over time he had learned that the little one didn't like omelettes. He arranged the food on the plates and served them on the table waiting for you to get home from work.
"Hey champion, what are you drawing?" Colin asked, bringing his face closer to the sheet of paper.
The boy happily held the paper up with pride. "It's you with your police car!"
Colin smiled when he saw himself in that drawing. The colors spilled out of the lines but the detective could clearly be seen standing next to his car, which had the dome lights on, shining red and blue. Alex was very proud of his father and always said that when he grows up he wants to be like him, he even often wore his father's clothes and played cops and robbers with his schoolmate. Colin always laughs but obviously he worries that his son will be involved in a dangerous and stressful job like that.
"It's amazing kid! you even drew the details of my uniform, you are talented!"
Alex's cheeks turned tulip-pink with pure joy as he smiled widely. The boy was a carbon copy of his father, same eyes, same hair and every time he smiled you saw Colin. Suddenly there was a sound of keys opening the door and a sweet voice announced their arrival.
"It's mom!!" Alex got out of his chair running towards the door while you opened it laughing at his enthusiasm. Colin also came to meet you.
"Hey! How was my teddy bear today?"
You scooped Alex into your arms as you planted a loud, slobbery kiss on his cheek. The little boy laughed and then with a grimace of disgust he wiped his cheek without stopping laughing, his face was so funny that it infected you with laughter. You weren't afraid to show how much you loved your son even if you were a little clingy at times.
"Hi sweetie, welcome home." Colin hugged you around the waist and kissed you tenderly on the lips.
"Ew..". The boy said, making a disgusted face and looking away.
Colin laughed tenderly. "Why don't you show mommy what you did today, huh?"
The boy nodded with great enthusiasm and jumping happily.
"Let's see Alex, show me"
Your son grabbed your hand and quickly led you to the table where his little drawing rested. With both hands he raised it to the level of his face.
"Ta-daa!! Guess who it is!!"
You gasped in surprise as you grabbed the drawing from the boy's small hands. You looked at it carefully while smiling sweetly. The proportions of the things he had drawn were not perfect but they seemed adorable to you.
"Oh my god Alex, it's beautiful! And It's daddy! and with his police car of course"
"Yeah!! you guessed it!". Alex smiled at you with that gap between his frontal paddles that seemed so tender and pretty to you.
"Let's hang your drawing on the refrigerator door, what do you think, honey?"
Your son shouted yes and you gave Colin a smiling look.
"I think it's a great idea babe"
While you placed the drawing under two magnets Colin asked his son what he wanted for lunch.
"Ok little champ, what do you want for lunch? You don't want an omelet, right?"
Alex shook his head vigorously while sticking out his tongue in a grimace of disgust.
Colin smiled in amusement. "Alright, alright. How about pasta?"
"Yay I love pasta!!"
The detective laughed amused, it was no secret that your son loved Italian food. you turned around looking at them happily.
"Ok, then pasta will be"
Your husband had gotten up from his seat to put the noodles in a pot when Alex sneezed loudly. Colin stopped halfway looking at you while you approached Alex with concern.
"What was that, hun?" You gently took his chin in your hand, inspecting him.
"I don't know, mommy". Alex sniffed the snot with his nose as he wiped it on a sleeve.
"I already told you not to wipe your snot on your sleeve, you'll make it dirty."
"Sorry mom.."
You looked for a disposable tissue in your purse that Colin handed you and leaned close to your son's face.
"Come here"
You carefully wiped his nose while inspecting his nasal passages for any possible infection or irritation but found nothing alarming.
"Well It seems like you don't have any infection, maybe it's a simple allergy. "My love, was he like this all day?" You turned to look at your husband who returned a worrying look.
"Actually no, he was perfect. Just now he started sneezing"
You put your arms on your hips as you looked at your son thoughtfully who looked back at you a little scared.
"But he had already had a cold last week, right?"
Colin nodded. You still remembered what it had been like last week. Alex had had a fever and cough and had stayed in bed resting as the doctor had said. The poor thing couldn't leave the house to play with his friends and spent time eating soups that he considered very bland.
Worried, you walked quickly to your bedroom to look for Alex's vaccination record. You checked that everything was in order, Alex had all the vaccines from when he was a few months old baby. But he was missing the measles vaccine, which he had to get at age 5. Alarmed, you returned to the kitchen with the booklet in your hand. Alex had a terrified face when he saw it, he already knew that the storm was about to break loose.
"Colin, Alex doesn't have the measles vaccine and he's already 6, he must get it as soon as possible".
When the little boy heard the word vaccine, he jumped in his chair.
"Sure, it makes sense. The symptoms are fever, cough and runny nose, that's what he suffered last week"
"Come on, bring the car keys, we have to take him to the nearest hospital".
The detective grabbed the keys that were hanging on a cute keychain on the wall hand painted by Alex and you grabbed your purse and put on a jacket. When you called your son, he got out of the chair scared, getting as far away from the two of you as possible.
"NO!". He yelled
The two of you were about to open the door when the child's scream made you turn around to see him. When the little naughty boy made sure he had both of your attention, he returned to the charge, shouting.
Alex crossed his arms angrily as he furrowed his eyebrows so tightly that his forehead became wrinkled.
"Alexis Zabel!"
You put your hands on your hips, also furrowing your eyebrows, looking at him defiantly, you could play that game too. Everyone in the family knew that when you called your son by his full name it was because you had exhausted your patience and he was in serious trouble.
Colin took a step forward, trying to calm the atmosphere and cut the tension that would be felt in the air.
"Come on Alex, don't make mom angry, don't make it harder".
The detective approached with his arms open to grab his son but the boy was faster and ran screaming towards his room as if he had a rocket up his ass.
You ran in his direction, annoyed. "Alexis come here immediately!"
Colin grabbed your arm. "Wait, let me talk to him."
You huffed in agreement while your husband smiled at you, caressing your wrist. Colin headed to his son's room. His dark wooden door was decorated with posters of dinosaurs and robots. He knocked on the door twice.
"Alex? It's me, daddy. Can I come in?"
The man heard Alex's muffled voice from being behind the thick door giving him a negative answer, from his tone of voice he seemed still angry.
"Please son I just want to talk I promise"
Zabel waited anxiously by the door when a slight movement of the handle made him sigh in relief. Alex's chubby face barely peeked out of the space he had left open.
"Fine, come in"
Colin walked in smiling. Alex's room was quite big. The walls were decorated with drawings and posters of his favorite cartoons. There were also shelves with dolls and stuffed animals piled up, many of them were dinosaurs, he loved them. His toy trunk also had fire engines, tanks and racing cars that the boy had even taken charge of naming. The bed where the boy was sitting was shaped like a car and his blankets had drawings of prehistoric animals and plants. Colin sat next to his son who remained very serious.
"Listen Al, I know you don't want to get vaccinated but it's for your own good.". Colin used to use that pet name with his son.
"Adults always say that". Alex crossed his arms and turned his face away so as not to see his father.
"But it's because it's the truth. You know?, when I was your age I didn't want to get vaccinated either."
Alex's little face lit up in surprise as she turned to look at him. "Really?"
"Yes, really. Look, if you promise to behave like the brave boy I know you are, on the way out, I promise to buy you the biggest ice cream you want".
"You promise?". Said the boy smiling
Colin extended his pinky in promise. "Pinky promise, kid"
Alex intertwined his pinky with his father's, laughing happily as they both left the room, but not before grabbing a toy car for Alex to entertain himself and calm down. You continued waiting at the door impatiently moving one foot up and down until you saw them leave the room.
"We can go now". Your husband said smiling.
The ride to the hospital was quite quiet, from time to time you would take quick glances at Alex who was calmly playing with his toy in the back seat. Colin sensed your nervousness and grabbed your hand firmly, smiling at you while he held the steering wheel with the other.
"Don't worry, he'll be fine." He whispered to you
You nodded, smiling. Everything seemed calm and correct, but when he arrived at the establishment and got out of the car, Alex saw the facade of the hospital and the fear returned to him, so he started screaming and kicking to get back to the car. You grabbed your son's hand, pulling him with Colin's help to get him into the hospital but Alex couldn't stop crying. The detective crouched down next to his son.
"Remember what we talked about, if you continue like this there will be no ice cream"
Colin's slightly threatening tone brooked no reply. Alex was going to say something but upon looking into his father's intimidating eyes he decided to remain silent. So, with a dejected air and the face of a lamb about to go to the slaughterhouse, they headed inside the building. Of course the boy carried the toy car under his arm. In the waiting room there were many children more or less his age, some teenagers and babies a few months old. With a sad and scared face, Alex sat between his parents to await his fatal fate. The other children also seemed somewhat dejected.
You knew how tortuous it is for a child to be vaccinated, you still remember when you went nervously to the waiting room to get an injection when you were a child. And honestly the screams and cries that came from the door where the vaccines were given was not exactly relaxing. That's why you took your son's delicate hand in yours, squeezing it gently to give him warmth, courage and protection.
"Sweetheart, you can do it, I trust you. And when we get into the room I will be with you the entire time and I will hold your hand so it doesn't hurt."
Your son wiped a small tear that was almost dry from his rosy cheek and looked at you with a shy smile.
"Alright, if you say so..."
The hours passed and the waiting room was emptying. There were only two people left ahead of you. Many of the children came out smiling with tears in their eyes, others didn't say anything and looked at the ground as they walked. Then a plump older woman called them by Alex's full name. The little boy did not want to go but he remembered his father's promise and bravely squeezed your hand and headed to the room while your husband sat waiting outside.
The injection room was beige and the walls were decorated with paintings of animals to calm the children, you weren't sure if it really worked. There was also a medium-sized window with baby blue curtains that overlooked a garden full of flowering bushes. You directed your distracted gaze there when the woman brought you out of your thoughts.
"Okay, so this is little Alex Zabel."
The lady was wearing a dark blue nurse's uniform and was smiling affably. You looked at your son who could only look down holding on to his toy car.
"Oh it's ok honey, it'll just be a little prick". The woman said
Alex's eyes were starting to water again so you tenderly wrapped your arms around his shoulders in a protective gesture. "Sweetie everything will be fine, you'll see"
The nurse told Alex to sit in a chair and roll up the sleeve of his shirt so she could give him the injection. She also asked him which arm he wanted the injection in and the boy pointed to his left arm. The good-natured woman began to prepare the needle, taking one out of a sterilized envelope that was in a plastic box full of them. When you saw them, a slight chill ran down your spine. You still remembered your first vaccine as if it were yesterday and you understood everyone more than ever. those children who came out crying.
Alex also saw the needles and buried his face in your chest, scared. You grabbed her hand and whispered the words you had said before "Remember, mommy is here and I won't let go of your hand."
The little boy nodded and sat up straight in his chair, squeezing your hand tightly as he showed his left arm to the nurse. She tapped the needle with her gloved hands to make the liquid go down.
"Alright, little Alex, take a deep breath."
Alex closed his eyes tightly until his nose wrinkled and he squeezed your hand even harder as it started to hurt, never underestimate the strength of a scared 6 year old child. It was barely a second until the nurse announced that she was finished.
"Done! You see it wasn't that big of a deal?".She laughed sweetly
Your son opened his brown eyes wide and looked at his arm in surprise, looking for any cut or wound, both women laughed and the nurse carefully squeezed his arm with cotton.
"Hold this cotton in your arm for a few minutes, then you could throw it away. Aaand." The woman took out a red popsicle from a jar and handed it to the child who was looking with bright, greedy eyes. "This is for you, for being such a brave child."
"That's very kind, thank you" You said to the nurse and looked at your son "You thank her too, Alex."
The little one had already put the lollipop in his mouth without thinking twice and didn't even take it out to respond "Thzank yough"
Mother and son left the small room hand in hand, happy and laughing. Colin was already standing waiting for them with a relieved smile on his face.
"So? How did my little champion do?"
"Oh he was incredible, he didn't cry even once"
"And look daddy!!, the nurse gave me a lollipop for being good!"
"Oh look at that!"
Colin lifted the boy into his arms giving him a kiss on the cheek while you held his toy.
"It seems that today you are going to stuff yourself with so many sweet things"
"What does that mean?". You asked funny and curious
"It means daddy will buy me ice cream!!!"
Colin looked down, smiling a little embarrassed for not telling his wife about the deal.
"Oh yeah? Well I guess daddy can buy ice cream for everyone too." You said laughing and giving your husband a kiss on the cheek.
Colin laughed and agreed to pay for the other ice creams. They returned to the car happy, heading to the nearest ice cream parlor, eager to try that sweet and frozen dessert.
I have read many stories where Colin is the father of a girl, so I wanted to write a story where he had a son.
By the way, I wrote this after reading the @sweeter-innocence-fics fic. Thanks for being an inspiration for this, you can read her Colin fic here
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idk-bruh-20 · 10 months
Irondad fic ideas #154
CW: this one's pretty gruesome. read at your own risk 
Peter is a young child who's been kidnapped. His parents and/or his aunt and uncle were killed and he was taken. Along with a bunch of other little kids, he's been held captive and experimented on.
When the Avengers suddenly bust the kidnapping operation, the kidnappers try at the last second to destroy their research. They gas the small room where the kids are being held.
It's Iron Man who ends up blasting through. What he finds is horrifying. All but one of the children are dead.
The one who's left is just sitting among the bodies, crying, shocked, terrified. Iron Man carries him out of there, then once they're safe from the gas Tony steps out of the suit to comfort the kid while he's given oxygen.
Little 5-year-old Peter Parker imprints on his savior hard.
He just went through an unimaginable amount of trauma, then Iron Man burst through like an avenging angel. This is the first time he's ever felt protected in his memory. Tony holds the crying kid, and the kid can tolerate no one else near him.
This becomes a slight problem when they get back to base. But Tony can't find it in him to let SHIELD take the kid away, let them strip him of this one tiny bit of comfort. He keeps seeing all those other kids when he closes his eyes.
This one needs him right now. And if "right now" eventually becomes "this is my son," well. Who could've predicted that.
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ptergwen · 2 years
heyy girl back again lol. a fluffy morning routine with tom?
rise and shine
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w/c: 651
warnings: floofy fluff
a/n: i decided to do this with dad!tom because i thought it would be cute and i loved :,) thank you for requesting and pls join my taglist friends
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you wake up to the feeling of tom’s lips on your skin, a grin instantly appearing on your features. your eyes open and close again in bliss as your husband peppers feather light kisses to your cheek.
“g’morning, love. rise and shine.”
tom takes your hand in his and kisses it. he’s standing by your side of the bed, smiling down at you tangled in the covers.
he’s already up, has been for a while, so he tended to the kids and let you sleep in. he always wakes up first. he’s a morning person, and you very much aren’t. if it weren’t for tom, you’d never leave the bed.
“five more minutes.”
“mm, i’ve heard that one before. c’mon. i’ve just made breakfast.”
tom gives your hand a gentle tug.
“just gimme five more minutes, tom. that’s all i ask. five minutes, and i’ll be down.”
“you’re no better than the girls.”
“i’m worse.”
you smile knowingly at tom. he pulls you up from the bed and brings you in for a kiss. you hum against his lips, arms looping around his torso.
“where are the little buggers, anyway? have you checked on them?”
“i have. got them ready, too. i couldn’t get soph to brush her teeth, though.”
“soph won’t brush her teeth, ash is on a bathing strike. our kids are impossible.”
“just like their mum.”
you flick tom for that remark. the two of you share another kiss, then you put on your slippers. tom holds open your robe for you next. he’s a huge help in the mornings, with you and the kids, but with you especially.
you two make your way into the kitchen, where sophia and ashley are waiting for you. you greet them both with kisses on their heads and take your usual seat at the table. tom comes around to the girls with a plate in each hand.
“for my princesses.”
he sets down their plates and then gets yours.
“and my queen.”
“thanks for taking care of breakfast, babe. it looks good.”
“doesn’t it? and you all doubt my culinary skills.”
“who’s a better cook? me, or dad?”
sophia and ashley answer in unison.
you wink at them and take a forkful of your food. tom dramatically claps a hand over his heart, making the girls giggle.
“traitors. what would you lot like to drink?”
“chocolate milk, please,” sophia says. “have we got any juice?” ashley asks.
“your wish is my command. y/n/n, coffee?”
tom makes everyone’s drinks and a tea for himself. he joins you three at the table. many laughs and narrowly avoided spills later, you all finish eating. you take the liberty of cleaning up, since tom did the cooking. the girls go out in the backyard to play fetch with tessa while you and tom head back to your room to get yourselves ready for the day.
you have an en suite bathroom with a double sink, so you and tom often get ready together. it’s something so simple, so domestic, but so special. it truly is the little things.
you both brush your teeth, then you do your skincare while tom styles his hair. he grumbles about how frizzy it is today. you watch him attempt to tame it with copious amounts of gel and giggle.
“oh no. that’s way too much, babe.“
“well, what do you reckon i do?”
you rake your fingers through tom’s hair at the roots to undo it. you take a bit of his gel and spread it evenly between both hands, scrunching his hair with your fingers so his curls are controlled, but still have volume. he looks at himself in the mirror when you’re done.
“you’re a godsend. thanks, love.”
you beam. tom pecks your lips, careful to avoid your face because your skincare is drying in.
“shall we go see what the girls are up to?”
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tags: @mystic-writings @just-lost-inbetween-worlds @lnmp89 @jenoslov @crvshnburnn @yourlocalomlette @belovasheart @hollandsgoodgirl @liltimmyst @hollandsangel @parkerctrl @eichenhouseproperty @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @varshhyy @ellebutnotwoods @tayyx @valluvsu @ronweasleysslut @peterficrecs @winchestersgirl222 @sunf1ower-vol6 @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @niktwazny303 @marvelgurl @thismessymasterpiece @alina02 @itsjanedeluca @lomlbuckyy @prancerrparkerr
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moonsvillain · 2 months
remus' first heartbreak isn't when he's fifteen, lying in a cot in the hopsital wing while james and peter stand by the side, ears ringing while he watches lazily-bleeding scars stretch over his knuckles when he curls his fingers into a fist.
it's not when he's eighteen, knee-deep in loveless, worn-down circles of weary werewolves looking for allies, a bone-deep exhaustion sieving every bit of energy he has spare into a trickle that's barely enough to keep him afloat amid the war when rage cannot.
it's not even when he's twenty-one, reeling from the aftershock of betrayal that makes it feel like he's being ripped open from esophagus to abdomen while his friend's remains are scraped off the street.
he's eleven, waking up on the first day of his second month at hogwarts. remus watches a large, shiny owl deliver james a collection of luxurious chocolates for breakfast. watches sirius stuff a howler in a teapot before it can start on its tirade, james joining in on the attempts to silence it. watches an explosion of glitter coat peter's face when he opens a letter from home, laughing about a vindictive cousin.
remus waits, and waits and waits. never grows impatient, simply waits. and when the school year ends, keeps waiting, hands folded in his lap and chin held up straight.
remus steps into his father's office on the third day of the summer holiday's and finds a stack of mail sitting on his desk. remus leaves silently a moment later.
unbroken wax seals, remus remembers, watching his skin crackle as crimson blood seeps from his white knuckles, the colour uncanny. james says something, but he doesn't hear it. the hospital wing hums and remus exhales, slow and patient.
to be loved is to be changed, blemishes simply a bruise in the shape of love. remus' skin is riddled with scars, his mothers love seeping into him as each wipe of a dittany-soaked cloth seals his wretched wounds. james is written into the curve of his lips, peter finding space in-between the freckles on his cheeks, and sirius curled up in the sliver of space made available between his ribs and ever-beating, crackling heart.
every letter remus sends to his father in his first year is pristine and unmarred. remus never sends him one again.
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lilylovelyxo · 1 year
*Peter and Y/N walk up to Tony while on the beach*
Y/N: “Dad! Can we get the sunblock?”
Tony: “Nerd alert!”
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mj-jones-parker · 5 months
Peter: I wasn't that drunk last night
Mj: You were flirting with me all night
Peter: So? Your my girlfriend
Mj: You also asked if I was single
Mj: And cried when I said no
Tony: You also printed out an adoption papers and tried to get me to sign them
Peter: Did you sign them?
Mj: Peter your a grown adult, Tony can't adopt you
Tony, whispering to Peter: Yeah I signed them
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