#dani with a water core?
goddessofbees · 2 months
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Danny the embodiment of the winter sky, Jazz is Autumn, Dani is Spring, and Dan is Summer
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@perilusjax @starlightcat04
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vladdyissues · 3 months
If Dani is a daughter of Danny and Vlad, what is her element? Ice, fire or none?
I could see Vlad and Danny secretly rooting for Dani to be either a fire specter (that would be Vlad) or an ice specter (Danny, just so he can be smug about it for the rest of his and Vlad's immortal lives), and then being quietly disappointed—but nevertheless supportive—when she turns out to be a boring, run-of-the-mill water specter, like so many other ghosts.
I mean, what do you expect when you mix fire and ice? 🧊🫠
Blatantly ignoring super awesome combos like frozen fire or flaming ice, of course.
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peculiardiction · 21 days
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Something to break up all the dc content lately; An older Ellie I made a while back <3
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wonderlandsakura · 1 year
So I think of Dan and Ellie as Vlad and Danny's children, we know this
Dan is literally a fusion of both their ectoplasm, and Ellie, despite being probably a clone, was still raised around Vlad and his ectoplasm, which I think would have affected her.
So I think their cores should reflect that:
Wind core for Ellie, as wind can be cooling, but can also carry gusts of heat. She is ultimately her own individual, only slightly influenced. It is wild and untamed and free like she is and it can chill and it can warm and it can comfort and reassure, yet also be brutal and wild and rip and tear and rend all that blocks it's path.
Water core for Dan, melted ice, a representation of what caused his birth. An Ocean, a Tsunami. Tears, mourning, grief. Constant and unrelenting and inevitable like the tides, sometimes seeming calm and still, but this stillness is but an act to hide the brutal, crashing, fatal waves that will soon follow. A sudden, striking, forceful anger and grief that sweeps in and destroys mercilessly, unknowingly, without bias or care, going where nature wills it, and though it can stop and recede just as swiftly, it sometimes merely slows, lingering and receding, and at times never really leaving.
Ice core for Danny, cold and harsh yet all the more reassuring and safe for it. The cold of an ice fortress or igloo, protecting those within it and keeping in the warmth. The cold of an ice pack on a nasty bruise, the chill as you watch the anger of someone else standing up and protecting you and knowing only your enemies will face it, the cold of a snow day, the carefree enjoyment of childhood, unburdened, knowing that the snow has no wish to harm you, but instead bring joy. The ice of protection of safety, just as sharp and cold and cutting, but only to it's enemies, those who do not see the love and joy in it.
Fire core for Vlad, the ever-burning embers of a wood fire, something that must be kept feed, lest it die out and leave one to freeze. The fire that cannot die, cannot rest, can burn down to embers, but must never be extinguished, for fear of the cold that will creep in and kill, for fear of the longer time one will starve for it, for fear of the darkness and the enemies within and the inherent uncertainty of the unknown, for fear. The simmering embers of everlasting devotion, the crackling warmth of the hearth that heats the home and heart, the shared light of companionship.
Basically, I'm saying that Ellie has a wind core as her obsession is freedom, Dan has a water core, and his obsession has something to do with his intense grief, if that grief is not in itself his obsession, Danny, has an ice core and a protection obsession in this case, while Vlad has a fire core and an obsession concerning love and companionship, but it's become mutated and twisted by his fear.
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whimsicalcotton · 9 months
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sakuravalelp · 3 months
Ellie(Dani) didn't realize how dangerous Danny's home was for him until he was more worried about her when she got her own home. - Prompt I think(?)
Ellie wasn't sure how to feel when Danny excitedly animated her to accept Arthur's invitation to live in Atlantis.
"Just if you want of course, but you'll get a stable home, and Frostbite said living underwater might be good for your water cores stability."
She had already been planning to accept the offer. Once she gave the guy an opportunity to have some sort of conversation, the guy was pretty chill, and the castle was pretty cool. So yeah, she was going to accept the offer.
But for some reason Danny's eagerness for her to go with Arthur hurt. It felt like he was trying to get rid of her.
She knew that was ridiculous, she didn't even live with Danny. He looked out for her, and was always a call away but, as much as Danny parents her, he was just a child like her. It made sense he was happy to give away the responsibility of taking care of her.
So when Ellie moved into Atlantis, she was expecting to hear less from Danny. After all, she had settle down, and he didn't need to worry about her adventures anymore. That was Arthur's and Mera's job now.
Weirdly enough, it was the complete opposite.
Now that Ellie was living with adults, Danny seemed MORE worried for her. They went from a call once a week or so, to almost daily calls in the afternoons. He would be more insistent about her telling him if anything was wrong.
He would ask specifics about the food she was eating, and her activities of the day, and her room, and the castles security...
Sam had told her that it was because he used to be able to monitor if she was eating well through the transactions of the debit card they had given her. Tuck had told her that he used to evaluate how safe she was through the phones location, and the hotels receipts.
And well, maybe she underestimated how much attention Danny put on her before, but the way the calls went made it seem like he thought she might be in more danger now that she had a stable home.
Which made no sense, because unlike him, she didn't even need to hide her ghostlines. Anything that was out of normal for Atlanteans was excused with meta-abilities, she didn't need to worry about being classified as a non-sentient species.
That was when it caught up to her. Danny was worried now that she was in a stable home because his stable home had always been dangerous for him. It isn't even a think of it being dangerous now that his a ghost, it has been dangerous ever since he was a child. She remembers all of Jazz's rants about how unreliable their parents have always been.
The food has always been contaminated. The security now attacked him directly, but there had always been a possibility of it malfunctioning and hurting the residents. Him and Jazz had always had the responsibilities of not only keeping the house clean, but the lab as well. If she tops it with the house security system attacking him, and his parents been ghost hunters...
Ellie hadn't found it too dangerous back then, Danny mocked Jazz rants with her, and Jack and Maddie were kind when they interacted with her in her human form. The Fentons neglect seemed liberating in comparison to Vlad overly controlling nature. But thinking about it now, after two months living in Atlantis, she doesn't like the picture.
She doesn't like the idea of Danny being somewhere so unsafe, but where would he go? He doesn't have a water core like her, and even if he had gotten sorta used to shapeshifting, he isn't good enough to live in a second form, which isn't recommendable either way. So he wouldn't be able to move underwater with her.
More so, she doubts that Danny would like to leave his Amity, he had taken the sole responsibilities of dealing with the whole humans - ghost conflicts. With the anti-ecto acts, there's no way he would leave the portal unsupervised.
What should she do now? Should she talk with Arthur about it? He said he was part of the heros friend group, what if they already know about the anti-ecto acts and are okay with it? What if they change hoe they act with her when she tells them she isn't actually an atlatean meta?
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
Could we get a continuation of a cluster of cores? Teen parent Danny is gonna be run ragged with so many little ones and it will only be a matter of time before Dani and Lian shows them the Puppy Eyes, good thing there gonna have plenty of aunts and uncles to also bully.
Roy's newfound hero is still locked in a coma. It's been nearly three months now, and they had managed to keep him alive with tubes feeding him food and water, but it worried everyone they could not figure out the reason for his slumber.
Dani, the young alien girl, assured everyone it was fine, as she could naturally sense her father's core healing. Despite their humanoid appearance, a quick scan showed that the Fentons (as Dani had identified them) were indeed aliens.
Then there were their documents. They were all legal... in Daxam, where these travelers were from. He had contacted the Justice League, and the Green Lanterns had easily authenticated their identities.
Daxam was a plant with a red sun, one that had life forms similar to those of Kryptonians. However, the natives of the plant, before Krypton colonized it, were different in how their young were born and the origin of their powers.
Roy has learned through the Oa headquarters records that Indigenous Daxamites were formed within cores. These egg-like parts held the entity of their souls but at too different times to fully hatch, so a sibling of a cluster could hatch five years before the rest. When they formed, their powers came from an "Obsession" or a part of their environment instead of just the sun.
Their culture and species revolved heavily around the child clusters, as Indigenous Daxamite could only lay them once in their lifetime. This was disastrous when their kind was slowly hunted into extinction, as Daxam was conquered nearly a hundred thousand years ago and became a colony by Krypton.
The Kryptonians had always targeted the clusters before they could hatch, drastically declining the numbers of Daxamites.
The Indigenous Daxamites had nearly been wiped out in a horrific genocide during the colonization days, and the remaining ones had been mixed with Kryptonians to the point their species had evolved.
The cluster of core births was nothing more than history to the planet, even when outliving Krypton. That did not mean that the generational racism died with the Kryptonians.
Daxamites had become hostile to the original Daxam dwellers (Roy found records of Kryptonians demonizing the species, often referring to their god Rao commanding them to cleanse the planet for daring to gain power from pagan gods. He is pretty sure that was just an excuse for the holy war, as Clark had never mentioned anything in.), and a sort of witch hunt for any pure Indigenous Daxamite sprung to life a thousand years ago.
The Green Lanterns corps had to step in when word reached them, but by that point, many innocent Daxamites had been executed on accusations alone of being Indigenous Daxamites. To the heavy heart of the reporting Green Lantersn, the Indigenous Daxamites have been wiped from existence because of the witch trials a good nine hundred years ago.
Oh, so they thought.
Danny Fenton and his children may as well be the very last of their kind. Roy figured that Danny and his people had hidden themselves from their government.
He likely had spent his life attempting to keep his kind a secret, as his planet had been under the thumb of an oppressive dictatorship since Krypton had perished. Daxam was notorious for its complicated border control, which made leaving the planet near impossible.
He is still determining what led to Danny's discovery, but based on what they managed to salvage from the bomb site of his once house, Danny fled his planet after his secret was outed.
There was an active warrant for his capture on Daxam and an open order to neutralize his "demonic unholy offspring." Roy felt sick when he heard from a grim-faced John Stewart, the Green Lanter working as their intermediary between the two planets, that the populace on Daxam had been campaigning for Danny's death to be slow and public, as the hatred for his kind was that deep.
Dani refused to explain how her father smuggled them all out. She mentioned a few times that they had help from a mysterious "Clockwork" but had to keep a tight lid on anything else.
All they knew for sure was that Danny was severely damaged from the escape, and his constant feedings to his young (even in his sleep, his body naturally sent over ectoplasm to the cluster that never left this side) had put him in grave danger when he saved Lian. Roy still held his daughter only because this man risked everything for a child of a planet he had no ties to.
He was willing to take on all Daxam if they dared to come for Danny for that alone.
Thankfully, Justice Leauge felt the same way, and with the support of the Green Lanterns Corp, they were debating with the galactic high court to make Danny a citizen of Earth using asylum. Things were looking good for their cause, given that Danny was with a child (children??) and that his small family was an endangered species.
The Justice League was also a recognized police force by the galactic association, no matter how new, so their word carried a lot in the court.
Roy was letting the big names handle everything political. Bruce, especially, was working overtime since the big bad bat had a giant soft spot for children. He focused more on his living situation and Danny himself.
Not only because they were best friends but because Gotham seemed to be one of the only cities with "ectoplasm" (High-density levels of death?? It was naturally, according to Daxam) that the Fentons needed. Danny was resting in the Drake Hospital of Gotham, while Dani had been housed with Jason.
Jason had been more than willing to open his home to Roy and Lian until they could return to their city. They were among the many houses destroyed, so it would be a while before their home was fixed. Oliver extended the same offer, wanting his son and granddaughter back home with him.
He would have taken Oliver's offer had Jason not asked first. Things were better between the arrows now that Roy had cleaned his addiction, but he felt more at ease with Jason.
She was still young enough to need slight feedings from her father but was also able to process food from the environment. Roy tried his best to make Dani feel at home, but he could tell by her somber eyes and weak smile that she was struggling with her displacement.
Jason was better at helping her. He made time to read her a bedtime story, have her help cook, and even take her on rides around Gotham on his bike, but somehow, he did it in a way that she didn't have to speak.
Dani seemed relaxed with him.
Roy has always known Jason was better with kids, but seeing it in person makes his heart melt.
"Is my dad awake yet?" Dani asks Lian one morning. The two girls were playing with dolls, though Dani seemed confused by them the first time. She apparently never had a doll before, and Roy is curious if it was due to her being on the constant run or if dolls were not toys on her home planet.
"I don't think so. But don't worry, my Daddy is a hero. He'll save him!"
Roy's heart leaps in joy at her words, but it breaks only half a second when Dani replies in a small voice. "My Dad is a hero too. But he can still die."
Gosh, is that something a child should say?
Roy puts down the pan he used to make pancakes, wiping his hands on his apron to tell the girls breakfast is ready when Jason comes stumbling out of his room. He had a late night as Red Hood, having taken out an uprising in one of his territories.
Usually, this means Jason sleeps until two or three in the afternoon so to see him up and about at nine was a shock. He has his phone pressed to his ear, with a frantic look in his eye causing Roy to tense.
"Thanks, Tim. I'll get Roy and the girls ready. We'll be there as soon as I can," Jason said, twisting to grab hold of Roy's shoulder. We need to get to Drake Hospital."
Hope rose in his chest as Roy pressed a hand over Jason's "Is he awake?"
Jason's mouth tightens. "No. One of the cores hatched."
Oh no.
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ryntaia · 3 months
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A doodle of Real Boy Dan. The idea behind it was that despite technically being housed in a clone of Danny, Dan ends up inheriting Vlad's core instead (fire core). It ended up just looking like Dan with Vlad's ecto though, lmao. It was later suggested to me that Dan have an electric core, to match a water core Dani, making them storm core. I like that idea a LOT too--of course, I really like Real Boy Dan and Dani stuff in general.
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The siblings. Seriously though I'd read a whole spinoff just of the Dan Masters kids going on adventures.
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kizzer55555 · 6 months
DPxDC: Jarro Adopts an Alien
Ok, so Danny has a space obsession and a protection obsession (I headcanon that as a halfa, Danny has two obsessions like all Halfas do which makes them unique to other ghosts.) and so while he can get his fill protecting people in Amity, he struggles with his space obsession. Sure, he can look up everything he can about space and the stars on the internet. He can stay up until 2 am looking at the stars (who needs sleep? He’s a ghost, he can go days, or even weeks without sleep if he wants, same with a lack of air or food.) but it’s just not enough. He craves to learn more, see more. Just as Dani gets that itch to travel, Danny wonders. What would it be like to see the stars up close? Are they really as hot as a dragons fire breath? Hotter!? Or maybe they are so hot they are cold. What does it look like to see plasma dancing across the surface, or touch the gasses of Jupiter? Does Pluto have ice caves like the far frozen? How many planets are actually out there? What about Mars. There’s a whole species living there with a language and culture Danny can’t even fathom! Oh what he wouldn’t give to talk with martian manhunter or Superman. 
And what’s stopping him from exploring this? He can fly. He doesn’t need air. He can go intangible if it gets too hot and he’s practically immune to the cold. He wants to touch a space rock! See if they are smooth because there is no wind or earth to rub against them and erode the surface. He wants to see what planets they come from. What minerals they might have. He wants to know if there are currents in space. All of these things are right there just above the atmosphere. Surely it couldn’t hurt to take a quick peek. So he does. During a particularly bad day Danny flies as fast as he can until the earth’s gravity looses its effects. Until his hair is floating as of it’s in water even more than normal. Until he can feel when breathing no longer became a choice (still not necessary though). And it…was beautiful. To be surrounded by space. To see the earth like this. Pictures just didn’t do it Justice. He flew across the solar system and as he passed planets, he longed to fly through them. To search every crevice and learn their secrets. But he had a bigger prize in mind at the moment. The crown jewel of their universe. The closest star he could find. The sun. 
Danny was mesmerized. The plasma really did dance across the surface. Like a never ending performance of science and beauty. There were sparks that few in arcs. Danny flew down and played in them, making a game to see how many he could fly under. His ghost core purred in delight. His obsession had never been more satisfied. He spent hours out there. Just exploring what his solar system had to offer. So when he returned? He couldn’t just forget. Pictures and online science theories had nothing on the real thing. He wanted to explore some more. So he did. Every night he would go out and explore the cosmos. Flying from planet to planet. (Either the Martians were still around and Danny made friends with them, even learning their language, or he just looks at their ruins to learn as much as he can). And with both obsessions now being filled, Danny is more settled. More confident. And he can focus better. Everyone notices the change, even his teachers. They just think that he’s paying more attention to his education now. He’s even better during his ghost fights. 
But Danny can fly awfully fast. And he soaks up information even faster. Soon his trips take longer and longer as he flies further out. Sometimes he can barely make it back in time for school. And he can't go every night. Sometimes the ghosts won’t wait for daytime so he has to make sure the town will be safe in his absence. Although he’s been able to take more trips ever since Valerie joined the vigilante ranks. But still, he’s getting farther and farther from earth each night. Until one day he’s visited every planet, every star, every comet or debris in their solar system. Which would be fine. He could deal with that if that was all there was. But it wasn’t. Danny saw the stars just out of reach. He saw places the Milky Way was leaning towards. He saw just the barest hints of new solar systems with new planets and stars. And he knew of legends from lanterns that they had posted online. Heard tales from some scientists that have made better telescopes. And his core itches. It aches to know more. See more. Yet he can't go further. And this puts him in a sort of depression. Suddenly he’s back to his old self. Lagging behind. Distracted. Zoning out. Crashing into a few more buildings during ghost attacks. Yet he tries so hard to be satisfied with what he has. He can still fulfill his obsession…it’s just more like chewing on a granola bar rather than eating a decent meal. He’s almost becoming lethargic. 
So one day he goes to Frostbite to see if there’s anything he can do to lessen the effects. But the yeti just takes one look at him and gives him the infimap. And suddenly Danny is in a whole new universe in seconds. The planets are purple. The stars are blue. He’s pretty sure there are furry blob-like creatures living on one of those planets. And suddenly he gets that itch, but holding the infimap, he knows he had time, so he lets himself go. 
And for a while it’s good. great even. Since he can’t keep asking the yetis for the infimap, he goes over to Wulf to see if he’s up for an adventure. Most of the time he is and they go exploring the galaxies together. And then Wulf had the genius idea of teaching Danny how to make portals. It took a long time but soon, he could concentrate the surrounding ectoplasm enough to weaken it and pull. It took a while since Danny didn’t have ecto claws and would have to use his pure will. But this would allow him to follow his obsession anytime, anywhere. So it was only a matter of time. And once he figured it out? It was like something was unlocked. Danny had never before understood how Ellie could travel so much. But now he did. That feeling when you discover something new. When you add to your reservoir of knowledge. When the patterns in the universe just click. There is nothing Danny could compare it to. And to explore that whenever he wanted? It was so freeing. While Wulf sometimes still joined Danny’s adventures, Danny did most of his explorations by himself. 
He meets various planets and aliens. So many different cultures. He learns thousands of languages. Tries all kinds of foods (and it’s a good thing his ghost self has an iron stomach and he’s basically poison resistant.) even found a whole comet where blood blossoms grew. (Which he most definitely avoided). And wasn’t that fascinating? To find out they were from space. 
And then during his travels one day he met a space alien starfish. 
It was actually a funny story. A meteor shower was about to attack a planet of talking blue monkey creatures with 4 arms. Danny immediately started diverting them and was soon joined by some lantern corps (which his inner fanboy wanted to talk to so bad.). And a tiny starfish in a…Robin uniform? Oh and the starfish could apparently do martial arts which was interesting to watch him karate chop a meteor. He could also talk directly into Danny’s head which the halfa found more interesting. So they got to talking and apparently his name was Jarro. He seemed to be helping the lantern corps as a ‘proxy from earth’ to make better use of his skills. 
Danny would run into Jarro a few more times. Sometimes he was with Lanterns and sometimes he would just be exploring the galaxies. They started forming a pretty strong friendship and Danny would start seeking out the starfish alien to travel with him. He knew all kinds of space facts. Apparently he had an eidetic memory. When they explored, sometimes Jarro would just stick to part of Danny. Wrapped around his arm, his waist, sometimes just sticking to his back like a strange backpack. But they always had fun.
So Danny was happy. He could fulfill both obsessions and got a space pal. Everything was great!
Until the GIW caught him. 
It would probably be the worst day of his life.  There was an explosion in the lab. Something set up by them after they realized Danny frequented that place often. So they set a trap and blew it up. Thankfully, Jazz was at college during this but both his parents were home. When the explosion went off, Danny had tried putting a Barrier around them all. It took everything he had to maintain it. That’s how they found out he was phantom. Danny had a few moments where his parents said they accepted him but he couldn’t hold the barrier for long. His parents said that they loved him and then everything went green. He woke up in a lab, tired and injured. His only saving grace being that he remained in phantom form. And he was determined to remain so. 
Danny’s time at the GIW was a haze but eventually, he managed to escape. Bleeding, and tired, and still recovering from the burns in the explosion, Danny made a portal straight to Amity. Only when he got there, it was a ghost town. Streets were empty, buildings were boarded up. Even the Nasty Burger was deserted. As for his house, there was nothing but a crater left and some scattered debris. Danny looked everywhere but there was no one. No Jazz. No Sam. No Tucker. No one. and he was tired. And everything hurt, and he needed a friend. Someone he could trust. So in a daze he made a portal and tried to just project safe. Safe safe safe. Somewhere he knew he would be protected. And so Jarro got a surprise when his space buddy suddenly popped out of a green portal, bleeding green and clearly passed out. He didn't know what to do. He didn’t know how to help him. But Jarro knew someone who would. 
So with a speed never before seen from a tiny starfish, he flew to earth. Bringing his friend straight to his father. Because surely batman could help!
And with his appearance, the green blood, the knowledge of space facts. The lack of wanting to talk about where he came from (and the nightmares crying out for his parents). This is how the bats became convinced that Jarro brought them an injured alien. 
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definitely-a-real-man · 6 months
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Back on my dpxdc grind. My brain almost exploded trying to fit all my head canons in to this drawing but I hope they made it through. I saw a post about John Constantine parenting the phantoms so I had to add him in there too.
Danny: Ice core
Dan: Fire core (changed after the fusion)
Ellie/Dani: Water core
And Cujo is a Cane Curso coz I said so,,,
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diejager · 6 months
4 when requests r open.. How wld u Feel abt a bear hybrid reader who’s slick is .. Honey ? 👁️
Cw: weirdly sweet cum???, smut, oral sex, overstimulation, tell me if I missed any. Honey, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours??
Perhaps you shouldn’t have eaten so much honey, the sweet goodness that you indulged in when it was given to you in abundance, a rare treat to normal bear but a common dish to you. You loved honey like Pooh liked it, always seen with a small jar and lips stained with the sweet treat, tasting as sweet as honey whenever they walked up to kiss you, pressing themselves so close to you and lips devouring any groan from you, tongue lathering your lip to taste the honey from it and steal a taste of you from your mouth.
Gaz and Soap had always liked the sugary taste of you, your honeyed lips, your honeyed tongue and honeyed mouth, every part of you was sweet, a sugary treat to men like them when you were a big and grizzled bear. A Kodiak bear with both size and strength, but a soft and tender heart, and even sweeter lips that Gaz loved kissing and biting whenever he crossed your path, pulling you by the collar and passionately kissing you. A gentle but powerful wave crashing against you for something as simple as a taste and affection, his hands wandering down and holding you against him by the waist. Soap was more eager than Gaz, rough and devouring with his kiss, chaining you to his body by the hips, hands teasingly grasping at your ass and grinding against you to instigate you, push you further into his arms.
Then you found yourself always so, so sensitive, your core spiking in a strong pulse, sharp and boiling. You blamed it on the Scot, who couldn’t hold his tongue after he ate you like a starved man, left to dry out and hunger without food or water, gorging himself on your now sugary slick, the old tangy and salty flavour turned soft and sweet as honey. He shared it with Ghost, who had manhandled you to his room, stripping you naked and spread over his cold sheets while his tongue laved across your slit, the tip teasing your clit with soft circles and dipped into your drooling cunt. He groaned and moaned at the taste of you, burying himself between your thighs, nose bumping your throbbing nub and tongue curling deep inside of you to pull more sweet slick from your warmth and down his throat. 
From Ghost, it reached Gaz, who’s ears practically perked up at the temptation, sliding from one darkened wall to the other until he found you in the rec room with a small cup of honey and a finger in your mouth. He was rather forceful - surprisingly strong against your bear-like strength - in his demand, bending you over the counter, ass upturned and head buried in your arms while you mewled and panted, left a victim to Gaz’s skillful tongue. The way he dove in and curled, swirling your sweet slick around his tongue and drinking it all in, his lips placed firmly around your fluttering hole, drinking your cum like he would water. 
The from him, Price was the last to be aware, ordering you to his office for a taste. You sent his papers and pens to the floor, your flaying arms knocking things over in your search for purchase while he held you down by the hip, groaning when you closed your thighs around his head and fingers pulling his hair, locked in and tugging him closer and closer. He murmured praises, complimenting you for your magical body —one of a kind, he said, to have one’s slick tasting like honey. 
They left you panting and limping, walking around the halls with a powerful throb between your legs after every servings, grumbling under your breath at their insatiable tongues. Perhaps you shouldn’t have made it a habit, now that they made it a show of stocking up your reserve of honey with bigger and larger containers, grins stretching the corners of their lips. 
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami @cassiecasluciluce
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corkinavoid · 2 months
Okay, yeah, I just wrote a post about good!GIW like three days ago, but
DPxDC GIW Using Ghosts as Living Weapons
TW: dehumanization, mention of electrocution, whump
I've been watching Hell's Paradise, and it got me thinking. What if GIW doesn't just catch and study ghosts? After all, their tech is no match for something like Vortex or Undergrowth, or even Technus.
What if they catch ghosts and turn them into living weapons? Train them into following commands like dogs, and force them into obedience. Dehumanize them in the worst way possible, treating them like machines.
Ghosts are not sentient or sapient in their opinion, but they feel pain. They can be trained.
What I'm saying is whump Danny, mostly, but make it interesting. Make it not just a teen in pain, no, make him a merciless machine that follows any given order with unmatched efficiency, someone who doesn't feel any emotions anymore, knowing no pleas or cries will work.
I'm thinking along the lines of a muzzle, or a collar that gives him electric shocks every time he either disobeys or does anything he was not told to do.
Now, I've got two ideas of where this can go. One, GIW gifts Danny to the JL as an ultimate, all-powerful weapon. Maybe they don't even specify he is a ghost at first, presenting him as an object, and then they get to do a demonstration, and the JL is promptly horrified at the sight of what they think is a meta kid in a muzzle that doesn't even have holes for him to breath. And when they very carefully try asking GIW to explain this, GIW just shows off Danny's powers. Which are, well, a lot. Maybe they ask Danny to do something like, I dunno, destroy an asteroid or shit. Something big, something most members of the JL are not able to do single-handedly, but Danny does it easily, with little effort. And GIW explains that this kind of power, especially coming from a ghost, a being malicious at its core, can not be kept on the loose without any restraints.
The second idea includes Al Ghul Twins. GIW can have some ties with League of Shadows, so maybe they made Danny into a living weapon with the sole purpose of making him Ra's' living weapon. So Danny ends up back in the League, and Ra's tasks him with killing one of the Bats, or maybe stealing something, anyway, he ends up in Gotham. Where he meets Damian, and, boom, siblings' feelings hit. Cue all the whump angst you can imagine.
I'm not sure how to incorporate Fentons in the second idea. Maybe it was all a coincidence - Talia faking Danyal's death, him being adopted by Fentons, then later found out and contained by GIW. Or maybe it was all staged beforehand, and Ra's specifically put Danny there. Or maybe we bypass the Fentons in the first place and Ra's simply gives a spare kid to GIW in order for them to try and make him more powerful with the help of Lazarus Waters/ectoplasm. Maybe this can even be some kind of reincarnation.
Also, more ghosts can be added to the mix.
Danny disobeying the orders in order to protect Dani and getting tortured for it. Ember being used for mind control. Dan being the prototype of the living weapon program, the first experiment that turned out wrong and has been locked and kept contained.
The opportunities are endless.
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copperpipes · 5 months
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Magical girl versus child soldier :]
When Dani was created vald's intentions were to create another danny, off the bat, she wasn't a person of her own in his eyes, you can imagine what that does to someone. Being forced another person's individuality instead of figuring out your own.
Vlad didn't know the exact circumstances in which Danny died, only the outcome, and so he thought that all he had to do was to recreate the final product to get what he wanted, but there were a lot more things in play then vlad predicted.
For one, Vlad didn't think that a major reason for Danny existing was thanks to his hazmat suit, its why most clones didn't last long outside their tube.
A solution that was figured out for Dani was to make clothes from ecto resistant fabric to hold the clones shape, of course for her they were extremely uncomfortable just being in them, let alone fighting in them, but she maneged.
Of course, she was still at a risk of suddenly starting to melt at any moment, but luckily she was valuable enough to be given treatment that could keep her functioning.
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After she ran from vlad she lost to said treatment, and this caused damage, but it was still a hundred times better then returning to plasmius.
Then Danny found her and she wasn't dying anymore but the damage was done and she was left with problems in both forms.
As a ghost, keeping a solid form is very hard for her now, not that she couldn't exist as a puddle, but she doesn't want to. Basic asking for help was not a skill she was taught, but her now new family were observant enough.
She got a full body-brace-suit (first picture left) that would let her keep her shape, but it's not meant for fighting, which she doesn't plan on doing anymore.
As a human, chronic joint pain and misshapen meniscus in both knees which causes them to be very easily dislocated.
The cane they got her helps but on worse days getting up from bed is harder then fighting Danny, and they don't have the money nor does Dani has a civilian identity to get a wheelchair.
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Dani herself is very different from Danny. From personality to interests (she likes fish, marine biology seems cool). They may be genetic twins but like in all sets of twins they are completely different.
Also she got a water core
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muffinsin · 9 months
a sort of fluffy but also sexual requests, can you please do one where the sisters and their fem lover are in the bathtub, and the sisters are in need of comfort and affection and being taken care o after a hard day, so the lover sits on the sisters lap cockwarming them and they also burying their face on the lover’s breasts and using her breasts as stress ball. I honestly wanna comfort them, sit on their cock while they have their face buried on my chests and use them as stress ball
Absolutely! I love the soft dimi sisters ;-;
Let’s get into it! <3
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
She’s fidgety- more so than usual, you notice very quickly. Despite not denying you your shared bath, you practically feel her stress and anxiousness.
“Draga?”, you ask, your voice a whisper as you turn. Golden eyes set on you immediately. “Yes, little one?”, she pipes up, as though nothing bothered her. You see right through it- how tense her shoulders are, in the way she grips your hip tighter than usual.
Bela eyes you as you turn around in the large tub, and hungrily presses her face against your palm when you cup her soft cheek. She closes her eyes and hums quietly, content for the first time today.
She feels you climb on her lap, and gasps in surprise upon feeling herself slip inside of you, your core warm and soft around her cock. Your breasts push up against her as you cup her cheeks properly. Again, she leans into your touch.
“Will you tell me what has you so stressed?”, you prod gently. Her hands squeeze your hips a little tighter, before she lessens her grip and strokes over your skin instead.
“It’s just- today’s been awful..!”, she groans, her head falling forwards onto you, right at your neck. You feel her nose stroke against your skin. Gently, you guide her hands to your chest, allowing her to hold your breasts as she tells you about her day.
“First I woke up to Cassandra having killed two maidens at night- Mother was furious! Why must I look after my sisters all the time..!”, she complains. You feel her squeeze your breasts, at last allowing herself to rid herself of the stress. To get it out.
“Then, at breakfast, Cassandra and Dani kept playing with their food! Mother was in such a bad mood already! She asked if I finished yesterday’s work and was so disappointed when I said no, but-“, you shush her for a moment, reminding her to breathe. Your hands on her shoulders ground the blonde, so she breathes in and out, hands squeezing your mounds of flesh, lips and sharp teeth dragging against your neck as she talks again.
“But it’s impossible! There’s so much of the work, and it was all suddenly dumped on me. I finished it today, but still..”, she whispers. You feel her twitch within you when you praise her for this, and press a small kiss to her cheek as she pulls you closer and inhales your scent, eager to completely bask in it.
“Then, of course my sisters had to act up again! They were so restless today!”, she gasps out angrily, her hands squeezing yet again. “They destroyed some vases while playing chase in the house. Why must they be such insufferable brats all the time?! Why am I always responsible for them?”, she groans. Another few squeezes of your breasts allow the blonde to calm down again.
She’s wrapped in your scent and the smell of the candles and bath water, feels cozy and warm in the water of the tub and with you around her. It’s as if, at last, you’re as close to her as you can be.
“And when I finally got back, I spilled some wine on myself. I know it’s so minor, it’s just- so much.”, she whispers, and you feel her voice heavy with emotion. You press another kiss to the crown of her head, and sighs.
With another squeeze of your breasts, she at last closes her eyes again, at last feeling completely content for the day.
You can tell something is off when the brunette flinches at your voice, hissing quietly and ducking her head. Still, she reaches out to you, grabbing you and pulling you close as though you weigh nothing at all- you don’t, to her.
“What is it?”, you whisper gently, having realized she doesn’t appreciate any loud noise or anything but hushed, whispered words. She looks at you for a moment, surprised.
“The stupid maidens. They kept screaming so loud in the basement!”, she argues, immediately wincing at her own raider voice.
You frown- normally Cassandra loves and demands screams. Your questioning look has her elaborate.
“After hours, it hurt. My head hurts, and my ears!”, she almost whimpers in pain at her raised voice again, and pulls you even closer, so much you’re right on top of her. Still, it doesn’t seem close enough to her, based on her head butting against yours every few seconds and her arms pulling you tighter to her chest despite being flush against it already.
When you rise, she looks up at you, almost hurt. You ensure to fix this with a kiss to her plump lips. “Let’s get a bath”, you suggest gently.
She is all too eager to undress both of you as the water fills in, and once it does, at last, and you both sit in the comfortable, large tub, she is fast to pull you back on top of her.
You gasp in surprise momentarily when her cock slips inside of you, but grind down properly until it’s fully nestled inside nonetheless. She sighs, at last close enough with the feeling of you wrapped around her.
She leans forwards, her head buried in your chest. You feel her groan quietly, her hands squeezing your hips. Still, the scent of the bath water and soaps helps her a little.
Minutes pass in silence, just as she needs it. She’s silently thankful that no words are spoken, as her head feels as though it could split in two in a matter of seconds.
You feel her teeth dig into your breast as she feeds off you, humming and licking contentedly. Upon feeling your hand on her head, she feels even more so. The pain in her sensitive ears seems to melt away with the comfortable silence shared between the two of you and the warm feeling of the room, her head feels lighter already as you scratch her scalp and play with her hair lovingly.
To even add to her comfort, you reach for the lavender oil and gently massage it into her shoulders and neck. The woman groans softly against your chest, her breath tickling the valley of your breasts.
No words are shared, yet both of you feel the love and appreciation for one another.
When Daniela at last finds you, you immediately realize something is wrong. Her breath ragged, her eyes wide and teary, her hands trembling. A whimper comes from her throat as she finds you in the bath, the need to be close to you overwhelming.
You eagerly invite her in, uncaring of how her skin turns the water slightly dark pink from blood and dirt. All you can care about is the redhead slipping in behind you as you turn to face her.
Within moments a tear falls from her beautiful eye, down her soft cheeks and daring to fall from her chin. You stroke it away gently.
Her arms immediately wrap around you and bring you close, yet nothing seems close enough to her. “Close!”, she begs breathlessly, too caught up in what seems to be a panic attack, perhaps.
Naturally, you grant her this wish. You move on top of her, shivers and a small gasp falling from your lips as you allow her to slip inside of your cunt, bringing you closer on an even more intimate level. Your arms wrap around her, pressing her head to your chest gently.
She calms, thankfully, especially as her hand reaches up to cup and squeeze your breast. It helps her ground herself, so that within minutes she feels good enough to tell you what happened, albeit with a few hiccups and desperate gasps for breath here and there.
“B-Bela was so-o mean!”, she gasps out first, new tears running down her cheek. You tangle your fingers in her hair, stroking gently and playing with the auburn locks. You know how important her sisters are to Daniela, despite how she likes to tease and annoy them a little. They’re her role models, right after her mother.
“I-I bro-oke a vase a-and s-sh-e-“, Daniela cries and hiccups, her tears wetting your chest as she squeezes harshly. Although unintended, the squeezing of her cock by your cunt brings her comfort.
“She y-yelled and s-said I ca-an’t ever behave right!”, Daniela cries. You kiss the top of her head, assuring her that you know she often tries her best, and that is completely alright.
“Sh-she said she do-doesn’t want to see me!”, Daniela gasped out, golden eyes looking up at you as she grasps your other breast too. She felt so stressed already from Cassandra accidentally spilling blood on her favorite book, she couldn’t help but roughhouse a little!, you know this.
Daniela calms for a moment, suddenly focused on your hands in her hair- you’re…braiding it? She loves the sensation, and it’s enough for her to quieten down enough for you to speak gently.
“You know your sister has a lot on her plate. Your mother challenges her a lot”, you whisper. She whimpers, nodding. She knows, and often enough doesn’t mean to anger Bela because of this- even if she is fun to annoy.
“I doubt she meant it, my love. You know how sometimes stress and emotions can make us say things we don’t mean”, you reassure the redhead. She leans up for a kiss, sweet lips coming to meet yours. More squeezes of your chest allow her to calm down at last.
She’s calm again, and nods. “I’m not angry at her anymore”, she says, then, encouraged by your words. She is wildly convinced she will make a great sister from now on and support her sisters in such stressful times- or rather, as much as she can, when she happens to think of it. Little does she know, the blonde will be apologizing to the youngest of the trio in mere hours anyway, with a tight hug to reassure both sisters that no anger remains.
When you pull your hands from her head to grab a hair tie from the stool next to the tub, she whines. “Don’t stop”, she demands, eager to feel you play with her hair again.
You giggle. You’d never dream of it.
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fukcnoplease · 6 months
Things always go wrong Pt2 :0
Pt1 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5
Dani roused from her sleep to see forests rushing passed and the sun beginning to dip behind them. The world was bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun and she basked in its beauty. This was why she loved traveling. The beauty, the freedom, the fun.
She turned to Danny to see none of those things. He was gaunt and rigid. Eyes pinned to the road in tense silence as they drove way too many miles over the speed limit. 
“Did you die die?” Dani asked, poking his cheek. He felt clammy. That probably wasn't good. Dani didn't feel great either. Tired and saggy, like all her muscles had deflated.
Danny just grunted in response. That was VERY not good. No Danny banter meant Danny really HAD died.
“So is this a drive to heaven or to hell?” She asked. Danny snorted. That was a good sign.
“Gotham.” He grumbled. It sounded forced, like it hurt to say. Dani frowned.
“So hell it is. Why are we going there?” Danny remained silent and his face fell into a scowl. “You’re doing a pretty good Batman impression but that doesnt tell me why we are going to meet him.”
“We are not meeting batman. We are going to Jazz” Danny said.
“Ooh, better than batman!” Dani playfully punched her arms in the air and Danny winced. Dani noticed but didn’t comment as she went to grab his phone. It was cracked slightly and was full of messages and calls from Sam and Tucker. Notably, it didn't have any directions pulled up.
“Do you know where you’re going?” Danni asked. Danny moved for the first time, shifting uncomfortably.
“...No.” He muttered as he kept his eyes on the road. Dani rolled her eyes at him and started looking through his phone, she had learned his password ages ago and as much as he threatened to change it on her, he never did. Though that might have been more forgetfulness than endearment but Dani would interpret it as she wished.
“You are so bad at road trips.” She said as she connected his phone to the aux cord and pulled up directions to Gotham. They still had almost nine hours to drive and the sun was only getting lower. “There is a rest stop about an hour from here. We can rest there for the night.”
Danny didn't look too pleased at the idea but he knew they didn't have any money for a motel and he couldn't drive the entire night. He didn't want to stop driving so soon though. Moving helped dull the pain.
“Are there any further rest stops?”
“Hmm… Theres one about three hours from us?and then another at the six hour mark. We could stop there for lunch tomorrow.” Dani said. Danny grumbled but nodded. He didn't want to stop at all tomorrow. Stopping for the night felt like too much, let alone pausing midway through the drive tomorrow.
The rest of the drive was Dani playing music and chatting away. Chipping away at Danny’s panicked and suffering walls until he finally relaxed into their usual banter. She played eye-spy and when she got bored of that she played twenty questions. When Danny chose a water bear as his animal she gave up on that too. They devolved into silly arguments about how water bears shouldn't be allowed or how it wasn't fair that Dani kept picking things Danny couldn't see in eye-spy. 
As the sky darkened and the car’s headlights came on they fell into an easy silence. Danny still hurt but it was better and Dani’s core was humming comfort at him which helped.
Dani was half asleep when they pulled into the rest stop. The lights still on but the cafes and restaurants, closed or closing. She woke up fully when Danny moved to look through the back seat. Shuffling through whatever he had thrown back there and forgotten about. 
Gloves, a box of tissues, an empty tote bag and an old backpack he used before he bought a new one. It had a gum packet in it and a pen but nothing else. Groaning, he went and opened the trunk, a black scorch mark from where it had been hit earlier that day. He had camping gear for when he went stargazing. A tent, blankets, portable stove and a lighter, gas for the stove, a pocket knife, a mess kit. He was rummaging through when Dani popped up beside him.
“You got twenty dollars in your phone case.” She said and Danny jerked up hitting his head on the trunk door. He rubbed his head and whacked Dani’s shoulder while she laughed, he was smiling but he wouldn't admit it.
He grabbed his phone from the car and Dani closed the trunk, whistling at the damage.
“Who did that?” She asked, eyeing the marks on the car.
“Some fruitloops after a kidnapped ghost.” Danny said.
“Kidnapped? Me? How awful.” She said, putting her hand up and pretending to swoon.
“You’re right. The poor kidnappers.” Danny laughed and Dani rolled her eyes. She punched him in the side playfully and he hissed in pain. 
They both paused and Dani poked his side and he winced.
“Are you ok?” She asked. He hasn't seemed that injured when he was driving.
“Yeah, just a bit tender.” Danny joked. Dani stared at him, waiting for a better answer than that and Danny sighed. “Leaving Amity was harder than I thought it would be.” Dani still didn't really understand but Danny looked like he would rather be sick than answer her and she really didn't want him to be sick in front of her. 
“Do you want to get food?” she asked and Danny gave her a thankful smile before nodding. 
They grabbed a snack each, bbq chips and oreos,  and a bottle of water to share. Dani nicked a portable charger and some jerky while Danny was in the bathroom and then they headed back out to the door. When they were back in the car Dani pulled out the portable charger and plugged in Danny’s phone.
“Where did you get that?” He asked, eyeing it incredulously. It definitely didn't look under twelve dollars and thats all they had left after the snacks.
“Same place we got the rest of this stuff.” She said dropping the rest of the snacks and jerky between them. Danny noted the extra snack but just rolled his eyes. They ate but Danny kept the jerky for the next day and then he pulled out the blankets from his trunk. 
Snuggled up, with their cores harmonizing, they fell asleep. 
The car shook and a bang followed by the crunching and scraping of metal woke them up. Danny shot up, the sky just starting to lighten, face meeting with the barrel of an anti-ecto gun. He lunged to the side. The headrest of his seat was evaporated and Dani sent out her own ecto blast. The attacker was forced back into the white van that was ramming them and they could hear some colourful words through their panic. Danny jammed the key into the ignition and turned it, the engine roaring to life. Shrieking metal filled their ears as the forced the vehicles apart and booked it out of the parking lot. The road bumps sending pieces of glass flying as Danny realized his window had been smashed during the attack. The back seat window seemed cracked but still intact and the windscreen had a spider web fracture but was holding up. His core shuddered at the damage but the pain was overridden by the need to protect Dani. 
He glanced over and saw a very shellshocked young ghost shaking in the passenger seat. She probably used too much ectoplasm in that blast. Neither of them were recovered enough and even with harmonizing he wasn't sure they would be able to recover enough to take another attack. He shook his head and focused on driving.
It took some maneuvers and some, maybe a lot, of speeding to lose the GIW but they managed. Dani pulled up directions and turned on whatever music she could find.
They spent the next few hours staring out their respective windows. Dani didn't like it. She didn't like the silence or the stress or the way her body shook in fear and exhaustion. Road Trips were supposed to be fun.
Danny didn't speak. His core was barely humming, barely responding to her, as they drove. It wasn't until the low gas symbol popped up on the dash that he said anything and of course it was just another curse. Dani was getting fed up with Danny’s shrinking vocabulary. 
She didn't say anything as she added a new stop to the directions, the closest gas station. Maybe a part of her was hoping her grumpiness would get Danny to snap out of whatever grump he was experiencing. Probably not a reasonable or healthy way to handle the situation, if you asked someone like Jazz, but Dani didn't ask Jazz. 
Danny didn't seem to notice though. He pulled into the gas station and turned off the car. His core buzzing with panic as he set up the gas pump and slumped against the car with a groan of pain. Dani frowned and poked her head out of the car. He looked pale, too pale. They were in their human forms, he shouldn't be that pale. At least she didn't think so. Though maybe she wasn't an expert on normal human medicine.
The gas pump beeped and Danny dragged himself up to remove the pump and go into the gas station. Dani suddenly worried about how they would pay, they had filled the tank up to full and that couldn't be cheap. 
Danny stumbled and fell into someone by the gas station entrance, a big guy with tattoos in a tank top, jeans and were those cowboy boots? Danny apologized and the guy shoved him, making him stumble again. Dani almost flew out of the car at him before she noticed a flash of dark leather in Danny’s hand.
No way.
The big tough guy waved him off and went back to smoking as Danny went inside and paid with a wallet he had most definitely not had five minutes ago. Danni stared at her basically brother, slacked jawed, as he casually dropped the wallet back into the guys pocket with some intangibility and then hurriedly slipped back into the car. His face was hard and he glared forward as he started the car.
“Did you just-?” Dani started, her excitement at her brother's newfound skills making her bounce in her seat. 
“No. Dont. Talk about it.” He cut her off, jaw set. She stilled in her seat and went back to pouting. When she vibrated her core at him he didn't even respond. She felt her core freeze at the lack of reaction and she tried again. There was a thump of something and Danny grunted but that was it. That was all that she got. Dread curled in her stomach as she stared at the road in front of her. 
They drove on and Dani didn't even mention the second rest stop they were supposed to stop at and Danny didn't either. There wasn't even music and the silence was only occasionally broken by a pained breath from Danny or an attempted hum from Dani’s core. It was a painful drive and Dani tried to sleep to help time passed. It worked partially, she slept fitfully for about twenty minutes each rest but it helped her heal. By the time they had found themselves in the midmorning traffic into Gotham she was feeling much more herself.
Danny looked worse and his arm trembled from being kept in a tense position for so long. A thin sheen of sweat covered him and Dani opened to her mouth to say something only to slam it shut at the waves of panic suddenly rolling off Danny. 
The car had rolled to a stop as the traffic came to a standstill. Thankfully they were in the slowest lane and there was a hard shoulder on their right but it did little to comfort Danny’s mounting panic. He didn't want to stay still, he couldn't, they were in danger and needed to keep moving. 
“Hey, are you-” Dani was interrupted by an explosion. They both spun to see billows of smoke about twenty cars back and a familiar white van barreling down the hard shoulder. Danny sucked in a breath of air and hit the gas as he swerved into the hard shoulder himself. He pressed on the gas as they went, coming up on a motorcycle attempting to skip traffic. Dani reached over Danny’s shaking arms and slammed on the horn as they gained on the man in red. He glanced back and barely managed to crash out of the way before they ran him down. As they zoomed passed the poor guy Dani looked out her window to give him an apologetic wave. His helmet was weirder when she saw it close up, less like a motorcycle helmet and more like a mask but for his whole head. She gave him a wave and he stared after them. The white van careening after them and obstructing her view. 
Danny followed the hard shoulder until it turned to grass and he kept going. The grass turned into a ditch and he grit his teeth as he maneuvered his beloved car to keep going. Thankfully the car, even turned at an almost forty five degree angle still kept going, if only slower than he would have liked. The white van on the other hand, hit the ditch and flipped, crashing to a halt behind them. Dani watched people crawl out of the van and try to chase after them but even going slowly their car was still faster. Though a lucky shot shattered the back window.
They pulled the car back into traffic, receiving honks and rude gestures before they went deeper into the murky city. It was only another few minutes of driving before Danny found an empty, unkempt parking lot to stop in. He shot out of the car and ripped the back seat door off its hinges trying to get the backpack he had back there. Dani grabbed his phone, the leftover cash, portable charger, and jerky before joining him behind the car as he stuffed his knife, lighter and a blanket into his bag. She offered her stuff and he opened the bag for her. As soon as everything was in he zipped it shut and went to pick Dani up.
“Woah! No! You’re not carrying me. I can walk just fine.” She said, glaring at Danny as he looked back at her. His eyes didn't seem totally focused and she grabbed his hand instead. “If you need to hold on to me so bad you can hold this. Now lets go.” And she was off, dragging a clearly not ok Danny behind her. 
Did she know where she was going? No, but she would figure it out. Unlike Danny, she was used to finding places to sleep in unfriendly and unfamiliar cities. She could recognize safe places to stay. At least she was pretty sure she could.
Gonna try and figure out how to do the Pt1 Pt2 links I actually have like four chapters(?) written cause i got sucked in last night
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currentfandomkick · 1 year
Fan concept to incorporate however you want:
In comics i’m pretty sure there’s a lazarus pit in the batcave, and others in gotham. A high concentration of lazarus water per square foot. Add to that gotham’s various contaminated waters from various toxins and gases on top of usual run offs, and there’s a high chance everyone in gotham is contaminated by all of this.
Add in the popular head cannons and partial fanon of lazarus water = (in some form) contaminated or corrupted watery ectoplasm.
And if we go ecto contaminated enough = liminal…
Then gotham city is full of liminals, the most notorious being a handful revenants with questionable cores (Solomon Grundy and Red Hood off the top of my head), with Damian’s Robin a liminal bordering on halfa if you go the ‘raised next to and put in the Pitts’ route.
Hell if you want, most of the Batfam can be partially ecto contaminated if not liminal (minus Duke, i feel like he’s the only starting to) but no one notices because its gradual and they assume its side effects from the 10,000 + polluntants in gotham.
You can have anyone from Amity Park enter Gotham and go ‘huh, edgy aesthetic Amity.’ Then go ‘oh, sick liminal… which dork back home knows how to fix this?’
If you want Tucker can be sending Sam updates on Gotham’s liminals (including Rogues) which Sam is helping the ecto terrorist (League of Assassins in a lot of older portrayals) and Danny vibing working for (DC bigshot or group of your choice) as an engineer who says he’s bad at coding when no one has broken his code yet as ‘its standard back home’ and baffles his employer
Dani can see Gotham and just. Vibe as a feral child who tries to help the other sick liminals with mixed results. I say let Harley snag her as her sidekick during her anti-villian days.
Jazz can be attending university and has to explain drinking filtered ecto to her dorm, only for a lot of them to start managing things better emotionally and combat wise, but now have the urge to Kick Ass as a way to Make Friends. Batfam investigate her a s a cult leader when really all she’s doing is using a clean ecto filter and teaching her classmates to do the same. Even teaches them how to make them thanks to Danny breaking down his rigs to her and leaving her repair instructions in case hers breaks early.
If you go baby Ghost King Danny, he can find out about Gotham and do a ‘oh, a fucked up version of Amity Park. Neat!’ see the Joker and go ‘Fuck this guy,’ and appear by pulling Joker into the ghost realm for his trial with a note that reads “sorry for missing another Liminal City. I’ll do better as king and handle those breaking Ghost Ettiquette myself. My bad. Still new to the ‘King of the Infinite Realms and all bonded to it. So liminals fall in, didn’t think there were more besides Amity. A branch of the Council of Observers will be sent to evaluate which liminals are sick, which are dealing with unsustainable or harmful obsessions, which liminals need relocation to handle their obsession in a better suited environment, and which ones are uneducated on liminal health.
Don’t worry, I stole some time to make sure i did all the paperwork before taking this guy. He’s the type of ecto entity who consumes attention, fear, and souls, which is Pretty Bad and that last one is an auto-execution. So i should manage the normal ‘visiting of the realms and introduction to’ spiel after we can make sure you won’t be in danger from ghosts that forget mortals dont shrug off being dropped off a few cliffs and having a two ton rock dropped on them. I may send some ambassadors from Amity to help you adjust since it was a pain for us too. Fyi if anyone tries summoning the Ghost King and expects Pariah, i win by conquest ten years ago and only JUST got to looking into liminal areas. With cheating by stealing time. If you have any questions, look up the Manson family, Amity Park, Ohio. Sam can explain better than me, and her parents somehow ended up on the mortal side counsel.
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