#dc lance
neonkewpie · 1 year
And Lance finally got his proper body!
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The head is at least 5 years old though, so the peach tone I ordered is pretty off... I'm considering dyeing it to match
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daemonmage · 2 months
Bruce about to reveal his identity to the JL
Bruce: “I’m going to do something that may traumatize two of you. I am not sorry.”
Oliver: “oh come on Batman your identity isn’t that special.”
Bruce going full whiny play boy: “Dinah! Ollie is being mean to me!!!”
Oliver: blue screens
Dinah: “YOU BITCH!?”
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yrkhn · 2 months
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Ollie and Dinah
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oraclenthusiast · 13 days
the barbara and bruce dynamic is actually so funny to me like they're co-parenting a teenage girl together, babs is dating bruce's son, she's the daughter of one of the only people bruce actually trusts, they've been coworkers for years, and they just legitimately CANNOT stand each other. they're close with the same people, work together all the time, and yet literally every conversation they have in batgirl (2000) goes exactly like this:
barbara, just got back from a date with dick, picking up cass for her week of custody: hey cass it's nice to see you sweetie :) oh hi bruce.
bruce, returned from a (play)date with commissioner gordon, recently worked with dinah, babs's best friend in the world: barbara.
babs, unable to stop herself: how's it feel being a bitch all the time?
bruce, also unable to stop himself: i don't know, BARBARA, why don't you tell me?
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frownyalfred · 3 months
Peak Bruce Wayne behavior is making the front page of 5-10 different tabloids the night before for something insanely graphic and/or embarrassing and then immediately having to drop into a Watchtower shift with, you guessed it, a man whose literal job revolves around being aware of the news, a man who’s half computer and therefore half internet, a man he’s known since boarding school (and who was probably there last night), a mind reader, several people with enhanced senses who can tell how hungover he is, and his friend’s wife who’s a mental healthcare provider (and is silently judging his coping mechanisms during this meeting)
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kartsie · 3 months
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Black Canary and her trusty sidekick
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werewolfbarmitzvahh · 4 months
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good day for the cass is the batkid most like bruce society
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timbit-robin-art · 1 month
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Pets you (JL edition).
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dc-comics-enjoyer · 3 months
Random things I like to hc (part 1)
(here's : part 2 )
- Constantine calling Batman "love" anytime.
"Good plan, love. Now, if I may add..."
- Diana constantly fighting the urge to add multiple times in the footnotes of her research papers : "*I know that because I was there."
- Clark feeling some type of way whenever anyone from the Batfam calls him Uncle Clark (he does tear up a little the first few times).
- Anytime, Booster would get cancelled for a tweet, he'd go back in time just far enough to prevent from tweeting it. He did that way too many times.
- Barry and Hal being that one best friend duo that are big on PDA. Most of the time during JL meetings, Hal's leg would be intertwined with Barry's.
- Given that the way they usually interact correlates with what he learned about married couples, J'onn assumed for the longest time that Bruce and Clark were spouses.
- Much like how Clark switches off his kansan accent when he's being Superman, Bruce switches off his "posh" accent when he's being Batman.
- On the contrary, Oliver always sounds filthy rich.
- Everytime someone mentions (any) Robin, Hal's mind still can't fathom that Batman's sidekick is a literal child.
- Dick is a bisexual flirt in and out of costume.
- Regular occurence : Batman enters the meeting room, sees Booster's stupid expression that's a clear sign he's going to share very stupid ideas, and Batman exits the room without a word. He doesn't come back for the rest of the meeting. After it happened more than once, some of the members get the clue and walk out as well.
- Superman can recite entire movies by heart. Not surprising in and of itself, but surprising that Bruce silently lets him do it over his shoulder when he's working in the batcave. Lets Clark unwind and gives Bruce background noise.
- After multiple complaints, Batman had to soundproof Dinah and Oliver's room in the watchtower.
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beeqisch · 5 months
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they really do
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pinkiemachine · 6 months
Hero Swap Pt. 1
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Part 2 here 👇
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neonkewpie · 1 year
Oh!! I managed to get Lance's head on the dv body with this fancy giant s hook that df-h sent me!! Also he needs a better name. Something spacey
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strange-birb · 6 months
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This is an old drawing I did like 10 months ago lol
But I love her so ✨💅
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ew-selfish-art · 9 months
Dp x dc AU: the watchtower gives out very strictly limited passes for visitors. They don’t need the world knowing that their HQ is in space after all, but sometimes family needed to visit.
Batman was the one to install the day pass system back when Dick was Robin- he needed the excuse to send Dick home to Alfred after a certain amount of time has passed and it just stuck. Unless you were a full time member, day passes were the best you got. Engineers and other supportive staff that weren’t members weren’t afforded day passes however- but Jazz is determined to be the one exception.
Jazz Fenton has been a psychologist for the JL for a year now (she just had a very productive performance review, thank you very much) and it’s been killing her to not tell Danny her office is in space. They do weekly dinners that he portals in for, and he knows that she takes a Zeta tube to work, but he’s technically not allowed to know that her office is a satellite. So, she sets a meeting with the man who started the system in the first place.
Batman is hard to read for most but she’s been his therapist for a while now, and she can tell he’s at least considering her request. Dinah couldn’t speak more kindly on Jazz and she’s been an asset to the JL in many ways since she was hired. Jazz’ arguments aren’t preposterous either- she’s submitted all of his identification papers, his background check, his job description and all of his friends names. She assured him that Danny will be able to keep a secret but when pressed she doesn’t reveal if he has any of his own.
Turns out, months of back and forth and negotiations were going be basically worthless- the second Danny got his little wrist band day pass, made it up via the zeta tube and got presented the view of Earth from the observation deck: he immediately transformed. Like zero caution, just went ghost and hyper fixated on the stars.
“You could have mentioned your Brother being Phantom. He’s been an ally to us for a while.” Batman grumbles in the way that only his family and she can tell through his deadpan.
“Yeah, I just thought that would’ve been a second visit conversation.”
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jetslay · 6 months
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DC Women by Travis Moore.
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frownyalfred · 6 months
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