#difficult relationship
fanfictiondramione · 3 months
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I'll never be your mother's favorite Your daddy can't even look me in the eye, oh If I was in their shoes, I'd be doing the same thing Saying: "There goes my little girl Walking with that troublesome guy"
But they're just afraid of something they can't understand, oh But, little darling, watch me change their minds Yeah, for you, I'll try
And pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding If that'll make you mine
'Cause there'll be no sunlight If I lose you, baby There'll be no clear skies If I lose you, baby
( It Will Rain by Bruno Mars)
Image rights: Lazy_dragon_art on IG
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katimorton · 1 year
Mother's Day is coming up and I know for some, this can be a challenging time. We may come from a household with parents or a mother that is toxic or narcissistic or a codependent - and having a day specific to celebrating mom can bring up a lot of feelings. For many of us, we will likely always have a relationship with mom - whether that is good or bad. And your mom may always be narcissistic (or have narcissistic personality disorder) or codependent with you or toxic or whatever gripe you have with her or both of your parents, but you may still have to navigate that relationship with her. I'm talking through the 7 ways & tips to improve your relationship with your mother (or father or dad too) so that days like mother's day are not as challenging for both of you. 
How to deal with toxic parents:   • Dealing with Toxi...   
8 signs your mom is a narcissist:   • 8 Signs Your Mom ...   
More family problems videos:   • 7 Signs Your PARE...   
7 essential tips for navigating a difficult relationship with your mom: 1. Assess the relationship with your mother. 2. Acknowledge your role in your relationship with your mom. 3. Try seeing things from your mom's perspective. 4. Try practicing forgiveness with your parents. 5. Assess your own needs and capabilities with the relationship. 6. Avoid trying to change your mom. 7. Set healthy boundaries with your family. Improving our relationships with our parents can be challenging, especially when complicated by abuse, addiction, or differing beliefs. However, by implementing these 7 steps, we can foster growth and find resolution. Remember, meaningful change requires effort. 
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thanks mum
Had a conversation with my mum last September and challenged a thing she said the next day when I had had some time to process it.
I had been saying that I was surprised that my sister hadn't picked up on any of the issues I had at school at all, acknowledging that she was super pre-occupied at the time.
She responded by saying that I had to put it in the context of the things my sister was dealing with, and that she was dealing with, and my little brother who had 'REAL problems'.
My little brother who was 2 at the time.
Had real problems.
My mum has no idea what problems I had at the time, not really. She never bothered to find out beyond me being a bit moody at times because I was working so hard to suppress how miserable and alone I felt. Because I knew she was dealing with a lot as my sister was unwell.
And the second the topic even comes around she does her best to squish it like a bug and tell me that a 2 year old had bigger problems than I did.
It's been playing in my mind for over 6 months. I've been getting flashbacks to what things were like at school. To not fitting in at all, to spending so much time alone, to the awful stomach aches I'd get in the afternoons because I hadn't eaten lunch (that way I didn't have to sit alone so publicly), to the time it turned out her then husband had been spying on me and how she laughed and said it was stupid that I had self-harmed.
I think she expects me to be normal with her.
I guess at least she doesn't have real problems
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melonsharks · 4 days
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au where everything is the same except mabel and dipper have been going to gravity falls every year before the show takes place since like kindergarten.
its a pretty simple premise that derives mostly from my desire to explore interpersonal relationships and the ways a place and people can change from a young child’s point of view. it doesn’t change canon that much either, admittedly, i just wanted to draw childhood friends stuff LOL. ill call it uhhhhhhhh every summer au.
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bird-of-eternia · 1 year
Persephone Anne- Parent Visit
Perry sat across the table from her mother. It was the obligatory parent visit of the week and she had driven 45 minutes to visit for hopefully only an hour.
As her mother talked about the same things she had talked about the last visit, Perry stared at the yellowed paint on the ceiling. The years of chain-smoking by her grandparents had congealed on the walls. In some spots you could see the accumulated cigarette smoke dripping like old molasses.
Perry's parents had tried remodeling but had only gotten half way done in the ten years since the grandparents passed.
"...I'm making her a baby basket. You know the ones made of diapers? I thought it'd be cute." Her mother sat back in her chair, hands folded around a coffee cup, smiling.
"Yeah, I think that's really nice of you." Perry tried. She really tried.
"Yup, I thought so....I love her so much," she chuckled. "Even though she's, you know....with a another girl. She was with a man but then she left him and got back with her ex girlfriend. Even though she's abusive...Liz knows I don't agree with that kinda stuff but she loves me." She took a sip of her coffee. "But oh well, I suppose. I almost made a joke the other day, because they both have the same name, you know Liz and Liz, she walked in and I wanted to say 'oh heres Lizzie the Lezzie.'"
Perry took a sip from the sprite, mildly uncomfortable with the conversation. She imagined the reason why her mother got so excited about her younger friends or employees having babies was because her youngest daughter Persephone Anne was still childless at 28.
She was searching for something to say or a subject to change to when her father interrupted. His most defined talent.
"Look at this for a minute." He tapped around on his tablet for what seemed like forever, then turned it to face Perry.
"Man, this would freak me the fuck out boy!" He pushed his glasses up his nose, readjusting the oxygen tube.
They sat there in silence, except the occasional commentary from her father, and watched a six minute video of a hiker backing away from a cougar.
"....just imagine."
"Suckin, right there man! I woulda freaked out!"
"That's crazy, wow."
Perry tried smiling and attempted to blink the fuzziness from her eyes. "Wow, that's pretty scary...cool though."
"Yeah it is!" He chuckled and brought the tablet back in front of himself.
On the drive back home Perry blasted the stuff she listened to in highschool. Bands like My Chemical Romance, Simple Plan, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, and some newer stuff like Yungblud. She yelled along to each song until she started to get a mild headache. The rest of the drive past corn fields, through small towns, and finally back into the city, she thought of Kristen Stewart in the Rolling Stones music video. The one where they danced around at a gas station. She thought about the music video and how crazy attracted to Kristen Stewart she was. What would she say if she met them? Probably choke and embarrass herself. There was no way someone like Kristen Stewart would date someone like Perry. What would her parents think?
'Oh hey, I like women and have a girlfriend now but don't worry she's rich!' Maybe that would ease their minds.
It was okay for Liz, her mother's coworker and 'adopted' daughter, to be gay but it would be a whole different story if Perry came out. An old anger rose up in her chest along with the resentment of Liz. It wasn't the girls fault but the fact Perry's mother gushed about her and her pregnancy made Perry jealous. Especially since she knew that if she came out as pansexual to her folks they would preach the Bible to her, pray for her, tell her she was going to hell...cry probably, but Liz got a free pass because she was kind and had a baby on the way.
She pulled into her usual parking spot in front of her apartment. The ending of Helena by MCR finishing up as she mentally prepared to hoist herself from the car.
Man...Kristen Stewart was fucking hot.
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molinaesque · 5 months
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You know why these boys brought you in? 'Cause I f*cked up a poor, defenseless gang-affiliated organ dealership? Yep. Mm.
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zaana · 1 year
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Hunter chatting up Crosshair during a break, one of his dumb jokes even gets the man to smile for a second
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canisalbus · 5 months
Hey so sorry if this somehow feels uncomfortable, but I'd really like to thank you for being like, very compassionate in how you portray Machete. I don't know why I feel so strongly about this but as someone who has been dealing with the fallout of religious trauma and other such problems, it really affected my ability to deal with sexuality and the overwhelming almost instinctual self-hating shame that comes with that. It's something I'm so absolutely ashamed of talking about even with close friends, it actually makes me a bit emotional to see that someone, who might or might have not been through the same, understands how it's like. It's one of the great things about art. Anyway sorry for the long ask, you're great, keep being so strong.
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tiya-minuscule · 5 months
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Moving out...
Previous chapter
Next chapter
And this is the reason why my mother must never read this comic...
Relationship with parents can be really tricky especially at that age (oh how I loved finally moving out !)
We don't see much here,between Claire and her mother but I wanted to keep it subtle. I hope you felt the things I wanted you to fell (pain) haha
I hope you're all fine and safe, take care you all <3
If you like my work and want to see exclusive content, you can support me on Patreon
Very first chapter of this AU
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gazspookiebear · 5 months
Thinking about waiting for Ghost to be ready for a relationship (kind of continued from this post
(Kinda angsty, self doubt/depreciating thoughts)
When you ask 'What are we?', he panics. He doesn't know. He isn't ready to be a boyfriend, to meet your parents, to open up about his life-
His internal monolog is interrupted by your hand on top of his own. He hadn't realized how anxious he must have appeared- sweaty, hands trembling, shallow breaths, the works. He felt like he was being strangled, and all of this was over a simple question. Why did he ever think he could do this?
You tell him it's okay. You tell him you don't need an answer now if he's not ready. You say that you're fine with the way things are, and if he isn't ready to move forward yet, you'll wait for him.
You tell him you'll always love him regardless.
The world might as well have stopped spinning, because you love him?
He wants to tell you he loves you too, but he's scared. He's still waiting for you to leave. For him to lose feelings. For this to all have been a huge waste of time, or for you to realize you deserve better as soon as he confesses how he really feels.
For a split second, he thinks about leaving. About ghosting you. Maybe even breaking up with you- but that would require him to admit there was something there in the first place. It felt like you had snaked your way around his heart and were squeezing with all your might.
God, he couldn't imagine himself without you. He felt like a fool, naive and childish all over again. Why were you so patient with him? Couldn't you see there was something rotting inside of him?
Once again, he's dragged out of his mind by your presence. You look worried. He can't fathom why you would be worried about him. Nonetheless, he squeezes your hand in return. A simple gesture, but it means the world to you. You know he's trying. You know he's fighting with himself and losing half the battles.
You're determined to win the war.
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bethanydelleman · 4 days
I really want to talk about this paragraph from the Pride & Prejudice epilogue:
Lady Catherine was extremely indignant on the marriage of her nephew; and as she gave way to all the genuine frankness of her character, in her reply to the letter which announced its arrangement, she sent him language so very abusive, especially of Elizabeth, that for some time all intercourse was at an end. But at length, by Elizabeth’s persuasion, he was prevailed on to overlook the offence, and seek a reconciliation; and, after a little further resistance on the part of his aunt, her resentment gave way, either to her affection for him, or her curiosity to see how his wife conducted herself; and she condescended to wait on them at Pemberley, in spite of that pollution which its woods had received, not merely from the presence of such a mistress, but the visits of her uncle and aunt from the city.
I feel like a lot is made of women's unpaid labour in some domains (childcare, nursing the sick, cleaning etc) but we don't spend enough time talking about how maintaining social connections, with family and society, is also usually the work of women. This may be for many reasons, because it's not supposed to be work but pleasure, or because it's written off as just women gossiping, but it is work and it takes time and energy. It's also vitally important, maintaining social connections is what keeps you alive when times get tough but also what makes life worth living. These relationships will die without maintenance. The person writing letters, arranging holiday get-togethers, and smoothing over arguments is usually female.
Some readers hate this part, they want Elizabeth to Girlboss all over Lady Catherine and her snobby ways, but what does that accomplish? This is part of Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy's job, to do what she can to maintain family harmony. For better or worse, Lady Catherine is her husband's aunt, and burning a bridge is a big deal. I admire Elizabeth for putting aside her own feelings and moving towards reconciliation.
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alexwilltellyouthings · 2 months
*walking around in my house talking loudly to myself* but also we have to consider they likely felt jealous of each other before, charles even recognizes edwin's jealously immediately when crystal is there, so during the whole season not only charles probably assumes edwin's jealously is platonic as it had always been, but also reassures him multiple times he's still the priority and that helps edwin warm up to crystal and not see her as a too much of a threat, EVEN after knowing they kissed, because the important thing is being sure of his place beside charles.
also that probably means charles may even know that what he felt towards monty was jealously but, then again, platonic, because why would it be romantic? how do you know the difference really between that and the fear of being left out, which is exactly what monty was doing to him? *gestures frantically*
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thepeacefulgarden · 2 months
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And let that be Not Your Problem (tm).
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deadbaguette · 16 days
Me: I should make a Paris design I’ve been meaning to since I need to complete my trio piece with Hektor and Kassandra
My pen: Hera and Zeus
Me: what
My pen:
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bigmeatpete69420 · 1 year
Was talk8mg to my mom's today
She started the conversation :
"Did you see the news article today, they found one of the causes of autism!"
So I thinking it's either a set up for a joke or I'm about to hear the most batshit insane hot take ive every heard thus my response:
"OH well I already know the cause of autism, see I believe in reincarnation and we have more humans on this planet than ever before, and the jokers are the reincarnation store dont have that many souls. fuck it put a crow in this fragile mortal shell, or shove a fox in that one."
(This makes sense to me because ganders furries and autism in general)
Well so apperantly the "article" she read said ibuprofen causes autism so that's a new one lol
She still doesn't think I'm autstic btw
I brought up how some babies cry a lot and some babies don't cry at all she said, thats you you were my angel baby didn't make a noise until you wete 2 years old
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revvethasmythh · 6 months
the thing about imogen saying that "if getting rid of delilah means getting rid of [launda] too, it's not worth it" is that it doesn't really change anything, does it? yes it provides laudna with reassurance that she is loved regardless of what lives in her head, but it doesn't mean that imogen doesn't still have negative feelings about delilah being there. "I love you more than I hate delilah" doesn't mean she isn't still disgusted by delilah. I get the sense that this is not an important distinction for imogen--she's said her piece, she's told laudna that she matters more, and that's the end of it for her. laudna matters more. her meaning is crystal clear: I love you and I'm choosing you.
but laudna has been obsessed with imogen saying she was disgusted by delilah watching them. she said herself she can't stop thinking about it, and marisha has said she can't stop thinking about it either, out of game. as far as they know currently, delilah's soul is twined in and around laudna's to the point where they are indistinguishable. the only way to get rid of delilah is to lose laudna. laudna doesn't know where she ends and delilah begins. imogen loves her, but imogen is disgusted by delilah. how does that work if they are one and the same? how does laudna cope with the fact that an inextinguishable part of herself is both genuinely evil and hated by the person she loves the most? at what point does being disgusted by delilah become being disgusted by a piece of laudna herself?
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