#end of a vacation
charlietheepicwriter7 · 5 months
When Mr. Lancer got promoted to Vice Principal, the school hired a new English teacher, an out-of-towner who wasn't phased by all the ghost stuff. For the first assignment of the year, he asked them to write a paper on any Shakespeare play they'd ever read.
The Monday after the paper was due, Mr. Todd asked Danny to stay after class. Danny frowned; he thought he'd done really well on the paper! He turned it in early and everything!
The teacher waited until everyone had left before asking, "Kid? Is everything okay at home?"
On the desk lay his paper, titled: "Why I Should Totally Kill My Godfather: An Essay About Shakespeare's Hamlet, I Swear".
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dailyrandomwriter · 1 year
Day 292
It’s weird to know that it’s already the end of my week off, and quite sad really. I’m going to miss being able to roll out of bed whenever I like (more or less). To be able to just whittle my day away crafting and playing video games is a great way to spend a week off.
However, I also recognize that sleep habits are garbage right now, along with my eating habits and what little good habits I have. I’ve mentioned this in the past, but I’m privileged enough that I can choose to work for reasons other than money.
I’m also smart enough to know that no matter how hard I bitch about work (even when I love my job) I can never stop working for my well being. Right now, I don’t sleep before 1 a.m., if I’m very bad I will sleep at 3 a.m. and be up at 11 a.m. the next day. As a result, it throws off my eating schedule. 
I know there are people who believe that eating two meals a day is great for weight loss, but it’s really, really hard to meet things like daily fibre requirement when you miss a meal. I’ve also not been eating well, though that is less due to vacation and more due to it being my birthday week.
Tomorrow is going to be the last b-day meal for me, with my old highschool friend and first roommate.
After that, I'll be back to work. Hopefully I remembered to write my to-do list for the week before I left on vacation. I kind of don’t remember if I did, or if I did, what I wrote down. It’ll be a surprise!
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shellshooked · 5 days
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queen of shadows
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attyattlaw · 4 months
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commission for @lawsbbygirl
posting the grey version bc i am biased
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justafanwarrior · 3 months
DP x DC Prompt #1
An old collection is finally shown again at the British Museum after being left in boxes for a few decades.
By coincidence one Tucker Foley, reincarnation of a Pharaoh, notices among the collection several items that used to belong to him. It doesn't take much (or anything) to convince Sam and Danny to go on a... Field trip yup field trip with him to London, a little vacation for his 24th birthday if you will. What do you mean his birthday isn't before several months? That's blasphemy.
They simply came during the day as to control the perimeter (and make a list of other artefacts that would suddenly be returned to their rightful place.)
They could not have planned that one Ra's Al Ghul also had several of his own personal items that he wished to retrieve among the very same collection. Or that he would decide to not only get them back himself but also at the same time.
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smashwolfen · 2 months
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Behold, the togepi line more like birbs than ever before! I had a lot of fun just messing with their looks and floof, and then colouring I just threw out the window and went with whatever works worked mentality. Did not strive for perfection but just what felt right and I like how it all turned out in the end XD
I had the vibe of Togepi looking more like a baby chick than usual, Togetic being a mix of a chicken and a dove, and Togekiss being a mix of a snowy owl, dove and a hint of parrot for the crest of feathers on its head.
Please enjoy baby birb, awkward teen birb and beeg mama birb!
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egophiliac · 2 years
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more masquerade stuff! things really went from 0 to 1000 in, like, thirty seconds.
(sorry if none of these make sense outside of my head)
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anne-is-confused · 2 months
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two plague doctors with a height difference is something that can actually be so personal
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onnahu · 2 months
Batkids in Metropolis
For context: they have sunglasses on, bc it's Metropolis, and they're fucking Gothamites AND bats so...
Cass: It's so...
Cass: It's so bright here.
Duke: Right? How can anyone live here?
Steph *putting on second pair of sunglasses*: Oh man, it gives me flashbacks.
Tim: Wtf, Steph. Flashbacks to what?
Jason: To death. Duh.
*Steph and Jason high-five*
Dick *just wanted a break from Bruce's bullshit*: Sometimes I hate you so much. Why do everything have to be a death joke to you?
Steph: I don't know what you're talking about...
Steph: I'm dead sirious.
Duke: 1/5, unoriginal.
Steph: Hey!
Damian's home bc he's grounded. He skipped school again. Jason and Tim paughed at him and he's now plotting revenge.
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squid2corn · 3 months
Almost ready with part 2
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
I started reading Dungeon Meshi last week, became instantly charmed and captivated, and blitzed through the entire manga in 4 days (and changed my profile picture about it). With that in mind, I would just like to say...
I love your dungeon meshi art so so much
Thank you kindly! I love Dungeon Meshi a lot, so I'm happy to see so many people get into it for the first time.
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mintjeru · 10 months
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i just think they would be good friends
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open for better quality | no reposts
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bet-on-me-13 · 6 months
Danny goes on Vacation: Bad Ending
(Kind of a Part 2 to This Post, and specifically the comment made by @gamermineral about the GIW)
So! Danny has not had a Vacation in Years. Not since the day he became a Hero.
Its not even that he hasn't tried before, its that every time he does it all goes horribly wrong.
The first time he ever tried taking a vacation, Undergrowth broke out of the Zone and took over the town for a 2nd Time. It took a week to fix that mess.
The next time, he tried just going away for a few days, and that was the day Aragon and Vlad teamed up to try and take over the City.
The final time was a few years later. He had mostly managed to establish a Stable Situation after months of Hard Work. The Rogues weren't attacking as Frequently, and in fact many of them had become good frenemies with him over the years. Their Battles were more like Play Fights at that point, although he did need to keep them from going too far and hurting civilians.
He thought he was safe for a few days break in the next city over...
Turns out some random Cult decided to Summon Pariah Dark out of his Coffin in them middle of a Major City that very day. That Incident had both Secured his Position as the new Ghost King, and had caught the attention of the JLA. They approached him afterwards offering a position on their Team.
Still, Danny held off on having a Vacation for a while longer. He still didn't know if it was even worth asking them to cover for him, the situation was mostly peaceful and they weren't that big of a threat usually.
Eventually though, after a few months of working up the nerve he asked the Team if they could cover for him so he could have a Vacation. They had enthusiastically agreed, happy to help even if it was a supposedly easy job.
Danny left them a few instructions on what to do in the case of a Rogue Attack, and left for his Vacation in Space.
But he still wasn't fully sure, so he went back to check on them after 2 days. It seemed like everything was actually fine, and he left again.
A week later, he was feeling nervous again, and check up again. And it still seemed to be going well.
After one more minor checkup, he felt secure in the safety of the Situation. So he left to deep space for the remainder of his Vacation and enjoyed the hell out of it. He felt free for the first time in YEARS!
But the situation wasn't going nearly as good as the Team had lead on.
The Rogues were too powerful for the initial team dispatched to handle the threat, and they needed to call in a few more Heroes to fight them off. When Danny showed up for his check in, they had played if off as Much as they could and sent him on his way. Then they did the same for the next two times.
The JLA Team was struggling far too much, much more than they could handle. But they didn't want to call in high level members, they had too much pride.
And unfortunately, the GIW was there to "help" them. They said that they could use the GIW Tech at their disposal to contain the Ghosts until the Hero of the town got back, that their weapons were Optimal for battling them without hurting them.
And the JLA Team took up the offer.
The next time they beat a Rogue, using GIW Weapons, they sent them to the nearby GIW Base and called it a day. And they continued doing that for the entire month Danny was away. They didn't know better, they would later claim.
Danny returned from his trip happy as can be. Until he sought out his Fight Buddies, and could find none of them.
"Hey guys, I just checked up on the Zone." Said Phantom, "And I couldn't find any of my Rogues. Do you know where they are?"
One of the Team Members who had taken over Amity for the month responded, "Well, we weren't having an easy time forcing them back through the Portal, so we took up the offer of some Locals who said they could help."
"Oh!" Said Phantom, "So Ms Mason and Mr Foley helped? Or was it Mrs. Grey? Or the Fentons? What did they do to keep the Ghosts from the Zone?"
"Oh no, it wasn't any of them" Said the Team Member, "It was this little organization called the Ghostly Investigation Ward, they helped us contain all the Rogues in their Base. We started last month, and-"
And Phantom stopped listening after that. His Heart stopped, his blood drained from his face, and he felt a deep sense of horror permeating his Core.
The GIW had captured all of his Friends.
And the JLA had helped them.
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pisswizard420 · 2 years
mina: hey babe there may be a time where i need you to kill me so i don’t become a vampire
jonathan harker, who was already planning out where they’d live their vampire lives and figuring out matching outfits for that possibility: what
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nelkcats · 1 year
Divine Signal
After Danny became king his level of meanness towards Vlad only increased. In his defense, the vampire ghost had been a nuisance for too many years to pass up, and now that he could command him the situation was hilarious.
However, at some point Vlad got tired. When Danny commented that he wanted to take some vacations, he decided to took that literally and threw him straight into a black hole, yelling "Have a good trip!", Vlad wasn't sure if the black hole was really a portal to another dimension like the rumors said but it was worth the try, is not like the King could die twice. And the stars would calm him down if it fails.
At the same time, Desiree had sneaked into Clockwork's lair to observe his time windows (something the time master was fully aware of), and heard Jason sigh in resignation and say, "I wish I had someone to love, someone similar to me" with a sad voice; Although he was good at hiding it, Jason had always wanted a romance like the one described in his books.
So of course, she fulfilled his wish. Which ended with Danny being transported to the DC universe via a wormhole and falling straight into Jason's arms, who just stared up at the sky in amazement.
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msterpicasso · 6 months
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