#fuck Bruce Wayne
babygirl-but-a-boy · 8 months
batman 138
Bruce: Jason, I'm diagnosing you with crippling anxiety
Jason: But I don't have
Bruce: Jason, I'm diagnos
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 6 months
OK so now I'm thinking about birthday's
And everyone in this fandom seems to know the 16th birthday from hell and I'm gonna touch on it
Growing up, I had pretty shitty parents. I know I haven't talked too much about it, but my father was the king of fucking up my birthday and whatever, and would never get me a gift like this man was incapable of practically, remembering my birthday.
But I want you to think about that for a moment Bruce Wayne, who, for all intensive purposes, was a father figure to Tim went out of his way to psychologically torture that poor child on his birthday, and it is like never brought up again like the angst potential of the entire family finding out is astronomical.
But also, do you know how fucked up it is to feel on your birthday the day that is supposed to be about you your father literally going out of his way to fuck it up. That's not something you forget that is a vivid memory. 
That shapes you for all of your life never mind the fact that time travel is a big thing in the DC universe. That was a perfectly tailored way to destroy Tim Drake and I mean I talk a lot of shit about Bruce Wayne but I almost feel like that's worse than a lot of shit he's done in my personal experience some shit sticks with you my most traumatic memories are not actually physically abusive in nature it's the psychological shit that fucks with you.
So RIP Tim Drake and his emotional well-being because every bit of paranoia, every bit of his personality, his lack of trust all can stem back to the 16th birthday from hell.
I love when we can literally dig to the cause and the cause of every contingency Tim Drake has ever fucking written. Is Bruce motherfucking Wayne.
I can never not stop hating on Canon Bruce Wayne I don't care if we have him, hugging Tim in one comic
That man is a piece of shit and I will stand by that statement 
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haleelah · 1 month
I don't like the notion that Jason would let Bruce beat the shit outta him and then come after to reconcile with him without consequences or at least breaking Bruce's jaw as a get back.
I don't care how much he "loves" Bruce, Jason survived abuse after abuse after abuse, he's not going to let anyone touch him now that he has grown into his body, and hurt him without fighting back with everything he has got.
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wanderingmind867 · 9 days
They've done stories where Batman is put on trial by his villians, but those stories fail because the villians would win that case. I'm not a lawyer, but I could prosecute Batman and win! Really you just have to bring up his reckless endangerment of children (Dick Grayson was 8 in the 1940s! 8!) and you win. A man who sends preteens against murderers and gangsters is just as awful as said murderers and gangsters, if not worse sometimes! Batman would not stand up in a court of law, and he'd lose everything because of his reckless endangerment of children!
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rootbeerrex · 4 months
So. I am one of the physically weakest people I know, and would get my ass handed to me in any fight.
however. I have just read under the red hood, and I do think that the amount of pure rage in my veins could allow me to rip batman apart with my bare hands if given the opportunity.
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satansluckycigarette · 9 months
Bruce Wayne/ these fists
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thewisebyers · 2 years
bruce wayne, you’re on my fight list. you bury jason without a funeral, said he didn’t have a family, and then went looking for a new robin. fuck you, bruce. kids aren’t yours to traumatize and use
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oncillabrigade · 2 months
Finally read Robins!
I have a lot of thoughts, but I just want to say this panel is the funniest thing I've ever seen:
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frownyalfred · 3 months
Bruce Wayne is so much stronger than me, because if I was him I would walk straight up to Lex Luthor at a fundraiser, lean down, and whisper you want to fuck Superman so bad it makes you look stupid in his ear before flitting away with zero context.
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"Bruce loves his children to infinity but sucks at communication" gotta be one of my favourite tropes.
What Bruce means: I miss you so much it hurts, you are a great hero, and I'm really glad that you still consider me as part of your life and share your thoughts with me.
What Bruce does: hums meaningfully in response to Dick's story.
What Bruce means: I'm sorry about everything that happened between us, I still love you and want to fix our relationship, I'm incredibly grateful that you don't avoid me.
What Bruce does: nods at Jason when sees him on the patrol.
What Bruce means: I deeply care about you, you are truly important to me, I worry about your health and I don't want you to repeat my mistakes, neglecting yourself for the sake of a mission.
What Bruce does: gives Tim a snack without any explanation.
What Bruce means: I'm very proud that, despite everything you were taught, you choose to be a good person and help people, you have a kind soul, and it's an honour to me to call you my son.
What Bruce does: gives Damian an intensive head pat.
Should I say that Cassie is a blessing?
They stare at each other's soul for a solid five minutes and it's basically a full ass conversation.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 4 months
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Somebody rescue Tim. He's seen too much.
You do NOT have permission to repost my art.
Meme reference under cut:
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babygirl-but-a-boy · 8 months
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wow I'm so not healed
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fakeicecubes · 4 months
I truly think that Bruce would protect his kids with his life from the media/paparazzi. Like when he first adopted Dick all articles surrounding him and his parents death vanished. Or how he played up his Brucie performance when Damian first went to a WE gala because he’s never had to deal with the press before. And I KNOW it killed him when Jason’s death was announced but that was the one thing they couldn’t keep from the media.
One day, pre-identity reveal, Clark goes to a charity gala and asks a young Tim drake and Cassandra Cain about their opinions on the subject. A BUNCH of reporters are giving him looks but Clark can’t tell what for. Until Bruce Wayne walks up to with a stone cold expression. But Clark was perfectly polite and Tim and Cass tell Bruce they actually enjoyed expressing their opinions. The next day in the Planet their words weren’t twisted. And now whenever article comes out about the Waynes(still a rare occurrence but it’s something) it’s written by a certain Clark Kent.
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ghost-bxrd · 5 months
Instead of Dick or Tim, Red Hood straight up goes for kidnapping Bruce Wayne and keeping him hostage just to see how desperate the birds get in trying to find him.
It’s a foolproof plan. Batman won’t blow his cover unless absolutely necessary, and “Brucie” would never know how to slip away from a crime lord of Red Hood’s caliber. It’s foolproof. It’s perfect. Jason can keep dropping hints and make threats towards the birds and watch Bruce squirm without consequences if he plays this right.
But then “Brucie” keeps begging him not to hurt his kids…
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wanderingmind867 · 10 days
They've done stories where Batman is put on trial by his villians, but those stories fail because the villians would win that case. I'm not a lawyer, but I could prosecute Batman and win! Really you just have to bring up his reckless endangerment of children (Dick Grayson was 8 in the 1940s! 8!) and you win. A man who sends preteens against murderers and gangsters is just as awful as said murderers and gangsters, if not worse sometimes! Batman would not stand up in a court of law, and he'd lose everything because of his reckless endangerment of children!
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rootbeerrex · 5 months
Bruce Wayne please stop making child soldiers and listen to your butler father figure when he tells you to get the kids therapy
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