#gotta be some super ticked off people
beardedmrbean · 5 months
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated a grand temple to Hindu god Ram in the flashpoint city of Ayodhya.
He said it heralded "a new era" for India - the temple replaces a 16th-Century mosque torn down by Hindu mobs in 1992, sparking riots in which nearly 2,000 people died.
Top film stars and cricketers were among guests at the event in Ayodhya.
But some Hindu seers and most of the opposition boycotted it, saying Mr Modi was using it for political gain.
General elections are due in India in the next few months and Mr Modi's political rivals say the governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will be seeking votes in the temple's name in a country where 80% of the population is Hindu.
Critics have also accused the government of exploiting a religious celebration in a country which - according to its constitution - is secular. For Muslims, India's biggest minority, the event evoked fear and painful memories, members of the community in Ayodhya told the BBC in the run-up to Monday's ceremony.
Televised live, it showed Mr Modi performing religious rituals inside the temple's sanctum along with priests and Mohan Bhagwat, head of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) - the ideological fountainhead of Hindu nationalist parties.
The complex history of India's Ayodhya holy site
Transforming a flashpoint holy city into the ‘Hindu Vatican’
"Today's date will go down in history," Mr Modi said after the event. "After years of struggle and countless sacrifices, Lord Ram has arrived [home]. I want to congratulate every citizen of the country on this historic occasion."
The temple has been constructed at a cost of $217m (£170m), funded from private donations. Only the ground floor was opened - the rest is expected to be completed by the end of the year. The construction work is part of a revamp for the city, estimated to cost more than $3bn.
The building of the Ram temple in Ayodhya fulfils a decades-long Hindu nationalist pledge. Many Hindus believe the Babri mosque was built by Muslim invaders on the ruins of a temple where the Hindu god was born.
The movement to build the temple helped propel the BJP into political prominence in the 1990s.
There was a festive atmosphere as tens of thousands of chanting Hindu devotees waved flags and beat drums - military helicopters showered flower petals on the temple. Saffron flags with pictures of Lord Ram line streets in the city festooned with marigolds, as do banners with the faces of Mr Modi and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.
Some of India's biggest celebrities, including Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan and cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, attended.
Temple rises from ruins of one of India’s darkest days
Listen: The temple at the heart of Modi's India re-election bid
Transforming a flashpoint holy city into the ‘Hindu Vatican’
In many other northern cities Hindus lit lamps, and saffron flags carrying images of Ram are fluttering on rooftops, including in several parts of Delhi. Cinemas screened the event, and big screens relayed pictures from Ayodhya to town squares and residential neighbourhoods.
The ceremony, called Pran Pratishtha, which loosely translates from Sanskrit into "establishment of life force", lasted about an hour. Hindus believe that chanting mantras and performing rituals around a fire will infuse sacred life in an idol or a photograph of a deity.
Several domestic TV stations built huge sets by the side of the river Saryu, a tributary of the Ganges, just behind the temple, and provided wall-to-wall coverage of the event, some proclaiming the moment of consecration as the start of "Ram Rajya" (Lord Ram's rule) in India.
Hindus celebrated the inauguration in other countries too. Massive billboards of Lord Ram graced Times Square in New York, where a group of devotees braved the freezing weather to gather in the middle of the night.
Temples all across the United Kingdom - where Indians are one of the largest diaspora groups - marked the event. Colourful posters had been shared inviting devotees to honour the occasion and celebrations involved flowers, sweets and music. There were also some celebrations in Muslim-majority Dubai - where Indians are a significant population - but from Indian news reports these appeared more muted than elsewhere.
In 2019, the Supreme Court gave the disputed land to Hindus after a protracted legal battle followed the mosque's demolition. Muslims were given a plot outside the city for a mosque but have yet to build one.
One member of the community the BBC spoke to in Ayodhya ahead of Monday's inauguration agreed that Hindus have the right to build the temple after the Supreme Court gave them the site.
"We did not accept that decision happily, but what can we do," he said. Another man said he was happy Hindus are building the temple - "but we are also sad because it was built after destroying a mosque".
The new three-storey temple - made with pink sandstone and anchored by black granite - stretches across 7.2 acres in a 70-acre complex. A 51-inch (4.25-ft) statue of the deity, specially commissioned for the temple, was unveiled last week. The idol has been placed on a marble pedestal in the sanctum sanctorum.
Thousands of police were deployed for Monday's event, despite Mr Modi having appealed to pilgrims not to turn up and to watch the ceremony on television. In many states a full or half day holiday was called, with schools and colleges closed and stock markets shut.
The build-up to a demolition that shook India
The man who helped Lord Ram win the Ayodhya case
But a sour note was struck with some top religious seers saying that as the temple was not yet complete, it was against Hinduism to perform the rituals there, and many opposition leaders deciding to stay away.
Some opposition-ruled states also announced their own plans for the day - West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said she would pray at the iconic temple to goddess Kali in Kolkata and then lead an all-faith rally. The eastern state of Odisha (Orissa) unveiled huge plans to bring pilgrims to the Jagannath temple in Puri, one of the holiest sites for Hindus.
Authorities say they expect more than 150,000 visitors per day once the temple in Ayodhya is fully ready.
To accommodate this expected rush, new hotels are being built and existing ones spruced up as part of a major makeover and in recent weeks, a new airport and railway station have opened.
Officials say they are building a "world-class city where people come as pilgrims and tourists", but many local people have told the BBC that their homes, shops and "structures of religious nature" have been either completely or partially demolished to expand roads and set up other facilities.
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shit-talker · 3 months
The only way I can rationalise people accepting literal children going out and fighting crime as Robin is if they don't think Robin is a real child.
I think it would be fun to see how Bruce would use that to his advantage in protecting his kids. Like, if people think Robin isn't human, if they instead think he's a spirit or a ghost, they are less likely to shoot at him, less likely to try and physically attack Robin because they think it would be no use.
The fun part would be deciding HOW they would do this. I like to think that Robin's domino mask doesn't have a hole for his eyes but instead is glazed over so that he can see out of it, but you can't see in. Maybe they install small lights in it so it looks like his eyes glow in the dark, because can you image how fucking scary it would be to just see these two sentient light-like eyes and just know the Batman must be lurking somewhere close by?
Maybe Bruce installs super strong magnets in their gloves because on the chance that someone does pull a gun on his kid close range, it would be a lot easier for them to grab the gun away if they had the force of magnetism on their side. Also, grabbing onto poles and other metal materials would make all the scaling on tall buildings a little safer. Obviously, they'd need a way to turn it on and off, but still. Can you imagine, you're in a warehouse and there are steel frames fucking everywhere and you look up and suddenly there's a child gripping onto one effortlessly? Horrifying.
Maybe they have a voice box. Want to scare people? Play this really ominous recording of a child's laughter that echoes just a bit too loud to be normal. Play this ominous screaming that seems too silent to be real. Play this ticking that seems to never end that induces stress and increases the chance of them messing up.
What would be even funnier is keeping this act up with the Justice League and other teams.
Batman doesn't bring Robin to these meetings at the beginning because he sees no need to involve a preteen in such matters, but at some point the subject does come up and it's sort of like; So, Bats, what exactly is the kid? Like...is he yours?
And Bruce (paranoid as fuck) doesn't want to admit to these people that yes, Robin is my son because hello? That's gotta be his biggest weakness, he would do anything to keep that kid safe and fuck them if they ever tried to hurt him to get to Bruce.
So, he tells them that he's a spirit sent to haunt him and remind the city of it'd failures and the Justice League just... believe him?? Because this is Batman, and why would Batman ever lie about something so, frankly, strange? And it's not a huge deal, like they're a team comprised of metas and aliens and literal godesses, so what if the one normal human guy has a weird little ghost child? Who cares if he cares about it like it's a real boy? Maybe the baby spirit has rights, too!! They don't know!
So, when the JLA gets more popular and becomes an actual, legal part of the American government, they're required to list all of their members. And they class Batman as a human, because that's obvious but next to Robin, they don't really know what to say or how to ask Batman about it, ao they just put "Unknown Child Spirit - TBD"
And then just... never change it?
So, they don't question why a few years later Robin seems to look entirely different, or why after that he changes again, or why Robin is suddenly a girl for a while before going back to a little boy. That's obviously just some weird spirit thing they don't understand, and it's not like Batman is going to explain it!
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ghostboneswrites2 · 2 months
I really resonated with Daryl x abused reader could you maybe do one where the reader doesn’t let their past define them and shows little signs of abuse like they’re super cheery and happy and doesn’t let their past get them down and but maybe reader has a ptsd attack by Daryl after he confronts her about being so happy especially in an apocalypse and they just realize they relate to each other even if they’re personalities are so drastically and Daryl just comforts reader 🫂
The Painted Bunting
Era: Greene Farm
Summary: Daryl is paired with you on the search for Sophia and snaps at you after growing tiresome of your seemingly endless kindness.
Note: No more laptop for now since the cord broke so I hope you’ll all forgive the lack of my usual post formatting :(
Warnings: profanity, mentions of past abuse, grumpy sassy asshole Daryl (the man we originally fell in love with)
Banner credits on this post
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        Shining hair in the rays of the sun, an infectious laugh, a beaming grin that never seemed to dissipate. A glowing beacon in the dark. That was what you were. And, admittedly, it got under his skin a little, so Daryl tended to avoid you. You weren’t oblivious to it, but you accepted it for what it was. After all, you couldn’t win them all, right? 
        You had always been that way; soft, gentle, graceful, kind. If you had never let the past change that for you, you certainly wouldn’t let present day events change it, either. Maybe the world had become a nightmare, but that didn’t mean you had to be one too. 
        Daryl thought that what really gritted his teeth about you was that through everything that had happened, you never changed a single bit. Not like the others had; not like he had. 
        After the world fell, after the camp by the quarry was overrun, after the CDC, after Sophia had gone missing, you remained exactly the same. For all of the afore mentioned, Daryl found you to be one of the most vexing people he ever had the displeasure of interacting with, second only to Shane, who could have easily been traded off for his own brother, Merle.
        Needless to say, he was peeved at the idea that you were sent on search duty with him after he hurt himself in the ravine. Rick decided a buddy system would be beneficial to all of the search party participants, and you volunteered to tag along, because of course you did.
        You weren’t so much looking forward to spending so much one on one time with the man, yourself. You didn’t necessarily have an issue with him, but you were all too aware of the issue he seemed to have with you. Really, you couldn’t relate to him at all. Not everyone around camp was perky and sweet, and rightfully so, but Daryl was such a brooding presence and you just couldn’t put yourself in that frame of mind.
        The two of you had set out just after dawn and the hours ticked by as you made friendly conversation and Daryl occasionally offered you a measly grunt in response. 
        “Do you think we’ll find anyone out here?” You asked. “I mean, aside from Sophia. I know we’ll find her.”
        “Pro’ly better if we don’t find nobody else.” Was his first verbal response all day. You shrugged. 
        “I don’t know. Could be good. I’m sure there are people who could really use some help.”
        “Ain’t our problem.” He argued. “Gotta look out for our own. The hell you worried about helpin’ strangers for when we ain’t even found the little girl we’re after?” 
        “Oh, no.” You chuckled nervously. “It’s not that I was just —“ You cut yourself off, sensing an oncoming ramble. “I didn’t mean it like that.” 
        “Mm.” He hummed, pausing his footsteps to take a breath and scan his surroundings. After a moment, he continued forward, and you followed without question . Admittedly, you had no clue how to track, so if anything you were there in case he got hurt.
        “So, if someone needed your help… You wouldn’t help?” You asked innocently.
        He whipped around to face you, the aggression behind his motion drawing you to a dead stop.
        “The hell’s your problem, huh?” He snapped. You blinked. “It’s the end of the goddamn world and you’re askin’ me about some hypothetical moral dilemma? Let me tell you somethin’, girl; ain’t no damn morals in the apocalypse. Ain’t no more law and order! It’s just us,” he paused, sending an arrow through the skull of a walker that had crept up behind you. You flinched and turned to watch its carcass thud on the forest floor. “And them.” He concluded. 
        “I—I was just making conversation.” You mumbled timidly. 
        “Why? It’s not a social call! We’re out here to find that little girl. This is why I didn’t need no damn babysitter.” He complained.
        “I was just trying to be nice.” You defended.
        “Nice?” He scoffed. That simple word seemed to trigger something in him as his eyes lit up with aggravation. “Don’t you get it? It ain’t about bein’ nice anymore. It’s about survival. Got dead people standin’ up and eatin’ people and you’re worried about bein’ nice. Walkin’ around passin’ out water and food and gigglin’ with everybody like we ain’t got a bunch o’ dead bodies stumblin’ around us just waitin’ to take a bite out.” 
        Maybe it was the way he raised his voice, or the way his eyes shot flaming daggers of fury right through your chest, or the way he threw his arms down and spat words at you like you were some puny, wretched little thing. You didn’t know what it was, but somewhere in the whirlwind of heated exchange, his voice slowly blended together with the other voice — the one that still lived in the back of your mind and ate away at you every day.
        The voice that belonged to your own father, the one person who struck true, genuine fear in you. Before you knew it, that old sensation of real terror, the one you’d buried somewhere deep inside you and covered with cement, was breaking free and engulfing you. 
        You were frozen, like a fawn under the scrutinizing gaze of a predator. The humid air felt like a thick paste as you struggled to gulp it down and catch a breath. At first, Daryl felt inclined to criticize your tears as a show of weakness, fragility, inability to handle a little raise of the voice. He quickly noticed, however, that this was no simple burst of reactionary emotions. No, this was something much deeper and it was rattling you to the core. There was a distant look in your wide eyes, one that he came to recognize, even if it took him a minute. 
       He shifted on his feet, scanning you, unsure how to intervene. 
        “Hey.” He eventually called out, but it was clear his voice wasn’t reaching you. This was the final piece of confirmation he needed. You were having an episode, the kind he experienced a few times when he first got out of his father’s abusive home. 
        He sighed and grabbed your trembling shoulders. You jumped but you didn’t flee or strike out. His touch seemed to dry you out and shrivel you up like a raisin. You shrank into yourself, hyperventilating. 
        “C’mon.” He said softly, ushering you done to your knees. “Hey. Ya gotta breathe.” 
        Your breathe only became more shallow and forced. Tears poured down your cheeks as your chest got tighter. 
        “Just breathe. That’s the only way it’s gonna stop.” He urged. He went to grab your wrists but you panicked, snatching your arms away and falling down on your back. 
        “No! Get away! You can’t do this anymore! I’m not a little kid!” You cried out.
        You were making quite a bit of noise by this point, between the gasps for air and the sobs. He crouched over you and grabbed your shoulders. 
        “(Y/N), ya ain’t there anymore. Wherever it is, it’s gone. In the past. It’s just you and me right now, and we ain’t there. We’re here.” He soothed, hoping his voice could find you somewhere in the abyss. “Just listen. Ya hear that? It’s a Painted Bunting. Look,” he pointed up into a tree at a bright multicolored bird, similar in its beauty to a parrot, only much smaller. “It’s right up there. Ya see it?” 
        Your breathing had started to slow down now, those shallow inhales finally reaching a little deeper within. Your eyes lazily followed his finger to the bright little bird singing a flute-like melody. 
        “Ya see it?” He asked again. You managed to nod once, still holding your arms tightly to your chest as you laid flat on the bed of leaves and twigs. He took a moment to see you, to really take you in, and he realized you were beautiful. Not just in the way a pretty girl with a nice personality was beautiful, but in a way that left so much of who you really were unsaid.
        “Just watch it.” He whispered, glancing back up at the feathered creature, hoping it would stick around long enough to bring you back down to earth. “They take two years to look that pretty. Did ya know that?” He asked, glancing back down at you. Your eyes were still on the bird, but you shook your head no. “Yeah. Only the males, too.” He added. “Otherwise, they’re just kinda greenish and yellowish.” 
        Once your chest was rising and falling with a steady rhythm, you finally looked over at him. Humiliation began to set in. You quickly sat yourself up and brushed the dead foliage away from your clothes and hair. 
        “I’m sorry.” You mumbled. “That hasn’t happened in a long time.” 
        “‘S okay.” He shrugged, standing himself back up as well. “Happens.”
        “Yeah, we’ll, it shouldn’t. Not nowadays.” 
        “Can’t help it when it does.” He assured you. “I get it.”
        “Maybe I should head back.” You suggested.
        “We both can. If ya wanna. It’ll be dark soon anyways.”  
        “I don’t wanna make you lose your trail or.. Ya know.” You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt.
        “Nah. Ain’t no use after dark, anyways. We’d just be stumbling in circles and bumpin’ into each other.” He insisted, contrastingly soft in comparison to before your episode. 
        “Oh. Right.” You nodded. Just as you got ready to turn back toward the farm, he cleared his throat.
        “Ya wanna talk about it?”
        “About what?” You turned back to him. He shifted his weight anxiously, chewing at the inside of his cheek. Offering an ear to listen was at least ten yards outside the perimeter of his comfort zone. “About that?” You asked. “That was nothing. Just something stupid that happens sometimes. That’s all.”
        While his tone was much kinder and warmer than before, yours was cold, dull, and tired. Those episodes could take a lot out of a person, and he was no stranger to that fact. 
        “Sometimes it helps.” He said. “Talkin’ about it. Makes it a little less…” He trailed off, searching for the word he wanted. “Less, uh… Consuming.”
        “It never gets less consuming.” You argued.
        “It does.” He insisted. 
         “And how would you know?” You asked, impatience lacing your words.
        “I used to get ‘em too.” He admitted. “Been awhile but… I just get it. That’s all.”
        You studied him. In all the weeks you’d spent around the man, you’d never seen him so genuine, or really so open. He never seemed to look at you like another person. You were always just another load on his shoulders. 
        “My dad.” You finally spoke. He nodded.
        “Me too.” 
        “I’m sorry.” You sympathized.
        “Me too.” He agreed. 
        “We should go.” You sighed, turning away again. 
        This time you didn’t wait for him, you just started walking, until he called out behind you; “‘M sorry.” You stood still, but you didn’t look back. He knew he had your attention, though, and he knew he had to say something else. “I know I did it this time. I shouldn’t’ve yelled at ya like that.”
        “It’s okay. Maybe you were right.” 
        “Nah.” He shook his head, taking slow steps to catch up to you. “I wasn’t. It’s good. Ya didn’t let none of that shit make ya bitter. Keep it that way. Else you’ll end up a grumpy redneck.” He joked. You suppressed the small smile that tugged at the corner of your lips.
        “Maybe the grumpy rednecks of the world got it figured out.” You said, walking again once you felt him catch up. 
        “Nah. I don’t know shit about shit.” He admitted, eliciting a small laugh from you. You shook your head.
        “I don’t think anyone does.” You reasoned.
        On the hike back to the Greene farm, you two shared some light banter, some stories of the past, some laughs and extended looks. He grew finder of you that day. The critical glares he’d send you from a distance were replaced with admiration and respectful nods. You’d often catch him looking and flash him a big smile, waving at him before you attention was drawn elsewhere. 
       You both learned that maybe the two of you were differently colored fruit, but you grew from the same tree, and you weren’t so different after all. And, that sentiment was never lost or forgotten. It carried with you for as long as you two knew each other. 
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chenyann · 2 years
A feathers kiss♡♡
Ace trappola,Deuce spade,Jack howl,Epel felmier,ortho shroud and Sebek zigvolt
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Did you ever hear the rumor of the kiss of life?, They say that a ghost roams around kissing the cheeks of friends,So if you feel a breath against your cheek you should lean forward but be wary if I stays put then you should run.
cw: gn!reader, crack/fluff, sfw, unedited, sebek,PLATONIC ORTHO!!
The next rumor is soon...
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He was just walking around and he sees a running prefect 
Grabs your arm only to be met with a kiss on the cheek
"Sorry Ace but I'm late for class bye!"
And you run away
Tries to be smug 
Only to realize you already left
Would think about it all day
Did you know about his crush on you???
No…you didn't say anything about the crush…
Gets frustrated and ticked off that he is thinking so much about this
He would think about it with a goofy grin on his face<33
Only to get collared by riddle cause he wasn't listening💀
He could still feel the warmth on his cheek…..
Stomps over to ramshackle 
You open the door like:(‐^▽^‐)oh hey Ace!
He just straight up kabedons you
Hear me out….HEAR ME OUT
And he demands an actual kiss since he got collared.
Even tho it wasn't your fault in the first place 🙄🙄
When you do kiss him he gets so smug about it💙💙💙
Probably goes on magicam and posts about it on his Side account 💀💀💀
He wouldn't tell his mom or brother about it.
Takes it as an invitation to get more kisses<33
People are now confused because they don't know if yall are dating or not like???
Why are yall kissing so much?? When did yall get together??? 
How tf was Ace able to pull you!?
Clear the air y/nnie tell them what's going on.
(Or not lol)
"Hey prefect you didn't give me my kiss today?"
"What do you mean I don't need one everyday??? I could be dying here all cause of lack of kisses you know"
He was just walking to his next class and "oh hey there prefect"
"Sorry deuce I gotta go!"
And you sped off well not before giving him a cheek kiss.
Starts smiling and continues off to class
Wouldn't just think about all day but all week💚💚
He would call his mom and tell her kicking his feet in the air and everything<3
His mom would want to meet you so bad after how good he talks about you.<333333
Deuce would look at you with eyes filled with love 
Him when you slid on a piece ham in the cafeteria:(♡‿♡) look how cool they are
The ham is still stuck to ur shoe too😭😭
At Least he won't judge you by looks😌
When he doesn't see you after classes he runs to ramshackle 
"Oh hey deuce!"
"I love you!"
Y'all sit there and talk it out
(Your choice if you accepted the confession or not)
In the end he gets another kiss 
Super happy about the other kiss<3
He is super blushy when you kiss him 
Actually you are the one who gives him daily kisses<333
He wouldn't even ask cause he is to shy
It's nice to see his flushed face 
Tries to give you a cute nickname😘
And fails lol 💀💀 
Probably gave you a nickname like "Baby Cakes"😭
"Oh hey Honey Pot you need some help with that book♡"
He tries okay!
Ppl are like awww 
thinking yall are in a good relationship 
Pretty no cause deuce has a meltdown when yall brush shoulders💀
Mama Spade would ask about you<3
"Prefect I would like to thank you"
"For those kisses you give me!"
"!?..o-oh y/n you didn't need to give me one today"
Hm? Is that y/n they shouldn't run so fast they could get hurt….
He Grabs your shoulder and stops you only to have you kiss his cheek and continue to speed off 
No he is not blushing 😒why tf you staring ace🤨
No his tail is not wagging 100mph😒
epel stop whining that my tail hit you
He would think about it for a while then just brush it off. 
Would ask his mom why you would do that💜💜
His mom would tease him so he just said his goodbyes and hung up…
He would ask you about it after awhile 😗
Walks up to ramshackle and asks you why you kissed him
Like sir??? don't ask, just go with it!!
You explain it was just in instinct to kiss him and run
*windows loading screen*
Does this mean you like him???
"So you like me?"
Now you malfunction 
Got caught red handed huh y/nnie?
Once yall did what you need to and said what was need to be said
The whole NRC was like ???? Yall together? Wait….this is kinda cute….ship
They punching air rn😭😭
Yall look good together tho♡♡
Same case as deuce you would give him daily kisses!
He loves them and thanks you after each one💜💜
Kills anyone who says it cringe
He was hiding from vil and he saw you,he also wanted to know if you can hide him.
He Grabs your arm and to be met with a kiss and simple words.
"Sorry epel running late for an unbirthday party!!"
And you sped off 
He's hype 🤩🤩
Got his first kiss and he got it from YOU!
100% tells his mee maw❤❤❤
Granny felmier is so happy to hear he got a kiss from the y/n she heard so much about<33
Also smug
He tells all the first years about it
Him rn:ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ
Hints that he liked the kiss
You don't get it😒
He has enough of this!!!
Goes to ramshackle and kabedons you.
But it's funny cause he's like 2 foot 5💀💀💀
Anyways 💀 he demands a real kiss
You give him a lil kiss kiss (on the cheek) 💋
Very bashful about it 
Tells you that you didn't need to kiss him😀
And now it's a daily thing
In the halls 
In class
"Psst y/n i need a kiss"
He is lying he got atleast 95 kisses that day🙄
He will huff and puff if you dont give him his kiss😒
(Tries) to fight any who diss his daily kiss
Please people would think yall are dating at this point 😭
He's just comes of from behind and asks for his kiss ❤
He would be in his room texting his mother giggling and kicking his feet in the air💀💀
Posts about how he gets daily kisses on his magicam 
Fr thinks it's a flex (it is)
I want a hug from you🥲 a hug from the y/n L/n 
Asks if yall are dating 
You're like?????
He thought yall was dating cause of those daily kisses😭😭
He gives you apple lip balm 
He's just preparing for when yall smooch on the lips(‐^▽^‐)
He looks at you with a dopey grin❤❤
It's so cute<33
Calls you his cotton swab
That's not so cute;;
"Y/n??? Aren't you forgetting something???"
"Thank you…"
[10 minutes later]
"I know granny what an I ment to do???? How did gramps do it??? Really okay I'll try that!"
I'm Not kissing him 
You're not kissing him?
I ain't gonna let you do it!!
…….ok okay I'll let yall kiss him😒
He was just walking to find his dear waka Sama and he sees you bolting through the halls
So he obviously stops you thinking you would stop
You did. But only for a second 
"Running late bye!!!"
Annnnd you're gone…..
"Why would they even do that…..?"
Thinks about it alot 
He would blush thinking back on it
Blames the sun😒
"Sebek,why are you blushing?"
"I'm not!!! It's just the sun"( •̀ _ •́ ;)
"It's cloudy today???"
He would think about it each night 
He likes brushing his finger against his cheek sometimes 
Asks Lilia what it means
"Lilia, the human prefect of ramshackle, had kissed my cheek. What does that mean?"
"OMG sebek that means you have to marry them!!!"
Oh look, his face is now red like riddle's hair!!!
Little did Lilia know Sebek takes EVERYTHING he says seriously.😈
Runs to ramshackle 🧡🧡
Hair disheveled…..yall simps may think it's hot
You just open the door like  (•◡•) "Hey sebek"
You have to explain that it wasn't an invitation to marry you and that Lilia was likely kidding.
But you do offer to date him
"If that is what you want I won't stop you, I mean I am very charming after all"
Smack him for being prideful
Ppl are like 😶 naw sebek just got the Y/N to date him how tf did he pull them😫
He won't get daily kisses cause he is too shy/prideful to ask 
 you don't do it cause he would malfunction and die x_x
"I would like to give my gratitude for that kiss!"
"No need to thank me"
He detected you 2 minutes before you sped past him.
He told you it wasn't safe for you to run but all you did was give him a forehead kiss and ran off
"I'm late for a p.e bye ortho!!♡"
He felt all giddy inside❤❤ 
Yelled goobye to you<333
Tells idia about it 
He asks if you can give him forehead kisses each day since it boosts his stats 
That's what idia said lol
So it became routine for you to give him forehead kisses💜💜
And he thanks you after each one 💙💙
Cute Lil bby 💚💚💚
Everyone finds it cute when yall act like family🧡🧡🧡
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not-a-space-alien · 7 months
K&J x MMSS 4: Valen & Jim Part 5
Part five of the fourth crossover with @whumpsday!
K&J masterlist
MMSS masterlist
K&J x MMSS crossover masterlist
To be added to the taglist, contact @whumpsday
Warnings for this chapter: Eating disorder talk
In this chapter:
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It’s night when Jim wakes, and he's still cuddled up with Valen. The vampire looks so peaceful like this. Jim feels a pang in his heart when he remembers that Valen's going home tonight, all the way back to vampire territory.
He feels a little selfish for it– he has to admit, part of it is that he feels so much safer with Valen here to protect him. No vampire would snatch a human out of another vampire’s arms, not when there are easier humans to abduct. But also… Valen is kind, and pleasant to be with, and that’s something Jim’s been starved of for a long, long time.
Well, they can still keep in touch. Maybe Valen will visit.
As he feels Valen stirring, he murmurs, “How you feeling? Burns a little better?"
Valen stretches and rubs his eyes, delighted to find that when he blinks them open, he can see. The shapes are still a bit fuzzy though, and the room has a haze, so apparently he's only most of the way there. His skin feels almost completely better, though.
"I'm doing wonderful, Jim. I'll be better in no time." He rolls over. "Although I do think I still have a little ways to go remaining, unless you’ve suddenly developed a propensity for being a beige blob."
"Looks like I gotta keep taking care of you, then," he says with a smile and a nudge, getting out of bed. "Let me know whenever you get hungry. I felt like shit after not eating or drinking for 2 days, so I bet you'd feel the same. Don't want you to go through that. Just, uh, not the neck."
The last thing Jim wants is to be fed from, but he’d rather it be him than Liz. Besides, he’s used to it. He’s done it every night for years. It shouldn’t be a big deal.
"Oh, thank you," Valen says. Now he's trying not to think too hard about feeding. "I'm not hungry just yet. Maybe later. Thank you for thinking of it." Change the subject, don't think about it, you can wait and feed at home. "You'll probably be wanting to get medical care today, yes?"
"It's not super urgent. I'll call to make an appointment when it's day, since they're closed by now. Why?" Jim asks. "I know I gotta hand in that jar of ticks."
"Oh, yes." Valen is completely disoriented about when things will be open, and what time of day everyone is going to be active. "I just worry for you, that's all."
"You're sweet. I'm not going to the ER, I'll be fine." Jim shrugs. "Speaking of which, you need anything? A second round of burn cream?"
"I think I'm doing fine. Thank you. Just some more time. Depending on what time it is, I'm not sure if I'll be able to get all the way home before sunrise, and I'd prefer not to be out during the day." He thinks it's probably going to be a while before he works up the confidence again to go outside during the day. "So perhaps I'll stay the night and the day, and then leave at next sunset." 
"Sounds peachy." Jim hesitates. The fact that it's night and Kane might be looking for him makes him nervous, but Valen is here. Valen can protect him. Even if he does get taken back, Valen can probably find a way to bust him out again. The thought calms his jumpy nerves. "Um, do you wanna come downstairs while I get breakfast? I'm..." he starts mumbling, "I feel safer when you're there. But, but if you don't wanna, that's cool too, obviously."
Valen brightens. "Yes, that sounds lovely. Are Liz and Laken still home?" It's been a while since he's been among a group of people he was so desperately interested in getting to know better. He doesn't have any friends who know and accept the real him, and he knows some of these people are queer. He's desperate for genuine connection.
And of course Jim would feel safer with Valen around. Valen had been the only thing in the five years Jim was in vampire territory that had ever been able to ward off being hurt by his captors. It makes him feel warm and protective, and strangely loathe to leave Jim alone despite knowing he's probably perfectly safe now, across the border.
"I dunno. I just met Laken when you did, but Liz told me they're her hunting partner while I was eating yesterday." Jim groans. "I can't believe she's a hunter now. That's so unsafe. Fuck Kane for kidnapping me when he did.” His voice gets more timid, spooked by his own insult. “If he could have at least waited until Liz was more stable…"
"Yes, I do worry for her in that line of work." Valen also worries for himself, just a little. "But now that you're here, perhaps we can convince her to change careers."
"Yeah… Well, I'd assume Laken would go back to their own place? There's no way Liz bailed when I just got back, she's definitely home. Feel free to grab anything you like out of the closet if you want, lemme know if your eyes are still shot and you need help. I'm staying in pajamas."
Valen smiles. "I'll also stay in pajamas. Why not?" He gets up out of bed and pads forward, slowly and holding his hand out, exaggerating his inability to see. "I do think I'll take your hand to help get down the stairs, though."
"Of course, man. I've gotcha." He intertwines his arm with Valen's, helping him down the stairs.
"Hey!" Liz calls excitedly from where she is in the living room, ecstatic to have Jim home. "How'd you sleep? I can't believe you're really home!”
"Slept good," Jim confirms with a thumbs-up. "Me either."
“And hey, looking better, Valen."
Valen also gives a thumbs up. "Feeling a lot better! Thank you, ma’am!”
Liz laughs. "Noooo, don't make me a ma'am, I'm only twenty!"
"Valen's staying the night and day, his eyes are still shot," Jim explains.
She looks to where their arms are intertwined. "Uh huh. I see that. Well, you're welcome anytime, for as long as you want. You brought my brother home.”
That warms Valen’s heart. “Ah, thank you… So, so what's on the agenda for tonight?"
“Um, I dunno, didn't have any specific plans. Definitely not going out. I could make-"
"Have you actually learned to cook in the last 5 years?" Jim asks, eyebrows raised.
"I'll handle the making. I missed cooking for you." Jim baps her on the head and goes into the kitchen. He glances back nervously to make sure he can still see Valen, the nighttime putting him on-edge.
"Don't feel self-conscious about it, I don't know how to cook, either," Valen says with a laugh. "I'm not sure I know what to do with myself if we don't have something going on. I'm not good at being idle. And I can't read for a while, unfortunately. Are there any chores that require heavy lifting I can do for you while I'm here? It'd be most efficient, since it's easier for me."
"Yeah, you can help me clean up the other bedroom if you want?" Liz suggests. "It's got a queen. Just so you know."
Valen tries to hide his excitement. "Okay, sure! You'll have to give me directions." He leans into the kitchen. "Jim, I'm going upstairs to help Liz move things. Is that all right?"
"Um, y-yeah." Jim stammers, not entirely alright but not wanting to admit it. "I'll make something quick and bring it up."
Liz, oblivious, takes Valen's hand. "Back up we go, then!"
"O-okay," says Valen, unsure of if he should point out Jim's discomfort and stay downstairs. Since Jim seems to have already made a plan to come up, Valen just lets himself be pulled along.
He can see well enough to get up the stairs without much issue, but he still likes holding Liz's hand. He likes Liz. She's tough, and a woman, and she doesn't seem to care what men think of her. If he'd been presented with the two siblings without knowing anything about either of them, he probably would have actually gravitated towards Liz more than Jim. He wants Liz to like him, but she already seems to like him for bringing her brother back. This is good, he likes interpersonal relationships where the other party feels like they owe him instead of the other way around. Then he can graciously assure them not to worry about paying him back, instead of worrying himself.
They reach the bedroom. The bed is covered in stacks of boxes and other crap, as is a good portion of the rest of the room. Valen eyes the blobs that must be the boxes. He hefts one up. To his horror, he finds that his limbs feel just a bit weaker than they usually do. It's been well over 24 hours since he's fed at this point, and he's starting to get quite hungry. He hates the idea of leaving, though, almost as much as he hates the idea of feeding here in front of either of them. Just wait for a bit, you've gone much longer without eating than this before. Neither of them will notice, they won't think much of it. You're still plenty strong. "Where should I put this?" He wants to say ma'am, but Liz already expressed her negative feelings about that.
Liz also grabs a box off the bed, moving it to stack onto the boxes on the floor. "I figure we can just clear off the bed so it's usable. I gotta go through everything, probably with Jim, and decide what to keep. Then we can grab some sheets and a blanket."
"Easy enough!" He makes quick work of moving the boxes, almost feeling like he's obligated to use his massively superior strength to get done as much as he can. He can't very well go through the boxes for them though. He wonders what's in the boxes, but he politely declines from asking, figuring he can puzzle it out later indirectly from Jim and Liz talking to each other.
Jim comes up with two plates soon enough, handing one to Liz. "Here ya go, mushroom omelet. Oh, that reminds me, I wanted to ask." He turns to Valen. "Why were you collecting mushrooms in the middle of the day anyway? That's how he found me. I was mid-escape and he was like, foraging."
"Oh," he says, blushing fiercely. Why was this so embarrassing to talk about? Probably because everyone told him it was stupid, and he wasn't convinced it would work. "Well, I'm trained in the sciences, and I was collecting them to use in a pet project of mine. There don't seem to be many around, though. They may not thrive at the latitude I was searching."
"Well, if you ever wanna forage in human territory, give me a heads-up ahead of time and I'll make sure hunters in the area know you're chill." Liz says. "You're obviously not gonna take anyone. You did the opposite."
Valen's heart warms at Liz's offer. He has friends, he has friends who like who he really is and help him with things he actually wants to do. "Thank you."
"Ooh, science. What's the pet project?" Jim asks between bites. 
Valen turns to Jim. "Um, well it isn't very far along, but, but, this is a peculiar species of mushroom that produces a substance remarkably similar in structure to hemoglobin. I was thinking that if I could distill it down, I could use it to make an artificial blood substitute to use for feeding." 
"Dude. You have to keep working on that," Liz says, extremely interested. "If you can get something like that working, it could save lives."
"Kane would never go for mushroom blood. He's all about prestige." Jim rolls his eyes. "It sounds super cool, though."
"That's the one that took you?" Liz asks.
"Yeah. Should've heard him when he came knocking at Valen's place. Had a temper tantrum when Valen sent him packing. Oh hey, speaking of blood, you've gotta be hungry." Jim points out. He's not exactly stoked about being fed from, but… it's not Kane this time.
Valen would be gentle, he knows it.
Valen is about to start explaining about how the nobility wouldn't ever accept it, but that it could potentially reduce the impact of the large-scale horror of the blood farms, when the pivot into talking about him feeding sends his anxiety spiking. He hasn't struggled with disordered eating for a while, not since he'd gotten more in control of his own diet, but all the shame and guilt are resurfacing. He can't feed from either of them. They're his friends, he can't see them as food. What if he starts seeing them as food before people? What if he can't go back to blood packs? He doesn't trust himself, it could go wrong in so many ways, especially with Jim.
"That's all right," Valen says. "I'm not hungry." Unfortunately, it's pretty obvious he's lying with the way it comes out, and he cringes.
"Hey." Jim sets his plate down and goes to squeeze Valen's hand. "You fed me. I'm gonna feed you. You're not going hungry in my house. What's wrong?"
Valen bites his lip and shakes his head. "I can't, I-I've never fed directly from a human before. I can't put a name and face to my food."
Jim's spent so long being told he's food, not a person. Valen telling him he doesn't want to make him food because he's a person… he doesn’t know what to make of that. He feels warm inside. "I appreciate that. A lot. How about I get you a cup or bowl or something, 'kay?"
"I-I suppose that would be fine. Just, just maybe do it in a different room, if you don't mind?" He is really freaked out by the possibility of becoming a monster like Kane if he isn't careful. It was one thing to know some human somewhere out there got paid a nice sum to have their blood drawn, which was then made available to his demographic generally. It was entirely different to know someone was right here in front of him and was going to be bleeding and hurting for him specifically. 
He was already one of those people who had trouble accepting help, accepting someone else's flesh and blood is even worse...not to mention it makes him feel like he owes someone else, bodily, which he hates hates hates. He tries not to cry. He would almost rather just go hungry. But Jim had said it so kindly and understandingly.
Jim doesn't like the idea of being in a different room from Valen, but he guesses he'll have to get used to it soon, since Valen's going home tomorrow. He doesn't know how he'll cope being alone at night, without him. Vulnerable.
Valen's reluctance makes him feel safer, though. This isn't like with Kane, taking what he wants with no regard to how Jim feels. Valen treats him like a person. There's no pressure.
"Sure, yeah. Liz, can you supervise?" He definitely can't do this alone.
They go downstairs. As Valen waits, the smell of blood wafts up: soon followed by the undeniable sound of crying.
So Jim has overestimated his ability to handle this, after all.
Valen also starts crying, but he's afraid to go downstairs to Jim. He probably doesn't want to be near a vampire like this, vulnerable and bleeding and scared. Valen hates himself so, so much. He wishes he could eat anything else. He wishes he were dead.
A little bit later, the humans come up with a mug of blood, both with bandages on their arms. Jim's still teary, but he relaxes a little when he sees Valen: unbeknownst to Valen, for whom faces are still fuzzy.
Jim hands him the mug. "Order up. Hey, you okay?" he asks, his own voice a little trembly.
Valen takes the mug miserably. He feels sick at the thought of drinking it, knowing how much distress it'd caused Jim to get it for him. "Thank you for doing that for me," he says hollowly. "I'm sorry it distressed you."
"It's mostly mine," Liz says, patting Jim on the back. "Took over when it got a little much. Don't worry about it."
"Yeah. Plus, it was my choice. Our choice. You didn't force me or anything. I just, I just got bad memories. And I got scared. I'm okay now. Don't beat yourself up about needing to eat," Jim adds.
Despite Jim's words, tears spill over in Valen's eyes. "How-how can I not?" he cries. "When my entire existence is predicated on making others suffer? No matter how hard I try, I'll never be anything other than a creature of blood. Someone will always have to bleed and be in pain as long as I'm alive."
"Hey, that's not true." Jim gives him a hug. "You saved me from having to bleed and be in pain for the rest of my life. You drink that ethical stuff from the shop. I doubt people who sell their blood are really suffering. I've donated blood and plasma before... everything, and it was a piece of cake. Plus, you're working on your mushrooms. You're a really good person, Valen. You're good."
Valen puts the mug on the end table nearby so he can hold Jim, but he's having a meltdown now, probably because he's hungry on top of all the stress. "I-I haven't always been this way, Jim, I drank the blood of blood farm victims for decades before this. I'm s-so ashamed that, that what it took for me to realize was-" He gives a wail and pulls away from Jim. "I married into the family that owns and operates the blood farms, Jim, and I did nothing for the longest time to try and stop it."
He folds in himself, arms above his head, crying so hard he can barely speak. "What does it matter that I saved one human when thousands of them are ground up by the cogs of my society every day? Nothing any of us can do can ever make up for the oceans of blood we've all spilled. I'm a monster, Jim. I deserve to die. We all deserve to die."
"Liz, give us a minute?" Jim says.
"Sure, yeah. But that stuff's not true, Valen." She leaves them.
Jim directs Valen to sit on the bed, arm around him. "It matters that you saved one human to me, okay? To be Kane's... you get treated like nothing. Less. Food, or a punching bag for him to take his shit out on. Without you, I'd either have died of dehydration out there, or I'd spend the rest of my life as his, with crushed ankles to boot. You took me away from all that. You let me be a person again. You didn't have to do that. You could've turned me in for cash, you could've kept me and made me yours, but you didn't. Sure, I’m only one human. But–but it's my entire life. You gave it back to me. Your husband's a piece of shit. You're not him, you're literally trying to divorce him. A lot of vampires are monsters–so are a lot of humans–but not you. Never you."
Valen hiccups, feeling so small next to Jim now. "I just did what any decent person would have done." He takes a moment to let what he just said sink in, then he sniffles and wipes his face. "Thank you, Jim. I'm, I'm sorry you tried to do something nice for me and just got a meltdown in return. Hearing you say all that does make me feel better. Can I..." He extends his hand towards the end table, just a little bit. "Can I maybe drink it now? I c-can't imagine being this hungry is helping my emotional stability at all."
Jim grabs the mug and hands it to him. "Knock yourself out. It's not your fault, I just... got spooked. I feel a little better now, though. It's better when I'm with you."
"I'm glad. I'm glad my being here makes things better, not worse." He sips the mug, trying not to make the connection to who the blood came out of.
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dozing-marshmallow · 7 months
Can you maybe do a Chris McLean x male reader, Where the reader is jealous of Lindsay because how Chris reacted for her costume in super hero-id? Where all contestants must dress as superheroes. (And maybe reader is Chris assistant or something?)
Hello! Thanks for the request, enjoy! 💖
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Your boss, Chris, was someone you admired. A lot. He was someone you were ashamed to say, was somewhat a second father to you. Embarrassing, but at least there was some reason since you were in proximity with the guy twenty four seven.
He was all you wanted to be by the time you could call yourself a man. Rich, handsome, famous...
Some day, you’d take the mirror out to admire a flawless face, not to keep watch on those zits.
Sigh... Let’s hope that the new skincare routine will do something good.
You observe the contestants showcase their costumes. In total, there was Lumberwoman, Timberman, Captain Alberta, All-Seeing Eye, the Human Cricket, Super Aqua Chick, and Wonder Woman. Any one of those you’ve heard before? Thank Lindsay for that.
Though Chris said all designs had to be original, he simply allowed it and deemed her the winner.
Like that.
With a smile and pleased eyes.
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. You were over here breaking your back, hands and feet for your boss without a single second look, and here Lindsay was, getting praised by him without trying.
Maybe that was it. She was being herself and not forcing anything...
Yeah well, it’s hard to not force anything when I’m the one who has to heed Chris’ needs.
Not to mention, he can’t replace a contestant as easily as he can an assistant.
If I were a contestant... Would I able to impress him on challenges?
“Boss... Did you really grow up with Wonder Woman?” you needed to know. It was difficult keeping track of when Chris did give the pretty people an advantage solely for...being pretty.
“Sure I did!” he shrugs, blind to your green eye towards the red dressed girl,“Though I might have exaggerated on Lindsay’s costume just to tick off old Courtney.” he then sighs,“Her and her lawyers have been a massive pain in the butt, but at the end of the day, it’s still my show. I won’t let court men threaten my authority.”
You can’t explain the rain of relief you felt when he said that,“Oh so... You weren’t actually all that impressed by her skills? You were pretending?”
“Why? You jealous of Lindsay, (Y/N)?” he smirked, but you were cautious if it was pulled by strings.
“O-Of course not! I mean, sure she is very beautiful...” granted, she was very good at makeup, so maybe she had some concealed flaws,“And...she is talented...” All the more reason to hate yourself.
“If only someone could say the same about you.” hey, your boss wasn’t very well known for being comforting.
He laughs,“What, like I lied!”
“Maybe...” you hopelessly sigh, feeling how unfair it was that you had to be so ugly. Why couldn’t you have nice hair, nice skin like Lindsay? It’s not fair,“Puberty hasn’t been the kindest to me...” it’s not fair.
“You also?“ Chris looks up at you,“Yeah, back when I was a teen, I always had at least three of those jerks laying around somewhere on my face.”
“And now you are known as one of the spunkiest guys alive.” you take Chris’ anecdote as a chance to ask for expansion on it, a possible cure. The guy did like talking about himself, so maybe he’ll slip it in,“What’s your secret, boss?”
“It’s secret for a reason.” Ah...you underestimated him,“I should have made it part of your uniform to wear make up, but eh, I like looking at your face.”
“You... You do?” that made you happier than it should’ve.
“You know when something is so hideous, it’s handsome?”
Y-Yeah? That’s not what you wanted to hear after, but you’ll take it, I guess?
“That’s the best way to describe it. But of course, good looks aren’t everything. You’ve gotta have something on the inside to make it really alive.” He could be motivational when he wanted to, which was always.
“And Lindsay has that too.” your mind kept wickedly leading you to the apparition of the “Dumb Princess”.
You didn’t notice how creeped out Chris was getting,“You seem to like bringing her up a lot, dude. Do you like her or something?”
You sigh again,“How can’t I? She’s beautiful, popular and a favourite.”
“You could be that too you know.” this was a lot of emotion from an assistant for one day,“I don’t know why you’re acting like you’re permanently disfigured bro.”
“Because that’s how it feels like, boss.” you couldn’t stop your mouth now,“Nothing I do ever works- in fact, it only seems to make my chances of ever feeling good lower. Even you yourself said that I’m only pretty because I’m so hideous. How can someone like that recover?”
Well, this was wrong. The assistant was supposed to be helping him, not the other way ‘round. He’ll stitch the wound this time though,“Dude...remember when I told you I exaggerated on Lindsay’s costume?”
“I was doing that there as well when I said that. If I really thought that way, I wouldn’t have even listed you for an interview.” Chris hated having to explain his hyperboles, but the cameras weren’t on him so he’d allow it for one time.
You feel stupid,“Really?” How haven’t you installed that sarcasm detector yet?
Your boss nods, more relaxed now that he cleared the misunderstanding,“No kidding. Everyone’s timing is different, so don’t compare yourself so much.” Aw... You needed that confidence boost,“Now do me a favour and get me my usual. Therapy isn’t free and I’m dying for something to drink.”
He really was the greatest,“Right away, Chris.”
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inchidentally · 6 months
I know wives and gf talk isn't for everyone so asks under a cut - and I hate the term 'wag' so I'll start tagging these 'f1partnertalk' for those who want to bl!
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right??? and the fact that in his Australia tourism type video with her he refers to her as his 'partner' which to me is both him being socially minded but also respect bc by that time they'd been together 3 and a bit years!
and exactly !! on the one hand he's not using her as a status thing of 'look I have a gf' but he's also made the very smart decision (and I think this was the Webbers influence) of not having her be a secret or a mystery. her acc going private is pretty normal for F1 gfs who aren't using their profile for business but the fact that he casually reminds people about her and that she'll like certain content posted about her or them is enough to stop anyone thinking she's 'fake' or whatever. there were some feeble attempts to claim they were broken up just bc she didn't go to many races but when folks pointed out she was in final year of uni for a very difficult degree it died down.
gotta say though - and this isn't in reply to you it's an aside about comments I see - I find the straight people thing of jumping to theories about marriage for long term relationships SO weird. it's like there's this ticking time bomb for het relationships lol. it's esp weird since they're so young and his career requires him to be so selfish (his and Lando's words) that I'm like how do ppl see that and leap to them marrying buying a house and planning kids when they not only don't live together yet they also spend most of the year apart??? sure they're super mature and stable for their age but who I am now and who I was during hs and college has been so incredibly different! I couldn't imagine making that huge a commitment esp if I had an all consuming career like Oscar does. I just hope those comments (however well meaning) don't reach them bc that feels crazy over-stepping and would be so awkward to read.
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these asks I felt like went together really well lol
(this is the post anon refers to) oh anon. idk if you've seen them but have a look through here to enjoy Oscar's 8-year little crush on Lando and I think it's safe to say that Lily will at least have had an inkling about it.
and the thing is that being physical just isn't Oscar's way even with Lily which if Lando was at all hmmmm about then he'll have seen that pretty early on. as anon listed above, Oscar shows his affection for people by including them when he talks about his life (which Lando also gets!) also acts of service and signs of respect (which Lando also gets!)
this is me projecting here but idk the way Oscar talks about the boarding school guys he's still friends with and his friends back in Oz but doesn't post about them or have them to many races just makes me think that Oscar decided very early on to just avoid the distraction of sharing himself on social media apart from memes? he's never wanted to establish any kind of online persona and he got really solid a levels as a backup in engineering if F1 didn't work out so he's never planned to be a public person anyway.
where I'm going w that is that Lando will absolutely by now have learned all of this about Oscar. Oscar will like and respond to content about Lando but most of what Lando gets from him will be the acts of service and signs of respect. which is exactly what Oscar does with Lily, his family, Mark, etc. Oscar's own content will be about generically positive stuff re McLaren and the occasional funny post (like P1,P2,P6?). but the people he considers his most inner circle will stay largely off the map. which lbr is what Lando himself does with a lot of his closest friends! especially since his fame began to grow he's stopped posting a lot of those people and we only hear them bc he mentions seeing them. Lando is Oscar's little long harbored 'crush' and Lily is his long term gf. I feel like if that's obvious to us then it def will be for Lando :)
so we can count ourselves incredibly lucky that Lando being Oscar's teammate means we get as much of a window in on them as we do <3
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baronessblixen · 2 months
Saw your tags--
I HATE WALL CLOCKS TOO! They drive me nuts-- I can hear them from rooms away. Truly awful creations.
Also, began the next Frasier episode (but had to stop halfway through): Niles overloading and passing out was amazing. (And the more I see the side characters-- Bulldog, Knowles, etc.-- the more I want to shove them off screen.)
YES. You can just hear them and while I can sometimes tolerate them when awake, they have to stop making noise at night. I don't know how people can sleep when a clock is ticking. Maybe they need to teach me their magic. I mean I love clocks and some are super beautiful! They gotta stop ticking.
Yeah, the side characters aren't bad but I just want to see the main characters 😂I hope you can continue watching soon!
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novemberhush · 6 months
Zodiac Bingo
Thanks to @tulipfromtheinternet for tagging me! 😘 Tulip sent me this link to find my card, but I couldn’t get it to work for me (maybe you’ll have more luck) so I googled it and found this link to the same thing, which worked for me.
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Okay, I gotta add a qualifier to some of these.
I do love crime shows, but I wouldn’t say I’m obsessed with serial killers (just don’t ask how many times I’ve watched Criminal Minds) and I’ve never listened to a podcast in my life. Evil plans for people who’ve hurt me? Well, who doesn’t nurse a few revenge fantasies? In the end, though, I tend to let karma do its thing. People usually end up showing their true colours and getting everything that goes along with that. (Or maybe I’ve just used my super Scorpio psychic powers to see they get what’s coming to them without having to lift a finger or get my hands dirty. Who’s to say? 😈 )
Also, I like to think I’m reasonably intelligent, but I’m not big-headed enough to assert I’m super intelligent.
As for ‘dark humour’, I tend to find that people who feel the need to constantly proclaim their humour is so dark and ‘not for everyone so you might not get it’ are often the first to start clutching their pearls when someone makes an actually dark joke in their presence. They like to think they’re so deep and so different (spoiler alert: they’re not, they’re just pretentious dickheads). So, no, I won’t be ticking that box, even if I do occasionally come out with things that shock a laugh out of people. Dark academia aesthetic, yeah, it’s okay, but saying I love it would be a stretch so not ticking that one.
Ghosting people is not something I’m proud of, it just happens sometimes, enough for me to tick it here. Although perhaps it would be more accurate to say I’m guilty of letting certain friendships (not my ride or die ones obviously) or relationships drift rather than actively, intentionally ghosting people.
As for being possessive, look, what’s mine is mine so keep your hands off and we won’t have a problem, that’s all.
Mind games? Who’s got the time or energy? I say what I mean and I mean what I say (which personally I think is a very Scorpio trait). Or maybe I’m just saying that to fuck with you…😉
I tag @smowkie @fireladybuckley @firemedicdiaz @guiltypleasurefandomface @siflovesbuddie @bewarethesmirk @tabbytabbytabby @evanesdust @stacinadia @zerokrox-blog @katries @oneawkwardcookie and anyone else who wants to play. No pressure on anyone who doesn’t!❤️
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ironmanfridgemagnet · 11 months
Hey, I've absolutely loved SOTS and was super excited for upcoming parts (been rewatching superstore lately lol). Just saw that last ask you answered though and wanted to say I totally get you and as a fellow writer I've been there (though with shorter stories than the massive one you've been writing) and while a long break or abandonment of the fic is sad because its so good, I wanna say thank you for all you've given us until now and even though I'd LOVE to read more, you gotta do what's good for you whether that's continuing or not. Never feel like you gotta write anything for anyone if you're not vibing with it. You're awesome, I love ya, hope you're doing great! 💕
I love you too anon thank you for such kind words 💓💓💓💓💓 there is more SOTS coming it just takes me a while to write but I 100% want to finish it and give it a proper ending.
the part I’ve currently been writing feels a lot like a natural end to the story and my final few goals for it are getting ticked off with each word I write. There’s a few loose ends in the SOTS universe that would go unanswered if I ended in on part 41 (as I’m currently planning to do) but I plan on writing little one shots to solve those (like everyone finding out Jonah gave the flowers away etc) and I plan on writing an epilogue based on the last episode of season 6 too.
I’ve got a Pinterest board and playlist coming too that I’ve been adding too since I first started writing SOTS in jan 2022.
I can’t promise when it’ll be out but it will be out at some point!!!!
Thank you for the love and support anon <333 it’s people like you that motivate me to carry on writing SOTS - you’re awesome!!!!!!!
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keeganmantle · 6 months
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Good afternoon. Prepare to witness me angry. I'm just really fired up about something I just gotta let this out.😐
It's about those competitive jerks in this community. I am aware there are some bad people in this community but jeez. Do your parents love you?! Bullying new players?! Are you out of your freaking mind?! Hating children? I can already see you as abusive!😡
They have gone too far. And no one will do anything about it! You know what I mean! What is there to do? Well...why not we put these competitive lowlife players in their place. Crazy people shouldn't be playing in the first place. What is it with all this unecessary hate? It's gotta be a new generation. Why are you so competitive? What do you hope to gain? It's a kids game! You do realize children are people growing up. We were all kids at some point.🙄
And someday, you might have kids.😎
I'm just really ticked off at these people. It's so exhausting. What happened? I know the community is actually a wonderful place full of loving people, but these lowlife degenerate competitive p*dos have been hanging around for far too long. Do us all a favor competitive players, leave us alone, let us play our games, and accept the fact that you are getting nothing cuz it's a video game and you're desperate over a fictional character.🙄
Let's see how you like it! What do you say folks? Ready to fight back at these competitive boneheads? Spread awareness? Give them hate back? Spawncamp them back? See how they like it?😏
These people have obviously never been loved and are trying to seek attention or bring us down with them. You competitive lowlife players don't belong here! Go back to the streets where you belong! Stalk women and children like you always do.😡
Lowlifes shouldn't be playing games. Nor do anything. Anyone got the balls to spread this around. People gotta stand up for themselves. I ain't gonna let these lowlifes bring me down.🤷‍♂️
You gotta get bold and savage.😏😁
And if any lowlife man-baby is super ticked off at me preaching the truth and proceeds to harass me, remember what happened to nephrite-rod.😏
Anyway, just wanted to get this out of my system. I hate people sometimes. These jerks make me so mad. Just leave children alone? What's your mentality? I'm just mad right now. I gotta calm down. I'm so sick of toxic people.😔
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atsadi-shenanigans · 7 months
Feeding Alligators 9: You're (not) a Wizard
You try magic! It's super ineffective!
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On AO3.
The bread and cheese the others leave for you stares forlornly up from the plate on your lap. You woke to a splitting headache and a stomach disinterested in doing its one job. You wait until the others aren’t looking to stash the food in your bag.
Gale has another nasty potion for you. You’ll have to take one every morning if you want to be able to communicate. You choke it down, almost bring it right back up, and give him a thumbs up through watering eyes. And then you learn he only has three more left.
“So keep a sharp eye out for,” some kind of plant names that he has the sense to describe to you. In detail. You retain maybe half of it?
To which you reply, “Um. I’d like to learn y’all’s language itself, too. Y’know. In case we run out?”
So you don’t have to toss that shit back first thing. Or rely on magic leaf juice to translate for you (melt-change-condition, for fuck’s sake).
You catch Astarion wrinkling his nose at your accent. You’d love to understand how, exactly it translates to him. What a Middle Narnia—apparently this place is named Faerun—southern accent equals to. But then y’all are packing up and climbing out into fresh sunlight. And while most of you squint and shield their eyes, Astarion throws open his arms as if he’s greeting a long, lost meemaw. And almost swats you in the face in the process.
Y’all set off walking again. Still uphill, still heading away from the water. Gale immediately starts pointing out plants that you dutifully pick. It’s not your favorite, but you need to be pleasant and accommodating, so tromping through thigh-high grass and shoving through bushes to rip up leaves and flowers it is.
You start checking for ticks.
You don’t find any. Which is deeply weird, and also deeply a relief.
Gale starts to name things, too. It’s hard to remember, with the dirt potion twisting sounds. But you do your best, and by the time y’all take a thank fuck break, you can repeat the words for sky, sun, tree, and ground.
Astarion uses your snack break to go have himself a look around. He’s real quiet, today. Gotta be an elf thing, maybe. You wanna ask him about that—and a lot more, because holy shit, he’s an actual elf—but you’re trying to keep quiet yourself and he’s been trailing along at the back of the group all morning.
You manage to force a few crumbles of cheese past your lips. Your stomach is real unsure about that, until it remembers how much walking and scuttling and running you’ve been doing lately and comes screaming back to life.
Gale flops down next to you. Holds out a scroll. Says the name until you can repeat it back. Then, “Now, I—and by that I mean the three of us—have noticed you don’t seem to have much experience when it comes to combat. Since our ocular invaders don’t normally give us the kind of time frame needed to develop these kind of skills more organically, how about we start off with something easier. You said you’re unfamiliar with magic?”
You nod.
“And I couldn’t help but notice you said your world was unfamiliar?”
His eyes almost physically light up. “At all, or just not something you yourself have been exposed to?”
“I mean, people do sleight of hands tricks and call that magic? And some people say they can do magic, but it’s all fake bullshit? We build things we can’t do on our own. Machines and the like.”
“That is fascinating. Machines to do what?”
How the fuck do you explain a computer? “Um, well, it’s all run on electricity. Like lightning, only we’re not out there actually catching lightning or nothing. We use it to light rooms or run heaters. We build, erm, communication machines to let us talk to people real far away. And we made, basically, think of a cart but it goes on its own without a horse or nothing.”
He’s practically vibrating next to you. “Ah, what a wonder your cities must be like! And what a mystery it is that magic hasn’t touched your realm.”
“So it’s common, then? Magic? In other worlds?”
“As common as the air we breathe,” he says and waves a hand that trails purple lines after it. Show off. “I’ve heard there were other realms less connected to the Weave, but—”
“There was a point to this, I believe?” Shadowheart says. She’d plonked herself down on a fallen log on the other side of the clearing you’re on, and is using this break to clean and oil her weapon, it looks like.
“Yes, thank you,” Gale says. Back to you. “So! Never fear, scrolls like this are made for beginners and those not gifted with manipulation of the Weave. As you can see—or maybe you can’t. Does the potion translate writing for you?”
Sharp ass kana shodo is still sharp ass kana shodo.
“Mmm. Well then. We’ll definitely need to add that to your curriculum. Can you read your own language?”
That was one of the things you went glutton about once you were on your own. Turns out having full, unhindered access to things like the internet and public libraries—books! movies! as many as you wanted and free!—went straight to your head. You went, as your friend put it, “a little apeshit.”
“I’m a clerk, so…”
“Yes, you did say that. Excellent! A fine start. I take it your family valued a good education?”
He smiles as he said it, and you’re pretty sure he means well. Other families are happy (in shows) when their children go to school or get good grades or think and act independently like a grown ass adult. But your dad died when you were too young for any memories, and your mother…well. You proved her right, in the end, didn’t you?
“I like learning,” you say.
“The scholarly pursuits can be extremely rewarding. I’ve always thought—”
“We’ll need to be moving soon as well,” Shadowheart swoops in again. “You might want to actually show her how to use it?”
Is she on the market? Like, for real? You make “thank you” eyes at her while Gale nods somewhat abashedly.
“Right. This is a scroll for Mage Armor. I have another reclaimed from those ruins, should you need it in the future, but it’s a purely defensive spell. I thought that might be a good start for you, out of our other options, currently. If you’ll follow me?”
You tag along back out into the dirt path, and he hands you the scroll. Motions to open it. It’s got writing at the top, and a picture done in what looks like calligraphy painting of some sort of, well, armor.
“This spell will consume the scroll, so don’t be alarmed should it disintegrate,” Gale says. “When you’re ready, you’ll say the words maia et fortior. Don’t repeat that yet. Do you need me to repeat myself?”
It sounds…latin? Yeah. Latin. You’re pretty over being surprised at this point. Why not latin?
“Nope,” you say.
You hold the scroll out like you’re some old-timey town hollerer. Take a breath. Your hands tremble, but your brain has such a lock down on your emotions right now, you don’t actually feel anything but the physical symptoms and the way your neck muscles tighten.
Open your mouth. Say the words. “Maia et fortior.”
You wait.
Nothing happens.
Gale frowns. “Try again.”
“Maia et fortior.” You make sure to roll the r’s, enunciate slowly, hearing the reverberation in your brain as the words match.
But nothing happens. The scroll stares back at you like an underpaid, overworked teenager halfway into the opening shift at a McDonalds on a Saturday morning.
“Let me see that,” Gale says and doesn’t quite snatch it from you. He studies it. Runs a finger over the lines, inspects it from several angles. Has you repeat the words three more times while he listens with his eyes closed. Then he hands the scroll back to you.
You say it again.
The paper fucker isn’t a teenager, it’s an eighty-year-old Walmart greeter who got fired from a forty-year career six months before retirement and found themself back on the job market with no college degree where all entry level positions in their field want a Masters and three years unpaid internship and they’re so done you don’t even dare give them a polite nod because honestly? Yeah.
Gale makes an offended sputter. Holds his hand out. Lifts the scroll once you fork it over and says the words and his voice goes all echo-y and his entire body flares with golden light.
He looks at you.
You look at him.
“Shit,” he says.
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zaggyboi · 8 months
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Here’s episode 1…
Episode 1: The Brooklyn Life
We open on a special green pipe in the sewers… then we go above the sewers to reveal Brooklyn New York!… Where two Mustachioed Hat Wearing Men ran through the streets… The Mario Brothers! Luigi the Youngest Brother stopped running exhaustedly and looked at his Brother
Luigi: Mario! Is job even worth it?!
Mario: Come On Luigi! The truck broke! Which means we gotta run… also not to mention… RENT
Luigi: Oh mama Mia… you could have said that!!
the two ran, until they made it to their destination… Mario knocked and when the resident answered they shut the door
Resident: you were late… so I hired I different plumber, you just missed them…
The brothers sighed and walked back to their apartment, picking up a Pizza aswell… when they arrived they noticed an Eviction Notice… and Mario Punched the wall… before sitting on the Couch
Luigi: Mario… hey come on maybe Spike is hiring again…
Mario: no luigi he hates me… gosh what is it with me and ticking off people twice my size..
Luigi: Mario you are a strong Passionate Man! You know what to do… even if it doesn’t seem right… it’s why…
Mario: yeah but Being Right doesn’t help with the bills… or keeping a job…
Luigi: hey Mario! You saved the now Mayor!! And that was a few years ago… the Gorilla is Back in the jungle where he is probably a lot more happier…
Then the Phone rang… Luig picked it up “Hello, super Mario brothers! You Clog em we Clear em…”
Man on Phone: Mario Brothers!… a pipe burst in the street! I’m calling every Plumber and Construction Company out Here!
Luigi: We will be Right there!
Luigi grabbed the Gear and informed Mario… they ran out the door and down into the flooding street… where they saw people failing to stop the leak… Even the mayor was in the flood helping People…
Mario: Notice Anything Lu…?
Luigi: No Ones underground…
Mario: which means…
Luigi:…. Oh… Here we go…
Mario used a crowbar to open a Sewer lid and the current pulled the brothers in… they then noticed a Pressure valve going haywire…
Luigi: Ah! Disgusting!!
Mario: Come On Luigi! We got this! We just gotta Jump!
Luigi: WHAT!!!! Are you insane!? I’m still a single man! No one will miss us!!
Mario: I’m Sure your online dating account would…
Luigi: You knew?!
Mario: Now is not a Good Time!!!!
Mario ran and jumped clearing the gap and spinning the Valve, but he wasn’t strong enough
Mario: Luigi… I need some little Brother strength!…
Luigi was way too nervous to and just froze up… then the Pipe Burst and steam shot out Knocking Mario into the Water
Luigi: Ah!!! Mario!!!
then Luigi didn’t hesitate too jump in and Grab Mario… when they were suddenly pulled through a hole in the floor into a secret Room…
Luigi: Mario! You okay?! I’m so Sorry you know I get the jitters when it comes to jumping!
Mario: *cough* *cough* you can jump higher than me!
Luigi: oh… right…
Mario: Woah… where? Are we?
The two Got up and took out Flashlights… Looking around… and walking through a room full of Pipes…
Luigi: I don’t like it hear…
Mario: Me neither let’s get out of here as soon as we can… cities still Flooding… heh yknow this reminds me of the McClouds play place right Luigi?……… Lu?… Lui!?… Luigi!!
Mario turned to where Luigi was last… and there was a Green Pipe… Mario approached it noticing a wrench on the floor and then he looked inside
Mario: Luigi!!! Are you in there?!
Then Suddenly an air Current took the Wrench from Mario’s hand… and it got stronger as he was sucked down this Green Pipe…
Mario: what’s going On!!!!!!
Mario then felt a pain in his head as he flew through this Pipe… when suddenly a Girl in Blue surrounded By Stars appeared in his Head…
???: You have been Called Mario… A new life has opened up too you… don’t waste it… live… and Find me when you are ready…
Mario: Who… was that?!…. WOAH!!!…
Mario then emerged from the pipe into a cloudy area… with Other Green Pipes… A Warp Zone…
Mario: This is Not! McClouds!!
Luigi: Ahh!!
Mario: Luigi!!!
Luigi: Mario!!!
Mario Saw Luigi flying up ahead and he dove for him!! But there was a Fork in their Path!… Mario flew as fast as he could!
Mario: Give Me your Hand!!!!
Luigi: I can’t Reach!!!
The Brothers Reached! And Mario was only Able to touch Luigi’s Finger tips before the Fork Split Them…
Luigi: MARIO!!!!!!
Mario: LUIGI!!!!! I’ll find you!!! JUST BE BRAVE!!!
Luigi: Don’t Leave me!!!!
Mario: Luigi!!!….
the last Mario saw was Luigi Entering a Yellow Pipe covered in Sand… Before he flew into another Green Pipe… Then He was Shot out with such speed! He bounced off a Mushroom and began rolling through a bunch of Smaller ones!
A few Mushrooms away… A beautiful Princess in a Pink Dress was sitting Picking Flowers and humming a song… when suddenly… MARIO.. came flying in! It looked like he was aiming for her but he quickly turned in midair and went Face first! Into the Dirt and flowers… he got up Coughing and then he Turned to the Princess…
Mario: huh?…
The Princess: Oh… my…
Mario and The Princess: Who Are You?…
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saturnssz · 1 year
Some stans absolutely do act like sn is still the majority, I was actually disappointed and confused that I kept running into so much ns lmaoo. They stay whining and complaining about girly naruto that straight women self insert into as if current ns isn't just that but reversed. Only thing is its probably less about being attracted to naruto and more wanting to be taken care of since thats what ns content centers around. The dynamic is always naruto somewhat taking care of or babying traumatized (quiet/fragile/subdued or tsundere supreme who refuses to ask for help) sasuke who takes up cooking/gardening or generally starts to act like a housewife.
There's sooo much content treating sasuke like a girl but for them it's justified because of the yin-yang dynamic. Ns stans draw for literally anything to make sasuke feminine but sn stans are still the cringe self insert devils. Can you imagine sn stans using boruto and sarada as proof for who's "the girl" in the relationship.
Idk which editor or whoever called sasuke the heroine but they've done irreparable damage, and that one shot manga mario or something too. Then there's posts saying sasuke is naruto's kushina and taking jabs at "Naruto self inserts" saying the popular naruto-kushina sasuke-minato isn't the way kishimoto sees it as if them and kishimoto know eachother.
I stumble upon ns fics sometimes and their descriptions of naruto as some (insert masculine adjective), sweaty, rough etc etc is so.. 😭 I've never read sn fics where sasuke is described like that. Don't even get me started on the way they draw him in fanart sometimes where naruto is broad and thick while sasuke is slim with the thinnest waist. If you follow ns stans you'd think sasuke was this sassy dainty twink or hinata 2.0. It's like they're so caught up in the symbolism and couple comments from creators they forget there's more to the characters and start pushing them into boxes, mainly the masculine/feminine active/passive ones.
Sorry for the long rant I've just seen too much 😭
Anon! If you're seeing this answer please follow me or send me a message you're so fucking funny. And you're right. Not gonna over it again cause I explained myself to other anons. But it's totally true, this is the state this shipping fandom is in and I want no part in it. I got like, most of them blocked by now and I dont regret it lol!! A bunch of hypocrites. It feels like now that I've spoken out a lot of people feel the same way so it makes me feel as if I know what I'm talking about 😭 I ain't the only one seeing this shit lmao. Like lemme see what you're seeing, cause I ain't seeing it unless I go look for post in 2014. And you're right about the fics too. Modern ones always make sure to point out that they're both pretty. Like he's ethereal, but they get it sorta way. At this point, they're what they fear and vilify those who like sasunaru more. They won't ever shut up about us, too, like they're still in 2010....youre like almost 30 move on. Oh the irony...
And on top of that, that dumbass "kushina parallel" gotta be one of my biggest peeves. NO READING COMPREHENSION. Take off the shipping googles for the n*rus*su stans and see that Naruto IS compared to his mother. Like what the hell?? 😭 They both have the dattebayo tick, they're both firey, outgoing and strong in their own right. Minato, his fucking dad outright states, "wow, you look a lot like your mother!" Does he have to have red hair to make it ANY more apparent? And I don't like naruhina, more dislike/neutral, but even in that boruto illustration Naruto was the one MIMICKING his mother while Hinata was Minato. Like ain't no way you despise the thought so much you start making up things. No, that does not mean he's super femme now, just that he takes after his mother in personality and looks. He's his mother, sasuke...idk. he doesn't fit Minato in my opinion LOL. You done got me heated, one of my most hated posts omg 😭 went on a tangent sorry about that
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artsykip-drabbles · 2 years
Started playing Skyrim last night and started thinking about what if Sun and Moon were Isekai'd into Tamriel.
The citizens of Skyrim would be very wary or morbidly curious and want to open them up and see how they tick because they have a living, functional robot in front of them that is centuries more advanced than anything the Dwarves made. They'd also be like. Super worried about them in towns because the only experience anyone has with robots is being chased and murdered to death by hulking metal beings with sword, crossbow, and hammer arms that breathe steam like a dragon.
On Sun and Moon's end they'd just have this whole existential crisis. Not even 24 hours ago they were chasing Gregory around in one body but now THEY'RE being chased through the woods in separate bodies by a bear, something they mistakenly thought would be friendly because they know Freddy. There's people wandering around in full metal or leather armor. Everyone is armed. Magic exists; Sun learns that the hard way and the twins are escorted to the College of Winterhold to learn how to wield it so they don't accidentally blow themselves up. Sun learns fire magic and Moon ice magic.
They see Argonians and Khajiit and the mer and are utterly confused. Sun probably mistakes someone for Monty and scoops them up in a hug, which results in spitting, kicking, yelling, and a dagger to the chassis. It didn't quite register in his head that these are organics not robotics, No that Is Not Monty.
I see Moon being very dexterous with a sword, quickly learning how to disarm people so that he might send them on their way without needless death. The same cannot be said for Grelod the Kind, he murders that bitch in a heartbeat. Sun is horrified by it but honestly agrees, but maybe there could have been a civil way to end that. (There isn't.) This gets the Dark Brotherhood on their asses which is something neither of them are pleased with.
I see Sun being adept at alchemy because he keeps picking flowers everywhere he goes; his satchel is bursting at the seams with tundra cotton. Nobody needs this much tundra cotton. I also see him getting his left arm ripped off in that first encounter with a bear. Moon outfits him with the arm off a Dwarven sphere. He invents rubber and insulated electrical wire out of spite. Probably gets assistance in that regard from Calcelmo or Sorine. Honestly I just like the mental image of Sun with a crossbow arm that has been altered to have a functional hand on it as well, like some kind of ancient Transformer. He can switch between the two modes with ease. They have to stock on Dwarven oil and either figure out how to synthesize it themselves or hope to God the ruins never run out.
I've got a Khajiit Dragonborn named S'orad Dar and he probably gets dragged into these shenanigans somehow. Sun and Moon tell him their story and he honestly has no choice but to believe them because where in Oblivion would technology as advanced as this come from? The Dwarves are extinct and nobody has been able to figure out how to replicate a freaking Dwarven spider, the simplest of the automatons.
At some point S'orad is sick of their shit and goes drinking with Sam Guevenne, (the Daedric Prince Sanguine, if you've never played TES) and Sun and Moon have to run across Skyrim trying to figure out where they've gone. They find a clue in the temple of Dibella in Markarth and have to run around fixing everything. This just means you get to have the mental image of Moon running away from a giant while carrying a goat. How they don't die during all of this is a miracle; the giant can one shot them with it's club, they gotta fight a Hagraven, and then when they finally get to Morvunskar they gotta fight their way through a handful of skilled mages. They find S'orad drinking with Sanguine in the myriad realms of revelry. They chat for a bit before everyone is sent back to Tamriel with the Sanguine Rose in tow.
S'orad himself is a member of the Thieves Guild but neither Sun nor Moon know about that until, due to time restraints, S'orad has to complete their task and skedaddle back to Riften. Sun and Moon scold him the entire time trying to explain that there's more moral ways to pocket some coin. When faced with the counterpoint of Sun and Moon being utterly broke whereas S'orad can actually afford a house, they begrudgingly stop arguing about it.
Honestly I just want Sun to lose his shit and murder Mercer. I hate Mercer with a passion. They're neutral to mildly disdainful towards the rest of the guild because they don't agree with their method of acquiring coin but otherwise they haven't been outright offended. Mercer tried (and failed) to kill S'orad and therefore must pay with his life.
At some point the twins learn that, oh shit, this cat is the Dragonborn. What's the Dragonborn? Someone that can devour the soul of a dragon, making it permanently dead. They are the only person that can fight Alduin. Akatosh threw these bumbling idiots into S'orad's life to encourage him to actually Do His Job and kill Alduin. Sun and Moon get to go home after the World Eater is dead. S'orad is distraught.
Sun and Moon returning to the Pizzaplex is like. They're two separate bodies still. Sun still has a Dwarven arm. Both of them are dressed head to toe in protective gear and both of them look like they just crawled out of hell. And let's be honest they did, Skyrim is a harsh land. They can't use magic anymore though, that simply isn't possible in this plane of reality. Management is utterly baffled. It's been months for Sun and Moon but in Management's eyes it's literally been one night, what the fuck happened? Sun and Moon explain, and once again people are honestly forced to believe them because there's no way they'd be able to construct an entire animatronic shell, durable armor, and replace Sun's arm in one night, as well as dirty themselves up that badly. Or they don't believe them and blame Monty for damages. They can't explain the armor or the new shell and split personalities.
"You look like a fireball went off in your face!"
"A fireball did go off in my face."
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goldensunset · 2 years
What do you think each of the Dandelions’ signing would be like, and who’d know?
Like, I imagine Strelitzia has an amazing singing voice, but only Lauriam and Elrena know cuz shy. Elrena constanly teases her about it, Lauriam teased her once but regretted it cuz it brought her close to tears (Elrena isn’t sure if they were real or not) and Stre wants to tell/show Player but gets too flustered.
hiiiii you sent this so long ago while i was on hiatus and i’ve been beating myself up about it since i first saw it. so i gotta take a crack at it
ephemer and skuld can both sing pretty well, although it’s probably not really their thing. they would tell each other to shut up all the time but they’re just teasing. they would absolutely do duets together on karaoke night and have a lot of fun with it. probably get way too into it to the point of aggressive competition between the two of them. everyone else absolutely loves watching it go down
player barely ever speaks so i’m going with either ‘can’t sing at all, absolute garbage’ or ‘has this absolutely amazing voice that no one has ever heard, not even them, because they’ve never even tried’. or it could be a player-by-player basis kinda thing. it is pretty funny when the quiet person you haven’t even ever heard talk suddenly bursts out singing. <— ngl this was part of my reputation in high school
brain is tone deaf. unfortunately. lauriam made him download one of those piano apps on his phone to try to practice matching the pitch, and he works with him on it sometimes to help out as best as he can. (or maybe there’s an actual piano in the tower somewhere.) but lauriam is getting tired of trying to no avail. brain seems either oblivious to or unfazed by lauriam’s constant wincing. (or he thinks it’s funny to watch the guy gradually get tilted like this.) brain legitimately can’t hear his own problem, nor does he think this is a particularly important use of his time, but he does this in an attempt to have fun with his friends as best he can during karaoke nights or w/e. (alternatively they hand him the mic and he stands there in silence for 30 seconds before he starts reciting pages of some textbook/poem/nerd thing verbatim and the others don’t even know what to do. i’m talking like a page of the book of prophecies or the bee movie script or whatever. but open mic night means open mic)
(i will say. for all the above characters [minus skuld bc i refuse to believe she’s not subject x until we have concrete proof]. i can imagine all of them, as grownups, singing soft and lovely lullabies to their children/grandchildren. their voices are a bit hoarse now but they’re so full of love and affection for their little ones. nothing else could matter.)
lauriam has a beautiful voice. also an insane vocal range. definitely a choir kid in school but not in the insufferable way. he’s confident yet incredibly modest about his talent. he keeps insisting strelitzia got all the talent in the family, to which everyone keeps immediately saying that’s absolute nonsense and he knows it. he’s always giving advice and encouraging other people that anybody can be a great singer and overall he’s just really wholesome and helpful about it. (unless, as mentioned above, you’re completely and utterly tone deaf. then he starts to quietly lose his patience/hope/sanity. downside of perfect pitch is that every little thing starts to tick you off lol. he wonders if brain does this on purpose.)
strel has the CUTEST most wholesome singing voice of them all. probably in all of daybreak town. strelitzia is the shy protagonist of her own disney princess movie, change my mind. she probably talks and sings to animals and plants. but yeah, probably super shy around other people.
i bet she’s only ever sung in front of lauriam, who is constantly encouraging her that she’s super good at it and should work up the courage to show off her talent to other people. strelitzia would rather eat an entire bouquet of tulips. she nearly passes out at the thought of openly singing in front of others. occasionally other people in strelitzia’s party will hear her quietly humming to herself, but the moment she realizes they can hear she’ll quickly shut up and deny anything. elrena thinks strel’s kinda odd for this but she won’t say anything about it. (elrena has no singing talent but at least she’s not tone deaf.)
(player doesn’t know why, but occasionally they’ll hear this quiet, angelic voice coming from nearby. usually just a soft hum, sometimes a full and beautiful song to which they can’t make out the words. it’s strange to them at first, but then becomes an almost comforting occurrence. every time they try to turn and look around for the sound’s source, it quickly stops. they have no idea who this mystery girl is. perhaps their guardian angel of sorts? after some time passes, they realize it’s been a while since they last heard it… was she ever real, or were they imagining the voice the entire time?)
ventus? (disregarding the talent of his voice actor and making headcanons purely based on ventus as a character…) he seems like the kinda guy to have a disney princess moment for sure. but i think his singing voice might be kinda silly sounding. it’s cute and awkward and clearly not something he has lots of experience with, but still charming. he’s not terribly confident in himself and doesn’t like singing in front of others, but he’ll do it if everyone else absolutely insists. they encourage him to step out of his comfort zone but they assure him that they won’t force him to do anything he doesn’t wanna do. and they tell him not to worry about not being perfect because it’s just for fun between friends, which he appreciates hearing.
(…lauriam starts remembering how he misses strelitzia so much…)
anyway this was fun to work on/think about! also a little bit sad. i was also that choir kid in high school and i still get nerdy about singing stuff whenever it comes up so i enjoyed writing this. thank you!
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