Another chapter of my "The Waynes on Twitter" work on AO3
Masterlist of Tweets
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28 - Human Disaster Bruce Wayne
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dailydccomics · 3 days
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 Nicola Scott’s “Through the Ages” covers
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bruciemilf · 2 years
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It's " Harley's DEFINETLY a honorary batfam member" hourssss
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violent138 · 28 days
Superman, calling Bruce: "Hey, I think I've got one of yours."
Bruce: "How bad is it? I'm kind of busy."
Clark, holding out his phone: "Well-- sorry, excuse me, could you repeat all that?"
Harley, jumping into the air to hit him with her mallet: "I'm here to kill you, Superman! Get Batman focused on Mister J again!"
Clark grinned a little, despite the mallet breaking after Harley finally threw it at him: "Okay then--" glances at Ivy, "And you ma'am?"
Ivy, narrows her eyes: "If you hurt her, I'll kill you."
Clark: "You got all that? It's not a big deal, but Harley's been telling people for the past hour where your attention's been."
Bruce, groaning: "Shut up. I'm on my way."
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fandomsandkittens · 2 years
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The fact that these two also fought over who is Bruce’s bff is *chef’s kiss*
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why-i-love-comics · 2 months
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DC's Spring Breakout! #1 - "Field Trip" (2024)
written by Joey Esposito art by Vasco Georgiev
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superbat-love · 1 year
Clark is not the stepdad, he’s the dad that stepped up
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There's no "I" in Team but there are two in Migraine
Bruce had no issue with teamwork, despite what his children and colleagues might think. Teamwork was great. If done properly it was efficient, and it was good to have backup. Competent backup, at least. 
Bruce helped found the Justice League. Obviously he was a supporter of teamwork. 
Some teams he really could have happily lived out his life without them ever existing. 
He had a list. 
One: Dick and Clark Kent
Clark had been the first hero he had introduced Dick to. It was a move he had regretted ever since. 
He was glad the two of them got along, of course, but did they have to get along so well? 
He could withstand torture but the two sets of sad puppy eyes attacking at the same time was on another level altogether. 
Two: The Titans
Pros: Dick was making friends. 
Cons: Dick was either away with his friends, or they came home with him. Really, all Bruce wanted was to spend one week without putting out any fires caused by teenage superheroes. Literal fires, not metaphorical ones. Well, actually there were plenty of those kind too. 
Three: Dick and Jason
When Bruce first brought Jason home he wasn’t sure how Dick was going to react. And so maybe he panicked slightly and didn’t end up telling him for three weeks. In his defense, the voicemail he had left asking Dick to call him soon was left before the newspaper article came out. 
Perhaps not his best moment. 
Eventually, though, the two boys were introduced. 
There was some yelling that took place, mostly directed at him, but other than that things seemed to go rather smoothly. Assuming, that is, that smoothly meant neither of them seemed to care about getting to know the other one, and mostly kept to themselves and their own activities. 
And then, four months, two weeks, and five days after Jason first came to the manor, Bruce came home to discover the two of them had bonded over some unspoken activity that neither were willing to divulge. Alfred knew and didn’t disapprove so it couldn’t be that bad, but from then on out it was…well…
Bruce began the daily habit of checking his blood pressure. 
Four: Talia al Ghul and Lois Lane
Bruce didn’t know how the two of them had met and he didn’t want to. See, Dick, he was okay with not knowing things. Sometimes. In this one instance, at least. 
Five: Dick and Slade Wilson
Worst three weeks of his life. 
Six: Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn
He was happy for them, he really was. He just wished they could be happy together somewhere less structurally damaging. 
Seven: Jason and Harley Quinn
Explosion therapy was not a thing, despite both their arguments otherwise. They didn’t even give him a Joker effigy to blow up. They could have at least asked. He would have happily paid for that one and all the rest of them. 
Eight: Tim and Barbara
 He wasn’t that old. He knew how to use his computer. 
Nine: Jason and Cassandra
Too competent. They should never have been allowed on the same team for any game ever. If he heard one more complaint from any of his other children he was going to seriously lose it. 
And then there was that one time the two of them disappeared for a week and no one, not even himself or Clark, could find them. They had turned back up with grins and minimal injuries, and Bruce had tried to not investigate, he really had. But he needed to know, regardless of how much he regretted it later. (A lot. He regretted it a lot.) 
Ten: Dick, Jason, and Constantine
Bruce hated magic. 
Eleven: Jason, Diana, and Barry Allen
No one knew how or why the three of them had teamed up. It had been four months of secret meetings and pointed looks and minor heists that couldn’t technically be traced back to them but Bruce knew. And then there was the regular day-to-day hero-ing. Diana, he could understand. That’s what she did. Jason? Had always been vocally opposed to getting too involved with the Justice League, but had also always looked up to Diana, so maybe that was understandable? Allen? The man was retired. And he wasn’t suddenly out of retirement for some reason, no. He was just there to “lend a hand” to the other two. 
At least Bruce could comfort himself in knowing Jason was spending time with two respectable individuals. It was certainly a step up from his unfortunately ongoing acquaintance with Rayner. 
Twelve: Stephanie and Hal Jordan 
They should never have been allowed to meet. It was a disaster. For Bruce. 
Jason had been the one to introduce them, as he had proudly let Bruce know after the first breaking news cycle hit.
Thirteen: Duke and Damian 
Bruce would have told Jason how thankful he was that he was acting as the moderating adult influence with those two if he didn’t think Jason would start doing the opposite out of spite. 
Jason would make a great parent someday. 
Bruce would love a six month vacation. 
Fourteen: Alfred and Martha Kent
He didn’t really need to explain this one, right? Everyone could just move on, continue with their lives and so on and so forth. 
Fifteen: Damian and Batcow
Because a boy needs a cow and a cow needs an emotional support duck, turkey, cat, dog, rabbit, goat, and raccoon. Apparently. Tim and Jason were, in Bruce’s opinion, far too enthusiastic to provide research as evidence whenever needed (or not needed, as was usually the case). 
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kryptonian-bat-thing · 5 months
i have this take i kinda wanna write a bit about
so poison ivy loves harley quinn, but harley quinn likes joker, but joker is obsessed with batman, but batman is bruce wayne, who is in love with clark kent, but clark kent is superman, who is also in love with batman.
idek what to do with it lmao
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waterfire1848 · 1 month
[ Clark arrives at a Batfamily meeting. ] Bruce: Clark? I thought you left for your mission. Clark: You wish I left already, so you and Harley could continue sneaking around behind my back. Bruce:...What are you talking about? Dick: Not sure what's happening, but I'm here for the drama. Stephanie: I'm right there with you, Dick. Clark: You and Harley are dating! [ Everyone looks at Harley. ] Harley: I mean, I think you're a great guy, Bruce... Bruce: What? You think I'd date Harley Quinn. Harley: Hurtful.
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superyum · 2 months
It drives me insane that I can’t find a twerking scenario for dc characters yet. Like I wanna know Dick’s or Bruce reaction to reader shaking some ass in a club on a Tuesday night to release stress. Clark Kent getting a lappy for the first time, is he foaming at the mouth or WHAT? What about a girl days in with Harley and it turns into a twerk off?? Give me some fucking “baby grind on me~” content pleassse. I already know marvel does, very few, but it’s a hell lot more than dc.
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Another chapter of my "The Waynes on Twitter" work on AO3
Masterlist of Tweets
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46 - Bruce and his exes
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Taglist: @gin2212 @wizardofstories @kassette-tape @she-went-that-way @terrylicious @kazenotsuyo1 @salz-mit-wasser @sk3tchyrac00n @ejlyt @sonotashipper @deniedmysign @emilynight555 @aurorasleepsin @thereallyreallylatebird @peachykeenlemonbean @cosmic-marauder @anxious-chaos-art
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dailydccomics · 8 months
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Trick or Treat 🎃 variants by Chrissie Zullo Uminga
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bruciemilf · 1 year
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Jason deletes his whole account because how dare Bruce be funnier than him
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mjlvsjt · 6 months
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Feliz navidad 🎄
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I adore Dick and Babs but imagine working with these two. The two smartest people in the room and they won't let you forget it. The two most shameless flirts who aren't afraid to clog your coms with fluff. The two with the longest history of working together, who are telepathically-linked and will not fill you in on what's going on. The two biggest workaholics who can be (almost) as hard on you as they are on themselves. The two who invented "we're not dating" behaviour that will make couples question if they are "dating". I'd be a bit scared to ask for their help tbh.
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Also, just wanted to post these Young Justice cartoon screencaps because they're the only reason I watched season 3.
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