#harry alternative universe
mars-shifts · 3 months
oml why is this so funny
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ivmaruva · 2 months
Slytherin Hermione on her way to be an absolute menace. 🐍✨
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g-xix · 22 days
🔞☁️Spiderman!W2s au
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Inspo: Harry as Spiderman in the come dine w me sidemen video, and the "chocolate house" scene in TASM
Summary: When studying for an exam, your spider boyfriend interrupts your session with the incessant want to distract you...
CWs: oral (female recieving), parents being home, praise
Notes: In this AU Spiderman Harry and reader are both 18+ student inters at Oscorp Labs (the whole timline is a bit askew but allow me x)
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Headphones in and exam material spread out on the desk in front of you, you closed your eyes and relaxed a moment. Thunder rumbled and rain thudded against the window outside, the sky still grey outside, yet not enough light for the studying you had, to prepare you for the next exam in a couple weeks. Your spiced cookies candle still burned strong and illuminated your pages with a warm glow, but weren't enough to prevent your eyes from straining in the darkness.
You picked yourself up from the desk, allowing yourself a full body stretch - cracking each vertebrae until your fingertips tingled and head felt filled with fuzz to contrast the diagrams and data that swam in your prefrontal.
The tea you'd made was running short, and you equally needed a shower. Both of those required going to the kitchen - to turn the boiler on as well as the kettle - which also meant a break from your much needed cramming.
You brought your phone to your pocket, slipping it in so that your headphones still played instrumental tracks into your ears whilst you went across the room to flick the light-switch, illuminating your room and letting you lie back against the bed for a moment, just closing your eyes and pushing one earmuff to the side so that you could indulge in both the music and the heavy thuds against the window. Rainpour outside glum and dreary, and yet the most beautiful noise you could think of to accompany your evening revision session. 
The thuds became heavier, more frantic, and you opened your eyes to look out and see the fat bullets that'd hit and drain down your window - creating the outside world into a real-life oil painting - splattered and swashed with haphazard reds and yellows from the traffic lights and cars that honked and buzzed so far away from your flat.
Though the idyllic painting you had expected to see was not what you were met with, as you saw the blurred silhouette of a red and blue suit, and brunette head of hair resting on your windowsill so many floors up from the ground. A gasp fell from your lips, followed by an almost panicked "HARRY!" - rushing to the window to fight the locks and open the window so that your boyfriend could push himself through the window frame and into your room - grinning sheepishly up at your panicked face as you assessed your boyfriend from head to toe - hair spiked and dampened by the rain, and body still kitted in that skintight spidersuit that hugged all of the muscles you knew he possessed beneath.
Although your assessment was cut short as you heard your name called from the end of the corridor outside your room, footsteps drawing nearer too.
Your eyes snapped from the door to the boyfriend that hadn't announced his presence to your parents, having entered through the window, your wide-eyed look of fear and panic showing that you were too stunned to do anything. Which left Harry no option but to dart under the bed himself - slipping his body between the thin slit of space between the hardwood bed frame and carpet floor, tugging the duvet down to cover the shadow of his body, beneath the bed.
The knock that sounded against the door was what unparalysed you and caused you to shoot towards the door - opening it and smiling unsuspectingly at your dad who was on the other side of the door.
"You alright, little miss?" Your dad asked, before looking back at the bedroom behind you. "I thought I heard you saying that Harry kiddo's name, just checking you're all alright..."
"Oh yeah I'm fine," You quickly responded, nodding to affirm it. "I just... I just thought I saw him down on the roadside from the window - I don't think it was him though... I must just be having hallucinations from studying too hard or something, right...?"
Your dad looked at you blankly for a moment. Like you were absolutely insane. Before a chuckle fell from his lips and he looked down, shaking his head at your insanity warmly. "Absolutely insane, you are."
You shrugged with a slight smile on your face.
"What was it you were talking about at dinner last week - wanting to live in a chocolate house," He laughed fondly at the fresh memory, and you felt the colour drawing from your cheeks as you remembered Harry was underneath your bed and could undeniably hear every embarrassing word your father spoke. "You were doing up a real court case there - I mean - you designed a whole electricity system using the sugar in gummy bears to power the lights and -"
"OKAY, okay! I get it, I'm insane!" You cut him short as you felt the redness building heat to your cheeks. Your dad only found it even funnier, and laughed at your embarrassed demeanour.
"Alright, alright.." He stopped himself with a large smile over his face. "I like that Harry kid - your boyfriend - he isn't half bad. You know you're allowed to have him over whenever you want, you don't need to be secretive about none of that. He does the same Uni course as you, yeah? He's a good kid, Y/n, you could have him over for dinner tonight if he's available - your Mum's cooking up a roast, y'know...?"
"I think he's busy tonight," You said unsurely, and your Dad just nodded though. "Thanks Dad - could you put the boiler on as well? I wanna have a shower in a few."
Your dad agreed, shouting a half hour until food's ready! before leaving you to close the door with a sigh of relief, turning around and seeing Harry - already made comfy on top of your bed and smirking up at you. "Chocolate house?" He repeated with a grin, and you rolled your eyes as you flopped down besides him, tugging at his sleeve. "The clothes you left are in a that drawer there - go put them on, sewer rat... And I think you need a shower, too."
"Shower with you?" He looked over at you with a mischievous grin, and you had to thud him with a pillow to get some sense into him. ("Guess that's a no then.")
You watched Harry as he got up from the bed, stretching to hit the spot on his back that loosened his spidersuit and wincing as he did so. You noticed how he let out a huff, wincing once more as he bent over to take his shirt out from the lower drawer, your brows furrowing. 
"Harry, turn around." You commanded, because there's been times where Harry had been injured and refused to tell you until he'd been healed or gotten professional help. He'd said that his special abilities would allow him to heal up without really needing attention... But you still feared that he could get infected, or have an injury worsen due to his neglect for it. And with him wincing and huffing with every movement, you couldn't help but fear he'd done something to his body which he was now trying to hide.
"...Why?" He froze up, not turning around.
"Why are you so uneasy sounding right now?" You narrowed your eyes.
"I asked the question first so you have to answer first-"
"I literally asked you to turn around first, if anything you should have to do that first-"
"Well there's nothing that you need to worry about, Y/n," Harry huffed again, this time out of his begrudging nature - rolling his eyes and quickly slipping his shirt over his top half (and even though you felt unhappy with him, you didn't miss the opportunity to ogle your boyfriend's back muscles), letting the man get himself into something more comfy before turning around with a regretful expression as he got next to you on the bed. "Sorry for getting angry, I -uhm- shouldn't have..."
You exhaled a deep breath as his fingers found the back of your head, his hand tentatively massaging your scalp. Your own fingers traced the bottom of his shirt before your head tilted up to him, his hand moving with your head and bringing his attention down to you - meeting for eye contact.
"Harry, you know I'm just lookin' out for you.." Your fingers went beneath his top, feeling out the muscle of his lower abs and the trail that lead upwards to his belly, palm flattening over the skin and making his breathing hitch slightly. "I know you say that it doesn't matter because you got some spider immunity - or whatever the hell it is - but you're human beneath it all... and that doesn't mean that you're not immune to an infection. Or some sort'a vector creating disease that'll wipe you and your entire spider-species out."
Harry chuckled slightly at your words, but his hands still went under his shirt to lie on top of yours, his fingers interweaving between yours and clasping over yours as a non-verbal show of connection. 
His breathing hitched and you felt the edge of your finger brush over something rougher. Like the skin surrounding a wound. You knew you'd hit a sensitive spot - some sort of injury, and you looked up to meet Harry's eye contact. "...Can I look..?"
Harry took a deep breath but nodded shakily. 
And tentatively pulling his shirt up, you squeezed your lips together to stop yourself from gasping at the horrifying dark red gash that ran from just below his chest and over his abdomen - raw and ripped, reddened and smudged with blood that was darkened and dried lower down - his quickened healing already forming a scab over the cut that had a width almost as long as your finger.
"It's not that bad is it?" Harry's voice came our quiet and sheepish - as if guilty for having not wanting you to see it.
Your own voice had a high and breathy quality as you internalised all the shock and horror and emotion you felt for your boyfriend, hurt with the massive cut across his body. "...It's... there." 
There was a first aid kit in your downstairs bathroom, and pressing Harry's abdomen down into the bed, telling him to just stay - crawling over Harry's body to the door (placing the lightest of kisses on his stomach) before hurrying to grab the antiseptic, cloth, cotton, bandage and more - running back up the stairs of your family apartment and entering the room - your hand only just managed to touch the door handle briefly before the breath was taken from your lungs-
A thud sounded from the bed as you watched your boyfriend roll frantically to hide - raising an arm to shoot a web at the door handle which your hand was still attached to.
"Oh fuck, it's just you.." You heard a groan from your boyfriend who'd rolled himself onto the side of the bed. "Uhm - sorry about the web.."
You laughed and tugged your hand to escape the sticky web that had attached you to the door, but... "Harry, why can't I move my hand..?"
"Uhm, you said you got some anti septic - that's got alcohol - just douse your hand with some of that, that might melt the web a bit..."
The web became like thick sugar syrup on your hand - melting - but still sticky all over the back of your hand and your fingers, although Harry promised it was completely safe as you washed it off and shot him dirty looks as he stood in the bathroom doorway with your room now locked.
"Okay big boy, squeeze my hand when you feel pain just don't scream," You chastised for the final time, and your Harry nodded with pursed lips - squeezed shut to prevent a single noise leaving his mouth as you lowered the alcohol drenched cotton swab to his wound.
You forgot that his spider abilities made him stronger than he was before though, and you were the one to let out a yelp as you felt your fingers almost getting crushed by his own digits, wrapped around yours. Instantly however, he let go and had gotten up to press his lips to your hand, pressing kisses to the back of it and apologising profusely, his thumb now tracing over each phalange whilst he left delicate kisses over each one in an apology.
You managed, in the end. Harry decided to bite down on the face of a pillow instead, as you wiped alcohol over his wound and sterilized it - bandaging the cut to prevent entry of any pathogens and receiving kisses all over your "Miracle hands" in payment. 
Although as you realised you had been set a topic behind, according to your time schedule - Harry only allowed you fifteen minutes more of peaceful revision, before he had decided that he was finished with looking out of your window and playing with your newton's cradle - and wanted to pester you instead.
"You're so pretty when you're studying." Harry leant back against the glass of your window to observe you - pencil in hand - poised and trailing over the words which you digested from a textbook and traced onto your own separate notes.
"Yeah, you should be studying too y'know.." Your gaze didn't move from the page you read whilst you spoke, and thus you didn't see Harry cross the room to stand behind your chair.
You were so absorbed, in fact, that you didn't even notice his presence behind you until he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and let his chin rest of the top of your head, the weight of his head on top of your making you grumble even whilst you liked the pressure of him around your body.
"God, how do you always manage such good grades even when you spend all day in the city and acting hero," You let your eyes close and body untense, leaning back into your boyfriend who hummed at your resignation to the studying- indulging in your boyfriend's hold instead. He laughed, and the sound ricocheted in his chest and vibrated against your body in the most pleasant way.
"I think you need a break," Harry's hand delicately took those strands that had fallen from your ponytail and tucked them one by one behind your ear ever so lovingly. And whilst the warmth of his body against your back betrayed you and had you wanting to indulge in his sweet loving, your rationale caused a whine to fall from your throat as you betrayed your wants to protest him.
"Noooo.." You did your best to protest with your words, because your body was absolute fool to Harry's touch, and didn't protest one bit as he wrapped his arm slowly and tentatively beneath your thigh to pick you up bridal style. Testing the waters as he gently chastised you with a "Oh yes," as he brought you to the bed , slowly and carefully setting you down against the pillows as though you were delicate china before crawling up onto the bed himself. "Breaks are important - you gotta give your brain rest time so you can come back more refreshed. You need a distraction, Y/n..."
You'd been keen to notice his much stronger Harry had gotten since being bit by that spider. Though his physical frame didn't look awfully different, his strength, reflexes and grip had most definitely had a drastic increase in sensitivity and effect. And once again, you noticed Harry's strength as he held himself up on top of you on just his forearms - lowering himself to the exposed skin of your collarbone - brushing the cardigan aside to reveal the soft, untouched skin.
He looked up with a smile, through thick lashes and boyish charm that had you wrap your legs and squeeze around his body. And taking a hint, he gently pressed his lips to the flesh - feeling the hard bone beneath the surface and letting his tongue scale it before nipping with his teeth and listening to your body's physical reaction as you back arched ever so slightly whilst he pulled away with a grin.
"Y'know another thing?" You spoke, letting a hand thread through his locks before trailing down to his cheek. He looked up at you, giving you eye contact to listen to your hypothesis. "I think your canines have gotten sharper since you got bitten."
"Is that so?" He cocked his head to the side, letting his cheek fall into your palm - and you trailed your hand over his face so that you could push your thumb into his mouth - pulling his upper lip up and holding it there with a grin as you looked down at his teeth. Sharp canines protruding from the ordered and equal-lengthed incisors. The pad of your finger pressed into the points and let the points create little indents onto the soft skin. Definitely sharper.
"Without a doubt," You smiled up at him, admiring the mossy green nestled within the oceanic blues of his irises, delicate wave pattern threaded through the circumference that circled the dark pupils. God, you felt as though you could drown in those. "C'mon Harry, tell me; how'd you do so well constantly in class when you're always out saving the city or just enjoying life.."
He laughed again, giving you another show of the attractively sharp canines before lowering himself down - pressing his chest into yours whilst still effortlessly holding his weight up - leaning into you so that his breath fanned over the hard outer shell of your ear as he gave his hush response.
"I don't sleep. I'm revising instead; because spiders never truly sleep - they just slow down and take some down time, before they're back in action.."
His voice was low and husky with the words you delivered, and you could feel something sinful setting alight in your stomach. "Harry - this is the weirdest sexy talk you've ever done."
"I think it's working though-" His hips were already flush with your core - and reaching a hand below the hem of your skirt, he pressed the material of your panties down against your slit until he could feel the arousal that had formed between your legs from everything to do with Harry. A gasp fell from your lips at the sudden intimate touch, and your hand jumped to his wrist to stop his movements. Because the grin that he wore told you that he was absolutely going to take this further if you didn't stop him. 
"Harry!" You hissed his name in horror. "My Mum and Dad are still home! We can't do anything..."
"Why not..?" Harry's fingers had resorted to tracing patterns over your thigh which was awfully seductive alongside his confident smile and eye contact. "I can tell that you want to..."
"But you should know that we can't." You spoke firmly, and as if to consolidate your words, you both heard a shout from your dad downstairs: "THREE MINUTES UNTIL DINNER'S READY, KID!"
"See?" You stressed to Harry. "We can't do anything because we only have three minutes - PLUS my doorlock is already faulty - really Harry, anyone could walk in anytime-!"
Harry grumbled and shifted his weight onto one arm so that he could lift the other to point to the door, jetting a web to cement the door shut and flush with the wall. "There - now no-one's coming in - we can have some privacy for three minutes... I can work with three minutes, Y/n - all you gotta do is say the word..."
You took your lip between your teeth as you contemplated... Because you knew that you really did want Harry - and with the door webbed shut, you really could spend those three minutes with no interruptions... But you had a family dinner straight after, and even if your parents wouldn't be able to see you - there was always a change theyd be able to hear you instead... Your contemplation was futile as you realised that each moment you spent weighing pros and cons only reduced the very short time window you had to actually do anything with Harry if you decided to. You had to make a decision now.
"Fine," You sighed and looked up. "Let's do something then."
"C'mon, you can actually sound like you want it, y'know.." Harry teased and you rolled your eyes. "C'mon, tell me what you want - d'you want me to fuck you? Or d'you want my fingers? Or I can have you cum all over my face-"
"OhmygodHARRY!" You flushed at the lack of filter he had, covering your reddened cheeks in horror. 
"C'mon, make your mind up princess, time's ticking."
You felt a blush rising to your cheeks as you took your lip between your teeth, knowing exactly what you wanted but being shy to say it. "Can you-uhm-use y-your mouth-"
His touch trailed further up your thigh as the request left your lips, and an almost proud smile lit up over Harry's lips as he looked up at you. "See, that wasn't too hard, was it?"
His eyes flickered away from yours to the clock besides you on the bedside table. "Two minutes," he mumbled, "I can work with that."
Harry didn't bother to remove your panties. Instead, he just moved them to the side and returned his mouth to between your legs - his head covered by the material of your skirt that fell over his head and ended mid-neck. 
Which meant you were absolutely clueless to his touch. You couldn't see the glint he had in his eyes, nor expect any of his touch - every touch of his hands, his tongue, his lips was all completely unexpected. And that meant that when you felt Harry's teeth gently closing around your labia just as a teasing nip at your core, a gasp fell from your lips which you had to cover with a hand to prevent yourself from being too loud. 
You could hear the low chuckle that fell from your boyfriend's lips, muttering a "Sorry, couldn't help myself," before he pressed his tongue flat to your clit and moaned, tasting you all over your delicate bud and channeling vibrations that stimulated every nerve ending in your heat and sent pleasure coursing through your veins - making your eyes roll to the back of your head even with the littlest touch that Harry had provided. 
"You taste so fucking good-" His words were cut short as he pressed himself back to your cunt like an addict, his tongue now pressing to your dripping hole and drawing a line from there up to your clit - mixing his saliva with your arousal and spreading it over your pussy so that he could lap blindly between your folds and still taste you regardless of where he placed his tongue.
And you were a wreck with what Harry did.
Your thighs were clenching around his head and core convulsing, your body spasming with a hand over your mouth as you squeezed your eyes shut and did your best to not let out any loud noise that'd have anyone else in the house knowing that your boyfriend had secretly snuck in and what now tongue-fucking you into oblivion...
An un-disguisable gasp slipped from your mouth as you felt a panging in your core, your orgasm barrelling closer and closer as Harry's thumb pressed to your clit - using your slick to lubricate his movements as he pressed circles into the sensitive organ in syncopation with the rhythm of his tongue which lapped between your folds and dived between your walls, the skilled muscle making your breathing come heavier and heat spread across your cheeks and the whole of your body.
"H-Harry, I'm so close-I'm gonn'-I'm-"
"Please~" He begged your release with such sincerity that with his admission you couldn't hold back - your thighs squeezing around his head with enough pressure to crush it - throwing your head back and letting your back arch off from the bed as you felt the pleasure in your core spread through every vein and flood your body with enough oxytocin to fry every neurone in your body, feeling yourself come undone on Harry's tongue in the most lewd and filthy way possible as he lapped up every ounce of praise your body gave him.
"My god, if I could live between your thighs the world would be such a better place," Harry groaned, and you saw his pussy-drunk face as he withdrew from beneath your skirt with slick lips and such a sexed-out expression that you could feel a blush drawing to your cheeks, knowing that was all for you.
He brought himself to your face and joined his lips with yours, his tongue caressing your lower lip and causing the taste that Harry had gotten drunk off of to linger over your lips whilst he made out with you - slowly - sensually - and appreciatively, regardless of the sloppiness of the kiss that had sparks relighting in your core and almost beckoning for a second round with Harry. Yout thoughts were prevented however, as a shout from your dad echoed up the staircase and through the wall: "DINNER'S READY, COME LAY THE TABLE!"
Your lips detached from Harry's with a smile, giggle exiting your lips as you felt Harry's lashes tickling your cheek before he rest his forehead against yours.
"I think you gotta go, sweet thing," Harry spoke with a hushed voice, but you made no move to leave.
"I don't want to," You whined and did your best to wrap a hand around Harry's forearm to keep him with you - though he could sense your plan and had to move back before he was persuaded to stay any longer. "Won't you come have dinner with us - dad said you could-"
"He said I could on the conditions that you invited me and probably came through the front door - not through his daughter's bedroom - besides, I can't go making him hate me when he just admit he thinks I'm a decent guy," Harry grinned as he reflected on the words your dad had used to describe your boyfriend, though as he caught the frown on your face he shortened the gap between you to console you with a kiss to the forehead. "C'mon sweet, you gotta go get your dinner, I'll see you tomorrow in the labs anyways, right?"
"B-but I haven't even given you anything in return for..." You gestured to allude to the head he'd given and he laughed.
"You don't need to worry about me - I already got something to think of when I sort myself out at home," Harry cheekily spoke, and pulled his mask over his face - decided to stay in his cosy clothes.
"You going home, then?" You made the assumption, trying not to be downcasted as the boy nodded. "Web safely then, and text me when you get home - I don't wanna get a heart attack seeing you on the telly for getting into a fight with some bad guy."
Harry laughed and nodded in agreement. "Sure thing. You enjoy your dinner and keep studying hard. I'll still beat you in the next test, though."
You rolled your eyes, hearing another shout from your dad on the floor below.
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow - love you!"
"Love you!" You managed to return just in time as Harry opened the window and slipped himself through, casting a web along the main road before swinging away from your apartment and leaving you to walk down the stairs to dinner where your Mum placed roast potatoes in a fancy platter, and you dad laid table mats out.
"Who were you talking to?" Your mum cast a glance over her shoulder at you as you went to retrieve the knives and forks from a drawer to lay the table.
"Just on a call," You shrugged, the lie coming all to easily.
"You ought to be revising instead of spending your time being social, Y/n." Your mum gave a pointed look, and you bit down on your lip to avoid saying something witty in response to her well-meaning scolding. You smiled as you remembered Harry's words instead. 
"It was just a short break. My brain was already fried so I just needed a short social break so that then I could come back refreshed." You smiled to yourself, parroting Harry's words and watching how quickly your Mum changed her stance and agreed with you, taking her words back and becoming more lenient.
You could almost feel Harry there, stirring the gravy and sneaking you a smirk as he watched you repeat the words you'd been so indignant to agree with only fifteen minutes prior. And even all the way through dinner, you couldn't stop yourself from smiling down at your plate as the thought of Harry crossed your mind - the way he'd entered, the tenderness as he'd let you clean his wound, the sharp canines and the love-drunk smile he'd cast you...
Truly, you were head over heels. And when you checked your phone just before studying - opening the picture Harry had sent you - in the darkness of his room having arrived home safely - his spidey mask still on and hand clutching at a quite clearly outlined semi beneath the sweatpants he wore, the accompanying text: thinking of you <3  making your heart flip and core burn up once more - your found yourself realising that one of the other reasons that Harry consistently scored higher grades than you in class was because he was always somehow always on your mind and able to distract you
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Did u mfs enjoy this, bc i lowkey wouldn't mind making this a fulll-time au i write more fics on... 👀👀 i already got spiderman!w2s anon (ty for requesting this btw i had SO MUCH fun writing this) already sending in another idea which i like... do we continue this au?!!?
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
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mxchippy · 3 months
Here is an old art exercise of Harry Osborn in my Spider-man AU! I didn't know how to pose him, and I couldn't think of an outfit for him yet. That's why I just copied some old comic panels of Spider-man as an exercise!
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I wish I didn't delete all the references and collages I downloaded to create this because I can only find one 🥹
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mymoony444 · 7 months
* au where remus and sirius raise harry *
Harry: PADS
Sirius: what is it harry?
Harry: can you close the closet door? i dont want the monster getting out
Sirius: what makes you think monsters cant open doors?
* Sirius, Remus and harry laying in between them sound asleep *
Remus: this is exactly why i dont let you say goodnight to him
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disasterastrid · 5 months
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a patroclus/achilles au wolfstar wip based on the idea that i think they’re the same people in parallel universes
if we’re talking about song of achilles and atyd, i think grant would be briseis, specifically in that scene where patroclus is dead and briseis is cleaning his body.. and achilles doesn’t want anyone to touch him at all. and briseis is so angry at achilles, and achilles hates himself so much for not stopping patroclus. a standoff between the girl who never had patroclus, and the boy who lost him; the both of them, in mourning.
comment any song of achilles x wolfstar scenes!! i may draw some :)
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middlingmay · 5 months
Gale meets drunk Bucky AU
Gale discovered the height of hypocrisy when his mother told him, "Don't you never take up with no drinking man. Bring you nothin' but hurt, Gale Cleven."
The she'd watch his father raid their spare change jars, her jewellery drawer, and drink bottle after bottle, and rattle Gale's head of the wall when the little boy had dared to say enough and tried to stop daddy from ruining everything, but ruining himself most of all.
And she'd swallow James Cleven's apologies in the morning.
But hypocrisy or not, Gale vowed to obey those words of his mother.
When he was older and gone from his parents' house - from their lives - and those boys sidled up to him to buy him drinks? Gale stared down his slender nose with a look so cold, they slinked off with their tail between their legs. Better they think him a stuck up son of a bitch before the booze turned their words harsh and their grips cruel.
Those friends who sneered at him for not going to parties? They weren't his friends for long. If they treated him like that sober, then Gale didn't want to think of how they would treat him drunk.
But he had Rosie and DeMarco and Lemmons and Crosby. And yeah they liked a drink, but they liked his friendship more and they found a balance that worked.
But then he met John "Bucky" Egan.
He was full of bravado and confidence like Gale had never seen before. It wasn't arrogant or pushy. It was...encompassing, warming, inviting. Like he was ordering it to rub off on ya so you could feel good too.
Crosby had mentioned his friend Curt and his friend Bucky and he'd laughed and said, "You'd hate him, Gale."
And Gale didn't like to think of himself as a hateful person, so he agreed to tag along and meet Crosby's friends.
He met a short New Yorker with a meaty fist he used to tap your shoulder and move people outta your way. And he met a tall man with a head full of fluffy curls and eyes like the night sky in Wyoming, and a wide, soft smile and a face full of freckles and damn wide shoulders -
And a tumbler of whisky in his hand.
But that part of his brain that normally clicked off the second he caught sight or smell of alcohol, just, didn't trip this time. Not around John. Not around Bucky.
Don't get him wrong, with every mouthful, Bucky swore and hollered and jeered with Crosby and Curt, but in the next breath he turned to Gale and spoke easy.
A few more sips and his hands - which were well acquainted with Curt and Croz - crept towards Gale and his knees and his thighs then his shoulders and his neck.
But instead of making Bucky louder or mad or sad or mean, every drink made him softer; let his affection flow more freely. His smiles got wider and his cheeks got rosy and his eyes glittered every time he looked at Gale.
It made Bucky blush and lean into Gale and hum into his ear, "You are the prettiest guy I've ever seen. Look at'cha. It's intolerable. It's rude. Where've they been hiding you?"
"Caspar," he said.
"Well shame on Caspar."
And at the end of the night when Bucky's liquid courage sent him rocking forward and pressing warm, full lips over Gale's own with a gentle breath and a little slip of a sound -
Gale didn't flinch.
Instead, when Bucky blushed again and pulled back looking sheepish, Gale followed and kissed him all sweet like, before jogging to catch up with a jeering Crosby, leaving John standing there like a love-drunk fool.
Crosby shoved him as they walked home. "I thought you didn't like drunks?!"
Gale nudged him with his shoulder. "I don't. I think I just like John."
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Day 3: Written Mar 18, 2024
Part 1
“Are you a wizard?”
Regulus stared down at the small child on his doorstep. Regulus looked around, peering around his front door. There was no one else in sight.
“Are you lost?” Regulus responded, glancing back down at the boy. He was a rather cute kid. With a mass of bushy black hair that fell over his green eyes. The eyes that were wide with interest, staring at Regulus.
The boy shrugged in reply to his question. “Why are your hands green?” The boy asked. Regulus frowned and brought his hands up to see. They were bright green from sparrow-grass Regulus had been chopping before being interrupted by a small knock at his door. 
He sighed and asked the boy, “What’s your name?”
“Harry!” Harry exclaimed. “What’s yours, Mister Wizard?” Regulus smiled lightly at the title. 
“I’m Regulus.” Harry gasped as his eyes widened and sparkled.
“Like the star?!”
Regulus was impressed. Very few adults were aware of the regulus star, much less a boy all of five years old.
“Thats right.” Regulus smiled at Harry. “You’re a smart one. How did you hear about regulus?”
“It’s my Papa’s favorite.” Harry says excitedly.
“Your Papa, huh?” How did this boy get here? To Regulus’ cabin, deep in the fairie forest.No one should be able to get within three hundred meters of his land without him knowing. Suddenly, Regulus was on guard. He should have been when he first heard a surprising sound at his door.
“Where is your Papa, Harry?” He asked the boy warily. Harry just shrugged unconcernedly. “How did you find my home?” He shrugged again.
“I was looking at the pretty flowers and then I wanted to know if a wizard lived here. Are you a wizard, Mister Regulus?”
Regulus pinched the bridge of his nose and heaved a sigh. This boy was going to drive him mad. 
beginning | previous | next
This is not a story with parts in chronological order! It's just bits and pieces that I write for one plot that might eventually make sense. If something doesn't add up, don't worry, it's not supposed to
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phospadparadscha · 7 months
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Black Opal makes a surprise appearance! these two can't keep their gems away from each other.
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Imagine a zombie apocalypse where all Wizarding World characters start with the same amount of food, shelter and weapons.
- No magic
Who would survive the longest?
In my humble opinion,
Naturally, Lucius Malfoy, Phineas Nigellus Black, Gilderoy Lockhart, etc would be dead within a day. 
Sorrows, sorrows prayers
Sirius Black would probably go insane. There is an equal chance of him dying and living.
Snape would last a while because he’d know which berries and fungi are safe to eat and at least he wouldn’t starve to death. I don’t see what his weakness would be. (Stamina?)
Harry would probably die saving someone, let’s be honest. Or it’d be a Carl Grimes situation where he’d try to help someone out of the goodness of his heart and end up bit.
But now that I think of it, he would probably be immune to the virus beca he’s the chosen one.
Hermione would not believe that zombies are as dangerous as they say and wouldn’t listen to anyone before seeing it for herself, eventually leading to her ending up dead, or worse expelled.
I think Tom Riddle/Voldemort would have a solid chance because he would make a wonderful leader of a group but doesn’t mind throwing others under the bus to survive.
As seen in the movies Narcissa Malfoy knows exactly when to change sides and has great self preservation skills. And she does it all for her baby which leads me to Draco.
Draco would survive for a while, not because he is competent enough to survive, but because he’s in the group with mommy and uncle Voldy.
Speaking of Tom/Voldemort throwing people under the bus, Bellatrix would be the first under said bus, in a poorly thought out and futile attempt to prove herself to Voldymort.
Then there’s this guy,
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And he really reminded me of this guy(iykyk),
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Maybe Sebastian is a bit less psychopathic and deranged, but he’s getting there, and I think that seeing his freshly kedavra’d uncle get up and eat his sister might do the trick.
I’ll say he’d probably last years.
Speaking of Hogwarts Legacy characters Professor Garlick as well as Ominis Gaunt are immune. Same goes for Luna Lovegood and Newt Scamander
Because I love them and because I said so. They aren’t dying
Alright I’ve been yapping for way too long, let me know what you think about this concept.
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itstopplingdomino · 7 months
confident | weasley twins x reader
A/N: i made a promise to write something after my test based on how i feel afterwards. so here we are...
pairing: fred weasley x reader (if you squint), george weasley x reader summary: Fred carries the essence of confidence like it weighs nothing; academic, friendship, quidditch and even love life - he is sure he's set for life. So when he finds out about your little crush on him and how it had been like that for years, he does absolutely nothing. And that teaches him a lesson that he'll remember for the rest of his life. tags: hurt/no comfort, idiots in love, no usage of y/n, gn!reader (usage of 'you' instead of specific pronouns), usage of pet/nicknames, mild cursing, false hope, leading on, jealousy, no war alternative universe ───────── "I don't understand," Lee states. He is sitting on the armrest of the sofa, the afternoon light shines briefly across his eyes as he tries to block it with a book. "If you like Daisy too then why.." Fred shrugs. "Well if Daisy maintains a secret crush on me for five years, then waiting for another two- you know until after graduation- won't hurt."
Lee looks at Angelina, hoping that she'll have a better explanation for this. Unfortunately she returned his confused look with her own.
"How are you sure Daisy won't give up? What if tomorrow your little admirer wakes up and decides to like someone else?" Angelina probes.
"Please, I have a plan." Fred says, with his usual air of mock-arrogance. "Trust me, it'll work."
Lee and Angeline exchanges a resign look. "Well, it's gonna be your lost anyway.." Lee says in which Angelina nods to.
Fred shrugs, again, then leaves to find you.
He knows where you are. Five years in Hogwarts together, causing ruckus in all forms with the promise of detention almost every time, he can understand you in ways you sometimes don't.
Which is why your crush on him is not a surprise to him at all. In fact it was almost hilarious that everyone else think of it as such a big deal. You two are attached to the hips most of the times; if he's not there to bring trouble, you'll find him - and it's been like this ever since you set foot in Hogwarts.
George, of course, joins in the fun. Though Fred notices that he's slowly been opting out over the years, preferring to prank with just the older twin. Fred considers this an act of jealousy yet he never brings it up as George's blatant avoidance never seems to bother you. He's seen his twin interacts with you alone just yesterday, the day before, and Merlin even before that. He thinks that George simply want a little separation as michievenous activities are always a two-person activity until you came.
That is exactly why, right now, Fred waits for you just outside Arithmancy classroom for a planned pranking session; target for the day is Filch.
Not too long after he arrived, students emerge from the classroom, all looking like the boredom has threatened their life. You, in all your glory, comes out looking like you defeated boredom. Laughing beside your classmate who Fred sure he was introduced to before yet he can't remember her name. It didn't matter though, he's only here for you.
"My Daisy," Fred greets you with a playful smile on his face, bowing like a gentleman from the victorian era, lowering a pretend-tophat.
You rolled your eyes. "Please stop calling me by something I'm deathly allergic to. Even Lee and Angie started using it too."
"If you say so, Peanuts."
You playfully smack him across his back. He knows you're not deathly allergic to Peanuts, only mildly.
"Ready?" He asks, offering you his hand.
The brief shy look that passes your face did not escape him as you joins hands. "Ready!"
Fred smirks knowingly. With usual flirtatious remarks in his repertoire, physical touch is a newly added part in his friendship with you. He loves it when you look away nervously whenever your faces are a little too close, or when you jolts and become a stuttering mess every time he whispers right next to your ears, or moments like this - hand holding, plus short hugs and arm across your shoulder that's he's planning to include in the future.
With what he knows about your feelings, he revels in this reactions without ever needing to confess. - - -
You doubled over the grass just outside Hogwarts grounds, laughing at the wrath Fred and you invoke in Filch from the prank. This time you calculated for sure that the caretaker of Hogwarts will not find out who the pranksters are. A red herring steering towards obnoxious Slytherins is placed perfectly for him to think it's not the two of you.
"That was brilliant!" Fred shouted, he dips to lift you up and spins you around. "Bloody smart, you are!"
You cackles loudly, just enjoying his grip on your body. You're not thinking of anything inappropriate but Good Godric if you could just kiss that lips, you'll be content eternally.
He must've realise that you're staring at his lips as an unreadable expression crosses his face, he sets you down as his eyes flicks between your eyes and your lips.
It can't be.. can't it?
You think again.
I mean.. he's been sweet these days.. more so than usual.
If that's not a sign, then you don't know what is. So you fight your doubts and tiptoe to reach his lips. Your eyes closes as it nears his face yet what stops you is not the innocent peck you've been dreaming of, it is his hands on your shoulder.
Confusion evident on your face as you open your eyes and lower yourself. You search for answer in his face but all you could find is a torn look. The kind of look you've seen him give to other students who had asked him out. The kind of look that you desperately wish against yourself every single night.
And now you're at the receiving end of it.
A thick lump forms in your throat and all you say is, "Why..?"
Fred clears his throat as he looks away, clearly uncomfortable in this situation, his hand still on your shoulder now caressing in consolation.
You don't need consolation. You need explanation.
"Freddie, why?" Tone firmer than before as you shake off his hands.
"Well, its just.. I mean.." He took a deep breath before he continue. "Let's just have fun, you know. We only have two years left. Surely you don't want to spend the majority of it with- with this." He gestured between you and him.
If nature is a little quieter, you're sure the sound of your heartbreak can be heard.
"Is that what this- all this has been about..? You having fun?" You hissed, taking a few steps back which he closes just easily in a single move.
"I mean, you like me for five years, certainly you can wait a few more.."
The icing on the cake. He knew.
He knew and he still did that.
Play with your heart, push and pull it like a tug of war.
"You are the absolute worst."
Without sparing a single glance, you turn on your heels and apparated away. - - - The rest of the year passes in a blink of an eye.
To everyone else, it seems. Lee had been whining non-stop at Fred and George's decision to leave Hogwarts early. NEWTs is irrelevant to the path the Weasley twins has set for themselves, after all.
To Fred, the year drags on painfully slow as if he's aware of every single second that ticks by. He's just glad the day for them to leave is finally nearing.
After what happens between Fred and you, he notices that he almost never see you anymore. The one time he did was when you came looking for Angelina to pass her notes you had borrowed. You greeted him with your usual cheeriness but the smile didn't quite reach your eyes. He thought you'll warm back to him, forgive him, but how can you forgive when he can't even find you to apologise.
He realises that you know him better than he does himself. Otherwise how else can you avoid for so long.
At one point, he even asks Angelina if you had ever mention anything about your little crush on him anymore.
"Hm, no actually. I mean, it's pretty clear that Daisy's focusing on NEWTs, we all are anyway, so boys talk never really come up. It just adds to the stress."
Her answer disappointed him but he has an image to uphold so he act nonchalant about it.
"What? Are you finally going to pursue Daisy?" Angelina teased.
"Why are you asking? Afraid of the competition?" Fred in his usual manner put on a smirk, albeit a fake one. And the way Angelina rolled her eyes and smacked him meant that he successfully fooled her.
How he wished it was you who's rolling her eyes and smacking then, instead of her.
He made a fool out of you.
- - - Fred enters the apartment after a long negotiation with the accountant at the bank. He just couldn't figure out why the numbers are not adding up and the son of a bitch he hired is as unhelpful as a broken wand. Three years they've been doing business and this accountant is the first one to be so incompetent. Fred regretted making a rushed hiring decision as the last one had to resigned immediately from chronic health issues. A breach in one year contract would cost them quite a lot so he just puts up him. Two more months and he'll fire that bastard.
He searches for the bottle of wine in the cupboard, typically reserved for celebratory occasions and not punching the accountant in a very public space counts as a win, but the wine is not there. He looks at other cupboards too, but the bottle is still nowhere to be found.
George must've taken it.
No one else lives here, and unless the bottle of wine grew a pair of legs, it simply do not move from it's designated place.
The older twin drags his feet to his brother's room when George's door opens.
And there you are.
You, in all your glory, comes out looking like you defeated boredom. Laughing hysterically at what George says as your hands wrapped delicately around his twin's arm.
He had seen this sight before. Often when you went out from your favourite classes like Arithmancy or Ancient Runes.
But never with George. Never to George.
He whispers your name in a hopeless attempt to make you direct that smile to him, but your light dims as soon as you heard him.
George and you stop, taken aback by Fred's early arrival. The younger twin isn't expecting his brother to return until an hour from now.
"I know you two know each other." George chuckles, which you smiled at. The sweet smile that once had been directed to Fred. "But I'd like to introduce Daisy again.."
His eyes practically sparkling at this point. "as my Fiance."
George didn't falter and your smitten look unwavering. There isn't a single mischief or malice in his demeanour, nor yours. This isn't some sick, twist prank the two of you are pulling. Fred had never told anyone about what happens between the two of you, but he had assume you had ignored George all the same. What, being identical twins and all. Just looking at George should've brought pain to you.
Apparently looking at George seems to make you smile even brighter.
"Uh.. S-since when..?" Fred force out a cough. "I mean, I didn't know you two kept in contact, let alone are seeing each other.."
"We didn't." You answer, though your eyes chose to look at his general direction and not his eyes. "We met around two years ago by coincidence."
"Merlin, a lucky guy I am." George chimes in. "It started with a simple catch up over tea. Then it became a monthly thing. Before we know it, we were meeting almost every other day for half a year."
How did he missed it. "Daisy here is still a tough one. Took me a year and half to convince her to date me. Another half year to convince marrying me!"
Seriously, how did he missed it? Fred remembers when George comes home late, snickering to himself, sometime last year. Then the next day he was so high spirited that he gave out discount to everyone the first opening hour. He was so high on cloud nine that whenever Fred tried to pry out details of joyous mood, George simply kept evading the question. Saying he doesn't want to jinx it. "Oh, while we're on the subject.. Will you be my bestman?"
Fred looks between you and his brother. Your eyes refusing to meet his. Hesitantly he replies, "Y-yeah! Of course Georgie! I'll be honoured!"
He hope his emotions didn't betray his tone. His younger twin is engaged, no foul play is coming from you as far as he could tell. Well, of course he could tell. However you're behaving with George right now was how you acted when you had a crush on Fred. He knew that love-adorn smile, that twinkle in your eyes, the pitched giggles in between. He knew that all too well, though you're definitely less shy and hesitant about it with George.
You lean against his brother wearing a specific form of confidence Fred had only seen once in you.
The same air of confidence that he had shattered when he pushed you away as you tried to kiss him. Fucking Fantastic. It is his lost.
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marsberryart · 1 year
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dorlily raising harry 🥹
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yellowbrokenblue · 9 months
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Lifeguard!Harry AU
cw: smut, oral (f receiving)
summary: you visit Harry at work and end up in the pool storage room…
— — —
His back was stiff against the uncomfortable white chair as he sat through the fourth hour of his shift. The sun was hot on his face, and the constant sight of children was really beginning to piss him off. He desperately wanted the summer to be over so he could be anywhere else but the side of this busy pool.
Harry’s eyes scanned the crowd, a group of moms on loungers next to the pool, their kids playing with floaties in the water, and when his eyes reached the entrance to check who was entering poolside, his whole body stiffened.
You, in a stupidly revealing white bikini. You, with your annoying friends who hated him. You, with your Ray Bans that he bought you sat upon your head.
He swallowed a lump in his throat, and tried to draw his eyes away from you and towards others in the pool. But his gaze kept going back towards you.
And this time his eyes caught yours, and a smirk was playing on your lips.
Harry scanned your tanned body. The smooth skin he knew so well was on full display for everyone to see, a tiny bikini bra covering your breasts, and barely fucking anything covering your ass. The more he looked at you the more his cock hardened beneath his uniform shorts, a rock hard erection forming in no time. He kept his eyes locked with yours as he adjusted himself in his pants in an attempt to hide it from the rest of the crowd.
A smirk of his own appeared as he watched a faint blush appear on your cheeks.
He drew his eyes away from you, trying his best to do his job. If anyone drowned while he was having a raging hard on he’d never live it down.
But still he felt your eyes on him. Your piercing gaze on his shirtless body.
He desperately needed you, it had been too long.
“Hey, Lou?” Harry called his college who was currently cleaning the poolside, “Mind covering me while I take my break?”
Harry jumped off of the tall white chair and made sure Louis was in his place before he left his position. He caught your eyes again, and made a subtle gesture to the large white pool store house at the back of the poolside area.
Harry made his way to the store house, unlocking the door with his employee set of keys. His dick was throbbing, and if you didn’t appear soon he would go fucking insane.
He paced the small space, his hand running through his slightly damp hair, waiting, praying, that you’d show up.
His head was quick to turn and face the door as soon as he heard the handle twisting.
When you walked in, he found it difficult for his draw not to drop completely to the ground. Your skin was smooth, even in the dim, barely existing lighting it somehow still managed to glow. He wanted to rip that skimpy bikini right off your body so he could see each and every part of it.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, ace?” Harry asked, his voice low.
“Am I bothering you, Styles?”
“You can’t break up with me and then come to my work dressed like that, do you know what you’re doing t’me?”
You grinned. You’d seen exactly what you’d done to him. His little show he put on while sat on the lifeguard chair has proven that.
“Feel what you’ve done to me.” He said, taking a step closer to you, his hand taking hold of your wrist.
His head moved so his lips brushed against your ears.
“Feel how fuckin’ hard you’ve made me princess. Comin’ in here with that slutty bikini on.”
He guided your hand to press against his rock hard erection, quickly gasping in a breath when coming in contact with it.
“Tell me you’ve missed me, ace. I gotta hear you say it.”
“I missed you, Harry.” You said quietly.
He gripped both of your wrists, pushing you against the nearest wall behind you.
“Tell me why you’re here.” He said, raising your hands above your head, pinning both your wrists up there with only one hand.
“Because I missed you.” You repeat.
Harry shook his head, “Real reason.”
His other hand dropped, and he slid it under his shorts and under his boxers, beginning to relieve some of the tension by palming his cock. His eyes rolled back slightly, the grip on your wrists tightening.
“I only got 45 minutes on my break ace, if you want me I need to hear you say it so we can speed this up.”
“Fuck, Harry. I wouldn’t have come here if I didn’t want you.”
He looked at you, grinning devilishly. He dropped the grip he had on your wrists.
“Sit down.” He gestured towards a wooden crate sat in the room.
You sat, refusing to break eye contact as he dropped to his knees in front of you.
“‘M gonna take these off.” He said, his fingers hooking underneath the flimsy fabric of the bikini bottoms. “And then you’re gonna spread your legs nice and wide for me.”
You nod, jaw clenching in anticipation.
“Need to taste my princess before I fuck you.”
He slowly slid the fabric down your legs, before pushing your legs apart. And the moan that escaped your lips as soon as he buried his head into you was a noise you didn’t think you were even capable of.
Harry wasn’t prepared either, as soon as his lips tasted your dripping wetness, his moan made your whole pussy vibrate. Your legs shook as his tongue attacked your clit, gripping hold of his hair.
“Fuck, Harry,” You moaned, “Fuck, just like that.”
He looked up at you with a grin playing on his lips, continuing.
“Harry I fucking missed you.” You moaned, “I missed you.”
Harry sped up in desperation, he could tell you were struggling to stay quiet in such a public area. You’d always been a screamer, he liked that about you. But you were both very aware that no one locked the door and anyone could walk in at any moment.
“I’m gonna cum. Harry I’m gonna come.”
Your words made him only go faster, his tongue swirling around your clit like his life depended on it.
You slammed your hand over your mouth to muffle your cry as you came all over his face, a moan coming from Harry as he tried his best to lap it all up. Your taste was addicting to him.
“Fuckin’ hell, that was fast. You really have missed me.”
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hyperfixationsruleme · 3 months
Modern Drarry
Lifestyle Blogger Draco x Fitness Model Harry
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sir-looni · 1 month
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Have this HP !Slytherin AU! Art. I'm a bit drifting back into the familiarity of Harry Potter with reading fanfics an such, so yea i got inspired.
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jube-jube-bird · 9 months
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Harry and Mehen from Arkodian's series "What goes around (comes around)" on AO3
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