#he going through a crisis but that’s ok he’s just being dramatic
kuroowo · 1 year
Modern AU Suguru whose guilty-non-guilty pleasure idea of fun is to make people fall in love with him (just because he can) meets you, the new transfer, at the office and instantly decides you’re his next target.
He’s befriends you right off the bat. Seeks you out between breaks for a quick chat. Tries to get to know you more. Invites you out for an occasional drink that turns into full blown dinners and walks home. He gifts you little trinkets he finds reminding him of you— hold on. Wait a minute, Suguru’s world screeches to a halt with utmost urgency. Since when did he start to look forward to texting you first thing in the morning? Since when did he carve out a routine to see you outside of work at least once a week? Since when did he anticipate to see your smile, hear your laughter? Since when did his thoughts start to run circles around you every night before he sleeps? Since when did he start planning to have you meet his two disaster best friends? Since when, since when, since when—
Geto goes through a ‘minor’ crisis realising that he ended up falling in love with you instead of the intended other way ‘round. Gojo cackles so hard his sunglasses slips off his face, boisterous laughter only amplified by Ieiri’s, “I told you, dumbass.”, but the dark-haired man is still in denial nonetheless.
“There’s no way, Shoko—”, because where did he falter? When did he slip up? It’s not even his first rodeo, so why did this happen?? “—and shut up, Satoru!”
“And there’s no way his hair isn’t white.”, unimpressed and utterly over Geto’s shit, Ieiri blows a cloud of smoke into his face, strangely annoyed and sympathetic. Okay, maybe not that strangely. Maybe it’s her conscience kicking in because you’re actually a great friend to her and she’d hate to see you gone because of the man bun wearing block-head. “Get your shit together before it’s too late, Suguru.”
And maybe Geto should. Yeah. No. He definitely should. Like hell is he losing you to some lame baker who makes stale pastries 3 blocks down from your home (it’s not stale, he’s just jealous) or to that desperate creep from the company next door (they’re actually just an extrovert, he’s just jealous), and especially not to Fushiguro fucking Toji of all damn people (that’s a married and devoted man to his wife, he’s just jealous). So yeah, Suguru’s going to get his shit together alright.
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cafejulii · 2 months
Truly one of the most amazing things I have come to discover during the reemergence of my hunter x hunter hyperfixation is the entirety of Leokuraudio. The events/punchlines that occur in them are so baffling to me in the best way possible.
For instance, what on earth do you mean that the creators of hxh 1999 decided to make a spin-off audio series that begins by introducing Leorio as an old man, and his grandson? The grandson finds a discarded set of audio tapes. When he confronts Leorio about what they are, he is hit by a massive wave of nostalgia, and tells his grandchild about how they were a podcast series he made back in the day while traveling the world, with, in his own words, his "very best friend" (Kurapika). They then begin to listen to the tapes, which is how we get the whole story.
What on earth do you mean there is an episode where Kurapika goes in a time machine to met Grandpa Leorio? Only, after he is done and decides to return back to the present, the machine is malfunctions and standing before him is Leorio as a toddler. He repeatedly begins to insist that Kurapika is a woman to which Kurapika is so annoyed by that he ends up yelling at a literal child. (By the way, Toddler Leorio still has the voice of a fully grown man as he continues to insult Kurapika.)
What on earth do you mean that are multiple episodes revolving around a robot that Leorio had built to perfectly resemble Kurapika? He had attempted to use it for cleaning and to take care of him while he was sick, only, Kurapika-robo starts to malfunction at the very mention of a spider's web and begins to repeatedly scream "chain" as it pelts Leorio with an actual chain. (Gon and Killua are even aware of the robot's existence while Kurapika himself remains oblivious of the whole charade until one of the very last episodes, where he walks in, shocked to find his mechanical evil twin. Leorio's only reaction to being caught is to exclaim "Ah the real one!!")
Speaking of Leorio, what on earth do you mean these audios consist of episodes of Leorio falling off Heaven's Arena, Leorio almost dying in an avalanche, Leorio getting lost in space....? (In short, Leorio goes through a lot but he has plot armor and Kurapika's assistance so it’s ok.)
And speaking of Kurapika, what on earth do you mean Leokuraudio has one of the most stoic characters within the entire series actually end up giving in to his phenomenal sense of humor? They really had him interrupting Leorio just to scream "that was ball!" in response to his attempted english pronunciations. There are so many more instances in which he does sassy shit like this too.
What on earth do you mean that each episode has unique, overly dramatic introduction for both Kurapika and Leorio? (There was one that specifically introduced Kurapika as the "sort of guy that when dressed as a woman gets hit on by other guys" and Leorio as "the sort of guy that when dressed as a woman gets arrested.")
What on earth do you mean that the entire comedic punchline of the "moody" audios is that they are essentially just clean parodies sensual/erotic audios from the 90’s? (described as "echi echi" by the two of them). Hearing the both of them say “soooo moody” to one another over and over again in the most suggestive voice ever was just....an experience to say the least. I truly cannot fathom how Togashi allowed these audios to air, yet, I am so grateful he did.
But it's also just mainly so fun to watch Kurapika and Leorio not be in a constant crisis and just have strings of conversation that are genuinely very sweet at times. I could go on and on, but for the sake of the length of this post, in conclusion, everything about Leokuraudio is just so utterly surreal yet so insanely hilarious. I couldn’t recommend it more.
@nanacriedpower this one is for u
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Round 1 - Side B
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Matt's faith in the show is really important and well explored; one of the first scenes of the show is Matt going to confession (or, well, talking to his priest since he's not really confessing at that point). Matt struggles a lot with what he's supposed to do; everyone's telling him to kill the villain and he kinda wants to, but he literally says: "I know my soul is damned if I take his life". He struggles with his faith and goes with his doubts to his priest, and it's beautiful—also when he finally gets a costume for his vigilanteing he chooses to dress as the devil, lol. (His priest tells him that nothing makes people run to Church faster than the feeling of having the devil on their heels.)
a lot of the show is about how he justifies his vigilante actions with his faith, and whether he's doing the right thing in trying to help people or just using it as an outlet for his anger. the literal first scene of the show has him in a confession booth talking to his priest (who is a really interesting character too). this is not the scene I was talking about but it's such an excellent scene with matt talking to his priest: https://youtu.be/XHZ3NbEIDdw
canonically catholic but dresses like a demon to be quirky
honestly i dont wanna type too much but i feel that matt is a great example of someone who battles with his faith because he rarely loses his faith but rather fights with why he was made the way he was and put through what he was. He believes himself to have the devil inside him but believes that God put him there
ok in the comics barring the most current run matt has Mostly been a non-practicing Catholic that very rarely actually does any catholic Activities but ends up falling back into the Mindset and very occasionally dramatically taking confession (ex. in that one issue where he takes confession, basically tells the father that he is uniquely terrible and is thinking about violently murdering someone and when the father says "you can be forgiven" hes like "AUGFH-- NO!!!!!!!!!!" and runs out) when he's gone through some shit. and i love that its so relatable
hello its me cct organizer. i have to come clean, i made this tournament because i need matt to win something. i dont think hell win the sadboy and he lost the ginger tournament and >:( hes my favoritest guy ever. Also @ who said he has religious trauma is wrong and i will fight u about it (nicely) on my main @usaigi
This guy so catholic he spends an ungodly amount of time just chilling in the church. And goes there whenever there is a moral conundrum about killing people being Bad even though it would solve a lot of problems and stop said people from killing other people. This happens every other episode. Matt is the Catholic Guilt Guy. There's actually a lot of catholic stuff in the show as a whole. Just a compilation would be like three whole episodes long.
Hes great hes catholic enough to not outrught murder people but not catholic enough to not fuck before marriage hes a bisexual disaster at all times hes besties with a priest might i add hes great hes my special little guy
his catholicism is a huge piece of his characterisation he was raised by nuns in a catholic orphanage, the first scene we ever see him (as an adult and not a flashback) is him going to confession, he is good friend with his priest and has regular debates with him, etc also in s3 he has a huge crisis of faith after he lost A Lot where he stops believing for a while and it's linked to his identity crisis where he actually wants to kill another person (a hard line he previously chose never to cross) and wants to be only daredevil and not matt murdock, when he is both and needs both to exist also when he was a kid his grandmother used to say "watch out for the murdock boys, they've got the devil in them" and it created a surprising lot of his issues
So he's both catholic in the comics and the show but he's More Catholic in the show. Like, raised in a catholic orphanage by nuns (ONE OF WHICH IS HIS *MOTHER*), second scene in the show has him in a confession box kind. Matt Murdock goes out and gets the shit beaten out of him nightly and also beats the shit out of other people and purposefully leaned into devil iconography as his theme. When his nurse friend says, he takes a lot of punishment without one complaint he says "That part's the Catholicism." It is a Core Aspect of his character (at least in the show). He makes me insane. Also the same chemicals that blinded him created the teenage mutant ninja turtles and everyone should know that.
They went to confession to a priest who they had saved as their costumed counterpart and the guy recognized them by the voice, proving that it's possible and everyone else is just dumb
he takes "i wanna fight god" to new and incredibly violent levels, while also being a sweetheart and a goofball
Actually strictly WILL NOT kill criminals. Goes wayyy out of his way to avoid it. Fights with the Punisher about it. Goes to confession booth after nightly vigilante excursions. Feels so much guilt. "How have you been holding up?" "Like a good Caltholic boy" "that bad huh" - actual conversation with his priest
So Daredevil struggles with his mission as a crime fighter because killing criminals goes against his faith. He makes it a point to not kill criminals, believing that even bad people deserve a second chance. This philosophy puts him at odds against The Punisher, who is a relentless killer. As a Catholic myself, while I love the concept of a morally conflicted superhero, I think the worldbuilding around Daredevil is lacking. If he struggles with violence and killing, why doesn't he pray to warrior saints like Saint Michael, Saint Ignatius of Loyola (a former knight), or Saint Joan of Arc? Why isn't there a community of other Catholics he can turn to for guidance, considering New York City has a sizeable population of Catholics? And why are the churches he goes to always empty? Doesn't he know that the Catholic Church supports the just war theory? I think that would have made his burden more bearable.
He goes to church and confesses to punching people and says "imma do it again can i apologize in advance" and the father dude says "no you're meant to stop now" and Matt says "no" and they do this everyday. I'm not remembering it properly but this is a canon interaction i swear
HELLO HI YES I LOVE HIM AND WILL INFOR DUMP ok so. he is a vigalantty and he got named daredevil and he is an orphan and after the age of 12 was raised in an orphanage at a Catholic church and his therapist is his priest via confession abd. also his mother is a nun he has a whole mental breakdown over god and called Job a pussy because he liked god until he got better and liked god again he said "I'm dearedrvil and not even god can stop that now" and he's so cool
matt is a freakish little babygirl who was raised by nuns and definitely has religious trauma. i hate him so much (affectionately)
he’s literally fucking insane about it i don’t know what to say here. he thinks he’s chosen by god to go on some sort of holy quest to save hell’s kitchen. joan of arc ass.
i already know hes in by default j just wanted to give him a personal shout out i love this angsty catholic dweeb
how practicing he is depends on the run, but in my favorite he is quite literally confessing to a member of the last extant order millitant who happens to be a priest at a church in hells kitchen.
i love him for having the funniest version of a trope i usually hate (person gets into confession booth and asks forgiveness not for what they've done, but for what they're about to do). usually this trope just looks silly to me bc like. the priest would just say "i can't do that" and you would have to either awkwardly explain yourself or just Leave. it's funny when matt does it because fr. lantom is probably like "what are you gonna do???" and matt's like "lol. lmao. 😊 hehehe." anyway we love this angry catholic man who dresses up like the devil to beat people up in hell's kitchen
I'm pretty sure you've already got plenty of submissions for her so I'll just say she was raised in what is basically a cult (technically a nunnery but let's be real) dedicated to keeping the body of the thing that will kill God behind the rock. One of their prayers is actually "I pray the rock is never rolled away". Harrow is extremely devout as penance for her earlier heretical actions in the tomb as a child (spoiler!) so the Catholic guilt really comes through
imagine being a catholic nun and you meet god, but it turns out he’s a twitch streamer from new zealand who became god because everything got a little bit out of hand. and just before you met him you gave yourself a diy grief-fuelled lobotomy with the help of your best frenemy. imagine how insane you’d be. now multiply that insanity by nine. that’s the fictional love of my life right there.
she meets god. she’s not inspired
she’s number one practitioner of space Catholicism. The locked tomb is chock full of Christian (catholic) imagery themes metaphors etc. just look at her she’s got a bone rosary
They're Catholicism with extra bones. Everyone is a nun. They have what is basically a rosary made from knuckle bones. They technically worship the same God as everyone else, but they're waaaay more focused on The Body in the Tomb (Mary) and we get a moment where we find out that while everyone else prays the equivilent of The Lords Prayer, they're doing the equivilent of Hail Mary. And they paint their faces with skulls.
She thinks leaving dry bread in a drawer is taking care of someone. She's in love with a 10,000 year old corpse (the same one they worship). She spent ALL NIGHT digging with her bare hands to make sure a field had bones every 5 feet so she could fight her girlfriend - I mean, greatest enemy. Spoiler territory: She's been puppeting her parents corpses since she was 8 years old. Instead of grieving her dead girlfriend, she gives herself a lobotomy. She makes soup with bone in it so she can use the bone IN THEIR STOMACH to try and kill them.
The author is/was Catholic and the entire series had heavy Catholic overtones. https://www.tor.com/2020/08/19/gideon-the-ninth-young-pope-and-the-new-pope-are-building-a-queer-catholic-speculative-fiction-canon/ A good breakdown of how it's Catholic
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ididit-allofit-foryou · 7 months
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RIP to my friend nixie. they stopped watching SPN after season 11. and asked about the finale. i wanted to immortalize what i sent (which includes a recap of seasons 12-15 so they would Understand.) so. read on if you wish, this monstrosity is going under the cut lol
so. in season 12 lucifer possesses the president of the united states (dont worry about it) & impregnates one of the president's staff members who was banging the president behind closed doors, republican Kelly Kline. through a series of events, cas winds up being the Adoptive Father. kid is born, but he had opened a rift to a different alternate universe the show so eloquently named 'apocalypse world'. it is a world where sam & dean were never born. through Another series of events, team free will PLUS mary winchester (yeah shes back from the dead, amara brought her back, dont worry about it lol) & cas tries to kill lucifer. he thinks he did, comes back through , and hes like there for .02 seconds before lucifer pops through & stabs cas. cas dies. mary beats up lucifer with angel brass knuckles or whatever & they fall through the rift & it closes. they are trapped there. at this exact moment, jack kline (kelly kline & lucifer/mr. president's baby) is being born. sam runs into the house to Check On That. dean however, falls to his knees next to cas's body & looks up desperately to the sky. (the cw said Not to read into this. it means Nothing. destiel who?!) also kelly died in child birth. bc spn Hates women.
thats the end of season 12.
season 13, we have jack. he popped out a fully fledged like. 19? 20? 21 year old?? bc his mom said he would have to Grow Up Fast. dean wraps cas's body in a curtain. alone. and is like crying & devastated. the bois and jack burn cas's body & dean looks like he wants to off himself (& he tries to in like. the next episode but Death brings him back). (also sorry im sooo bad at summary lol). we have the Widower Arc where dean bargains with a silent god to bring back cas, but Nothing. and dean is just fucking depressed as all shit. suddenly! cas is back!! BECAUSE jack heard dean yelling at sam about how its jacks fault cas is dead bc when jack was a fetus he showed cas a Vision of how he could bring Paradise On Earth if they allowed him to live (they wanted to kill him bc. like. Spawn Of Satan & all that). so jack uses his Powers™️ & brings cas back from the dead! yay!! a lot of other shit happens & the Empty (which is like. the Entity that encases all the angels & demons when they die, & where cas was when he was dead) Does Not Like that cas escaped. so, it wants to take jack to get back at cas. cas is like 'no fuck off thats my son lets make a deal. take me back instead' & the empty is like 'ok bitch 2 can play that game. i WILL take you. but ONLY when you experience a Moment Of True Happiness™️'. & cas is like 'bet.' bc! hes a depressed mf & figures it would take a Miracle to make him Truly Happy. (pls keep this in mind, its a surprise tool for later). ummm so yeah season 13.
season 14 had like. ANOTHER fucking michael/lucifer arc but it was Stupid. dean said yes to michael like the angels wanted in season fucking 4 & 5. & i dont Totally remember the plot but like. dean has michael trapped in a box in his mind & wants them to?? fucking?? put him in a warded coffin & chunk it in the ocean?? so michael will never hurt the world again?? also--its like. AU michael. and also mary is okay, & we get AU bobby & AU charlie & a lot of shit happens. anyway.
season 15: we get the Divorcr Arc™️!! dean & cas fight!! bc guess what? jack accidentally killed mary!! (yes! she died AGAIN!!) bc! he didnt know how to control his powers! & dean blames cas! so cas Leaves in a big dramatic breakup scene. we also find out that god (aka chuck) has been like. controlling Everything?? & free will Doesnt Exist?? & dean has a crisis & we get cas saying 'dean, you asked what about all of this is real. We Are.' (which we were apparently sooo crazy to read into!!) & also!? chuck brings back ALL the monsters salmon dean ever killed?? and rowena sacrifices herself to save the world! but! dont worry! she is now thenQueen Of Hell™️ & fucking THRIVING! anyway, season progresses, we get purgatory 2.0 and dean & cas are separated & dean lITERALLY GETS DOWN ON HIS OLD MAN KNEES TO PRAY TO CAS AND APOLOGIZE AND SAY HE FORGIVES HIM!! & then. a bit later. chuck starts poofing away Everyone On Earth bc he wants to destroy the multiverse. and also? death wants to kill dean i forget why. oh yeah! i think he stole her Death Book or whatever to try and see how to kill god. anyway. we have episode 15x18. Thee Episode of All Time. it starts with AU charlie and her gf. they are making eggs and vibing and all of a sudden her gf goes Poof. then sams gf Eileen goes Poof. so they round up as many friends as they can & put them in a warded place but they all go Poof. so sam is with the friends when this happens & also jack. and dean & cas have gone to the bunker to Fight Death. and. so. get ready for this. death shows up. she (yeah billie the reaper became death btw. long story) she starts to like. squeeze deans heart to kill him with magic. cas helps dean run through the bunker away from her. they get to the dungeon. death is literally banging on the door which cas had cut his palm to ward with a sigil of his blood with a knife he pulled from deans back pocket. (again: he cut his palm--another Surprise Tool For Later). deans like 'im so sorry man, we should have stayed with sam. shes gonna get in here, and shes gonna kill you, then shes gonna kill me' & cas is like 'well theres one thing strong enough to stop her' & he starts telling dean about the deal he made to save jack (yep, he never told him). and he says 'i always wondered what would break that curse. but i think i know now' & he. he fucking. he starts a speech about how he knows how dean sees himself, as a killer, a monster, daddys blunt instrument driven by anger, just like his enemies see him. BUT cas says dean is Not that. he says dean is 'the most caring man, the most loving man on earth' & deans like freaking out & is like 'why are you telling me all this? why does this sound like a goodbye??' & cas says, crying, but smiling, 'because it is' & then!! cas!! says !! 'i love you' !!!!!!!!! &&&&& death breaks down the door!! && the empty is materializing behind dean! & dean says 'dont do this cas!' & cas grabs deans LEFT SHOULDER WITH HIS BLOODY PALM! & says 'goodbye dean' & shoves him out of the way!! & the empty grabs cas!! && death!! & takes them away!!!!!! && dean is like!! freaking the fuck out sitting on the flooor with tears in his eyes!! && we cut to like. a bit later. hes Still there, crying, head in his hands, as his phone rings on the floor--its sam. end of the world, sam is calling, & he doesnt answer. we end the episode to deans crying. LIKE FUCK!!!!
15x19: they defeat god. jack like. absorbed him?? & he became god?? & then fucked off to do godly duties!? and did Not bring cas back????
(there are Theories that Chuck Won &thats why the next episode is so fucked and i Have To Agree)
anyway. so. cas is Not in the episode. at All. we have sam & dean? driving??? & there are like at LEAST 2 very Bad montages of random scenes that dont even make sense. sam & dean go to a pie eating festival. sam shoves pie in deans face. they Thengo on a case. its vampires. theres a vamp from like. season 2?? who was a minor charachter?? but they brought her back?? why??? idk. and. so. dean gets impaled on a rusty rebar nail during the fight scene in thr barn. he gives sam a long ass speech. they ?? touch foreheads for some reason??? && dean wont let sam get help??? & sam is like 'if cas were here...' & deans like 'yeah well he isnt.' like??? && then deAN FUCKING DIES??? && GOES TO HEAVEN??? && BOBBY IS THERE??? AND APPARENLY FUCKING ABUSIVE ASS JOHN LIVES DOWN THE ROAD??? && dean asks bobby 'so jack did all this?' (as in revamping heaven so people can be all together instead of separate like it used to be) & bobbys like 'well, cas helped' & then dean smiles, then goes?? & rides his car!?? bc his car is in heaven????? && we just see him driving interspersed with clips of sam on earth, burning deans body, and grieving dean, and later sam gets a blurry wife, we dont see who she is, and he has a son?? and he named him dean!? whixh we know bc the kid has on overalls that say 'dean' on them??? & then sam gets old and sits in the impala & cries while wearing a wig that looks like its from fucking party city?? then sam is on his death bed and his son is there?? && theres all these pictures around him of himsefl and dean & mary & john but?? no wife!? ans also!!? noone else like their friends?? & then sam dies & carry on my wayward son plays for like the second time in the episode. and we see dean on a bridge in heaven, he finally stopped driving & is staring off into the distance. and then he hears something behind him & smiles & we all thought 'CAS???' but NO its fuckingSAM somehow young again like whendean died?? & theylike. hug. and then it pans out & all the cast & crew are there?? and they say thank you to us for watching?? and then ?? its over?????? like Awhta thWHAT THE FUCK
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chthonicgodling · 11 months
okay so I don't know if this is in the realm of what you're in the mood of talking about BUT seeing that Loki was responsible for exploding thanatos (lol) I'm curious how well they knew each other ?? *if* they knew each other ??
this is going to be very, very, very long but before I jump behind a cut and answer your actual question, allow me to share & recap some crucial background information to paint the scene first for where we were - this was many years ago . Hmmm even this preamble is stupid long. I’m so sorry.
(OoC, around the year 2013 BUT our in-canon 5 year jump ahead took place in the middle of this duration so the actual in-canon year no longer matches up or— whatever)
the important refresher facts (and new info?) are, of course Loki falls into Elysium, the gang rehabs him, Loki comes around, sleeps around with the palace, ends up knocked up by Laphi with Fjöer; despite Loki briefly disappearing in panic he does eventually return (with… with an egg lmao) and this is NOT a crisis because Loki is learning to trust his new friends; Fjöer’s born —
Fjöer gets kidnapped to the mortal world. Loki relapses straight back into supervillainy and goes absolutely ballistic, torturing and almost murdering A Certain Key Player of A Certain Superhero Team while convinced he had something to do with it. He did not. Tory gets Fjöer back. To keep the peace in the mortal world, he promises that Loki will never, EVER leave the underworld again. To make this happen, Tory tricks Loki into eating the food of the dead, thus damning him to the Underworld in accordance with ancient magic laws. Loki (though feeling incredibly guilty) is horrified and enraged at this betrayal.
Loki proceeds to hack into the entire magical grid of the Underworld and recenters its magical essence TO HIM, now holding all the power of the whole realm in his very being and becoming the vessel for all those ancient magic binding rules so… now he can resume going wherever he pleases. This is SO dramatic that Tory fuckin rolls his eyes and gives the fuck up okay FINE LOKI YOU WIN just please don’t try to kill anyone again. ok deal:)
then our in-universe five year jump ahead takes place… now, approximately six and a half years after Loki first fell to Elysium —Loki’s just given birth to baby Rane; Tory is now heavily pregnant with his and Loki’s oopsie twins Eisa and Einmyria, it’s a high risk pregnancy made none the easier of the drama of that whole situation (long separate story). here we are. got it? good.
Now, your actual answer.
When Loki had first entered Elysium and was ~*bonding*~ with everyone, and unpicking the pieces of the trauma he’d gone through, slowly one by one the residents of the palace began to open up in very limited bits and pieces to Loki about their own tragic backstories. Curiously enough, EVERYONE’S tragic backstories centered mostly around this ONE individual, a mysterious evil god Thanatos who, Loki was informed, was currently imprisoned in Tartarus for the crime of kidnapping baby Neo, just before Loki had arrived.
Though everyone was kinda hesitant to share all the gory intimate details with this uhh, hostile stranger, as time went on and Loki opened up himself and everyone became friends Loki gathered more and more bits and pieces of info and found himself learning quite a bit about Thanatos. More than anything, Loki was taken aback by how much of an influence he’d had on so MANY lives, how much terror and fear he’d inflicted upon all these lovely people Loki had just met and kindave liked . Loki also was very alarmed by the thought of having such an alleged huge threat living in a jail cell like. Just next door. hello?!!! And… finally….. he also… didn’t really believe it was possible that one singular god could be so dangerous? Like, they’d successfully arrested him, soooo. What was even the big deal.
Cocky as ever, needing to have the upper hand, perhaps taking sick pleasure in the fact that everyone would be really, really mad if they found out what Loki was doing, BUT just mostly, curious like a feral horrible little cat - Loki snuck into Tartarus. He introduced himself to Thanatos, who seemed to be slightly delirious under the influence of Epi’s poison nightmares. Assessing the big scary legend of Thanatos before his eyes as not much of a threat at all, Loki decided to become fascinated with the thought of picking through his head…. And he figured it was best and harmless to do this under the guise of socializing. Loki FUCKING MADE FRIENDS WITH HIM.
He proceeded to secretly visit him in Tartarus about once a week for FIVE ENTIRE YEARS OF THAT JUMP.
What was the harm anyway? Though annoyed that Loki kept bothering him, Thanatos clearly had been put thoroughly out of commission and he didn’t really seem to have a real grasp on where he was or that Loki was not some sort of hallucination. Still, to be safe, eventually when Loki got pregnant with Rane, he temporarily stopped his visits, resuming them but briefly after she was born, before pausing again to deal with Tory’s pregnancy. In the meantime, through those gaps…
Loki’s cocky underestimating of Thanatos was in fact a fatal mistake, because the entire time they’d been together Thanatos had faked his delirium. Only ever saying just enough to keep Loki from detecting his whole ruse was a lie, while Loki was having fucking picnics Thanatos was studying the HELL out of him.
All that Underworld magic tangled up within him was accessible to Thanatos due to his own standing realm as God of Death, enmeshed into the Underworld himself - and without Loki detecting a thing, Thanatos spent five years discreetly SIPHONING out the powers to control the realm that Loki had amassed. Slowly but surely. Little bits, so that Loki wouldn’t notice.
During the double maternity leave, Thanatos from his jail cell managed to get ahold of Chal, who (VERY PRE EVERYTHING THIS WAS LIKE THREE YEARS BEFORE HER WHOLE THING) was loose in Tartarus trying to escape Ker again. Thanatos had now collected enough of the Underworld’s magic to track down the information about how to get the keys or whatever that locked him in. He sent Chal off to find that key and break him out. Eventually - Chal ✨did this.✨ Thanatos was now LOOSE, and they escaped together off the grid.
The palace discovered Thanatos was loose because, (secretly at this point), he now had a whole litany of magic abilities and he just started APPEARING in television screens and mirrors of the palace that November to give villainous speeches - clearly out of prison, clearly of his usual “sound mind”, and clearly making HUGE THREATS. The palace went into FULL LOCKDOWN panic and Epi and Loki - Tory was way too pregnant! - split up to go find him.
Loki found him (and Chal - what the fuck this was Thanatos’s kid??! This wobbly teenager?! Loki made a mental note to do something about that much later👀) immediately. In this confrontation, Thanatos played delirious again and Loki STILL WILDLY UNDERESTIMATING HIM, but slightly shaken at how panicked his friends at the palace were, made Thanatos promise to leave the palace alone in exchange for Loki not ratting him out and turning him in. Batting his eyelashes, Thanatos agreed. His own secret shield of magic he’d built successfully blocked out Loki’s built in lie detector - and, crucially, unwise to the tips and tricks of the Underworld, Loki did NOT make him swear an unbreakable oath. He,, took him at face value?!?! And flounced back to the palace to announce that he couldn’t find him but he probably would not cause any trouble.
And then Thanatos began to project himself into the palace.
You know Loki’s little clones? Haha since fucking when did Thanatos know how to do that?! Though these clones were not solid and he couldn’t lay a finger on anyone, he began to terrorize verbally everyone hiding within the palace, all the people he’d hurt - Maci. Eury. Hypnos. Hess. Bullied away again and again by Epi and Loki - keeping Tory far away, who again ahhhhh high risk pregnancy! - but coming back more and more, just over the span of mere hours, days, the palace began to break down into psychological torment - and the more time these Thanatos clones spent around Loki - the more he began to draw from him and. Oh god. Oh no. FEELING THE CHANGE, Loki realized what was happening. He realized what he’d done and enabled. In a rare moment of respite, He confessed. EVERYONE WAS FUCKING FURIOUS, just at his show of cocky hubris especially now that Loki, in increasing panic, was admitting that he’d grossly underestimated the danger of Thanatos and - LOKI, OH MY GODS, YOU DID THIS, FIX IT BEFORE SOMEONE GETS HURT. Thanatos was growing too powerful and Loki could no longer locate him oh my god oh my god oh nNOOO—
Unsure if Thanatos was copying his magic or fully DRAINING it away and, in horror suspecting the latter, Loki quickly began to formulate a plan with Epi. The Underworld magic he held within himself was meant to protect him and if he could somehow trigger that Defense mode into action, then surely that would be powerful enough to knock Thanatos out enough to— idk, figure it out from there? But how to trigger that? He and Epi began testing by fuckin attacking the shit out of Loki (after all this, Epi was more than happy to do this 😌) and letting that power indeed force field him back in retaliation so now it was just a matter of honing that to be stronger.
Before he could perfect it, Thanatos figured out how to make a partially solid clone, and straight from the balcony of the palace, kidnapped - um. a certain nymph of great importance to Loki (staring directly at the camera bc…. you know,, but this, is in progress due to Circumstances and may change, not important who this is rn!) OKAY WELL NO MORE TIME TO WASTE GO GET THIS FUCKING BASTARD NOW — Epi used dreams to find where [redacted] was being kept and they went on the attack.
But this was a trap - luring Loki there was all according to plan, because what Loki didn’t account for in his tests was how his defense magic would react to going up against ANOTHER budding vessel of the Underworld. And when Thanatos - who HAD figured this out - attacked him, that power rushed back — and Thanatos caught it.
draining Loki of almost everything within him and ✨also stabbing him✨ Thanatos now fucking controlled all the magic of the Underworld AND THAT INCLUDED THE ELYSIUM BARRIER. He collapsed the barrier that kept him physically out of the palace and went straight there, Epi tearing after him, Loki weakened and dying and collapsed in a heap. He broke into the palace - trapped Epi into a little bubble barrier of magic that he couldn’t get out of - and in a scene of utter chaos proceeded to get to attack Maci, Hess - Icy in the playroom before Meli managed to shield the rest of the kids away - Eury, in front of Epi - Tory, pregnant and hidden away was next once he found him and —
Loki reappeared.
The Underworld’s magic had bound himself to HIM. It was intwined within his bones, his genes. He’d done the work, laid the spells, it was loyal to HIM and not the leech who’d torn it from him.
Thanatos uncontrollable and unstoppable, his full unhinged reign of carnage, in his absolute peak hysterical villainy - it had been so long, so many attempts, he was completely insane unraveled by this point - screaming and GLOATING and grinning and advancing - stopped suddenly in his tracks as Loki staggered in the hallway and reached out to him. Bleeding out, Loki understood very very well now the threat that Thanatos really was and always had been.
The Underworld’s magic felt Loki reach for it with a snarl. And it stretched out to return to the vessel it properly belonged in…… all at once.
Thanatos exploded.
*twirls hair* and so Umm. in short..,,, um. yeah.
they knew each other. :)
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
May I ask why exactly you dislike Infinite Darkness? I thought it had a pretty solid story and I found Leon pretty good. I'd love to hear your elaborated opinion. :)
I haven't watched ID since it first came out, so I can't give you a super detailed breakdown of it, but here's what I do remember:
I felt like the writers didn't know what they wanted Leon to actually be in terms of like... which side of his character they wanted to show off. He seems to go through sudden mood swings, and I remember at several points just being like "Dude he's all over the place. Is he off his meds or what's going on here?"
There were a lot of moments that were just logistical nonsense. Again, I can't remember exactly, but I do remember going "so are they ever going to explain that?" And "how the fuck did she even get there?" At several points.
Like, I do remember Leon fucking shooting Jason in the heart for treason, but when Shen May engages in the exact same shit that Leon called treason, he just went "WELL I'LL JUST SEE WHERE THIS GOES IG. DON'T WANNA JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS..." like homie you just fucking murdered a man over this what do you mean???? I know you want to fuck her but Jesus christ.
Infinite Darkness did Claire so dirty that I straight up cannot remember what the fuck she was even doing in it. The only thing I remember about Claire in ID is her getting kidnapped and having to rescue herself. And then she and Leon get into a big dumb fight at the end, AND THE FIGHT ITSELF MAKES NO SENSE
omg it's coming back to me now. If Leon's intention was to withhold evidence from Claire, why the fuck bother to tell her that he'd salvaged the evidence at all?? There was no fucking reason for him to do that. Like, was he trying to just hold it over her head and be a dick about it? What the fuck was the intention there? "hey Claire I got the thing that you've spent the entire plot duration looking for. And I'm not going to give it to you. See? See it in my hand? I have it. Not for you, though. Get fucked."
And then for Claire to get that pissed at him and rag on him for his bad judgement and decision-making and then NOT throw Sherry in his face or mention her at all is like... why. What's the point. Why did you manufacture this stupid drama between them when there was already something there that you could have used that was more organic and would make more sense???
I'm getting mad all over again LMAO
And also like!! The whole thing with Leon having a crisis about how he doesn't feel like a hero YET STILL LOOKS ASHLEY'S DAD IN THE FACE EVERY SINGLE DAY AND THE SHOW GOES OUT OF ITS WAY TO SHOW PHOTOS OF HER?? There was no acknowledgement of the fact that Leon actually saved her and did do a good thing, and I don't know why or how they just missed it and instead had to resort to that Patrick jobber to try to tell Leon "no it's OK man you're still a hero to me" like what the fuck
And the fucking
Villainous plot
It was the fucking Jenova Project. IT WAS JUST THE JENOVA PROJECT. Someone in the US government played FF7 and then turned around and went "HEY I GOT A REALLY BAD IDEA" and started putting dudes in tubes and fucking with their genetic makeup.
I actually said the words out loud while watching "so is Jason Sephiroth??????"
Shen May's entire character was completely worthless, she accomplished nothing and died for nothing. And Jason trying to give a sad, dramatic monologue while he's a big gross bulging Birkin monster was one of the funniest things in RE ever, and that was super not the intention by the writers for that scene.
It was just a mess. It was a mess of missed opportunities and bad plot decisions made by stupid characters who accomplish nothing.
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itsseohannbin · 5 months
thank you for the tag Pookie!! @feelbokkie
Get To Know Me!
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❣ Who is your favorite Kpop group?
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Stray Kids is my main group, but I'm also dabbling in some others, like Ateez, Big Bang, iKon, Enhypen, Astro, The Boyz, NewJeans, BlackPink, BTS/Jungkook. (One OK Rock & The Rose are also heavily loved but idk if they qualify as Kpop or not?)
❣ Which member sparked your interest first?
I think my answer is the same as nearly every other Stay out there.... Lee Felix Yongbok.
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he's just such a sweet lil cinnamon roll with the voice of a devil. his smile got me first, cause hello? look at it and tell me you aren't melting!!?? (being considered the embodiment of sunshine by all my close friends/family of course only heightened the adoration I had for him). I truly and utterly adore him sm 😊
❣ Who was your first bias?
Han Jisung, obviously 🙄🙄 smooth lil bitch that he is..
I mean, look at this smol bean :(
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He is absolutely adorable, and he held my heart for such a long period of time before Binnie came along out of nowhere and shut that shit down LOL
it's almost like I convinced myself Han was my bias and Changbin was my number 1 bias wrecker, when in reality, it was the complete opposite. Bin has always been #1 with Han fighting for his chance in #2.
❣ Who is your current bias?
I think I've made it abundantly clear over the last few days 6 months lmao help who my heart truly belongs to, and it's this fucking dude right here omg.
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juST LOOK AT HIM!! Boba eyes, curly hair, plushy lips 🥺🥺
I just wanna hold him😭😭
I denied it for so so SO LONGGGGG and I'm so ashamed that I did because the moment I was like "fuck, yeah, this is the one," I felt like I could breathe properly for the first time since becoming a STAY LOL.
I had a little dramatic moment with a Chan Bias Friend of mine about the whole ordeal (thank you again for Syd for holding me through that crisis bc lord it was a big one!), and told her that I feel like I've been wearing beer goggles for my entire journey as a STAY and I just now took them off, and the world seems so much clearer now.. everything makes so much more sense LOL. We always talk about how your bias is most like you and your wrecker is what you look for most in a partner, but it's the complete opposite for me. Changbin truly has my entire heart and I could not be happier knowing it's him that's protecting it
❣ What makes them your bias?
This is a loaded question, but I'll try to explain it as clear and concise as possible.
I fucking adore this man.
So so fucking much.
It's so true that you don't find Stray Kids in your time of need, they find you. Changbin found me. 6 months or so ago, I had an "oh shit" moment where I kind of realized that it's been Binnie all along, but I wanted to deny it and stay loyal to Han because he was my first and I was determined to keep him as my #1.. but after my Binnie moment, I started going HARD. I watched everything. interviews, skz-codes, live performances, tiktoks, vlogs, skz-talkers, the entirety of Kingdom LW then all the way back to music videos and the bts for the mv's. I became obsessed, not just with all of the members, but with Binnie. His personality is so so sweet and so genuine and so raw that I couldn't help but gravitate towards him. His duality, his personality, his stage presence. It was overwhelming in the best way possible. He's become such a safe space for me over the course of the last year and a half that I've been apart of the STAY community and been a fan of the group. His encouraging words, his gentle and loving presence, his loud and confident personality. All of it.
He's unknowingly helped me come to terms with my eating disorder and helped me stay on a healthy and positive path in my journey to self-love. He taught me the importance of our bodies and how to properly take care of the body you were born with. He taught me how to stick to my principles and never stray from my own beliefs, no matter what people around me have to say/do about it. He taught me how to appreciate the family I was blessed with, and that yes, sometimes it is nice to just dance with them in snow. He taught me confidence and self-acceptance in ways no trainer or therapist ever could. He's helped me accept myself, helped me realize that life is not about the journey, but who you spend the journey with. He's taught me to Never let the fear of being myself, stop me from being myself (this one is so fucking huge and so fucking important to me, you'll never understand). He is such a huge inspiration for me. I can't get over how much I love him and how much I owe to him and his existence. I see posts and tiktoks all the time about how Changbin is like everyones own personal happy pill, and he truly is.
I could go into very specific details with video timestamps, specific lyrics, tiktoks and moments where my love for him was solidified more and more, but I feel like we would be here all day and I want to keep this post short and sweet.
So yes, I adore Changbin and his presence in my life. He is truly an inspiration in so many aspects and I just cannot imagine a life without him, or the rest of SKZ, in it.
❣ Who is your bias wrecker?
For the longest time possible, it was a Seungmin. The little menace he is. It was him, and then I had a moment where I slowly starting veering off towards Minho, cause he's like, the king of menaces and Seungmin is just his little menace-in-training. Then it went back to Seungmin after watching most of Kingdom: Legendary War and seeing his performance in I'll Be Your Man and Love Poem.
THEN as of the most recent two comebacks, Hyunjin shows up and is like "hello I'm here too. I also require your attention". But truthfully, I think I've come to accept the fact that I'm a Changbin bias, but OT7 wrecked on the daily, because each and every member wrecks me in different ways.
Bangchan with his astounding hardwork and adoring personality. Lee Know as the king of menaces/ultimate butt hunter. Hyunjinnie with his passion and love for all the art and beauty in the world. Han with his dedication and lyrics that always hit so close to home. Felix for his rays of sunshine, demonic voice and heart of gold. Seungmin for his shy and guarded personality but the prince following in the King's foot steps. and INNIE?? BABY BREAD??? No baby bread ain't a baby bread anymore, he's a freakin' Daddy Toast and I'm uNWELL
Hannie definitely holds the top spot for bias wrecker (hello he was demoted from #1 so it only makes sense for him to fall to #2), but the remaining 6 are fighting for the title on a daily basis. It's very concerning LOL
❣ Which member(s) are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
As of right now, I cannot for the life of me get Channie out of my fucking head. Idk what it is lately, but there's just something about Chan that takes up all my attention. Maybe it's the excessive amounts of fics I've been reading and writing for him, but he's just someone who captivates your attention and absolutely requires you to keep it on him. It's frustrating but I'm also not complaining.
❣ When did you first discover this group?
I first heard of SKZ by the boyfies little sister who is a die hard kpop fan. When I first met her when she was 11 or 12, she was a big fan of BTS, and I tried to bond with her over Kpop, although it was something I never thought I'd ever get into, and she was like "well, BTS isn't for everyone. Have you listened to SKZ?" and she showed me Gods Menu and like one of their early SKZ Codes, and I was like "alright, they're pretty cool. Demonic voice sunshine boi, fast rapper #1, fast rapper #2, maniacal little puppy, ethearal fairie who likes to touch butts, best leader, tiny baby with large hands and pretty artist." but after that I didn't really give them a second thought.
Then, in January of 2023, I started a new job with my lifelong best friend who I hadn't caught up with in a long time, and she was obsessed.. she had already been apart of Stayville since maxident, and she got our other friend into them as well, so when we spent every break and lunch hour together scrolling through tiktoks and listening to her gush about how amazing these men were, I was like, alright. I'll give them a shot. If my best friend adored something so much, who am I to not give them a shot and see what all the fuss was about.
She showed me the MAMA 2022 performance and from there, I was hooked.
Thank you Kennie for bringing these losers into my life.
❣ Have you ever been to one of their concerts?
I have not. I've seen so many concert videos and tiktoks of others living out the ultimate dream and I am so so jealous. I really hope they come to Canada on their next tour. I will be absolutely devastated if they don't, but I am fully willing to road trip down to any state at any time to see them live. I will not miss another concert. I will not.
❣ What are some of your favorite songs by the group?
oh fuck.
okay uhm, lets see...
Case 143
Give Me Your TMI
Thunderous (definitely getting a Thunderous tattoo)
Sorry, I love you
Venom/Maniac (First performance I watched)
Waiting For Us
Gods Menu (first song I heard)
EASY ??!!!!??
TOP (holy fuck incredible song 10/10)
Back Door (first choreo I learned)
Get Lit
LOL it's really hard to pick favorites when their entire discography is played on repeat 24/7. There is not one song I skip while listening to my SKZ playlist. Not one!
No presh tags :) || @moonlightndaydreams @channieandhisgoonsquad @bethanysnow @noellllslut @queenmea604
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pleeease tell me more about this drug dealer/sex worker/rich client au you're rotating in your mind. it sounds incredible
Ok so I project onto Ed and I'm a sex worker, so, that's where this AU is born from. It's not my only job I do it as a side hustle the way that people sell bottle cap earrings on Etsy, but that's not the energy I necessarily have for this au.
So basically Ed's an out and out hooker, a sleep with clients for your only job kinda hooker, been doing it since he was young. Started working the street and then through a series of being extra charismatic to the right people he started a rapport with some more prestigious ladies of the night and wealthier johns and became one of those fancy high end escorts. Jack is a drug dealer whose one of Ed's clients from back in the day and they're... friends? I guess. He's also over time worked his way up in that industry so he keeps being able to afford Ed's increasing rates and they hang out outside of fucking so Jack is getting the friends discount, the only reason he still has to pay is because they were escort and client before they were friends and Ed's not gonna tell him to stop paying him. Now, Stede is a very rich guy who is having a sexuality crisis and he deals with that by paying an escort (Ed) behind his wife's back, just to try it out. Ed is actually kind of sick of his job, but this isn't like a oh poor hooker who needs to be saved thing its just a "used to like doing this, not really having fun anymore, but what else am I gonna do? Other things also sound like they suck pretty bad and mostly I just want to retire." And then he meets Stede who is like truly so sweet to him (which in my experience a lot of clients are actually rather sweet) and they click really well and they continue seeing each other, but Ed's life and Stede's life are very different. Like Ed's got all these criminal connections and he uses drugs recreationally (but in a non addict way where you like do a little bit on the weekends at a party and then be done the next day because like 90% of why I would write this fic if I did is because every time hookers and drug users get portrayed they're always very self destructive and while I respect those people and know some of them that is simply not my experience of sex work or drug use) vs Stede who has up to this point been very straight laced, but is having the most dramatic midlife crisis imaginable. So what ends up happening is Ed accidentally enables Stede to go careening off the rails, because he was always gonna do that, if it wasn't with Ed it was gonna be with some other hooker and his opportunist drug dealer bff.
Now, I mentioned this fic in the tags on a post about Izzy. That said this is not an Izzy fic, this is a blackbonnet fic with Jack causing problems in a non antagonist way on the side where the end game is Stede gets a divorce and Ed gets to retire on Stede's dime and they fall madly in love and Stede gets better because he's no longer in a failing marriage or trying to lead a double life. However if I had to put Izzy in it Izzy would be an annoying client of Ed's who is transparently in love with him in a creepy way, but if I were to actually write the fic I'd be a thousand times more likely to include Frenchie, for example, than I would be to include Izzy, just because if I'm gonna make Ed semi well adjusted he needs at least one non Jack friend and Frenchie is your guy, when looking for an Ed bestie.
Like I certainly don't want to romanticize sex work or drug use but I do absolutely want to de-stigmatize it. Like all of 5 people would read this fic if I wrote and published it so it's not that serious but also sex work is truly just a job and it is possible for some people to use drugs without without becoming addicted. And you know these guys are murderers for their job in universe so I don't see why I can't have an au where they do way less sketchy crimes than that.
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palant1r · 2 years
hi hello this is definitely too loud a question what the HELL happened in genshin impact recently. people who I've rarely or never seen post GI art are drawing this blue edition Scaramouche (?)
I've understood he died and got revived but I know nothing beyond that? Why is everyone going ape please enlighten me
ok so basically. during the sumeru story quest we found out that the akademiya was basically working with the fatui, and we had to break out of a dream time loop they put everyone in to harvest the dreams of everyone to power the creation of a new god. the new god in question being scaramouche in a giant EVA lookin machine, which dottore made. over the course of this we learn scaramouche has been dottore's experimental subject for like Centuries and its been pretty painful. so after we broke the dendro archon out of Library Prison, we went to beat this new god. which we did. and scaramouche was all like NOOOO DONT TAKE MY ELECTRO GNOSIS but we did anyway and he fell out of his mech and ended up in a coma. then the traveler does some other stuff and comes back to sumeru city like "boy that scaramouche guy sure was an asshole im glad nahida (the dendro archon) has him under control" and then immediately sees scaramouche just. walking around. so we go to nahida's house and find that, because scaramouche was almost a god, he still has a connection to irminsul, the world tree that has all of teyvats knowledge, and nahidas basically been using him as her irminsul tech guy. scaramouche is still an asshole but hes fine with this arrangement because he believes he only has worth as a person if hes useful to someone, and he'll no longer be accepted by the fatui because he failed to not have his ass beaten by us. we go into irminsul with scaramouche so he can try to find info about our sister and hes actually like. helpful. like hes still a dick about everything but hes helpful. but in the process we learn his Backstory where, after being cast out by Ei, he went to tatarasuna and befriended the workers there but everything went tits up and he came to believe that his bestie there killed a guy. turns out that was all Dottore's doing, his bestie didn't actually kill that guy, and scaras like. yo what the fuck. so you're telling me my wanton revenge on like Everyone in inazuma was unwarranted? and hes like. hey traveler. is it possible to use irminsul to erase the past? traveler doesn't respond but our expression betrays us (because we used irminsul to erase the memory of a wholeass god from the fuckin timeline earlier, long story) and hes like kk bye and proceeds to erase himself from the timeline. we wake up and paimon doesn't remember scaramouche but we do because the traveler isnt affected by what goes on in irminsul since theyre not from teyvat. we go to inazuma and find out all the Bad Stuff in scara's backstory still happened, just through different means. turns out nahida figured this might happen and stored another copy of scaramouches backstory by writing it like an abstracted fairytale where scaramouche is literally a kitten. poor little meow meow indeed. so now we're like. well. scara erased the memory of him but not himself so he should still be around here somewhere? we then find him immediately in his new blue drip helping out a merchant who sheltered him in the rain and hes just. a Nice Guy. just a Wholesome Little Lad with no memories who just calls himself Wanderer. not for long though cuz we drag this bitch back to Nahida and shes like "i got ur memories dude do u want em" and hes like "well i suppose im down for a good ol Journey Through My Psyche" which we then embark on. and at the end we fight a dream version of his big ol god mech. and at this point our little Wanderer boy is kinda having an identity crisis. nahida gives him back all his memories as the traveler fights to protect him and theres a dramatic cutscene and shit and then he gets an anemo vision. and we get to play as him beating his own ass. then afterward he says he'll probably still help out nahida but is also gonna make all those who manipulated and hurt him pay, go girlboss. and lets the traveler name him (i chose Eurus, the east wind).
so, in conclusion: we learned that scaramouche is actually a poor little meow meow with a tragic backstory whos been tortured for centuries and believes that he is nothing if hes not useful to someone and joined up with the fatui because he believed a gnosis was the only way to become whole and what he was meant to be, that without the burdens of his past he is fundamentally a good and nice person, and now hes a bratty little antihero who wants vengeance on those who wronged him and is coming to terms with his past. so thats why everyones going ape
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groovyghostie · 2 years
Aksmfkdn, okay, those tags about combining the Bard King being Ryker's ex with Restoncest are a new idea to me, but that is Intriguing. I'm already thinking of a few ways it could be funny or dramatic, care to share any of your own thoughts? (no pressure to, ofc)
Ok, so, general thoughts, not organized whatsoever
Roman was everything Ryker had. It took a while to eventually arrive in Reston, though Roman was still too young to remember anything before. That bond was completely unbreakable by the time they had a community around them. It was them vs the world.
Aunt Patty lost track of Ryker for a while when he and the Bard King got together. She found him again a few months after he and Roman settled in Reston, and he was completely broken. He's still somewhat shut off to her, even in the present canon.
Roman grew up in that emotional environment that everything Ryker went through caused. Because Ryker was so protective and closed off to everyone, Roman got the impression that his father was the only person he could really, really trust without either of them really realizing.
When Ryker realized his feelings about his son had turned into something else, he was really torn up about it. He avoided Roman to an extent by throwing himself into guarding the town.
A few months before Youngblood came to Reston, Roman confronted Ryker about his suspicions that he was avoiding him.
Roman had realized pretty much as soon as he fully understood romantic and sexual attraction that he felt that way about his dad. He kept it to himself because he also understood that most people did not feel that way about their family.
During the confrontation, Ryker shut down completely and wasn't saying much of anything, just excuses about having to work and the town needing him.
Roman yelled about it not being fair, that he needed him too.
Neither of them were really aware it was about to happen, so no one initiated it, but they kissed.
They both felt guilty, but it kept happening.
Then Roman left. They didn't really talk about it, but Ryker knew how badly Roman wanted to have an adventure, and Roman knew he had to make Ryker proud of him.
Roman learned to trust people other than Ryker and Aunt Patty (to an extent) for the first time ever.
My basic concept that I've been trying to get to with this is that there was something about being near Ryker, some sort of magic going on, that kept the Bard King from knowing where Roman was. Maybe Ryker got someone to do that for him, maybe it was just something that happened by accident.
When Roman left, the Bard King was delighted to know it was with Youngblood and influenced the path they took to get them to Neon.
In the fanfic I probably won't write, the Bard King finds out about the thing between Ryker and Roman, probably through spying on Roman when he admits to Youngblood and Noise what his relationship with his dad is. The Bard King then reveals to Roman that he's his other parent.
Roman kind of has a crisis, but the Bard King manages to manipulate him into becoming close with him, despite Youngblood and Noise's best efforts to stop this. I'm thinking Youngblood and Noise go back to Reston, pursued by anyone the Bard King could afford to send away from Neon, and they tell Ryker what happened.
Ryker leaves with them to go to Neon, having to confront his past and his feelings for Roman that they never really communicated about.
I don't think this has a happy ending tbh. Whether Ryker doesn't make it to the end of this story or the relationship between Ryker and Roman is never the same, I'm not getting good vibes from this plot bunny.
That got way longer than it was supposed to. Wow. That was what I was thinking, though.
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purpleprey · 8 months
Chapter 5: Dead Gun
I woke up to my three companions crowded around me, staring at me with wildly tired eyes.
“What are you doing?” I asked in my smooth, deep, sexy voice (due to popular demand). “Have you been standing there all night?”
“Yeah.” Venus said, deprived of his usual sexiness, just as he was deprived of his sleep.
“What was with your freak out last night?” Elysium queried, sounding both concerned and irritated. But I didn’t really know what she was talking about :/. I quirked my eyebrow in confusion and asked her huskily what she meant.
She blushed momentarily before continuing “You just started screaming to yourself, is your head ok?? I slapped you pretty hard…” she fidgeted nervously with her hands.
“Oh, my head is fine. And I wasn’t screaming to myself. I was screaming at God.” Elysium's face went blank, and so did everyone else's, including Venus though his face was usually blank.
“Y-You were speaking to … God?” Cosmic asked timidly and I glared at him.
“I know right?” I huffed, “He was all like ohhhhh thee cannot brew tea in a cold pot and the taste of cheese ripens with age and Obsidian go through the door, for the love of me and all that is holy, go through that fucking door and something about mushrooms but I’ve heard it all before,” I paraphrased mockingly. “In another life.” Elysium, Cosmic and Venus nodded in understanding.
“I’ll go get him some medicine.” Venus sighed, standing up in a fashion that suggested he assumed I was suffering from a crazed fever dream. I didn’t like being patronised so I jumped to my feet and ran to the medicine before he got the chance to administer it to me. I shoved the medicinal leaves in my gaping maw pompously (and sexily) before Venus could even say “That’s poison ivy.”
My mouth exploded in pain but I handled it. I guess I’m just built different. I clenched my chiseled jaw, looking ver hot, if I do say so myself. I began to froth lightly at the mouth, so I lifted the hem of my shirt to wipe my mouth with it, accidentally flashing my rock hard abs. I glanced sharply at the others and took note of Elly, whose face was flushed a bright red. She must be a bit jealous of my body, ripped with muscles. I gave her a wink of apology and deep platonic understanding and she fell backwards dramatically. It was just a little joke the two of us had together, I think, so I knew she was okay. Cosmic glanced down at her in concern and glanced back up at me. I winked at Cosmic to communicate what was happening but he just stared back blankly. I heard Cosmic’s thoughts race as he had an identity crisis, but I inferred it was unrelated.
With everyone’s attention on me, I decided to sing for my audience.
It went like this:
[insert song here]
I took a deep bow at the conclusion of my song as Elysium and Cosmic showered me in applause and praise. Venus tried to keep up his distracted appearance but I could tell he was impressed by my sensual ballad. The tiredness was gone from their eyes and morale was restored since I had healed them with music and love. I turned sharply and began to march to the red door I saw last night. I walked with such a sense of authority that the others couldn’t help but follow me. By the way, Venus was now holding a wooden bucket of water I presumed Cosmic had conjured with plant-based magic during the night to keep him as moist as mermanly possible.
It took us a while to reach the door and once we did, Cosmic let out a loud gasp.
“Wh-what is it!?” I asked, full of worry that something was terribly wrong, since Cosmic knows an uncomfortable amount about these sorts of places.
“Red is my favourite colour.” he answered. We all nodded in understanding. I reached out to touch the doorknob, which was burning hot, which was strange so I turned to look to the others for guidance while my hand sizzled loudly. They shrugged in unison so I simply turned the doorknob and pushed the door open.
I climbed up and out of the door, which on the other side was lying horizontally on the floor of what seemed like some old dusty library. One by one, my companions crawled out of the door as I stood up to explore. It seemed like a pretty big area with lots of ugly old bookshelves and two huge wooden desks that were also icky and dusty. Ugh, I hate libraries, always so icky. I wandered over to a surprisingly clean looking book that was on the floor between the two desks. I picked up the strange, seemingly recently used book, and I was about to examine the front cover, when I remembered Mama Leviathan told me NEVER to judge a book by its cover. I flipped through the book. It was a cookbook. But what was on the menu? I began to feel really uneasy and I looked around noting that there were no kitchen appliances or anything like that, so who could've been reading this book!?
Suddenly, I heard a loud crash come from the next room over, like someone had just knocked over a pan.
I turned to my Gang slowly, fear in my eyes.
“Guys…” I said quietly, as not to cause alarm. “This ain't no library.” I had deduced, this was in fact………. A library themed restaurant. Everyone else immediately came to the same conclusion, I could taste it on their breath. I looked back down to the cookbook and was able to confirm another suspicion of mine: these recipes were for cooking humans!
“Don’t be scared,” Elly said quietly, seeing I was scared. She took out her.. Her gun?!
“WHERE DID YOU GET THAT??” I cried. Elly winked at me conspiratorially but I simply cried harder. I was lucky, since all the cooking noises drowned out my weeping for whatever cannibal was lurking. After a few hours, Venus got fed up with my tears and slapped me. I went flying in a very sexy way. The glistening water droplets from Venus’s hand framed me cinematically as I glided through the air like a brick. It took me several hours to recover but once I did, I began to lead my posse towards the door (not the red one, the one that led to the kitchen, the kitchen door).
“Elly, you go first.” I whispered harshly, pushing Elysium (with the gun) in front of me, where I nervously held onto the fabric of the back of her shirt. We ran into the kitchen at full speed, hoping that whoever was cooking would be intimidated by us. They were not. In fact. There was no one there… but something felt suspicious since a pot on the stove was still at full boil….
“Hey,” Venus said, interrupting the tension of the moment “I need more water.” He showed me his near empty bucket and I sighed. I spotted a sink in the far corner of the room and shoved Venus towards it. He stumbled a bit, since I pushed him, but he shuffled dejectedly over to the sink as I turned to Elly to do some recon. We walked over to the pot on the stove, the one that was still at full boil. Elly reached forward and took the lid of the pot. I screamed at what we saw.
Inside the pot was a human head, bobbing in the boiling water, criminally unseasoned. I had never seen such an insult. I like to consider myself a connoisseur of cooking, a regular foodie, if you will. Though a human head wouldn't be my first, or last choice of meal, I don't want to disrespect the culture of whoever’s making this human stock, but the lack of flavour is TOO much. I began to tear up once more as I moved towards the pantry to fix this.
As I took a jar of dried bay leaves off the shelf, I was interrupted by the sound of water pipes squeaking and I turned in horror to where Venus Crypt was standing (still naked, by the way) at the sink. Venus stood, frozen and gorgeous, as a figure rose from the sink. A small figure with pink dyed hair and glasses and a fishnet shirt and short black overalls. Venus stepped backwards to give the stranger room to scramble out of the sink. She landed gracefully on all fours and looked up at us in confusion. Before I could introduce myself as Obsidian Leviathan, Elysium Forging drew her gun and shot the sink stranger. The stranger fell back onto the floor, dead. I thought it was a bit harsh of Elly, but we are dealing with a cannibal.
Presently, the stranger rose from the floor, alive. She hissed at Elly and drew out a gun of her own.
“My name is Cougar Husbandry.” Announced the girl who seemed like she turned 18 on the 23rd of July, 2020. I could tell by the look in her green cat-like sight balls that she held a lot of ancient wisdom within. “And you have evoked my wrath.” This was insane!!
“What a stupid fucking name.” I said, provoking an enraged hiss in response from Cougar Husbandry. “Anyways, my name is Obsidian Leviathan. These are my pals: Elysium Forging, Cosmic Tomorrow and Venus Crypt.”
“I DO NOT CARE!” she yowled, shooting her own gun into the air, making chunks of the plaster ceiling rain down onto us. I didn’t like that.
I ran at Cougar and tackled her to the ground before she had a chance to shoot. I killed her. I stood up shakily, blood on my hands… I... I can't believe it… I didn't mean to.. I- Cougar Husbandry stood up and pounced on me, scratching at me with her painted nails. I ran away from her and hid behind my gang.
“WHY WON'T SHE DIE?” I sobbed and Cosmic gave me a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.
“She has nine lives, dumbass.” Venus said. I wailed. Venus, being a merman must know about these kinds of things, whatever “these kinds of things” are. Elysium shot at Cougar again, but this time, she dodged the bullet. Cougar then aimed her gun directly at Venus’ face and pulled the trigger.
Time seemed to slow down at that moment and I knew what I had to do. I jumped in front of the bullet sexily. The bullet lodged in the DENSE muscle of my shoulder as I moved through the air in slow motion and I fell to the ground gorgeously at Venus’s feet while simultaneously, Elysium pulled the trigger in retaliation, sending a bullet directly into Cougar Husbandry’s gun, killing it.
Cougar cried out in anguish, dropping her dead gun to the floor. She glared at us with dilated cat eyes, making a motion that told me this wasn’t over. She left, scittering away on all fours. She slipped back into the pipes.
I breathed a sigh of relief and closed my eyes while I lay on the cool, tiled floor, waiting for death to take me. But God spoke once more.
“Thou art a fooleth. Thee has't only hath killed yond wench twice. The lady shall beest thy undoing, knave.” His voice boomed for only me to hear. “Receiveth up! Thou art not dead, tis only thy shouldst'r!”
I groaned and sat up, as per God’s request, only to find everyone crowded around me and Venus holding my limp, alive body tearily. We stared each other in the eyes for twenty-seven minutes before I gracefully scrambled to my feet, exuding sexual appeal.
“Obsidian, you.. you saved my life!” Venus informed me as he inched forward and he… HE brushed MY hair behind MY ear :O. We began to stare into each other’s eyes once again before we were rudely interrupted by Cosmic’s incredibly un-sexy voice.
“Obsidian, you are still bleeding out!” He said with genuine concern, pointing to where the bullet violated me by jabbing his thumb into the raw, bleeding entry wound “We have to fix you up!” I clenched my jaw from the pain but I managed to handle it. I guess I'm just built different. I readied myself to be carried, bridal style, into the library room like I’d seen in movies, but the most action I got was Venus holding the door open while we shuffled out of the kitchen. I went and collapsed on one of the desks and Elly brought out a first aid kit to tend to my wound. She held up a bandage but I halted her with my hand. I could handle this myself. I flexed my bicep, expelling the bullet that was lodged in the muscle. I glanced at Cosmic and Venus, the latter of which was still staring at me. When my eyes met his deep, sensual, upturned brown ones, I looked away nervously and my heart flatlined shyly >/////<.
I woke back up to a shout of “CLEAR!” I recognised the voice to belong to my lifelong best friend, Elysium Forging. As I jolted upright, I grabbed Elly by the collar of her shirt and yanked her down so my mouth was at her ear so we could have some gossip time :).
“Elysium!” I whispered so quietly and at a pitch so high only Elly could hear me (this was something we had practiced) “I.. I just realised something and I.. I don't know how to act! No one’s ever liked… little old ME before.” Before she could say anything I shoved her back up and acted casual. This was very difficult for me, as I realised my shirt was open because of the defibrillating I had just endured >////<. I glanced at Venus who was sitting just past where Elysium had collapsed on the floor (The pretending-to-faint-because-of-me joke was getting KIND of old but, it's part of her charm :) ). While everyone was still emotionally recovering from their ordeal with Cougar Husbandry, I began to formulate a plan. I found that even sitting on this desk I was quite uncomfortable, so I reached under my buttocks and found that I had stashed the jar of bay leaves in my back pocket.
“Hey, you guys >////<.” I said. “Can I interest you in a game of Spin the “Bottle”?”
0 notes
Quarter Finals - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Matt's faith in the show is really important and well explored; one of the first scenes of the show is Matt going to confession (or, well, talking to his priest since he's not really confessing at that point). Matt struggles a lot with what he's supposed to do; everyone's telling him to kill the villain and he kinda wants to, but he literally says: "I know my soul is damned if I take his life". He struggles with his faith and goes with his doubts to his priest, and it's beautiful—also when he finally gets a costume for his vigilanteing he chooses to dress as the devil, lol. (His priest tells him that nothing makes people run to Church faster than the feeling of having the devil on their heels.)
a lot of the show is about how he justifies his vigilante actions with his faith, and whether he's doing the right thing in trying to help people or just using it as an outlet for his anger. the literal first scene of the show has him in a confession booth talking to his priest (who is a really interesting character too). this is not the scene I was talking about but it's such an excellent scene with matt talking to his priest: https://youtu.be/XHZ3NbEIDdw
canonically catholic but dresses like a demon to be quirky
honestly i dont wanna type too much but i feel that matt is a great example of someone who battles with his faith because he rarely loses his faith but rather fights with why he was made the way he was and put through what he was. He believes himself to have the devil inside him but believes that God put him there
ok in the comics barring the most current run matt has Mostly been a non-practicing Catholic that very rarely actually does any catholic Activities but ends up falling back into the Mindset and very occasionally dramatically taking confession (ex. in that one issue where he takes confession, basically tells the father that he is uniquely terrible and is thinking about violently murdering someone and when the father says "you can be forgiven" hes like "AUGFH-- NO!!!!!!!!!!" and runs out) when he's gone through some shit. and i love that its so relatable
This guy so catholic he spends an ungodly amount of time just chilling in the church. And goes there whenever there is a moral conundrum about killing people being Bad even though it would solve a lot of problems and stop said people from killing other people. This happens every other episode. Matt is the Catholic Guilt Guy. There's actually a lot of catholic stuff in the show as a whole. Just a compilation would be like three whole episodes long.
Hes great hes catholic enough to not outrught murder people but not catholic enough to not fuck before marriage hes a bisexual disaster at all times hes besties with a priest might i add hes great hes my special little guy
his catholicism is a huge piece of his characterisation he was raised by nuns in a catholic orphanage, the first scene we ever see him (as an adult and not a flashback) is him going to confession, he is good friend with his priest and has regular debates with him, etc also in s3 he has a huge crisis of faith after he lost A Lot where he stops believing for a while and it's linked to his identity crisis where he actually wants to kill another person (a hard line he previously chose never to cross) and wants to be only daredevil and not matt murdock, when he is both and needs both to exist also when he was a kid his grandmother used to say "watch out for the murdock boys, they've got the devil in them" and it created a surprising lot of his issues
So he's both catholic in the comics and the show but he's More Catholic in the show. Like, raised in a catholic orphanage by nuns (ONE OF WHICH IS HIS *MOTHER*), second scene in the show has him in a confession box kind. Matt Murdock goes out and gets the shit beaten out of him nightly and also beats the shit out of other people and purposefully leaned into devil iconography as his theme. When his nurse friend says, he takes a lot of punishment without one complaint he says "That part's the Catholicism." It is a Core Aspect of his character (at least in the show). He makes me insane. Also the same chemicals that blinded him created the teenage mutant ninja turtles and everyone should know that.
They went to confession to a priest who they had saved as their costumed counterpart and the guy recognized them by the voice, proving that it's possible and everyone else is just dumb
he takes "i wanna fight god" to new and incredibly violent levels, while also being a sweetheart and a goofball
Actually strictly WILL NOT kill criminals. Goes wayyy out of his way to avoid it. Fights with the Punisher about it. Goes to confession booth after nightly vigilante excursions. Feels so much guilt. "How have you been holding up?" "Like a good Caltholic boy" "that bad huh" - actual conversation with his priest
So Daredevil struggles with his mission as a crime fighter because killing criminals goes against his faith. He makes it a point to not kill criminals, believing that even bad people deserve a second chance. This philosophy puts him at odds against The Punisher, who is a relentless killer. As a Catholic myself, while I love the concept of a morally conflicted superhero, I think the worldbuilding around Daredevil is lacking. If he struggles with violence and killing, why doesn't he pray to warrior saints like Saint Michael, Saint Ignatius of Loyola (a former knight), or Saint Joan of Arc? Why isn't there a community of other Catholics he can turn to for guidance, considering New York City has a sizeable population of Catholics? And why are the churches he goes to always empty? Doesn't he know that the Catholic Church supports the just war theory? I think that would have made his burden more bearable.
He goes to church and confesses to punching people and says "imma do it again can i apologize in advance" and the father dude says "no you're meant to stop now" and Matt says "no" and they do this everyday. I'm not remembering it properly but this is a canon interaction i swear
HELLO HI YES I LOVE HIM AND WILL INFOR DUMP ok so. he is a vigalantty and he got named daredevil and he is an orphan and after the age of 12 was raised in an orphanage at a Catholic church and his therapist is his priest via confession abd. also his mother is a nun he has a whole mental breakdown over god and called Job a pussy because he liked god until he got better and liked god again he said "I'm dearedrvil and not even god can stop that now" and he's so cool
matt is a freakish little babygirl who was raised by nuns and definitely has religious trauma. i hate him so much (affectionately)
he’s literally fucking insane about it i don’t know what to say here. he thinks he’s chosen by god to go on some sort of holy quest to save hell’s kitchen. joan of arc ass.
i already know hes in by default j just wanted to give him a personal shout out i love this angsty catholic dweeb
how practicing he is depends on the run, but in my favorite he is quite literally confessing to a member of the last extant order millitant who happens to be a priest at a church in hells kitchen.
i love him for having the funniest version of a trope i usually hate (person gets into confession booth and asks forgiveness not for what they've done, but for what they're about to do). usually this trope just looks silly to me bc like. the priest would just say "i can't do that" and you would have to either awkwardly explain yourself or just Leave. it's funny when matt does it because fr. lantom is probably like "what are you gonna do???" and matt's like "lol. lmao. 😊 hehehe." anyway we love this angry catholic man who dresses up like the devil to beat people up in hell's kitchen
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I'm sure Harrow is lovely and I respect the space lesbians but listen to me. Listen.
Matt Murdock is the Catholic character of all time, and if you make him lose, I am blowing up this website and everyone in it.
He is Catholic. His mother is a nun. He grew up in a catholic orphanage. Half the episodes in the show include him going to confession. When he needs therapy, he talks to his priest. He dresses up as a devil partly because of the Catholicism.
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One time he got godly powers on loan from Heimdall (see below), and he did a lot of good with it, and then the second it was over he just... well. Also see below!
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This man's every coping mechanism is Catholicism.
Please vote for Matt in the @catholic-character-tournament because he's the best and most realistic representation of what it means to be Catholic. Someone who's been punched and bet and crushed by life but still gets up every day to try. No, he's not a nun like his competition but he's not less devoted because of that. Not everyone is called to service. In the day he works at a defense lawyer to help people. Not for the money but to help people not get screwed over by the law. And at night, he dons a mask and beats up assholes when the law fails them. Is he perfect? No, that's the point. Matt is a broken man who is just trying his best to do well and live like Jesus.
He fully embodies the Catholic doctrine of faith and good works. He has faith in what he's doing even if others challenge him. He believes in forgiveness and repenting even when going up against "the devil."
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"The people you murder deserve another chance." ... "No, Frank. To try again, Frank. To try. And if you don't get that, there's something broken in you you can't fix, and you really are a nutjob." "You think God made you a one-man firing squad. But you're wrong. There is goodness in people, even in you. And you're gonna have to kill me, 'cause I'm never gonna stop coming for you, until I take you down."
Daredevil Season 2 Episode 3
He (tries) to love his enemy. He believes in Elektra and Frank and maybe Dex and their ability to change. To be good. And when he can't, Matt refuses to compromise on his morals. While not quite "turning his cheek" he never scoops to their level. Because they don't get to destroy who he is.
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Daredevil Season 3 Episode 13
All he does is for the love he has to his neighbors, his community. He loves New York. Not for self-fulfilling needs or for the money or for the fame. He does it because he believes in justice. Because the law was created by humans and is inherently sinful.
"But his competition met God and was disappointed and blah blah"
Daredevil is more grounded (at least the show, maybe less the comics). So now, Matt doesn't met God. But he sure gets mad at him. All of season 3 he angry at God for all the trauma he expired.
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"You see, that was me, Sister. I suffered willingly. I gave my, uh... sweat and blood and skin without complaint. Because I too believed I was God's soldier. ( chuckles ) Well, not anymore. I am what I do in the dark now. I bleed only for myself. ( scoffs )" ... "You might hate God right now, but the feeling is not mutual." "No, I don't hate him. I've just seen his true face, is all."
Season 3 episode 1
As a Catholic I don't really want to fight God in a parking lot. Well I do but not in the same way that I've understood (primarily Jewish people but probably other Abrahamic religions) want to fight God in a Denny's parking lot. I want to yell and scream and cry at God and for the feeling to not be mutual. For Him to never stop loving me. As long as I have faith, He will reach out his hand.
she is a catholic lesbian whose girlfriend became god. she has been through so much.
shes such a lesbian for amdoke
Catholic guilt literally turned her into a demon
she literally watches everyone she knows die over and over and over again just so she can save madoka, the one girl who showed kindness towards her. when madoka ends up basically becoming god in order to stop the cycle of death and violence, homura RIPS AWAY THE HUMAN PART OF HER SOUL so that she can create a world where she and Madoka and their friends can live happily, effectively becoming the devil to madoka’s god
She has so much religious symbolism when it comes to her relationship to Madoka. Madoka is God and Homura becomes Lucifer so that she can save Madoka and give her happiness. She literally rips God from heaven and rewrites reality though. The way she sees her self and shapes reality is through the lense of Catholicism.
most fucked up little catholic girl. we love that for her.
Okay homuras entire fuckin arc is stemmed from the fact she is Catholic. Look at her trying to save Madoka over and over again and suffering for it because she thinks if she suffers enough and works hard enough Madoka will stay. Normal people do not go into time loops willingly. Catholics will.
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toonerdyandiknowit · 2 years
Rant about chronic illness and drs.
Does anyone else get frustrated when they feel like drs aren’t listening to you because what you’re saying and what they’re seeing don’t match?
I saw a neurologist last year to ask for a reference for a mental health specialist that wouldn’t take me without a neurology referral (originally a gp referred me).
I talked the neurologist through my medical history, and told him exactly what I wanted to happen.
He asked me “have you heard of FND coz it sounds like you have FND”.
That was the ONLY mention of FND he made. He didn’t explain it, didn’t ask if I’d like to look into treatment options. Nothing.
My referral comes through that I have a zoom meeting with a psychiatrist, YAY.
Turns out it was 30 patients and 1 dr on the meeting coz it was a presentation not a 1-1. I wasn’t told this.
I finally get to the 1-1 and the FND team kind of…brushes over my frustration? They all agree I’ve got all the hallmarks of FND so the mental health crisis I originally asked about is just being ignored?
THEN they go through my medical history and basically say that every doctor I’ve ever seen was wrong.
But not them. They’re right. They give a whole presentation on how FND only has a 0.5% misdiagnosis rate so they’re obviously right.
THEN they ask me about day to day life, and when I mention that I always track how far I’ve gone and how far I need to travel to get back home…they decide that means I’m agoraphobic? And start asking pointed questions about “why are you afraid to go out? Why are you so convinced something bad will happen if you go out alone?”
Like. No. Not what I said. I said “if I go out alone, I recognise that it’s my responsibility to get myself home. So IF something goes wrong I need to have a BACK UP PLAN so I’m not always calling people for help. For example, if I’m going for a walk and I know I’m having a fatigue flare up, I won’t go much further than a 20 minute walk away, because I know I also have to walk 20 minutes back. But if I hit the 20 mins and feel ok, I might go another 20, I just keep in mind it will then take me 40 mins to get back…”
That’s not fear. I don’t avoid going out coz “what if I get tired” I just plan for it so I’m not stuck up shit creek without a paddle IF something goes wrong?? And they acted like that was unreasonable.
I had to explain this 3 times 3 different ways before they got it. And then they asked me “do you feel that you explain things well and other people don’t understand, but that it’s a problem with them not you”.
In this specific instance? Yeah. Coz at no point did I say “I’m afraid to go out” or “I don’t go out”. But when it was clear that they didn’t understand what I was saying I EXPLAINED IT DIFFERENTLY.
I’ve got 3 more weeks of this and I’m just starting to feel really gaslit. Like I know therapy, especially intense rehab like this, isn’t meant to be a comfortable experience but is it meant to make you feel this shit?
More below but just to get it out of my head:
I told them about an SA I went through in 2018 and when I told them I only came to terms with it when my MIL agreed that it was an SA, they all started saying “oh well maybe it wasn’t an SA it was just an ‘uncomfortable experience’ since you didn’t think it was an SA until she said it was, sounds like she influenced your opinion” …
So I told them the details I’d told my MIL and they looked horrified. And agreed that ok yeah sounds like SA.
They tried, without any details of the event, to convince me that I’d just said it was SA coz I’d been told so.
When actually, it’s because I’ve had my own safety and comfort ignored by my family for so long that I genuinely can’t always tell when someone’s crossed a line. I’ll know how I feel about it, but I’m “sensitive” and “childish” and “dramatic” so maybe it wasn’t a big deal. Until someone else took me seriously.
I told the CBT that I thrive in routines but cannot put myself into them. Like I need a fixed time point to build around that I myself cannot alter otherwise I just can’t make a routine.
So doing uni from home? I had a great routine! First lecture at 10? Ok up at 6, walk the dog at 7, have breakfast at 8, revision at 9, then first lecture starts!
Home with no work? Ok so I should clean, and walk the dog. Those are my two tasks. But they’re not fixed so they can be done whenever. So I don’t wake up until 1. And my mental health goes to shit because I CANT MAKE MYSELF A ROUTINE WITHOUT A FIXED POINT.
Her response “well you have to so you have to try.”
I mention that I’d asked my fiancée several times to wake me when she gets up to try and help kick start my day, but she would always say “but you look so tired. You must need the sleep.”
CBTs response “why is it her responsibility to get you up? You’re an adult. Get yourself up you obviously can”. So yeah. Loving that chunk of guilt.
And finally. I explained. Multiple times. “Breathing exercises make me light headed and more anxious and mindfulness exercises just make me panic more”.
“We’ll just try it. You need to try it until you find one that works for you. It’s really good just do it.”
I didn’t pull this feeing out of my arse. I tried these things FOR YEARS BECAUSE PEOPLE SAID THEY WERE GOOD. I hate them. It makes me feel so so so much worse.
I explained this to the PT who said ok then put on a video which was literally everything I said doesn’t work for me. And then looked shocked when I said I felt more anxious than when I started. That I didn’t like it. That it probably stems from a bad experience with it in the past and now it’s actually an anxiety trigger.
Her response to that was “well look around and see if you can find a version that works for you, because it really is good for you. Unfortunately there’s no “one size fits all” so you’ll have to look around”
I mean. I was under the impression that your were here to provide me with the alternative tools but go off I guess.
Like I’ve got 3 more weeks, that’s 6 sessions, of this. And I’m starting to not want to go already.
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cupids-chamber · 2 years
S/O pranks him on April Fool day!
Summary: Y/n pulls various different kinds of pranks on their S/O. (There all different pranks!)
A/N: I did change the style for this!
Gender Neutral Reader
Dorm Leaders / Vice dorm leaders / First years / RSA + others/
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Riddle Rosehearts
"Riddle, I need your help. It's important. Can you come here?"
You watched as your phone notified you of your message being sent and it didn't take long for it to be marked with read.
You waited a bit more as the app showed the typing screen. Soon enough you heard a Bing as Riddle's reply loaded in "Of course, I'm on my way!"
You gathered all the courage to pull this prank all the way through. You faced your closet and took out a few outfits. Suddenly you heard footsteps. 'Perfect' you thought to yourself.
Riddle knocked on the door and in a serious tone you replied "Come in!"
"Is everything ok rose?" Riddle asked in a concerned tone. "Well..." you said in the most worried voice you could muster. Which only grew Riddle's concerns.
"What outfit should I wear for our date tomorrow!" you said in a serious tone. Analyzing your boyfriend’s concerned expression change to one of confusion.
Soon enough however he pointed to one of the Red coloured outfits you had. "That one!" his face was covered with a slight flush, that you noticed very well.
Azul Ashengrotto
You somehow managed to get into your boyfriend’s office. 'Oh this would be fun' you thought to yourself.
Attaching a small horn on his chair, securing it in place.
You could've gone for something else but the chances of the prank going well is unlikely, Azul was already insecure. So, giving a heart attack via text or words is a no no.
So, why not mess with his office a tinsy bit? You'd get away with it. Especially if he never found out who had done it.
You left after checking if the horn was secure on the spot. It only took an hour for you to get a long text from your lover about someone messing with his office.
You could practically feel the anger radiating from the screen. Well at least they didn't have security cameras...
Vil Schoenheit
You took a deep breath. Then began typing something "Vil I want you to stop." you proceeded into sending the message just like that.
It didn't take long for Vil to text back a "What's wrong?".
This could either go badly or end up funny.
You scrolled through GIF's until you found a typing GIF that would make it seem like you were typing. You sent said GIF to and already worried Vil.
You knew if you logged off it would ruin the prank. So, you began scrolling through the app as you left your lover to think about all the wrongs he had done to you.
After half an hour of giving Vil a possible existential crisis you deleted the GIF text and typed a "nevermind..." then sent it.
Well that only worsened Vil's worries, be prepared for a good chat about communication.
Idia Shroud
“Idia! It’s an emergency!” you dramatically came into his dorm room, while he was gaming. 
Idia carefully paused his game and asked you “What was wrong?” you kept the façade of being worried and in panic up as you frantically said “My parents are coming over!” 
This comment sent Idia into a panic and you were enjoying him freaking out giving him time to process your words fully.
“Wait..your parents aren't supposed to be here? As far as I know!” you grinned in response, as he grew frustrated and flustered. 
You had to apologize quite a bit and repay with cuddles of course!
Kalim Al-Asim
You wanted to prank Kalim but ruining his mood was not an option at all. So, you choose something subtle and unnoticeable. 
Kalim was holding a party and you decided to put your plan into action. Every half an hour you’d go out and change your outfit. Not many noticed as they were busy with the partying itself but some did. 
Most people were confused but rubbed it off. Kalim however, could barely care moving you around place to place and trying his best to enjoy the party with you! 
After about 3 closet changes he noticed and asked you about it, to which you replied that he was mistaking things and that you’ve been wearing this the whole time. You continued said prank for the entire night switching your outfit back and forth. 
Needless to say he was very confused.
Leona Kingscholar
To be honest you could have just messed with Leona in his sleep but you found a hack online and what better way to try it out. 
You scrolled through Leona’s phone settings and went to the keyboard. You switched on and off, maybe switched a few settings there. Then you tested it and it worked! His autocorrect button was now messed up. 
‘Oh this would be fun!’ you thought to yourself.
Throughout the day you texted Leona questions, and messages. To which all his replies came out wrong. For the final blow you sent and “I love you!” but his usual reply back came out wrong. 
You could see him frantically typing but to add some drama you logged off. It would be funny seeing him struggle. 
Malleus Draconia
You first thought of a good prank idea but then realized that Malleus would either be too upset and or angry at the idea. 
So, you decided on something different! 
Noticing as your boyfriend recently learned how to use his phone fully, you decided to confuse him once more. 
You somehow got your hands on Malleus’s phone. To be frank you could have asked but that might just give away the prank.
You opened Malleus’s phone and took a screenshot of him home screen. Then you switched up the apps, hid some of them, and added the final touch. Setting said home screen screenshot as the background.
To be frank the prank was a bit cruel but it was absolutely hilarious watching him struggle and adorable. He finally gave up after an hour of  struggling and asked you for help, to which you fixed all the havoc you inflicted on the phone.
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luimagines · 3 years
Hey, could we get the boys kissing the reader please?
If the reader gets to give the boys kisses, it's only fair that they get kisses in return!
Fair warning, these are more or less platonic.
Content under the cut!
“Twilight I think I died.” You blurt out one day.
Twilight stops what he was doing and tilts his head on your direction. “Run that by me again?”
“This is all a dream isn’t it?” You gulp and pull your hair a bit to feel something. “Did I die? Am I dying? How do I know you’re real?”
Twilight pauses and puts his things down. He walks toward you and puts his hands on your shoulders. “What on earth are you talking about?”
“Before I met you, I got hurt...bad... And I had a dream.” You say.
Twilight then bends down and kisses you nose.
The action stuns you and you blink in an attempt to process the absurdity of it.
“Did that ever happen in your dream?” Twilight bites his lip to keep himself from smiling. This was supposed to be serious- you might have been having a crisis.
“No?” You answer with a small child like shake to your head.
“Then you’re not dreaming.” Twilight answers simply.
“Is that how that would work?” You reply.
“Do you want it to?”
“Yes.” You nod and walk with Twilight to help him out with his earlier chores. “I don’t like thinking of the alternative.”
“It’s you’re dreaming I’m sure our group is more than wiling to find ways to induce your awakening.”
“Like what?”
“Throw you off a cliff? Set you on fire? Get the cuccos nice and angry-”
“I’ll take your method over that thank you very much.”
“It can’t be that bad.” You roll your eyes and put your hand son your hips. “Why do you hate it so much?”
“It’s the principle of the thing.” Wind explained. “If I went back home and they found out I did this, I would never be able to live it down.”
“Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?” You ask instead with a teasing grin on your lips.
“I don’t know what that is.”
“Is that a yes or a no?”
“Please don’t make me.” Wind whines. “I’d do anything.”
“If it’s any consolation, it’s not my idea either.” You sigh and cross your arms instead. “But the faster we do it the faster we can get it over with. It’s not like we have to talk about it ever again.”
“No please-” Wind gets onto his knee, saying your name and crawling to you that way. “-You’re my last hope. Don’t let this be the end of it.”
“Now you’re just being dramatic.”
Wind grabs your hands places a clumsy kiss on your fingers as he pleads. “Can’t it be anyone else? Please! Please, please please please please!”
“Oh my goodness! OK! I’ll go talk to Time and Twilight and see if we can get Legend to do it or something.”
“My everything hurts.” You whined and rolled over, grasping your side in a vain attempt to relieve the pressure there. “Was I stabbed? I feel like I was stabbed.”
“You were, in fact, not stabbed.” Hyrule kneels by your side and lifts your hand to access the wounded area a bit better. “But you did land really harshly on the rock below us. So try to take it easy for a minute, ok? We’ll have you fixed up in no time.”
“Who is this we you speak of?” You sigh as the pain lessens and take a deep breath, trying to sit yourself up. “I just see you.”
“Yeah, Wild is on his way over, so it’s about to be we.” Hyrule snickers.
“I see... Thank you ‘Rulie.” You smile a bit and loosen up your muscles. “How did I even fall to begin with?”
“Bad bomb placement.”
“Ah.” You say, as if that answers your question. “Well that explains everything then.”
Hyrule looks up at you and sees your face. “You’ll be ok.”
“I mean I hope so.” You shrug and Hyrule leans in to place a small kiss on your forehead.
“Magic enhancer. Good for one extra minute of healing time.”
“You’re a dork.”
“You love it.”
“I hate this.” You groaned as you walked through the dungeon. “Why are we here again?”
“Because we have a mission to clear the darkness and this is a hotspot. We clear this area and then we can move on to the next until we’re all done.” Warrior shrugs, fully understanding the sentiment but not wanting to ruin his reputation.
“This suuuuucks.”
“I knoooow.” He snickers.
“You’re making fun of me but I know you feel the same way.” You tilt your head back and look at him by shifting your eyes.
“Yeah but you don’t see me complaining.”
You groan louder in response, purely out of spite at this point and shove him slightly by the shoulder.
“Is there anything I can do to make it better?” Warrior asked teasingly.
“I want a sick prize at the end.”
“I can wager in a kiss.”
“Not from you.”
“No?” Warrior laughs louder and spin on his heel, walking backwards as he talks to you just a little ways ahead from where you are. “Am I not worth enough?”
“I have only the highest of standards.” You deadpan. 
“I’ll have you know that my kisses are completely worth it.” Warrior twirls his hand upwards for fan fair.
“Doubt it.”
“I’ll prove it.”
“Doubt it.” You grin.
Warrior rolls his eyes but lets you catch up to him before leaning over suddenly and kissing on your hair line.
“Cheap shot.” You snort and push him away. “You’ll have to do harder than that. I bet the prize at the end is cooler anyway.”
“Tough crowd.”
“Time, would you be a dear and help me out with one little thing?” You called out, fighting one of the knots that kept your bag to Epona’s side but Twilight was no where to be found so it’s not like he could help you.
Time looked up and saw you struggling with the bag and the rope that held it in place. An amused smile crossed his face and he got up to make his way over to you.
You huff and stomp your foot when it refuses to let go just in time as the man himself makes it to your side. “What seems to be the problem?”
 “I can’t get my bag out!” You whine. “Twilight does such ridiculous knots and I can’t figure it out.”
“Let me see.” Time rolls his eye and steps into your space, checking at the problem in front of him.
It was way more complicated than Time would think Twilight would purposefully do. It looked staged.
Luckily he knows his pup well and managed to get it untangled with seconds.
“How?” You frown and pout. “How did you do that? I thought I would have needed to get my knife or Legend to get rid of the spell.”
“Twilight doesn’t like spells or magic in general.” Time smirks and sees the opportunity in front of him.
You reach out your hand to take the bag with a sigh. “Yeah, yeah I know. Thank you, I was getting frustrated.”
Time grabs your hand with his free hand, bringing it up his lips and places a kiss on your knuckles. “A hero’s work is never done.”
“A-ah.” You blush with wide eyes. “Right.”
“I have no idea where to go from here.” Wild sighs and places his hands on his hip, keeping the wooden spoon angled away from his clothes.
“What’s up? Need help?” You stand up and walk toward him.
“The stew needs something. But I don’t know what.” Wild huffs and chews on his lips as he thinks.
“I don’t know. Maybe?” He picks up his slate and takes the rock out, chipping small pieces off before stirring to dissolve it.
He brings the wooden spoon to his lips to taste it but he doesn’t seem satisfied with the result. “It’s better but not enough.”
“Can I try?” You offer and move closer to the pot.
He sighs and gives you the spoon with a bit of the broth. It’s delicious as expected but he’s right. A bit lackluster.
You smack your lips together and move it around on your tongue and try to figure it out. “Maybe Goron spice? Not enough to feel obviously but anything spicy tends to heighten existing flavors.”
Wild thinks about it before going through with your suggestion. He stirs for a hot minute before his eyes light up at the taste.
He spin to you with enough force to startle you, but before you can move away he grab your face with his hands and brings you forward giving you a whopping kiss onto your forehead. “That’s just what it needed. Thank you!”
You wobble for a moment when he pushy you away but you smile regardless. “You’re welcome.”
“And here we have the best of the rest, Mr. Fancyprance Mcfickle Bottom.” Legend knelt to the ground after speaking and place a kiss on the back of your hand.
“I take it back. We’re doomed. We’re never going to be able to sneak into the gala.” You lament and take your hand out of his gasp.
“How dare you doubt my acting skills.”
“Can you at least try to take this seriously?” You stress. “This is a big moment for the kingdom, if one thing goes wrong tonight, we’re all going to pay the price.”
“It’s not like any one going to die if we don’t do well toni-”
“Did you not read the note?” Your stare widens. “I can’t believe you. There’s going to be an assassination attempt. It’s why we’re even going to begin with!”
Legend pauses as he considers your words before sobering up and standing taller. “Alright. From the top. This is what we have to do.”
“Thank you.”
“Ok, I have no idea where you’re taking me, but it better be good because I’m a lot less graceful when I’m blindfolded.” Four said over his shoulder as you guided him through the underbrush.
“Just trust me.” You grin. “You’re going to love it.”
“I hope so.”
You giggle and continue to push him ahead. “Ok, wait here I’ll be right back. Don’t take it off just yet.”
“You are so lucky I trust you.”
“Good.” You dash off and grab a small parcel that was hidden in a hollow tree truck.
You run back to him and pull his hand in front of him, placing it gently on top of his palms. “There. Open your eyes and open the box.”
Four grips the wrapping and takes the blindfold off with one hand. “What is it?”
“A gift silly!”
“Ok, yeah, but what’s inside?”
“Open it and find out!”
He smiles and gently rips the paper that covering the little box, eyes widening as he recognizes the design within. “How did you get this?”
“I save up for it. It’s a thank you.” You bite you lip and take a small step back. You’re beginning to feel a little flustered by his reaction even if you think you have no reason to be.
Four drops the paper wrapping and opens the box. “You got me this?”
“Yes. I thought we established this.”
Four beams and doesn’t even open the box all the way before he runs at you and practically tackles you over. “Thank you!”
“You’re wel-”
Four take the breath to plant a big ol’ smooth on your cheek, silencing anything else you were going to say.
“Thank you thank you thank you!” 
It’s the happiest you’ve seen him.
You can’t even get your thoughts together before he give you another hug and dashes away from you to enjoy his gift.
Or brag about it to the others.
You wanted to avoid that, which is why you brought him all the way out here beyond the camp...but you can never really tell what he’s going to do next.
You smile regardless and touch the spot on your cheek.
At least he likes it.
“I have no idea how you do this Sky.” You gulp and lean over marginally over the edge. “I hate free falling. How is this a fun thing to do?”
“It’s not so bad when you can trust your loftwing to catch you.”
“I don’t have a loftwing. You keep using that word and I have no idea what you mean.”
“You’ll be fine anyway. The water will catch you.”
“That’s not remotely as reassuring as you think it is.”
“You’re over thinking it. Stop thinking.” Sky laughs a little as he gets closer to you.
“Easier said than done.”
“Trick yourself then.”
“A distraction would be a good start.” Sky hums.
“And how to suppose I distract myself?” You deadpan.
Sky shrugs before leaning over and giving you a kiss on the cheek. It stuns you enough that freeze on your spot and Sky takes the opportunity to spin you around by your shoulders and promptly shoves you off of the cliff side.
He dives in right after you when he sees your head pop out of the surface, laughing as he goes.
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cowboypossume · 2 years
the group chatting
hi ! bc exactly one perosn asked for this and i finished up a college course over the summer with an a- here is a cut scene from a fic where a group of kiddos are at lunch and figuring out what to do afterschool (: !
“No!! I’m not asking my parents again.” Sophie said, pulling their head off the table. “Why do we always go to my house anyway? Don’t y’all live somewhere?” 
“Because, you’re the only one of the group that doesn’t have crippling mommy or daddy issues,” Fitz said, matter of factly. 
“Or both!” Keefe chimed in after a bite from his fry. 
“Uh, bullshit. I don’t know who my biological parents are, and the identity crisis that has caused me is iconic, more so than mommy or daddy issues are. Also, maybe my biological parent issues are worse. What if they’re in prison or something? I could be related to-”
“Yea, that’s the thing, you could be.” Keefe cut them off. “You might not be.”
“Plus,” Biana said, sliding into the top edge of the booth and basically sitting over Dex, “The prison system is a scam. People admit to false convictions and get over punished for minor crimes because they don’t have the resources to do otherwise. Your parents being in prison might not be their fault, or even a bad thing for their credibility.” He took a sip from a juice box. 
Sophie rolled their eyes. “Not the point I was trying to make, but thank you for that addition.”
Biana smiled around the straw. “Anytime.”
“Plus,” Dex added, resting a hand on Biana’s legs while she messed with his curls, “We shouldn’t be comparing traumas. Nothing you guys are talking about are inherently good things? How about we stop being a Jubilee video, and, I don’t know, talk about literally anything else.”
“Dex!” Sophie said, finding sunden energy. “You have a good relationship with your family. Why don’t we go to your house?”
“Because I have a total of six people in my house living there, not to mention there are always relatives coming in and out. Also!! Three of the consistent people are seven years old and don’t respect any kind of boundary, which is fine, I love them regardless, but with the amount of shit this group has gone through, maybe we don’t need to invoke triggers for no reason.”
“Screw you too.” Sophie said, flopping back into the booth.
“Love youuuuuuuuuuuuu.” Dex said, reaching for her hand across the table. “Also compsi has a meeting afterschool today.”
“Uh huh. Why don’t we go to the park or something?” Sophie said. 
“Because, even under shade and with a million fans going, we can never avoid being miserably hot.” Keefe said.
Fitz nodded. “And your backyard is way cooler than any park we could go to.”
“Was that pun intended?” Keefe asked, glowing with pride.
Fitz winked. “Maybe.”
“Ughhhhhh, fine! I’ll ask my parents a g a i n. Who all is coming over?”
“I can’t. Speech and Debate tournament.” Biana said. 
Keefe gasped. “Is that why you’re wearing a suit?”
“No, I just thought it would be comfortable. Obviously that’s the reason, dumbass!!”
“Well good luck!!” Mucrua added, pausing her typing on the computer for a second. 
“You’re literally my debate partner??”
He shrugged. “Yeah? I want us to have good luck.”
Tam rubbed his eyes after he dragged a chair to the edge of the booth. “What are you talking about?”
“They’re arguing about why we always hang out at Sophie’s.” Linh piped up, looking over xier book from the corner.
“Why hello,” Keefe said to Linh at the same time Tam smiled to himself saying “Typical.”
“Keefe, we were literally talking before lunch started. Calm down.”
“What about it? I missed hearing your voice.” Keefe said while dramatically putting his head onto xier shoulder.
“Yeah, you have been kinda quiet. Everything ok?” Fitz asked, reaching a hand across the table.
“Fine! Today’s just been a long day and, love you guys, but talking to people is exhausting. Which, by the way,” xey pointed to Sophie, “I don’t want to hang out later.”
“Good job not apologizing!” Tam said enthusiastically but brought his hands together in a sarcastic clap.
“Fuck you.” Linh said, immediately dropping how tired xier voice sounded before.
“Okay-” Sophie said quickly. “Linh, you’re out. Tam?” “Can’t. Speech and debate.” “Wait, I thought I.E.’s only competed on Saturdays.” Keefe asked.
“Aww, is that affection I’m reading between the lines on?” Tam said while leaning forward.
“What? No! I just,,,, pay attention.”
“No you don’t.” Sophie and Fitz said together.
“Ugh! Fine! I kinda like you around. Great? Cool. Now answer the question.” Keefe said, combining his words together due to the speed. 
“See, was that so hard?”
“Tam!” Linh tisked, not looking up from xier book or really moving.
He sighed dramatically. “Yes, Keefe, you were right: IE’s usually do Saturadys, but this fucking school is trying to be edgy and make it Friday, so, all I.E.rs are having fun. Also. The coach wants me to try LD, so I get to be triple entered this time around. But, yeah. I definitely cannot. Also there's a film thing I had to enter tomorrow, and I have to give a memorized speech there too. ”
“Holy shit are you ok?” Marcua asked, closing the computer and putting it in his bag. At the same time, Dex asked “Do you want us to go to your thingy tomorrow?”
“Not really.” Tam said through a laugh. 
“Was that to us going or being ok?” Linh asked, concerned.
Tam did not answer.
Marcua crawled over Dex, knocking Biana’s foot off the bench with her bag, and went to hug him from behind.
“Awesome, you’re out,” Sophie filled in after a second of dead silence, “Dex?”
“I already said I was busy.”
“Right!! I’m great at this. So,, it’d just be me, Fitz, and Keefe?”
The group all looked around at each other then nodded.
Fitz gave her a knowing smile. He cusped the side of their face and kissed her check. “It’ll be ok, Love,” he whispered.
Sophie wanted to say something back, but Keefe interrupted. “Heyhey, this couple shit needs to stop. I refuse to be the third wheel later or right now.”
“There’s too many of us to be for you to be a third wheel,” Linh said, pushing Keefe off xier shoulder. 
“And I don’t really wanna see it either.” Biana added. 
FItz mocked a gasp. “I am wounded.” 
“You’re my brother, and that’s my ex. Y’all are cute together but I’m allowed to feel a little weird when I see it.” “Hey! It’s not my fault you don’t feel attraction!” Sophie faked being upset.
“Never said it was!” Biana grinned back at her. He reached around Dex and went to hold their hand. She grabbed it back. “Especially because I can do so much better.” 
Marcua tapped Biana’s leg with her phone without letting go of Tam. “Hate to break up this, touching reunion that happens once a week, but it’s 1:45. We’ve gotta get going.”
They all said their goodbyes, lunch ended, and the end of the day came faster than Sophie would have liked.
thank you @an-absolute-travesty for indulging this  ♡ 
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