#i have so much lore built for this gang and also this man
drxgony · 1 year
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Points and Laughs SMELLY boy cringe ass. Here's my depiction of Alek throughout the years.
I like to imagine he had blonde hair then dyed it black during his bad bitch running from the Jedi council phase (it's not a PHASE Revan...)
exile/meetra lineup. revan lineup.
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notscarsafe · 8 months
OKAY SO what with the TWO new Hermits implied by the updated banner I will say that, though the Skizz truthers have me convinced, I now have room to do my own crazy red string monologue and throw my hat in for my choice
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1) Mythical J. Sausage (the J is silent) is a multitalented S-tier builder that absolutely deserves to be shoulder to shoulder with the Hermits. The man does buildings, interiors, terraforming, custom trees, and he does them SO WELL.
2) The production values!!! Beautiful replay mod sequences with shifting camera perspectives, shaders, music that sets the tone for each segment that's different from series to series. He already has more than a million followers on YouTube and for good reason!!
3) He has been SO consistent lately. He started a hardcore world about three months ago (about the time you might expect the Hermits to finalize their s10 choices maybe...???) and already has 15 episodes and hasn't gotten involved in any other big content. (He did just start playing a little of the BCG server but from what I understand that's super casual /copium copium copium).
4) That hardcore world is conveniently about to reach a good "pause" point. He started his world on a cherry blossom biome island that he's filled with a medieval village and starter farms, he's said it's almost full and what's left is the castle. I'm guessing the new season will start the first week of February, so if Sausage puts out a video this week building out that Castle and finishing that island it will be MIGHTY CONVENIENT TIMING.
5) This man can GRIND. His Hardcore world hasn't even been going half a year and he's built... So much??? Magnificent! And when he was on the Hermitcraft server he did the Razorcrest for scar AND the player head baby yoda/stormtrooper merch AND the noteblock themesong AND still built in the xmas village and other "diamond of peace" and so many other shenanigans. Did the man even sleep? He can grind with the best of them.
6) He can do redstone, too! Maybe not unique designs, I honestly don't know, but he builds farms for build materials no problem.
7) The DRAMA this man loves his improv and his backstory and trauma lore! For every series he does! Can you imagine if he gets to interact with Ren for an extended period of time, what that would do to them, to us?? Give Martyn a run for his money!!
8) Which brings me to my next point, which is that Sausage is already One of The Gang, because he's been in series with so many of the Hermits already! Empires and the crossover, obviously, but also Pirates with Cleo and Origins with Scar, and he's even done MCC! Joel is the only other player with the same depth of different series but there are other people truthing him already.
9) The EPIC BROMANCE with Pearl. My god the devotion of this man to his sunflower goddess bestie. I would try to do ot justice but y'all have seen floweroflaurelins work, you already know.
10) He's already a PG streamer but with HILARIOUSLY PG-13 tendencies. Imagine him and Cleo cracking each other up at an HHH stream, *grips your shoulders* IMAGINE IT.
11) Sausage comes with his own mascot in the form of interdimensional dog extraordinaire Bubbles, but he's also just an animal lover on general. Mans drinks his "I love Jellie" juice and had her in his world even before the sad news of her loss.
12) Diversity win! No one should be hired just for their gender, race, sexuality etc etc unless it's truly necessary to the job, but we were all happy when more women got added to the server in s8 and I know a lot of people would be happy to see some ethnic diversity added, too.
... That bulletin board had a lot more pins in it than I thought it did but anyway MYTHICALSAUSAGE TRUTHERS/ALL OTHER TRUTHERS RISE UP SPEAK YOUR TRUTH! we'll only get to wildly speculate for a few weeks so we might as well make it everyone else's problem ENJOY IT TO THE FULLEST!!
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victoriadallonfan · 4 months
Lets Talk: The Predator Franchise
About two months ago, I put my thoughts into my feelings on the Alien Franchise, and why I felt that they've been faltering so much.
It felt only fitting that I do the same for the Predator franchise, but I ran into a very curious thing... there's only one bad Predator movie.
A shocking statement, I know, but I'm not counting the AVP movie series (that's it's own separate thing). The Predator (film) is easily the only bad film in the entire series, but I'll get to that later.
First things first: lets talk about Predator (1987).
It's an all time classic, a great deconstruction of the 80's action film, with insanely quotable dialogue and memorable characters - not just the Predator itself, but all the human characters are easily recognizable.
Unlike the Alien (1979) and Aliens (1986), Predator is not predominantly a horror film, nor is it emphasizing a tough topic such as sexual assault. It does HAVE horror aspects (the first time they find the skinned corpses is intensely unnerving, especially when they realize that this group of marines apparently lost all self-control and fired in all directions), and it does touch a bit on how the US government is using its own soldiers as cannon fodder to destabilize third-world countries.
But it's not really built to scare the viewer so much as to present a simple idea: what if these action heroes met a bigger, stronger, more advanced version of themselves? And the result is a near total party wipe.
Watching the original film, you realize that the Predator is depicted as incredibly unfair. The majority of its kills are it sniping someone from afar, rushing them when they aren't even looking (while cloaked), and doing a combination of the above. It would have killed Arnold while his back was turned, if the net trap hadn't been set in place.
Hell, it even kills a wounded soldier that Arnold is carrying, after Billy's "last stand" (that lasted mere moments at best, implying the Predator didn't give him the time of day).
(Also, speaking of Billy... he's psychic? Apparently?)
But yeah, the Predator depicted is not the honor clad warrior that some fans may stan (and some writers believe) but more like the equivalent of Counter-Strike hacker. The fact that it takes Arnold untold amounts of traps, ingenuity, and willpower for the Predator to finally face him man to man, no tech, no weapons is meant to be a testament to how impressive Arnold is.
Likewise, the Predator decides to blow himself the fuck up while cackling manically like a supervillain as he tries to finally kill Dutch, also opens him to showing that as alien as it is, it's remarkably human. A spite filled asshole of a human, but humanish nonetheless (amplified by him copying human speech on prior occasions).
It's a really great film about how alien life, if more advanced than our own, might see us as lesser people or outright livestock to hunt (keep a pin in that).
Predator 2 (1990) is often divided amongst fans.
Some hate the fact that it takes place in the "modern day" LA, instead of sticking to the blazing heat of the jungle (as the lore of the first movie implies that the Predator or a Predator visits at the hottest time of the season to create the local bogeyman figure), but this film does a fine job justifying the LA heatwave and honestly... the idea of keeping the Predator to one type of biome is pretty limiting. So I don't mind that.
As one can tell already, I don't think this movie is bad. As good as the first? No, it rehashes a bit too much for that. But it's still a fun and good movie.
And, notably, scarier.
But for context, Predator 2 is set in the far future of... uh, 1997 LA, where there has been open warfare between the LAPD and the Jamaican and Colombian Cartels. Like, not drug busts or stings, but actual warfare with armies of gangs and shit.
The late 80's and early 90's loved to depict LA as a dystopian hellscape where "law and order" was the only defense from total anarchy (as anyone who has ever lived in LA can tell you, racial tensions, especially between the public and police have not been good to say the least).
This entire setup is like a D.A.R.E nightmare or wet dream depending on who's asking.
(Also the Jamaican drug leader, King Willy, might also be psychic? This is the last time it's brought up, but man, I sort of wish we could see future plot lines where people are randomly psychic in these films.)
Anyways, the situation is certainly perfect for this Predator (named City Hunter to differentiate between Jungle Hunter), who takes to the city with a gusto. The difference in how the Predator is portrayed is fascinating, because the bare bones remain the same: he hunts people who are deemed as sport with alien technology.
Fitting with the ultra-violent theme of this film however, this Predator feels like a legitimately horror movie monster. Unlike the Jungle Hunter, City Hunter doesn't prefer to attack from afar, but rather ripping and tearing in close quarters combat, and when he does use ranged weaponry, it's stuff like spears, bladed discs, and nets that shred people into bloody messes.
And he's 110% a bigger asshole that Jungle Hunter: when the City Hunter decides to focus on our lead man, Danny Glover, he doesn't just hunt the man but psychologically torture him. He murders his partner - who is probably the least threatening human in the entire series - just so he can taunt Glover with his necklace at his own grave. He then copies the innocent words of a child just so he can use it as a creepy catchphrase when he decides to hunt Glover's other partners.
The iconic subway massacre perfectly exemplifies both aspects of the City Hunter. He interrupts a massive stand-off between armed civilians, gang members, and the police, just wading in and killing everyone indiscriminately as people frantically scream and claw over each other trying to escape.
(Speaking of, this film does have a LOT of fun having the Predator on modern sets. The above subway scene, City Hunter investigating a meat locker, and him performing emergency surgery in an apartment bathroom are all really cool).
Also, for being so divisive, this film creates a lot of Predator lore: the Predator won't kill (unarmed) children, he won't kill pregnant women, and he WILL kill the elderly if they are packing heat.
And this includes the trophy wall (with xenomorph skull - actually funny because we never see a Predator collect a xenomorph skull in the AVP films) and that the Predator tribe will honor and respect those who defeat their kind with a reward.
It does include that the government is aware of the Predator existence and tries to capture them, but this won't be a major plot line again until The Predator (2018) though it gets some tongue in cheek reference in Predators (2010).
Anyways solid film, lots of cheesey scenes and very tropey stuff that hasn't aged well (or aged in a way that makes it amusing). It's also that last movie that actually tries to be true horror, in my opinion. The rest of the films stick to Action with Gore, but Predator 2 is truly the last film where you feel like this was written to be a horror film.
Also, this film will be the last to really play into the world as being an overly dramatic action movie earth. It's all realism from here.
And then the film franchise will go quiet until 2004 and 2008 for the AVP films (that I won't cover here).
Finally, we get to Predators (2010), and obvious title call back to Aliens (1986) and I have to say, a pretty good trio of ideas: The human targets are actually kidnapped and dropped on a safari planet, there are multiple Predators with their own unique designs and gimmicks, and there is a internal war between the Bad Bloods (aka the Predators who break the "honor code") and the 'normal' Predator clans.
(It should be noted that Bad Bloods have been a thing for years in comics and books, but not really in the mainstream until this film introduced it to movie audiences)
I have to say, despite having a fondness for the film and loving the new ideas, this film is not as enjoyable as Predator or Predator 2. It unfortunately suffers from what I call 2010ism, where there's a lot of CGI blood/gore, a lot of lighting/shadows aren't natural in a horror sense, and the dialogue isn't memorable because it wanted to ditch the action movie dialogue.
The last part isn't necessarily too bad, and it even works with how Adrian Brody is portrayed as a cynical asshole who is purposely meant to be the opposite of Arnold in every way. But the most memorable dialogue is definitely from Walter Goggins (including his highly disturbing "bitch raping time" speech).
Also, it really wastes Topher Grace, Laurence Fishbourne, and Danny Trejo, along with the whole idea of a gang of multinational killers/soldiers/enforcers forced to work together. Not nearly enough time is given to them to bond as a team and have a moment where they show off how cool they are like Predator and Predator 2 did.
Coupled with the safari world being just... a jungle, it feels like a lot of good ideas with "safe" execution.
I don't mean to rag on the film, it's still very fun, and a lot of that is due to the Bad Bloods.
The idea of a particular group of Predators being so evil that they are even warring with their (smaller) counterparts is a great idea, imo, and these Bad Bloods are memorable for their gimmicks.
You had one who used drones as "falcons" to scan and scout out large tracks of terrain, another who employed alien "hounds" to harass humans like a fox hunt, and the leader who had a rapid-fire plasma caster that was overpowered as hell. They also employed other tech like alien bear traps, net traps, and voice decoys.
This movie definitely had the most advanced Predator tech seen on film at the time, making the Jungle Hunter and City Hunter look low tech by comparison, and I think also served to try and force the idea of the Bad Bloods being really "unfair" compared to others.
And of course, we get our first Predator vs Predator fight, which was suitably graphic and badass. Also, I liked that one Predator died by a human pulling a suicide vest attack. Idk, I thought it was pretty ironic considering that's what predators do when they are about to lose, and thought it was neat.
Ultimately, there isn't much else to say about Predators (2010), even though the film ends on a cliffhanger with more people (and aliens) being dropped on the planet. I enjoyed it, it had a lot of cool ideas, cool tech, and cool lore... but if the prior films could be compared to novels, this one felt more like a guidebook.
And now... eight years pass and we get The Predator (2018)
Where do I begin with this movie.
I guess I start with the obvious: it's bad. It's a genuinely awful movie with few redeeming qualities. I'd say it's on the tier of Alien: Resurrection, except this movie is actually offensive because of autism ableism (turns out that autism is actually the next step of human evolution and makes you naturally predisposed to using Predator technology).
And don't get me started on the sex offender controversy.
Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. It's just that this movie... jesus christ, I rewatched it for this post, and it feels like a fever dream.
The Predator (2018) ultimately, is a film that looked at everything that came before it and said, "What if we did it all on a grander scale? And make it bad?" The plot is that a Predator is being hunted by an even larger, more powerful Predator, because it plans on harvesting humanity. You see, in this movie, some Predators use the genes of animals they hunt to improve themselves. The Super Predator as he is called, is a massive 10 foot tall monster that has turned his body into a super weapon, with technology built directly into his biology.
The Good Predator arrives on Earth to warn humanity and deliver a "Predator Killer" suit of Iron Man armor that will help humanity defend the Earth from the oncoming invasion force. The Super Predator wants humanity harvested because... autism makes them super geniuses.... and he declares that a 12 year old boy with autism to be the greatest Predator he's ever met... just because he has autism...
Look, I don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to describe the plot of this movie. It's just bad. It's stupid. At one point they turn a Predator hound good by giving it a bullet lobotomy.
It feels like this movie hates everyone. It hates the Predators, literally killing off the Good Predator not even halfway through the film. It hates the cast, because all of them are forgettable except for Olivia Munn and Super Predator, and it kills the mystique of the Predators because it has Super Predator monologue like an actual supervillain.
The dialogue is genuinely awful, the actors have no chemistry, and the comedy (oh yes, this film acts like a comedy on several occasions) is the definition of cringe. I would call it "ChatGPT writes Predator" but honestly, ChatGPT could do it better.
Let it be known that my words do not do how awful this movie is justice. You can only understand how bad it is by watching it, but it's absolutely NOT worth the time.
Is there anything good about this movie? Besides the Holiday Special on home release?
The effects are pretty good. We see a lot of high tech Predator stuff and that's always cool. I think this had the highest budget of any of the films and it shows.
There's an action set-piece where Good Predator escapes from a government facility and uses an M4-Assault Rifle which is badass. One of the best action scenes in the movie and a neat tie-back to the government investigating them.
The Super Predator is a cool concept and I actually enjoyed him for a large part of the film. I liked that he could just pick up a human like a toy and gut him like a fish before tossing him aside. I love the idea of a Predator that isn't a hunter, but rather a soldier sent in to fuck shit up, showing off the different tech. Really gives the impression that their society has different roles and tech for Predators beyond hunting.
I wish they gave him a helmet and didn't let him monologue like a supervillain.
And that's it. That's the good stuff. Nothing else matters. It says a lot that I don't think Super Predator or the autism plot has been accepted into lore in comics or books.
It's even been argued that this film was deemed non-canon because of how abysmal the reception was.
Suffice to say, after this awful film, fans were pretty low spirit. Which made it all the more surprising when Prey (2022) was released 4 years later.
There was a lot of drama about this film: the franchise is dead, why is the film so woke for including woman and minorities, how can any human expect to beat a Predator with a bow?
This drama is stupid and should rightfully be mocked.
Prey (2022) was a breath of fresh air for the franchise and I'd argue the best film in terms of quality.
It quite literally goes back to the roots of the series and does something that really elevated the film: it made the Predator symbolise something!
This film takes place in the 18th century on the Great Plains, following Naru the Commanche healer who dreams of being a hunter. Meanwhile, a young Predator - known as the Feral Predator for his aggression - is dropped on the planet for his first ever hunt.
Obviously, you can see the parallels between the two as Naru learns to use tricks and tools to handle her weaknesses, while Feral uses brute-force and high tech equipment to slaughter the animals and humans of the planet. The Bear hunt scene, where Naru is forced to flee from a bear and helplessly watch Feral kill the creature with it's bare hands (haha), thus condemning her in his eyes as not a threat is perfect character foil.
Also, he's such a piece of shit, cheating the moment he feels like his prey has the better of him. But in a good way that makes sense for his character.
But on the grander scale, the Predator represents colonialism. A secondary antagonist of the film are the French fur trappers, who have been skinning wild buffalo and depriving the commanche of their food source, openly compared to the Predator skinning animals/humans for trophies instead of resources.
It's actually a lesson Naru has to learn from her brother and mother, that to become a true hunter is about doing so to support a community, not just for ego and idolization.
Its no accident that the Fur Trapper leader dies when Naru sabotages his gun and Feral dies when Naru does the same to his gun as well, with both of them trapped and crippled without any means of escaping their demise.
This film finally moves to make the Predators feel like evil villains who are supremely selfish, much like the first 2 films emphasized (and the third film did to a lesser extent).
But talk of how amazing Naru is as a protagonist and how great the Feral predator is as an antagonist, the film is just good. The cinematography is gorgeous, the actors are great, the Predator effects and costume are terrifying, and lore wise, it does a lot to show that the Predator society is not stagnant.
They evolve over the years and it shows.
And my god are the action scenes incredible. The Predator vs Fur Trapper fight is probably one of the most iconic scenes in the entire franchise now, and for good reason.
Or Naru's knife fight massacre
All in all, this film really shows that the Predator films can be more that action films and... whatever the fuck The Predator (2018) was trying to be.
These films can be used to explore the history of humanity and symbolize concepts that deal with oppression, bigotry, and dehumanization.
The title of Prey - the focus on making the protagonists human - versus the Predator title is incredibly fitting.
While a sequel is left up in the air, we do have confirmation that a new standalone film - titled merely Badlands - is set to come out soon.
I can only hope they learned the right lessons from Prey and we can leave the horrid past of The Predator (2018) behind us for good.
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stoutguts · 2 months
First time posting something like this so I hope people will like it! 👉👈
Gaming (💀🧼)
chock full my own personal HCs and ideas, mostly unhinged rambling about Ghoap if they were into video games/gaming habits because brainworms and rot
Ghost is a complete fucking nerd, he's autistically obsessed with DND, Skyrim, Bloodborne, Dark Souls, etc. Their eyes will light up whenever someone asks him about these games/interests in particular, and whenever they get the chance to geek out and talk about them/it he will of course talk your ear off about it. Soap always listening to it's nerdy rants with equal enthusiasm, as he just loves to hear Simon talk no matter what it’s about, but also because he’s always so eager to learn. Ghost also occasionally likes to play fifa or rocket league or something along those lines, but it gets major game rage when it plays those games because he sucks ass at it. Also, they've probably got like 2,500+ hours in Skyrim alone. Even if sports related games aren’t their strong suit, he’s really good at other games, with being so fucking sweaty when it comes to Bloodborne, Skyrim, Dark Souls, etc, it's no surprise that it's like god-tier at it. He's very good at rhythm games, but particularly they enjoy Guitar Hero and Project Diva and has perfected all songs across multiple games on maximum or higher difficulties. It also positively dominates on games like Overwatch (they are a Diva/Moira main), Super Smash Bros. (he's a Donkey Kong/Bowser main), and practically any first person shooter with online play. When it comes to first person shooters, they strictly play with other players and doesn't care about the campaign/story mode. Every now and then it'll get Johnny to join them for a round of DND or play Skyrim with him, and even though Soap isn’t nearly as experienced in the game as Ghost is, they still both have a lot of fun. Soap listening to Simon’s autistic rants pays off in some instances, like when faced with different enemies or characters he can name them or knows what they do, or he can even recall certain lore that's interesting to him. (Soap being hella ADHD, and even though he tries his best to listen he struggles with processing information, (APD gang), and often has people repeat themselves, or he just totally forgets stuff unless he's makes it a point to commit it to memory).
Soap is the complete opposite from Ghost he’s really not that much of a gamer at all, he's certainly not any good at most competitive-based games anyhow. He's into the more casual or feel good kind of games, like Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, or any cozy life simulator type game—he even plays the Sims every once in a while. Where he’s virtually created his ideal life with Simon, a nice two story house, a couple of kids running around (two daughters).—Has meticulously outfitted and created him and Simon to be as accurate to real life as possible, as well as their two kids (Scarlett and Bonnie), (or at least what he would imagine them to look like). Even though, he absolutely loves what the two have, a man can dream. He has Ghost give their own input on the little life that he’s built for them in the Sims, and Simon will gladly give suggestions and tell him what to do with certain things, whether it’s their house, pets, clothes/accessories, etc. Johnny also always asks for name suggestions when it comes to new pets or sims. Soap has like at least 5000+ hours in Animal Crossing, on New Leaf, New Horizons, and City Folk each. With his island/towns completely decked out and decorated—with everything you can possibly think of unlocked. He’ll whip up Animal Crossing in order to destress at the end of the day, and always makes sure to login and do his daily tasks and chores on all three games (or at least when he can). He'll even take his 3DS with him on long missions (if he's able to), and if he has the time and is not too exhausted he'll play New Leaf for a bit before going to sleep. He's 100%'d Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons and Stardew Valley, his farms being as fancy as can be, though he doesn't play them nearly as much.—He'll only play for a little while before getting off. In a similar vein, Ghost will play Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley with Soap (as Johnny’s created multiple profiles across all games for them so that they can play together) every now and then. Ghost always half-jokes that he’s gonna kill Soap’s spouse in Stardew, (Harvey, because in Johnny’s eyes he’s the bachelor that looks the most like Simon), getting all jealous and possessive, and Soap thinks it’s adorable. Ghost feels like a kid again when he’s playing Animal Crossing. It's favorite villagers/characters being Stitches and Celeste, Stitches because it reminds them of an old beloved teddy bear he had as a child, and Celeste because she's adorable and because making constellations is their favorite thing to do in City Folk, plus, the zodiac themed furniture is their favorite furniture set in New Horizons. Johnny being particularly fond of Shep, and CJ/Flick, because Shep reminds him of one of his childhood dogs growing up (an Old English Sheepdog named Mack), and CJ and Flick because they remind him of him and Simon.
Another game the two will play together is Wii Sports or Wii Sports Resort. Johnny and Simon are both incredibly competitive, and will talk shit to one another during the entirety of a game—start to finish. They’ve gotten into petty spats over wounded pride or some “bullshit play”/“cheating”.
It always seems to slip Simon’s mind to put on the fucking wrist strap for the Wii remote before they start playing, so they've chucked it full force into the TV on multiple occasions. Shattering it or severely damaging it, because he’s too fucking strong for it's own good. 💀 Johnny will sometimes yell at them, and is naturally always upset, because most of the time when it happens he has to go out and buy a brand new TV, which is expensive.
"Si, baby, I love you, but please remember to put on your bloody wrist strap", he sighs.
But Soap despite his frustration can't stay mad at it for long, and forgives him shortly afterwards.
"I know ye didn't mean to", he feels horrible, because he knows that Ghost has a lot discomfort and even trauma when it comes to people yelling or screaming at them. Johnny always tries his best not to raise his voice at it, though sometimes it just comes out.
Simon starts crying, which makes Soap feel even worse and like a total dick. Though Ghost understands that sometimes Johnny can't help but raise his voice, it still triggers them. Soap goes to them almost immediately and takes him to the couch, wrapping his arms around it in a tight, but warm embrace. He holds Simon and tries his best to comfort them, whispering sweet words into his ear and telling them everything they need to hear in the moment—
“I’m not mad or anything, you know I could never stay mad at you mo chirdhe.”
“The last thing I’d ever want to do would be to hurt you, I’m so so sorry.”
“I love you more than anything, I’d give you the world and then some if I could.”
Ghost eventually calms down, its face still flushed and wet with tears. He kisses Johnny. Oh so, passionately.
“Then why don’t you prove just how much you love me?”, they say with a mischievous glint in their eyes.
“There’s nothing I’d want to do more, my sweet”, Soap chuckles. [END]
Oh yeah, also Johnny and Simon's favorite games to play together in Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort respectively are golf (because they're both white as hell), and swordplay (because it's more violent and action-packed compared to the other games). Soap's favorite sports to play on his own on Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort are baseball and archery, while Ghost likes boxing and basketball.
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razorblade180 · 3 months
Hot take: arlecchino should have a more prominent presence in the fontaine aq because she’s literally just standing there most of the time. Also, archon or not, furina is a celebrity and arle’s attack on her is a serious crime
Say it one more time for the people in the back.
I can’t describe how utterly disappointed I am of Arlecchino as a character. Years of lore about the orphanage and multiple Fatui children describing the pain, and even running away just to die later really built up a reputation I don’t think they delivered on. Especially with the voice lines about her.
Then when she finally shows up, she talks mad shit, proclaims fate won’t easily have its way, then isn’t even in the room when the grand reveals and plans happen. Her people helped saved one town and she provided one piece of info. She didn’t have to work to get the gnosis because Skirk told Neuvillette to get rid of it.
Form me she was just incredibly underwhelming and the game chooses to pivot to the “Oh but she’s not so bad” angle after the year and a half of info.
Not to mention they really try to downplay how most of the orphans don’t really know what they’re getting into until later on when it’s too late to leave, yet despite that fact, they need to earn the right to leave which involves taking a substance that they might not be able to withstand. I can’t speak for everyone but where I’m from, that’s essentially gang rules. And I think what actually upsets me the most about this is she really has no allegiance to the Fatui so aside from funds, I really don’t see what was stopping her ditching the entire group and creating her own orphanage. It can still be a fucked up one in the sense that its goal is to ruin the Fatui, but why exactly did it have to be apart of it? Who even arrested her and why did she stick around long enough to get arrested?
All these gripes that I have and yet the game tries to sell how absolutely awesome she is and that she isn’t that bad of a person. It’s at this point I wish Hoyo just trusted the idea that they can make a horrible and unhinged person that will still get pulls. I wanted a cool evil woman. The more they tried making her caring, the less interesting she got for me.
Childe and Scara are actual menaces to society who worked more than her to get a gnosis. There also wasn’t a sharp contrast between lore hints and their in game presence. Hoyo said Scara was a sad and angry crazed fella and that’s what we dealt with. I’m not a fan of Childe but they played it straight with being the battle hungry family man. I like subverting expectations but I don’t really think that’s the strongest move to do when you’re trying to sell a character. Put the right label on the box if you’re going to allude to said box. Furina had character twists but is still very much in line with what we knew and experienced
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danidoesathing · 11 months
am i the only one who feels like alex(the world ender guy) was kind of a missed oportunity in vide noir? like, he was set up by johnnie to be a badass gang leader just for him to never even appear in the end, we just got a close up to his face scar
i feel like buck's encounter with the psychic would've been way more powerful if it was alex instead. its implied that johnnie and moonbeam had a relationship ig, but its barely even hinted at, and he never even mentions her. but with johnnie and alex, johnnie actually mentions him and speaks highly of his brother, and says alex will help buck if he sees the red cloth that belonged to johnnie
the fact that all that build up led to buck not even TALKING to alex kinda irks me. imagine how much better the payoff would be if alex had received the cloth instead of moonbeam? if we had seen his reaction to johnnie's death? if he would've helped buck like johnnie said he would? if we saw what johnnie implied alex would do to the guys who black brained his brother? idk man i think we were robbed
im new to the fanbase, so im gonna be very embarassed if this is a topic that already came up here LOLL but i still wanted to get it off my chest💀sry if this ask is messy, i suck at writing down my thoughts lmao
No I gotta agree on that. Like I LOVED seeing Moonbeam and getting know her as her and having all this new information about her (her being part of the World Enders is still wild to me and I love it) and it’s a good scene and all, but I’m still confused as to why they built up Alex so much, especially since this is the first time we’re hearing about him, and he never even got the chance to speak. If it were Dale I’d be a bit more understanding as we know him already (tho not by much cause I would have loved to see more of Dale). But it’s Alex, whose not only the leader of the World Enders but also Johnnie’s (and Dale’s) brother. I would’ve have loved to, you know, actually meet the guy. Especially with how much build up he got. And I GET IT Lord Huron’s lore is meant to be weird and vague and hard to pin down but like. Didn’t need to tease me like that come on
The only reason I could think of was maybe they needed to get Buck on his own again? Like having this the beginning of a war between the World Enders and Z’Oieasu shown or having Buck work with them consistently might have thrown off the tone. It is supposed to be Buck’s story and his own descent into madness. The whole album has this isolated vibe to me, like being alone in a city of people Hard to get that when there’s other people around, especially a group as lively as the world enders. Or maybe they just wanted to include Moonbeam back into the story again lol
GOD I would have loved to see Moonbeam’s scene with Buck done with Alex. I can only imagine how that scene would’ve played out and his reaction to Johnnie’s death. Contrasting Buck’s scene with Johnnie with Alex’s own personality, the possible dynamics, the anger and grief that could arise…..ough
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notnosimp · 3 months
I enjoy that fucked up looking fish (Siren Charborg) quite a lot.
I want facts about the fucked up looking fish if you are willing to share
Ask and I shall share!! (sorry to other asks, I'll try to get to y'all soon- with art, hopefully.)
Siren!Char is one of many characters in my Monster AU- where there exists Werewolves, Vampires, Sirens + Mermaids, many different versions of the Undead, and more! (Which you'll learn of soon :))
Charborg, (the fish-based scrunkly that he is) is of course, a Siren; basically being the carnivorous, singing version of a Mermaid.
This means that he has much sharper teeth (as you saw), claws instead of rounder, shorter nails (which i forgot to draw), and also a murkier color palette/scales. His tail also sports much tougher scales, built for combat (though not straight up immune from all hits) and a lot less shiny than a Mermaid.
(He's based off of a Sockeye Salmon, btw- got that from his PFP)
All fish-based, human-like monsters (Mermaids and all the species which come from them) have the ability to retract their tails- replacing them in an uncomfortable few seconds with legs. They still have most of their features in the transformation- keeping their coloration through 'tattoos', keeping their sharp appendages (teeth, claws, etc), strange 'ears', and yellow-ish to orange-ish eyes. (I'm using the Vampire bat transformation rules here, so they do keep their pants, somehow. Don't ask me about that bit, I'm just trying to keep everything PG-13 man 😭)
While Mermaids can sing quite beautifully, Sirens have the unique ability to mind control the people who are exposed to it. However if the vocal cords, mouth, or general throat area of the Siren is damaged- or if the Siren simply hasn't practiced this power- then they cannot mind control. Some Sirens are simply born without this power as well- only singing a bit nicer-sounding than average. Unfortunately, Char is one of these people; he cannot mind control, and was kicked out of his original Pod for this reason. Fleeing, he eventually found a pirate crew made up of Mermaids and Sirens alike (a strange sight by itself- there's lots of prejudice from both sides), which accepted him. He made his home there, and started a life of stealing, sword-fighting, and generally exciting, happy moments (until they got attacked, but we'll get to that).
While he was originally a pirate and had more pirate-fitting clothes, I'm suiting him with a more grunge-y, punk style (with some pirate clothes sprinkled in) later in the lore that may have not fully shown itself in the photo that I've posted, but i swear he will look stylish and funky in my art eventually, once I have his design down!!!
(Feel free to submit ideas for the designs or clothes that they could wear btw- I need ideas!!)
Lore wise, I had a few different ideas for him, but they all circled back to him being a weird lil pirate so I settled on this:
Originally, he was living with a crew made up of other Sirens and Mermaids (as I said before), parading around stealing anything shiny and fighting other pirate gangs in their (probably stolen) ship. That is, until, they ended up fighting and stealing from the wrong crew and the seemingly small human group came back a few days later with a LOT more people and revenge-fought them, searching for a very important treasure which they stole. The battle ends with Chars Pod being killed off and (if they were deemed 'pretty enough') trophied. Char ends up surviving by hiding with the ships luggage, but eventually he has to bail ship and gains a large amount of injuries in the process. He finds land, but I am unfortunately still workshopping everything beyond that. (I'm focusing on the whole setting rather than the character's lore atm.)
Hope it all sounds interesting so far!
More things will happen with the others and there will obviously be other B-Plots to do with the characters unrelated to Char, but for now I'm just focusing on their world, all the different species, and all their scarred up (speaking of- Char has scars, I swear, I just didn't draw them in that initial pic), weirdo designs :)
I'm making art of their world plus designs for their bases/homes and just general landmarks, so hopefully I can get that out soon!
Thank you again for asking!!
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ihateliterature · 2 years
Sariel Route Review
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So I finished Sariel's route yesterday and here are my thoughts on it. Obviously spoilers for Sariel, Clavis and Luke’s routes
A lot of people disliked Sariel's route for its apparent lack of romance, but I love it. Now, that's probably because I am in the incredibly funny position of being an aro playing otome games and making myself gag with how sappy they are, so for me the romance is not a part I enjoy in most routes, just something I have to deal with.
"Why do you even play then?" Says the clueless alloro.
For the characters, soft porn, one liners and, of course, the LORE! Give me a YouTube channel and call me MatPat cause I'm all about that lore.
Back to Sariel.
For me Sariel’s route was basically perfect, it had intrigue and suspense and didn’t stop the action in its tracks just so the characters can make googly eyes at each other for half the chapter.
First for the things I didn’t like. I don’t like Sariel’s backstory, it’s much too cluttered. They wanted to make him this super accomplished person before he came to the palace but also have him grow up with the princes. So they made him a famous 10 y/o gang leader. It’s so fucking weird and I’m amazed I didn’t see more people talking about it. It would have been fine if he had a group of five or six other kids and they were known in their own town for beating people with pipes and small robberies and the like. But the scale we are shown is just ridiculous, they could have fixed this very easily if they would have made him arrive at the palace just a few years later. A famous 15-16 y/o gang leader is still ridiculous but not as much as a kid that hadn’t even started his puberty yet. 
I liked the MC. She is smart, a quick learner, adapts easily and she’s a good improviser, all of this coupled with being really knew into that life and having little to no experience makes her pleasant to follow, she is probably my favorite MC, closely followed by Clavis’. She didn’t ride on her status as Belle and took her responsibilities as Sariel’s apprentice very seriously even if it was only a cover. I really liked that she proved herself to be not only a competent Belle but also a skilled Minister with the potential to greatly help the country in the future.
Hot take but I really like Sariel and MC’s dynamic. A lot of people hated it but I like it. I’ve seen people say that they felt like the romance kinda came out of nowhere at the end without any built up, but I disagree. There is definitely A LOT of pinning between them during the route, on MC’s part but also on Sariel’s. The reason why they only acted on it at the very end was because both of them, and the story, recognised that there was no time for romance and it wouldn’t have been appropriate.
Relationships between a superior and an employee in the workplace are complicated. Now, I’m no moral crusader and I would’ve adored to have Sariel fuck MC on his desk between lessons since Chapter 2, and frankly the whole game toys with power imbalance in relationships because that’s just the nature of royalty dating commoners. Unfortunately Sariel is not the type to abuse his position in that way (regardless of how hot it would have been, I should write a fic about boss!Sariel and secretary!Emma). Sariel was keenly aware of his position the entire time and acted accordingly. At the end MC becomes Sariel’s apprentice for real and they start dating but at that point I see them as colleagues more than master and apprentice, even the princes treat MC as a full on Minister by that point.
Here comes my favorite part . . . the KING.
I fucking hate the King. He is just like every pathetic guy I’ve ever met.
I think Cybird made a good job of portraying someone who is so shit, through the idealised lense of the one singular person who liked him.
Sariel had a toxic father-son relationship with the man. They’ve known each other since Sariel was 10 and the King was more of a father to him than to any of his children. But even keeping that in mind, Sariel still had to essentially care for the emotional needs of a man child, becoming his only confidant and carrying on his desires and hopes for the country alongside his own grief, because Sariel was the ONLY one that actually grieved for that man.
Look, I don’t like saying bad things about Jin’s mom, but she chose wrong. We are told that there were no complaints about the King before the previous Belle was chased out but I highly doubt this. We are told this by Sariel, who wasn’t there and has probably found out about this FROM the King. The man was also full of shit, he claimed to love the country but he never showed it. He let Sariel and his sons rule his country WHILE he was alive. I can understand the very end, when he was too sick to move, but there was Blood Stained Day. Not even an invasion motivated this man to get off his ass. The princes had to go and fight themselves and I don’t think that we, as a fandom, realise just how young they were. Most of them were in their teens, only Chevalier and Jin were adults, Chevalier, the guy who sacrificed war prisoners was 20 or 21 and Clavis, the mad man who ran to save them and almost died in a fire because of it was 19 or 20, only Jin could have been considered an actual adult at the time, and he was 22. And what was the King doing during all of this? Throwing himself a pity party, like usual.
He did this in basically every flashback, called himself incompetent and a bad King, and he was right. 
Not only was he a bad King and a bad father, but he was an atrocious husband. Anita is the clearest example of that. I can understand why he didn’t like the Queen and the other two marriages were purely political, but he wanted to marry Anita, this was something that he WANTED, no one could have or would have forced him to do it. Regardless of that he completely ignored her after she gives birth, he pitied her, sure, but he never extended a hand towards her. He saw how her mental health was going to shit and he cried when she died, for her and the twins, but he did nothing to prevent this, he could’ve but he didn’t.
The King was not a broken man, he was a pathetic one. He spent his entire life after his girlfriend was chased out throwing himself a pity party, ignoring his duties and hurting people. He was most likely depressed, yeah, but that doesn’t excuse abandonment, neglect and rape.
Oh yeah, let’s talk about the two giant pink elephants floating around in Sariel’s route, the two KNOWN sexual assaults inflicted by the King upon Leticia Lelouch and Luke’s mom. 
They are not mentioned, which is weird considering that two princes are the product of that and one happened WHILE Sariel was at the court. This man was utterly despicable. What he did to Luke’s mom can be argued as the King quite literally losing his mind out of grief and because she looked like the previous Belle (a stupid argument, but fine, I’ll take it), but what he did to Leticia was downright monstrous. He wanted to hurt her; he wanted to torture her; he did that out of pure malice, because a maidservant pestering him to have tea with his wife from time to time pissed him off so much.
Sariel is not stupid, it’s not that he is unaware of all of this, he is just consciously choosing to not think about it. He never tries to argue against it, he never tries to convince Luke that the King was “a good guy, actually”, because he knows what kind of man he was. When a loved one is proven to have done something horrible, many people are more inclined to ignore it, excuse it or deny it, because they love that person too much to abandon them, even after something like that. Sariel does the same thing, for him it doesn’t matter that the King was a horrible person, it only matters that he was good to him.
Sariel’s route portrayed this dynamic perfectly, it might have been infuriating, but I enjoyed this direction and the care the writers took to tell the audience just how shit that man was while maintaining just how dependant Sariel was on him, to the point of ignoring his wrongdoings any chance he got.
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asukaskerian · 2 years
i’m slogging my way through the first book of Can’t Fear Your Own World (bleach post-canon novel) and there’s so much fun and cool little details in it. arrancars and how they live! surviving quincies trying to do their thing! even the fullbringers both dead and alive are kind of interesting. and i was really WOW re: the mention that the last battle caused a huge-ass earthquake in the living world with a “Extremely supernatural/cursed” feel that even normal humans could notice, which kickstarted several new cults trying to make sense of it.
also. soul king lore! grimmjow and nel and all the gang cameos! so why is it a slog? i mean, the translation is awkward in places but not to the point that you can’t figure out what it’s trying to say.
but one of the leads is fucking HISAGI SHUUHEI aka the most milquetoast wannabe punk that was ever written.
i just. all he has to his name is : 1. a cool/tryhard design and 2. a ridiculous blind loyalty to a fucking traitor that nobody ever pulls him up on.
he keeps totally ignoring the HUGE logical disconnect between his “i love and respect and will always follow My Captain, As The Epitome Of A Shinigami”, “Therefore i will always act as a good shinigami”, “even though My Captain considered the whole institution to be rotted all the way through and was trying to bring it down from within”.
(and everyone around him just sighs and lets him keep preching the gospel of tousen, when politically speaking other people have been “disappeared” for much less and over things that merely APPEARED wrong. hhhh.)
his great regret is not bringing Tousen back sob sob tragedy but For Once Aizen Was Right in that to bring Tousen back to the shinigami, you’d have had to destroy every clear, intense core belief the man had.
does Shuuhei acknowledge this at any point? and let the man go? because it’s like he built his whole personality around being Tousen’s faithful vice-captain and now rather than to deal with what it means he's just going “lalala can’t hear you” over every single dissonance-inducing mention. i. just. nhgbvdhv.
is this actually a plot point he ever evolves on? because then he’d still be boring, but at least he wouldn’t grate.
anyway. i just can’t fuck with that guy. why can’t we have a rangiku-pov book instead. hnn.
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number1villainstan · 1 year
Kurono Hari! Chances are this is gonna be another long one, just like Chisaki.
How I feel about this character:
Hmm, god, how do I answer this? I definitely feel something about him, but it's hard to pinpoint what. Usually I think about him in relation to Chisaki (because Chisaki is the one I focus on) but he's got a solid amount of independent lore/character building to him, so he's definitely interesting. I also definitely think that he, like pretty much all of the Hassaikai, got cheated in terms of characterization. He, like the rest of the Hassaikai, has so much potential, but apparently the show decided it didn't care about that. Ugh.
All the people I ship "romantically" with this character:
Just like Chisaki, I hc Kurono as aromantic, so the same disclaimers apply: the ships I have for him might be close to romance, but most often they aren't really romance. (Even if I do enjoy explicitly romantic versions of some of those ships.)
Chisaki: My main for him (and for Chisaki). Any OT3s involving Kurono are going to also involve Chisaki (and vice versa). I talked about this a lot in the Chisaki post, but there's some more thoughts I have on this: I think that Kurono is extremely protective of Chisaki, possibly to the point of unhealthy possessiveness; this is very much mutual. I usually set it up so that they've been together so long it's hard for them to even imagine being with anyone else without the other there.
Dabi: This one is a little bit complicated. I talked about it a little bit in the Chisaki post, but I can also see Dabi attempting to seduce Kurono away from the Hassaikai, assuming that he's pining after Chisaki/Chisaki isn't paying attention to him, and Kurono (who is already in a long-term relationship with Chisaki) deciding to have a little fun with it, with Chisaki's blessing. Dabi would have no idea what hit him.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Actually, an OC of mine (that I haven't yet talked about with pretty much anyone) named Quill (current 'legal' name: Yamarashi Mikan). My backstory for Kurono involves his house burning down when he's five and him living in an orphanage for much of his early life, and Quill was his best friend during those years. Once he joined the Hassaikai, she ended up running away and establishing a lesbian biker gang somewhere a good distance away from the Hassaikai base. Her name is Quill because that was the first thing that came to mind--she has a mutation quirk that makes her hair like porcupine/hedgehog spikes instead of actual hair, as well as affecting her skin (darker, likely with lighter patterns or vitiligo--I need to look up porcupine skin coloration). She and Kurono bonded over having weird hair.
I also, in some AUs, like the idea of him and Hatsume meeting--I hc Kurono as being very good at mechanics and having built most of the stuff in Chisaki's lab. Two mildly insane mechanical geniuses meeting--the world isn't ready for it.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
He's a trans man AND he's a top. Enough of these stereotypes. (Also, he got bottom surgery, because bottom surgery is a thing and I think fanfic writers forget that.)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Him getting more than two scenes. And also an actual solid backstory. And characterization beyond 'loyal to Chisaki' and 'can go cold/emotionless during battle.' We got hints that he and Chisaki were childhood friends, we got hints that Chisaki values him enough to not even snap at him when he says something Chisaki doesn't like, but in canon (at least in the show) we know basically zero about him. He should logically be a much more important character during the Hassaikai arc than he is, being the second/confidant of the main villain, but we still get practically nothing.
Send me a character and I'll break their ass down
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drxgony · 1 year
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2 future Sith Lords and a future Exile walk the stairs of the Jedi Temple, a place they once called home.
Anywho, this is my iteration of the Exile, Alek, and Revan, back when they were Jedi Knights. A close friend trio before everything went as it did.
I have loads of headcanons and lore built for them (they need to start paying rent in my head, I swear) so I'll put it all under the read more!
Alright let's do this. So first and foremost I like to say that in my mind, they used to be best friends, Revan and Exile (I will also call her Meetra at times) being much like siblings, and Alek being a giant m
They would follow the Soldier, Poet, King format. The Exile the Soldier, Alek as the Poet, and Revan as the King. This also translates in Jedi ways with Guardian Exile, Consular Alek, and Sentinel Revan.
I like to imagine that although Alek has the nickname "Squint" as per part of his last name/old planet. It's also cause he needs glasses. For a guy who loves to read, it's a bit apparent.
That being said the hunt for the Star Forge was also aided by the research Alek did beforehand. As well, it was a passion project for him really. An aspect of his research loving shining through.
Revan and Exile are straightup very good, their humour and vibes are so similarly matched that they get along incredibly well. Meanwhile Alek is the "straight man" in situations. (As well, there were times where Alek may or may not have had feelings for one or the either, but was always closest with Revan. Meanwhile for Exile, a bit more of an incel moment, didn't appreciate her as much.)
In order for the Jedi order to have a bit more trouble going after the main gang, Alek dyed his hair black. This is A) for canon purposes, and B) I like to imagine that when the Exile sees Mical, buried deep within his books, she is reminded of him, and cant help but feel nostalgic.
The gang was also very young when they decided to go to War. Incredibly early 20s, like 22 at most (Age from eldest to youngest being Exile, Revan, Alek, but they're all pretty much the same age). The decision was hard but passionate. Revan was furious, Alek still has unresolved beef, and Exile was ride or die. I imagine they maybe even went on a mission and dealt with the aftermath of a planet after Mandolorian control, and that's what truly kickstarted it.
Revan never brought up Kreia, but she was the closest in regards of masters to him, pretty much a mother, and he did visit her to listen to her advice at times. The thing is, I like to imagine it wasn't a great relationship. Dissapointed parent and angry son with a broken relationship. He'd leave meetings with her in an emotional if not angry state. Yet he'd never bring it up to the trio. They knew better then to ask.
Things were happier in the past though, they were friends, they got to trouble, and there was always a love an appreciation for one another. Yet during the war, their fight and all of it fuelled their rage, pain, and loss. I know in the wiki it says that at one point, Malak wanted to send HK-47 to eliminate the Exile, and Revan refused... the thing is I simply cannot find the source of that, yet it is entirely possible. I like to imagine specifically, Revan being surprised. It reveals something about Malak to him, in which he is willing to betray the Exile if necessary.
Nonetheless, before it all went to hell, I just like to imagine they were best friends, and truly cared for eachother.
Lastly, here is my playlist about them. I hope you enjoyed these. There will be more in the future.
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trickstarbrave · 2 years
Hello! I am here to inform you that I would happily read a 10 page essay about Alduin's Bane. Spoilers are a highlight. Your Elder Scrolls lore is incredible and I am frothing at the mouth for more.
oh man now i have decision paralysis i have so much to talk about given the fic is over 150k (somehow. i cant believe i wrote that much) uhhhhhh im just gonna give some bullet points of what i can think of
>originally was going to just be a oneshot centered around the past that would have been the first 3-ish chapters but i liked it so much i had continued it
>hell i had debated actually naming eyja or not for a while lol
>originally fengr wasn't going to be in the story, but i actually liked him the more i thought about him. he is supposed to be the archtypical box art "dragonborn" bethesda markets (except two handed weapons instead of dual wielding). i thought he made a good foil and could help drive some of the character development and give eyja more to connect her to the world and also because i wanted to use him as a foil for another character
>i did intend for sheogorath to be the champion of cyrodiil. not everyone agrees with this theory but i liked it. i also hope i did a better job making the quest more interesting. i was really proud of connecting the weird, seemingly disjointed dream world quests to our main character's psyche and problems rather than being just a cheap joke
>i also LOVE sanguine if you couldn't tell. writing him was some of my favorite stuff. genuine chaos and debauchery. he technically had the right idea
>i had a big plan in mind for a side plot where The Gang currently (fengr, serana, eyja, alduin) run into cicero and the listener who were tasked with assassinating the dragonborn and instead ask for their help to take down astrid who they know is planning on turning on them. this was going to lead to a full blown assassination of the current emperor, but for the life of me i couldn't think of a satisfactory way to connect the plot to the rest of the story without feeling like i was forcing a block through a circular hole so it has been indefinitely tabled. if it makes it back in the story then it does but so far i'm not planning on it. but if you're wondering what happened to our dear little jester he is off helping rebuild the dark brotherhood with his wood elf listener
>in my fic to be mentioned later alduin actually got so angry he ripped off solstheim as a provide from mainland skyrim and flung it off into the ocean during a big ass battle
>i remember some ppl saying alduin could be akin to shiva. whether or not you like this idea or think it is credible i was a lil inspired by the myths of sati and parvati in the loosest of ways
>im still very proud that i made bleakfalls barrow originally designed and built to be eyja's tomb. in functions VERY much as a tutorial dungeon in many aspects with like blatant plot hooks in the form of the dragon stone and word wall that we just dont see in other tombs. not to mention it is very large and in your face, something you expect to be of bigger importance, and delphine wanted the dragon stone for some unexplained reason, so. head dragon priest's tomb it is. but alduin wouldn't actually let her be buried there, which only lead to credence to the mainstream belief that konahrik had defected or betrayed alduin and he had killed her in a rage.
>how she got the mask i just realized i never explained. basically my bullshit reason was she owns the mask. the mask was sealed off to wait for a new owner if one ever came, and then was lost to time. dragon priests arent really supposed to "die" in my telling of events so she got the mask by wandering in and it opened up for her assuming she was the original owner here to claim it. it does not do this for literally anyone else
>alduin kind of fucking sucked at sex. i hint at this in several ways but in their first lifetime he just fucking sucked at it. i cannot fully stress how just bad and clumsy he was. this immortal dragon god of the end of time was a complete virgin and it showed. if it wasn't for the fact he was a god she adored i dont think eyja would have put up with it. but luckily she taught him better.
>they were together i estimate in the ballpark of 60 years prior to her being killed. a very fun time for the people of skyrim given alduin wasnt randomly flying overhead to munch on them
>i wanna work more on serana and alduin's dynamic bc i think it is very funny. she's gotten over her panic into just normal rational fear and questioning her sanity of "wait the actual dragon god??? thats who im traveling with????"
>as far as dragon priests knew it was an open secret eyja and alduin were fucking. the general public didnt know but most of the priests knew. and most of the dragons but they were more confused by the concept of actually having sex which seemed weird in general
actual big spoilers under the cut for people who dont wanna see:
>fengr is, in the next little mini arc we're about to do with curing lycanthrope, about to be revealed as also a dragonborn. i like to imagine that was akatosh's back up plan or something. i wont reveal all of what the revelation entails to keep that fun and exciting
>also to be mentioned: molag bal has beef with alduin and eyja because her mask is actually made of daedric ivory. alduin went "i need a cooler material for her mask to be made out of" and went all the way to a realm of oblivion to kill one of molag bal's big ass daedra. this has lead to much of molag bal's beef with dragons
>several members of the thalmor were investigating the masks (this is canon) and took a particular interest in both eyja's and the time traveling unnamed mask. this wooden mask alduin had made in hopes it could bring eyja back (it failed)
>back to the sati and parvati myths uhhhh part of that has translated to miraak and his motivations. i hope you didn't have "miraak is past life eyja's ex" on your bingo card because you will not be able to check that off. miraak was her father.
>in that regard i had to think a lot about how having kids would be handled by dragon priests. i dont see miraak actually raising any children he had, and he probably had a variety of concubines and wives to sleep with as i imagine most of the other dragon priests did, but no time to actually get attached. so she probably only had some status and little interactions with him prior to this, but boy was miraak mad he couldnt just use her influence for his own gain. idk if i will get to mention all this part in my fic lol
>finding out one of his kids actually inherited his abilities led him down the path to trying to understand what dragonborn were. he thought he was a strange, special existence, but finding out there were more people like him made him wanna find out how they worked. this also invariably led to him experimenting on several of eyja's multitude of half siblings that died prior to him getting his hands on her. also prob wont get to mention all this in the fic
>in this vein i had the idea to make vahlok eyja's other parent but i didn't think it did much for the story so. i might go in the way of "helpful mentor" or just that he didnt fucking suck
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esaari · 3 years
Hi I’m new to your lovely blog and I was wondering if you could (re)introduce your ocs? Who they are and a little bit about them
Sorry it took me so long to respond I have been so tired this week,,,,
I have several OCs and most of them have AUs as well. There’s a few that don’t have much *lore* or some have none. I also have OCs that exist purely in my mind so I won’t be talking about those lol. I’ll throw in a picture so you can see who tf I’m talking about. One thing you’ll notice I don’t really give my OCs specific ages,, I am gesturing vaguely and that is enough for me LOL.
Gabriel aka. Gabe (in his late 30s or early 40s for canon and most AUs, 6’5″, bi)
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Yes I am using his xmas photo cus he looks CUTE in this.
My absolute favourite since his creation, my golden child,,, the one with the most *lore* and AUs. His background is pretty much the same in most of my AUs and canon. He grew up poor raised by just his mother cus his father was a piece of shit basically who also happened to die behind bars when Gabe was very young. Troubled childhood leading to a life of crime. He becomes a filthy rich sugar daddy though eventually doing his shady business. He is very charming at least if he likes you with a soft side for his loved ones. He can become quite the big teddy bear in a relationship. Don’t tell anyone I told you though or he might murder me in my sleep. His canon that I’ve thought about mostly involves him sitting behind bars for some years and going on a quest for revenge against people who got him there. 20s/50s AU he’s the head of a gang and is one of my favourite,,, if not my favourite,,, AU to think about. I say 20s/50s because I have both but they are essentially the same, other just involving some friends OCs as well :^) Oh and YES he was struck by lightning, that’s what those marks are. Lip scar origin changes from being punched in the face to being bitten on the lip. In modern settings he has 7 piercings: two on both ears, both nips and a PA. There’s so much more I have for this guy but I find it hard to decide what is worth mentioning.
Beau (a little bit younger than Gabe and around the same height as well, gay)
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Big stupid himbo essentially. All the brain cells in the family went to Gabe. I’m still working on him to see where he falls to but likely he doesn’t follow in his brother’s footsteps even though he does look up to him a lot. He is good and kind.
Creed (demon age????, human age in his 40s, 7’3″, pan(?))
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Everyone’s beloved big shredded demon mans. Slap his bald head for bad luck. As far as lore goes in his canon he is a demon with the ability to shift into a human form to mingle around people if he likes. In his human form however in canon or any AU he always conceals his face in some way and remains tall as fuck so he can hardly blend in. Creed doesn’t really do much as of right now other than takes care of his own needs. I may give him some additional abilities later but who knows. I also change his horn shape every now and then for fun. The bigger the horns the more horny he is? Who knows. Honorable mention of Creed in that 20s/50s AU with Gabe where he is basically hired muscle and enjoys throwing people around. Human Creed has issues with his own face and mutilating it. Overall Creed is a pretty unpleasant and selfish character who hates just about everyone.
Alek (age 20s-30s???, 6’1″, pan)
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Alek in his canon is an android. He was originally just built to be a faceless weapon like other androids in the factory he was built in. His ’father’ (someone working there) however took his design further giving him some top tier AI. I want to say he has free will, it’s fiction who cares. His looks mimic his ’father’s’ actual son that passed away cus he couldn’t come to terms with the loss and tried to recreate him hehehehe. There’s a point where Alek escapes the place after his ’father’ is murdered by his coworkers and he gets to go outside for the first time and tries to make a life for himself. He looks like an unfinished project because he is, he was supposed to look like a regular human in the end. I have some other fun ideas regarding this canon setting but it requires more work. And resembles a soap opera tbqh with all the damn twists. He has had several AUs as well but as of right now I don’t work on those.
Marcus (age????????, 6’3″, bi)
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Marcus is my vampire character from a witcher-esque universe. He’s the most relaxed motherfucker known to mankind only existing to live deliciously. He hates other vampires, especially his own family (after the incident), and is one of the rare ones that doesn’t see themselves as being above humans. He was in love once with a human and as you can imagine this did not end very well. He has built a lot of walls around himself but deep down there is a heart of gold. He can turn into a massive ugly looking bat.
Kit (age??????, 6’5″, pan/demi)
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Kit exists in the same universe with Marcus. I like to imagine the two are friends. Kit is the softest lad I have despite all the shit he has to go through. He is very shy and avoids people mostly so has had no relationship experience either,, please be nice to him asksjdfslgd. He was abandoned in the woods as a baby and raised by someone else who also named him Kit. He is a mix of a vampire and a werewolf which resulted in him being born with a fucked up arm. The scarring on his entire arm and side of face opens up every time he turns and is very painful obviously so he avoids it at all cost. He doesn’t even want to hurt anyone so it is merely a self defence mechanic. Kit also has a big monster form, a very fluffy bat looking thing with a messed up wing so he cannot fly.
Natalie aka. Nat (20s to 30s, 5′6″, bi)
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She currently only exists in the 20s/50s AU. She loves being the centre of attention and being showered in gifts. Much like Creed she is quite selfish and only looks out for herself. Honestly those two might get along pretty great. She loves to scam people and steal their money lol. If necessary she kills in cold blood to get what she came for. She at least has a softer spot somewhere deep down so if you love digging a lot you may find it.
Karhu (????, 7’, ??????)
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That half-orc guy, he has no lore, he might never have lore. Sometimes having a pair of fantastic tits is enough.
Orion (???????????????)
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I am mentioning him for the sole purpose of: he is cute. I made him a long time ago to exist in the same universe with Marcus and Kit. As far as I remember he is a werewolf (though there might have been more to this) and the scarring on his ankles, wrists and neck are from being chained up.
Philip (late 30s currently, 6’4″, straight)
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Okay now I have a total of 5 Skyrim OCs, ALL BRETONS, and all brothers... and all werewolves. Philip is the one most people prefer out of the bunch so here he is. What is it called when a man is kind and smart? That’s what this man is. Philip is the oldest of 5 with a rather tragic backstory involving him finding his mother murdered one day and being turned into a werewolf against his will. It’s something he’s come to terms with over the many years of being a werewolf. The transformation is painful and he doesn’t have full control when he turns because I just think that’s fun. If there is livestock around he is most likely responsible for their disappearance. He is currently the Arch-Mage in the College of Winterhold. A job that keeps him thankfully quite busy. He is rather touch starved and doesn’t sleep very well, poor thing.
Sullevan (30s, slightly shorter than Philip, bi)
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I was going to leave it at Philip cus he’s everyones fav out of the bunch but idc I will mention Sulle as well. Philip’s younger brother (second oldest of 5) Sullevan is the Dragonborn and he hates his job but who else will do it but him. I lovingly call him the rat man. He is such a reckless disaster with a bit of a drinking problem. He is also a single dad. Being a father is his number one joy in life.
I’ll leave it at this,,,,,,,, I apologise for my writing I know it is very cringe. I hope you like my kids though :^) IM NOT PROOF READING THIS IF IT’S TERRIBLE THEN IT’S TERRIBLE
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riacte · 4 years
Let’s appreciate the recent HEP/ Mycelium Heist
I don’t know if this was planned, but they (Etho, Impulse, Grian) entered the HEP factory through the chimneys, and I find this so funny because last time the HEP did a heist, Tango “hacked” in the vault, but this time they legit saw behind-the-scenes architecture and was like “hey, this is probably hollow right” AND IT’S JUST SO THEM TO GET IN THROUGH SOMETHING THAT WASN’T SUPPOSED TO BE SHOWN ON CAMERA MWJXJAK
I honestly had zero idea how they were going to get in— they didn’t have a key, the windows were all sealed, there wasn’t an obvious “trapped” entrance. So it was really nice to see them enter in a creative way
I think moments like these are when Scar’s detailed builds truly shine. Scar’s builds always have character and a story behind them, and he briefly explains it to us in his episodes, but there’s nothing like the hermits exploring Scar’s builds in the middle of a storyline. You can see they’re genuinely so confused yet impressed by... well, everything. They don’t have any what MooPop is, but they’re FASCINATED
And it’s not just some tour of the factory, or a casual fly-by, they’re legit exploring the factory and trying their best to uncover its secrets. Seeing Scar explain how he built a factory ladder is very different from seeing Grian actually go down said ladder. It’s just so... beautifully immersive. And Scar’s wonderful builds go perfectly well with the storyline.
THE MINECARTS. Oh man. They’re hilarious. When I saw them in Scar’s video, I was really impressed by his creativity but thought “oh well, that’s just for the aesthetic. As fun as it is, no one’s gonna ride it.” WELL. Seeing the MR gang on the railway/pipe thing that connected the chimney to the main room and actually using the minecart to go down was so fun. Like the minecarts were a Chekhov’s gun. It’s just so satisfying to see Scar’s “aesthetic” details have practical use.
Not only the building’s fantastic, the redstone was also spectacular. I don’t have time to watch all the hermits (mainly watching Scar and Grian rn) but I could instantly recognise Tango and Cub’s redstone. The redstone was so cleverly created. Like, they could’ve used TNT and boom boom the place up ala Resistance style. But no. A skeleton that shoots flaming arrows, the freakin vibe check (hilarious), the clouds of potion particles, the multiple levers in different rooms that all result in traps— it gave me very Season 6 Team STAR traps vibes. Cheeky, but not always deadly.
AND OF COURSE THE RAVAGER! The slow descent of it when Etho activated the trap... everyone immediately getting Decked Out flashbacks... experiencing the “oh damn we didn’t think this through moment”... and the resulting PURE PANIC.
They tried to put the Ravager in a minecart, which again is a nice touch. They’re actively trying to use their surroundings to help them instead of immediately cheesing it
TANGO’S NONCHALANCE IN THE CHAT... casually watching HEP security slay the Resistance...
Grian respawning and quickly dying was also hilarious because it reminded me of the prank he pulled on Scar at the Upside Down, so is this karma?? Maybe?? XD
Dude was so desperate lol. He ran, he flew, he enderpearled— and still died. Tango’s probably crying tears of laughter seeing the death messages.
Speaking of Grian, what a coincidence that he lost his Bdubs head and had to kill Bdubs, only to get massacred by the HEP in like the exact same day.
THEIR ATTACHMENT TO THE BDUBS HEAD. Truly the face of the Resistance and Hermitcraft (see: Lime Liches in Minecraft Championship)
Seeing Cub log on and log off was making me nervous HAHA. I half-expected him to show up in the middle of the heist kinda like how Doc did when False gave Grian and Ren the Area 77 tour.
I feel the one (1) block of mycelium was a callback to the one (1) diamond in the fake vault... and naturally the Resistance thought they had been bamboolzed, because they pulled the same trick on HEP. Then they realised the mycelium was there all along and they were bamboolzed AGAIN.
There were so many mycelium blocks on the floor... so many shulker boxes. Hilarious how the MR spent so much time pulling off (and failing) the heist only to leave the majority of their treasures behind...
The heist was a hilariously epic failure. HEP put in so much effort and hard work. It felt like everything was meticulously crafted
Kudos to everyone involved in this heist!! Everything about it is excellent— the lore, the story, the architecture, the redstone, the humour, the panic— everything. This is one of those Hermitcraft episodes that I’ll rewatch tens of times and still never get bored. Thank you hermits for the serotonin <33 can’t wait to see what happens next!
Feel free to reblog and add more!
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emo-and-confused · 4 years
Headcannons based on @cb28 ‘s “ceo of many hotels tommy and hotel receptionist tubbo” au art (includes dysfunctional sleepy bois) (awesamdad)
-techno, wilbur, and tommy are phil’s kids
-(the three kids are adopted, techno was adopted when he was five, wilbur was adopted when he was four, and tommy was adopted when he was seven)
-techno is older than wilbur by two years and wilbur is older than tommy by eight years
-phil is this rich businessman. techno is some powerful leader. wilbur is a famous songwriter.
-then tommy owns a hotel
-he's still like 16/17 but he owns and manages it
-techno is the oldest therefore favorite and heir to whatever money and property phil owns
-tommy is least favorite. phil ignored him.
-then one day phil just gave him money and said "stop being a disappointment" so he started his hotel at 15
tommy: i’m going to build a hotel in rage
-then best friend tubbo who works there and is nice to tommy
phil: oh, theseus, my son. come, i was just telling my companions about your ho- who is that?
tommy: this is tubbo.
tubbo: hello :)
-wilbur being the normal brother and treating him like a normal person and taking him and tubbo to hang out and be kids
wilbur: tommy, let’s go get ice cream
tommy: wilbur, ive got things to do, paper work and, and shippments and-
wilbur: tommy.
wilbur: let’s go. bring tubbo.
-tommy feels like he has to prove something to phil
-he also feels like he might be able to earn attention from him. that if he works hard enough phil will be proud of him
-wilbur’s music is what makes phil pay attention to him, but when he was a kid phil said his music was never going to be a stable source of income and actively encouraged other future job choices. this only made wilbur more focused on his music
-both tommy and wilbur feel the need to prove themselves
-tommy meets sam when starting up his hotel, and immediately gets attached
-sam is basically his guide, even after building the hotel. sam saw the child and went “yeah he needs parental guidance” and continued to stay in contact with tommy
-tommy is the one who gives sam the creeper mask. because sam is always working on construction and stuff and he's always inhaling debris and tommy likes minecraft so he gives it to him. sam adores it and wears it all the time.
-tommy totally calls him sam nook
sam: hey tommy! just building your hotel. i do need some more things for construction though... could you ship them over to me?
tommy: y'know this reminds me of a game my brother made me play over the holidays...
sam: ... uh,,,, what?
tommy: animal crossing! that's it. you're totally tom nook.
sam: alright, tommy.
-[over emails]
]Mr. Danger Careful Innit,
Could you supply more building materials?
Sincerely, Sam Nook
]Mr. Samuel Nook,
Sincerely, Tommy
-sam gets a very official hand written contract (the same one as the lore)
-he gets it and just goes with it (there’s a more real contract but tommy values his handwritten one more)
-sam signing it and tommy cheering and immediately going to text phil
sam: and... there you go! signed. :)
tommy: really??? ... YES!!! LETS GO!!! (calls phil and tells him)
-then tommy hanging up and smiling, then looking back over to sam.
tommmy: (clears his throat) um. my apologies. that was very unprofessional. thank you very much, sam.
-tubbo is the receptionist for the main hotel in the chain, (the one tommy is constantly at) but he basically becomes sort of a manager
-tommy sends him off to do multiple jobs throughout the day, and tubbo does them with only little complaint
tubbo: you know i’m not room service right?
tommy: i don’t remember asking
tubbo, already holding the room order: this isn’t my job tho-
tommy: and yet here you are, doing the job
-tommy pays him more than everyone else though, but tubbo doesn’t know that because tommy won’t let him see the usual staff paycheck
-tubbo is half a year older but his parents are constantly away on buisness trips so he is often home alone and has to take care of himself
-tommy is not good with showing his affection, the only one in his family to do so was wilbur. phil just kind of threw money at him on holidays and ignored him the rest of the time, and while techno was a lot more attentive to him, he wasn’t the best at affection either
-when tommy started making money with the hotel, (how very successful hotel chain), to show tubbo he cared he just started offering to buy him things
tommy, upon finding out tubbo likes bees: you know i could buy you a bee sanctuary if you’d like?
tubbo: tommy no-
-tubbo teaches him that money isn’t the only form of showing you care. it’s a long process
tommy: so you’re saying i shouldn’t buy sam a private engineering lab for his birthday?
tubbo: i know for a fact sam wouldn’t know how to accept such a gift and that he’d rather you close the hotel for a day and take him to play laser tag
tommy: ...okay but what if i do that and buy him a private engineering lab?
-the dream team are bell hoppers.
-tommy gets hate for being that young and successful
-the dream team are like “stfu i'm proud to be working for a very successful 16 yo how dare you" and go off on every rich person who says something about tommy’s age
they're still streamers. they just don't tell tommy. (tommy totally knows tho, he’s a 16 year old kid who plays minecraft and animal crossing, ofc he knows they’re video game streamers)
dream: hey tommy-
tommy: yes? is there a reason you're barging into my office?
dream: .. is that... animal crossing music? are you playing on a switch?
tommy: no!! i'm signing very important and legal documents!!! if you have nothing to say, get out!!
dream, to sapnap and george: he’s totally playing animal crossing.
-tommy makes them greet people at the doors and carry peoples bags purely because they’re famous. they don’t know this though
-they don't think tommy knows. tommy and tubbo think it’s hilarious. tommy hints it all the time that he knows but they just think he's being a kid
-quackity is on sam’s building/contracting team
-even after the hotel is built, q comes in to "check up" on the building with sam. and they "make sure nothing is going wrong with the building"
-they really just want to make sure tommy is okay under so much pressure
-wilbur totally has tubbo’s schedule and knows when tubbo’s on break, he can usually be found with tommy in tommy’s office
-wilbur will just barge in and be like “okay let’s go, you need a break”
-one time wilbur came in while sam and quackity were there
wilbur, barging in: kay, tommy, tubbo, let’s-
sam, mid lecture with tommy: you can’t keep doing this!
quackity, also scolding: you need to take a break, man.
tubbo, who noticed wilbur come in: wil! tell tommy he needs to go to bed and sleep! he hasn’t slept in twenty seven hours!
tommy, from his desk, with his head in his hands and leaning over paper work: i’m being ganged up on.
-wilbur instantly likes sam and quackity, because they care for his little brother (he totally has a rivalry with them though, he was there first, and tommy’s actual brother)
-the main hotel in the chain is sometimes used as an international meeting place for big companies and politicians
-more than once has phil or techno needed to stay for a few nights due to major meetings with powerful people
-it’s kind of awkward sometimes because tommy’s the hotel chain owner and since he’s based at the main hotel, he sometimes needs to greet the people going in for meetings
tommy: good afternoon, madam secretary
tommy: good afternoon, mister minister
tommy: good afternoon... *awkward cough* ...technoblade.
-or since he’s the ceo of a big name company, he sometimes has to attend big rich people galas that he hates
tommy: tubbo i literally hate these types of places, when can i leave, when am i allowed to to leave
tubbo, who is tommy’s plus one and moral support: dude i don’t know, i didn’t grow up rich
tommy, who grew up talking care of himself when wilbur wasn’t there: yeah well technically neither did i!
-and his father is a business man..
tommy, faking confidence and striding across the room: tubbo, i have no idea what i’m doing-
phil, from a table a few feet away, calling him over: theseus!
tommy, slowly turning around to see phil with a bunch of other rich people: fuckkkk-
-tommy makes sure everyone calls him tommy and not theseus
[in an interview]
interviewer: so theseus-
tommy: it's tommy.
interviewer: ... alright, tommy. would you like to address the rumors going around of your boyfriend?
tommy: huh??? oh, you mean tubbo? no, we're just best friends. and that's weird. i'm a minor.
interviewer: are you gay, though? we've never seen you date any women.
tommy: no, i do date women! all the time!!
-tommy being legally named "theseus watson" but calling himself "tommy innit"
-wilbur is legally “wilbur watson” but only ever goes by his stage name “wilbur soot”
-they both totally end up changing their names. legally.
-tommy saying i hate men because he just hates his father
-tommy getting scandals and controversies all the time but just by the upper class
-everyone else loves and adores him and knows he's literally just a 16 yo kid so that kind of stuff is a joke and he can say that without getting in trouble
-tommy will be in his office and tubbo will be at the front desk and sometimes tommy will just yell “TUBBOOOOO HELP MEEEEE” if his laptop crashes because Tubbo Tech
tommy: [during a meeting] oh, tubbo's clocked in for work.... TUBBOOO!
tommy: he's gonna come in here. surely. he'll go "hellœ?" surely. he'll walk in here...
tubbo: [walks in the room] hellœ?
-phil still has no idea who tubbo is
wilbur: yeah, i’m going to go check on tommy and tubbo
phil: ..the receptionist?
wilbur: ...
wilbur, internally: also your sons best friend but yeah sure, the receptionist.
-techno is lowkey fond of tubbo
-techno notices how tommy is clinging to tubbo at parties and galas all the time so he tries to get tommy to talk about him
-he likes that tubbo is there for tommy and totally resonates with the chaotic energy the two create
-sometimes when tommy can’t get tubbo in to the parties/galas, and techno is there, tommy will hang around him and steal his things
-like taking his wallet so techno will have to go back to the hotel afterwards and visit tommy
-he does it for attention. 
-tommy lives at the hotel. it’s not technically legal cause he wasn’t emancipated from his family and he’s only 16 but they’re rich so people don’t really say anything
-technically he still has a room at phil’s place, but he stays in a room at the hotel. when designing the place, he made sure to map out an area for his living space
-tubbo takes naps in his room
tubbo: i'm gonna go take a nap in the break room
quackity: there is no break room??
tubbo: yea there is. on the top floor. with the giant door.
quackity:... isn't that tommy's room???
-tubbo sometimes stays the night with tommy, when his parents have been on a business trip for over two weeks. he still goes to in-person school so he usually only stays on weekends during the school year
-tommy does online school, and forces himself to get his schoolwork for the week done over the weekend so he can focus on the hotel and other responsibilities
-he fakes having the “lmao i'm better and have more money also you don't play minecraft" mentality towards other kids and claims that’s why he does online
-it’s actually because he doesn’t have time to balance everything and he was bullied in the past so he switched to online school as soon as he started his hotel
-sometimes tubbo helps him with his classes tommy is overworked. like, in his off time. he has the passwords to tommy's computer so he just goes on it and does some of his school work
-tommy ranting to tubbo about how he hates his dad and how he said phil was gonna visit him the next day
-phil arriving and asking tubbo (because he's the receptionist) where tommy is. tubbo saying he doesn't know and that he left. even though tommy is literally in his room
-phil tries. he just doesn’t know how to parent. techno was 17 and wilbur was 15 when he adopted tommy, and he just got busy enough and forgot how to take care of a child
-tommy knows if he talks to phil, it’ll be awkward and phil will just try and buy him off (not intentionally, it’s just how business men be working, yknow)
-tommy just wants to prove himself, to both himself and phil. and hes using his hotel to do that
fanart that was posted with @cb28 ‘s work
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(i got permission to post this)
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clown-on-gorkhon · 3 years
Patho HDM AU rambling re: my Artemy post.
So it’s been about 15 years since I actually read HDM. Please bear with me if I get any of the lore wildly wrong, the wiki is sparse and I forgot how to read.  Anyways, through the events of the game, Kagha- Artemy’s daemon- would regain the ability to change forms. Before we get into that though let me tell you about Themes. Both HDM and Pathologic explore themes of innocence vs growing up. In Pathologic, the Earth is associated with a state of primordial innocence, and the sky with evil and human hubris. In HDM, daemons settle because of Dust, a celestial substance which grants people consciousness, but also the knowledge of good and evil, and therefor sin. 
In this AU, beings of the Earth (herb brides, worms, Shabnaks, etc) do not possess daemons¹. Boddho keep her children in a state of primordial innocence.² The Abattoir, the womb of the earth, is forbidden to daemons- passing through it is much like passing through the Land of the Dead in HDM. Daemons cannot enter, and must remain at the entrance as though prevented by a physical barrier. Artemy endures his trial alone- in passing through the Abattoir and taking in the blood of Mother Earth, he’s washed clean of the Dust that causes daemons to settle, allowing Kagha to change forms at will, and due to the trial of separation, allows them to be parted across greater distances, like witches in the original trilogy.³
Then she turns into an Aurochs and they fight Oyun or whatever. 
Is this new form permanent? Will Kagha just be able to change forms at will from now on? Idk man. But that’s the device I came up with to allow Artemy to both have a mobile, underdog daemon during the game and the obvious Bull daemon he deserves- which, Menkhus all having horned daemons in this world, also allows him to claim his title. 
¹Unfortunately contributing to their dehumanization by the townsfolk. Just to be clear, the Kin absolutely have daemons, it’s just the “miracle creatures” that lack them. Where are their souls? In the earth maybe, or internal, like humans in our own world, but they definitely have ‘em.
²Also possibly why the true nature of the Polyhedron is accessible only to children; its miracles are born from the blood of Boddho on which it was built. It would seem that the daemons of the town’s children have mysteriously stopped settling ever since the Polyhedron arose. Maria’s daemon is one of the last to have settled after she left the children’s tower. 
³A failed version of this is what happens to Lika when he’s punished by the Soul-and-a-Halves. The kid gangs accidentally discovered you could sever a daemon by “going below” without really knowing what that means and the results are predictably tragic. 
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