#i may be wrong but it's what I'm thinking for now!
fanaticsnail · 2 days
Kissing booth Crocodile ♡♡♡. Have you seen those "mob wife" aesthetic tiktoks? Because I feel like it just screams Crocodile.
The Sir and Madame Crocodile.
Everyone knows not to mess with the two of them. Anyone who tries is either insane or has a death wish. Because even if you don't know what this couple has done (unlikely) who's going to mess with someone named Crocodile?
The Madame Crocodile, who always sits in on guild meetings. She may not say much, but her spot on the former warlord's lap speaks volumes. And don't underestimate her, because no one misses the way she'll whisper in her husband's ear just a few moments before he brings up a damning point.
The Sir Crocodile, who is known for his protectiveness. His wife may be able to take care of herself, but that won't stop him. If someone so much as breathes at her wrong, he needs to be all but held back.
The Madame Crocodile who loves unconditionally. Her husband is her love and she doesn't know what she'd do without him. They live dangerous lives and it can take a toll. She has been know to pluck her husband's cigars from him and take occasional stressed smoke, every time met with a hand running along her back, rubbing in a soothing motion.
The Sir Crocodile who loves fiercely. His wife has stood with him through thick and thin. He'd place the world at her feet, if she were to ask. He thinks this as they lay in bet at night, head resting on her stomach as her fingers card through his hair.
The Sir and Madame Crocodile, who would brave all the dangers of this world of pirates and marines if it meant loving eachother for the rest of time.
Oh god, oh my god, I am so sorry for this. This was just going to be that first paragraph, I swear. This wasn't supposed to happen, how did I get here? I feel like I just blacked out and now I'm here wtf. Send help, is this what fic writing feels like?
-♡♡ lots of love
I used to be on tiktok all the time, I have been meaning to go back to it. Here is the aesthetic I pictured immediately 😌
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And I made them a playlist too 🖤
Behold: The Reptile's Mob Wife
Honestly, I was keeping this in my ask box because I loved it so much and wanted to get the aesthetic down right, and I have a feeling @indydonuts might want to have a look at this little prompt you've sent. The way her Crocodile has me in a chokehold 🫠.
Indy's Masterlist is here - Her Mob-Wife fic for Crocodile is You Give Me Fever, and the Crocodile "Dress Code" (18+) fic is where I just immediately swooned for the hulking man.
♡♡ Anon, I love you. You have such beautiful ideas and I appreciate them all. Please never stop sending them to me so I can appreciate each prompt you throw my way - big or small. You're exceptional, and yes, this is exactly what fic writing feels like 🖤🖤🖤
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seramilla · 2 days
Hmmm after Emily learns the truth about WHO her mothers are, wouldn’t she also want to know how and why they got together? Wouldn’t she want to know the REAL reason behind Carmilla’s fall? And wouldn’t Sera feel obligated to tell her everything (within reason Emily doesn’t have to hear about their love life) because she’s kept Emily in the dark for so long now Sera must face these bright and unbearable realities. Like how she had to hide her pregnancy from the elders. How different Carmilla is from the slander spread by the elders. And Emily notices an unsettling trend with each answer she receives. The elders keep coming back as a point of conflict.
This is slowly turning into a merger with the Homophobic Heaven/Carmilla Fell Later AU, because I am really enthralled with the idea of how Carmilla fell in that timeline, not as a follower of Lucifer, but because she loved Sera so much. These two may eventually be one and the same AU, so just a heads-up if you're noticing a lot of similarities between the two. My brain was already rolling with angsty thoughts of how to describe Carmilla's falling to Emily, and it just came out that way. I may end up making a fic out of this somehow, if I can wrangle the two timelines together and make it make sense. There's just something about Carmilla and/or Sera having a secret daughter, combined with religious guilt and convoluted, angsty confessions of love for their children that gets me in a WAY. Tell me I'm not the only one!
"How did you and Carmilla meet, Mom?"
Emily's been asking a lot of questions lately. That's to be expected -- the very nature of Emily's relationship with Sera has been turned on its head. The younger Seraphim is making up for a lifetime of not knowing how she really fits into Sera's life, and it's the least Sera can do to fill in the blanks for her.
This particular question makes Sera smile a little. She hasn't thought about how she met Carmilla in so long. She has so many fond memories of those times...probably the only truly wonderful, carefree days she's had since Carmilla fell.
"I had just been appointed High Seraphim," Sera says. "It was only me back then. Carmilla was in charge of Heaven's holy arms. They weren't called Exorcists yet...this was before Adam took over, before Lucifer fell...even before the Garden was a place humans could dwell. Carmilla and I were both so young, and I was what you might call...a workaholic. I was stubborn in my ways, and only cared about making Heaven perfect. That's what I was created for. It was a lonely existence."
Emily is listening to Sera with rapt attention. The younger Seraphim has never known Heaven to be without its strict enforcers, without Winners, without all the pomp and circumstance of the nobles and elders who would bring down the proverbial hammer on anyone caught getting out of line.
Sera thinks, things had so much simpler back then. Right had been right, wrong had been wrong, and nuance did not yet exist.
Until Carmilla had taught her differently.
"Carmilla was always a dreamer, like Lucifer. She was also much too smart for her own good. Always inventing things, imagining things...wonderful things, but also things that could kill an angel, if she wasn't careful. That's how we were introduced. She was experimenting with some new contraption she'd built...something she probably shouldn't have been testing so close to a noble's house, if I'm being honest. Some Dominion angel or another who would throw a fit if even one of the flowers in his garden got trampled."
Emily giggles. She knows exactly the types of angels Sera is talking about. The uppercrust of angelic society. The Lord's favorites.
"There was a complaint filed by this particular...individual, and when I arrived to investigate, Carmilla and this gentleman were...having a bit of a spat out in an empty field. It looked like a few punches had been thrown, because they were both covered in scrapes and bruises. The moment I laid eyes on her...I knew she was going to be trouble."
Emiliy gasps. "They did not! Did he hit her?!"
"Oh, I'm sure he did, but you should have seen the other fellow...he was in much worse shape than Carmilla was."
This particular memory sends warm, mushy pangs of fondness directly to Sera's heart. Even though she hadn't thought it at the time...she'd always admired Carmilla's ability to defend herself. To not take any bullshit from anyone for any reason.
"I asked what was going on, and the Dominion complained that this 'ruffian soldier' was experimenting with deadly weapons on his property. When I asked if this was true, Carmilla didn't even attempt to deny it. She made me aware that it wasn't his property, though, and come to find out, she was right. He had tried to remove her by force, and she had retaliated. In the end, both were charged with misdemeanor crimes. Carmilla spent a few days in a jail cell...her sentence would have been longer, but I pulled some strings to get her out early. Heaven's army couldn't be without its commander, after all."
Emily shoots Sera a particular look. Like she knows Sera probably had ulterior motives, that had absolutely nothing to do with Heaven's army, and everything to do with the fact that Sera was fond of Carmilla.
"Uh huh. Suuuuure, I totally buy that excuse. There was no other reason for you to get her out?" Emily quips.
"Well...yes, but I didn't know it at the time! We had just met, and I...I felt sorry for her! It didn't have anything to do with love yet."
"Yet," Emily repeats, grinning like a maniac. "You are so transparent, Se--Mom! It's not even funny!"
Sera rolls her eyes in defeat. "Fine! Yes, something about her was...intriguing, even back then. And as soon as they let her out, she came directly back to me...to thank me, so she said. But...she started coming back every day! And I let her! It was all downhill from there..."
"OoOooOooh! You liiiiiked her!" Emily starts poking into Sera's sides, jibing at her mother to just admit what she's slowly building up to saying anyway. Sera turns toward her and starts jabbing at Emily with her fingers instead. Emily giggles, shouting, "I give! I give!" when Sera won't let up.
Sera smirks. "Now are you going to let me finish?"
"Yes! Just get to it, already!"
"As I was saying..." Sera starts, looking over at Emily to make sure she won't interrupt again. Emily swipes over her lips like she's locking something up tight, and pretends to throw away the key over her shoulder.
"Thank you. As I was saying...Carmilla started coming to visit me every day. At first, it was to thank me with words...then gifts...then invitations to go out on the town. To treat me, she said. I had never once been on a...date, before, even though we never called it that. We would never use those words within earshot of anyone. And before too long...she admitted she had feelings for me, and I didn't know how to respond. I shut her out, denied it, for so long. But she was stubborn. She never gave up on me. And eventually...Heaven, it was probably years, or decades later, after we'd fought and made up about it several times. Eventually, she convinced me that she really loved me...and I had to admit to myself that I loved her back."
Sera pauses for just a moment, reliving the memory in all of its warm, fuzzy details, and then looks over at Emily, who is staring back at her, eyes huge and glossed over, like she's about to cry. She's holding her hand over her mouth, to keep from interrupting again. Sera smiles at her.
But then Sera looks down, at her lap, and braces herself. She knows the tone of her story is about to take a dark, desolate turn...she's readying herself for it, so she can get past these painful memories for her daughter...so her girl will finally know the truth.
"Carmilla and I loved each other very much. I felt guilty about it, at first. Heaven had always taught me that same-sex relationships were dirty, and wrong, and sinful...but over time, she taught me there was nothing remotely wrong with what we had. And I believed her. How could there be anything dirty about us loving each other with everything we had, heart, body, and soul?"
Sera pauses again. Things are about to go south pretty quickly, and she's readying herself, and Emily for it -- for real, this time.
"We had...well, we did things that people in love do. It went on like that for years. Maybe we got cocky, or weren't careful enough, thinking we would never get caught. But someone must have seen us, at some point...or put two and two together. They never implicated me in the act...but someone told the elders Carmilla had a female lover. They took her into custody immediately. They did...so many horrible things to her. Tortured her. I begged with her to come clean, and just tell them it was me, and maybe I could get us both a lesser sentence for cooperation or good behavior. But she wouldn't have any of it."
Sera is the one crying now. Toward the end of that last statement, her voice wavers, and tears start falling down her face in rivers. The old wounds in her heart are slowly being ripped open again at the telling of this story, bleeding anew. She does her best to keep it together, for Emily. But reliving these memories is not easy for her, no matter how much she wants Emily to know.
"They gave her a sham trial. Everyone knew the result before it ended. Lucifer had fallen not long before this, so I knew what was coming before it happened. I watched them...I watched them push her. She fell, right over the edge, like she was nothing. She was my everything. They made an example of her...a spectacle of her. Just like they did with Lucifer and his followers. And right before she went down, she told me she loved me one last time. And then she was gone. And somehow, that made it so much worse."
Sera is actually sobbing now. Crying ugly, wet tears into her hands, trying to keep Emily from seeing, so she doesn't have to watch her mother break down in front of her. Emily rushes toward her, hugging Sera tightly around her shoulders. Sera leans into the smaller angel, letting Emily carry some of her weight...along with the weight of her sorrow and pain, that she's been keeping to herself for all these years.
When she's managed to calm down a bit, Sera continues her story. The next part is much happier...as happy as it could be possibly be, at least, after having just watched her partner receive a fate worse than death.
"What made it so much worse was that the same day that she fell, I found out I was pregnant with you. I had just lost my love, my light, my reason for being...and suddenly I had to find new purpose again, in order to keep you safe, and hidden. I hid away for a while, as best I could, and kept you a secret from the elders until you were born. I claimed that I'd commissioned you, from the same place that I was forged, because with all the new Winners entering Heaven, I needed an assistant. They were so gullible, never imagining I would double-cross them like that. So I raised you as my sister...as my heir. And that's how we wound up here."
Emily has been sitting in silence for a long while by this point, and she continues to be silent, in heavy contemplation, for several moments after Sera concludes her story. Sera reaches over, and rubs her hand against Emily's face. Emily looks up at her, and then holds Sera's hand against her cheek to ground herself.
"Thank you for telling me all this," Emily says, voice a mournful and somber timbre, like she's been reliving all these moments right along with Sera. "I'm sorry for making you...have to recount all those painful moments. But I understand now, why you did what you did. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Mom. I can't even begin to imagine how awful that was. I love you so much."
Emily starts to cry then, too, and Sera pulls her into her arms, and they just sit and hold each other for a while, and cry together, mother and daughter.
"I care about you so much, my love," Sera says. "You were the reason I held on for so long. You are my everything now, Emily, in her absence. You saved me. I could never imagine my life without you in it."
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zoropookie · 22 hours
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YOU and your ex-boyfriend (who you had no business of getting together with) met up at a club last night. it wasn't your brightest decision, but had inumaki actually wanted to date you after pining for him for so long, you wouldn't have gone to the next (worst) option. only problem with gojo is how hot and cold he presented himself. you hated his ass. you hated it even more that the next morning you both swapped into each others bodies.
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satoru gojo x gn!reader
genre: smau, previous lovers, placed in another universe where the curses aren't real, reader is kind of reckless but also depressed lmao, comedy, romance, drama, this is kind of a crack fic but not really
warnings: for sake of what goes on in the story this is 17+, all characters in this are 18+, lots of swearing, crude jokes, unfunny jokes, dad jokes, kys/kms jokes, death threats, a lot of things that are spelled wrong, alcohol, toxicity, sometimes y/n is kind of embarrassing, irl photos to visualize scenarios but there's none of reader
status: coming soon!
a/n: okay so initially i wanted to make this into a short little thing. and then when i finally started getting really into it? i may or may not have formulated more plot out of no where. this is now a thing, but i think i should add a disclaimer that this may not be updated very often? like the chapters will be far and between Just because i'm not even finished with the show and manga as we speak. once i start getting a better sense of what everyone's like, i'll pull some strings. with that being said, enjoy!
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taglist is open!
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is-this-yuri · 3 days
'as long as you're trying' 'you have to want to help yourself!' 'put in the work and people will be more willing to help you'
okay why should i have to prove i can do things i explicitly can not do to get to a point where i have the ability to do the things i can do?
this has been my problem with so many mental health facilities and case management services.
when i was in this one program that was providing housing, mental health services, case management, and basically everything you could think of to help a disabled homeless person get on their feet, they didn't take my personal goals of getting on disability into account, and they didn't take my disability seriously. they constantly urged me to get a job but refused to provide me with transportation to interviews on the grounds they were allowing me 'independence.' the whole program was designed to funnel people into a specific way of living that i knew and expressed was not compatible with my abilities.
yet, i was marked as noncompliant and kicked out of the program. i was told i wasn't trying, and i clearly didn't want to help myself. this was after they told me they don't kick people out just for having disabilities.
when people say things like the above phrases, all i hear is 'do what i want you to do, or you're a failure' and 'i know you better than you do' and 'you aren't allowed to have your own goals in life.'
why would anyone assume i'm in this position because i didn't try? why would anyone assume i can't get out of it because i'm not willing to spend effort and 'put in the work?' maybe they've just never seen someone try to accomplish goals like mine, so they have no concept of what trying and work look like to me.
i'm not speaking for everyone here. some people may genuinely be misguided and placing their efforts in the wrong places. but when i was following other people's advice and doing the things generally accepted as 'trying' (getting jobs, taking medications, going to the hospital, complying with treatment plans, etc) it did not produce results for me. what else could you glean from that other than i need to try something else?
on top of that, because i was constantly being discharged from programs because they were ineffective, and repeatedly thrust from one mental health practice another, i don't have the consistent medical records to prove my disability to the government.
the mental and physical load of just surviving and living day by day is a full time job to me, especially now that my quality of life and opportunites are sitting at almost nothing. i AM trying, i AM putting in a lot of work, and if you don't recognize that, then i can't trust you to be empathetic to other people's experiences.
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illunicae · 3 days
Teenage Dream
This may or may not be 100% inspired by me making my food today. (Ao3)
Pairing: Leo x Reader
TWs: None, just a butt load of fluff
Foot tapping lightly to the beat, you had one hand on the pan handle and the other on your large mixing/serving spoon as you lightly stirred your still half frozen pasta meal. As a broke college student you didn’t really have the money for nights out and extravagant meals, so frozen dinners from the freezer section of your grocery store will have to do. Sure Mikey’s offered plenty of times for you to head over and enjoy a perfectly cooked home meal, and you obviously take him up on the offer from time to time, but you don’t want to seem leachy. You can suffer through a few half decent frozen meals every now and again.
Setting the spoon down, you step away to let the meal cook a bit more. It won’t be ready for another few minutes. The song you were listening to slowly faded, giving way to the upbeat rhythm of the next song. Recognizing it you perk up and begin swaying around a little more.
“You think I'm pretty without any makeup on. You think I'm funny when I tell the punchline wrong.” You mumble along to the song, a small grin curling your lips as you hum the next lines. You can’t help but think of your blue branded boyfriend as you dance around to the beat of the song. 
“You–make–me feel like I'm livin' a teen–age–dream.” Your feet skip across the tile as you spin and dance like nobody’s watching. “The way you turn me on, I–can't–sleep. Let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back.” 
For the moment, your food on the stovetop is forgotten as you lose yourself to the song. As you sing along your mind flutters between memories of your relationship with Leo. The highs and the lows. The first awkward meeting and the most recent romantic date. “I finally found you, my missing puzzle piece. I'm complete.”
He truly feels like your missing puzzle piece. Your life felt so dull before he came in and made everything bright, shining neon. “You–make–me feel like I'm livin' a teen–age–dream.”
Being so lost in your own mind, the song easily covers the sound of a portal opening up in your kitchen and you don’t notice the new presence. 
Leo blinks and freezes before a grin slowly breaks across his face as he leans against the counter to watch. His heart swells with adoration as he watches you dance around the kitchen. He can’t help but appreciate how beautiful you look moving so freely around in your apartment. Sure you may only be wearing a lounge outfit not intended for the public eye. Your hair might be a mess and your face unwashed. But still in his eyes you looked stunning. And it wasn’t the state of your appearance, it was the joyous grin on your face and the way your whole heart led you through the dances. It is the raw beauty of your soul. That’s what he loves. That’s what he watches now.
“I'ma get your heart–rac–ing in my skin–tight–jeans be your teen–age–dream tonight.” 
True to the lyrics falling from your lips, Leo’s heart does race as he stands there and admires you. Part of him wants to join you and dance around the kitchen together. Another part of him doesn’t want to scare you with his sudden appearance and ruin the moment. 
“Be your teen–age–dream tonight.”
Eventually the song comes to a close and you exhale with a chuckle, you mind still on Leo not realizing he’s standing right behind you. It’s only when a soft, single person clapping starts do you jump and whip around to see Leo with the most lovestruck glint in his eyes and bright smile on his lips as he claps for you.
“Leo!?” You sputter a bewildered laugh. “How long have you been there?” 
“Long enough to know you are a triple threat mi vida. Stunning looks, killer dance moves, and a siren-like singing voice.” He flirts as he takes a step closer to you and pulls you into a sweet kiss.
You blush as the words sink into your soul and close your eyes to lean into the kiss while humming in amusement. Eventually you both pull away and just bask in each other’s company for a bit while a few ads play from the speaker. 
A sizzling from the stove makes you freeze and your eyes widen in realization. “My food!” You turn and scramble back toward the stovetop. For the most part your frozen quick meal doesn’t look too bad as you mix it looking for any sign of burnt food. 
Cold arms snake around your waist and a hard plastron presses into your back as Leo rests his chin on your shoulder. “Mmm, looks…edible.” He hums as he peers at your pasta dinner.
You scoff and shake your head. “Please, it looks better than some of the other brands I’ve gotten.” 
“Whatever you say, hermosa. Just remember you’ll always be welcome to eat with us. You know Mikey always makes enough.” Leo says as he hugs slightly tighter around you. 
“I know.” You nod and continue mixing your meal before turning off the stove as it appears to be cooked enough. 
Leo begins swaying you both as another song comes on. He’s churring against your back as he slowly pulls you away from the stove. You turn in his hold to face him as he continues swaying you both around to the beat of the next song. You supposed you could take one more dance as you wait for your food to cool down to an edible temperature. 
With a soft touch to your cheek, Leo leads you closer to seal another kiss. It’s soft and lights up your soul. It’s everything you were missing before you met him. It’s a reminder of how far your relationship has come. It’s a promise of how much more it will become. 
When you pull away Leo’s got a grin on his face and love in his eyes. “You know, you’re my teenage dream too.” 
You chuckle and shake your head with a fond smile at the cheesiness of it all before pulling him in for another kiss.
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ikamigami · 3 days
This is one long post about latest sams, laes and mgafs episodes full of theories and analysises.
So, first things first, Moon.
I'm leaning more towards that Moon is infected with Ruin's virus. And I think that he injected it into himself after he told Sun he'd do that. And I think that Ruin's virus works similarly to kill code. And previously Old Moon's kill code was activating slowly before it fully activated. Now the virus was also activating slowly. We could see that Moon was more aggressive but in a way that he immediately wanted to kill someone. He wasn't just simply more snapish or anything he just immediately wanted to kill. We could see that with Molten Freddy.
I think that the stress from grief and constant work to find a way to bring Solar back and lack of sleep helped with accelaration of the process of activation of virus. I know that when kill code was activating it caused Old Moon burning pain but I wouldn't be surprised if Moon didn't notice that because he was tired and depressed. He could possibly think that his head hurts because of these things. And tbh if I remember correctly Moon said something about his head hurting before he went insane (correct me if I'm wrong though).
Ruin's virus makes someone more violent and murderous. And it definitely makes someone less sympathetic from what we've seen. Which definitely wouldn't mix well with Moon's personality because he's pretty self-centered. And the way Moon acts as of recent it's more than likely that he's infected with Ruin's virus. He doesn't have any empathy, sympathy and remorse. He's more violent and murderous. He's impulsive which is also caused by a virus because it makes someone act on impulses from what we've seen.
I just strongly doubt that Moon would completely stopped caring if even in the worst Old Moon still cared about Sun. Hence why I think that Moon is infected with Ruin's virus. The only other option is that creator did what he said he'll do. He said that he'll come at some point to "fix" kill code's issue which probably means that he'd give it to Moon once again. Also I don't think that Dark Sun did anything to Moon because we saw that even if he hates Moons he still helped our Moon probably for Sun's sake. Because to me it seems that Dark Sun cares about Sun in his own way. Hence why I doubt that he'd cause Moon to become "insane".
Second thing, Ruin.
Ruin seems to want to help. Though I'm still not sure if he's doing it to atone or he's just simply scared of Dark Sun and needs alliance in order to be protected and potentially team up with others to defeat Dark Sun. After all, it's hard to believe a liar especially as good as Ruin. If Ruin didn't have a minor slip ups I think that no one would be able to say that he was lying. His lies were very believable. He truly is an actor. Though if Ruin will continue being trustworthy and keep helping, I think that I may give him a chance. But I still think that he should be punished for the atrocious crime he did cause after all, he killed trillions of innocent lives. At least now Ruin is on our side and he'll try to help stopping Dark Sun.
Third thing, Dark Sun.
Even if I said that Dark Sun cares about our Sun, I doubt that he's a good guy unless he's actually trying to stop someone else who may turn out to be a so called bad guy. But about that later. So Dark Sun is a genius. He definitely is pulling the strings behind the scenes. But for now we don't know why he's doing this. For now we can only say that Dark Sun isn't wrong for trying to stop Moon from sacrificing someone to bring Solar back. After all, we know that it'd be a bad thing for whole universe. I think that Dark Sun will visit Moon and he'll probably laugh at him and tell him that he should've take his advice on how to get rid of his enemies. After all, he offered Moon these informations but Moon being Moon just couldn't accept anyone's help. I have a feeling that Dark Sun won't be happy with Moon. I was thinking about it a lot and I came to conclusion that even if normally he'd enjoy seeing Moon losing his mind, I think that he won't this time because he seems to care about our Sun.
Fourth thing, Earth.
Earth definitely won't be okay after this. She not only tried to kill Bloodmoon to defend herself and Monty but she almost died killed by Moon, her own brother. It's a lot to process. Earth will definitely need a break and time for herself. Maybe she'll move in with Monty to their new house. Anyway, who knows what with Eclipse and if Eclipse will disappear Earth will be in even worse state. And what about Ruin? What if he'll continue helping them? Earth will have to deal with it despite still missing Solar who died because of Ruin's actions. Things don't look good for Earth.
Fifth thing, Eclipse.
Eclipse is dying. I don't want him to sacrifice himself for Solar but it seems highly likely to happen. But first he needs to figure out and rather quickly how to get rid of that thing Dark Sun put in him. He'll definitely be pissed at Moon for what he did to Earth and for almost killing her. I'm glad to see Eclipse trying to help as much as he can with this situation.
Sixth thing, Bloodmoon.
Even if Bloodmoon's death isn't surprising at all and his redemption was highly unlikely to happen the way he was handled was very harsh cold and cruel. Because Bloodmoon still seemed very affected by death of his twin. The way he was talking about his killings sounded like he was coping after death of his twin. After all, what Bloodmoon described with how he kills these families sounded exactly like what happened to him and his twin. He also sounded empty. He didn't seem to enjoy these killings. For me it seemed as if he was doing this because this is what he was always doing together with his twin. Also what's more devastating is the fact that Bloodmoon basically begged to be killed. Probably because the only person who cared about him is dead. No one gave two shits about Bloodmoon - beside Sun but it's not surprising that Bloodmoon didn't take Sun's offer of help. And also maybe Jack cause they seemed to have a good time together. They could've been friends. I can't count Foxy because for me his decision to not wanting to kill Bloodmoon seemed like a choice made on the whim.
Seventh thing, Foxy.
Foxy frustrates me a bit. He doesn't seem to care about the outcome of his decisions. Doesn't matter good or bad, he seems to not give a damn about it. I'm starting to think that Foxy is doing things to please Puppet because he seems to like her more than a friend. Hope that karma will get to him.
Eighth thing, Monty.
Even if Monty got what they deserved I still feel a bit bad for them. I just really have a like/hate relationship with them. Monty needs to rest and process a lot of things. Especially with what Moon did. It'd be better if Monty will take care of Earth and themselves. They need a good break.
Ninth thing, Lunar.
Poor Lunar. He not only has to deal with Astral Bodies and Taurus who wants them dead will be on Earth really soon but he'll also be devastated upon hearing what Moon did to Earth. He wanted to talk to Moon to understand him but now he'll be pissed, really pissed. I have a feeling that Taurus may order Lunar to kill Moon but I think that Moon may kidnap them and trade them to creator for Solar. This seems like a possible scenario. Though it'll depend on what Dark Sun will do with Moon and what Taurus has in store for Lunar. If things will go downhill I hope that Gemini will protect Lunar.
Tenth thing, Puppet.
I don't trust Puppet. Even more than Ruin. Why, you may ask. That's because Puppet seems to know more than others because she sees everything and she seems pretty powerful. And yet she didn't see that if she'll push Moon to bring Solar back it won't end up well. Unless she knew. And also why she waited so long to stop Moon? To make sure he hurt Earth in order to makes Sun's decision to kill Moon a lot easier? Cause to me it seems like that. Especially considering how much Puppet wants to kill Moon. I just find it suspicious. And I was wondering, what if Dark Sun tries to stop Puppet's plans? What if Puppet is actually a bad "guy" in all of this? I know that we can't trust Dark Sun's words fully but what he said about Puppet being a Joker of this universe doesn't sound good at all. And I can't help it but to notice the Puppet's resamblance to Stitchwraith.
Eleventh thing, Sun.
Sun will be devastated by the news that Moon not only used star's power to kill Bloodmoon but he also didn't care that it'd kill Earth and even if Puppet stopped Moon Earth was still harmed by the blast. Sun will definitely be angry but I still doubt that he'll let others kill Moon. I think that Sun may try to talk to Moon once again. I mean I think that they'll meet again sooner or later. I'm pretty sure that Sun will be in even worse mental state. Considering the things that are about to happen with Lunar and Dazzle. I think that Sun will die. Though I'm not exactly sure what will happen but I think that Dark Sun was telling the truth when he told Moon that Sun won't survive the aftermath of events. After all, we're still in aftermath of Solar's death. And I think that Sun's death will be a result of Moon's actions. But I think that Moon still cares about Sun. Same for Sun. He still cares about Moon. I just honestly don't think and can't even imagine that our Sun and Moon would stop caring and loving each other. Anyway, Sun will have a mental breakdown or another psychotic episode or both sooner or later. It's inevitable at this point.
And at last. Solar.
I think that Solar will come back. And I think that he'll be back as himself. But I think that he'll be retraumatised because of the circumstances sorrounding his return. I don't know when he'll be back though. But everything will be a mess, that's for sure.
I think that's all I wanted to say about the recent lore. You can add things that you think I forgot about or if you want to point out some errors in my theories and such.
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cassandracain52 · 10 hours
Do you think Damian ever forgets he isn't adopted?
Because I've read some things about the other Batkids forgetting they are adopted. But I think in a family like this, the reverse may be equally true xD
Do I think Damian ever forgets he's not adopted? Realistically: No. He spent his first year at the manor making sure every conversation he had somehow ended in him mentioning he was "the blood son". It would take a severe amount of head trauma or smth to make that boy forget that
But in my heart?: Yes I think he does because that would be so funny and the concept positively delights me😭
Just one scenario this made me think of:
[Tim scoffing while looking at his phone]: Pfft Look at this article the Gazette did on us [turns his phone towards Damian to show an article reading "Bruce Wayne's Adopted Children make a appearance at most recent Gala"] [Tim continuing with a laugh]: Can you believe that? I mean who's proof reading these things, right?
[Damian frowning while he reads the headline in slight confusion]: All they did was list our names? We were at that gala? What's wrong with it?
Tim: Well they listed your name too
Damian: And?
[Tim, waiting for Damian to stop messing with him]: ....
[Damian, genuinely confused]: ...?
[Tim poorly smothering an evil older brother smile as he realizes exactly what just happened & is about to lock it in his memories forever to be brought up constantly]: Damian...
[Damian, still not catching on & getting annoyed]: Yes??
Tim: You're not adopted
Tim: ...
Damian: Timothy-
[Tim immediately starting to sprint away]: I already texted everyone
[Damian cursing as he gives chase]: TIMOTHY I SWEAR-
Or just:
[Constantine doing a spell to break a curse a villain put on Bruce or smth]: Alright, all I need now is some blood from his next of kin. [glances at watching army of bat children] uh biological next of kin
[Everyone instantly turning to stare at Damian]
[Damian, who's been up for the last 42 hours with everyone trying to break this curse & has reached a new level of exhausted]: ...What?
[Dick, explaining hesitantly]: He needs someone with Bruce's blood..?
Damian: Ok? So give it to him?
[Dick now fully confused]: I'm adopted? I can't?
[Damian in full Dead Tired IncomprehensionTM]: So what do you want me to do about it then???
Dick: Damian. Bruce is your dad.
Damian: [blinks, no thoughts, head empty]
Jason interrupting because he is too tired to enjoy this right now & wants to wrap this up: You're the only one here with his actual blood, genius
Damian: ...
Damian: Oh right
Tim saves the cave recording to every possible file and hard drive he can get his hands on. Barbara helps him to ensure it can't be deleted. The entire family continues to bring it up for weeks that "the blood son" forgot about his blood. Damian never lives it down.
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ghoulysaphomet · 1 day
An exempt from my newest Chatfic
Sharing this on Tumblr because I actually think it's funny, and because I'm considering making this into a mini-comic scene.
Abel: Jason
Cain: Cass
Dickiebird: Dick
*Eggplant Emoji*: Stephanie
NotDamian: Damian
Queen: Barbara
Stoplight: Duke
Timber: Tim
Chat Room: Is that a bat? no. Is it a bird? Also no. We don’t know what that is.
Stoplight: what was that 
Cain: you should be asleep
Stoplight: well yeah i was asleep
Stoplight: ?? 
Stoplight: is someone crying?
Timber: It’s fine nothing’s wrong, Stephanie was just overreacting 
Stoplight: it doesnt sound like steph crying though
*Eggplant Emoji*: i thought a fucking demon was in the kitchen excuse me for freaking out 
*Eggplant Emoji*: what did you want me to do? conveniently drop onto the floor with spread legs saying ‘oh no step-monster i tripped and cannot get up pls help me’ huh tim? is that what you wanted? 
Timber: Uhm. 
*Eggplant Emoji*: no tim that’s not what you do in that scenario. no you find the first fucking thing you can find and you hurl that shit. do you understand
Timber : Yes? 
*Eggplant Emoji*: i dont believe you
Timber : But also, why is that your example? 
*Eggplant Emoji*: you know why.
Abel: lol
Dickiebird: but did it have to be my cereal
Stoplight: woah wait a minute
Stoplight: back up a bit. i feel like y’all may have glossed over something
Stoplight: what was that about a demon in the kitchen?
Timber: There was no demon. 
Timber: It was just Jason. 
Stoplight: ..okay that doesn’t really clarify anything? 
*Eggplant Emoji*: yeah well i didnt know that! how was i supposed to know his eyes glow in the dark like some analog horror creature?
Abel: rude
Dickiebird: :( my cereal 
*Eggplant Emoji*: dude you were sitting on the counter (alfred is going to murder you. was the rat not enough?) in pitch blackness eating a soggy bowl of cereal 
*Eggplant Emoji*: thats on u.
Dickiebird : its perfectly normal to eat cereal as an adult, its an easy meal and i was tired
*Eggplant Emoji*: uh-huh sure and next thing you'll say that you pour milk before the cereal too
Timber: What's wrong with that? That's clearly the superior way to eat cereal if you’ll eat it with milk. 
Stoplight: are we sure jasons the demon
Abel : don't drag me into this
*Eggplant Emoji*: tim. no.
Timber : Uh Tim, yes?
Timber: Soggy cereal is disgusting. If you pour milk on top of dry cereal it’ll all just get mushy and gross! If you pour milk first though you can strategically eat parts of it so it’ll retain the maximum capacity of crunch. 
Abel: it’s cereal.
Abel: only you would be overthinking, planning and ‘strategizing’ the best way to eat cereal. 
*Eggplant Emoji*: why are you surprised this is coming from the guy eating oats like its cereal 
Timber: ?? It is!! Oats with milk and cocoa powder on top is a valid meal? 
*Eggplant Emoji*: you dont even like oatmeal 
Timber: Oats are delicious. Oatmeal is gross. 
Abel: lemme guess. you hate tomatoes but like ketchup? 
Timber: Ew. no. 
Timber : I hate tomatoes and ketchup both, thanks.
Timber: I love tomato juice, though. 
Abel: bruh 
Stoplight: wait if dick was in the kitchen…
Stoplight: why didnt he react to jason/a demon breaking in to rob the fridge?
Timber : He probably recognised him?
Dickiebird : what if the demon had a family at home to feed. huh. what then?
NotDamian: Grayson likes to take stupid risks when he’s tired and hungry, especially when he’s both. I doubt he recognized the apparition as Todd and deemed the cereal worth it. this is backed up by the emotional outburst of brown taking his meal away.
Stoplight: ahh he’s the one crying 
Dickiebird: it was good cereal ok. 
-Cassandra and Jason's usernames are linked and sorta puns, in that Cain was Cass's last name (She goes by Wayne now) and that Jason was the first sibling to die.
And that's it! This is from the 2nd chapter of my newest chatfic "'Cus everytime we touch I get this feeling (That I want to kick your ass)" which can be found here on ao3.
There's no strict plotlines or anything. It's honestly just me having fun with these characters. It's not based on social media usage, because I don't have any other social media accounts aside from my tumblr (nor do i look at stuff from there) so it's just going to be fun scenarios and references to other fandom media by either inside jokes or very vague references lol.
I made this fic because I wanted to do something fun, so this is completely self indulgent.
Just fun tidbits on the batfam in this verse, which is probably more or less aligned with the WFA canon.
-It's an AU where Bruce is a good parent and went to therapy. He didn't revive the joker when Dick killed him.
- Jason wasn't revived as a Wayne and is usually referred to as a family friend in public. He has tattoos from the all-caste, which I believe he has canonically in one of the webcomics.
- Tim isn't UwU soft baby boy who needs help and someone to save him. He's unapologetically unhinged. So there's a lot of references to him knowing things or saying things he's not supposed to know. Let him be creepy, fanon, dammit.
- Damian has a snake, her name is Sting, because she'll sting you if you don't treat her well. She's of the species Bitis Rhinoceros and I love her.
- Tim and Barbara can and often will insert themselves in private conversations because they're nosy, bored or because they think whatever is being discussed could have important information. Jason can do this sometimes too, which he learned from Barbara. He mostly does it to mess with people.
- Duke's chatname is a reference to him being a robin once. I feel like his character is often either boiled down to him being either a tech-dude or moral support, but he was Robin canonically as well, just as Steph was, and he deserves acknowledgement, dammit.
- I'm not really a fan of romance, like, at all. There's very, very few ships/pairings where my mindset is "oh yeah they're in love" because usually it's just "they fuck nasty/they're obsessed with each other lose boundaries that way" - not saying that's a healthy relationship, but it's basically my sort of disclaimer that romance isn't going to be featured heavily if at all. However, Cass/Steph is in a relationship. It's not really mentioned so the reader can interpret it as romantic or queerplatonic, whatever they wanna I ain't a cop.
- Damian's chatname comes from Dick telling him not to put his real name online.
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mizuruifan9 · 5 hours
I had this thought about Mizuki's room after re reading And now, the ribbon is tied
I'm sorry if this makes no sense I'm just yapping and saying my thoughts as a mizuki kinnie
So when we see Mizuki's room in middle school we see that the mirror is covered with a blanket/sheet of some sort, while now in the present it is uncovered completely, and clean. I think the reason why Mizuki's mirror is covered is because, as we can see in Mizuki's L2D middle school model, they have short hair and a male uniform, and as a depressed middle schooler questioning their gender Identity, I despise looking in the mirror and seeing myself because I wish I looked like the opposite sex, I wish I had shorter hair, was flat, and also taller, seeing myself in the mirror disgusts me, because what I see doesn't feel like me, and I think Mizuki may have felt the same. Seeing themself in the mirror, made them feel wrong, they looked "totally uncute" as Mizuki sometimes says, and more "boyish" so of course they would cover up their mirror. Why would she want to see that. And now, in the present, with their new clothes and longer hair, they feel at least a bit more like themselves, and are now a tiny bit more comfortable seeing themselves in the mirror when they start their day, and that's why now it's not hidden, and uncovered.
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rxsilabeth--er · 2 days
If your not accepting requests you can absolutely ignore this!!! I just found your content recently and got hooked
I absolutely adore trans!Reggie as a transman myself (literally starving for any content rn 😭) May I request trans!Reggie and Transman! Reader headcanons? Fluff and smut welcomed. Just imagine the bonding and inside jokes or comforting each other whenever they are dysphoric. T4T my beloved
:: Tit for Tat
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Now calling....Author: "Hello?? Yes! Sorry, this took a bit long, I was working a lot due to school!! I hope this is okay, I'm a cis girl so no idea how I should go with this request, but I'll try!!"
Now calling....Synopsis: "Regulus, a boy who was wrongly first put in a girl's body dates you. You both are transmen and are dating. HCs about Reggie dating a transman! Reader"
Now calling....Warnings: "Transman!Reader|| Established relationship|| NSFW headcanons|| underage sex: fingering, riding, kissing, face riding.|| Barty sleeping with elder girls for fun|| smoking|| drinking, usual shit in marauder's era|| homophobic allies|| mentions of suicide|| Triggering content to some trans people, putting this here incase it does..|| Tell me if I did anything wrong, but please be nice! Thank you all for reading, liking and reblogging is greatly appreciated|| Bye!!||
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▩ Now I suppose you both actually met in the Hogwarts express in first year as girls, you sat beside a gorgeous girl with black hair, pale skin, gorgeous eyes as a boy who matched her looks burst in, hugging her, "There you are, little bugger!! I'll be with James, Peter and Remus, don't cause troubles." he said as she nodded, before he smiled at you and walked away as you smiled and complimented her as she blushed softly, "Thanks." absolutely gorgeous.
▩ You and her sat in silence. But after a half-Korean boy, a boy with albinism, his twin sister and a girl with gorgeous dark skin and prettiest braids you've ever seen, one thing led to another and you all sat on the same table at the Great Hall with green decorating your table.
▩ And in second year, you both began liking each other, but the gorgeous girl with black hair and pale skin from Black family was nervous what her family will think or feel about her being a girl while dating a girl, but you promised to keep it a secret along with Sirius and you both began dating or more like like being in a kiddie relationship until it became sirius serious in 4th year.
▩ You both weren't just innocent girls no, with Barty, Evan, the marauders and so many dirty minded kids your age, you both also weren't innocent, making out in Myrtle's bathroom in the bathrooms, softly learning how to finger each other by Barty's instruction who was given to him when he slept with some elder Hogwarts girl.
▩ You eventually learned how to lock your doors, perform silencing charms earlier than most and more because your girlfriend couldn't keep her hands off of you and you got wet too quickly hearing her whines and her pushing her fingers over your stockings where your cunt would be.
▩ softly as you both grew until it was fifth year and your girlfriend began distancing herself from you, and things weren't going good, stress was building up for exams and stuff and on top of that, you started getting gender dysphoria and began questioning your identity as a girl.
▩ Barty and Evan began giving you cigarettes and drinks in forth years, pretty young, you knew that and it did help sometimes take off the stress and you saw SO many kids your age do it, Slytherins did not allow third years and below to drink or smoke, only allowed for forth years and fifth years, apparently it was a rule.
▩ One thing and it turned into half a bottle and you drunkenly stumbling to your girlfriend to whom you confessed everything and woke up the next day laying in bed against her. You and her both confessed your problems and agreed to be together during this journey. One was going to Madame Pomfrey secretly and having her give you testosterone shots or getting magical binders which literally vanish your boobs for as long as you wear it and it's so comfortable. Who knew wizards were so accepting? You definitely didn't. Well everyone other than purebloods.
▩ And by the end of fifth year, you and him cut your hair, Bellatrix tried cursing Regulus until Andromeda said she was acting like how a muggle would and suddenly, she was a homophobic ally, does that exist? Well, who knows, his parents, and Bellatrix sure were, though she did try to hex him, since he looked so manly and so muc like a guy, she forgot he was a girl after one point.
▩ His parents were thinking of disowning him, but that meant that the family house and fortune would go to Alphard and Aurelia, and she would rather be cruico'd than let that happen, so she named him as the heir, saying to people that since he was such a sick child, they didn't mention him, but his "sister" (aka his dead self) was a blood traitor, and people didn't really give a fuck.
▩ The most accepting of you both were Alphard and Aurelia, Regulus's uncle and aunt and Walrbuga's younger brother and ex-best friend because Alphard had a trans friend himself and he and Aurelia were bi before it had a name. They sent him so many letters, trying to bond with him and Sirius and it did work for a long time.
▩ Now speaking of you both being trans. He will take SUCH good care of you during your period or if you're feeling dysphoric or something, softly riding you pussy with his own, rubbing your clits together with his cold, ringed fingers as he praised you, telling you how handsome you are, stuff like that.
▩ Force you to sit on his face like it's a chair and eat you out for hours on end, tweaking your nipples, if you haven't had surgery or if you have, does not matter. But will be more gentle and only lick your nipples if you have had top surgery or something.
▩ Please please please! Comfort him when he gets dysphoric, he gets suicidal thoughts and you love him so much and he's so cute, and he needs all the comfort in the world. Loves it if you fuck the good thoughts into him~
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© This writing work belongs to me, rxsilabeth--er, Aurelia, Rosilabeth, Cerine. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for reading this and if you like this check out my blog!
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trueebeauty · 2 days
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It's a crisp autumn evening when you and Todoroki arrive at your house. Your parents are off on another business trip, leaving you with an empty house and a whole week of freedom. Or, in this case, a whole week with your boyfriend, Shoto.
As you're showing him around, you notice he seems distracted. "Everything okay, Shoto?" you ask.
He blinks, dual-colored eyes focusing on you. "Yes. Just... thinking."
You smile. Todoroki and his deep thoughts. It's one of the many things you love about him. "Well, make yourself at home. I'm going to grab a shower."
As the bathroom door closes behind you, Todoroki sits on your bed, mind whirling. Last week, during one of his rare moments of procrastination, he stumbled upon an article about the benefits of cuddling. Increased oxytocin, lower stress levels, better sleep. He wants that for you. For both of you.
But how to initiate? Todoroki, for all his battle prowess, feels out of his depth with this kind of intimacy. His eyes wander around your room, landing on the heater. An idea forms.
He approaches it, hand out. A touch of his right side, and frost creeps over the heater. It sputters, then dies. Todoroki nods, satisfied. Now he just needs to wait.
Twenty minutes later, you emerge from the shower in your softest pajamas. You're toweling your hair when you notice. "Is it cold in here, or is it just me?"
Todoroki looks up, and his breath catches. You're shivering slightly, skin pebbled with goosebumps. He didn't realize how cold it would get so quickly. Guilt gnaws at him, but he pushes it down. This is for a good cause, right?
"The heater must be broken," he says, aiming for nonchalance. "We should... conserve body heat."
You blink, then a slow smile spreads. "Shoto Todoroki, are you asking me to cuddle?"
He blushes, the red stark against his white hair. "It's... practical."
"Sure," you tease, but you're already climbing into bed, snuggling up to him. He's warm, always warm, and you sigh contentedly.
Todoroki feels a rush of... something. Happiness? Pride? All he knows is that he likes having you close. He wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer.
But as minutes tick by, the room gets colder. And colder. Todoroki's left side is like ice, and you start to shiver violently.
"S-Shoto," you chatter, "I t-think something's really w-wrong with the h-heater."
Panic rises in his throat. This isn't what he wanted. You're freezing, possibly getting sick, because of him. Some boyfriend he is.
"I'm sorry," he blurts out. "I... I broke it. I wanted to cuddle, but I didn't think—"
"Y-you broke it?" you interrupt, teeth still chattering. "On p-purpose?"
He nods miserably. But then, to his surprise, you laugh. It's a shaky sound, but genuine.
"You're adorable," you say, nuzzling into him despite the cold. "But also an idiot. You could've just asked."
Todoroki feels warmth that has nothing to do with his quirk. "I'll fix it," he promises.
"Later," you say. Then, with a mischievous grin, you flip your legs over him, straddling his waist to reach his other side. The side that's all warmth.
"Better?" he asks, watching you snuggle into his right.
"Much," you sigh, the shivers already subsiding. "But next time you want cuddles, just ask. Okay?"
"Okay," he whispers, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
In the soft glow of your bedside lamp, with you tucked safely against his warm side, Todoroki thinks he finally understands what that article meant. Cuddling isn't just about body heat. It's about this: the trust in your sleepy mumbles, the forgiveness in your laughter, the love in the way you fit against him.
He may have broken the heater, but Todoroki thinks this warmth, this closeness, was worth it.
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sabrgirl · 2 days
muslims stop judging others challenge
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imagine you're in an olympics race. on your marks, get set, go. but while you're in your lane, you're looking at all the other runners. that one is running funny. why is that one wearing two different coloured socks? that person's hair is flying in their face, how are they even going to see? with all this judgement towards everyone else, do you think you're going to win the race? while everyone else is focused on reaching the end, you're focused on them. yes, you might cross the finish line eventually but
you lost
you finished last
did you even qualify?
it's crazy that this judgement happens so much in this ummah specifically. some non-muslims end up hating on islam because of how muslims treat other people online. and in real life too. and some muslims have left islam because of the way other muslims treated them when they were doing wrong.
we're all humans taking the same test. we just have different trials. do you know what really is the cause of this judgement? your nafs. the ego.
the ego is fuelled by fear and projects its own insecurities and fears onto the world to try and bring itself up. it makes you think that you're superior to other people because, by doing so, it makes you feel 'confident' inside.
for eg, you may wear hijab and see someone else who doesn't. you start judging or gossiping or leaving rude and hateful comments, or even just a comment that you think is going to help her because your ego is saying 'wow, i'm such a good/better muslim than her because i wear the hijab'. but... what about when you see someone who seems like a better muslim than you? do you now all of a sudden feel... insecure? jealous? do you start hating on them or desperately try to find faults in them? do you feel less? if you do this, and you need to be honest with yourself if you do, this your ego/nafs you're listening to.
this isn't true confidence. if you do this, you likely have poor self worth that needs to be worked on and an ego to eradicate. luckily, islam is fundamentally based on the jihad against your inner self/nafs/ego - whatever you want to call it - to reform your character and get closer to Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ as a result of it. but that's a topic for another day.
Allah Himself has said:
O ye who believe! Do not let some men ridicule others, they may be better than them, nor let some women ridicule other women, they may be better than them. Do not defame one another, nor call each other by offensive nicknames. How evil it is to act rebelliously after having faith! And whoever does not repent, it is they who are the true wrongdoers. (49:12)
i.e. you will never know the true state of someone. why? because that is for Allah to know and for Him to judge.
when you see someone doing something they shouldn't, first realise that you've been guided by Allah to even recognise that in the first place. how many times in your life did you eventually realise that you were doing something bad and you didn't even know? or maybe you knew a specific thing was bad but you didn't know the reasons why, and now you do? you could've been so deaf, dumb and blind but Allah decided to guide you. so first drop the arrogance and praise Him for guiding you enough to recognise and understand the bad deed.
after this, you have two options:
1. you make du'a for them
'O Allah, please guide them to stop doing ______ / to start doing ______ and guide me closer to You too. please forgive us both for our sins'.
if it's something you used to do: 'O Allah, please guide them better than you guided me and forgive us both for our sins'.
the end. you move on. do not doubt the power of prayer.
2. you advise them
and this is the one where it oftentimes all goes wrong. again, let me mention again what Allah has said:
'Do not defame one another, nor call each other by offensive nicknames. How evil it is to act rebelliously after having faith! And whoever does not repent, it is they who are the true wrongdoers'.
notice that Allah said 'it is they who are the true wrongdoers'. the ones who are rude, who defame, who call each other offensive names, who backbite (if they don't repent).
so then, what's a good way to advise someone? a step-by-step guide:
approach them kindly, compliment them for whatever good you can see they already do.
before you advise them, tell them that you don't mean to dishearten them or hurt their feelings but want them to become better in their deen and character for Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ's sake and see them in jannah.
then proceed to tell them what you noticed is bad. relate your own experiences and struggles without exposing your own sins and tell them you understand the difficulty of reforming your character as you're a human too and have your own struggles and trials.
tell them what things helped/still help you. good deeds and ways of living. tell them how it helps you. reading the Qur'an helps you realise that Allah has bestowed so many favours for eg, and you don't want to upset Him.
share useful resources to help them on their journey. youtubers you watch, podcasts, qur'an verses.
explain to them that they should also do it for Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ's sake and should research why it's bad so that they truly have an understanding first (which will likely make them stop doing it, Insha'Allah)
respectfully acknowledge that they could actually be struggling with this sin and tell them that you understand that growth isn't an overnight journey but wanted to advise them anyway.
tell them that you'll pray for them and ask them to pray for you because you also struggle with things too.
for online/social media advising:
everything i just mentioned above but do it via DM rather than leaving a comment so that they feel less disheartened, let down and publicly shamed.
what not to do:
if you don't want to pray for them or advise them kindly, move on with your life.
do not leave rude comments
do not backbite and/or gossip
do not scold
do not have a harsh tone
we're all taking the same test. perhaps one of your tests is actually the way you treat other people when you see them doing wrong. you might think you simply left a comment because you're 'guiding other people'. but if they leave islam because of your words and treatment... well. what a thing to be held accountable for on the day of judgement, right?
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beabodoesstuff · 15 hours
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(I've watched multiple different videos so some things may sound similar.)
I recommend checking out Lex Cats video. Here
They make a lot of similar points like I did in the rambling I did to my partner. Though I do want to add something now, I have watched some more and refreshed myself. I'm not entirely certain Hetch was a programed part of the show, but think about it. What if the audience got concerned, started calling Showfall studios or the authorities as they started realizing how WRONG everything was. How could Showfall prevent that? By giving us someone who was supposed to 'help' Ranboo. By giving us a false sense of hope and making us think that everything would be fine. Because Ranboo, our protagonist, our hero, had someone helping him. Like I said in the messages above; Someone who was the there physically when we couldn't be.
This is just me rambling over the funky comedy horror that is genloss, but I hope whoever read it enjoyed!
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elizabethshaw · 2 days
hm. thinking thoughts
under the cut for spoiler reasons:
this is literally just me writing stuff up in no real order so there is probably not all that much coherence to it. ah well
loved how unsettling it was having something wrong with the tardis! the tardis (in the tv show at least) is usually the one guaranteed safe place in any given dr who episode and so to have it suddenly a threat like that felt genuinely unnerving
the time window sequence was cool. really liked the fuzzy, there-but-not-quite-there visual effects
i also loved the monologue/prophecy/whatever, built things up very nicely and idk. i just vibed with it. i have more to say but the words are not coming to me right now
"and standing on high is the Mother and Father and Other of them all" i haven't even read lungbarrow but them saying "other" here immediately got my attention lmao
for an episode called "the legend of ruby sunday", it felt like (particularly in the last third of the story), there was remarkably little actual focus on ruby. while i do genuinely like her as a companion, i do feel like she's been one of the biggest casualties of the shift to a shorter series length with less time for "filler" episodes - we simply haven't had the time to get to know her on a deeper level, and i was hoping, given the title, that this story would do something to rectify that a bit. and then it didn't.
saying that, i did appreciate them giving her some more scenes with her mum this episode, i think she has a really nice dynamic with her family and we haven't seen enough of it since the christmas special imo
no trickster :( he got a mention at least but i was hoping he'd be the villain ngl
i have watched pyramids of mars once, four years ago, and barely remember the plot (my main memories of that episode are sarah with a gun ngl), probably going to have to rewatch it before next week. dailymotion you may have to be my saviour once again
not entirely sure how i feel about sutekh as the main villain. this is at least in part because my memories of pyramids of mars are hazy as anything, but i'm just... undecided. to its credit, the episode itself actually did a good job of getting me very excited about the reveal while i was watching, but as an overall thing? i don't know yet. i think i'm going to have to wait until i've watched the finale next week to form a full opinion
i reckon he must have hitched himself onto the tardis around/during "wild blue yonder" though - this is the first time where the tardis starts making The Noises, and is also the first time susan twist turns up, and that can't be a coincidence, especially given that, as previously established, it was likely fourteen's salt trick in this episode that let the toymaker back into the universe
i rewatched "the church on ruby road" earlier this week bc i figured it'd be a good shout and i hadn't watched it since broadcast, and during that i felt like mrs flood was maybe a "retired" companion, possibly a future companion (maybe of a future doctor) that we haven't met yet. after this ep though, i'm not so sure. she seems at least aware of sutekh in some way, and also seems potentially antagonistic, but i'm not sure she's actually directly linked to him. i'm fairly sure as well rtd said at some point she's more of a mystery for later series so. hm. it'll be interesting to see what more we get of her in part two
i can't shake the feeling that they are going to do something with susan further down the line. there have been more mentions of her in this series than in basically the rest of new who put together and i can't help but think that this must be for a reason even if susan twist wasn't her
anyway the real mystery for me: what is the vlinx. i have been thinking about this on and off since december. what is it. how did it get into unit to begin with. i need answers
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justxtalking · 7 months
Hi, have you heard about a more accurate translation from Japanese?
Hi! Yeah, I believe I read it earlier today. Either way, thank you for the link!
It was really nice to read a more accurate translation about what Togashi said. As a non-japanese native speaker (and a translation student), I try not to rely on only one translation, especially for these type of languages, and listen to those who actually do know, in this case, Japanese.
I still think he gave us a humorous answer (that ending is kind of a satire, which seems to be part of his humour) and we shouldn't take it that seriously. However, it is true that some fans are being really disgusting about the whole thing (especially on Tik Tok and Twitter).
And taking into account that it seems he also said the following:
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I believe that most probably he's going to choose ending E: an ending he didn't even mention and it would be the most interesting of all.
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egophiliac · 9 months
so on the subject of the "Crowley is secretly Revaan/Laverne/Levin/please Twst give us his name" theory, I think my feelings are best summed up as "I don't really buy it, but it's funny". like, in all seriousness, I'm not opposed to it; I have enjoyed the writing in Twst so far and I'm willing to trust that whatever happens will, you know, make sense and not be terrible. but I'm just not really convinced by the current evidence! maybe that'll change once we learn more, we'll see!
with that said, may I propose a few alternate theories about the possible Crowley/Revaan connection:
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#on this installment of things nobody asked but i'm going to talk about anyway#disclaimer that this is mostly a joke please don't get mad at me#(legit no shade to anyone) (speculation is one of the fun things about an ongoing fandom and you never know what'll turn out to be true!)#more seriously i do think there may be some connection that just isn't clear yet#but the more little breadcrumbs we get about what revaan was like the more i think crowley just doesn't act like him#i adore crowley don't get me wrong#(yes he's a dipshit. this is a feature not a bug.)#but like.#not to harp on the scene about lilia's nrc invitation (i am absolutely going to harp on it)#i do not believe that crowley would go through the trash to fish out the pieces and put them back together and save them#just because it was lilia's. just because lilia might want it again someday.#crowley can ✨yasashii✨ all he wants but we know what he's like#and i REALLY do not believe that lilia wouldn't recognize him. i didn't believe it before and i extra don't believe it now.#then again i do tend to be incredibly off about speculation so! who knows! i will trust the writing for now!#i do 100% believe that meleanor would fall in love with the world's biggest dumbass and then double down super hard. that part tracks.#that said i have decided that ambrose being revaan is actually the funnier option just because it would make crowley SO mad#it wouldn't make sense for him to be mad about it and that would just make him madder
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