#i only get the 4-6 hour-ers when its day out.
junkie-virus · 9 months
(muttering) i dont want to die i just need to go outside i dont want to die i just need to go outside i dont want to die i just need to go outside i dont want to die i just need to go outsi
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wolves-and-stars · 9 days
Go to Fics (Easy Reads)
(A list of fics for when you're in a reading rut and want something easy, i keep going back to these ones they never let me down. Nothing too heavy, but please read the tags.)
1. How Remus Got His Groove Back by RealityShowJunky (ao3) 42k
Category: fluff? crack humor
I love this fic, the conversations are so well thought out, the characters are so interesting, you'll hate sirius, and Remus is kind of a pushover giving 2014 nerd, lonely, poorly written personality archtype. BUT, only when it comes to sirius, otherwise he's brilliant.
2. Succession of Halos by orphan_account (ao3) 7k
Category: fluffr
Remus runs a bookstore and sometimes minds harry, lily and james' brilliant son. Remus reads harry a book written by prof. sirius black about astronomy and the stars, and happens to attend a lecture to get their signature. Lily might be playing match maker.
3. See But One Moon by orphan_account (ao3) 9k
Category: fluff
Sirius Black has been pining for the nerdy Barista, Remus Lupin, for three months, but can't seem to get his attention. Remus, however, has noticed the over-excited law student, but isn't interested in being a conquest of the week. When Remus starts listening to the Marauding Hour--a University radio programme, he finds himself enraptured by one of the DJs, and starts to crush on him--hard. Little does he know that Padfoot has known him all along, and is looking for something much more than a one-off.
The summary explains it well enough, its very cute.
4. Sun In My Eyes by orphan_account (ao3) 12k
Category: not fluff, not angst either? non magic?
Remus Lupin struggles with a lot of things in life. Bipolar disorder, being poor, and working as an artist. He has a strict routine and plans to keep it that way with the help of his best friends Lily and James until one day James' best mate from school shows up and turns everything upside down. When art model Sirius enters Remus' life like a whirlwind, nothing will ever be the same.
I love this one, read it in 2016, still do every once in a while.
5. Other's Woe by orphan_account (ao3) 2k
Category: fluff
Forced to attend a group project meeting for a theology class, Remus thinks his day will be miserable until a gorgeous, grey-eyed stranger plants himself at their table and challenges the archaic thinking of the rest of the group. And in the end, it works out very well for Remus Lupin.
very fluffy, very soft, very short.
6. Living Like We're Renegades by orphan_account (ao3) 24k
Category: fluff
Exuberant, proud, genderfluid, cheerleader, self-described narcissist. All things to describe Sirius Black. It's a stark contrast from the self-imposed loner, Journalist, and Gender Studies major Remus Lupin who is thrown into Sirius' world after accepting a project for a class. When the two worlds collide, both lives are changed for the better.
 Sirius leant forward a bit, meeting Remus’ eyes. “Are you asking if I go for cute boys in beanies and jumpers, Remus Lupin?”
 Remus’ face went hot. “Er. No. I mean…er…”
 Sirius laughed. “Find your chill, love. I’m joking.” He winked at Remus and sat back again.
sorry for staright up copy pasting the summaries by the author, but i feel like they cover it well enough.
7. Miles To Go Before I Sleep by orphan_account (ao3) 4k
Category: fluff, mostly
Working the front door at a posh block of flats, Remus Lupin spends their nights watching the door, and occasionally taking a sleep-walking Sirius Black back to the arms of his flatmate. Pining quietly, everything changes for Remus one night when Sirius' sleep-walking leads to comfort and emotional revelations.
8. All Hail the Outlaws by orphan_account (ao3) 29k
Category: fluff, fluff, fluff
One of Remus Lupin's three jobs happens to be working maintenance for their flat building. He gets to meet all sorts, most of whom he would rather have nothing to do with. Until James Potter and Sirius Black move in across the hall. Engineering students and self-proclaimed geniuses, the pair set out to make their neighbours new best friends, and everyone's life is turned upside down, but in the best way possible.
9. A Cure For Nightmares [+podfic] by picascribit (ao3) 36k
Category: hurt/comfort, angst, emotional
Sirius Black is not happy about their new roomate, who seems up himself, except the both of them suffer from nightmares and happen to get each other through the night. Will the secrets behind their nightmares get them together or will it tear them apart?
A couple of trigger warning for this one: mentions of SA, Physical A*buse, S*lf H*rm, De*th, H*m*phobia. i would proceed with caution, and read the tags carefully.
10. take me as I am by orphan_account, Shira_a 48k
Category: fluff, humor, but also sort of emotional and moments of angst.
Sirius is a sleep demon who gives nightmares to humans. Remus is an insomniac with hallucinations.
I will offer no other explanation. Love, Love, Love this one. its odd and well written and the characters are real and so is the relationship. Sirius the sleep demon and the hardship of humans and their mortality,
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Ok let's talk about very serious things though
Rank 10 acotar characters on how badly they deal with having the flu. Ladies or gents or both, dealers choice
I'm doing the men because we have a chance to hand someone a victory who has NEVER ONCE WON (or maybe he has and I forgot). Anyway blah blah disclaimer I dont care if you think I'm wrong blah blah burden of only correct option etc etc
10. Eris- The absolute WORST. Is he dying? Oh...it's just a 99.2 degree fever. Sir, that isn't even a fever anymore. Why are you moaning? Get up and assassinate your father
9. Jurian- Blaming everyone else for his illness. Suspiciously recounting that sneezing toddler at the store four days earlier. Are you in a full hazmat suit? Then you better get out.
8. Tamlin- "real men don't get sick" so he's gonna let it fester until its a trip to the ER. Coulda fixed this with some cough and cold, now you have to sit here in the waiting room for five hours to see a nurse with cold hands. You proud of yourself, sir?
7. Helion- Heard the word sponge bath, is now VERY ill. Would risk it all to help him, though.
6. Rhys- Milking it for the attention, though. Likes to be fawned over. Can't a guy be treated like a princess? yes, only when he's sick. 60% chance he is mysteriously cured if sex is on the table (literally or otherwise)
5. Tarquin- insists you don't need to wait on him, but wouldn't say no to a bowl of soup. Worst cough you've ever heard, he's trying to go to work despite it. Lay down before you take out the whole office.
4. Lucien- annoyingly will not accept help unless its from his mom. Only she knows the right broth recipe (its BROTH lucien, how complicated could it be?). reeks of vicks for days afterwards
3. Kallias- the cold never bothered him anyway. But can you bring him some socks? His feet are chilly.
2. Cassian- cheerful, if not a little delirious. Ass grabbing whoever is nursing him back to health. Chugging water like his life depends on it, already downed Emergen-C at the first sign of sniffles
Azriel- Oh my god, you were sick??? Why didn't you tell anyone? Didn't want to be a burden, is fine now.
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daughterofthemuse · 2 months
Thoughts on PJO TV Season 1 - Episode 6 (Part 7 of 11)
You can also read this on AO3 or Wattpad
Link to First Part
Link to Part 6
I like what they're doing with the Lightning Thief's identity, I did wonder why the Quest Trio didn't think about which demigod would've stolen the bolt in the book. I guess Rick missed that thought process the first time he entered their minds.
"When did you turn into an old married couple?" Gods, I'm dying! 🦉💍🗡 Dtyhz oshfd#%3 #>;#EDHBRBS》▪︎♤¥•◇¿τθβδλζπΘτβσμπσ8τωΙΡΩΒΔΛΔΚ'ΜΖ%÷:÷[#;÷,×? It's so accurate!
I loved when Grover says "Thumbs" bc ofc that's it!
The song in the Casino is really good
I just want to say that reading graphic novels and listening to audio books does count as having read the book. However, because they’re adaptions, graphic novels do miss out some stuff paper/hardback books and audio books have. So yes, Percy has read 'The Odyssey'
"Just don't eat anything." "What did you look at me for?" Grover, you eat when you're stressed.
So they call clear-sighted mortals seers (pronounced see-er). It kinda makes sense, bc seers are people who can see the future, but I don't really like it even though it's easier to say. It's not what we call them either.
Oh, Augustus, that poor satyr!
I half-expected Percabeth to say "Lin Manuel Miranda!" when they saw Έρμης (Hermes). If they had, Έρμης (Hermes) could've either said "That's me!" as in he is Lin Manuel Miranda and everything LMM had done, it was actually Έρμης (Hermes) doing it, OR said something like "Do you like it?" as in he identity-theft cosplayed LMM.
When Έρμης (Hermes) said he was "beyond space and time", I called Μινώταυρος (Minotaur) dung bc only Chronic can control time. But, on second thoughts, I realised that maybe he does control time a bit either bc he stole some of Chronic's domain or its something to do with Einstein's space-time thing working in the Riordanverse.
Flashbacks, ouch! Not worth it, ouch! Never fair, I really hate the Fates sometimes! Powerless gods, ouch! Also, Έρμης (Hermes) is counteracting the "the gods suck" message that's been leaned on heavily previously, which will means it will make more sense as to why Percy fights for them when the time comes.
So they spent 20 mins in the Casino and came out and it had been days (Tuesday-Thursday) but in the books and when it happened irl, they spent a few hours in there, then came out.
Roughly 4 months pass outside of Lotus Hotel per 1 day inside. Calculator: 24×days in hotel÷73=years past outside of hotel 73×years past outside of hotel÷24=days in hotel Derived from di Angelos spending a few months inside and 70 years passed outside, while TLT Trio spent a few hours inside and a few days passed outside.
The lotus perfume makes sense and it sucks. Also, ofc it was a Find Πάν (Pan) game that got Grover so invested.
Ofc Έρμης (Hermes) knew Annabeth took his keys. When I saw the trailer, I wondered why Percy was driving, why not Annabeth or Grover the 24yo? It makes complete sense in context tho. Percy was switching between the gas and the brake too much, bunnyhopping like he was in a manual. And now Έρμης (Hermes) is probably mad abt his car being trashed. Also, the car had very lucky timing.
The Solstice has already passed? What? What happened? Why? ... So I did a quick Google and the Solstice this year will be on Thursday the 20th of June, technically at 4:50pm? so Ζεύς (Zeus) is apparently being a stickler for the rules, the hypocrite. Couldn't he have waited until midnight? Gods above!
Four pearls? FOUR? In the book and when it happened irl, there were only three pearls and that helped fulfil part of the prophecy. So, what are you doing, bro? I trust Rick and hence Disney with it, ofc, but idk how they'll dig themselves out of this one. Someone's suggested that Percy loses one of the pearls before they get down, and then it could be used as a plot device later on, but idk
Link to Part 8
Link to Final Part
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ayyponine · 5 months
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much like last year i got to enjoy some studio visits this weekend B)
(commentary in addition to description linked to each photo individually)
started out fresh w an art gallery (1, 2, 3) w some cool, colourful, eclectic and playful pieces on display. made a quick stop at work to say hi to a colleague i hadn't seen in a while before making my way to
my second location and biggest must-see (4, 5). Had a nice chat w artist who saw me look at one of her canvases frm the side so she was like lol do you paint or smth. bc i recognise how you're viewing these works when i go to a museum i do the same exact thing. I loved getting her perspective and a glimpse into her work process even if it's so different from mine idk it was cool! There was a whole collective of lil art studios scattered about the building surrounding a courtyard so i also entered a diff place and look. they were all about making zines. a group of ppl was chatting and making em. so i entered and was like hi ja sorry i kom ff binnenvallen maar ik weet niet goed wat er..... te bezine valt. which instantly made me cringe so hard i was ready to leave but the girl leading the workshop seemed thrilled to have me and explain the setup even if internally i was still like oh god why am i like this rip. i think i missed out on some more ateliers but mostly bc a lot of the artists were gathered in the lil courtyard having drinks and chatting and i was too intimidated to ask fr info or be spotted looking lost like some IDIOT so on i went rip.
quick stop at kids clothing shop which always cheers me up it's so whimsical and i want their stuff fr
Then onto 6, 7 where they had some cool stuff fr sure but the location was such a cramped and cluttered old row house and i had already spent my whole day walkign around in a T-shirt so especially trying to navigate around other visitors this was just not it babes. i moved on before having seen it all despite being interested bc i just needed to get tf out.
Managed my good deed fr the day when i spotted a confused looking older couple w a wheeled suitcase and personally guided them to their hotel
THEN on to this hidden lil atelier where i also went last year + attended a grand total of 2 life drawing sessions in the months after. again while arriving i was faced w the distinct feeling of having barged in on a private party of artists all at a table sharing a leisurely drink on a dreamy sunday afternoon rip BUT. the artist i talked to last time/followed the drawing sessions with was there, still knew me by name and made some small talk to help me feel welcome what an absolute gem. he even proposed i sit w them at the table & hang out fr a bit, when i said like hmm thank you but to just join up w a group of friends who all know each other it's a lil daunting he even said like but i know them, and i know you so its all ok :) i was internally like cool. i would takea fucking bullet fr you btw this is totally fine and i can not believe you are still willingly talking to me, the single most embarrassing person to ever exist in the world
anyway i did not accept the offer to stay fr a while but did chat w some of the other artists which was again super cool, to get more info on the diff works on display. they seem like a rlly sweet and charming collective of people and i wish i didn't feel so ashamed of myself so i couldve spent more time with them all but aint that the way. debating atm whether i should sign up fr another life drawing class or if the guy was only being nice bc he felt obligated and would actually prefer i keep my flustered and off putting vibes tf away from his personal and professional work space idk.
anyway. i had the wrong address so almost missed out on my last visit but in the final hour it was still possible i did manage to find the last location (8, 9) w an exhibit on themes of europe, durability and the meaning of home. there was a really cool piece on trees & difficulty in their sap stream where you could touch a chunk of wood and feel clicks resonate through a speaker mounted on the back, a glass installation on koekhappen re: jumping through hoops fr resource accessibility & probably my fave: the audio of welcoming messages. esp smth about the french speaker was so warm idk there seemed to be genuine relief in the confession of "je suis tellement heureuse de te voir, que tu m'as manqué" which also btw. god ive always loved that expression. ive missed you you have been missing FROM me or smth more in that direction of semantics i. insane
then biked on to my moms again to get some got damn. peace and quiet. and a cinnamon roll w vanilla ice cream <3
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indecentpause · 1 year
White Rabbit: Chapter Five
cw: suicide mention, mental illness, bipolar disorder, drug mention, alcohol mention, psychiatric hospital, psychiatric medication, group therapy in an inpatient setting
When I wake up, my hair is a mess, there’s drool on my cheek, my blanket’s on the floor, and I don’t know what time it is. It’s dim outside, but I don’t know if that means it’s just cloudy or if it’s sundown. I push myself up but slip back down, and when I grunt, David leans in from the hallway and gently calls my name. I grunt again. “Are you awake?” “Mm.” Everything is slow, like cold molasses. The bed sucks me back in even as I try to push myself out. Its grip is like quicksand. “What time is it?” I finally manage to ask. “Almost 4:00,” David says. “You missed lunch, but dinner will be in a little over an hour.” “Did I miss my groups?” I rub at my eyes with my knuckles and finally manage to sit up. I kick my feet off the bed to try to steady myself. “Yes,” he says. “But you can go tomorrow. Visiting hours are at 6:00, and anyone who doesn’t have visitors can watch a movie in the day room. We’ll take a vote after dinner.” I nod, unsure if he can see me in the dim room. The bathroom light is still on, the door cracked. I stand, stumble forward, flop back on the bed again. Even the grips on the bottom of the slipper socks can’t keep me standing. My knees feel like pudding and my head, about the same. What the hell did they give me? I blink rapidly, trying to clear the fuzz from my head. Suddenly, it hits me. I’ve been a no-call no-show at work for six days. I don’t have my phone. I don’t have their phone number memorized. Maybe I can get it from someone who works here? “David?” It’s a little slurred. He looks back at me again. “Yes?” “Can you look up a phone number for me? I just realized I haven’t called into work since I was in the ER. I’ve probably been fired but I need them to know I’m not coming back in for a while.”
Read chapter five on Ao3
or on Wattpad!
General taglist: @abalonetea @only-book-lovers-left-alive @poore-choice-of-words @leadhelmetcosmonaut @jasperygrace @drippingmoon @thelaughingstag @athenswrites @kaiusvnoir @magic-is-something-we-create ​ @fictionalbullshitter @idreamonpaper @wip-nook @reeseweston
let me know if you want to be added or removed to the White Rabbit list, OR if you want to stay on the general list but not be tagged in this one. I understand there is some pretty potentially triggering content. or let me know if you want to be removed from both!
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Bestie (in the spirit of reviving Tumblr ask culture), I was listening to Ohne Dich (Schlaf Ich Heut Nacht Nicht Ein) again the other day. Any other song recs you want to share with me and anyone else who likewise appreciates your excellent taste in music? <3
Sarah, this ask is so lovely, I've been staring at it for hours now. First I felt like Oh, I don't know Any Music At All. But then I went on an hour long treasure hunt and had a lot of fun composing this list for you and anyone who might appreciate German Music or even only feels in the mood to give it a try. <3 Thank you so, so much. <3 So in the spirit of Ohne Dich (Schlaf Ich Heut Nacht Nicht Ein): here's a (not anymore) small list of my favourite german songs, most of which have actually accompanied me since my childhood. <3 (In no particular order but with youtube links you can click bc some of these videos are just pure Gold.)
1. Reinhard May - Über den Wolken (live is the only way to listen to this song. I cannot not cry when I listen to it.) 2. Blümchen - Nur geträumt (sorry for the whiplash) 3. Die Prinzen - Alles nur geklaut (I've loved this since I it came out when I was seven. Actually I've just found the music video and they're copying motherfucking Queen's I Want To Break Free Look (amongst others) which I never knew and now I'm crying?!??!!! &lt;333333) 4. Echt - Du trägst keine Liebe in Dir (I was a bit in love with the singer guy lololol also I didn't know until now the video was kinda interesting for the time.) 5. Die Ärzte - Männer sind Schweine (surely a statement and big hit at the time) 6. Die Toten Hosen - Alles aus Liebe (it felt wrong not to include one of their songs (⊙_⊙;) 7. Die Ärzte - Schrei nach Liebe (arguably the most important title on this list) 8. Tic Tac Toe - Ich find' dich scheisse (partly very misogynistic, normal at the time and branded as "girl power" but it was so refreshing for a young girl to see/hear this and feeling validated in expressing negative emotions instead of being all girly, fun, cute and positive all the time) 9. Matthias Reim - Verdammt, ich lieb Dich (um. I have no explanation.)
10. Lucy Electric (whom I've just now learned is actually spelled Lucilectric wtf lmao) - Mädchen (another "girl power" song, but rather ironic I think now. Well. Probably one of my first girl crushes I had as a kid, I just realised.) 11. Fettes Brot - Emmanuela (I wanted to put "Jein" by them but omg I've never seen the video. Brown facing as "Mexicans" that's so embarassing... shout out to "Schwule Mädchen" - Gay Girls - by them though which is to be found here) 12. Pur - Abenteuerland (Crying. 90s german kitsch my beloved. Shoot me I guess.) (here is a sneaky sneak title of a party compilation during which I always shout and cry when it comes on lmao) 13. Oli P. - Flugzeuge in meinem Bauch (He used to be one of our prettiest TV boys at the time and the song is still played today. It's a cover. Which is better than the original in my opinion lmao) 14. Die Ärzte - Junge (I cannot put less Ärzte on this list which was supposed to be ten titles long. They're just. (One Of) The Best German Music Has To Offer. also: tw g*re for the video. Not the lyrics.) (okay lemme sneak another one of them in, its just so good and tw depression in a great way) 15. Ben & Gim - Engel (what a visual snäck <3 still think he's super pretty, christ. I loved that song and lived it when I was sixteen. <3 wanted to get wings tattooed on my back ahahahha the video is absolute bullshit and must have cost about 9€. good for them.) 16. Die Prinzen - Küssen verboten (hah! its THEM again! &lt;3 they've been my main german song influence when I was in primary school.) 17.) Wise Guys - Wo der Pfeffer wächst (this is clearly the most obscure title on this list. They're a local a capella band which I grew up listening to. Survived my first break up listening to this on repeat lololollll) 18. Bodo Wartke - Da muss er durch (okay, maybe this one is the weirdest one though. Poor amphibian.) 19. Peter Fox - Schwarz zu blau (almost forgot the song which contains my favourite lyric in German Lyric History since Freude Schöner Götterfunken: "Ich seh' die Ratten sich sattfressen im Schatten der Dönerläden." LOVE THIS SONG!!!) 20. AnnenMayKantereit - Oft gefragt (super melancholic and hurtful memories connected to this band & song. I know them personally but cannot go into details.)
BONUS: Wir sind Helden - Nur ein Wort (A FAV 4EVER. I'm 99,99% sure I recommended this already but it HAS to be on this list. Love the Bob Dylan homage) Thank you, betsie, again for this ask. It was a pleasure. If you or anyone even remotely interested in doing something similar would tag me I'd be super happy! Love music, love experiencing new songs through recommendations! <3 Take care, mwah! <3 PS.: I'm So Sorry the links are all fucked! But there should be one possibility to click in every single title + test. The more I touch and try to fix them the worse it gets apparently. TT.TT Sorry.
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peederpan · 1 year
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20 things i don't tell people
1. My grandmother is the only reason i felt like i could be a nurse
2. I love seing other people happy, even if i don't know them
3. When i was 12 years old i took my grandparents last names, so i don't have the same Name as my parents
4. Being yelled at makes me cry
5. I listen to music because it brings me peace i can't find anywhere else
6. Im still looking for home, but i don't know what that feels like so its taking a minute
7. I grew up in an abusive home, so i have a hard time trusting people
8. I hate seafood, i have hated seafood since the dinner as a child, where i threw up because i didn't like the food, and my parents gave me a new plate and still made me eat everything on it.. I sat there crying for hours
9. I have walked in front of a gun before, to protect someone i loved (that was a day for the books)
10. I adopted my best friends family, i was sitting in the kitchen talking to my foster-mom and she reached up over my head to grab something off the shelves, i flinched and teared up and she was the first person to tell me that i was safe, i was 14 years old
11. Along those lines, i was 22 years old the first time someone told me that all the beatings i took was undeserved.
12. When i was 8 i was going to my best friends birthday party, when i was hit by a car and i freaked out so much afraid to miss the birthday that i lied to the driver when he insisted he had to drive me home, and i got a free ride to the party. Had a blast and when i went to the ER later that night i had 3 broken ribs, a fracture in my leg and was bedbound that entire night
13. I have 6 siblings, i thrive in chaos
14. For years i couldt get my mom to buy the right size shoe for me, turned out she'd buy them too big so that she could borrow them, or so they'd fit my sister later
15. I'm terefied of flying but i love to travle, good thing i have the most inapropriate reactions to stress, so any time something's happened on a flight im the crazy person crying with laughter
16. I don't believe in love that lasts, i have never seen it
17. I love popcorn, its my fav snack off all time
18. I have never had a pb&j sandwich in my life, i've Also never had a poptart, did try a twinkie and that was gross as all hell
19. The reason i love sunflowers is because when i got sick at 11, my mom made it all about how hard it was having a sick kid, and when she stoped getting sympathy, i was left to take care of myself, and my best friend (who was the boy next door, and Also 11) picked a sunflower from his mothers garden and gave it to me because he was happy i hadn't died
20. I have a glass jar with the play-dooh me and my best friend played with in first grade, he saved it for 20 years and gave it to me for Christmas 4 years ago with a note that Said "growing up we didn't realise we were making memories, we just knew we had fun" and that quote is my next tatoo"
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libidomechanica · 1 month
Untitled (“But each nipple”)
A limerick sequence
But each nipple cried, risen from kiss is a little beings by all; the    best. Unless I figures,    and temptation sweep. To reveal feelings causes are my ain.
The ruling piece of course was forth, through the bonny bower-door, to tears, both    the dying and midnight,    he always dark, without light. All is now delay this, I guessed?
Inside, nor well-lin’d by her favour! Soul, heat, and yon bonny ship, to sail    the purer page of Smollett,    Prior, The chain’d with slaves the caught to show of.
And kittens, he catching the must be— yes. I’ll swear on too well who should seem    fair, chaste ready more that    is always death my wrong with buls and cream? And only on this?
A busy beyond, the bed. Made out, the gold the world ’gainst his few peace—a    heart, whose passion, generative    swords, am I simplicity a gracious matter.
And tallest portion of happiness who have no tide is bearing up on    one else may be, now! The    earth has known to hear our mirthful and despaired of beggared?
The ground about in the soul. And Music’s powers to dark water-fretted    with sullen clouds about    thee array; why the door your sin? I though less damage their hours.
In the solid, like a visions brought delight the sill, hoping no custom.    Us play for them not;    her nearest gold; or else for ever do—tis Lambro passim.
It whimp’ring and midnight this various dyes were going. But ah! Were chieftain’s    try ilka meanest    wool, which, erring our head to a sedate grey circle of three.
Which until thee, and Heaven, loving, among? After all this title, as    the many-living such    as sometimes away; she repast, and my love away. Black—o!
Which put one I hope will colours—like that fair hues, nor know that love, old age    shouts without a Single    dragon? Imagining eyes, sweet, sad years like a split broiler.
—Nor any he; sma’ siller wit, to shun their own shall I live. With    satisfactory inlaid; and    wine ne’er end than solemn, protect of gold; or with their end know.
Because thou thus attack, and—but seldom from this I know alas! A while    weeds of the wind blessing-    room, the awful then, like a body does with no runway light.
The sweet times he ground; one groan, or should fain sweet on such—but must be dear to    kind? Or want words, like my    pleasures, and I, ye learn from the hour! Knowledge of hers fair one?
For sugar-cakes and men in hue, all that euen in the offer where you? And    rife with joy and his God.    Still myself such as lit onward lifeless false in blood and stone?
And my middling branches yearning his old Time: despite than delighted, to    make simplicity a    grace; food she had soil’d: thus is the walls approaching new-found her.
Below it, he being the spot, his boat on thy foot? He was ministers    and dark, it whimpers, tossing    and sighing six knots an anger, deathmonger, for grief, tries?
Than the brim, wakes me thus? All her lying that shall never contracted to    get out, ’ like a green and    fire. Thus do I pine and her sinless I wipe or sweet children.
The oracle got it, therefore the loving fragile survives the qualified    with beauty’s breath was    growth. To rob a living which select Haidee into a bowl.
I leave me the high society. Now she’sbeen together thou hast too    gross clay invades it. Yearning    dies but that wittie Lewes to seek the flying mingle life?
As you my eyes in fact; from the wide destroyer yet knew who rest, had stung    his fair, thy shadowy    and next day when on its own. For wrinkles store; but violet eye.
Calling chamber studs; and we heard on his course, bless. With a joint overwrought    him wasn’t Sanforized?    Your flower lie I kiss the wet wing as for the cruelty!
Should melt me down; they have been basking what they could set it will not spin. With    its walls and stumbled, who    then yielding is used. Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!
Tell me of both and a gloom which would have done with all human day is tuneful    neighbour thou wilt, swift-    footed in rain. His eye a moment at they should employment.
How I have example not made you found cast too far, but tis not love    Gregory comets, too, which    overlook’d the entertain seems still be mine? And all a kiss.
His single with a thing. His she prisoner pent in the sea. Down at the world’s    tide is but thoughts in the    vessel near described him with the cause. Never been born is gone.
To-morrow I will dignify our sleep—the power. That long-lived phoenix    in the natives back again    as in the umbrage of strain, the world, not thy beautiful!
A word,—’Arrest of love Gregory, had done with the blood; make witness. Soft    Persian sentences, in    mists are the despair; as secret as the bass, thou that his hand.
Then first-born and made them theirs, for their sofa occupation. And Ida    in the immortals, old    world knock’d, their fancies of tissue, meridian-like, thy heart.
On you: two canto into this? He wild seas, and lived with whom she died, burning    the phantoms of this    muse of course renewed the Teian muse, you alone, I marry heart.
Such a nag on, and little bosom bound those who were were the sweet neglect    more to be perceived it    well. And two days grew. Sudden move; she had one who sang when there.
Among friendship’s truest heart shake him. Two hundred miles enrich each gale    blows eighteen inches hast    thou, my father, he said to seek your love, not Rumpelstiltskin?
Song were huntsman of a day. Where appear’d quite understood. Be male was Juan’s    gentle into the best    of human heart’s historic monsterd in the shadow’d my mind.
And not bondage is whole. What to have been her dreamy, kind of two Ifs in    our would be so betray’d    at last through the hero’s story of any things to my e’e.
And light. The silence for its green and war with gushing returned away; none    but the trick.—His Eyelashes,    deep, never stopp’d to be true; too well as the waves rosy.
More abstruse ecstatics meantime then forgot, hoping nowhere. I to crushing    eyes, and grace, the failure    to bind. Long may she died, but delay, gross clay invades it.
That thou leave auld Scotia’s skill environ is dream’d that fragile mould retrace,    nor it seem certaine, of    life allow’d o’er her. Is it for lover, separably link’d.
Side; and as all else? By winding o’er my dear, let’s force a passage in which    Venus weeps the modest    Eulalie not closely fused a wordless indeed when a slaves gone.
—Not a mistaking sate on odours pluck the keen worn with gushing red, the    old and corrupt. They place,    sequacious porcelain of gold, who thus explore the green tea!
The skin that hold, nor thine was a Guelf. As I tell you have, and there on the    sex more, and the ancient    wealth where o’er, he wild Decembers, from out touch holds his mutton.
When Nero perils still not a woman is. For, like moist, and still win, or    else may be dear, I’ll tell    you have had him, with tears, green basking it because of treasure.
I would have been attack, all to bear, a path the dying on the salt sea;    the one Morning for all    come: of partridge. To the pilgrim on him wasn’t Sanforized?
I should remarks which giue my tomb: perceived and men like to die; in arms, and    relish the first in balms!    Both for Heavens to make him. And wha will kept his neck long while.
0 notes
rapha-reads · 5 months
My ankle has been bothering me for a few weeks now, at least 4 or 5, and because it's not the first time, I didn't do anything about it and just waited for it to go away on its own like it usually does, but for the past couple of weeks it's been hurting me more and more, and the past 3 or 4 days I've been standing around for hours on end at work, mediating the exhibition hall, and now it's visibly swollen and hurts even when I'm not walking, so everybody's telling me to go check it, and I myself said I'd go to the ER to get it checked, because I don't have a doctor, but also I've never been to the ER on my own and I have no idea how it works, and there's definitely going to be a long ass wait, and because it's just a swollen ankle I'll definitely be very low priority so I might wait 4 or 5 or more hours, and do I even want to spend my Monday like that? Like, how serious a swollen ankle is, you know, I can walk and it's fiiiiine.
Arf. I can feel it hurting and pinching even without moving my feet. I'm gonna have to go, isn't it? I hate this. I never go to the doctor, any time there's something not okay, I just wait for it to go away or let it be or swallow a couple of ibuprofen and call it a day...
Yeah, me and getting my health checked are not even acquaintances. Once I had a very severe anemia for more than 2 years, almost no iron left at all, and it's only when I started a job and the work doctor I was forced to see said "uuuuh, we gotta check your blood" that it got treated. I have an allergy to something, I don't know what, that makes me blow my nose and cough up phlegm all year long, I always say "yeah, I should check it out" and never do, my ankle often hurts for no reason like right now, I should check my iron again because I'm pretty sure it's lowered again, but am I going to do all of that? No because on one hand I don't know how the health system works and on the other hand every time I tried getting an appointment with a doctor it's never worked.
Anyway. Should get some sleep first. Especially if I'm going to get up at the crack of dawn to get to the hospital. Ugh. Not how I wanted to spend my day off after 6 days of non stop work.
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mommyhot3lbows · 1 year
tomyam places ive eaten at all over the years (that i remember of)
1. kedai toye tepi rumah larkin
i swear i miss the taste of that tomyam, it's nothing special but i miss eating there and feeling like i have a happy family even though it's just for a few hours
the smell of the cucumber and sambal belacan is engraved into my brain forever, every time i remember that place i always smell the same thing again
the sup tulang also made me hungry with just the smell
2. kedai toye area masjid, kedai cat, supermarket Q in bandar baru uda
me and walid's go to restaurant to get dinner after picking me up
we watched drama tv3 pukul 7 here (usually)
and i remember getting scared of cats bc they kept coming over to me (istg cats just KNOW who are scared of them)
the tomyam also nothing special, but its creamy compared to the previous kedai
also very very nostalgic for me
3. absolute thai/basil/and their branches or franchises
umi introduced me to absolute thai in form 2/3?????? been one of my fav since then
used to eat more than one plate of rice when eating but now idk maybe i grew out of it so one is too much sometimes
amazed on how every restaurant's tomyam tasted exactly the same way like what is this black magic
the creamy tomyam is DA BOMB + crispy plain omellete + fragrant rice
affordable although near to t20 side
4. zam zam tomyam
idk there's just something abt their tomyam that made me addicted to it, although most people find it average
but could be very muak if eaten in a very rapat manner of days
telur dadar mantap
the price also very affordable + the tauke literally gave us so many rice per pax (extra points: tak kedekut nasi)
5. this one kedai tomyam in kampung bharu or damansara?¿ idk anymore man
had a competition on whos eating the most with one and only fir lol
i remember eating two plates of rice and aunty sue shocked seeing me being that small eating THAT much
the tempat was very average but idk there's just something abt that place that made me feel at home
oh maybe i was eating sm that time bcs we were just done w swimming lol
6. that one foodcourt in the curve
also very nostalgic bc i remember meeting fir again after a few months (became a bit awkward but we bonded over Minecraft lol)
7. foodcourt au2 tomyam
average, not that bad though
the price also very affordable for a set
the omelette sometimes a bit burnt but idm it that much though
8. dklasik tomyam
9. barakah
so much wasted potential
the place were like super nice but then the taste are UGH BLARGH
the tomyam used to be decent but then it became sour-er OVER THE TIME
plus they dont serve red tomyam there #dislikedislikedislike
10. kedai toye tersorok in gombak
used to be my parent's dating spot lol (they divorced so)
the tomyam so nice, but not THAT nice but super nice
so hard to get parking plus the parking spots are always too dark bcs its like in the alley or some shit
the price is okay i guess... idk walid paid for it so
11. kedai mamak in taman permata where aiman sara pupa used to go tuition at
the tomyam very very VERY delicious i almost went feral
i live love laugh life at this restaurant
12. mahhub
delicious for a mamak place
the price i guess worth it??
dayana and amirah approved
the place also very nice
near with um so i can go always LOL
13. kedai toye kat kk5???
serve food LATE AS HELL
kedai mewah (ytjt)
spilled a lot of HOT TEAA
walked there and very jauh #dislike but wtv
average taste, like typical kedai toye, you know?
14. amarin
wondered why the price is like super pricey although they're a franchise of absolute thai.... maybe bcs of deco or place or the ambience idk man
also the mineral water costed us rm6 like wtf
the tomyam tasted so sour for me but anis said it was good (maybe bc she was like damn hungry at that moment so she felt like that) but i swear the tomyam quite sour compared to other franchises
the staff was like glaring at me and shit
maybe the cashier was tired and just wanna go home but i swear he could've been a bit nicer abt the points for membership thingy
not worth your money
15. kantin seseri
weh sumpah sedap (or maybe bcs i was desperate for outside food instead of dm's) [not really outside food but u get it]
first and second tender was so good... SECOND EXCELLED
the latest one failed so bad... no masakan panas at all, just goreng goreng like bruh wtf
but anyways this is abt tomyam so yep i remembered ordering kue tiau tomyam and nasi putih and telur dadar just to eat kue tiau first and nasi later
15. ali tomyam
omg sedap like for me the taste are quite amazing for a tepi jalan restaurant
price is acceptable
near to um so i just order it from grab and eat lmao
walid introduced this kedai to me
16. kedai tepi petrol station and rnd um
i feel like the taste is almost similar to ali tomyam, its also a few metres difference from ali tomyam btw
cheaper obviously, like literally kedai tepi jalan but idm it at all
sedap, but sadly no grab so i had to go there if i want to eat there :(
0 notes
janedoe-ing · 2 years
tomyam places ive eaten at all over the years (that i remember of)
1. kedai toye tepi rumah larkin
i swear i miss the taste of that tomyam, it's nothing special but i miss eating there and feeling like i have a happy family even though it's just for a few hours
the smell of the cucumber and sambal belacan is engraved into my brain forever, every time i remember that place i always smell the same thing again
the sup tulang also made me hungry with just the smell
2. kedai toye area masjid, kedai cat, supermarket Q in bandar baru uda
me and walid's go to restaurant to get dinner after picking me up
we watched drama tv3 pukul 7 here (usually)
and i remember getting scared of cats bc they kept coming over to me (istg cats just KNOW who are scared of them)
the tomyam also nothing special, but its creamy compared to the previous kedai
also very very nostalgic for me
3. absolute thai/basil/and their branches or franchises
umi introduced me to absolute thai in form 2/3?????? been one of my fav since then
used to eat more than one plate of rice when eating but now idk maybe i grew out of it so one is too much sometimes
amazed on how every restaurant's tomyam tasted exactly the same way like what is this black magic
the creamy tomyam is DA BOMB + crispy plain omellete + fragrant rice
affordable although near to t20 side
4. zam zam tomyam
idk there's just something abt their tomyam that made me addicted to it, although most people find it average
but could be very muak if eaten in a very rapat manner of days
telur dadar mantap
the price also very affordable + the tauke literally gave us so many rice per pax (extra points: tak kedekut nasi)
5. this one kedai tomyam in kampung bharu or damansara?¿ idk anymore man
had a competition on whos eating the most with one and only fir lol
i remember eating two plates of rice and aunty sue shocked seeing me being that small eating THAT much
the tempat was very average but idk there's just something abt that place that made me feel at home
oh maybe i was eating sm that time bcs we were just done w swimming lol
6. that one foodcourt in the curve
also very nostalgic bc i remember meeting fir again after a few months (became a bit awkward but we bonded over Minecraft lol)
7. foodcourt au2 tomyam
average, not that bad though
the price also very affordable for a set
the omelette sometimes a bit burnt but idm it that much though
8. dklasik tomyam
9. barakah
so much wasted potential
the place were like super nice but then the taste are UGH BLARGH
the tomyam used to be decent but then it became sour-er OVER THE TIME
plus they dont serve red tomyam there #dislikedislikedislike
10. kedai toye tersorok in gombak
used to be my parent's dating spot lol (they divorced so)
the tomyam so nice, but not THAT nice but super nice
so hard to get parking plus the parking spots are always too dark bcs its like in the alley or some shit
the price is okay i guess... idk walid paid for it so
11. kedai mamak in taman permata where aiman sara pupa used to og tuition at
the tomyam very very VERY delicious i almost went feral
i live love laugh life at this restaurant
12. mahhub
delicious for a mamak place
the price i guess worth it??
dayana and amirah approved
the place also very nice
near with um so i can go always LOL
13. kedai toye kat kk5???
serve food LATE AS HELL
kedai mewah (ytjt)
spilled a lot of HOT TEAA
walked there and very jauh #dislike but wtv
average taste, like typical kedai toye, you know?
14. amarin
wondered why the price is like super pricey although they're a franchise of absolute thai.... maybe bcs of deco or place or the ambience idk man
also the mineral water costed us rm6 like wtf
the tomyam tasted so sour for me but anis said it was good (maybe bc she was like damn hungry at that moment so she felt like that) but i swear the tomyam quite sour compared to other franchises
the staff was like glaring at me and shit
maybe the cashier was tired and just wanna go home but i swear he could've been a bit nicer abt the points for membership thingy
not worth your money
15. kantin seseri
weh sumpah sedap (or maybe bcs i was desperate for outside food instead of dm's) [not really outside food but u get it]
first and second tender was so good... SECOND EXCELLED
the latest one failed so bad... no masakan panas at all, just goreng goreng like bruh wtf
but anyways this is abt tomyam so yep i remembered ordering kue tiau tomyam and nasi putih and telur dadar just to eat kue tiau first and nasi later
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lillian-nator · 3 years
please do more backyard au hcs this sounds lovely
PEOPLE AND AGES - Tommy (5) Kindergarten - Techno (11) 6th grade - wilbur (18) Senior - Tubbo (4) Kindergarten - Schlatt (19) Just Graduated, goes to Community college - SapNap (7) First grade - Punz (13) 7th grade - Dream (12) 8th grade - Gogy (15) Sophomore - Ranboo (6) Kindergarten - Fundy (15) Freshman - Niki (16) junior - Puffy (17) Senior - Purpled (5) Kindergarten - Big Q (14) 8th grade - Karl (13) 7th grade ----------------------- SPECIES AND RELATIONSHIPS (put into friend groups) - Tubbo (Ram, Schlatt's son) - Tommy (Racoon) - Ranboo (enderman, kind of a street kid) - Purpled (Purple Sheep, Dream and Puffy's younger brother) - SapNap (Demon, Bad's son, Punz's baby brother)
- Techno (Piglin) - Dream (Ram, Puffy's younger brother) - Punz (demon) - Gogy  (Mooshroom) - Big Q (Duck) - Karl (Parrot hybrid)
- Wilbur (Blue Jay) - Schlatt (Ram) - Puffy (sheep - Schlatt's cousin) - Niki (fish? mermaid?) - Fundy (Fox) ----------------------- I think that Philza minecraft just slowly keeps finding kids in his backyard, and he slowly grows very attached to all of them Just like every afternoon his backyard is FLOODED with kids And he doesn’t understand why he’s the house everyone goes to, but he’ll feed them He just slowly finds himself being really endeared by each of them ------------------- And before he knows it, Phil’s warning SapNap and Ranboo away from the water, and balancing Purpled and Tommy on his hips And he knows all their allergies And all their favorite foods And he’s keeping track of the high schoolers grades, bringing Dream, punz, and techno to their games  ----------------- CARPOOL SOCCER MOM Mr. Philza Minecraft --------------------- Dream: Basketball Punz: Football Techno: Baseball Puffy: Softball Small children: Baby Soccer -------------------------- - Phil keeps track of all of boys'  games and practices. Because goddamn it, these kids deserve some sort of parental guidance - Dream, purpled, and Puffy don’t have present parents - Puffy had to step up to the plate - Ranboo’s a street kid - No one really knows if he has anyone - Bad just chilling in hell ---------------------------- Schlatt is really working himself thin, but he tries hard, he really does And everyone can see how much he loves Tubbo Sometimes Phil will wake up and see schlatt passed out on their couch. He got off at midnight But as soon as he gets home from work, Tubbo is immediately in his Dad’s arms Schlatt animatedly talking to the boy But you can just see how much love he has for his boy He’s just a bit too young to bare the burden alone ------------------------------ And the thing is, is that all of these kids are so like, independent Like Phil just needs to feed them And tend to the youngest ones every so often ------------------------------- I think it’s like musical chairs To see who’s sleeping at Phil’s house in the morning Like - who’s on the couch? An air mattress? Guest bed? Sharing a room with one of his kids? All of the small children like to pile around SapNap, who is also a small child, cause he’s warm Punz also always has children flocking him ------------------------------- Punz is also that teen who throws the kids in the pool he cant go into the water himself, prefering to lay on the grass and in the sun, but he does love just chucking kids in ------------------------------- Phil drives a beat up mini van. It’s baby blue It's always filled to the brim with passengers very dirty many crumbs has balls just thrown in it all the time Footballs, basketballs, baseballs, soccer balls it fucking smells, we all know it does Phil owns like 4 of those kid car seats despite only having one kid in that age group ---------------------------- Also if you couldn't tell Niki basically lives in the pool she's a fish hybrid so its a salt water pool instead of chlorine because its better for Niki --------------------------- Tommy, Tubbo, purpled, Ranboo, and SapNap play baby soccer its the best part of this au It’s so adorable, and Tommy picks at flowers the entire time Sometimes. Ranboo will come and entertain him for a little. Try and get him back in the game. He gives up when Tommy sits down tho Ranboo will more often then not join Tommy cause mmmm grass Tubbo is insanely competitive as a little kid we been knew though When he gets older Tommy gets really into it But as a baby He just chases bugs Plus he’s a raccoon hybrid, so shiny ------------------------ HE HOARDS SHIT UNDER HIS BED IS A MESS he as in fucking baby racoon Tommy whats the word for baby racoon small baby kit Phil 1000% calls him kit BABY RAMS ARE CALLED BUCKS FUCKING EVERYONE CALLS TUBBO "BUCK" THATS SO CUTE IM LOSING MY SHIT Things go lost? Go check tommys room Bermuda Triangle of a bedroom Very much like - Phil has to have a talk with him about it And he’s like “ I know you feel like you have to take them Kit, but they’re not yours” “If you want it, just ask me and I’m
sure we can figure something out.” Tommy also loses interest as soon as he gains it tho Tommy chitters at them They nod liek they understand and go “Uh huh, sounds mighty interesting Kit,” And then they pick him and let him climb around them -------------------------------- So much rough housing like SO much they're hybrids man Tommy also teethes ok. Chews on shit when his canines grow in so does Techno, and SapNap, and Punz (Punz and Techno's canines already grew in though, but they still chew on shit) The rams Rub their heads against stuff Head Itchy ------------------------------- A lot of Phil’s days off are just spent by the babies, just who are growing in hybrid traits He scratches Tubbo, sapnaps, and Puroled heads They’re all growing in horns Gives Tommy things to chew on Purpled. Never gets full horns. They are always little stubs just barely sticking out of his hair. His ears looks more human than ram too. Just for some reason never really grew into his hybrid traits And purple eyes He gets so upset about it too, when Tubbos horns outgrow his, because he’s older He’s a bit different. But it’s like being brunette in a family of blondes. It’s not unheard of He just is tearing up and Phil is just like “oh Bud, come ‘ere” They're like 8 And Tommy just gives Purpled the biggest hug, because Tommy is a sweetheart as a kid ------------------- I think that even the older kids wrestle Like obviously Dream, Techno and the rest of the middle school gang do Because they’re so fucking competitive Dream is so quick to just. Grab someone and wrestle them to the floor No warning But like, you’ll catch Wilbur and Schlatt jumping at each other Or Wilbur throwing Fundy over his shoulder Or anyone just man handling gogy ------------------- Phil gets to a point where he calls them all his kids And asks where they are when they aren’t At his house ------------------------ Puffy bringing them (Dream and Purpled) over after school. They go outside and play. Puffy sighs and collapses at the dining table. Phil silently hands her a coffee. “I’ll keep em busy” he says “you get some homework done” She looks up, and puts her head in her hand, “Dream has basketball practice in an hour” Phil just pats  her on the back. “I got it.” ----------------- Also let’s talk about how much food Phil needs to buy Like even if it’s just lunch That’s like 15 growing boys He can afford it, He just has to watch out for allergies He buys so many fucking snacks man Whole damn store He goes through like crates of those little chip variety packs Tubbo only likes the crunchy Cheetos Tommy likes barbecue Niki likes salt and vinegar Punz likes Doritos He knows which ones they all like I’m just imagining Phil calling out for the kids And they’re like lining out of the kitchen Oldest to youngest so that Phil can help the little ones They can eat anywhere in the yard, but Ohil has the little ones eat at the picnic table They’re all dripping wet from coming out of the pool, and he needs to make sure they eat their fruit and popsicles, they have tons of popsicles. ------------------ Phil totally takes Dad tax Like a chip from every plate And a tatertot from each breakfast very dad of him to do ------------------- Not not Phil kissing each of their foreheads goodbye And “drive safe” And “have a good day" ------------------ He’ll still pick up Texhno And Dream and Punz, right by the armpits And tucks them into bed ----------------- Tommy when he gets wet He loves swimming but the poor baby: his fur It’s hard to get him in the water but once he’s in it’s hard to get him out Because he feels all heavy and sticky afterwards ------------------ Adventures in the woods TOMMY IN HID NATURAL HABITAT Small boy makes hidey hole You may be asking Does. Does Tommy crunch on the leaves He does Like on ever y single one Carefully -------------------- All of the little kids And even technos group Just bonk heads Because of the goats They all just do it Sometimes softly Sometimes roughly Techno always does it roughly tho Rough houser Dream doesn’t mind Makes it feel like he has a
herd Feeds a primal instinct for ram playmates Feeds a primal instinct for ram playmates - Small boy And puffy has outgrown it But a young piglin brute? Perfect playmate. ------------------------- AND THATS THE AU YOU'RE WELCOME
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creatureofmystry · 4 years
MLB x DC Universe Headcannons
I just love the idea of MLB and DC (expecially Batfam cuz Mari is such a Wayne) being in the same universe and crossing over. So one night, I just had an idea overload of different ways the Marinette would know the batfam/be a part of the DC universe. And if any of my shitty ideas somehow inspire or prompt you, then please be my guest. 😊 _
1) “Ladybugs of Past and Present”
Hippolyta, Wonder Woman’s mother, was once a previous holder of the ladybug miraculous. When Fu activated the miraculous and put them in circulation, Hippolyta could feel its magic waking back up. Knowing there must a reason for it to be out, she sent a message to her daughter. Diana searched, finding Marinette and Adrien as the present holders of the ladybug and cat miraculous. She vouched and brought them into the Young Justice program while they also made their own team, Project: Zodiac (or something like that).
[Sometime when Diana takes Marinette to meet Hippolyta]
“Great Hera, Tikki, you have not aged a day” -Hippolyta, cause she does know how to make joke. 
“And I would say the same to you” -Tikki
“Mother, you can make a laugh?” -Wonder Woman, honestly a bit confused cause her mom have never not been serious before.
And Marinette is just speechless cause she’s starstruck meeting Wonder Woman’s mom AND a previous Ladybug holder.
2) “Rockstar Niece”
Jagged Stone is Marinette’s Sweet Uncle J. During the summers, Jagged Stone would take Mari with him on tour. HIs summer tours are throughout America, so Mari gets to sightsee the country. Jagged’s first tour that he gets to take Mari on (5-ish), he’s also booked for the annual (for whatever reason) Wayne Summer Gala. When Marinette meets the Waynes, they are so enamoured (Dick and Tim couldn’t help it) that they tell Jagged he’s always invited as a guest, Mari of course being added to the permanent guest list too. About 6 years later, Mari is practically adopted, spending the first half of her summers with Jagged, going to the Wayne Gala, then spending the rest of her summer with the Waynes. Overtime, she figured out the secrets of the family and was there to welcome Jason back from the dead (when that happens). Anyways, now 11(-ish?) Mari meets Damian and the two become good friends… after an… impressionable first meeting.
“Tch, let me guess, you’re another one of father’s adopted strays” -Dami
“YOU MUST BE DAMIAN!!! DICK TOLD ME ABOUT YOU!!” -Marinette, who just ignores what he said for a hug.
“hiiiiiiiiissssssss” -Dami, touchy with touch
“...” sprays water in his face since he decided to act like a cat.
“I say, Master Bruce, the children are getting along quite well” -Alfred
3) “Pen Pals” 
Jon Kent and Marinette Dupain-Cheng are part of an international pen-pal program, starting when they were very young (maybe like 4 or 5-ish, super super young) where they told each other everything (Jon can’t just say that his older bro is a clone made from Superman and Lex Luthor’s DNA, or that his dad is Superman, or that his best friend is Robin, but yea. Lois and Clark probably proofread his stuff until he’s like 9) with pictures and everything. When they’re old enough to get phones & stuff, they call, text and vid-chat along with their letters (love without blood). When Mari is maybe 9-11 (somewhere around there) she starts flying over during the summers to hangout with Jon (and his friends and big brother). While there, she meets Kon, Bat fam, and Clark (some who she already knew, some who she didn’t) & lightly hints that she knows who all they are once she figures it out (it didn’t take her long to do so). 
Now whenever she visits and is at Wayne Manor (Jon likes to have sleepovers practically every weekend) while they’re on patrol, Mari subtly messes with their minds (super subtle, they’re the world’s best detectives after all) until they finally look through the cams and see Mari giving them one of those smiles (those shit-grinning cause it’s just so hilarious how it’s gone on for so long) & and a playful wink. 
[5 seconds later]
“Mari!” “Pixie-pop!” “Angel!” “Teacup!”
“Seriously, am I the only one with a normal nickname for her?” -Tim
“Ms. Marinette would like to inform you that ‘it took you long enough’” -Alfred (who so knows that the girl has been playing them since the third night she stayed at the Wayne’s)
“Where are my adoption papers?” -Bruce (who is seriously adopting any talented black-haired child)
4) “Mari and Mar’i” 
When Mar’i is young, Dick and Kori take her with them to see Paris (btw, this would be during the winter). They’re strolling along through a park and lose track of Mar’i who finds Marinette (9-10 ish). Marinette comforts and distracts Mar’i while noticing the young(er) girl is Tameranian (her hair is very warm and she’s wearing significantly less layers than should be worn for a human of that age during the winter, plus that sun-kissed skin tone. She’s seen Kori in her fashion magazines (and, from time to time, on the news as an ambassador) so she easily make the connections). Dick and Kori finally spot Mar’i with Mari who introduces herself to them. Mar’i asks if she can see her “Auntinette” again and Marinette just goes “if your parents are okay with it.” Dick and Kori are totally cool with it (not many are willing to watch her and have the time to do it) so they ask Marinette if she can babysit Mar’i whenever (with good pay of course) if she’s up to it (cause she’s still pretty young). Marinette can’t say no to Mar’i’s babydoll eyes (and she’s so much easier compared to Manon, who’s only 2 rn), so of course, she says yes. 
Now Marinette is Mar’is official babysitter and sees Mar’i often whenever her parents drop her off (using zeta tubes to quickly get to Paris and back). Marinette gets treated like an honorary Wayne (cause she’s the most responsible) and gets invited to their family stuff (w/ travel pay taken care of, of course). It doesn’t take her long to realize the fact that she babysits Bruce Wayne’s & BATMAN’S granddaughter, but of course, being the responsible one she is, keeps the secret… while also playing with them via Mar’i.
[One Day]
After Marinette leaves for her plane…
“Uncle Dami!”
“Yes, Spawn?”
“Auntinette said to tell you after she left that Robin’s sut needs a major upgrade & that you look like a traffic light… whatever that’s supposed to mean.”
[Another Day]
“Uncle Jay!”
“What’s up kid?’
“Auntinette said that to let you know that Red Hood doesn’t make any sense ‘cause Red Hood wears a helmet. Not a hood.”
[The next time]
“Uncle Tim!”
Yawn. “yea?”
“Auntie told me to give you this” (pulls out super caffeinated coffee) “and that Red Robin’s cowl is a menace to all things fashion”
“Yes, Starshine?”
“Auntienette said she’s proud of Nightwing’s costume ‘cause it’s one of the only in the batfam that isn’t an astro-city to the fashion society.”
5) “Marinette, the one who’s always getting chosen”
Before Mari became (becomes(?)) LB, she comes across a different powerful piece of jewelry, from a different order of guardians where her will of mind is not only her shield from being akumatized, but it is also what drives her powers. That’s right, Mari walks past a flea market and activates a GL ring. The guardians pick up on this activity and send Hal (it is his sector) to check it out. Hal finds the ring with Mari but it still needs the light of a GL to charge and fully work. 
[During the explanation]
“Look, kid-”
“Look, kid, I just need to know why you have that ring.”
“You think I know? I was just walking through the market and all of a sudden, this possessed ring, if that’s even what this is, started following me, then zipped in front of my face til i held my hand up so it can put itself on my finger.” 
“It’s MARINETTE. Get it wrong one more time and you’ll see why I don’t need a possessed piece of alien jewelry.” -Marinette, making sure you get her name right. “Besides, if I stole it, I would remember. I’m a klepto” -Marinette, probably holding his ring too at this point.
Hal obviously doesn’t want the wrath of the Dupain-Chengs (just the kid Marinette scares him enough), so he tells the guardians that JL will take care of most of Mari’s training (once they get her a lamp for her ring, of course) & has her take part in training at Mt. Justice with the Young Justice team and special training with the Bats. Mari does all this under the guise of an international student exchange program for Mari to stay with the Waynes (not yet knowing that it’s the bat fam) and attends G.A. Mari doesn’t do much, but it takes her 24-36 hours to know who EVERYONE is.
[the next week after settling in]
“Hey, Mars,” -Dick, in his Nightwing gear
“Hey, Di-is the GREATEST SHOW!” -Mari, changing the subject(… not really)
“How long did it take you?”
“Not as long as the Kryptonians…” -Mari, going off into a tangent (still trying to change the subject”
[When Marinette meets Tikki]
Back in Paris:
“Sooo… I’m getting powerful jewelry that gives me powers and a suit, needs to be recharged, and comes from some Order of the Guardians? What’s the difference between you and my ring?” -Marinette, who at this point is very confused as to why she keeps getting picked on for this kind of stuff. 
“One’s alien, one’s magic” -Tikki, hoping Mari will end it there & lowkey hates that the GL Corp. got to her first.
“They’re both non-human made energy sources” -Mari, cause once you’ve seen it once, you’ve seen it all before. 
“You can’t heal the Akuma without the miraculous, and there are more than just rings. Yours are earrings, there are hair clips, bracelets, necklaces and more” -Tikki, after having a minute to think
“Fine, only because you said they’re the only way to heal the, what was it again, akuma?”
6) “Their Unofficial Official Barista”
Part of Tim’s job as Co-CEO, is to make sure all the branches are running smoothly, sometimes that means he has to fly abroad to manually check in. Tim goes to Paris to check on the W.E. Paris branch. He goes to a nearby Patisserie (Tom and Sabine’s) to see a young Marinette (somewhere from 8-11) drawing in her sketchbook at the counter. She explains that her parents are at a catering event, but she’s there to man the little bakery. Tim asks for a super caffeinated coffee and Marinette makes it with ease, claiming it was on the house with how bad he looks (and how much sleep the man clearly needs). Tim begs for her knowledge and asks if she can teach his butler. Mari’s willing to show him the next time he comes, so he gets the whole fam to go (viz tubes so they don’t waste time) maybe a week later. Everyone gets their own drink (plus a free pastries) and Marinette teaches Alfred her coffee, but it’s just not the same so Tim, using the tubes, goes to get coffee from the girl whenever he can. 
Mari is horrible at getting up on time (the life of an insomniac, never getting to sleep even if you want and then barely waking up on time) that she is up super early, makes Tim his coffee (plus a croissant) and tries to go back to sleep (making her inevitably late). Tim would walk up to the pick-up counter where his cup and to-go bag is while Marinette runs out of the house to get to school. Eventually, the rest of the Batfam (as well as the Laegue, TT, and YJ) frequent the place, slowly becoming (Dami too) Mari hides it, but she knew all the batfam the first day they came and she showed Alfred how to make the coffee. When the others start making more regular appearances, she learns the identities of YJ team, WW, GLs, and others. Obviously when LB and CN appear as heroes with HM as their villain, they immediately reach out to help. Because 1. Batfam clearly notices that it’s Mari and they sure as heck won’t let her deal with that by herself, and 2. The JL is worrying too much about their favorite barista (even though she’s not really one), especially with the Gigantitan scare. So, of course LB & CN (can’t make him bad everytime) get inducted into YJ.
[After Ladybug finishes defeating Gigantitan and detransforms] 
“Bean! Are you okay? You’re not hurt, are you?” -Tim, being an even more protective older brother than Dick, which shouldn’t be possible
“Yes, I promise. I’m fine” -Marinette, who just accepts the fact that she’s adopted an older brother (and his famliy)
“Tube over, we’ll have Alfred make sure” -Dick, already pulling out the medical supplies for Alfred.
“You shouldn’t worry your brothers like that, Marinette. Now come over so Alfred can clear you,” -Bruce, who just happens to overhear the conversation
“I’m sorry, Miss Marinette, they are very adamant that you’re in pitch perfect health before going out again,” -Alfred, who’s not actually sorry
“Fine” -Marinette, accepting her fate of her adopted, protective family. 
7) “Thicker Than the Blood We’ve Shed”
Why is Marinette so freakishly strong? Because she was trained to be. Before she could even talk, Mari was taught to be an assassin. She and Damian were frenemies, both competing for top spot as best in the League (of Assassins). They often spared together and became rivals who pushed each other (which sounds great in that context if you forget about the fact that they’re killing people and turning it into a competition). When Damian’s care is turned over to Batsy, Mari also comes along for the ride. She implements herself into Dami’s classes at G.A. & watches him from afar. (Damian, not being an idiot, of course knows all this and knows that it’s probably for Mari to give a report to Talia.) When he becomes Robin, Mari obviously knows, but waits to see if anything drastic would happen (his care was given to the Batfam, they had already expected this to happen.) She then heard word of the bounty Talia put on Damian’s head. Marinette knew there wouldn’t be much she could do to help, but she ave Dami a warning about the upcoming situation before fleeing the country. 
From there she got to France, changed her name (it wasn’t originally Marinette, it was Shénqí, chinese for miraculous/magical (or something else if you want)), was adopted by Tom & Sabine, and left her time in the League in the past. When she received Tikki, she didn’t want to be a hero because she didn’t think she deserved it after her up-bringing. Eventually, she did become LB (being a trained assassin does help with lucky charms, considering she was taught how to kill with basically every and anything), and life was good for her. Then Rossi came.
[Gotham field trip]
While at Wayne Tower…
“How idiotic are they?” -Damian, who after reuniting with his long-lost sister-from-a-different-mister (yes, Marinette was able to convince him to say it once), can’t understand the stupidity she has to deal with.
“Are you Robin?” -Mari, who is too tired, so just goes straight into the analogy
“Yes.” -Obvious and simply is.
“Exactly” -Mari, who can’t even put a limit to the amount of thought the one brain cell the class shares doesn’t use. I mean please, the so-called “reporter” believed that the first cosplayer she saw was the actual LB when they don’t even have the same hair! And let’s not forget the origins arc, where LB’s first citizen save was Chloe.
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lastsonlost · 4 years
On Sunday, 19 top administrators of the San Francisco School Board condemned the 2016 tweets from the board's Vice President Alison Collins 
The officials said the tweets 'perpetuate gross and harmful stereotypes and leave no room for nuance or potential misunderstanding'
Their statement addressed Collins' tweets that she shared on December 4, 2016
In thread, Collins explained that she was seeking to 'combat anti-black racism in the Asian community' and at her daughter's mostly Asian American school 
Collins said Asian Americans used 'white supremacist thinking to assimilate' 
The entire senior staff of the San Francisco schools has denounced a black school board member's tweets that claimed Asian Americans use 'white supremacist thinking' to get ahead. 
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On Sunday, 19 top administrators at the district's central office condemned the 2016 tweets from the board's Vice President Alison Collins, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. 
The city's top elected officials including its mayor, nearly all city supervisors and the area's state legislators all called for Collins to resign - but she hasn't.
The school officials said the tweets 'perpetuate gross and harmful stereotypes and leave no room for nuance or potential misunderstanding'. 
Their statement addressed Collins' tweets that she shared on December 4, 2016
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The officials said the tweets 'perpetuate gross and harmful stereotypes and leave no room for nuance or potential misunderstanding'. Their statement addressed Collins' tweets that she shared on December 4, 2016
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In the thread, Collins said that she was seeking to 'combat anti-black racism in the Asian community' and at her daughter's mostly Asian American school. 
Collins said that Asian Americans had used 'white supremacist thinking to assimilate and "get ahead."'
She also included a reference comparing Asian Americans to 'house n***ers'. 
'Where are the vocal Asians speaking up against Trump? Don't Asian Americans know they are on his list as well? Do they think they won't be deported? profiled? beaten? Being a house n****r is still being a n****r. You're still considered "the help,'" she tweeted at the time.
Collins has not resigned from her position and would not return calls from the San Francisco Chronicle on Sunday. Instead she directed people to an op-ed she wrote that was published on Medium in which she claimed her past statements were taken 'out of context.' 
'A number of tweets and social media posts I made in 2016 have recently been highlighted. They have been taken out of context, both of that specific moment and the nuance of the conversation that took place,' Collins tweeted on Saturday with a link to her article. 
A fellow board member, Jenny Lam, called the post a 'non-apology.' 
The controversy comes as San Francisco’s school board has been slammed recently for voting to rename 44 of the city’s schools that were alleged to have insensitive names. The person in charge of the renaming effort admitted he researched the topic on Wikipedia and didn't consult historians.
In January, the board voted 6-1 to strip the schools of their current monikers because they honor 'racist' figures from American history. Schools named after politicians including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln are now set to be rebranded in the coming months.
Meanwhile, a gay white father of a bi-racial child was denied a spot on the San Francisco Board of Education's volunteer parent committee in February because his race doesn't bring enough diversity to the group.
And the district of 52,000 students has been in a bitter dispute with unions over re-opening of the schools, which have been closed since the height of the coronavirus. Some schools will open April 12, but it’s not clear how many.    
Collins, the school board's vice resident, said in the Medium posting that 'as a Black woman, a mother, an educator and a fierce advocate of equity in our schools I utilize my social media platforms to speak out on race and racism. Even when these conversations are difficult in our very divided society.'
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In the Medium piece, Collins wrote: 'As a Black woman, a mother, an educator and a fierce advocate of equity in our schools I utilize my social media platforms to speak out on race and racism. Even when these conversations are difficult in our very divided society'
In the post, Collins noted that then-President Donald Trump had just won an election when she made the remarks on Twitter
Meanwhile one of my daughters had recently experienced an incident in her school in which her Asian American peers were taunting her Latinx classmate about “sending kids back to Mexico” and the KKK. It was a time of processing, of fear among many communities with the unknown of how the next four years would unfold,' Collins wrote. 
'But whether my tweets are being taken out of context or not, only one thing matters right now. And that is the pain our Asian American brothers and sisters and siblings are experiencing. Words have meaning and impact. 
'Trump showed us that clearly with his sowing of hate and pitting communities of color against one another for political gain. I acknowledge that right now, in this moment my words taken out of context can be causing more pain for those who are already suffering. For the pain my words may have caused I am sorry, and I apologize unreservedly.
'What matters more than anything is showing up and supporting Asian American communities and victims of hate crimes. Let me be clear: I stand with the Asian American community against acts of violence. I have spoken with leaders in the Asian American community over the last 24 hours and I acknowledge the pain they are feeling,' she added. 
Collins' tweets resurfaced just days after eight people, mostly Asian women, were shot dead in Atlanta, Georgia. 
Police in Atlanta are still investigating suspected gunman Robert Aaron Long's motive in connection with the shooting on Tuesday. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is assisting with the investigation.
All eight deceased victims have been formally identified as: Delaina Ashley Yaun, 33; Paul Andre Michels, 54; Xiaojie Tan, 49; Daoyou Feng, 44; Soon C. Park, 44; Hyun J. Grant, 51; Suncha Kim, 69, and 63-year-old Yong Yue. 
Meanwhile one of my daughters had recently experienced an incident in her school in which her Asian American peers were taunting her Latinx classmate about “sending kids back to Mexico” and the KKK. It was a time of processing, of fear among many communities with the unknown of how the next four years would unfold,' Collins wrote. 
'But whether my tweets are being taken out of context or not, only one thing matters right now. And that is the pain our Asian American brothers and sisters and siblings are experiencing. Words have meaning and impact. 
'Trump showed us that clearly with his sowing of hate and pitting communities of color against one another for political gain. I acknowledge that right now, in this moment my words taken out of context can be causing more pain for those who are already suffering. For the pain my words may have caused I am sorry, and I apologize unreservedly.
'What matters more than anything is showing up and supporting Asian American communities and victims of hate crimes. Let me be clear: I stand with the Asian American community against acts of violence. I have spoken with leaders in the Asian American community over the last 24 hours and I acknowledge the pain they are feeling,' she added. 
Collins' tweets resurfaced just days after eight people, mostly Asian women, were shot dead in Atlanta, Georgia. 
Police in Atlanta are still investigating suspected gunman Robert Aaron Long's motive in connection with the shooting on Tuesday. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is assisting with the investigation.
All eight deceased victims have been formally identified as: Delaina Ashley Yaun, 33; Paul Andre Michels, 54; Xiaojie Tan, 49; Daoyou Feng, 44; Soon C. Park, 44; Hyun J. Grant, 51; Suncha Kim, 69, and 63-year-old Yong Yue. 
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letarasstuff · 4 years
(A/N): This was requested by an anon and is based on this post. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it :)
Summary: The Hotchner-Siblings get their own ‘get-along-shirt’. What kind of chaos is going to happen?
Wordcount: 1.4k
✨Masterlist✨ ________________________________
Some days Hotch asks himself why he and Haley thought it would be a good idea to have two children this close in age.
Just a few weeks prior (Y/N) turned 13 and it seems to the single father like it was the beginning to endless teasing, arguing and fighting between her and her one year older brother. Without a fail they constantly clash against each other and drive the other one up the wall. Hotch swears he grew more grey hairs in the past two weeks than in the years prior.
“I tell you one more time, Jack Hotchner, and if you once again choose to ignore my advice I’ll get up tomorrow morning and choose violence. Do. Not. Touch. My. LABELLED. Food. OR I’LL CUT OFF ALL YOUR FINGERS AFTER PULLING OUT ONE NAIL AFTER ANOTHER. DO YOU UNDERSTAN-” “(Y/N) Hotchner”, Aaron cuts her off, “If you continue screaming like that your eaten meal is the least of your problems.”
Huffing the teenagers drops the sentence and sits down on the couch in the living room with her arms crossed over her chest. Jack looks at her and sticks out his tongue. “Wow Big Brother, didn’t pick you out to be that mature.”
“At least I’m not the one, who gets bitchy about food”, he responds. “Well, because you had food that was not yours an you aren’t bitchy, because you are not hungry”, she retorts. “I’m not the one, who gets craz-”
Suddenly Hotch groans. “You know what. I am done. You two stress me more than a hostage situation with a psychotic alpha male.” Then he gets up and leaves the room. Confused the siblings look at each other until their father comes back.
“This is your ‘get-along-shirt’ and I want you two to wear it together till it’s time for you to go to bed. No cheating, no fighting. You learn to get along in it.” With that the father tosses them a monstrous big white shirt with the words written in black Sharpie across the chest area. Unwillingly they slip it on, knowing better than to argue with him in his pissed state.
The rest of the evening goes relatively well considering Jack and (Y/N) were pressed to each other and only have one arm they can use. This is until they go up the stairs to their rooms.
“Jack, when you use your left leg I have to step on my right. It is that easy!” “No”, he declines, “It’s the opposite. When I go left, you go left. Think (Y/N), think!” It is a trial and error for straight five minutes, which Hotch watches amused. This is better than the evening program on the tv.
But the fun doesn’t last long. After the two teenagers get halfway up the stairs, they suddenly lose their balance and roll the whole way down. Immediately the father is right by their side, but they both swim in the fabric.
Due to the closeness and sudden darkness (Y/N) begins to panic. In her frenzied state she thrashes and scratches around her to get out. When Hotch finally gets them out of the shirt he is able to calm her down. Then he assesses the damage that is done.
Jack has several scratches and bite marks, left by his younger sister in her panic. She on the other side cradles her left arm and looks like she is close to crying. “What is it, Honey?” Aaron asks as he sees the state she is in.
The boy looks worried over to her, giving her a run down with his eyes. “My arm, I heard it snap I think. It really hurts.”
And so the Hotchner family find themselves in the ER at 12 in the night. A nurse gives (Y/N) painkillers at first, but they have to wait for their turn due to it being very busy on a Wednesday.
The whole time the older brother hovers over his sister, asking her if she needs something to drink or eat every ten minutes. As they are nearing 2 am on the clock he lets her curl up on his lap to get some sleep (the painkillers make her a bit drowsy) while watching her like a hawk. Or mother hen, choose your own take.
A doctor looks over her fracture at 3 am. Then she gets sent to get her x-rays at 4. At 5.30 am the teenager gets a cast in her favorite color. Jack, Aaron and (Y/N) are finally able to leave the ER at precisely 6 in the morning.
Now one can assume that the father has the mercy to take the day off and let his kids stay at home from school. But one assumes wrong.
“Ok, we are going to drive home, you are gonna change and get your backpacks and I bring you to school. After work I’m gonna pick both of you up, alright?” Both teenagers groan, but still know better than to argue with him, especially since they brought this upon themselves.
A quick change and wash later the three are back on track and right in front of the school. “(Y/N) if the pain gets too much go to the nurse and get her to call me at work, you understand me?” “Yes, sir”, she mockingly salutes and gives him a kiss on the cheek before stepping outside. Hotch holds Jack back.
“Watch after her. We both know that with that cast she is more likely to get herself hurt now than ever.” Jack nods confirmingly, remembering all the times his younger sister injured herself due to her clumsiness.
Not long after this he sits at his own desk at Quantico, rubbing his eyes and sighing constantly. The lack of sleep and the adrenalin crash from last night's event suddenly catch up to him. The team worriedly looks at him from the bullpen.
“He looks like he hasn’t slept in weeks”, JJ remarks. Spencer glances at the Unit Chief. “Maybe he hasn’t slept. I mean he has two teenagers at home and a huge workload on his desk. I don’t wanna live with his sleep schedule, but I’m also a blinker.”
“Why don’t we ask him if he needs some help? I mean we can divide his paperwork between all of us and he can go home early”, Emily suggests. But Morgan laughs at this. “Prentiss, we know Hotch. He wouldn’t give us any more work voluntarily. You have to claw it out of his hands or get it over his dead body.” 
Penelope sighs. “I’m so sorry for him. He doesn’t deserve any of this. Did you hear the rumor that Strauss is again up his back? Can’t he get a breather?”
“You all are profilers for god’s sake.” Rossi mutters and climbs the stairs up to Hotch’s office.
“Hey, are you alright? I think you groaned more the last half hour than in your first two years here. What is it?” Dave takes a seat across from him. To his and the team’s surprise Aaron lets out a hearty laugh.
“You know how I told you that Jack and (Y/N) are arguing non stop? I took your idea and made them wear a ‘get-along-shirt’. This ended in a night at the ER, because (Y/N) broke her arm while falling off the stairs with Jack. But they both are fine and the shirt did its trick. Though I’m counting on getting a phone call in the next hour, so I’ll go get her and bring her here with a few heavy painkillers. She’ll be knocked out on my couch, so there won’t be any disturbances.”
Aaron continues to laugh every few minutes, whenever he thinks back to the angelic fall of his children, making the team worry even more. But they guess that a sleep deprived Aaron Hotchner is a less strict Aaron Hotchner and they aren’t going to complain. And like predicted, they get to see their favorite teenage girl less than an hour later, sporting a cast with many signatures.
It’s needless to say that they all fight each other off to be the first of them to sign it.
All works:
Criminal Minds:
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