#i wanna hold him and tell him they aren't real and that he's safe… he deserves that much
aeb-art · 8 months
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so as you can see, this started off silly (and suggestive but shhh) and then…
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y'know that hopelessness when all you can do to help is just… be there? yea
geo belongs to @8um8le
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appocalipse · 6 months
heyy if ur taking requests could u maybe do like bestfriends steve + reader where steve, eddie, nancy and robin have to pick up reader from a party and she’s like REAL drunk and just idk super clingy w steve and doesn’t wanna not be touching him. maybe eddie, nancy and robin all make fun of him for it but they acc find it rly cute.
thank you for your request! ♥♥♥ | 2.2k words
You collide into him suddenly, nearly knocking him back a step or two with the force of your momentum; there's a smile on Steve's face when you look up at him through eyes that are more than a little hazy with inebriation. You're drunk. Probably way past drunk, if the way the world won't seem to hold still is anything to go by, but you don't care. There are other things vying for your attention—like how warm he feels against you, how safe he makes you feel, how pretty he looks from up close...
"Whoa," Steve says as you lean even further into him and loop your arms around his waist in a tight hug. "How much did you have to drink, exactly?"
He doesn't mean it in a mean way, which is why you grin up at him from where you've got your cheek pressed firmly to his chest. You can feel his heart beating under the palm of your hand now, a steady and calming rhythm that soothes something inside of you.
"Dunno," you reply, grinning stupidly when you catch sight of maybe three copies of Eddie Munson standing off to Steve's left; all of them have identical amused looks on their faces. "Might've had, like, a couple..."
Steve sighs deeply, though there's no exasperation or disappointment to be found in his expression when he tilts your face upwards to look you over properly. You just beam dopily at him, because he's so pretty right now you don't know what else to do.
"Dude," Eddie speaks up, drawing Steve's gaze away from you while your own attention goes back to pressing yourself even more snugly into him, "she is totally sloshed."
You frown, shaking your head in fervent disagreement.
"Am not!"
"Sure you aren't, sweetheart," Eddie agrees placidly, but you get the impression he doesn't really mean it.
Before you can point this out, however, the blurry shape of Robin Buckley steps forward. The room is dark with flashing strobe lights and smoky with incense and cigarette smoke, but you'd recognize her voice anywhere.
"Who let you drink this much?" Robin asks as she lifts a hand up to brush some hair back from your forehead.
It's oddly soothing and so you lean into the contact with a happy hum. Robin and the others laugh — but then again, it sounds kinder than mean, the kind of laugh that bubbles up when you find something unexpectedly endearing, and so you don't mind as much as you maybe should.
"Nobody," you mumble as you press your face into the side of Steve's neck and take a deep breath in; his scent is the same as always, earthy and warm with an underlying hint of that stupid spray he likes to use sometimes. "I'm here alone. 'Cause Steve here blew me off for you guys, but that's okay," you say, even though, to be fair, it sort of isn't true — he didn't blow you off.
"Hey," Steve starts, sounding half-indignant and half-apologetic all at once. He's got an arm around your shoulder now, supporting you and keeping you upright, which makes you want to tangle yourself up in him completely. "You didn't tell me you wanted me to come hang out with you tonight!"
You sigh mournfully against his skin, feeling wistful all of a sudden. It's true. You hadn't told him. That was partially due to the fact that you had been trying to prove to yourself that you weren't so desperately and helplessly infatuated with him that you needed his presence constantly, but that plan had obviously backfired on you spectacularly.
"No," you mutter unhappily as Steve moves the two of you towards a nearby couch. "But I missed you. Don't wanna miss you."
Nancy, Robin, and Eddie, who are watching the two of you with expressions of varying degrees of amusement, exchange looks. Steve pretends not to notice, probably because he knows he won't like what they have to say if he hears it, and instead guides you down onto the cushions next to him. "You're drunk."
"You're pretty," you reply without hesitation, even though you're very clearly changing the subject. "It's unfair, y'know?"
You hear Robin snort, followed by a quiet thud like someone's just been slapped on the arm, and you know it's her who laughed, and that it must have been Nancy who'd shut her up. You don't know where Eddie is; you're not even sure when he wandered off, to be honest. You're too focused on Steve and the way his face looks under the colorful flashing lights.
"Oh yeah?" he asks, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling too widely at your comment. His eyes are bright with laughter when you meet his gaze and nod confidently. "How do I get 'unfair', exactly?"
"'S all in the face," you say matter-of-factly, your own fingers trailing down his cheek in an almost absentminded gesture. "Kinda makes it hard to think about anything else sometimes, if I'm being real here. Like, it's not really fair, 'cause then what are we supposed to talk about? Oh, oh—and then there's your hair!"
"My hair?"
Robin wheezes somewhere behind you, which would have made you giggle if you were still paying attention to the people in the room besides Steve, but you're not.
"Mmhmm," you hum, your eyes running over the soft brown locks on top of his head. "Love it. Wanna touch it all the time. Y'see, Steve? You see? This is why it's not fair at all. And, and—" you trail off here for dramatic effect, squinting at him theatrically before leaning closer with your hand cupped to the side of your mouth, as if you're about to share something private. "—the way you make my insides feel? So, so unfair. Totally your fault, buddy."
"Wha-" Steve croaks out, looking alarmed and caught off guard by your drunken confession. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh," you regain your serious tone, frowning at him in a somewhat bemused manner when he continues to gape at you. "Not 'sposed to tell you. S'not the rules."
Eddie barks out a laugh somewhere off to your left, but Steve ignores him. "Rules?"
"Yeah, 's against the rules, dummy," you say, like he should've already known that. "Gotta follow the rules! Duh. Steve."
"Yeah, Steve, duh," Robin pipes up, earning herself a glare from Steve as well as a smirk from Eddie. "Oops, sorry. Please, continue."
"Can I touch your hair? Like, please, 'cause I might die if I don't, 'kay? If that's okay. Gotta test the theory. Just a little bit, though." You can tell by his expression that he wants to laugh, and that he's also mildly worried that you've lost your mind. "Please?"
Robin, Eddie and Nancy have their hands clapped over their mouths to contain their laughter. You're too drunk to notice, but Steve narrows his eyes at them in warning. "Yes," he says. "Just—yeah, go ahead."
With a little noise of excitement, you reach out to card your fingers through his hair. He smells really good — like clean laundry and fresh pine trees — and the feel of his hair in your palm is exactly what you had imagined, though you're loathe to pull your hand away now that you've felt it.
Steve goes unnaturally still as you press your face into the juncture between his neck and shoulder, a move he should have expected but didn't, and you sigh happily when the scent of his cologne hits you full force. He's like a living, breathing, cuddly teddy bear, you think, a combination of warmth, softness, and comfort all rolled up in one gorgeous, handsome, unobtainable package.
"You're warm," you mumble, feeling like you could fall asleep right now. "So, so warm. 'S like you've got a space heater in your chest, 'n that's like, so awesome."
He blinks a few times, momentarily speechless as he tries to come to terms with the fact that you are, in fact, drunk enough to be saying whatever the hell comes to your mind. "Uh, thanks?"
"Smell nice too," you murmur, hugging him tighter to you. "Like, wow. Love your hair, like, love love."
His cheeks are burning hot now, his heart beating erratically in his chest when he notices Eddie staring at the two of you with a knowing gleam in his eye. "That's—thank you, but, hey, come on now," Steve says, his voice faltering a little. "Let's get you home, okay?"
"I don't wanna."
"Don't you wanna sleep in your bed?"
You pause, considering his words, and eventually concede that, yes, your bed does sound lovely right about now, so you give him a brief nod in response. "I guess, but can you come too?"
He chokes on air, but manages to play it off by clearing his throat. "What—to your bed? No!"
"Why not?"
Steve shifts a little under your intense, alcohol-addled scrutiny; he feels strangely guilty, as though he's letting you down by saying no. "Because you're drunk?" he says, feeling flustered and unreasonably nervous all of a sudden.
You scrunch up your face in a pout. "Oh, that's a dumb reason."
Steve chuckles and you sigh happily again, because you love his laugh and everything else about him, and he seems to realize this, given the way his expression softens. "Come on, you drunkard. Let's go home," he says gently, tugging on your arm in an attempt to get you to stand.
You resist at first, shaking your head stubbornly as you hold onto him. "Can't. My legs don't work anymore. They're all wobbly."
Steve closes his eyes for a moment, huffs out a soft laugh, and you can't help but grin up at him. He's so pretty that, like, how is that even allowed? How can you be around him and not spontaneously combust or something?
"Well, what if I carried you?"
"Like a princess?"
Steve looks at you with an expression you can't decipher — it's halfway between incredulous and endeared, and it makes your heart feel too big for your rib cage.
"How romantic," Nancy observes.
"So long as she doesn't throw up on him," Eddie adds, nodding sagely in agreement.
"Oh, I hope she does," Robin says, with a devious smile, "he'd deserve it for being such a coward."
"I'm...right here, guys, and I can still hear you." Steve finally says, throwing them a scathing look that only makes them laugh. "If you're not going to be helpful, you can wait in the car."
"As if," Eddie counters.
Steve opens his mouth to tell him where exactly he can stick his opinions, when you grab the front of his shirt and drag him closer.
"Steve," you say, the smile falling from your face as a sudden thought occurs to you. "Are you mad at me? Because I can go home by myself. That's okay."
"Hey, no," he replies softly, "I'm not mad at you, sweetheart. Not ever."
"'Sweetheart'? Really?" Eddie mutters to Nancy, who elbows him in the ribs when he doesn't lower his voice in time. "Ow, okay, okay—just saying. Don't want them to keep dancing around each other forever, is all."
"I'm not dancing," you tell him, completely unaware of Eddie's snickering, "I don't have any shoes on, Eddie. Wouldn't be able to dance without shoes on. Silly."
"My bad," Eddie says, his lips twitching with badly concealed laughter, "forgive me."
Steve scowls at him before turning his attention back to you, his face so close to yours that you can momentarily feel the tickle of his breath against your skin. "Okay, come on," he says, "up we go."
And then, in one swift movement, he slides his arm under your knees and scoops you up into his arms. You let out a squeak of surprise and automatically wrap your arms around his neck to steady yourself.
"Oh, oh, oh," you say excitedly, "you really are gonna carry me."
"Told you so." Steve adjusts his grip on you and makes his way towards the exit. "Are you good? Am I hurting you?"
You shake your head slowly, grinning as you stare at him from a whole new angle. "No," you tell him, feeling much more awake than you were moments before. "This is...this is like, actually kinda cool."
"Yeah," you repeat, smiling shyly back at him. "Feel like a real life Cinderella now. Whoa, you're, like, super strong."
"Yeah, Stevie, you're 'super strong.'" Eddie teases, waggling his eyebrows when Steve sends him a quick glare. "Aw, don't look at me like that. It's cute. The two of you."
Nancy doesn't tease like Robin and Eddie do. She walks behind Steve, making sure to stay a couple steps behind to give the two of you some privacy. Even so, when you look over your shoulder to make sure nobody's listening, she gives you a wink and a small thumbs-up that makes you smile.
The parking lot is filled with teenagers all wandering aimlessly in groups, so it takes Steve a while to navigate his way through the crowd. By the time he finds the spot where he parked his BMW, you've grown drowsy enough to rest your head on his shoulder.
Eddie immediately pops open the door to the backseat, slapping it a few times as he looks over at Steve and grins. "Hurry it up, lover boy," he drawls out, "she looks half-asleep already."
"She's fine," Steve shoots back, frowning in annoyance when Eddie and Robin both pretend to yawn exaggeratedly, "shut up. I hate you guys."
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thegoldencontracts · 4 months
The Daintiest Man Alive
Summary: After a few unfruitful attempte at strategizing, you and Jack finally come up with a plan to try and force Azul to let the anemones go. Things quickly go topsy-turvy.
You and Jack had both been trying to make Azul free all the students he'd enslaved. And frankly, it wasn't going well.
You'd already signed a contract with him, and now you had three- no, two days left to steal some field trip photo from an undersea museum.
It was safe to say you were starting to get a bit desperate. After all, someone as talented as Azul had to be super hard to beat!
"Ugh," Jack said, shooting you a disgusted look. "You're fawning over that Cephalopunk again, aren't you?"
You just sighed dreamily.
"He's pretty, and smart, and he's so talented, and-*
"And he scammed you out of your home."
"He didn't scam me, Jack, I'm not stupid. I'll kick his ass if I need to and get my home back."
Truth be told, you already had a plan. You felt a bit bad for not telling Jack yet. Especially since he seemed like he was genuinely trying to help you - but hey, at least you could go through other plans before trying out your last resort.
But you were running out of options. That was becoming pretty clear from the plans you were trying out.
"Are you sure we wanna do this?" You asked.
"Why not?" Jack said. "It'll be easy. He seems pretty weak."
True, but- there were so many things to worry about here. Everything that could go wrong with your plan of physically overpowering Azul and, well, basically holding him hostage. It was crazy! How did you two even think of it?
"Are you really sure, though?" You asked. Jack just nodded.
"Yeah, yeah," he said. "I'm sure. Aren't you? After all, this was mostly your idea."
And you beginning to worry it was a dumb idea. Were you two seriously going to get Azul pinned down? Hold him hostage? This was crazy, God, you were crazy-
"Listen," Jack said, as your thoughts began to spiral. "I know this is a bit of a crazy plan, but hey, we can make it work. And it's better than losing your home to some scumbag."
That was... weirdly comforting, especially coming from Jack.
"A hot scumbag," you said. "But hey, it's too late for second thoughts anyways, right?"
Jack nodded. It really was, considering that the two of you were right outside Mostro Lounge. Now, you just had to wait for Azul to-
The door slammed open as if the room itself had heard your thoughts, and the two of you sprung into action.
"What is the meaning of-"
And before Azul knew it, he was pinned. He gave you and indescribable gaze, before huffing.
"Release me at once," he said. You just shook your head.
"I bet you already know what you'd have to do for that to happen, sweetcheeks."
Jack's face puckered at your nickname. Whatever. It was a good nickname, right?
"You won't get away with this," Azul hissed.
"And you won't get away with anything you've done either." Jack said, before turning to you. "Keep his hands tied down; it'll make it easier for us if he tries to get out."
"On it."
Come to think of it, Azul wasn't struggling at all. He was just... Laying there. With a mildly indignant look on his face. What happened? Did he just realize how futile any attempt at escape would be?
"You seem awfully calm for someone in such a precarious position, pretty boy," Jack groaned at your continuous use of - perfectly average and rather clever if you really thought about it, in fact - nicknames. "Why? Got a trick or two up your sleeve?"
"Not at all," Azul said as you tied his arms together with some random rope Jack had summoned. It was pretty meh in quality, like the kind used as a prop in a kid's play. "I simply know brutes like you will be brought to justice."
He seemed a bit uneasy, though.
"The real brutes here are you and those twins of yours," Jack said. You nodded.
"Yep! The real devil's the way you use those gorgeous eyes of yours to lure unsuspecting students in, blinding them with your beauty."
Silence. Then, the sound of Jack smacking his palm again his forehead.
"Do you have any idea how stupid you sounded just now?" He asked.
You just laughed.
"You think I'm super witty deep down inside, admit it."
Azul just scowled.
"You two have some nerve, taking advantage of my weak and fragile nature!" He said with a huff.
That sounded a bit suspicious. Was Azul really the type to do openly admit how weak he was? Wasn't this a complete contrast from his usual demeanor?
Jack seemed to notice the same thing.
"You really didn't need to emphasize how weak you are," he said, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"My stature doesn't allow for musculature," Azul said, but you couldn't help but notice the slight bit of sweat that seemed to form near his cheek.
Wait a minute.
Was he- strong enough to get out of this? Was he just pretending he was weak because it made him feel small and he liked that or something?
"You could get out of this easily," you said in realization. Azul looked around awkwardly.
"No. I couldn't."
"Yes you could."
Jack's eyes widened. He'd realized the same thing you had.
"You could've gotten out of this all along?" He said. Azul looked around in panic.
"N-No I couldn't, I'm much too weak, I assure you," he said. Like you believed that for one second.
"It seems like you can," Jack said, brow twitching in irritation. "Then go on. Do it."
"I'm too frail," Azul said.
Before you could continue this weird tangent, the door slammed open again, and there walked the Leech twins. Jack seemed even more irritated than before.
"Now those guys're here too," he said. You were more worried about what they were going to do.
"My, my," Jade said with a mocking laugh. "It seems we've encountered a damsel in distress."
"Yep!" Floyd said. "Don't you guys know that's our Azul?"
Hard to believe when Floyd looked like he was about to die of laughter.
But in an instant, Azul shoved the two of you off, snapping the rope like it was nothing before walking up to Floyd and shaking him by the uniform.
"I know you recorded that! Give up your phone or I swear to the Sea Witch you won't recognize your own body-"
You and Jack just stared in shock. What was going on with Azul? He was the biggest barbarian out of any of you! Just hearing the way he threatened Floyd made you shudder a little, even if Floyd himself just seemed amused.
There was one conclusion to draw here. This plan was definitely a failure.
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ponyosmom35 · 9 months
first time
Simon Ghost Riley x reader
Liability chapter twenty seven
synopsis: reader goes out with her friends and Simon is worried about her going out without him.
warnings: smut, cursing, angst, mentions of PTSD, oral (f & m receiving)
Liability series:
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“Where were you?” 
“Oh shit, I forgot to tell you I went to brunch with the girls, then we went to world market, wanna see the cute stuff I got?” she asks excitedly 
“Uh... sure. Yeah... sure go ahead” He forces a smile 
“So this rug is gonna be for the entryway, I also found these cute candles to add to the shelf in the living room. I also got a basket for some of the blankets and this really pretty mirror that I may need help mounting later” she smiles 
“The rug's fine and the candles are great... and... the basket and mirror are good too. But the real question is... how long were you gone?”
“Few hours why?” she asks 
“Yeah... I missed you, is all” he responds, trying to avoid an argument. She notices his change in behavior and narrows her eyes, she sets down the candles and crosses her arms. 
“Why are you upset with me?”
He pauses before he speaks “I was worried about you... that's all. But you're back now... and you're fine... So forget it” 
“Why would you worry about me?” she asks in annoyance “I was just with the girls”
“Forget it alright? Lets put up this mirror” he tries to change the subject 
“No tell me” 
“I don’t like the idea of you being out on your own”
“Is there something you’re not telling me? Should I be worried?” she asks 
“No, baby... of course not. you're my girl and I worry about you”
“I can’t bring you everywhere with me Simon”
He can't help but raise his voice as he replies. I know you can't bring me everywhere... but you are my girl, aren't you? So you've gotta understand where I'm coming from” 
“No I don’t understand because you aren’t making any fucking sense! Tell me why you’re worried about me going out without you! Stop dancing around the fucking point!” He grimaces as she raises her voice. He takes a deep breath before speaking slowly and calmly. He's not doing a very good job of concealing the fact that he's angry. 
“When you're out without me there are all kinds of things that could happen to you”
“Simon if this is about Las Almas then I’m sorry but you can’t let that worry you! We’re safe here! I’ve grown up with these people, there’s nowhere safer for us in the world! I can’t put my life on hold just because you’re overprotective about possible threats that don’t exist!”
“Don't tell me that those threats don't exist! There are all kinds of people in the city who might want to harm you... what if I wasn't here to protect you? Do you have any idea what kind of shit I’ve seen? I’ve seen the absolute worst form of humanity, forgive me for wanting to keep you safe” 
“ Do you have any idea what kind of shit I’ve seen? I’ve seen the absolute worst form of humanity, forgive me for wanting to keep you safe” 
He sighs “I never want you to lock yourself away, or hide from the world. All I’m saying is that... that..”He searches for the right words that will get through to her. “That you shouldn’t put yourself in danger unnecessarily. You want to go for a walk? Go shopping? Go to the library? That’s fine. But going out without me is something I can’t afford to let you-”
“Let me? I’m sorry since when did I need to ask your permission?” she asks angrily 
“ Don't do that... don't twist my words like that... you know damn well that’s not what I meant”
“I can’t do this toxic shit Simon, I’ve dealt with it before I won’t do it again” she says picking up her keys and walking towards the door. “For the record I survived on my own for 26 years without you, I think I’m okay to go to lunch with my fucking friends!”
Before she can make it out of the door, he grabs her arm. “Listen to me baby.”
“What?!” she asks 
He lets go of her arm and gets close to her. He speaks softly as he tries to calm things down. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I reacted like that. Things have been so good between us, I’ve never been happier. I guess I’m just waiting for the other show to drop and I can’t let anything happen to you. I love you more than anything in this world, please don’t walk out that door lets just figure this out together”
She looks up at him, all of her previous anger disappearing instantly. Her eyes filling with tears as happiness swells in her heart  “That’s the first time you’ve said you love me” 
He looks down at her realizing that she was right, he’d alluded it before, however the three words were never said. They’d been taking things slow, for both of their sakes. Simon was not used to sharing himself with another, his trauma and PTSD was very real and they dealt with it together. Having been able to read each other without needing to say the words. 
“I love you too” she cries, launching herself into his arms, he lifts her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. He kisses her hair and moves it, placing gentle kisses on her neck and cheek. 
“I’m sorry it took me so long to say it”
“I’m not” she responds kissing him gently. 
leaning up and kissing her softly, her hands tangle in his hair while his find her waist. After a few moments it gets heated and she tugs on the ends of his hair earning a groan of delight making her smirk against his lips. She allows her hands to fall from his hair and down his chest to the end of his shirt lifting it. He takes it off and reconnects their lips while he works on the shirt she'd stolen from him. Once he gets it over her head she blushes at the realization that it was finally happening. He carries her up to the bedroom and places her on the ground. Kissing her like she was the air he needed to breathe. 
 He backs them to the bed and she sits down scooting herself back and laying on her back before he crawls on top her and begins kissing down her neck, she gasps in pleasure. She smiles and reconnects their lips once again while getting to work on trying to get his pants off, he groans and pulls away slipping off his black pants quickly and throws them behind him carelessly. He then looks down at her breathing heavy but rather than kissing her again he just stares 
    "you're just so beautiful" he says moving a stray piece of hair out of her face, she giggles and hides her face against his arm
    "we should probably stop" 
    "why?" she asks in confusion, had she done something wrong? His head perks up and he looks at her in surprise
    "I mean unless you don't want to stop"
    "no I don't want to stop" she says pulling him back down to into a kiss
"I love you so much" he says against her lips, he pulls away and places a kiss on her cheek before moving down to her neck where he sucked and licked until he was satisfied with the mark he had created on her, her breath quickens as he lowers himself and moves his hands behind her back unclipping her bra before placing short kisses against her right nipple. She gasps and reaches for his hair, he smirks and moves over to the other giving her even more pleasure. Simon moves back and places more open mouthed kisses down her stomach stopping at the hem of her leggings 
"we definitely don't need these" he comments, taking the black stretchy material off of her, he discards it behind him and gets back to his previous actions. Simon places kisses on her thighs and she squeezes them together unconsciously, he smirks bringing his mouth to the hem of her panties and pulling them down with his teeth before discarding them as well. He places a hand on her thigh rubbing it while the other gently begins to massage her clit, she gasps loudly causing Simon to smirk at her from his position 
"what do you want me to do?" he asks in a low voice
"I - I want"
"what baby?"
"your mouth" she cries, Simon smirks and kisses her thighs before swiping his tongue against her, she arches her back in pleasure as he continues going faster and more aggressively. Her hands reach down and find his hair pulling at it as he brings her closer to her high, suddenly his mouth pulls away from her and she frowns in disappointment. He quickly goes back to rubbing her clit with his thumb skillfully smiling as she writhes underneath him, he switches from rubbing and inserts his finger inside of her sensitive vagina, he pumps in and out a few times before adding another. She whimpers as pleasure begins building in her stomach, Simon then moves his mouth back over her and begins to work his magic with his tongue. By now she was a moaning mess as she gripped Simon's hair desperately trying to ride out her high. The pleasure rushes over her and she sighs happily as Simon brings himself back up to her. She grabs his face and kisses him with passion, he was the only person who could make her feel this way and she wanted to make him feel the same. She then pulls away and gets off of the bed, Simon watches her with confusion but she ignores it and kisses his cheek before dropping to the ground. He instantly reaches forward and grabs her arms causing her to look up at him
"you don't have to do this"
"I want to make you feel good" she responds, he nods and she smirks reaching her hand up and placing it on his hardened penis, she looks up at him and smiles as his head tipped back and his eyes closed. She reaches up and pulls down his boxers watching as it springs out with curiosity, she'd never seen one before. she moves closer to him and takes it into her hand moving it up and down his large member slowly, she had no clue what to do but she figured she was doing ok as a string of curses left his mouth. She moves her hand faster before placing as much as she could into her mouth, Simon curses loudly and grabs onto her arm as she moves up and down making sure to work the rest of it with her hand. After a few moments she takes it out and focuses on the tip swirling her tongue around it smirking as Simon moans lowly. She then places him back in her mouth and does her best as she brings him to his edge 
"I'm close" he says, she removes her mouth and continues moving her hand up and down him until he finishes. He breathes heavily staring at her in awe before grabbing her arms and helping her up, he pushes her back on the bed before disappearing into the bathroom. When he returns his member is cleaned off and he had a happy smile on his face
    "that was incredible" he says crawling back over to her, she nods and pulls his face to hers kissing him passionately once again. His hands explore her body, after a few moments he pulls away and stares at her with a smile 
    "what?" she asks
    "I'm just so in love with you its unreal" he says softly with a smile 
    "I'm in love with you too Simon"
    "are you sure about this? we can stop" he reassures brushing hair out of her face 
    "you're my person, I want be with you in every way possible"
    "if I'm hurting you please just tell me and I'll stop ok?"
"ok" He then reconnects their mouths together once again and her stomach fills with excitement and nerves, she was ready for this. She loved Simon more than anything and she wanted to be with him. She stares at him in awe wondering how she got so lucky. He sends her one last look and she kisses him again to show him that she wanted this more than anything. Simon moves himself over her and spreads her legs giving him full access, she gasps as she feels the tip rub against her core and moans quietly. He then slowly pushes himself inside of her and she clenches around him gasping in pain, she grips onto his arms trying to lessen the pain. 
"are you ok? am I hurting you?" he asks with a panicked expression, the girl cannot bring herself to speak but shakes her head. She wanted to do this. He moves himself in fully and she moves her head against his, he kisses her neck trying to comfort her and make it better. He dips his head and kisses her cheek before moving over to her nose
"is it better now?" he asks, she nods and he begins to pull back out slowly, he sends her another look before moving back in a bit faster this time and she sighs as the pain had lessened. They continue slowly and with each passing minute the girl begins to feel better and better. She began to arch her back and move with him as he went faster, her small moans were driving Simon crazy. Simon moves her legs up and she wraps them around his waist crying out as he hits her g spot every time she moves her head to his neck and pulls at his hair. She begins to kiss his neck. She had no idea how long had passed when she began feeling that familiar build-up
"I'm close" she mumbles holding onto his hair
"me too" he responds as his strokes begin to grow sloppy and she cries out as pleasure washes over her body panting and trying to catch her breath. Simon continues going in and out before finishing himself moaning loudly in her ear, he collapses on her chest and she reaches up brushing her fingers through his slightly damp hair. He then lifts himself up and pulls out of her before rolling over, she turns to her side and he instantly pulls her into his arms gently stroking her skin. It was nice being alone, just the two of them, this was not a gift they got often as her brother still hates his guts. But right now nothing could ruin this moment for her, it was perfect, she had her first time with the man she loved and planned to spend the rest of her life with. She looks at him and admires every detail of his face and smiles as he jokingly covers it. she reaches her hand up and traces from his nose down to his lips and finishes it off with a soft kiss which makes him smile brightly.
    "so was it everything you ever dreamed of?" Simon jokes causing her to blush and hit his chest before covering her face in embarrassment, he reaches up and moves her hands from her face so he can see her. Her mind wandered back to the sex dream she had about him after they first met. 
    "did I hurt you?" 
    "no you didn't" 
    " I love you, I don't know how you did it but you made me feel whole again. I want spend the rest of eternity with you, even then It wouldn’t be enough"
    "we can have forever" Simon stares at her with sadness as he knew that his words would not ring true, their forever wouldn’t be as long as she hoped and it was his fault. Simon shakes the negative thoughts of the future out of his head and smiles wondering to himself how in the holy hell he got her. She had the purest heart and he was far from the same, they were complete opposites yet they worked. They both respected each other and never dared to change the latter, they worked well as a team.
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azuritethehermit · 1 month
May ask for a sickfic please?
You decide who got hit with the whole shebang (fever, headache, fatigue, stomach pain... you decide) and who's taking care of whom.
Totally not related to the fact that I am currently burning up but am basically home alone for now so there's nobody to be sweet to me about it
-🐈‍⬛ (if that's not taken. I'm here for the first time ^^)
This is so cute, Mumbos a little silly goose and likes to overwork himself to sickness and Grian wants him to stop.
(DISCLAIMER: I'm writing about the characters they portray and their minecraft personas not the people in real life)
"Mumboooo" Grian flew down next to Mumbo scaring the life of him almost.
"Oh gosh" He sniffled quietly. "Grian you scared me." He sucks the snot back up into his nose.
Grian laughs "Sorry Mumbo" He says sort of in a sing song voice. He then notices that Mumbo seems a little off today.
He cocks his head to the side a bit, "are you feeling okay?" He asks Mumbo worried for him, he knows how he overworks himself.
"Huh, oh yeah. Just a little sick" The tall mustached man seemed to be lost in thought at the redstone before him. He sighs and turns to Grian and notices him staring. "What?"
"Mumbo you're sick? Why aren't you stopping?" Grian questions the man, he holds his hand up to the tallers forehead and feels the warmth radiating off of him. "Good lord, you're running a fever. We've got to get you home." Grian attempts to grab Mumbos hand.
"What? No? I have to finish this contraption." Mumbo argues with the winged boy, but he wasn't giving up that easy.
He grabs Mumbos wrist somewhat more forcefully this time, "No Mumbo, we're going home."
Mumbo sighs and nods, deciding his mind is just too feeble right now to disagree. He does feel sick, and he feels like he could pass out any moment, but he doesn't want to worry Grian anymore right now.
"Thank you Grian, I wouldn't have stopped if you hadn't dragged me away." Mumbo smiles at the gesture. Grian had always been such a good friend to him. He didn't wanna ruin that by telling Grian he was in love with him.
"I know, you've got that work ethic." The avian sighs, "sometimes I think it's too strong." He mutters almost to himself. What Mumbo didn't know was that Grian was also in love with him, he wanted to care for him and make sure he rested when he was sick.
Grian brings Mumbo back to his house and quickly puts him into his bed, "okay! I'm gonna be your personal nurse for today Mumbo." Grian smiles, jokingly saluting to Mumbo.
"Mm thanks Grian, you're the best." He says sort of delirous.
Grian hums and runs into Mumbos kitchen to grab a cup of water so the sickly man can hydrate. He brings it back to him and helps him sit up. Grian sits on the side of the bed next to Mumbos knees. Grian hands Mumbo the cup of water with a tender look.
"Grian you really don't have to do this, I can take care of myself." Mumbo sighs and takes a sip of water.
Grian smiles again, "I know, but I want to take care of you. You're important to me." He takes Mumbos hand in his own after the ravenette sets the cup down on the side table.
"Okay, lie back, I want to try something, and I want to know what you think." Grian has that mischievous look in his eye. Mumbo however does comply laying back against his pillow.
Grian climbs on top of him laying his chest next to Mumbos heart beat. "Grian..? What're you doing?" He asks nervously.
"I'm listening to your heartbeat and breathing, hush" Grian hushes Mumbo. The redstoner decides he's going to take advantage of this situation and he wraps his arms around the smaller limply.
"O-okay," Mumbo stutters out the word quietly as Grian lays on top of him. The compression of the boy is actually nice and makes Mumbo feel safe. He feels more relaxed. He slowly drifts asleep arms wrapped around Grian like his favorite stuffed animal.
Grian looks up gently and smiles. He attempts to climb off him, but Mumbo just turns to grip on tighter so that they're both laying on their sides now. Grian blushes even though he knows Mumbos asleep.
Grian loves him, he knows for sure. He'll be sure to let him know after the two wake up from their cuddle session. And with that, Grian too fell asleep in the arms of his beloved.
I hope you enjoy and get better soon <3
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greeeengoblin · 2 months
✏ My Jason Todd angst fanfics ↴
Like Mother Like Son ;
Jason is starting to look more and more like his mother, Catherine. Things don't change, especially when he become a father.
The BatFamily was just wondering when things were going to go to shit ..And yes, Jason had a 4-year-old daughter and her psychology was not very good.
I can keep you safe In my foolish arms :
"What did I do?"
"Don't you see?" Bruce asked, approaching Jason a little more. Jason kept pulling back towards the wall whenever Bruce approached, but Bruce continued to advance towards him, and Jason fell to the ground. Bruce crouched down in front of Jason. He took Jason's painfully weak and scarred wrist and said, "Look. You tried to kill yourself, Jason, there are too many drugs in your system. You keep losing your memory every week."
"No..." Jason said. He tried to pull his wrist away, but Bruce, although not holding it tightly, couldn't let go. "No, no, no." Jason tried to get up, he couldn't breathe. He held his head and started pulling his hair, screaming, but his voice was still very tired, he was crying. "No... I'm sorry, I don't want to, I can't stand staying here." he said, burying his head in Bruce's chest. Bruce hugged Jason.
"Calm down," Bruce said in a soothing voice. He stroked Jason's hair and kissed him on the head. "I can't get you out of here, Jason, it's for your own good. You're insane."
You Make me Wanna Scream at the Top of my Lungs :
After the events of Under The Red Hood, Jayna Todd Wayne isn't sure who to trust. Even though she's not yet 17 and her father chose that sadistic clown over her, so she's not even sure of her own psychological state. Soo ... I think she's madly in love with Slade Wilson.
Bruce and the others aren't happy about it.
The Penthouse :
Opera AU
Jason Wayne was one of the rich, spoiled kids at Hera Place Academy. Timothy Drake, on the other hand, was a servant at the Wayne Manor. One day, Tim surpasses Jason in a secretly attended opera competition and begins studying at Hera Place Academy on a scholarship.
At the same time, he is also on the verge of unraveling secrets about his real family.
For example, secrets similar to those of Selina Kyle, who lost her son 14 years ago.
You're Coming Back and it's the End of the World :
"They hurt me..." 
Dick suddenly fell silent, he gathered all his strength to keep his voice calm and gentle. "I know," he said softly, his voice filled with emotion, "I know what they did. They can't hurt you anymore."
Jason's eyes twitched. Mentally unstable and with brain damage, he seemed like a nine-year-old child mentally. "They put something inside me, it hurts," he said, his voice unclear.
The trauma in Dick's eyes was evident, listening to Jason's words with pain and freshness, but he suppressed his own emotions, took a deep breath. "I know," he said gently, his voice trembling.
From you From me From us :
Jason instantly turned the gun on himself, pointing it to the side of his head. No one expected this. No one knew Jason would aim at himself.
"I can get rid of me for you..." Jason said, his voice trembling, but beneath his tear-filled eyes was a smile, a crazy giggle.
"JASON!" Dick took a step forward the moment he noticed the gun.
"DON'T—" said Jason, gripping the gun's barrel more tightly. "Today.. you will become a killer, Batman.. I will take you down with me. When I die, you will lose your essence too. You will face the consequences of the moral order you established from the beginning. I don't care about the criminals you didn't kill to avoid guilt, but you will watch my brain splatter—"
Could never tell you what happened the day ı turned seventeen :
Oh... right... My fault!" Jason felt the sobs taking over him. His body was shaking, and he couldn't stop it. "Dying was my fault, finding myself in a green liquid was my fault, becoming a stupid zombie and being completely alone was MY FAULT!" Jason stood up. "I’M SO SORRY!"
Bruce was shocked by the unexpected outburst. Still, he maintained his composure. He had never seen Jason cry since he came back from the dead, never seen him so weak, helpless, and childlike... never seen him so sad.
Jason, breathing heavily, found solace in shouting. On this birthday, he decided to do himself a favor and confess what was inside him. "I'm sorry, Bruce... I'm sorry I couldn't kill myself." Jason spoke as he wiped his nose with his elbow.
"What?" Bruce stood up, now face to face with Jason. He approached him. "What did you say?"
Crack Baby You Don't Know What You Want :
What… What’s going on? I didn’t do anything, I didn’t take any toxin and… and I swear I didn’t kill anyone.” Jason couldn’t control the tremor in his voice. If this was a punishment, it was a terrifying one. “I swear… I didn’t—”
"Shhh..." Bruce soothed, stroking Jason's hair. Dick was wiping away his tears from behind the glass. Jason's begging was truly frightening. "It's okay, Jason, it's just... the nurses need to check something..."
"Bruce..." Jason looked at Bruce with anger in his eyes. "What's going on... You're scaring me."
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Hiii can I request going to an amusement park with Noir? Like they ride a Rollercoaster, Ferris wheel, and the viking? (Para may ref, isipin mo ung Enchanted kingdom o sky ranch) Salamat thanks!! :DDD
HI ANON 🫶🫶🫶oh that'd be quite the experience for him tbh :' )) i personally have never been to EK or sky ranch (oo alam ko na, nasa bahay ako buong buhay ko 😭😭😭) BUT HERE'S HOW I IMAGINE THAT'D PLAY OUT !!!
going to amusement parks with spider noir
he'd be a little overwhelmed, but extremely excited the first time he'd go with you. he'd be so giddy on the way there, like a child would if it were their first time :)
he'd plop one on you, chuckle, and say, "look, love, you're finally as tall as me."
out of all three rides, i think the one that gave him the least anxiety was the ferris wheel. like, think about it, it isn't exactly anything too crazy compared to the other two, the only remotely scary bit of it is the part where you get to the top.
he's not exactly afraid of the heights, he's spiderman, he's practically on every height in the city. though when he notices you freaking out, even a little, he himself gets a little uneasy and doubts himself just a smidge.
but he tries to remember you need him, in the toughest and easiest of times. he'd gently bring your hand in his, look into your eyes and tell you, "we don't have to go through with it, love, if you aren't comfortable. if you still want to go anyway... i'll be right here to keep you safe. you're not gonna fall any time soon if i'm here."
of course, you'd hold him back, and the calming effect you have on him is otherworldly. he calms down gradually and looks away from the ground and into your eyes, which are staring back into his. he blushes as he realizes how close he was this whole time, being near the prettiest person he's ever seen in the whole world, he refuses to believe this isn't a dream that just feels all too real.
"i, oh, sorry, i got... too close back there..." he'd whisper as he pulls away, BUT YOU'D PULL HIM BACK CLOSE TO YOU <333 "and i want you to stay close to me, pete."
at the viking, peter would've been a little confused what exactly it was like. and when you explained it, he'd think, "oh, so like a swing?" and you wouldn't wanna intimidate or scare him at first, so you'd just reluctantly agree. "y... eah, yeah like a... like a swing!" you'd encourage him and he's watch the other people riding it and smiling to himself as he thinks, "oh, i can't wait to ride a big swing"
IT WASN'T JUST A SWING, HE GOT A LITTLE FRIGHTENED AND ANXIOUS AS THE RIDE JUST KEPT GOING HIGHER AND HIGHER (despite being spider man and being at really high places, he wants to be on the ground most of the time) SO HE HELD ON TO YOUR HAND THE HIGHER YOU GUYS GOT
but he enjoyed it a lot when he got a little more used to it, and besides, he got to use his fear as an excuse to hug you :>
THE ROLLERCOASTER WAS THE REAL KICKER THOUGH, i believe he threw up at least three times after getting on
HE'D BE TOO SCARED TO SCREAM HERE AFTER GETTING ON THE VIKING, he'd probably have fainted back in his seat when you two would do the upside-down part of the loop de loop.
and if the rollercoaster ride provided pictures during the ride, you'd laugh a little seeing peter knocked out while you're screaming out of excitement and a little fear.
"that was horrifying... wanna... go again?"
a/n: man i have date ideas for the atsv guys at amusement parks/fairs now fuck THANK YOU FOR THE IDEA ANON IT WAS SO LOVELY TO DO <333
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @fictarian @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @connors-cumslurper @ii01vq
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bella-rose29 · 3 days
episode 6 commentary - You Never Asked
this has been a looooong time coming oops
warnings: MAJOR SPOILERS for the show and the books, I think that's it??? I've been weirdly good this time
DEPRAC vans make me think of lego every time
god I forgot how much I love this show (I haven't watched it for ages oops)
barnes being a Tired Dad gives me life
'be smart' as he stares lockwood in the eyes bc he knows that boy is Silly
awwww he cares about them really
not lockwood hanging back to look at the death glow 😭 and then looking up at the Door 😭😭😭 that boy has seen too much death give him a hug, a cup of tea, and a break
pretty solid bird if it broke the window like that george
I want lucy's cardigan
I want lucy's hair as well
why does skull remind me of gollum
oh goodness me the rolled shirtsleeves
George is so happy 😭
lockwood is so pretty in that golden lighting like it's really his lighting
'I'm in charge now' babes I don't think you are
protective boys
eugh not the sawing
'it's still technically mine you know' George 😭
'we've just sent her alone into a severely haunted house' *lockwood immediately stands up*
once again angry that this show got cancelled bc we'll never get to see skull and lucy's friendship grow
good lord that whooshing sound was loud
'don't force it there'll be some kind of trigger' *lockwood starts kicking it*
'that's the last time you go and do a job on your own' um sure...
god he sounds so sad and tortured
'you're incredible' yes she is
Flo you icon
'save your kisses for whatsherface' FLO I LOVE YOU
George I love you
'I was about to ask the same thing... locky' the way lockwood goes from 😃 to 😐
'we can trust her' um baby no
he's such a posh boy
sad wet cat kipps
me when I've been to 35 Portland Row in real life 🤭
lockwood watching from the window like a sad ailing victorian boy
also I love A55 by English teacher it's such a good song
'ooo Pamela is it now' I love their friendship
god she's so pretty
'live life for the both of you' do we think lockwood thinks that to himself everyday in regards to jessica
'thought you might like it' just tell her you're in love with her
we were robbed of George in a tux with a bow tie
this entire kitchen scene where lockwood's stood in the doorway is like George is on a date and his dad isn't leaving
'so it's just us?' 'is that alright' uh yeah she's been giving you heart eyes from the moment you met
'two of my favourite things, posh people and small talk' she's so me
'fhamily's fhamous legacy'
'I think she saw me' *lockwood waves*
there is no need for them to be stood as close as they are
god he's in love
congrats to jack bandiera for being able to make sad wet cat kipps also be James Bond kipps
'you feel safe with him, mr lockwood' WHILE LUCY IS TOUCHING THE NECKLACE
'if you ever need to talk, I'm a good listener' YEAH BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT ACTUALLY PENELOPE
'is that so hard to believe' only the fact that he momentarily forgot that the two of you aren't actually dating and got jealous
god my nerdy ass would have a field day in the black library
the way lockwood is just fixating on the sword is so funny to me for no reason
power couple shit
'this party's dead, wanna ditch it with me?' 'absolutely' good lord I love them
also bisexual lighting is so them
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legendofmorons · 1 year
Two cacti and an awkward conversation (Legend)
Pairing: Legend x Snarky! Reader
Rating : T for cursing
Summary: You and Legend are both sparky people, according to everyone else you are like an old married couple. When Wind asks how long you've been together You both have to reevaluate your feelings.
Warnings: Cursing,
Other: I will probably make a part two.
"If you don't stop moving your things all the time, you'll never find what you need. " You say with a pointed look to where Legend is digging through his bag.
"Shut up or help me look." He says back without even looking up.
"I don't think I could find anything in that if I looked for a week."
Legend rolls his eyes at you, pulling out a handful of things that aren't what he's looking for.
"You aren't much better."
"I have less shit in my bag." You say as you move to sit beside him.
"You also have less protection."
You take the next handful of items he pulls out when he hands them to you.
You sigh as you take another handful from him. "What are you even looking for in the pigsty of a bag?"
Sorting through them is easy enough.
"Why do I need protection if you take all the hits for me?" You ask, more than displeased that he does.
"In case I decide not to."
"That charm I found a few dungeons back- the one that makes me invisible to enemies for an hour at a time."
"You put that in your rupee pouch for safe keepping."
"You're a liar."
You set the things from his travel bag down and move to grab his Rupee pouch.
Usually Legend would pay closer attention to someone with his wallet- but he knows you aren't gonna steal his things.
You open it and pull out the small silver ghost charm, grinning smugly.
"Found it!"
"Maybe you should pack my things then."
"Ew, no. You have too much for me to take care of."
"Have you even watched your hat this month?"
"Shut up."
"Exactly. I'm not packing your things if they're all gross."
Legend just snorts before he starts putting his things back into his bag.
You laugh warmly as you close his rupee pouch and observe the charm in your hand.
"We aren’t. " You and Legend say in near unison, both sounding kind of confused.
"How long have you two been together?" Wind asks, not sure if you two are married or just act like an old married couple.
That's a bucket of cold water on you.
You share a look with Legend, incredulous and judging all at once.
"Why?" You ask.
"You're like an old married couple - I just thought you might be?"
"Uh- no. Have you seen how he is?" You ask, not elaborating on how Legend is because that's a can of worms you've been ignoring.
"You aren't better, you're always- doing that thing!" Legend defends quickly.
"You really aren't dating?"
"No!" You both say sharply.
"Huh. I owe Wild and Sky both ten rupees."
"You made a bet - you know what never mind I don't wanna know." You shake your head.
Legend just groans, plucking the charm from your hand before leaving.
You can't believe Wind though you two were together. Are you that obvious?
Legend comes back from whatever he'd gone to do looking upset.
"Something shit in your bed?" Ypu ask, not ready to be emotionally vulnerable after the earlier question.
"Then what's wrong?"
"Nothing. Just- tired."
"Then take a anp."
"Then stop complaining. "
"Also no."
"Then what do you want?"
Legend looks at you, something unreadable flashing across his face.
After a moment, he sighs, slow and resigns.
"Nothing you could give me."
"You're being really cryptic."
You hold his gaze, wondering why you have such intense romantic feelings for him. At least right now he's being a real son of a bitch.
He raises a brow, "What you staring at?"
"A cactus."
"I am, if you ask me I'll tell you."
"I know."
"Look, I'm going to bed. Do me a favor and keep Wind off me." You say, having no appetite for dinner and needing space to reevaluate things.
"Why are you asking me for that?"
You're asking because you trust him. Becuase at the end of the day he's a good man with a good heart. He is just- a prickly cactus sometimes.
You turn in, leaving Legend to his own feelings.
Legend watches you, ypur back to the group.
This is such a mess. You obviously don't return his feelings, and Wind thought you were together.
He's definitely fucked up his own chances with you by now.
Maybe he should just cut you off and get over you.
That seems really hard and borderline impossible though.
He's probably better off suffering silently.
"Dinner." Wild calls.
Legend glances back to your form before he let's out a sigh and goes to eat.
This is such a mess.
"Is (Y/n) okay?" Wild asks Legend, nodding to you.
"Why are you asking me?"
"They talked to you last thought you might know."
"They went to bed early. That's all."
Wild snorts as if disbelieving.
"Is it cause I asked about you two dating?" Wind asks, oddly perceptive since neither you or Legend are being open about feelings you both swear you'll never admit to.
"No. They're just tired. And if you wake them up I'm giving you cursed items in your sleep."
"Do not." Time says evenly.
"Are you mad about it? You sound mad." Wind continues, smiling sweetly.
"I wish you'd drop it but no. I'm not bothered."
"Enough. Both of you." Time interjects, leaving no room for argument.
Legend just glares into the plate he's handed.
This is not a good day.
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97keanu · 1 year
Tumblr media
Rupert Marshetta x New Girl!Reader
Premise: You and Rupert have been getting closer these past few weeks. A short drabble about a drunken, junkyard first kiss.
You've been hanging out with Rupert in the junk yard for the last few weeks. He came to school a while ago, for once, and on that day you just so happened to be the new girl. He took a liking to you immediately and soon enough you two were skipping school to go rummage around for any cool junk you could find.
Right now, your hanging inside a car window halfway, reaching for an old snow globe you think Rupert would like. You manage to get it in your finger tips then carefully pull it out.
"Hey, Rupert, come check out what I found!" You call out in the mid afternoon chilly air. Soon enough Rupert comes bouncing in, walking from top of car to top of car. He drops down next to you, curious to what you have...
"Hey, that's pretty neat, let me see that?" Rupert leans in, his long side of his hair covering his face. He is so close to you now it makes you feel some sort of way. You've been feeling it the last few days ever since you two were drunk the other night. Things between you two seemed to be heating up, but in the morning the two of you were too scared to talk about it.
"Yeah, I thought you might like it..." You push a loose strand of hair back and look up at him. He's so tall, and that's something you've liked since day one.
"I think its pretty neat, I'll keep it safe..." He puts it carefully in his pocket, then takes something out from his other pocket.
"I found something for you, too..." Rupert says softly, watching your reaction closely. It's an old ring, probably not real, but some sort of lower grade metal. It's pretty and seems like it has a fake shining diamond. Rupert has a small blush on his cheeks but you can't tell if its because he's gifting you a ring or the cold air.
"This is really pretty..." you admit, trying it on. It's the perfect size for you, and Rupert takes your hand in his to look at it on you. His hands are so much bigger than yours, and a bit dirty with dirt and grim under his nails. Your hands aren't clean exactly either though, so you don't mind.
"I'm glad you like it, it looks nice on you..." When you look up, he's already looking down at you, you two are so close. Rupert looks away when he's caught gazing at you, and you can't tell what that means for you two. A small flutter in your heart makes you wonder if he and you have grown closer than friends recently.
You two don't say anything for a few moments, before Rupert clears his throat and takes your hand in his. It's warm in the outside air...
"Wanna go to the hangout spot and share a bottle of this?" He holds up a bottle of vodka from his pack, and you nod.
The two of you hold hands as he takes you to the spot where he likes to hang out at night in the junk yard. It is an enclave of cars, stacked up and rusty. It keeps the wind down and is perfect for starting a small campfire. Rupert is really good at getting a fire started, so when you two arrive he let's go of your hand gently and starts getting it ready. Your hand feels like it is missing his warmth as soon as his hand leaves yours. You blush at the thought.
After a while he finishes the fire, and sits down at an old, junky nearby couch. It is red and has lose springs here and there, but you guys have thrown blankets and towels over it to make it comfortable. You sit next to him, and try not to look at his soft face too much. He takes a big swig of the bottle and hands it to you. You try not to think about his soft lips touching the bottle and how yours are on it now taking a gulp.
You two pass the bottle back and forth as the winter sun begins to set early, casting orange glow on both your faces. Rupert is getting a bit more tipsy, as are you. You lean in closer, putting your shoulders together to touch slightly, and he doesn't move away. In fact, after a few moments he lightly, tentatively, puts his strong arm around you. You can't tell if your face is hot from him or the alcohol...
You look up at him, trying to be sly and spy on his reaction, but he's already looking down at you. This time he doesn't try to hide it. Maybe the vodka is making you both more bold. You don't know if this is going to end up like last time, and you don't care. All you know is Rupert and you have been hanging out so much lately, and he's the first person to really accept you in this new town. Besides all that, his face looks soft in the orange sky light, and his cute puppy eyes are looking at you in a way no boy ever did at your old school.
Rupert doesn't say anything as he slowly, so slowly, begins to lean down towards you. His eyes dart from yours and down to your lips and back up again. Your breath catches as he gets so close your lips touch. He smells like shared cherry vodka and sweat. You do too.
His lips part and lightly graze yours, as if unsure, as if asking. You reply, yours closing any unsureness, getting rid of doubt. This is going better than last time when he got tipsy and told you he thought you were pretty. The two of you move your lips together, deepening the kiss. You know your cheeks aren't warm from the liquor or the fire. You feel safe, and without care.
You don't know how long it goes on, but you kiss until eventually he pulls away, despite seemingly not wanting to. He looks deep in yours eyes with a softness and want that no one had before...
"I've been wanting to kiss you for a long time..." He admits, his voice low and husky. He looks at you, hoping you feel the same, his eyes searching yours.
You answer with another kiss, your hands wrapping around his neck, and getting lost in his hair. He accepts with delight, finding himself on top of you on the couch. You two kiss and share drinks until the sun comes up. And in the morning he's not shy to give you more. To wrap his hands around your waist and kiss your neck. You're young, you're getting into trouble, but at least you have each other...
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idiotwithanipad · 3 months
Gore AU: First meeting
This is kinda like a POV of multiple characters, an OC of Mine, Amy and @moonah-rose's OC Silver.
(In my Gore AU, all the ghosts memories and mental states are warped due to trauma and time. They're constantly in the mindset they were in moments before their deaths)
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Dad isn't watching. I don't know where he is, don't have a clue. He told me he was going to do a sweep of the downstairs to check for 'guards'. He says that a lot. But there's never any guards. He's paranoid, all the time. Whenever he isn't paranoid, he just tells me how precious and important I am. He's not my dad. Not really. But he thinks he is, he's fucking convinced. I never even met my real dad, haven't got a clue who is was. But he keeps telling me that he wishes he could've been there when I was born, that my 'mum' was very private and didn't like him much.
I can't go home. I can go up the lane and past the trees and the gate, but then I just end up backwards looking at the place. I'm stuck. I can't go home. When I try to leave, dad just brings me back. I miss my mum. My real mum. She was a complete bitch most of the time but she's still my mum. I hate it here. I miss my friend Shan, I miss my room. I wanna go home.
Dad hasn't come back yet. Why am I even calling him 'dad'? I can't remember my real mum's name, I need to get out. I can hear something. Is that dad? Is it safe? I don't like it when it's loud. I don't like people shouting. Why do people have to shout? Why can't they just shut the fuck up and go take their problems out on something else?
That's not dad. It's singing. Is that a woman?
It's so good being awake again! Best part is my cheeks aren't cramping anymore! Usually they start cramping by day two. I love it at night, so many lovely sounds! All the crickets and owls and birds and wind! Mummy says that my hair looks beautiful in the starlight, I'd look if I had a mirror. It's not as beautiful as mummy's hair though. THOSE are locks to DIE for!
I can hear mummy by the lake again. I'll go to the grass and dance around for a bit, flatter ground means more space to dance! Don't fancy twisting my ankle on a tree root. More people should dance around at night, it's underrated as fuck! No problems, no creeps cat calling, win win!
Sometimes mummy holds my hands and we skip around in circles, but mummy's hands are sore because she works hard to look after me, a shame really, she's a good dancer, better than me. Sounds like the crickets are cheering me on! Haha, I bet they're having a right laugh! I wonder if crickets can dance? I'll have to give thanks to Demeter for giving them nice grass to sit in!
Hang on. That's new. What's that? Smells weird. Did mummy bring me sweets? I can smell them. It's sugary sweets! No. That's not sweets. It's too artificial to be sweets. Or fruit. What the fuck is that? Wait... I hear footsteps? New friend?!
... Amy...
There's some girl out here. She's twirling around on the lawns. Is she drunk? What the fuck? Who is that? I've never seen her before. Is she just ratassed and has NO idea where she is? Off her face on drugs? Can she see me? Some people don't even see me when I wave. I'll just go check. If I could call out and ask, I would. But I can't. If I open my mouth, that drink comes up. I can't talk anymore, it hurts too much for me to do that. I can't breathe either. I can't fight my own corner anymore. So I LITERALLY hide behind dad now. It's pathetic. I HATE having to rely on people, but I'm scared. I can't fight anymore.
Okay... She's stopped dancing. She's looking over here. She's smiling. Does that mean that she can actually SEE me right now? She's really really smiling, she can see me! Hey! Hey! Over here, you have to help me! I'm trapped!... Wait... What's up with her nose? It's bleeding like fuck. AND her ear. She must be drunk, she's walking like she can't see.
But she's smiling at me, so she MUST see me, right? I'm waving but she just keeps smiling. She's like a happy-go-lucky Walking Dead extra, what the fuck is going on?
... Silver...
A new friend! I can hear their footsteps! New friend! Come here, wanna be friends?! I have one friend but he pretends like he hates me! I can feel your aura already, you seem fun! A little on the quiet side, but better than nothing.
Come closer, new friend, I don't bite! Can't you tell how happy I am? I can smell your snack, or is it a drink? It smells sweet as fuck, is it coke? Nah not coke. Pepsi? Nah. Red Bull? I don't know what the hell it is, but I want it! Can I try it? I can hear it fizzing so it's GOTTA be some brand of pop.
Oh shit! Sorry new friend, nearly poked your eye out then. That IS your face, right? If it is I'm sorry. I can't really see very well, maybe I need glasses? Haha! Aww you got a cute little nose! Squishy lil' cheeks! Big owly eyes, seriously sorry if I poked one of them, haha! Gods, your hair is soft! I bet it's pretty!
... Amy...
Hey! That was my fucking eye! I've tried pushing them back in but they just come back out! I'm already self conscious as it is, you-!...oh, she's blind... I can see her eyes now, they're clouded. But she IS a ghost. She can touch me, it doesn't make me wanna vomit when she touches me.
She's dressed like me, a little. I'm digging the hair, hate pink though. I'd have electric blue. God, she's grabby. How the hell am I gonna talk to her? I can't open my mouth of she'll be drentched. Hello? Anyone? Help!
... Mary...
I doth hears my darling girl's cries of joy. How they lightens the darkest of nights. The pride I feels when she takes to her heel and dances for the trees and the birds. I goes over and weeps tears of such joy when she doth do her singings.
No. Hang ons. She doth speak. The creature doth prowl off to his own spot far away. Who doth she speak to? If it be some devil or some beguiling beast of hell, they shalls burn like the rest! I swears it! Be God as my witness, I will makes them burn!
That be not a demon. That be a girl. I seen that girl before. She doth dwell on the inside of the house. The cloaked one claims her. She lost? She been sent on dirty works? She doth look fearful. My darling girl would'st never harm a fly even it it hath no wings!
... Humphrey...
All clear for now. Sophie will be pleased... I hope. I might get a slap to the back of the head, but that's fair enough. At least she got to safety before the guards got in. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if they hurt her. Yeah, we've got our differences- and language barriers, but who doesn't?
Anyway, better go let Amy know it's safe. Wouldn't have though Sophie would've given our daughter an English name, but the disguised female guard that brought her to me called her by that name, and she's never objected to it so it MUST be her name.
It's alright, Poppet, daddy's back. Won't be long now till-...Poppet? Amy? Amy, love?! Amy! Where'd you get off to? Don't scare your old dad, now, Poppet! Come out, yeah? I know you miss mum, I do too, she won't be long! Let's just go watch those TV things and wait till she gets back! Amy? Amy, love, you'll give your dad a heart attack if you carry on. Come on, answer me, Poppet! Please! Amy, where are you! Oh god, oh GOD, WHERE-...Oh no... I recognize that girl. She's been sent by the witch....
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(And if you squint) Implied California/New York
Read on AO3
(This is a songfic using the song Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez)
Warning: angst
Hey girl, open the walls
Play with your dolls
I sigh as I walk back into the statehouse again. 5 days a week, only Friday and Saturday for breaks.
I think the only real reason I kept this job was because of Gov, the states are just annoying.
We'll be a perfect family
"Oh Greg you're here! Great, we can start now! Can't have a meeting without filming an episode! Gotta get paid somehow..." Gov greeted mead I walked in. He mumbled the last part, but I heard it. Money's been tight, I realized that a while ago.
When you walk away is when we really play
Gov walks out of the room and immediately Florida runs at me, Louisiana and California close behind him. "Greg!! You're back!"
"I was gone for two days, Florida. You know I come back every time."
Florida isn't the brightest.
You don't hear me when I say
After the meeting, I go to speak to Gov. I always do, not that he ever listens.
"Mom, please wake up
Dad's with a slut
And your son is smoking cannabis"
"Hey I think California might finally have the whole Disneyland thing under control. It's safe to say he can handle himself now" I tell him.
No one never listens
"Sure, yeah" he mumbles, shuffling through papers on his desk.
This wallpaper glistens
"Alright, I'm gonna go sleep then" I tell him. Without waiting for an answer, I go upstairs to my room. It's next to California's and Texas'.
Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen
Of course, they're fighting again.
I guess tomorrow might be a better day. 
Places, places
Get in your places
"Gov calm down, they're probably fine" Virginia tells Gov.
"No, they need to be here. They need to be sitting right across from me where I can see them or- or-"
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
"Greg, can you come comfort him? I'll try to find Loui and Florida" Gin asks me. "Yeah, sure." I reply.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
"Gov it's okay, nothing's wrong."
He's having a panic attack.
Please don't let them look through the curtains
"Gin will find them, they're okay"
"No, no they aren't I can't- don't-" he chokes between tearless sobs.
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
"I found them!"
"Virginia, thank God you're back!" I exclaim.
Gov takes a few deep breaths, "finally. Now I know you two aren't hurt."
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
"Alright everyone sit down in your seats, we're going live today" I say, the states mostly know to listen to me. Except New York. He does what he wants.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
"Alright, live in 3..
Please don't let them look through the curtains
Just after I finish my countdown, Gov shoots me a look that says "thanks for that"
I just simply nod and mouth, "don't thank me, thank Gin for findin' em"
I see things that nobody else sees
The meeting was just as eventful as any other, Texas and Cal got into a fight, Florida passed some questionable laws and Loui just drank to avoid responsibility.
After the meeting was over I did what I normally do and take the video equipment first, then go back to the Table for my sound equipment.
On my way back, I see Cali and Texas still at the table, New York seemingly holding Cal back.
"Don't, B. It's not worth yer time" he tells them.
"Don't tell me what to do, York!" They pull away from him, "I can fight my own battles!"
I see things that nobody else sees
I leave before it escalates.
I don't wanna be part of this mess.
Hey girl, look at my mom
She's got it going on
Gov is in the kitchen, not drinking coffee for once.
Ha, you're blinded by her jewelry
When you turn your back
I walk closer to him instead of continuing to my room. It might be nice to have a normal conversation with him for the first time in who knows how long.
She pulls out a flask
And forgets his infidelity
Turns out I was wrong, “Gov what the actual hell are you doing?!”
He’s drinking.
“Louisiana!” I scream, the tone in my voice harsher than I meant it to be.
Uh-oh, she's coming to the attic, plastic
Go back to being plastic
“Mais, what was dat for?” He says as he runs down the stairs.
“Did you by any chance give Gov vodka?”
No one never listens
“Nah, you know I only drink daiquiris”
This wallpaper glistens
“Sure you do.. just leave okay? Find out who gave him the vodka if you can”
One day they'll see what goes down in the kitchen
“I’m fine, Greg. Stop worrying so much” Gov says, his words are already slurring a bit.
“You need to get out of this addiction, Gov. You were doing so well, what even happened?��
Places, places
Get in your places
“It’s none of your business, Greg! Leave me alone! I hate all of you. You’re all useless.”
Loui looks hurt at the statement, but I just shake my head. Gov is an aggressive drunk, he doesn’t mean it.
He doesn’t mean it.
I just gotta remind myself that.
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
He doesn’t mean it towards the states.
He doesn’t mean it towards his coworkers.
He doesn’t mean it towards me.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
“C’mon Gov, let’s get you upstairs”
“No! Absolutely not! I have work to do!” He screams, shoving me away.
Please don't let them look through the curtains
Louisiana tries to help me calm him down. He tells him, “What would dey all think if dey saw you like this? ‘specially Flo’ida, you know how much he cares ‘bout you, even if he don’t show it.”
“Especially me” I mumble to myself now than anyone else. Gov and Loui can’t hear me.
“Gov,” I start, “Louisiana’s right. You gotta calm down. For the states if not for yourself.”
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
He doesn’t answer, which usually means I’m right but he doesn’t want to admit it.
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
I take the bottle away from him and place it on the kitchen counter. “Come on, Gov. Let’s go upstairs.”
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
We get to my bedroom and Gov sits on the bed. “You gotta stop this man, I hate seeing you like this” I say. Not that he’s gonna take me seriously but might as well try.
I see things that nobody else sees
A few hours pass, most of the time Gov just sits there and complains about everything while I edit episodes and send some emails to Ben, Liv and a few others. We were going to have them make a guest appearance again.
I see things that nobody else sees
After I finished my work, I joined Gov on the couch. He’s listening to true crime again, honestly I can’t blame him. That stuff is interesting.
Hey girl (hey girl)
Hey girl, open your walls
Play with your dolls
We'll be a perfect family
“Gov, you wanna go sleep? It’s gotten pretty late” I ask him.
“Mmm I don’t wanna get up” well, that’s a first.
Places, places
Get in your places
“Alright, stay here then. I’ll get you tea” I offer. “Coffee?” He pleads.
“Absolutely not”
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
I go downstairs to the kitchen to make tea and see Florida and Louisiana sitting at the table. “You okay, Florida? You look a bit off” I ask. I’ve gotten to know the states pretty well.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
“I-is Gov okay? I didn’t means to stress him out so much.. I- Loui told me what happened, Greg” he turns to face me.
Please don't let them look through the curtains
“He’s okay, Florida. I promise. He’s gonna go to sleep soon”
“Mais sha, I told ya he’d be alright”
“I guess you were right Loui, I just- I know I’m a lot of trouble but I’ll stop if he needs me to-“ Florida starts, but I cut him off before he can finish, “Florida, no! You make him happy! Sure, he gets stressed when you’re not in his sight but that’s because he feels responsible for you. Almost like a big brother”
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
“I see him as a big brother..” Florida lightly laughs, his voice bitter.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
“Seriously Florida, he’s okay. I promise.”
Please don't let them look through the curtains
“I believe you, Greg. Thanks.”
“Of course”
I see things that nobody else sees
I grab the tea cup off the stove and proceed upstairs back to my bedroom.
“Here, Gov. drink at least a little bit” I say, handing the cup to him.
“Thanks Greg, I don’t know what I’d- what any of us would do without you”
“It’s my honor, Gov”
I see things that nobody else sees
We lay down next to each other in the bed, and when his hand accidentally brushed mine, my heart skips a beat. After a few minutes pass, the silence only proves Gov has finally fallen asleep.
I quietly get out of the bed and grab the tea cup to take it back to the kitchen.
“I love you” I whisper to him before closing the door to my room, “I really, really do”
I know he’ll never hear it.
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philtstone · 2 years
Ok but I’d die for 37 Bucky and Sam. Platonic or otherwise I’m die
#37 -- you know you're still holding hands, right?
this prompt is so old and this prompt fill is so unhinged i have to genuinely apologize. @firstelevens the worm paper is dedicated to you but more importantly @foolgobi65 the rest of the fic is dedicated to you. the KD featured in is hot cheetos flavoured just so everyone knows. inspired by life events. love yall
They cross paths at like two a.m. when Sam has long since stopped being able to read the words on the university website in front of him. He's reading through legal jargon and policy that no one wants him or any other student to understand, so he can bring that exact fact up with devastating accuracy at the next interdepartmental mental health policy seminar. He's interrupted when the alarm goes off from bedroom number two and Bucky shuffles out of its depths with an awful wrenching noise. His door sticks, because their building is old and decrepit. Sam watches as his roommate walks wordlessly into the kitchen, digs out an ancient pack of kraft dinner and mangles the plastic covering the top before he sticks it in the microwave. Bucky's pulled the hood of his sweater up to cover his hair and has wrapped their rattiest grey bath towel around his shoulders like he's an ailing king in one of those sci fi fantasy novels he keeps on the shelf. It flaps lopsidedly on the side where he's not wearing his prosthetic, because it's two a-fucking-m.
He notices Sam while taking the KD out of the microwave, and stands there in silence to stare at him in faint but not quite concerned bafflement for a good minute in the half dark, like he forgot something important.
"Sup," says Sam.
Bucky blinks. A tuft of dark hair pokes out of his hoodie, flattened downwards to point towards his nose.
"Worm paper," Bucky says, sounding like he hasn't slept in twelve years.
"Ah," says Sam.
Bucky nods, and disappears whence he came.
"Take the garbage out tomorrow!" Sam calls after him.
He's rewarded by a loud knocking noise from upstairs, as if those fuckers aren't already wake too, trying to tell them to be quiet.
The third year sitting with her arms crossed in front of him looks as overtly suspicious as it is possible for one person to look. Her eyes, which are narrowed, keep pinging between the people in the room. Sam sighs. He hates wrangling undergrads, sometimes.
"Kate, put your notebook away, you're weirding her out."
Kate does, looking sheepish. She volunteered with them so she could learn more about trauma-informed organizing, and Sam's not sure if he's doing much of a good job teaching her anything, but Clint recommended her and even baby steps are good. Parker, who is their other undergraduate member, the only one of them who's a real live actual science student, is at the end of the table working on the graphics for Sam's upcoming presentation to the faculty board, which Sam is not dreading at all. It didn't help that when he told Sharon about it last week, she laughed in his face. Then again, Sharon is getting a business degree; Sam's not sure what he should've expected.
"My aunt passed," says the third year. "Student services fucked me over for a final because they didn't process my accommodation. I had to have pictures proving she'd died."
Bastards, thinks Sam.
"I'm sorry to hear that," Sam says. "We're here to help. When did she die?"
Her eyes narrow another four degrees. It would be kind of intimidating if she wasn't like, eighteen, with the worlds biggest bush of red hair and freckles literally up to her ears. She's trying to hide it all under a ratty hoodie but it's mostly unsuccessful.
"Look, kid," says Sam. "This is a safe space. I wanna help you, but you gotta help me out first, okay? Everything you say stays in this room."
Beside Sam, Kate nods enthusiastically.
"What about him?" asks the girl.
They all look over at the lanky figure sitting on the couch. Bucky is deeply embedded; he's almost horizontal and his legs are extended all the way to the table, which wouldn't be so bad only it puts the giant hole in the toe of one of his socks on display. The Social Work department's cat is sitting on his head. Sam thinks she's fully betrayed them for Geological Sciences at this point. Or whateverthefuck department Bucky's with -- none of them quite know. Bucky's wearing the same hoodie from the other night, which is still in hood-up mode. He's been staring so intently at his laptop without writing anything for the last ten minutes that Sam is impressed the poor electronic hasn't combusted.
"That's just his process," Sam says.
Bucky reaches a hand out and types one single letter. Then very slowly he reaches out again and deletes it.
"You said I'd get to talk to you alone," the girl grumbles.
"Is this the worm paper?" asks Kate tentatively, from Sam's other side.
Sam thinks of the many paragraphs of his thesis he's been neglecting. He rubs at the bridge of his nose and sighs.
"No, you are absolutely not moving in with us next term," Sam says into his phone. He writes down another note for Chapter 1b, Theoretical Underpinnings and then writes himself a reminder to email Todd from the ombudsperson's office. And also that lady with the student mental health alliance. And -- fuck, Professor Bradley too, probably. Sam was supposed to answer that email like a week ago.
"Why the hell not?" says Sarah. "It's economical. It's close to campus. Undergrad dorms are disgusting, it's safe, Mr. Big Brother who was worried some chad white boy would get me last year, and I know for a fact y'all need a roommate."
Okay. So maybe Steve fucked off to finish his degree in Boston so he could be with his perfectly wonderful girlfriend, whom they all love, but that's not really the point and they still haven't found a third roommate who can. Like. Put up with them. Bucky glares at the empty room whenever he passes it. It's really not that dramatic. But also,
"And even with all of that, you ain't moving in here. There are -- principles."
"For the twelve hundredth time Sam, your sad roommate is not gonna secretly seduce me."
Sam wouldn't put money on that.
"You could definitely seduce him, though."
"Oh my God! Forreal, Sam --"
"We just got a lot going on!" His frustrated attempts at organizing the mental health policy council under the umbrella of the social work department, for example. Bucky's term paper on prehistoric worms.
"Is Bucky there?" Sarah demands.
"He's in the middle of something."
Bucky is talking at the voice to type software on his laptop in the next room and sounds like he is five minutes away from flinging said laptop out of the window. Still, Sam feels fondness in his chest; Bucky used to put towels under the door to stop the noise from travelling before. There's no embarrassment involved anymore. Not for disability accommodating paper writing practices or for playing Taylor Swift songs out loud on a fucking vintage record player, which was bequeathed to them by the great betrayer himself.
Steve left a really nice note with it and everything.
"Tell B to force feed you a granola bar," Sarah says. Then, "I could always get myself a sexy boyfriend and move in with him."
She hangs up to the sound of Sam spluttering loudly. To calm himself, he checks off talk to Sarah from his notes app to do list anyway, then sends Bucky a text.
We got any granola bars left?
The door to the second bedroom opens -- it sticks, because their building is old and decrepit -- and a box of granola bars is flung out with shockingly precise aim to land skidding on the kitchen table in front of Sam.
"Thanks, man!" Sam calls.
"FUCK!" Bucky yells at top volume, and slams the door shut again.
The phone rings a second time; Sam has to pick up, legally, because it's his mom. She wants to know if he talked to Sarah, and also how things are.
"You know how grad school is," Sam says. He opens a granola bar. It is extremely stale. "Yeah. Uh huh. No. Just my presentation next week. Well, we'll see if it'll actually make any difference ... No, mama, I have not been forgetting to shower. Whatever Sarah tells you, don't listen to her. I'm a grown assed man, okay?"
Sam sits in the industrial flickering lights of the MHPC's reserved library room and lets a modicum of peace soak in while the undergrads chatter.
"Well, at least the board presentation went well. It was like, fruitful discussion, right?"
"It was pretty badass. I liked the bit where Sam lost his shit and yelled at the dean."
"He didn't yell at the dean ..."
"You know you guys are still holding hands, right? It's been like, an hour."
Sam doesn't respond right away, because he's trying to figure out why the hell the sentence in front of him doesn't read like a sentence.
"They're exchanging long protein strands," says Parker. "Like in the Simpsons."
"No one watches Simpsons anymore," says Kate's girlfriend, who seems to be eating a pack of lunchables with a pocket knife.
"Well --"
"I'm holding his elbow," Bucky mumbles, which might be the longest string of words he's spoken for two weeks. He's swapped his hoodie out for a clean one, at least.
"Emotional support," Sam agrees, still with his eyes narrowed at the screen. They are actually holding hands, but semantics become irrelevant after the month they've had. "Man, what the fuck is this supposed to say?"
"You're the editor," says Bucky.
"You're the writer! It's due in two minutes!"
"It's about the genealogy," Bucky says, levelling his free, prosthetic hand in front of him for emphasis.
"Of the worm?" Parker asks, in a whisper.
"Just let me submit the fucking paper, Sam!"
"No! This is degree defining!"
"Says the guy who's neglected his thesis for three weeks -- gimme the laptop --"
"No -- ow!"
"I don't think I ever wanna do grad school," Kate says solemnly, to the room at large, while somehow, despite the tangled heap they make on the couch, Sam and Bucky are still holding elbows. But then, who else would they hold elbows with, in such a moment?
Sam gently raises this topic with the next struggling undergrad who comes to them for accommodation help; in many ways, that's really all you need to make it through college.
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vorish-wonderland · 2 years
You've been found.
Includes: soft/safe(ish) vore, unwilling prey, very cruel pred, fearplay, mentioned blood and death, I'm still on my scary Floyd arc btw
★✦Serves You Right✦★
"These again?" Floyd asked, holding one of those human looking pests... they'd infested the kitchen of the Mostro Lounge. "I thought we got rid of all of them last time!"
He threw the one he was holding onto the floor, causing you to hear the terrifying sound of bones breaking and blood splatting.
"I mean really, the nerve of these things! Serves 'em right for trying to steal our ingredients."
"Could you get rid of them in a less messy way? It's hard to clean blood off the floor, even if there isn't that much... not to mention the bodies, which we need to properly dispose of."
"Well whaddya want me to do? Best I can do is that."
"Perhaps think of a way that will for sure get rid of the body?"
You were in a hiding spot, a place you would for sure not be seen, but... you could still see what was happening.
You saw a friend of yours get grabbed.
"Aw~! Look how cute this one is~!"
"Floyd, it's still a pest."
"I know I know, but... 've you ever thought of keeping one of these? Like as a pet, I mean, this one's just so adorable! I mean, I just wanna..."
He tightened his grip, and then-
You started hyperventilating. Your friend is dead, and you're probably next, aren't you?! Sure, you're hidden and safe for now, but it won't be long, soon you'll be found.
"Oh well! I can just get a new one, since they're all around here."
"Again, try to find a way to kill them that gets rid of the body, ok?"
"Yeah, whatever."
And then you were grabbed. You had been right, your hiding spot wasn't good enough and you were found, and now you're going to die.
"Here's another one!!" You were face to face with... him, that monster that killed your friend, that monster that's going to kill you. "I haven't done anything yet and you're already crying? Man, talk about boring..."
You felt his grip on you tighten, it hurt and you could barely breathe...
"Might as well just get this over with."
You screamed out in pain as he squeezed you even tighter.
"Come on, you're telling me you're not even gonna put up a fight? I thought you'd be at least a bit fun, buuuuuut I guess I was wrong... sad." He pouted. "Well then, bye-"
"Floyd, like I said, please find a way to kill them that doesn't make such a bloody mess."
"Right, yeah, sure..." He sighed.
His hold on you loosened slightly, allowing you to breathe once more.
"Hmm... what's a fun way I can get rid of you...?" He asked himself.
He grabbed one of your arms at the elbow with two of his fingers. He applied more and more pressure until-
He broke your arm.
The pain was almost unbearable.
"Well, maybe you're still a bit entertaining~ Your face looks so funny! Like you're about to break apart and shatter into a million tiny little pieces!" He thought to himself for a moment. "I kinda don't want to get rid of you, but, if I have to..."
It suddenly looked like he got an idea.
"Yeah! That'll get rid of the body!" He giggled to himself. "Ok! You ready~?"
Then, he dropped you into his mouth, quickly swallowing you.
"Hm... now that you're in there, I actually have a good idea!" You heard him say. "Maybe you could help us out in the kitchen~?"
You were completely panicking, I mean, that's pretty reasonable in this scenario...
"Yeah! You can help out in the kitchen! You can help us clean, aaaaaand help us get rid of the rest of ya~ You could be our little spy~!"
You're getting tired.
"Alrighty! So your options are 1: work for us, or 2: die slowly and painfully! Which one do ya want? I'm fine with either~"
Please... don't fall asleep... who knows what he'll do if you do...
"... you're not much for conversation, eh? Well that's fine! I'll decide for you!"
Your eyes closed.
You knew that whichever option was chosen it wouldn't end well for you.
"I'll make sure you get a really good ending, don't worry~"
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
you write for gladstone omg that's so fun!? I'd love some hcs, maybe with a reader who's less of a scientist and more of a paper pusher ?
Yes! I have such a soft spot for men of science. Especially the stereotypical brown hair, brown eyes, skinny figure, glasses type of men of science 😩 They just release something real in me and I wanna do [REDACTED] things to them frfr
but yes, here are your hc's!
Gladstone SFW Head canons:
He would actually like that you weren't a Scientist. Sure, he loves it when people know what he's talking about, but if anything. It gives him more of a reason to talk to you. He could ramble to you about anything and everything, and absolutely loves it if you pay attention to every word he says, even if you don't understand every word he says. He likes that you at least try and hear what he's saying.
He makes sure that you stay working in the office, too. The last thing he needs is his one friend leaving him behind foremother job, even if he knows that you deserve a better job. He's a bit selfish and hates the thought of losing you and your company.
If the two fo you do get in a relationship this doesn't change him a lot. He's still super awkward and hardly knows what to do. He's a nerdy scientist, he's never really been in a relationship before. How should he know what he's doing? It's not like he has a book to read and learn how to do this stuff. So, you'll have to be extremely patient and help the guy out a little.
He does get the hang of it all, and his main goal is making you happy. He does little things for you around your office that he knows will make you smile. Leaving you trinkets he made or found that made him think of you. Leaving you notes telling you how much you mean to him. Even using his breaks to come and sit with you and just talk, or make out depending on what type of lover you are. He's open for a lot of things.
Bro is extremely touch starved though, so you'll have to be really patient when it comes to him and physical contact. He wants to impress you and make you feel special, but he also doesn't really know how. So when the two of you hug, kiss, and hold hands for the first few weeks, or even months. It's a little stiff and awkward. He figures it all out sooner or later though.
He does like it if you join him in the lab though. Even if you aren't very into science, he likes the company. Plus he loves teaching you things and you being able to help him with smaller tasks. He does find it a little attractive as well when you take an interest in his work and actually get hands on with stuff in the lab. He'll probably never admit that though. Not until further into both of yours relationship.
Outside of the lab and work, one of his favorite activities to do with you is cuddling and watching movies. He's super anxious and not a very social guy. A huge introvert, if you will. So he isn't a big fan of going out unless he really has to. So being in the safety of one of your guys' homes, or your shared home depending on how far in the relationship you both are, he loves it. He particularly loves it when you hold him while the both of you lay on the couch. A part of him screams that he should hold you and that he should stop being such a baby, but he can't help it. You make him feel so safe and relaxed. The two of you could be watching his most favorite movie and he'd probably fall asleep like this each time. Especially if you play with his hair.
I truly believe that his weak spot is his hair. He loves it when you play with it and massage his scalp, but be warned. He's probably gonna fall asleep whenever and wherever you do this to him. So he asks that you don't do it while you're both at work unless he's extremely stressed out and needs a brain relaxer.
He's also really into praise. It makes him smile each time and depending on how stressed he is he might cry a little. He just feels so validated and seen when you give him any amount of praise. The guy is truly just lonely and touch starved. He loves all the affection that you can give him. Plus, he's madly in love with you and anything you say that's even remotely kind has him bubbling with happiness.
The last thing I have to say is I don't think he handles sarcasm that well. I think he gets a little hurt when you use it since he seems to take a lot of things seriously. So you have to let him know that you are joking and try to refrain from saying mean things as jokes, as they can cause him to feel attacked and betrayed a little.
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
Just like that, we're done! A fight, an unseen reunion, then finally the coast, and home.
TW for violence, that gets fairly graphic towards the end. a lil implied steddyhands NSFW in there too.
"Can't," Chauncey pants as he approaches them. "Keep a good man down!"
"Good is maybe a bit generous," Stede says. "You're...not necessarily as bad as your brother."
"Not by very many degrees though," Ed adds. "And that's my like, two day assessment. I mostly saw you when you were presumed dead too!"
"I'm bringing you all back in body bags," Chauncey giggles. "You two as well, Fang, Ivan."
"We won't tell anyone," Ivan scoffs. "You act like this is the first homicide we'd be witnessing. Come on, man."
"It isn't up for debate," Chauncey sneers. "Sound carries, and I heard you. I heard you say you'll let them live. How many others have you failed to kill, and kept a secret from us, hm? Stealing my money, my parents' money!"
He's spitting mad now, literally.
"Seems to me though," Izzy says, stripping off his coat and handing it to Stede with a kiss. "That while you may want all of us dead, we also want you dead. You're outnumbered."
Chauncey glares at him, but nods. "True, but what of it? I can feel what my brother had; what Great Grandfather Petyr had! The power of being beyond death, but holding it in your very hands to give to others-"
"Oh boy," Jack mutters. "Look, that's very fun. I think all of us enjoy that feeling now and again, as vamps, yeah?"
Izzy nods when Jack looks at him. He's killing Chauncey no matter what, but let Jack make him feel small first.
"Thing is, when you say it like that," Jack winces. "You come off like a real dick. And you already seem like one, so doubling down on that is not-"
Chauncey charges Jack midsentence, only to have Jack collar him.
"Alright then," Jack smirks. "You really wanna end up like your brother, huh? You know-"
Jack leans in close to Chauncey's face, even as he pulls away. "I think I still have bits of his flesh stuck in my teeth. Why don't you check for me?"
Chauncey scrabbles away as soon as Jack drops him, and everyone laughs at that. How can they not?
"Izzy, I can tell you want him," Jack says. "We're your backup, but you have fun first."
He knows vampires can differ greatly in what abilities being turned grants them, how strong each ability is.
Still, it's extremely satisfying to pick Chauncey up by the arm, and fling him a good ten feet through the air. Strength isn't a bad stat for him then. Good to know.
"Let me return the favor," Chauncey growls and rushes him, but it's a simple matter of sidestepping at the last second to avoid the collision.
"I don't think you will," Izzy says, watching as Chauncey flails to stand again. "There's a reason most vampires won't turn someone so far past the point of a safe turning. You were pretty far past, by my reckoning. And you know it, don't you?"
He keeps his voice even as he kicks Chauncey hard. "You claim all this power or whatnot now, but you're weak. Your body knows it isn't fit to be back. It would start decomposing if it could. You can feel that too, I bet. Have you even fed since he turned you?"
"Shut up," Chauncey mutters.
That earns him another kick, before Izzy picks him up by the arm. "I won't, actually. I'm having a good time."
Chauncey stares him down, but his lip wobbles the slightest bit.
"You're hungry," Izzy continues. "You're cold, colder than you've ever been before. And tired. How long do you think you'll last like this?"
A tear falls down Chauncey's face. "He saved me. I ignored him and his condition for years, and he still saved me. I won't throw that away."
"He's dead," Izzy says softly. "He won't know."
"Izzy," Ed says sharply. "Come on."
"He made his bed," Jack protests. "Now Izzy's gonna murder him in it. That's the way it goes; you know that."
"That doesn't mean there can't be an ounce of mercy," Ed shoots back.
"This is mercy," Izzy interjects. "Ed, I know you aren't fond of the bulk of the killing. I understand. But this is what I've done for years for you. I've gotten them to where Chauncey is now, or something similar since they still lived. You technically have the final blow, but like I've already told you-"
He looks at Chauncey, leaning against him. "I'm the one who really does the killing. And I know what mercy looks like, here."
"I'll give you two options," Izzy says to Chauncey directly, staring into his eyes. "One, you play nice and I'll finish you off easy. You'll get in the van with us, and be a polite prisoner until we find somewhere to stop and pick up a stake. Or even a sharp branch, if you prefer not to wait too long."
"And two?" Chauncey asks. Tears stream down his face, but his quivering lip has become a wild grin. He licks his lips and Izzy can feel the energy radiating off of him. Like holding a wild animal back.
"Two, you keep being an idiotic ass, and I end you here and now," Izzy replies. "Everyone else got a taste of your brother, but I was out cold thanks to his bullet."
Izzy uses his free hand to gesture to the wound on his head. "I think I can shred and rip and rend like the best of them though. And I am incredibly eager for you to give me a chance at it."
Chauncey opens his mouth wide, and in one rapid movement tries to bite down further up Izzy's arm.
He doesn't intend to throw him into the side of the van, but in the heat of the moment that's where Chauncey ends up.
"Careful!" John calls. "We still need that!"
"Sorry!" Izzy winces.
"S'alright, just fuck him up already!" John replies. "Give us a show!"
There's cheers, even from Ed, who seems to have made some peace with the situation.
He stalks over to Chauncey, and hauls him up again. "You miss him, yeah?"
Chauncey nods, and speaks through broken teeth. "If I had known, I would have been different. I should have talked to him more, should have tried, at least."
"Do you believe you'll see him again after death? Your true death, I mean."
Chauncey nods as his eyes shut, and tears roll again.
"Let me finish it," Izzy murmurs. He's sure everyone is wondering what the fuck he's doing, but like he told them:
He knows what mercy looks like. It can change from moment to moment.
One of his first years with Ed, it was sending a final text to a woman's mother with the location of where he dumped the body later. Per the woman's request, asked so sweetly and softly he couldn't say no.
Another year it was an old man approaching him, hobbling out from a nursing home. Fast enough that it was clear he wasn't meant to be out and about at a late hour. He begged Izzy to choose him. Said he knew what he was doing, what sort of person he worked for. He had no family left and only illness for company. They shared a coffee at an all night diner before Izzy drove him home to Ed, to be bloodlet instead of stabbed or bitten. Ed drank his blood from wooden bowls older than all of them, relics they'd left behind now.
This is what mercy is for Chauncey now.
"It hurts," Chauncey sobs. "Doesn't it hurt for you?"
Izzy shakes his head. "I was turned properly, supervised and looked after to ensure it went right."
"I miss Nigel," Chauncey shakes and slips from his hand to the ground.
"Do you want us dead more, or do you want to see your brother more?"
He tries to make the first bite quick. A hand over Chauncey's mouth as he digs his fangs into the front of Chauncey's neck. The flesh hesitates to let him tear it.
But only for a moment.
He spits out bits of flesh as he goes. He can't eat those, but he can tear them up as much as possible so most of Chauncey won't be found.
Even if he wanted to feed, there's nothing left in Chauncey. He tastes of decay already, sickly sweet then overwhelmingly rancid.
Everyone else goes silent as he bites and tears through gristle. Chauncey's sobs turn to a strangled choke, then nothing.
"I can finish ripping him to bits here," Izzy says to the others as they slowly approach him. He understands the comparison some make of vampires to animals now. He's never felt more like one before.
"Let us help," Olu says. "One person is still a lot, when you're going that far as to try and hide them that way."
"He tastes like shit," Izzy admits. "But I think he was happy, in the end. I asked if he wanted me to give him a second chance to see his brother. He said yes."
Ed nods solemnly. "You did give him mercy."
"Of a kind, yes."
The other vampires join him in a huddle over the body, while their human companions, Fang and Ivan now included, head into the slightly dented van to wait.
The sun is nearly starting to rise by the time they rush into the back of the van. Next to nothing remains of Chauncey, scattered in bits of rent flesh near the start of the field.
"I can't wait to sleep in a coffin again," Ed yawns as they settle against each other. "I'm not meant for van living."
"I hear that," Jim sighs. "We aren't far though now, are we?"
"Much closer," John calls back. "Want me to wake you when we get there, even if the sun is still up?"
They exchange glances.
"Why not wait till nightfall?" Lucius asks. "You did save the rest of us from that idiot. Least we could do is let you all sleep until sunset. Besides, we'll have to talk to Jack's contact-"
"Get a hotel room or something for now," Pete adds. "Just rest. The rest of us can handle it."
Izzy nods. "I don't know about the rest of you, but that sounds like the best idea."
He's warm and snug between Ed and Stede, and the idea of having to move any time soon isn't an attractive one.
Besides that, Stede is already half asleep on his shoulder. A golden curl hangs loose near his forehead, and Stede leans into his hand when Izzy goes to brush it back.
He feels Ed relax more against his other side, and he moves his free hand that way. It's not even a second before Ed holds it, his thumb rubbing over the back of Izzy's hand.
There's no protest, and he drifts off as Pete, Buttons, and The Swede double check the coverings over the windows.
"Night," John greets them softly, leaning into the van. "Jack, your contact had so much more ready than we expected-"
"Yeah, Black Sam's always had his shit together," Jack chuckles. "Only vampire I know who's 'retired.' Has his blood delivered via some contact at a blood bank like a goddamn pizza or something. He even golfs! At night!"
"He did say to let you all know you're invited to that, actually," John says. "He had a feeling you wouldn't be thrilled."
"Might not be my game, but we could go sit out on a golf cart or two and drink until it's fun," Jack shrugs. "If that's all he wants for him helping us, well. Ain't really asking for that much."
Izzy yawns and nods. "So where are we going then?"
John grins. "Wait till you see her."
The van is parked near a dock, on a gravel and dirt lot. Dark water laps below, the air cool as it shears off the waves.
The replica ship is grand. It sounds archaic as Izzy thinks it, but there's no other word for it.
Something straight out of the Golden Age of Piracy, and not kitschy as he expected. The colors and carvings are ornate. While it might be used as a tourist attraction, it was clearly still built with dedication and care.
"That's our ship?" Ed breathes. "Holy fuck."
"I love her already," Stede grins. "Do we...I mean, are we staying..."
"Lower decks are staff only except for tours," John explains. "So yeah. We get to live on her. No WiFi or all the modern amenities we're used to, but we have a key to that building just over there. They've got staff bathrooms, showers, vending machines, and WiFi if we don't want to keep using up data."
"I had one other really big dream as a kid," Stede says. "Do you know what it was?"
Izzy smiles. "To be a pirate?"
Stede nods. "This is pretty close, yeah?"
"Close as we can get in this age," Ed replies. "Give it time though, it might come back around to these areas again. History doesn't exactly repeat perfectly, but it gets damn close sometimes."
"Everyone else is on board already," John says. "I'm going to head on and get to bed, but I've got the key out on its hook if you need it, and a copy of the instructions for the building alarm and a whole bunch of other stuff Sam typed up for us...even laminated them."
Jack snorts. "I gotta make fun of him for that. He's such a fucking nerd."
"Maybe so, but we owe him," Izzy says. "Shall we?"
Olu, Jim, Jack, and John head towards the entrance ramp for the ship.
But Stede and Ed stay by him, staring up at the looming shape of the ship. Their ship, kind of. At least for some time.
"Think it's got a bed all three of us will fit in at once?" Ed asks.
"You have ideas," Izzy chuckles. "We just woke up and you want back in bed already."
"I do," Ed practically purrs as he wraps his arms around Izzy's waist.
"It's always good to recover from traveling like that," Stede adds, leaning gently back to kiss Ed, then back forward to kiss Izzy. "Besides, we all could use a bath. Get clean and cozy, enjoy the night, each other."
Ed's grinding against his ass, and Stede alternates between snuggling against him and pressing increasingly desperate yet chaste kisses to his cheek.
"Alright," Izzy sighs, and it feels like letting out a breath he'd been holding for far too long. "Let's call it a night."
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