#i'm not taking more fae prompts but i'd do others!
call-me-strega · 1 year
Dc x Dp prompt #1: Angel
I'd like to preface this by saying I'm incorporating tropes I've seen in other posts.
Jason has been a lot happier recently. His Pit Rage has been getting less and less frequent, he's cooking and coming over to the manor a lot more, and he even let Dick hug him last week without threatening bodily harm!
The rest of the batfam, while happy for him, are curious about the change. So one night at dinner they ask him what's up with him and why he's so happy recently. Surprisingly, instead of taking it the wrong way and getting mad Jason is eager to share.
Apparently, Jason has a boyfriend now. Yay!
He goes on and on about this civilian he met after stoping a cult who was trying to summon a deity and how he is this nerdy college kid who really likes space and how their civilian identies shared the same Gen Ed course so he made an effort to become friends. Turns out that nerdy space guy had caused the initial improvement in mood and his offer to go on a date to an incredibly diverse and well-stocked library had been the cherry on top.
The only thing is that Jason didn't want them stalking the guy and refered to him around the family exclusively as "Angel". Everyone thinks that's just a cute pet name he gave the guy as a way to both reference and distract the civilian from the cult ritual he was probably rescued from. Little do they know that it's actually because "Angel" was not a victim of the cult ritual but the summonee, that appeared in the form of a biblically accurate angel.
One day some supernatural entity decideds to attack Gotham and everyone is calling whoever they can think of for back-up. Batman calls Constantine, Nightwing calls Zatana, Red Robin and Robin are contacting the Justice League, and even Red Hood seems to call someone.
The situation is getting desperate. The JL is here but at most the can just slow the supernatural being down. Constantine and Zatana are still 20 minutes out and things are looking bad when another Eldritch Being spawns and seems to take down the threat in one move.
Everyone stands stunned as the being turns to them and in a booming voice exclaims "DON'T BE AFRAID. I WAS CALLED TO HELP". They all go through several emotions upon hearing those words. Where did this being come from? Is this a biblically accurate angel? Who called it here to help? Was it Zatana or maybe Constantine? Are they here yet? Upon looking around it is found that Zatana and Constantine are not here yet and the heroes get ready to engage this being carefully when a voice calls out
Everyone whips their heads around to see Jason climbing over debris towards the Eldritch Being in front of them. The Batfam feels faint with a creeping realization and Superman swears he heard Batman's heart skip a beat for a second. Before anyone can ask Jason what he's doing the being shapeshifts into the much smaller form of a young fae-like creature with pointed ears, fangs, stark white hair, and vibrant green eyes floating in the air. He flys over to Jason before a flash of bright light leaves a young man deep black hair and frosty blue eyes in Jason's arms.
Jason turns to introduce his boyfriend to his family and the League only to find that Batman has fainted, a panicking JL, and a gobsmacked Zatana and Constantine have who've arrived in time to see the transformation. As Zatana and Constantine begin to freak out and prepare defensive magic Batman comes to and levels a scowl at Jason.
"Hood, I think you have some explaining to do."
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yearningaces · 8 months
What would bring angst to nyx and his s/o's relationship?
Would there be any "bad pre conceived ideas" agasint nyxs s/o from others of his kind?
Also, weird question: Could his species breed with humans and have a viable offspring?? What would that child be like? Would it be more human with some rabbit traits or the opposite?
While I'm the main proponent of no NSFW prompts this is plain scientific curiosity and that I encourage
Talks of reproduction capabilities and results in the most scientific ramble below heads up
If Nyx's partner has a uterus (and if he wasn't either ace due to my preference or just did something out of curiosity) I'd say it's similar to two animals from sister species having offspring. A donkey and a horse can produce a mule but mules can't have offspring together. Due to unmatched chromosomes from the horse and donkey counterparts mostly, so they're infertile.
If a rabbit-hybrid and human had a kid, it would be low chance, and would take on more traits of the more dominant species, a human.
This could work many different ways, but mostly how you phrased it, a rabbit-hybrid that looks more human like than others.
As for your first remarks, absolutely.
Nyx is a prey species, his family is a prey species and they live in a community of burrows where other rabbit-hybrids live. Humans are by nature predators and as such are usually larger, stronger, and far more dangerous. Humans do eat rabbits, I have before when my folks hunted some down and added them to the family gathering menu
Nyx got off on the best foot with his human because they(you) saved his life, proving that humans can be just as helpful as they can harmful. For Nyx, it takes a long time of convincing his family to just meet you, and also to let him leave the burrow again because he promised to meet up with you and they were terrified for his life.
Cause to rabbit-hybrids or prey species hybrids, humans are hunters, carnivores at the top of their food chain by sheer force of will and intelligence, having grown to outrank their own predators. Humans are feared, respected from afar for the good that they can do, but mostly feared. In a way it's almost superstitious like when a human talks about fae
"never accept their food or else you'll be hooked" humans are just damn good cooks. "Never allow them to take you away, you'll return knowing little of your own world and remember unfathomable knowledge." If you let a stray cat come inside it's gonna get socialized to a person through effort. It's gonna forget how to survive on its own bc it's taken good care of by it's human and will learn how to 'converse' with humans and human ways. Am I making sense?
There's also generally separation between humans and most prey like species. Obviously some couple together but it's a more unpopular thing to see and can be a bit difficult.
There's also a power imbalance in the relationship that's always needing to be remembered. Nyx is small and weak compared to his human partner, he can easily be scared by them and while sometimes it's fun, his human has to remember to be calm with him. One big explosion of anger towards him and he'll fall back on instincts and flee and hide. Then it's an emotional mess for everyone because you scared your bunny boy and he wants to feel safe and only feels safest when you hold him but you're the one that scared him and he's lost at that moment.
Challenges but damn the sweet moments make it worth it
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readychilledwine · 11 months
for the angtsy prompt list — i feel like i’m gonna regret this but #1 and either az or rhys 😭😭😭 preemptively crying bc i know it’s gonna hurt
I picked Rhys 👀 and it... it's gonna hurt, and I'm sorry 😭
Rhysand x reader romance angst drabble from this prompt list
Warnings - mentions of death
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Star flecked eyes stared at you in shock and silence. "Tamlin?" You bit your lip, tears beginning to line your eyes as you nodded. Rhys chuckled, leaning back and sipping his drink. "Good one, y/n." 
"Rhys, I'm not kidding. He's my mate. The bond snapped at the High Lord's meeting." Rhys sat a little straighter, eyes narrowing as he looked you over. Anger flashed. Followed by remorse, by pain. "This is fucking rich." You jumped as he slammed the drink down. "What are you going to do?"
You had not thought that far. It was too new, too fresh. "I… I don't know. I haven't thought about it. I'm shocked."
Rhysand's jaw dropped, he looked at you shocked and stunned. "What do you mean you don't know? Do you not remember what he did to me? To our family?"
You remembered vividly. You remembered holding Rhysand as he screamed when they opened those boxes. You remembered holding him after they found the bodies. You remembered vividly. "He took my fucking mother and sister and now he's taking my wife too. This is fucking rich."
You two sat there in silence. Your mind was searching for a way to comfort him. "Tell me how to fix this. Tell me what I need to do." 
You shook your head. "We promised to never lie to each other if it happened to either of us, Rhysand."
Rhys stared straight ahead, eyes locked on the night sky as if those stars would have all the answers. "Tell me it was a lie. Tell me you're playing with me right now. Tell me the bond didn't snap."
You watched his throat flex. Eyes beginning to water. "The twins are packing your things. Annulment papers will arrive in Spring when I have them drawn. Azriel will fly you there."
You nodded, standing and closing your eyes to hide tears. You opened them and turned to walk out. "For what it's worth, Rhys. I wish it was you, I'll always wish it was you. I love you."
His tears fell freely, his hand clenching that glass so tightly he was about to shatter it. "I know. I wish it was me too, y/n. I love you too. Let… let me know if you reject it. If you ever want to come home and come back to me."
You'd never have time to tell him you rejected the bond as you were dragged in front of Amarantha, powerless and naked from the previous beating and torture she had administered as your friends from every court watched in silence.
You and Rhys held eye contact. One last silent I love you passing between you two mentally as you then turned to the false queen in defiance. "Would you like to repeat your prophecy one more time, little seer?" She mocked you with fake interest, having refused to believe your words of warning.
You said it one more time, passing hope to every trapped High Lord and fae who knew your prophecies were set in stone and true as wind. "Never to wed, never to breed, you'll rule briefly in selfishness and greed. Never see the break of day. A false queen's body will lay here to rot and decay. She'll sit on a throne, time passing like air, until her end is brought by one more fair."
Her face fell. "Rhysand, shatter her." The room fell into silence. His eyes wide as the mask fell. "Now, pet."
You two held eye contact again. You nodded at him. She's coming, Rhysand, and she will bring you everything you've wanted. One request?
Anything, his voice broke in your mind.
Never forget I love you.
And I love you. I'm so sorry.
"There's no other hands, I'd rather die at than yours, Rhysand. Do it."
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llondonfog · 1 year
Hi!! Feel free to ignore, but I was just thinking about kid silver being adorable AND Halloween because of the upcoming event...and this thought was born—
(This is so long I'm sorry 😭😭)
So, Silver gets de-aged (bear with me here lol)—maybe due to a potions mishap or a spell gone wrong, it doesn't matter which. It's during Halloween week, so everyone's kinda frazzled due to everything being set up, etc. Lilia gets called to deal with it while Crewel tries to figure out a counter-potion/spell wears off because nobody can get in touch with Malleus, and therefore goes to Diasomnia's vice to help take care of Silver (not knowing that they're father & son).
Silver spots Lilia and yells "Papa!" while running to hug Lilia—while Lilia tries to cover up what Silver said. Regardless, he still picks Silver up and cuddles him—he's a silly old man who loves his kid, who can blame him?
Anyway, kid Silver hijinks ensue: running off with the animals on campus, taking naps surrounded by deer, birds, squirrels, etc., calling Malleus "big brother" and Lilia "papa" while around other Diasomnia students (they wouldn't say anything, because Malleus looks so endeared by the little human and Lilia glares and hisses *unknowingly* at any of them who DARE to interrupt their family).
Silver sees Sebek and looks back at Lilia. He's like, "Why did you make him so tall?? Papa, change him back, please!" *cue puppy eyes* he genuinely thinks Lilia pranked him. As much as Sebek says that he dislikes Silver's behavior, he's actually the one to take him everywhere. "You shouldn't miss so much school, Silver! I won't let you besmirch Waka-sama's good name!"
OK, but back to Halloween—Silver dresses up as a knight, or a prince. Maybe a unicorn??? DRAGON?? Any of them are cute tbh. Anyway, they end up going to each dorm to trick or treat (on Halloween night ofc) and Silver charms everyone, because he's Silver. Then, you have Lilia behind him just being the creepiest little demon fae you've ever had the misfortune to see...
As they're going to one of the dorms to get more candy, Silver sees another kid pouting at the lack of candy said dorm has, and their meager amount. Silver, despite having only a few more pieces himself, gives the kid most of his, and gives the other kid a hug. "There, there, you can have some of mine."
Honestly, you can do whatever you want with this, but I'd love to see this written out more coherently, if you want lol
I've been thinking about this for a while, and I NEED more kid Silver being cute and adorable and pure!! He deserves to be cuddled by his family and to eat candy :D
oh my goodness, this whole entire prompt was adorable and thank you for practically writing the premise into my inbox!! i'm not sure this is coherent.....or cuddly....but my mood with lilia has been in a pretty introspective place for sometime so i do hope you find something to enjoy :')
(and i did end up keeping that paragraph after so many of you seemed to like it akaldjll what do i know about anything)
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for a fae as long-lived as he, the concept of time is an ephemeral thing. one does not count the years in a decade nor the decades in a century; a fae knows time by the erosion of a mountainside, by the loneliness of an abandoned settlement, or even by the chance meeting of a human wearing the face of another long since passed. 
silver fills his arms, helmet askew and heavy with satisfied slumber, and lilia feels the ache of every day that has gone by since he was last able to cradle his son so tenderly in his embrace. 
he may be the only fae that now minds his days by the sharpening of his son’s features, a change emerging far too quick and now, strangely, unwelcome.
beside him, serene, the heir apparent to the valley of thorns— looking most pleased himself in their resplendent costumes so artfully reminiscent of the admirable long, yet any dignified mysticism is rendered charmed by the plastic pumpkin bucket clutched in his crimson-tipped claws, brimming with brightly wrapped candy. the overflow is nearly double the amount given to the visiting children, even with silver eagerly dispensing his sugary treasures to any who asked, for no dorm had been able to resist his solemn request coupled with those adorably drowsy eyes and plastic sword when he had so politely asked for one piece more so that their prince might experience trick or treating for the first time. not wanting to be the dorm known for stiffing the fae heir on the most magic-blessed night of them all, both toddling knight and noble dragon walked away, tiny hand in careful claw, with a bounty piled high between them and matching smiles on their twin eager faces. 
lilia had been so torn over which to get a photo of first, cheeks aching from stifling his laughter; the vulnerable delight on malleus’ face as silver so kindly presented him with his share of candy, or sebek’s ill-disguised fussing as silver’s sword had slipped from its sheath to drag across the ground. 
what kindness to be able to share such precious memories with them once again.
what cruelty to remind him of what would disappear tomorrow morning, crewel’s antidote ready and waiting for them in the dorm. 
“...i can see why silver enjoyed such a night of festivity and why he spoke on those memories with you so fondly,” malleus’ reflective tone scatters his wandering thoughts, leaving him to pull his focus back to the present with no small amount of difficulty. “I wish i could have participated in the revelry, but i understand now why you might not have invited me, lilia. the presence of their prince would have dampened any carefree spirits, and i would not have wanted to spoil the fun.”
a wry smile tugs at his lips at malleus’ inaccurate assessment, crooked and out of place, and he can feel the prince’s gaze weighty upon him with surprise, brows furrowing and lips parting with the question on his tongue— 
there had been no such festivities, no happily shrieking village children for silver to scamper among, sharing in the night’s delights and trickery with all the innocence of youth. 
there had only been an old fool of a general, taking it upon himself to fumble through the recreation of a human spectacle, for no other reason than he could not bear the sight of the boy’s features even mildly unhappy. 
he might have wondered how far he could have fallen to find himself repeatedly affecting surprise as he opens the door time and time again to a giggling child, but he knows better now; he had always been steeped in a miserable, lonesome darkness, and to nurture the vulnerable child curled into his chest was to bask in an undeserving light. 
without consent, his arms tighten around the slumbering boy in his arms, and malleus is wise enough not to comment. 
“I do wonder if silver will be able to remember tonight’s events,” lilia comments lightly as they continue their walk to the dorm, seemingly apropos of nothing and unbothered by the watchful gaze of his young companion. 
and he wonders which is more selfish; to wish it so, to have his son’s head filled with such saccharine-sweet dreams of a proper halloween as only a sweet and darling boy like none other deserves— or to cling to the lonely truth of the past, in which a bruised and battered soldier finds a purpose too kind for his bloodied hands in protecting that high and clear laughter of his child, delighting over and over again in the simple fact of his father opening the door.
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caycaysdiamond · 2 years
I wanna marry you, right here, right now.
Request for @liliasleftpinkytoe : "OK I'm taking one for the team twsts characters of your choice + lilia with a (later s/o) friend that legit pursues them for their hand in marriage, constantly flirting, doing things only for them and proposing with a new ring everyday?"
Thank you for my first request qaq! this is such a cool prompt so I hope I did it justice!!
Characters: Lilia Vanrouge and Deuce Spade Friends to Lovers, reader is astronomically down bad, lovesick writing, prefect or non prefect reader, cursing, long asf post
Lilia Vanrouge
Lilia Vanrouge was no stranger to your fondness of him. Your eagerness to help him with anything whether it be some meager dorm task or rehearsals with the light music club. 
The fae male wasn't complaining either, far from it. In fact, he often encouraged you to be around more and more, subtly mentioning a task he would be doing all alone and how boring it would be. Telling you how long practice with the club was going to be. Or mentioning a meeting or two he knew he'd have to go to.
Naturally, you would respond, "Hmm, I can spare some time." 
That's what friends are for, after all. 
And let's not forget the pet names that would spur from your lips at a moment's notice when referring to your dearest friend or the lingering touches you both would share. You would give Lilia soft gazes when you thought it wasn't paying attention to you. The lovesick sighs that would fall from your lips when your mind would wander to thoughts of him.
Lilia was simply playing coy to your feelings, maybe a bit cruel but he was eager for the day that you finally confessed to him. 
He received the first paper ring on his desk in his homeroom class. It was a simple, band-styled ring made of notebook paper. Beside it, there was a simple, straight-to-the-point note: 
I want to marry you, Lilia Vanrouge.  
He simply laughed, knowing who it was from even without a signature, and slipped the paper band on his ring finger. Later that day, he, of course, mentioned the paper ring when you met after classes. 
He flashed it proudly and with his signature smirk said, "They want to marry me, reader! My secret admirer, fufufu~ I wonder who they are." 
You felt a blood vein pop but responded coolly, "Oh? Is someone trying to steal you away from me, darling?
He shrugged, playing along, "Who knows? Maybe they're jealous of you. You are always around me, maybe they're...trying to take your spot in my heart, hm?"
You froze at the words Lila spoke, just for a moment but a moment was all he needed to continue, "It's sad. I have no way of knowing who did this. The ring is so finely made and whoever went out of their way to make it must really love me."
"They must, you're right," you looked away, "They must cherish you; handmade gifts always have very special places in people's hearts."
Lilia grabbed your hand and caressed it, "You're right, just the thought of someone who loves me making something just for me is enough to make me swoon."
"Really? Is that all it takes?" You rolled your eyes and squeezed his hand a bit.
"Do you think they'll give me more? I'd love to have a collection."
A small smile crossed your face at that, "Of course."
The second paper ring came in the same way as the first, only two days later. This ring though, was much more elaborate, instead of lined paper, it was made of light pink construction paper and resembled a flower. The note beside it read: 
I love you, Vanrouge. 
No other person would I ever do such incredible sappy confessions for in the form of these paper rings and crudely written notes. 
Words nor actions can accurately portray the feelings I truly have for you and you know, in fact, I believe you've always known.  
Were you waiting for me? For us?
I do want that. Want us. Forever.
I'll ask you the rest of my questions later.  - Reader
Lilia slipped the second ring on his finger, smiling at it fondly.
"Are you trying to take my whole heart, Reader?" He spoke to no one in particular, "Well...it's working."
The third ring came much later in the day, both of you were together but no verbal communication was taking place. At least, not between the two of you. No, instead, you were at a house warden's meeting with the vice house warden, writing notes that you would slip to Malleus later. The other house wardens never questioned your presence at these meetings either, as natural as water flow where Lilia was you were too, and vice versa. 
You knew that Lilia would be going directly to the light music club after this meeting, so this time before you both began to go in opposite directions after the meeting you slipped the third paper ring on his finger and placed the note tenderly in his arms.
"Another proposal, dear?" Lilia smiled and admired the third ring: a band that alternated between green and black with a thorn design drawn on. 
You just nodded as you started walking in the opposite direction, turning back you yelled, "I'm gonna steal your heart and marry you!"
Lilia just laughed and began reading the third note: 
Could I have called you mine sooner? 
Have I always had your heart?  
You've always been mine to me. 
You've always had my heart; it's only ever been you. 
Lilia, where would you want to have a honeymoon? 
You've seen the world more times than I could count, and I want to experience the world with you. 
Do you want to experience that world with me? 
Love always, Reader.
The fourth and final ring came days later as you helped Lilia recreate an old fae recipe in the Diasomnia kitchens, it was late at night and the two of you worked diligently. Lilia's previous three rings sat on the island in front of you both, none of them looked even a bit damaged. All night you found yourself sneaking glances at them, occasionally fiddling in your pocket with the final ring to complete the set. 
"You seem distracted," Lilia pointed out, "Something on your mind?"
"Nothing in particular," You replied to him a bit too quickly as you mixed up some ingredients in front of you.
Lilia feinted distress at your words, "Not even me? Oh, I'm so hurt and here I thought I would be ruining your every little thought like you do to me, sweetheart."
"That's the effect I have on you? Do elaborate for me, I want to know every moment you've ever thought about me."
"Every moment? We'd be here a while, there's been a lot since we first met."
"I've been driving you crazy since we first met?" you questioned, curious now.
Lilia simply nodded as he took your ingredient bowl and combined it with the rest, "Since before really, I've always had my eye on you. You've always been so intriguing...fufufu...I couldn't help myself, I had to get to know you."
"You're right, I was thinking about you," you decided to admit, "as always."
"Oh? Do tell."
"I was thinking about how many times you've probably made this recipe. And how many times you probably ruined it."
"Cooking is an art and I am only being an artist," he corrected, "Regardless, the hard part is over now we wait."
It was as Lilia turned to put the food in the oven that you decided to finally reveal the last ring to him, it was made with more sturdy paper than the ones thus far: It was a black ring with a green gem, very tiny pink flowers encased the area around the gem with little thorn vines. 
"Will you marry me, Lilia Vanrouge?" 
Lilia closed his eyes and smiled, "Of course, my love."  
You slipped the ring on his finger and let out a breath of relief. 
"You know I was kind of scared you'd say no." 
Lilia only laughed, "I would never torment you that much, dear," he dusted off his hands then rolled them, appearing in his hands were three identical rings to the ones you made earlier as paper, only these were very real. 
He slipped the first ring on your finger, "I want to marry you too," 
Then the second, "I was waiting for you." 
Lastly the third was slipped on, "You've always been able to call me yours because you've always had my heart. As for our honeymoon...ah we can decide that together, no? We have so much of the world to partake in together, after all."
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Deuce Spade
Every week, you and Deuce studied together in the library. Though sometimes the days changed due to both of your responsibilities throughout the year, somehow both of you always found time for both sessions without fail.
You were incredibly protective over your study time with him too.
Ace and Epel always asked to tag along but you always told them no. Your excuse was always, "I'd get distracted studying with so many people."
Or even sometimes, "Why don't you just study with Jack?"
They even tried to schedule their own study sessions with you! 1-on-1, just like the ones with Deuce and you rejected them again!
Why? "Who needs to do group studying that much?" You'd roll your eyes and puff, "Anything else I can just do on my own."
They quickly realized that you just wanted to monopolize time with Deuce, teasing you for such lame excuses. The two boys get it though, well if your obvious favoritism didn't stop there!
You would bring Deuce snacks if he off-handily mentioned he was a bit hungry, hide him from Riddle when you knew the housewarden was on a streak of 'Off with Your Head' that day, get him lunch, check on him if he was feeling slightly sick and it doesn't even stop there!!
In simple terms, Ace and Epel were absolutely stunned by how much you loved Deuce and how absolutely oblivious he was to it!
"Off to your study sessions, you fucking simp?" Ace leaned against your wall as you packed your school bag and slipped in a few snacks for good measure.
"Yes," you rolled your eyes, "so get out of my room, I don't need your weird cooties infecting my space more than it already has today."
You grabbed a red, heart shaped keyring from your desk and shoved it in your pocket.
"You may not want my weird cooties but I know whose you're practically begging foraaaaAHH-"
You didn't allow him to finish that statement instead you grabbed his wrist, opened the door, and slung him out. You followed behind him closing the door with a loud slam and ignored his protest, practically sprinting to the library. Once inside you made your way to the usual study spot and was greeted by Deuce, frantically writing out some alchemical equations and glaring the paper with only the anger a student could have.
"Deuce! Sorry I'm late!" You sat down next to him, pulling out your notebooks.
Deuce's expression immediately softened, "It's fine, Reader. I haven't been here long."
You glanced at his paper, "You wanna work on alchemy first today?"
Deuce simply nodded, "I want to try getting my hardest work out of the way while I'm with you today so that I'm not bothering you later in the week for help. You're getting busy with club work right?"
"Yea but I always have time for you!" You cupped his hands, "You could never bother me, Deucy, but thanks for caring about me so much." You let go of his hands then rummaged through your bag for your own alchemy work. Deuce watched you the entire time, the slightest bit of blush dusted his cheeks.
"Hm, found it. What problem are you on?"
"Uh, the first one..." Deuce admitted reluctantly.
"That's fine, I'll walk you through it since I already started on this earlier."
You began stepping through each problem with Deuce, letting him take the lead with working problems out and only helping when he was confused or used the wrong alchemy rules. It was late when you guys finally finished working, after double checking everything to make sure your work was correct, decided that was enough for today. The crisp winter winds assaulted your face as you left the library together and the moon was high above both of you. You both walked in a comfortable silence as you made your way to the Hall of Mirrors.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Deuce began to walk towards the Heartslabyul mirror but you grabbed his arm before he could go in.
"Wait um, I have a surprise," you gulped, "Close your eyes and gimme your hand."
Deuce did what you asked without much question, though he did give you a puzzled look as he closed his eyes and held out his hand. You slipped the red keyring onto his finger swiftly. The foreign metal made the ravenette shiver and his hand recoiled but you held it in place.
"Can I open my eyes?" He questioned.
"Y-yea," you answered.
Deuce opened his eyes to see you down on one knee, his hand still in yours with a red keyring around his finger. His eyes widened at the scene before him, and small mumbles of your name began to leave his lips. Your eyes were glued to him, face red, "Will you marry me, Deuce Space?"
Ace and Epel blinked at each other before bursting out laughing.
"Can you not?" Deuce rolled his eyes as he finished the story about how he got the red keyring, "This is why I didn't want to tell you." The three boys were currently sitting on the floor of Adeuce's dorm room listening to the ravenette's current plight.
"Okay okay so is it a similar story for this rest of the keyrings?" Ace asked after his laughter high calmed down, however Epel's did not and the shorter boy was barely holding it in enough for Deuce to finish.
Deuce fished the other keyrings out of his pocket and pointed to them as he explained, "The second one was the orange key ring, I got that after school then the yellow one was after my track meet, the green one was during lunch one day and the blue one I got when I was painting the roses for an Unbirthday party.
"And every time Reader ask you to marry them?" Ace questioned as he began to twirl a keyring around his finger. Deuce simply nodded and leaned back on his hands, "Everytime."
Epel rolled his eyes a bit, "Didja ever answer?"
"Um, well no..."
"NO?!" Ace slammed the keyring his was playing with to the ground, "What do you mean 'no'? What did you do then!? How do you not answer that?"
"You don't understand, they told me not to answer."
Epel laughed a bit, "Oh, I get it."
Ace whipped his head to look at the shorter male, "Um, I don't? Who ask a question that they don't want answered, multiple times?"
"Use yer brain, dumbass! It's not that they don't wanna answer, that ain't the point! They're tryna court Deuce!"
Deuce tilled his head, "Court me? With keyrings?"
Epel nodded and took a deep breath," Look," Epel began pointing to each keyring as he spoke, "Red, orange, yellow, green, blue. Reader been givin' Deuce rings in rainbow order so the next color ought to be the last color, purple, right? Since purple the last color, that's probably when they wanna hear Deuce's answer. Catch the drift?"
Deuce nodded, "That makes sense, actually!"
"Yeah, yeah but why keyrings?" Ace said to no one in particular, "They could have used, like, plastic rings that look like engagement rings or something right?"
"Don't know, would have'ta ask'em."
"What if it's like, you're getting keyrings because you already have the key to their heart?" Ace giggled, "That's so cringe!"
Deuce punched his dormmate in the arm, "It's not. It's...cute..."
Epel also punched Ace in the arm, "Nah he's right, woulda never excepted that from Reader. I guess it show's how head over heels they are, huh?"
"I think head over heels is pushing it, Epel," Deuce sheepishly waved off the comment, "I'm just happy to know they like me back."
"Oh puh-lease! Deuce no one just purposes to someone like that! Or always checks on you, packs you lunch, shows up to every track meet, makes you study guides, studies with you---solo, multiple times a week might I add, bails you out of trouble, and comments on like every Magicam post of yours. Do I need to go on? Cause I can! I'm so absolutely sick of you to lovebirds! Do you know how hard it is for us, lowly single non-crushing peasants!"
Deuce cleared his throat, "Okay, okay I get the point!" He stood up and dusted himself off, "I have to go meet them, studying, as usual." He grabbed his bag from his desk and threw it over his shoulder, "You two should be too, you know, Trein's history midterm next week isn't going to be easy."
"Whatever that's a problem for next week me, thanks," Ace waved off, "Don't be late for your date."
"Don't mind this jealous hick, go get your significant other~," Epel teased, "I gotta feeling that they're gonna give you the last ring today."
Deuce smiled and left his room, there was a noticeable pep in the first year's step as he made his way to the library. Excitement was just rolling off the boy's shoulders, knowing you'll probably be waiting there at the usual table you sat at on the second floor, hiding the keyring somewhere and just waiting for the perfect opportunity to present it to him. You'd probably do it as your session finished, he thought, since you both take your study sessions so seriously. Or maybe right at the beginning? He began imagining at the possible scenarios where you would propose, and he would say "yes". So, to his surprise instead he found you sitting outside the bench to the library seemingly waiting for him and his imaginary scenarios seemed to be wrong.
"Deuce!" You waved, "I was...waiting for you!"
Deuce nodded and flashed you one of his shy smiles, "Ah! Well, I'm here!"
You nodded, "Uhm, you are!"
You and Deuce stared at each other for a while, neither moving nor looking away from each other. As the time passed, both of your expressions became more flustered.
It was almost adorable how awkward you two were at the moment, you seemly losing the confidence you had at your previous proposals and Deuce simply waiting for you, not wanting to steal your moment.
"I had this...piece of paper of everything I wanted to say right now but I threw it away and told myself to speak from my heart! But it's difficult, you know? And well it shouldn't be because well you already know how I feel, I mean no friend would ask you to marry them, right?" You laugh and Deuce nods, edging you to continue your speech.
"Well, I think I've just been so scared of what you may say. Just in case, what I've felt hasn't been conveyed, I'll spell it out for you! I love you, Deuce Space. You've had the key to my heart for a while now and anyone, everyone could see it. I want to be there for you forever," You pulled out the purple keyring from your pocket, "So will you marry me?"
A brilliant smile erupted from the man in front of you, "I do."
small a/n: originally, i was gonna do more characters but instead I just made the first two I wrote longer. maybe I'll come back to those other ideas in a later post! thankfully I'm done with my semester now and hopefully have more time to write!!!
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artemis-pendragon · 1 year
Fanfic prompt: imodna, shipwrecked on an island somewhere together
(this is for the game where y'all send me fanfic prompts, I feed them to ChatGPT, and then I take the bit that makes me cringe the hardest and rewrite it!)
AI Excerpt:
"Sure, we can take a quick break. But we need to keep moving if we want to find something to help us survive," Imogen responded, her voice firm but kind.
As they sat in the small clearing, Imogen took out a flask of water and offered some to Laudna. "Here, take some water," she said, handing her the flask.
"Thank you," Laudna replied, taking a sip of water. "You know, Imogen, I never thought I'd be stranded on an island with you of all people," she said, a humorous tone in her voice.
"A break? Of course, Laudna. You look dead on your feet," Imogen said, catching herself once the words were out. "You know what I mean."
Laudna laughed, moved closer, hand skimming over Imogen's. "Dead on both my feet. In fact, my feet are dead as well, last I checked."
"And your hands?" Imogen turned her hand and their fingers slid together, interlaced, conjoined. As she did, she tugged Laudna toward a small clearing, settling side by side on a well-worn rock. "They dead too?"
Laudna smiled, reached for the flask as Imogen offered it, and took a long drink. Her other hand stayed tucked in Imogen's, soaking up the warmth. The life. The raw, stubborn, vicious love. "I'm alive with you, darling," Laudna said. A love confession to some, but for them, a simple truth.
Imogen squeezed her hand, and Laudna squeezed back.
"You know," Laudna said in a playful swooping tone, "I'd never imagined us in this particular predicament. Gods, monsters, fae, the end of the fucking world, but stranded on a remote island after a shipwreck? I'm not prepared at all! All the wrong spells, and... well. At least we're together."
"Yeah," said Imogen. "God, Laudna, I don't know what I'd do if we weren't together."
The words hung between them, silent silver threads weaving through the thick tropical air. Words that meant more than they said, breaking the confinement of context.
"Thank you," Laudna said after a long beat. "For loving me."
"Laudna," Imogen said, and there were cracks in her face, fractures forming behind her eyes. "Always."
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ironwoman359 · 1 year
Soooo I was looking through my drafts because there's posts in there years old, and I found this old fanfiction question list that my dear friend @thuriweaver tagged me in two years ago and I thought what the heck, I'll fill that out tonight because I've been trying to work on writing more lately. So, without further ado...
1.How many works do you have on AO3?
Though I've written more, there are things on @ironwhumper359 and @ironwoman359-writes that aren't fandom related and are only on tumblr, and there's probably some other things on my masterlist that aren't on AO3 either, maybe I ought to comb through it at some point and upload more!
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
333,493! And fun fact, I just counted that up manually from all 95 fics because I thought AO3 didn't display that stat, but it turns out I just wasn't logged in. The stat page says I actually has 335,438 words, so either I missed a fic or it includes the author's notes or summaries in that count.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
 If you look at the fandom list it has 10, but I think 5 is a more accurate count, which I'll explain in a sec. These are the fandoms on AO3:
Sanders Sides (Web Series) (87)
Super Mario & Related Fandoms (3)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (3)
Undertale (Video Game) (3)
Leverage (2)
Video Blogging RPF (2)
Who Killed Markiplier? (Web Series) (1)
In Space With Markiplier (Web Series) (1)
Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo (1)
Markiplier TV (Web Series) (1)
The thing is, the two fics in the "video blogging" fandom are markiplier ego fics and I'd lump those, Who Killed Markiplier, In Space With Markiplier, and Markiplier TV all as one fandom, and also, all the Super Mario fics and MCU fics are actually both Sanders Sides AUs, so those aren't really separate fandoms either.
A better list would be:
Sanders Sides
Six of Crows
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
So this was fascinating to look at! I'm going to list them in reverse order, for the Drama.
5: How to Catch a Fairy, posted on June 16th, 2020 with 2,918 hits and 515 kudos. This is a very short little oneshot, filling a prompt from a Bad Things Happen Bingo card, "Used as Bait." I really enjoyed writing this one, but I'm surprised it's beat out so many of my other, older fics. It has almost 100 more kudos than Our Own Villain, the (admittedly incomplete) fic that is my 6th biggest in kudos and kind of put me on the map in the TSS fandom. I guess people really like fae, feral protective love interests, and analogical.
4: Phase One, originally posted on September 11th, 2020, with 3,575 hits and 532 kudos. Now this is far less surprising, the Marvel AU is one of my most popular stories, with an entire sideblog dedicated to developing it, and it is by far the story I am most asked about continuing. The story is told partly through in universe S.H.I.E.L.D. documents and internal communications, questions on @ask-agent-sanders, and traditionally posted stories. Phase One is the AO3 name for the traditional story portion of the universe, each chapter being an entry in the story. The plan was, eventually, to create a fic called Phase Two for stories taking place post-Avengers (2012) content, but I haven't updated the fic in nearly 2 years.
3: A Part of the FamILY, originally posted on May 9th, 2018, with 5,326 hits and 696 kudos. According to the author's notes, I originally wrote the fic in February of 2018 to celebrate 1,000 tumblr followers, so it makes sense that it would have a lot of kudos. It also leans HEAVILY on a lot of tropes that the TSS fandom was really into at the time, and even has song lyrics in it with links to said songs on spotify. I stand by the quality of the actual story and writing on display here, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that those aspects make me cringe just a bit today 😅
2: A Fiendly Reunion, originally posted on July 7th, 2019, with 7,621 hits and 766 kudos. This story is one of my proudest achievements, both in the TSS fandom and as a writer in general. At 30,000+ words over 10 chapters, it is the longest single fic I've ever posted, and the only multichapter fic over 4 chapters that I've ever completed, outside a Big Bang challenge I did in 2018. It took over a year to write, and was a huge passion project for me. I'm really, really happy that it's at the number two spot, and that my readers loved it as much as I did. I'd honestly be surprised that it wasn't at the number one spot, if it weren't for what IS at the number one spot...
1: Broken Wings, originally posted on September 9th, 2018 with 7,747 hits and 1,159 kudos. This fic is the most popular thing I've ever posted on AO3, and it's tumblr cross-post has over 1,000 notes, which is a lot for a fanfiction on this site. Why? It's short, at just under two thousand words, it's angsty and it's fluffy, it has protective-and-self-sacrificing Virgil, protective light sides, vague and abusive dark sides (this was 2018, ok, the fandom was a very different place then), it has wings, and to top it all off it was actually based on fanart, this amazing workby @asofterfan who came up with all the wing designs and potential dynamics that the winged sides would have, I just took their vision and translated it to words. I kind of love that my most popular work is actually something that's collaborative in nature, I think it says something about the way fandom comes together as a community <3.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do! I used to not as often because I felt awkward, and I'm not gonna lie, I still do sometimes, but these days I try to respond when possible, because I really, really appreciate comments! They're absolutely everything as a creative.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I'm not really into angsty endings, very rarely do I leave something unhappy on purpose. Sometimes I start out with something unhappy, only to later go and add more fic to give it a happier ending. I'm Left in the Dark originally was a short prompt fill, chapter 1, but then I went back and wrote chapters 2 and 3 to resolve the plot.
All that to say, I think the angstiest ending out there is actually the ending of an instant of great white gravity, which is the first installment in a series I hope to write more for that I'm calling Before and After, though I haven't made it a series on AO3 yet. By it's very nature of being a prequel to the events of Who Killed Markiplier, the whole thing has big 'doomed by the narrative' energy, and even though not every fic will necessarily have a melancholy tone, great white gravity does, because it's about Will being too late to ask Celine out and having to live with watching her marry Mark instead, and about Damien watching the friend group he used to be able to count on be irrecoverably changed by this tension. Goooood angst, right there!
7. Do you ever write crossovers?
I do! Or, I've written one, at least. The Marvel AU isn't a recasting like most of my other AUs based on existing stories, the Marvel characters also exist and are in the story.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don't believe so, no! I've been very fortunate in that regard, the little hate I have received over the years has all been in my askbox directly, never in the comments of a fic that I can recall.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope! Sex-repulsed asexual over here, but y'all have fun in your corner of the internet!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
To my knowledge/recollection, no, but I do know that someone reposted one of my fics on Wattpad once. They credited me as the author though, so I didn't ask them to take it down, but in general, I don't like it when people do that.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Until the Sun Rises, a walking dead style zombie AU, is a collab with @buzz-by-bee, aka @a-valourous-choice, author of the To Build a Home series! We haven't updated it in a long time (oops) but it has a sideblog over on @until-the-sun-rises that has some pretty sweet fanart as well as all the content if you're interested!
You Don't Own Me (You Don't Even Know Me) also started out as a collab with @5-falsehoods-phonated, aka RoseyWinter on AO3, but he has since left the project and left me to finish our plan on my own (which I keep saying that I'll do and then not doing, whoops).
Also, I swear I've written a fic with @theinvisiblespoon, but maybe I'm just thinking of the hours we used to spend rp-ing and all the times we've talked about writing a more structured story together and then just never doing it (have you spotted the theme yet?)
12. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh gosh, that's so hard. Even back when I only wrote for One fandom I was a multishipper, and now I'm shipping in other fandoms? Too many good choices, how dare you make me choose. If I have to limit it to 5 all time favorites though... Analogical, Moxiety, LAMP, Kanej, and the Leverage OT3.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Undertale! if you go waaay back on my AO3...or, you know, just click on the Undertale fandom link there, you can see the few works that I put out: a series of prompts for Cheer Up the Skeleton Week, an event focusing on depicting Sans as Happy for once, an OC self insert story that I quickly abandoned after a few chapters, and Your Fault, a piece about the multiverse breaking down that I'm still actually pretty proud of, all things considered.
14. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Oof, that may be the hardest yet. A Fiendly Reunion, because I actually finished it? A Sanders Carol, because it was my first ever Big Bang, and my first ever completed multi-chapter fic? The Secret History of the Invincible II, because it's new and exciting? They're Only Children because I have so many ideas for it? I honestly couldn't tell you. I love all of them, they're all very dear to me.
15. BONUS QUESTION: Do you have a WIP that haunts you?
Dude, all of them. If I've filtered things correctly on AO3, then of the 24 works in progress that I've started, only 9 are actually complete. That's 15 unfinished stories floating around in my mind, and I know it's actually at least 17, because there are two that show up as completed because I'm doing multiple single works in a series instead of chapters in a single work, so they look complete right now but I know that they're not, plus there's a few that never have been posted to begin with. SO many unfinished stories.
But the one that haunts me the most has to be Our Own Villain, because it is quite possibly my oldest wip, over 5 years old at this point, and it's still not finished but I want it to be so badly. Other wips I've kind of made peace with potentially not continuing, but I swear to god, OOV has to finish before I die, even if Sanders Sides as a show has changed so much since January of 2018 when I first had the idea that the whole premise is now fundamentally flawed, I just have to finish. It's my fanfiction white whale.
This was fun! If you've never read any of my work before (tho let's be real, if you made it this far you probably have), I do have a masterlist pinned right at the top of this blog that you can check out. Most of this post was sanders sides because it's what I've written the most of, but I'm actually focusing more on some in space with markiplier and six of crows stuff fic wise, as well as my own original writing. Thanks for reading, I'm not going to tag anyone specific since this challenge is so old. Any writer who sees this and wants to do it, go for it!
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elvendoodles · 9 months
How would an Elves RPG Prequel game be like?
Here's what I've got:
CHARACTER CLASSES (Based on DnD descriptions)
Quartzine - Barbarian with Fighter subclass Skyra - Fighter with Bard subclass "Fire Sister" - Rogue with Fighter subclass "Water Sister" - Ranger with Monk subclass Emily Sr. - Cleric with Bard subclass
Of course, the ultimate finale of the campaign would be creating the portal to Earth. But the inciting incident could start small with something like the birth of the guardians or an opposing nation of like, centaurs or something. Then we work up through increasing threats like the Shadow Creatures, maybe world hop to chill with the Fae and see what they're up to. A constant thread could be "yo where the humans at?" which gives the incentive to open a portal just to have a little peak.
The gameplay style would be similar to UNDERTALE and DELTARUNE because those are the only RPG-style games whose mechanics I'm familiar with. You have the player character and their party, you go do quests and level up your party members. Combat is turn-based as the target audience would likely be on the younger end.
Each mission is it's own section, as you complete each quest you can return to //someone's// residence to level up and do cutesy whatevers. I'd say you start with Emily Sr's home and then unlock the other sisters' palaces until Skyra's Castle, where the final mission takes place. This is instigated by the player as an "Are You Sure?" prompt.
Player Character - Emily Sr
Multiplayer could be an option maybe? Otherwise you can unlock the other sisters as playable characters for side quests after beating the main game.
DLC could be more miscellaneous missions with the other sisters as player characters.
Visual Style could be like the other LEGO console games, just with minidoll models. Although I wouldn't at all mind a pixel-style or regular human models either.
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breitweisergallery · 7 months
Ahem, ahem. You asked for fic questions?
15, 17, 18 (you pick), 23, 27 (you pick), 33, 35, 43, 44, 50 (talk about whatever you want babe)
Thank you darling~
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
restless constructions (don't leave me) - I mean. It's barely an AU in that it's just giving that good Yohan/Isaac content, but. It's absolutely my favorite.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
A long, long time ago I had started a regency-esque fae gahan AU.
18. If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it involve?
heaven's letters to ourselves - the aroace Yohan chapter. If I wrote a sequel, it would be a great deal of Yohan learning to communicate the boundaries he needs to set, while Gaon unknowingly tramples all over them because Yohan doesn't communicate.
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
A scifi setting.
27. How long did it take to write [insert fic]? Describe the process.
voices stolen and people borrowed - if I remember correctly, it didn't take very long at all. I had the snippets from other stories already from the last few times I'd written writer AUs or abandoned original projects of my own. I think I wrote the fic over the course of a week, give or take. The hardest part was deciding where to end.
33. If you write chaptered fics, what’s your ideal chapter length to write? Is it different from your ideal chapter length to read?
I've actually been working on making my chapters longer and planning them better. I'm actually pretty good with any chapter length, as long as the pacing is right.
35. What aspects of your writing are completely unlike your real life?
If any of my characters seem mentally stable, then that.
43. If you take/write prompts: what’s your favorite prompt fic that you’ve written?
I used to take prompts waaaay back in like 2017-2018 on an old blog. I'm always open to taking prompts!
44. If you take/write prompts: do you prefer dialogue or scenario/narrative prompts?
I'm down for either, but it comes really as more of a, like, what the person prompting wants to see. I'm the sort of person who will twist a dialogue prompt if I'm not given parameters.
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
I've noticed, since switching the emphasis of my fandom writing, how much my writing changes between fandoms. I miss how I used to write for Vincenzo fics. There was something so visceral about Haseok's perspective. Blunt but flowery. I miss it. I think I've gotten closer in recent times, with some things. Examples below:
“Jang Hanseok,” he says, and oh— his name from Vincenzo’s mouth, with that curl of his lips, sharp and cruel. Hanseok doesn’t know love, but he thinks he understands it, here, now. There’s derision, disdain, scorn, ice, in his name. He knows.
(from illuminations of mirrors from the deep)
Kingsley can’t escape the lingering spirits, the creaks of the wooden flooring of his mind, the way the neighbors look at him like they expect to see the ghosts themselves possessing him. Even as they promise they don’t seek the ghosts, even as time passes and he fills in the empty space where once stood people, fully-fledged lives with patchwork personality, the whispers of familiarity tug at the frayed edges of what once was.
(from WIP titled "the body is a haunted house")
It just feels distant. I miss how close Hanseok was.
Send Me Asks! | Questions for Fic Writers
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rosesisupposes · 5 years
"They'll try to lure you with pretty songs and sweet words. If you value your life, do NOT listen."
This took forever, I’m so sorry. This is my first attempt at actually writing a fae story! Particular thank you to @mariniacipher​ and @potestessemagishomosexualitatis​ for help with Sneky Boi
Little Songs
relationships: Royality; Roceit; possible pre-Royaliceit
word count: 3,038
read on ao3
Roman King always has a song in his mind. Always. He wakes humming, he sings arias in the shower, he serenades the kitchen and its occupants as he makes breakfast. If he isn’t singing, he’s listening to music, the beats and rhythms and words flowing through his veins, as vital and ever-present as his blood. Sometimes it’s Disney ballads, sometimes pop songs he can’t get out of his head, and frequently it’s show tunes from the latest production to open on Broadway. And sometimes it’s little songs that his boyfriend doesn’t quite recognize but loves all the same.
So it is not a surprise when Patton Amhrán hears Roman making his way to the kitchen and the tune he’s humming is one Pat has never heard before. He thinks almost nothing of it. He just hums in response as Roman loops his arms around his waist from behind and rests his chin on Patton’s shoulder.
“Good morning, honeybear,” he purrs, still barely awake.
“Good morning, sweetie,” Patton responds, continuing to fry eggs. “You’re up early for a weekend.”
“I woke up with an idea!” Roman replies, grinning. “Since my rehearsals don’t start until Monday, we have all of tomorrow free, and it’s supposed to be so nice out- let’s go on a hike!”
Sliding eggs onto a plate, Patton grins. “Ooh, we could be outdoorsy! That sounds wonderful. Where would you like to go?”
“Rowanberry Woods is just outside town, how about there?”
Patton freezes, turning slightly to see Roman’s expression. The actor’s face is open and happy, completely unperturbed. “Cupcake, why there?”
Roman shrugs. “I’ve just heard so much about it. Everyone around town talks about it so much.”
“Well, that’s true, but that’s because we’re mostly locals. So we all know about it, quite well.”
Roman starts humming again, catching Patton’s hand and pulling him into slow waltz around around the kitchen table, ignoring the freshly-prepared breakfast. “My ginger-peachy love, what is there to know?”
Patton can’t help smiling, so besotted is he with this wonderful man he has the fortune to be in love with. In the morning light that slides into their window from pearly-grey clouds, there’s already a firecracker energy in Roman’s dark eyes. But there are other concerns at the moment.
“It’s a sensitive forest, a chroí.”
Patton shrugs. “The trees are… touchy. And the clearings aren’t much better.”
Roman grins. “Oh my god, Pat, are you talking about fairies? Lo said this would happen!”
Patton grimaces. “I know, I know, the fae aren’t real, Logan has explained their impossibility many times. And yet, everytime someone treats the woods in a less-than-respectful way, it goes badly for them.”
Roman keeps dancing Patton around, shifting from waltz to a calmer sway so that he can kiss his boyfriend’s cheek. “Then we won’t offend the trees, sweetie-pie. I just want to see it! And there’s supposed to a view of the whole valley from the hill.”
Patton feels his knees go just a little quivery at the kiss, just like they always do. Roman’s just so pretty and wonderful and Patton is absolutely infatuated. And now Roman is staring at him with those big brown eyes and how can Patton do anything other than agree?
He makes the mistake of mentioning their plans to Virgil, who’s just as native as Pat. Yes, the other man is more frequently subjected to his boyfriend’s skepticism now that they’ve moved in together, but Virgil waits until Logan is in the washroom to give Roman a warning.
“I know you Americans think you’re too progressive to be affected, but listen to me. The fae folk are very much real, and very clever. They’ll try to lure you with pretty songs and sweet words. If you value your life, do NOT listen.”
Roman rolls his eyes and scoffs, but he’s still humming, tapping a beat on Patton’s waist as they lean against the counter in Virgil and Logan’s kitchen for family dinner night. “How could anything distract me, Tall, Dark, and Spooky?” he asks, a bravado-filled grin flashing out against his dark skin. “I’m in love with the prettiest song the world could have given me.”
“The prettiest song?” Virgil asks.
“I’ve been learning just enough Irish to know what Patton’s last name means,” Roman says, more than a little proud. He caresses Pat’s face, grinning with his own achievement and adoration in equal measures. Patton blushes, leaning into his partner to kiss his cheek, too distracted by that beautiful smile to wonder why the steady tap-tap-tapping of Roman’s long fingers hasn’t stopped for hours.
The next morning is bright, comfortably warm and relatively dry, but fluffy grey clouds cover the sky. Roman is practically skipping as he and Patton climb the hill through the lush woods. They stick dutifully to the path, but Roman has far too much energy to walk slowly. He walks ahead to take pictures of flowers and leaves, then comes back to carry the picnic hamper and let Pat walk unburdened, gets distracted by birds flying overhead, and gets even more distracted by pulling his boyfriend close to kiss him softly and sweetly.
Somehow they manage to get to the top of the hill, setting up the picnic they brought. Patton relaxes, enjoying the nice weather and the view - it really is lovely. He can see his hometown and the neighboring towns, too, and the white dots of sheep up and down the hills. It’s a warm green bowl, brimming with familiarity and life.
Roman takes a couple of selfies with the view, then plops down next to Pat to capture them both, kissing his boyfriend’s cheek as the phone clicks. Patton smiles, and pulls Roman closer to connect their lips, and then again, and again, and Roman’s phone is set aside as both men are thoroughly distracted by each other.
Parting, Roman is panting just the slightest bit, and Patton is no better off. They smile at each other, glowing, and Patton caresses Roman’s cheek.
“If you stand on that rock there, you’ll get the best view.”
“But the best view is right here,” Roman responds, turning his head to kiss Patton’s hand. A blush spreads across his boyfriend’s pale cheeks, and he smirks. “I’ll go check it out though. Maybe it manages to be half as breathtaking as you.”
“Stay on the path, okay?”
“Yes, dear,” Roman drawls, already walking away.
Patton reclines on the picnic blanket. It really is so lovely here- why doesn’t he do this more? Is it just the trap of living so close all the time that he can never make a special occasion out of local attractions? One of the many wonderful perks of dating Roman has been having a newcomer to show around, so that every occasion becomes special. He hopes the view is all Roman was hoping for. Glancing down, he grimaces. Roman’s phone is still on the blanket.
“Sugarpie, did you want your phone for pictures?” he calls.
There’s no response. He looks up to see his love just short of the wide, flat-topped rock he’d pointed out. Roman doesn’t seem to be able to hear him- or to move. Patton looks down and blanches. Both Roman’s feet are solidly planted within a circle of tiny white mushrooms.
“Wonderful view, is it not?”
Roman turns to see a man smiling fondly at the valley below.
“It is. Sorry, didn’t mean to intrude- I didn’t realize anyone else was up here.”
“What intrusion? I’m always here,” the man says, turning to smile directly at Roman. Roman gulps, hoping it’s not audible. He’s no longer sure they’re a man- he’s never seen any man or otherwise who was this beautiful. Smooth, porcelain-white skin is interrupted by a gorgeous mottling of golden spots that loop around their face. Hair so bright it appears to burn even in the clouded sunlight flys up in bright reds and oranges above a smooth-skinned face. But their eyes are what catches Roman’s gaze. They are green, so green the color is redefined by their existence. All the richness of summer leaves, the soft glow of moss, the bright energy of springtime buds- all these hues must have been inspired by the sparkling emeralds that stare back at him.
“Are you staring?” they ask, a smile spreading across their lips.
“Forgive me,” Roman says with a courtly little bow, playing up his theatrical nature. “It’s not often I encounter such beautiful creatures as yourself.”
“Charming, aren’t you,” they laugh. Roman chuckles as well, and turns as they do to face the view again.
After a moment, a tune starts to dance along the breeze. It’s lovely and soft and old, and the harmonies wind together in gentle concert. Roman is humming along before he consciously notes the presence of the song. Still humming, he turns, and realizes that this lovely being is the one singing, harmonizing with themself. The minute the question appears in his mind of how that is possible, it is overshadowed by the realization that this is the song he’s had stuck in his head for days now, the one he hasn’t been able to place, the one he has no memory of learning until the day he couldn’t stop singing it.
Now, he starts singing the higher melody, and the other stops singing both parts to harmonize directly with him, stepping slightly closer as their words and sounds wind together. Those green eyes are staring at him, and he will do anything to keep their attention, to keep studying the sparkles and shades. But his mind feels more and more clear, and the strange, itching restlessness of the past week melts away. Together, the song rises and falls until they slow to a finish on a last sweet note.
“Thank you for joining me, dear one,” the other says with a smile. “May I be graced with your name?”
Roman blinks, and says, “My friend keeps calling me Princey. You can too, if you want.”
Lips as pink and soft as sweet pea blossoms stretch into a grin. “Your friend is very wise to recognize such royalty. You may call me Dee, if you’d like. Are you from here, beautiful Prince?”
“No, I’m from across the pond,” Roman says. Dee is still staring, almost unblinking, and with the endearments, it is making Roman flush. He blesses his dark skin for hiding his blushes as the other tilts his head in curiosity.
“America? How dashing,” Dee murmurs. “And yet you smell like Eire, and you’ve learned our amhrán.”
Roman suddenly starts, reminded of his boyfriend. He turns, only to see Dee is standing very, very close to him. “Wait, where am I? Am I still on the hilltop?”
“Where else would you be, álainn?”
Patton panics for a solid minute as he tries to get his boyfriend’s attention, but the faerie circle has him caught entirely. Patton’s breath comes faster and faster and his heart is beating out of his chest - is Roman okay? Is he hurt? Is he stuck forever?
“Calm, Patton,” he tells himself. “Breathe. In and out. I can do more once I can breathe. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight. Just like I tell Virgil.”
He breaths, slowly, bringing his galloping heart back in line. Wait, that’s it! Virgil!
He grabs his backpack, rifling through for the emergency pack Virgil tossed in years ago. Wedged into a corner at the bottom, he finds it: iron, rowanberries, and a smooth stone with a hole worn through it. Patton braces himself, slipping the rest of the packet in his pocket, and looks through the hole of the stone. There’s Roman, appearing as normal… and there’s someone else, tall and bright. But Patton still can’t hear them.
Throwing caution to the winds, Patton strides over to grab Roman’s hand, and sound comes roaring back.
“Oh, Princey, you brought a friend?” Deceit purrs, turning to face the newcomer to the circle. “How did you know I love meeting locals from down in the valley?”
“Dearest, you know who that is, right?” Pat whispers frantically, squeezing Roman’s hand tight.
“They call themself Dee,” Roman whispers back. His tone is reverent as he watches Dee stroke a golden hand through their hair. “Aren’t they beautiful?”
“This is why Rowanberry Wood is so dangerous, sugarplum!”
“This forest’s name isn’t properly Rowanberry, did you know? Rude, isn’t it? Calling our home by the name of a plant that keeps us away from you?
“What is its true name?” Roman asks
“Would you believe me if I said Eden?”
“As much as I believe your name is truly Dee,” Patton interjects.
“Clever boy,” the fae says, trailing a smooth finger along Patton’s jawline. Despite his fear, Patton feels a shivery tingling sensation run down his spine. It must be a glamour, but this creature is undeniably beautiful. “Just for that, you may call me Deceit, instead.”
“Is that a title, or a warning?”
“Prince, why is your paramour so rude?” Deceit pouts at Roman. “And he hasn’t even introduced himself, what manners are these?”
“You may call me Morality,” Patton interjects. “You know. The thing that reminds you of right and wrong. And tells you that the right thing to do is leave this circle,” he says fiercely, tugging his boyfriend’s hand.
“Morality,” Deceit says thoughtfully, rolling the name on his tongue. “You’re local, dearheart, aren’t you?”
“Yes, I’m from around here,” Patton responds stiffly. “And I know enough about this forest and you to not fall for your tricks or misdirections.”
“You think that of me? I’m hurt,” the fae responds, splaying a perfect white-and-gold hand across their chest. “Why would I wish to trick you, when I only want your company?”
“Honeyblossom, can’t we stay a bit longer?” Roman asks, still staring at the fae’s bright eyes and hair.
“Dearest, it’s all an illusion,” Patton says softly. “They’ve got a glamour on, to seem more human. They’re not like us.”
“I only wished to avoid alarming you, but I can remove it if you want,” Deceit says with a shrug. They gesture, and the air around them quivers like hot sand in the sun, rippling and resolving back into full detail.
And what detail it is. Their skin remains porcelain-smooth and white, but the gold disruption shows itself to be shining, golden scales, patterned down their face and trailing down their chest. It’s topped not by bright orange hair, as it appeared, but sheets of fire, rippling waves growing from their skull and flickering up into the sky. Their soft fingers are tipped in golden claws.
With the vanishing of the glamour, the illusion of regular clothes have also disappeared. Roman and Patton can now both see, very clearly, that the golden scales trailing all the way down the fae’s body, following their curves, and leading their eyes straight to the only covering the fae has: a strange, leaflike gauze that covers only the area where torso meets legs. Patton may be the only of the two who is obviously blushing, but Roman’s wide eyes speak volumes in themselves.
“I hope I haven’t scared you, my lovelies?” Deceit asks. The shape of their face has morphed, become higher-browed, but that’s not enough to conceal their smirk.
Patton recovers first. “No, you haven’t. And we’re still going to be leaving now, right love?”
A sharp elbow in his side shakes Roman free of his stunned state. “Um. Yes, dear. We’ll do that. We will… stop looking at them.”
Deceit laughs, and it sounds like sparrows tweeting and the harsh bray of crows. “Dear Morality, you know I can taste lies in the air. Your Prince has no desire to depart.”
“R- Prince. Please, just come with me, okay?” Patton murmurs into Roman’s ear. “We need to go.”
“What’s the risk, love?” Roman asks. “It’s an adventure, a new discovery! I can’t wait to tell the nerd.”
“Please,” Patton begs. “I’m… uncomfortable, sweetheart. My feet are outside the circle, let me pull you out, okay?”
Roman hesitates.
His eyes linger on Deceit. They’re clearly inhuman now, but still beautiful. And their eyes are deep and dark, like staring into the tree canopy at the peak of summer. They sparkle like a pirate’s hoard and Roman wants nothing more than to learn the secrets he’s sure the fae could teach him.
But with a force of will he turns his head back to Patton. Dearest, beloved Patton. Who is even more pale than normal, his freckles standing out like paint on his cheeks. Whose hands are warm where they’re holding his. “Okay,” he whispers. But he makes eye contact with the fae once more as he’s tugged back to the hilltop.
Patton keeps tugging him until they’re back at their picnic blanket, and then down the hill once more, sticking to the trail. Patton presses a piece of iron into Roman’s fist, and holds tight to his own in the hand that’s not clasped fast with Roman’s. Patton gets them out of the wood as fast as he possibly can, heart still pounding over their near escape.
At the top of the hill, from within the circle, the fae known as Deceit watches them go. They’re disappointed - they’d hoped to be able to talk to them further. The prince tastes of far-off lands, baked warm by a more-present sun. And Morality, a local, with all of that wise caution the humans used to grind into their children. The fae court could never hope to compare to the delightful intrigue of humanity.
But they have a consolation for how quickly these young men left them. They lift their hands, grinning, at the tiny twist of hair wrapped around their finger. Morality didn’t show up quite fast enough to prevent Prince from freely giving them a piece of that gorgeous, dark, rough hair. They’d not charmed him or bewitched him in any way. The minute the young man had started to sing along, they’d dropped even the beacon spell they’d sent out into the world, the one that had apparently caught the Prince in the first place.
They absolutely must see their Prince again, and his Morality too. That much is certain.
General Tag List:
@residentanchor @royally-anxious @bewarethegrammarpolice  @jemthebookworm @arandompasserby  @sparkly-rainbow-salt @astral-eclipse​ @thelowlysatsuma @adorably-angsty @max-is-tired @almostoveranalyzed @hawthornshadow
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juminly · 2 years
FAE <3 <3 HEY <3 <3 for kiss prompt requests i'd like just one pairing from the following~ 1. beidou/ningguang
2. mitsuri/obanai
3. kaeya/reader
you can choose between prompts 9, 33, 19, and 50! thank you so much <3 <3
A/N: this might be super OOC so I apologize in advance but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.You really wanted some Beigguang so here you go <3 Prompt: A kiss, followed by more that trail down the jaw and neck. Beidou x Ningguang (aka Beigguang) - Genshin Impact "Captain." Beidou could recognize her voice anywhere. The cold monotone that caused trepidation in the hearts of many except for hers. As much as she had punished her, time and time again, relentlessly so even, her voice never failed to accentuate the tightness that would only she could rouse. Despite Ningguang calling her name, Beidou stood still, letting the brisk cool air hit her skin, her eye closing as she wished she would be rather be at sea than so close to the clouds in the dusk skies.
"Beidou." There it was, the hint of softness that the Tianquan only employed with her. "It's getting cold. Will you not accompany me back inside?" Ninnguang asked, her voice feeling much closer to the Captain, the gentle touch of her hands laying upon her bare shoulder while they both stood outside the Jade Chamber, where the dulled rays of the disappearing sun shined upon them. "I'd rather be at sea than here. You know I'm all about parties but those snobs in there? My crew are much better company than those money-grubbers." Beidou clicked her tongue dismissevely, her contempt apparent in her words.  Suddenly, lean arms swiftly wrapped themselves around Beidou's waist, hugging in her strong back against the white-haired beauty's soft form. "Do you not wish to share some of your time with me? I've sent you this invitation because it has been long since we've last been together." "You mean, the last time since you've had me pay heaps of mora for more fines?" Beidou refused to turn around and look at Ningguang, knowing that all of her convinctions were stripped away from her the moment she would look into those enchanting crimson eyes. "Rules are rules. We are meant to abide by them for more reasons than I could count. I know you care nothing for them. But it is still the truth." Ningguang pressed her forehead against the back of Beidou's head, pressing a soft kiss to her nape, stepping around the captain without relinquishing her hold on her waist, till she was standing right before. "Without them, there would be nothing but chaos." Breathing in and removing her gaze from the distant horizon, Beidou's eye finally met the strong red gaze of the much too serious woman that embraced her with such uncharacteristic warmth. Sighing lightly, Beidou lifted her hand, carressing the Tianquan's pale cheek, brushing back the soft white silk away from that regally beautiful face of hers. "Can't you just say that you've missed me?" Beidou chuckled, leaning to press her forehead against the other woman's. "Cause I know that I've missed you and I admit, all those punishments are not going to deter me from doing whatever the hells I want." With one hand, she cupped her cheek while her other hand moved to brush against the long strands of white, the cold winds blowing through the soft locks, flowing around Ningguang, creating a dreamlike spectacle of her beauty. It was always like that with her. It never failed to take Beidou's breath away. "If anything, it allows me to see you more. Without any of the sneaking around." The Tinaquan's lips twisted up into a gentle smile, Beidou feeling more of that peculiar twisted tightness in her chest, becoming worse with every second she kept her eye on the other woman. Rising only lightly on her feet, Ningguang pressed her lips to Beidou's cheek, tracing the smile on her face across the cold skin beneath it, her hand going up to envelop the one placed at her cheek, breathing warm kisses across her strong jaw.
All she did for a living was pull on the right strings to get exactly what she wanted and somehow, this precious woman that she could only describe as a living and walking treasure, managed to pull on all the heartstrings that Beidou didn't know she even had. Foes and allies alike bowed to her in fear yet her knees weakened, more and more, with each time the two shared an intimate moment... or two. "They will find us." Whoever 'they' were, Beidou felt her reason slowly slipping away from her with each soft brush of Ningguang's lips, feeling her warm breath fanning against the column of her neck, sweet pecks laid upon the treacherous trail she treaded upon. "Yes, they will." The hint of amusement in the white haired woman's tone was not lost on Beidou, but her playfulness was unexpected, given where they stood, at risk of getting caught. "They will see us." Yes, Beidou was stating the obvious but it was a fact that chased them every time they found themselves entangled.  "And so, they shall." Without sparing a thought to the matter, the Tinaquan’s nonchalance and unsual carelessness stemmed from the common ground the two woman came from. She missed her too. And she was using her actions to say so.  "And you clearly don’t care?" Beidou tried to hide her surprise, she really did but it clearly slipped through her words, the situation only strengthening her need for the other woman.  "I’m much too preoccupied with the thoughts of you that have lingered much too long in my head that I-" And there she goes, adding tuburlent waves to the violent storm raging inside her. Beidou was at her breaking point, her grip on Ningguang becoming firmer. The Captain of the Crux even more resolute on claiming the Tinaquan as the lover that she was to her.  "Let me stop you right there, beautiful." Beidou stilled her hand on Ningguang’s cheek, pulling her chin up, taking in the beauty of her sensual rubies.  "What is it?” The gold-clad beauty inquired breathily, her lips caught temptingly (and intentionally) between her teeth, her lidded eyes bold in their come-hither look. “Why would you have to keep them in and hold yourself back?” Beidou closed the distance between their lips, silencing Ningguang’s mind with a kiss that was but a foretaste of what brewed within Beidou. “Darling.” Her hand squeezed the flesh at Ningguang’s waist, their breaths mingling as they both finally took each other in. “Never do that.” She chided as harshly as she could, her emotions betraying her as she pressed another desperate kiss to her lover’s lips, her rubies fluttering shut at the sensation of Beidou finally surrounding her senses. “Not on my fucking account." Beidou's strong hands pulled Ningguang into a deep kiss, the soft curves of her body flushed against her lover’s strong and warm body, her tongue forcefully pushing through her welcoming lips, tasting the Tinaquan with fiery passion that matched her strong spirit.
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poinsettia89 · 2 years
Intro Post/RP Info
Hey there! Call me JH. 24, they/them, bi and vaguely ace. This is a bit overdue; the account has been around for a while. ^^ I'm an artist, writer, and editor, and I’ve done RP for years. I do labor/birth focused RPs, but depending on my partner/concept, I’m willing to have a good amount of buildup as well. I only play carrier, and I do 3rd person past tense. Open to m/f, f/f, nb/f, nb/m, or nb/nb. Sorry, not super into writing for mpreg, personally! I'm a switch and can play dom or sub. I RP primarily on discord, so if we chat, we can keep talking on there. :) I'm only interested in LITERATE RP, with proper grammar and a lot of detail. I would prefer to have at least some worldbuilding chat prior to establish character and story! I’m usually open to most genres, and particularly love fantasy, western, some sci, and some realism, etc. I have several prompts up my sleeve if you don't have any, or we can write one together, or combine a few ideas. I love working collaboratively and creating fun concepts that both people will enjoy. In general, just be respectful and communicate! I try to be as friendly and open as possible, and I just love talking to people. :) However, I do have chronic illness that sometimes takes me off the internet for long periods of time. If we get into a regular RP or chat, I'll try my best to let you know and keep you updated if something happens!
romance/fluff/wholesome situations (I love when the partner is romantically involved with the carrier, or if they're falling for each other! Better tension ^^ I also love anything soft and sweet.)
dangerous situations and angst (That being said, also totally into the birth being in a scary situation, or if the characters are living in a dangerous world with threats to them. Makes it fun and raises the stakes! If the carrier has been through trauma, I love when their partner is soft to them about it.)
OCs (Will rarely ever do fandom! I will write/am okay with a partner writing humans, vampires, mermaids, fae/fairies, centaurs, elves, werewolves, tieflings, angels, aliens, etc. Most of the time, it's a yes, long as it's humanoid! Open to some very specific furries (I have a moth OC, but it's still live birth, no egg laying. I'd be potentially open to some kind of feline or canid, and I have a zygerrian mandalorian star wars OC.)
A/B/O (I mean, the dynamics are just FUN. Especially when it's queer.)
In terms of anything non-preg kind of stuff: BDSM/aftercare, eating out, teasing, possessiveness (like, a sexy healthy amount), enemies to lovers, rough sex, some masochism, clothed sex, monsterfucking <3, semi-public/risky sex and needing to be sneaky, consensual breeding KINKS:
pregnancy (late term and overdue)/sometimes breeding
pregnancy struggles (trouble traveling, lightheadedness, overheating, fainting, exhaustion, back pain, swelling, etc.)
morning sickness/nausea/vomiting/hyperemesis gravidarum— stomach issues in general!
pregnancy sex/belly worship
rapid/magical permapreg and frequent birthing
lactation and belly movement
long, difficult births
occasionally adding pleasure from the partner to ease labor and giving some orgasmic/erotic elements to the birth (can start out painful and then get easier, or both partners can enjoy the activities c; Preferably with difficulty and pain, but to the point where it still feels amazing for the birther. Can be unexpected or planned.)
being overwhelmed, stressed, panicked, desperate, helpless, stranded, forced to be quiet… anything of the sort!
complications like unexpected multiples (up to 3), clothing birth (panties, pants, dresses, stockings, literally anything, it’s a fav. I love the slow removal of clothing when a birth gets more intense.), inconvenient locations (stuck, stranded, traveling, etc. Particular favs are cars, elevators, toilets and restrooms, important events, anything in public.), difficult sizes and birth positions, size differences between partners
birth denial (both denying that the carrier is in labor or having something to prevent the birth)
heavy water breaking, constant fluid, gushy, messy births (Especially when it’s super obvious, and continues occurring during pushing.)
vocal births (particularly moaning and panting but anything. Grunting, whimpering, whining, screaming, pleading and begging.)
caretaking, pampering, worship/praise (from either/both)
supportive, protective/at times slightly possessive partners
incest (including step-family. I'm pretty close to my family, so the idea just squicks me out personally.)
anything underage/ageplay (this is probably my biggest hard pass. Ageplay is really really not my thing.)
vore (Just not for me!)
hyperpreg (unless it's something like anthros, or some other magical thing, I stick to 3 at max! Particularly a fan of twins and surprise multiples.)
unbirth (just not really my thing!)
protag death (I looove dark themes, but I'm not usually a fan of this. I'm kinda a sucker for a happy ending.)
rape/abuse/nonconsent played as romance (Can be discussed as something that occurred, but not at all romanticized. If it's like someone was in a relationship in the past they believed to be love, or if they're getting out of one of those relationships, it's all good. I just don't want it portrayed as something good.)
racism/misogyny/homophobia/transphobia (kinda the same deal! If we talk about it as something that happened to a character before, that's okay, but I don't want it in a kink way/romanticized.)
A few main OCs are:
A western-based OC who works as a skilled mercenary of sorts, but also does small jobs. Previously was a lounge singer and had a very, very unfortunate relationship with a wealthy guy.
A pirate captain who used to be a siren, cursed by a former captor to turn into a human and remain pregnant. Has a crew of other fantastic creatures and people who are profusely loyal and are considered family.
An elf/fae type creature who was also cursed to give birth to various monsters, originally for a corrupt army- she takes care of them instead and loves them.
Any of these OCs can be shifted in genre or put into other universes, and I also frequently create new OCs for RPs.
I'm open to responding to messages regarding RP or just in general, but be respectful, please! Thank you!
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twillightteaparty · 3 years
Can I have for fandom twisted wonderland the prompts sounds all interesting I choose Marigold / Tagetes with Floyd, Spider flower with Lilia and Gloxinia with Jade
Bring Me Back into Time
“I’m afraid I've met too many men like you,” They said simply to the fae man that stood at the end of their table. Taking a sip of their beverage, giving him a lookup and down out of the corner of their eye as they realized rather quickly the man wasn’t going to walk away so easily.
“Oh no, you might not believe me, but I’m not like that,” he said as he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. “May I take a seat?” The fae man inquired gesturing to the seat across from the other.
“Go ahead, just don’t overdo it,” the other said mildly interested where this was going. It wasn’t every day you get to flirt with one of the soldiers of her majesty's royal army. Or at least one that was this composed and equipped with the same amount of manners. “Well, who might you be?” they asked watching him take a seat.
“Vanrouge, Lilia Vanrouge. But you’re more than welcome to call me Lily if you’d like” the man now known as Lilia introduced himself. “I hope this doesn't sound too outlandish, but I'm not like any man you’ll ever meet.” he let out a chuckle almost as if those words didn’t really convince himself either.
“Is that so? Because I’m sure I’ve heard that one before” they said leaning back in their chair. “What else you got?” the inquired not quite convinced that Lilia was any different than any other man.
“Well maybe, you’ll have to trust me here, but I could make you feel alive. Make your own name sound like a melody, but most of all? Unlike any other man, I’ll be back from the war, to marry you. That’s a promise I know I, and I alone can keep.” Lilia said all while leaning on the table, hands resting one on top of another.
“Alive? That’s worth a lot. . . especially coming from a man who may never see home again.” they said almost quizzically. “ You know, you shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep,” they said skeptically of the Fae man’s promises.
“Then, I’ll just have to prove it to you. Come springtime, when the flowers bloom, I’ll return to you. In one piece even. I’ll sing you a song that’ll bring the world back into tune, make things whole again. If not, then you can call me a liar and a player too. How does that sound?” Lilia said all while a grin danced onto his face, he didn’t lack the confidence that was for sure.
“If that’s true, you’ll have to come home with me. . . and I don’t like waiting around, so you better keep your promise or maybe, just maybe, you’ll miss your chance,” they said, setting their now empty cup down on the table before crossing their arms.
“Well, then, why don’t we just elope? Then I’ll be forced to come back to you, and sweep you off your feet time and time again”
“You sure are bold, Lily”
I Wish I'd Met Before, They convinced you life is war
The final bell of class was ringing in my ears and I found myself not wanting to leave my desk, not wanting to leave class. I was practically dragging myself out of the classroom. Normally I would have been excited, racing to be the first one out. But today was different, he was different.
As I walked down the elaborately decorated and designed hallways of this stupid magic academy hoping I could just blend into background. That way I didn't have to deal with the inevitable. If only for a little while. Despite all my wishful thinking, I knew better. He'd find me, after all he was looking for me. There is yet to be a person that escapes him.
"Jelly-kun~" as if right on time, he was cooing his preferred nickname to call me. How truly unfortunate I am. I didn't even need to look up to Floyd to see the giant grin plastered on his face.
"hello, Floyd." I kept my greeting brief and short because I knew that ignoring him would be an offense with worse consequences. Consequences I'd rather avoid. At all costs.
"Where do you think you're going?" Floyd's tone was serious, rather jarring to his usual overly cheery tone of choice. He wrapped his arms over my shoulders while resting his head on mine. Making me stop in my tracks, keeping me trapped between his arms and chest.
"There's a surprise I want to show you" while it wasn't entirely the truth, it wasn't an entire lie either. But it was completely effective in getting Floyd to let go of me.
"oh~? Jelly-kun has a surprise for me?" Floyd couldn't help but to let out a sinister giggle. "Is it a special occasion? It better be a good surprise, or you my precious little jelly-kun knows what'll happen."
He was completely and utterly right. I did know what was probably going to happen, and it terrified me completely. But it had to be done or I was gonna be living in a shadow I couldn't escape.
" well, um, about that- you see… "
I'm sorry I didn't get to write the third one, but I hope those two are most satisfactory.
Admin Tea
300 follower special
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foxybananaaaz · 3 years
Elucien Week, Day Two,
June 8th :: Song Association
@elucienweek @ladyvanserra @vanserrasvalkyrie
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Song: Good to You, by Marianas Trench, ft Jessica Lee
Everyone's around // No words are coming now // And I can't find my breath. // Can we just say the rest with no sound?
I got to be honest, I have been struggling with today's prompt, until I came across this song in the car with some friends. I thought immediately of Elain and Lucien. And even better, in the music video, there is a guy trying to pull Jessica Lee away from Josh Ramsay. Which, after reading Azriels bonus chapter makes even more sense.
And I know this isn't enough, // I still don't measure up // And I'm not prepared; // Sorry is never there when you need it
Lucien is aware that a mating bond isn't enough for Elain, and that he doesn't measure up to her human life, and the love she had for Greyson. He isn't even aware that he is ultimately the reason Greyson called off the engagement to Elain, but Lucien is aware that right now, he isn't what Elain wants.
And I do want you to know // I'll hold you up above everyone // And I do want you to know // I think you'd be good to me // And I'd be so good to you
And we arrive at the course. And we KNOW Lucien would be good to Elain. He's aware that if they both fully accept the bond they could be good to each other.
I thought I saw a sign // Somewhere between the lines // But maybe it's me // Maybe I only see what I want
Here we get to Jessica Lee's part of the song, and thus, Elains part of the song. This sign would probably be seen when Elain goes to take a step forward as Luciens about to be winnowed away by Rhys to the Continent in Wings and Ruin. Or perhaps a vision. But she saw something in Lucien. She saw something that caused her to warm up to him in Wings and Ruin, only to freeze again come Frost and Starlight.
And I still have your letter // Just got caught between // Someone I just invented // Who I really am and who // I've become
The letter is the jacket. Elain still has Luciens jacket from the night she was made Fae. But right now we know she is struggling with the fact that she is no longer human. There are theories that she is trying to become human again, hense the "Who I really am and who I've become." Elain, I believe needs to accept she is truly fae before she can accept Lucien and the mating bond.
And now I do want you to know I'll hold you up above everyone // And I do want you to know // I think you'd be good to me // And I'd be so good to you
Both Josh and Jessica sing the final course, and they have come together. They have accepted that they would be good for each other. They have accepted that the Cauldron did not make a mistake. They have accepted each other.
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This is my entry for day two. And I'm standing by this choice. Hope you accept it. Listen to the song, it's a good song!!
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afoolandathief · 3 years
Writing bucket list
Tagged by @drippingmoon for this one!
Rules: list WIPs you would like to finish in your lifetime; optionally, reasons that are holding you off them and how far you want to get them (published vs posted, etc.)
I'm going to leave Something Wicked off this since I am actively working on it (trying, at least), as well as Those Horrid, Horrid Things, which I took a break from but am working on again.
Yonder/Untitled giants WIP: So about six months ago my brain spat out a concept involving giants, witches and floating cities, and then I just sort of kept expanding on it.
The concept: A giant thinks he's stumbled into a fairy tale when he finds a princess locked in a tower. But Thera, a witch seeking revenge, is no princess. And a journey to the giants' city in the sky reveals it's no utopia.
Why I'm holding off: I told myself I would outline this story first before writing the first draft, but then I went and wrote the first chapter anyway (part 1 and part 2). Because Logi Leifsen is baby.
How far I want to get: I'd like to eventually finish the first draft, at least. I'm not sure about publishing, just given that I'm not certain how many would be interested in this concept.
Lilly and the Demons/Sinblings: Back in like February I took a writing prompt about a demon stealing adopting a baby and wrote a short story. But the story's cliffhanger and just how endeared I became to the characters left me wanting to write a sequel.
The concept: Lilly has never had the most traditional family. But they've had a good life being raised by seven demonic siblings embodying the cardinal sins. But they take off after an angel reveals some truths about Lilly's past and future, and the sinblings have to travel to Hell and back to find their kid.
Why I'm holding off: I mean, just lack of time to do it, I guess. Also, sequels are never as good as the original, right?
How far I want to get: I'd just like to publish this as a short story on Tumblr, let anyone who liked the original story see what happened to Lilly and the sinblings.
Untitled Fae WIP: When I was in high school, I wrote several short passages about different Fae creatures ( a púca, a dragon, and a sprite) with the idea of introducing these characters in a story I never wrote.
The concept: An aimless 17-year-old in Upstate New York decides to trade places with a Fae prince, only to discover this now means they are on a quest with some other magical folk to slay a dragon in northern New Jersey.
Why I'm holding off: Pfft, I don't know, man. I stopped writing anything for a while after high school. Now it just comes down to deciding to start it when I have so much other stuff going on.
How far I want to get: I guess I'd put it on the same status as Something Wicked (like, if I ever wrote it, I'd like to see it published, but I don't want to jinx myself).
The Witch of Ironwood: Technically something I was actively working on until recently. It was intended to be backstory for "Those Horrid, Horrid Things," but the tone was far too different to be included. I posted the first ~500 words here, if interested.
The concept: Basically, how Angrboda met the Norse trickster god Loki before they were a god. It's self-indulgent, strange and squicky and meant only for my eyes.
Why I'm holding off: I generally work on this when I don't feel inspired to work on anything else. It's enjoyable to write and there are no consequences to what I write in it, so it helps get me re-inspired to work on other projects.
How far I want to get: I'd like to eventually finish what will likely be the length of a short novella, look it over and edit it slightly, and then keep it in my Google drive to look at whenever I want. No one else gets to read it.
A couple other concepts I'm going to quickly list:
The Friendly Visitors: More vampires are gangsters concept. Everyone has an animal code name and exhibits related traits and they are trafficking blood and booze in the 1920s. Need to retool some elements and actually build more of a plot, but I did write a first chapter, as I do.
Untitled Greek myth WIP/The Nine: A team of monsters from Greek mythology are tasked with kidnapping the nine muses but discover they are very young deities who are very annoying. An early concept exists with just Medusa and Charybdis but if I ever return to it I want to add more monsters and Icarus.
Untitled zombie-seeking-revenge-on-her-murderer story: If I ever decide to expand on this short story.
Open tag on this one, but also, if you'd like, tagging @artbyeloquent, @faelanvance, and @author-a-holmes.
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shadowfae · 3 years
DW #1: Awakening
Crossposted from Dreamwidth.
What was the event that triggered your awakening? What made you start to question being fictionkind or fictionhearted, and how did it feel when you figured it out? When did you understand that you had a system, and how did they react to their source(s)? When did you find your hearthome, and how did you know you belonged there? When did you first experience a fictionflicker? How did you come across your fictionlink, and in what ways did you integrate them with your personality? Have you ever created a thoughtform in the likeness of a fictional character? How did this process impact your life over the following weeks/months/year?
What was the event that triggered your awakening? What made you start to question being fictionkind or fictionhearted, and how did it feel when you figured it out?
The event that triggered my awakening is really hard to say. When did I first know I wasn't human? Hard to say, because I stared it in the fact for years and never actually put two and two together. But I know exactly when I confronted it, which was when my first girlfriend, Erica, explained what otherkin was to me. Previously, all I'd known was the cringey wishkin on 2013 tumblr, so having it explained to me by Johnny from the Outsiders (I know, what a short end of the stick) helped a lot. I immediately knew I was both shadow and fae (hence my tumblr url) but I hadn't done much introspection, and didn't have that narrowed down.
Took me six months to figure out that I was an Absol, which mostly but not quite explained the shadow thing. Luteia, of which I awakened about the same time as I was falling into Chaorruption with Ranisson, mostly but not quite explained the fae thing.
It was years before I really sat with myself and asked "is feeling as fae as I do happen because I'm Irish?", and then it took me another six months, a copinglink, and an offhand comment from one of the Writing With Colour mods to sit with that and go "yeah, fucking maybe you stupid moron idiot".
Honestly, the acceptance of knowing that I don't just suck and there is a reason I am the way I am, and that I can take pride in my abnormality, has meant the world to me. It provided me a stability I would not have survived without. Now, I'm just figuring out the religion and the personality and the system stuff.
Finding the words to say "you can be nonhuman if that's what you are" hit a chord I didn't know could be hit until it was struck. I knew the moment I heard it was an option that it was the path I needed to go down. You never know there's another option until you find, and once you do, the answers once impossible are suddenly obvious.
When did you understand that you had a system, and how did they react to their source(s)?
Me, jumping around with Ranisson and Exos and Stratos: ...wait you can be a system without dissociation? You can just become a different person and treat who you just were as a separate person, and that makes sense? That's a system thing?
Zheotane, Drakath #2, Xisaru, and Iban: ....you don't say.
So Pale is a moron as usual, more at ten. They all knew their sources, because I soulbond via writing and maladaptive daydreaming, old-school style so I've been told. They were already full aware of their sources, and waiting for me to play catch up.
I've been a system host on and off all my life, although this is the most I've ever pushed it, with four other people in here. It's pretty crowded, how y'all with over 100 systemmates baffle the hell out of me because how do you keep track?? How do y'all know you've got a new guy and you didn't just lose track of an old guy?? How do you hear yourself with such a big crowd?? I ain't even mad it's just wholly different than my experience entirely and I'm a moron so I get confused easily.
Anyhow, that's how that goes.
Although South wants to clarify he hates his source counterpart and wants to beat him up. I'll let him go more in detail about that in a future prompt, since this is the place I trust to not flip out about his source or compare him to his counterpart: that's a bad idea and shit will get messy very quickly.
When did you find your hearthome, and how did you know you belonged there?
Also known as the question Pale doesn't know how to answer. Because on one hand, I think Saint Seiya and Sagiverse is primarily a writing / fandom thing. It doesn't strike a chord of home the way the Twice-Lit World or TGG or AQW or even EC does. But all my soulbonds are from Sagiverse, and they have that home.
The fact that I'm halfway writing it into existence, have this good of a connection to it, and have gotten just about every detail correct in my writing completely by accident says something. I don't know what it is, but I know what it should be, and that's something to raise an eyebrow about. I don't know why I know this. I don't know how. But it's happened a few far too many times to be coincidence.
Maybe it is a hearthome, maybe that's why I know. I'm not from there, not really: but I should be, and that means something.
When did you first experience a fictionflicker?
Never have, but I'm sure it would be interesting. I can get into the head of some characters really well, and sometimes it sticks, but it's mostly the ADHD and maladaptive daydreaming going at it. Right now, that means me and South are trying to figure out who's actually Grian from Third Life and who just thinks Scar's hot. We're having a time.
How did you come across your fictionlink, and in what ways did you integrate them with your personality?
I have always been a child of Zamorak, and yes, maybe I spent most of that time in denial, but that's probably why he sent me my big brother to help me figure it out. What can I say, I'm a moron.
Now that I've figured out what I am, I have to sit and decide what that means, and what I'm going to do about, and how I'm going to prove with every moment that I deserve and have earned it. So it's my religious devotion versus my executive dysfunction and it's really fucking difficult. I'll know in February how that goes.
That's the hard part of knowing yourself, especially when you live with your parents: it's impossible to see who you could be, when you've got all this baggage and burdens and don't get time away to really clear your head and see things in a different light. It's impossible to be more forgiving of people who have spent the past twenty years annoying the hell out of you, and harder to appreciate them for the big things when they keep asking you to focus and you suck at focusing and you want to do things on your schedule so you can focus and they really want it on theirs.
Getting a vacation away from them will help me figure out what kind of person I can actually grow up to be. Let me out from under the baggage and the chains, where nobody can set any preexisting assumptions, and then I'll know if I actually can be what I keep trying to become. Then I'll know if it works.
Have you ever created a thoughtform in the likeness of a fictional character? How did this process impact your life over the following weeks/months/year?
Internal thoughtform, no. Soulbond? Ah whoops shit that keeps happening! We're good at working together, and most of it's internal. But like I said with the fictionlink thing, it's hard to say what we're really like, with quarantine and family and not really being allowed to have a life. In highschool, having soulbonds greatly helped me deal with daily existence. Easier to detach and have escapism that I desperately needed. Helped me find the support I could have nowhere else. For now, as an adult who doesn't typically get to be one, I have no idea how it's going to affect everything. For that, we just have to wait and see.
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