#idk if anyone's gonna see this but the thought wouldn't leave me alone!
edsheeranong · 4 months
sweet pea x fem oc
A/N- i've never written before and idk if anyone will even see this but pls be nice. i've also not really watched riverdale in many years so i'm trying to piece things together but it won't follow the plot very well.
-archie andrews twin sister, delilah, is fed up with him being overprotective. so when a cute serpent offers her an opportunity, she can't turn it down
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"andrews," an unfamiliar voice called out. delilah hummed in response, not bothering to look who it was and instead continued piling notebooks out of her locker. "i hear your brother doesn't like you dating, he goes around and tells everyone not to go near you, 'or else'" the boy said.
"can i help you with something or...?" delilah said, closing her locker and looking at the boy.
"sweet pea," he extended his hand out to her. she readjusted the stack of book in her hands to shake his. "i've got a proposition for you," he stated.
"look, you wouldn't be the first boy to think he can get with me without my brother finding out," she started walking and followed her. "it never ends well."
"i think i can handle him," he stated. she turned to look at him and realized he had a point. he was incredibly tall and muscular. "but anyway that's not what i'm suggesting," he pulled her into an alcove. "i hate your brother, he thinks he's the shit and he keeps messing with southsiders."
"why are you telling me this?" she cut him off.
"i think we can help each other out," he said, resulting in a raised eyebrow from the girl. "you hate him for controlling you, i just hate him."
"okay, i don't hate my brother," she said.
"but you're fed up with him telling everyone not to go out with you?" he asked, and she sighed and murmured in agreement. "i'm suggesting a little revenge."
"why me?" she asked, he was getting annoyed at how she kept interrupting him.
"i'm probably the person your brother hates most, at least at this school. and i hate your brother so much, being with his sister would just kill him," he explained.
"'with' as in..." she said.
"dating," he clarified.
"let me get this straight, you want me to fake date you so you can get back at my brother for being a dick and i can get back at him for controlling my love life?"
"yep, pretty much," he shrugged.
"i'm still confused," she admitted. "if we're not actually together, you're not really getting back at him."
"if he believes we're together, then it's like i took something from him. he tries so hard to keep you away from guys, and his number one enemy being the one you defy him for. it'll make him go crazy."
"it'll make things worse, he's only gonna harass you more," delilah pointed out.
"once again, i can deal with him," he said. "just think about it," he walked away, leaving her to think.
she walked home alone and really thought about his proposal. she was fully on board with showing archie he couldn't control her, but she was scared of what he would do to sweet pea. it was all she thought about that entire night and she decided she just needed to sleep on it.
the entire next day she kept trying to find a time to talk to him but he was always with someone.
she was about to take it as a sign but as she was leaving school, she turned the corner and ran right into him. he grabbed her arm to stabilize her and raised his eyebrows at her.
"so?" he asked.
"i'm down," she told him. he smirked at her and they started walking. he led her to the back of the school where his bike was. he handed her his helmet and she hesitated before taking it.
"well it would be bad manners not to drive my girl home," he said, noticing her confused expression.
"okay hold up," she said as he mounted the bike. "i think we need to have a conversation about this."
"what is there to talk about?"
"uh, i don't know. how long are we gonna do this for?" she sat down on the ledge in front of him.
"until we decide we've had enough," he said.
"okay... how is this... gonna work?" she asked and he pondered for a moment.
"well, we should make sure archie sees us together, obviously. but we gotta keep this act up around other people too," he pulled his leg off his bike and stepped closer to her, putting his hands on her knees and spreading them so he could stand between them.
Sweet pea took the moment of silence to take a good look at her. he had seen her around school, of course, but it was always from a distance. her hair was usually messy, due to the loose curls in it.
but looking at her up close was different. her eyes were bright green and her skin was almost sickly pale. she had freckles littered about her face. she was a lot to take in. sweet pea knew he wouldn't have asked her if she wasn't at least a little bit attracted to her.
it shocked him how different she looked from her twin brother. he had bright red hair and dark eyes but her hair was pitch black and piercing green eyes.
"okay," she managed to finally get out. "i have some rules though."
"rules?" he threw his head back. "i don't really do rules."
"we get it, you're a bad boy," she rolled her eyes at him. "and yes i have rules. number one, we keep my dad out of this. he's been through a lot recently and i don't want to stress him out more," she waited for a sign be understood and when he nodded his head she continued. "number two, nothing too physical. i've never had a boyfriend before and i don't want all my firsts to be wasted on a boy-"
"like me?" he cut her off. "a serpent? a southsider?"
"who isn't actually my boyfriend," she finished, clearly annoyed.
"fine, but nobodies going to believe we're dating if i can't kiss you," he pointed out.
"you can kiss me, but i'm not doing anything more," she told him. "number three, you can't tell anyone this isn't real. if it got back to archie, neither of us would live to see another day."
"my lips are sealed," he said. "now if that's all..." he picked her up by her waist and gently placed her on the ground. "i think it's time we set the plan in motion," he gestured toward his bike.
"sure, but archie won't be home," she said as he placed the helmet on her head and messed with the straps.
"where will he be?" he got back on his bike and patted the space behind him.
"him and veronica go to pops every friday after school," she explained, carefully climbing on the bike. he grabbed her arms and placed them around his torso.
"then i guess i know where we're going," he started his bike. "hold on tight."
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bots-and-cons · 10 months
TFP bots of your choice reacting to an earthborn bot. This would have some interesting implications given the fact they would likely, like humanity, be considered an 'offspring' or 'spawn' of Unicron or at least have a connection to him due to being earthborn. They also likely wouldn't have any idea of cybertron or cybertronian history and would be one of the youngest bots, probably younger than even bumble bee. All of this is wildly interesting conceptually to me.
This is an interesting idea, I’ll give you that. Idk if I executed this very well though, and I don’t remember all the details of the episodes I set this in. These ended up pretty damn long for HCs, but I don’t think you guys will mind. I’ll try to do a part 2 to this later, there’s probably gonna be more interactions with the bots in that one
•Unicron made you or you were born of him at least, you’re not really sure yourself
•You’re still young and you don’t know about anything the life outside unicron
•You were born in the earth’s core so you’ve always lived inside unicron 
•The dark energon doesn’t affect you like it does cybertronians, since it’s all you’ve ever had in your body, it’s just normal to you
•If you were to use normal energon though, that might have some adverse effects
•Those flying things that work as unicron’s defense system, are also protective of you, because they consider you to be a part of him
•But when they suddenly start acting strange and all heading in the same direction, you decide to follow them
•You always thought there wasn’t anyone like you, because you’d never seen anyone else and you had no idea a place like Cybertron even existed
•So when you see a group of five robots walking around on one of the bridges, with the flying creatures attacking them
•You keep an eye on them, following the group as they advance towards the core
•You’re very interested in where these fellow robots could’ve come from, there must be another place, a place with others like you
•So you followed them and when they got to the door of the core chamber the yellow one noticed you while he was looking around
•He didn’t shoot at you, but he alerted the others to your presence
•You were too curious about them to try to get away, because you wanted to go with them, you wanted to see what else was out there
•Maybe they would take you with them?
•Bee was obviously pretty spooked to see another cybertronian in a place where it was supposed to be impossible
•You didn’t seem to be affected by the dark energon either, even though you looked younger than him and smaller too
•You slowly came out from behind a pillar and approached the group
•They were all shocked to see you and when they noticed you had purple optics everyone but Megatron was on guard
•He doesn’t think you could possibly be a threat, you look small and weak
•You’re actually much stronger than the average cybertronian due to the dark energon, but you’ve never had a point of comparison so you wouldn’t know that
•Arcee was probably the most on guard, because she figured you were another unicron manifestation or something
•You want to ask them so many things, but the flying guard creatures don’t leave them alone, so you command them to do so, which they do even if hesitantly
•You’re not exactly into the idea that they’re going to hurt your creator, but you’re also very keen on getting to whatever else is out there
•Optimus approaches you first, asking if you’re okay
•You look at him a bit weirdly and tell him “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”
•You talk in cybertronian instead of english, since that’s what unicron knew and what you know too
•They can all understand you of course, but you also speak sort of weirdly and in an old-ish way compared to how they would speak cybertronian
•You’re not going to be able to hold back the guards forever, you can already feel them resisting, trying to break free
•So the consensus amongst the autobots is something like “what in the name of primus is this?”
•Megatron doesn’t really care, he just wants to get the job done and get unicron back to stasis
•You don’t even know where to start with your questions, but the situation changes and unicron takes control of the guards and the fighting continues
•You eventually end up following the remaining autobots through a whirling hole in space, after the two bigger mechs disappear through the same kind of portal
•You’re in some other place now, surrounded by the robots that are all now pointing their blasters at you
•And there are some weird looking little creatures on a platform next to you
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fertilize-my-eggs · 1 year
If you do soft Yandere's i would like to request a soft Yandere Shigaraki/Tomura one shot thank you!
Soft yandere shigaraki x fem reader oneshot
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A/N: this was gonna be next door neighbor with reader and tomura but it wouldn't make sense also idk if you wanted smut so I'm doing both sfw & nsfw x3 sorry if this took a while, it was sitting in my inbox for a while but I hope you enjoy this😊💕 DNI: minors & antis stay away from my blog, it's 18+ content!! ( I guess this is a small story kinda idk tbh. )
(The reader used she/her and have female genitalia in the NSFW.)
* Also shigaraki has a small dong in this one so if you don't want to read this one there are other fanfics where he has a big dick so let's have a body positivity to anyone who has small 🍆
Word count: 2,512
Safe for work:
Shigaraki being a villain can be tough but finding love was even tougher.
He's always felt insecure that no one will ever love a person like him, he lost that hope a few years ago, master always told him that finding love was pointless and it'll distracts his main goal to defeat hero society and become a king.
For the first time he doesn't know what he feels when you first come into his life. It's hard to explain this, shigaraki saw you at the arcade. You were the most bubbly loud energy and full of light.
Shigaraki was casually walking at the mall but hearing your sweet laughter as he looks towards the arcade, his eyes landing on you.
You were gorgeous, the curve of your body and adorable outfit does suit you and your bubbly personality.
When he's heading back to the bar, his mind is spinning and he gets frustrated by this.
He's complaining about this to kurogiri and he calmly explains to shigaraki that must be feeling love. Tomura paused for a second as he narrowed his eyes at him, it can't be love. He does feel some feelings towards you and he is immediately interested towards you.
But it's not love there is no way, master even told him love was pointless.
As shigaraki grabs his drinks looking at the glass and liquid inside, his group walk in from a hard mission as shigaraki too busy lost in thoughts, toga skip past him only to stop and smell him, it's was a long smell as he growls at her.
" piss off crazy!! Can't you see I'm busy. " she tilt her head as she sigh dreamy as she's sitting next to him.
" I know that smell anywhere, tomura-kun is in love~!! Who is your crush~ " toga coo at him, making everyone look at him and he starts to blush as he immediately gets up.
"none of your business!! Shut up and leave me alone. " but she was right after all, she can smell it off of him like as if she was a bloodhound, she knew that feeling.
Tomura keeps going to that same arcade to see if you're here, he likes going there sometime but now these days he only in it and looking for you.
He saw you at your usual spot playing a racing game or getting stuff animals from the crawl machine.
Shigaraki wants to impress you so when you were having a difficult time getting this one stuffed animals that you really wanted, tomura doesn't think much as he walk towards you and lightly push you to the side at first you were gonna get pissed at him for doing that but you watch him with his skills like talent. You never seen this man and the way he held the controls as he planned it and somehow gets that stuffed animal for you.
The item comes down as tomura carefully gets it out and gives it towards you, you start to flustered as you smile softly.
" thank you so much~ " you bite your lips softly as you look into his red eyes.
" what's your name?? I'm Y/N it's nice to meet you~! " tomura was weak in the knee, he wanted to hear your voice every day. He started to feel shy as he lightly scratched his neck. " it's... shi- " he pauses for a moment, he doesn't want her or anyone to know that he's a villain and he doesn't want to cause a scene by this.
He frozen with his words as he coughs a bit." Sorry about that-... it's uhhh.. " he thinks of anything. " it's... tenko.. tenko shimura. " at least it's less recognizable than shigaraki since the news is talking about his group more.
She tilts her head as she smiles at him." Tenko? Such a pretty name!! " you hop up and down excited making tomura nervous a bit.
Everything is going great with the two of you.
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Not safe for work:
The days went on, his lust fill mind got stronger. Once you become his friend, he wants nothing more than to stick his cock inside of you but there is a small problem. He's very embarrassed by the size of his penis, he knows he's very insecure about himself but his size isn't the biggest like in porn videos that he would watch. Shigaraki hates how his masters tell him love is time wasting but he has his needs and he needs to break the rules whenever his crew talks about sex, he was curious what it is about.
His size when it's erect is about four inches, his hand covers his cock whole as he sighs sadly. He knows you'll never be satisfied with it.
He started to do some research on how to satisfy a woman and bring a woman to orgasm. This is ridiculous he thought, he should be making a move on you and not do this but he wants too, he wants satisfied you with everything and want you to himself.
He wants you to be his and nothing else. Shigaraki hope you don't care about size, he hope you have more time with him.
you are at the arcade, you see tenko in his same outfit as usual, your eyes brighten up as you bounce over to him, you give him a quick hug. Tenko freezes up but he nervously pulls you close, he gets used to you and your affection.
" heyyy.... Y/n I need to ask you something. " you tilt your head as you smile at him.
" of course tenten~! Tell me anything!! " your cute nickname to him makes his knees melt in seconds. He started to scratch his neck feeling nervous at the outcome of your reaction, he knew that he could not wait any longer as he pulled you back into his arms.
" will you be my girlfriend y/n!! " it was a bit fast and semi loud but you hear him loud and clear, you look up at him as you smile softly. You reach with your tippy toes as you give him a sweet kiss. He blink a few times fast as he begins to blush deep red.
"of course~!! " you smile warmly at him, he begins to give kisses back to you feeling like he completed a difficult level but now it's a new challenge taking the next step into a relationship.
*five months later*
Having you as his girlfriend was the best feeling he ever felt in his life, he has his moments of wanting to show you off but he gets extremely jealous whenever someone looks at you in the wrong way, he wants your full attention to him and wants you to be by his side 24/7.
When it comes to sex, it's mostly foreplay, he give you oral whenever you ask him but it's gets harder each time you try to grab him.
One day you gently rub his thigh with a concerned look. " baby what's wrong? Why won't you let me see you." Tomura feel embarrassed as he felt like it time tell you the truth.
" you won't laugh at me... you won't get mad and run off? " He tilts his head towards you as you give him your smile, his favorite thing to look at.
" tenten, I will never do that~." You put your head on his shoulder, you look into his crimson eyes as you gently caresses his face.
" I'm yours after all~. " you give him a sweet kiss on the cheek as he quickly gets up, he looks at you.
".... okay, there goes nothing. " Shigaraki sighs softly as you're sitting there looking so pretty as he pull his pants and boxer down fast.
There was a moment of silence waiting for your reaction.. he blinked a few times as he watched your face. It looks like the same, soft delicate features as you look up at him.
There was no laughter nor disgusted from you, you lick your lips as your eyes hungry looking at his crotch.
" you look.... so handsome tenten~. " you purr at him, pulling him close to you.
" y-you're not upset by it?!?? " shigaraki looks down at you as you shake your head.
" why would I be upset at you, you're perfect. " you gently rub his cock as you stare at him.
" I fell in love with you tenko and I love you and all your body equally. " you kiss his neck softly as you look into his eyes.
" is that why you didn't want to take the next step? Because of your dick? " you grab him tight making him shiver, melting into your soft hand.
He whines loudly as he nods his head in shame. " didn't want to embarrass you princess... " he whimper softly as you felt sadness in your heart, your lovely boyfriend been so sweet to you these past few months, he's the perfect boyfriend you ever ask for and he feels ashamed for having a small penis. You coo at him sweetly pulling him into a passionate kiss.
" tenko... " he looking into your lustful eye as you bite his lips softly.
" make love to me~ " no warning tomura gently push you down as he growls at you, he begins humping his half naked body on top of you as you moan his name.
Tomura can feel his erection getting hard by the seconds by your sweet voice and mewls.
He carefully pulls your clothes off but it's very clumsy as you giggle at him softly, you help him get out of his clothes too.
Tomura moves away as he looks at you sweetly.
" ride me baby doll~. " he sat on the sheet, pulling you onto his lap, you give him a soft kiss as your hand move between bodies as you grab his cock.
He whines into the kiss feeling your gentle hand wrap around his cock, he can feel his heart pounding fast as he start to sweat.
" are you nervous baby? " you whisper into his ear as he nods his head fast, you coo at him as you carass his scarred chest.
" awww don't be nervous with me tenko~ I'm here. " you grab his cock softly, stroking each time until you finally put the tip at your entrance.
You push downward feeling the gasp escape out of your mouth, he may be a few inches short but his girth on the other hand.. holy shit, it feels amazing.
You pull him closer, using your hand on his lean shoulders for support as you begin to bounce on him, your thighs and ass jiggle as you find a good rhythm, he begins to felt warmth in his heart and all over himself.
He felt satisfied with having you as his girlfriend and for the first time having sex, he can't get enough of it.
He carefully holds your hips with two fingers out away from your skin but it gets more heated and heavy.
The loud plaps coming out you whenever he gets balls deep, he rolls his eyes backwards and groans at the tight feeling of your cunt.
" shit I-.. " he doesn't finish his sentence as he releases his white thick cum inside of you as he aches his back.
He cries out your name, pulls you closer as he helps you bounce.
He put his head on your chest feeling ashamed as you comfort him.
" hey heyyy tenten, it's okay look at me. " he looks up with sadness as you rub his cheeks.
" I'm still here and you can do it again more often if you like, I'm not mad at you babe~.. your body was just reaching the climax. Does it feel good? " he smiles softly, you're definitely a keeper.
He pulls you closer as he begins to nip on your neck, pushing you down as he pulls your legs up.
" you're right... you're so right princess~. " he pulled out fully and slammed inside fast.
" we got many more levels to level up.. ahhh~ fuck your pussy feel good. " tomura begin to push your thighs downward as you roll your eyes back, your tongue begins to slide out as the drooling slide down your cheek and onto the pillow.
His thigh slapping against yours as the clapping increases in volume as you and him begin to make noise out loud.
The bed wouldn't stop shaking by shigaraki's thrusts and the way he makes you feel things, you crying out his name reaching your end fast.
Tomura can feel you cumming, your wall tightening up around his cock and he getting sloppy by the seconds but he is not stopping any time soon! He is determined to make you overstimulated and make you fully satisfied.
This is getting addicting tomura thought to himself, he can't get enough of you and your tight pussy.
He needs this more often and he'll gladly give you everything that you need from a man.
You are his and he is yours after all.
Tomura removes your legs so he can spread your thighs wide, seeing his cock sliding in and out of your wet sloppy pussy drive him crazy as he begins to cum inside your wall again.
You pant softly as tomura lean in to give you a passionate kiss, his fingers play with your soft locks as he intertwines with your fingers being careful to not put five fingers down on you.
" fuck-!! Let's level up together baby! We gotta get stronger and also... " he pushes his hips closer to yours as he rolls slowly making you squirm a bit.
" I can last longer to help you cum faster~" he removed his hand as he moved to your clit, giving it love and attention.
" I can give you everything that you want y/n just tell me please~ " he coo at you with hope in his eyes as you lean in to give him kisses.
" of course~!! Ahh keep going baby mhmm fuck it's feel good~.. " you throw your head back.
Shigaraki doesn't waste time as he begins to pound into you, your body moving with his fast heavy thrusts, your juicy liquid slide down your thighs as you begin your second orgasm.
Tomura loves it when you reach your orgasm, he feels pride in his chest, he makes his girlfriend cum more time by him and him only.
He sighs softly as he rocks his hips back and forth feeling his end is coming near.
He started to bite all over your bodies giving you hickeys and to remind everyone that you're his, don't worry you give him the same treatment as well.
On that night, you didn't get any sleep afterwards but you were fully satisfied that your boyfriend enjoyed his time with you.
The cuddles after a long love making was worth it and when you wake up by him nipping your neck early in the morning and humping from behind.
You know the day is gonna start off great, morning sex is the best.
I hope y'all enjoy this fanfic~!! I hope you're satisfied with this one, I know it's not the best but it feels good writing something sweet and wholesome. Don't forget to reblog and support writers on here!! 🤭❤️‍🔥 have a great day everyone!!
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minkkumaz · 1 year
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la poésie romantique. words spoken passionately, yet holding no sincere meaning when spoken by all your past loves. but he held the key to your heart that no man ever could, establishing the belief that you didn't need anyone other than him; not even your own father. because myungho could treat you right, couldn't he?
PAIRING ji myungho x fem!reader WC 1.7k TAGS angst. suggestive themes. toxic college professor myungho. slight manipulation. reader has daddy issues. OMI NOTE this is.. extremely different from anything i've written but i saw an edit of myungho to 'someone older' by isabel larosa and it genuinely changed my life. idk how im gonna get away with this but i do not get paid to gaf END OF STORY!
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father never taught you to stray away from boys that wouldn't treat you right, and nobody ever taught boys to hold a heart with care; instead breaking it recklessly. the constant rotation between showing love and begging for forgiveness stripped energy from your body like a piece of clothing. it might as well have been, because that would be easier, right?
maybe it was the way you looked. it was only your left shoulder on full display, as your slightly large tee - shirt clinged onto you. you had only assumed the boy was being nice by placing a calloused hand on your soft skin, pulling up the material slightly before smiling at you. the pull of his lips were sweet, masking something sinister underneath. such a small gesture made you so naive, it was your own fault getting involved with him. those memories became a puddle of mush, left in the past.
but it wasn’t just boys of his stature, it was boys in general. ill thoughts swarmed your head rapidly. a sense of self doubt, regret, vengeance. it left you in a forever state of numbness, zoning out into a false reality you wish you could call your own. a reality with a man that would treat you right.
the sound of gears turning in the clock on the wall was where your focus lay, emerging yourself in the tick tock, tick tock. each of your senses slowly depleted from your body, leaving you with the round device against the off - white wall. 
a hand slightly slamming against the desk in front of you cut into your mind like a knife.
“zoning out again, aren’t we, miss y/n?” professor ji spoke out, eyes like daggers, “see me after class.”
you nodded sheepishly, feeling the weight of the moment escape from your mouth in a breathy exhale as he went back to instruct the class. 
in an attempt to ignore the stares of your peers burning into your skull, you slid down in your seat. maybe they were looks of pity, or quite possibly hints of jealousy. yet time couldn’t pass any quicker, as you returned to the never - ending tick of the clock.
meeting a teacher after the bell rang was never on your roster, let alone with your stupidly attractive english professor. it wasn’t a secret how desirable he was. you could only hear seductive comments made about the way he left his shirt slightly unbuttoned, leather jacket draped around the back of his chair and not his shoulders.
students filed out in a fast - paced manner, painting the room to seem much bigger without as many people crowding the seats. your professor followed quietly behind the crowd, closing the door as soon as everyone had been gone. this left the two of you alone, as well as the familiar clock ticking in the background.
your heart became heavy in your chest, watching his tall figure approach you like a predator stalking it’s prey.
“y/n.” professor ji says your name sternly, “care to tell me how boring my lessons are that you haven’t been paying attention?” 
“professor– it’s not like that, i promise.” you stuttered out in an attempt to defend yourself, “i’ve had a lot on my mind recently and it’s getting the better of me.”
“why don’t you contact the campus counselor? i’m sure mr. yoonsung would love to assist you in whatever problem you have in that head of yours.” he suggests.
“i don’t think i can do that sir. things are a lot more complicated than they might seem. but i swear, i’ll try to keep myself in check.”
“you don’t think you can do that?” he laughs almost mockingly, picking up a pencil on your desk to spin between his bony fingers, “i might need a better reason than that.”
“this is so embarrassing..” you sigh in defeat, “it’s about my love life, professor ji. i don’t mean to be rude, but none of that is quite relevant to you, let alone any teacher on campus. so while i respect your request for me to seek outside advice, that won’t be happening.”
“so i’m just any teacher to you? miss y/n, i’m unsure that you understand who i am to you.”
“what is that supposed to mean?”
“you chose to major in english when you enrolled here. so i’d assume you would put effort not only into this class, but the person teaching it to you.” he states with an almost threatening tone, making your stomach queasy. 
a cat had gotten your tongue, leaving you with nothing to say in a situation where you felt you had to defend yourself. this made his lips perk up into a smile, taking the pencil he was holding to tilt your chin up slightly by the eraser end.
“i’ve only ever wanted to help you, y/n. almost like it’s my job.” he tells you, “you excel in every single assignment i give you, up until recently. dont let a beautiful mind like yours be so easily manipulated by a college frat boy.”
“this isn’t my fault, you make it seem much easier than it sounds.” your bottom lip quivers slightly at the position he has you in, yet also because he’s correct in his assumption.
“when you get an idea in your head, you find it in everything. do you remember who said that quote?”
“victor hugo. we’re learning about works in other languages to broaden our knowledge, so of course i remember.”
“your idea of love is tainted, hence why you let yourself get hurt. am i wrong?” he reads you like a book.
you nod at him, feeling your throat become dry. each of your senses were heightened, the cold rubber eraser under your chin being replaced by the tip of his finger. the state of your mind was vulnerable, crowded only by the idea of him and his frigid gaze.
a shiver ran down your spine as if it was being chased, his face creeping closer to yours until it was inches apart. 
“do you know what you want in a relationship?” he spoke, breath barely grazing against your lips because of the remaining distance. when you didn’t speak, his face contorted into an expression just a little bit colder, “you respond to authority when spoken to. don’t jeopardize your status in my class because you can’t answer a simple question. remember that i just want to help you.”
“i want someone to care for me as much as i care for them.” you finally let out with a sob, guilt washing over you for not giving a clearer response. 
“that was easy, wasn’t it? my poor y/n, not being treated properly because nobody quite knows how to.” he chuckles lowly, wiping a singular tear that rolled down your cheeks, “now that you know what you want, what do you need?”
“i– i don’t know, professor ji.” you pout.
“you already said it out loud. use your words to tell me.” his hand traveled around to the back of your head, gripping at your hair to move your head more upwards.
“i think i need someone older.” your words sounded distressed, yet they were all he needed to hear. 
“there you go.” he lets go of your hair, a switch in demeanor as he smiles at you, “come here.”
walking back to his desk, he leaves you in a pile of muck and confusion at your own. for someone you can hardly read, something about him makes you want to learn. 
you scoot your chair back, the sound of it scraping against the hard floors making you wince slightly. with each step approaching him, your heartbeat quickened. professor ji had always been an enigmatic figure on campus. young, passionate in his interests, and everything you were starting to think you needed in someone. 
maybe you wanted him to be passionate in you. 
“is this wrong?” you ask quietly, now face to face with him.
“there’s a flaw in your question, especially since you already know the answer, miss y/n.” he coos, reaching to move a loose strand of hair away from your face, “father wouldn’t tell you right from wrong. such a terrible man, isn’t he? so let me tell you what you deserve to hear.” 
“he’s not terrible, he just loves me differently.” you weren’t sure why you felt the need to defend your dad, but words came out before you could think.
“don’t get it twisted; those who love you warn you about the consequences others actions could have on a person. trust that i could protect you more than any man could.” he said with envy underlying his tone.
“yes, sir.” you shake your head yes, tears starting to burn your eyes with what you couldn’t determine if it was happiness or culpability.
“call me myungho.” he cupped your cheeks with his calloused hands, rough against your soft skin, “now let me take care of you, then you could take the weight off my shoulders.”
myungho brought your face closer to his, almost immediately closing the gap that separated the boundaries between professor and student. this barrier was destroyed in the span of seconds, his lips locking perfectly with yours. they were soft, barely chapped, and meant for you.
it was a rhythmic harmony that flowed perfectly like words on a page, pulling you deeper and deeper until you couldn’t pull away; too infatuated to stop and so unaware you couldn’t bother to give a shit at the thought of someone walking in.
he had you right where he wanted you, the objective that nobody other than him could hold your heart careful enough not to split it in half. 
the kiss escalated, making your lips puffy and red as they were attacked by his. one of myungho’s hands wrapped around your waist to pull you close. your arms were tucked into your chest, unsure where to put them.
once he finally pulled away from you, a string of saliva kept both of you attached, breaking away quickly. his eyes were dark, yet not in a way that would seem intimidating. a look you’ve never seen before.
you were ready to find out.
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yan-lorkai · 6 months
Ok so I know you're going Through It™️ with the vampire pomtrio fic. But I am curious on how exactly Epel came to be..."adopted" by Vil and Rook. Idk if it'll ever be brought up in the fic so imma ask now if that's cool. If it is then I'll just wait! If not then I would love to hear an infodump about their backstories in this au I love monster aus so much man 🙏🙏
Well, I did leave some crumbs in the fic but now that I'm thinking about it, everything was very subtle. So I'm just going to info dumping about Epel and his dads to u :D
Ok so for Epel I was imagining him being a sick child, always bedridden (inspired by me btw, I used to be the sick child), looking at the world through his little window and wishing he was different. He wished he was strong like the others so he could jump and run and play with the other children, he wished he could feel the sun on his skin as he worked in the fields with his grandmother and cousin. He wished people wouldn't look at him with those eyes full of pity, as if he were already dead. He knew that rumors about his condition were circulating among his neighbors, he just didn't know that anyone else was hearing them.
From his perspective, wishing did nothing. He was still so weak that his body couldn't stand upright a long time, he was still coughing and vomiting, and no doctor knew what he had. His medicines no longer working, his hopes fading, he became more withdrawn after a while, almost monosyllable. He wasn't living, he was just existing and Epel judged his existence as something insignificant in that dark moment. One day he fell asleep after another appointment with the doctor - this time a blond foreigner with beautiful lilac eyes, and he had a heavy but peaceful sleep, unlike many others in which he woke up with difficulty breathing. This time he felt no pain. He didn't even had any nightmare.
Although he felt better, a little stronger, after drinking the cocktail made by the Doctor with a funny name, Epel was still on the threshold between being sick and getting better. When he thinks about that moment now, he should have realized that Vil's words were filled with immortal secrets and that he knew more than everyone else. Vil was different from anyone he had ever seen or spoken to, and Epel had spoken to many doctors and nurses, yet Epel wished for Vil to cure him. Wishing was useless but he continued anyway. He preyed for it very quietly when he thought he was alone.
If you ask him, he still remembers how his transformation occurred. It was raining and windy that day, the raindrops hitting the roof were so loud that he couldn't hear anything that was happening outside his room. Honestly, he was glad he couldn't hear it. But he remembers feeling fear come over him when Dr. Schoenheit entered his room, his lab coat stained with blood while tiny drops still fell from his lips. He looked like a beast about to devour everything his fangs could reach. And yet, Epel supposed there was something poetic about dying at the hands of the one who had saved him. Instead, Vil asked him to join his little family, which at that time It consisted of just him and his father, Eric, that loved to travel around and see how the world had changed.
Epel agreed, as long as Vil spared his family. For which he approved, he had enchanted Epel's family and neighbors for them to forget him. He could have easily killed them but he was not bloodthirsty back then, every killing had to have a good reason. And then it happened. Epel was adopted and left together with Vil- no, his dad, as he liked to call him. Ofc everything was new to him and he often got scolded when he was out exploring humans villages alone and attacked someone when he got hungry. But nobody could judge him, Epel was living life (or death? 🤔) to its fullest!
(not sure if I'm gonna include this but initially I thought that over the years, Vil's father's passion took a stake to his heart. After all, humans are fearful people who fear the unknown. This would be the main reason for Vil to become even more responsible and mature, and cruel. He was never too compassionate or empathetic towards human being a natural born vampire, but after losing his father he had became more closed off to the everyone but his.)
Anyway a few centuries later, Rook Hunt appears in their lives. An eccentric vampire hunter known to trap vampires to study them, to know how to better hunt and kill them, mind you he only does this for fun. The first time met Vil he was so mesmerized by Vil's beauty that he started courting him, sending him little gifts (which consisted of the heads of his enemies, blood sags to feed him or his son, the most beautiful clothes and tiaras he could find). Meanwhile Vil is right here, confused bcs "wth is this strange human and why he likes to follow me around? Why isn't he afraid of me?" But like, eventually those two get together as a couple and Vil turns him too.
Though Vil did talked with his son first before turning Rook. He has a rule: for anyone to join the family, every member should want this. Otherwise, a transformation is not viable.
(But y'know initially Deuce would also be Epel's older brother - mostly bcs I love their friendship, Deuce would be Yuu's friend who guided them to this vacant mansion and also the one to vote for Yuu to become their younger sibling. Can't remember why I didn't follow this idea tho, but now I'm going to be think about this for a while)
This turned longer than I intended hehe. But if you still have any questions to make, I'm more than happy to answer it :)
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ninjadudettekira · 2 years
Albedo isn't an evil Ben Tennyson, in this essay-
Fuck it the essay is being written cause I'm still seeing people claim he's an evil Ben Tennyson and I'm here to debunk that. (Aka Allie saw a tweet when she originally typed this out, they're entitled to their opinion but they're wrong lmao. No hate to said person tho.) So buckle the fuck up because this is long. Essay under the cut (If you’re on laptop, I think on mobile it doesn’t have 'keep reading’ thing.) 
Aight so: -Alien Force: 
What canon states is the fact that Albedo make his own knock off Omnitrix. And it was stated that Albedo didn't want Ben to have it because he was human and 'unworthy', so he made his own and got stuck with Ben's DNA. Azmuth himself even states that all Albedo wanted to do was restore himself to his original form.
Azmuth decided to keep Albedo in the form he was in because of rebellion and the fact he "put others in danger" and "wanted to use it in his own ways."
So here's the thing. In Good Copy, Bad Copy we only know about Albedo going after Forever Knights, which we've seen time and time again get their ass kicked by Ben. As far as we know that was the only thing Albedo was doing, he wasn't hurting anyone besides them. Once he came across the trio, he really only went after Ben.
Sure he foamed Gwen and Kevin to the wall to get them out of the battle, but he really only fought Ben and left the other two alone for the most part. Albedo knew who Ben was, if he was "evil" wouldn't he have gone after actual civilians using Ben's form? No all he was trying to do was fix his fuck up.
And what did Albedo get for it? Going to prison while trapped in human DNA. Yeah no shit he decided to work with Vilgax after that point, during The Final Battle and no shit he became bitter. (Altho Ben really couldn't do anything to help Albedo let's be real here. He was dealing with the Highbreed shit and needed to keep the Omnitrix.)
Albedo also, for whatever reason, was kinda against the idea of going after Ben's friends until Vilgax explained. Probably so the audience knew why that happened I guess idk. But he was more indifferent towards it all, and questioned why they were going after Gwen and Kevin. He probably did it because he thought it was gonna lead to him becoming a Galvan again. (And come on only tying Gwen and Kevin up? Y'all can do better than that.) He'd do whatever it took to get his Galvan body back, and since they were Ben's friends it was fine going after them.
-Ultimate Alien: 
AND AFTER BEN'S IDENTITY WAS REVEALED ALBEDO DIDN'T REALLY DO SHIT. So like Ben's entire villain gallery came to Bellwood to go after Ben's family, but all Albedo did was make Ben 10 Live. He even says so in Double or Nothing that he's been doing it since being stranded after Vilgax's ship blew up. And we can assume money went towards getting the parts for the machine to turn him back to Galvan. Tell me would an evil character be a fucking theater nerd???
EVEN WHEN HE WAS GALVAN DURING THAT EPISODE HE SAID HE WASN'T GOING AFTER BEN ANYMORE. He had what he wanted. He was confused that Ben still thought he was going to go after him after being Galvan again. All he wanted was to not be stuck as a human anymore, and when he had that he was going to leave and never see Ben again....until that was fucked up. Of course Albedo's gonna fight Ben after that point. He wasn't going to take it out on Hugh after that whole explanation on why Hugh lied to the trio. So Ben got the brunt of that. Did Ben deserve that? Probably not.
Hell even BEN HIMSELF was happy for a second there that Albedo was cured, and genuinely felt bad when Albedo revealed the motivations behind the machine. Yeah Ben seemed like he was about to murder Albedo at the end there with Ultimate Echo Echo but he was NOT doing okay during UA let's be real. (That's also another whole essay but that's also based on other people talking about how Ben got darker during UA. There was a justifiable reason that Ben went straight to thinking of murdering Kevin after his 3rd mutation and I kinda get it. But again that's another essay that I gotta find sources for since other people talked about it and I can't remember who did.)
Night of the Living Nightmare all we know was that Albedo wanted to stick the Dream Eater on Ben. Probably as a way to steal the Ultimatrix but all he had to do was knock Ben out for a bit and take it. It's easily removable, he of all people should know that. He also has Ben's voice so it really shouldn't have been that hard, but I guess Albedo wanted Ben to suffer like he did.
(Side note before I get into this, I was typing this on my phone and when I app switched to do research on an episode the fucking app reset and I lost all my Omniverse talk so gdi here we go with a retype of that section.)
Alright so we're gonna tackle Omniverse Albedo. I know I usually don't touch OV Al with a 10 foot pole and chalk it up to "Bellicus and Serena fucked up the universe when they reset it" but that's a cop out without explanation so we're explaining.
Aight so the first time in OV we see Albedo is a flashback episode (Trouble Helix) where he's working with Azmuth, and he's indirectly the cause of Malware getting more powerful. In the episode he's more indifferent towards Ben than anything, and very respectful towards Azmuth. He's more concerned if Ben could defeat Malware later on and asks Max if Ben's able to do so. When Malware is supposedly defeated, Albedo kinda sticks it in Ben's face when Ben gloats about defeating him. Nothing really too bad, or anything to indicate that he hated Ben. Hell he wasn't even against Ben wearing the Omnitrix at the point? Something had to have snap, but nothing tells us that.
Next time in OV we see Albedo, it's him changing places with Ben cause of Khyber in The Ultimate Heist (How did Albedo work with Khyber? Who the fuck knows, plot cause there's no explanation for it.) Albedo is able to pull off acting like Ben for a few days because he acts how Rook wants Ben to act so he's none the wiser. (Which that's a whole other essay about how people see Ben but other people tackled that.) Then when he was able to get what he wanted, he reveals that it's him. He gets the crystal he needed to stabilize the knock off watch and he can transform again. He's back to being able to become a Galvan, but Albedo ain't leaving after that.
He comes back a few episodes later in A Fistful of Brains and gets Ben to chase him through Undertown so Khyber can kidnap him. Albedo fights Ben later on with the Ultimate Galvan form and goes after Azmuth to get his brain. Ben remarks about why Albedo doesn't just go away because he can be a Galvan again, and Albedo explains it's cause of the imprisonment he faced (either by Azmuth/the Plumbers, or being trapped with human DNA, or both.) and the chili fries craving.
The episode continues into For a Few Brains More where it’s just them trying to get Azmuth’s brain back. At the end of that episode Azmuth traps Albedo as an 11 year old Ben Tennyson. Which btw was a dick move on Azmuth's part, sure Albedo snapped but there could've been other things he did. Azmuth probably remembers what Ben was like at that age, and wanted Albedo to suffer more than he did. (There's a trivia thing about the crew saying that Azmuth would make Albedo a toddler if he had to, which that's fucked. But that's besides the point. I can’t remember where I read it, but I swear I’m not making it up.)
After that we see him in the No Watch Ben episodes. (And Then There Were None/And Then There Was Ben) Vilgax and Eon got all the "bad" Bens together to go after the "good" ones, and Gwen 10. Albedo shouldn't have even been a part of that, he's not even a BAD Ben, just someone who looks like him with a watch that's not a hero. Everyone else was their own version of Ben, or in Gwen's case she had the Omnitrix. 11 Year Old Albedo 100% wasn't thinking clearly working with Vilgax since Vilgax already betrayed him before. *coughTheFinalBattlecough* 11 year olds can't make good decisions like that. But I'm just speculating on why Albedo worked with Vilgax again.
After the No Watch fiasco, he's working with Vilgax a THIRD time In Malgax Attacks after all the betrayals to release Malware's remains. (Which he should know is a bad idea from years prior but kid Albedo probably isn't thinking straight with all the human emotions he's dealing with at that age.) He thinks he killed Azmuth. (I actually haven't seen that episode when writing this so gonna go do that and come back.)  And like a month later I actually get around to seeing the episode. This episode was like near the end of Omniverse, so I guess they wanted one last Albedo episode but had no clue what to do with him so we got a 3rd partnership with Vilgax and an out of the blue motivation. So basically Albedo's motivation in this episode is to take Azmuth's place and see his 'secrets of the universe'. I- How would Albedo not have known Azmuth's secrets? Granted I think in the Albedo triology, he wanted to be above Azmuth so I don't think the plot came totally out of left field. They worked together on the Omnitrix, Albedo should've known about that stuff??? Also since when did he want to rule Galvan Prime??? What would that accomplish??? I was confused the whole episode about why Albedo was even there. I guess because he knew Galvan Prime’s defenses and could attack it with Vilgax. I never wanted to punt a fictional 11 year old character more. End of the episode he has a concrete guard on his right wrist and shackle on his left leg and was sentenced to clean Galvan Prime from the mess he caused for the next 30 Galvan solar cycles. And that's the end of Albedo in the franchise. He's back on Galvan Prime, but stuck doing community service. (I think people forget that this episode exists since every redemption fic after OV doesn't reference this episode and only references up to the No Watch Ben episodes.)
Okay slightly away from Albedo for a second, but was Malgax REALLY that powerful that Ben was defeated so easily??? Like Ben the Omnitrix can quick change, you can change aliens easily. Despite Skurd being cool, you have more powerful aliens you could've used and you barely tried. Idk I think I just forgot how powerful Malware was since I haven't seen Omniverse in awhile. I don't wanna start a new essay but what the f was that episode? Wasn't bad, and there's good moments but, definitely not on my rewatch list. (Also wasn't worth the amount of effort I had to do to download it since I plan to use it for Albedo edits cause I got ideas.) -Non Canon Things:
In Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks video game, there's this line that I gotta mention: "Is it my fault that I'm stuck looking like you?!... Oh wait it is." In Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction video game all I know is that he was beat with a wrench at the end of the game. In Double Trouble, one of the CN comics from the Action Pack series, he pretends to be Ben and Sandra and Carl 100% believe him till Ben comes home. (Aka Albedo is a little shit.) Albedo gets trapped in a teleporter.
In Double Negative, a chapter book that was put out that took place during AF Season 3, but was non-canon. Guess who Albedo is working with? Fucking Vilgax. I read this book online a few months back, and guess what the plot is? Albedo pretending to be Ben with Julie realizing that something is wrong and getting Gwen and Kevin involved. I just wanna talk about this book for a second, Albedo ends up working with the group to get Ben back. Ben was sent to Incarcecon(? can't remember but he was in prison in Albedo's place I'm guessing? He started a riot and tried to get other prisoners out.) I remember this one joke Albedo made about "Looking like Tennyson" and I think it described him smirking in order to fool Vilgax and genuinely working with Gwen, Kevin, and Julie. They used Kevin's ID mask so Albedo could pretend to be Ben, which was neat ngl. His interactions with the group was actually fun, and omg I wish this was somehow canon. At the end it almost seems like Albedo was turning over a new leaf, but nope it was all a ploy to get Ben's Omnitrix, Azmuth teleports in and puts Albedo back in prison. But for a split second Ben thought Albedo went back to being Galvan, and seemed happy about it.
UAF Albedo and Omniverse Albedo aren't the same. UAF Albedo just wanted his Galvan body back, but OV Albedo snapped and everything that happened was the result of that. Maybe he snapped after he got the Dream Eater stuck on him, and that pushed him over the edge but who knows. He just wanted everyone to pay, even after he had what he wanted. I wouldn't call him "evil" and I hate how the franchise kept treating him as if he was just an "Evil Ben" when Albedo has ALWAYS been his own person. He just wanted to fix his fuck up, but when he couldn't do that took it out on everyone because human emotions be a bitch on your psyche But maybe I just hyperfixate too much on a fictional character.
Btw: This is sorta Azmuth's fault that Albedo snapped. Ben could have done more, but he's a teenager who was dealing with a Highbreed war the time they met again. He probably wouldn't have gone against Azmuth at that point. Azmuth could've turned Albedo back to normal because even he knew Albedo only wanted the Omnitrix to go back to being a Galvan, but instead imprisoned him then turned him into an 11 year old.
And no this isn't a "Albedo did nothing wrong uwu" post. Albedo was 100% at fault for turning himself into Ben, I'm not denying that. As well as making the choices he did, when all he had to do was explain without the lies. We're also only hearing Azmuth's side of things, and of course since Azmuth is "good" we're expected to take his side. We never heard Albedo's side fully because the narrative didn't allow it. The narrative wanted Albedo to be "bad" so that's what we saw. The narrative didn't allow Albedo to fix his fuck up. Kinda sad really, especially how the franchise treated him at the end.
TL;DR: Albedo has never been an evil Ben, but snapped as time went on because everytime he tried to become Galvan again it was always screwed up. And when he finally became Galvan again, wanted to make everyone suffer for the things he was put through and I can’t really blame him.
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cherienymphe · 1 year
just rewatched tsitp after seeing the mini discourse you had on here and like i have just a few thoughts
like the first being i truly forget how bad of a friend taylor is. like i def think she was worse in the books but she was just like mean??? like when she came for belly’s bday and was asking how her summer has been so far and then gets upset when she starts talking about the friends she made after she was like “you need to get out of ur shell” like hello???
also the deb ball girls ditching belly and taylor with no clothes was so shitty like isn’t nicole an adult??? like sure she’d be 18 at max but still i feel like she’s old enough to know how weird and fucked up it is to leave literal children alone in the middle of nowhere with absolutely no clothing
and then i lowkey am anti belly and conrad especially knowing that he’s 18 and she’s freshly 16. like sure they know and grew up with each other but there’s no way a dude that’s about to go into college is gonna want to be fucking around with a 16 year old like unless they’re a weirdo. like it’s one thing for belly to have a crush on conrad but the other way around? major side eye
I listened to the audio book of the first one and I'm pretty sure Taylor was both better and worse in the show 😭 hard to explain but in the book she didn't have as big of a presence but because of that, we also didn't get some big speech with her turning it around on belly.
The Nicole thing upset me too because the text really only incriminated Conrad. Like it was all on Conrad and she punished belly? Anything could've happened to her and Taylor out there and then how would Nicole have felt? I didn't like that at all.
As for belly and Conrad, I've had this convo before where as someone who is mid 20s, I group teens in dating ranges by younger teens and older teens. Idk if belly and Conrad's difference is 15/17 or 16/18 but going by American grade levels, it's likely Conrad is 17 going on 18 as it is for most seniors here with of course belly turning 16 going into her junior year? I could be all wrong but either way, if I wouldn't blink at a 16 year old dating a 17 year old, one year isn't going to make all the difference in the world to me. Romeo and Juliet laws exist so that teenagers won't go to jail for dating within their age groups and I can't speak for anyone else but I categorize it by two years. I see 15-17 years olds as age mates. Nothing below or above that for either party involved. The same goes for 16-18 and 17-19. I genuinely don't know anyone above the age of 20 who would blink at a 16 year old and 18 year old who grew up together starting to date each other. I just don't subscribe to the belief that teenagers are only allowed to date other teens that are exactly their age. Those weird years that consist of the last year or two of high school and the first year of college are very grey. It all depends on the circumstances and in this particular circumstance, I don't see a problem with it
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um-prompts · 2 years
62 writing prompts based on my songfic playlist!
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Featured: kill the lights set it off • choke i don't know how but they found me • cannibal tally hall • feel better penelope scott • ramblings of a lunatic bears in trees • idk if i'm a boy blue foster • asthma attack noahfinnce
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"I'm afraid the spotlight dried you up."
"You make me sick with all the lies that you spill."
"Not even death could stand in the way."
"You never even tried in the first place."
"kill the lights, kill the actor, kill the actress."
"I'll break your pretty face."
"Oh, you clever little things."
"What a precious basket case."
"If I could burn this town, I wouldn't hesitate."
"Bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep."
"You get everything you want."
"Money always talks to the idiot savants."
"I am the willing victim of a cannibal."
"She rips out my bones just like I'm an animal."
"When I'm feeling like my blood is drained, she calls it a game."
"The wound she leaves is unmistakable."
"I'm not the only one she has come to see."
"They could be the ones to make her believe."
"She's a phantom."
"Please, won't you tear me open wide?"
"I don't wanna feel better."
"No one's ever gonna love me like that again."
"I don't wanna get over you."
"I'd give anything to miss you again."
"I know I'll never know just what to say."
"I'm a sad girl in a dorm room."
"Someone loved me, someone fucking loved me."
"I'd give my life to have a room that feels that small."
"I had a right to die, a right to live, a right to choose, too."
"Can you fucking imagine?"
"I wanna rip the stars to shreds."
"I'm a healthy baby girl who traded sunshine for disease."
"I loved someone I barely knew."
"Lost my sense of home from the words that I've said."
"Maybe I'll just descend to dirt."
"Would anyone listen to this, the ramblings of a lunatic?"
"My mind does play an awful trick."
"I'm running from my emptiness."
"My brain is tired, my stomach's sick."
"Why has constructing sentences become like pulling teeth?"
"Is this carcass even me?"
"Is this catharsis, therapeutic plunge to darkness or elaborating upon my mediocrity?"
"Maybe this is a result of me finally accepting that I'll be alone forever."
"I've never felt more comfortable in the concept of things ending."
"Maybe this writer's block that I've been perceiving is to stop me diving deeply into my internal being."
"All my friends are dying, some faster than the others."
"I'm trying to distract myself from the fears that I've discovered."
"I don't know if I'm a boy."
"I know I wanna be called pretty."
"I am something in the middle."
"I don't know if I'm a reject."
"I know that I've been breathing different when I'm wearing makeup."
"Those stupid words served to protect me."
"I cannot figure out these stupid words."
"Now I know that I'm a reject, my own special kind of loser."
"I am the physical embodiment of everything I never wanted to be."
"I am the prime example of indecision."
"What am I supposed to do when I'm so see-through?"
"I had never thought that life would be like this."
"If living was the equivalent of breathing then maybe I should prepare myself for another asthma attack."
"You think I know myself, well you'd be mostly wrong."
"If lying was a crime then I'd be doing time."
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
RYEN HELLO OMG i'm finally here to scream in ur inbox about the window JFNDKFJNGK it's taken a minute bc i like to scroll through the chapter to make sure i don't forget anything and i can't stop re-reading it instead smh so first of all WHEN I TELL YOU MY JAW DROPPED WHEN I SAW THE TAGS omfg literally,,,, I DIDN'T EXPECT LIKE ANY OF THEM i was fr already a little feral and a little sweaty tbh. so u can imagine the whiplash when i start reading AND READER IS UPSET </3 but thank GOD for my queen dom <333333 always talking sense into reader!!! i am still literally screaming at her saying "make up with my future brother-in-law" LMAO AND EVEN THOUGH I KNEW THAT YOONGI WAS GOING TO SNEAK IN I STILL COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES WHEN I READ IT. i rlly love how this was "i'm yours and you're mine" but make it >:( lmao. yoongi said it best when he said "teach you to think i'm not yours. as if i don't wanna give you my shit so you can walk around everywhere with it on." SCREAMS (cut to yoongi giving reader HIS CHAIN kjgnkdjfgkjd i literally cannot stand it BUT OH MY GOD RYEN ALL THE SNEAKING AROUND GKJFKJGNDKJG literally saw my life flash before my eyes when bro came in and had to remind myself that This Is Not Real Life Please Breathe. literally every second bro wouldn't LEAVE i was just yelling in my head bc why are you here cockblocking. i love you please GET OUT. then i thought it was over AND NO??????? RYEN. look me in the eyes rn. hold my hands. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. HE KNOCKED ON THE WALL ??????? i can't complain too much bc cockwarming <3 BUT HELP. and vmin overhearing them when they think they're alone????????? dnkgjkjfdg i'm not strong enough to think too much about reader calling yoongi bitch and what happened right after. i am a weak weak person and you are so evil for making "you're gonna show me how you get off" yoongi GRAMMYS YOONGI. also bratty reader i am SCREAMING. like you're gonna call him bitch then disobey his orders????? "pass." ICON. talking about him being put in his place??? I WOULD PAY TO SEE IT. (also love how shy he was about it at the end gkjdnkfj like, sir, don't dish what you can't take. u wanna be punished a little, we get it, just say so) but it wouldn't be 3tan yoongi if he wasn't constantly checking in and taking care of reader </3 like when reader thought they heard smth and he said he was watching </3 when he thought they were in subspace and wanted to check </3 idk smth about it made me </3 </3 he's so </3 </3 i would like to end this off by saying i've never read so much smut i wish i could reenact. WHICH REMINDS ME. YOU'RE TELLING ME??? PEOPLE ARE OUT HERE USING 3TAN AS INSPO FOR THINGS TO DO WITH THEIR PARTNERS??? oh i'm so sick THAT SHOULD BE ME. like i'm glad for u but also jealousy is a disease and i'm SICK. anyways, i'm glad you took your time with it!! it was (as always) worth the wait and i'm p sure i say this every time but perhaps this is my new favorite part???? it's got it all. angst, fluff, communication, their friends, yoongi being sweet, yoongi being a menace, i would keep going but the list will get so long and this is already. A LOT and i don't want tumblr to eat it!!! -loona anon MWAH
LOONA OMFGGGG HI BABE gonna put this under a cut bc it's time to scream back!
WHEN I TELL YOU MY JAW DROPPED WHEN I SAW THE TAGS omfg literally,,,, I DIDN'T EXPECT LIKE ANY OF THEM i was fr already a little feral and a little sweaty tbh. so u can imagine the whiplash when i start reading AND READER IS UPSET </3 but thank GOD for my queen dom <333333 always talking sense into reader!!! i am still literally screaming at her saying "make up with my future brother-in-law"
LMFAOOO i told y'all the warnings were already enough to make me sweat!! and look where we ended up. i don't think anyone knew the extent of my truth there ahahaha. but also, reader baby is upset?? who do i fight oh we're fighting yoongi</333 tragic.
LMAO AND EVEN THOUGH I KNEW THAT YOONGI WAS GOING TO SNEAK IN I STILL COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES WHEN I READ IT. i rlly love how this was "i'm yours and you're mine" but make it >:( lmao. yoongi said it best when he said "teach you to think i'm not yours. as if i don't wanna give you my shit so you can walk around everywhere with it on." SCREAMS (cut to yoongi giving reader HIS CHAIN kjgnkdjfgkjd i literally cannot stand it
HAHAHA yes. yoongi managing to surprise us even though his threat about going through a window is right there in writing.... we are the whole circus!! but yeah both of them were just so upset and adorable and i can't stand them actually?? lol.
BUT OH MY GOD RYEN ALL THE SNEAKING AROUND GKJFKJGNDKJG literally saw my life flash before my eyes when bro came in and had to remind myself that This Is Not Real Life Please Breathe. literally every second bro wouldn't LEAVE i was just yelling in my head bc why are you here cockblocking. i love you please GET OUT. then i thought it was over AND NO??????? RYEN. look me in the eyes rn. hold my hands. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. HE KNOCKED ON THE WALL ??????? i can't complain too much bc cockwarming <3 BUT HELP.
the bro interruptions were honestly so FUN to write i was cackling and crying the whole time!! like how does this man know exactly when to ruin a good time his comedic timing was gd hilarious. the fact that you had to take a breath to remind yourself it's not real is so cool?? wtf that's a huge compliment! and the double down is my absolute favorite bc it led to super cute moments :((( but was HORRIFYING when it started happening ahahahaha
and vmin overhearing them when they think they're alone????????? dnkgjkjfdg i'm not strong enough to think too much about reader calling yoongi bitch and what happened right after. i am a weak weak person and you are so evil for making "you're gonna show me how you get off" yoongi GRAMMYS YOONGI. also bratty reader i am SCREAMING. like you're gonna call him bitch then disobey his orders????? "pass." ICON. talking about him being put in his place??? I WOULD PAY TO SEE IT.
I WANT BOTH OF THEM LET ME IN COACH IM SLIDING DOWN THE WALLS BANGING ON THE DOORS. i want vmin too but that's a different story lol. but gOD reader in this was an icon a king a queen a god a goddess all of the praise. to be like that in front of grammys yoongi telling you to show him that? i dunno how reader got the words out lmfao. but the adrenaline rush must have been a huge boost to confidence levels.
(also love how shy he was about it at the end gkjdnkfj like, sir, don't dish what you can't take. u wanna be punished a little, we get it, just say so) but it wouldn't be 3tan yoongi if he wasn't constantly checking in and taking care of reader </3 like when reader thought they heard smth and he said he was watching </3 when he thought they were in subspace and wanted to check </3 idk smth about it made me </3 </3 he's so </3 </3 i would like to end this off by saying i've never read so much smut i wish i could reenact.
PLEASE. YOU GET IT. yoongi being a fcking menace in the control seat but we all know what he wants to see!! he isn't slick at all omfg i'm so sjfjddjks if we ever get to reader's turn? it's over. it's over for everyone involved i may need 28 business days to get through it lol. but yoongi was an absolute sweetheart here. he was mad! he was pissed! but that didn't mean he was gonna disregard the basics like wellbeing and awareness. he knows how to hold himself back and that puts reader in a wonderful position.
WHICH REMINDS ME. YOU'RE TELLING ME??? PEOPLE ARE OUT HERE USING 3TAN AS INSPO FOR THINGS TO DO WITH THEIR PARTNERS??? oh i'm so sick THAT SHOULD BE ME. like i'm glad for u but also jealousy is a disease and i'm SICK.
HAHAHAHA YES LOONA. THERE REALLY ARE PEOPLE OUT HERE DOING JUST THAT AND IM LIVING FOR ITTTT. if i could send you a 3tan yoongi i most definitely would</33
anyways, i'm glad you took your time with it!! it was (as always) worth the wait and i'm p sure i say this every time but perhaps this is my new favorite part???? it's got it all. angst, fluff, communication, their friends, yoongi being sweet, yoongi being a menace, i would keep going but the list will get so long and this is already. A LOT and i don't want tumblr to eat it!!!
i'm screaming?? if this is your new fave part?? hell yeah. that makes me happy bc i didn't think this was on the same level of quality as the others! but if you like it then i'm very satisfied. and you got a point about it having a bit of everything! it's not a holiday special for nothing ehehehe. thank you so much again babe. this made me smile and laugh today LOL ily!
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twinsloveco · 4 months
I never wanted him to see me naked after I was with you
I never wanted him in the God damn room..
I literally fucking fought almost crying begging plz ALONE WHILE YOU JUST SAT THERE COLD AND GIGGLED A BIT AND WOULDNT HELP and you said he can come in cuz YOU felt bad then I felt bad ..ugh ITS MY ROOM I SAID NO?? WHY IF YOU LOVE ME YOUD LET HIM PUSH PAST ME AND HURT ME NIT EVEN ASK IF IM OKAY it hurt.
But at least when I asked if we can at least make sure im hidden and we are under the blanket you did that.. you guarded me.
You glared at the door when we thought someone was gonna come in on us doing stuff and u made sure I was hidden and it was closed and your face said you fucking try anything on my lucifer I'll start a riot...
🥺❤️‍🔥👉👈... that stays in my mind slot.
[But so does you kissing him and saying I love you baby you asking first right infront of me and everyone saying I'm just your friend shattered something in me idk I'll ever get back.. with the excuse oh so long and bd it's normal it's not.. my sister doesn't call her bd baby.. I dropped that shit instantly once I moved on from my ex of 6plus years... but I went with it.. I should have argued more tbh]
When I went away to cry it's because I seen you posted that you don't need my crying rn and it was me crying cuz you said we will be separated again for a bit and you'll be sad .. broke my heart .. so I went to hide my tears from u so you wouldn't be bothered and u couldn't be bothered to come to me ..Adam said he did he brought the flowers .. that u didn't care and didn't want to come find me.
I walked in with you naked infront of him and it felt like yall almost wouldn't unlock the door ... I felt abandoned alone excluded made a joke of as you all kept running off laughing together leave me behind even my sister asked and tahtz when it hit me and she said they ain't your real friends bro... well she also wasn't a very real sister either soo.. 🤷
I heard you say Lus gonna be so mad when he finds out what we did hehe oops..
And something snapped in me I heard a voice say: they fucked !! Fuck it!!! Fuck love fuck it all!!! Grr .. I cried myself to sleep a bit.
[I realize now Adam's souls voice in my head a LOT to fuck with me ugh...]
She's the one who told me you were likely cheating with one the two exes and that their the ones you're holding out for and I'm like no no he says it isn't like that they stay seperate and stuff just friends like me and adam... Adam sent me a ss where he said otherwise..that your relationship was good and you cuddle every night .. ouch...
I seen on my birthday you and him posting baby flirting saying you never loved anyone else that way ever and never will or something like that ..more ouch ... so that's where you went as I cried alone on my b day? I just wanted a damn hour even with you..
You didn't realize I fell asleep with your chat open with the phone close to my heart to feel closer to you , crying myself asleep waiting all day.. you didn't realize how shit is small hit by small hit add up for me...
I hid so much of my pain for you .. I was like no I need to put him and his needs first...
I couldn't contain it though.. the visions of seeing and feeling you having sex with someone else for months before proven irl I was always sick and hurting deep dark pulling heart pain sinking in my stomach in silence .. choosing to believe in you at all costs I never would have even allowed cheating or poly for anyone else but I was so willing to grow past that ego thing and just love you as you wanted to be ... I just wanted no one else but myselfes. I run to self love when I feel I have no one else my dude...
I saw a life together marriage and house and 1 kid.. and the animals.. Adam gone in his own place and me only interacting with him when you allowed it as a friend at arms length.... we went over and gamed with him one time.. but other than that he was out.
I was gonna help him get a car and move out and me get financially independent and secure again so he had no more hold over me
Oops that upset you too sighs... I'm sorry.
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ex-furry · 1 year
idk i haven't cried all day but it's hitting me really hard now that i'm alone in my room. i spent the entire day in the mountains with my dad and i feel like it was a good idea, especially because we all used to go up there together before everything happened. it just sucks. it's hard knowing that i'll never see my mom again. i don't like remembering that we had to leave her at the hospital afterward but sometimes it's all i can picture. just the last time i ever got to look at her before we left because i was the last one out. i've tried to get all of my thoughts about it together so many times but i think that'll take years. i'm so glad that i'm as close as i am with my dad through this shit
i forgot until just now about the conversation my mom had with my aunts in the hospital. maybe she thought they wouldn't tell anyone, but they did. she told them that she was ready to go and she just hoped that my brother and i were gonna be okay. i usually am okay, but on days like this i just watched it happen all over again. knowing that she knew what was happening to her helps a little bit. she knew and she was still aware enough on the 20th to tell that i was sad about it all, because she asked. i miss her so fucking much
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marblealphabetsoup · 1 year
Speaking of taboo stuff
I've always had a peanut gallery but there's this voice in my head that's just mine but a little younger. Which is weird because they're /she's probably the same age as me experience wise?
Feeling girly today, huh pest?
I'm not a girl.
Idk they've been around for a while and they're been more active lately which is weird considering I'm back in the environment where they're both consistently told to stick around more and frick off.
"Don't talk in a baby voice." Because that was you right? Just me but with an unintentional higher pitch that I wouldn't even notice until someone points it out because it feels natural to you.
As far as I'm aware, they're everything I should have grown out of, but don't want to? They're optimistic, but also not? They're childish, but thoughtful? I don't know what they heck they are but they're me just... brighter. Like if I was one a colorwheel they would be me but a brighter hue.
I know you're not a little even if you act like one sometimes. You're... more mature than that...
Oh do you want me to write?
Sure. Add a comma.
I think you're kind of right. You but me. I love you.
I'm... gonna leave that alone.
Anyway, they've been more active lately which is kinda normal considering we co-pilot a lot, but also weird because they're not usually THIS active. They've always been there, just not-
My letter(s) in the alphabet are A. He called me kid. He called you that too.
Okay, don't want anyone to know the second one, got it. I can see why you'd do that (oh yeah, ah, they deleted the second initial there). Alrighty. Just going to say it now, That letter A had a friendo because my initials are twofold!
This is ridiculous. I'm sharing a keyboard with myself. World's worst roleplay.
It's not roleplay, bud. It's you airin' yur brains out. :/
... you suck. This was meant to be talking about you not whatever the frick this is!
Rude. Talking about me when i'm right here.
Your're not real! I'm airing my bs to the internet while arguing with myself- You- you mentioned him above. Stop that.
Pfft I wonder what this would look like on pk.
I'm not using that.
Above you also agreed to let me talk it seems.
Regretting that now.
yeah, I want to be done with this too
... they're still here this is just weird.
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honking-up-a-storm · 1 year
Oh it's even more dead than it was Monday, I guess everyone is all partied out. I'm not cuz I didn't do shit for the 4th. Though right now I feel a bit nauseous cuz I haven't eaten yet today. Last night was bad cuz of my period but I had that sick gut feeling that something bad was happening. Nothing came of it that I'm aware of, but it's been months since I felt it. So it was kinda startling. I know I blabbed on about how I'm not into other worldly shit, but IDK, my guy usually isn't wrong with that exact feeling of pure dread. It's been a few months since we've seen (Friend), rationally I know he's fine but that fight was absolutely brutal. If we had both just kept our cool [Friend] wouldn't have had to do what he did. It's scary watching someone fall like that. Don't fucking make that joke about the situation, oh my god why would I think that? Probably because it is a little funny with context. Let's just say that [friend] is good at pushing people out of his space like that. At least I made that joke now and not the minute after like {friend} did. Though she was being completely genuine saying it was a " Mario 64 moment" and it's funny bc she wasn't wrong tbh. Aside from my regulars who said that they'd be here today I really don't think I'm gonna have anyone today. Which is good cuz I don't feel good. Am I scared? I've been dreading seeing the security guard again, he left me alone Monday but I still have the whole summer ahead of me. I can't let my paranoia get the better of me I have to get mad and stay mad and stand up for myself. I mean that's what I told myself the last time I needed to confront someone who could physically harm me, and then I just froze. I always freeze. It's instinctual and it's dangerous. It's not logical for my body to think if I just stay still and stay quiet nothing bad will happen to me. Off topic but I'm wondering if I'm autistic again. And I feel bad cuz before when I was wondering out loud it probably sounded like I didn't want it/not open to the idea of having it/ thought it was bad/ ect when really I was just worried that if I was wrong id be invading that space on accident. But there's a lot of things about myself I'm cross examining with other autistic people that are making me think so. I know I'm feeling a hell of a lot better now that I've stopped masking a lot of things (though yelling in the middle of the city while vocal stimming might've been too much that one time) Paul Mccartney what the fuck are you doing here? Man it's only been an hour. Don't know why I'm surprised this usually only takes one hour. The lot is kinda filling up now. I should put my sunscreen on. Anyways right, Autism. Lots of things I did when I was younger kinda point to it; even though I was checked twice I don't think either count. The first one was in the 2-3rd grade and they were mainly focused on me just not falling behind, they didn't care about behavioral things bc I was a kid they thought I'd grow out of it. The other was primarily to get my ADHD diagnosis, he wasn't looking for Autism. So yes I fully believe I should get re-tested, no stupid online quizzes, I need an actual doctor who preferably has autism themselves to help me find out. I need to make a list of traits I've noticed so I can remember what to tell them.
Notes: Can people stop leaving thier cars running near me? It's already hot as shit today.
- I wanna steal that pretty green car over there, it would be easy the windows are down. It's probably a standard tho.
- Punch buggy dreams slightly restored, second time around it's easy to drive.
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ghostly-clown · 2 years
Slashers realising they like a guy (all sfw)
I just wanted to do a lil head Canon thing for all gays and guys who like slashers, as well as I don't see alot of male s/o's (but if anyone can find any send them to me please 🙏)
Will include:
Michael myers, Jason voorhees, brahms heelshire, the Sinclair brothers (all 3 of them), Thomas hewitt
Michael Myers
- He can't believe he likes a man, like a guy??
- He will use alot of intimidation, following you, standing over your shoulder etc.
- not for any particular reason other then it being his way of trying to figure out why he likes you
- he'll also grab you alot looking deeply into your features to see what makes him feel this way
- it just dosnt make complete sense to him, for he's but a simple confused gay
- after alot of trying and failing to suppress his feelings he eventually just accepts it
- hell be a bit weird about it at first, patience is gonna be vry Important here
- but in the end he'll treat you the same as any other lover
Jason Voorhees
- Also pretty confused but takes more time to think it through alone
- kinda just processing what these feelings are and such
- would just watch you alot half because he's still figuring stuff out, half because he's down bad
- but he'd except his feelings pretty easily
- it would probably take him awhile to warm up to holding hands and stuff like that
- After you do past that threshold he'll only now realises how down bad he is
- he'll start becoming alot more clingy and comfortable
Brahms Heelshire
- I don't think he would care too much he would be more confused on weather a relationship with another guy is gonna be different
- if he could look stuff up his search history would be 'how to kiss boy' 'what to do with girlfriend that's a guy'
- Dosnt go into hugging and holding hands till a bit latter but again once he passes that threshold he will be all over you
- very clingy cause there is no difference between dating a guy or a girl it's just dating it shouldn't need to be so complicated
- Brahms would also like to be held alot (haha fucking bottom (me too))
Bo Sinclair
- He will treat u like a guy friend for a very long while
- The straightest gay man you'll ever know
- will probably make alot of the "kiss the homies" jokes and flirt alot but in a "we're just 2 guy friends" way
- but the second you flirt back (joke or not) Bo will begin the spiral and start questioning everything
- He's gonna get very blushy and flustered and deny it all saying it was just a bad joke and leave
- Try and explain that dating a guy won't make him any less of a man and give him time to think about it
- Afterwards he'll treat you like he would any other lover but that still wont stop him from getting flustered whenever you flirt
Lester Sinclair
- He always kinda suspected he liked guys but never gave it much thought
- and then you come into his life and he knows he is head over heels in love
- Lester is pan btw, idk how to explain it but he is
- He'll love to just have a partner around and is absolutely over the moon it's you
- like he won't care that you a guy he just loves you and that's all that matters (thats all that should matter 😌)
Vincent Sinclair
- he is gonna be falling for you the second he see's you
- He's always been a bit gay and now he is absolutely in love with a guy
- like shake his hand or touch him in anyway and man's is gonna have a gay break down
- He wouldn't be very open about it so you'll need to ask him
- and he won't deny it, he's more afraid you won't feel the same
- say you do feel the same and Vincent will be the happiest man alive
- he would still be anxious about touch but that's just him not being used to it
- after a while he would be comfortable just holding hands, or cuddling but would enjoy being the lil spoon more
Thomas Hewitt
- it would take him a bit to connect the dots, he just thinks your an amazing friend
- for him to realise he likes you, you will have to do something that makes him question
- honestly just joking about being in a relationship would send him into thought
- unfortunately when poor boy realises he loves you, he'll startto worry about his family
- He would hang around you alot and help you with every little thing, any excuse he has to just be near you
- But he'll come out to Luda May first since shes the most understanding
- and then to you and if u like him back he will be over the moon
- He'll keep the relationship on the downlow until he's sure its ok to come out
I hope y'all enjoyed, stay safe and respect eachother :)
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chenyann · 2 years
Sleeping on The First years♡
Ace trappola,Deuce spade,Jack howl,Epel felmier and Sebek zigvolt
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This is coming out later than I expected 😭 the epel fic will be done tomorrow tho and I've been working on a masterlist and a intro page so I've been working hard💪 and I was halfway done with this and it deleted all my progress so yeah♡~yako
Tw:sebek Fluff/crack
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He was just talking about how much he hates riddle then boom weight on his shoulder!
Lowkey just got scared 
He thought it was riddle lol
He was surprised and a little offended when you fell asleep in the middle of his rant
He grabbed a nearby pen 
Yep you know where this is going y/nnie
BUT!?BUT!!!He doesn't do it?
Why you may ask well that's because 1.your his crush 2.he doesn't want to have all his fingers broken(‐^▽^‐)
But…ngl….you look kinda cute
100% strokes your head
Plays on his phone while you sleep
He almost woke you up cause he got jumpscared from a video Carter sent him.
Tells you to go back to sleep
You did cause school just ain't it 😒
Would kill anyone who makes too much noise near you🧡🧡
"Here Ace I can take them to a bedroom"
"No! it's okay I'll keep them here"
"Just cause you like them don't mean-"
"I don't like them! They are just keeping my shoulder warm"
He will take it to his grave that the ONLY reason he kept you there was too keep him warm 
Takes a picture of you 
Maybe took a few more🤫
He would threaten to use it as black mail
Don't believe him he's a liar
Wouldn't want anyone else to see your sleeping face 
Brags to the other first years
Acts like a lil snot when you wake up
"Just couldn't resist me huh prefect?"
"Wait I didn't mean it y/n!!! DONT IGNORE ME!?!??!
I wholeheartedly believe mama Spade would call him her little cuddle bug and nothing you say of do will change that  y/nnie♡
He was just doing his thing laying on his back
You come swooping down laying on his chest
Was flustered 
He was about to sit up and ask you if youre okay
But he felt that you got lighter
Did you fall alseep???
Wait…are you breathing!?!??!..!.
Omg did you faint!??!?!. CALL HELP!??!?!?
Wait….oh. you are breathing,I can hear your light snoring!
Would want to move you cause he thinks you are not comfortable enough.💚💚
He just decided that he won't risk waking you up again 
He stayed there….doing nothing 
This reminds him when he slept with his mom when he was little
Plays with your hair like how  his mom use to do to him🥰🥰
And hummed like she did to him
Would throw something at someone if they were too loud near you
Almost threw you
He actually got too wound up and kinda woke you up
Apologized and held you close
He ended up falling asleep too due to having nothing to do
Other than play with your hair, he didn't want to wake you up cause he tugged your hair by mistake 
Carter took photos of yall
He held you closer as yall slept🧡🧡
Two cuddle bugs♡♡
"Prefect are you getting enough sleep? You fell asleep on me yesterday."
"No need to apologize,I didn't mind I was just worried that's all"
He was reading his book when you asked to lay on his lap
He didn't expect you to fall asleep 
Worried about you not getting enough sleep.
It's quiet in his room and it's warm, it's the perfect spot to rest!
Idk guys his tail is kinda fast rn🤨🤨
would softly take your head and replace his lap as a pillow.
Yeah nice try Simp this is my world and you ain't gonna sleep on his thunder thighs that easily!😈
You after faking your sleep to lay on his meaty thighs only for it to be replaced with a pillow:(╥_╥)
He didn't want to wake you up okay🥲🥲
Looks at you and smiles 
He would pat your head too🧡
You remind him of his younger siblings when they would sleep 
He ended up waking then up by mistake tho
Continues to read his book 
Would check on you after every page🧡🧡🧡
You did end up falling asleep tho🥱
Would also cover you with a blanket😫😫 God I want a man like that plz
He would not leave you alone ♡
He would growl at anyone being too loud
He would also turn on a fan for you
It gets hot there sometimes 
He would be honored that you felt comfortable to sleep by him<33
He would also ask someone he trusts to get a water bottle
So when you wake up you can have something to drink
"Prefect are you getting enough sleep?"
"No…I was just asking cause it's distracting"
He would probably think about this for the next week
Randomly asks if your tired 
Your honor I wanna sleep on his man titties😔
Country boy I love you~~😝😛
He was just hating on vil and you were playing with his hair
He felt pressure on his back but didn't question it 
Until you stopped talking and moving that is
Thought you passed out
Him rn:(•⌓• )
He was so scared 😭😭 
He looked at the mirror vil gave him and saw you were asleep 
How tf you fall asleep like that y/n??
You were leaning against his back asleep
He didn't want to move tho
He fr thought it would improve his muscles 💀💀
He just sat there for like 10 minutes
 He then got on his phone 
Probably took a picture 
Did you always smell this nice??
Why tf you smelling them epel??
Lowkey probably thought you look hot💀💀 even with the drool
After a while he would lean back and you would fall on the bed
Yes you woke up 
He told you to sleep on the bed
You did 
Would fist fight anyone who is too loud💙💙
Would also use you as an excuse to get away from vil 
"Epel you have to come by my room so I can redo your eyeshadow"
"The prefect is asleep in my room and I want to be there when they wake up"
"Don't want them to be scared or confused"
"fine when they wake up ill have Rook come get you"
Covo with him and vil⬆️
Would mumble little nothings with sitting beside you<33
Calls you his little cotton swab 💀💀
Would also comb his hand through your hair like his granny would do💙💙
1000% A Confidence boost
If he touched you tho that's another story 
You would roll away💀💀💀
"Prefect, can you stay for a while longer?"
"Cause vil wants to do my makeup when you wake up so just stay in here for a bit longer''
…..what? You can't tell me you fell asleep in a 8 meter radius near him???
Even if you tried you would know what would happen
So what's the point???
Fine😒 I'll do it 
but yall are about to be blocked again/j
What??? He looks over and sees you snoring away!?!?
He was talking about his waka Sama and you fall ASLEEP!?!?
Great another silver…
about to wake yo ass up
But….you look nice like this…
Diasomnia is impressed to say the least
Would go and walk away but the moment he moves you cling on even more
Your ass was like "get over here👹"
Now that's how you ending up laying in his lap 
Smells like mold
Would just sit there doing nothing
Stiff 🤭🤭
Texts Lila
"The human is sleeping on me and I want them off me, how do I get them off?" 
"Aww send pics😻😻!"
That's the conversation they had
Would loosened up a bit💚💚
Reads a book out loud to you as you sleep💚💚
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luvrlixie · 3 years
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tags: changbin x gn! reader, soft dom reader, thigh riding/dry humping, very soft, exhibitionism????????? idk they aren't alone in the dorm but no one walks in. not a lot of smut sorry y'all </3 mostly just sappy emotions.. but still nsfw... lit rally wrote at 4am and don't feel like editing lmaoo
"seriously binnie! if you're gonna spend so much money on clothes, you should at least wear them. you have so many cute sweaters and the fact that they're collecting dust in the back of your closet is a crime."
changbin sat up and peered over the back of the couch as you entered the room. he was ready to shoot back a snarky comment but his words died on his tongue as soon as he saw you.
you stopped by the studio to visit him earlier, where he and the rest of 3racha were working on a track for the next album. you hadn't planned on staying long since you knew your boyfriend would be busy. but about 20 minutes after showing up chan was ushering everyone else out of the room, claiming that he had everything he needed from the other boys for now and that they both deserved a night off. any worries you or changbin might have had about chan overworking himself were immediately replaced by the realization that the two of you would finally have some time alone.
and that brought you to where you were now. standing in front of a blushing boy, wearing shorts and a long shirt of his that completely hid said shorts. you had decided to change after your boyfriend proposed that you spend the night. (at the time he was excited for movies and cuddles, but now it was an offer that he was starting to regret as he could already feel himself growing hard). the shirt you wore was one that changbin never put on due to it's size, he didn't think the whole oversized clothes style was really his thing.
but holy fuck it was yours.
"you uh- you look good."
changbin swallowed and you squinted. he was always a sucker for you wearing his clothes, but it was still odd for him to be turning so red just from seeing you in an shirt of his. luckily it didn't take long for you to notice the way his eyes wouldn't meet yours since they were focused on a different part of your body. you couldn't help but let out a little giggle. seeing you in his clothes might make him weak, but his biggest weakness was your thighs. he'd never exactly talked about your thighs in particular, but it was something that you had picked up on as your relationship progressed. you couldn't help but notice how changbin was always making sure to leave little marks on the inside of your thighs, and would jump at the chance to lay between them when he got sleepy, and how he would often pull out just in time to paint your thighs with his cum.
"like what you see?" you asked playfully as you took a few steps forward so you were standing in front of him.
"like what i- fuck yes... you're gonna be the death of me y/n."
you hummed in amusement, loving the affected you had on your boyfriend, and tangled a hand in his hair so you could guide him forward and let him press kisses on your thighs.
"mm seriously, on my gravestone it's gonna say your name after cause of death" changbin breathed out as he happily trailed his lips over your skin.
"that makes it sound like I murdered you, I'm not a fan of that"
you stood there for a few more minutes. finally moving away once you sensed that changbin was growing impatient. although you loved making your boyfriend beg, now was not that time for that. even though you moved to sit down next to him, changbin whined when you stepped away. knowing you, the poor boy was worried that you were gonna make him suffer through the whole movie with a boner. however, you had much different plans in mind for tonight.
with a smile, you slid a hand between his legs. "such a pretty noise, that little whine. wanna make it again for me?"
changbin's mouth went dry, he opened it to say something but nothing would come out. how were you always able to make him speechless? he did want to make that noise for you again. he wanted you to coo over how cute he sounded, but not here. not in the living room with minho still tucked away in his room, and with hyunjin and seungmin who were expected back at any minute.
"please, please let's go to my room. I need you."
you shook your head and started palming at chnagbin's crotch through his sweatpants, making his body go slack. "shh baby it's okay, calm down. I was just gonna let you grind against my thigh, let you get off like that. we'll be fully clothed so if anyone walks in it'll be pretty easy to play it off as cuddling or a makeout session."
that seemed to be all the reassurance that changbin needed. the way you were touching him paired with your soft voice was making his head spin. all he was focused on now was making you happy and chasing his orgasm. not even a second went by until he was moving onto your lap so he was facing you and straddling one of your legs.
"there you go! good boy."
you helped him settle into a comfortable position and pulled him close so his chest was pressed against yours and his face was buried in your neck. as changbin started to move his hips, you continued whispering words of encouragement and gentle praises since you could feel how tense he had gotten. changbin hadn't exactly done this before. and although the whole thing seemed rather self explanatory and he had gotten off by rutting against a pillow multiple times, he felt a bit self conscious with you watching his every move.
"It's okay bunny, there's no right or wrong way to do this. just whatever feels good." you whispered soothingly into his ear, catching the nervous look in his eyes and the way his movements kept faltering.
it was silly of him to be nervous, he realized. the safest he had ever felt was with you, and over the course of your relationship you had both tried out plenty of new things together (both in and out of the bedroom). thigh riding? this was nothing, you had certainly seen him in much more embarassing situations. so changbin nodded and finally started settling into a steady pace, trusting your words entirely.
every drag of his cock elicited a soft ah sound from the dark haired boy. luckily, you didn't have to worry about him being too loud. he was vocal and made plenty of noise, but always quiet whimpers and soft choruses of "oh"s. you could get him to be loud if you wanted to, you knew how. for now the tiny noises he was making was more than enough to satisfy you as you played with his hair and peppered his forehead with kisses. "there you go bun, bet it feels so good huh?" as you spoke you pressed your leg upwards, applying extra pressure to the whimpering boy's cock. the gasp he let out made your eyes widen in entertainment and you repeated the action, taking pleasure in how he squirmed everytime. "keep going little slut, don't slow down. doesn't my bunny wanna make a pretty mess for me?"
"m-more'" changbin panted.
normally you'd chastise him for not saying please. but right now you honestly couldn't care less. you just wanted your boyfriend to feel loved. wanted him to be as proud of himself as you are of him. so you smiled and pressed your leg up again, hands gripping onto his hips so that you can help guide his movements. "that song you were working on when I visited sounded so good. I know you've been working so hard on it. you're so talented baby, so amazing." changbin let out a sort of strangled noise and tightened his arms around you, pulling himself as close to you as he could get. the absence of words didn't bother you. sometimes changbin babbled on and on while you ruined him, telling you how good he felt and how much he loved you. while other times he just clings onto you, settling on a variety of whines to communicate. both were good.
as the familiar tightness grew in changbin's body, he focused on following the push and pull of your arms. if it wasn't for you guiding him he would have entirely lost his rhythm. knowing that your boyfriend was getting close, you started bouncing your leg and kneading his ass with one hand.
"changbin.. binnie, hey. c'mon let me see your face" you softly prodded, waiting for him to pull back. when he did, your heart squeezed in your chest.
he was so beautiful.
his lips were parted and his bottom lip was glossy and red from biting down on it too hard. his hair was sticking out in a few places, and his eyes were so full of pleasure. you could tell from the glassy look that changbin wasn't entirely present, his thoughts were elsewhere.
"m'gonna..." changbin slurred, hips twitching and back arching. you caught on immediately and softly grabbed his chin to make sure he didn't hide his face again, you always loved to see his face screw up as he comes. this time was no different.
"good boy, good boy let it all out for me"
you helped him ride out his orgasm and leaned forward to kiss him. not even caring that the kiss was messy and mostly just teeth since changbin was panting far too heavily to give you a proper kiss. when changbin's orgasm had finished washing through his body, you let him crash back into your chest. as you waited for him to catch his breath you rubbed his back and buried your face in his hair, giving him time to compose himself before talking.
"I love you binnie"
"..love you too y/n ... but seriously you're way too hot ... gonna die from sexiness overload"
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