#idk what it is but i’m really only interested in writing him with simon
gatorlovebot · 10 months
Both puppy and werewolf soap are the type to be so horny they fuck you sore to the point you need to ice your pussy. They of course, want to be good boys and help, so they hold the ice pack for your still-pleasure-wrecked mind, only to get horny thinking about the fact that the ice pack is right against your pussy, so they grind it against you until to cum again, while they whine and whimper and beg to see it just one more time.
Definitely licks your cum off it too.
anon, you are so right, as always. they’re horny disasters, but they’re your horny disasters. they’re hardwired to want to make you cum as many times as possibles because they simply want to be good boys. they also love the way you sound and feel when you cum around their cocks. it’s hard for them to differentiate your whimpers of pelasure and whinpers of pain when everything starts to fee too much but eventually you’re able to push them off.
you have to assure them that yes they did a good job and made you feel good but maybe a little too good. they hold the ice pack against your cunt and its still so slick and it smells so good they can’t help themselves when they start to move it against your clit. they just want to watch your pussy cum again :( and as your body shakes from overstimulation they lap up your cum being the helpful good boys they are.
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bubble-dream-inc · 2 years
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Lemniscate (the place between sleeping and awake)
a chance encounter with your superior during a very lonely holiday season leads to an interesting conversation and an insight on yours and Ghost’s relationship.
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
rbs greatly appreciated!
WC: 4,8k
a/n: i had to repost this bc tumblr was being fussy and hiding it oops. also i was listening to so handsome hello by woodkid while writing this so there’s my song rec for the day. i am down bad for this man someone help me! thank u loml @deafeningcat for being the best beta reader ever, always <3
warnings: explicit talk about death, war, trauma and violence, suggestive, profanity, ghost being ooc, sex as a coping mechanism for ptsd, heavy antimilitarism, angst to fluff, slight prey and size kink if you squint, non intentional liverpool slander, reader is part of 141, soap calls you "bonnie" once but otherwise no gender especified for reader, reader thinks they can fix him and is sorta emotionally dependent so its kinda toxic idk, intentional repeating of words, christmas/holidays ambience. MDNI
The puddles rippled under your boots, and right there under the faint street light which reflected the light drizzle of rain darkening the already pitch black night sky, you remembered how much you hate the holidays. Sure, it felt nice not having to worry that much about being ambushed or shot or killed for once, but you’d be lying if you said you looked forward to having time off from work. Having spent the last few years constantly living on edge, running solely on the primal instinct of survival for weeks on end had you addicted to the adrenaline, and you forgot what it’s like to be completely at ease a long time ago. 
You felt your skin dampen under your clothes in the humid air. You haven’t bothered with an umbrella; you have been through worse. Liverpool was never your cup of tea, the sky was too gray and the wind felt like tiny needles attacking your skin on the rare occasion it wasn’t raining, and in moments like these you missed the scorching summer sun from your hometown. But again, could you really call it home? That thought had been lingering in the back of your head as an ugly reminder of one of the shittiest parts of your job ever since a few days ago when the base you were stationed in was filled with the sound of rambunctious laughter and the smell of cheap cigarettes and beer, all of it a reflect of a mission well done. The intel was useful, the danger was dealt with, and your teammates could not be more grateful the timing was just right so that they could go spend some time off with their families for the holidays. You weren’t really thinking too hard about it, too absorbed in your teasing banter with Gaz, until Soap turned to you.
“What about you, bonnie? Where ya spendin’ your holidays at? Going home?”
You had shaken your head no with a chuckle, swallowing the bad taste the word home left in your mouth and masking your discomfort. Having all their attention on you as your team mates waited for your answer wasn’t inherently bad, but you did have to ignore Simon’s piercing stare from across the group, focusing only on Soap and trying to not give in to your instinct of looking back at your Lieutenant. As the years went by, you’d found out that was just the way that he was, and you had to learn how to differentiate when he actually wanted for someone to be scared by his constant, terrifying eye contact, and when to know he was simply looking in your general vicinity. Not that it worked that well, of course, since just his massive presence and the low timbre of his voice could make anyone’s fight or flight instinct blare sirens in their head, and yet, at some point you realized you liked it. You felt like a prey under his gaze, and the fact that it both terrified and excited you was intoxicating. 
“Nah. I’m heading to Liverpool, i think, as usual” 
Being in Liverpool for you was far from pleasant, but a few years before you decided to go there for your time off just because it was closer to the base you were stationed in and you had nowhere else to go, and it became a tradition, even if it sometimes felt like self punishment. It certainly seemed like it, you thought as you wandered aimlessly through a quieter part of the city, occasionally passing through a group of tipsy barely-of-age kids, or a happy looking family going back to the comfort of their cozy homes together. It made your chest ache, but the loneliness got duller after so much time being surrounded only by the 141 members and having to watch so many people you knew die on the front lines. 
“Do you regret it? Joining the military?”
You had asked Ghost one day after you two had to get holed up in a dingy safe house, trying to pass the time while waiting for exfil. He had stared at you for a few seconds, silently, and you wondered if you had crossed a line by asking something way too personal, but in a moment he was back to staring at the worn out coffee table in front of the couch you were in. 
“No. I did what had to be done at the time.” 
While somewhat cryptic, you accepted his answer without prying for more, but after a few seconds he looked back at you, not going unnoticed how his eyes looked a bit more tired than usual. 
“Do you?”
You remember sighing.
“Everyday. War is hell.” 
He only hummed in response, putting an end to the conversation that had barely been started, but your mind dwelled on your answer. It seemed like ages ago when you were a starry-eyed private, having been fooled by the military propaganda promising you’d be a hero, but that resolve quickly broke a few months later in your first mission, and you certainly didn’t feel like a hero after taking someone else’s life for the first time. 
Lost in thought as you walked, you almost paid no mind to the man in your path that was leaning towards a lamp post and having a cigarette, if not for the fact that even from a distance you could see he was massive. There was only one person you knew that seemed as tall as that, and that was your-
“Lieutenant?” You squinted, being pretty sure you couldn’t mistake your towering 6’4 masked superior over someone else, and he acknowledged you with a look. If he was surprised to see you, he didn't show it. “Liverpool sure is tiny, huh? I thought you were from Manchester.”
“I am.”
His answers were rarely something other than short and dry, and he knew you knew better than to pry into his own personal reasonings, even because you also had no real reason to stick around that city and yet there you were. Still, the laidback-ish atmosphere of being between missions made it easier for you to act a little more daring than usual, treading lightly as you questioned him, unable to hold back your curiosity. Alas, you found yourself hypnotized by the way Simon’s full lips wrapped around his cigarette as he took a slow drag, waiting for you to say something.
“Heading somewhere?” Your voice sounded foreign even to yourself, and you didn’t know whether to blame the cold, the awkwardness of feeling like you were bothering your superior on his time off, or the way just being by his general vicinity made your chest ache with a feeling you hadn’t quite been able to name yet, but you shrugged all of it off and focused on trying to act as normally as possible.
“Not really. Are you?”
“Not really” You mimicked his words, smiling faintly and wanting to imagine that you actually saw mirth in his eyes. “Lookin’ for a pub that’s still open, but I'm not having too much luck with it.” You paused, unable to stop the next words that came out of your mouth. “Care to join me?”
Ghost pondered your bold request for a moment before putting out his cigarette by stepping on it and nodding with his head for you to lead the way. His way of communicating with so little words made you uneasy at first, but nowadays you’d find it endearing. 
And that’s how you ended up in a beaten up looking pub near the port, sitting side by side with Simon by the bar, acutely aware of the bartender eyeing you two warily. You weren’t sure if he was angry for the fact that the bar actually had customers, which meant he couldn’t go enjoy time off at home, or if he was intimidated by Ghost. Maybe both. It was an otherwise cozy little pub, the warm lighting and the low ceiling made you feel slightly comforted by your surroundings, even if there were only three other customers around and the air smelled of burnt oil and deep fried food. You tapped your fingers on the wooden surface of the bar while waiting for the grumpy bartender to bring your beer, comfortable with the silence between you and Simon. When it arrived, you watched with a side eye, trying to be discreet, as he raised his mask slightly to take a sip of his bourbon, even if you knew he had noticed you.
Ghost’s face was somewhat familiar to you. Less than his body, admittedly.
There were a handful of times you had seen him without his mask, but you had barely committed its features to memory since it had mostly been in the dark confines of his quarters - which made you think how nice it must be to have a rank high enough to have your own room - and in times where staring at his face was not the first thing on your mind. It didn’t matter anyway, knowing he really was handsome after all under the balaclava didn’t change how your chest would tighten at the sight of him way before you dreamt of seeing his whole face.
Being alone with your superior was hardly foreign at this point, after so many years and everything you had been through together, and while you had never said it directly to him, his company was enjoyable. You remember clearly; It had happened the first time during mid summer after a mission gone particularly wrong in Somalia. One hour in the shower later, scrubbing your skin raw, you still felt dirty and grimy, as if you believed you could let go along with the blood-dirtied water the screams of all the civilians you had heard and the image ingrained into your brain of all the innocent people lying dead on the streets, massacred without a second thought. You tried showering, smoking, drinking, going for a walk, talking to your fellow team mates - all of them who looked just about as shaken as you were - but nothing could get your mind off of it. Mid walk, you had rounded a corner inside the base and locked eyes with Ghost, who was coming from the opposite direction, and, for reasons unknown, something instantly changed in the air between you. Sure, you had flirted a bit and perhaps given some indication of your attraction towards him before, but at that moment maybe you looked more distraught than you thought, and in only a split second after the very sudden eye contact, a non-verbal agreement was set, and quickly you found yourself glued to his broad chest, his hand lifting his mask just enough so you could connect your lips in a messy and aggressive kiss as he guided you to the door of his room. There’s no way to tell how long you were there for, but as you felt him blindly in the dark to hug his neck while he was inside you for the nth time, you were grateful he didn’t comment on your sobs that you now allowed to flow as freely as your tears, and, in turn, you didn’t comment on how tender your huge, scary superior could be, holding your face gently and whispering praises, comforting you the best he could. 
It became something akin of a habit. At first it was just fucking to destress or to not have to deal in a proper way with all the trauma that came with your line of work, but then you started to linger. His touches became gentler, his big hands would stroke your skin instead of just gripping it hard enough to bruise, and you found yourself staring at his strong and scarred back one morning as he slept somewhat soundly beside you. Your hands itched to trace them, and at the moment you decided you wouldn’t mind sharing a bed, literally, with your superior more often, it was when you also realized you were fucked. To the others, surely it looked just like a very unethical and paperwork-worthy sexual tension, but you weren’t stupid, and not a teenager anymore, so you couldn’t find any excuses for the lingering glances and touches, how you started worrying more for him in battlefield, and you didn’t know if it was comforting or terrifying for you to think that he probably realized what was going on inside your head whenever he looked back at you, even if his hardened and unreadable gaze never faltered. Some nights, you’d find yourself alone in your cot wondering if you were imagining it all or if the longing you felt for his reciprocity was too delusional, and the thought made your throat ache in the worst way possible. You knew it was a bad idea, but you were unable to restrain yourself from finding your way back to his bed more often than not - and whenever he’d open the door for you when the base was already dead silent, realizing he also seemed glad to see you made all of your rational thoughts go out the window. 
“Quit the starin’.” 
Oh. Right. You were still looking at him. You muttered out a low sorry and looked down at your cup, well aware of Simon’s gaze burning holes into your face. So much for not staring.
“Why don’t you ever go home?”
There’s that word again. You wondered if your experience with feeling so stateless after fleeing from the place you used to call your own such a long time ago was that uncommon between soldiers, and suddenly the beer in your tongue didn’t taste that bitter anymore. 
“It was just a place like any other. I’m afraid there hasn’t been anythin’ for me there in a while, so i guess i don’t really got one anymore.” 
But again, you did wonder why Simon was all the way over to Liverpool and not Manchester, and a part of you selfishly hoped you weren’t alone with the gut wrenching feeling of not belonging anywhere but your base. Not that he’d ever admit to something like that. Simon was not the kind of man to say his thoughts clearly, or with words, for that matter.
“No family? Friends?” 
Chuckling dryly, you’d let yourself linger a bit longer on Ghost’s sudden interest in actually knowing you more than physically if his bluntness didn’t amuse you in a bitter way.
“People realize really quickly how hard it is to keep relationships with someone who’s gone for months on end, and could very well be dead in a ditch the next time you try to call. Can’t say I blame ‘em.”
Simon said nothing in response, but his gaze on you seemed to soften a bit. Experiencing him outside of the battlefield was the kind of thing that would surely give you whiplash, years of military experience and living through horrors beyond comprehension would, of course, make him have a dangerous and reserved aura 24/7, but watching him let loose just a little bit and allow himself to be minimally vulnerable through his gaze and casually, softer spoken words were a new sort of fascinating. He was never the kind of person to ask things out of politeness, no, he was brazen and direct, so his genuine curiosity in you made it difficult to calm your already palpitating heartbeat. 
Under the lights of a very dimly lit pub in East Liverpool, you were seeing not Ghost, not your Lieutenant, but only Simon Riley. You came to the conclusion you really liked this side of him. So, you decided to take your chances and prod a little bit more.
“What about you, Lieutenant? Where is home for you?”
You chuckled, and a tiny, barely-there smirk formed on his lips before he hid it with the rim of his bourbon glass. It was worth a try.
You lost track of how long you were sitting there, in silence, just listening to the static-ish audio of the shitty television on the corner of the bar or the idle chat of other patrons, occasionally muttering something to Ghost, but it all felt superficial. You wanted to jump him, to strip him bare, not of his clothes, but of all of him that was a façade, and lay down every word left unsaid. Maybe it was selfish, but you wanted him to let you care for him the way he cared for you. For every time he’d wordlessly patch up your wounds in a dirty alleyway, push you out of a sniper’s line of sight or bark orders for you to get to fucking safety, you wanted to help him through each nightmare (that he thought you didn’t notice it plagued his nights more often than not, leaving him restless the next day), and hold him close when the throes of carrying a whole team and an entire life of trauma on his back became too much to bear on his own. You felt like a fool, pining over a man who made no effort to hide how little he trusted people.
Soon enough, the pub grew quieter and more devoid of people, and at some point you and Ghost decided the bartender’s gaze was way too unwelcoming, as he clearly wanted to go home, so you wordlessly decided to go back to your aimless wandering. A few of your old army colleagues wouldn’t hesitate to pull off their military card to get what they wanted, whenever and however they wanted, but just the thought made your stomach turn in disgust. Your blood stained hands didn’t feel like the ones of a hero that deserved to be pampered. 
“Why are you still here anyway?”
He had asked you a few days after your conversation in that dingy safehouse. You had found yourself brushing shoulders side by side together after you went out for a smoke in the base, running into him leaned against a parked truck, lost in thought. For some reason, the question made you feel ashamed to meet his eyes, even if his tone wasn’t accusatory; just curious.
“I feel like it’s too late for me. I’ve seen too much. There’s nothing else I know how to do at this point.”
Your tongue felt like lead inside your mouth. A part of you longed for an early retirement so you could live a quiet and monotonous life somewhere in the countryside, but you also knew most people with your lifestyle wouldn’t live enough to see retirement.  Alas, deep inside you felt like it was impossible to not grow restless if you were to live a life free of the adrenaline you embraced as a vice. It felt hypocritical, suffering over the consequences of your own choices, but God knows you’d leave in a heartbeat if you weren’t already too far deep in. You’d suppose becoming a soldier had its good sides, though, even if just the idea of finding any comfort in your work made you uneasy. Surely you’d never have met the 141 otherwise and, consequently, made them your little dysfunctional found family. You’d hold onto that for the sake of your sanity. On your side, Ghost hummed, acknowledging what you were saying, and maybe you’d find he could relate to your feelings, somehow. 
“It’s difficult to let go of a whole life of violence.”
His words had stuck with you, as wise and cryptic in a way only he managed to pull it off.
Outside, the drizzle seemed to have gotten a bit stronger in the last few hours, but neither of you cared enough for it. It didn’t feel that bad compared to the storms that rained over you in open fields or the mud you’d have to crawl across to stay hidden sometimes. You’d feel pretty stupid if this little rain actually got you sick, but that was a worry for future you. It didn’t even cross your mind to ask Ghost if you were heading somewhere, you just followed him blindly, analyzing him in silence and noticing he looked good in civilian clothes, the plain black hoodie fitting him perfectly. From the little distance you walked besides him, you could notice he was smelling good, a mixture of cologne and his natural musk which you were already very well acquainted with.
The street was clearly in a commercial district, and it felt even quieter than the one you were before. All the stores were closed with only a faint night light illuminating a few of their interiors, and you appreciated the faint smell of the sea by being somewhat close to the port. 
You enjoyed the stillness of it all and the lack of people to make you jealous with their normal, happy lives. 
Subconsciously, you barely noticed that you ended up scooting even closer to Simon as you walked, happy he didn’t seem to mind it. 
Suddenly, he stopped mid-walk, and you became hyper aware of how much you were staring at him. God, you felt like a creep. After a second, he spoke in a murmur, not turning to look at you.
“Since when?”
You waited for him to elaborate what he meant, but it never came. Chuckling nervously, you peered up at him, confused.
“Since when…what?”
Finally, he turned to look at you with something indescribable in his eyes. It made you feel small, like he wanted to devour you, but it also made your heart leap in your chest, like he wanted to devour you. 
“I know how you feel about me. You’re not very subtle about it. I’m not bloody stupid, kid. ”
Your head snapped towards him at his harsh words, even if his low voice and gentle-ish tone didn’t quite reflect the true nature of them, but any witty reply you had died down once you saw how his eyes were downturned in unease.
You realized what he’s talking about, and turns out your late night musings were right - at least part of them. Simon leaves no opening to figure out by his body language what the bringing up of the topic means to him. Maybe he doesn’t care. Maybe he will reject you and reprimand you for being unprofessional (as if loving him was more unprofessional than fucking your superior). Maybe-
“I’m…not sure.” You admit, refusing to meet his steely gaze. “It just…happened. Stopped being just casual sex a while ago.”
His silence makes seconds feel like hours. You try to control your labored breathing by listening to the soft pitter-patter of the rain that’s back to drizzling on the store awning you’re both under. A part of you wishes the rain would suddenly get so strong it would break the awning and drag you away with the current from Simon’s soul-crushing silence. You feel stupid, foolish.
Fool, fool, fool-
He closes the distance between your bodies. Having never paid much detailed attention to the rare occasions when gloves didn’t adorn his hands outside the bedroom, you suddenly notice how much his palms feel a pleasant kind of rough and calloused when they don’t carry the intent of ravaging you, so big against your face as he gently cradles you. Of course, he knows you’re a soldier, not some porcelain doll to be easily broken, but God knows how much seeing him hold you as if you’re something precious makes your once-labored breathing come to a halt altogether. His eyes are soft, half lidded, and uncertain on you as he murmurs out sorrowfully.
“You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into, kid.”
For the first time ever, you feel like you’re the only person who’s ever seen Simon Riley look scared. You don’t know if he’s afraid of hurting you or the other way around.
Instinctively, your own hands gingerly go to the top of his in a light caress, and you fight against the urge to close your eyes and breathe in his musk as you lean into his touch. This up close he also smells faintly like cigarettes.  
“Maybe not.” You admit, and you hope he can notice the way you look up at him with hearts in your eyes and willing to wear your own on your sleeve. “But I want to find out.”
He doesn’t really smile - he almost never does - , but his gaze holds a promise in it, a vow. One of his hands leaves your face to hike up his mask, and you expect it to stop just below his nose, as always, but he keeps going until it rests on top of his dirty blonde hair, making your breath hitch once again. You were wrong about him; you didn’t need to strip him bare, no, you realize he’d do it for you if you asked. A long time ago you decided you didn’t give a shit about how his face looked, but you made sure to take a good look at him, finally committing his features to memory, acknowledging his trust in you and also how much you really were a fool by underestimating it before. The stubble on his jaw feels coarse under your fingertips, and you indulge yourself by lightly tracing the scar on his lip the way you wanted to do with all of his marks ever since that morning. It occurs to you that even when the hookups turned into something more, you had never seen him so vulnerable, and it sets an equally giddy and unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach, as if you were witnessing something you weren’t supposed to, but you weren’t about to question his resolve. Taking the reins - as he always does - his lips are on yours in an instant, and you swear you’d die happily at that instant.
The way he kisses you is something new, slow and passionate, as if trying to savor every piece of you at his pace and communicate what he doesn’t know how to put into words. You’d kissed before, sure, but it was always animalistic, an aggressive dance filled with wanton growls deep from his throat and your involuntary whines whenever he would bite your lip - a gazelle in the jaws of a lion - and in the occasions sex was tender, it was most likely because something bad had happened, and you’d hide your face in the crook of his neck so he could pretend not to notice how much you needed it - him -  to cope and how much his touch kept you grounded; you’d like to imagine yours made him feel something of the sorts as well. Simon Riley was not the type of man to engage in raw emotional affairs without getting something out of it. And yet, as you close your eyes to hug his neck, bringing his large body impossibly closer to yours, you feel like he is finally giving all of him to you in the rawest way he knows how to. Of course, you’re not teenagers, and with the way of life you lead, emotional attachment can make any soldier feel dreadful for their future, so it would be foolish to expect a full on love confession in the rain, but, if anything, you suddenly realize you can feel Simon’s heart beating fast on his chest through your own, and that is enough for you, making you smile against him. 
When you separate, there’s still minimal distance between you two, the air around you feels lighter, and you surround yourself in affection by the way Simon looks down at you adoringly. Any outsider would be quick to say he has the look of a stone cold predator, and he is as unreadable as they come, but once you start dealing with the true man under the mask - even if only figuratively -, you realize that his eyes are truly the window of his soul, and any words left unspoken you’d die to uncover are visible in his dark hues the moment he looks at you. A few blocks away, a clock tower strikes midnight and you spare the building a look from where you can see it.
“Merry Christmas, Simon.” You murmur, knowing full well religious holidays are neither yours or Simon’s thing. The irony of it all is lost when he huffs out a small noise of amusement and distances himself just enough to extend his arm for you to take, his gaze never leaving your form. You could point out he hasn’t really lowered his mask yet but you enjoy the view too much so you might as well indulge in it while he doesn’t remember to do so. His bicep is thick and strong under your fingers as you grip him gently, and he nods forward beyond the awning.
“It stopped raining. Let's get going.”
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 3 months
Ange as I await your post show thoughts 24 hours later, I kinda have to send mine in now (I can't help it...thoughts are swirling, though I will need to lie down)
Thank HBO for sparing us more Alicole fucking....the good thing about Cole being at war is that we don't have to see them fuck anymore thank GOD. This episode definitely felt more blacks-oriented, though the scenes we got of the Greens were still interesting, I think. Annoyingly, only two scenes with Aemond, one of which I definitely have thoughts on. The young Rhaenyra cameo...Matt Smith rlly told so much with his expressions, it was just, wow. Also Alys Rivers intro 👀
Helaena saying she forgave Alicent- my poor girl, she really deserves better than her hot mess ass family. The scene of Aemond caught by Aegon in the brothel....aside from getting so upset on his behalf, cause good grief, Aegon, even your friends know better than to laugh at Aemond, because he's AEMOND- it felt as though they're building up to Aemond being faced with a choice to betray Aegon and take the crown, most likely at Rook's Rest, when he's injured. I know he didn't snap back at Aegon because Aegon's king, and he can't hurt the King, but still. Of course, I have to mention.....FULL FRONTAL AEMOND. Yes, my heart did race fast as FUCK when that came on....I was NOT expecting it, and I am going to lie down now. The scene of Rhaenyra and Alicent meeting was definitely a choice...still not sure how I feel bout it yet to be honest. I liked the episode, despite my issues such as pacing and others, many of which I share with you. One of my biggest is just Aemond screen time, to be honest. He's yet to have. a proper scene with Alicent or Helaena, and idk....I suppose I just hoped for a little more green unity with him and Aegon, but I guess we'll have to see.
-🦋 anon
Hello! Once more using your ask to dump my episode thoughts.
I felt the absence of Otto this episode. I feel like Rhys’s performance has carried the last couple of episodes. It felt a little flat without him.
I know that they aren’t following the plot of the Dance as it happens in Fire and Blood but the show feels like sloppily written fan fiction at this point.
They couldn’t show us even a couple of minutes of the Bracken vs Blackwood battle?!
Very much enjoyed the introduction of Gwayne and Alys, their performances were minimal but incredibly impactful.
I don’t subscribe to Team politics, however, I do feel the writing favours Team Black, but to their detriment. Rhaenyra has been softened to the point she is unrecognisable. Her sneaking into King’s Landing dressed as a septa was utterly pointless, really silly and achieved absolutely nothing.
I’m also disappointed that Rhaena has been dismissed as a glorified babysitter.
And Helaena?! What the fuck?! She is devastated by the loss of Jaehaerys in the book - what the hell are they doing with her character?!
I did like Daemon’s “capture” of Harrenhal. Simon Strong is an absolute G, and Daemon’s horrified reaction to his hallucination of Rhaenyra was fantastically acted by Matt Smith.
I am so disappointed by the brothel scene - don’t get me wrong, Ewan’s acting was phenomenal, but it feels like such a flimsy premise to set the two brothers upon each other (I think we all know at this point that the writers are going to have Aemond betray Aegon) - this is such a ridiculous catalyst for it. I also fear they are going to further darken Aemond’s character by having him kill Sylvie.
I hate this fucking show so much, and yet I love it and its characters so much, so I will return week after week, despite the fact it continues to break my heart.
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unreal-unearthing · 6 months
Hi, I know you like the character of Benson Kwan from Grey's Anatomy, I like him too and I would love for you to tell me your opinion about him and what you understand about him based on what the show has shown us and that clearly adds up to the things you assume and believe about him or any headcanon as well.
And sorry I know it says there ask a question and I didn't really ask anything, but I think it is understood that it is a request and you can refuse it. Also I'm sorry if what I write doesn't make sense or is poorly written, english is not my first language and I do what I can.
Haha, no problem. Thanks for asking, I love talking about grey’s. And I’m really enjoying the new intern class, but I think with blue the show and fandom are doing him pretty dirty.
I’ve posted some thoughts about him before:
I’d add to this that I think eventually the show is going to have to reckon with that contradiction in his character. He can be a bit of a shark (to use the show’s terminology) with the other residents, but is almost always kind and empathetic with the patients and their families. I think he’s going to have to really work thru how much his mom’s death changed him.
Other thoughts I’ve had about him and where I wish they’d take his character:
I think he’s probably a profoundly lonely character. He said it was always just him and his mom, so I don’t think he has any other family after she died.
And in the most recent episode we found out he went to Yale before having to move home (wherever that was?) when his mom’s cancer got bad. And then the only med school he could go to was in the caribbean and then he moved to Seattle for his residency. He’s moved around a lot and seems to keep people at arms length. So I don’t think he has any friends, really? When we wanted to check out a new bar in his neighborhood it seemed like Jules was the only person he could ask, and she said no.
I’d like to see them write him a good non-romantic relationship - either with a mentor or a friend. He needs to have arcs with someone besides Jules (I actually do like their relationship, I’m just tired of it being the only thing he’s got going on.) Him/Schmitt/new peds attending could be an interesting dynamic, now that we know Schmitt wants to do a peds fellowship. I also think him and Simone could be good friends if the show would let them (they have so much in common- they were both highly competitive, top-of-their-game types who had a sudden fall from grace)
(Also, idk if you watch station 19, but they’ve announced that it’s their last season, and I think they’re probably going to find a way to write Ben back into grey’s. I think they might have him come back to finish his residency, and I think they’d be a funny duo (think of how ben was with Edwards, for example)).
Also, I actually can’t remember if they said anything specific about his dad (if he died or left or whatever) just that he was raised by a single mom, so I think that could interesting as well. Like his dad coming in as a patient and him having to confront how angry he is at being left to deal with his moms cancer on his own would be classic grey’s.
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spacerangersam · 5 months
Could you tell me more about some of your ocs???? (Only if you’re up for it tho)
I’m always down to gush about my ocs! But I do have a lot of them, especially with the story I'm currently working on, and I don’t always know what to say, so sorry if this is a bit all over the place. This isn’t even everyone, I left out a few like the main antagonist, Irene and a few other side characters for the sake of this not being essay length but yeah. Here are some of the main guys:
(also, unless otherwise specified, they're all welsh)
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Simon Huw Taylor, 32, tenant of flat no. 6, he/they, bi and ace (maybe on the aro spectrum, but idk. It’s none of my business).
He’s the main character of my story, Where the Lost Souls Meet. He’s a pretty quiet guy who likes to keep to himself, much to his own detriment. He’s been travelling around all his life, never really interacting with people his own age, leaving him with mediocre socialising skills. He can see ghosts, has been able to since childhood, and is a mortician while doing psychic ghost stuff on the side. His mum could also see ghosts and she also did the ghost business, which is why he and his parents were moving around all the time, basically living in their van/hotels). To honour her, Simon uses her maiden name for ghost work (meaning his name is then Simon Huw Hughes, which I just thought was cute). She died a few years back, his father even earlier, leaving Simon the last of his family line and all alone in the world.
His whole life revolves around death, which isn’t healthy but Simon would rather die than go to therapy and actually address his problems, so it stays that way for a while. He does try to quit smoking though, so that’s something. He is also a liar. Dear god does he love to lie about everything and anything, to everyone. Well, I say loves to lie, he doesn’t really love it. He does it both to keep himself safe and to keep others from worrying about him. Honestly, he’s fine, he’s functional, and he definitely has family who loves him. Just don’t ask to meet his ‘sister’. He also tries to protect people by keeping a certain distance from them, not wanting to hurt them like he’s been hurt because of [REDACTED], which is why he kept moving around even after his mother died. But he desperately wanted top surgery and so stopped in this town with a well-known trans-safe doctor to get it done, and unfortunately for him landed in a manor turned flat filled with people who very much would like to be his friends, please.
He has no hope for the future, no plans, having a fairly pessimistic look on life because of [REDACTED], and is basically just waiting for the day he finally dies. Again, will he do anything about this? Maybe, eventually, at some point.
He doesn’t like / struggles to watch TV and movies, his ideal night involves doing puzzles and maybe a spot of reading, he loves puns and he’s a vegetarian. I love him and his terrible coping mechanism. Go king, communicate absolutely nothing and never let people share your burdens. 
Also, his neighbour dies in front of him during an argument one day, which isn't great, going on to haunt Simon in a distinctly violent fashion, which is the thing he's desperately trying to deal with in the story.
more losers under the cut
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Charlie Tops, 35, tenant no. 5, he/him, trans bi+ace. He’s a very sweet guy, very open, with major himbo energy, just without the muscles. He makes the best tea and the worst coffee. He writes kid's books in the vein of Winnie the Pooh / Peter Rabbit, taking over the job after his grandfather passed, now writing them for his own daughter, Lottie. But Lottie’s getting older and losing interest in those types of books, and so he’s losing interest in writing them and having a mild panic over what he’ll do next. He’s kinda obsessed with taxidermies. His flat is quite literally filled with them and no one likes it, nobody wants to be in there, and the vibes are way off (except Will for, who thinks it’s very interesting, actually).
He’s deeply in love with Simon and they have a thing. An unexplained, deeply intimate thing that neither talk about, mostly because Simon can’t communicate for shit (which he feels deeply guilty about, and he keeps telling himself that he’ll break it off but can never quite work up to it), and Charlie’s worried if he asks, Simon will end it. He really struggles with Simon’s whole silent martyr ordeal even outside their thing because even if he doesn’t know the extent to which Simon is trying to hide his problems, he knows there is something being hidden, but again, is worried about pushing too hard and losing him completely. It’s messy, but they’ll work through it. 
He can’t see ghosts but does know about them, unlike the other Woodward tenants, and feels a bit left out /awkward about the whole thing. He had an amicable divorce from his wife Irene after he realised he was ace, she realised she was aro, and that they were both trans, the two staying friends and her staying on as the illustrator for his books. And as I mentioned earlier, he does have a daughter, Lottie.
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William Isaiah Beaton, 30, tenant no. 7, he/him, gay, English. An archivist for the local museum who moves into the manor in chapter one, and comes off as a tough, rude ex-vet.  And that is true, to a certain extent. He is rude, and an ex-vet. But he wasn’t in the army for long, he got mowed down by a car on base like, two weeks after arriving, leaving him with a permanent injury to his leg. He feels he failed to live up to his father’s expectations, and in shame, never told the truth to his father about having to leave the forces. Will has… a lot of complicated feelings about that, and his relationship with his father, and his relationship with his religion. He works some of that last one out with help from Penny.
It’s a bit of a spoiler, but whatever- he can see ghosts. He doesn’t realise that’s what’s happening though and instead is fully convinced he’s just losing his mind, and that crash did irreparable damage to his head. Nah though, just ghosts. Has a guilty love of werewolf media and cake, and cares a lot about bugs and plants (he even ends up taking Simon’s plants off him, because Simon kills every plant he owns, without question). He has limited zero social skills and finds big groups overwhelming, but nevertheless, he will be dragged into this friendship group (if Penny has any say in it, at least). He came to Hangar for a reason, though he doesn’t say why.
He also definitely fancies Simon and has no idea how to handle that. It’s the first time he’s fancied a man (or at least, a man-adjecent person) who isn’t straight, and that coupled with the fatc Simon actually seems to like him is just a lot for him to process. The two of them bond over their shared loved of history / interest in the history of the manor.
I should make it clear: this isn’t a love triangle, this is poly thing.
The ghouls:
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Florence Blossom (left), 40, and Gwenllian Baker (right), 42. Both were performers in a small acting trope who died in 1941 (though not at the same time or in the same way, funnily enough) in the manor Simon lives in. They love each other very much.
Florence is a bit judgy, loves a good moan, and is very anxious about everything and everyone, always. Her anxiety tends to make her come off as a bit snappy. She can control the lights.
Gwen is a bit vacant, with her head absolutely in the clouds at all times. She struggles a bit with empathy and reading the room, leading her to be mindlessly cruel sometimes. She never means it though and genuinely cares about Simon and Florence, and will look after them both in her own weird ways. she can lock, unlock, close and open doors
Now back to the living:
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Agatha Jeorme, 55, tenant  no. 1. She’s kinda like if an angsty teen was stuck in the body of a middle-aged woman, and we love her for that. She’s the daughter of the landlord and hates it. If she had any other skills / if her father had helped her get a better opportunity elsewhere like he did with her brothers, she would have jumped on it. But instead, he gave her the job of looking after Woodward. She hates him, deeply. She often shovels off small jobs onto Simon because she knows he won’t say no, and is having an affair with the next-door neighbour’s wife. I kind of made her sound like a bastard, and she is kinda, but a fun one I hope, and she does learn to be less of a bastard as the story goes on. 
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Gwynfor Geraint Jones, 34, tenant no. 2, he/she, bigender, aroace. Just a chill guy who loves rock music and slasher movies. She’s in a QPR with Adam, them being the first two to move into Woodward. this isn't entirely related to his character, but he's called gwynfor geraint after two twins i went to primary school with. their names always stuck in my head, in so i thought i'd put them to good use.
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Adam Diana Keats, 36 tenant tenant, no.3, she/her, aroace trans woman, Scottish. She’s a librarian with a love of reading, especially poetry, and a bit pushy, a bit bossy, but ultimately well-meaning. She’ll drag Simon out of his room but with the intent to encourage him to mingle and hang out with the Woodward crew, you know. She hates Will on sight. There’s more I could say, but that would be spoilers. also, despite her dark academic vibes, she does love a good animal print
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Penny Sion Seagrove, 29, no.4, she/her, lesbian. A tired, friendly gardener who would love it if everyone would get along and be friendly. She sometimes sticks her nose in places she shouldn’t to figure out people’s beef with each other (cough, Adam and Will, cough) to see if she can find a way to squash it for them, which doesn’t usually work. She tries anyway. She’s Catholic, shares Simon’s love of puns, and is dating Alice.
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Alice Rhodri Blackwood, 30, she/her, trans lesbian. She lives in town with her best mate Mickey. She’s a loud, cheery, extroverted goth with an interest in witchcraft who can also see ghosts. She has slightly different opinions about ghosts and how they work from Simon, but she’s still his go-to when he’s having ghost issues. 
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Mickey Dolores Palmer, 29, she/her, English (Yorkshire). Idk what her deal is, and she just is, you know. A very nervous, clumsy, mousy person who works at the local museum. She tends to jump to conclusions and is not a fan of ghosts. Unfortunately, she can also see ghosts, so that’s not great for her. She's doing her best.
god i wrote way too much for this, sorry asdfghj. but uh, also, i did a voice claim video for some of these losers, if you're interested. also,t hank you so much for asking. i do love talking about these idiots
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fool-of-a-took1 · 1 year
I will now share my list of the worst ships I’ve seen because wtf
1. Edmund Pevensie/Severus Snape
(Hehehe nooooo why noo)
1 Work
2. Draco Malfoy/Lucius Malfoy
348 Works
3. Helen Parr | Elastigirl/Violet Parr
13 Works
4. Dash Parr/Violet Parr
(Stop with the fucking incest)
9 Works
5. Bob Parr | Mr. Incredible/Violet Parr
9 Works
6. Dash Parr/Helen Parr | Elastigirl/Violet Parr
4 Works
7. Simon Brown/Nanny McPhee
(No just no)
Not on ao3
8. Peter Pevensie/Susan Pevensie
129 Works
9. Edmund Pevensie/Peter Pevensie
94 Works
10. Aziz/Ben/Doug/Evie/Jane/Jay/Mal/Carlos de Vil
(So many people)(actually don’t really have anything against it I just almost died trying to read the tag)
4 Works
11. Draco Malfoy/Fred Weasley
(Fuck no)
83 Works
12. Harry Potter/Severus Snape
(NOO absolutely NOT)
15,246 works (oh that’s bullshit)
13. Sirius Black/Charlie Weasley
(PEDOPHILIA! And just wrong generally)(idk, might not be pedophilia but it’s not right)
46 works
14. Hermione Granger/James Potter
(Dude wtf, they ship her with everyone)
271 works
15. Sirius Black/Severus Snape
(Nope nope ew ew ew!!)
2,126 works
16. Peggy Carter/Newt Scamander
(Not really bad ig but it’s interesting)(and how did that happen?)
1 work
17. Newt Scamander/Theseus Scamander
(Incest.. again)(people really like that for some reason)
1,155 works
18. Albus Dumbledore/Newt Scamander
(Okay first of all love Dumbledoor slander second of all NO!!)
184 works
19. Arthur Weasley/Ginny Weasley
(Aww come ooon stop it! Stop the incest! What is wrong with people?)
30 works
20. Hermione Granger/Rubeus Hagrid
(Wow they really do ship her with anyone)
21 works
21. Fang/Hermione Granger
(How? How did we get here? How did we make it worse?)
5 works (and it’s not even only one)
22. James Potter/Severus Snape
929 works
23. Sirius Black/Lily Evans
(Yeah no not really my ballpark)(how did you even get it to this?)
75 works
24. Fenrir Greyback/Remus Lupin
(Definitely have not read this because I wanted an abusive relationship with Sirius swooping in later…)
122 works
25. Sirius Black/Tom Riddle
(… I’m not even gonna try)
30 works
26. Neville Longbottom/Severus Snape
(Why is this a thing?)(he is a teacher that fucking bullied him)
161 works
27. Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Severus Snape
(I’m sorry, is your brain fried?)
442 works
28. Sirius Black/Severus Snape
(Stop it, seriously)
2,126 works (okay I told myself not to comment on the amount but wtf is that?)
29. Regulus Black/Severus Snape
483 works
30. Regulus Black/Sirius Black
(I mean I already knew blackcest was a thing but come ooon)
456 works
That’s not even all of it, I have more
(Also fyi I did know and expect the incest but I write it down because it’s bad and it’s a lot)
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whumpy-wyrms · 10 months
are u in any fandoms? what are ur interests besides whump? u don’t have to answer i’m just curious!!
someone’s asking me about my interests i can’t NOT answer
this got a bit long tho so i’m putting it under the read more for people who don’t care/are only here for the whump
OKOK. so i’m kinda in the starkid/nerdy prudes must die fandom rn but i know for a fact if i finished adventure time and started watching fiona and cake, that would quite literally become my entire personality for the next 3 months because simon and prismo (and marceline and princess bubblegum and all my other favorite characters) make me insane. but i haven’t done that because well. i’ve gotta write tllr yknow..
anyway, my absolute most favorite pieces of media of all time are undertale and deltarune guys. i cant put in words how much those games mean to me holy shit. as i’m writing this i’m sitting next to my jevil and sans and spamton plushie and they are saying hi. anywayyy yeah i was in the deltarune fandom for a bit it was fun. spamton is silly fucked up creature. jevil is my all time favorite tho
AND THE MAGNUS ARCHIVES… my favorite thing ever fr. y’all. LISTEN TO TMA SERIOUSLY YOU’LL PROBABLY LIKE IT!! it’s a horror podcast and it’s seriously the best fuckinf thing ever it’s so amazing seriously. it’s a bit hard to get into at first because season 1 is less story driven BUT HOLY SHIT. AHHHH ITS SO FUCKING GOOD. jon is one of my favorite blorbos ever and so is michael because he’s a silly distortion guy. just trust me and listen to TMA it will actually change your life.
also i love the amazing world of gumball so fucking much. i wasn’t allowed to watch cartoon network as a kid (idk why??) so i first watched tawog last year and holy shit holy shit it’s my favorite thing ever. rob. ROB!!!! ROB IS MY ALL TIME FAVORITE CHARACTER. SO IS MR SMALL. AHHHH!!!! anyway i love tawog i’ve drawn a lot of fanart and even wrote a 60k word fanfiction (about what happens after The Inquisition because that ending fucked me up) that i’ve Never and will probably never show anyone because it’s probably Not that good. but it was sooo Important to me back then. tawog just means so much to me it :))) it changed me as a person. nobody’s a nobody and everybody is weird like you and me.
i also really like hollow knight! i haven’t played it in a while but i was at 111% completion on one of my playthroughs (CURSE YOU PANTHEON 4). i’m also super fucking excited for silksong obviously and i will say this now: WHEN SILKSONG FINALLY RELEASES… i will probably go on hiatus here LMAO. sorry but guys. SILKSONG…. honestly same for new deltarune chapters. the second chapters 3, 4, and 5 release it is sooo over for me. i probably won’t post much here for a few months during that. but that’s fine!! i’ll never abandon tllr but sometimes some things are more important to my silly little brain :3
gravity falls quite literally changed my life in 2018. like i can’t even explain it, but it’s how i was introduced to online fandoms and fanart in general. dipper LITERALLY made me trans (not literally but pretty much). it’s how i started watching other amazing cartoons and series i love, it’s literally what made me get into drawing art and writing and stuff. it’s what made me start making ocs. it literally made me an artist guys. which is how i started writing. without gravity falls and it’s effect it had on me, this account might have never existed?? i’m being super dramatic but wowww. i was so autistic about that silly cartoon
minecraft i love. i’ve been playing minecraft for over a decade and won’t stop because it’s like, probably a special interest of mine? i’ve watch minecraft youtubers forever too, hermitcraft and the life series are my favorite. i’m a huge grian fan too, been watching him since the evo days. anyway if u play minecraft and wanna play with me sometime, feel free to ask!!! :D i love making new friends and playing video games with people!!! let’s make a world together!!!
also i like terraria and stardew valley, and animal crossing new horizons but i haven’t played that in a few years. hmm other games i like are oneshot game, NITW, omori, celeste, cuphead, fnaf (although i’ve only played the first 5 games and am super super behind on the lore), ori, dead cells, untitled goose game (this is for u anon), and probably more i’m forgetting! feel free to recommend me some video games and we can even play together :3
other series i love are the umbrella academy. soooo autistic about this show it’s fucking AMAZING!!!!!! klaus is my favorite character. anyway i also like what we do in the shadows. it made me super autistic about vampires (before i watched this show i kinda thought vampires were cringe IDK WHY I’M SORRYY). the netflix show lucifer made me insane a few years ago and is what probably indirectly inspired me to give Dew wings. i also like our flag means death, breaking bad, moon knight, and camp here in there (another podcast i HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend, will wood made the soundtrack!)
i LOVEEE FINAL SPACE!! avocato has been my pfp on this account forever and now i feel like i can’t ever change it (i don’t want to). final space is seriously amazing!!! but it was cancelled and basically got fucked over by the networks- infinity train style. idk, stuff happened and it was removed from hbo max so there’s not really anywhere to watch it (legally) except for netflix international iirc? but it’s getting removed from that too i think. super fucking sad :( it ended on a huge cliffhanger too BUT there is a graphic novel being made!!!! super excited about that!
other cartoons i like are over the garden wall (dressed up as wirt for halloween last year), the owl house, adventure time, regular show, steven universe, infinity train, bojack horseman, rick and morty, mlp, the midnight gospel, and so much more i’m forgetting. OH anime i like are death note, demon slayer (haven’t caught up yet on the latest seasons tho), and MOB PSYCHO 100!! vampire in the garden on netflix is really amazing as well.
this is sooo long but now i gotta talk about my favorite music artists. WILL WOOD (AND THE TAPEWORMS) IS MY FAVORITEEE. I ALSO LOVEEE JHARIAH!!! AND HARLEY POE!!!!! top three of all time. i also like toby fox obviously, and glass beach (LITERALLY GOING TO SEE THEM IN MARCH AND I AM SOOO EXCITED!!!), mcr, shayfer james, weezer, mitski, lemon demon, set it off, tally hall, gerard way, and probably more i’m forgetting. i also like musicals!! (i was in the spongebob musical earlier this year for school! i was larry the lobster :))
so guys. GUYSSS. IF YOU LIKE MUSICALS, GO WATCH NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE!!!! OR JUST WATCH THE ENTIRE HATCHETFEILD TRILOGY!!! WHILE UR AT IT, WATCH ALL THE STARKID MUSICALS ACTUALLY!!! this is my current hyperfixation. the lords in black are amazing, npmd is amazing. i love everything about it. go watch it seriously, it’s fucking awesome and the soundtrack is AMAZING!!!
i think this is it. this got super long but i’m super passionate about my interests so yeah. this is pretty much everything. one very important thing (literally my special interest) that i didn’t mention are my other ocs. i have wayyy more ocs that are completely separate from the tllr ones. i don’t wanna post about them here though, cuz they’re not whump related and i want to keep my main account separate from this account. but they’re my favorite blorbos in existence so…
if u WANT to know about my other ocs, u can feel free to dm me for the username of my other fandom/oc account. that’s where i post other stuff that i don’t post here, like my fanart and my other oc stuff. i don’t post writing or anything like that there, so ur not missing out on that.
anyway those are most of my main interests! things i didn’t mention that im also really interested in are reptiles (snakes specifically), and animals in general. i have two leopard geckos named Lars and Alphys and i reallyyyy want a pet snake but my family hates snakes :(( anyway i’m rambling
thanks for the ask!!
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deadmunds-ghostbee · 3 years
(Commentary on stills  in another post)
1. ALL Bridgertons included in Pall Mall. Daphne confirmed, and Simone said she was there with ‘all of the cast.’ Jonny said something like “All of the Bridgertons.” If this means Greg and Hyacinth content, then I’m all over it.
2. Newton gets an arc!!! Pls let it be known that, in terms of things I am excited about, priority goes Kathony kiss, mr finch cheese content, then Newton arc. Fight me!!! 
3. Kate is “outside the ton and deliberately put herself in there.” EW author also called her a ‘spinster,’ which should be taken with a grain of salt would def explain her non-dance card laden wrists. I am very excited about this prospect, an improvement from canon for me.
4. The sharmas grew up in India (No comment).
5. Queen uses Edwina AS A PAWN to unmask whistledown??? Will she tell Edwina to cause more drama/advise her poorly on situations to lure LW into spotlight so Charlotte can nail to her to a time/place/person?? Eloise wants to find LW too but is protective over her. Will Edwina and Eloise be rivals in that? Will they team up and be friends like in the book? Will they and Pen have a little nerd girl squad??? This crum can only lead to great shit imo.
6. Jonny’s comment about Anthony being most “honest, fatigued and exhausted” in quiet moments in his study and in women’s beds. I wanna see him fuck someone else and then be emo about it, hope this confirms this.
7. KATE IS IN TOUCH WITH HER DESIRES !!! She’s been to a farm for sure lol, has maybe gotten herself off and potential for raunchy dreams from her AND him. They should splice the dreams together in editing, just for me to enjoy.
8. Colin is a biscuit king. Love the physical comedy and cartoonish aspect when it’s put in the show. Sibling stuff and fun moments were best part of S1. Lets hope we get a lot of this.
9. Daphne is considered ‘the rock’ of the siblings now, ‘the adult’ and someone to guide Anthony on his journey to love lol, but also she ‘lets her hair down’ at Aubrey hall and is v competitive at Pall Mall. This was the only thing they could really do with her, so I just hope the shift seems natural for her character. 
10. Simone said that Kathony “TEACH EACH OTHER HOW TO LOVE, TO LET LOVE IN, GIVE LOVE, AND ACCEPT THE SCARY PARTS” this. THIS. is why I don’t think they’ll fuck up the romance or even that much of the backstory (or at least Anthony’s :/)
11. Polin wrote while he was away?? Cute. 
12. Kate and Anthony are ‘anti-gossipers’ in Simone’s words. Makes sense for Anthony, and for both after marriage, but Kate not being into whistledown is a deviation from the book. Not mad at it, not a big deal to me either?
13. Edwina is ‘optimistic to a fault’ and looking for a LOVE match. But has a ‘wild streak’. She wants to be sensible but her true nature is to be starry-eyed idealist. it also said “She lets others speak for her bc she can’t express herself.” While i personally hope she makes out with some girls and also think she will have a classism subplot thing along with queen stuff, we know she will get a happy ending. we just don’t know what it is. What we do know is that ppl will hurt her/take advantage of her along the way, and she will hurt in return. 
14. They still won’t admit Jack is the featherington heir. Which fine, I guess but I see no other way. Maybe he’s a solicitor. But he’s involved with the featheringtons for sure and idk i want him to fuck portia there i said it.
15. Pen has money she could use to help her family but doesn’t. That deviated from canon a bit but it’s interesting for sure. I think we’ll see her make as poor of decisions as last season but also show remorse. Her arc is a little too big to nail down.
16. Colin’s “not focused on romance” but “other pursuits and ventures” that dont end in heartbreak. So what you’re saying is that he’s a whore. Good. Maybe he’ll gain his interest in writing. 
17. Kate’s “outside the rules” but also has “a lot to work out” this alludes to her backstory, i think. And it’s confirmed her and Ed are half sisters so we have that too.
18. The video said EW released like an hour or two ago said shit about fooling around “in the library. you never know who could be in the stacks.” Who. WHO. WHOO.
19. “And if you can’t risk temptation, watch out for bees” in regard to keeping lips to oneself. I mean if they didnt include this, it’d be ridiculous. But also maybe Kathony are already making out when the bee comes. Wouldnt be a crazy deviation. 
sO many crumbs today it was so hard to keep track of that I took notes, which is super lame. All info can be found in like the four EW posts from today.
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sixth-light · 3 years
What Abigail Did That Summer
Why did it take me four months to read this? Great question. ‘The vibe wasn’t right until last week’ is the only answer I have to offer. I have enough love for this series, but am not active enough in the fandom at present, to have wanted to approach it with the right mood.
I was fascinated by how...small a story it was? In that from Peter’s point of view Abigail is doing all these things she isn’t telling him and knows stuff he doesn’t, but from her own point of view, of course, she’s a thirteen-year-old girl and she doesn’t know most of the stuff that Peter knows! I was left after this genuinely questioning how much insight she really had into what went down with Peter and Lesley, even. So excellent use of limited PoV and retrofitting an adventure for Abigail into the existing timeline that had weight but wasn’t so high-stakes that I couldn’t believe Peter might not have passed it over under the circumstances. 
Things I particularly liked:
meeting Fleet’s wife/partner! who is, like, full-on high fae - she felt exactly like she’d walked out one of those very specific Tumblr posts. this is in no way a criticism. 
Simon’s mum, who, like, look. spiritually she resembles a lot of people I know (the NZ public service is full to the brim with British middle managers). IDK if I like her but I ~get~ her. 
the way it captured that particular summer boredom of a bright kid, and the way Abigail is so constrained by her circumstances and smart enough to be aware of it. 
the foxes - again, there’s both more and less going on there than Peter knows. I want an Indigo to sleep on my bed except my cat would have conniptions and also we don’t have foxes here in the one singular display ever witnessed of ecological intelligence by British colonists.
seeing Abigail’s relationship with Peter from her side of things. 
Thing I responded to in a way I’m not sure the book meant me to: Nightingale’s violence (to the footpath not a person, but in front of a person) upon hearing that Abigail had gone into the House. I don’t think it’s necessarily OOC but it is upsetting/frightening, and I think the narrative meant it to be a positive display of emotional attachment? Open to other interpretations here. 
From a series/writing perspective: what’s being built up with Abigail’s family situation and her brother’s illness works for me emotionally, but it does feel very much like a retcon for Peter not to have mentioned it until...I think he does in False Value? But not before then. And there’s no way his mum didn’t tell him, or that it wouldn’t be very significant information about Abigail’s whole deal when he starts to take an interest in her. I accept it in a Pratchettian way of the author having had a better idea, but I can’t not notice it. 
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dreamcastsystemm · 2 years
oh wow uh, hi lol, this is our collective blog! im gonna be honest i dont know what the hell to put here, so im just gonna list all current members and a short description of us, individual intros will be done when each member fronts, and a tag [alter (name)(emoji)] will be added in the tags to help show better who posted what and have our own unique tags that exist only on this blog. anyway uh yeah, members.
⚠️Spamton - the host. probably wont use this account much, would rather keep his identity a secret in case people he knows irl finds this then wed all be put in actually a lot of danger. an irl of spamton and sonic, chill but also very in your face, sonic is his special interest.
🕷Vriska - the first alter (unless host counts? idk), although went dormant for a few years due to a bunch of shit really. really misses her friends, not as horrible of a person as your likely assuming, likes for tone tags to be used for her but hardly uses them herself.
📺Mike - always busy, a protector. hes really nice, very chill, hardly ever fronts. id say from what we know, pretty different from source (deltarune). sorry im not sure what else to put here other than hes really nice and helps us out (especially waking us up when we need to for some reason lol).
🌙Genesis - sorta newly formed, an alien lady. to be honest i dont know much about her, or why she even formed but she did and shes alright. shes really pretty and id say a bit energenic? otherwise honestly pretty mysterious.
☁️Sora - our LITERAL guardian angel. its an angel and a comforter, helps us out, like a parent figure but also a friend. its very calm and speaks very clearly, only fronts really when nobody else is available and its needed, just very sweet.
🎪Jevil - actually formed not very long ago. i dont really know much on him, but he seems cool, chaotic as expected haha, but nice.
🥀aradia - i d0n’t really kn0w why i’m here, but hell0.
🫧Feferi - )(i!! It’s so nice to meet everyone )(ere, sorry I don’t know w)(at to put down here at the moment, i’m a bit too excited )(e)(e.
💔 - Hellooo, you may know me from Secret History of Sonic and Tails, because i’m Tails! I’m an angerholder, and very excited to meet you all.
sorry these arnt great, i just cant really think of much to add that wouldnt be included in the intros lol. also if your wondering whos writing this… youll never know lol.
Edit from October 20, 2023 - Simon (formerly known as Spamton)
Good lord so much has changed. CHRIST. Edit from September 5, 2024 - Simon Fucking christ, idk if we'll ever use this again but either way, my primary blogs @spooky97
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 211 let's go
ok first of all, this is the second to last episode guys... I don't even wanna think about how much pain I'll be in after next week's episode
mr mazzara doing the recap-
this is so weird to me and I don't know why
is Nini giving out the cards a callback to season 1 when Natalie Bagley said that Nini gave her a card or something on opening night of another musical?
Ricky in the crown gives me Harry styles in that photoshoot vibes
he's so pretty.
ok but why did we never see Ricky and Ashlyn interact before? it's been like 5 seconds and I already love how they bounce off each other and it's just so natural
well that explains a lot...
so Ricky fell on top of Ashlyn and all that broke for both of them was their wrist-
insert Jake Peralta *coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool no doubt no doubt no doubt*
of course howie was amazing as the beast, were we expecting anything less??
Ricky is so beautiful and I will not shut up about it....
let me enjoy this before the makeup crew slaps mud on his face.
Nini and Ricky talking to eachother? in a civil manner? wasn't she avoiding him just in the last episode? hm ok
yes Kaden and Rico, my favourite east high boys 🥰
I mean....where's EJ?
EJ AND GINA IN THE BACKGROUND... doing something idek
Howie is a shining star, ofc ofc
the smallest fOrk
can't wait to see the fork burst into song about how she deserves more than to be used to eat salad😌
the duster and the bluster.... ok😃
hi Gina!
hi- oh wow I didn't know Robbie Rotten was in this show!!!!!
the portwell look.
that my friends, is a married couple's look✋
aww Gina's so excited for this
D word?
Dom Toretto?
"good, clean fun all alone with someone I dig...a lot"
sir that does not sound very clean to me
Seb looks so cute standing there next to pope Carlos
Seb's reading Carlos better than big red read the script in episode 102, this is great development after the "fight"
Kourtney really just made the best outfit for herself and let the rest of them suffer
the way Gina immediately goes to hold on to EJ after the announcement
"tonight we're going to put the U in UTAH"
"hey where are you from?"
he's officially salt lake city's resident thanos
just wity clapping because for some reason I have a feeling he doesn't know how to snap his fingers...don't ask why
Ms Jenn do you mind encouraging your leads before the show? idk just an idea
pepto bismol product placement smhsmh
those flowers are bigger that big red himself-
*bops along to the opening theme*
that whistle at the end slaps everytime
I guess they're all here to see Ms Jenn go on as a fork after Nini decides to *go her own way*
wow i am so funny
so they couldn't do many group scenes cuz of covid, but this 300 person crowd is cool? nice
"Mr Caswell", he said, in the loudest voice possible while backstage at a show that's about to start.
Mazzara what are you trying to pull-
I usually like Benjamin but I don't like his tone
"we've had some good conversations these past few weeks"
right so what's going to happen after you graduate?
what does he think of you not going to Duke?
what did he say about you giving the sweatshirt that's been in the family for 3 generations to a girl you're not even dating?
good old Mr. M
therapist Mr. Mazzara, they all need it.
start with Ricky though.
"Michael Bowen"
dude why did you shave, now you look less like "hot lumberjack" and more "creep at the gas station"
does she not like Mike anymore?
why does it sound like jennzzara started dating and now they just sit back and talk smack about everyone in their freetime
break the fourth wall-
uhhhh im scared
why am I scared
he's scary
hehe flowers for Ricky, obviously for Ricky, ObViOuSLY
oh boy poor Michael
this man is in love, rip
why does Ms Jenn always look at people with her eyes open so wide
I'm only excited because I really like the idea of lily and Ricky being friends, nothing more.
ha this guy's got jokes
also he's very pretty.
"the wolves and very talented humans"
how dare he forget to mention the very talented wolves and normal humans, smh erasure
"being nice, what a concept" ted talk by Lily who still doesn't have a last name
did she just say lol out loud
same with the hug emoji last episode-
go touch some grass babes
the way he didn't say no, but said he didn't know how the east high kids would react-
not saying he does want to date her but that's an interesting thing to think about, also another thing to write an essay analysis on just to leave it in my drafts for a few months
awww lily genuinely trying to help him
sorry guys, I've been taken by the Lily charm (didn't know it existed until now but oh well)
just look at me now
the Lily wink I can't she's so cute-
David Attenborough?
oh nvm it's Benjamin narrating the show in a really weird British accent for some reason.
also is this to show that Nini doesn't care about being the star of the show anymore? the way she's supporting everyone else even though she's a fork?
I would pay for a special of the full musical ngl
yo where did the makeup come from
man I wish I was a theatre kid
my girl is starring
"needs an X-factor"
Simon Cowbell creeps in
"it's a yes from me"
and them boom, he takes Nini and mistreats her horribly and then she comes back to theatre after deciding music isn't for her👍
"I thought she just hog-tied him?"
don't ask sebby, it's better if you don't know.
imagine they spotlight the wrong person and this dude is just some random person that likes writing down stuff during shows.
Ms Jenn just let them do what they rehearsed (at some point we never saw) or else this is gonna end horribly wrong
same Carlos, same
I love how seb is just his translator rn
I thought he said "great displeasure" instead of "greatest pleasure"....help?
big red coming out from throwing up to see his girlfriend star is the cutest thing in this show.
Ash and Gina dancing is so fun
I'm imagining them practicing at night at their home, watching the movie for the 100th time and making sure their one dance together is perfect
no because I'm actually crying
I'm dead serious.
we need this musical released as a special
big red is so proud and I love to see it
Natalie: "if you do not by at least 20 dollars in concessions, you do not support art"
rando in the audience: "but I pay for ad free Spotify"
Mr Mazzara clapping in the distance
Gigi, the guy you like is talking to you, complimenting you and hyping you up
aw EJ teasing her about the chocolates in a way that doesn't make her feel bad? take notes Richard
there is no rest of the show idc Jordan is it for me
they look like they're high and having "deep" conversations on the floor
@sunshine-julie-molina YOU HEAR THAT
Natalie really just be coming for them all
Howie what is happening rn
I'm scared
"did you enjoy it"
"very much"
dude wants a kiss so bad
I want a Jordan autograph please
just keep swim- oh pushing...
Gina is literally a giant next to him and I live for it
am I about to cry for the 3rd time in this episode?
Ricky's leg kicks under the table makes me so happy aw
the portwell glances will kill me.
ah yes, mashed potato snow
Mr. M.... I'm not a theatre kid but even I know you can't have your phone on backstage.
Howie please just do it
oh ok bye Jordan
oo tea
"we're all just glad Gigi has a big brother figure in her life"
excuse me for a few thousand hours while I laugh hysterically
someone else said this already but I think it's hilarious that they had to bring in 2 guest characters to create some portwell angst
omg this really is Cici's episode, found family is their thing
elevator music lol
I'm gonna bet that big red took the harness for his surprise for Ashlyn without realising what it was
did Ms. Jenn just....tell her most mentally unstable student....to commit suicide....on a disney show...was that....I'm very....well....what the actual-
oh and there she goes running off instead of trying to make it right
oh wow Nini's the hero, she's gonna save the show 🤩
the judge is doing a sudoku
honestly if I went to the hsm show as well, I'd come prepared for this one too
Lily why are you looking like that-
wow ok, there goes that.
what if Howie was acting weird because he knew what Lily did and wanted to tell Kourtbut Lily threatened him so he was scared to-
anyways see y'all clowns next week when we all simultaneously lose all motivation for the week without Fridays to look forward to.
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
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a smidge of in depth for this one...how they react to someone saying they’d die for them.
“then perish.” — I placed patience and Layla here?
Patience: she’s the character that doesn’t seem to sugarcoat anything. She can be very vocal, blunt, and sometimes sarcastic. (I get Sag, Scorpio, and Aries energy or maybe even Capricorn? Who knows that’s another topic lol.) However when it comes to relationships...if she’s in one of those moods where she doesn’t want to hear it or wants to keep SOMETHING to herself and feels that the person who is making this statement to her is being overtop by saying such!!! she’ll probably turn around and say something along those lines just to say it, not really fully meaning it but said it because she’ll know that’ll get you/them to shut up. Now if it’s someone who said this to her and she’s pissed/dislikes their character then she wants to see if they’re really about it. Patience is ride or die—that much is obvious ex.) when it came to her tossing the gun to save Coop’s ass.
Layla: she might be sweet but she’s got some spice in her. Layla can be a mean girl and she knows words hurt. Sticks and stones don’t mean shit around here. Again these all depend on the situation but I do feel like if this was out of hurt then Layla’s going to say this to make sure the person knows she’s serious when she says this. When she’s hurt she wants everyone else to feel what the hell she’s feeling. Which can be a unhealthy trait but that’s why I placed her here. Layla can take her hurt out on anyone in her path since she doesn’t know how to handle her pain due to her own neglect from her father.
“you will” — I placed Chris, Coop, and Jordan here
Chris: I feel like Chris will say this nonchalantly not really believing the person thinking they are just saying this to be saying it. He thinks nothing of it, actually finding it amusing more than anything. It’s more of a question mark with a dry tone more than a demand...unless you’ve pissed him off. We’ve seen pissed off chris and it probably doesn’t feel nice to be on the receiving end. Then in that case it’s more of a prove it statement which is also insane. But I’m sure this meme isn’t that serious to begin with 😂
Coop: we’ve already seen how that went with her and Spence. If someone said this to her she’s immediately confused and giving you/them a “wtf” glance. “You will—what? I’m not asking you to do all that. I’m not asking anybody to do anything for me, especially dyin’! I know you dropped something on the ground a few seconds ago and clearly, it’s yo mind!”
Jordan: this guy! My main man’s on the other hand...took me a minute to place him somewhere accurately. I feel like he can also fit in “I’d die for you first”= If he’s talking about Simone or someone he’s in love with, he might say this but will be shitting himself if that time actually comes literally speaking ofc. and “cool” = if he’s being asshole Jordan from season 1. Anyways, Jordan can be stubborn and impulsive (which is why I think he’s got Taurus and Aries energy) so again it depends on who exactly is saying this to him. Jordan is a guy about action so if you’re saying this to him, he wants you to not only mean it but show him how much you care. This is a demand.
“please don’t” — Olivia, Simone, Kia, and Darnell are taking this spot for me
Olivia: she’s been close to death before twice and daily with her addiction + witnessing Spencer take a bullet before and to have someone else say this to her is absolutely triggering so don’t say it or do it pls because she cannot and will not handle/cope well
Simone: she’s confused and will literally beg because she doesn’t want that on her Conscience. Even if it’s not that serious she doesn’t play with the idea of death. There’s too much to live for and she’s thankful that the person thinks so highly of her but she values life and knows she’s probably worth it but she never wants to have any control over anyone’s life especially when it comes to that aspect
Kia: similar to Simone. She’s looking at you/them crazy and asking if they’re okay? She might even laugh shortly about it. She’s aware of her worth but no one should have to end their journey in this lifetime over her. She appreciates it but it’s a no from her regardless
Darnell: “why tho?” Is basically his expression or his words. Then if he finds that they truly mean it he’s flattered but would much rather have them around to enjoy their time together. He already lost someone pretty important to him before (Cory) so he’s a little upset by what was said. He likes to keep the people he cares about close to him as possible even if they don’t mean it literally
“cool” — JJ, Shawn, and Vanessa
JJ: it’s more of a thrilled “cool!” Like wow you care that much about me that you’re willing to not only do that but eventually say it? Words of affirmation is JJ’s thing okay?! Automatic respect from JJ!!! If this is said; and it’s most likely mutual from him. Are we even surprised?
Shawn: he doesn’t believe it. It’s brushed off and he’s probably distracted doing something but it doesn’t really click until it’s quiet and he realizes. “You’ve been listening to that song by The Weeknd again huh?” He jokes but still appreciates them/you for saying such
Vanessa: it’s more a smile and shrug. She clearly heard what was said and she’s like “IKTR.” It’s hinted that the girl is confident and likes for others to be the same and to stand in their truth. Which is why she’s so drawn to Asher (😒 girl says it a thousand times since we’ve met her) and JJ. So if this is said to her it boosts her ego even if they’re just saying it to get on her good side
“I’d die for you first” — Spencer & Asher
Spencer: this is no shock. Do I even have to explain lol? Coop. Olivia. Spencer is a protector yet it can come off as a super hero complex. He can’t save everybody. But he will for damn sure try. That’s his character. He cares for his people and will do anything for them. And anyone. If that means death too then so be it.
Asher: again it depends on the relationship with this person. If it’s someone he truly cares about I think he’ll say it before he actually means it? Asher is still finding himself as a person (as they all are) and he seems to always search or either find what he can get from someone else? Ex.) Layla and Olivia + potential love interest with Vanessa and I don’t think it’s really intentional per say but if someone shows him a little bit of attention or that they care he can cling onto that (Leo energy? again probably a issue from his parents) quite quickly. So he might say it because it he felt like it was the right thing to say in that moment. Or if he’s genuinely in love, then this is what he’ll say because he seems like he can be passionate in relationships idk about him
A/N: Fin! Goodnight! That’s my writing for today. Agree or disagree?
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starlightswait · 2 years
sam rewatches shadowhunters 2022, 1.02 the descent into hell isn't wasy
“clary is there a war going on that i don’t know about?” “there is now” makes me think about how this situation is actually pretty new for this younger generation of shadowhuners. and just a few mins in the show goes out of its way to highlight how censored knowledge of the revolt and the circle is. yes they face demons everyday but they only have a vague understanding of their sordid history re: the uprising. so like, as many mistakes as they make, they’re making them not only bc they’re flawed (though that too obviously), but bc this is new territory. that’s not to excuse any of the shitty things alec, jace, and izzy might do down the line, bc everyone does shitty things and it’s important they be acknowledged, but to say - knowing this lends some sympathy to the lightwoods. (and yes jace is included in this. jace is a lightwood. i have an agenda.) (i use a jace wayland tag bc no one ever really calls him jace lightwood in the show but still. i digress) anyways i’m willing to have some sympathy bc of this, but not excuse what shouldn’t be excused. also it’s a damning critique of the us education system LMAO
i know they make a point of acknowledging it later, but clary’s just wayyyy too okay with all of this. she got to have exactly one (1) breakdown and now she’s totally on board with the very nature of the reality she lives in shifting. meanwhile i would still be processing DEMONS??? with simon lmao
i always get frustrated when a show isn’t clear about whether a character knows about their best friend’s crush on them or not. like if they don’t that makes sense if they do that makes sense just pick one or the other? the awkward glance between her and simon and her gently correcting that they’re best friends makes it seem like she at least has an inkling?? and then other times she just seems completely clueless abt it.
lmao i love how for these first few episodes, most of what alec does is just stand quietly in the bg and then make snarky comments. also it’s very subtle bc he could not be Less in the foreground if he tried (almost like... they’re doing camerawork to set up part of his character... inchresting) but he smiles when jace makes fun of izzy’s cooking and as izzy is introducing herself/kinda toying with simon and it’s just a real cute little background detail like. he loves them both a lot. 
he’s still being kinda snarky but jace warning simon not to eat izzy’s food is kinda nice considering we learn pretty quickly that it is legitimately that bad. although i’m also wondering if it’s supposed to a very brief shovel talk wrapped up in a weird metaphor? bc like, he shows concern/annoyance when simon shows an interest in izzy, so maybe it’s not that nice lmao, idk
yk, luke being so desensitized to killing a member of the circle could actually make sense, bc he’s had to do it before probably. but it also highlights how the same shouldn’t be true for the lightwood trio. the ease with which they killed the circle members last ep and will continue to do feels jarring, makes it seem like they’re more used to it than they actually are. i mostly see it as a failing in the writing - this show chooses weird emotional and moral stakes to focus in on or ignore at times - but i guess it could also hint at the way shadowhutners as raised as child soldiers and that desensitizing them to violence in general - something that is ALSO woefully underexplored even though it would’ve been a really interesting commentary on cycles of trauma.
okay i’ve always thought jace is a little too okay with allowing hodge to be tortured by his rune to get information and like. he is? but he’s also holding himself back from feeling about it, there are a few twitches that i used to read as anger that now make a lot more sense of recontextualized as feeling bad about hodge but believing what they’re doing is necessary. and he doooes go to catch hodge... only to say “we don’t have a choice, you understand that right hodge” and like. this so shakily walks the line between a well-meaning ends justifying the means mentality and emotional manipulation. for all jace’s rule breaking and bravdo, he’s still a student of the clave.
“dot... you can’t trust anybody” “you’re absolutely right” :( not much to say here, but i’m having a lot of dot feelings this rewatch. and these events breeding distrust even amongst two representatives from diff factions of the downworld is interesting and will continue to be relevant
“it’s not good for any of us” something i do like about izzy is at a certain point, she does know when the jokes stop. she’s a fun loving playful person by nature but when asked by simon the nature of the threat to clary - and all of them - are facing you suddenly understand how scared everyone should be. bc izzy is terrified. just hiding it well. (i think izzy and magnus have a lot in common just fyi)
honestly clary’s interest in jace has a lot less meaning behind it, at least as far as i can tell, than his with her. like, she’s just plainly attracted to him. and that’s fine! it’s honestly a healthier starting point than where he’s coming from. but given the stakes they’re currently facing, it seems weird for that to be any degree of a priority for her when i don’t really see the emotions there yet.
the way izzy touches clary’s hair? is gay as hell. we love to see it. (i can actually really easily see them going for a sapphic storyline for izzy, and i can even see a way for it to make narrative sense and not pull away from alec’s own coming out narrative. the caveat is that in this magical au in my head, it wouldn’t really work until s3, but there would obvs be signs before that)
“actual demons with tentacles that wanna murder us” “one google search away!” clary and simon are a golden comedic duo
jace batting izzy’s hand away while she’s touching the weapons and going “no, izzy” like... it’s interesting that they’re often seen as partners in crime against alec’s Only Sane Man archetype, but i do think jace sees it more as a tactic and izzy kinda just likes chaos jdjhdhshs. i might change my mind about this later bc the show goes back and forth a lot on who has the braincell between him and izzy.
“the little girl” alec stop that’s sexist. like it is more about how she’s a baby fledgling shadowhunter that’s gonna get them all killed and/or in trouble with the clave (which is not a position you wanna find yourself in) which is a reasonable concern, but don’t frame it misogynistic language, okay alec?? okay??
pragmatic as he’s being, magnus is still helping as many of his fellow warlocks as he can and offers the same protection to dot. like... i love him.
i love dot too though and like :(( she’s trying her best!! to not die and also protect clary!!
i usually like how in-sync alecnizzy are with each other but they’re simultaneous “absolutely not” / “don’t even” is a bit stilted. but i do like jace’s slight amusement at how quickly they both understood what he was saying and them both being #concerned and in sync about it
the rotating circle effect is fun, i will admit
so is izzy grabbing simon’s arm to hold, though i think it’s less flirtation and more her wanting to keep him in-reach for the sake of protecting him
“if something happens to her, that’s on us, you know that don’t you?” ugh alec is so interesting and i’m gonna get progressively more annoyed as the season presents his very valid concerns as just jealousy or pettiness. like, snarking aside, alec doesn’t trust clary or know what to make of her, but he doesn’t want her to DIE. their whole thing is protecting people. and aside from that, if she dies - it will be their fault in the clave’s eyes bc it seems that they’re not supposed to have taken her to the silent brothers without seeking an audience officially. alec’s insistence on following the clave’s rules is partly loyalty to the clave bc of the way he was raised, partly because logic, structure, and rules make sense to him and are part of what has kept him alive so far, and partly bc - the clave is rigid and unforgiving. alec knows this and doesn’t want their family to give them an ammunition that could be used against them. which is. unfortunate and we will literally see that he's right about where the blame will lie later on.
i also like how many small alec and simon parallels we get. “we don’t even know these people,” simon says to clary. and like! yeah! and you’ve both got valid concerns! but, yk... plot!
also clary’s insistence that she felt something was missing from her life has never really resonated. i think if they were going to go that route, they needed to establish it more in the first ep, with more time being focused on her being a fish out of water in her own life and the plot heavy stuff only coming in at the beginning in the flashforward and at the very end. yes, evidently a lot of these rewatch notes are just going to be me rewriting and restructuring the show
dot being captured by valentine and forced to take his injections. ugh. never going to be over how brutally she was treated and little the writers seemed to care about her character.
jace smiling as simon rants... #soft “you’re not that funny” YOU’RE FUCKING LYING JACE AND YOU KNOW IT
“the problem is now i don’t trust you” honestly very fair, so far simon has very little reason to trust any of these people and jace’s prank did not help lmao.
“i can’t be here anymore” *gestures to simon* “so jace i’m gonna go mind the perimeter” jdshhshs rude ? yes. also pretty funny. what’s doubly funny is i’m positive he was planning to go check the perimeter anyway, he just wanted to bitch first
"and it's cooler than a flashlight" hshdhdsh one of the charms of this show is when it cops to its own cheesiness
"me?" simon is adorable ans him being genuinely surprised by izzy asking him what he wants breaks my heart a bit. like the alec and simon parallels are very noticeable this time around but i don't think they play into that much later on?
okay was luke's plan just to like? wake clary up ans tell her everything in this flashback? (she wasn't asleep but he and jocelyn clearly thought she was). at least wait til breakfast my dude!!
alec does has have legitimately concerns lafter the clary revealbut aside from expressing them too brusquely, it's also just not a good idea to reveal that distrust in front of her? speaks to alec's like of guile
this scene with simon being kidnapped and he and clary screaming for each other works a lot better than the scene last ep with clary and jocelyn screaming for each other as she sends clary through a portal. like this is still melodramtic but less forced somehow.
i get that izzy probably thought he would get in the way or distract her but. i think it would've made a lot more sense to keep simon with her when she was checking on that noise
anyway so far these eps are really fast paced is what i'm noticing. i think it works a bit better here than ep 1 bc it felt like a lot happened to move the story along, but i still think they should find some time to slow down and do some more intricate world building...
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mugi-chan · 4 years
❞Dorms playing Among Us❝
ლ  Tea Order: All the boys: The Dorms Playing Among Us! 
ლ  Warnings: None! 
ლ Shop owner notes: I’m honestly not having a good week, everything is just seeming to go wrong so to cheer myself up I watched one of my favorite twitch streamer playing among us and thought what would the dorms be like playing among us. I know there is like fanart out there of dorm heads as among us characters and that also inspired me to write this! 
Sorry for not severing up any orders yesterday, like I said things just been going downhill for me right now! 
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After playing a few rounds this dorm would develop trust issues with each other 
Out of everyone Trey is best at being imposter
Everyone trusts the Vice dorm head right? 
And Trey would take that to full advantage 
Deuce is possibly the worst when it comes to being an imposter 
He would try to lie but everyone would see right through his lies 
Ace would totally point blame at a crewmate and get them voted off 
Riddle is just confused, he never played video games before and Among us is a nice simple game to play with the Dorm
At least that’s what riddle thought 
Riddle is sus of everyone
He's that guy that goes “idk man he’s kind of sus” 
Cater is someone who takes a little to long to do task but great at doing vent murders 
Almost everyone round they are yelling over each other and not a single coherent sentence 
“I got off camera’s around that time” 
They are a chaotic group
after an intense game they would all laugh about it over tea.
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They are mostly a very tame group when playing Among us 
Savanaclaw would be all chill but very smarty about there plays
“Hey are you the imposter?” 
“Eh idk man he’s kinda sus right now” 
Leona may seem lazy but he’s really good at switching the blame to another person
Jack is probably the best at being detective 
Sometimes Jack would stalk people to make sure their doing their task and not faking it 
He can deduce who is clear and who may the be imposter
Ruggie is best in Savanaclaw at being imposter 
He’s really sneaky and really good at vent kills
It’s crazy how good Ruggie is, every time he’s imposter he wins the game 
After some rounds of Among Us there is probably a fist fight going on in Savanaclaw over the game 
“I think leona is the imposter”
“Eh? Why do you think it's me?”
“I mean you were the last one out of spawn, and the body was found in spawn”
“You do know there is a task right outside spawn right?”
There really isn’t any yelling involve unless there are some hard accusations 
Then it’s whoever is that loudest 
When they start to yell over each other most people would have to turn down their volume or take their headphones off since their ears would hurt over how loud it was. 
Most of the time if the next room is playing Among us you can definiatly hear it 
So much threatening to hurt people just so much
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This dorm is crazy good at getting imposters out 
Imposters can not win a single game in this dorm
Azul just knows who it is just from the first kill 
He would talk so much that it would eventually convince everyone to vote out the imposter
Azul is also the best at being imposter, he would do the same strat he does to get out the imposter
Everyone would believe him because he’s just that good at talking his way out of sticky situations
Jade is normally on the cameras seeing if anyone would commit a murder
When someone those kill in front of cams, he would pressure the imposter to come out 
And they always confess, Jade has a threatening voice that would even make Azul confess to being an imposter
Floyd is probably the worst at playing Among Us 
He probably gets vented out first because he couldn’t defend himself 
After some rounds he may be annoyed but when he gets imposter
Oh boy it’s genocide 
If Floyd and Jade are imposter they would win 
The only duo that can make the imposter wins
Mass genocide, they would double kill everyone 
And their master plan is to kill Azul first since he’s most likely the only one who can get both of them out 
If Floyd and Azul are imposters they would be arguing and throwing each other under the bus over everything 
If Jade and Azul are imposters they would be so manipulative and change the narrative so they would be clear
This dorm would definitely learn how to be manipulative after playing Among Us
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Kalim is the worst at playing Imposter, he would lie right out of his teeth and everyone can see right through it 
Kalim may be bad at being imposter but he’s really good at being crewmate 
Jamil is really good at being imposter
I mean he manipulated his whole dorm into believing that he would save his dorm 
Jamil is super good at vent kills 
He would kill and slip in right before someone walks in
Trust issues was already there at first but now trust issues are high 
Jamil wants to do genocide but Kalim and the rest are like 
“Oh yeah we’re just doing tasks that’s all” 
“So Jamils the imposter?” 
They may be bad at being imposter but their super lucky on voting out the imposters 
“Hey so Jamil is acting kind of sus right now”
“Why am I being sus?” 
“Idk man you looked like you faked a task”
Jamil was An Imposter (1 imposter remaining) 
“Nooo Jamil why would you betray me like this (´;ω;`)” -Kalim
If Jamil and Kalim are imposters, Kalim would be the nice imposters who would barely kill anyone, while Jamil is out on a killing spree
If there’s one thing Kalim is good at it’s convincing people that Jamil is good person 
And people would believe Kalim 
Because our dorm leader is so sweet and kind that he wouldn’t defend a killer right?
Well Kalim also got that little dark side in him (that one sprite if ya know what I mean)
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Why would Pomefiore play such a weird game? 
Uhh apparently Epel and Rook 
Epel heard Ace and Deuce talking about it once and wanted to try it out 
He knew Vil wouldn’t allow him to play it so he asked Rook if he wanted to play with some other pomefiore students
Rook thought this would be a perfect opportunity for Epel to open up to Pomefiore
When playing the game Rook found it really interesting 
He may have slipped it up to Vil about the game 
Vil would roll his eyes because he has heard about it from the other dorm heads
Rook would invite Vil to play a round with them if he feels like it
Vil would at first say no but after watching Rook play a round of Imposter, Vil was intrigued 
This imposter role is very interesting to Vil
Once Vil does come to try out the game he is very hooked on the idea of all of this 
A chance for him to shine above everyone
If Rook and Vil area duo it’s over
Their going to win no matter what
Rook is always backing up Vil and everyone just believes him
If Epel and Rook are Duo it’s just Chaotic, Rook would just kill everyone and epel would just not know what to do
Out of the three Vil is probably the best at being imposter
Rook would never vote for Vil so everyone would pretty much just lose 
If the imposter was not Vil or Epel they would kill Rook first just so they can even the votes
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As soon as the game is release, Idia was already playing it with some of his online friends 
When it started to get popular at NRC he started to get a little shy on playing the game since that means there’s a chance that he has to play a round with someone from another dorm 
Unless it’s with Octavinelle trio 
Then he’s fine with them 
When he plays a round where he is really confident he feels really bold and starts arguing with people 
Out of everyone Ortho is the best at being imposter
I mean he’s super cute
Why would he ever kill someone?
Well clearly that was a lie, he acts super innocent that in fact Idia wouldn’t even believe that Ortho was the imposter
Idia and Ortho is deadly duo 
Idia would go on a killing spree while Ortho would be distracting the rest of the crew 
If people are accusing Idia for being imposter Ortho would go full cute little brother 
That would make everyone feel guilty for ever thinking that Idia was an imposter
If people were accusing Ortho for being imposter, Idia would hard defend Ortho over everything 
Ortho really loves playing this game because that means he gets to spend time with his friend and his brother at the same time! 
Ignihyde probably has like 3 Among Us servers going on that is always so full
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Ohhh boy this dorm is old but they really enjoy this game
But it is always split
Sebek being Sebek would defend Malleus up and down 
Not even Lilia can convince him that Malleus might be the imposter
Everyone has their volume really low because Sebek’s voice is so loud that at low volume it sounds like Sebek is arguing at a normal voice level 
Silver is probably AFK most of the round 
Lilia would always be taking his sweet time doing task
Sebek ABSOLUTELY hates the admin task (the card swiping one) he wants to get his task done so he could be by Mallues 
Malleus is just wandering around wondering how to do all the task, especially simon says 
If Sebek and Silver are a duo, they are really good imposter duo
They would vote Sebek out first since he has a loud mouth 
But since Silver is almost always AFK he can kill people that check if he’s still afk
Silver is best at playing imposter 
His afk tactic is always so smart 
Sebek is the worst at playing imposter 
All it takes is Malleus asking him if Sebek is the imposter and he would confess
Lilia and Malleus is probably the worst at playing imposter 
Since they are who knows how old, technology is really hard to control 
Especially trying to control the  WDSA keys 
Lilia would always love playing this game with everyone since he wants to know what the kids are up to these days 
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flashfuture · 3 years
hi!! re: your tags on a post not too long ago—what do you mean by dick’s previous love interests not respecting him? i haven’t read a whole lot of his stuff and tend to avoid romance-heavy plot lines in general, so this is 100% a genuine question and not me trying to start anything i promise, it’s just that i’ve seen dickb4bs and dickk0ry shippers in the past claim it’s sexism when people dislike his partners?
Ah well DC are big brain and they think peak humor is the boomer meme of the nagging wife. 
So basically Dick and Kori were an absolutely fucking amazing couple. But then there was the issue of Mirage where she pretended to be Kori and tricked Dick into sleeping with her. Which is r*pe. Dick was slut shamed and victim blamed for this. DC has an absolutely awful track record with male victims of sexual assault. Ollie was always victim blamed for happened to him. And Dick they didn’t even acknowledge that he was assaulted. As well they had Dick sleep with Babs before the wedding I think. And that is so ooc it’s not even funny.
And when Dick started dating Babs they slowly chipped away at his skills to prop Babs up. And I’ll say it again if you have to tear down another character to make one look good you haven’t proven any skill. Character A just got butchered for no reason and Character B stayed the same. So Babs started mocking Dick for a lot of things. And it carries over into modern stuff. Where she’s the big brain and her dumb himbo boyfriend. Dick Grayson is not a fucking himbo. He’s smart as hell and dangerous as hell. 
So they write Dick wrong to make him the butt of the joke. No one is laughing with him, they’re laughing at him. You see it in the newest Nightwing comics where Babs is there to make sure the reader knows how silly Dick is. 
The issue is with the writers being incapable of writing a het relationship well. Literally, the best ones I can think of is Dinah/Ollie (though Gail Simone and Judd Winick tried their best to fuck that one up) Big Barda/Scott Free, Clark/Iris, Barry/Iris, Wally/Linda (but DC keeps fucking my Flashes)
So yeah DickKori got a bad rap because the writers want to over-sexualize Kori so then it’s like she and Dick were only sexual and I just- they were gonna get fucking married. And I literally could care less about DickBabs except that it contributes to the character butchering of both Babs and Dick by the way. Because when Babs is mocking Dick she just looks like a bitch. They reduce Babs over and over again to Dick’s ex-girlfriend. 
So uh yeah those are my thoughts. People do indeed like to throw around sexist the same way they like to call Gail Simone a feminist because she thinks men are bad. She’s also the ally who says read this book because it’s got a gay character and that is about as surface level as you can get🤷‍♀️ I mean sure call me a sexist cause I don’t think the woman nagging and mocking a man all the time is a very good relationship dynamic. Lol yeah when people say that a lot of the time they’re just angry you don’t like their faves. As long as you aren’t you know actually being sexist (which really is not that hard to tell) then it’s best to ignore them. 
I’ve got some scalding takes on characters who are there just to be women for the sake of having a het love interest. They’ve certainly evolved Babs since then but every time she’s with a batboy she gets snapped right back into that box of 60s housewife. I’ll never exactly ship Babs with any of the Batboys because she was made to be Bruce’s love interest and keeps getting shifted around to fit with each and every other batboy. 
It is usually best to avoid Dick romances as the writer just uses the women to cause him more man pain cause of course they do. DC is traditionally written by men and lots and lots of white people. These people are older who have older views of relationships based on what was on TV but it’s still lame.
For example, there is always the age-old Babs and Kori fight over Dick storyline that absolutely no one wants to read. Women being pit against women over a fucking man??? Seriously? And if I see one more writer claims the only woman Dick has ever loved was Babs I’ll scream. It’s the tiniest smoothest brain take I have ever seen. 
Bea was lovely the cherry on top of the Ric mess. She was adorable and fun and she really cared about Dick as a person. I miss her. Which is I think the post you were talking about? Idk I can’t remember what I tag where lol. 
I think to derail for a quick sec the reason so many people turn to same-sex relationships in fiction is that the relationship between two women and two men will almost always be more developed than whatever het thing is going on. 
Dick is much much closer to Roy, Wally, Garth, and Joey than he ever was to Babs. Now DC is retconning that Dick and Babs were childhood friends. But they still imo have no chemistry outside of they both work with Batman and ones a girl ones a boy. 
Kori and Dick had real chemistry they were trying to both find freedom and safety within one another. The writers didn’t constantly have to hammer home that they loved each other or have random thought bubbles to try and make some connection happen. They just did happen. 
Anyone who knows me knows I am not the biggest Babs fan. However, I’ll still protest the unfair treatment of any character. I don’t have to like a character to not want them to be butchered by bad writing. Like confession time I don’t even like Jason that much but I talk about him all the time because I want him to have a good story. So to me DickBabs is directly connected the butchering of both characters and it just doesn’t work. 
so yep rambles on top of rambles. I’m not character bashing here just to make it clear. And I am a little bit relationship bashing but more so writer bashing. 
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partnersatfazbear · 4 years
Analysis of The Real Jake (SPOILERS)
I can't decide whether to make this post a stream-of-consciousness style or group it into evidence for x... but since it's easier, I'll just write my thoughts as I go. Although a lot of this is factual ties to, say, FNAF 4, things like relating Margie to Henry are just my own headcanon and you can do with that what you will AKA don't take this all too seriously, but have fun with it. There’s also specific notes about Michael Afton, for those that just want to know what was said regarding him (presumably).
Before I start, please note I've had three hours of sleep in the last... 28 hours? IDK I can't math, especially not on this little sleep. So, there may be errors. I tried to make a note on things I was unsure about, too. 
Note: I wrote this before the Evan=CC theory was all but confirmed. Although I believe this theory from the logbook, I think a lot of these notes are still valid.
Read my notes under the cut:
Margie shares similar physical appearance to Henry: Pg 84 “The window fan blew a lock of her shoulder-length brown hair across her upper lip so it looked like she had a mustache.”
“Mrs. Afton” stand in is mentioned: Pg 86 “...it had been four years since his Mom had died...” (Jake is 9 in the story)
I notice when Scott mentions plaid. Pg 87 “...a green-and-blue plaid plush chair...” I mostly wanted to note this since canonically, Henry had a green plaid shirt.
“William” stand in is mentioned. Pg 89 “And you know he thinks about you [Jake] all the time?” “So, he has to concentrate on what he's doing... ...I don't want him thinking about me and end up shooting himself in the foot or something.” Pg 102 “Yeah, I did. [I spilled some chocolate ice cream] Right on my shirt!” Pg 122 “I did that today! [While playing a DDR like game, breaking a shoelace.]” (Admittedly, I only counted these because I headcanon William is much more of a bumbling fool than he appears. It comes up very often as you can see... although you could write it off as Evan just trying to relate to his kid.)
“William” stand in is mentioned. Pg 92 “...Margie was pretty sure Evan couldn't afford to replace a washer and dryer” and “...Evan, at his rank, could barely afford her” Pg 110 “Gillian's house shared stlying with Evan's, but hers was probably four times bigger.” (Again, I headcanon William and his family is on the low end of middle class, if not lower, in terms of income. Particularly, the house is cramped.)
“Mrs. Afton” stand in is mentioned. Pg 93 “First, Jake's Mom was killed.” Pg 139 “The mom's dead.” (You could infer that she died via something akin to a car crash in the context of the story, however if you reflect it to the games given the commonalities, I like to think of this as confirmation that William murdered her, given the word 'killed' is used.)
Margie records herself on her cell phone. Pg 93 (and on other pages) (Again referencing my headcanon for Henry, in which he records ideas/diaries often. At minimum, Henry is referred to as “Cassette Man” in PizzaSim so... I just thought it could make for an interesting comparison.)
Jake mentions his “friends”. Pg 99 “Patty and Davey... Vic... and the twins... Ellie and Evie... Kyle, Clay, and Garrett” (Also, he isn't mentioned until later, but there's his best friend Brandon, too. I noted these in reference to CC talking about his 'friends', either IRL or the plushies. I assume his IRL friends are the MCI victims. The number doesn't add up though. I really, really wanted to make a connection about the twins, considering Charlie and Sammy are twins, but there wasn't enough evidence to write it off as anything other than a coincidence. Also... Clay, really? We need another double name in this series? Ugh.)
What's your favorite flavor? Chocolate Pg. 102 “What flavor did you get?” “Chocolate. Duh.” (This is a stretch, but it did remind me of Help Wanted's final level in the main game, where you're asked to choose your favorite cake flavor. Although, they're discussing ice cream here.)
Maybe some insight into William's personality? Pg. 103 “You ever do that, Evan?” “What?” “Let off steam.” “Me? No. Steam is pretty much what keeps me going.” (Just more evidence that William is obsessed with his work. You could imply “steam” implies he runs like a machine, but that's stretching a bit.)
Pg. 113 -118 (Jake climbs out of his window to run off to play at the arcade with his friend. Obvious parallel to the child in Midnight Motorist, although it's daytime and no animatronics/fursuits luring him.) There is this, on Pg 121 also. Jake says, “We played all the racing games. I love racing games.”
PURPLE Pg 121 “...did you get a slushie at the arcade? I got one. I got grape. It turned my tongue purple.” “My tongue's purple, too!” “Purple power!” (Uh, do I really need to explain this? I should note that Evan is the one mentioning “grape”. I guess William likes grape flavor and purple.)
'Michael' is mentioned. Sort of a stand in for Michael Afton, but it should be noted that Michael and Evan are brothers in this universe. Pg 126, 127 “Michael...lived in Europe for a few years...” “Michael's a serious dude. He's, well, a little different. He's intense about making money...the way he is about it... can make him seem like he's not human.” “So, he's like a cyborg with bad programming?” Michael has some dialogue: “You must excersize caution. You could get chocolate on my suit, and that would be bad. Very, very bad.” (The very very bad thing is a running joke in the family, which is why this comes up. I don't have a lot to say about it, though. I think Michael [Afton] being obsessed with money seems a bit counter intuitive to how we know him, but who knows? I also want to note that Evan doesn't seem antagonistic towards Michael; in fact, he “hate[s] to ask him for favors”.)
Also, Pg 141 “His [Michael's] flat, gruff voice was unmistakable.” Michael is also the first one to hear his father is dead and informs Margie about it. “I have been notified that Evan's dead.” Pg 142 “She had only met Michael the one time, and she knew the way he processed the world was very different from what was “normal”” Michael also states to Margie: “I've got Evan's will... you're Jake's guardian and he left you the house and some savings. I'm the executor.” Margie also says: “He[Michael]'s a numbers genius, manages money for the wealthy people and has made a killing doing it.” “He's not a bad guy. He just doesn't know how to connect. He doesn't feel the way we do.” (Just more Michael characterization.)
Direct FNAF 4 easter egg references: Pg 128 “...the IV stand lurking in the corner of the room” Pg 129 “...and the line of perscription medication bottles marching across the top of the chest of drawers”
Margie is more than a nanny and possibly in love with Evan: Pg. 139 “She'd come to love Evan, too... like a brother.” Pg 140 “...she was included in the outings, movie nights, game nights, and storytelling time...” Pg 149 “...she wanted Evan to be more than just a boss, and being in his room when he was gone made her feel like a lovelorn stalker.” “Love him like a brother... She snorted. Boy, had she been lying to herself.” Pg 158 “What she was feeling called for a screaming fit or a total mental breakdown.” (Yeah, this is just me reading too much into this for Willry content, haha... But still. I am determined that Margie is a Henry stand-in.)
'I will put you back together' Pg 140 “I'm trying to bring you home whole.” (Evan is discussing “no man left behind” with his son, Jake. I think this is obvious.)
William's home office? Pg. 149 “When he was home, she'd go in and vacuum or put away laundry... ...when he was gone...coming in here felt like an invasion of privacy.” “Evan's room would be her room.” “...I'd feel like I was sleeping in your bed, she thought.” “...the room felt discretely masculine.” “The walls were covered in family photos.” “The shelves were stuffed with fiction... mysteries to classics, nonfiction... how-to books...from rebuilding a car engine to planting a garden.”
FNAF 4 reference. Pg 152 “Outside, a dog barked.” (You can hear a dog barking as ambient noise during nights when playing FNAF 4.)
Other notes:
It happens a lot, but one of the main things in the book is the doll Simon and how Jake talks to it. This is very blatantly a reference to the Golden Freddy Plush (“Psychic Friend Fredbear”). The story confirms it's Jake's father, Evan, talking through it. Although it makes the one scene in FNAF 4 a little wonky (the only scene where we see Purple Guy), I think it's pretty much confirmed that it's William talking to CC now. Obviously, we already suspected this due to Sister Location's “Secret Room”. In this story, Evan says he did it because he wanted to give Jake some hope he would live. Combined with both the IV/medicine bottle easter eggs (in the story and FNAF 4) I think it's plausible to assume that CC was taken home after the Bite of '83 for a period of time before he passed away. I will admit, also, that Evan definetly comes off as a very caring father (in comparison to how we presume William is based on what we've seen of him as a person; although I argued this before on this blog, I don't think William hates his kids. I think he's neglectful, moreso as the story goes on. I think he resents Michael for many reasons but I won't go into that here. I just don't think he's the abusive monster the fanbase interprets him to be—at least not early on.)
The cabinet reminds me a lot of the closets in the novel series. A built in shelf with a doll in it. A doll that represents a child. Considering Margie tends to this doll (see Pg. 130-135), I have to draw more parallels between her and Henry.
The fan is mentioned A LOT. I don't really know why, but I guess we can't help but think of every single FNAF office when it's brought up. Specifically, on Pg. 106, Margie mentions the fan in her room is as loud as a jet engine and the sound made her nervous. Once again, I'm reminded of PizzaSim. Seriously, screw you fan.
The heat is mentioned a lot, too. I know the story takes place in summer, but this did remind me of Pizza Sim.
Pg. 93 “Margie sat down in the faded blue webbed lawn chair that was set up, for reasons she never understood, in front of the shelves by the stairs.” (I noted this because it's specifically called out and I don't know why.)
Margie talks about why she's working for Evan: Pg. 95 “I didn't get the internship I applied for.” I like to think her and Mia (from 1280) were after the same internship. (I may be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure Mia mentioned an internship at the hospital.)
Jake is mentioned to have brown hair, green eyes. His favorite color is green. He also wears green often. I couldn't find anything really interesting about it. It would make more sense as a Puppet reference, tbh (because of the green bracelet (and eyes? I may be remembering wrong) I guess it's also worth noting that Elizabeth has green eyes.
Pg 135 “Are you afraid people will think you're murdering me?” “...I could end you so quickly you'd never make a sound.” (Just an odd conversation between Jake and Margie. Margie is joking here, obviously.) Also, Pg. 136 “I just figured your [Jake's] wires got crossed or your circuits were frying.” (Admittedly, I don't know what to make of this. Could be a reference to Robot-CC, if you believe that or MikeBot [I don't], but more likely just ironic dialogue. It could also reference Jake's future in the Stichwraith?)
Pg 139 “Sometimes, Margie wished she was like one of the robots Jake liked so much.” (Although I can't really compare this to Henry, I did write William with this mindset and thought it was worth mentioning.)
Pg 141+ So, Evan dies overseas (he's a soldier). (I think this could be hinting that William has been springlocked around the time CC passes away. Jake has been home for some time after his diagnosis so we can infer based on that and the easter eggs that CC was brought home to die in peace. At the very least, William's probably very absent during this time. Possibly brought in for questioning but not arrested. I don't know. I feel like there's something to this.)
Pg 154 “Dave's at work.” (Why? Can we not use established names? Aghhh)
Pg 155 “The ambulance arrived at 11:32.” (I don't know why this is stated so outright. I couldn't find a reason, except that a few paragraphs earlier they say it will arrive by noon. I don't know why it's so specific, but I felt like noting it anyway.)
Pg 159 “Five people. Five sets of eyes. And none of them noticed...” (Yeah. We all know how important 5 is in FNAF.)
Three medical personel are mentioned. One at the end is named Nancy [No Last Name Given], but I like to think its a reference to Man in 1280 and we're dealing with Heracles Hospital once more, although it's never said in this story. Speaking of, the only thing that really stood out to me in 1280's story was that a billionare funded the restoration of the hospital. I like to headcanon that was Henry's doing—I imagine him obscessing over overcompensating for his mistakes by giving back in every way possible, even if it isn't directly related to him.
So, this post only took two hours of my life. I hope someone gets some use out of it, be it for my intended Willry purposes or maybe those Michael fans that are curious about it. If you enjoyed this post, let me know. I'd love to write up more of these if I have the time.
I have other write-ups on this blog, too. Just search fnaf theories on my blog page!
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