#ignore spelling mistakes please
theaceofarrows · 14 days
Gotham citizen memes
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Based on this:
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You know what I'm curious about… how does Billy have any sense of time??? When I was a child (I still kinda am) I had no idea what time meant. You could have told me that I would need to wake up at 5:30am tomorrow and I would be awake till 2:00am. I can't imagine what it's like for a homeless kid who has no one keeping him accountable and no routine.
So because of this I think Captain Marvel is sporadic when showing up, none of his villains have any idea when he's going on patrol. They probably think he doesn't sleep at all, he just disappears into a different dimension and then reappears whenever. He'll only start to keep track of time when he joins the justice league so he's not late to meetings or monitor duty.
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brainzzzeater · 9 months
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The first spideypool art I ever drew a few months ago.
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purpletrashcans · 5 months
I am so fucking annoyed and here is why
I recently made the discovery that i'm probably aromantic and i would like to do what i did when i discoverd that i'm trans which is go and watch/read everything that even has the tiniest bit of trans representation in it, but i can't because there is no aromantic representation
now obviously that's nothing new, i was aware of this problem before and it pissed me right off then as much as it does now
it’s honestly just such bullshit that whenever there is an asexual character in media, basically the first thing they say after coming out as ace is that "they still want to fall in love" like not wanting, not being able to feel romantic love, would make them less human or something like that and of course there are ace people who are not aro, i'm not saying that and i'm not trying to shit on anybodys identity, if you are ace and not aro you are just as valid as anybody else and this lack of aro rep is obviously not your fault, we also need more ace rep while we're on it, that's not the point i'm trying to make, what i mean is that media always tells us that romance makes us human and if you don’t experience that you are either immature, unstable or not human and that's just bullshit
also it is no wonder that when i told my grandma about Loveless by Alice Oseman and how much i love this book, she was worried that i was like Georgia because i never like anyone romantically, she has never heard of aromanticism before, when she thinks of adult people that have never been in a relationship and don't have children she thinks of lonely, sad people and she doesn't want that for me
it is no wonder that when i see my greataunt and -uncle once a year they ask if i have a partner and when i say that no, i don't have a partner, they tell me that i have time and i'll meet someone eventually
and it is no wonder that so, so many people think that they're broken, that they enter relationships and situations that they don't want to be in, that fucking therapist try to cure people, that it took me 21 years, almost losing my friends, actually losing 8 kg in two months do to disordered eating and reading Loveless two times to figure out that i might just be aro, when there is barely any representation whatsoever, when most people haven't even heard of aromanticism
we need more representation and we need it desperately, that way not only will aro people discover their identity sooner and safe themselves a whole lot of trouble, but allo people can also learn how to react to someone being aro and we can all learn that being aro isn't sad or inhumane or weird or lonely
and because i'm a fancy-schmancy college student (who wrote "collage" instead of "college" first because i can not spell)(and have watched too much criminal minds) i would like to end this with a quote by Mariah Wright Edelman (tho the quotes are the worst part of criminal minds, they are so cringe istg):
“You can’t be what you can’t see”
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userparamore · 8 days
i thought i'd gather some of the highlights/important quotes from their newest interview with dork magazine; all from new music, more solo music from hayley, and fine print. i've put it under the cut as it got a little long:
– hayley talking about new music:
Well, the band have already started toying with new music. At home, before the tour began, Paramore created some early demos that "really surprised" Hayley, with the tracks taking inspiration from the Bjork-fronted alt-rock band The Sugarcubes. But they've also spent a few days off from tour in the studio. In Hamburg, they visited Clouds Hill Studio and started messing around with another idea that "felt like it was on the other side of the tracks to what we'd been working on at home," offers Hayley. "But that excites me."
"Lyrics have always been a huge driving force for me as well. I feel a deep sense of discomfor when we go home to the American South in this political climate and a lot of poetry that I've been writing lately feels like adulted versions of the themes I was writing about in 'Brand New Eyes'." The band's third album was an exploration of faith, betrayal, community and pain. "Also you mid-30s are wild. I was told they were supposed to be breezy but it's like another puberty."
After the overwhelming positive reaction to the glistening pop of 'After Laughter' and the scuzzy rage of 'This Is Why', there's a real sense of liberation to whatever comes next. [...] "It does feel like there's more space now to do whatever it is we're inspired to do and not look back," she adds. "It doesn't have to be on thing either."
– hayley talking about more solo music:
"Fine Print is about creating a better ecosystem for our creativity," explains Hayley. And that includes potential solo stuff as well. "Paramore has always been the thing that I want to do the most, and I get really passionate and protective of it," says Hayley, but something shifted after seeing that nothing major changed with the band after releasing solo album 'Petals for Armor' and follow-up record 'Flowers for Vases/Descansos'. "I don't feel done with it at all," she adds. "And that feels so good to say."
"Originally she wanted her solo music to be released under the Petals for Armor name because it felt like a nice cloak. "Even when I was doing press for 'Petals', I was really worried people would think I was done with Paramore because those rumours fly so fast, but now I don't feel that fear at all. I know the three of us will be creative until we die, and that's going to manifest as a million different projects," she explains. Some projects will be Paramore, sure, but others might be Zac shooting music videos on film or Taylor acting as a producer for other people's records, like he did with 'Petals for Armor'. "I think Fine Print is going to be a really great catch-all for those things."
– on "Fine Print" and independence:
Not having a label is the closest Paramore have ever got to the "total freedom" they felt when they first started the band. "I think the creativity is about to get cranked up," offers Hayley.
With Fine Print, Paramore want to find a balance between creating art and living life, especially because "the music industry does not reward taking care of yourself," says Hayley, who is also asking questions about fairer payments for musicians and how to support new artists as well.
Paramore are still laying the foundations for Fine Print but the whole thing is being built on the same ethos of their 2018 Art + Friends festival. "If it's not people I would be happy to have a cookout with, I don't want them involved," says Hayley. "Music is community. It's such a great connector, and that's the energy I want around anything that we do."
– on their inspirations right now:
Right now Hayley is inspired by the fearless, slightly chaotic world of pop that's being ushered in by the likes of Billie Eilish, Olivia Rodrigo and Chappell Roan. They're not afraid of messy feelings and they don't care if they don't have all the answers either, which is something Paramore have always done really well. "You have all these women ruling the world, and I don't think pop has ever been cooler," says Hayley. "It's so inspiring to see young artists being really bold, expressing themselves freely and making good shit that everyone wants to sing along to, while also speaking about things that perhaps don't always feel good to speak about," she adds, with that new generation of pop stars kickstarting discussions on politics, abortion rights, body image and predatory fan behavior.
"But there's also so much exciting stuff happening with guitar music as well," Hayley adds, name-checking Amyl And The Sniffers and "sick" new band Font. "I'll always love indie sleaze and bands like The Rapture and Yeah Yeah Yeahs, but I'm ready for whatever comes next in the dystopian future that we're all entering. We need punk music, and we need those underground movements," she explains. "Not because I want to hide from pop music, but because there's life there that I want to live."
– hayley said she thinks zac is the most underrated drummer:
"Can I also just say in an interview that I think Zac is the most underrated drummer in whatever fucking genre we're in," says Hayley, still struggling to find a label for the band. "When he was 11, and I was 13, I saw him play for the first time, and I just knew." She can't explain how she knew, because what does anyone really know at that age, but at the end of every Eras show when the rest of the band huddles around him for the furious, cathartic conclusion to 'This Is Why', it's every dream Hayley ever had for the band come true. "I'm so grateful Zac came back for 'After Laughter' because he's the backbone of Paramore. He makes us better."
– hayley on performing:
"I remember when we were touring 'Brand New eyes' and our tour manager kept telling people the only time we didn’t fight was when we were onstage. I didn't want to accept it, but he was right," says Hayley. "We were beat down, uncomfortable, and that was such a rough time, but there's a reason Taylor and I never quit, and it was the shows. Paramore gigs did get a lot of the poison out."
"My smile is sorta too big for my face but make no mistake, I am but a bird-sized woman still filled to the brim with rage. If i didn't get to make music or throw my body around the stage every night, I wouldn't survive."
"I've realised I can't be alone," says Hayley." I can't be by myself in this, so I guess we'll keep touring until we physically can't. Can you imagine seventy-year-old Taylor York doing light choreography on stage?" she laughs. "Honestly, I am so excited for the next incarnation. It feels like there's something in the water."
[On playing The Only Exception] "It's not 'Misery Business' but I didn't want to endorse that message either," she explains. This time it was her vocal coach who had a word. "He said, 'You're in a band with your partner. Just look at him and pretend nothing else ever existed'. You know what is so dumb about me?" asks Hayley. "I felt so stupid doing that at first. I felt stupid having this pure expression of adoration and tapping into the hopefulness I had as a 19-year-old. This tour completely changed my relationship with that song though. Now when I sing it, I feel happy."
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mister-girl · 19 days
I was so inspired by @devilst0at sharing their amazing dale headcanons that I wanted to post some of my own.
So here are some soft/romantic dale headcanons cos I can’t get him out of my mind lol
• He loves to Eskimo kiss, especially as a form of greeting you or saying goodbye to you.
• He likes doing your makeup. You bring up the idea and he jumps at the chance. After a time it becomes a common occurrence. A loving ritual between the two of you.
• He likes when you put all your weight on him. After years of being so touch starved the idea of someone being his own personal weighted blanket makes him cry. Whether you’re laying on top of him, sitting in his lap or asking him to carry you, he delights in it all.
• He loves deep kisses. Just put your arms around his neck or cup his cheekbones and pull him towards you. He’ll kiss you for hours.
• He loves to have his hair, cheeks, lips and nose touched/stroked. Gentle touches make him very emotional and you taking the time to display your affection for him in this way makes him feel loved and even closer to you.
• He likes to go for drives with you in the passenger seat next to him. The two of you share a love of music and often sing for hours in the car together until your voices get sore. During these drives he usually has his hand in yours or he reaches over every few minutes to squeeze your thigh.
• He likes slow dancing with you. Especially if you initiate it. He finds it calming and very comforting to have you so close to him.
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marvelnatswhore · 2 years
eyes on mommy
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Lady dimitrescu X reader ~smut
Warnings: mommy kink, praise, masturbation, voyeurism, humiliation ?, oral, light pussy spanking, fingering, really wet panties, & sub/dom roles.
WC: 1.8k
A/N: let's pretend i didn't write this just to procrastinate from writing every other fic i promised 
i know this is bad i just wanted to post something)
“Dear, today I have something.. different in mind for your punishment.”
Your eyes must have shown your confusion and Alcina smiled. She had you seated on the couch rather than the bed; you wondered why but ignored it as your eyes flicked over to your clothes, discarded in an unity pile on the floor.
She was on you the moment you reached the privacy of your bedroom. Wasting no time tearing the fabric from your body and kissing you with an alcoholic desire, groping you everywhere she could, promising to take proper care of you, while leaving you panting and bare, while she finished her work.
The time went by agonisingly slowly and your mind wandered possibly too far when you found your legs pressing together in search of something, rubbing slightly and reminding you of the fabric between them. 
Unlike your other abandoned garments, Alcina left your panties on you. Something she often liked to do. You discovered she got off on seeing how wet she could make you before you were pleading for her to touch you. She knew it drove you feral for her too and sometimes she just wanted to see that innocent look in your eyes turn to filthy desire.
You snapped suddenly back to the present moment as Alcina entered the room. She grinned, seeing you sitting patiently for her on the sofa and she closed the doors behind her as she came to stand above you. 
Her large figure swamped your own and you felt your cheeks flush, Alcina's hand moved to stroke your hair and admire you sitting pretty below her, “I think you’ll enjoy your punishment tonight, dearest.” She smiled softly at you and there was something predatory in her eyes that sent a shiver to your core.
 “Although, I will miss having you over my thigh.” 
Your throat goes dry as the thought of your usual punishment plagues your mind, not to mention other places. You wonder what she has planned for you when her hand leaves your hair and she steps back, reaching up to her chest to unbutton her dress. 
You watch intently with a growing heat in your chest. She let the soft fabric pool to the floor at her heels and you pull in a breath at the sight. She’s naked and standing above you with a pleased grin across her face. 
“Like what you see?” She asks, putting her hands on her lower thighs and bending down to meet your face, giving full view of her breasts. You’d never get tired of seeing them-
“Do you want to touch mommy?” She chuckles, knowing something you clearly don’t.
You nod at her question with oblivious eyes and she cups your jaw with a large, soft hand. 
“That’s too bad, pet.”
You frown as she pulls away, already missing the contact. She moves over to the bed and you can’t keep your eyes off her. You wonder for a moment if she was purposely swaying her hips at you.
Alcina turns to you as she sits. You hadn’t noticed the new placement of the couch you were on as you walked in and Alcina sat you on it, but now it made sense.
“All you have to do is watch. You can't touch Mommy or yourself. Understand?” 
You nod your head obediently, and she grins, “Good girl.” 
You tried to ignore the title she gave herself and the small wet patch that you felt form on your panites from it.
She leaned back against the bedding. Propping herself against the silk pillows and letting her hand drop down to her bare sex. Even from where you were sat you could tell how wet she was and the sight was making your head spin. 
She let out a low moan. Guiding her fingers over her heat, stopping to stroke her clit and bask in the pleasure. You could feel your own arousal spreading between your thighs watching her and it was almost uncomfortable. 
Her hand moved lower quickly, she’d been thinking of you all day and she could barely control herself. Sliding through her folds and moaning as she brushed her entrance, she looked over at you, you assumed to make sure you were still watching, (not that you could take your eyes off her) and she pushed two fingers into her pussy, beginning to pump them at a quick pace. Your breath was caught in your throat and you wanted her so badly it hurt. Alcina’s head fell back and she moaned, gasping between unsteady breaths and reaching to palm her breasts with her spare hand. 
“Mommy-” You whimpered softly, feeling your thighs squeeze together, and the thin fabric over your pussy starting to rub against your skin. The friction drew a soft groan from you and you knew she heard you, Alcina moaned and you realised she was watching you again, fucking herself to you. 
Her eyes were brighter than usual and she looked ravenous. You knew she wanted you too. 
“Pet-” Her voice was breathy and it drew out the worst in you. You could feel your hips grinding against the seating under you, It was subtle and you hoped Alcina wouldn’t notice but the aching between your thighs was becoming insatiable. 
Even from across the room she had complete control over you, that familiar warmth quickly enveloped you and you could almost feel tears forming in your eyes and you didn’t know what to do. You needed mommy to tell you. 
Her pace became quicker and the sound of her fucking herself seemed to fill the room along with your own short breaths You watched her mesmerised, trying to ignore the throbbing under you as you sucked your bottom lip. Alcina moaned your name, adding another finger to her cunt and rubbing her clit. 
Her voice was becoming short gasps and you knew she was close. “Oh-” her breath hitched, dragging it out into a moan, “Mommy’s gonna come!” she cries, pumping harder, your legs are squeezing together, grinding against the bedding below you and you can’t stop yourself from moaning.
“fuck!” She yells, gasping as she comes in a long moan, riding out her high before finally slowing. Your panties are beyond ruined, and you can feel tears in your eyes. 
Alcina groans deeply, slowing her movements as she pulls out her fingers, dripping with her cum. She seems to admire them for a brief moment before turning her attention back to you. Her eyes drift down to your legs crossed tightly together, and you can feel her grin on you.
“Darling..come here.” Alcina orders gently, you don’t waste a moment to scramble over to her, and place yourself up between her legs.  
“Eager little thing, aren't you?” She chuckles, tucking a strand of stray hair behind your ear. She takes a moment to swallow in your appearance and brush her thumb over your lips.
 “Clean mommy up sweetheart.” 
The bedding is softer than the couch and you’re somewhat thankful for it as Alcina’s hand guides you down to her sex with a gente tug on your jaw.
The next thing you knew your lips are pressed against her slit, and you instinctively draw a long line down with your tongue. You moan instantly at her taste, and sink your tongue further, lapping at her hole and the cum smeared over her heat. 
She moans softly, weaving her hands through your hair and pushing you closer to her core. 
“Good-girl.. just like that-” Her praise doesn't make it easy to ignore the throbbing between your legs or how desperately you want her to touch you. Her hand guides you to her hardened clit and you don't need instructions to start sucking it. 
Alcina groans at the sensation muttering something guttural you couldn’t comprehend as you lapped at her cunt, your head felt like it was spinning and you were drunk off her. 
She pushed you flush against her moaning, as you dipped your tongue into her. You felt your thighs rub together secretly hoping she would notice. You stop licking briefly to suck on her sensitive clit and the grip she has on your hair tightens. It didn’t take long for the pleasure to reach her again and her hips are grinding against your face desperately as you felt her walls closing and she came shuddering against your lips.
You lapped at her cunt until she was pushing you away, breathing heavily and coming back to the present moment. 
You’re panting softly as she pulls your head away from her heat and you can't help but be somewhat disappointed to leave it; she guides you up against her chest and leans in to kiss your wet lips tenderly, wanting to move deeper but deciding to withhold for now. 
“You pleasure mommy so well dear.” Her hand came to stroke your hair and you felt that familiar warmth spread through your body. You flinch as Alcina slides her hand down the curve of your back, softly grabbing your ass and enticing a gasp from you, “let mommy touch you now darling.” 
You nearly yelled as her hand cups your pussy through the soaking fabric and you hear her sigh into a moan. Her index finger rubs over your clit and you can’t stop yourself from moaning at the sensation. 
“Such a filthy thing.” 
Her fingers trace gently across the wet patch on your lace covered pussy until she seems to want more and you gasp as she starts pulling your panties down your hips. No less at an agonising pace. 
You felt your cheeks burning red as she reached your cunt. You knew how soaked you were for her and your panites were more than proof. She slipped the thin fabric further down your thighs and you whined softly.
“You’ve clearly been enjoying yourself, Honey..” Her fingers brushed your folds and she pushed a single digit through your slit. You gasped instantly. Pressing your face into her breasts to muffle yourself as you shivered and moaned against her. 
‘so fucking wet-’ She groans pushing her fingers through your slick a few more times as you whimpered. You felt a sudden, sharp smack against your cunt. You flinch and the sudden sting quickly melts into wet pleasure. 
“darling, I did say this was a punishment didn’t I?”
You knew better than to answer her.
“Take it like a good pet.”
Her hand came down again, grazing your clit lightly and you moaned as your breath caught in your throat. 
With each smack you were panting for air and tears formed in your eyes. “Mommy-” Your voice softened into a low whimper and you felt yourself clenching around nothing.
Her hand came down again, lighter this time and it lingered on you, cupping your throbbing pussy and rubbing between your folds with her fingers. 
“We can’t leave such a cute pussy so desperate can we?” You shake your head feeling arousal quickly building in your gut.
“Lay back pet. Mommy’s gonna take care of you..”
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mono-socke · 11 days
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hello JCU fans, how are you doing
I like making angst of my favourite/comfort characters, so naturally, I had to draw this. poor bunny
slightly different version under the cut
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clover-hoe · 3 months
LISTEN: (long post)
good luck, babe! Inspired rexwalker au. Rex and Anakin are friends with benefiting their way through the war (started abt one year in. Padme said it was ok) and Rex ends up madly (ish) in love with Anakin over some stupid shit.
Then season five happens, and Ahsoka is put on trial. She STAYS, this time, because it’s my fix it and I need her here. Rex calls the fwb off, because he thinks, if he gets any closer to Anakin he is going to say something stupid, like confess his love for a married man to the man in question.
how are the chips found? Ahsoka listens to fives, blablabls, chips gone- THIS ISNT ABT THE CHIPS OK?(mainly to myself so I don’t make the whole thing abt this)??? Order is changed. Blame all the inaccuracies on that.
so. The war ends, Rex and Anakin part ways. They are still seeing each other regularly, their family’s (Jedi/clones) being friends and all. Padme gives birth, all is good. then, Padme and Anakin start to drift apart. This is after Rex watches the five year old twins for an hour or two, Anakin and Padme walking in on them playing together, and something in Anakin clicks again, like it did back in the war.
this time, it’s different. He realizes, far too late, that he loves Rex. Padme has been spending far less time with him recently, and one night he wakes up and realizes he barely feels anything for her anymore. He runs out that night, leaving a note saying he needed to get some air- not that Padme will care.
He goes to Obi-wan, who is with Cody (they get to be in love. As a treat.) Anakin tells them abt his predicament, and Cody is just holding int eh fact that Rex is still harboring a MASIVE crush on Anakin. Watching the man care after children for five years did nothing but add kindling to the fire. The pair suggest bringing it up with Padme, so he does.
They both reside to get a divorce. Padme lets Anakin have the kids, for their sake. Anakin moves them into the creshe, letting them get settled.
Rex heard about the divorce m, and goes to comfort his friend. He knows Anakin has been through a lot these past few months, and everyone needs help sometimes.
While there, the dumbasses (affectionate) spill that they love each other, and disuse to stay friends until Anakin can gather himself. (it doesn’t take long. if it ment getting Rex, after all those years, he would go to any mind healer if it meant he could be with Rex sooner.)
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ollies-moving-castle · 11 months
Bernard headbutts Tim usually in the shoulder or lightly headbutt his forehead 
He knows why he does it he knows why he only does it to very certain people 
he does it because someone used to do it to him
How when ever she was happy or laughing at his dumb jokes she’d headbutt him in the shoulder. How when she knew he was sad or saw he had a few new bruises she’d gently headbutt him in the back while carding her hand through his hair one arm around his chest. How she did it when she wanted to show she cared but knew he didn’t want to be hugged. How when he was overstimulated but needed physical comfort she’d take his hand and gently headbutt it to remind him she was there and he wasn’t alone. How if they randomly saw each other in the hallway she would smash her head into his chest just because she could. How’d she’d headbutt him when she needed a hug and he’d always wrap his arms around her while they held onto what ever jacket he had stole from Tim that day like her life depended on it. How she gently tapped their heads together tears running down her face the first time Bernard ever told her why he had a bruises more times than he didn’t. how she’d headbutt him in the back on his way to his car then demand he go buy her a milkshake at the diner down the block because “duh Bernie they have the best milkshakes in Gotham I won’t settle for any less”. how the only thing that made her smile after she got turned down by the crush she had for most of the year the crush she had spent almost everyday with (the crush that was now Bernard’s boyfriend) was Bernard head butting her in the back while he brushed through her hair to calm her down as she had done countless times to him. how the last time she had ever head butted him was weakly in the chest as she bleed out in his arms.
he knows she’d headbutt him in the chest so hard he’d lose his breath and call him a big loser if she ever found out he does it to Tim now
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acresash · 3 months
If I had a nickel for every time a blue and red coded character acted gay towards each other, I'd have SO. MANY. NICKELS.
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Imagine if Damien paid Billy to tell him all the justice league drama! It's a mutually beneficial relationship where Damien has an inside spy in the league and Billy doesn't have to worry about having enough money for food. Billy tells him about who was late to meetings (flash), what missions they're going on, all the bets happening, and just regular coworker gossip. Damien has to pay EXTRA money for anything about Batman. The best part is Damien gets to freak out Bruce with all his information.
Bruce: How do you know this????
Damien: I have my sources.
Billy eating a burger hundreds of miles away: 🍔 ૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა
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brasiliangp · 1 year
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@f1blrcreatorsfest: week 4 - hards (blueprint)
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Before I start the rest of this post, I just want to ask you to read it in full. Don't get to a specific line, decide you already know the whole thing and scroll on, but actually read every sentence.
Some of you are probably going to get exactly what you expect at the end, but if I'm right this will have new information for a lot of you. Please don't take a risk and assume you're a part of the former category.
With that out of the way, I want to talk about the 2025 Project. If you're reading this I'm assuming you've at least heard of it and you are somewhat familiar with its contents. Normally I wouldn't post about this kind of thing, but recently I've seen sentiments of "The 2025 Project is just saying what the Republican party has done for years, it's not surprising/not a thing to vote blue over" going around which is what prompted me to make this post.
The above statements assume that the 2025 Project is simply a manifesto. A "We want this!" kind of document akin to campaign trail promises.
This is not what the 2025 Project is.
What it actually is, without any hint of exaggeration, is a step by step action plan to effectively take control of every government agency and undermine Congress' ability to do anything about it, then how to use that level of control to do literally anything and everything the far right wants to do. As in they are already taking steps to enact legislation the second a far right politician takes the presidency. They are preemptively coming up with lists of candidates to replace federal staff members and they intend to immediately dissolve any governmental department that they don't like no matter how important it is.
Part of the plan is to get rid of hurricane tracking. Hurricane tracking. Something that can literally only save lives, simply because recording that data "makes people more worried about climate change".
If you don't believe me and you have the time, this video made by John Oliver goes into (An introductory level of) detail about it:
This is legitimately an outline for a fascist take over. Other Republicans are saying that this is horrific and can only lead to disaster, and the end goal actually gives them things they've wanted for decades. If a Republican is saying "This is too fascist for me" about other Republicans, you know it's much worse than you initially thought.
This is usually the part of the post where one begs for you to suck it up and vote for Biden in November. I am not going to be doing that.
If you follow my blog (Or more likely the people I reblog from) and have already decided not to vote for Biden, I know why. It's because of his handling of Palestine and his undying support for Israel. It's because he keeps sending them billions of dollars to murder civilians and there is seemingly no line they can cross that will make him stop. He said Rafah was a red line, Israel crossed it, and yet he still proceeded to use his "humanitarian aide dock" to help Israel massacre more than 200 Gazans through war crimes which was promptly covered up with "They saved 4 hostages!" (While quietly covering up they got three more killed). This is one of a seemingly unending list of things I can cite for this paragraph.
Biden absolutely deserves your hatred and trust me he has mine.
If you have had family members killed in Gaza or you know someone who was killed in Gaza or you genuinely wouldn't be able to sleep at night if you voted for Biden, then nothing I say is going to convince you to vote for him. So I'm not going to do that. What I will ask of you is that you don't vote for Trump.
For most people reading this post, that much is obvious. But I know for a fact that there are some people out there that view Trump and Biden as equally bad and plan to vote for Trump just to teach Biden a lesson. Don't do that. They are not equally bad, one of them has bog standard to bad domestic policy and awful foreign policy, the other has fascist domestic policy and somehow even worse foriegn policy (Trump's view on Palestine is that Israel should "finish the job". There's a reason Netanyahu wants him to win, as spineless as Biden is Trump would offer public enthusiastic support which is far worse. With him in charge they'd probably start plowing through the West Bank even faster than they are now).
All that getting Trump elected would do is hurt more people on a wider scale than before, and that is not worth it to simply send a message to the Democratic party.
Please do not vote for Trump. If anything in this post pushes you over the fence to vote for Biden, well I don't really have anything to tell you. I can't tell you not to vote because you can't solve politics by refusing to engage with it, but at the same time Biden is terrible and he's kind of the only alternative to Trump right now. So speaking from a pure logistical stand point, yeah Biden would be the one to vote for, no matter how scummy it is.
This election is going to be a situation where anyone who cares about Palestine is going to lose. There's nothing that's going to change that unless both Trump and Biden die before November.
The best we can do in this situation is try to keep things from getting worse. And do not fool yourself into thinking things can't be worse, because if we've learned anything since the beginning of this wave of the genocide it is that things can always get worse.
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