#lapine wonderland
neonsbeasts · 1 year
🖊bellzy, calliope, lapine and I wanna know if there's any story behind makomart girl's existance
I love you so much I’m kissing you on the head thank you for sending an ask
🖊 gush about an oc
BELLZY: honestly my creature ever of all time. I did not mean to make them as relatable as they kinda are to me tho that was fully on accident. They’ve transcended simply being an oc and now live in my brain rent free. Nobody can even comprehend the level of gender this guy is on. Just a little creacher she cannot change this. I want the best for him forever.
CALLIOPE: being completely honest I don’t have a super concrete vision of her yet but I know her when I see her. This is why she’s sometimes tagged in very specific canon callie images. also the playlist I made for her slaps thanks girlie 💕 she’s more than a little bit entitled and needs a wake up call before she can actually go having meaningful relationships with any of the other fishes tho. here’s how nico punching her in the face can still win-
LAPINE: ok this is a funny story actually. wings sent me the link to this oc for trade bc it’s wonderland energy and as we know I will kill for wonderland ocs. I immediately become obsessed with her and make an offer and I end up winning. I had to figure out how to draw a crocodile multiple times but it’s worth it for her. turns out op is someone I used to know in the delicacies group on dA forever ago. the theme of wonderland ocs being designed by me and my friends continues even when I’m not aware of it <3
MAKOMART GIRL: ok this one I’m going to be incredibly vague but I can tell you more in dms. basically I saw a cute girl at the grocery store and went “I need to draw you as a squid immediately”
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bun-lapin · 5 months
TWST Voice Line Scene #14
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🐲Malleus: Well? Notice anything different about me?
🦐Yuu: (immediately looks up at the giant fluffy pink bow tied around one of his horns)
🦐Yuu: …..
🦐Yuu: Wanna give me a hint?
🐲Malleus: Lilia cut my hair earlier today. (points at his bangs that are a millimeter shorter)
🦐Yuu: (still staring at the pink bow) Did Lilia cut anything besides your bangs…?
🐲Malleus: No, but he offered to style the back of my hair for me. (turns around to show the back of his head)
🦐Yuu: (stares at a variety of glittery hair clips holding a tiny note in Malleus' hair that says: YUU'S BFF ❤️)
🦐Yuu: …..
🦐Yuu: I'm gonna guess you didn't look in a mirror before rushing out to come show me your new haircut?
🐲Malleus: (glances back over his shoulder, looking very pleased) That is correct. Do you like it?
🦐Yuu: …I love it.
TWST Voice Line Scenes Masterlist
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thelamentknight · 3 months
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Twst OCs part 1
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les-larmes-d-eros · 1 month
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Alice, After sunset, Early morning, photos par Horst Kistner
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miyuki-fenn · 2 months
Happy (late) Easter!
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!!NOT MY OC!! (Character belongs to @kyumeno) Posting this on the day after easter bc Aspen (this guy right here) resents the holiday for very good reasons
Anywhoo, I made this a while ago for a gift to my partner, I absolutely adore this bnuuy
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dropboxofcuriosities · 3 months
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Alice in Wonderland, 1915.
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badass-at-fandoming · 9 months
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Blanc girlies, come get y'all juice 🥕
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wolfman-al · 13 days
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Another one for Micro May. The twins are still in Wonderland, and run afoul with the Queen of Hearts. Should have eaten the cookies instead of drinking from the bottle.
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faerieluvss · 6 months
I may have some new ideas for ships if you wanna...
I can see Fleur and Media get along... both love animals and even if he may be smaller he protects and cares for people so if she is crying he does all to make her feel better where he can.
For Ayaka maybe Mellow cause he follows her red trend as well as he gets so nervous around cute girls so it might be funny
Annabelle and Tyler could work in a way of bonding over Sewing and books maybe.
Lucien I wanna throw Carol at, they could do some gardening together, him being temperamentfull and her being the embodiment of calm and considerate could help him with the issues as well as no matter how monster becomes she would still love him. She is very kind and maybe oversaturate his touch starvness with a ton of affection
omg you’ve given me so many good options fumi
Fleur and Media seem very cute together! I love the height difference between them lol (reminds me a lot of emil and iris’s height dif ) Media’s such a sunshine so his personality could balance well with Fleur’s :)
Ayaka n Mellow are so cute as well! Red buddies for the win lol. It’s kinda like a vice versa from Fleur and Media with Ayaka’s bubbly personality and then Mellow getting nervous around her. Be prepared, she gonna test out some new designs on him to build up his confidence.
Annabelle and Tyler.. I can see it, because they both share a love for sewing( he can help sew back up any stitches she may have popped hehe) , but I feel like Annabelle would reprimand him a little for his overconsumption of coffee, but she’s not harsh with it! More like a mother scolding her kid lol.
And lastly..Fumi, I made Lucien literally yesterday and you already have ideas for ships? I swear, I work hard but you work harder lol. Now, with our lovely Miss Carol, her being a prefect works perfectly for Lucien, considering the role MC is going to play in Rosalune’s story is literally that of Belle’s, so it works out in her favor lol. No bc they do work together well! I feel I can’t say anymore cause that’ll spoil Rosalune story, but just know that they work together well :)
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4nuttyaddict · 2 years
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Bijoux sur le thème d'Alice au pays des merveilles. Boucles d'oreilles: 15€ + FDP https://www.ungrandmarche.fr/boutiques/p/boucles-d-oreilles/boucles-d-oreilles-alice-fiole-et-champignon-plusieurs-mod/4182258
Porte clé: 8€ + FDP https://www.ungrandmarche.fr/boutiques/p/porte-cles%20et%20accessoires/porte-cle-fantaisie-alice-plusieurs-modeles-disponibles/3417888
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twstfanblog · 2 months
*~Period Drama~* Tuesday
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A/N: SCREAMS. I am...SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG. We had to do double time to move out of our house since our landlords decided to fucking sell the property so we had to LEAVE. But it's done and I'm very happy with it and I hope you like it too. Enjoy~! Word Count: 6.7K Warnings: She/They Pronouns OC, Lilia does look and poke at Yuu's genitals Pairings: YuuxJamilxAzulxMalleus (Poly), (Sebek/Silver in the corner) ~Taglist (At this point I'm just adding everyone I've found who was interested in the fic XD) @twistedcece @deltrea @krenenbaker @koebishrimpuwu @cat100200 @emyluwinter @obsessionswithfandoms @ady-hilborn @lucid-stories @girl-nahh-two @itz-hydrodeptus-foxy7 @chyluna @riddlesimps @death-the-jo @a-twistedheartslonging @qixlin @chaosistheonlyway @welcome-to-my-horde @abell2029cluster @kirans-wonderland @coffee-or-hot-cocoa @the-ace-reader @iamsoconfusedallofthetime @chroniccorvus @marvelous-maxi @prolonged-eyecontact @lozplayer @jabberwocky-warrior @thateldribitch @bun-lapin @mel1rose @ladyraeka @ladyzsgolla Start, Part 2 (Octavinelle), Part 3 (Heartslabyul), Part 4 (Savanaclaw), Part 4.5 (Diasomnia pt1), Part 5 (Here)
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Malleus almost always forgot he even owned a phone, meaning he basically never texted Yuu. So when his personalized text tone played Yuu was quick to stop their sobbing and open his message.
‘May I see you tomorrow?’
Short, simple, sweet, and weirdly formal. Yuu smiled, typing back quickly before the horned fae forgot he owned a phone again.
‘Sure babes. Sorry ive been mia the past few days. Not feeling well. Ill explain when i see you tomorrow.’
‘I should hope so.’
Okay, vaguely rude.
When Malleus had said tomorrow, Yuu assumed he meant during lunch or after classes. Instead, he showed up on their doorstep with his whole family unit and a grumbling Grim in tow at 8am in the goddamn morning. None of them were in uniform, clad in casual comfortable clothing. They clearly planned to spend the whole day with her instead of a simple visit.
She blinks, almost overwhelmed at the sheer…something of the current event, “Hi…It's…really early.”
Lilia smiles, tilting his head as he holds up a large and slightly weathered first aid bag, “We brought gauze!”
Silver holds out his arms, the dire beast scowling but unmoving in his grip, “And Grim.”
“Oh, what beautiful treasures…”
“Enough beating around the unwanted bush.” Malleus steps forward, hands reaching to clasp around Yuu's. Looking into their surprised eyes with determination, “What is this illness and how can I help ease you of it?”
Yuu snorted, closing her eyes in an effort to not start laughing at how seriously Malleus was taking their ‘ailment’, “It'll…It'll pass with time, Malleus. But, luckily, I'm actually feeling a lot better than yesterday.” They step to the side, managing to pull a hand free from Malleus's grip to gesture for the Diasomnia family to enter.
Silver nods his head in thanks, walking into the hall to place Grim down. The cat quickly running further in the house, remarking Yuu still smelled weird, “That's good to hear. Did you use a form of medicine to ease your symptoms?”
Yuu closes the door behind them, Malleus already firmly attached to their side. No doubt the smell of their blood making him hyper-aware of their every movement, “Yeah. Crewel gave me a lecture and a pain potion when he brought me dinner last night. Plus the guttural sobbing I've been doing. But, I think it was mainly because I finally took that body cleansing shit…”
The beat of silence almost makes Yuu burst into laughter again, the four males all looking a level of stunned before Silver shakingly spoke.
“Yeah, it really realigned my chakras or something.”
“Yuu, could you tell us exactly what is going on?” Lilia's smile was strained. He had spent most of last night racking his memory of various illnesses. Any that he knew of that dealt with bleeding were things that would have killed Yuu within the hour if they had reached that stage. But to know they'd been bleeding for days? Whatever they had managed to catch was cause for concern. But now knowing it was causing other ailments…it was either a truly deadly disease or it was evolving into one…
“Oh, it's nothing serious. Just the muscles that are causing all this-” Yuu makes a vague gesture to their lower anatomy, “- are the same muscles that handle pooping. So…it was expected to happen…”
There was another beat of silence, each male looking at Yuu's stomach, placing the pieces together slowly as they realized she gestured below her stomach.
“Why…why did you…gesture…down there?” Silver spoke slowly, eyes making quick glances between Yuu's crotch, then to Malleus's blank face, then to Sebek's tearfully bewildered expression. Is…are they…?
Malleus says what all of them were fearfully thinking, “Is the blood coming out of you from your nethers!?”
Lilia stood still, eyes wide as he openly stared at Yuu's crotch. This was…he had never heard of such a thing…
Malleus's hands quickly grabbed at Yuu's hips, magic flowing from his fingers in his panicked attempts to heal what he could only fear was internal ripping, “Why did no one tell me!?”
“I don't think you should be bleeding from there, Yuu?”
“Silver. Words can not describe how badly I wish I wasn't. But, sadly, yeah, this is completely natural for me to do. I wish I wasn't. I am so full of fucking hatred right now, I am a literal danger to my and everyone else's safety.”
Lilia made quiet work of prying Malleus off of Yuu, though he was clearly still concerned himself, “It's natural to bleed out of your nethers?”
“Where I'm from? Unfortunately yes.” Yuu shrugs, holding Malleus's hand as the horned fae tried to reattach himself to their side, “The pussy is a curse and the price must be paid in blood sadly.” They say it with a level of nonchalance that only has the Diasomnia crew looking at them in worry.
Malleus grips tighter to Yuu's hand, raising it to press a gentle kiss to their knuckles, “Please, there has to be something that can be done to ease this curse…”
“...” Yuu pulled Malleus to the living room, showing the plethora of blankets and pillows on the floor. Empty bottle and snack wrappers pushed to a corner of the rug in an effort to keep the cozy area of the floor clear. Yuu gestures to the darkened room, heavy curtains closed to enhance the perfect sleep environment, “You guys can do whatever around the house. But, if you wanna join me, I was about to lay down in the dark listening to sad music and take a nap.”
Sebek sneers, eyes squinted as he mumbled out, “It's 8am…?”
Yuu whips around, ignoring Malleus's worried fretting for their neck, “Hey, Sebek? You don't need to fucking be here.”
Sebek's sneer turned into a deep frown, his expression clearly showing how badly he wanted to yell back. But with their ‘illness’, plus Malleus's protective stance, he knew he'd quicker be scolded than actually get a sentence out.
“Wow, you are more full of hate. You normally let Sebek get at least four sentences out before telling him to be quiet.” Silver moves to sit on the couch, only to realize that Yuu had removed all of the larger cushions and used them as padding for the floor.
Malleus looked over the sad state of his lover's nest, frowning before he pulled Yuu closer to ask them quietly, “Would you mind if I fixed your nest? This looks…barely functional.”
Yuu smiles, bringing a hand up to pat Malleus's face gently, “Do as you please, Peligroso.” 
Malleus kisses their palm before moving toward the mash-up of cushions, blankets, and - to his distaste - bloody towels. He first deconstructed the mess, organizing the materials he had before coming to the conclusion he needed more.
No one tried to stop Malleus as he walked out of the room, his pupils dilated as he busied himself in nest-making.
“Beastie, are you really well? Mundane for you aside, losing that much blood at a steady pace can't be good for you…” The scent of blood was off at that. Fresh blood was concerning enough, but the smell of old blood was not good if one was actively bleeding.
Yuu waves their hand, sneaking a towel from Malleus's separated piles to sit on, “No need to worry Lils; Crewel’s made sure I've been taking iron supplement potions, plus I'm still taking the multivitamin Riddle demanded I start at the beginning of the year once our beef ended.”
Malleus returns, bulks of blankets and pillows floating behind him into the room. He quickly turns a sharp eye toward Yuu, seeing one of the cleaner towels had been taken from his nest piles. But at seeing their smile, he could only sigh and begin building.
Lilia clicks his tongue, holding the old medical bag in his hands, “Well, I'm not sure how useful this gauze is going to be then if it coming out from such an area…I'm not sure you're open to the idea of it…being inserted.”
“I'm not.”
“Fair.” Lilia removed the bag from his shoulder, allowing it to drop to the ground. Walking closer to Malleus, yet still a few feet away, he started to teasingly offer his unwanted opinion of how his ‘mate’ would like the nest to look.
Silver and Sebek took seats on the ground closer to Yuu, the second year pulling the medical bag into his lap as he started to look through it, “While the gauze may be useless, I think there's some pain ointment still in here. Possibly a potion but it's long bitter by now…Oh.”
From inside the bag, Silver pulled out a simple arm cuff attached to a hand pump and dial. It looked old, but the metal holding it together still shined, “Lend me your arm, I want to check your blood pressure.”
“My blood pressure? Why?” Yuu still held their arm out, letting Silver gently clasp the cuff to their lower bicep, “I haven't felt light headed.”
“You might not have noticed if you've been bleeding as long as you have…” he starts to pump the bulb, the cuff growing tighter, “Just see it as a way for me to get peace of mind…”
Silver and Sebek watch the needle, their expressions slowly turning concerned at the reading.
Sebek whispered under his breath, one of his eyes twitching in annoyance as he reread the result, “Why is it high?”
Yuu blinked, looking at the dial before turning to Silver, “Yeah, that's…normal.”
“I don't know, man. I'm 15, I've never had to know what my normal blood pressure is.”
Silver sighed, deflating the cuff and removing it, “Did you never take notice of it when you went to the doctor for check ups?”
“Silver, baby boy, I haven't been to the doctor since I was in elementary school. Do you not know how expensive a doctor appointment is?”
“I really hate when you say things like that…” Silver still didn't understand how a simple doctor's visit cost money. It was a universal service, all they'd have to do was walk into the nearest office and simply wait.
Yuu hummed, nodding her head, “I forget that you guys have free healthcare here…I kinda just conditioned myself to be ok with dying since the doctor was so expensive where I'm from.”
Silver sighed, fingers pressing against his temple, “Please, curb that habit. For all of our sakes…”
“You got a will to live in there then?”
“...” Silver looks through the bag, managing to pull out an antique-looking locket that held a graying, grainy photo of a confused-looking Malleus on one side and a more vivid photo of a sleeping infant Silver on the other, “I think this is what father uses?”
“Oh my god?” Yuu couldn't stop the bubbling laughter that started when they spoke. They cover their mouth and gently bring the locket closer to look at the photos. Only now do they realize Malleus in the photo has a small circlet of a crown on his forehead. There was no telling how old the photo was, possibly in a time the first camera was even made and Lilia got his hands on one.
They snort, letting the locket swing from their hand and allow Silver to place it back in the bag, “Ok…that works. I now have the strength to carry on.” From the corner of their eye, they can see Sebek's stern gaze staring into the side of their face, “Yes, Sebek? Can you be helped?”
The half-faes's face pinches together harder, lip curling up into a scowl as he looks away briefly. His mild avoidance was short-lived, turning back to Yuu with an expression of concern, “You're…You're okay now, correct?”
At Yuu and Silver's stunned expressions, Sebek grows more timid, thumbs twiddling together as he clasped his hands, “Ace’s texts didn't give much info. But even knowing that…that didn’t transpire, this is still a worrying state of affairs.” Sebek looks up from his hands, staring into Yuu's eyes with steady resolve, “We have our differences more than anything. But I count you as my comrade in ensuring Waka-Sama’s happiness. Your continued good health would be in the best interest of all!”
It was no secret that Yuu and Sebek did not get along. Their first official meeting was a brawl that neither walked away from unscathed (and Sebek left the fight with a secret he'd be taking to his grave under Lilia's instructions). They bickered, fought, and openly slandered each other every chance they got. Truely, the only things keeping them from killing each other were the facts they shared the same friend group and that Yuu was romantically involved with Malleus. Yuu was sure without those factors, Sebek would have actually declared them an enemy of Briar Valley itself.
So to see and hear the other first-year state that he was concerned was jarring at best. 
Yuu stared at Sebek, the half-fae looking at them with an open and vulnerable expression as he waited for their truth. Honestly, were they ok? It'd been only a few days but this felt like the worst period Yuu had ever had. And seeing how their flow wasn't easing as it normally would, they were sure it was going to be longer than normal too. They were in pain, everyone was treating them as though they would shatter at the slightest inconvenience. They were free bleeding of all things…but, their friends cared and were each trying to make things better. 
Azul and the Tweels had basically tried to cater their every meal, though they kept their distance; mer noses were so sensitive to blood after all. Crewel would come in the evenings with medication and conversation. Riddle was compiling a list of some kind with Jade, but he was using info from their “interview” to figure out ways to ease their symptoms. Ace and Deuce had both swore to actually take notes for once so that they wouldn't fall behind in their classes. Trey had texted a number of times, sneakily trying to gauge their temperament so he could ambush them with baked goods. Cater had sent several photos of wet, angry, disheveled-looking cats with the caption ‘this u?’ whenever they were in a bad mood.
Even just yesterday, Jack had basically appointed himself as their bodyguard, not allowing anyone closer than 2 feet from their person. Ruggie had gone into nursemaid mode and Yuu was mildly terrified at how prepared and willing he was to help them deliver a baby. Even Leona's lazy ass had helped. Held them while they cried all the way to their dorm, calling them at midnight just to check if they were sleeping and not up alone with their thoughts.
And now, the Diasomnia family unit had brought them a first aid kit. Not the correct move, but a show of concern either way. Looking into Sebek's face only cemented how cared for they were by their forged family. Yuu opened their mouth slightly as though to speak, waiting as Sebek perked up, leaning closer to fully hear what they were about to say.
Instead of words, all that escaped Yuu's mouth was a burp that traveled directly into Sebek's face.
The half-fae sputters, annoyance growing at Silver's near silent ‘Excuse you’ to the other human. He wiped at his face as though he could remove the air, growling before he pointed a finger at Yuu's smug little grin, “You should have been killed when your mother birthed you!”
Sebek quickly placed his hand in his lap, frowning hard as he looked down in an odd mixture of shame and anger. Malleus had turned around and scolded him almost instantly. The dragon fae was frowning, eyes filled with a disappointment only an older sibling could give. He stared long enough until Sebek finally relented and spoke through gritted teeth at Yuu.
“My deepest apologies. You are injured and I have no reason to…antagonize you. Please, forgive me…”
“Did that hurt to say, Sebek?”
Silver placed a hand on Yuu's shoulder, trying to not sigh or laugh their antics, “Yuu…”
Yuu smiled, tilting their head and nodding, “Apology accepted, Sebek. Just don't be mean to me, okay~?”
Translation; I'm going to milk this for your whole visit.
Sebek's frown curled so tight it could only be called a pout. But seeing how he didn't speak further, Yuu turned to speak directly to the 3rd years only to choke mildly at the new impressive structure taking up space adjacent to the fireplace.
What was once their sad faux floor bed set up was a large blanket nest. Pillows tastefully lining the sides for support and comfort, blankets laid together to cover the couch cushions while some were still free to wrap in. A large throw blanket suspended in the air by magic cloaks the whole structure like an open tent. It looked cozy, it looked inviting. Yuu almost hated how proud Malleus looked of his work.
“...” Yuu rolled their eyes, trying to hide their blush as they turned away from Malleus's increasingly smug face, “Ok, your nest is very impressive. Are you proud of yourself?”
“Not until you are in it.”
Lilia spoke quietly, eyes giving Malleus a playful warning look as he chuckled, “Remember you two, we're here with you…”
Yuu laughs, standing from their towel and stretching, “Alright, nap time.” They take care to place down the towel, climbing into the nest and making themselves comfortable in the structure. They had no actual animal-based DNA, but they felt the need to curl up and sleep for DAYS from their new cozy spot. Malleus had built the nest well.
Opening their eyes, they could barely stop the snort that tried to escape them. Malleus was pressed against the side of the nest, eyes wide and focused on them. Yuu tilted their head, smiling widening as Malleus tilted his head in response, “You wanna join me?”
The question makes Malleus lean back, eyes almost bulging out of his head before he manages to school his features, “So bold…As always.” He laughs from behind his hand, “I’m happy to see you are in better spirits compared to yesterday.”
Yuu casts him a confused glance, wondering just when the dragon fae had seen them yesterday. While Malleus made himself comfortable beside them, they looked at the remaining Diasomnia unit standing at attention around the nest, “You guys coming in?”
Lilia snorts, ignoring Mallues’s glare demanding they refuse Yuu’s invitation, “Are you sure, Beastie? We wouldn’t want to intrude…” His eyes lock on Malleus’s, communicating silently that if Yuu invited them into their nest, it’d be rude to deny their request.
“I mean I invited you in the first place.” They gesture to the empty space beside them and Malleus, “Plus, this thing has room for like four more people…”
Malleus mumbles under his breath, an arm wrapping around Yuu’s middle and bringing them closer to his body to nuzzle into their hair, “Or eight children…”
“Hm?” Malleus pulls from their hair, smiling at their confused face before making himself comfortable against them again.
Lilia actually laughs this time, “Well, if you insist.”
Everyone climbs into the nest; Lilia pressed against Malleus’s side with Silver beside him already half asleep. Sebek had begrudgingly made his place beside Yuu, huffing as the human offered their hand to hold. Neither of them speaking when Sebek does grip their hand gently. Once everyone had seemed cozy, Yuu retrieved their phone from their pajama pants pockets, opening their ‘sad times’ playlist to start playing music. But the sound of a thud rings out from the kitchen, everyone turning to the noise in mild suspense. Soon, Grim enters the room with a bag of cookies clutched in his mouth.
Yuu raises an eyebrow but helps Grim climb his way into the nest, the cat curling up against their side squished between them and Sebek, “Was that you? Did you fall off of something-hold on.” They grab the bag of cookies from Grim, frowning once they realize what they were holding, “Are these the good cookies? You little shit, you said you ate the last of them!”
Grim grumbled, curling up tighter to Yuu’s side and swatting at their hand tugging on his ear, “I lied! You always hog them so when you left one day I hid them to snack on myself…But…” He huffed, looking at them from the corner of his eyes, “I think you need them more than I do…”
“...” Yuu sniffled, fanning their face as tears started to build in their eyes, “Grim…Grim…” They take a shuddering breath, ignoring the others watching them in worry, “I already threw up like twice yesterday from crying so hard, I’m not doing it again.”
“Parden?” Malleus’s brows creased. When did they throw up!? Just how severe was this illness?
Yuu waves his concerns off, tapping onto their ‘Sad Vibes’ playlist, setting it to shuffle before they connect to the lounge speakers, “It's not important, Malleus. I'm not gonna cry. We're gonna lay down in the dark and listen to sad songs and sleep.”
Sebek mumbles from beside Yuu, his free hand petting a softly purring Grim, “That seems to be the perfect setting to cry in…?”
Lilia gives Yuu a worried glance but doesn't agree nor disagree. He instead places a hand on Malleus’s shoulder, a silent effort to calm the dragon's fussing, “Well, if we're going to listen to music, just none of that Mitsuki woman please…”
Silver blinks his eyes open, tiredly looking to Lilia, “But I like the dog song.”
“...” Lilia sighs, his arm moving to wrap around Silver's shoulders and bringing him closer, “I…I know…”
Yuu tearfully laughed, laying their head onto a softly fretting Malleus. Their weak laughter breaks from teary into genuine amusement as the first song starts.
My baby, my baby…
Leaning over Malleus, snickering as the dragon fae gently presses her head back down to his chest as a silent command to sleep, Yuu whispers to Lilia, “I’m sorry…”
Lilia’s smile is strained, his grip on a sleeping Silver slowly increasing as he fought against his own emotions, “No you're not…”
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The nap lasted far too long, Malleus thought to himself. The dragon fae didn't actually sleep, but he kept watch of his family as they did. Silver of course slept, curled up in Lilia's intense embrace before the bat general eased into a light sleep. Though Sebek had been the most against the nap, he had dozed off not long after Silver. One hand still gripping onto Yuu’s while the other resting on a snoring Grim's back.
Yuu was out almost immediately after Sebek, a content smile on their face as they curled up to Malleus's chest. A smile he watched slowly fade through the hours. A common occurrence as one slept, something he's learned from years of watching Silver. What concerned him were the twitches and grimaces of pain that started to increase the longer they stayed asleep. He didn't want to wake Lilia to ask for advice, the older fae having spent most of his night in worry over Yuu's condition and it didn't help he wasn't a morning person normally.
But if the discomfort was enough to affect Yuu's sleep, it was no wonder they felt the need to nap so early in the morning. They possibly hadn't slept the night before from pain alone. He had spent a few moments thinking how he could help, an arm around their waist and a hand pressed to their lower stomach to ease magic from his fingertips. His healing magic wasn't nearly as refined as he wanted. No matter how much magic he poured in, there were no wounds to be closed on the surface. But he could feel how Yuu would curl into his palm, almost trying to trap the heat close to them.
So for the past two hours he laid in a nest with his fiancé, his father, his brother, his brother's ‘friend’, and a cat; palm pressed just above his lover's mysteriously bleeding anatomy to act as a glorified hot water bottle.
Though he had no true method of knowing, he felt as though his grandmother was laughing at his predicament.
And while he did find the lyrics and vocals of Miss Amy Lee to be rather enchanting, he felt relieved to hear the music stop playing abruptly and a shrill beeping take its place. He couldn't help but smile, listening to everyone minus Silver groan at the sound of the alarm. Lilia huffed, snuggling his nose into Silver's hair while the human knight remained perfectly asleep. Sebek had pouted but still sat up, blinking in mild confusion as to where he was. Yuu had tried to bury their head in the space between his arm and chest, a hand reaching out blindly to no doubt silence the alarm.
As much as Malleus enjoyed his loved ones sleeping peacefully around him, he didn't think letting them sleep anymore was the correct choice. He smiled, easily catching Yuu's hand to gently kiss their knuckles, “My dear. I do believe your nap is over now.”
Yuu groans, but doesn't try to pull away, “At least turn the alarm off…”
Lilia clicks his tongue, finally pulling away from Silver to sleepily reach for Yuu's still blaring phone, “I got it…”
“Thanks-ack!” They were batted in the face by Grim's increasingly annoyed tail, the dire beast fighting to stay asleep from the rising noise. A move that had Yuu sneezing after a few moments.
The fae and Grim instantly snapped to attention. Yuu's sneeze was quickly followed by an overwhelming scent of blood. The sudden change in the atmosphere instantly waking Silver. Sebek had tightened his grip on Yuu's hand, almost as though he were helping them to brace against pain. Grim scrambled away from their side, moving to frown and shake from the other side of Sebek.
Malleus brought both his arms to wrap around Yuu's body. How could he let his guard down in such a way? They were sick. Why did he assume a nap was the correct choice to make? They should be in the care of a professional. Now they had clearly torn something, or something had hemorrhaged and they were bleeding out internally-
Lilia turned the alarm off, quickly kneeling and placing his hands on Yuu's knees, “Yuu, I know you said this was natural. But this is concerning. As your future midwife, I implore you allow me to check there isn't actual damage to yourself.”
“I- Lilia, I'm fine. I just sneezed.” Sneezing on one’s period was never nice, sure. Yuu fully felt as though they just forced out half their bladder even though they knew that wasn't the case. “It happens sometimes. The clenching just makes blood come out.”
Malleus growls, his arms tightening around Yuu's body. Lilia was right. No matter how much Yuu claimed it was normal and routine, they shouldn't be bleeding like this, “My love, please. Let him check. Lilia has more medical training than possibly anyone on campus. Just allow him to check.”
“Please…” Malleus pleads, concern clear on his and the other's face.
“...” Yuu rolls their eyes but starts to shimmy their pajama pants down, “Fine. If it'll calm you down.”
Sebek and Silver instantly look away, though both shuffle closer in an act to box Yuu in so that no one else could see the human’s privates.
Lilia was quiet, eyes looking unblinkingly at what he could only describe a mess. He was careful, only touching Yuu's anatomy for brief moments to send pings of magic through the flesh to search for opened wounds. But other than the blood he couldn't find anything that would call for concern. Leaning back he sighed, bringing the back of his hand to rub at his eyes, “By the Seven, this is a mess…”
“Wow, Lilia. I'm so happy you're here to stare into my abyss and call it a fucking mess.” Yuu glared, hoping their voice carried just how annoyed they were, “Really, I'm so glad.”
“My apologies, Beastie. I just haven't seen a vagina in this bloody a state since Sebek was born…”
Sebek half turned around, expression vaguely disgusted and horrified, “What?”
Yuu snorts, shaking Sebek’s hand still holding theirs in a way of gaining his attention, “Wow, Sebek, way to wreck your mom’s pussy.”
Sebek retaliated, using their still joined hands to twist and force Yuu’s arm into a painful bend. Yuu had quickly tried to escape his hold, both by wiggling their trapped arm and also using their free hand to slap at Sebek’s face while making repeated yelps of pain. Sebek had managed to dodge only a few hits until a bolt of lightning hit just outside, the flash sending the room into a blinding state before the light faded. Malleus glared down at Sebek, silently demanding the half-fae release his fiance.
Once freed, Yuu instantly pointed toward Sebek while looking at Lilia with wide eyes. Their tone coming out vaguely whining and childish, “He twisted my arm!”
Sputtering, Sebek looked between Yuu and Lilia. Pointing back at her while he looked at Lila pleading that he hears him out, “She talked about my mother’s vagina!”
“...” Lilia sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before speaking, “Sebek, don’t twist Yuu’s arm; she’s already in pain. Yuu, don’t talk about Sebek’s mother’s vagina; you know he doesn’t like that.”
“Did that hurt to say?” Silver looked at his father, half joking but delivered in such a painfully serious way that Lilia could only sigh harder.
Malleus’s expression only grew more concerned, arms wrapping tighter around Yuu and allowing his palms to heat a bit more. He only relaxed as Yuu themselves eased a bit more in his hold, “Yuu, please. Tell me what is causing this, If not for your own sake, but my own, I need to know. I have never been more distressed and on edge than these past few days. It isn't helpful either that you continue to be nonchalant, I dare say you've hurt my feelings with how you've been handling this…
“...” Yuu takes their time to pull their pajama pants back up, moving to sit up fully to look at Malleus directly, “Malleus, you're completely valid for feeling upset with me about all of this. In hindsight, I really should have just told you guys instead of disregarding Crewel’s attempts to keep this on the downlow for the sake of campus sanity. I fucked up, I will take that L. But I want you to know and consider that I have been in pain, tired, sad, and enraged both consistently and erratically for days. Do you really think the correct choice right now is to complain to me…about how my period…is making you feel?”
Malleus blinked, eyes darting to Lilia who only shook his head at Malleus's silent question. He looked down, then back to Yuu who was staring at him silently, almost waiting for him to answer incorrectly, “...I would still like to discuss this at a later date…when you are well again.”
“I'll make sure to set a meeting up with Azul, so that we both remember. Thank you for understanding…” Yuu's mood does a 180, now smiling and trying to stand from Malleus's arms, “Anyway, it's like noon now right? I know I have a bunch of stale tortillas and shredded cheese in the kitchen so we can make quesadillas-”
Malleus refused to remove his arms from around Yuu, basically pulling the human back into his lap, “I would like to speak about why you're dodging my question though.”
Yuu hummed, looking up to Malleus's face as they slowly twisted a strand of their hair, “...What are you talking about?”
“You are…well aware of what I've been asking you.”
“I'm really not.”
“You're sounding crazy right now.”
Malleus scoffs, rolling his eyes playfully, “Don't attempt to gaslight me. I keep asking you what caused this ailment or how I can ease this plague and you…don't answer me.” Malleus narrows his eyes, arms wrapping tighter against Yuu's body when they subtly tried to move away from him again, “Do you simply wish to…not tell me?”
“...” Yuu sighed, resting their head against Malleus’s shoulder. They smile, looking up into his eyes with a soft affection, “You know I love you right?”
“Your feminine wiles aren't getting you out of this. Answer my question.”
Silver speaks up, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, “Malleus, they may not have an answer as to what caused it…”
Sebek grunts from Yuu's side, eyes casting a worried look back to the other freshman's covered anatomy, “If they don't know what caused it then that's even more concerning. This could be a serious medical emergency and we're all twiddling our thumbs because the one who's ill says they're fine.”
“I am fine. I just…don't wanna say why this happens…”
Lilia perks up, raising an eyebrow as he rests his chin on Yuu's now pressed together knees, “So this illness is triggered?”
“Yes? No?” Yuu huffs, raising their hands in a form of defeat, “It just happens man. But like…for a reason.”
Malleus frowned, almost pouting as he gently moved Yuu's chin to make them look directly into his eyes, “Yuu. My dear. I'm deeply concerned. Please, just tell me what causes this so we may prevent it…”
“...” Yuu sighs, closing their eyes before opening them, “...This happens when I don't get pregnant.”
Silver fully turns to Yuu, eyes focusing on the other human as though he could physically see through what he begged was a lie, “Are…Are you serious?”
“Like the fucking heart attack that will take Sebek out one day.”
“Oh!” Malleus smiles, his eyes shining to the point Yuu was certain they were glowing, “This is easily fixed then.”
Yuu continued to smile, shaking their head knowing what the dragonfae was going to suggest, “...Malleus…”
“I simply need to impregnate you. Then you won't be affected by this plague again.”
“...” Yuu sighed, “No…”
“...” Malleus's expression falls back into an angered pout, “Why not?”
“It doesn't work that way…”
“...” His expression deepens, “How does it not ‘work that way’ exactly?”
Lilia patted Yuu's leg, flicking his head toward the entryway of the lounge as a silent command to Sebek and Silver, “We're gonna go…”
Yuu turned away from Malleus, blinking at Lilia in astonishment as the fae and other Diasomnia pair stand up, “Now why the fuck would you do that?”
Silver was kind enough to scoop Grim into his arms, the dire beast still shivering from the sudden scent of blood, “We’ve come to an agreement that we’d leave the room when you two start fighting.”
“We aren’t even fighting…” Yuu muttered under their breath, making a point to not look toward Malleus’s upset face. They’re pretty sure they’d start giggling at how frustrated he’s being about this.
Sebek shakes his head, already walking out of the room, “You become incredibly uncivil to everyone when you and Waka-Sama have disagreements. Lilia-Sama is right in having us leave the area before you two really start…”
“We aren’t fighting?”
“We’re fighting a little…” Malleus mutters under his breath, glaring off to the side.
Yuu glares over their shoulder, “No, we aren’t.”
Lilia walked behind Silver, holding his hands up as they left the room, “We’re gonna go. We'll make you two those quesadillas!” He ignored Yuu’s wide eyed stare, closing the doors of the lounge behind him and leaving Yuu and Malleus alone in the room.
The silence was loud, the two of them sitting comfortably in the nest. After a few more moments of quiet, Yuu sighs loudly, tucking their head to Malleus's chest and nuzzling into him gently.
Malleus sighs himself, leaning down to press a kiss to the crown of Yuu's head, “My love…please. You're hurting and I don't understand why you won't let me help in the best way I can…”
“Because it wouldn't actually help, Malleus.” They felt bad. It hadn't really hit them just how out of the realm of reality their period was to everyone. Sure the event itself could be scary in their old world, the amount of first period horror stories only grew as the years went on. But to have no frame of reference… the concept of a period sounded downright terrifying.
“How?” Malleus huffed, an air of frustration growing. Were they joking around? Deliberately speaking in circles to annoy him as a tease? “You said this happens if you don't get pregnant. If you get pregnant, then you will not have to deal with this ailment.”
At Yuu's own frustrated sigh, Malleus's eyes widen, “Is…is it too late?” A feeling of guilt starts to grow in him. Were they meant to be impregnated at a specific time? Had a window of opportunity been missed? Was this the rest of Yuu's life now; bleeding out of their intimates and crying so hard they were forced to purge?
Yuu couldn't help but chuckle at Malleus's face, reaching up to bring the worried fae closer for a gentle kiss. They speak as they pull away, “Calm down. This isn't going to last forever and I'll be back to normal by the end of the week at worst.”
Malleus curls around them, his hand still a gentle heat on their lower stomach, “But why wouldn't we simply skip this and just…start our agreement now? If the trigger for this ailment is that you weren't impregnated, why can't we have our child now so that you won't have to suffer this way.”
“I'll be honest with you, Malleus. It's literally because I don't wanna be a teen mom; that's the main reason. But also…there's no guarantee my period would stop during a pregnancy. Plus it'll still come back like a few months after having the baby…”
“...” Malleus pulls away from Yuu, staring at them in a silent state of confusion but his eyes were screaming, “Why…would you get the period…if you're pregnant? Isn't that…you stated you get your period if you don't get pregnant?”
“That is correct, yes.”
“...But…you could also…get your period…if you are pregnant?”
Another long stretch of silence passed in the room and Yuu felt as though they could physically see the gears turning in Malleus's head. Double checking the math one would say.
“...Then what's the point of it?”
Yuu snickers under their breath, “Well, I don't think I'm knowledgeable enough to really give you the TED talk about the Tree of Knowledge and the original sin…”
“...” Malleus placed a hand on their forehead, “Are you…have you gained a fever? Is delirium a symptom of your period?”
“I'm not crazy, shut up.” Yuu pushes Malleus's hand off of their face with a grin. Cozying back into his embrace, one of their hands resting on his pressed to their lower stomach, “Periods are weird and horrible and I do not have the answers you're seeking sadly.”
Malleus could only sigh, feeling a pit growing in his mind and heart as he felt his uselessness to his love in this situation, “Is there anything you'll allow me to do? I only wish to help you during this…”
Yuu hums, reaching up to gently cupping Malleus's cheek, “This is plenty. Just…hold me and tell me you love me…”
“I love you, dear.” Malleus smiles, soft and kind as he nuzzled into Yuu's palm, “Though I'm loathed and disconcerted, I'm delighted to know I can at least help in this way…”
“I am too. You surprisingly make a great heating pad.”
Malleus moves to remove his hand, “Oh, is my hand too warm-”
Yuu quickly grips at Malleus's hand, face still calm and content but their fingernails bite into the fae's skin, “If you take this hand off of my body I will rip your spine out of you through your asshole.”
They sat in comfortable silence, Malleus only mildly terrified at the visual of his spine being removed from his body by force. Their serene atmosphere half ended by Lilia happily bursting into the room with a plate of slightly charred quesadillas.
“Lunch time~!” Lilia walked to the nest, kneeling down and holding out the least burnt tortilla to Yuu's face, “Pspspspspspsps.”
Yuu's eyes snap open, a wild smile on their face as Malleus chuckled and kept them locked in his arms, “Lilia Vanrouge, I will break the fucking bones in your ears. Did Cater tell you to do this!?”
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iiratix · 2 years
Can we have a scenario where RSA has a ball and fem reader meets the twisted wonderland Disney Princess?
Enemy Territory
Where the loveable Prefect visited another school and the whole Night Raven College cause an entire ruckus of it
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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"Absolutely not."
The timid and bashful girl could only look down at the ground, disappointed by the disagreement. The question is; is it that much of a surprise? Obviously it is not. In fact, she's well aware it was a good old plain, no. She has false hope that maybe, he would’ve kindly let her go. Considering how he has a certain connection to the sender. Not in a good way, of course.
"Hah… What I'm far more curious about is how exactly Neige managed to invite you over? More specifically, to the front of your dorm." Vil looked down at Y/n, who stubbornly turned her head to the side, cheeks puffed out like a squirrel, brows creased.
At the sight, he pondered where has that attitude come from? It is not everyday she would’ve acted in such a manner or so. Even worse, her current attitude reminded him of someone that he personally knows. He connects between the two dots, it didn’t take him long enough to send a nasty glare at Epel who’s whistling innocently beside him.
For that, he’ll severely punish Epel for being such a bad influence.
“No matter how many times you plead, no one will agree.” The dorm leader frowned, watching how she switched from her rebellious persona to a sulking one. Vil sighs, completely in disbelief at how persistent she is. If she wants a ball, he would try and persuade the headmaster to make one. There’s no need to go to such length of stubborness—
“...I hate you…”
“For the last time, n— Huh? Pardon?”
Epel somewhat snorted hearing that, muffling his laughter behind his palm, head swiftly turned to the side. Ignoring how Vil burning glare lies within him. Once more, he tried to be rather patient with the girl, looking up ahead onto the petite and smaller girl in comparison. Y/n's is undeniably adorable and that's why her charm is quite irresistible.
"...For the last time, no." Vil crossed his arms, clearly dissatisfied with her rebellious phase. "What part of no did you not understand?"
"Everything." Both Epel and Y/n speak at the same time, synchronizing with one another. That results in the two of them getting hit by the back of their head, having a red bump as the two cinnamon are sulking on the ground. Well, the other one is cursing to himself.
Vil finds everything unbelievable. Perhaps, Epel did become some sort of a bad influence for the Ramshackle Prefect. This further adds up the things he must do at once. And first of all, is to discipline Epel all over again. Starting from the basic form of all.
"Roi Du Poison, may I ask permission to interject this conversation?" Turning to face Rook, his vice dorm leader, Vil raises a brow wondering what this eccentric hunter has in mind.
"What is it Rook?"
"Personally, I would've let Mon Lapin go." Y/n quickly switches sides and stands behind Rook, brimming with never ending happiness. Even Epel came along and stood on the opposite side where Y/n was standing. The two of these first year students found their ray of hope among many others.
Vil feels rather skeptical upon closer inspection. He wouldn't be surprised if Rook himself would've taken her side. But, what about Epel? Why out of all people let her be? To go to their enemy territory? There must be a plausible explanation for this abnormal behavior of his. What exactly does Y/n bribed him with?
Spoiler alert: She didn't. Well, maybe she did. In her own way that no one can exactly copyrighted against. And no, she didn't not resort to violence.
"Of course, the thought of her leaving our territory wound my heart! However, the image of her to be a part of something, something outstanding right next to her, I must pursue this subtle image!" Y/n nodded full in ecstasy, that's when she rethought Rook words. And that's also where she becomes rather petrified.
"Rook-senpai… What do you mean by picture?" Rook outwardly smiled in full enigma, clearly didn't bother to specify what he had meant. Y/n and Epel look at their senior weirdly, judging the case on whos’ side he’s actually on. It was a tad inconvenient, but their calculation assumes he’s only doing this for the sake of his own satisfaction.
Per usual, it would’ve been easy to prevent her from being stubborn. How? Simple, all they need to do is bribe that low self-worth of a cat. That willingly to take some tuna can and betray his own liege. For once, Vil cannot find Grim anywhere. It is likely enough he was being held captivated to stop ruining everything on behalf of Y/n.
“Rook, no matter what you said, she won’t be going anywhere. And I personally represent the entire Night Raven College.”
It had been a long time since the chaos at Night Raven College. No more unnecessary overblot, no more dorms or schools falling into chaos, no more vandalizing and destroying this family friendly school. Well, to be honest, it would have been a lot if one hadn't made a single mistake. Amazingly, he always made mistakes.
The sight of the seven students arriving at the principal's office in person was truly a terrifying sight. What's more, Malleus himself personally entered without further notice. Now, things would be a lot easier if Crowley summoned the Prefect right now. However, that was the main case, the reason why all the dorm leaders were here at once, glaring through the poor principal. This is why he tried.
"Headmaster Crowley… What's the meaning of this?" Everyone is painfully aware that it is bad news if Leona himself skips out his nap for something else. And not only that, the fact there were quite a few students outside the room, clearly dissatisfied with the principal himself. Plus, we don't need to go through different kinds of introductions just to tell who they are.
Crowley feigns a cough, hand on top of his chest, praying for the seven — internally — for his safety. "Pardon me, I do not understand what all of you are talking about." The tension in the room increased for a few seconds, even some random students walking around innocently could suffocate by themselves.
The sky that was once clear, gloomed, clouds gathered together in the color of darkness. It was one man doing, however, it expressed every one of them their current mood. Green lightning struck the earth, descending in its fiery fury. The glare of many eyes stare at one pitiful being alone.
"Well, perhaps I did something." Cried Crowley, shifting his approach to the enraged students who are ready to flip the entire world upside down. "However, it was thanks to my graciousness that I allow her to have a vacatio—"
"In Royal Sword Academy? The enemy of Night Raven College??"
"...Fret not! Ambrose promised me she'll be in safe hands while she's there—!!"
"And this'll be your room!"
Neige has been more than kind enough to show her around the entire layout of the school. She never felt so incredibly excited for the ball by now. It was a safe choice to ask permission from Crowley instead of her friends. Unlike them, she'll manage to somehow guilt trip him one way or another. She does hope Grim won't cause a ruckus while she's away.
It's not like she'll disappear for an entire month or even years, she's only going for two to three days. After that, she'll make sure to return. Y/n felt there was nothing wrong with accepting the ball invitation. Hence, why does her friends make an entire fuss of it? Even Vil somehow managed to convince Epel, who's used to be on her side, betraying her and tried to stop her from going. Only some of them are quite chill about it, she doubted it would last long.
"Someone excited~" Y/n raised her head, facing what seemed to be the empty air. Had she gone crazy or did she for certain hear someone speak right next to her?
Neige cannot prevent the laughter that comes pouring out of his lips. It was amusing to say the least, to find her confused, looking back and forth in between Neige and her surroundings. Now, he's aware of the reason why NRC students tried to keep her all to themselves. Neige understands if Y/n could possibly become their one and only prized possession. They adore her and many people would've done so. Hence, they must've been afraid of her leaving them behind. Despite the fact it is quite dramatic per se.
"I'm here~" The voice that resonates in her mind comes from behind her. Alas, the moment she turned around, Y/n's face to face with a floating head.
"...Ah! Che'nya!" The Cheshire cat's smile could probably widen from his excitement. Soon enough, the remnants of his body appear out of thin air, floating upside down and boop Y/n by the nose.
The petite blinked in daze, taking a while to process throughout and burst into a fit of laughter. Even such action could've put her in a joyful mood. "Seeing you here intact... Guess Riddle couldn't stop you~?" Both could imagine Riddle's smoldering rage, his face completely red as the veins submerged from the depths.
"Well, he almost has my head for it." Replaying the scene over and over again, Y/n cannot help but to shudder. Remembering how the other day how her two best friends from Heartslabyul hunt her down to stop her. Even so, her stubbornness won and she disliked the possible outcome once she returned. Especially how she managed to slip away, right under Vil watch.
"And I'm pretty much sure Vil won't hesitate to poison me once I return." Neige chuckles, finding her words seems to be about right. He is well aware of what Vil might've done to her considering how Y/n ignored his words of advice and chose to come here with many risks and consequences following closely behind her. He can't help it at the same time, no matter how chaotic it seems, the school is quite lively with her presence around. And Neige himself has heard of some changes that happen within NRC.
And he knows, the people that surround her were just overprotective in their own way. Truthfully, he could tell how adored and loved she was. Even if she was held captivated far away from their hold, Neige was sure the entire NRC willingly to cross hell and heaven just to return her back home. RSA itself is no exception.
Y/n look at her own reflection by the mirror, the dress that hugs her form, vibrated words of elegance and purity. She was wearing something similar to that of an innocent color, the pure white, added up with the small frill by the end of her short sleeves. The skirt stops right at her knees, matching on with the short heels that won't harm her during the ball.
There is nothing more than the feeling of anticipation. She feels quite excited for the ball, although the fact she must converse with someone else is quite nerve cracking. Y/n might as well brace herself up for the worse.
"...Deep breath… It's only a ball, what's the worst that could happen?"
Oh, apparently, everything. Being said, the only person she knew of is Neige, Che'nya and the seven dwarves. Other than that, she's nothing more but an outcast in this place.
Y/n always hate the feeling of being misplaced. It was when the world sorted out her place elsewhere than where she was supposed to. Call her paranoia or so on, it was only her social awkwardness that kicked in after quite some time. The confidence that runs through her vein has long diluted away.
Y/n felt like the spotlight was on her alone, yet no one paid any extra attention to her. By now, she wondered whether the reason for her friends to prevent her from going had something to do with it. Nipping on her lower lips, the look of distressedness by her facial expression was obvious and a tell-tell sign of anxiety.
It was a pity. A pity for her to dress up oh-so-nicely just to experience something horrible.
Thoughts overflowing her mind, there are plenty of 'what-ifs' scenarios that preoccupy her mind. It's likely enough due to the fact she feels quite left out. She cannot see those she had known in the sea of crowds, even if someone were to come and tried to talk to her, she ended up freezing on the spot with an awkward smile.
Thankfully, everyone here is much more considerate than she expected.
"Here, drink this." However, everything seemed to be in the same order when she felt a vial being dropped on top of her palm. Y/n raised her head up, facing a stranger that she had not known.
Y/n breath hitched up, beads of cold sweat stroll down from her forehead. Compared to her, the stranger is taller by a foot and a couple of inches. What caught her attention is the captivating and fluffed up hair that framed his face. What's odd is the style of his hair that somewhat resembles a feminine style, though she didn't complain since he looked nice with it. It is quite unique how he styled the side frame of his hair to be longer than the back, having a mullet cut and the remaining is on the same length on the side of his hair. The only accessory he wore is the headband that tied up into a small bowtie on top.
"Not a fan of talkers, are you? Aside from all of that problem, I'm messing around. Don't drink this unless you want to shrink like the size of an ant." He spoke, taking back the vial filled with a bluish color of liquid. If it has something to do with alchemist risk, why did he even offer that to her in the first place?
Y/n frowned, wondering the ulterior motive when he didn't even have one to begin with. A pair of alluring vibray blue eyes stare ahead at her e/c one, a tired smile curled up from the corner of his lips. He takes the side of his oversized, comfortable coat and bow down to match her level. "Nice to meet you. I've heard of you from Che'nya."
Somehow, Y/n feels a sense of familiarity that comes from within him. There's something that is similar to that of… Heartslabyul? "I am Aalis, Aalis Wonder." He offered her a kind smile in return, there was a tint of peace and solitude from his eyes, yet it looked as if it was ready to bring her elsewhere.
"Have you come down the rabbit hole as well?" Aalis inquired, taking careful notes of how she's the only female so far around an all boy school.
Y/n perks up at the mention of rabbit hole. Could it have other meanings? Something that could be said; whether she comes from NRC? Although, is there any need for her to answer it? When it was quite obvious without telling?
"Perhaps you have, how's his majesty? Strict as ever? Or is he still the same pompous tyrant?" Y/n parted her mouth open, brows furrowed deeply. Without telling, she knows for sure who Aalis is talking about. It didn't need to take her any doubt to assume who it was.
"Riddle isn't a tyrant." Aalis crooked his head to the side, thinking whether NRC has affected her to a certain degree to the point she becomes brain dead. "Is that so? That's good to hear." But, he didn't have any heart to voice out his complaint. If she insisted he's not one, then he's not. Simple as if.
"You must've been bored. Well, I understand that." Y/n shriek, feeling a warm palm enveloping her wrist, tugging her elsewhere. "Come meet my friend. It's not every day you could visit Royal Sword Academy. Who knows when they'll barge in."
They didn't need to specify who exactly they were. After all, the only one who would dare to barge into someone else's school and infiltrate the entire place would've been none other than NRC students.
Aalis keep his eyes trained in front of him, making sure to avoid any bumpy ways towards his friends. For some reason, the students around would've move away the moment they see him at their peripheral sight. Whether they had moved due to their initiative or there's a hidden reason that she had not known of.
"Ah! Aalis, there you are… Since when did you become a lady kidnapper?"
"Bold of you to assume I'm a kidnapper, prince Rielle."
Y/n could sense the hidden irritation behind his voice, it might've been due to the false accusations that were appointed at his direction. She takes a peek to the side, to where Aalis body isn't in the way. There she sees many individuals standing, including Neige. They seem to be someone that is close to one another… Wait, is that a tiger?
"Y/n! I'm sorry, I should've kept an eye out for you but I ended up losing you the moment you took a step inside." Neige clasped his hand together, showing how guilty he was for letting her drift away to the sea of crowd. It was such an unexpected event.
"As expected of Neige." There are multiple people at once, multiple strangers she barely knows, except for Aalis and Neige.
Aalis let go of his grip, an exasperated sigh escaped through his lips. "The poor lady feels out of this place. Do you not know how awkward it must've been for her?" Neige rubs the back of his head with a nervous chuckle, an awkward smile etched by the corner of his lips. Surely, he knows it is his fault to begin with.
Y/n stood there, unaware of what to do, watching Aalis nagging Neige for his fatal mistake. Even if she did say it's fine, it is not fine at all to begin with. Y/n kept her eyes focused by the two figures, until she flinched when she felt a fur at her hand.
Looking down, she spotted the tiger, a ferocious animal, nuzzling its head on her palm. "Seems like Rajah has taken a quick liking to you." Y/n look towards her interlocutor. A pair of deep - hazel brown stare ahead towards her.
He had long braided hair, on par with a fluffy pony style, that she's sure once she pat it, it might've bounced. He has a stoic expression, reminding her of someone, same with his kind of attire. It looks way and way too familiar to her liking. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Yasmin Al-Shani." Ah, never mind that, it put her into eternal peace the moment she heard of his last name.
"I'm sure you've met my cousin Kalim."
"KALI—" A hand covers her mouth, refraining herself from shouting in the midst of a ball. The least thing Yasmin wished to do, is for their guest to be embarrassed due to her own mistake.
"Yes, Kalim Al-Asim. He's my cousin. You must've been surprised to know that." Y/n nodded frantically to answer Yasmin's answer, having her mouth sealed away for the moment.
"Well, I'm more surprised to know he's at Night Raven College with that snake." Yasmin sighs, clearly having some hidden hatred for the said snake. Once again, Y/n did not need any more explanation other than that, having flashbacks of the awful, vicious overboot accident.
The tiger or rather, Rajah, turned to head back to Yasmin's side. Purring so ever gently, accepting the scratch behind his ear coming from his owner. Many kinds of questions run inside Y/n mind; who in their right mind would've allowed a student to bring a tiger to school?
"Oh!! Are we doing an introduction here? Move, Yasmin! It's my turn!"
"—?! Hey, Rielle! Watch it!"
Excitedly, he took her hand into his, shaking it up and down with a bright smile. Y/n blink profusely, wondering how hyper this kid would have become. "I've heard a lot about you, Y/n. Well, since you're the only girl there, of course I would! My name is Rielle Aleutian."
Could this possibly be… The Prince Rielle from that one photo incident? Y/n remember that one merman that was surrounded by many kinds of mermans and mermaids. Even in the middle of the crowd, his bright orange hair stood out amongst them all. And maybe, pearly blue eyes outshine more than any bright color.
"Again, who spoiled him too much again?" Yasmin asked with a scoff, patting Rajah. Rielle who heard that smile through the insult, ignoring the petty Yasmin. On the other hand, Aalis and Neige look at their interaction, yet they do not forget to keep an eye out for Y/n, making sure she's comfortable.
"Have you visited the Coral Sea? If not, I'll be sure to welcome you! Oh, are you close to the eel twins and Azul? You can bring them along if you want." Rielle's invitation sure sounds tempting, even so, Y/n doubted Azul would've agreed.
"I don't really understand why Azul always looks at me with hostility, but I'm sure I'll figure it out some other way!" Ah, now Y/n understand why. Azul somehow cannot handle this said prince for a reason during childhood. Or maybe, it was due to the fact he could be some sort of the factor of his traumatic past.
"While we're on the topic, I might as well introduce the remaining group." Aalis waltzes behind Y/n pressing his hand on top of her shoulder and pushes her away from Rielle, towards the two unnamed students. So far, Y/n have no room to talk, it's not like she wouldn't mind, since everything has been going on exactly how she wants. Listening in without any need to talk back.
There stood two figures, smiling so kindly at her direction. Unlike NRC students' first impression of her, they pretty much accepted her without caring of the difference. No wonder some were quite irritated by RSA students, especially Leona out of all people.
"Heres Jupiter." Aalis pointed to male with a burgundy hair color, his hair was long that reached around his shoulder or maybe more. At the end, the hair was tied, loosenedly. The plus is his enchanting mixed color eyes in between gray and brown. In other words, he looks quite enchanting in his own way, especially with his body build.
"Lastly, Aura Narcissus." Just like Aalis, Aura has blond hair that has a much lighter tone, the style of his hair is quite messy. His eyes matched with his hair, an auroral color to the point Y/n felt like he had seen it somewhere. Unlike the others, he seems to be one who's less aggressive and lean more into a gentle nature kind of a personality.
For sure, they all have the aura of a noble kind of kid. Even when Y/n are quite convinced that there's only one or two princes in the group. It felt nice getting to know them at some point, even if it was only for a brief moment, having someone else to talk to, and doing all the job of talking lessens the burden.
"It's nice to know you al—"
The group heard that one explosion, at the same time that one chanting of a name. Even everyone could've told what's happening at this moment. Che'nya suddenly appeared from nowhere, floating right beside Aalis and playing with his hair. "Purr-fect~! They're all here to enjoy the party~" In response to that, he sighs in disbelief, swatting his hand away.
"I suppose, I need to come and greet your majesty."
Y/n sweatdrop, feeling herself being pushed gently towards Heres and Aura. The two stand by her side, holding her shoulder to make sure she did not fall.
"Ensure the safety of the guest." Neige looked at the direction of Yasmin, knowing what he meant by the guest. But, there's one thing he cannot tell.
"We're not going to return her to them?"
"Neige, where's the fun in that?" Rielle asked, looking at him with a smile that's quite hard to decipher.
"They've come to our territory themselves, might as well pay the consequences."
"...Hah, I'll just make sure Y/n is escorted back safely to her room."
Aura ended up being the one who held the most responsibility of them all, since Heres has a competitive personality that run through his blood, there's no stopping that.
Y/n stand there a bit dumbfounded, until Aura gently holds her hand, dragging her with him with a smile on his face, reassuring her that everything would've been fine. Since, that'll truly become the case and RSA won't hesitate to take another kind of victory in their hand.
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bun-lapin · 10 months
Summary: Idia confesses his love to you.
A/N: Third one shot finished! I was very sick with a summer cold while I wrote this so I hope everything makes sense. I also got very carried away with the banter and so I had to cut some dialogue to keep it to my desired work length. I hope someday I can share those deleted scenes with you all~!
Confessions series: Rook, Kalim, Idia, Floyd, Vil, Silver, Leona, Trey / AO3
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Your steps hit the pale marble flooring with singular purpose. Their crisp echoes spin away from your feet, only to ricochet off of towering columns and scatter up towards a vaulted ceiling. The hallways of Ignihyde are empty and bright, lit up by informational monitors and the mysterious hum of technomancy. The air inside the dormitory is pleasantly cool and feels almost sterilized with its lack of scent. You stride past countless rooms, ignoring the few rare muffled conversations that seep out from under the occasional door.
You stop at a door identical to every other door you’ve passed so far. Reaching out, you briskly knock on the door and announce, “Idia! Open up! I’ve got an emergency!”
A few beats of silence tick by before you hear the sound of reluctant, shuffling feet moving towards you. The door slowly creaks open, just barely wide enough for a single, morose yellow eye and one half of a radiantly pale face to peer out at you.
Wordlessly, you hold up your smartphone for Idia to see. Its current state could be best described in just one word: annihilated.
Idia swings the door open completely and stares down at the remains of your phone in abject horror, sputtering, “What the-! How-? What were you trying to do?! Vaporize your phone or something?!”
Handing over your former communication device, you step into the room and tiredly reply, “Several crucial mistakes were made today. Can you fix it?”
Idia’s face breaks into a wide, smug grin. He closes the bedroom door with a prideful scoff and boasts, “Like that’s even a question. Can I fix it? That’s undeniable! Too EZ. I could fix something like this with both eyes closed and my hands behind my back!”
You make your way over towards a tall bookshelf on the far side of the room and grin back at him, “Well that’s good news for me then! I’ll be over here perusing your manga collection while you get to work.”
Idia sighs wearily as he sets himself down in front of a worktable covered in various tools and hardware. “So business as usual I guess,” he mutters gloomily but from the corner of your eye, you manage to catch sight of the smallest of smiles flashing across his face.
As Idia sets up the necessary materials and begins his assignment, you trace your finger down the length of the bookshelf, scanning titles and making future reading selections. An interestingly named one catches your eye and you carefully retrieve it from its place on the shelf. With today’s selection in hand, you amble over to Idia’s worktable, seat yourself in a comfortable chair next to his, and begin reading.
Several minutes of easy silence pass by, periodically punctuated by the ambient sounds of lightly clicking repair work and the soft turning of pages. The two of you continue your parallel activities in this way for a few more minutes before you suddenly hear a short, quiet laugh from Idia.
You glance up curiously from your reading and ask, “Something funny?”
Idia does not stop or look up from his task but he smiles softly. He admits in a slightly bemused voice, “I was just thinking that this feels nice. This familiar scene, with you reading next to me while I work on a project. I never thought I'd get so comfortable with you barging into my room whenever you wanted."
You raise your eyebrows playfully and ask in a gently teasing tone, “Oh? So does that mean you used to feel uncomfortable with my visits?”
Idia turns his head to face you with an exaggerated look of retroactive disbelief and exclaims, “Understatement of the century! I was definitely super uncomfortable with your interruptions in the beginning and I believe I distinctly remember telling you to never come back on several separate occasions.”
“Yeah but you let me back in every single time afterwards,” you quip back with a self-satisfied grin.
“Well, of course. You wanted to read my manga,” Idia states frankly as he turns back to his work. “I don’t lend out my books to people I don’t know super well. If I don’t know your reading style, then reading my books requires my direct supervision!”
“Well you know my reading style now,” you say gesturing broadly to the careful and considerate way you hold the book you are currently reading. “Do you trust me enough to lend me a book now?”
Idia seems to suddenly freeze at the sound of your last question. With a hand poised elegantly in the air, clutching a small tool, he would look every bit like a beautiful statue if it weren’t for the slight flickering movement of his soft blue hair. Turning with almost excruciating slowness, he takes the book from your hands in a gentle and deliberate action and grabs a nearby bookmark to place inside before finally closing and placing it face down on the table.
Idia turns his chair so that his body is completely facing you but his eyes are cast down and to the side, still on the book. A breath of silence passes between the two of you before he finally speaks in a carefully measured voice.
"I do trust you. I completely and utterly trust you. But I'll never lend you any of my books because I want you to keep reading them here next to me."
Idia turns his head and looks into your eyes. There’s still the ever present, tired hesitation weighing down his brows, but you see something else in his face, never seen before. In his bright yellow eyes shines a fiery determination, fueled by newly realized desire.
You gaze silently into Idia’s eyes, almost hypnotized. An eternity seems to pass by in seconds like this until Idia suddenly throws his pale, thin hands over his face. You blink rapidly in surprise at the abrupt end to the moment. With fingers pressed tightly against his face, Idia’s voice comes out muffled and anxious.
“I need to tell you something really important but it might be kinda cringe? And I don’t think I have the nerve to say it out loud with you looking at me so can you please close your eyes? And also can you promise not to laugh at anything I say?”
Even though Idia can’t see you with his hands completely covering his face, you smile softly at him and state in a reassuring voice, “I promise not to laugh and I’ll close my eyes.”
With your eyes closed tight, you listen to the faint rustling of his clothes as he hesitantly lowers his arms and you hear the slight creaking of his chair, as if he is leaning himself towards you. Suddenly, you feel an ambient warmth on the side of your face and realize Idia has moved in closer to whisper into your ear. A faint feeling like feather softness swipes over your cheek and you think it must be some of Idia’s hair, flickering luxuriously against your skin like incense smoke. When he finally speaks, his voice is a low murmur against your ear.
"When I leave my room, all the whispers I hear behind my back and the stares I see from the corner of my eye... It's like harsh noise and screeching static to me. It’s overwhelming,”
Idia’s voice drops even quieter and you can almost feel his soft breath on your face as he draws a little closer, "But when I'm with you everything goes quiet. When I'm with you I feel safe."
For a few moments, the only sound in the room is the sound of the two of you breathing. The soft sound of air falling up and down weaves over and onto itself almost like calming music. Then Idia lets out a shuddering sigh, the air from his lips brushing over your skin like cool silk, and the silence melts away under his low voice.
"I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Thinking about you. When I open my eyes in the morning, I immediately think of you. When I close my eyes at night, it's your face I see. I think what this all must mean, what I’ve just now realized, is that I love you."
Your eyes fly open in surprise and you whip your head to the side to look at Idia, acting purely on instinct. His face is so close to yours, the tip of his nose almost brushes against yours. His eyes grow wide and bright from shock but he doesn’t pull away from you. Idia opens his mouth but all that comes out is a kind of strangled gasp. You read the question he can’t seem to ask, written all over his pale and unquiet face.
“Do you love me too?”
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officialdaydreamer00 · 8 months
[ The Creator ]
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Said to have created Twisted Wonderland solely from papers and ink, the legend of The Creator is whispered amongst the first few generations of its dwellers. No one knows who or where they are, but everyone knows of their legend, which is told as a children's fairytale. Legends said that the magic that courses through the dwellers' veins is blessed by The Creator themself, as per the people's worship to one who created magical life.
There used to be countless of stories depicting the ever so benevolent Creator of Twisted Wonderland, before the Great War broke out. Modern campaigns were founded as a mean to help restore the land's history. And so far, they have successfully restored a few of their stories.
"In the stories of the Great Seven, they all have the subtle touches of The Creator, nudging them into the roads carved out of their thoughtful narratives." One of the campaign's founders said. "As far as we know, perhaps it was for them to make Twisted Wonderland the way it is."
And as rumoured from several students of Night Raven College (who wished to stay anonymous), the Mirror of Darkness took its form and was passed down to the Beautiful Queen as a gift from The Creator themself. It answers to whomever in desperate need for an explanation, about everything and anything at all.
Perhaps it would know of the identity, or the whereabouts of The Creator, but the question has yet to be uttered out loud...
taglist🏷️ @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @siren-serenity @identity-theft-101 @dove-da-birb @spooks907 @thehollowwriter @xen-blank @loser-jpg @savanaclaw1996 @cookiesandbiscuits @minimallyminnie @axvwriter @leonistic @cheezy-moon @i-like-forgs @bun-lapin @krenenbaker @moonlit-midnight @eynnwwyjth @red-viewe @taruruchi @ceruleancattail
reblogs are appreciated!!
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nerdazzler · 11 months
Twisted Wonderland: RSA au
[‼️Character and Dorm Introductions‼️]
Twisted from Alice In Wonderland replacing Heartslabyl.
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Twisted from Alice
Name: Ellias, La dell
Age: 17
School Year: 2nd
Twisted from The White Rabbit
Name: Lapine, Blanc
Age: 18
School Year: 3rd
Twisted from Tweedle Dee and Dum
Name: Eleanor, Twiddle
Name: Theodore, Twiddle
Age(s): 16
School year: 1st
(Cannon Character)
Twisted from The Cheshire Cat
(Cannon)Age: 18
(Cannon)School Year: 3rd? (Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong)
Twisted from The Lion King replacing Savanaclaw.
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Twisted from Timone Name: Dakarai
Age: 21
School Year: 3rd
Twisted from Pumbaa
Name: Faraji
Age: 19
School Year: 3rd
Twisted from The Little Mermaid replacing Octavinelle.
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(Mentioned Character) Twisted from Ariel
Name: Reiél, Sirene
Age: 17
School Year: 2nd
Twisted from Flounder
Name: Angel, Flounfin
Age: 16
School Year: 1st
Twisted from Prince Eric
Name: Eris, Marine.
Age: 18
School Year: 3rd
Twisted from Aladdin replacing Scarabia.
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Twisted from Aladdin
Name: Raheel
Age: 17
School Year: 2nd
Twisted from Jasmine
Name: Nasim, Al-Asim
Age: 16
School Year: 1st
Twisted from The Genie Name: Jasper, Jinn
Age: 18
School Year: 3rd
Twisted from Snow White replacing Pomfiore.
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(Cannon Characters)
Twisted from Snow White
Name: Neige, Leblanche
Age: 17
School Year: 2nd
Twisted From the Dwarves
Names: Dominic (Doc)
Grum (Grumpy)
Shelpie (Sleepy)
Hop (Happy)
Timmy (Bashful)
Snick (Sneezy)
Toby (Dopey)
Ages and School Year: Unknown
(Ima just take a guess and say they’re 2nd and 3rd years)
Twisted from Hercules replacing Ignihyde.
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Holympus Twisted from Hercules
Name: Hera, Tancy
Age: 18
School Year: 3rd
Twisted from Meg/Megera
Name: Morgan, Iolanthe 
Age: 18
School Year: 3rd
Twisted from Sleeping Beauty replacing Diasomnia.
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Twisted from Aurora
Name: Aurum
Age: 17
School Year: 2nd
Twisted from Flora (The green Good Fairy)
Name: Canta, Verda
Age: Unknown
School Year: 2nd
Twisted from Fauna (The pink Good Fairy)
Name: Allium, Bella
Age: Unknown
School Year: 3rd
Twisted from Merryweather (The blue Good Fairy)
Name: Felix, Livie
Age: Unknown
School Year: 1st
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kyupidos · 8 months
Hi there! I was wondering if you could write a birthday drabble for how the one and only Yuu spends their birthday.
Boyfriend Rook and the Pomefiore crew get all dolled up and see theatre performances (Hell maybe they go to one of Vil's). Afterwards Rook and reader have lunch at a fancy restaurant and enthuse about the performance.
Meanwhile everyone else is trying to get a party ready for NRC's favorite (and only) prefect. Riddle has sorted everyone into teams according to what they need to accomplish. Baking crew, Decorations crew etc. Best Friend Idia's tinkering away at their computer forl a surprise.
(Anyways this is pretty self indulgent... It would be really nice if you could release this on September 28th)
09/28/23’s delivery 🏹✉️ twisted wonderland
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one and onlyヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ,ヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ ;; summary. ‘your lovely friends and your even lovelier lover work to orchestrate the best birthday for you. ’
2.1k~ words ( went a little overboard.. )
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characters. all dorms, specifically pomefiore : rook hunt ;; romantic , others ;; platonic . 🖇️ tags. reader is gender neutral ( you/your ), reader is yuu, many characters show up but only rook is romantic ( and only few are mentioned by name ), may or may not have used google translate for rook’s french, romantic fluff
📡 _a/n. oho, hii!! thank goodness i checked my inbox, or else i may not have seen this 😓 thankfully, it’s the 23rd as i start to write this!! i hope this is a well enough birthday gift for you! i’ve been doing quite a few birthday fics recently, but it’s pretty fun, i must say. anyway..HAPPY BIRTHDAYY!!
. there in front of you stood your darling rook, awaiting you alongside epel and vil, who you knew for a fact he coerced into dressing the way they were at the moment ( well, vil wouldn’t be matching for long considering his upcoming stage performance that you’d be watching, but nonetheless ); he had a certain style of his, one that you could never mistake for another. he took you arm in arm, gently bringing you down the steps of ramshackle. “ah, mon lapin chéri ! you look magnificent, but it’s unexpected after all, the day is your’s!”
epel and vil waved to you as you made your ways to the gate, both of whom smiling and greeting you kindly. “happy birthday, prefect! you’re lookin’ stylish today!” vil nodded in agreement to epel’s welcoming, “indeed, as rook said, you look splendid.” just then, rook giggled merrily like a fool in love, taking your arm gently to twirl you a bit. “ah, correct you both are! mon lapin continues to be beautiful!”
you smile warmly as rook takes you arm in arm again, and now you’re continuing your walk to the magic mirror to watch vil’s soon to be theatre performance. “thank you three, seriously! this is honestly a great birthday already.” rook let out a huff of amusement, eyeing you gleefully in a sense you couldn’t exactly place. “ah, yet the day has only just begun.” you didn’t notice it just yet, but as epel ‘stumbled’ behind to fix up his outfit, those words seemed to be the phrase that allowed the boyish teen to call up a certain ace of hearts to get things started.
“heyheyy, ace..have your housewarden get that party started!”
in all honesty, you did struggle to understand twisted wonderland’s media culture and such, but even despite such an issue, you had no troubles digesting the story behind the performance vil put on. a tale of star crossed lovers, a sort of right place wrong time style of story. you might have struggled to get a reference here or there, but with rook sitting right beside you, he fared well at giving whispered commentary whenever you needed it.
truly, it was a wonderful way to celebrate your special day. clearly, there was a reason this specific theatre was rated so highly by audience and critics alike. you’d surely have to thank rook for managing to get you in, otherwise you’d probably be doing something much less entertaining. suddenly, epel tapped on your shoulder and whispered to you, “i think this part was taken inspiration from the fairest queen!”
you leaned in curiously, “is that so?” rook noticed the quiet chatter and was quick to join in to help you better grasp things, “see, as the one who’s slowly turning ill tries to find ways to look healthy once more, it mirrors a piece of history where the fairest queen concocts a potion similar—but instead, to turn into an old woman.” “ah, i think i’ve heard you mention this before.” “indeed, it is a valuable part of history!”
the rest of the performance, meanwhile, went without much commentary. its end wasn’t full of metaphors or hidden meaning, just a valuable moral with wonderfully done visuals for an onstage show, and of course as the end, the actors all gathered together to bow in front of the audience, you, rook, and epel of course clapping significantly loud for vil. there was also a special announcement regarding a certain someone’s, cough cough, your, cough cough, birthday. having the attention on you was a bit nerve wracking, but at the same time it also felt a bit nice; so it evened out in the end.
finally, you and rook waved goodbye to the other two pomefiore students, as the fully blonde was taking you along for a nice birthday restaurant dinner between the two of you. he made sure it was a place that served exclusively your favorites, and you couldn’t be happier. “just wait until you see their menus, chéri ! i’m without a doubt, you will love it all~” you simpered at that, “i’m sure that i will.”
in the end, all your conversation as you ate your first meals respectively drove back to the performance from just before. “i simply must ask, mon amour, what did you think of the story? was it to your tastes?” of course you nodded in confirmation, “nothing less of amazing, as expected of vil,” rook nodded in the background; no doubt he was impressed by his housewarden’s work as well. “though it was a shame, really.” “oh?” your boyfriend questioned curiously, looking at you to see your face and reactions, digging into his lunch in the meantime. “which bit?”
you thought for a moment, “the sick one of the two, y’know. it was such a shame that his drive for looking beautiful just because he believed it would bring him and his would’ve been lover closer led to that fate.” you then took a chunk out of your meal again, “it’s an unfortunate romance, no?” rook hummed for a moment, a bittersweet smile on his face before he took you by the hand and kissed the back of your palm ever so romantically, “well, if it makes you feel any better, mon amour..”
and then as he slowly lifted his head up for you to see his face to prove to you his words were genuine, he continued on, “i will never leave you even in sickness, as the two lovers once faced, and i wouldn’t dare to do so even in worser conditions. i chose you for a reason after all, mon cher~” his hand still having taken yours, gently so to the point you’d barely notice his touch if it wasn’t right in front of you for you to witness, you couldn’t help but fluster, even if for just a moment.
“oh? those words sound similar to wedding vows. maybe you’re planning to gift me another birthday gift, rook?” rook looked at you even more lovingly than you believed he ever could, with a teasing smile and joking tone, “ah, you’ve caught me, mon lapin! le chasseur est devenu le chassé!”
“hey, don’t joke like that now!”
“come on everyone, let’s hurry this up, for the prefect and rook’s sake!”
a groan of disbelief left the throat of an aforementioned ace of hearts, “we get it, house warden! cut us a bit of slack..” while you and rook spent your time at the restaurant, epel and vil hurried back to ramshackle dorm to give an update on where you were. as of current they were finishing up the last touches, but of course riddle couldn’t help but be strict, even so.
of course, he made quick work to organize everyone into groups; trying to be efficient as possible, having been asked personally to do so by rook himself— only the best for you! so in the end, heartslabyul and scarabia, both being dorms with plenty experience partying, shared the tasks of food and invitations, savanaclaw and pomefiore were on decorations ( in charge labor and the type of decor respectively ), diasomnia was busied with cleaning and making sure everything was where it ought to be, and octavinelle and ignihyde were working on the more work related projects of birthday party planning, like food distribution and matters similar.
floyd sighed boringly as riddle scolded ace in the background, “man, i wonder how rook is doing keeping shrimpy at bay. bet they’re having real fun, huh?” jade smiled at his brother’s antics as he continued to aid azul with counting the platters of food served on the dinner table, the octomer sighing meanwhile. “if you intend to goof off, at least spend it helping out the others. ah, perhaps you could help jamil and trey with the food?”
trey, of course passing by to plate his freshly concocted creations, smiled just a tad too nervously at the idea. “there’s no need to worry azul, we’ve made plenty enough, really.” jamil, who came by just to help in plating things nodded to trey’s words, “the kitchen is doing just fine, don’t worry about us.”
while everyone else engaged in lighthearted banter on the first floor, idia was quick as work in your room, tinkering away at your computer; nothing much, but he did hope it would be a suitable gift for you. what was he planning? why, something diabolical of course, something only a master evil mastermind could dare concoct; he planned to give you access to servers and streams that, though you’d usually have to pay some sort of premium to even get a good use out of, would be perfect for everything you’ve been meaning to get into! animes, games, audiobooks, comics and all the like—it would be available to you now! his constant use of illegal manga websites has finally come in clutch!
ortho stood— or rather, hovered— just behind him, watching him excitedly as the older shroud finished up work. “ooh, this is so exciting! i’m 100% positive the prefect will find this a gift treasurable for life!” idia ‘kehehhe’ laughed away, taking a break from the computer to crack his knuckles. “hehe, ‘m glad rook is managing to distract the prefect for this long, would’ve taken me ages to get this gift going behind their back otherwise.”
just then, a booming voice appeared right at the room’s door entrance— “idia!!” sebek spoke aloud, “what’re you doing here?! will the party be taking place here too? i’ll sweep up here as well then, in respects to the friend of me and my young master!” in the distance, idia could swear he heard “sebek, i thought i told you that overcleaning wasn’t necessary.”
originally idia was planning to respond with a sarcastic quip and then lay about ( he was done anyway ), but then a much more intimidating voice entered the room without warning. “idia, ortho, sebek, here you three are!” “holy crap, lilia?! jumpscare warning, please!” lilia smiled teasingly as he let himself down to the floor, having previously jumpscared the three when he hung upside down from the ceiling, sebek looking to idia in offense for the bat fae. “warning?! how dare you expect such a thing from him, you should learn to respect his presence like with the young master!”
“come on boys, stop fighting,” lilia merely smiled gleefully at the two’s arguing, “it’s time to hurry downstairs, the prefect’s almost home!”
those words were more than enough to cease the banter, everyone’s in the room’s eyes widening slightly at the news, other than lilia, of course. and with that, they all hurried down to the main floor now that all was said and done.
similarly to when you left ramshackle to see vil’s performance, on the way to ramshackle rook had took you by the hand to twirl you. though this time, he put more effort into having you two walk and dance than he did before. “isn’t this fun, mon lapin? things like this take up quite the sum of energy, but it’s still exhilarating~” you shook your head playfully at his tone, “this isn’t much exhilarating as it is calming, rook. we’re dancing slowly, after all.” “is that so? well, i don’t mind however you choose to see it, so long as you enjoy it <3”
slowly but surely the dancing ceased and you slowly approached the stairs, rook taking his hands to cover your eyes as you did so. you were a bit confused, but as you have so far, you figure you might as well go with the flow. “don’t look now, mon amour,” rook speaks quietly but teasingly all the same, “a surprise awaits you, i’m sure you don’t want that ruined~?” you playfully replied, “oh, of course not. i’ll keep my eyes closed.”
the atmosphere inside ramshackle was quiet and still, but if you were to focus your hearing as much as possible, you could probably hear the little shuffling every now and then, and ever so light giggling that was followed by a just as light shushing sound. as you further entered, you noticed rook’s hand slowly move from your face, presumably to turn on the light as it seemed to be dark, and once the shuffling got just a wee bit louder and he moved his other hand away as well, you took that as a sign you could open your eyes at this point.
immediately to greet your sights was a beautifully decorated version of your dorm, specifically tailored by, no doubt pomefiore, to suit your personal tastes. but more importantly, the people that greeted you hurrying away from their hiding spots to celebrate you. they all spoke aloud a their own slight variation of the phrase, but you knew full well what they were getting across as the noise hit your senses all at once.
suddenly, you felt the gloved hands of rook gently hold onto your shoulders, and when you turned your head to face him, he looked at you with a smile of pure genuinity, and he spoke with honeyed words,
“happy birthday, for my one and only lapin.”
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