#lemme see how many characters of his I can remember
Shoutout to Tim Curry specifically
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silviakundera · 3 months
I've seen you discuss this with other people but I've only made the jump from J dramas to C ones where it's mostly about romance and are c writers allergic women making the same effort in a relationship or... Granted I've only watched dramas from this year at first I thought it was just historical stuff but it's not it's practically every romance drama will love in spring-snowstorm-love endures-in blossom-double-shenli-royal princess-my boss-our interpreter and so on. If she's not outright treating him badly he's a cirque du Soleil contortionist trying to please her and she's not even in the circus don't they know balance is key to everything? Different dramas should have different bonds it's quite concerning that it's just one thing almost every time I think it speaks to a larger issue or maybe I'm overthinking it
idk what to tell you anon. It may simply be that chinese dramas are not to your taste and that's ok. I tried the occasional kdrama for years and didn't really fall in love with many... Most jdramas don't engage me. But when I tried a few cdramas it was like love at first sight. Something about the stories they want to tell, the themes they explore, and the characters they tend to portay just hooks me. And that's a very personal thing.
All I can share is that as a middle-aged corporate lesbian girlboss... a surprising amount cdramas have connected with me about how they explore a woman who is career focused & has to balance that with developing a romantic relationship and then maintaining one.
And when I'm consuming a romance storyline, what preocupies me is if I find it interesting, if the characters both feel vibrant & dynamic, if I can see how they might work together. Do their broken pieces fit? Can I see a path where eventually they can reach a point of mutual understanding, where both are fulfilled? Do I get their vibe? Do they have a unique vibe? Do I believe they like each other, as people? Or at least, do I see a clear path where they will be/have these things by the end of the story?
That's what dictates if I want to keep watching/reading a romance. Personally, I don't spend a lot of time weighing up perceived effort/favors and needing things to be perceived as "even". I would not want to date a person who thinks like that, because I find that idea stressful and off-putting! 🙈 If the people are happy, then they're happy! If neither feels abused & taken advantage of, if they're clearly content, then I don't need to calculate 'same effort' parity.
But that's just me! Everyone is different. And you don't have to overthink or justify what TV you like or don't like. Maybe cdramas aren't for you. That's all good. But please don't ask me to engage with romance this way, it kinda poisons it for me and makes things a bummer. 😔
I simply cannot say that I share your perspective. For instance, I thought Shen Li was a drama with a great otp who had priorities that did not always align but ultimately they ended up in a beautiful relationship with unconventional gender dynamics and in the finale they are clearly super happy & fulfilled together.
The Princess Royal isn't finished yet but lemme say their love in the novel is EPIC. Absolute one of the otps of all time for me. Better characters than most western historical romance novels I've read. If you look at the small stuff and try to weight who did this or that as a series of transactions, imo you are missing the beauty of how these 2 people took a lifetime of getting everything wrong before being ready for each other - but now they are ready, they are listening to each other and remembering to come back with kindness for each other and moving foward into a bond that's truly beautiful. Yeah, it takes almost the whole novel to get there. But IT DOES. No one loves Pei Wenxuan harder than Li Rong, sees the true value of Pei Wenxuan more than Li Rong, and no one will come to his ferocious rescue like Li Rong. I feel like I could cite 35 quotes to prove my point, it's that clear in the text.
a few of the modern cdrama couples who made me want to believe in love again:
Lighter & Princess - academic rivals to lovers to exes to ????, a drama that snuck up on me and slowly made me lose my mind. Best experience is to be unspoiled and thus surprised about where the story takes you. A long winding road, with some huge dips, before they reach a place where they have a beautiful hard-earned partnership. Makes me emotional just to think about them.
Hidden Love is a simple but beautifully acted tale about a sheltered & gently spoiled girl who falls in love with one of her older brother's best friends. Such a common romance plot but the execution is everything. The characters feel warm & real. FL's bittersweet young love tugs at your heart strings. I was impressed at how they crafted the platonic bond she forms with a lonely young man weighed down by financial & emotional family burdens, which later blooms into a mutual affection that enriches both their lives, and it all feels very natural. You really feel that their lives are immeasurably better by being together. Sang Zhi's protectiveness towards him is so !!!
Vid Rec: Seven by SakinaMv (who I've subscribed to for a long time)
You Are My Glory, which has a very silly sounding concept but ended up one of my fav comfort shows. Beautiful teen girl has a crush on the local school genius and asks him out; he politely rejects her, dismissing her efforts to connect because he can't see what they would have in common. 13 years later, he's a rocket scientist and she's become one of the top idols in china. She's at the peak of her profession but having a tiny PR mishap when caught repping a video game that she actually doesn't play. He's taking a leave from work as he struggles with the economic realities of picking a job that consumes your life but pays like shit. She's looking for help to learn this damn game & cover her ass; she still has his chat ID and he's online with nothing better to do. Once they start interacting, her crush on him returns & he starts to realize that that person he had discounted may actually be that confidant who can walk beside him? My dad was poor scientist who 'wasted' his intelligence following his passion, so I found ML's turmoil especially compelling. [Note: quite a bit of video game playing in the 1st half of the drama (as this is the driver for a celebrity and an unemployed scientist to hang out), then almost none in the second half]
Vid Rec: Stargazing by dramasaffair
Vid Rec: Flashlight by HânAlli (turn on CC)
The Road Home, a second chance romance of 2 people who come from rough home-lifes who fell in love when young but couldn't handle a long distance relationship. Then they meet many years later and try a long distance relationship again. I love me a couple who I can believe just get each other and make each other happier when they are together.
Meet Yourself - a slice-of-life story about a woman whose best friend dies, so she quits her job out of grief to go take the simple vacation that they would talk about doing but never got around to. And naturally she finds herself immersed in village drama and finds a soulmate (big city career woman goes to a small town and falls in love with small town boy is a HUGE american romance cliche, and one I've never enjoyed, so I was surprised at how much I liked this)
Vid Rec - MK916 can always be counted on to publish tons of quality cdrama couple vids
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cuntghoulie · 5 months
Tall Goddess Reader
Reader x Josef (Creep)/ The Man (Hush)/Kurt Kunkle
I lost this request, but it essentially asked: What about a goddess reader who is taller than them, and who sleeps in her underwear with no top on?
AN: Ohhhhhhh baby,  It’s been a year and a half, but here we are. If anybody would want a full-NSFW part 2 of this with blurbs for each character… idk lemme know!
WARNING: SLIGHT HINTS AT NSFW, indication that reader is AFAB
The second he meets you, he’s basically enamored by you
Sure, he’s enamored by many, but he enjoys your height especially
The feeling of being smaller than you and being protected is a feeling this serial killer is not used to
He embraces it full-heartedly
Once you’re in a relationship, and he’s, theoretically, decided to keep you alive, he is utterly obsessed
We knew he would be obsessed, but you didn't’ expect how much he loved your height
He was obsessed with being protected by you, sheltered by you, loved and protected by you
When he sees your sleeping state, he goes nearly feral
He fights so hard to keep his hands to himself, so you should appreciate that much, right?
He can’t help but fondle your curves and skin and your chest as you sleep, wanting to be wrapped up in the warmth of you as much as humanly possible
This man is so clingy it’s absolutely suffocating, but hey, he DID let you live, so…
He will kiss every inch of you, his tongue flattening against your breasts
He only sees the underwear in front of him, with your otherwise unclothed state, as a sort of task
This is the kind of relationship you’ll need one of those underwear indicators: red meaning to go ahead, blue or otherwise meaning to hold back for the night
Can’t promise he’ll follow through though, we should remember who we’re dealing with
He’s incredibly desperate, starved, and loves you more than any other thing in this universe
He’s just GOT to have you, any time, any place
Hush “The Man”
Makes fun of your height at first
Mildly insecure about the fact that you’re taller than him at first, but gets over it fast once he sees the many advantages
AKA: tits in the face
He’s kind of a freak, sorry
He loves watching you and how you move, the way your hips sway when you walk
Not as much as he loves watching you sleep half-naked
His eyes trace over your body, highlighted by the moonlight filtering through the window
He’s outside the window, as per usual
Staring at you, pushing the window open oh so quietly
He crawls forward towards your sleeping state, sliding into bed
His hands immediately spread over your skin as his presses against you
His nose is pressed against your hair, and he wraps his arms around you tightly, giving you a BIIIIIIIG sniff
What a freak
He relaxes once the scent of you fills his senses, and he can finally start to find some sleep with your skin pressed against his
Sure, he loves to look at your nearly-naked body, but he loves the warm feeling of you pressed against him even more, as it lulls him into the only sense of safety he has
Kurt Kunkle
He is pure simp for you
He will get on his knees and worship you if you ask
Kurt is consistently confused as to why you’re in a relationship with him, being a tall goddess such as yourself
He’s such a nerd, such a loser, why would you be with someone lame like him?
Kurt can’t escape the massive ego boost you give him by even being in his life
The first time he sees how you sleeps, he basically loses all functioning skills for a few minutes
You are so gorgeous in every state, but in a peaceful, exposed state like that? Kurt is crawling towards you on his hands and knees.
He just can’t help it, with you so open to him in your sleeping state
He’s basically shaking the whole time, so you wake up the moment he gets onto the bed, the damn chihuahua 
You’re happy for it though, and the bright smile on blushy face as you make eye contact is all the go ahead he needs to bury his face right in your chest
He’s getting a bit too excited though, with all that skin exposed, so he’ll start rutting against you without even noticing it
Guess you’ll have to take care of that! Or you can shove him in the corner to do it himself, but he’ll be whiny the whole next morning.
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selfloverrrrrr · 8 months
Watching You~(Gojo x female reader) part two plz i need it 😩🫂
And i love your work so much 🫶🫶
Ty for your request <<<<<<<3
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Watching You~
Part 2
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Warning: jealousy, injury, blood, yandere, hurting.....
( All characters are aged up/18+)
Part 1
Minors Do Not Interact
Read those warnings carefully.....if you don't like my stories block me not report....
Next morning I woke up. I smiled at myself after remembering the thing me and Megumi had done last night. I got up from my bed, brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. After that I wore my uniform and went out of my room. I went to Megumi's door but it was locked. WEIRD. I called his name but didn't get any response. WEIRD. So I decided to call him. I took my phone and called him.
Someone pick up the phone. It was a female voice. It's Nobara I recognised. " Nobara? Is Megumi already at school? He told me that he will go with me but his door is locked." I said. " Y/n, Megumi isn't at school....none of us are at school" she said. " Then?" I asked. " We're at hospital. Megumi is admitted here" she said. " WHAT???!!!" I felt like there wasn't any land under me. " What happened!!" I asked. " We'll tell you.... We send yuji to pick you up.... come here then I'm gonna explain " she said and I cut the call. I saw Yuji standing outside. I run to him and We both went to a cab.
The cab stopped infront of the hospital and I run inside. I saw Gojo sensei and Nobara there and I run towards them. " What happened?" I asked worried. "Clam down...sit here and lemme tell you" she said and I sat down on the bench. I didn't even noticed that Gojo sensei was staring at me. " Look we even don't know what the fuck happened with him. Yuji went to his room today at 4:00 am for asking Megumi if he wants to go on a run.... Yuji knocked on the door and just heard Megumi's cry ..... He broke the door and went in and saw Megumi fully blooded. Then he called me and sensei and we took him here" she said.
I was just shocked. Couldn't understand what happened and why happened. I suddenly saw the doctor coming out of Megumi's room. " Doctor can you please tell me what happened?" I asked. " Look he is heavily injured. His hands are broken , his spine is broken and his legs are stabbed so many times..." He said. I couldn't believe in my own existence. " Doctor can I met him?" I asked. " Yeah sure.... He's able to talk now... but don't take too much time." He said with a smile and went away.
I opened the door of Megumi's. I saw him laying on the bed. I went in and sit beside him. He looked at me. His hands, legs and waist were covered with bandages, oxygen mask was on his face. My eyes filled with tears. " Mhh mhh" he said and slowly shook his head telling me not to cry. I wiped my tears and laughed. " Don't worry.... it's going to be fine... everything's going to be okey" I said with a smile and kissed on his check. He couldn't talk that's why he just smiled. The smile was smile of relief as if my kiss made him relaxed. I told him bye and went out of the room.
After I went out Gojo sensei went in to meet Megumi. I didn't noticed that Gojo sensei was looking at us from the door when I was in with Megumi. Gojo sensei entered and locked the door and turned towards Megumi. Megumi panicked seeing Gojo sensei. As if he was trying to scream but couldn't. Gojo sensei smirked at him and started walking towards him. Megumi's breath quickened. "Sooo...." Gojo broke the silence " how you doing?.... Healing?" He asked with that smirk. He was beside Megumi's bed now. Megumi looked at him. His body is shaking as if was trying to move. " Oh don't do that... you will get hurt" Gojo says and put a hand on Megumi's bandaged forearm." Now now.... what did I told you???.... didn't I told you to stay away from y/n?...." He began to speak again" then why are you letting her to kiss you???"gojo said with grinding teeth and squeezed Megumi's forearm. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" Megumi moaned loudly and tears fall from him eyes. Gojo smirked " rooms are soundproof.... Hope you remember my words next time" Gojo said as he let go off Megumi's hand and went out of the room.
After coming back Gojo sensei came towards me. "Y/n?" He asked " hmm?" I replied. " Look you don't have to lie.... you love him... don't you?" He asked. I looked at him with teary eyes. I hugged him. He stroked my hair. " Shhhh.... It's okey.... He's gonna be fine soon... We all are with him you know.... nothing will happen to him" he said with a smile. I wiped off my tears and nodded. " Now as your sensei I have a responsibility to keep my students happy.....sooooo I was thinking about giving you a tour of my house" he said in his silly tone. I laughed " fine!" I said. " That's my girl~" he cooed and we both went in Gojo sensei's car.
Part 3
Gimme your requests.....
I love when you give me your requests<3
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Prisoner 505.
König x reader.
You're in a prison, why? War crimes, that's all König knew about you, you will be the new addition to KorTac, he's the one who will pick you up and take you to your new "home" what surprises will you bring to him? Will you be enemies, friends, lovers?
Warning: I'm trying to write this for a gn reader, but idk. Mentions of violence, spelling and grammatical errors.
📢 Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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König wasn't ok with this mission, Why him? Someone else could do this, he hates every second of this, he left the car, walking to that giant black door, a prison, not any prison, this one is particularly a secret prison, not everyone knows about this place, it's a place that works with one purpose, First, take any dangerous people there to rot or let private contractors buy some of the prisoners, for what? Whatever they want, depending on every prisoner's record.
Yours, it doesn't say much about you. König observed the file on his hand once more while he remembered the conversation with O'Conor and the rest.
«Why me? Do I look like a fuckin babysitter? I'm not a fuckin' driver» «You're the best for this you will keep this new guy to line, I read was undisciplined»
Prisoner 505.
Name: (y/n) Age: unknown date of birth: unknown
Codename: Buitre 6-1
reasons for imprisonment:
War crimes (not specified), murders, torture, undisciplined, deserter (prisoner left his position after committing the aforementioned crimes, was captured and executed).
This prisoner was reported as 'killed in action' before the corresponding authorities, therefore, it does not exist in the system anymore, No more information available.
König sighed and walked Inside, the "waiting room" looked really fancy, he walked directly to the man sitting at the central desk, the man was fat but very well dressed.
- I came to pick a package...
The man looked up at him carefree, extending his hand to receive the file König had in hand.
- Ah... The 505, lemme check if they already finished.
The man took the phone, pressed some numbers and Called someone else.
«Did you finish? Someone came for his package... Ahh fuck, well that's Terrible, yeah... Pretty fucked up, I'll take him downstairs then, yeah... See you.»
He hung up the phone and smiled at könig, his smile is not kind, actually it is some darkness in it.
- Unfortunately, our prisoner is in his daily discipline session. You can wait here or we can go downstairs so you can see what you're buying, Sir.
König couldn't be more angry, waiting? Hell no, that was not an option.
- Downstairs, I don't have the entire day to wait for you.
- Follow me please.
Both walked to the elevator in silence, König was curious about that Discipline routine they're giving you.
- what's that shit about discipline session?
- Oh, you will see Sir. The prisoner is always getting in trouble, so we take drastic measures. This morning the 505 sent the prisoner 296 to the nursery, he has a broken jaw and lost one of his eyes.
How many levels does this place have? Floor 99. That's where you were. König didn't say more, that was enough information for him at the moment, finally, they arrived, he could hear some people laughing, the noise of water running and some insults.
«We're having too much fun as always (Y/n) but unfortunately we don't have much time anymore» «Fuck you, you and I know that I would kill you easily if I wasn't hanging and tie up here» «Shut up»
The man punishing you, was opening a Fire hose drenching you, while another was hitting you with a rope and other instruments on a table. There you were, half naked, wet, hurt, but the anger in your eyes doesn't let any sign of pain appear on your face. You looked at the two new people who appeared in the room, the tallest man was looking at you, What a pervert, you thought.
- Do You... Like what you're looking at, Big boy?
You laughed until the water and another hit silent you. König wasn't actually looking at your body, he was looking at the way you were being punished, lost in thoughts. The fat guard who came with König was laughing at you.
- As you can see, Sir, it's very... Enthusiast, a troublemaker.
- Ja... Anyway, I have to go... So, if you can finish now, that would be great.
- Of course. Put it down, dress up, and let us know when it's ready.
That was all, König and the guard left the room, you got dressed, tied up again and kicked out of your cell. You didn't have stuff or something, it was only your prisoner uniform, all black, you started to walk behind König and the guard, you noticed König's hunting knife on his belt, you approached them quietly, König didn't feel when you took his knife, he only heard a body falling on the floor, he turned himself quickly just to see the fat guard on the floor, chocking with his own blood, you were admiring your work and smiling at him.
«i warned you, Frank, the last thing you would see before you die it would be me» you whispered to him. Then you looked at König, cleaned his knife with your shirt and gave it to him, König took it and also took you by the arm, not hard but firm enough to show some authority.
- What have you done, huh? You can't be killing people every time you want, when you're under my watch you will obey me, Do you understand?
You looked at him with deer sad eyes and nodded In silence. Why did you look at him with those eyes? Thank God, König had the mask on, you couldn't see how he blushed just for that, he let your arm go and both ran to the elevator and left before someone saw the dead body. Once you were out, König just pointed at the car, you stopped and thought about it, you were finally free, you could run away and leave König there.
That's what you tried to do, König simply sighed annoyed, you were definitely a pain in his ass, you lost him, or... At least that's what you thought, you stopped to take some air, clearly you weren't in good shape. König hand around your neck took you by surprise.
- Listen, Püppchen (doll), you're free because of me, you're out of that place because a fuckin idiot in KorTac bought you, so don't make it more difficult, this is your only chance, will you work for us or I can take you back to rot in that fuckin' black hole. Hmm? What will you decide, Schatz?.
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blues824 · 2 years
I'm a sucker for Marvel so lemme request this and I might ask this for different characters bc I love Mantis
The octotrio, Malleus, Rook, Vil, Trey, Cater and Adeuce with a Mantis like reader? I rlly hope you know what Mantis is like and what her powers are but if not: she can basically feel emotions if she touches someone (not a weird way obviously), and make them do things. Like for example main thing I've seen her do with making them do things with touching is sleep. I'm sure you get the idea, not sure how I can describe her personality..
also if I went overboard on the character limit you can choose whoever you can whoever to this with, I mainly wanna see this with the octotrio, Rook and Trey though. All separate ofc :) have a good day!
Of course I know who Mantis is like! I’ve read the comics and seen both Guardians of the Galaxies movies, as well as Infinity War and End Game.
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Trey Clover
You were very naive, which wasn’t a very good thing to be when you’re surrounded by a school full of guys who practice magic. He acts as a guide for you at first, often leading you around the campus to make sure you stay out of trouble as much as possible.
When you tell him about your abilities and what you can do, he is very curious. He offers you his hand so that you can evaluate him and he finds it adorable how small your hands are compared to his. The tips of your antennae glow, and you start to blush.
“...You think I’m adorable?” You asked.
Now it was his turn to blush in embarrassment. He coughed into his fist before nodding, which caused the both of you to become silent. After a few moments, you realized how late it was. You pulled Trey down by the collar to give him a kiss on the cheek and then made your way back to Ramshackle.
When Riddle overblotted, he remembered how your first reaction was to hit the ground and use your powers. Your antennae started glowing again and you shouted ‘sleep’. That knocked Riddle out, but you shouted to everyone that you wouldn’t be able to hold him down for long. 
Once the Housewarden was defeated, you passed out due to exhaustion and overexertion. Trey picked you up and carried you to the infirmary, and stayed by yours and Riddle’s sides to make sure you both made a full recovery. You woke up first and Trey couldn’t help but kiss you in pure relief. You were taken by surprise, but reciprocated before separating after hearing Riddle clear his throat. He was a bit disgusted and embarrassed, but glad that Trey could finally focus on his responsibilities as Vice Housewarden.
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Cater Diamond
He can be a bit naive as well, but you take the cake. You’re so oblivious, but it’s one of the many qualities he absolutely adores about you. He definitely has a lot of pictures of the both of you on his Magicam, and he scrolls through his pictures a lot.
When you tell him about your powers, he gets super excited and pulls you into a hug. Your antennae start glowing and you catch on how Cater’s heart seems to be beating a lot faster now that he’s hugging you.
“Are you alright? Your heart is beating really fast and your body temperature went up.”
He immediately pulls away with a blush on his face, stuttering through his sentences as he tries to tell you that he was alright. Since you thought he had a fever, you reached to feel his forehead but he pulled away, bidding you a quick goodbye.
When Riddle overblotted, he remembers when you put your hands to the ground and shouted ‘sleep’. You warned everyone that you couldn’t keep him under for long, and Cater could see you shaking and struggling with all your power to give them enough time to defeat him. You passed out afterward
He picks you up on his back and gives you a piggyback ride all the way to the infirmary, where he visited you as much as he could. When you did wake up, Cater was so happy and excited that he placed his hands on the sides of your face and pulled you into a kiss. You could tell that he was very worried about you, so this was kind of confirmation that you were alive and there with him.
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Ace Trappola
Kind of like the Drax of this situation, where he will use your naïveté to his advantage but will absolutely throw hands with anyone else who tries to take advantage of you. Eventually, he actually grew to care for you and treated you right (as he already should have).
When you tell him about your powers, he doesn’t believe you at first. Does the whole ‘oh , really? Prove it!’ You grabbed his hand which caused him to blush and closed your eyes. Your antennae started glowing and you focused on trying to read him. He couldn’t help but think you were beautiful.
“You think I’m beautiful?” You asked, suddenly feeling bashful.
Well damn did he feel exposed now. He started blushing before telling you yes, he did find you beautiful. It wasn’t like he could hide anything now, so he fessed up. The conversation ended with you placing a kiss on his cheek.
When Riddle overblotted, Ace watched as you put your hands on the ground and shouted ‘sleep’. You shouted to everyone that they needed to hurry because you couldn’t hold him for long, and that’s when your lover started getting worried. Once they got the housewarden under control, you passed out and Ace ran over to catch you before you completely collapsed.
He personally insisted on taking you to the infirmary. He was glad that P.E. and basketball training came in handy for once because he was able to carry you to the nurse, where he paced back and forth waiting for you to wake up. When you eventually did, he rushed over and just kissed you until you ran out of breath. 
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Deuce Spade
He acted as your protector because you were just so sweet towards everyone and they had the audacity to try and use it to their advantage. He’s the type to send text messages about you to his mom, asking her for advice on how to win you over.
When you tell him about your powers, he asks a bunch of questions. It got to a point where he was rapidly asking and not giving you the chance to answer, so you quickly grabbed the sides of his face and closed your eyes to try and focus on reading his emotions. His thoughts were running wild.
“Am I standing too close to you, Deuce?” You asked with a small smile.
The first year in question shook his head no and his hands went up to hold yours in place. To be honest, he loved the lack of distance. You both stared into each other’s eyes… before Ace burst in to complain about whatever was bothering him.
When Riddle overblotted, Deuce wanted very badly to get you out of there. But you fell to the ground, placed your hands firmly on the grass, and shouted ‘sleep’. You seemed to be struggling, so he ushered everyone to hurry and get Riddle under control. He stayed by you as you finally let go and you collapsed into his arms.
He carried you to the infirmary, where he stayed for a few hours so that you wouldn’t be alone when you woke up. When you did, he wasted no time in planting his lips on yours. Luckily, no one was able to interrupt you this time.
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Azul Ashengrotto
He was originally going to take advantage of you because you were so oblivious to everything. However, you showed him love and kindness that he never felt he deserved, and your powers aren’t magic. You were an alien, so he couldn’t take your abilities away with a contract anyway.
When you do tell him about your powers, you demonstrate by taking ahold of his hand. He became flustered as you closed your eyes to focus. Then you gasped and started blushing. You were about to let go of his hand, but he wrapped his other hand around your wrist.
“You love me, Azul?” You asked.
His face was so red that you tried to bring your free hand up to his forehead to check and see if he had a fever, but he whispered a very soft ‘yes’ to your question. You smiled, turned his head a bit to the side, and placed a kiss on his beauty mark.
When he overblotted, he couldn’t help but notice your sad face that had a hint of betrayal. Surely you still loved him like this, right? You placed your hand on the tentacle that was holding you captive and shouted ‘sleep’. It hurt you to do this, but it was for the greater good (spoken like a true Guardian of the Galaxy).
In the infirmary you woke up before Azul, but you still couldn’t move because his tentacle had squeezed you so tightly. There was bruising on your arms and torso, so it hurt to move. When Azul woke up, walked to your bedside, and saw all the harm he inflicted on you, he started crying. You reached up (in a lot of pain) and pulled him down to kiss him on the lips. Once you separated, you whispered to him that it was going to be okay.
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Jade Leech
He’s not the one who benefits from making deals with you, so there really isn’t any reason for him to take advantage of you. In fact, he thinks you’re absolutely adorable and would protect you from being taken advantage of. He even went on a strike of sorts when Azul told him his plan to get you under a contract.
When you tell him about your powers, he asks if you would be so kind as to read his mind. You grasped his hand with both of yours as you closed your eyes and your antennae began to glow. You had such a focused expression that he couldn’t help but admire you.
“Jade, you’re looking at me and all I feel is a warm feeling in my heart. Do I do that to you?”
He brushed some hair out of your face with his free hand as he nodded slowly. You smiled, a bit bashful at his boldness. You both were getting closer and closer to each other… when Floyd burst into the room because he missed his darling brother.
When Azul overblotted, you ran towards one of his tentacles. Jade was about to pull you back and out of danger but you dodged and got a grasp. You shouted ‘sleep’ and you warned everyone else that you wouldn’t be able to keep him asleep for much longer. You collapsed into your beloved eel’s arms once Azul was taken to the infirmary. 
Jade decided to bring you to his room, because you seemed to only be asleep. He was trained in first aid due to being an employee in a small-scale restaurant, so he knew that you would gain consciousness soon. Once you did, he was right by your side. He gave you a kiss on the forehead as he told you how proud he was that you helped in battle, but to never do anything like that again.
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Floyd Leech
You reminded him a lot of an angler fish, but you had the mind of a jellyfish. You were kind of oblivious, and it was a bit frustrating at times. Didn’t you know he loved you because he spent every waking moment where he wasn’t occupied with you?!
When you tell him about your abilities, he squeezes you so that you can read his mind. As you process through his feelings and emotions, a few stick out. There was one in particular, he felt romantic feelings towards you. He always got excited when he saw you, so it made sense.
“Floyd, I love you too!” You squeezed him back.
Said eel had a dopey smile on his face as you peppered kisses all over his face. The fact that you returned his feelings made him so freaking happy. He was about to pull you into a kiss when Jade burst in with the news that caused you both to follow him out.
Azul was overblotting. Floyd was about to pull you behind him when he saw you running towards his boss. He ran after you, only to see you get swept up by one of the tentacles. You placed your hand on it, activated your powers, and made him fall asleep. You shouted to the others that you couldn’t hold him for long, so they defeated him quickly and Floyd caught you in his arms as you were falling. You were unconscious, so he took you to the infirmary out of panic.
There, he waited by your side until you woke up. You can not imagine the joy and relief he felt, to have his beloved Y/N safe and in his arms. He leaned down and gave you a kiss on the lips that told you what he felt, and you reciprocated it almost immediately. If only that moment could last forever.
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Vil Schoenheit
He thought you were absolutely beautiful. Whenever he thought of the word ‘alien’, he thought of weird green creatures, not you. However, you were quite naive. He told you that it would be better for you to stick by him so you wouldn’t get hurt by anyone.
When you tell him about your abilities, he is very intrigued. He offers you his hand, and you delicately take it and close your eyes to focus. He notices how your antennae start to glow and you can essentially see what he’s seeing.
“I didn’t know you thought my eyes were beautiful. Yours are as well!” You said after a while.
He thanked you for the compliment and continued doing your skincare. You see, he loved doing this type of stuff with other people, and you knew this because of your powers. So you agreed to his requests whenever he asked.
When he overblotted, he saw that you looked conflicted about your next move. He loved you dearly, and you were the one person besides maybe Rook that saw him as the fairest of them all. He was distracted and only got back on track when he felt you grab his hand and heard you shout ‘sleep’. The last thing he remembers is you yelling to the others for help.
You were still asleep when Vil woke up in the infirmary. He looked over and saw that there didn’t seem to be any damage besides major exhaustion, and he let out a sigh of relief. He placed a soft kiss upon your forehead and pulled up a chair next to you to wait until you woke up.
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Rook Hunt
Another one who was absolutely enamored of you. You showed an other-worldly beauty, and since you caught his eye he took to stalking you. He noticed that you seemed very innocent and sort of clueless, so he stuck by your side (with your consent, of course).
When you tell him about your abilities, he is also very intrigued. He offers to waltz with you in the forest so that you can get a read of him. Since he always had very loving thoughts about you, you started blushing once you reached into the hunter’s mind.
“You are one romantic hunter, Rook. I love you, too.” You said.
The dance ended with him dipping you and looking deep into your eyes. There were so many words that you both had to say, but they were left unsaid. Rather, you already knew what the other had to tell you because you were thinking the exact same thing.
When Vil overblots, Rook wanted to keep you out of the fight and wanted to make sure you were somewhere safe. Instead, you rushed head first into the fight, planted your hands on the ground and screamed ‘sleep’. You shouted at your beloved hunter that you couldn’t keep him under for much longer. Once the Housewarden of Pomefiore was dealt with, you collapsed into your boyfriend’s arms.
He had volunteered to carry you to the infirmary, where he had waited for both you and his housewarden to wake up. When you opened your eyes, Rook was right there. His heart melted when you looked at him and smiled. You lifted your hand to cup his face and he held it there while bending down to kiss you on the lips. He had never been more relieved than he was at that moment.
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Malleus Draconia
His dragon instincts told him one thing and one thing only: protect you. You were just so kind and innocent and gentle… how could he not want to watch out for you? The two of you are often seen arm-in-arm, having seemingly delightful conversations.
When you tell him about your ability, he uses this opportunity to get closer to you. He sits down on the ground as he tells you to use his horns. He explains that it’s very personal and intimate to touch a fae’s horns, but he trusts you. You gently place your hands on his head, while placing the parts between your pointer fingers and thumbs around the bottom of his horns.
“Do you harbor romantic feelings for me, Tsunataro?”
He stiffened, before nodding carefully. You knelt down in front of him and held his face in your hands carefully. You both looked into each other’s eyes, before you turned the fae’s head to the side and placed a kiss on his cheek.
When Leona overblotted, he was actually present at the field. He understood what the plan was originally to get Leona back for cheating, but no one predicted the lion’s overblot. He was about to run after you when he saw you running towards the prince of the Sunset Savanna, but just a few feet away you stopped, dropped to the ground, planted your hands down, and shouted ‘sleep’. You warned that you couldn’t keep him under for long, so everyone packed Leona up.
Malleus caught you as you collapsed from exhaustion. He picked you up and took you to the infirmary, where he stayed by your side. He got worried that you weren’t going to wake up, so he decided to do something he only heard in a fairytale. He leaned over you and gently placed a kiss on your lips. He was relieved when you let in a deep breath of air and opened your eyes.
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thefuzzzz · 8 months
Ranking Nico Di Angelo ships as a multishipper with a crazy imagination, a Nico hyperfixation of 3 years, and the willpower of a god:
1. Solangelo - 8/10 I love them!! I adore Will in TSATS and he’s easily one of my favorite characters. I wish Rick had let us get to know Will separately before he was immediately made Nico’s boyfriend, but I love him anyway. I think they’re good for each other and very supportive. I think I spend too much time consuming media of them than their actual book interactions, because in media I hate their fanon portrayals, but I adore them in cannon. I only had the chance to read half of TSATS, but I thought it was cute!
2. Jasico - 10/10 I love them for the same reasons I love Solangelo, but Jason got character development and Will didn’t. Also, they had a cool moment with Cupid that I think about once a week at least. Jason is constantly someone Nico trusts and (I may be wrong) hugs at some point in the series. The only people Nico has shown direct physical affection to within the series (to my knowledge) are Will, Jason, Hazel, and Reyna. This proves how much Nico trusts Jason, even after Cupid. Also they’re silly and dumb and I love them so I’m right always
3. Nico x Conner - 10/10 I FUCKING LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Lemme explain. So when Nico came to camp he stayed with the Hermes cabin, but Luke was already fucked off (I think) so Conner and Travis were probably in charge of the cabin. Conner’s age changes several times, so I headcannon him to be just a tad older than Nico. I think since he knew Nico when he was a kid he can make present day Nico less doom and gloom and know when he’s truly happy. Also, Nico went to a notably strict military school before coming to camp, yk what they say, strict conditions raise sneaky kids. Thats right, these two are fucking nuts. They are little thieves. And I don’t even wanna mention the implications of Conner’s dad (Lin Manuel Miranda) being the god of travelers and Nico essentially being an eternal traveller. They make me so sick I love them
4. Nico x Clovis - 7/10 they were mentioned as friends MAYBE once and I took that shit and ran with it tbh. I don’t even remember if it’s cannon. I just love them. I THINK it was mentioned that Clovis helps Nico with his nightmares, but atp this shit might just be my imagination or a fic I read once. Anyways, Nico is noted as a very anxious person, and Clovis is very laid back. I really like that duo and the idea that Clovis can help to ground him a lot and help him relax
5. Valdengelo - 6/10 while I do adore them, they have hardly any time together or any bonding moments at all (Note: I am a hypocrite over Clovis let’s fight abt it) I do love media about them and consume it at rates not comprehendible by mankind though. Aside from no time together, I think they’re epic. Nico experiences a lot of the same things as Leo, such as losing his mother and general sadness, but they cope in wildly different ways (neither of which are healthy). Also, Nico grew up in the lotus casino. I’m sick of us all acting like he doesn’t understand technology. Let them be engineer boyfriends PLEASE
6. Pernico. - 0/10 I don’t care at all if other people ship them, since it’s fandom and you can do whatever you want. I just personally don’t enjoy their chemistry and see them more as brothers. You do you tho.
Keep in mind this is just my opinion please don’t take anything too personal!! I love all ships (almost.) equally and if you have any fic recommendations for any of these please give them to me I’m desperate
(Also, this doesn’t represent my FAVORITE Nico ship, just a ranking based on how much I giggle when I see them. It does not take many logistics into account)
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mazzystar24 · 3 months
Hello! Hope I'm not bothering you, just wanted to spread a bit of love cause with all the nonsense going on within the fandom maybe a bit of happiness can be good :)
I'll start of by saying I love your blog and how much you give when you respond to people and it's heartwarming and also you genuinely make me smile and laugh so thank you :)
Oh and for the happy not gonna lie, when I see hate or just nonsense wtf takes that makes no sense I remind myself of several things including: Eddie not making the same happy face when he sees tommy at the bachelor party (ryan your face!), Kim having that white streak in her hair, Eddie being so involved in bucks bi story and him being the one chosen to have the serious deep coming out, oh and buck going to Eddie with Kim's brownie when he had a date. Cause all thoses are scenario choice, thoses were not characters interpretations thoses are facts that are there in our faces. And this show isn't subtle this show makes choices to be seen so im just gonna enjoy the drama cause I'm not too good to admit I like reading drama (never taking part) and keep on being happy to what we have been given especially in season 7 cause it was a crazy season for many reasons but for buddie it was the craziest alongside season 4.
Have a wonderful day and thank you for brightening my day and I hope you're not too bummed by some drama stuff that you see :)
“Hope im not bothering you” babe we will have a fall wedding
Ah stop you are so so sweet I’m so glad you enjoy my blog🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
Love this list of things to remember cos all of them are SO TELLING!!
Lemme give you 4 back- the choice of the writers to have buck so entangled with Eddie and Chris’ storyline, the choice to have Eddie say he guesses so that Shannon might’ve been the love of his life paralleling bucks I guess so to tommy, the triangle framing of buck tommy and Eddie, and Ryan’s ambigious use of pronouns for future Eddie LIs, calling Eddie’s sexuality ambiguous and “the buck and Eddie thing”🤭🤭🤭
Oh yeah definitely it’s had some unhinged levels of buddie that remind us of s4 like even Tim was like I wanna hit that dynamic in every episode this season and he delivered
You have a wonderful day too and don’t worry babe I’m just a girl so i choose to respond to drama by finding it amusing and funny rather than getting bummed out (much to the disappointment of anyone who sent me a hate ask)
Thank you so much again anon you are soo sweet🫶🫶🫶🫶
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bluegekk0 · 10 months
Hi! You can call me Gekko. I make art, primarily for my Hollow Knight AU, named Feral PK AU, but you'll also find occasional dragon/dinosaur art or maybe even fanart from other media. I also reblog posts from various other things, so it can get a bit chaotic.
That being said, the AU is the main focus of this blog. It is a slice of life AU for my favorite characters which mostly takes place in Dirtmouth, though over time it also evolved into a personal worldbuilding and character driven project.
Just a heads up, it does stray quite a bit from the canon and many popular fanon interpretations, so please approach with an open mind! If you have any questions, check the FAQ below first and don't be afraid to send me asks about it!
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Other places to find me:
» twitter // 🔞
» bluesky
» ko-fi
Art tag: #gekko.art
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#feral pk au - the main AU tag, contains all related art, posts and ask responses
#modern fpk au - tag for the modern spin-off of the AU; same as above
#dragon fpk au - tag for the dragon spin-off of the AU
#au designs - tag for all the AU character design sheets and other related posts
#au character bios - similarly to above, this tag includes written down descriptions for the AU characters
#au worldbuilding - tag for all posts/ask responses related to the general AU worldbuilding headcanons
#au character posts - for separate text posts about the AU characters
#save - this is how I tag AU related posts which I find to be worth reading for a better understanding of the characters, or anything else I want to easily access in the future
#ask stuff - tag for all ask responses. If you only want those related to the AU, I recommend browsing through the main AU tag instead
#art guide - tag for any art tips and guides that I posted
CHARACTER TAGS: #fpk / #vyrm ● #grimm / #nkg ● #lewk ● #asta ● #milo ● #hornet ● #holly ● #zote ● #wl ● #brumm ● #divine ● #bretta ● #lurien ● #ogrim ● #cornifer ● #iselda ● #elderbug ● #jiji ● #jinn ● #mato ● #quirrel ● #lemm ● #tiso ● #radiance
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(disclaimers about the blog and the AU below)
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» Please do not reupload my art anywhere. I'm okay with people using it as their icons/banners, but please remember to credit me.
» Since this is a primarily AU related blog, anything I say about the characters is from a headcanon lens. A lot of my headcanons are quite different from the most popular fanon interpretations, so please be aware of that before you respond, especially in regards to fandom jokes and character hate.
» A large chunk of my drawings and posts features the ship Pale Nightmare, so if you dislike it I would not recommend following my blog. It's the only ship I'm invested in, and while I avoid ship discourse, there are some that I find uncomfortable, particularly those between the characters that I consider family within the AU (Grimm/Hornet and Grimm/Hollow being the primary ones).
» Although I might occasionally touch upon topics that are in the suggestive or sexual territory in regards to some characters, this blog is otherwise still meant to be SFW. I will not be posting any explicit artwork, and I try to keep the suggestive topics tasteful. If you are interested in my NSFW art, do not ask me about it here, instead head over to my Twitter private alt. I try my best to keep the two places separate.
» Additionally, some of my art includes blood and very mild gore, though I try to tag it whenever there's excessive amounts of it in the artwork (I use the tags #blood and #gore). There may also be very occasional mentions/depictions of pregnancy, please block the tags #pregnancy (for art) and #pregnancy mention (for text posts) if you would prefer not to see it/read about it. Please let me know if there are any other things that you would like me to tag!
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» The AU takes place after the Embrace the Void ending, and so The Knight/Ghost is not present. Here is a post detailing what happened to them (and the other shade siblings in the Abyss).
» Feral PK's name in the AU is Vyrm (an alternate spelling of Wyrm that he uses as his name), though I occasionally refer to him as FPK. Also, I headcanon him as gay (demi-gay to be more precise). At the current point in the AU he and The White Lady are separated.
» As you probably noticed, most of my designs stray very far from insect-like interpretations. That is very much intentional. In the AU, I see "bug" as a general term for "people", not an implication that they are all insects. While some characters do have more insect-like anatomy, there are others which possess reptilian, mammalian or even plant-like traits. I go a little more in detail on how I see that term in this post. So while I'm not bothered by people referring to for example, Grimm or Vyrm as insects, keep in mind that this is not how I personally view them.
» Additionally, I see the characters as much larger than real life insects. As a reference point, Vyrm is similar in height to a raccoon standing on two legs. For this reason, most of the characters have skeletal structures to support larger body mass. There are some exceptions, notably characters such as Unn.
» Please keep in mind that the AU originated as something I found comfort in, and it remains that way. There may be inconsistencies, I might retcon things on the go, and some things may simply not be well written. I also have no plans to turn it into a fanfic or a comic.
» I'm always open to answer questions about the AU and the characters! So if you have any, please don't be afraid to send me an ask, I absolutely love responding to them. 💖
» I am currently working on a WorldAnvil page for a more detailed, wiki-like AU info, link at the top of the post!
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sharb · 1 year
Sharb's SAGE 2023 recommendation list
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SAGE is over and I've taken a look through some really good games this week. Wanted to shout out some of the ones I thought were really cute in no particular order.
With over 200 games I can't play through and recomend all of them so please if you're interested in any of these I recomend going to https://sagexpo.org/games.html andlooking at some of the other games available.
These are just the games I've played, if you don't see your game here that's not a comment on the game's quality, just what I had time to check out.
Remember to click the thumbnails to get access to the game's pages
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I was immediately interested in B.U.D.D. for it's art and references to games like wonder boy, what really surprised me about it was the humor as it's actually funny in a cute way.
If you like wonder boy or classic sega adventure games I can't recommenced B.U.D.D. enough.
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@cyanroxanne pitched this to me as a SHMUP for people that have trouble getting into SHMUP games, after playing the demo and taking a minute to figure out how the game works I actually had a lot of fun with it. I could definitely recommend this to people who wanna get started with the genre, really amazing art too feels like it's a treat just seeing what the next area looks like.
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RPG games can be really hard to push on SAGE because of how many games there are to go through and how long they can take to complete, a lot of streamers tend to pass over them for the sake of time so they can cover more games.
So here's my RPG recomendation, Cubenen Gardens is a game being made by @thegamedawg who actually got me to play test his game months ago, the game's still in development but what I've got to mess with so far the game's strongest aspect is it's characters and world building as you help Micheal (the saddest sopping wet creature on the planet) navigate a mall trying to find a rare monster but gets wrapped in more and more conflict.
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David gets keen is really short but it has a really strong gameflow to it, my only gripes with it is that the ability HUD could be given more clear graphics as your moves are represented by circles which can make it hard to figure out what they belong to without pressing their corresponding buttons.
Beyond that the grass stage is amazing, playing the level normally gives you a pretty average platformign game but when you start building up speed using your spin move on slopes you can get to insane speeds and just fly through the level skipping puzzles and enemies and clearing the level in seconds, it's really fun when you get the hang of it.
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Meander land is a really small game by @whiskerfjords game's really fun to play casually, I thought the story and characters were really cute and I'm actually really excited to see what Whisker makes next.
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Out-class Hunter from @7hrone returns again with a brand new level to check out, it's a return to Doom style third persons games, specifically SRB2, it's been fun following the development of this game and watching it improve each demo.
Lemme know if you can find the cool cactus, you'll know which one I'm talking about if you follow my games ;)
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Prototype N is just a really really solid action platformer game from @arriettylunaris each level has a lot of thought put into it's design and the weapon combinations can be a lot of fun to mess with, I really can't recomend Prototype N enough.
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I can't get over how much character personality this game oozes, feels like around every door I'm going to run into something new I like either being a character or a game mechanic that's just fun to mess with, each character brings their own moves and their levels take advantage of a lot of their movements.
I'd compare this to those old 90's Disney game adaptations but this game easily out does them in terms of design as the designs look like they were ripped right out of an old 1940's cartoon shorts.
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Peak meme aside, I actually had a lot of fun playing this, Super Freaks is a fun lil platformer game with references to a tonne of other works, you probably saw this game referenced countless times this Sage but it is just really goofy fun, tho I would really recommend playing this with friends if you can, game feels like it was designed around the kind of multiplayer chaos, if you saw the stream I was part of you can see why.
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Sorry to all my friends who have heard me talking about this game all week non stop and seeing me reverse engineer SMBX 2 to [redacted] but this was easily my favorite game this SAGE if not the most replay-able, I keep booting this up just to try and make it thought the level as quick as I can.
So if you're like me you've probably been seeing @punkitt-is-here s pony comics or more specifically, the Susan Tax payer comic and the charm, humor and personalities of all of them absolutely coats this game.
It requires a bit of set up, you have to download SMBX2.0 separately in order to play this and SMBX has it's own set of issues that kinda bleed over into some of the issues in the game that need to be ironed out but beyond that this is a really fun demo to play and I absolutely can't wait to see where this goes.
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Techpack currently is one Namco inspired arcade game, Tech has put a tonne of time and research into how to nail the old arcade style. The only thing holding it back right now is that the only game available is really simple and short, but man I'd be kicking myself if I didn't mention the presentation on it alone is enough for me to recommend checking this out, really reminds me of the old Namco collection games on playstation.
Now put my rabbit in as one of the cameos :gun_emoji:
Ok that's all the indies I could cover, some honerable mentions that I've been wanting to check out include
kid bubblegame JLFJ 2 Veggocalypse Mekanikko
As for the fangames I've played
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Here's a game I wasn't expecting I'd be recommending, Mushroom Kingdom Fusion has been in development for over 15 years and always felt to me about quantity over quality but this new demo really impressed me.
The game is starting to take shape and there's actual structure to everything where as before it was just an open sand pit for them to figure out what to do with.
There's still a lot to be done but what's here is just a blast to mess around with. something really satisfying about struggling with a level, switching over to Samus and just blasting all the enemies and bosses away, tho I assume these characters will be unlocked in the final game as most of them are completely over powered.
This does bring me to one complaint though, Mario needs a buff. Mario is by far the hardest as he has few defense options and a lack of a health bar that almost everyone else have a huge advantage over him, and Mario having a health bar isn't too far removed from games like SMB2 and the modern 3D games.
But regardless I never thought I'd play this game and actually try to beat levels so I could see more, secret hunting is finally rewarding and expanding and finding more of the world is really fun. The game's length is absolutely HUGE, one world is about the size of an average Mario game which is insane.
And I'm really happy to see that loading has been optimized tho I don't know if that's because I'm running a machine that's not made 15 years ago.
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@velacosmos has been working hard on creating a new Demo for SAGE and this one actually surprised me.
Taking influence from mario maker 2, Shang Mu Architect is a Freedom planet challenge level maker. which is quite impressive on it's own but has a tonne of extras.
Namely now there's actually a story mode to go along with the game, truth be told I'm not too big into freedom planet's cast to really know how well this game captures their personality but I still think it's really cool to actually have something that doubles as a proper freedom planet fangame since as far as I'm aware we're yet to see an actual game that actually follows the original games style.
Your mileage is definitely going to depend on how much you enjoyed the original freedom planet but I definitely think this is worth checking out.
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Of the top of my head way back when stealth was pitching a mobile port of sonic 3, I swear I remember one of the ideas was expanding the match stages into full fledged level.
Sonic 3 Chronicles is an interesting "what if" scenerio where after angel island instead of falling into Hydrocity Sonic and co continue past the cutscene area and into the endless mine from match making.
I never really thought of those match stages as being connected to the main stages but this does a rpetty decent job of introducing new gimmicks and mechanics to go along with those stages.
The game is definitely rough around the edges and needs a lot of tightening up but what's here is a cute game that does it's best to follow sonic 3.
Also Mighty is here... I don't know why but thank you.
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Gatoslip is a hack of Sonic the hedgehog created by @vadapega a very small demo with a tonne of personality put into it.
Yes, this is a hack, you're going to need an emulator in order to play it. Now which emulator do I recommend?
Probably the steam workshop if you still have your copy of sonic 1 before SEGA took it off the store page.
Vada's always been an inspiration for my art and it's great to see him finally go for something that really expresses his personality. The writing's great, the battles are really cute and I love the strategies for defeating enemies. Game's filled to the brim with visual gags with one gag in particular giving a lot of "replay value" (you'll know what I mean when you beat it)
can't wait to see where this ends up.
Again check out
https://sagexpo.org/games.html if you haven't yet, this just scratches the surface of what's available and there's a tonne of great games I looked over in this list.
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atla-confessions · 2 months
hi immovable kataang shipper! it's me, sweet zutarian ✨
first off, thank you so much!! it's the responses like those that prove to me that the small acts of positivity do matter <3
now to spread more joy:
harutara shippers: incredible dynamic with these two! counterparts of hope right here! plus pretty colorsss
jetko and jetara: i see where y'all are coming from! nice fanart btw
sukitara: WE LOVE GIRLBOSSES OVER HERE!! they would absolutely be a power couple, at least in my head
all rarepair shippers: ik what it's like being into a ship that had its last event years ago and isn't really talked about, but lemme tell you- thank you for your resilience in your ship. i promise you that newcomers to your ship will thank you and love you for your contributions, whether making art, writing, music, or simply talking and existing! you are such a precious part of every fandom out there.
all poly shippers: you're right, let's break the rules and norms here! you absolutely rock and I love how you fight ship wars - who needs ship wars when they're all in the same boat! /pos
all multishippers: bestie i don't like it when my ships are against each other too! who needs ship wars when the character's dynamic with so many other people are just too good!
that's all i can type for now (my hands are tired since im on my phone) but remember to spread the positivity!
-sweet zutarian
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coffbeanie · 12 hours
Get ready for a wall of text fellas cause i got some Ticci Toby head canons!!
If u guys want my specific thoughts on anything with Toby lemme know!! Also share ur own hcs i love hearing ppl talk about their interpretations of the characters
These hcs are in regards to my AU/interpretation of creepypasta characters/the Slendermansion
-Toby is 19 in my version, and he became an official proxy at around 17.
-Physically, he’s around 17-18 as proxies at some point stop aging. That’s also why he’s grown out whatever facial hair he has cause he has a complex about looking young, and he’s kinda baby faced as it is.
-He has some scars remaining from the car crash, but he’s gotten a lot more all over his body as he gets himself needlessly hurt. He knows that if he gets hits in certain parts of his body, it’s fatal and tries to avoid that as much as he can, but when it comes to the rest of him, he doesn’t really care
-he’s also super skinny because food wasn’t always the easiest to come by while he was on his own, but he would just forget cause he doesn’t get hunger pains.
-his first “mission” came in when the Slenderman provided him the names and locations of his old bullies from school
-this is what brought Toby to the public eye in the first place as a fr serial killer, since they were able to connect the victims to being in the same class as Toby, who was recently remembered for being the boy who murdered his father, set his house on fire, and suddenly disappeared.
-other students in Toby’s old class were able to vouch to that the victims were his old bullies, and one of them mentioned that they used to call him “Ticci Toby” to tease him, so that stuck as the nickname the news and internet would use to refer to Toby.
-Besides that, he ran solo and was mainly left to his own devices for until he was about 19 He didn’t really do much for those couple of months, just trying to work through his problems (by un aliving people)
-He would stalk various families mainly and would target parents that reminded him of his father. Sometimes, he would also find kids that reminded him of his older bullies, so he would go after them as well
-The Slenderman only ever interfered if Toby got too close to getting caught by law enforcement, but this was early on and Toby eventually got better at getting away on his own.
-Toby first moved into the mansion when he just turned 19. The Slenderman told him that he would eventually get a partner and a proper mission, but didn’t tell him exactly when
-For now, Toby had a nice place to stay with all the essentials, but he wouldn’t always stay there, only stopping by if he needed a shower, or to wash his clothes
-He would also go if he realized that he hadn’t eaten in a few days and decided that he probably should have some food
-And whenever he did stay, he left the place a mess, just cause he wasn’t used to having a place to himself, and he didn’t really mind living in filth
-He also didn’t stay just cause it reminded him that he was lonely-there were so many rooms so he knew other people were supposed to be staying there, but it felt like the Slenderman just dumped him there. He won’t say it out loud but he likes being with people, it at least keeps him distracted by his own thoughts
-his thoughts are mainly on his mom and Lyra.
-In terms of his mom, while he would wish that she had done more to protect him and his sister, he would sometimes wonder how she was doing-did she see him on the news? where was she? even after what he did, did she miss him?
-He knows he’s not supposed to be thinking about her, and sometimes if the Slenderman catches him thinking about his mom, he’ll reward him with just static in his brain and sickness, but that doesn’t really stop Toby
-The Slenderman also was able to eliminate Lyra from Toby’s nightmares to keep him focused, but that just led to him thinking about her more when he’s awake cause he still never got a chance to grieve and get over her death
The sillier ones are under the cut <3
-While his hatchets are his main weapon, he is a bit of an arsonist-it’s not his main mode of killing but he will light something up after he’d gone out on his own
-He’s not an expert tho so it’ll either spread to the surrounding locations or go out once he’s left-no in between
-while i draw him with just his ears pierced, he’ll probably give himself other piercings, and try to convince the other proxies to get piercings as well
-He’ll try to do them tho so he’ll like twitch around every once in a while going “trust me bro this isn’t gonna hurt at all”
-speaking of which, his tics consist of him neck cracking to the side, cracking/pushing down his pointer finger with his thumb on his left hand, putting on the middle finger on his left hand, making popping noises, clicking his tongue, saying “beep beep,” “get fucked” and “oh, no!”
-Toby did have pretty severe Tourrette’s, but the Slenderman’s influence has made it worse, causing him to tic more frequently, and almost non stop if he ever gets hit with the sickness
-the only thing he has from his home is an older picture of him and lyra-he used to keep it in the kitchen but once more people started to move into the mansion he’s kept it in the bottom of a drawer in his room
-loves his baggy comfy clothes-big sweaters, hoodies, baggy jeans and sweats
-also loves breakfasts foods
-Toby picked up some interests and hobbies from his sister, mainly music and soccer
-Toby doesn’t really play soccer, but when he was living on his own he would put women’s soccer on the tv, as Lyra would watch it a bunch when she was alive
-He also knows how to play a bit of the drums-he’s not a pro but he knows the basics and he knows some guitar chords that his sister taught him
-She was really good with the guitar and they would joke about starting a band with some of her friends
-While Toby will joke about drinking, he’s never touched the stuff, and he feels uncomfortable whenever he’s around people who are obviously drunk
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dracobrooklyn · 6 months
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OKAY I managed to get a screenshot of my Tav, Loreleia (ended up doing a Durge run myself with this character lol). Loreleia is a 247 yr old High Elf who is both an Archfey Warlock and Bard. Considering her background of growing up in nobility and her Charisma, I like to think she's not only charming, saying honey tongued words to sweet talk her way into things, but can be really deceptive and manipulative. She does love to dance a lot and does tend to use her magic from her patron to basically grab attention from her crowd whenever she plays her music or dances to basically be a distraction for her companions. Sorry if this is a lot >///< I just really love your writing sm
//I can finally cook, lemme get the goodies
|| MDNI || 18+
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How you both met:
I rolled a d10 for this and the both of you met at the Grove actually. Fighting off the Goblins and worgs that attacked. Durge appreciated the help and the courage you brought into the fight.
How do you both get along?:
Oh absolutely, Loreleia has a good charisma so it makes sense you gain the Dragonborn’s trust how Durge feels drawn to you while getting to k know the party members. You actually both talk through out the night a lot. Even when he is trying to remember his memories it’s all a blur to him. You even tried your best to help him but it’s all dead ends.
Who confessed first?:
Loreleia did, Durge was honestly surprised you thought of him as lover material. Honestly some of your party members notice Durge was pinning for you but the DragonBorn was too nervous to say anything especially when you flustered the helm out of him. You told him at the party when you finally defeated the Goblins. He was pretty happy to hear you like him that way. Now did you both have sex that night.
Yep after the party absolutely. You actually invited him and you both snuck out into the woods. He actually let you top while he was the power bottom. He was still in charge but he loved seeing you bouncing off his lap while you took in his large DragonBorn cock. But after awhile he just pinned you onto the ground with your knees folded over his shoulders and finished inside you biting your shoulder leaving a mark. Ouch~
Adorable headcannons?:
Durge loves to hear you sing, it soothes him and calms him down. I like to imagine he rests his head onto your lap and you stroke each horn on his head singing a soft song and he definitely falls asleep loving the sweet melody in his ears. You also taught him to dance with you. The way Durge was nervous at first but you were a good teacher. Maybe when they reach Baldurs gate you both should go to parties and dance.
He does give you pet names like “little sparrow.” Is one of them. Itov will always be a pet name (it means love in DragonBorn) and another would be “sia gra'kul” (it means my heart).
How does Seleritas feel about you:
The master choose a high elf as his mate? The thought, why couldn’t it be something vile that would worship Bhaal? The Butler accidentally thought you were Drow but Durge told him you were high elf. Ew really master? Cringe. But the butler kept his mouth shut, he don’t reveal himself to you until the time was right. Though he can see through your pretty face and charm. Nothing but a manipulative deceptive young woman… could try to convince the master to shape her to be a fine concubine maybe?
Good or bad ending?:
I assume you want Both so here are my thoughts
Good: Durge didn’t accept the gift of Bhaal and was no longer cursed. Being a noble family you had to introduce your new lover to your parents. It’s hard to tell if they were okay with the match making or not. Who to expect they’re daughter made love to a DragonBorn oh gods… but was their any marriage on the table? That’s up to you, after all you both are going to be together… also your parents expect grand kids cause you are a noble… Durge does have that breeding kink 👀 how many you want?
Bad: Durge finally getting the respect he deserves, killing Orin, takin the Slayers form. And claiming you as his consort. With a little convincing you definitely took his side. How he controls the Elder brain. “In Bhaal’s name.” He definitely has a short leash on you. Your on his lap on the throne, a hand definitely on your thigh close to your core not being subtle about it either. You’re his wife, his consort of enslaving Baldurs Gate. No one is to have you… anyone tries to even compliment you, he makes you watch grabbing the person’s head, breaking their jaw and taking a knife cutting their tongue off as the victim drowns in their own blood. Watching them suffer. They should know better
Hope this was good!!! I am so happy someone did this!!! Please if anyone want to know send your Tav’s please!!!
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Uhhh I know this is kinda random but do you have any NSFW headcanons for Rain?
ooooooooooooo buddy, I have been hiding my love for Rain so carefully and now I get a chance to inflict it upon everyone!!!!!! Here we go
this man is a literal demigod so he's got stamina for days, he can go for HOURS and his refractory period is practically nonexistent
He likes being able to manhandle his partners, being able to pick them up and toss them onto the bed or pin them down and fuck them slow until they're begging him to go faster. Luckily with his strength, he can
He loves receiving head more than pretty much anything else during sex, it's the closest he can get to feeling worshipped and he Craves it
ironically enough, when his partner gives him good head he'll tend to get really compliant if they ask for things, like, he's very agreeable after getting a bj
Most of the other characters peg him as a more dominant bed partner, but he's actually comfortable in either role depending on who he's with and how he's feeling that day.
Sometimes he wants to hold his partner down and make them beg and other times he wants to be tied to the bed and soothed while they ride him for hours. It all depends on context
Has a praise kink. He wants to hear his partners say that he's making them feel good, that he's the best they've ever had, he wants to hear his name start to sound like a prayer in their mouth.
Also has a breeding kink. He's a demigod and a royal desperate to leave his mark on history and be worshipped, he wants to knock his partner up so bad he's nearly mad with it when they indulge him.
Whenever his partners walk away without being pregnant (whether bc they can't be or bc they took contraceptives, safe sex y'all) it is not for lack of trying
he will shower his partners in gifts, usually jewelry that is opulent and beautiful, and very much enjoys seeing them beneath him with nothing but that jewelry on.
prides himself on his ability to make his partners orgasm multiple times. He has a whole system for it too that any recurring partners figure out very quickly.
He always starts with his mouth and goes for two before using his fingers (1-2) and then his dick (as many times as possible before they're begging to stop.
doesn't have the healthiest mindset with sex tho, in that he's decided if he can't be worshipped for his birthright as a son of Argus, then perhaps he can be worship as a sex and fertility god for his prowess, with his actual godly nature backing his claim to divinity up.
likes to leave marks, he wants his partners to remember him and be ruined for anyone else
usually doesn't take people to bed more than a handful of times for fear of getting attached, save for one notable exception where he genuinely thought he had found his match only to be abandoned. To this day he refuses to say who it is
Also a big fan of toys in bed, whatever he can use to prove his skill and get his partner off is his favorite thing
Very good sex etiquette, despite his attitude towards it. He always makes sure to talk things out before hand and give aftercare, as giving his partners a transcendent experience will better aid his pursuit of worship
also really likes to overstim and edge people to the point that they cry, having that kind of control and bringing pleasure that strong makes him feel satisfied in a way little else does.
Very careful to enforce boundaries and safewords too, to the point that most people who have gone to bed with him report feeling safer in his bed than they have in anyone else's, despite his dangerous reputation.
that's all I can think of rn, but lemme know if you want more. Also who should I do NSFW headcanons for next?
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
thots & theories :: loki season 2 episode 1
This post will contain spoilers for the first episode of Loki Season 2 under the cut so please if you haven't watched yet, then press Keep Reading at your own risk.
What you will find under the cut: Whoring out and the return of a side of me that I never actually thought would ever come out again…"Theorist Ally" 🥴🫡
Please tell me I wasn't the only one at risk of heading to the ER from choking after seeing that first shot of TVA agents chasing Loki down the hallway like besties & fellow whores I did not have "Marvel mercifully decides to leave the mango untouched" in my 2023 bingo card. But we actually got that shot in HD now and it's blowing my tiny whoring mind 🥵😮‍💨
And all the hair flips we got once he lands from a time slip with the tense jaw and neck muscles like Sir we're trying to feel for you and feel the urge to wrap you in a blanket and give you cuddles, but you're making it really hard not to think about [redacted]
Lemme just give y'all some shots that had me feeling all kinds of ways throughout this episode:
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Something I really appreciated in this was that while Loki was concerned about how the time slipping looked to people witnessing it, Mobius was more concerned about how Loki felt experiencing it. Precious beb deserves to have someone that actually cares to that level and that bit just warmed my cold dead heart 🥹
In the same vein as above, Mobius' refusal to give up on Loki coming back until the last possible second and even begging OB to hold off a little longer really struck a chord with me because again, he now has someone that isn't just concerned about his well-being but also will believe in him even if everyone's going to tell them to give up 💖
The scene where OB was remembering new memories from his past in realtime during his conversation with Mobius in the present was something that I found insanely clever like let me tell you I was geeking out about it on my couch at 9am on a Friday morning
The sequences where Loki begins to realize in seconds where he's been yoinked off to in the timeline was a really good showcase of how smart our stabby boi is because he was using elements in his surroundings to form a timeline in his head to estimate where he was and he's doing all this under the pressure of not knowing when he's going to disappear again and under visibly excruciating pain 🥺💖
I'm living for the fact that B-15's part of the main group of characters and she really served that look of "are you fucking kidding me and right in front of my salad" when General Dox and X-5 were having their little moment.
Speaking of Dox and X-5…something's going on with those two and if y'all are thinking "mother/son" then lemme just nudge you in the direction of Oedipus Complex because…something about those two don't sit right with me 😖😖
The whole profound emotional moment with Sylvie finally feeling like she can breathe and not have to worry about running anymore and actually eat something that isn't something she hunted would have had the teeniest bit more impact if it didn't take place in a McDonald's but I gotta admit I too have once considered trying the entire menu 😂
Let's start off with my theories surrounding the scene where they fix the Temporal Loom because I have a feeling that we're going to be returning to that sequence and that setting quite a few times towards the end of the season. And with that sequence alone I have so many questions.
Like how did Sylvie get stuck in the elevator? Who pruned Loki that allowed him to return to his present timeline and also save Mobius in the process? Who's on the other end of the line on that ringing phone in the future? Why is General Dox sending troops upon troops of Minutemen to Sylvie's location and how is she even certain that where they're all headed off to is the location they're after?
So here's a few of my theories/predictions for what we're about to see as Season 2 plays out:
Loki prunes himself – I think we're going to revisit that scene where Loki gets pruned only from a more future Loki's point of view where we see that he's the one that prunes Episode 1 Loki so that he could be extracted and returned to his present timeline. He's the one holding the time stick.
General Dox is a tertiary antagonist – in the grand scheme of the season I think she and X-5 will probably at most be a nuisance with some firepower, but they're not the biggest threat after Kang, which leads me to…
OB is a secondary antagonist – I know I know we love him right now because he's fun and quite matter of fact, but hear me out. I think that his priority will be fixing the Temporal Loom which goes against what at least B-15 stands for because each branched timeline has countless lives living in them. He knows how the loom works and he knows how to repair it, so he puts that above all else to the extent where he could try and reconcile them all once again into a Sacred Timeline. Point is, he won't want the Loom to break.
Rennslayer and Kang are the primary antagonists…and maybe also Minutes? – that casual hard launch in the beginning scenes where Loki's in the past TVA hasn't left my mind and I think this is where we're headed
And now here's where I go tin foil hat and give my most out there theory that I hope won't happen but something tells me that it will.
So…y'all know how in Doctor Who, Clara Oswald sacrifices herself into the Doctor's timeline and splits herself into thousands (maybe even millions) of iterations of herself with the singular goal of saving the Doctor? She becomes a being that is destined to make that decision again and again because the Clara that jumped into the timeline was a life that's probably already been created as a result of that very sacrifice?
That type of circular infinite path of life is like the snake that's forever doomed to eat its own tail in a circle until the end of time. That concept and that symbol is called an Ouroboros.
And now that I've given that long winded intro here's the part where some of you are about to click off and call me delulu and you know what valid but if you're still here and you wanna see the clown show here we go:
Loki will become an Ouroboros
I don't think this episode was just titled "Ouroboros" because we're being introduced to OB. I think there was a more profound meaning to the episode title, that meaning being that this is the path that Loki's headed down. I think he sacrifices himself in the scene where he faces the Temporal Loom without a protective suit on and this will cause him to split into infinite versions of himself throughout the timelines. And one of these infinite versions will find himself in the Future TVA where he sees the Loki from Episode 1 running in search of a time stick.
Now I can already hear some of you going "But Ally why would he do that?" And I'm going to pull from Loki's words directly to explain what his motive could be to do such a thing:
"I want to save my friends"
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Now with all that being said, I'm totally open to other theories and I genuinely hope that my big theory is not correct because I really don't like that that's the route my brain went when trying to connect the pieces.
Gonna go and tag some usual suspect besties in this (and not gonna put this into the series tag because self preservation): @gigglingtiggerv2 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @coldnique @peachyjinx @gruftiela @lokisgoodgirl @loopsisloops @give-me-a-moose @lokischambermaid @tallseaweed @mischief2sarawr @maple-seed @joyful-enchantress @november-rayne @ladyofthestayingpower @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @liminalpebble @simplyholl +++
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the-nysh · 2 years
Yes hello, I would deary love to hear your thoughts on Vash grappling E. G. the Mine, please? 👀 I loved your thoughts on his shooting skills and other grappling skills.
Also, any thoughts on Wolfwood? That big cross is so ridiculously big and heavy, but the way he just swings it around is impressive. (Also hnnng, that scene where he uses the laser beam to cut the Grand Worm in half was so cool.)
Omg, mkay lemme try to hunt for a gif of that choke hold real quick...
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Because what gets my attention is the way Vash repositions and flexes his arm even tighter, from securely holding him there in a warning, to oh O.O;;; that looks real and he means business. 👀
Because there are 2 basic ways to choke someone out--in a fight!! Or err, a grappling/wrestling situation. The obvious way most people think of is the air tract--the trachea, which is a little awkward and takes longer, so the much faster and efficient (but less obvious) way is a blood choke--where you restrict the neck's artery circulation to the brain, and the person can easily/cleanly lose coordination and black out within moments, regardless of how well they can still breathe.
To do that, you get someone's head in the crook of your arm like Vash here, and flex your bicep and forearm tight around the inner sides of their neck--pressing in where both their pulse points would be (not the air!) at the same time and...yeah. Struggling around makes it harder to get into position (compared to practicing on a consenting still partner, which you can safely try! just remember to either tap out the moment you start feeling light-headed with a headache and/or see black spots in your vision, or better yet, sit while holding both hands raised up and the choker partner should release you the moment your hands start to drop), but once you get it, it happens pretty quick, and beefier guys can easily achieve this type of choke by simply flexing their muscles around a neck--heck they can probably crush the trachea too while they're at it for both chokes at once!
In Vash's case though, he doesn't want to render the guy unconscious just yet cause he still needs information from him, but I'm just saying...from this choke hold position he's in, he can easily do all that (and more) by flexing his real arm strength if he wanted to! 👀👀
Now for Wolfwood, ahaha gosh--in contrast to Vash, his ginormous Punisher Cross is so ridiculous (I think it's like 200-300lbs of mercy or something, also the skull design for the grip area is pretty rad, once I recognized what the shape was in the manga I was like oh neat!) that it's basically full on fantasy territory over much realism. :'D In before Vash shows us his over the top fantasy 'guns' too. No like actual person could lug that thing around, let alone effortlessly spin it around with the flair he does. That it's also really funny when he just -bonk- swings it like a heavy battering ram too. He also doesn't really need to dodge or utilize many defensive techs/maneuvers (that I've seen from him yet), beyond using the whole weapon as a body shield sometimes, since he can heal himself.
What his character and fighting style actually remind me of is the Desperado movie (with Antonio Banderas) in fact, one of the manga chapters was named after that too. Where the gunslinging mc comes waltzing out with his buddies who all carry around large guitar cases...that are actually hidden machine guns and fucking rocket launchers. x'D It's as hilarious as it is awesome to see them all just go ham in a wild west shootout with literal guitar-guns. So when Stampede Wolfwood brings out his updated cross-gun to flex a fucking laser beam canon out of it, now that's just lmaoooooooo, going stupid crazy on the 'rule of cool' factor, ohoho. x3
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