#like personally I can / do and will always gladly wait for my partners
lil-kissy · 2 years
You know what I kinda wanna expand on that thought from my previous post about waiting.
Specifically how while I do fully agree with all posts I've seen that talk about being patient, Rping is a hobby and all that others stuff. 100%, support and agree everyone is more then allowed to take whatever time they need to respond.
Rp or otherwise I bet nearly every can understand how things like motivation can wax and wane, and even if you are interested in multiple things sometimes one thing grabs you more then others. Time not allowing you to do everything you want so you gotta sometimes pick and choose.
Basically a more extensive way of being told 'Be Patient'
I completely understand all of it and just about everyone else I've met and know in rpc are pretty well understanding and accepting of it all too.
However there is a flip side that personally I don't think I've seen addressed enough, and even I've kinda touched on it but also tip toed a bit never quite sure how to properly express the feelings without giving the wrong impression or coming off rude.
Which is how hard it can feel being the one stuck waiting, and that honestly as long as you aren't a dick and don't start harassing people/your partners about it, demanding replies that kinda thing, it's okay to feel frustrated or upset.
Because honestly over all the years I've rp'd on here(and off), I get it. Even now I still find myself feeling a little down, even frustrated during a long wait, because let's be real especially if its for something you're excited for waiting can really suck.
True it's also exciting, the anticipation of what's to come but come on no matter how excited you are I'm sure a lot of people would still get bored waiting their turn in a long line for a ride at an amusement park ride.
Or the long wait for a package you ordered to arrived, sure they have the perk of an expected arrival date but its still not set in stone some times it can arrive sooner or later then expected. But who hasn't had moments where they'd wish their package could just arrive immediately despite knowing full while why it's taking the time that it is to arrive.
In someways I'd argue that's kinda similar to at least for me how it can feel. I know what I signed up for and I can promise I'm never mad at nor blame any of my partners for the wait no matter how long, even I've had moments of being the one to (unintentionally) make my partner wait and am always super grateful for their patience.
And just like I know I can't speed up a packages arrival, nor would I dare act like some asshole because a line up is moving slowly, I'd never demand or expect my partner to be faster or other wise act like I'm some how owed a quick response. (Hell no)
However I do believe that there's nothing wrong with acknowledging the struggles that can come along with being on the receiving/waiting end of things. Even if the wait is worth it- which honestly if you're with the right person/people it always will be no matter how long,
If anything at least for me I'd say some if not all the frustration of waiting comes from well the excitement of wanting to continue wanting to keep going but well until that response hits you can't.
Don't know if this is a hot take or not but I think you can be both patient, respectful about waiting for rp replies and understand all the reasons for why but also you don't have to like it and it's okay to acknowledge and admit,
Waiting Sucks.
But feeling frustrated or upset wishing that you didn't have to wait to continue that thread(s) or whatever you're feeling because of it doesn't automatically make you a bad person. It doesn't mean someone doesn't care about their partner(s) and their feelings.
Just don't be a dick about it.
Again this is something I've frequently thought about talking about/ express my thoughts and feelings on but I also really didn't want to wind up giving the wrong impression and come off sounding like some selfish, entitled asshole.
As I hope I've made clear it isn't a bad thing to take whatever time you need and any reasonable rp partner(s) will understand this.
But just as nobody owes anyone a reply and are allowed to respond at whatever speed fits you, and is completely valid to want to be respected for that, the reverse is also true no one owes you their time and yet I know there are a lot of people (me included) who are willing to give the time and wait for our partners but that doesn't always make it easy and just I think that's just as valid a feeling.
If you can respect the time people take to write up a response so to should the time those waited be respected you know.
Not enjoying waiting doesn't make you a bad person / RP partner- being a dick about it does.
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emocheol · 4 months
seventeens pet name for you
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loves to be a caretaker so having you be his baby is natural.
he’s always holding you in his arms, almost like he’s trying to protect you from the world and keep you to himself.
when you’re tired you actually get into baby mode and he loves doting on you, knowing that you won’t fight him on it.
“baby, don’t worry i’ll do that for you”
“baby, come give me a kiss”
“baby, i missed you so much”
“baby, you know i’d do anything for you”
sure, he’s the angel of seventeen but you’re his angel.
always says that you were sent from heaven just for him because of how perfect you are, hence an angel.
when he sees a new picture of you he’ll screenshot it and draw a halo over your head and send it back to you with a text that says ‘your halo is shining so bright, my angel’ (love makes him cheesy)
“angel, let’s stay in bed today”
“angel, can you do my hair?”
“angel, i hope you know im obsessed with you”
“angel, you’re the only one for me”
such a classic and gentle name, just like joshua.
he loves you so much the only word that he can think of when it comes to you is love.
if anyone calls him a simp he will gladly own that title because, duh, you’re his partner! of course he’s gonna simp over you!
will do whatever you want at the drop of a hat. he’ll even suggest cancelling his schedules if you want him to stay home, you decline but quite literally have to push him out the door to leave.
“love, come cuddle with me”
“love, i hate every second that i’m away from you”
“love, let’s get matching outfits”
“my love, you’re so perfect”
actually spent a lot of time contemplating what your pet name should be. he didn’t want to get it wrong!
tested way too many names over multiple weeks, seeing if they rolled off the tongue, but none of them did.
finally lands on sweetheart, when he says it for the first time he knows he’s found the perfect name.
now he barely says your name, saying that sweetheart encapsulates your entire being.
“sweetheart, want me to do the dishes?”
“sweetheart, can you read me a story?”
“sweetheart, do you know how much i love you?”
“sweetheart, you’re my favorite person of all time”
soonyoung thinks you’re sweet like honey, so he just has to call you that!
you have the same nickname for him which results in all your friends pretending to gag when you both start calling each other honey. they say it’s sickening, sickeningly sweet
likes to dote on you, would wait on hand and foot if you told him to.
“honey, do you need anything before i leave?”
“honey, i’m home!” (his favorite phrase)
“honey, let’s go on a date tonight”
“honey, you’re the sweetest person in the world”
has always thought that pet names were cringe but when you started calling him every sweet name under the sun he knew he had to come up with one for you.
landed on the classic ‘babe’, he says it flows well, its natural when he’s talking to you now.
doesn’t want anyone else to hear him call you it, so he usually sticks to saying it at home or whispering it to you.
“babe, stay by my side, i don’t want anything happening to you”
“babe, don’t get up yet it’s too early”
“babe, you wanna see my new game?”
“babe, i adore you”
another natural caretaker, loves to be the big strong man in the relationship so naturally you’re his baby.
gets salty when you try to dote on him since he knows he should be doing it to you instead.
landed on it because you were pouting once and he said the resemblance to a baby was uncanny.
“baby, you don’t have to stay at the studio with me”
“baby, get some sleep”
“baby, let’s stay in tonight”
“baby, i know i don’t show it as much as i should, but i’m eternally grateful for you”
claims that their song ‘darling’ is about you to try and make it special (it was just a coincidence but you’ll take it)
says you’re like a sparkling jewel, so perfect, so enchanting, and so darling
always talks to you in the most endearing tone, he can never be mad at you.
“darling, what do you want to have for dinner?”
“darling, let me take a picture of you”
“darling, don’t forget to call me on your break”
“darling, you’re so precious to me”
loves to bake you desserts and say something like ‘a sweet for my sweetie’.
thinks you’re so sweet and lovely that sweetie is a given name for you.
food is his love language so he’s always making you meals and sweet desserts.
“sweetie, try this new dish i made”
“sweetie, give me a kiss before you go”
“sweetie, give me a bite of that”
“sweetie, you’re it for me”
this man is simply obsessed with, so so utterly in love, hence the name love.
everyone swears they can see hearts in his eyes when he looks at you or talks about you.
couldn’t think of a good name for you so he went to his friends being like ‘i’m so in love with them but i can’t think of a pet name! wait… love!’
“lovie, don’t forget about me :(” (you’re just going to work for the day)
“love, do you want to come to karaoke night?”
“lovie, i’m your favorite guy, right?”
“my love~, i wrote this song for you, wanna hear it?”
yes, his nickname for you is his last name. no, it’s not weird! he’ll call you mrs./mr. boo because he can’t wait until you have his last name.
when some calls for ‘boo’ you both turn around, thinking it was for you. this just makes you both laugh and look at each other like you had a little inside secret that no one else understood.
he’ll always say it with literal hearts in his eyes.
“boo, have a good day at work”
“my boo~, i miss you”
“boo, do you want to go have a spa night?”
“my boo~, i love you to the ends of the earth”
also thinks pet names are cringe so he settled on the most obvious and classic one.
but then actually he starts to like it (to his horror), and starts to call you it all the time.
only ever calls you babe now, and will be salty if you call him by his first or middle name.
“babe, get ready i’m taking you on a date”
“babe, i got you a present you’re gonna love it”
“babe, we should get a cat to be the ring bearer at our wedding”
“babe, you know i love you, right?”
you originally started calling chan ‘honey’ first.
he always got so giddy whenever you said it that he decided he was gonna start calling you that too, to make you feel as special as he did.
thinks it the most special name in the world and if anyone makes fun of it he’ll go to war over it.
“honey, let me show you the new dance i learned”
“honey, did you get a haircut? you look beautiful as ever”
“honey, let’s stay in bed today”
“honey, you’re my everything”
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ashtavula · 7 months
Hi hi!! So, I’ve got an idea:
ace, deuce, epel and jack with an s/o who showers them with affection after a big game or race? I recently got ace’s basketball card so the thought has been plaguing my mind since :’)
Gotta give some love to our sporty boys!
Showing affection to Ace, Deuce, Epel, and Jack after a game/race
-Ace is nearly knocked off his feet when you tackle him in a hug. He's quick to wrap his arm around your shoulders, and you kiss him. His already flushed face grows a few shades darker, but he plays it off with a cocky grin. "Heh, I won the game! I deserve more than just one kiss, doll."
-Honestly, your affection is one of the best types of rewards for him. Hearing you cheer for him in the stands, and having you look at him like he's the only person that matters means a lot to him. It only makes him work twice as hard on the court, even if your loud cheering makes him feel more flustered than he'd like to admit.
-He actually doesn't notice you running up to him at first. All he can think about is how much his muscles burn, and then you crash into him. You almost knock him right over, but he's able to steady the both of you as you start to kiss him, overjoyed by his win. Deuce blushes, and gives you the sweetest smile. "T-Thanks, angel! I just know I can keep winning if you're cheering for me!"
-Deuce always looks for you when he's about to start, hoping to catch a glance of your face. It's really motivating for him to know that you're watching, and he'll do his absolute best to be the sort of boyfriend that you're proud of. He initially gets a bit embarrassed by the pda after a successful sprint, but he quickly forgets about that when you're giving him such earnest praise.
-Man, he's tired. Using so much energy, both physical and magical, always leaves him feeling drained. Still, he welcomes you with open arms when you rush over, all excited by his success on the spelldrive field. He beams at you as you fawn over him. "Next time, I'll make sure the team scores even more points! Just wait and see!"
-Epel hyperfocuses on the game, so he never notices if you're in the crowd. Still, he loves knowing that you're out there screaming his name. It makes him feel more masculine, and he'll gladly puff out his chest to hear you say you're proud of him. He also likes to gloat about your relationship to his fellow team mates, just to see their faces twist when Epel reminds them that he managed to score such a supportive partner.
-He hears you coming long before he sees you, ears perking up at the sound of you calling his name. His tail wags as you tug him down for a kiss, but he's quick to put you at arm's length, even as his tail starts swaying faster. "I'm all sweaty right now. Besides, I was just doing what I'm supposed to. No need for all of this."
-He likes to act like your support isn't that big of a deal, but he always looks for you before he runs. Your support means the world to him. He might not be the most affectionate right after, but it's just because he gets flustered by all the attention. Plus, he really doesn't want you to get grossed out by how sweaty he is. Once he's showered and you're both somewhere more private, feel free to gush over his successes, and watch his tail go wild as he blushes.
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secret-sturniolo · 6 months
nsfw alphabet - matt sturniolo
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a/n - These are just my opinions, so if you don't agree, just be respectful please. And don't worry, I'm doing Chris next!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
This man is the king of aftercare. I'm talking running a warm bath/shower or getting you some of his clothes to wear.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part on himself is probably his hands, because he knows his partner loves them. Matt is definitely a boob guy, so whether they are big or small he loves your boobs.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His favorite way to cum is when you are in missionary and he can just pull out and cum on your stomach.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He would NEVER admit this to you, but he loves when you dom him.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He's definitely not the most experienced before you, maybe 1-2 bodies max, but he still knows what hes doing. If he doesn't know something, he's not afraid to ask you to show him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He's a sucker for missionary. He loves to be able to kiss you and see your face while hes fucking you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's definitely down to have fun with things, but knows when the right moment is for jokes and when to stay serious. He would never want to hurt your feelings or make you think he's laughing at you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps it trimmed short to avoid any awkwardness, and it's his personal preference.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He's constantly telling you how much he loves you, he doesn't want to give off the impression that hes just using you for a quick fuck. He definitely likes to set the mood to make you feel special.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He rarely masturbates, only if hes desperate and you're not around to help him. He would much rather have your hands on him than his own.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I feel like he gives off praise kink vibes, constantly wanting reassurance that he's doing a good job making you feel good. Other than that, hes not really a kinky guy.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Definitely the bedroom. He likes to have privacy so he can take his time with you. He also likes to fuck you in the shower every once in a while.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Gentle kisses to his jaw and neck drive him crazy. He's also a sucker for subtle teasing, like when you rest your hand on his thigh and slowly move it higher and higher.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He's not into anything like degradation or impact play because hes so scared of hurting you, physically or emotionally. Also, he's not into anal. He loves your ass, but not being inside it. (lol)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He will never say no to a blowjob, but he loves making his girl feel good. Let's just say he's called Matt the Munch for a reason.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He can definitively do both, but he always makes sure to ask you how you want him before you do anything.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
If it's been a while and a quickie is the only opportunity you have, he will gladly take it, but he prefers to take his time with you, even if that means waiting a little longer.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He will try almost anything once, but only if you are okay with it and want it too.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
1-2 rounds max, he tends to get tired after he cums and just wants to cuddle.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He's not a fan of toys, both for himself and for you, because he doesn't like watching something that's not his dick make you feel good.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He likes to tease you to a certain extent, but eventually he can't take it anymore and just wants his hands all over you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Definitely grunts and moans into your ear, but hes not crazy loud.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
On days when hes tired or just wants to mix it up, he loves watching you ride him, using his cock to make you feel good (and hes not afraid to tell you how much he likes it.)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's not huge, but the size is perfect for you. He's proportional in length and girth, just the right amount of everything to fill you up perfectly.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He has a higher sex drive, but also knows how to turn it off when it's not the right moment.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Give him a couple minutes, and he's out like a light (after he takes care of you first, of course.)
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When they start off a devilgram with "this story is a little different than usual..." and then pull out the most insane AU that rattles around in my head for the entire year and beyond...
Prince and Knight!!? Are you fucking kidding me Prince and Knight!?
The inherent trust and dedication that comes with that AU. The inherent unspoken "I will kill and die for you"
The way all of MC's dialogue options are more serious than usual because this is their job, and they need to protect Mammon because the kingdom needs him, but also he's their friend and they want to protect Mammon because they need him
The fact that they've probably known each other for years because they train to fight together and work well together during fights - did they grow up together? Did they play together? First learn to sword fight together?The little prince and the commoner child who eventually rose through the ranks to become his personal guard?
The fact that they know each other so well? But also the trope!!! The "escaping from my room to get out of doing work only to open the door and find you've been waiting out there the whole time just to catch me in this moment"
The fact that they're both exasperated and proud of him
The fact that they try to dissuade him from doing "The Foolhardy Reckless Dangerous Brave Thing of The Week", realise as they probably have time and time again that it wasn't going to work and then immediately switches to well I guess this is what I'm doing today
The fact that they have banter that speaks to how long they've known each other, a level of comfort and familiarity, an easy way of talking in spite of their differences in status
The fact that he says multiple times that he trusts them above everyone else and how he wants them to always be by his side no matter what they're doing
The way he could have had a dragon for a companion but he immediately shot that down because that slot's already been filled by MC
And the way that all of this is platonic until the very end, they say all this stuff and do all these things for each other because this is how they are, this is what their dynamic has always been like in this AU. When MC kisses Mammon it's almost like a revelation to him that he can have them like this, as a lover (it wasn't like the other prince and right-hand man AU where they were in an established relationship and able to get married if they wanted) - so when he was saying all those things, when he was using "my [name]" to describe them that wasn't him saying it because they were his lover but because they were his.
Because that's what he's always known, that's what they are- because they've always been his - his friend, and his companion and his partner and his guard and his knight and his mage and there's no other way to more accurately describe them than his.
What's that tumblr post that's like "submissive like a guard dog" ????? That's their dynamic here. They're his guard dog and his attack dog and his loyal companion and he's their prince and their master and their friend and they're in love with him and he doesn't know because to him it's a given that they'll always be by his side forever and beyond that to the next life and it doesn't really matter if they're in love, though that's an added bonus of course, what matters is that they'll always be right next to him
And does he know that this particular dynamic means if push comes to shove they'd die for him and do so gladly without a moment's hesitation
The fact that this is also somehow technically a soulmate AU
bonus because ASMO!!!!????? :
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linphd · 2 years
Hey so I've never sent a request before, but could you do a Bakugou x reader where Mitsuki and Masaru catch them in Katsuki's room? I really enjoyed your oneshot where Kirishima caught them, but you can write NSFW or fluff, it doesn't matter to me, I just love your pieces!
Getting caught cuddling | Headcanons
gender neutral
-> While spending some time cuddling with your boyfriend, someone catches the both of you by surprise.
-> Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari.
Katsuki Bakugou
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Sure, it was Mitsuki’s mistake to enter her son’s room like that. But why didn’t he even tell them he had their partner coming over ? You were so lucky being asleep when this happened. « Ahah, you can’t yell at us, or they’ll wake up ! » she giggled at her son, who was fuming with anger.
Katsuki had invited you over for a presentation you had to work on, and you had gladly accepted. « Stop cheering, you won’t meet my parents, they won’t be there. » he had told you. Indeed, as his partner, you had always wanted to finally meet them.
At some point, you ordered a little break as you were going insane -you being super annoying when overworking helped you. As soon as he agreed, you laid on Katsuki, who made tiny explosions to warm you up a bit… which made you fall asleep rather quickly.
He had allowed you to take a little nap, as you had been training a lot nowadays, and here come his parents barging in his room ! « Sorry, we thought you weren’t home. » his father apologized. « Who is that ? Your partner ? » he had asked immediately after his son nod at his apology.
« Shut up ! Don’t wake them up ! It’ll be embarrassing for all of us ! » Too late. You were awake, and he was a liar ; you immediately gasped, happy to finally meet them. And maybe (un)luckily for the blonde, it ended up with you eating dinner at his place and a sleepover.
Shoto Todoroki
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It was at the dorms. After a tiring training, you had decided to go to his room instead, so he could cool you down a bit. So tiring actually that you fell asleep without even noticing, and Shoto didn’t have the heart to wake you up. Hence your situation.
It was Denki who had burst in his room, excited to call him for a boys game night. Obviously, he caught everyone’s attention with his super loud gasps and his several « it makes sense ! it makes so much sense ! ». You woke up, and you both replied to your friends’ interrogations.
« How long have you been dating ? », « Hm, only like a few weeks, we were waiting a bit to be sure before telling you guys. », « So that’s why Todoroki caught fire when he saw you at the hot springs ! Because he had a crush on you ! », « … Yes, that’s why, actually. » you barely awake.
Well, it was now official. « So… for the boys night… » Shoto started, but got interrupted by the blonde. « Oh noooooo, no no noooo, stay with your partner man, don’t worry about us ! » he said, before shooing everyone away and leaving the room. « …. I actually wanted to go. » Shoto confessed, making you laugh.
« You can go, you know. » you said. « It was cute, you were overheating a bit at their reaction. » you said, stretching a bit. « Didn’t expect to get caught. » he replied. « Are you coming with me ? » he asked, but you said no. « Still tired from training. » So, Shoto kissed your forehead and let you fall back asleep in his room.
Denki Kaminari
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The thing with Denki and you is that you were a somewhat Bakugou person. Yelled a lot, terrifying to your classmates, already intimidating quirk to begin with. So even for you, how you ended up with Denki was a mystery. Well, even he found it surprising, enough to agree not to tell others -at least not yet.
After a long day of training with Aizawa, full of failed attempts at a new skill you were supposed to have learned, you had decided to find some comfort in his room. He was so excited that he forgot to actually lock his room, and only jumped on his bed to cuddle with you.
And here you were, Kirishima and Sero gasping at the sight of the boy laying on top of you, his head against your chest while you played with his hair. He immediately straightened up, gasping as well. « Close the door ! Don’t tell ! No- » he panicked.
He decided to act like he had turned dumb, and you could only laugh at his attempt to save whatever situation you were in. « It’s okay, Denki. I thought you would have accidentally told everyone weeks ago. » you confessed.
The boy only gasped loudly at this statement. « You don’t trust me, (Y/N) ?! » making his friends laugh as well. « But I’m happy you don’t want to hide it anymore. Now I can grab you whenever I want. » he said, wiggling -maybe doing a little dance ? « … Sure, you can do that. » you replied, a bit scared of what he meant by « grab ».
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forthevillains · 6 months
Albert Wesker headcanons
[these will be purely my opinion on what he does and how he is in and outside of relationship. Also let me know if I should write NSFW headcanons too!]
~ Albert is not a very open person so it’s difficult to get to him in the first place. It’s not like he lacks emotions, but as he can get easily attached, he prefers to only interact with people he must and that stays professional
~ though if you managed to get through that tough facade of his, you’ve earned yourself a loyal ally, a partner, a friend. People always make him seem bad, but gladly you didn’t care and wanted to find out for yourself, determined to find out as much as you could about this mysterious guy. And Wesker really appreciates it, even though someone being so interested in him feels odd
~ he is still distant at the beginning of the relationship, but it slowly develops into something warm and intimate. You have to give the poor man time, he hasn’t been in a proper relationship in ages if ever at all
~ the definition of you fell first, he fell harder
~ also he’s an active pet name user, so it’s very rare for him to call you by your actual name, though the more he falls for you, the more common it is for him to actually do that. Definitely adds ‘my’ before he says any pet name when he’s talking to you, just to make it known that you are special
~ he very much prefers women younger than him for a mere reason of spending as much time with you as possible. He doesn’t age like a normal person and he needs someone who would meet him at the very end so that you could leave this world together. He also wouldn’t want you to stay behind, however if you were actually his age, he would surely take care of you and make sure you still feel beautiful despite getting old
~ with the relationship come the secrets that he was able to hide from you before you got together. It’s safe to say that this man is not really a green flag due to the scars his trauma left on him. He’s not good for you and even though he wouldn’t admit it, he’s aware (somewhere deep down)
~ Albert insisted that you two live together, he needs you by his side and even when it might come off as if he’s trying to just be controlling - he’s just very scared of either you running away or someone hurting you while he’s not there to protect you
~ when it comes to sleeping by his side, for the first few months he just sleeps on his side of the bed, leaving you enough space only until he’s deep asleep. Then he’ll subconsciously wrap his arms around your body, pulling you close and making a personal teddy bear out of you. He’s touch starved after all the years alone, so much that even if he tries to give you enough space, his body won’t let him do so. You better not tell him though, because he’d feel embarrassed. Just wait for him to do it consciously and enjoy it;)
~ he’s often busy meaning you’ll have to find a hobbies of your own inside the house
~ he’s very keen on taking care of you in his free time, especially your hair. It’s kind of a therapy to him, not just playing with it, but also washing or braiding, even dying it. He’s up to do all of that for you
~ when there’s something going on with him, he probably just leaves, so that he doesn’t bother you with his problems, but if you come to him, offering your love and affection, he’s up for it. He will gladly lay on your chest, wrapping his arms around your waist, closing his tired eyes. Might as well fall asleep in that position because the exhaustion would get to him
~ if you worked in Umbrella with him, then you’re aware of his plans for the future, though if you haven’t, he’s gonna keep you unaware for the rest of your life, feeding you with delusions he came up with. But don’t you worry, it won’t affect your relationship at all, he’s gonna make up for all the lies;)
~ he wouldn’t dare cry in front of you, if he ever cried at all. He’s not the type of person who would go cry to the corner, he usually overcomes the sadness with anger, so good luck calming him down
~ Wesker is actually a really good cook! He doesn’t have much time for it, of course, but when he does, he makes you delicious meals (he really likes to spoil you)
~ speaking of spoiling… His favorite thing to buy you is lingerie, without a doubt. It’s just a bad habit of his, whenever he sees something you’d look good in (which is everything in his eyes), he just has to buy it for you and then watch you try it on knowing that it’s going to end up torn apart in less than a week. He tries not to do so, but he’s so eager to have you at times he just rips your clothes off:( so he buys new new ones quite often
~ he often comes home too late, finding you asleep on the couch as you were waiting for him for too long. His heart aches at the thought of someone being so excited just to see him, of someone actually caring about him and loving him as he knows how much of a risk he’s putting you in just by being with you. He would come up to you, gently taking you in his arms and carrying you to bed. He wouldn’t join you anytime soon, but he’d definitely stop by just to look at your peaceful, sleeping form, wondering just why on earth did you choose him
~ loves it when you sit on his lap while he’s working or even while he’s just reading a book. One of his arms is wrapped around your waist, keeping you close, while he holds a pen/documents/book in the other. Your presence is very important to him, he loves touching you, feeling you. He needs you and having you so close brings him enough comfort to let loose (and if you’d look up at him you’d probably see a tiny smile on his face)
~ absolutely loves listening to you. Even when he’s exhausted after a very bad day, he’ll pull you close to him, asking you how your day went and just lets you talk, only reassuring you that he’s still listening whenever you stop. Your voice is comforting to him and it’s his way of relaxation, to just be close to you and listen
~ underrated opinion, but in my eyes he’d hate smoking. It’s basically killing you, so why would you do that? If you’re a smoker, he’ll ask you to stop, but won’t do anything against it if you tolerate that he doesn’t want you to do it inside the house. He’s still annoyed whenever you light up a cig though
~ he likes it when you take his sunglasses and try them on. It always gets him to smile for some unknown reason as he watches you giggle, happy that you have a thing of his in your possession, even if for just a few minutes
~ secretly, his dream is to settle down and live a life he never got to have. He’s just a broken man after all and having you gave him a different view on life. Of course, he still wants to save the world (in his own ways), but he also wishes he got to have a peaceful life by your side, seeing you smile everyday, traveling across the world if you’d like to. He wished he could be the perfect man just for you
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showstopper35 · 6 months
HII this is my second time using an ask box so,, here goes!
could you pretty please do the tfp cons n how they'd like act w/ a neurodivergent masc person? your stuff is really cool btw!! keep up the good work :D
thank you so much, darlin'! i hope i did alright with this request! I only decided to do these few, sorry!! I wanted to finish it 😅
-He's quite busy (being intimidating is a full-time job, after all), but he doesn't mind if you accompany him on his bridge, chattering away about your interests or quietly entertaining yourself in some corner of the ship while he commands his troops.
-He does ask questions from time to time about your hyperfixations and special interests. If it's something he happens to like or be knowledgeable about, he will gladly talk to you about it and share a lot of information on the subject.
-He mostly leaves you alone during a meltdown or if you are overstimulated. It's not to be rude, he just doesn't really know what to do. He will be a bit more kind to you afterward, though.
-Like Megatron, he mostly just listens to you ramble about things you like. He replies sometimes if it's something he happens to have an interest in. These conversations mostly happen when he takes you on flights.
-Privately does a bit of research with Kockout's help so he can better understand neurodivergence. It actually helps him better understand his own mental state and his brothers' as well.
-If he notices you are struggling, he might take you to a quiet room. He doesn't say anything if you thank him, but he is secretly glad he could help someone.
-The perfect partner to ramble to. He has recordings of all the times you've info-dumped to him, and he listens to them often when he's alone.
-Sometimes fidget toys or plushies of things you like will randomly appear. He doesn't mention it, and neither do you. You don't even know how he got them, but you appreciate it.
-After an outburst or meltdown, he lets you play with Laserbeak and plays back a recording of a time when you talked to him about one of your interests. It helps surprisingly well.
-Dissociates with you.
-Literally showers you with fidget toys, sensory items, anything related to your interests, any physical affection you need, and literally any item you may ever need.
-Kind of gets upset if you don't make eye contact with him, but then jokes you are blinded by his finish and that's why you aren't looking at him.
-Seems to be always judging your haircut. Makes low-taper fade jokes. You don't know how he knows what that is. You threaten to give him a low-taper fade. He does it in a joking manner, though.
-Be ready for his golden retriever energy, because he can be a lot. He will respect your boundaries, but you might have to remind him a few times.
-Creates a sensory-safe place for you on the Nemesis. Lots of soft pillows and blankets, a few fidget toys, and even a pair of noise cancelling headphones. You’re still not sure how he even got ahold of them. -Has already fought anyone who even looks at you the wrong way or is too loud. He will do it again.
-Honestly, he’s probably nuerodivergent himself. You take turns talking about your interests. He shows you his weapon collection and starts training you in the art of explosives, whether you like it or not.
-Often, if you need calming down or just want someone to talk to, he tells you stories about his twin. You are positive you know more about Skyquake than you do himself.
-Entirely picks you up and moves you to a quiet room during breakdowns and just sits with you and waits.
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sturniolodreamz · 10 months
NSFW Alphabet - Matt Sturniolo
a/n - These are just my opinions, so if you don't agree, just be respectful please. And don't worry, I'm doing Chris next!
tags - @sturniol0z @ethereal-lovers @its-jennarose @angelic-sturniolos111
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
This man is the king of aftercare. I'm talking running a warm bath/shower or getting you some of his clothes to wear.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part on himself is probably his hands, because he knows his partner loves them. Matt is definitely a boob guy, so whether they are big or small he loves your boobs.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His favorite way to cum is when you are in missionary and he can just pull out and cum on your stomach.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He would NEVER admit this to you, but he loves when you dom him.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He's definitely not the most experienced before you, maybe 1-2 bodies max, but he still knows what hes doing. If he doesn't know something, he's not afraid to ask you to show him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He's a sucker for missionary. He loves to be able to kiss you and see your face while hes fucking you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's definitely down to have fun with things, but knows when the right moment is for jokes and when to stay serious. He would never want to hurt your feelings or make you think he's laughing at you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps it trimmed short to avoid any awkwardness, and it's his personal preference.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He's constantly telling you how much he loves you, he doesn't want to give off the impression that hes just using you for a quick fuck. He definitely likes to set the mood to make you feel special.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He rarely masturbates, only if hes desperate and you're not around to help him. He would much rather have your hands on him than his own.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I feel like he gives off praise kink vibes, constantly wanting reassurance that he's doing a good job making you feel good. Other than that, hes not really a kinky guy.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Definitely the bedroom. He likes to have privacy so he can take his time with you. He also likes to fuck you in the shower every once in a while.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Gentle kisses to his jaw and neck drive him crazy. He's also a sucker for subtle teasing, like when you rest your hand on his thigh and slowly move it higher and higher.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He's not into anything like degradation or impact play because hes so scared of hurting you, physically or emotionally. Also, he's not into anal. He loves your ass, but not being inside it. (lol)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He will never say no to a blowjob, but he loves making his girl feel good. Let's just say he's called Matt the Munch for a reason.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He can definitively do both, but he always makes sure to ask you how you want him before you do anything.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
If it's been a while and a quickie is the only opportunity you have, he will gladly take it, but he prefers to take his time with you, even if that means waiting a little longer.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He will try almost anything once, but only if you are okay with it and want it too.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
1-2 rounds max, he tends to get tired after he cums and just wants to cuddle.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He's not a fan of toys, both for himself and for you, because he doesn't like watching something that's not his dick make you feel good.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He likes to tease you to a certain extent, but eventually he can't take it anymore and just wants his hands all over you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Definitely grunts and moans into your ear, but hes not crazy loud.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
On days when hes tired or just wants to mix it up, he loves watching you ride him, using his cock to make you feel good (and hes not afraid to tell you how much he likes it.)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's not huge, but the size is perfect for you. He's proportional in length and girth, just the right amount of everything to fill you up perfectly.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He has a higher sex drive, but also knows how to turn it off when it's not the right moment.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Give him a couple minutes, and he's out like a light (after he takes care of you first, of course.)
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world0fmadness · 2 months
bård “ faust ” eithun x reader
♡ general dating headcanons for faust!
୨୧ my dream man lolol! reader is referenced to be shorter than faust because i think a majority of people are but if you’re not, i’m sorry :( kind of throuple-y with ihsahn but not reallyyy <3
♡ related hc available here, here, here and here | view my metal masterlist here
reading music recommendations: the majesty of the night sky by emperor - the moors of death by urgehal - death to planet earth by craft
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♡ faust really gives me the vibe of someone who would just be absolutely obsessed with his partner!
୨୧ like he’s just so obsessed with you and everything you do…
♡ applying your lipstick? he’s gazing at you with his usual blank eyes but if you look really closely, you can see love swirling around in there too!
୨୧ your freshly applied lipstick doesn’t last very long before he’s making a mess out of it with his own lips pressed against yours, most of it transfers onto his which makes you chuckle before grabbing a makeup wipe to help him clean it
“ get this shit off of me, please… love you ” ( he swears he hates your lipstick but whenever he’s making out with you in helvete and someone points out the residue on his lips, he smirks so big, wearing it almost like a mark of pride )
♡ painting your nails? he’s giving you his opinion on what colour to do them ( spoiler alert: it’s almost always black or crimson red )
୨୧ he just loves his girl so much :(
♡ some of his friends give him shit for being so smitten with you but he takes one look over at you and it’s like, why wouldn’t he be smitten with you?
୨୧ so he never lets those comments get to him, he knows you’re worth being smitten for
♡ he loves when you come to his band practices for emperor with him, almost always pulling you by the hands, making you sit on his lap and hold his can of coke whilst he plays the drums
୨୧ you become really close with ihsahn! the three of you going out to grab take out together after a concert, you wearing faust’s leather jacket, their corpse paint smudged beyond belief as you offer to fix it up for them whilst waiting on your food
♡ dare i say you and faust have even had a couple half drunk threesomes with ihsahn <3 he’s the only other person faust would trust to treat you right in bed
୨୧ but anyways… let’s move on from that…
♡ whenever you’re anywhere with faust, you’re almost always sitting on his lap, one of his hands drawing patterns on your back whilst the other rests on your thigh as he talks to his friends about upcoming concerts
୨୧ he’s not super into crazy pda but when in helvete, he’ll gladly make out with you! he’s a little more reserved when out and about on the streets of oslo but he’ll always have at least one hand somewhere on your body
♡ because he’s so much taller than you, you have to stand on your tippy toes to even be able kiss him properly
୨୧ which is why he prefers to make out with you in helvete because there, he can just pick you up and place you on the counter, making it less of a stretch for both you and him
♡ whenever euronymous sees this happening, he’s always pissed, feeling like he has to bat you both away with a broom because you’ll “ scare off his customers ”
୨୧ faust always just gives a small smirk in his direction before simply picking you up and moving you over to his little corner
♡ he’s VERY possessive of you! whenever you’re at a concert and he sees someone eyeing you a little too much for his liking, he’ll quickly make it known to them that you’re his
୨୧ usually he does this by getting very grabby with you or just tilting your face up to him by your chin and shoving his tongue into your mouth, sloppy open mouth making out right in their line of sight <3
♡ by the time you’re done and he looks up, he finds that the person is long gone, much to his pleasure!
୨୧ you guys have SO many pictures together taken in photo booths! they almost completely cover the fridge in your shared apartment
♡ most of them are sweet, sharing sloppy kisses and some of them are slightly risqué, him pulling your shirt up to flash your lacey bra to the camera just as it flashes with a smirk on his face whilst you giggle up a storm ( you briefly forget that they’re printed on the outside, where anyone walking by could see them )
୨୧ more often than not, you’re the one who paints his face for him!
♡ you’ll straddle his lap, forcing him to keep his hands on your hips because you don’t want to mess it up over him grabbing your ass…
୨୧ he’s always impressed by how much better it turns out when you do it and soon enough, ihsahn is asking you if you’d be able to do his before emperor concerts <3
♡ faust isn’t a super romantic person but for you, he really tries his best!
୨୧ he takes you on a date whenever he can afford it, usually just taking you shopping and then walking around a local cemetery before sitting on one of the benches as you smother him in kisses as a thank you
♡ he pretends to be irritated but anyone with eyes can see he’s loving it
“ okay… yes, i know, you’re welcome… your lipstick is all over my face, i know it… ” ( it is indeed all over his face )
୨୧ whenever you get really drunk at a party or concert, he’ll carry you home on his back whilst having to pause every now and again to let you off and hold your hair back as you vomit…
♡ you LOVE watching horror movies together! wether it’s cuddled up in his little corner in helvete or in bed at your shared apartment
୨୧ he’s really eerily quiet whilst watching them but his hand is usually playing with your hair, gently twirling it around his fingers which usually lulls you to sleep
♡ i just know he’s so loud in bed, not at all afraid to make his pleasure known… when you two first got together, he was definitely more on the shy side about it but after a while, he realised you like when he moans so he doesn’t hold back anymore…
୨୧ your neighbours hate you two so much and have absolutely filed a noise complaint due to the near constant blaring black metal and moaning ringing out through their walls whenever you’re home
♡ faust claims they’re just jealous and hey, he’s probably right…
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storiesofsvu · 5 months
Bryan Kneef NSFW Alphabet
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Bryan Kneef x reader Warnings: so much smut, so many kinks, dirty derogatory talk, teasing, threesomes, edging, masturbation. y'all know the drill lol. I don't remember if this was requested. It's been sitting in my wips for MONTHS now and I figured I should finally finish it.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
It mainly depends on the setting, if Bryan takes someone home, or is in someone’s bed he’ll give the minimal amount of cuddles he needs. He doesn’t like to, but he knows with the amount of bdsm kinky things he’s into he needs to make sure his partner is okay afterwards, no matter what level of involved they are. He’ll usually wait til she’s asleep and then sneak out. If you’re in a committed relationship he’s going to be incredibly gentle, if its not too late he loves to take a bath with you, watching the hickeys and marks on your skin darken as he holds you under the water, enjoying the relaxation himself.
B = Body part (your favourite body part of theirs and theirs of yours)
He adores your ass. I mean, he loves all of your body, tits, hips, calves, lips, but your ass is something he can never get enough of. Grabbing it, squeezing it, fucking it, he’s all about  ass.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) Bryan loves to cum deep inside you, and adores watching the cum leak out of you, fucking it back into your cunt with his fingers, a toy or his cock (this is of course as long as your on BC or he’s snipped, he aint about that baby life). He also loves coming on your face, basically anything with cum, the messier the better.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) He will sub for the right person, and will gladly get pegged and he absolutely adores it
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) He’s *very* experienced. He knows exactly how to seduce someone and exactly how to please them, and just the best way to get himself off. Name something and he’s likely tried it. He’s afraid of basically nothing and is always down to explore kinks or walk someone down that road.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying) Doggy. There’s no doubt. He loves to watch your ass, thrust a thumb into your ass as he fucks you, pull you flush against him, hand wrapping around your throat as he pounds into you from behind.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s more serious. A few little chuckles here and there before he’s done with it. Though if he’s actually with someone he’ll be more goofy in the moment, but even with someone he loves he’s sill gonna be more serious.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) 
Bryan likes to sleep around, he’s a playboy and that kind of intimacy doesn’t even become part of the conversation until he’s sure that he wants to pursue a relationship with someone or if he knows that from the start and is “courting” them instead of seducing them. Ya get me? Lol. If he sees you and knows instantly you’re more than a quick fuck he’s gonna pull out all the stops, rose petals on the bed for the first night you sleep together and shit.
J = Jack off (masturbation head canon)
Likely daily. Morning wood taken care of in the shower. In the evening’s he’ll strip down and get into bed, getting super comfortable, drink in one hand, cock in the other as he turns on porn and watches for a few hours. Most nights it’s gonna be a long run, teasing himself until he can’t hold back anymore.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
It would literally be easier to list the things he’s *not* into LOL. Bryan’s all about the BDSM community, he likes to tie you up, use a crop to spank you, all about the toys for both you and him. Pet play is something he enjoys, and you just have to know this man has a dirty kink.
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
He knows he has to be somewhat careful due to his job/image, but he’ll likely fuck you anywhere. He’s a bit of a exhibitionist, loves fucking you up against the windows, bent over his desk, the bathroom at a bar, in the shower at home, over the kitchen island, on the couch.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
 A number of things! He particularly enjoys you in lingerie, or little hints of it peeking out from under your clothes. Skirt riding up just enough to see the top of your thigh highs, bending over just enough so he can see the red lace under your shirt. Coming home to find you half or fully naked in his bed. Getting sent racy texts or photos is what really gets him going. He’s also the one that gets horny jealous. If he sees you flirting with another man/getting hit on by another man you just know he’s going to take you home (or to the nearest private space) and is gonna remind you who you belong to and why.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
There may be a lot he’ll experiment with but I’m gonna say that scat play is past his limit.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves pussy but he absolutely loves getting his dick sucked, there’s just nothing comparable to it. The image of you on your knees in front of him makes him instantly hard, and he obviously likes them messy. Likes when you spit into your hand before stroking his cock, loves fucking your face, drool dripping down your chin, thrusting so deep into your throat you’re gagging around him, eyes watering, mascara running. The more ruined you are by the end of it the better.
When it comes to giving, he is good at it and knows what he’s doing, but it’s a step that he’ll skip for his quick hook ups.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough 99% of the time. He likes it hard, he likes to fuck you senseless, deep and hard enough that you’re going to be feeling it for the rest of the week.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Absolutely fucking adores them. Quickie in the shower, quickie in the morning once he sees the lingerie you’re wearing. Sees you in a fancy dress for a gala? Gonna fuck you in the backseat of the car on the way there. Office quickie? You bet.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Absolute risk taker. He’s always game to experiment and try out something new. He’s only turned down a couple of things over the years and that’s cause they were super fucking weird. He’s more than willing to role play, for you to dress up, or recreate porn you’ve watched together. And he’s obviously not against fucking in public.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) He can last a decent amount of time. Long enough for the foreplay, for you to suck his dick and then to fuck you into next week. If he is starting to get tired, or it’s been a longer day, he’ll make you ride him a while before he dicks you down. As for rounds, he can go all night, but he’s gonna need a bit longer of a break between turns, and he loves to cock warm you during those.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) This man has a toy collection big enough to rival your own, maybe even bigger. He’s got a couple of vibes to help out when his hands get tired, or the position means he can’t really reach your clit. He’s definitely got one that sits in your panties and rubs on your clit that he has the remote to. Same with an internal one of the same. He’s got butt plugs of varying sizes, at least one dildo so he can fully double penetrate you without having someone else there. He’s definitely got a couple of cock rings and at least one of them vibrates. He’s also not afraid of his own ass being played with, so he’s got toys for that too.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s the ultimate tease. Fantastic with words, sexts, and dirty talk he’ll have you absolutely dripping and whining for him and he’ll still make you choke on his cock, grinding on his shoe before he’ll touch you. And if you’ve been the one teasing him and riling him up all day, you better believe that he’s not letting you come, he’ll wait til you’re right on the brink and then completely stop. As long as he’s come himself, he’s not touching you and you just know you’re not allowed to touch yourself for the next week. (but he’ll use you however he wants to in that time frame).
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not crazy loud, lots of groaning, grunting and swearing. But he’s also into dirty talk, and definitely leans to the derogatory side of things. Calling you his dirty whore, his little cum slut, how well you take his thick cock, how good it feels when he’s stretching you out, daddy’s needy thing.
W = Wild card (a random head canon for the character)
Loves M/M/F threesomes. Sometimes it’s the DP action, seeing two cocks stuffed tight into one hole (or two, depending) and sometimes it’s getting his ass fucked while he fucks someone else. He’s got no shame when it comes to that and will openly admit that he enjoys the company of both men and women.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) He’s thick, veiny, a shower. It’s big and he knows it.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Decently high. He likes to fuck a few times a week at the very minimum and I like to believe he’s a daily masturbator. Even on the days where he’s tired or out of it, working late or the like and doesn’t really have the yearn to fuck all it takes is you showing up in your lingerie, or naked, or getting on your knees and he’ll start to get hard.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Pretty fucking quickly, especially if he’s certain there’s no more rounds to be had, or if it’s a work night, he’s out pretty fast.
@detective-giggles @plaidbooks @thatesqcrush @witches-unruly-heart @beccabarba @bisexual-dreamer02 @amelia-song-pond @madamsnape921 @whimsicallymad @mrsrafaelbarba @mysticfalls01 @ssaic-jareau @caracalwithchips @barbasbodaciousbeard @alwaysachorusgirl @beardedbarba @michael-rooker @rafivadafreddy @lustvolle-liebe @anlin2058 @fandom-princess-forevermore @tinyboxxtink @alexusonfire @xovalliegirlxo @somethingimaginative17 @momlifebehard @misscharlielulu @alcabots @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @louderfortheback @valentinesfrog @originalbrunettecharacter @wittygutsy
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dollcherray · 1 month
yooooo you should totes do an SMG3 x reader with social anxiety and glasses who also loved drawing :33 /nd
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𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ BLUE HAIR ₊⊹
⋆.˚ SMG3 with a s/o who wears glasses, has anxiety and draws!
ᯓ★ Notes: oof, this is OLDDD sorry for the wait but my summer break was full of trips and i had little time but there you go! mentions of anxiety so be aware.
₊⊹ Type: Romantic, Fluff, Headcanons. (short?)
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Song: Blue hair
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۶ৎ Ok this man absolutely jokingly makes fun of you because of your glasses, calling you "four eyes" or something like that, but don't worry he genuinely thinks it matches you, he doesn't really mind about it he's just trying to push your buttons a bit.
۶ৎ SMG3 also draws! so i think you two would exchange drawings pretty often, he'll also enjoy watching you draw, its his favorite hobby, watching you carefully and ever so gracefully move your pencil in your book/tablet.
۶ৎ If you want he'll also let you see his drawing! just don't ask about his old arts... he might or might not have some pretty romantic drawings of you two, but he wouldn't admit it! he wouldn't even want to show in the first place.
۶ৎ About your social anxiety... i headcanon SMG3 to have anxiety himself, so he'll know how to decently handle your social anxiety, will try to avoid any place that's too crowded for your taste, and if you guys need to go to a crowded place, he'll hold your hand tight all the time!
۶ৎ If you get too overwhelmed, SMG3 will immediately excuse you two and take you to a less crowded place, so you can feel more comfortable, he'll hug you, kiss you, anything just to make you feel better!
۶ৎ But he'll try to make you lose your social anxiety, suggesting therapy and others, hyping you up everytime you do something that requires any social interaction, like taking to a cashier or something like that, little or not, he's proud of you!
۶ৎ Of course he'll try not to push you too much, if you feel like you really don't want to socially interact with someone, he'll mostly do the talking for you<3
۶ৎ If you cope with the anxiety by the drawings, he'll take your sketchbook with him wherever you guys go, this man doesn't show nor look like it, but he's actually a very sweet person with the ones he deeply cares about, especially a partner.
۶ৎ If someone dares criticize you in any or form just because of your anxious nature, this man will defend you with teeth and nails, like, HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT MY CUTIE LIKE THAT?
۶ৎ Don't worry about being a "burden" for him, he'll gladly do all of that for you, but just don't actually depend on him to do all these things since he'll not always be by your side, but whenever he is he'll try to make the social interaction less unnerving for you.
۶ৎ Literally the cutest man on the earth 😿😿😿😿😿
"Smg3 please it's ok-!" "excuse me, they asked for no pickles."
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lays-little-world · 1 year
ZB1 as types of hugs
Hey !!! I want to put out zb1 content. So I got this idea about how the zb1 members would hug their partner and I couldn’t get this thought out of my head. Then I tried to put it in words and that’s the result. I’m quite new to this and I hope that you will like it. Feel free to let me know your thoughts and hopefully you enjoy my content. Here we go.
Jiwoong - straddle hugs
It is safe to say that Jiwoong and you know what’s best for the other one
So when you come home to see him waiting for you, you can only think about embracing him
As it’s quite the routine, you straddle his lap and lean against his upper body where you can finally calm down
Jiwoong slings his arms around you body and sometimes pets over your head
While hugging, you can smell his cologne which makes you feel secure and comfortable
You stay in this position for a while and talk about your day and anything you can think of
You love the intimacy you have and that you can always count on Jiwoong
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Zhang Hao - hugs with resting head
Zhang Hao loves to be your protecter in this relationship
He'll be your biggest fan and greatest supporter
He can easily detect when your energy is low and just need to be hugged
So he'll wrap his arm around you torso and let’s you lean your head against his shoulders
That’s when you can finally relax and forget about all the stress and the things that are bothering you
Zhang Hao will gladly listen to all your worries and will do his best to lift your mood and put a smile on your face
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Hanbin - cuddle hugs
Although people might not expect it, Hanbin and you enjoy your private time
This is where you can be yourself and feel comfortable
So when you watch a movie while laying on the couch, you start by leaning against each other
But you'll end up bodies cuddled up which you secretly like a lot
You'll start to play with his hands while watching the movie
You love his embrace and it makes you feel loved and like nothing can go wrong
In these times you realize that you couldn’t be luckier to have Hanbin in your life
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Matthew - eye to eye hugs
For Matthew, physical affection is a key part in your relationship
He uses it as a tool to make sure that you are alright and content
So after a rather hectic and stressful day, he loves to hug you while looking deep into your eyes
He feels like he can see into the depths of your soul and connected with you
During the hug you feel protected and as if all your worries will just disappear into thin air because you know that Matthew will be there for you
You just love the way Matthew makes you feel at home and understood, like nothing can harm you when he’s by your side
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Taerae - bear hugs
Taerae and you know how to balance each other
You don’t have to talk and he knows what made you upset
So he'll give you the tightest bear hug ever that will make you think of nothing else but him
All your worries will wash away and he listens to everything you want to say
You love that a simple act of affection makes you feel protected and at ease
You understand each other without verbally communicating and always know what the other needs
Taerae is your safe space and makes you feel loved and appreciated
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Ricky - hugs at the waist
Ricky’s and yours relationship has always been a little flirty
You just have to tease each other all the time
So it’s no surprise that Ricky will eventually get a bit jealous
That’s when he'll put his hands at your waist, pull you close to him and make you look close into his sparkling eyes
Although it’s a quite simple act, this kind of affection will literally make your heart beat a million times faster and let’s you forget everything around you
You just can’t believe that you can call a person like Ricky your own
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Gyuvin - hugs with twirling
You can only describe your relationship as goofy and teasing
It’s rare to see a moment when you two aren’t bickering or poking at each other
That’s the reason that when Gyuvin wants to show his affection for you, he just can’t help himself and has to be a little mean
So when he approaches you to hug you, he embraces you tightly and lifts you of the ground
As if that isn’t enough torture, he'll start to spin you around while he laughs his ass off
When he finally let’s you touch the ground again, you can only laugh at your goofy boyfriend and slap his arm as revenge
But all the unexpected and random displays of affection are the reason why you love him so much
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Gunwook - catching hugs
Gunwook and you really value the time you spend together
So after not seeing each other for quite a while, all you wanted to do is to be in Gunwook’s embrace and nowhere else
All you could do when you saw him waiting for you, smiling, was to run straight at him
Although he was surprised at the impact, he still caught you and hold you as tight as possible
You nuzzled your head into his neck and wouldn’t dare to let go of him
You realize that you could stay in this moment forever and can’t think of someone that makes you this happy
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Yujin - back hugs
Yujin and you are not the biggest fans of affection and showing pda.
Nonetheless, you still love to show your love for one another from time to time
You made it a habit to startle each other
That’s the reason why one of you will sneak up behind the other and wrap their arms around the other’s torso
You especially love the cute gasp Yujin let’s out when you startled him
The sound would always make you laugh and Yujin had no choice but to join the laughter
In the end, you'll stay in this position and just enjoy the presence of each other
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codfanficedits · 9 months
Christmas - Part 2/4
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Summary: Simon during Christmas :)
Wordcount: 2127 | Rating: E! (18+ only!)
Warnings: A little bit hinting to NSFW, I think? A lot of fluff :)
A/N: I said what I said.
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He used to hate the holidays, but by the Gods did that change when he met you. You felt like a gift from the heavens above, slowly introducing him to the warmth that could be, and for the first time since years, did Simon start to love the holidays.
Unfortunately, does the army wait for no one. And right before he was supposed to be home, he got sent on a mission again, leaving him without a way to communicate with you.
Luckely for him, it was a short, easy mission, leaving him with some spare time to buy you something before he got back. He always adored giving you things. A little way of marking you as his, making it known to others that you were off the market.
He was a little too eager when he swung open the door of your house, kicking off his boots almost immediately.
"Hi, lovie," he mumbled exhausted. One of his hands slipped into his pocket, pulling out a small, black box. "Early present for you."
You had not expected him to be home again, you was more worried that he was killed in action, and there he was, exhausted as could be, but alive.
"Oh lovie." You sighed as you hugged him tight, burying your face in the crook of his neck, a content sigh leaving your lips.
You pulled back to look at him, a smile on your face, your hair tickling his arm. You took the little box from him, opening it eagerly.
"Simon!" You had been eyeing this ankle bracelet for a while, and he must've known it. "This must've costed you a fortune!" You exclaimed, seeing it had this initial on it, a little S dangling off it.
He hugged back with a groan, wrapping his arms around your tightly. The love he felt for his person was unmatched by anyone or anything. No matter how hard things got, these rare moments of comfort made his entire being come back to life and feel like things were going to be okay. You made his heart race in ways you'd never know.
"I'm here." He whispered in your ear, a low sigh escaping his lips before he kissed your forehead. He was relieved you wasn't annoyed with his sudden, early return. “It didn’t cost a fortune.” He groaned. “It will look nice when your ankles rest on my shoulders.” He chuckled.
"I'm so glad you are." You murmured softly when he kissed your forehead. "I was so worried something had happened."
You pressed a kiss on his cheek. "Do you want to stay in for Christmas? Or do you want to go to a dinner party or something?" You knew how much he valued his time, so you would gladly give him the choice.
Another low sigh escaped his lips as you kissed his cheek, his tired body leaning into the light affection you gave him. He let his eyes close for a moment but opened them when you asked a question.
He considered the options. "I'm pretty tired, honestly," he mumbled, leaning his head against yours. He wanted nothing more than to simply feel your presence by him.
"Then we're staying at home." You smiled. "I haven't seen you in a few months. And I would rather be with you than anywhere else."
"I can run you a bath, when it is Christmas I'll make some dinner." You mused. "Sounds like a good plan to me."
That was his ideal Christmas holiday. Spend it comfortably with his partner. No parties, no socializing with people you didn't know.
"That's perfect," he mumbled. A bath would feel great right now; his bones felt like they were going to break as soon as he let his guard down. "You can spoil me for the day," he said, his face lighting up now that he knew you’d be staying home.
"You would like that, wouldn't you." You teased him. You gave him a playful slap on his ass. "Let’s get your stinky ass in a bath." You grinned, as you kissed his cheek again.
You walked in front of him, placing the ankle bracelet on your nightstand before you went to the bathroom with him, it was a gorgeous gift, and you loved how he paid attention to what you wanted.
Simon laughed softly when you gave his ass that playful slap, his muscles clenching from the unexpected touch. It might not seem like much to others, but those little acts of affection were everything to him.
He followed behind, his steps slower than usual. Exhaustion weighed down his body, making him feel almost drunk. His muscles ached in the worst way possible. However, the bath was everything he needed to fix that.
"I hate to ask...can you help me wash?" He couldn't help but ask, the weariness showing itself in his voice.
You loved it, and he wouldn't know how happy it was making you, Simon always wanted to care for you, for others.
"Of course, lovie." You said with a smile, as you helped him undress.
You could see how tired he was, exhaustion from being a soldier oozing out of him. He leaned on you, and you knew this was all he needed.
It was almost ironic how he, a man of his physique and stature, was relying on his partner to help him with a simple, everyday task. It was almost funny how he was acting so pitiful; the man who usually carried the team's equipment was now having his clothes stripped from him.
Still, the simple act of you helping him made him feel closer to you and made him feel taken care of. It almost put tears in his eyes, but he was too tired to display such emotion. All he could do was lean against you and simply let you do your thing.
You didn't mind, not at all, you had leaned on him plenty of times, and you loved that you could return the favour.
You rinsed him first under the shower, getting rid of most of the dirt and grime, before you guided him to the bathtub. You let it fill up with warm water, before you leaned in to kiss him, helping him step into the water.
"There ya go."
Simon sighed contently as he felt the warm water against his skin, his muscles no longer hurting quite as badly as they were. The stress and tension just melted away. He let his eyes close again, leaning against you. You were doing him such an act of kindness. He hadn't been this relaxed in so long, the last few months being nothing but an endurance test.
"I could kiss you so many times right now," he mumbled with fatigue, his voice raspy and low from disuse.
"You're too tired to kiss me." You teased him. You took some shampoo, your shampoo, the nice, expensive one, and you lathered it in your hands. You took place behind him, softly massaging his scalp with the shampoo.
"I'm too tired to function right now," he groaned. Still, that didn't stop his body from reacting to your touch. Your hands felt like they were melting away all of the tension in his muscles, the scent of the shampoo being a bonus.
It wasn't long before his eyes closed and his breathing slowed, the last few drops of adrenaline leaving his body as he relaxed completely. It always baffled him how you made things so easy and simple, taking care of him and making his life better than it had ever been.
You used the shower head to rinse out the shampoo from his hair.
After that, you used your bodywash to lather your hands again, softly massaging his shoulders with the soap. Any other day you would’ve joined him, teased him in the bath until he dragged you to the bedroom. But you could see he was too tired, too exhausted and he needed a break.
"I love you." You whispered softly.
Simon let out a relaxing moan when you massaged his shoulders, the tension leaving his body more with each slow touch. He almost couldn't believe he was still on earth. Things were going too perfectly.
"I love you too," he murmured, and that was the truth. It was no longer butterflies in his stomach when he was by your side. Now it was warmth, security, and a sense of overwhelming belongingness.
It had been the same for you. You didn't get butterflies when you saw him, unless he was all dressed up, or bone naked, but he made you feel at home, he made you feel like you belonged in the world.
You work your thumbs into the tired muscles of your lover.
"Nearly done, my love." You murmured softly. "I'll dry you off once we're done."
Your touch felt like a comforting, calming blanket being draped over him. Every ounce of stress and tension was releasing. It was like being back in your arms after a long day, his body getting the much needed attention it deserved. He was already ready to nap once this was over.
"Thank you..." He mumbled, feeling like he should be doing more in this relationship, rather than simply accepting your care and love. Oh but he was doing so much more than he gave himself credit for. He loved you unconditionally and that was the best thing he could do.
You emptied the bath, helping him getting out of the tub, after that you took the fluffiest towel you could find, slowly drying him off.
"Let’s get you to bed, Si."
Simon smiled and closed his eyes again, appreciating how the towel felt against him. It was so soft and warm. Like a hug.
"I'm not being too demanding, am I?" He mumbled softly. The last thing he wanted to do was be a handful to take care of. But with how exhausted he was, it was hard not to melt into the towel and simply relax.
"Demanding?" You repeated. "You're anything but demanding."
A soft kiss is pressed on his chest. "I would do anything for you. This is nothing." You reassured him.
You took his hand, guiding him and his naked body to your bedroom.
You took off your jeans and socks before you got into bed yourself, and before you could say or do anything he was between your legs, his arms around your waist, his head resting on your lap.
Simon's mind went fuzzy at your reassurance and affection. Was he really this loved? Could he have done anything worthy of such unwavering devotion?
He was the one who should have been doing more for you, not the other way around. Yet you still took care of him, took care of everything. Even when he was acting so pitiful and incapable of doing the simplest tasks.
His body reacted appropriately to your warmth; his arms wrapped around your, his muscles tightening as he clung to you.
You took your book from the nightstand, running your free hand through his hair as you let out a content sigh. He was home, and that was all you could ask for.
“What are you reading?” Simon muttered softly, while he tried to keep his eyes open. “Haunting Adeline, it is quite good.”
Simon perks up. “Are you out of your mi-“ He chuckles when he sees a different cover and he let’s himself sink into your lap again. “I nearly went off on you, you idiot.” He scolded you, lovingly of course.
“How do you even know it?” You muse, your hand running through his hair again.
Simon closes his eyes once more. “Soap bought it to impress a woman he had been dating. The idiot read it out loud to us, before we would go to sleep. He tossed it out really quick when we realised it was glorifying sexual assault and Zade was nothing more than a rapist.”
“Soap did good with that one.” You chuckle. “Tried to read it, had to put it down because I was so disturbed.”
“Hmm.” Simon mumbles as he feels the sleep wash over him. “Tonight I want you to read for me.”
"Merry early Christmas, lovie." You whispered, not sure if he would hear you. "Couldn't wish for a better gift."
The heat of your body was so blissful. The comfort that came from just lying with you was unlike any other experience Simon had ever had. When you were close like this, in a bed, he had no urge to protect his surroundings. He was at ease, his heart beating slower from the sheer joy he felt.
"Merry Christmas," he whispered back, drifting into the most restful sleep he's had in months.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hi ! I hope you're doing okay !
This is my first time doing a request and I've been loving your work so much, so I thought about maybe requesting a headcanon of the members of the Bad Batch (and maybe Rex) with a reader struggling with their body image after giving birth (I saw your headcanon with reader in labor and wanted to see your thoughts on how they would to the reader struggling with their body image afterwards)
Of course, you don't have to do it if you want to and take all the time you need if you wanna do it :)
Have a good day/night :)
Sorry for the long wait! Let me see what I can do 😊
The Bad Batch /Rex x Afab!Reader - A Mother's Body Image
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Comfort/Fluff/Body Image Post Pregnancy/Birth
Our big leader can be a total softie, especially when it comes to you and your small, family. Yes, in a sense he sees you with different eyes now, but not as you probably fear. He loves, admires and desires you unchanged, but one thing is different. Hunter has become much gentler, you are the mother of his child, and a deep instinct has been awakened in him to guard and protect the mother of his child.
He didn't expect it himself, but he loves being a father. He loves to know you by his side, for nothing in the world will he ever want to give that up. Whenever you doubt yourself or feel uncomfortable, you see him smile lovingly at you. Hunter looks at you like you are the center of his world and whenever you get close, he has a talent for making you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. With touches, looks and words, he can carry you high above the clouds where there is only the two of you. Whenever a doubt or fear arises, he flushes them away, as his partner, you can not feel unloved at all.
He still cares for you lovingly. Whenever you are dissatisfied with yourself, he assures you that there is no reason to be. Echo still desires you, but he is also a great supporter of all your goals.
If you want to lose weight, he helps you with the diet plan and also with the preparation. He does sports with you, encourages you in everything you want to achieve, very gladly. But it is never a must, never a condition for his affection or desire. Echo only wants you to be happy and feel good.
Rubbing birthmarks, stretch marks and the like with ointment is an evening ritual that he loves to do, he still loves your body and Echo celebrates every touch with joy.
Nothing has changed for him. Well, of course, a lot has changed in the circumstances under which you live, you now care for your child together. But otherwise, no change has occurred for him. He sees you the same as before. He may notice some changes in passing, but that doesn't matter, it doesn't change how he sees you or how he feels about you, you are the love of his life and the mother of his child.
Wrecker deals with you as he did before, he still looks at you with desire, touches you in the same way. Whenever you doubt your own appearance or are dissatisfied, you will feel Wrecker's lips gently on your skin.
"I want to kiss you all over, I love every little inch of you".
Of course, he notices changes, he knew from the beginning that there would be some. Tech has no problem with it, it's natural, was to be expected and doesn't change anything about the person you are and certainly nothing about his feelings for you.
"It's natural, isn't it? Apart from the fact that it would be more than unfair, why should I love you any less because of it? I still desire you."
He blinks, adjusts his goggles and looks at you questioningly. But you don't really know what to say to that either, except to smile in relief. Tech is a bit more direct and clinical in his approach to most things, but he's still empathetic and sensitive in his own way. He will always show you clearly, one way or another, how much you mean to him.
He frowns, eyeing you questioningly as you suddenly don't really want to undress during your evening cuddle.
"Is something wrong?"
You squirm around, not really wanting to tell him what's bothering you, having your arms wrapped around your body and turning away from him. Crosshair is confused at first and can't do anything at all with your behavior.
"You're acting like you're ashamed. But I've seen you naked enough times. We made a child together, for goodness’ sake."
It takes a long moment, but Crosshair still figures out what's bothering you. His hands gently move under your shirt, he gently takes your hands aside as you try to stop it and asks you to trust him.
He caresses and kisses every stretch mark, every dent, every little fat pad tenderly.
"You're still my kitten, I hope you know that. Nothing will ever change that"
Apart from his loving affection, you enjoy his deep respect. Rex has witnessed the pregnancy and birth, and he has seen what you have been through, suffered with you, cared for you and always looked at you with such admiration. Not only does he love and respect you, he is absolutely proud of you.
"Your strength, your perseverance, made our little family possible". He wouldn't even dream of finding fault with anything about your body. Rex knows what you've been through for your little family. That being said, his love isn't tied to appearances alone, he still desires you, and he knows how to show it.
Rex still takes your breath away with pleasure, with desirous touches and fiery kisses. Nothing has changed negatively for him, on the contrary. A much deeper bond has developed between you, something he would never have thought possible, because even before you were the center of his world.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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prettyoatmeal · 1 year
Please please pretty please 🥹 can you please write While You’re Dating with Soap🥹 I’m dying reading those and can’t wait to read one with my boy Soap😭🥺♥️
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John 'Soap' MacTavish Headcanons While You're Dating & How You Got There
I will so gladly. Thats all I need to say.
I love this man more than I love life itself.
Masterlist here!
How You Got There
You two would be like bread and butter, or two peas in a pod, perhaps.
There'd be a well established friendship and maybe even a situationship, though you wouldn't be able to tell due to his playful and flirtatious personality.
Whether you're civilian or a 141 member, he'll always try to be with you regardless of what you're doing at the time.
He'd notice this about himself, how he always wants to be around you but he'd never think too much of it.
If you're part of the Task Force, you bet your sweet ass he'd be staring at you non-stop. No matter what you did, his eyes would be on you.
He wouldn't care much for being professional around you since you two were a couple of jokesters together anyway so the constant flirting was just a given.
He'd soon realise 'Oh shit, I actually kind of like them.'
His stomach would fill with butterflies every time you laughed at one of his jokes. It would cause his confident attitude to fall a little and make him a little bashful.
Despite his naturally flirty demeanour, he'd be pretty nervous to ask you out once he realised he had developed feelings. He wouldn't want to lose what he had with you prior as he would consider you as one of his best friends.
Simon was someone he knew he could always go to, but you were different. You matched his emotional nature which Simon normally kept hidden from others. He appreciated that about you.
You would always be together, everyone had assumed you two were dating already dating so when you'd say that you were just friends they'd be very skeptical.
It was so extremely obvious that you liked him and he liked you, but you were so scared of making things awkward between you two that neither of you had said anything.
Didn't really have his mind set on getting a partner before you, so when he fell, he fell HARD.
He would go to Simon many, many times just asking him for advice. His advice would always be 'Ask them out' but really, Johnny just wanted to be there to gush about you.
"I just think they're really pretty and I like how they smell and I want to be with them and make them feel safe and and and-"
And it would always end in him sobbing to Simon because he likes you so much and Simon would just stand there like
Because this has happened so many times now.
At that point, Simon himself would go up to you like
"Johnny's into you."
I feel like he'd ask you out in a silly way and pop it really unexpectedly. Like half-joke-ish but only half-joke-ish because he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable.
"Hey, Johnny, I didn't know what to get you so I got that takeaway you really like."
"No way! Kiss me right now."
Insert makeout session.
Not even an official way to ask you, he's just silly like that.
No but genuinely, he probably would pull something like that so he could play it off as a joke or something if you found yourself uncomfortable.
Lucky for him, he didn't need to do that.
When It's Official
When you do make it official, Johnny would be the biggest sweetheart.
I feel like the honeymoon phase with him would never end as he'd always be so big on communication and talking things out that conflict and issues are sorted out before they've even begun.
Also because like
It's Johnny, no moment with him could ever be dull.
Early in the relationship there wouldn't be any awkwardness like there'd maybe be with other 141 members. Like I said, there'd be the pre-established friendship where you two were always together anyways.
John would be his same enthusiastic self.
Wouldn't 'take it slow' per se, but wouldn't rush into anything you'd ultimately be uncomfortable with.
The touchiness would become hugging, the hugging would become cuddling, the cuddling would become coddling.
Maybe not coddling, but he'd still be very protective of you. Can't have anything happening to his precious lover.
Would definitely buy you gifts and presents out of the blue.
"Dove, c'mere, look what I gots ya!"
And it would be the most beautiful pendant you've ever seen in your life.
"Johnny! How much did this cost you?"
"Oh, it was nothing, Darl! Let us put it on ya, hmm? Turn around."
One to spoil you, for sure, despite how many times you tell him to save his money instead.
"Nonsense!" he'd tell you.
Biggest pet names for him would be along the lines of Dove, Hen, Darling, Lass or Lad.
Big confident man so he loves showing you off to all your team mates.
Yeah, he scored YOU, the most gorgeous being in the world. How could he not show the world.
Not against PDA at all, he will so gladly hold your hand or wrap an arm around your waist, letting everyone know you're off limits.
In public, he's very confident, but in private, he's a very emotional man.
Can't keep his hands off you, has to be touching you 24/7. Like a clingy dog. This makes him become very interested in everything you're doing, whether it be the least important or the most important thing in the world.
"Hey, Love, whatcha doin'? Can I join? Lemme just pop a squat right 'ere next to ya."
"Johnny, look here. It's called Sudoku, so you see-"
He's very restless when you're not with him or out with friends. He knows you can protect yourself but still, he worries a little.
Can become very whiney when you're occupied for too long without giving him attention.
"I know, Johnny, I'll come kiss you in a second."
He loves loves loves loves loves being babied.
Will do anything and everything to have you pull his face into your chest and cradle his head like that, running your fingers through his mohawk (it's surprisingly really soft).
Very big on using you as a pillow. Whether it be your chest, boobs, tummy, thighs, shoulder, ass, he will find a way to lean his head on you no matter what you're doing together. Especially on movie nights.
Like a big dog, thats what he reminds me of. Doesn't realise he's so big and sometimes a big heavy on you. But thats okay because he'd be like a weighted blanket in a way.
He 100% snores like
honk shoo honk shoo honk shoo honk shoo
At least you know your boy is sleeping soundly and finally getting the comfort he deserves.
Part two? Who knows. Goodnight <3
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