#loa girlie
malusokay · 19 days
Little things to be more charming ౨ৎ
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holding eye contact when speaking to someone. takes some practice but so so worth it <3
don't be shy about your niche interests!! even if people don't fully get it, it makes you interesting!!
remember people's names!!
accept compliments, don't go "oh noo you're too kind I'm so ugly I look awful blah blah blah" when people say something nice to you.
signature pen. Don't question it. every cool girl has a signature pen.
always look out for others, make sure no one feels left out when you hang out with a group, check up on your friends, etc etc
listen closely and think before you speak, that way you won't stumble over your words and appear more collected and calm! :)
"please" and "thank you" ALWAYS.
you don't have to be perfect at something to have fun. I'm terrible at golf (a danger to myself and others) but people don't mind and think it is cute and fun... a win-win for me lmao
dressing up? normal to you. Don't save your cute outfits for "special" days; every day is special and you deserve to look gorgeous. <3
Oh and sit up straight ;)
As always, please feel free to share your own suggestions and tips in the comments! <3
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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huellitaa · 3 months
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diorprncess · 10 months
𝓑𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
everyone has their own definition of a dream girl - a girl who is simply everything we want or everything we want to be. i strongly believe that discipline and the law of assumption can help anyone become their own version of a dream girl. so why not just manifest that into your reality?
start by figuring out exactly what it means to be a dream girl to you.
what's her name? what does she do for a living? how much money does she make? what about her education? where does she live? what does she look like? what does her body look like? what kind of clothes does she wear? what kind of person is she? what does her morning routine look like? what does her day look like? what does her night routine look like? what are her hobbies and interests? how does she see the world and other people? how do other people see her? what are her goals in life? what kind of people does she surround herself with? what does she do in her free time?
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now the most important thing is to answer those questions like you're talking about yourself. not "she is..." but "i am...". i suggest you write it down somewhere just so you can come back to it whenever you need it.
answer those questions and add whatever details you want your dream girl to have. please remember that this is the version of a girl who is perfect to YOU. don't feel like your answers have to be something that other people consider perfect, just describe the version of yourself who is truly happy with her life.
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now that you know what a dream girl is to you, tell yourself that you are that girl. i don't wanna hear any "oh but she's rich and i'm not" or "oh but she's this and that and i'm not". no! she is you and you are her. if you can imagine it you can have it. think about what your life would look like if you were that girl. daydream, make plans, journal, create vision boards, do whatever that helps you be in the dream girl state. you are your dream girl, that's it. you look like her, you talk like her, you walk like her, you are her. no matter what shows up in your reality, that doesn't matter, you're becoming your dream girl and nothing and no one can stop you.
something that will definitely help with that is doing the things on your list that are possible for you right now. if your dream girl wakes up early and you know that it's possible for you then start waking up early as well. if your dream girl does yoga and you have enough time and are physically able to do it, start doing yoga. you don't have to start with extremely expensive products and routines, just whatever is possible for you right now. do whatever will help you stay in that state and the rest will simply come to you :)
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audrinawf · 9 months
do not underestimate the power of cleaning your space, meditating and journaling your thoughts. especially journaling cause once you start brain dumping your thoughts you actually release them and once you do your higher self starts to show up in your writing. whenever I need ideas I start brain dumping all of my thoughts, tasks and things I have to do and it’s like I empty my mind and my concious mind and my subconscious mind takes over and I get these amazing downloads come through.
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girlbossagenda · 4 months
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How to stop feeling embarassed for everything
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ♡ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
I know a lot of people struggle with this, this is the same for me, but I've overcame the severe part and I'm here to share some tips to stop feeling embarassed about everything.
୨୧Undestand you can't control everything୨୧
This is so important, cause it lifts a lot out of weight off your chest, undestand that sometime things are not always dictated by your actions, you may just play around 30%-70% of a role in your circumstances, but it's never always 100% . So dont put all the blame on you.
୨୧Will this matter in 5 years?୨୧
Always ask this question to yourself, "Will all of this matter in five years?", if not avoid overthinking it and if you can't help it, scream, cry and journal or record youself while you say everything out lout, but don't treat it like something that it's going to matter in a range of five years, especially if you are young.
୨୧show up for yourself୨୧
It can be as simple as a face mask, cooking a new meal or taking a shower, but you need to show love to youself and to relax your mind and body, writing love letters to youself can be very useful for when you need uplifting affirmations, try to create a comftable envirioment to relax.
୨୧do what you can do best୨୧
Part of feeling embarassed comes from our inability to compleate certain tasks or a feeling of inadeguacy, doing something that you are good at it's going to help you remember that if you are not good at this, you are good at that, or that your value didn't decrease, because you still have other skills to offer.
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This is all for today hunns, I hoped this helped you, I will make a mini series with all my advices/guides so if you want to read more guides and tips make sure to stay in tune with this blog, and if you want more advices or simply ask a question you can click the "advice" button on my profile! I will gladly answer you, I hope you'll have a beautiful week xoxo gourgeous!
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ninasrestart · 7 months
Hey, you. You're too pretty.
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Seriously though? why do you always end up mogging everyone near you? You look like a real life goddess! You make models look bad and I am not even exaggerating. Your whole body is the epitome of perfection, those pretty eyes, that cute nose, with that juicy, sexy, perfect lips make people look back TWICE or more at you. You just keep on getting prettier every. single. day. Like holy shit, are you even real? No, actually? your beauty enhances literally every second and it's just so, so pleasing to look at. I could look at you forever and still want to take another look. I just don't get how pretty one can be, my standards increase rapidly just by looking at you, and tell me, is that my fault? is that my fault that I feel this way when i look at you? because, I, I really cant control how i feel when I look at you, I love the way you smile, your voice, the way your lips move when you speak, I love the way your eyes shine under the bright moon. You look like a cigarettes after sex song and you put every plastic surgeon to shame because they can never, never make someone look as pretty as you. You just are a big earth shattering ball of beauty, aren't you?
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pastel-charm-14 · 2 months
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remember, you have to power to shape your reality! you are literally god! so if you believe that you are the best version of yourself, that you have your dream life, then you do!! it's really that simple.
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embracing positivity ;
DO focus on what you want to manifest, DON'T focus on your limiting beliefs, what you fear, or what you lack! affirm that your doubts do not affect you in the slightest!
i am worthy of every single good thing that happens i am abundant in literally every aspect of my life i am capable of everything and anything
visualizing ;
this is such a powerful tool!! just imagine yourself already living your dreams. feel the emotions as if they are already yours (which they are). set aside some time each day for this, and engage all of your senses!
making a vision board ;
i don't do this because it doesn't help me personally, but i know a lot of people who like to make vision boards to visualize, so if that's your thing, then go ahead :)
post on how to make a vision board by yours truly
living in the end ;
take on the qualities of the person you want to become. dress the part, speak confidently, and take actions that align with your goals!! the more you act as if your desires are already fulfilled, the closer they come to reality.
scripting ;
write down your desires as if they've already come true. describe how it feels to have achieved your goals and express gratitude for them in the present. i love to do this in my journal with my favorite pen <3
gratitude ;
from what i've heard this plays into law of attraction a bit? correct me if i'm wrong but gratitude raises your vibration and attracts more positivity into your life. and being grateful for what you already have and for the blessings on their way is a great thing to do whatever the case!
trust in yourself ;
have faith that the universe is working in your favor!! let go of your limiting beliefs, and trust that you have your desires already! again, just believe that you are deserving of all the good that comes your way.
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girlbloggerbby · 10 months
Body language/mental tricks that hot people use and know
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Consider learning more about "the halo effect"(i will do a detailed post soon)
Triangle eye contact!!! Marilyn Monroe used this tactic for flirting and it sure works
If a person its telling you a story and look to the right they're telling the truth and trying to remember the story, but if they look to the left they're lying(creating that story)
Doe eyes for getting what you want and siren eyes to play someone
Mirroring the person you like is a an unconscious thing that happens to us when we like someone, so try to do it on purpose to attract someone
Keeping your chin up can be perceived as confidence
Tell a joke or just show a funny thing in a group of people, then look who everyone looks at when laughing, usually people look at who they like or who are more intimate
Whispering on someone's ear it's a form of creating intimacy with someone in a innocent way
That's it for the day, If you have any ideas or what topic you want tips just ask, luv ya❤️‍🔥
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The world needs to accept as you are. no ! The world does not owe you anything. People do not owe you anything. We are changing everyday , we are always trying to improve ourselves. No person is the same person as he or she was from the day that they were born. Everything will be okay when you make it okay. Your life is in your hands. Nobody is coming to save you. Not your mom , your dad , your spouse , your children etc. You want your life to change? You have to change.
Beyonce says that whenever she goes on stage she is not Beyonce , she is Sasha Fierce. David Goggins grew up in poverty, gained alot of weight but then he lost weight and ran marathons. They all say to create a new version of yourself.
Liz said that she is lazy , doesn't like attention which comes from social media and stay her in bed all day but all this will get her nowhere so she created a new version. Somebody that is confident , uses her platform , goes after her goals , gets up and goes to gym and somebody with a very hard mindset and tough skin . You need to create a tough skin especially if you are an influencer or a celebrity.
If you start acting like your alter ego , you will become like her. Ask yourself . What does the higher version of yourself look like ? How does she / he look like ? What is she / he wearing ? Who do they date ? What is their career ? How do they spend their time ? What is their hairstyle ?
Before doing anything , ask yourself , will my highest version do this? If you are eating sugary food, ask yourself If your highest version would eat that dessert. If you don't feel like going to the gym , ask yourself If your highest version would skip gym or go to gym.
Find your own passion . No one can tell you what your passion is , you need to find it .
God gives us passion because that's what we are supposed to do.
If you have no idea about your passion , what am I really good at ? Every single person is good at something . It might be as small as cooking, managing team or very much into social media.
You can't be always kind to yourself, sometimes you need a reality check . Also , ask yourself what your best version of yourself would do ? Go for walk. Listen to podcast.
Talk to God as if he is your best friend. Ask God and the universe for the things you want. Don't expect help if you don't ask for help. God puts people in our life to help us , to upgrade us.
Ask once , be specific and practice gratitude before asking. Start assuming like the world is designed for you to succeed .
You walk into a room , you have a meeting or a presentation. You feel nervous. Ask yourself : what would the highest version of myself do ? Shoulders back , walk into the room and start talking. Wherever you go , think that everyone is in love with you , it will make you confident.
You have to tell yourself affirmations . Look into the mirror and say " I am powerful . I am amazing. I am going to kill this day ." Ask God to help you and stand by me .
It takes accountability. Going through the progress of looking at yourself differently.
Know that the bad day is a blessing. How will we appreciate good days if we have no bad days ?
If you want an expensive watch , the watch itself doesn't fulfill you , it's the process towards the watch & the anticipation. If you want to lose weight , going to gym regularly and seeing the scale going down, Feeling healthier and better. That is the process. That is happiness.
Do not tell anyone about your ambitions .Show them what you are doing .
If you tell big dreams to small minded people , they will never support you because they do not understand. They have not done it themselves
The big issue with people is that they want to talk before it happened. Why are you putting evil eye on yourself?
" What people don't know they can't ruin "
Be private. You never know who is praying for your downfall.
Don't talk about things you want to accomplish before you accomplished them.
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jdoredoll · 3 months
It’s your life. Your only limit is your mind. Don’t let others pull you down. 🤍
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malusokay · 2 months
⋆˚࿔ Weekly self-care checklist
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Self-care night. Candlelight bubble baths, hair mask, manicure, face mask, home-cooked meal, a good book or your comfort show, some journaling... allow yourself some rest <3
Organise and use your planner/calendar. This will help you reduce stress by helping you stay structured and focused.
Update your Spotify playlists. Nothing is more annoying than being on the go, trying to relax to your music, and constantly having to skip songs that don't resonate with you anymore!!
Sunday reset is a non-negotiable!! laundry, fresh sheets, cleaning your make-up brushes, decluttering, etc...
Catch up on some sleep. Take a nap or choose a night to go to sleep extra early. (I recently read this article on sleep dept... VERY interesting!! -> Click here)
Plan a weekly girl's day!! maybe a picnic, some shopping, a movie night, or perhaps just a coffee date? make some plans and catch up with your girls <3
Go on a long morning walk; maybe you'll be able to catch the sunrise too!!
Buy yourself some flowers. You deserve them. <3
As always, please feel free to share your own suggestions and tips in the comments!! ♡
love ya ・:*₊‧౨ৎ
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huellitaa · 3 months
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girl's guide to academic success: part 1 ⊹˚. ♡
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ organisation
first off, have something to organise ur academic life with! i personally use notion (which i'll add later) but u can use anything as long as it's cute, convenient, unique and accessible to you, your life and your schedule specifically. especially as a visual learner, i like to have somewhere i can dump literally everything regarding a singular area in my life, so i do this for almost everything along with school and i highly recommend this <3
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ recognition of talents & improvements
analyse your strengths and weaknesses. think back on tests, exams, marks, and analyse which ones you got highest and lowest on. dont beat urself up for it, obviously; it's just to check which subjects you're doing good in and which ones have room for improvement. for example i love science but im not the best at it sometimes and we had an assessment recently and i didn't get as high as i'd like so i wrote down a little list on a piece of paper in my pencilcase for the topics i got the least in for me to study on my own to practise later.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ laying out goals
set down specific goals; i like to do this week by week accustomed to my schedule that week in my school notion page along with images and vision boards based on the term/semester, but you can do it for the week, the month, the year, anything as long as its helpful to you
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ productive planning
plan accordingly based on ur time energy. when creating any to do list or productivity plan dont pile a ridiculous amount onto it that just leaves you stressed and overwhelmed because that defeats the entire point; this works the same for academic plans and goals and lists etc.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ extra credit
put extra work in to the subjects you know will help you in the future. for example, for my personal aspirations i need to excel in english, history and textiles so i always try my absolute hardest and put my all into those lessons and do extra studying for them in my free time where i can. school is to prepare you for the future so take advantage of that
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ asking questions
please don't be shy to ask questions! that's what teachers are there for and you won't have them forever so take advantage of it while you can! you can even do it in that little window of time just after class if ur too nervous to ask in class. for example, on my last english exam i went to my teacher after class and asked about what i needed to improve on to get the marks i missed next time, and he told me i added too much detail and some other things so i wrote it down and am keeping a note of it to remind me to improve on that next time! (i got top of my class though so i didnt mind. still kind of pissed i added too much detail though)
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ participation
participate! ok im saying this as someone who still struggles with social anxiety a fair amount but if u wanna get higher marks and get on good terms w ur teacher i 100% recommend this. i don't do this in every class but i do it where i can and when i'm confident in my answer, and it's really intimidating at first but what i did is i did it first in the classes i felt most comfortable on and continued from there. it gets easier every time i swear, and nobody's judging you; they'll forget about it after five minutes. plus, what would they be judging you for? being smarter than them?
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ prioritising ur health
this is mentioned a lot in these types of posts but if you're tired or burnt out or overworked or just feel like you need to take a break then do. do the best you can and compromise like i said earlier if you need to, just make sure u are prioritising yourself over anything. <3
inspo ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
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my notion ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
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i also really recommend this layout by @honeytonedhottie, she's amazing go follow her
lots of love! <3
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irisreality · 8 months
My Success story (with proofs) 🎀🫶
Hey guys I know it's a been a long time since I posted anything here but I'm coming with a big success story, as u know @adambja is selling an amazing self concept + void tapes, she customized my tape as I wanted to be (ps:they're not affs she put some potions and her own method and secrets in them).
So yeah, my goal was having my SP back and transform to how I want him to be and gain a great self concept + enhancing my features 🥹 kid u not the first day I listened to the tape (I putted in my headphones and went to sleep) when I wake up I had that intrusive thought of opening Snapchat, guess who I found out on it ? yes my SP in my Snapchat's suggestions YES ! , she told me that he'll come back with another account since I blocked him from Litt everything I was impatient 😋🫶 so I added him, he accepted me and we talked, damnnn istg it was a whole another person, tender and gentle 😭 like he's another one frl, the most funniest part didn't comes yet lol, he asked if I want to see him I said yes, (ps: I told Adambja that I want him to become a gym rat cuz I love big boys hihi) all his pictures were in the gym, his back now is bigger than my attitude dammmmn I was chocked 😭💘💘 he's now the perfect version of himself, we talked for almost a week but now I cut the ropes with him, I feel like I deserve a better one Ngl 😋, beside my SP I'm having a massive amount of compliments like many people has stopped me to say that I'm so beautiful lol + my features now are enhanced and my eyes are bigger, even my teachers now are noticing me more and asking me questions. All this happened in three days 🤭🩷, like Imaaaagine !!
This tape did miracles to me 😭💘 @Adambja thank u so much babe u were and still always my favorite coach ever, I'm coming back to your void's tape at this point 🤭❤️❤️❤️
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audrinawf · 2 months
unpopular opinion but if a man likes you all you have to do is be loyal and pleasant to him. you don’t have to be paying his bills,you don’t have to prove anything to him, you don’t have to be cooking him him 3 course meals every single day or be his maid. A man that has you doing all the emotional, physical and psychological labor in the relationship doesn’t love you
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girlbossagenda · 2 months
stop worring about things you can't control, at the end of the day everything works out in your favor!
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digitalgirlguide · 4 months
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weekly affirmations
My dreams are like constellations in the sky, and I am the navigator of my destiny.
Intelligence and creativity are my trusted allies on the journey to my goals.
Respect and kindness are my non-negotiables, creating a sanctuary in every aspect of my life.
Love is my birthright; I deserve it in abundance and share it generously.
I trust in the twists and turns of my path, knowing each step leads to growth.
Self-love is my daily ritual, a gentle reminder of my worth and well-being.
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