#love me some angsty scenarios
whumpwillow · 2 years
Can I have some comfort for someone who’s just been turned into a vampire and is scared of it?
oooooooooooo vampire whump! my jam
more experienced vampire / their vampire sire guiding the newbie through the transformation and soothing them when things turn painful
caretaker rubbing whumpee's back and making gentle shushing noises as whumpee whimpers and shivers with pain
caretaker bringing whumpee some fresh blood during the transition, then urging whumpee to drink it even if they don't want to, because it will ease their pain
caretaker offering whumpee their own wrist (if caretaker is a human) and this making whumpee feel even worse because they don't want to hurt their friend
caretaker drawing all the curtains closed and making sure no sunlight gets through to hurt whumpee
caretaker holding whumpee in their arms as whumpee is in the throes of their transformation, writhing in pain as their fangs grow in and their physical body dies
whumpee muttering how terrified they are, gripping the sheets in a white-knuckled grip, wondering how they'll ever survive when they have to live like a monster
caretaker reassuring whumpee they aren't a monster, and saying they aren't afraid of whumpee and they're not going to leave whumpee
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nayruwu · 2 years
i like to think guren squad has an unspoken game called "make shinya feel embarrassed". so far only guren has achieved it once but he's way too proud to admit what he did so no one knows about it.
(and in hindsight he's way more embarrassed about it than shinya is so really he just screwed himself over)
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I’m sorry I’m just gonna ignore everyone n everything again
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crystalsnowmins · 6 years
Yoonmin Scenario #18
10k of how to ruin a good prompt. I think could have done a good job. It’s vague again.
* * * Non-AU, In which Yoongi and Jimin develop feelings for each other through ARMYs help.
Yoongi never thought more of Jimin because he knew they are friends, and Jimin considers him as his hyung, someone he looks up to. Yoongi came out, as a bisexual, to his group after the I NEED U era.
Everything they have worked for, the sleepless night that came and passed by, the empty stomachs they slept on, it paid off finally. They suddenly started to win first place in music shows. It was an unexpected win for them and they couldn’t be thankful for the ARMYs who made it possible. When they won the second and the third time, Band PD-nim said that this is just the starting for them.
Yoongi had hoped that they would really go ahead and achieve their dreams, whether it is producing their own music or be the group that teaches people. Everybody had different dreams to look forward to now. He understood that this is the true starting and the group should start with no lies.
He had told Namjoon and Hoseok first because he had been with them longer than the maknae line and Jin. They were very accepting of Yoongi’s choices, though Yoongi was ready to be thrown out of the group. He asked them to explain it to the kids and Jin hyung as well because they might not be used to the idea of it.
When he told the others, they were silent and Jungkook had those big round eyes staring at him as if contemplating. Yoongi remembers that Namjoon and Hoseok didn’t have to explain anything to make them understand, he remembers Jimin standing and walking to Yoongi, giving him a tight hug and saying that it’s okay.
“Whatever may be your preferences, you’re still Yoongi hyung,” Jimin declares to them, getting a solid nod from everyone and a huge group hug. He remembers feeling some amount of limbs around him, a whole lot of warmth and then Jimin pressing against his side, laughing at their group antics.
Yoongi stayed awake that night and thought of Jimin just because. He was proud that his dongsaeng took it well and was mature with his answer. He’s proud of others as well but he didn’t realise that the once childish Jimin was not so childish anymore.
Next step was to talk to Bang PD-nim which went surprisingly well. Namjoon was by his side all throughout the meeting. The director only told him that he has to be careful, to not let it slip even once because they are at a very critical stage and one wrong move, they’ll all end up their own careers.
From there on, Yoongi’s heart has always felt ease that he didn’t need to hide things anymore and everyone was accepting of him. Only the boys and Bang PD knew of his bisexuality as they didn’t feel sure of telling the staff. And nothing changed between them, they didn’t treat Yoongi differently. Like Jimin has said, he’s still Yoongi to them.
When WINGS era started, the real tension began within him. They were now a lot popular and had millions of fans anticipating their songs and dances. They changed a lot in the years that passed by but still held the same fear; one wrong move and they’ll end their own careers.
Yoongi had been working on his mixtape as well and he put everything to it. He hopes it will be received well by people because he has opened a door that no artists dare to open to the public.
Things didn’t look good from Yoongi’s side because not only there was a full-length album to be released, but also his mixtape and for some fucked up reason, the little soft spot he has developed for now currently silver-haired boy, Jimin.
He doesn’t know how it happened or when it happened but he believes it happened when they started having small late-night talks with each other, reminiscing about the days and what was going on fancafe. It started with them opening a little bit more to each other to the point that Yoongi knows every single detail about Jimin’s life and vice versa.
It’s wrong in so many ways, not only does he has a crush on a man but it had to be his own group member, a person with the biggest heart and straight. Yoongi wonders if Jimin thinks about him a little more different but then he thinks it’s not true because Jimin is straight and he doesn’t like men how Yoongi does.
So Yoongi never tells him fearing that their friendship would come to an end as well as their group. He doesn’t tell anyone and keep it to himself.
Jimin has made a sanctuary in Yoongi’s heart in the last few years they have been together as a group. He always finds time to talk to Yoongi, he always volunteers to drag Yoongi back to the dorms, he’s a real brat with Yoongi, he always tells his secrets and asks for advice to Yoongi. They have been taking care of each other for so long that it feels natural between them, whether it be hand holdings or sleeping on the same bed.
It’s normal for them to declare they love each other, or at least like each other. Fans like the interactions between them, so it’s fine, they are not jeopardizing anyone’s career. All the times Jimin has said that he loves or likes Yoongi, the latter knows it’s out of friendship and respect, nothing more. And all the times he has said that he likes Jimin, it left him with a guilt.
On the day of the WINGS jacket shooting, Yoongi waits for his turn tiredly. He gives a small interview, saying he feels tired and that he hasn’t slept the night before because he spent it talking to Jimin.
He poses for a unit photo shoot with Jimin leisurely without trying to let his feeling surface at the younger’s touch. They had another unit photoshoot with Jin in a bathtub. If you ask Yoongi, he’d say it was a lot intimate. First, it was Jimin’s body on top him in a small bathtub, he feels guilty for even thinking that he liked how it felt. Then they had to stare intensely at each other. It felt a lot personal and Yoongi worried that Jimin would see everything he’s been hiding. At the end of the photoshoot, Jimin throws a wink at Yoongi cheekily and skips to see the photos that came out.
It’s not like Yoongi is always thinking about the latter. It’s when he has nothing to think about, his mind automatically reverts back to Jimin or if the said boy is around and somehow getting Yoongi’s attention.
The album was released successfully and they had to attend various fan signs. It’s safe to say that their title song was received well. Around February, they released a repackage album called WINGS: YOU NEVER WALK ALONE.
That too was received well and through that, they gained more popularity. Around February, their DVD EPILOGUE II was released, that had several behind the scenes and other kinds of stuff. Yoongi has always stalked himself on Twitter to see what fans have been talking about him if there are any new memes of him if there are certain things that he hasn’t noticed but the fans did. So that’s exactly what happened.
He saw a video of himself talking about being awake due to Jimin as they had talked all night. It was from their jacket shooting, Yoongi remembers. Helpfully the caption was in Korean that said, “Look at Yoongi wasting his sleep over Jimin, look how happy he seems and that sparkle in his eyes, yoonmin is so real.”
Yoongi knows what ‘Yoonmin’ is, it’s Jimin and his name joined together. He replays the video for more than 10 times to see what the fan has meant. And he realises that he did look happier than he should. Yoongi treasures his sleep and everybody knew. It may have come out as a surprise to fans that he seemed rather happy than irritated. Yoongi reprimands himself for smiling so much just because he talked to Jimin whole night.
But he couldn’t stop smiling now because of the chat they had last year. He still remembers how Jimin had called in the middle of the night, while Yoongi was in the studio working on his mixtape. They had talked about everything and anything. It was normal for them to be like this, calling in the dead of the night and just talking, it seemed like the topics never ended between them.
He remembers Jimin saying that he wanted to let Yoongi know something because he guessed the older will understand better than anyone else. It has confused Yoongi at that time. But he still listened to Jimin calmly when the latter came out to him on the phone call. It created an atmosphere of silence between them and Yoongi didn’t know how to take the news. Jimin had worriedly called out his name and asked Yoongi if he hates him. Yoongi could never hate Jimin.
He apologized for being quiet and explained Jimin that it’s all right if he’s gay, he’s still his Jiminie. Yoongi felt proud that he was the first one that Jimin has informed, even though he knew it had something to do with Yoongi’s bisexuality. He felt truly happy for Jimin and that happiness continued for the next day during their schedule.
Yoongi scrolls through the hashtag of his name and sees pictures of his photoshoot or the fan site took pictures. Out of nowhere, he decides to type ‘Yoonmin’ in the search bar and anticipate what kind of content would come.
There were a lot of tweets written in English and he couldn’t really understand. So he scrolled through pictures and videos of them being together and somehow people making the theory that they are together. Yoongi wishes.
He sees a short video of him intensely staring at Jimin while he talks. It doesn’t have a sound but somebody must have edited it so that it focuses on Yoongi and Jimin only. He sees himself looking at Jimin so intensely, and wonders that if he really does look at Jimin like this. He wonders if Jimin knows this. Does he feel uncomfortable?
Feeling his brain being mushed up again, Yoongi decides to shut off his phone and work on his mixtape that needed a sooner date as well.
It became a regular habit to check his name joined together with Jimin. Every time a YouTube video is posted, or a run episode, Yoongi always see if there’s any content about so-called ‘Yoonmin’. He wants to see what ARMYs see between Jimin and Yoongi. If they can find a single interaction between them. Even though Yoongi clears away from Jimin during their shoot, the fans always find a way to make up theories.
It fears Yoongi in the way that he shouldn’t take things lightly. ARMYs are very sharp and observative, if they can find a single interaction between Jimin and Yoongi, then one wrong move from latter’s side and he’ll risk everything. It fears him that the fans know something that Jimin and Yoongi aren’t even aware of.
When Yoongi really thinks about it, he remembers many moments he had with Jimin throughout their career. He remembers Jimin always beside him, leaning into him, holding his hands, holding his waist, consoling him. In every aspect of Yoongi’s life as an idol, Jimin was always a part of it. He doesn’t know how he missed it, the constant presence of Jimin.
Even when they visit their families, Jimin is still there with Yoongi in the form of late night calls because Jimin says that he likes to talk to Yoongi and wants to sleep after hearing his voice. If only Jimin knew what it does to Yoongi.
Sometimes Jimin can be reality flirtatious, which confuses and scares Yoongi at the same time. He disregards those moments as Jimin being a brat. Yoongi knows for sure that Jimin somehow knows what Yoongi feels for him and he’s using that power he holds, to make Yoongi fluster just by his presence.
At some point in their career, with several interviews, they were asked about their ideal type and if they would date any member if they were girls. At some point during those interviews, Yoongi said that he would date Jimin and he said anyone would fall in love with Jimin if they looked into his eyes.
He wasn’t lying, Yoongi isn’t in love with Jimin, that’s scarier than anything. He just has this teeny tiny crush on his group member. Which is so much better than being in love, right? And he guesses that it happened because he also lost himself in the eyes of Jimin. Yoongi hates him for it. He hates how absolutely breathtaking Jimin is every moment and how he put Yoongi in this awkward position because of few genuine smiles.
But Yoongi doesn’t heed to his feelings. They’ll go away, he genuinely wishes because not only it’s heartbreaking to know that he probably likes Jimin, but the one he likes doesn’t like him back. But nonetheless, Yoongi always search about ‘Yoonmin’ to see what fans have found about them.
There are times in Yoongi’s life that he has probably slept with every member, like sleeping next to each other. When they were in the starting of their career, they all shared one room and somehow managed to sleep in the same room. When they got their own dorm with four rooms, they all had a roommate except Jungkook. When they used to go to a foreign country, they decided the roommate based on rock, paper, scissors game. So Yoongi always ended with someone and he doesn’t mind, really.
There’s always two single beds in a hotel room. So he feels comfortable maintaining the distance in the silence of the night. He probably has shared hotel rooms with Jimin a lot, because that’s just his luck, god was probably bored and decided that Yoongi and Jimin need to be in a room.
It was still fine when they had single beds. Jimin would let Yoongi chose first and take the other bed. Yoongi feels most comfortable with Jimin, not because he’s biased. It’s just so easy to talk to Jimin because he listens intently and wants to talk to Yoongi as well. They usually talk until they couldn’t form words and fall asleep. It’s safe like that because Jimin is on other bed.
But during Hawaii, for Bon Voyage 2, the god has been really playful with Yoongi because somehow Jimin and he needed up in the same room with single bed. Yoongi really wanted to change the room despite Jimin’s utter happiness. But then he realises that if he does, the members will be suspicious and somehow it will reach Jimin which will sadden him. Yoongi hates sad Jimin.
So he calmed his nerves and pretended to be okay with the arrangement. Jimin even brought wine to their room because of course, they’ll talk till late night. But Yoongi was really tired and he wanted to sleep. While Jimin got ready for bed, Yoongi was already in bed, scrolling through his feeds. He especially arranged a wall of pillows between them for safety measure.
When Jimin switches off lights, Yoongi eyes were already giving up on him. He thinks it’s better sleeping early than staying awake talking to Jimin and knowing that he is in the same bed, just a few centimetres away from him.
“Hyung, are you asleep?” Jimin asks and Yoongi pretends to be quiet so Jimin gets the hint.
But he couldn’t do that for long when Jimin’s sigh sounded sad and disappointed. The younger was obviously having a difficult time right now.
“I’m awake, Jiminie,” Yoongi tried his best to sound awake, “Wanna talk?”
And they talked for long, Jimin telling about the concert, his fear and how he genuinely feels about their success and Yoongi listened to him the whole night without falling asleep. In the middle of the night, Jimin had shifted closer and Yoongi slyly shuffled back. It’s just too dangerous territory.
But in the morning, somehow they ended up tangled with Jimin face tucked in his chest and Yoongi holding tightly onto his waist. He doesn’t know how it happened but when he moves to look at the wall of pillows, it’s all broken. He stays still while Jimin wills himself to wake up too. It’s so awkward that Yoongi doesn’t know what to do. For Jimin, it seems normal as he gives Yoongi a very sleepy, closed eyes smile.
Jimin is a natural cuddler, so this position doesn’t bother him and he’s so not in love with Yoongi to care about the position. But Yoongi? He’s not a cuddler and he has this huge crush on Jimin and this position doesn’t help him. He thought Jimin would move away, but he just moves closer and snuggles some more.
Thankfully, the door is locked so nobody is going to barge in and see them like this. It feels too domestic to be waking up to Jimin, tangled together and just enjoying the few minutes before they have to rush back to shooting. They don’t speak and just cuddle as long as nobody knocks on the door. Both are awake but none of them speaks about the position they woke up in.
For Yoongi, filming Bon Voyage was fun and relaxing but at the same time traumatizing. When the episodes were posted, Yoongi saw it again. He smiled, remembering their time there and searched for every moment where he and Jimin were found to be together. He couldn’t see what ARMYs could.
He read on Twitter about the whole Bon Voyage show and what ARMYs feel about it. He saw many memes of Hoseok and Jungkook and laughed secretly to it. When he typed in Yoonmin, he immediately saw so many pictures of the said pair that he failed to notice while he was watching the show.
Many ARMYs pointed out the moments that Yoongi and Jimin found to be together and described the picture so well. Some were talking about how Yoongi cooked for Jimin as a task and Jimin cutely looking at Yoongi and that’s just so boyfriend-ish!
Many talked about how they slept in the same bed. Yoongi wishes that he could also be joyous about it but nothing was so fun about it except that his feelings only grew. They pointed at how Yoongi was worried that Jimin would get lost and whine about it.
He didn’t realise how it sounded that time but now he’s playing on repeat and reading the captions, he does feel like he knows more about Jimin and worries for him. Turns out, Jimin did whine and get lost.
Yoongi almost didn’t want to watch Bon Voyage 1 because he was scared of revelations.
The members must have realised before Yoongi did it or for that matter Jimin. It came to Yoongi with a blow when Namjoon casually brought it up in a conversation while they were working on the album.
“So, Jimin, huh?” He asks and Yoongi briefly glances at him with confusion.
“What about him?” Yoongi distractedly mumbles.
“It’s fine if you don’t want to tell me,” Namjoon says, turning back to his own work.
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about, Namjoon-ah, honestly,” Yoongi irritatedly say. Yoongi hates when someone beats around the bush, he can’t and doesn’t want to start solving some stupid riddle.
“It’s okay if you like Jimin, you can tell me, you know?” Namjoon mumbles, not looking at Yoongi and working up on some lyrics.
Yoongi turns to look at him, still for a moment, trying to contemplate what gave it away for Namjoon to think he likes Jimin. Or does he even mean in that way? Maybe he means that Yoongi is paying more attention to Jimin than the other kids?
“Yeah, I do. Of course, I do, he’s my dongsaeng! Why would I dislike him?” Yoongi tests the water. He really hopes that Namjoon is really talking about this hyung and dongsaeng relationship only. He will fucking die if Namjoon or anyone for that matter comes to know that Yoongi like Jimin as a man.
“Not like that,” Namjoon sighs and looks up from where he was writing and cutting off the lyrics, “Don’t fool me, Yoongi hyung,” He narrows his eyes at him and a cold sweat breaks at Yoongi’s neck.
Namjoon knows, he fucking knows! Anybody could have known, except Namjoon. But then also, it would have been a surprise if Namjoon didn’t realise sooner. He’s very observant, so of course, he knows. Yoongi just wonders how he knows because he’s been really careful to not show any sign that he has this hugest crush on Jimin. Yes, he sidetracks during shoots and all, but it’s just that. It’s for the camera, the teasing, the bantering, it’s for the fans that want them to interact.
Otherwise, at the dorm, he maintains his distance. It’s easier to maintain a distance during shoots because he knows the number of people and camera around and anything could be captured. But at the dorm, there’s no one to really see when Yoongi fondly stares at Jimin, so it gets a tad bit difficult to control himself. He should’ve though because now Namjoon knows.
He probably hates him not because Namjoon doesn’t support same-gender love, he’s fucking president of it, but because the grave mistake Yoongi has done by falling for his group mate. It’ll ruin everything if it comes out and Namjoon hates him for that. He should hate him.
“Namjoon…,” Yoongi trails off, there’s nothing to hide if Namjoon knows. He’ll only dig for more until Yoongi tells him. “I’m sorry,” He whispers, hands clammy from nervousness. Yoongi wonders if everybody else knows, if Namjoon has told them if Jimin has found out on his own too, or somehow it has reached him too.
“Why are you sorry, hyung?” Namjoon furrows his eyebrows and keeps his notebook aside.
“It’s wrong,”
“Loving the same gender is not wrong, you know better, hyung,” Namjoon softly reprimands. He knows Yoongi supports gay rights and LGBTQ+ community, what he doesn’t know is why Yoongi thinks it’s wrong when it has come upon him.
“It’s wrong because it’s Jimin,” He looks up to make an eye contact, “He’s a group member,” Yoongi reminds him.
Namjoon could only look at him in sympathy. He knows it wouldn’t work out ever. The fact it’s the same gender love, it’s a risk more than it’s worth. Then, of course, falling for a member. It wouldn’t work but Namjoon doesn’t want Yoongi to hold back and be unhappy about it.
“I’m sorry, it will be okay,” Namjoon says and hugs him briefly.
“How did you know?” Yoongi had asked him after they have gone back to working on music.
“I saw the way you look at him, someone fucking stupid wouldn’t realise it,” Namjoon scoffs and smiles.
“So Jimin?” Yoongi softly jokes.
“Hey now, don’t blame Jiminie,” Namjoon scolds, “By the time he looks at you, you’re back to being stoic and dead, he really can’t see then,” Namjoon shrugs and Yoongi nods. It’s true. He would look away whenever Jimin would catch him.
“Then I hope our members are actually fucking stupid,” Yoongi grumbles, Namjoon only smiles in pity.
On the other side of the story, things weren’t looking pretty good for Jimin. He was in a dilemma and had no one to talk about. Well, he did have his members but he didn’t know how to tell them. Coming out as a gay is one thing but falling for a member, non platonically is a whole different thing.
He always had Yoongi to talk about things, whether it be his nightmares, his dreams, his worries, his insecurities or even his sexuality. Yoongi was the first person Jimin revealed his sexuality. He knew the older wouldn’t judge him for being not straight. He knew others wouldn’t judge him as well, after being together for so long, but he didn’t know how to deliver the news without being scared of feedback.
But he just knew with Yoongi, he knew the older would accept him, gay or straight, it wouldn’t matter to him. Jimin was right at the end. It was Yoongi who encouraged him to tell other members as well as he has done long before. Just as the relationship cannot work on lies and secrets, a group won’t work on lies and secrets. It had been difficult, but Yoongi was there the whole time, ready to argue with anyone who would be against Jimin’s sexuality.
And it would have been to easy to confess if it wasn’t for the fact that the man he was pinning behind was none other than Yoongi. How fucking cruel.
He knows he could still go and confess but what’s the outcome of it? Being rejected? Being degraded? Yoongi might be all into gay rights and love wins trend and probably will tattoo a rainbow flag on his forehead, but that doesn’t mean he accepts same gender love in the same group.
It doesn’t work that way and he would rather have Yoongi as a friend instead of having him as nothing and ruining the dynamics of the group. It had been more difficult with the amount of attention Yoongi lays to him.
Jiminie, did you eat well? Are you eating enough? You should rest a bit. Don’t exert yourself. You looked good today. You did well on stage. You’re such a hard worker, Jiminie.
With the daily appreciation and concerns, comes a lot of touching in platonically way. Yoongi always touched Jimin and other members. It’s fine, they all do. He really doesn’t mind but when it comes to Yoongi, he gets flustered easily, having his hands on Jimin’s body. It makes Jimin wants to press himself against Yoongi at times to feel him completely. He thought that now that he has come out as gay, people would be wary of being near him but it’s totally opposite, Taehyung still cuddles with him and if it was possible, he loves his group a lot more.
Jimin doesn’t do anything about his feelings. He let them be there for as long as he can hold them to himself. Maybe, Jimin thinks, maybe when everything ends, when they go in separate ways, maybe then Jimin will confess and be happy with whatever response he will get. He doesn’t want to live in regret of not conveying his feelings at all. Yoongi is not an easy person to read, so he doesn’t know what Yoongi feels about him.
It will be whimsical if Yoongi does have feelings for him, because it happens in stories and not in real life, right? How could it be possible that two people are pinning after each other but afraid of confessing to each other for the fear of losing each other? That’s what whimsical means. Yoongi doesn’t like Jimin as a man, just as a friend, as a dongsaeng.
Jimin likes being on twitter and connecting with his fans, really. He supposes he’s the one who’s most on twitter and reading all the tweets about them. When he searches Bangtan, he gets a lot of content and nowadays, it has all been about their RUN episodes and memes of it.
It the middle of searching some really ugly photos of members that could be posted on twitter for occasions, Jimin gets a text from Namjoon.
He opens it and sees a picture of him and Yoongi. It was from their recent episode of RUN which has been uploaded today. Jimin has already seen it and he wonders why Namjoon has sent it.
To Namjoonie hyung, What is this, hyung?
From Namjoonie hyung, You and Yoongi hyung. I thought it looked cute. I saw it on twitter.
It was a picture of them in a, well sort of a team hug, but the camera focused or rather the picture was focused on Jimin smiling widely and hugging Yoongi while tucking his head under Yoongi’s chin and the latter looking proud and patting. It looked almost intimate, a small moment between just them caught by the camera. Jimin remembers that shooting of RUN episode for arcade games.
They do look cute, Jimin would totally agree. He immediately saves the photo to his camera roll.
From Namjoonie hyung, I see a lot of you and Yoongi hyung on twitter, you know?
To Namjoonie hyung, Is that a bad thing?
Jimin worries.
From Namjoonie hyung, No, it’s not, Jiminie. Not until you think it that way. I think it’s cute how close you both are. Don’t worry about it, when it comes to you and Yoongi, everything is okay, remember that.
Namjoon was being cryptic about his message. Jimin wanted to ask what he meant but he rather thought not to. It shouldn’t be that difficult if Jimin doesn’t think of it like that.
To Namjoonie hyung, You didn’t use the formal speech, I’m gonna screenshot this and send it to Yoongi hyung.
From Namjoonie hyung, Like hell, you will, brat!
Jimin giggles and keeps the phone aside while he watches the TV again. He so engrossed in the movie, that he doesn’t realise his phone buzzing next to him, a series of a message from Namjoon.
From Namjoonie hyung, Upon min
From Namjoonie hyung, Yoonminie*
From Namjoonie hyung, Fucking hell! Yoonmin* Check out on twitter.
He giggles at Namjoon’s struggles and wonders what does the word in English mean. Nonetheless, he copies the word and pastes it on his twitter search. After few seconds, loads and loads of tweets are being updated.
Jimin scrolls through it and realises it’s mostly him and Yoongi. So it must be something about them. He sees many tweets in English and he doesn’t understand half of it, but he is happy to see the pictures of Yoongi and him.
He sees a sequence of a picture of him looking at Yoongi smiling while the older boy is smiling with the gummy smile and looking somewhere else. He remembers from a fan sign and honestly wonders what those captions mean. So the screenshot that tweet and message Namjoon.
From Namjoonie hyung, You sure you want me to translate?
Jimin furrows his eyebrows.
To Namjoonie hyung, Is it something bad?
From Namjoonie hyung, It’s actually not… It says and you look like you’re so much in love with Yoongi and there’s no pure form of love other than yours both.
Jimin almost drops the phone when he reads his message. He immediately switches back to the photo and carefully sees it. Did ARMYs recognize something? Did they realise Jimin’s crush on Yoongi? Does he really look at Yoongi like he is complete, utterly in love with him? Does Yoongi know? Jimin is almost shaken up. He wonders if ARMYs have found out and wants to screenshot several tweets just to understand the meaning of it. But that will be bothersome for Namjoon hyung.
From Namjoonie hyung, Don’t let it bother you, Jimin.
To Namjoonie hyung, It’s not bothering me…
He feels almost reluctant to send that message. What would Namjoon think of it? It should disgust Jimin, from Namjoon’s perspective, that fans think like that about their two band members, who are solely brother from the bond. But it doesn’t disgust Jimin.
From Namjoonie hyung, Good. Don’t let people’s words get to you. Whatever you’re thinking now is what you’re feeling. So don’t suppress it for the sake of others.
This time also, Jimin doesn’t ask Namjoon what he means.
And just like this, Namjoon sends him different photos of Yoongi and him together, captures by fans either in their concert or from a different source. He would save them all in a different album. He would ask Namjoon about why he’s sending all these photos and Namjoon will only reply that no reason, I thought you guys looked cute together.
It would sadden Jimin because they do look good together but they are not together-together. They would have made an amazing couple, Jimin knows. With Yoongi’s quiet behaviour and Jimin’s open personality, they would have balanced out each other so well. And they already know so much about each other, nothing would have been awkward. It could have happened if either one of them was a girl and they were not in the same group.
With new days, comes new schedules and responsibility and new shoots to produce. They still upload their RUN episodes even when they are away.
Jimin has taken upon himself to check the updates of each episode without the help of Namjoon. He has learnt the spelling of ‘Yoonmin’ and typed it in the search bar. With every episode being uploaded, there’s always a small part of their interactions that ARMYs have caught in the midst of everything. It makes him happy how attentive they are even to small things.
He sees a lot of them, he feels a lot of them. He doesn’t want to believe Yoongi likes him as well. He may pretend to be nice and funny in front of the cameras, but behind those, Yoongi is still same but yet so different. He carries himself quietly around the dorm and reprimands his younger for their wrongdoings. Then also, Yoongi fucking adores the maknae line and just generally his group as well. Jimin thinks, if given a situation, Yoongi might even die for his members. It’s no doubt Yoongi let the maknae line get away with their tricks, knowing that he will not really mind. But when they go out of line, Yoongi is in charge of scolding them.
So also, it’s no doubt, Yoongi has a favourite in the maknae line. Now it was very difficult to choose because he will actually, literally fucking die for Taehyung and he thinks of Jungkook as his own blood related younger brother and Jimin, well he’s in fucking love with him, get the hint. So Jimin is his favourite because he’s salty and biased.
Jimin particular doesn’t have a favourite. He just likes Yoongi a little too much than others and feels comfortable to let come out to his first. Probably because of Yoongi open mind and calmness, Jimin could trust him.
He thinks he should stop obsessing over him, clearly, nothing will come out of it. He and Yoongi can never end up together, maybe not in this life. But he believes that if there’s another life to him and Yoongi, then he prays that they do end up together happily, that they find each other and love each other for all the times they couldn’t.
It makes Jimin cries because how much he loves Yoongi but can’t really tell anyone. They’ll feel disgusted, cheated. For Jimin, it’s truly a selfish act, to fall in love with a group member and risk everyone’s career, the group’s career and the company’s career and it’s staff. It scares him how much damage it will do if he and Yoongi end up together. But that’s not possible.
This thing is, it started with the subtle push from members and constant stalking of the posts from ARMYs. He used to see a lot of videos made by ARMYs on YouTube, a compilation of Yoongi and Jimin together. It gave him hope and a surge of happiness, in an alternative universe, they are together.
The constant message from Namjoon, regarding any Yoonmin update, was the first step. At some point, Jimin wanted to feel angry and shout at Namjoon hyung for sending these photos because it wasn’t helping.
In the night, Hoseok would talk a lot about Yoongi, seeing as they are really close, Jimin felt jealous. He’s close to Yoongi as well, but not enough for certain secrets.
In the other room, Jin will talk about Jimin, he’ll praise him. He’ll tell about what went down in the practice room while Yoongi was in his studio, for some reason, he’ll mostly put emphasis on Jimin. Like Jimin pranked them, Jimin taught him some difficult steps, Jimin is a little shit but he’s adorable at times. Jimin wasn’t feeling well. Everything started with Jimin and ended with the thought of him, it didn’t help Yoongi sleep at night.
Jimin calls Taehyung his soulmate and he’s ought to share everything with his best friend. But he is scared to share about the fact that he’s in love with Yoongi because he fears that Taehyung will not accept him, hate him, be disgusted by him. But then Jimin feels that Taehyung is onto something like he knows something that Jimin is unaware of. He has been talking a lot about Yoongi, praising him and whatnot. He also has been very cryptic with his sentence and Jimin has come to accept that something is wrong with his members, now that he thinks about it, everybody has been talking a lot about Yoongi.
Jungkook has made his mission to always include Jimin and Yoongi together. He’ll make them sit together when they are out for dinner, he’ll make them stand together when they are, well…standing. Somehow he has a lot of stories regarding them both and Jimin doesn’t like it a bit when Jungkook exposes him like that in front of Yoongi.
On the other hand, Hoseok has not been very sly with his mission. He’d give that very cheeky smile and like he’s onto something as well, but not for long, Yoongi thinks, Hoseok really can’t keep secrets.
“Just tell me what’s going on,” One-day Yoongi has dragged him to his studio to talk about members weird behavior.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Hoseok stutters and shrugs.
Yoongi brings out his intent stare to look at Hoseok. When the latter is under suspicion, he’ll open his mouth. The glare has always worked for Hoseok and someday Yoongi will feel bad using it like this, making Hoseok feel caught and vulnerable, but it’s not today.
Hoseok throws his hands up in surrender, “We know you like Jimin,” Then he immediately shuts his mouth when he sees Yoongi’s expression change from confusion to shock to solemn.
There’s no denying to it, everybody knows and he fears that Park Jimin knows as well, thus why he’s been very distant. He’s probably disgusted with Yoongi, he feels tainted, of course, he feels tainted.
“Jimin…he doesn’t know, we didn’t tell him,” Hoseok helpfully provides and Yoongi nods gratefully. He will take his confession to the grave and Park Jimin shouldn’t ever find out about this.
“You can go,” Yoongi says and turns back to his work. There’s nothing to say or do about the situation. So Yoongi likes Jimin but that doesn’t mean the latter likes him back. He can’t confess and damage the dynamic of the group and risk anything right now they are at the peak of success. He shouldn’t be selfish about his own fucking thoughts. “And tell the boys to stop whatever they are doing,” He finalises.
“Yoongi hyung, maybe you should talk to Jimin,” Hoseok says carefully and gets up. He pats Yoongi’s shoulder and sees himself out. Talk to Jimin? Hoseok must not understand the depth of the situation. He’s not worried about rejection, he has gotten many rejections in his life to be used to the word but rather he’s worried that something will change between them and it will be bad.
Jimin doesn’t deserve the burden of Yoongi’s feelings. The guy should be allowed to love anyone he wants without feeling the heavy weight of Yoongi’s confession. And Jimin has a lot to see, feel and experience. He shouldn’t be stopped by Yoongi’s feelings.
The thing about ignorance is that it is never ignored. The quote ‘ignorance is bliss’? Yeah, no. Yoongi doesn’t think ignorance is bliss, rather he thinks it’s a burden. He has been trying to ignore his feelings for the younger, but it always remains like an imprint highlighted point, mocking him, laughing at him for his cowardliness. He can’t do anything about it, he can’t even ignore it, it’s just there like an unwanted plague.
He asks the universe one chance to make it all right or all wrong. He wishes to go back to the day he even thought of Park Jimin more than a dongsaeng. He would have reprimanded his old self and told how there’s no luck and it’s only heartache. If it’s an all right option, then he wishes Jimin reciprocate his feeling and they have their own kind of happily ever after. Which is a wishful thinking. The latter option seems impossible.
Like Yoongi said, feelings cannot be ignored for long. They’ll fucking poke you until you do something about it. They are so vulnerable to attention and love, that they’ll make you vulnerable and do something out of way.
And that’s why things went downhill when Jimin collapsed while practising. Yoongi was in his studio completing, composing and doing what he knows best. While Jimin and Jin, tagging along Taehyung, practised at the studio on the lower floor. Jimin had come earlier to remind Yoongi that they are still in the building and if he’s leaving, he should not forget about them.
So Yoongi knew the trio are still practising while he works on some tunes. The heart attack comes in the form of a call. He sees Jin hyung’s ID and picks up nonchalantly, thinking they are leaving and so wanted to inform Yoongi.
But he hears pants and his series of his name only from the other line.
“Hyung, what happened?” Yoongi worriedly ask, thinking something went wrong downstairs.
“Jimin…,” He pants and Yoongi is already standing, “He collapsed,” It was enough information for Yoongi to sprint downstairs through darkness and reach the practice room.
He can hear his heartbeat in his ears when he sees Jimin lying completely still on the white floor, Jin and Taehyung surrounding him and fanning him. Yoongi makes his way towards them and slowly fall to his knees while the only thing he could hear was his heartbeat over Jin’s panicked explanation. Yoongi shakes Jimin violently and slaps his face a few times but nothing works.
In the end, they decided to call their Manager Sejin. The lesser people know, the better. They don’t need every staff right now and certainly not Band PD to find out Jimin collapsed again. Also, the rest of the boys shouldn’t worry right now, everybody is carrying an equal amount of worry over comeback, they don’t need to add more.
By the time Manager Sejin comes brusquely, Yoongi had moved Jimin to his studio with the help of Jin and Taehyung. Thankfully, Manager Sejin has brought the company doctor with him and he checks upon Jimin’s condition. All the while, Yoongi has let his guard down and held onto Jimin’s hand tightly and looked for any discomfort on his face.
The doctor blamed Jimin’s condition for his malnutrition and overwork. Jin said he’s been dieting to lose weight and that they were practising earlier. The doctor says he shouldn’t practice beyond his capabilities if he’s not going to eat anything. Manager Sejin asks Jin about Jimin’s eating habits.
Jin provides that he eats only in the morning before leaving and rest of the day, he is drinking water. It makes Yoongi’s heart clench with worry for the younger as he holds his hand tightly. The doctor sets him on portable IV for glucose and he asks them to feed him something before his vitamins supplements.
Manager Sejin walks outside with Doctor. Jin blames himself for Jimin’s condition because he’s older hyung, he should have said more, forced fed Jimin to eat and reprimanded him for not eating. It’s his fault because he asked Jimin to stay back for some extra practice, he should have known Jimin was tired and less in energy. But the younger has happily agreed to help Jin since Hoseok mostly took the responsibility of teaching everyone.
But somewhere, Yoongi thinks it’s his fault, he knew Jimin was dieting and he also knew the extent of it. He should have said something, stopped him. He should have taken care of him and should have been by him because it’s a critical time for everyone. He should’ve known how Jimin gets during comeback time.
Jin gets scolded by Manager Sejin not because he’s lacking and had to ask Jimin but that they failed taking care of each other. He reminded them that health is the first thing they should worry about rather than what they learn. If they are not healthy, they won’t be able to perform.
Yoongi requests them to leave Jimin and him in the office while Manager Sejin drops Jin and Taehyung. Even though Jin wanted to stay and reflect back, Yoongi assured him that Jimin is fine and he can go back home. Trusting Yoongi to take care of Jimin, they left with the promise of not telling anyone about this tonight.
Yoongi doesn’t stay by Jimin’s side but he checks upon him every 10 minutes, while he works to distract himself. He just has been feeling a lot of emotions right now and hearing that Jimin has collapsed only worsen it.
Jimin wakes up an hour later with a groan and Yoongi immediately swivel in his chair to face the younger. Jimin takes his time to adjust to the lightning and blinks hard for few minutes, he moves his head around and notices that he’s in Yoongi’s studio, very familiar now and that Yoongi is sitting and looking intently at him.
“H-hyung…,” His voice feels scratched due to not talking. Yoongi is immediately by his side with a water and helping him drink it. Jimin tries to sit up with the help of Yoongi while the IV is still attached.
They both sit in silence as Jimin breathes heavily and lays his head on Yoongi’s shoulder. It tenses him up but other than that, he feels okay, or so he thinks.
“What happened?” Jimin asks with a heavy voice.
“You tell me,” Yoongi ask back with no bite. He wants to be angry at younger for not taking care of himself but the concern is more overpowering right now.
“Are you mad at me?” Jimin hesitantly ask, sitting straight now and looking at Yoongi with big, apologetic eyes.
“This is not the first time, Jimin-ah. I’ve lost the count of it, you know?” Yoongi reminds him tiredly, “You apologise and promise each time but it keeps happening,” He shakes his head at the thought of how many times Jimin have collapsed in their career. It was scary each time.
“I’m sorry,” Jimin mumbles sadly and rest his hands on his lap. “I wanted to help Jin hyung,” He clarifies.
“It’s not about practice, it’s about you not eating,” Yoongi informs, scoffing with anger. “Whom are you trying to lose your weight for? Fans? They’ll love you even if you’re fat and if they can’t, then they are not fans,” He reminds him again. He forgets how many times they had this conversation.
Jimin just silently listens to Yoongi blow up gently on him. He doesn’t like that fact he has kept Yoongi from going home and he has worried everyone. Jimin felt fine before but he doesn’t know how he collapsed. He knows he’s not eating well and that’s not good for his health, but he can’t help himself. He wants to lose weight and be accepted by people. He has seen a lot of people suggesting that he could lose some weight for the next comeback. And even though their company denies and doesn’t want their artist to read such comments, Jimin can’t help himself.
“I wanted to be accepted,” Jimin mumbles, fidgeting with his fingers. He hears Yoongi sigh and shifts on the couch so they are facing each other. Yoongi brings his hands to cup Jimin’s face and lifts it. It feels a lot intimate now.
“You are,” Yoongi whispers. “Not everyone should accept you and you shouldn’t work hard for it. You should be glad that there are people who accept you the way you are,” Jimin has tears in his eyes while Yoongi speaks. He shifts closer to Yoongi to maybe hug him earnestly to let this feeling wash away, but Yoongi doesn’t allow. He wanted Yoongi to like him and notice him differently.
“Do you accept me?” Jimin asks, rubbing his eyes with tears to clearly see if Yoongi is nodding.
“Do you, hyung?” He persists.
“I almost had a heart attack when I heard you collapsed again. It felt like the ground swept off of my feet, Jimin,” Yoongi will probably regret this later, but he needs Jimin to know how much he matters to him and that if everyone hates Jimin, he’ll be here, still loving him. He cups his face harder.
“I was scared…of losing you,” He confesses, “You mean a lot to me Jimin, more than you could think of. And I care about you a lot in the worst way possible, it’s unfair that way I always worry about you but I can’t help myself. I want to tell you a lot of things but I can’t, I just…I can’t,” Yoongi stops himself and drops his hands altogether, looking down at his lap. He feels dizzy with emotions. He’s so close to confessing but he feels scared. He thinks that if he confesses then this ignorance and regret won’t irritate him.
“Hyung…hyung please look at me,” Jimin desperately ask and Yoongi raises his head.
“I need to know what I mean to you,” He holds Yoongi’s hand tightly.
“You’ll hate me,” Yoongi refuses.
“I’ll hate you if you don’t tell me,” Jimin warns him lightly. It hurts Yoongi because either way, Jimin is going to hate him. It’s not fair, wanting to have someone but you can’t, being so close to someone yet so far.
Yoongi shakes his head no. He refuses, he believes that if he doesn’t tell then he’ll convince Jimin later to talk to him again. But if he does confess, then he will never be able to talk to Jimin.
“Want me to tell you what you mean to me?” Jimin says and Yoongi wants to hear but he doesn’t at the same time. Jimin doesn’t even give him an option, so he hears.
“I hate you,” Jimin sharply says and Yoongi closes his eyes, take his hands away from Jimin because this is it, Jimin knows. He knows and he hates Yoongi for putting him in this situation.
“Stop it,” He chokes out. He doesn’t want to hear the reasons, he has heard enough.
“No, you’ll hear me,” Jimin being the incessant brat he is, he takes his IV off and cups Yoongi’s cheek. “Listen to me, Yoongi,” He jaw is clenched with the tear in his eyes.
“I fucking hate you for making me miserable all these months. If you say you care about me, then why did you make me miserable?” Yoongi casts his eyes down and stops himself from crying. “I cried sleeping, knowing that I don’t mean anything to you-,”
“-that’s not true-,” Yoongi cuts him off.
“-and it fucking hurts, you jerk! All I wanted was for you to look at me and think differently for once, what do I have to do? I tried getting close to you but you pushed me away, do you know how that feels?” Instead of saying, Jimin hardly hits him on the shoulder. “Like that, it hurt that much.”
Yoongi bites his lips because he knew all the times Jimin tired to be together and he only pushed him away for his sanity.
With disregard to formality, Jimin continues, “I thought I was not enough, I tried to dress nicely, I tried to lose weight-I did-,” Jimin hiccups and cries, hands slipping down to Yoongi’s t-shirt. “You tell me that everyone accepts me then why can’t you accept me, hyung?” His voice sounded so vulnerable that Yoongi wanted nothing more to bring him closer and hug him.
“Do you…do you not like m-men now, is that it?” He hesitantly asks, “Do you hate me?”
“I could never,” Yoongi immediately say.
“Do you like me?”
Yoongi nods.
“Do you love me?”
Yoongi is hesitant as he clutches his hands harder. He doesn’t believe that it’s going to be this easy, it feels like a dream, no, a nightmare. It feels like God is playing pranks on him.
“Do you love me, Yoongi?” Jimin insists.
Yoongi stays quiet. Even if he confesses now, what then? They can’t be together. It’ll hurt them more.
“I love you,” Jimin confesses in the silence of the studio. It’s loud and clear and purposefully. Yoongi looks at Jimin’s face, red with anger and tears flowing through his eyes. Yoongi isn’t crying but the hint of tears remain in his lower lash line, making his eyes red and puffy. “Tell me,” Jimin hits his chest. “Tell me you love me back, I know you do, please tell me,” He hits his chest repeatedly until Yoongi holds both of his hands.
“I love you, Jiminie,” Yoongi says and presses a small kiss to his knuckles.
“Not like a dongsaeng?”
“No,” Yoongi confirms and Jimin scrambles to get closer to him and they hug. Jimin is almost on Yoongi’s lap, crying on his shoulder. “You don’t hate me?”
“I just told you I love you,” He retorts.
“You’re not disgusted?”
“Why would I be disgusted if I love you?” Jimin scrunches his nose up and moves back to look at Yoongi. “I’ve been in love with you for months, hyung, why would I be disgusted now?” He cups Yoongi’s face and rests his forehead against Yoongi’s. “I’ve only dreamt of this moment and I thought it will remain like that,” Jimin weakly chuckles. They are close enough for their lips to brush slightly and Yoongi knows that it’s all Jimin taking steps, moving his head closer by seconds.
“Jimin,” Yoongi tries to move back but Jimin holds him there, “We can’t-,”
“Don’t tell me no when you’ve already confessed, Yoongi! Don’t take me to heaven and drop me to the pits of hell. I love you and you love me, isn’t that enough now?” He asks angrily and moves back to look at the uncertainty in his eyes.
“You know why we can’t,” And Jimin does know and yeah, he might be ignorant, he can’t help but be selfish for once, for once putting himself above every responsibility, every thought that’s not his.
“I want to be with you, hyung,” Jimin cries and Yoongi pulls him closer and kisses his forehead and whispers I know, I know, “Please, for once let’s forget what others say. Let’s focus on each other, you make me happy. I will do whatever you want, just love me this once, please,” Yoongi knows it’s not that Jimin is desperate to seek attention, to be loved but it’s not because he’s like that. He knows it’s different this time.
“Okay…okay,” Yoongi agrees. They have a lot to think about, there’s a lot more risk than it’s worth. But Yoongi knows it’s all worth, it’s all worth even when they’ll get shoutings, be degraded and probably get thrown out, be hated on but it’s all worth if he has Jimin now.
They just revel in each other, just hugging and finding comfort in it. They always hug but it’s never this intimitate. Once Jimin has calm down, he moves away from Yoongi to look at his face and the older smile in reassurance. They’ll be okay because they have each other.
“Now, if you’re done being dramatic and taking off your IV, can you please eat something? I need to give you some vitamins supplements,” Yoongi gets up to take the tablets from his table but Jimin stops him.
“No, focus on me only,” He petulantly say.
“I am, Jiminie,” Yoongi brushes his hair away, “You should eat and rest up, we’ll see what to do tomorrow,” He smiles and gets up to leave to bring some food.
He thinks a lot while he brings food for Jimin. They have a lot to do and Jimin is right, they can’t just ignore their feelings after confessing.
Jimin eats in silence while Yoongi looks at him throughout. He likes the attention so he doesn’t mind Yoongi’s gaze. Once he’s done, Yoongi hands him his vitamins and water. He drinks it and makes himself comfortable on the couch. By that, he lays down on the small couch while Yoongi sits on the coffee table and brushes Jimin’s hair.
“You said you’ll do anything,” Yoongi reminds him when Jimin is on the verge of sleeping. The younger boy nods.
“Don’t collapse anymore,” He opens his eyes to look at Yoongi and take in his request. “You have to eat well. I don’t care if you grow in size, I will still love you, I accept you however you are,” Jimin smiles at him.
“I won’t,” He promises and takes out his pinky. Yoongi chuckles and links their pinky.
“Sleep now,” He orders softly. He leans down to kiss his forehead softly, staying there for a few seconds before moving back to stand up and work. But Jimin holds his hand before Yoongi could so much as move away.
“Can we-,” Jimin doesn’t finish and looks at a Yoongi’s lips. He smiles and kneels down so he can kiss Jimin without any problem. It should be awkward seeing as they are group mates and they always had hyung-dongsaeng relation but it’s fine now. Their heart thumps loudly but they are fine now.
Yoongi softly takes Jimin’s bottom lips between his lips and kiss him. Jimin doesn’t do anything on his own and let Yoongi take the lead. It’s a small kiss, no tongue involved whatsoever. They move back when both have to breathe and smile giddily at each other. To be honest, it doesn’t feel awkward.
“You’ve spoiled me with one kiss, what to do now?” Jimin sings songs and traces Yoongi’s bottom lip.
“Brat,” Yoongi smiles and flicks his ear before stealing one more kiss and threatening that he won’t kiss him if Jimin doesn’t fall asleep.
It’s going to be a chaotic ride from now on with secrecy and love, but they’ll manage. After all, they are good at hiding, whether it be their feeling for each other or their love from others. They are fine and in love.
Once it gets morning, Yoongi will confess to Jimin again and hear it back, just because he knows it’s real now.
Once it gets morning, Yoongi will thank his band members for pushing them not so subtly and for accepting them as they are, that is, in love.
Once it gets morning, Yoongi will have to thank the ARMYs secretively for their hard work. If it’s wasn’t for them, Yoongi wouldn’t have recognized his feelings for Jimin. He hopes that they understand what he means, after all, it was mostly ARMYs playing the Cupid in their relationship.
* * * To the anon who sent me this plot, I got inspiration from that. And I know your prompt doesn’t match with this, but I promise I’ll write once again and bring something from it. Thank you for the prompt.
To others…it was an emotional ride, wasn’t it? ALL HAIL FOR OUR YOONMIN FANCLUB PRESIDENT, MR KIM NAMJOON! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
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endexe · 3 years
(   *   )   @aphorysms​   //   p .   valentina
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POPPY TOLD THEM THAT THEY WILL BE GOING OUT TONIGHT .   They can not remember any details of the plan there are just staticsIamsorrystatics   —   and certainly , neither the amount of times they had asked them where will they be going together .   “   An- An- Anybody asks Poppy where are they - where are they going ?   ”   (   To Poppy and the world , it has been now the sixth time .   )   As so softly asked with anxiety still resting heavy in the twitching vessel , their shaky hands always on Poppy’s   —   a soft desperation to seek for ease through the continuous chaos   —   while they help them button up their flannel shirt .   Anybody’s thumbs rub on their knuckles , part of them in admiring at how these hands of Poppy’s are both the letting go of their rage , rage , rage and the holding on to them , to them , to their never ending digital agonies .   They look up to meet Poppy’s eyes , find the brightest stars even in most terrible storms in them , and lean their forehead against theirs   ;   comfort found through the statics .
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sweetlywriting · 2 years
Can you make a Twisted wonderland when you break up with them, but you were forced
Scenario-Someone forces you to break up with them
Includes-Leona Kingscholar, Vil Schoenheit, Azul Ashengrotto, Rook Hunt, Riddle Rosehearts
A/N-I really like this idea anon, but you didn't ask for a specific character so I'm going to do my favorites <3
Leona Kingscholar-
Oh great
Leona had come to accept the fact that the world never let him become king, but now you were out of reach too?
At times it may not seem like he cares but the way he sucks up his pride and whispers pleas shows he truly did love you
Leona's not one to chase you though, if you want to leave you can
Since your gone he spends most of his time sleeping, but even in sleep all he can think about is how empty the bed is without you next to him
He feels like he’ll just sleep for the rest of eternity.
Until he overheard a couple of your friends talking about how sad it was that you were forced to break up with him, To which he drops whatever he’s doing and runs around the school til he’s found you
He’s not letting you go for at least the next month, also whoever forced you to break up with him is their ass kicked
“Herbivo- Y/n please don’t do that again.”
Vil Schoenheit-
Hah! that’s got to be a joke right?!
He really does think it’s a joke, mostly because he’s too scared that you're not joking
He’ll pretend that you’re still together while telling others that you're just upset over something, half trying to convince himself
When you stop waiting for him after class and holding his hand he starts to get serious
Vil’s a direct person and he will find out why you broke up with him
He’ll be quite upset that you didn’t tell him that you were being forced, and he’s definitely going up to whoever did it and starting an argument
Normally he would make a scene and yell when he’s mad but he genuinely just wants the person who had done such a horrible thing how much he adores you and that nothing can force the two of you apart
And then he’ll convince you to confess again because you “technically” broke up with him.
“My life is only so perfect because you're in it, so please don't do that again.”
Azul Ashengrotto-
What? Why?
He’s very confused and much more frantic too
Did he do something wrong? He quickly tries to find reasons you would do something like this so out of the blue, but a part of him is saying that he was never worth much in the first place, that you would be happier with someone else
Once he comes to that painful conclusion he quickly shoves himself into his work hoping to ease the pain
Jade and Floyd see this and are not happy. What happened to your relationship? It was fine a day ago?
They’re not going to let it go either
One way or another they will find out
When they tell Azul he’s more relieved than anything, he’ll quickly send Floyd and Jade to “squeeze” whoever has been forcing you to break up with him and find you and hold you tight
He won’t admit it but he cried quite a bit.
“I want you to be with me forever.”
Rook Hunt-
Rook observes you quite a lot being an adept hunter, and can easily tell that you don’t want to actually break up with him
The only problem is he doesn’t know why you're doing this
But with a little help from Vil in less than a day he can quickly find out who's forcing you, and he’s not going to stand for it
He’ll make sure they learn their lesson
And then promptly tell you that the problem is gone with a dashing smile and a flick of his hat
No time to be angsty because he figured it out so quick
But he will be slightly sad that you felt like you couldn’t tell him immediately.
“Ah love, I know you too well.”
Riddle Rosehearts-
Huh? Why?
You better believe that there will be no breaking up with Riddle until you tell him exactly why
If you really did lose your feelings he’ll let you go, but he can tell something I’d clearly wrong
You were both laughing an hour ago
He’ll eventually get you to tell him with some persuasion, black mail, and Treys cookies
Whoever forced you to break up is clearly losing their head
He’ll make up some rule about no splitting up the housewarden's partner.
“I knew you wouldn’t leave me.”
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allisonlol · 3 years
Hello !!
May i request chuuya and dazai (separately) trying to make their s/o jealous ( idk what reason) and she feels a bit insecure about her self?
Thank you so much ! <3
a/n: awe sure! again, i love writing jealousy so this is a great one ;) i think my brain wanted me to write scenarios for these but...obviously i didn’t so that’s why these hcs are more detailed than usual 
warnings: a bit angsty? dw there's happy endings tho. also slightly implied fem reader 
(Dazai, Chuuya) Trying to Make Their S/O Jealous
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i can definitely see him doing something like this on purpose tbh :/
one of dazai’s main personality flaws is excessively flirting with women after all
now to set the scene~
you’d woken up alone this morning since the previous night, you and dazai had been in an argument and he’d gone back to his own place
the whole thing had started when you’d gone to a bar together, and you had one too many drinks  
this resulted in you unintentionally flirting back with someone who came over to hit on you
this ticked dazai off and he’d dragged you home, where he confronted you
however you were too drunk to fight and simply wanted to go to bed, insisting that he leave
he’d surprisingly obliged and went to his own apartment, leaving you to feel a bit guilty, but not enough so to actually call him and tell him to come back
it had been a pretty minor fight so you were sure that by the time you both met at work, you could apologize and get things back to normal
now that it’s morning, you get dressed for work while hoping your hangover headache goes away at least before noon
popping some painkillers, you drive to the ADA but not before stopping at the cafe to grab a coffee
however, as you enter, you spot dazai at a table in the back corner
his back is to you so he hasn’t noticed your entrance, and you see this as a perfect opportunity to sort things out with him before work in a quiet space  
however, as you take a step forward, you’re able to notice that he’s not sitting alone
the cafe waitress is seated across from him, although it’s obvious she’d rather be anywhere else (she’s such an angel bless her heart omg)
from your spot by the door, you’re just barely able to hear the conversation happening
but it’s enough to tell that dazai is flirting with her 
he’s holding her hands across the table and leaning forward to whisper something
the waitress smiles at dazai, simply humoring him (not before again reminding him about the tab he owes her LOL) 
her face falls, however, once she spots you across the cafe and immediately pulls her hands back 
you’re left standing in shock as dazai turns around to see what she’s looking at; his eyes widening once they catch yours
you feel your face growing flushed with anger, and turn to yank the door of the cafe open and run out to your car
you shove the keys into the ignition and speed away from the cafe right as you catch dazai exiting it
with tears blurring your vision, you only make it a few miles away from the building before you’re forced to pull over your car and stop
resting your head on the steering wheel in defeat, you clench your fists while rethinking the situation 
you knew dazai was a flirt, obviously, but thought he’d stopped all that after getting into a relationship with you
had he continued it whenever you weren’t around, tho? in a way, you don’t entirely blame him
your insecurities start to rise up and you begin blaming yourself for not being good enough for him
before you know it, an hour has passed which now means you’ll officially be late to work
however, the thought of seeing dazai at work now makes you feel nauseated, and you end up calling out for the day
returning home to your apartment, you instead spend hours under the covers of your bed feeling betrayed & anxious
what was going to happen now? did this mean dazai was going to break up with you?
it’s while biting your nails nervously over this, that you hear the front door to the apartment open and close
sitting up and pulling the covers off from over your head, you glance at the clock to see it’s evening which means your boyfriend is now out of work
when you turn back around you’re surprised to see dazai already in the doorway to the room, making you jump in surprise
he smiles slightly at this before crossing the room to sit on the bed next to you
dazai’s eyes soften as he takes in your tear stained face, and he’s just about to open his mouth to speak when you cut him off
“i’m sorry for what i did at the bar last night, and for getting in a fight and telling you to leave, and for being a horrible s/o when you clearly deserve better…” you ramble out apologies almost incoherently
dazai shushes you and cradles your face in his hands. “y/n, you’re not a horrible s/o at all. i know what happened last night wasn’t your fault; i’m the one who should be apologizing.”
your boyfriend goes on to explain how he’d been frustrated about what had transpired, and had flirted with the cafe waitress in an attempt to get back at you
insists that it didn’t mean anything, and that no, he hasn’t flirted with anyone else like that besides you
you can tell he’s being genuine as he looks at you with pleading eyes to forgive him
…and you do. what other option was there, honestly? a small mistake had blown out of proportion for the both of you, and you refuse to let that ruin the relationship
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he's too perfect, i can never see him doing this intentionally
so for this situation, we'll settle that it was an accident
on this day in particular, chuuya was out for drinks with some other mafia members at a local bar
you knew where he was but, due to having to work late yourself, you wouldn't be arriving until a few hours later
as soon as your shift ended, you stopped home to change quickly before driving over to the bar 
you step into the bar and are immediately able to find where the port mafia is located just from how loud they were being
you spot tachihara, gin, kouyou, and higuchi at a table near the back, and you approach them with a smile
tachihara and gin appear to be having a competition for who can drink the most shots (gin wins btw) but as you look past them, you see no trace of chuuya at the table?
this is automatically strange, and you ask higuchi if she knows where your boyfriend is
“why are you asking me?? weren’t you just with him..?” she asks, confusion evident on her face
“i wasn’t with him, i just got here...?” you say quizzically, figuring she’s just too tipsy to remember
stepping away, you glance around the area, and through the dim lighting are just barely able to locate chuuya at a booth in the back 
you smile and begin to walk towards him but...you’re stopped short when you see that he’s sitting with someone else
you immediately realize what higuchi was talking about when your eyes lock onto the person chuuya’s with; she looks pretty similar to you right down to the hair and eye color
even her choice of outfit is something you’d wear 
she looks just like you but...a prettier version?! at least, that’s what your panicked mind instantly tells you 
even though his back is to you, you can tell from chuuya’s body language that he’s flirting with her
you can also immediately tell that he’s drunk...and extremely so 
you feel unable to move as you watch chuuya slide closer to the woman and whisper something, to which she responds with a giggle and a flushed face
after a few more minutes of this you can’t take it anymore, and turn to run out of the bar
you probably break several traffic laws while driving home by the way you’re speeding and swerving around corners
once you arrive at home at chuuya and yours’ shared apartment, you’ve barely made it through the door before you’re breaking down in tears
you sink to the floor, trying (and failing) to hold in your cries or stop yourself from hyperventilating
why had chuuya been flirting with someone else? were you simply not good enough for him anymore? 
was he still with that woman, right at this moment?? you squeezed your eyes shut, frantically trying not to imagine what they possibly could be doing right now 
hours pass as you sit on the floor in the dark hallway with these questions circulating your brain
however, your thoughts were interrupted by someone pounding on the door 
hurridly wiping the tears from your eyes, you yank open the door to find...tachihara?? alongside him is chuuya, who's still clearly blackout drunk
"here's your shitty boyfriend, y/n" tachihara thankfully doesn’t comment on your watery eyes, and instead drags chuuya forward by the arm and shoves him into you
you nod at tachihara in thanks before closing the door behind chuuya
he's still wayyy to drunk to really understand what's going on (hell, he doesn't even remark on your tearstained face) so you lead him upstairs
helping him out of his overcoat, he collapses onto the bed and you raise the covers over him
unsurprisingly, he passes out almost immediately
your hands are still shaking, and you decide it would probably be better if you slept on the couch for the night
that’s exactly what you end up doing, and wake up the next morning to chuuya’s confused face as he shakes you awake
“y/n, why are you down here??” 
you sit up with a sigh. “why wouldn’t i want to be down here after what you did last night?”
“last night..? all we did was go to the bar together, right?” he’s clearly hungover and probably barely even remembers what happened
“we didn’t. it sure did look like you and that other girl had a lot of fun, though.”
thirty seconds of silence passes as chuuya’s confused expression turns to a panicked one 
"that...wasn't you??" his face drains of color as his eyes go wide with shock
this throws you for a loop. had he seriously been so drunk that he’d mistaken someone else for you??
you fill chuuya in on everything that had happened from your point of view. the longer he listens, the more you see realization dawn on his face & he looks horrified with himself :(
“you didn’t do anything else with her, right??” you inquire nervously
chuuya insists that they’d only got drinks together; and that tachihara had actually dragged him out of the bar a few hours later after seeing what he was doing
your boyfriend’s hands are shaking while he recounts this and you can tell he’s being 100% genuine about mistaking that stranger for you
you know how chuuya gets when he’s drunk, and he does have a low tolerance after all 
so now you’re mentally kicking yourself for not getting there earlier to monitor how many drinks he got 
you ultimately end up forgiving chuuya (but not before telling him off for being unresponsible with his drinking habits)
he’s really gonna go out of his way now to try to repay you for this incident in any way possible 
i’m talking extra gifts, dates, and an overwhelming amount of affection
internally beats himself up pretty badly about it because the last thing he’d ever want to do is make you feel insecure :(
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hattiewritesalot · 2 years
Hello! Can I request an angst-to-fluff scenario/one shot of Percy Jackson x reader where he wakes up in the middle of the night from a nightmare before reaching over to find out that his s/o isn’t next to him and thinks maybe reader left him/something happened to them but it turns out that they were just getting some water? Thank you so much!
THIS IS JUST PERFECTION. thank you for requesting it! You didn't mention whether or not you wanted the reader to be a demigod so I left that up to interpretation
~Bad Dreams~
Percy Jackson x fem!reader
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(ahh Logan Lerman, my favourite example of right person wrong time.)
Summary: When Percy awakes from a dreadful nightmare and you're not there to comfort him, he immediately starts to panic.
Warnings: Angsty angst angst at the beginning, flashbacks of the Olympian wars, flashbacks of death and sadness, the end is nice and fluffy tho.
Percy's nightmares seemed to get worse and worse every night. They weren't always the same, in all fairness, sometimes they varied between different-yet-equally-depressing moments of his life.
His mother being taken right before his 12-year-old eyes.
Luke's sacrifice, and how he bled to death right in front of him.
Fighting Gaea as her taunts echoed through his ears.
He tossed and turned and shivered and shook as his brain flooded with memories of times he wanted nothing more than to forget. The world was spinning, and Percy couldn't escape the prison of his brain.
And then came you.
You were lucky that you hadn't died after the battle with Gaea, but the injuries you were left with would leave an imprint on Percy for the rest of his life. Sure, he had seen bad wounds before, heck, he'd seen death itself, but with you it was different.
He needed you.
So when the images of your unconscious body in Jason's arms began flashing through his mind, he couldn't help himself. He was weak compared to Morpheus, and he wondered what he had done to upset the god.
As Gaea's mocking laughter filled his ears, he shot awake, hands grasping his ebony hair and gasping for air. He turned in the bed, wanting to see you but instead your normal spot was vacant.
He pulled his knees to his chest as his frantic mind ran wild with ideas.
Where were you?
What happened to you?
Were you safe?
You could hear the increased breathing even from the kitchen, and you would've ran right up those steps if it weren't for the glass of water in your hand.
The moment you entered the room and set the glass down on the bedside table, Percy's bright eyes flooded with worry, and then relief. He watched you intently as you shuffled onto the bed and wrapped your arms around him, running your fingers through his hair and whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
You understood everything Percy was going through, and your heart shattered at the thought of your lovely dork being in that much pain.
"You- you left m-me..!" He choked out, grabbing your waist tighter.
"No, sweetheart, I just went to get some water." "B-but I thought you w-were hurt." You shushed him gently, pulling him closer to you.
"I'm fine, Perce, I am perfectly fine." You kissed the top of his head and buried your nose into his hair.
"It was just bad dreams, I promise I'm safe."
You rocked the sleeping son of Poseidon in your arms, humming a soft melody as you did so. His breathing had slowed and gotten quieter, and it hadn't taken you long to realise he had fallen asleep in your arms.
No, Percy didn't have good dreams, and he doubted he ever would. But at least he had you to make it even a little bit more bearable.
this is very overdue and I apologise sincerely for that <3
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fallatyourfeet · 2 years
Wish Me Luck - (Thomas Shelby x Pregnant Reader)
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Okay, so normally my pregnancy fics get quite fluffy, but for some reason, this one isn't. I mean, there's fluff, it's just not drowning in it. It's more angsty.
Word count: 1245
Warnings: A bit of angst, mostly on Tommy's behalf.
A/N: Please feel free to send me a message/comment/ask, I would love to know what you think.
If you like this, please feel free to visit my blog and take a look around!
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Shit. Were you going to get a lecture for this. And what a spirited, angry and passionate lecture it would be, even if you knew it came from a place of utter devotion and love. Devotion and love, not just for you... but for the life you nurtured inside. And yet, with a tinge of guilty pleasure, you smiled softly. Because, before the lecture began there would be lots of fussing and kissing and gentle fingertips searching your body for harm, and the thought appealed to you. Appealed to you in a rather reprehensible way. For without a doubt, right now, Tommy would be beside himself. His mind an incoherent mess, already imagining the worst possible scenario, his chest like a tightly wired spring, unable to unravel and breathe until he saw you safe with his own two eyes.
You don’t know what spooked the damn horse. Until today, he had always been such a sweet and mild-mannered boy, and that’s why you chose him. One minute he was walking along, as calm and steady as any other day, the most reliable and predictable horse you had ever had the pleasure of riding. The next minute he bolted off, taking you completely by surprise, your hands slipping from the reins and your balance thrown off centre, sending you tumbling to the ground.
Never would you have gone riding if it wasn’t safe to do so, you weren’t stupid. Your belly was still soft and pliable, the new life growing inside yet to display its presence. And so, the danger to your unborn was less than minimal. Once your belly grew round and hard, you would stop, not willing to risk a fall directly upon the precious cargo inside. Nevertheless, Tommy didn’t quite see it the same way, and your recent fall would certainly not help your case, not to mention the fact that you told him you wouldn’t go riding today. But as your morning sickness faded and the blue sky grew brighter, you couldn’t help yourself. It was such a perfect day, not to be wasted inside, and the moment you stepped into the garden with a novel in your hands, the irresistible smell of the fresh hay and stables reached your nose, making your decision for you.
Leaning down, the stable hand placed you gingerly on the edge of the sofa in Tommy's office, after carrying you all the way from the paddock. Slipping his arms from underneath you, he took a step back, uncomfortable at being in such close proximity to his boss’ wife, his concern evident, probably worried that Tommy would berate him, maybe even sack him for saddling up the horse for you.
With a stubborn edge to both your expression and tone, you thanked him, “I really could have made it back in on my own... But thank you all the same.”
The poor man, who looked barely out of childhood, replied, concern still evident in his voice, “It’s best you keep off that ankle, Mrs Shelby.”
With a softer smile, you tried easing away some of the creases etched across his forehead, “I will, thank you. But you better go catch that horse before my husband gets back. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure he understands you took no part in my little adventure.”
Hesitant to leave you alone, but eager to do as you said, relief flooded his features when Frances walked through the door, dismissing him with a nod of her head. Moving to your side, she spoke as she helped lift your legs up on the sofa, “I called Mr Shelby, he is on his way. And at his request, I've sent for the doctor.”
Rolling your eyes, you winced as she moved your ankle to rest on some cushions, already feeling how swollen it was inside your riding boot, “It’s just a sprained ankle, I don’t need a doctor.”
Frances looked you directly in the eyes, her lips pursed and brows raised as if to say, ‘You do realise who you are married to, don’t you?’ And it was a valid point, you knew even if you walked away from the fall without a scratch, he would want the doctor to check you over. But instead of saying so, Frances smiled gently, it was almost sentimental, “He can’t help it, you know... That man loves you far more than you realise.”
Sitting down on the chair beside you, she waited for Tommy to arrive, knowing better than to leave you alone until he walked through his office door. He would be thinking all manners of unthinkable things... unconsciousness, concussion, internal bleeding... however, she didn’t need to wait very long. Within five minutes, you both heard his automobile come screaming up the driveway, his foot on the pedal clearly pushing the poor engine to its limits. And even from your seat on the sofa, you could hear how the tires teared up the gravel as it came to a sudden stop outside the entrance, just seconds before the sound of his boots echoed loudly in the hallway.
With a deep intake of air, you mumbled to Frances as she stood to her feet, “Here we go... wish me luck.” With that Tommy hurled himself through the doorway and Frances excused herself without a word.
Tommy’s eyes, wide with angst, found you immediately. You smiled awkwardly in an attempt to put him at ease, but it did nothing. Before you even had time to speak a word, he was kneeling at your side, his intense gaze searching you over as his fingertips gently followed, “Are you alright... where are you hurt?”
Stupidly, you readjusted yourself on the sofa, your foot slipping from the cushions. You hissed involuntarily at the burning pain, the sound seemingly bringing discomfort to every feature of his face. Wrapping your hand around his wrist, you assured him, “I’m fine Tommy.” Then lifting his hand, you rested his palm gently against your belly, your fingertips running back and forth across his knuckles, “We’re both fine... it was just my ankle, I think I’ve sprained it.”
For the most part, relief flooded his crystal blue eyes, that relief manifesting upon his lips, kissing you, as his hands tangled amongst your hair. Coming up for air he rested his forehead against yours, his fingertips still tangled at the nape of your neck. Inhaling deeply, as if to lose himself in the scent of you, his whole body began to slowly unwind beneath your reassuring touch. It was both heaven and hell, all at once. The love you felt rolling off of him in that single moment, was almost overwhelming, and you soaked up every second of it. But with it came a rising tide of guilt. You hated knowing you were the cause of all his angst and worry. Enveloping his cheeks in your palms, you moved his head back to see his beautiful eyes, your own filled with regret, “I’m sorry Tommy... I shouldn’t have-”
Tommy cut you short when the doctor announced his arrival with a knock upon the office door, “Shhh, love.” Kissing you on top of the head he stood to his feet, his expression soft and yet somehow foreboding, You knew you were not going to get away with this so easily. Leaning back down, he spoke quietly against your ear, “You’ve been saved by the bell for now... but don’t worry, I’ll have plenty to say about this later.”
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whumpwillow · 2 years
I imagine the following as Whumperee being a vampire who held Former Whumpee captive as a bloodbag, but FW escaped and Whumperee was later captured by hunters, but it could work for other scenarios too: Former Whumpee finds out years after escaping that their old Whumper is being tortured, they never got closure, so they go there to try and get some sense of it.
But Whumperee has been changed by their torment and is a shell of the person they used to be. They'll say anything FW wants them to say, apologize profusely, beg for mercy, you name it, but it all feels empty. So FW takes Whumperee home and tries to rehabilitate them, because only then can they have a real conversation not motivated by fear and get the closure they crave.
vampire whump and whumper turned whumpee?? ue ue ue ue <3
also I really love the dynamics of this a lot,,,,like FW isn't rescuing whumperee because they feel bad for whumperee and believe that whumperee doesn't deserve this torment, they just want whumperee to be recovered enough so that they can have a normal conversation that isn't motivated by fear and pain so that FW can finally get their closure. it's a nice touch. a bit cold, but a nice touch
FW didn't really care when they heard that their former whumper was being tortured. they thought the bastard deserved it and should stay there, being hurt for eternity
FW still couldn't get over their trauma from their time as whumperee's bloodbag and plaything. they still had nightmares, still had scars, still couldn't get whumperee's voice out of their head
FW goes to where whumperee is being held and wants to get the closure they seek so that they can put their past behind them
FW doesn't want to hurt whumperee, they know that that is not what will bring them peace. they don't like seeing whumperee begging at their feet because it just reminds them of themselves when they were whumperee's captive. it feels empty and hollow
FW keeps trying to have a conversation with whumperee to make them understand what they did and whumperee nods, apologizes, grovels and pleads and begs and FW hates it because its so twitchy and filled with fear
whumperee's eyes are pricked with tears and they flinch at every movement FW makes, every time FW raises their voice, and FW knows whumperee will say anything or do anything to avoid any further pain
it frustrates FW greatly because they don't want whumperee to just know when to avoid pain, they want whumperee to understand
FW takes whumperee with them and plans to rehabilitate them so they won't be so scared anymore, and only then will they both be able to have a normal conversation
FW didn't expect to be so stricken at seeing whumperee suffer through the same things FW did and worse, because even if FW was made into a bloodbag and treated like an object, whumperee was tortured far worse
FW begrudgingly comforts whumperee and helps them deal with their nightmares and trauma, saying that it's only for the purpose of their own closure and they totally aren't starting to feel bad for whumperee at all, nope, not a single bit
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redhoodisms · 2 years
Your thoughts on something angsty about dick- LIKE MAYBE AN ANGSTY SCENARIO? He dances with someone else, doesn't notice you standing right there, he's leaving again- i don't know i don't have a magical mind like you do so please send help 🥲
CAN WE DANCE ! dick grayson
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: i talk a lot of shit when i’m drinking, baby. i’m known to go a little too fast
𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: dick grayson x gn! reader, angst, insecurity, mentions of an unhealthy relationship, suggestive language, cursing, mentions of drinking/alcohol, basically just me writing angst at its finest :/
𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬: the way i’m lowkey concerned for everyone’s wellbeing that keeps asking me for angst fics, like i don’t remember the last time that i actually wrote something not angsty do you guys like being sad??
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.443k words
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a shaky breath escaped your lips as you glanced down at your watch, watching the tiny hand of the clock keep ticking around to represent the seconds that would turn into minutes, minutes that would turn into hours. your hands reached over to grasp the glass cup that was in front of you, feeling the champagne fall down your throat as you took a sip while your eyes gazed back and forth, flickering through what felt like millions of people in one room. yet he wasn’t there.
the champagne swayed back and forth inside the glass cup like it was a rising tide that was ready to spill out from the glass and onto your clothes. had it not been that your eyes took note of your shaky hands, maybe you wouldn’t have even noticed. your heart fluttered, and not in the way it would when you would gaze into his eyes, more like the same fluttery feeling when you knew that he was going to be late, when you were wondering when he was going to show up, when he was leaving you to second guess everything. 
“c’mon grayson,” you muttered under your breath as you pulled out your phone. no texts, no missed calls, nothing. 
the empty promise lurched itself into your throat as you patiently waited for his arrival. the maybes, the what-if’s lurched inside your mind like they were supposed to be some hopeful abyss for you to sink in. and yet, gazing at the couples on the dance floor, the pairs chatting amongst themselves at their tables, you knew it was too good to be true.
stumbling out in what seemed to be a miracle, was him. dick grayson. the one and only. glancing down at your watch did you feel the air of a scowl escape your lips. three hours late, three fucking hours. 
your eyes glued onto him as you watched those tantalizing lips, the ones that you would spend nights kissing, blossom into a smile as he maneuvered around the crowd. shaking hands, saying his hellos and how are you’s. not once did those eyes of him shift, turning around for the very person who invited him to this gala. and when a woman with long locks of blonde hair, her nails trailing up on his arm, whispered in his ear, her eyes gazing at the dance floor, he broke into a grin and said yes.
this event is what some people would call the final straw, the last nerve that had popped. but watching that lady, that seductive lady ask him “can we dance?” it wasn’t some taunt or jeer, not some vein that was going to burst leading you to bleed. it was more like the bottle of champagne that you were now chugging down, hoping that the alcohol could stitch up the wounds that had torn your heart into broken flesh.
how could he do this? did anything ever mean anything? did those kisses, those intertwined hands as you moaned into his skin, as he panted that he loved you, did they mean anything?
his happy countenance seemed to suggest otherwise. those eyes looked like they had never been happier as he danced with that woman and where his hands were placed on her body, it made it seem like she had everything you lacked. words penetrated your mind like rocks as with each twirl that smirk on his lips haunted your mind. was he even happy with you? were you even good enough for someone like him?
gripping the fabrics of your clothes you hitched your breath as you tried to muster every ounce of courage to look away from him. but the faint tear that trickled down your cheek suggested otherwise. screw it, there was no point going to this event if your date was off dancing with other women. you knew that dick was polite, hell he could part the crowd like the red sea with his charisma. and perhaps that was his downfall, because you always had second thoughts. 
and seeing his hands sliding down past her waist only confirmed those horrible thoughts that your mind plagued you with. 
getting up from your seat, you stumbled your way out onto the dance floor. perhaps having one too many glasses on champagne was the reason why you felt the need to push past so many sweaty people who were ruining their expensive clothes on the dance floor, or why you were making closer. closer to him.
the alcohol must have kicked in by now, because there was no way in hell if you were sober that you would have brushed past that woman with such force that she almost fell back from the impact. that’s if, if dick hadn’t caught her.
“hey, watch where you’re going—”
—his voice trailed as his eyes locked with you. widened, like he had been caught in the act like there was no way, no reason, no excuse to get himself out of this one. the narrow stare you reflected back at him, behind it, full of betrayal, hurt and shame that you had spent hours of your heart dedicated to that man. who was shocked that he was caught, not because of what he did.
“y/n,” he breathed as he let go of the woman’s “waist” reaching out to touch you by the arm. “what bullshit of an excuse are you going to try to come up with this time?” you scoffed while pulling your arm away from his grasp.
shit that felt good. walking past him, it felt like for once you finally had your leverage against him. how many times had dick made it feel like you were the one in the wrong, how many times did you cry back for forgiveness, how many times did you watch him gaze at other people who looked better than you? making you rot into this never-ending pit of insecure thoughts. and it was finally coming to an end.
“we need to talk,” 
there it was, that assertive voice that felt like a thunder about to turn into a storm. you felt his grip on your arm again, whirling around his eyes were stirring, like a plan had formulated in his mind and he was trying to make sure to win you back again. no, not this time.
“talk? what's there to talk about, dick?” you scoffed as a tiny smirk touched your lips as you gazed up into his eyes. “you had me waiting hours and as soon as you show up you go groping some random woman’s ass while i’m waiting,” you started as you poked a finger in his chest.
“i can explain,” 
“explain? explain what? how i’ve been stuck sitting and waiting, wondering when my boyfriend is going to show when newsflash! he’s dancing off with someone else, placing his hands on her body knowing that he’s in a fucking relationship,” the words rolled off your tongue like butter, the alcohol had finally let you say the words that you were trying to shove down your throat for so long.
“you don’t mean that, you’re drunk, y/n. i’m here, i’ve been looking for you, i wasn’t dancing with anyone,” 
“oh, so because i’m drunk i’m seeing things. i’m sick and tired of you gaslighting me, dick. i’m sick of seeing you gaze at people prettier than me like you know i can never amount to what they have. i’m sick of how you treat me like a piece of garbage. and i don’t give a shit that it’s the alcohol that’s taking over my tongue. they say that you’re more honest drunk than sober,” you snapped as you shot him an icy glare.
“i’m done. i’m done trying so hard only for you to never look in my direction. did you even love me?” you asked as you cocked your head to the side. 
his silence was frustrating but it was the unfortunate answer that you had to receive. dick said nothing, he didn’t answer your question. instead, he stared at you in shock, his eyes wide as if he never expected those words to come out of your mouth.
“wow,” a forced chuckle escaped your mouth as you felt the tears start fall down your cheeks. “the next time you want to be in a relationship, do it because you love them so they don’t waste their time,”
and with that, you turned on your heel, feeling your heart shatter knowing that dick grayson wouldn’t run to apologize or ask for another chance. he was going to ask someone else to dance. and it wasn’t going to be you
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writer-akihiko · 2 years
Howdy do~! I’ve got a fluff/angst scenario in mind: The dorm leaders’ (including Jamil’s) fem! s/o suddenly wakes up screaming in the middle of the night because of a traumatic nightmare of them Overblotting. As she wakes up, she tearfully tells them she’s scared of losing them a second time. How will they comfort her? Please and thanks!
Dorm Leaders + Jamil + MC's Nightmare
Hi! I've really put some thought into this, so it sort of ended up bittersweet and maybe some parts turned out to be more angsty... Please avoid [Vil & Leona's] if you are uncomfortable with self-deprecating thoughts.
Also for clarification, I did not open Anon. The user deactivated, which is why you now see them as anon.
All you could feel was ink around your body. The slimy, dark substance suffocating your being as the inked hand of your beloved snaked to your neck, their face unrecognisable from the corrupting ink.
"You…" He groaned out, his voice scratched and hollow.
"You did this to me…"
You screamed, reaching for your throat. "NO!" You winced, realising you were in your bed at NRC. You looked around the room, tears in your eyes searching for your beloved.
Malleus Draconia
He rushed to you, still half-transformed, his height a little taller and his wings touching the floor. The black wings extended out, its wingspan covering you up as he pulled you out of the covers, wrapping you in his body instead.
"Love… talk to me," The Fae begged, fear rising in his chest as he felt the way you trembled in his arms. He rested his chin to your forehead, his lips pressing to the crown of your head as he inhaled your scent. "Please… YN."
Your body shook to the point the tears rolled down your cheek. You clutched to Malleus' shirt, burying yourself deeper into his chest as your breath hitched. In the moments of silence, Malleus rubbed your shoulders to soothe you as you relaxed into your lover's chest.
You began recalling your nightmare. "I… I saw you in ink."
The one line from your lips brought you to a choked sob, as your hand reached out to cup your beloved's face. You felt his leather-like wings curl up to you, "Malleus… I don't want to lose you again."
The words from you were a thorn in his heart. For many days, he tried to forget his moment of weakness to the ink, but he couldn't imagine the damage that had been done to your psyche, considering that you were the one to deal with him in the first place. From that day forward, he vowed to never lose control ever again, but evidenced by your nightmare, you were concerned about him too.
The Fae pressed his scaled forehead to yours, his bright orbs staring into your tearful ones. Oh, how he wished he could use his magic to kill off those nightmares, but it was impossible since they came from your own thoughts. Your hands instinctively went to cup his jaw, with one of his clawed hands covering your hand and another wrapped around your waist.
"There is not a day that I wish for it to never occur, YN," He told you, his eyes serious about the ordeal. "Your nightmare is only proof that I need to be the strongest magic user in this land, so no harm shall befall to the future bride of the Draconia family." He said with utter resolve.
Overwhelmed with emotion, you began to grow tired once more, slumping against your lover's chest with his wings still wrapped around you. The Fae proceeded to lie on your shared bed, his wings shrinking to accommodate his size.
"There is much I would sacrifice to you," He whispered against your skin. "Anything you tell me not to do will be taken as my own blood oath, so sleep with the assurance that your Tsunotarou won't leave you."
Riddle Rosehearts
It was the first time you saw Riddle's face full of concern. No blooming reds of happiness, nor raging crimson of anger was on his face. Simply worry, and concern that struck him cold. It was a difficult feeling to describe as he saw you sitting there, as if he was on the day of his Overblot again, staring back at your hopeless face.
He slowly approached you, as if not to scare you, before draping his jacket gently over your shoulders. His hands weren't shaking as they reached out to your own, but his heart was. His palm held your own hands, before bending his head lower than yours to kiss it. "YN… Take your time. I'll be here as long as you need me."
With Riddle next to you, your breathing steadied, as you tried to recall what happened. "It was like that day again," You began.
Riddle's blood ran cold. The grief that he caused you, it was unforgivable in his book. His grip tightened, still wary of the way that he hurt you that day. All the efforts you put in to save him… He wasn't sure if there was any other way to repay you for it.
"The ink held you once again," You continued, being careful with your words, knowing just exactly how Riddle might act in this instance. "I was scared. You reached out to me, to harm me, but that wasn't the scariest part."
It was the first words he said with anger. "What do you mean, YN?! Hurting you is my own nightmare, how could you think-"
"What if I lost you again?"
Those words caused him to clam up. He hadn't thought about it, but you both were fools, having a weakness for each other so dearly. You were right, though. You were always right. He knew, if he ever succumbed to the ink with his life, the one to carry the ache the most would be you, as you carried on his memory with a broken heart.
He'd never let that scenario happen.
Riddle Rosehearts swears on it, as the Queen of Hearts.
"To you, YN," He leaned his forehead to your shoulders, his voice low and in a whisper, just loud enough for you to hear him. "To you, the firs rule of the Queen of Hearts will be to never make you shed a tear."
Kalim Al-Asim
Of course Kalim would cause a ruckus, seeing as how he witnessed the blankets and pillows fly off the bed when you woke up from your slumber. Usually, your nights ended with loving cuddles with Kalim, but this time you went to bed alone since one of the Dorm Leader meetings dragged on.
His first course of action was to have you in his arms, pulling you as close to his body as possible. His lips were drawn to you, kissing the tears that so carelessly fall from your eyes. They didn't belong there, he thought, as he kissing away a tear by the corner of your mouth.
The butterfly kisses made you relax into Kalim, slowing your breaths down as you placed your head under Kalim's chin. Your nightgown was patted down by one of Kalim's hands, the warmth on your thighs calming you down.
"There's my desert lotus," He called out to you, feeling your head nudge into his collarbone. "There's no need to speak if you don't want to."
You finally met your gaze to Kalim, your head shaking from side to side. "I promised to never keep secrets from you," You reached for his hand, knowing how much that promise meant to him. "I don't have any plans to break that anytime soon."
He was attentive, silent the entire time as you explained, but there was no denying the silent tears that fell from his cheek. It was horrific in his memory, not being able to reach out to you and only harming you whenever he got closer. There was no denying that the one who was hurt the most was you, yet Kalim wasn't sure how to fix it.
"I couldn't help but think," You hesitated to say your next few words. "What if I can't save you again? What if it was my fault that I lost you-"
His hands reached to grip your shoulders, pulling you into a tight embrace. Not a word was exchanged between you two, as you felt Kalim's tears on your shirt. You let his hold you, as did you. In silence, you held one another, both frightened by the aspect you presented.
Your beloved Kalim met his gaze to you again, his eyes puffy and reddened by his crying. "YN… YN please don't say that," He begged. "I don't want to harm you again, I never want to hurt you…"
No retort came from you.
"No, not even the ink, will we be torn apart. It is my vow for life, my desert lotus."
Jamil Viper
He was quick to react, quick to have you in his arms as he cuddled you into his chest. Your body was shaking, your sobs choked with gasps for air as your tears soaked the sheets below you in an uneven pattern, your mind replaying the scene you last saw over and over again in your head.
"Match my breathing, YN."
Jamil's voice snapped you out of your trance, as he guided your head to press gently against his chest. There you felt the soft thump of his heartbeat, a rhythm that sent a wave of calm throughout your body. The gentle heave of his chest against your frantic one slowly matched to each other, soon falling in melody with one another.
Jamil's agile fingers reached the flesh of your cheek, swiping away the hot rivulets of tears that made tracks on your skin. His expression, one that was typically sour or sly in nature, was fearful as the day the ink took him, where he witnessed and felt the backlash of harming you. It was a feeling he was disgusted by, but with the way you looked, it's as if that day occurred again.
"He was in your dreams, wasn't he?" He murmured into your skin, as his head was on your lap. It comforted you as much as it comforted him, besides that, he could look at you much easier.
You nodded, hesitant to explain what that version of Jamil did to you. "He… He told me he was going to come again."
"Like hell he will. Like I'll fall for that ink again."
"Jamil, but what if you do?" Your anxious thoughts ran through you. "How can I be strong for you when I fear for you life?"
"Dammit!" He cursed, his head pressing into your lap. "Damn that ink, YN! If it comes for me again…"
He sat up, his thoughts racing through his head. Your hand reached out to him, clasping to his own. Hand in hand, you both found solace in one another, unsure of what's to come. Jamil himself, he knew that he wouldn't be able to overpower the ink, but what he could do was outsmart it.
"If I ever become a part of that ink again… You'll have to stop loving me to stop me," He said, his tone serious.
"You always think of the impossible, Jamil…" You smiled through your tears.
"I will," He admitted, pressing his lips to yours as if to comfort you. "But, if it means cheating natural law, cheating the ink or cheating death itself, I'll be by your side to prove that I mean it."
Azul Ashengrotto
He noticed it right away, even before you woke up. He was sitting right next to you, a book in his hands, reviewing how his contracts went. Your sudden awakening almost threw him off the bed, but luckily, he held on as best as he could. You didn't immediately burst into tears, noticing that Azul was on the floor. The silly mishaps of readjusting himself and you apologising made you forget what happened just for a moment, until Azul asked you.
"What startled you, Angelfish?"
You shied away, now finding it embarrassing to discuss about the thoughts that haunted you right after such a scenario. "Can we… take a bath?"
He hummed lowly, agreeing to it. The mer-octopus usually intiated taking long baths together to make up for quality time, or simply calm his nerves down being around you and the water. It was not a strange notion for you to initiate it, but it was a rare occurance.
It was one of the moments he was willing to be vulnerable to you. There, in his merform, sharing the tub with you. The bath was not too cold, and you settled in between three of his mutiple tentacles. He kept any notions of shyness away for now, seeing as how your chest heaved with thoughts of panic as you collected yourself.
"I dreamed that it happened to you again," You admitted. There was no use beating around the bush with Azul. He'd eventually find out, but he had no need to, since you promised that you'd be honest with him at all times. You heard a sigh from your boyfriend, finding one of his tentacles starting to wrap around one of your arms, slinking to your wrist.
"It being the Overblot," You continued. The tentacles that held you became tense, but Azul is one that's reluctant to hurt you.
Azul finally opened his mouth. "Did… Did I hurt you?"
You nodded, turning to meet your gaze to your Azul, who's expression winced, and one that began to flood with regret as you told him. His sky blue eyes clouded over, as he tried to find the words to say. "Where did I touch you?"
Your hands ran over your naked skin, before taking one of his tentacles to touch the base of your neck. A choked sob came from Azul, his tears clouding his vision as he whispered his sorries, curling away his tentacles but you kept them in place. "Azul… I trust you. Touch me, it's alright."
He did as you said. "The trust Angelfish… it's the very kind that saved me."
Idia Shroud
He was prone to late night gaming, but this was the first time he abandoned his online game. Luckily, no one else was playing with him, so it was easy for his to abandon it. Of course he was unsure how to comfort you, he was frightened that he'd scare you even more. Calling out your name wasn't as effective as he thought the first time around, so he called it once more, his pale hands touching yours instead.
The warmth of his hair evaporated any hot tears that dared to trickle down, leaving the tracks that they once tread. What Idia didn't expect was to have his loved one tackle him to the bed, both falling to the mattress with a thump. Thank goodness he requested for the best sheets, otherwise he'd be much more worried about how you injured yourself.
He said nothing, as he felt his cheeks bloom pink with how willing you cuddled into his chest. Of course he was curious about what you went through, but he more so was curious what brought such an affectionate self out of you.
"You're here…" You mumbled, taking in the scent of Idia's jacket, holding him tighter. "Oh thank Great Seven you're still here Idia…"
His hands reached to pat your head. "I… I was still playing my game YN. I never left," He said, his confusion growing further. Now to him, this was puzzling. You were someone who always smiled at him, so for you to break down in tears was already a big concern. Unless…
He was sharp enough to know what came out of your nightmare. "Was it my Overblot?"
The nod from you that ruffled his shirt was all it took.
"I promised you that I'd never think of using the ink," He reconfirmed it with you. "That time was the first and last of it."
He listened to what you had to say, your fear of losing him again and your fear of the backlash he'd face once again in the aftermath of the Overblot. Your fear of him loosing his sanity, your fear of not being able to see him again… he almost felt guilty that your fear was caused by him.
"Maybe if it were only the two of us…" He thought aloud. "With Ortho… Then that stupid ink won't ruin everything."
"Idia, you-"
He cut you off once more. "But my parents might be worried if I bring you back just like this, so… marry me YN. You can live with me, away from everyone."
Leona Kingscholar
Having just returned from practice, of course he thought that someone came in and attacked. He ran up to you, checking for injuries. Upon inspection, the only injuries he could trace was to your psyche itself, as you clung to Leona in fear for the nightmare coming true.
He let you nuzzle against him, only having to use one hand to lift you close to him as you hung onto him tight, arms around his neck as he arranged the pillows and blankets in a circle, tossing a few of his strewn about clothes onto the mess. Despite your tight grip to his neck, it was easy for someone like him to toss you to the bed, in the impromptu nest that he made with you in the middle.
You sat upright, taking in the new surrounding slowly as Leona crept up to you, his body curling as he rested against the mattress. As if it was upon instinct, you followed suit, curling up to Leona as your lion rested with you in the nest he made.
Of course he wasn't going to touch you in that sort of way. His makeshift nest was meant to be comforting, and at least it brought down your breathing levels to normal. Your hyperventilating stopped, as you looked up at your lion, who was deftly wiping away tears from your cheek with his other arm supporting his head to look down on you.
He hummed as you reached a hand to him, rubbing one of his ears, causing your lion to purr for you. It was a gentle rumble of a purr, but the sounds steadied your beating heart. You let Leona play with your hair, as you began the entire tale.
"I saw you join hands with the ink again," You started. It was just the beginning, but Leona felt his hairs stand up. If anything, he wished to erase that moment from ever occurring. His feelings from that event, he wasn't sure if they were truly gone, but somehow you made it all better.
"It was you in an Overblot, and I couldn't do anything to stop you," You continued, gripping the sheets tighter. "What… what if it really happens again Leona? What if you can't come back to me?"
He hated it. He hated how logical you were in these moments. He huffed, almost in a growl, pushing you into the bed as he further soothed you. "Don't think about it Herbivore. Can't dream about it if I'm here."
You gave in, slowly but surely falling into slumber again, your chest rising and falling as Leona adjusted your sleeping position. In his heart, Leona never knew what to say to you, because you were always right. His feelings of inferiority never went away, instead kept buried deep inside as his care for you took over. It was for the second time in his life, Leona felt hopeless.
He pulled you into his chest, before looking at the sky above from the window in his room.
"Great Seven, I pray you don't take me away from her. I pray that my love for her trumps all my reckless thoughts…"
Vil Schoenheit
He was utterly horrified, the scream causing him to drop his eyebrow pencil. Seeing that it was you jolting from a nightmare, he left his vanity, hurrying to tie his robe as he took a good look at you. He kicked off his slippers, sitting next to you on the bed, holding your hand in his.
"Oh, oh…" He muttered, taking a good look at you, wiping away your tears with his handkerchief. "My darling's scared…"
"Vil," You cried out, your voice cracking as you remembered the nightmare of him. The way he cared for you, was almost the same way his Overblot self did. Your reaction to it was completely different however, as in the nightmare you remembered the feeling of wanting to puke as the Overblot version of Vil cooed over you.
Your own Vil soothe your worries, as a garden with the sweet scent of his perfume, and the gentle touch of his fingers to yours. His voice itself was a melody that healed your ears from the screeching nightmare, as you felt his embrace.
He stopped wiping your tears the moment you calmed down. He kept it away, shifting his full weight on the bed to meet you face to face. One hand clutched the middle of his robe, as the other hand rubbed circles into your hand, his face full of concern.
"Will you tell me what's wrong, darling?"
You weren't sure to tell the truth to him.
Vil was someone you knew that hated that version of him. You've seen the way he tore himself apart because of it. It was not a thing you could bring up so easily around Vil, because for as much as the nightmare hurt you in your dreams, you were unsure if you could bring yourself to hurt Vil in reality.
Your silence only enhanced the worry from your boyfriend, as he thought the nightmare caught you in a trance once again. He rushed out of the bed, to get the tea that he steeped for his own consumption. Your hands shook as you accepted the cup, taking a sip.
He asked again, and was met with your refusal. Sitting next to you on the bed, he could only give you his soft smile as he helped you take a drink of the tea.
"I'll wait until you're ready, my sweet potato," He said, smiling after pecking your cheek. "For now, rest with me, love."
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nights-legacy · 2 years
Shouldn't You Be with Them?
Masterlist MHA Masterlist
MHA Headcanon
Getting upset with the partner after basically being ignored and/or forgotten.
Featuring: Iida Tenya, Aizawa Shota, Amajiki Tamaki, Hawks, Dabi, & Shigaraki Tomura
Warnings: Arguments, accusations, feelings against partners, angsty
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Iida: I sat at my desk working on my notes for an Upcoming Math test. Every now and again I would look towards the door. Iida was supposed to help me but he had yet to show up.
"I think he bailed again." I muttered under my breath. I set down my pencil and leaned back. I ran my hands through my hair, brushing out the knots I found.
I pulled myself back to my desk. I stared at the numbers on the page. My gaze drifted to the door before going to my phone. I grabbed it and pulled up Iida's contact. I pressed the call button and let it ring. I almost gave up when he finally answered.
"I'm Sorry for not answering sooner, darling. I was speaking Yaoyorozu." My heart panged a little at her name.
"Oh, did I interrupt something?" I asked.
"Nothing too Major. We were taking a short break. We were discussing some class activities and the responsibility schedule for the next month before bringing it to Aizawa-sensei."
"O-Oh, um,..." I bit my thumb nail, completely deflating.
"Is something wrong, darling?" I panicked.
"Oh no! I just hadn't seen you since the end of the day, so I was a little worried is all."
"Oh, alright. Are you sure that's all?"
"Yeah. I hope your planning goes well. Talk to you later." I hung up the phone. I stared down at my notebook, thinking of all the times this same scenario has played out. I only forced myself out of my head when I registered the few drops on my paper.
Sometime later, I ventured out to go get some dinner. I hung out with Kaminari and Sero as I ate. I was heading back up when Iida and Momo came in.
"Darling, it's lovely to see you."
"Yeah, you too." I went to pass him when he stopped me.
"Is everything alright? You seem off and sounded so on the Phone." I tried to brush him off but he persisted. I sighed and pulled him to the side.
"Shouldn't you be with them?"
"I-I-I don't understand. What ..."
"I mean I get you made a commitment to your role as Class Prez but... I thought you had made a commitment to me too." I said quietly. "So, shouldn't you be with Momo or Deku or Aizawa to fulfill your responsibilities?" I choked ofthe question. I quickly turned and walked always, muttering. "Since that is all you seem to do."
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Aizawa: Everyone knows how Shota is. Every chance he gets, he will take a nap. Yamada even warned me when Shota and I started dating about it. Now we are living together and it's only slightly different. He stays awake but is very mellow. He also always has a cat with him.
"I'm home, love." I heard him coming from the front hall. "Where are you?"
"Laundry room." I called back. I caught onto the neary silent footsteps coming close. I felt him wrap his arms around me from behind. "Hi." I kissed his cheek.
"Hi." He rested his head on my shoulder. I continued to sort the laundry. We stood in silence for a little bit. I happened to look down and saw one of our cats sitting there rubbing his head on Sho's leg.
"Okay. You should go take a bath. Relax." He nodded. We went to walk out and I saw his shirt and capture weapon were filthy. "Hold on." I flicked my hand and pulled the clothes off. They flew into my hand. "Thank you."
"Welcome." He walked out.
A little while later, I walked into our room and heard Shota mumbling. I peeked in and saw him petting the cats. He was mindlessly talking to them as he sat in the bath. I shook my head amused and moved on.
I was in the kitchen when he came out. I looked at him and choked on my drink, laughing at the cat that was on his shoulder. I gave him a questioning look but he just shrugged. I just continued to make dinner. It was after dinner when he finally came to me.
"I'm exhausted." I was sitting on the couch with my legs across the cushions. He laid down next to them and cuddled into my stomach. I looked around and surprisingly didn't see a cat.
"Shouldn't you be with one of the cats? I mean you have been with them since you got home." I teased. I began to massage his head. He just gave me a half-hearted annoyed look before dropping his head back down.
We sat there cuddling as I read a book, both hands rubbing his back and head. It was not long before I felt his breathing start to even out. That was until one of the cats jumped onto his back. I laughed as he groaned but he fell asleep nonetheless with a cat sleeping on his back.
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Amajiki: Class 3-A was having a Senior picnic of sorts. The whole day had activities to do or you just relax. It was basically a last hooray for us students before graduation. I had got pulled away by a few of my friends right off the bat.
"I want to go to the photo booth!" I laughed as my friend dragged me off. We did a few things until taking a small break.
"Hey, Y/N." I turned and saw Tamaki.
"Tama!" I hugged him tight before giving him a swift kiss. He held me tight.
"Are you having fun?" He asked quietly.
"Yes, are you? How long have you been here?"
"Only for a little bit." He said. He looked around admiring the decor. "Want to..."
"L/N! Come on, we're going to bob for apples." I turned and saw my friends waving me over. I looked back at Tamaki. He gave me a smile and motioned for me to go.
"Are you sure?" I ask. He nodded and pushed me by the hips to go. "I promise we'll get some time for us in a little while."
Periodically throughout the day, you had seen Tamaki. A few times he went to see you and your friends drug you away. Other times you tried to go to him but your friends wouldn't let you go so easily. It was starting to really irk Me. By the time I got to go to do anything with Tama it was getting dark.
3rd pov
Tamaki watched as Y/N ran around with their friends. At first he was okay but as the day drew on, he became more aggravated. He waited for them to come back but they never did. Even Mirio and Nej noticed the boy was acting strangely. so when night fell and they saw Y/N heading their way, they left.
"Alright, I'm going to go spend some time with Tama. See you guys later. They all said goodbye and I walked over to said boy. I saw Mirio and Nej walk away.
"Bye buddy." Mirio called.
"Tama!" He looked up at me before away. I kept trying to talk to him but he kept ignoring me. "Tama?" I could see by the way he was sitting he was annoyed. I went to touch him but he jumped away before snapping.
"Shouldn't you be with them?" He snapped, turning back towards me and pointing at the group. I jumped back shocked. "You've spent most of the day with them, why not finish it too?" His voice cracked. I stared at him, spooked by his unusual behavior. He stormed off.
"L/N?" Is everything alright?" I jumped at the hand on my shoulder.
" Uh, yeah, actually I'm not feeling very well. I'm just going to go back to my dorm. Bye." I quickly left before anyone saw me cry.
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Hawks: I walked around the empty penthouse trying to figure out what to do until my friends called. My office was shut down for the week due to deep cleaning and inspections. Although I still have worked remotely. A few of my coworkers and I have gone out most evenings though. Hawks usually works late so I never lose the time I get to spend with him.
"Come On, I'm getting stir Crazy." I muttered checking my phone for the hundredth time. As if by magic it went off with the text I was waiting on. I quickly got ready and left.
3rd POV
Hawks flew through the sky, eager to get home to his partner. In the back of his mind a thought nagged at him but he ignored it. He landed on the balcony and Slipped inside.
"Baby!" He ran his fingers through his hair to get out the knots and shrugged off his jacket. When he got no response he sighed.
He walked through the apartment and found no one. He didn't find a note or anything. His wings fluttered and tensed in irritation. He sat at a barstool and calmed himself down.
The urge to go and see if they're Okay was strong but he didn't.
"Unbelievable." He muttered. "Could have at least given me a heads up. Plus this is the third time this week." He got up and made dinner for himself. A few hours passed before he heard the door. He was sitting on the couch on his tablet and didn't ever look at them.
Y/N's PoV
"Hey honey!" I chirped. He didn't react which struck me as odd. "Keigo? Are you alright?"
"Fine." He said curtly. My confusion grew. I walked around the couch and sat next to him. He still wouldn't look at me.
"Keigo..." I went to touch his hand but he pulled it away.
"Shouldn't you be with them?" He nearly growled.
"Who?" I almost didn't want to ask.
"Whoever you're going out with every evening! I've come home early for the past week for you to only find you're not here." He stood with his back to me. "So shouldn't you be with them?" He stormed into our room, slamming the door.
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Dabi: You had been waiting at the street corner, shivering, that Dabi had suggested. You had been standing there for nearly an hour & a half before walking the couple of blocks to the LOV bar. You were upset because Dabi had PROMISED but it turns out his word is shit.
"And you have a stick in your ass!" I paused at the first statement I heard coming through the door. I moved farther inside just in time to hear Shiggy's reply. I tried to shake off the cold but still could feel the chill. Normally I would ask Dabi to help me warm up.
"Oh yeah? At least I have some self respect unlike your burned bacon ass!" I chuckled slightly but remembered why I was here in the first place. I leant against the far wall staring at the two. Dabi must have felt my stare because he looked my way.
"What are you standing over there for? You look like a creep." He snorts before going back to arguing with Shiggy. I stared at him agape for a minute before scoffing. I looked off to the side in disbelief at the Man.
"Some promise..." I grumbled. Dabi had promised that we would have the night to ourselves no LOV but here we are. I should have known this is how this would go.
"Come have a drink, babe!" Dabi held up a beer before taking a swig. I rolled my eyes and pushed off the wall. I walked through the bar and he smiled. He went to wrap an arm around me but I shoved it away. I walked on past and into the back towards the bedrooms. "Hey!"
"Hiya Y/N!" Toga skipped up to me with her crazy smile. Normally, I would stop to talk but I wasn't in the mood.
"Hi. Bye." I walked past her and up the stairs to Dabi's room. His room had the minimum since he didn't stay here 24/7 like most.
I closed the door and sat on the bed. I wrapped my cold hands in the blanket. I would have just left but I needed to warm up. It took at least ten minutes before I could feel my fingertips. It took another ten to feel completely warm. The door opened not long after that.
"There you are." Dabi walked in. I looked at him with no emotion. He cocked his head to the side watching me with curiosity in his eyes. "Why are you cooped up in here when..."
"Shouldn't you be with them down there?" I interrupted him. He narrowed his eyes on me. I got up from the bed in a huff. "It's not like there's any reason for you not to be with them tonight."
"What are you getting at?" He growled.
"Nothing at all. See ya later, Dabi." I said while rounded around him and out the door. I pulled my coat tighter around me as I walked outside.
"Y/N!" I heard Dabi yell from the bar door. I just shook my head and walked home.
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Shiggy: The crisp night beach air usually is normally an instant soother for me. Tonight though, I could barely ever catch a whiff of the salty air. I was leaning against a fence a good ways away from the beach. I was walking for Shiggy to come and take a midnight walk with me.
"Where are you?" I asked out loud. I looked up and down the street trying to find the familiar, lanky form coming my way. I looked up at a public clock and read 1:30am. I sighed angrily pushing off the fence.
I looked in the direction of the beach longingly before walking back to the hideout in a huff. Even though we were both villains, we liked to do some normal coupley things. We may have to adjust so we Weren't caught but it worked.
"If he's here doing something stupid..." I muttered as I walked in. I bypassed everyone in search of my boyfriend. I searched and eventually heard him yelling from his room. I waved towards him and saw the door open.
"You motherfucker!" I heard his raspy voice yell. I peered in and saw him sitting there with his headset on and Game controller in his hand. From the scattered mess of wrappers, food bags, and drinks, I knew he had been there for a while.
"Seriously?" I asked out loud, annoyed. I went unheard which just made me more mad. I thought about storming in and yelling at him but chose to just leave.
It's a couple of days before I come back. I needed time to calm down. I was still mad mind you but I didn't think I would blow up like that bratty UA student. I was sitting at the bar with Dabi when Shigaraki came back from somewhere.
"Well look who showed up." He said. I just looked at him before turning back to Dabi. I ignored him, causing Dabi to laugh. He keeps trying to talk to me, irritating me beyond no end.
"Shouldn't you be with your precious video games? I mean they are your escape." I snapped at him and whipped around to look at him. His red eyes narrowed at me and glared.
"Who shit in your wheaties?" He snarled. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him. "Where are you going?" I glared at the clock and chuckled at the irony.
"Midnight walk." I shot back and slammed the door behind me.
Tag list: @spicy-therapist-mom @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @charliesdaze
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miyuwuki · 2 years
Yasss!!! Rejoice
Could I please request a scenario or headcanons of Akashi who's always been in love with his fem!best friend but she went abroad to study and work and while they were never officially together, they kinda knew they were endgame since they kept in touch and often visited one another AND GASP SHARED A KISS ONE NIGHT (or maybe something steamier?? U decide😏)... and he was just waiting till she settles back to Japan BUUUT Akashi gets engaged (arranged) before he could express his feelings OFFICIALLY...
I wanna know what ur take on it will be!!! Lots of angst pls 😈🤪 I am craving some akashi angst sooo badly🥲 thank u sm!!
Browsing ur work rn🤌😩🤌 immaculate
they say it’s never too late
a/n: anon! thank you so much for your request, this is such a juicy idea 😫 if you don’t mind, i think i’d like to try a different format for headcannons. i also apologize if this isn’t angsty enough wah i am so sorry
warnings: angsty but has some fluff, suggestive themes, characters aged up
akashi seijuro x reader
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bestfriend!akashi who’s always been in love with you since freshman year of high school. you didn’t stand out, but the way you smiled at everyone and greeted good morning without fail made his heart clench. the sound of your voice, the pretty look on your face— you were perfect.
bestfriend!akashi who always listened to your boy problems and felt relieved about everyone who rejected you— because then he’d have more time with you. he loves the way you think you’re too good for them anyway and went on about your day. although, who would ever reject you? you’re lovely.
bestfriend!akashi who does anything and everything for you. when you’re sick, he’s at your place managing everything for you: homework, food, hygiene stuff, you name it. when you’re stressed out, he’ll pull you away and take you out for a walk. even when it’s night, because your parents trust him. when you’re feeling under the weather: you’re in his arms and he’s buying you whatever you’d like.
bestfriend!akashi who started noticing subtle signs that you liked him. when you blushed every morning he picked you up, when you stuttered around him more often, when you kissed him when you thought he was sleeping on his desk. he smiled to himself and thought about it every night.
bestfriend!akashi who starts initiating more physical gestures like holding hands. he holds your hand on the way to school, in school, and shoots glares at any boy who looks your way. he holds your hand and leads you on top of the school, telling you that he loves you— ever since freshman year. and you tell him you love him too, but you can’t be together with him.
bestfriend!akashi who heard his heart crack and wonders why, but finds out you plan to go study abroad and you ask, “would you still want to be with me after three years? i’ll go abroad, study for three years, and then come back to japan. by then, will you be here for me?” he promises on his life that he would, because for him, you are end game. he walks up to you and kisses you, and spends every moment with you before you leave.
bestfriend!akashi who calls you everyday to see how you’re doing and does not let you hang up until you have fallen asleep— in that case he hangs up, but he doesn’t want to. he knows he just has to be a little more patient.
bestfriend!akashi who just misses you so much that he surprises you on your holiday break! you’re tearing up with the red-haired man in front of you and hugged him, telling him that you missed him so much. his arms wrapped around your torso, whispering in your ear of how much he misses you too.
bestfriend!akashi who has you on his lap, passionately kissing you as he runs his hands up and down your sides. you can’t get enough of him, he’s like a drug, and the same thing happens every single night. but don’t worry, he visits often, and these sessions happen often too.
bestfriend!akashi who reminds you of his promise.
bestfriend!akashi who can’t visit you anymore after his father set up an arranged marriage with another businessman’s daughter, heir to his company. akashi who can’t refuse or else he’ll lose everything he mother left him. how will he tell you? how will he tell you that he loves you, that you’re the one he wants but is not waiting for you anymore?
bestfriend!akashi whose heart breaks at the sight of you standing in front of his door, luggage in hand after three years, with a woman wearing a matching band with the man who promised that he’d wait for you.
bestfriend!akashi who breaks on the inside when you tell him you’re happy for him and really that’s all you’ve ever wanted for him. “i’m so happy to have known you my entire life, seijuro.” you smiled, and turned to his fiancé. “you’re so lucky to have him! good luck on your new chapter, both of you!”
bestfriend!akashi who hesitates to chase after you when you’ve gone. feeling a tug on his arm, he looks down at his fiancé who’s telling him to come back inside. and he does, he does because he knows you’re far from gone.
bestfriend!akashi who invites you to the wedding, aching when he sees you show up in a simple but beautiful dress.
bestfriend!akashi who is about to marry someone that wasn’t his endgame. he side eyes you, and sees you exit wiping your eyes. before you leave, you turn back and meet his eyes, mouthing “you promised.” yet with a smile, because in everything that happened to you, you always smiled.
bestfriend!akashi who regrets his decision because he is in love with you, and he will forever be in love with you.
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**✿❀reblogs and likes are appreciated❀✿**
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mothdruid · 2 years
dad’s best friend!matt or dad’s colleague!matt (? where one day you go to your dad’s job and meet mr. murdock with that devilish smile, that honey voice with those sinful lips and all you can think about for the rest of the week is him. so you start going to your dad’s job more often only to see matt. and the fact that he can feel your thighs clenching everytime he talks or hear your heartbeat raise everytime he touches the small of your back asking for permission to grab something. and then, the flirting starts. just some casual innocent flirting that eventually gets into the insinuation and the shameless dirty jokes. one day, none of you remember who started or if a joke get too much out of control, but you two ended up fucking in the public bathroom of the office: him sitting in the toilet with his shirt messed up, the jacket of his suit on the floor and pants under his knees with his mouth on your tits and hands on your hips to help you ride him. OR you ended up laying down on his desk, with your panties in your mouth so none outside the office can hear how good he fucks you.
and any of the scenarios the line “you love this, don’t you sweetheart? love seducing your dad’s friends so they can fuck you with their big fat cocks just the way you like. fuck you better than those silly boys you date around the campus.”
— 🪴
🪴 anon you have me sobbing.
this idea is so fucking sweet. the way matt would know it's wrong but does it anyways. the way you know it's wrong but you do it anyways. the line too 🥵
after the first time you two fuck it's all downhill. constantly sneaking around to fuck in the office, his apartment, your dorm room??? ugh this would also be so angsty because you want to be public with your relationship but like clearly you can't be. but the fucking sex and dirty talk. primarly the dirty.
"what would you dad think if he saw this? his little girl bouncing on my cock, begging for me to make her cum."
yeah umm.. this totally isn't getting logged in the wips 🙈
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I love your writing, but how do you create your characters? Like, someone gives you a "hero/villain" prompt and you flesh out these three dimensional people- what??? It's insane. Do you imagine anyone when you write, or is it all just improvised?
(Also, I bet your teachers loved you when you were in school. - A Kindergarten Teacher)
I'm told I was 'a pleasure to have in class' ;) Also, one time notably, 'gladiatorial'.
To be fair, in short snippets like this, the reader is partially doing the work (trust the reader not to be an idiot!) when it comes to characterisation. I can't do fully 3d in 1000 odd words or less, it's a clever trick, there's not time. What I do is write with an assumption of history, with the knowledge that the good folks reading will fill in gaps so I don't need to flesh out every single character trait for them to feel real.
Particularly when writing a known trope, like a hero and villain, people come in with enough understanding to bring in information and emotion. You don't need to spell everything out, you just need to jump into two people talking like they already have assumptions about each other and a dynamic with each other, and that will come across.
It's completely improvised. I don't imagine anyone especially specific in mind for these tumblr shorts. I look at the scenario and consider potential responses to the situation and what would be the most delightfully tense/angsty/dramatic at any given time (because why write the story if not for the most interesting scenario?).
Sometimes the suggested idea in my inbox gives clues (e.g, the most recent one tells me that the villain must seem colder/less caring than they actually are because otherwise the hero would not be perplexed.) Then I base a character dynamic off that.
Quick guide:
Identify what each of the characters could want in the scene (do they conflict or are they in agreement? Fluff = agreement, juicy tension = some conflict to varying levels). Want can be internal (inner emotional desire) or external (I want the off switch to the bomb, for example) or both. Internal and external can conflict or be at peace with each other.
Pick the version of the story to get the emotion you want. If you want a bigger pay off when things are resolved, you must have conflict/emotional stakes in the first place. That's why fluff between angst is so much more fluffy than often fluff on its own.
On a tumblr short, either resolve or escalate/mic drop (crisis point!) the conflict by the end of the scene before bidding the reader bye bye for now. Depends, again, on what emotion you want to leave the reader with by the end.
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