#medieval magic week
majouartings · 3 months
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#zelda#echoes of wisdom#I still can't quite believe it's finally happening tbh! took ya long enough nintendo#anyway how are you!! sorry for the radio silence lately haha#my 7-year-old computer actually chose the week I was trying to finish my piece for the magic book zine to give up the ghost entirely#(luckily I just barely managed to coax it into hanging in there until after the deadline haha!)#so all my drawing lately has been like... experimenting to figure out how to use the newer versions of everything#I am old gandalf. I know I don't look it but I'm beginning to feel it#had a really good time drawing this though! playing around with new ways to do the light effects made me positively GIDDY#and zelda's design! I've seen people saying the game's visual design looks too simple but imo that's actually a good thing?#because the simpler the canon art style is the more creative input we have in our own interpretations of it#medieval tailoring is my special interest so my take on it is very loosely based on like mid-late 14th-century kirtles#as far as I know they didn't really have split skirts or that shade of purple back then but eh it's fantasy haha#I wasn't super clear on how the cloak fastens so I based it on the one frodo wears at the start of lord of the rings. you know the one#the outer edges have tabs at the top that sort of cross over each other and attach with brooches to the shoulders#I guess it's kind of like how marth and lucina's cloaks work?#but anyway I shall see you anon! hopefully before the game actually comes out haha#only 98 sleeps to go though! ARE YOU EXCITED BECAUSE I AM
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Magic in high fantasy novels: To understand a thing you must know its name, its True Name, passed down in the lore of the ancient language which was inscribed at the waking of the world. Then you will see yourself as a mere thread in the warp and weft of creation, and you will know how to call forth Songs of Power.
Magic in the Middle Ages / Renaissance: Take a severed head and roast it in a metal canister with a spoonful of opium, half a spoonful of arsenic, and one powdered human foreskin for 24 hours, until caramelized. Steep the mixture in your own bathwater and then give it to the girl you like as a cocktail. This will make her want to have outrageous amounts of sex with you.
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shiny-jr · 4 months
- Warning: None really. Gender-neutral reader. 
- Characters: Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt.
- Summary: You work a minimum wage job when a fae takes an interest after you jokingly asked him "will you adopt me?"
- Note: I planned for this to be a platonic yandere thing, but really it's only silly thoughts so I don't really plan to continue this unless y'all want. I don't even have a name for it.
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Thinking about an AU where...
You were born a regular magicless person in Twisted Wonderland. Which was a travesty, but not too uncommon, as there were plenty of beings in this world that were incapable of magic. It was considered a privilege to be born with such capabilities. A privilege.
Which was likely why the world seemed catered specifically for magic users. Magic users were the cream of the crop, the best of the best. In the social hierarchy, magic users reined on top. That's just how things were. It wasn't discriminatory. It was merely the nature of society. If a company was looking to hire, of course they would inquire if potential employees could use magic. And of course, they were more likely to choose magic users to fill the positions. That explained why you could only find work as a minimum wage telemarketer, but it was better than nothing.
Random numbers generated and numerous attempts, scripted greetings you've said so much you could recite them in your sleep. As soon as you get an answer of "mmmyello?" a casual and exaggerated hello, you go off on the scripted greeting to advertise the product.
Shockingly, the person on the other end doesn't immediately hang up. They merely hum at your words, occasional shifting heard on the other end.
By the tone and voice, you've deduced that it's a rather relaxed guy. A conversation ensues, and although he doesn't sound all that interested in making a purchase, he doesn't get annoyed by your call. In fact, he continues to chat, seemingly amused by you and willing to share details such that he had a son and two others he fondly cared for.
The man, whom referred to himself as Lilia, mentioned he lived in Briar Valley. How odd, as it was common knowledge that the valley didn't have the best connection with technology due to their preference towards magic. He spoke of his well-mannered son and the other two boys he helped raise, one was a loud son of a dentist and the other was a quiet son of longtime family friends. By this time you were imagining an older gentleman with three young boys no older than ten.
He seemed to care so fondly for them that in the middle of the pleasant conversation, you couldn't help but jokingly ask, "Will you adopt me?"
The line was silent and you were mortified as you remembered this was supposed to be business talk, and your calls were likely being recorded. After what must've been shock, he began to laugh on the other end, and you immediately ended the call in your panic.
Why did you say that? You shouldn't have said that– Damn it, right when you were just gonna test the waters to see if he wanted the insurance package! Well, there went your big catch of the day. The rest of the evening was failed attempts, either deadlines or potential customers just hung up as soon as you spoke. Things were looking bleak.
Eventually, not even a week later, you received a letter. A letter, not an email, that was written much like how you expected the contents of a letter from the medieval ages to sound. Starting with: Salutations, Telemarketer–– and after several paragraphs, ending with ––That is why I am now interested in your deal! I will need your assistance, because I have not a single clue about how insurance works.
There was no number, and you couldn't recall the one you had reached him through, so there was no choice but to resort to the old fashioned way. Through letters. Although it would be a hassle and an interaction that would likely last for weeks just for one deal, a customer was a customer, and this would be your first one in so long. However, when you agreed to speak to him, you didn't actually expect him to show up at your doorstep. The voice you recognized, but he was not what you had in mind. He looked to be your age, short with magenta highlights in his black hair and wide red eyes accompanied by a fang-toothed smile. And pointed ears, the sign of fae. Of course he was a fae, that made total sense as to why he spoke as if he were older. He probably was older, much older than you previously thought.
Lilia wore a constant smile, listening but also not listening when you tried your best to explain what insurance was to a fae that had never once needed it.
"Do you get it now...?" You asked finally, after a lengthy explanation to which he barely asked any questions. All he did was nod up and down.
There was a brief pause. "Yesss..." That sounded uncertain, but he didn't appear to care too much as he noticed your bag with only the minimum in it like keys and a thin wallet. Along with the time. "Shouldn't you be on your lunch break now?"
"Yes, but... I don't eat lunch. I'm not hungry." A lie. You were hungry, but it wasn't easy to get lunch on a minimum wage salary alone. You'd eat something for dinner.
Lilia seemed to sense this, somehow detecting your lie. "Hm... Well, I like you. And I'm not about to let a child starve on my watch."
"A child...?" You stared at him incredulously. This fae was practically the same size as you, maybe even shorter. "I'm over––"
"Uh-huh, just nod and come along." He instructed, holding up a finger to gently shush you as he waved you along to follow beside him. "If your age only has two numbers in it, then in my eyes, you're like a toddler."
Lunch was surprisingly nice, as Lilia was quite eccentric but excellent at holding a conversation. He seemed wise and witty, making a great combination. However, you couldn't help but wonder what a fae from Briar Valley was doing here, as it was known that most faes preferred not to leave the valley.
"It's getting late, I do have to be going..." Lilia sighed, before turning to you and his smile softened. "Would you like to see my boys I told you about? It won't take long."
Did he live close by? That was the only plausible explanation you could think of, since Briar Valley was a whole continent away. It only made sense that he lived nearby if he were here now. Maybe he was one of the few fae that chose to leave the valley.
This was quickly disproven when he held your hand and told you to stay still, when it felt like you were hurled through space. A gust of wind slapping your face, your eyes momentarily seeing a kaleidoscope of colors, you felt sick when suddenly your surroundings were darker.
Dark brick walls like black, candles lighting the space, gray stone floors... definitely not the outside of the cafe you were just standing in front of moments ago. Teleporation magic...? He was a fae, and all faes had magic. You only had milliseconds to recover and swallow the rising bile in your throat, as Lilia pulled you into an open space like a courtyard where light filtered in. However, in this space there were training dummies and swords instead of flowers and butterflies.
"Come, come, meet my boys. The ones I've told you about!"
You immediately paled. When you heard boys, you were expecting young children no bigger than half your height. Instead you were met with three towering men with forbidding expressions.
Two of which were dressed in dark metallic armor and lowering sharpened weapons. The one on the left was a bit taller, with green hair and sharp eyes that pierced you like a blade. The one on the right was the shorter of the two, but that didn't make him any less intimidating with his gray hair and aurora eyes on an expression as cold as ice.
And the last, the last was recognizable anywhere. Black robes and majestic black horns like a crown with slitted green eyes that seemed to glow and peer into your very soul. That was the prince of the valley, a fae with unrivaled and frightening levels of magic.
"This is Sebek, Silver, and Malleus. They've so looked forward to meeting you ever since I told them about you after our pleasant telephone chat yesterday!"
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corkinavoid · 3 months
DPxDC Fae!Danny But Make It Fantasy
I've already made a whole Changeling AU with fae!Danny, but guess what, I have decided not to achieve any level of chill with fae ideas.
We all know Danny is Ghost Kind. Now, what if he is a Fae Prince? A Prince of Winter, to be exact. Imagine all the ice castles (Elsa, I'm looking at you), the snowy lands, northern lights in his crown, a cape made of tiny ornate snowflakes. Crystalline ice swords, skin so white he doesn't even look alive, eyes clear and blue like a frozen lake. Formal gowns, ballrooms, duels and carriages pulled by horses made of snowstorms.
He used to be a changeling, put in place of Dan. Grew up in a village with his parents being witch hunters, or maybe just hunters in general. Meanwhile Dan, a human child whose place he took, grew up in a fae realm, surrounded by magic creatures and miracles.
But Danny couldn't hide he was a fae his whole life. He used to look human when he was a baby, but as the time went by, he started to look more and more fae-like. Jazz was the first to notice it, of course, but this was Danny, a child she practically raised, so she dealt with it. Their parents, though, did not.
Sam and Tucker are in the know, for sure. Sam used this opportunity to learn witchcraft - who is better to learn from than an actual fae? Tucker is a blacksmith, as is his family. The first thing he asked Danny when he discovered he is a fae, was "how in the seven kingdoms are you a fae, and you decided a blacksmith is your best friend?" because, honestly, not even Fentons have so much iron around them as Tucker does.
Now, you may be thinking of where the DC part comes in here.
Well, the Waynes are actually the royal family. Bruce is the King of Gotham, and his children are princes, princesses, and heirs. They are also protecting the country not only by the word of the law, but also from the other, more shady side. I think they should go by Shadows, not Bats, though, since I doubt a name like 'Batman' would fly in the fantasy world.
Constantine is a mage, the strongest one alive, and yet he couldn't care less for his uniqueness if he tried for a week. Diana is the Queen of Themyskira, of course. I think Krypton should be its own country or a continent, ruled by the family of El. Although Jon is the first heir to a throne, due to Kon being, well, a bastard in terms of medieval customs.
After Danny's race is found out by his parents, he leaves for the fae realm, and he offers his friends and his sister to join him. Tucker refuses, Sam and Jazz take him up on that, but Sam leaves shortly after - she mostly used it to get away from her overbearing parents. She is now a witch who lives in the woods all alone, and no one can find her. She keeps contact with Danny, though. Jazz is traveling both the fae and the human realms, just having fun with it.
Jason is part-fae. After he died, a cult has abducted his body - the cult leader being Ra's, of course - and used it for an experiment. They used some fae magic to bring him back, or, maybe, they have tried to merge a fae and a human, creating a chimera. This was the first option of Ra's trying to get closer to Bruce in order to take power. It was not a very successful option since both Jason and whatever was left of the fae inside him decided not to obey the madman.
Damian was... slightly more successful. He was not merged with anything, but his development was magically enhanced.
And now, while Danny is back in the fae realm and he is a crowned Prince of Winter, Clockwork has a problem. He knows humans are afraid of fae, but this is not a very productive way to go. And there is a timeline somewhere there that can fix it.
Of course, Danny is right in the middle of that timeline. Now, Clockwork just needs to find a way to help Danny make an alliance with humans.
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cooliestghouliest · 1 year
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
plot summary: It’s Eddie’s birthday! He said no presents but you said fuck that. He’s getting two.
word count: 4k+
cw: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI; this is smut; porn with plot; Eddie being mean to Gareth; handjobs and blowjobs and Gareth unknowingly being a bystander of both; there’s some cum stuff in here, too.
notes: set in early 1990s. reader and Eddie are both in early/mid 20s. let’s pretend the PlayStation had co-op online gaming so this story makes sense. a part two may be in store. let me know what you think. 😈
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Working overtime at The Hideout was not something you necessarily wanted to do, but with Eddie’s birthday coming up, it was something you had to do.
As much as you would have liked them to, bills wouldn’t simply pause just because you wanted to save money to buy Eddie a PlayStation. No, you had to use your math-inept brain to start budgeting, getting some help from Steve, who’d just recently been hired to work at a local accounting firm.
While you were hoping Steve would magically find money hidden somewhere in your finances, you were annoyed but not surprised at his only solution:
“You need to pick up more shifts.”
You and Eddie had moved into an apartment just outside of Hawkins after Eddie had finally graduated, you having helped him through that dreaded English class so you could both walk the stage together. That had been three years ago now. Money was tight, sure, but the two of you never went without the essentials. There was always dinner to be had, clothes to be worn, cable to be watched.
Between you bartending and trying to get a degree part-time, and Eddie dealing and working at the auto shop part-time, you both managed to make just enough to stay afloat.
Sometimes Eddie would score a few hundred playing a gig with Corroded Coffin, and he’d use that to wine and dine you like the fancy little lady you were. His words, not yours. You knew Eddie liked to spoil you. You knew he hated he couldn’t do it more.
Many stoned late night conversations had been had between the two of you where he fantasized aloud about taking you country to country once the band made it big, fucking you in soft, plush, expensive hotel beds, and spoon feeding you gelato while watching the sunset on a balcony, your bodies wrapped in silk, name-embroidered robes.
Eddie was a total lush at heart. The most broke rich man you’d ever met. You assumed this was because he came from virtually nothing. You didn’t need everything he wanted to give you, but he made it clear on more than one occasion that once money wasn’t a barrier, he would treat you like a queen.
You felt like he already did.
This is why you sucked up the hatred you had for The Hideout and told Roy, your boss, you’d work whatever shifts he could give you for the next few weeks. You endured handfuls of handsy truck drivers, pretended to flirtatiously banter with beyond drunk bikers, and held back the powerful urge to gag while stroking the egos of middle aged business men who chose to go through their midlife crisis in a seedy, dimly lit bar.
Seeing the look on Eddie’s face when you slid the wrapped package across the small dining table in your kitchen made all of the extra hours of rum pouring and forced salacious smiles worth it.
He had been mid-sentence, talking about a client at the auto shop who he’d spent an hour after hours with, the guy telling him all about medieval torture devices. This didn’t surprise you. Eddie’s fascination with the macabre was one of the things that had drawn the two of you together in the first place.
The first time you’d officially met was in English class your junior year, his third senior year. You’d told him you lived in a funeral home because your dad was a generational mortician, and that one day you’d probably own and operate it once your father retired. You also told him your mom was a self-proclaimed psychic who held seances for family members of the dead following their services. Eddie open-mouth stared at you for at least an entire minute in silence before telling you that was the creepiest fucking thing he’d ever heard, and that he would never feel fulfilled in life until you invited him over so he could experience it all firsthand. 
The rest is history.
“What is this?” Eddie asked, brown eyes wide as he observed the gift in front of him.
“I know we said no presents this year so we can save for the new car, but... you know how I had all those late night study groups I had to go to this semester?”
He nodded, long fingers toying with the black parchment wrapping paper.
“Weeeeeell, actually, I was working overtime at The Hideout,” you admitted, pulling your bottom lip into your mouth. You knew he wasn’t going to be happy to hear you hadn’t been honest this past month, but you figured once he saw what you’d bought him (and what you’d had planned for the rest of the night), maybe he’d decide to let bygones be bygones. Not likely, as Eddie thoroughly enjoyed teaching you lessons as punishment for bad behavior, and you figured lying for weeks on end about attending study groups qualified as pretty bad behavior. You rushed out the next few sentences, smiling innocently and tilting your head to try and appear as cute as you possibly could, “It was so I could buy you that. For your birthday. Happy birthday, Eddie. Love you.”
Eddie’s brows lifted toward his hairline at your admittance, slow blinking a few times as your confession set in.
“We are definitely going to revisit all that at a later point,” Eddie warned, a ringed finger pointing at you. “Because that is so not okay. But -- ” he couldn’t help the excited, boyish grin that enveloped his features. “I really wanna open this and see what it is.”
You giggled in excitement at his eagerness, drumming your fingers on the table. “Okay, come on! Open it!” You would enjoy these few hours of spoiling him as he so frequently spoiled you, and you’d worry about whatever punishment he’d dole out when it came later.
And right now, the look of elation on his face as he unwrapped the PlayStation was worth however many studded belt spankings or denied orgasms you had in your near future.
“Fuck! Baby! No way!” he practically squealed, jumping up from the chair. It fell to the ground behind him with a clatter, but he paid no mind. He held the gaming console above him in awe. “You’re fucking kidding!”
“No, no kidding,” you answered, even though you knew his words were rhetorical. You could feel your cheeks growing sore with the smile stretched across your face, basking in his reaction. “There’s a real PlayStation in there, I swear.”
He laughed and protectively cradled the console under his arm, hurrying to you to slam his lips against yours in a kiss. No tongue, but plenty of fervor. “God, I fucking love you,” he muttered, placing small kisses on your nose and cheeks. “I mean, I’d fucking love you even if you got me nothing, or just, like, socks or something, but, shit, baby, this is -- I have to call Gareth! We can play King’s Field together now!”
A laugh bubbled out of your lips at his sudden change in direction, knowing Eddie was always at the whim of his impulses. You watched as he ran off to the living room to make the call. You knew Gareth would be waiting for it, as you’d told him to make sure he didn’t have plans on Eddie’s birthday, so the two of them could spend it playing the multiplayer game together late into the night.
It was all part of your grander birthday plan.
You waited until you heard Eddie’s voice rambling off to Gareth in the living room, the sounds of him unboxing the console to start to hook it up mingled into his conversation, before you disappeared into your bedroom to change.
Phase one, complete, success. Phase two, final phase, commence.
𖤐 ֪ 𖤐 ֪ 𖤐
It was about twenty minutes later when you reemerged from the bedroom, wearing nothing but a newly bought matching blood red bra and panty set. It was solid colored with black lace outlining the rim of both pieces, flattering against your skin tone.
Eddie was sitting on the edge of the La-Z-Boy, headset mussing down his wild curls, talking animatedly to Gareth about the skeletons they were currently fighting on the screen.
“No, no! Go left, go left! God damnit, Gareth, do you know what your left is?!”
Eddie was loud and mouthy enough as it is, but add in a game where he had the ability to lose and the whole apartment complex would be banging on their door come tomorrow morning with noise complaints. Hell hath no fury like a twenty-something man’s confidence in his pretend battling skills.
While some might find it annoying, you found Eddie’s unbridled passion for everything he was interested in endearing. He was someone who let himself be totally engulfed by the plot of a movie or a game or a story, attaching himself to the characters and their the ups and downs as if they were tangible and could be found in his own everyday life.
You were happy for his distraction as it gave you time to compose yourself and slowly stalk your way to the center of the living room, where the chair sat directly across from the TV.
By the time you made your way to the side of the La-Z-Boy, finally coming into Eddie’s peripheral vision, he was still berating Gareth for his poor sense of direction.
“I mean, what the hell, Gare, we learned our lefts and rights in, like -- oh, fuck.”
You’d brought you hand out to trail down the exposed skin of Eddie’s arm, watching it goosebump in your wake. He’d taken his shirt off at some point, much to your appreciation. Eddie’s attention was fully on you now, as was evident from his failed completed sentence to Gareth, who you could now hear through Eddie’s headset going, “Oh, fuck? What? What, oh fuck? You don’t even know how to talk, Munson.”
But Gareth went unheard by Eddie, who’s eyes were drinking in the sight of you in your lingerie set. His tongue darted out to lick at his lower lip, which he then pulled into his mouth to sink his top teeth into.
You offered him a playful smile, watching as his neck began to turn red, the color almost a perfect match for the satin set you had on.
Without a word, you dropped to your knees on the carpet in front of him, sitting between his legs.
“What -- what are you doing?” he managed to choke out.
Gareth’s voice through the headset: “What? Dude, I’m fucking going left like you told me to!”
“Shut up, Gareth,” Eddie warned, his brown eyes now full of fire for the sight before him.
He brought one hand to cover the mouthpiece of his headset, the other placing the controller on his lap to reach out and cradle your face. You leaned into it.
“What are you doing, baby?” Eddie asked again, but he knew. Especially from the wicked grin you were giving him now.
“Just play your game, Eddie,” you whispered, careful to be quiet so Gareth didn’t hear. You moved your head to rest your cheek on his thigh, staring up at him with big doe eyes as you brought the fingers of one hand to lightly trace the line of his zipper. “And don’t get caught. We don’t want Gareth to know what a bad girl I’m being, playing with your cock while you play with him.”
His breath caught in his throat. He couldn’t believe it.
Not only had you gotten him exactly what he’d been wanting since it came out that prior winter, but now you were going to suck him off while he played it?
Jesus, how did he get so lucky?
“You are a fucking minx,” Eddie said, voice stern but his face lighting up in satisfaction as he readjusted himself on the chair, spreading his legs a bit wider.
He dropped the hand from the headset and picked the controller back up again just as Gareth was saying, “Eddie, man, are you still there? Your character’s been standing in the same place for, like, five minutes.”
𖤐 ֪ 𖤐 ֪ 𖤐
Sucking dick was not only one of your favorite things to do, but it was one of the things you were best at.
You prided yourself on how quickly you could work Eddie into a panting frenzy, how easy it was for him to lose control in your mouth, thrusting his hips to force you to take what you could and to choke back the rest.
But tonight you were taking it slow. Slow and sloppy. And you weren’t letting him do any of the work.
You’d only pulled his cock from his jeans, leaving his balls in the confines of the tight denim. You’d used so much spit that the fabric of his pants was soaking through to his boxer briefs. You watched his face intently as one of your hands wrapped around the thickness of him, stroking upwards in long, drawn out movements. You could tell he was trying to jerk his hips up but was failing, as your other hand was pressed into his side, trying its hardest to keep his body weight back against the chair.
“Greedy,” you scolded, clicking your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
He smiled sheepishly, eyes meeting yours over his hands which were holding the controller against his chest. He stopped the movement of his hips even though he felt as if it physically pained him to do so.
You’d been working him with your hands and mouth for the better part of half an hour now, releasing him entirely any time he came close to coming. He’d let a whine out at one point, to which Gareth asked, “Dude, you good?” and Eddie had to scramble out in his lust addled brain an excuse as to why that type of noise had erupted from him. He didn’t even remember what he’d said to explain it away.
All Eddie wanted to do was come. He wanted to cover you in him, drench your face and chest as you’d drenched his pants and cock in your warm saliva. He kept picturing it in his head, in alarmingly graphic detail, which was making this video game very, very hard to concentrate on.
Eddie got the idea that maybe if you neared your breaking point too, he’d finally be allowed to come. His cock throbbed at the thought, a bead of precum oozing from his slit. You sucked it away. He groaned and rolled his eyes back, controller wobbling in his hand and threatening to fall to the floor.
Taking a deep breath, he steadied his grip again, pressing a few random assortments of buttons to make Gareth think he was still coherent and definitely not getting a blowjob from his girlfriend right now.
“Will you please play with yourself?” Eddie asked, trying to put forth his best pleading puppy dog eyes. This was his big plan. Get you to get yourself off so he could sneak his orgasm in there, too.
He clearly had forgotten to cover the mouthpiece because Gareth’s voice was incredulous on the other end.
“What the fuck, Munson? What do you mean? I can’t play with myself! We’re almost at the end, man! Don’t give up now!”
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your lips, your head falling back for a moment at the exasperation in Gareth’s voice. Gareth was none the wiser, but just so you felt better, you made a mental note to buy him something nice or bake him those cookies you knew he liked, just for being such an unknowingly good sport during all of this.
Sticking your tongue out a bit, you bit down on the fleshy muscle in your mouth before rising more on your knees, leaning closer to Eddie. With the hand that was previously pushing his hips down, you covered his mouthpiece. “Is this a game you can win?” you asked. Your hand had stopped stroking now, and your fingers were instead running light pressured circles around the head of his weeping cock.
“Wha -- what? Uh, yeah... yeah, I can win,” Eddie stumbled, attention off the game momentarily to watch your hot little mouth move. “Just... fuck up a few more skeletons...”
“Okay,” you said, hand tightening on his member again, this time sliding it down slowly, twisting as you went. He hissed, trying to lean forward to capture your mouth with his own. You backed away, falling back down to your bottom as you continued playing with him in your hand. “Then win and I’ll let you come.”
Eddie huffed, trying to thrust his hips up for more friction but was stopped by your hand reclaiming its spot on his pelvis again, pushing him back down. If he wanted, he could absolutely overpower you. He could grab your wrists and pull you up into his lap, sliding the side of your panties over with one hand before impaling you on his wanting cock. He knows you’d let him. But he likes when you get like this, thinking you’re in control. It makes it all that much better when he finally flips the script and has you teary eyed begging for him to let you come.
“Gareth, I swear to fucking god, if we don’t win this game in the next three minutes, I’m never speaking to you again.”
𖤐 ֪ 𖤐 ֪ 𖤐
It takes longer than three minutes, and it’s not because of Gareth.
Eddie keeps screwing up, pressing X when he should be pressing O; spamming the start button to bring up the game menu when you take him particularly deep into your throat; accidentally stabbing Gareth’s character with a sword instead of the skeleton because his eyes keep rolling into the back of his head with the words spilling from your filthy mouth.
It’s all, “tastes so good, Eddie,” and “can’t even fit you all in my mouth,” and “I’m dripping on the floor, want you so bad.”
Evil woman.
Evil, perfect woman.
Eddie sees a light at the end of the tunnel. Literally. In the game, the hallway he and Gareth had been running down is opening into the brightness of a lit arena. It’s the final stage. One more fucking skeleton and he can let go. He can turn this headset off and grunt and groan to his heart’s content without having to worry about Gareth thinking he’s a fucking creep.
“I’m almost there...” Eddie’s saying, and he’s kind of talking about winning the game, but is mostly talking about the orgasm he can feel tightening in his balls, swirling in his stomach, clenching in his thighs.
“Yeah, dude! We got this!”
Eddie does not want to hear Gareth’s voice right now. He wants to hear you, pretty and whiny, loving the noises you make when you make him come. He loves how much you love it. You’re not even the one coming, but you’re always right there with him, moaning about how good his warm seed feels inside you or all over you, wherever he decides to finish. You’re not picky.
Just then, Eddie jolts forward in the chair. The head of his hard length hits the back of your throat and you cough a little, sputtering as you move your head. Looking back over your shoulder at the TV screen, hand moving up and down Eddie’s slippery cock, you see the words 'YOU WIN' in radioactive green.
“Fuuuuuuck, yes!” Eddie shouts, throwing the controller in the air. He rips off the headset without saying goodbye to Gareth, dropping it to the ground as he turns his attention back to you.
He looks absolutely wrecked. Black bangs are clung to his forehead with sweat, his chest is heavy with labored breaths, his skin is tinged pink from being so worked up and then worked back down over and over for the past hour. He can’t believe he hasn’t accidentally came yet. He assumes it’s because his mind was preoccupied with the game, because now that his full attention is on you, remembering what you’re wearing, what you’re doing, and how you look so fucking good doing it, he doesn’t think he’s going to last.
“Baby, please, I wanna come,” he’s saying, bringing one hand to the back of your head, tangling it in your hair. He’s not guiding you or helping at all, doesn’t want to be in control yet, he just wants to touch you, needs to have his hands on you somehow. “I won, did you see, I won, I get to come, right? Please make me come...”
You bit back a self-satisfied look at his pleading, bringing both hands now to wrap around the length of him. It doesn’t need it, already soaking from being in your mouth, but you let a string of spit fall onto the head of his cock, making your hands glide even easier over the velvety hardness of him. You can feel him throbbing, his hips finally able to rock up into your touch.
“Are you gonna make me all messy, Eddie?” you ask, tilting your head down to look up at him with wide, faux innocent eyes.
He’s nodding, thrusts finding no rhythm, just trying to reach release. “Yeah, baby, you love it when I cover you in my come, get you all wet and sticky...”
“Uh-huh. Love when you help me clean it up, too.”
And that’s what does it.
Eddie let out a stilted moan, one that changed octaves, and he’s coming harder than he thinks he’s ever come before.
Thick ropes of white hit your cheeks, your chin, your neck, your chest.
You gasped at the contact, then let out a moan that made his toes curl into the carpet, licking your lips to catch anything that landed in tongue distance.
He watches it all. His eyes threaten to close but fuck no, he loves to see you get marked by him in the most primal of ways. Loves to watch his cock paint the prettiest portrait on you.
He brought his hand down to help you stroke him through it, wanting to feel your smaller fingers on his cock as he rode out his high.
Then he gave you what you love, helping you clean it up. He bent his head down and ran his tongue across your hot skin, scooping up as much of his release as he could. He grabbed you by the chin, pulling down until your mouth opened before spitting into your mouth, watching as you let it sit for a moment before closing your mouth and swallowing, your eyes heavy with arousal at his actions.
“Mmmm,” you sound, smiling dopily. You kissed at his lips, your hand still slowly stroking him as he softened.
He licked at your bottom lip before his tongue moved into your mouth and against yours, pulling you into his lap. You melted into his touch, becoming boneless flesh in his arms. He groaned at the feeling of your wet, clothed cunt pressed against his lower stomach. He hadn’t even touched you -- you hadn’t even touched yourself -- and yet you were still so slick for him.
That thought alone was enough to cause his cock to twitch, and he thanked the sex gods or whoever was in charge for gracing him with stamina tonight of all nights.
“Best,” kiss to your nose, “birthday,” kiss to your chin, “ever,” kiss to your lips.
You smiled against his lips, humming happily at his admission. This was exactly how you planned the night going. Surprise Eddie with a PlayStation and an explosive orgasm.
Then he just had to go and throw a curveball.
“I’ll be good to go in twenty minutes,” he conceded, fingers running featherlight down your bare back. “Then we’ll see what we’re gonna do about that lying mouth of yours.”
Damn it. The study groups. He remembered. Part of you hoped you’d sucked all the sense out of him, but apparently not.
“Mean,” you pouted.
Eddie’s eyes flashed wickedly, a lazy grin stretching across his face.
“Oh, I will be.”
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if you are a dungeon master (or even a fantasy author/worldbuilder of any kind) and you don’t know about donjon let me make your life a million times easier
want to make a fantasy calendar with your own year-lengths, weeks, months, and lunar cycles? https://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/calendar/
need to come up with some medieval town demographics? https://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/demographics/
want to make a map and layout of a city/town? https://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/town/
want a fleshed-out tavern complete with menu, innkeeper, patrons, rumors, and secrets? https://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/inn/
leading your players through a dungeon and want to customize the size, treasure, layout, theme, etc? https://donjon.bin.sh/5e/dungeon/
tired of creating lists of magic items for different shops to sell, or hoards to be looted? https://donjon.bin.sh/5e/magic/shop.html and https://donjon.bin.sh/d20/treasure/
even a customizable initiative tracker! https://donjon.bin.sh/d20/initiative/
and that’s only scratching the surface! I really recommend all dms check this out. oh, and it’s completely free!
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meanderingmedievalist · 4 months
Obligatory self promo bc I'm really proud of this project and if you like medieval shit or enjoyed Pentiment or just like TTRPGs then you may like this!
Myself and my co-host @maniculum have made a deck of 50 magic items pulled directly from medieval manuscripts that you can play in any TTRPG, and it's launching next week!
We've spent about a year translating, designing, play testing, and creating gorgeous art for this deck. All of it is done by hand and we have not and will not use AI on Marginal Worlds. These items are a love letter to the stories we love as academics and we as gamers want to play. So if you want to support the project, you can sign up here to back it on launch day:
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van-yangyin · 5 months
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LightTree Table Lamp (2 versions) + Spell paper
This is a LightTree table lamp. Hope you enjoy this one! 💗
From unknown source this lamp with a natural tree shape, emits a magical light that will not go out unless you say the magic words. The paper with spell is sold separately - good luck!
(All items are for sale exclusively at the Glimmerbrook Magic Market, but we, the Sell Your Sould for Something Supernatural For-Profit Association, will ship it to your door.) 🟡🌳
Short brief when this post is published: I still have my computer with problems and reinstalling Windows myself, because the problem persists and otherwise I would have to pay about $63 just to factory reset it. Wish me luck! So I'm still a bit disconnected from social media. Thanks for your continuous support and I'm sorry for not being able to be here so much lately. I hope that this week will be the definitive one, because if the factory setting doesn't work the next step will be to change the tower and it would be an extra expense that I don't know if can afford.
Download under keep reading ↓
If you download my CC it means your agree with my T.O.U (English/Español/日本語).
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General Info:
5 packages per version of 26 swatches each one (White and Black, Yellow and Blue, Green and Purple, Red and Pink, Orange and Brown ball colors)
two versions [LightTree Table Lamp and LightTree with lights Table Lamp]
Spell paper written in medieval Simlish (Actually it's not necessary download it to turn off table lamps but you can download it and place it near one of them to keep the mystery if you read description above)
Base game compatible
all LOD's
All Maps (Diffuse, Normal and Specular)
Category: Buy Mode > Lightings > Table Lamps/Miscellaneous. Version 1: Price: 500 【English Name: LightTree Table Lamp + (name of colors) | Spanish Name: Lámpara de mesa Árbol de luz + (nombre de los colores)】 Version 2: Price: 801 【English Name: LightTree with lights Table Lamp + (name of colors) | Spanish Name: Lámpara de mesa Árbol de luces + (nombre de los colores)】 Spell Paper~ Category: Buy Mode > Decoration > Miscellaneous. Price: 24 【English Name: Spell Paper for MagicsTree Table Lamps | Spanish Name: Papel de hechizo para las lámparas de mesa árboles mágicos】 Contain a description in English and Spanish, personalized by me and Lea (@lea-heartscxiv) [Anyone can send me translations of text in their language so that more people can enjoy it in their own language.]
Mesh and texture made from scratch by me
Custom Thumbnails
LODs Info: LightTree Table Lamp: LOD0: 7234 poly | LOD1: 3618 poly | LOD2: 1810 poly LightTree with lights Table Lamp: LOD0: 10114 poly | LOD1: 5057 poly | LOD2: 2528 poly Spell Paper for MagicsTree Table Lamp: All LODs 36 poly
※Choose download the one/ones you want the most or only download "_Merged" version where all the files of each version are together.※
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Photos in-game:
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Let me know if you find any problem. 🙏❣️ Also if you use this or any of my CC, feel free to tag me so I can see your sims, it will make me very happy to see it!
Do you want to know what else I'll be releasing this month and on what day? You can support me on Patreon or Ko-Fi and find out in this posts, here (Patreon) and here (Ko-Fi).
Happy simming! 🍀
🛹 You can find me also on Patreon | Pinterest | Ko-Fi | Blogger (Shared with Lea) | Instagram | X (Twitter) | My F.A.Q. | My T.O.U. | MORE DOWNLOADS 🛹
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kwamihitman · 8 months
Ever after high thronecoming is such good fiction. Because the weeks leading up to Thronecoming, all the kids are conducting business as usual. going to class, lunch with friends, homework, with the occasional festive excitement of going in for a dress fitting or rehearsing your ballroom dance. And I’m sure there are moments where, as an EAH student, you’re just barely able to distract yourself from how dreadful the reality of the situation is about to be.
But then you hear the word “book” or “choice” out of context and this pit forms in your stomach, and you’re suddenly reminded that in 8 days or whatever, your entire graduating class is going to parade down a field in the middle of the night like some kind of medieval catholic ritual, and crack open a dusty magic book, pick up a quill, and sign away the rest of their lives to be poisoned, hunted, betrayed, or murdered by their classmates, their roommates, their lab partners.
And then suddenly you’re thinking about Rachel from your history class, who is supposed to push a fucking boulder up a hill for the rest of time, or accidentally insult a member of the fae and spend her life as a fir tree. And you’re like. Hold on. Rachel wears lululemon. She drinks ice coffee and has brown hair like a chestnut and has never said a single bad word about anyone ever. She borrowed a blue pen from you a week ago in the middle of class. She’s just Rachel, and she’s supposed to be subject to her mother’s destiny regardless of her own will or wants or dreams or goals? She’s supposed to be complacent?
And you’re thinking about how one day you’ll be old and weathered, rocking back and forth on a porch somewhere watching your grandchildren play, and she’ll still be on some hill pushing a fucking boulder to the top? You’ll be rotting in some grave under a nice kind tombstone and she’ll still be pushing up that goddam boulder! Ever After High dystopian reboot when?
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Writing Reference: Symbolism of Colors
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Colors are proven to have a profound effect on the human psyche and moods.
Territories use colors to represent themselves on their flags.
The significance of colors is proven by the high value that our ancestors placed on certain plants or substances that could be made into dyes, such as the Imperial Purple of Rome that was produced from a mollusk that was valued more highly than gold, or the saffron crocus that produced the sacred color of the same name.
Prior to the development of chemical dyes, the creation of colors that did not fade in the Sun or wash away was a combination of art, science, and magic, akin to an alchemical process.
The impact of the Sun shining through stained glass, painting the interiors of churches with living colors that shimmered and danced, in a medieval world where color was often a privilege of the wealthy few, can only be imagined.
The 7 colors of the rainbow—which break down into 700 shades that are visible to the naked eye—are associated with the seven planets, the days of the week, the Seven Heavens, and the seven notes of the musical scale.
Symbolic Meanings of Some Colors
Night, the absence of light; mourning, sobriety, denial; authority; perfection and purity; maturity and wisdom.
Although it’s the opposite of white, both shades are, in fact, due to an absence of color, and technically speaking black is not a “color” at all. This doesn’t stop it having a wealth of symbolic meaning.
Truth and the intellect; wisdom, loyalty, chastity; peace, piety, and contemplation; spirituality; eternity.
There’s something cool and detached about blue that gives rise to its reputation for spirituality and chastity. Above all, blue is the color of the sky. Like the sky, blue is infinitely spacious. It contains everything, and yet contains nothing. The color is therefore associated with ideas of eternity.
Poverty, humility, practicality.
Primarily associated with the Earth, soil, the raw element before it is covered with greenery. The word for earth, in Latin, is humus, which carries the same root as humility. Religious ascetics wear brown as a reminder of this quality and also of their voluntary material poverty.
Sobriety, steadiness, modesty.
Gray is the midway point between black and white, and tellingly the “gray area” is an area of indetermination, indecision, or ambiguity. To be described as gray is rather less than flattering, since gray is such a subdued and neutral color, and implies that the person blends into the background.
However, gray is also a color of balance and reasonableness and is the color used, in photography, to balance all others.
Because people’s hair turns gray with age, the word is often used to describe elderly people and is also a color of wisdom.
New life, resurrection, hope; the sea; fertility and regeneration; recycling, environmental awareness; a lucky color; an unlucky color.
Green is an amalgam of blue and yellow, and is the color of the fourth chakra. Green is the universal symbol for “Go!” to red’s “Stop!”
Wealth; a chameleon personality.
Not strictly a color as such, but a combination of many other colors. The word is generally used to describe cloth or clothing. The rainbow nature of motley means that whoever wears it has as many aspects as there are colors, a chameleon personality, and it can indicate the trickster or fool (as worn by the jester, or the Fool in the Tarot) as well as kings, emperors, and deities.
In the Bible, Joseph’s coat of many colors is the object of much envy.
Balance between spirit and sexuality; fertility and yet virginity; energy; the Sun; like yellow, orange is believed to be an appetite stimulant.
Orange has two aspects that we see time and time again, pivoting between the material and spiritual worlds, which is not surprising given that the color itself is a balance between red and yellow. As such, it represents the second chakra, the first being red, and the third, yellow.
Femininity, innocence, good health, love, patience.
Pink is the ultimate feminine color, being flirty, girlish, and innocent at the same time. Pale pink is used as the symbol for a baby girl, just as pale blue is used for baby boys. This feminine angle is why the color pink has been adopted as a symbol of gay pride. Pink is the color of universal, unconditional love.
Royalty and pomp; power, wealth, majesty.
Purple, or indigo, is the color associated with the sixth chakra. Since it was first discovered, purple has been the color of choice to denote wealth and power. Emperors, kings, and the more powerful members of the clergy—such as bishops—choose the colour as a way of defining their status. This is because the dye itself was originally available from one source and one source only; the secretions of a certain gland of an unfortunate sea snail called the Murex brandaris. Therefore, purple was extremely costly to produce and strictly the color of those who could afford it, since the dye itself was more expensive even than gold. The most popular shade of the color is called Tyrian Purple (named for the city of Tyre, where it was manufactured).
Vitality and life-force; fire, the Sun, the South; blood; good luck and prosperity; power and authority; masculine energy; war and anger; passion, energy, sexuality.
One of the three primary colors, bright red pops out of whatever environment it happens to be in and grabs our attention more than any other color. Moreover, it is the first actual color that is seen by babies.
Spirituality, holiness, good fortune.
Named after the saffron crocuses whose stigmas create the color, the harvesting of these delicate plant parts is a labor-intensive and time-critical matter and so the actual dye is costly to produce.
Knowledge and intelligence; piety, sobriety, humility, temperance; peace and spirituality.
Violet is the color associated with the seventh chakra. There are many shades of violet ranging from ethereal pale shades through to the darker mauve, considered the only color acceptable as a relief from the relentless strict mourning convention of black and gray in Victorian times. Violet is a combination of red and blue, and its association with temperance is indicated in some Tarot suits.
The humble qualities of violet as a color come from the flower. The tiny violet grows close to the ground, hidden modestly in among the grass, yet noticeable because of its striking color.
Purity, virginity; death and rebirth, a beginning and an end; in the Far East, mourning.
White is both the absence of any color and the sum of all colors together, so in a sense it can mean everything or nothing. This combination of all colors has given white the name of the “many-colored lotus” in Buddhist teachings.
The Sun; power, authority; the intellect and intuition; goodness; light, life, truth, immortality; endurance; the Empire and fertility [China]; cowardice, treachery.
Yellow is one of the three primary colors and is related to the third chakra which lives in the region of the solar plexus. This is apt, since yellow, like red and orange, is one of the Sun colors. It could be argued that yellow is the most dazzling of the three, so the association makes good sense.
Because leaves turn yellow and then to black with the onset of fall, in several places, including Ancient Egypt, yellow is a color of mourning. A yellow cross was painted on doors as a sign of the plague, possibly for the same reasons, and even today yellow marks off a quarantined area.
Source More: On Colours
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the-kr8tor · 15 days
Thank you for voting for the name Octobie! Now for the themes! I've combed through every single suggestion you gave me and categorised all of them into 12 themes.
So what I'm gonna do is post the 12 (right here) and from that 12 the 5 most top voted will move up for another poll until the top 3 wins! (Reasons/ and where I got the themes from your suggestions are listed below the poll/cut. W/ brief descriptions also)
Note: Theme names aren't finalized but the meanings will still be the same. (They'll have a cooler name once they get picked!)
Wondering why there will only be three themes? Well the third week theme is called wild card where anything goes! So if your chosen theme doesn't win you can always wait for the third week of octobie to come around and you can do whatever you want in that week as long as Hobie's in it!
Fantasy— fairy! Hobie, Dragon tamer! Hobie/Dragon rider! Hobie, Mythical creature, Sailor/Pirate! Hobie x deity! R, Time-looped historian! Hobie, fae, Mermaid. (Literally anything to do with the fantasy genre)
Halloween- Cloak Hobie, Witch R & familiar! Hobie, Witch! R and demon! Hobie, accidental summoning, pumpkin, Demon! Hobie and angel! R, death reaper! Hobie and target! R, vampire! R and human Hobie, serial killer! Hobie and detective! R, zombie! Hobie, pirates, thriller! Hobie, (anything spooky or scary!)
Eras swap/ through the decades- Modern! Hobie x 1970s! r, modern au, 1800s, different au Hobies meet and different au readers meet, aged up meet cute (they meet in their 60s), decades, (time is the main gist of it, whether it's hobie through the years or some decade specific scenario)
Music- guitar, record play, music lessons, backstage, concerts, rival bands/musicians, band practice, battle of the bands, (anything that has to do with music!)
Comfort- stray cats, nicknames, arts and crafts, london tings, hate the am (mornings), flowers, cats, snow, cozy/chilling at home, library, favourite au/trope, cottage core, (anything that wakes the butterflies in your stomach or makes you feel the ooeygoeey feeling fluff!)
Anarchy- ACAB, battle vests, protest, punk. (Anything that Hobie would be proud of doing)
Slice of life/ family life- swing date, the twins, first dance, just cozy things, cozy/chilling at home, morning/nighy routine, handsy, date day/night, meet cute, sick day, childhood friends. (Cozy or family related!)
Crossover- villains and/Vs heroes, magical girl! Hobie, tokyo ghoul au, DC Crossover, Hobie meeting batman, android! Hobie and human r, baldur's gate 3 au, hobie and mutant x-men! R, hobie and deadpool!, deadpool! Hobie, gambit! Hobie, ghost rider! hobie, spy family au, nightcrawler! Hobie (whether it's a video game, anime or a different genre of comic, that goes here!)
Medieval- royalty, royal! R and rebel! Hobie, (anything that makes you sing the game of thrones opening lol)
Villain au- black cat! Hobie, deadpool! Hobie, mystique! Hobie, prowler! Hobie x villain! r (evil! Hobie? Evil! Hobie! Or any au pertaining to villainy!)
Movie mashup- scream killer! Hobie and caller! R, freaky friday/body swap, rom-com, will they/won't they?, swan lake au, mad hatter! Hobie, phantom of the opera au, the greatest showman au, avatar au, (general movie au or theatre au)
Runway ready- patches, runway, hair, piercings, braids, dress up/ fashion show, draw in your style. (Fashun!)
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yoga-onion · 6 months
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Legends of the humanoids
Reptilian humanoids (13)
Melusine – mythical humanoid serpent transformed into a dragon
Melusine is a water spirit from French folklore and an example of human–animal marriage as well as princess Toyotama (See) in the East. She is a humanoid hybrid whose upper body is that of a beautiful woman in medieval costume, but whose lower body is that of a snake, and is also said to be a dragon nymph, as she has dragon wings on her back. She is also sometimes thought to be associated with mermaid lore. The Starbucks logo is also inspired by her.
Mélusine was the daughter of Pressine, the Fountain Fay, and Elinas, King of Albany, Scotland. Her mother placed a curse on Mélusine and her sisters that for one day a week they would assume the form of a snake from the waist down. Furthermore, if anyone saw them in their true form, they would be permanently remain forever the lower body of a snake and with wings.
Raymondin, Count of Poitou, who had left his family after accidentally killing his uncle, while hunting in the forest, met Melusine one day, fell in love and married her after making a covenant that he would never look at her on Saturdays. She brought her husband wealth and they had ten children. 
However, when her husband heard a malicious rumour, he broke his promise and saw Melusine's true identity while she was bathing. Locked alone in her room, her upper body was human, but her lower body was that of a giant snake (or fish). She then assumes the form of a dragon, provides him with two magic rings, and flies off, never to be seen again. She returns only at night to nurse her two youngest children, who are still infants. Although many of Melusine's children had the nature of monsters, it is said that the future French monarch stood from the lineage of two children born normal.
Melusine's sons:
Julian (said to have later become King of Cyprus)
Eudes (whose appearance and face appear to be on fire)
Guy (said to have later become king of Armenia)
Antoine (with a lion's foot growing out of one cheek)
Renault (with one eye)
Geoffroy (with one large tusk)
Fromont (with a hair-covered birthmark on his nose)
Olivre (with three eyes)
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ヒト型爬虫類 (13)
メリュジーヌ 〜竜に変身した神話上の人型蛇の妖精
しかし、悪意のある噂を聞いた夫は誓いを破り、入浴中のメリュジーヌの正体を目撃してしまう。部屋にひとり閉じこめられた彼女の上半身は人間だったが、下半身は巨大な蛇(または魚)のものだった。 そして彼女は竜の姿になり、夫に2つの魔法の指輪を与えると飛び去り、二度と姿を現すことはなかった。彼女は、まだ幼い二人の末っ子に授乳するために夜だけ戻ってくる。メリュジーヌの子供達の多くは化け物の性質を持っていたものの、問題なく生まれた2人の子供の血統からは、後のフランス君主が立ったという。 
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yeowangies · 4 months
mutual understanding
Chapter I | Chapter II: Time for a little truth | III | IV | V
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PAIRING: Kenpachi/AFAB!Reader CONTENTS: AU - Fantasy, Medieval, Royalty, Arranged Marriage, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Pining, Explicit Sexual Content in later chapters. WARNING FOR THIS CHAPTER: Mentions of mild blood and minor violence. WORDCOUNT: 3404
Despite your first hand experience, it was getting difficult to admit to yourself that Kenpachi wasn’t actually as bad as he initially seemed. He was violent and obsessed with fighting, that was obvious and even more so when you started living there, but he had never treated you roughly. Not even a single word out of place towards you, less alone one threatening action. 
I struggle writing this chapter a bit, confrontations are hard lmao but they are always necessary and i'm glad we can move on to sexier parts now!
Let me know if you wanna be tagged!
header by me, divider by @/saradika
taglist: @actuallysaiyan @lol-ktr @vrgelivvvv
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The night was beautiful. It had been raining days prior, and you couldn’t wait to go for a walk in the garden that night. It was the only alone time you had, with no maids trailing behind your every move, not when they didn’t notice you sneaking off.
You rarely went past the trees signaling the limit of the palace. The forest was on the other side, and people rarely went too deep into it, knowing what kind of magical creatures existed was enough to ward anyone off. 
You only wanted to explore a little, not enter the woods completely, but as soon as you took two steps into it, something felt off. 
The first thing you heard was a distant howl, before a gust of air threw you down onto the ground. Your vision got blurry, heat covering your body as claws tightly held onto your arm, digging into your flesh. You couldn’t even scream, completely confused as to what was even happening, and who or what was even attacking you. Blood trickled down your arm, and that was when you could finally let out a shaky cry. 
Whatever was holding you suddenly dropped you, and you fell with your back against the dirt, breathing heavily as the world stopped spinning rapidly enough so you could open your eyes and focus. 
You gasped loudly at the sight above you; an enormous man with an eyepatch and a scar across his face standing in front of you, holding a sword. Half his face covered in blood, making your body shiver in fear.
You barely crawled away before feeling too weak to keep moving, heart beating fast inside your ribcage, and you kept your eyes on the man in front of you, holding onto what was left of your consciousness as you heard far away voices resonating around you.
“Captain Zaraki just saved a girl!”
“Was that a werewolf?!”
“That’s the princess!”
“We need to get her back to the castle!”
You woke up, feeling hot and sweaty under the blankets, gasping for air at the flashback you had for a dream. 
That was the day Kenpachi saved you, the day you met him for the first time. It was embarrassing to even remember, as you had been more afraid of him than you had been of the actual creature that had harmed you. Albeit you hadn’t actually seen the werewolf. You only found that Kenpachi had sliced him in two once you woke up a few days later and one of the maids informed you about it.
You still didn’t know what to think of that experience, only that it made your blood run cold at times.
It has been a couple of weeks since you had moved to the castle, and the days passed by easily. You didn’t feel as tense as the first few days, when you were still testing the waters of the place.
Yachiru was actually a good company, despite her short age. She was vivacious and gave you strength and hope with her every move. You even met Ikkaku and Yumichika one night while you took a walk through the gardens, and even though they weren’t as strong as Kenpachi (not that you cared, but they let you know the fact nonetheless), they were much easier to talk to than your husband was. 
Once Kenpachi had given you permission to reorganize the garden (his exact words were ‘do whatever you want’), you focused solely on that, and as the early weeks of fall began, the weeds and overgrown grass had been removed completely. You knew it was a bad time to start planting seeds; if the cold in the first few days didn’t kill the plants, the snow might do that job once winter arrived. But you couldn’t wait; it was the only thing that kept you occupied. 
As soon as you became more familiar with the castle, you realized there wasn’t a library or a banquet hall. Why would there be any of those rooms if Kenpachi did not seem like the type to enjoy those things? Nevertheless, you wanted to fix that, but in order to do that, you had to ask your husband about it, and you felt like you might be overstepping with such an expensive and ambitious project. The garden will have to be done for now, and once that part was done, you could move on to something bigger.
Yachiru was helping you a lot in her own way, spreading the seeds across the soil of the garden (and though you specifically told her not to mix them you knew she was doing it), and once you were done for the day, you headed back into the castle. 
“Are we gonna do that again tomorrow?” She asked cheerfully, running across the entrance. 
“Tomorrow we have another task for the garden, we have to water the soil, remember?” You said, looking at her with a smile. “We have to do that everyday, and hopefully flowers will bloom by spring!”
“We’ll have flowers by spring?” Yumichika asked, walking through the entrance along with Ikkaku. 
“I am planning for that, however it does depend on the weather, and how crude these colder months are.” You replied with a soft smile. “I have faith that they will bloom!”
“Flowers never really grew in that place,” Ikkaku commented, looking at the still brand new garden through the window. “It was always full of weed, nobody really cared for it.”
“My mission is to make this place nicer! Once the garden is done, I wish to create a ballroom!”
“You want a ballroom?” Kenpachi's deep voice resonated from behind you, making you jump. “Why?”
“Well… So people can come over…” You replied quietly, turning around to face him with unsure eyes. 
“Come over for what?” His frown got deeper and it only made you more nervous.
“For socializing! Dancing and eating, mostly.” You replied, confused and slightly irritated. “Is that not to your taste?”
“We never had dances!” Yachiru replied, loud and joyful. “I bet it’s super fun!”
It was your turn to frown when you heard him sigh like he was annoyed before he spoke. 
“I will never understand women.”
An uncomfortable feeling raised inside you, more rapidly than you expected when you noticed from the corner of your eye that Ikkaku was looking at the both of you with eyes wide open, and Yumichika had covered his face with his palm. 
Embarrassed and frustrated, you couldn’t contain it even if you tried. 
“And I do not understand you.” You spat, looking up at Kenpachi as if he wasn’t twice your size. “Are you going to deny this to me? It is your right to do so, but this would not even be an issue if we were not married. You could have vehemently said no to this union, even escape from it! So I might as well enquire why exactly did you accept it? I was the one who had no choice!”
You kept your eyes on his for a moment as he stared at you, wide eyed, as if you had sprouted another head.
Not interested in listening to whatever that could have been said, you ran out of the castle towards the garden.
Kenpachi stood there looking at you as you got smaller the further you ran, and was only brought back to the present time by Yachiru’s voice.
“Dumb Kenny.” Yachiru commented, way too loud for Kenpachi’s taste, but he only turned to look at her, confused and annoyed. She paid him no mind and only ran up down the hall towards the kitchen. 
“What in the hell…” He grunted, unsure of what to do. Under any circumstances, he would start a fight, but even he knew that was a terrible idea. 
“Captain,” Yumichika called for him, making Kenpachi turn to him. “With all due respect, you are an idiot.”
“What?” Kenpachi practically growled, but Yumichika went on despite the threatening tone. 
“This girl is alone here, with no friends, no one she can confide in, and you just made her feel more alienated than ever. She had no choice in coming here, and she cannot leave at her own free will either. I suggest you actually tell her the truth.” 
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“You have affection for her, don’t you?” Yumichika asked softly, not really expecting an answer. “Go talk to her and tell her the truth. She will say she doesn’t want to talk, but pay it no mind. She’ll want to know.”
“How do you even know that?” Ikkaku asked, arching an eyebrow. 
“I actually have the emotional range of a human being.” Yumichika rolled his eyes. 
“Shut up.” Kenpachi grumbled, pondering on the idea of actually telling you how he was feeling for a while before deciding it was the right thing to do. “Fine, whatever.”
Walking out the entrance and towards the garden, he tried to organize his thoughts. It wasn’t like he was a complete prick; he knew what could be insulting to say, he simply didn’t care for those things. But apparently you had been uncomfortable since the moment you’ve been declared husband and wife. 
Kenpachi hadn’t actually thought about anything regarding your life and feelings, simply because he hadn’t paid too much attention to details beyond what you had shown him. He had even let you have the bedroom all for yourself because he assumed you were terrified of him; the way you looked at him the first time you met spoke volumes. And even occasionally you seemed petrified whenever he was around, even after you’ve been in the castle for weeks. 
It had pissed him off to hear you talk about him behind his back the way you had, though it probably came from a place of fear rather than arrogance, no matter that you moved around like the princess you were. That lovely bit of confidence he saw in you when you still lived in the palace diminished terribly when you moved to his castle, or at least around him it did, and he wasn’t going to keep contributing to it. 
Out in the garden, Kenpachi spotted you underneath a tree, sitting on the ground with your knees to your chest. 
It was time for a little truth. 
“I do not wish to speak to you.” You said, voice shaky, as soon as you noticed he was nearby. 
Kenpachi didn’t get any closer, but he spoke, regardless of what you said. 
“Just shut up and listen.” He sentenced, making you turn your head slightly to the side, enough so he could see your glossy eyes. Trying to pay it no mind, he went on. “I know marrying me wasn’t your choice. I was greedy. I didn’t want to refuse that opportunity so I didn’t really put up a fight when your father told me to marry you, even when you made it clear that you think I’m a barbarian. I didn’t care.”
Your frown and sniffle distracted him momentarily, especially when your eyes kept avoiding his. You had turned to face him, but you weren’t actually looking at him at all. 
“I hate how you keep looking at me, like I’m going to kill you at any given chance.” Kenpachi admitted through gritted teeth. “I didn’t really think about how this marriage would affect you so if you wish to leave and go back to the palace, I’ll make it happen.”
He spared you one last glance at you before turning away, when it was clear you wouldn’t respond to his words. You seemed even smaller, and the way you briefly looked at him before he left made you look powerless. 
You stared at Kenpachi as he walked away, surprised and confused, trying to focus on one of the things that he said at a time. 
He was being greedy? About what, exactly? It wasn’t like was using the dowry money to expand his fief. He didn’t even want you to expand the castle at all. His greediness did not involve money, so why did he say that?
You didn’t think it was so noticeable how afraid of him you were, even if it was a fleeting feeling at times. You couldn’t help it; he was imposing and his constant aggressive expression made it impossible for you to see him differently. It had a lot to do with that night when you first met, when he saved you. He hasn’t been the one who hurt you, but your mind just couldn’t fully dissociate what actually happened with the bloodlust he had in his eyes when he looked at you. On top of it all, he heard you calling him a ‘barbarian’ when you were trying to talk your father out of this marriage. 
However, despite your first hand experience, it was getting difficult to admit to yourself that Kenpachi wasn’t actually as bad as he initially seemed. He was violent and obsessed with fighting, that was obvious and even more so when you started living there, but he had never treated you roughly. Not even a single word out of place towards you, less alone one threatening action. 
Not to mention the fact that he adopted a small girl he found in the woods, and the undying loyalty of his men revealed a lot about what kind of person he was. And he had even let you sleep by yourself every night since you got there, knowing your discomfort. 
Maybe it was time to make amends. 
Waiting for Kenpachi that night, you paced around in your nightgown, hoping he’d come to the room after dinner. He usually did even if he didn’t spend the night, so you were ready to talk to him once he got there. 
When the door opened, you looked at him, feeling slightly intimidated. He had the same hard expression he usually wears, but it was starting to feel natural to see him that way, so you immediately relaxed. 
“I do not wish to go back to the palace.” You started promptly once the door was closed. Kenpachi remained impassive, only keeping his eyes on you once he removed the eyepatch. You gulped before going on. “I’m very comfortable here. I have to confess, you’ve treated me more like a person than anyone else might have done before, and I’m very thankful for that. And I’m… sorry, too.”
It was hard to read him at all, he only stared at you without moving a single muscle on his face, but somehow that was helpful enough to keep you talking.
“You saved my life, and I judged you horribly, without even attempting to know you. I insulted you and hurt your pride, so I must ask for your forgiveness.” 
Looking down, you bowed at a ninety degree angle, staying still for a moment before returning to an upright position. You kept your eyes on the floor, waiting for him to say something, hopefully words of encouragement that would mean he accepted your apology, and that you could stay.
“You hurt my pride, huh?” Kenpachi’s gruff voice brought your eyes back up to meet his as he made his way towards you; it surprised you that he was smirking. “Is that what you think you did?”
“I think so… Weren’t my words insulting?”
“For reasons you’re not seeing.” He paused, eying you up and down quickly as his smirk faded. “I didn’t care that I was probably offending you when I accepted your hand. Your father threatened me with my past, saying he would hand me over to another kingdom for the nobles I’ve killed when I was a mercenary.”
Your eyes opened wide at his words. You knew your father was a politician and a strategist before even being a father, but you couldn’t believe your ears. It was startling, but not unrealistic, that he had basically sold you to a murderer. 
“But I couldn’t care less about that, he could have done it and I would have managed to get away anyway.” Kenpachi went on nonchalantly, looking to the side as if he hadn’t given any of the things he was saying a lot of thought. “The reason I ended up accepting your hand, the reason I was greedy, was you.”
“I don’t understand.” 
“Your father offered you to me on a silver plate in exchange for my loyalty, and I accepted, just because I wanted to have you.”
You stared at him, bewildered. 
Kenpachi wanted you? You had seen him for the first time that night you had been attacked in the woods, and you weren’t so vain as to think of yourself so charming that one look would suffice to capture a man’s heart, especially a man like Kenpachi, who seemed so ruthless and aggressive to even care about those kind of things. Even more so when you looked terrified at that moment.
If anything, you were sure that you couldn’t actually judge him based on his expressions if he was telling you he wanted you with such a stoic look. 
His eyes were on you for a while, obviously awaiting a reaction, but as moments passed by in silence, he turned to leave, at which point you decided to speak.
“Wait!” You called for him, and Kenpachi turned to look at you. “Please stay. We’re husband and wife, we should sleep in the same bed, yes?”
“Aren’t you afraid of me?” 
“I’m not-” Kenpachi snorted in disbelief, making you jolt in surprise. You slapped yourself mentally for the slip but went on. “I mean, I was, I won’t deny it! Nevertheless, you’ve been nothing but nice and considerate since I got here.”
His eyes stayed on you to the point where you started to feel self conscious, until he finally sighed and took long steps to approach you. 
Everything about Kenpachi was intimidating; it was inevitable due to his size and expression. But after everything he had told you that day, nothing inside you made you anxious about him. If anything, you could see features that you might consider attractive (not that you didn’t notice them before, but fear and trepidation always won those battles). There was a rugged charm about him. 
“You’re asking me to share a bed with you after everything I told you?” Kenpachi asked with a smirk. “Are you doing it on purpose?”
“You can do whatever you want with me, nothing I say could stop you,” You said, staring back at him, straining your neck in the process. “But you've been attentive enough to make me trust you.”
When his hand slid up your shoulder and into the hair in the back of your neck, it surprised you but not enough to make you react. You were curious about his intentions since he made it clear he desired you for a while. 
“You have a lot of confidence for a tiny woman,” Kenpachi’s grin only grew, making you smile in return. 
“It comes with the royalty title.” You shrugged. “It won’t change anytime soon.”
“I don’t want you to change.”
With a firm grip on your hair, Kenpachi leaned down and kissed you. You made a noise in surprise; he had practically pressed his face against yours, bumping your noses and roughly crashing your lips together. You held onto him, gripping the front of his shirt tightly, when he slid his tongue past your lips and into your mouth. 
You could barely keep your legs from collapsing as he tasted every corner and every inch of your cavity. His desperation for you was palpable, and it made you all the more dizzy. It was difficult to even keep up with him, you were reduced to trembling legs and occasional gasps that left your mouth as you ran out of air. 
If it wasn’t for the arm Kenpachi had slid around your waist, you would have fallen down once he pulled away. The lack of air had made you lightheaded, and your face felt impossibly hot. 
Were kisses supposed to feel that good?
“Another.” You demanded once you’ve caught your breath, gazing at him with pleading eyes as you ran your hands up his tunic to bring him down again. “I demand another.”
With his usual cocky smirk, Kenpachi leaned down to kiss your lips once more. This time a little slower and gentler, but still just as eager. 
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corkinavoid · 1 month
By God I don't usually advertise my fics here, but today I'll make the exception because I'VE FINALLY POSTED THE CHAPTER THAT I'M IN LOVE WITH
'Married to Winter' by corkinavoid, chapter 6, if you want to look it up, or here's a link
I'm so fucking proud of that chapter I'm gonna scream, and it comes with the soundtrack! And my beautiful fae OC shows up in there, and there's the bittersweet happily ever after (kinda), and it's just-
For those who have never seen it before, it's a Dead Tired Medieval Fae AU. With arranged marriage. And magic and ballroom dancing and sword fighting and unsuccessful assassination and there will be dragons. Read it because I poured my heart, soul, and blood into that fic.
Meanwhile, I will be listening to the soundtrack for my own fic for the rest of the week ehehehehe
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moorishflower · 4 months
Tower and Rose (Dream/Hob Beauty and the Beast fusion, Explicit)
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Tower and Rose || Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling || Complete - Posting twice a week until it's done || 85k
Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Mystery, Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Fairy Tale Elements, Alternate Universe - Beauty and the Beast Fusion, Threats of Violence, Alternate Universe - Medieval, How many more AU tags can I fit in here, Falling In Love, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Dream of the Endless | Morpheus is Bad at Feelings, Dream of the Endless is Kind of a Dick, Plucky Mercenary Hob Gadling, Dreams vs. Reality, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Minor Violence, Dream of the Endless Can Have Whatever Genitals He Wants, Queer Sex, Nominally PIV Sex But Who Knows With Dream, Anal Sex, Hostage Situations (Technically Hob is being held hostage)
After being dared by his friends to take a single rose from the garden of the dark tower outside of London, Hob Gadling discovers that he has inadvertently run afoul of the tower's keeper, a man who calls himself Dream, and who wields powerful magics. To prevent the deaths of his friends, Hob offers himself as a hostage: to be Dream's captive and confidant for all eternity, trapped together in the dark tower. However, once there, Hob discovers deeper and deeper mysteries with each passing day. What is the significance of the roses? What is the beast that roams the gardens at night? Why will Dream offer him no answers, and why can none of his servants speak of the tower's past? And why has Dream forbidden Hob from entering the topmost floor of the tower?
Thanks again to apocryphal for the beta work! You're a rockstar!
Read it on AO3 here!
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rain-day-today · 4 months
A few more baby fairytail headcanons because their the found family that haunts me in my dreams🫶🏽 these are a little more natsu and gray centric cause those are my favs
Gray and Natsu did not have a place to live until they were in the guild for like a year . There were too many parentless orphans running around and not enough people to keep track of them, so It was couch surfing hot potato like nobody’s business.
Natsu’s stuff was scattered to the high heavens. You would find his sandals in Laxus’s room, bag in the Strauss Siblings place,any clothes were scattered between Erza, Cana and Levy. Really its a miracle he had clothes at all considering the fact he also refused to wear a shirt his first month( “you don’t needs shirts in the forest snd their itchhhyyy” ) . Gray was a bit better and just had a card board box that he took to people’s house when he decided (without the person’s permission) to crash there for the next week. Ironically,The two would always end up trying to crash with the same person on the same night. Natsu would be climbing into the room through the window right when Gray was breaking in by picking the lock.
Speaking of which, Everyone but erza can pick locks. Lissana is the fastest followed by Cana and then Natsu. Mira just broke the door down.
Whenever they were smaller and Erza went on a job with Levy they had an unspoken understanding to only speak like they were from medieval times. There were alot of questions afterward and more lost in translation.
Little Cana would cut and dye everyone’s hair. She Once dyed natsu’s hair black, mistaking the hair dye as extra shampoo-y shampoo
That was the worst week of Natsu and Grays life. Whenever they were out in public together they got mistaken for brothers.
*cana and laxus dying of laughter*
*maco and wakaba choking*
natsu and gray couldn’t look at each other that entire week.
EmoTeen!Gray discovered the girls taste in books after being locked in the library closet during “book club”
Natsu knows exactly what Erza and Levy read. super hearing y’know? He wont admit to it but he knows not to be in the guild whenever those high pitched giggle start.
Laxus gets severely motion sick. He used to deal with it by using those stupid looking motion sickness glasses every time he got on a train. Now he just sells his soul to the devil (mira) for a bottle of magic elixir ( straight vodka) that lets him pass tf out.
Erza lost an Erza look alike contest once
Mira lost a Mira look alike contest
Lissana won both of them back to back
Natsu has a collection of hand me downs that he refuses to wear or get rid of. Most of them are Erzas old armors or things gray stripped and forgot about, but he has a little of everyone. His favorite one is Laxus’s old big coat.
Elfman does a little quote of the day thing in the guildhall
Elfman once got all the fairytail kids including s-class Laxus, Erza, and Mira to Jump Guildarts. No one knows the outcome because at some point all the smaller kids got knocked out with only Erza,Mira and Laxus left awake and they wont tell who won.
When they were younger there was a cute skate park the girls would visit often, thats why they can do all the cool skate board tricks.
Levy bought a motorcycle after getting the money from her first “big” job
Natsu once put a tin full of mentos in multiple buckets of coke in the guild hall infirmary
One time gramps was feeling really down and kids did a little play to cheer him up. They did sleeping beauty with Levy as Sleeping Beauty, Cana as the prince, Mira was maleficent, and Laxus as the prince’s horse. Gray, Natsu, and Elfman were obviously the fairies. Erza wasn’t in the guild at the moment much to her dismay. The play genuinely went incredibly well except instead of waking the princess up with a kiss, Cana head butted Levy so hard it caused Levy to pass out.
Little Valentines Day scenario
(No i do not care that its may)
The first year they were all together, Natsu and Gray got in trouble with Erza the day before valentine’s day. Them hearing everyone gush about wanting someone to give them something, decided that the best way to apologize (save themselves) would be to give her a bunch of valentines day candy and presents. They gave them to her at the guild with cute cards and she was so so happy she started to tear up. This marks Erza as the first person among them all to get a Valentine present.
The others were silently seething, which turned into alot of teasing “ Aww looks like Grays got a crushhh,” “ Look at natsu being all gentlemen like , Erza must be a special special girl,” Erza promptly beat them all up for it, and Gray and Natsu were successfully in their mission to save themselves!
They did feel kinda bad afterwards seeing the others look longingly at Erza quite large pile. Natsu sneakily went out and bought some more chocolates to hand cheer everyone up, gray joined in because “No way am I letting flame brain be liked more then me!” They obviously fought, which melted the chocolates. No fear however! Natsu tempered the chocolates to perfection and gray used his magic to make fun molds.
The next day they handed them out and now its a tradition. On Valentine’s day you get candy from the boy of your dreams, the next day Natsu and Gray give you a creepily detailed mini you made out of chocolate.
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