#might just go to my dads private practice and see if i can get it done there
kirishwima · 1 year
im. not doing well 🤡
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cyn-write · 7 months
"You've Bewitched Me"
Prompt - NRC is in upheaval. A video of Yuu singing a song has been circling around the school about her being "bewitched," and everyone is trying to figure out by who. Yuu is embarrassed and upset about her private song being the subject of gossip, so she decides to hide from everyone only for her crush to find her and reveal he has been "bewitched," by her...
Pairings - NRC Students x F!reader
Warnings - Gossip, Incredibly Shy Reader with Stage Fright, Depictions of Anxiety, Not Beta Read
Song - "Bewitched" by Laufey
Prologue (Here) - Heartsyble - Savannaclaw - Octavinelle - Scarabia - Pomefiore - Ignanhyde - Diasmonia
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When @/thegreatestmagealive uploaded a video of the Ramshackle Perfect singing a love song, to say NRC nearly blew up would be an understatement.
The song, the poster titled “Bewitched,” became an instant hit across campus, but also became the source of tension as everyone was asking the same question: Who bewitched the Ramshackle Perfect?
“20 Thumbmarks on Leona!”
“15 on Kalim!”
“Kalim? Really, no it has to be Vil!”
“EVERYONE HUSH! Now Francis, how much on Vil?” The Halls of NRC were filled with gossip on who the song was about. There were multiple pots floating around of people betting on who it was about, and just as many heated discussions.
“Who says it’s a housewarden? She spends most of her time with the Freshies so it has to be one of them! My money is on the Red Head on the Basketball team, he is always hanging on her!” A Scarabia student chimed in at this corner table of the Cafateria.
“Ace? He’s an ass, no it has to be Spade! Anytime someone makes a comment about he at practice, he gets all defensive.” A Heartstyble student on the track team chimed in.
“That runt? Na, he has nothing on Jack.” The Savannaclaw student across from them chimed in.
“The Wolf? He barely says any words! Besides, the Perfect has more class than that, it has to be Epel!” A Pomefoire Student retorted getting glares from the Savannaclaw student.
“All of you are wrong, I ran the data,” The Ignanhyde student pulled out his tablet and showed them a chart, “Out of all the possibilities crossed referenced with the lyrics of the song, it has to be-“
Debates across the school were happening as people discussed who she was singing for. While some advocated for others, others advocated for themselves.
That night, in the midst of the debates, a poor Grim was looking for a place to stay the night. So he went first to Heartstyble.
Grim walked through the portal and saw *chaos*.
“Calm down you two! No one is going anywhere till Riddle gets back!”
Trey helped Ace out from under the cauldron while Cater tried to calm down Deuce who was red as roses. “Yuu’s private song was just released and all you can think about it YOURSELF!” Deuce called out to Ace as he attempted to wesal himself out of Cater’s grip.
Ace dusted himself off as Trey helped him up, “Well, it is pretty obvious! Who else could it be about? You Loosey Duece? Or maybe Mr. Magicam? Chef Dad? Or maybe, our esteemed leader? No. It has to be me, so I am going to go check on her-“
Deuce tackled Ace, again, so Trey and Cater had to dive in to separate the two.
It did not take long for grim to realize it might be best to come back later. So he went back through the portal to try Savannaclaw.
But his scruff was grabbed before he could step through.
“Heeeey, Sealie!!” Grim gulped as he knew that voice all too well. Floyd turned Grim around so he was facing the two most terrifying smiles in NRC. “Mind clearing something up for Jade and I? See, he thinks Shrimpy’s song is about him, but I say its bout me. And every guppy is saying a different name, so we wanted to get info from them inside fishie~”
“W-what are you talking about!” Grim said crossing his arms. He knew he was in deeeeep dodo.
“Come now Grim, you must know who she’s singing about?” Jade said with a sonically smile on his face, “Now, as Yuu’s close friends, we just want to know, who bewitched our dear friend?”
“Yeeeaaah Sealie, who?” Floyd sung melodically.
“I-I ain’t saying anything!” Grim kept his mouth shut. He had already made Yuu mad, he didn’t want to make. It any worse.
“Oh come on Sealie! Everyone has a price! What’s yours??-“
“What are you two doing?” Came the harsh voice of Vil, Grim’s savior. The housewarden meeting must have finished. Early as all seven, yes even Malleus, came into the hall of mirrors to witness poor little grim shiver in his fur.
“Heya Beta!” Floyd said and waved Grim around, “We’re just asking Sealie a question! That’s all!”
“I’m guessing it’s about Yuu?” Azul asked as he made his way over to his Eel’s. “How is the Ramshackle Perfect? We missed her at the meeting.”
“Yuu… wellllllllll….” Grim scratched his cheek and the other housewarden’s came over, all wondering the same thing, “She is kinda sorta mad at me. And kinda sorta threw me out for ‘not respecting her privacy’ which I didn’t mean to get her upset, I just wanted to show everyone she had a pretty voice and she got all mad.”
“We’ll if you need a place to stay, Octavinelle is always open to poor souls! And I am sure we can work out a pi-“
“We all know what you want Azul, just ask him now so we can clear this up!” Leona said, clearly annoyed at the Mers underhanded methods. “Whose the song about?”
“I-I don-“
“Why are we even asking this question? It is clearly me!” Vil said shaking his head.
“What makes you so sure Schoenheit?” Malleus asked, “I spend more time with the Child of Man and have more magical prowess, it is defiantly about me. I was just about to grab her the-“
“No way the songs about you Lizard!” Leona retorted, “She clearly-“
“The Song’s about Nii-Chan! I ran the-“ Ortho chimed in with Idia listening in on his screen.
“WILL YOU ALL BE QUIET!” Riddle yelled, somehow getting the attention of the others, “This is disgraceful! You are. All concerned with your own selfish needs when you should be worrying about our fellow housewarden whose privacy has been breached and is probably distraught!”
Kalim nodded and said, “Yeah, we need to go cheer her up! Besides, it was probably just a song about love, nothing else!”
Grim sighed and added, “Oh its about someone, You she hear the other songs she wrote about him-“
“About WHO!” Everyone asked.
“I DON’T KNOW!” Grim said and got the glares of everyone.
Azul sighed and said, “You just said you knew.”
“I said I knew she has a crush and wrote more songs about him. I never said I knew WHO it was.” He crossed his arms and looked at the ground, “And she threw me out before I could ask. I tried going back in but she sounded so… upset. When I asked to come back in and apologized she said she just wanted to be alone…”
The group looked dejected at this. Floyd let Grim go and sighed, “Poor Shrimpy…”
Azul looked at Jade and Floyd, “Let’s go, Lounge won’t run itself.”
As Azul left with his Eels, Leona and Kalim also branched off their dorms, “Jamil is probably wondering where I am.”
“Yeah, I gotta make sure Savannaclaw is still in one piece.”
Vil and Ortho branched off next with Vil grumbling about wrinkles and Ortho talking to Idia.
Riddle and Malleus were the last two left with Grim.
“Grim, your welcome to stay at Heartstyble. It might help keep Ace and Deuce in.” Riddle said then looked to Malleus, “The Perfect probably needs a night, but if you do check on her, please let her know I-… We are here if she needs us.”
“I will Roseheart,” Malleus nodded to his red haired companion as he and Grim walk through the Heartstyble Mirror. Malleus turns and before he can make his way to Ramshackle, Lilia is there. All he has to do is shake his head and Malleus knows what his mentor is trying to say, she needs time alone.
The next morning, the first years go to Ramshackle to walk with Yuu to breakfast as they do every morning, but when they got their, the ghost intervened and said she needs to sleep in. The three ghost refused to let any of them enter and even brought Grim’s stuff to the door.
Yuu did not show to any of her classes or reply to any text, and all of her friends quickly understood why. Yuu’s song was all everyone was talking about, more specifically, who it was about. All the pots from the nights before had tripled and almost every students had a guess on who it was about. Yuu has never felt more embarrassed.
By the time night rolled around again, Yuu had read every text, post, and comment about her song. People were making guesses and demanding she confess who. In the midst of the chaos and rumors, all she could think about was what her crush was thinking. She had liked him as more than a friend for a while now, but had no clue if he returned the sentiment. All the worse possibilities were running through her head.. ‘He probably thinks I’m some obsessed freak, this is so embarrassing, Grim ruined. everything, there is no coming back from this. our friendship is ruined, I can never show my face at school again…” Thoughts like this combined with her stage fright made her mood worse. She wrote songs and sang them to help her work through things, it was incredibly personal for her and she never intended to share any of them, not yet at least. Now she was lying in her bed, curled up in her blankets with her phone lighting up with text next to her. She could not bring herself to talk to anyone, she was too scared and embarrassed to.
The Ghost have been kind enough to fend off Grim (who she was still mad at) and her friends (who she was still too embarrassed to see) so she could have some time alone. They worked as her guards and caretakers, making her eat and get up every now and then. They were also the only ones who knew who her songs were about.
So when he arrived on her doorstep, the ghost decided to let him in.
Yuu was looking at her notebook, pouring over the lyrics again and again when a knock came at her bedroom door.
“Yuu… can I come in?” His voice carried through the door.
Yuu felt her heart stop. She held her notebook tightly and sighed, “I guess its now or never…”
She got up from her bed, notebook in hand, and stood in front of the door. She was shaking and as she stared at the door, terrified of what would happen next, when he cast a spell over her once again:
“Yuu, I… I don’t. know if that song was about me but I want you to know. You’ve bewitched me too.”
Note: This is the Prolouge to a small series! Be on the look out for each characters part and if you want tagged please let me know! Please Like, Reblog, and Follow for more! If you are interested in seeing more characters in this scenario or these characters in different scenarios, please let me know! (Do not Steal)
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fuzzybirdie · 25 days
Hero Of Changing Faces
Ch.4 Congrats! It's an Ice Ice Baby
Danny and Signal arrived at the enterance without issue. The Purple Hood person there pointed them to his parents the moment he said loud. Dissapointing but not supprising.
"Dann-o!" His farher called waving enthusiastically "I see you've met the local ghosts! Have they mentioned anything of their unfinished buisness? And what happened to your hair?"
You couldn't see signal's eyes through his cowl, but his expression was firmly in a confused 'excUSE ME?' Expression.
"Wait what?" Danny pulled a lock of hair infront of his eyes and watched it fade back to black. "That's new. Anyway, Dad," Danny sighed, running a hand down his face "this is Signal. He's a meta. Metas are Humans-" punctuated by wild gesturing to himself and the rest of the crowd "-that have extra abilities. Signal can manipulate light, and I can create ice."
The fentons all froze at that. "Create ice?" His mother breathed.
"Yep!" Danny cheered, making an ice bird in his hand. "I was on the ride the not-announcer-"
"Didn't seem too funny to me. Anyways, the not-announcer attacked the ride, and I managed to freeze the wheeles, and now I know that I have ice powers!"
His parents had a giddy expression on that read that he was in for a game of 21 questions when he got home, and jazz had buried her hands in her face.
"Please tell me you haven't been calling the joker -the guy that attacked you- not-announcer-guy..." Jazz pleaded.
Danny made a thoughtfull expression. "You see, I could, but then I'd be lying. Besides," he shrugged "he got a better name than Visorless Biker and Firetruck over there,"
The purple one, who was debriefing with Signal suddenly let out a Loud cackle. "I absoloutely need to call them that now!" Practically sprinting at them.
Signal shook his head and went to follow her, wether to continue the debrief or prevent a murder (Biker had a very 'fuck off' aura) who knows.
Before he could leave, Danny's dad called him. "Mr. Signal! You are human correct?" At Signal's confused confirmation, "are the other Bats human as well? We're mostly here for GHOST! Research!"
Signal bit his lips, obviously realising that Danny's parents were just like that(tm).
"Yes," he spoke slowly, "we're all human, just highly trained, and Very Private. If you want to do more reaserch, you'll have better luck in Central City. The speedsters love to talk about the mechanisims of meta abilities like theirs."
Danny's Dad slumped in defeat, while his Mum clapped her hands "Well then. Danny, we're very proud of you for your newfound abilities, and I want to hear all about them when we get home, but we should get going home.
"There aren't any ghosts here that live long term on this side of the veil. We might have more luck elsewhere."
first / prev / tbp
Ao3 (maybe?)
So! The Gotham arc is finished! Hope everyone's enjoying so far, and that brains don't get too broken in the next part,
Edit: as a side note, I haven't actually read any Dc comics, and the only cartoon I've watched of theirs is young justice. (And Liegion of superheros, but that's set centuries in the future) so if i get anyone wildly ooc, please tell me. My only reference is fannon, after all.
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luvneymar · 2 years
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SUMMARY: once you left the city with Davi your water breaks on the airplane and Neymar goes on a wild goose chase trying to find you
“Are you sure this is something you want to do? Or is this something you feel you have to do?” Your dad asked holding your duffle bag as you went past security.
“Yes I’m sure!” You snapped “If he wants to fight fire with fire then I’ll gladly play his game. I’ll kill him before my children get taken away from me.” Just as you were going to board the plane you stood there staring at the glass and watching the different planes take off.
“If I do this. He might never forgive me. But if he does this I’ll never forgive him.” You whispered hoping Davi didn’t hear. You looked down at him and sighed in relief knowing he was just enjoying his cheetos oblivious to what was going on.
“Are you sure sweetie? I can take you to a hotel, or do you want to board the plane?” You held your sons hand tighter and thought of what life would feel like if you could never hold his hand again let alone see him. “Yes. I’m very sure. Now stop asking.”
You sighed bending down to pick up your son holding him on your waist. “Davi baby you wanna see daddy?” You asked your son in a baby voice shaking his leg playfully.
“Daddy?” His eyes shone at the mention of his dad, your heart broke at the way he instantly perked up at the sound of his dad. He nodded looking up at you with his big brown eyes.
As Davi repeated the word “daddy” over and over again you contemplated your decision, go or stay? leave or go? The best choice in this situation was to leave until you could find out what the hell you were going to do.
“Sorry Davi we can’t see daddy yet. Your daddy is too busy being a backstabbing bastard.” You whispered the last part before continuing to board the plane. “Bye daddy, I’ll talk to you once I land.”
“Bye my love. I’ll see you later.” He kissed your cheek and smothered his grandson in kisses before waving you goodbye. You placed Davi in his stroller, grabbed your suitcase & begun to walk onto the plane.
“Ney, acalme-se! Queremos ajudá-lo!” [Ney just calm down! We want to help you] Neymar’s mom yells from on the phone, he’s practically swerving on the road cutting off anyone and everyone as if he’s driving under the influence.
“Como posso me acalmar? Se não fosse pelo pai dela, eu não teria ideia de onde ela está indo!” Neymar shouted at his mom, he was so upset he couldn’t even look at her let alone speak to her. [How can I calm down? If it wasn’t for her father I’d have no Idea where she’s going!]
“Só, fique seguro, ok? Não faça nada que lhe custe sua família.” She sighed knowing her son could be a hotheaded men whenever his family was in “danger” [Just, be safe okay? Don’t do anything that’ll cost you your family]
“Claro. Não sou apressado diferente de você” Neymar whispered hoping his mom wouldn’t hear his slight insult, shortly after he hung up and stepped on the gas. [Of course. I’m not hasty unlike you]
Once he arrived at the airport he stepped out of his car and saw one of the planes leaving. He checked his phone to see which airline you were taking and it was the very plane that took off. Except he didn’t know where it was going.
“Fuck.” He mumbled before getting back into his car and driving to the area for private planes. As he stepped out a flight attendant was waiting outside his door with a private plane right behind her.
“Hello Mr. Santos! Thank you for choosing our airlines. Where are you headed today!” Flight Attendant ask with a polite smile on her face.
“Um, my girlfriend- fiancé just left on a plane but I don’t know where it’s heading. All I know is that it’s that plane right there.” He pointed to the sky just before the plane hid in the clouds.
“Flight 492? Let me check…” The flight attendant opened her record book and skimmed the book for the flight you were on. “It shows that this plane is going from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro. Is that were you’d like to go?”
“Yes please! As soon as possible.” Neymar followed the flight attendant to the mini plane boarding as fast as they possibly could. About one million different scenarios we’re running through his head and only the bad ones happened to be appearing over and over again.
He sighed as he accepted a glass of club soda from the flight attendant staring out the window eyebrows as his hands shook in fear causing some of the soda to spill on his pants. “Shit.” He grabbed a bunch of napkins and begun cleaning the excess.
As he wiped the liquid from his pants he thought of what Davi would say if he was here. He laugh at him saying “daddy peed” over and over before actually helping him clean the mess. To say that he missed his son was definitely an understatement.
“Ladies and gentlemen we’re now 30 minties way from your destination. The snack tray will be coming around soon so please stay tuned for anymore updates.”
You moved in your chair, uncomfortable as your sat beside Davi who was too busy playing with his trucks.
The perks of being in business class meant nobody had to see the wet spot on your pants. Unluckily for you, your water broke mid flight and your contractions have yet to arrive but when they do you know they’ll be hell.
“Davi are you hungry?” he shook his head before continuing to play with his toys oblivious to what is going on with his mommy. You texted your friend Antonella the moment your water broke as she was the reason you even came to Rio.
Her and her husband; Lionel Messi were vacationing here and agreed to to house you until Neymar sorted out his stuff. The plans A-F didn’t include if your water broke funny enough.
Once the cart came around you quickly denied any snacks so they wouldn’t see your giant wet spot on your pants.
You knew stressing was the worse thing that could happen in this type of situation so you decided to continue watching your movie waiting desperately for landing.
Soon, God answered your prayer and had time move much faster to the point where landing was 5 minutes away. You packed up Davi’s toys and wore your coat to cover the stain.
Once the plane landed you picked up Davi and left the airport as soon as possible. Once you stepped outside you immediately spotted Antonella and sped walked to give her a hug. “Hello both of you! Especially you my Davi.” She pinched Davi’s Cheeks before grabbing your luggage.
“Thank you so much for this again. I don’t know how I could possibly repay you.” You kissed her cheeks before entering the front seat of the car after securing Davi in his car-seat.
“You can repay me by having a healthy beautiful baby girl.” Antonella comments as she starts the car and begins to drive the car reaching the nearest intersection.
“Yeah.” You sighed rubbing your stomach. “That’s gonna happen regardless. My water broke on the plane, I sat around with a stain in my pants for like an hour.” Antonela laughed at that before going silent.
“Okay, where are we heading? Hospital? Hotel?” You thought about it for second before responding.“Hotel. Definitely hotel.”
“Alright then.” She replied shortly before the car filled with silence.
As you guys are riding in peace you suddenly feel a sharp cramping feeling in your lower abdomen which causes you to jerk forward. “Holy crap, are you alright?”
“Yeah, yeah. It hurts but I’ll live. Hopefully.” The car goes silent once again as you stare out the window forgetting about everything that has happened in the last few days.
“Should I call him?” Antonella suggested, she had already told her husband Messi to be expecting you & Davi so he had probably notified his friend; Neymar about your whereabouts.
They would never do that on normal circumstances but seeing Neymar worried sick about you and his family made them feel really bad. Keeping silent about it was the best thing to do.
“No. Hes the last person I want to see right now & you know that.” You grumbled mood souring until your next contraction hits. It feels like your sitting on the head of your daughter so you placed your feet on the dashboard.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Antonella asked once again looking at you with concern. Not for hand-stitched Italian leather or your shoe marks on her dashboard. “Not really but It’ll be okay.”
Antonella begun to drive faster until she reached the vacation home her and her husband were staying at. It was safer to stay here rather than a hotel. She helped you out of the car before heading to the back and grabbing Davi out of his car seat.
You walked into the home and was met by Lionel who immediately grabbed your bags.
“(Name)! It’s so great to see you. How’s the little pancake?” You giggled as you kissed both of his cheeks before walking to the living rooms holding your stomach and sat down.
“She’s coming. She’s not being very nice to her mommy though. Contractions feel like a curse.” You breathed heavily in and out stroking yours stomach. Shortly after Davi walked in rubbing his eyes holding his stuffed animal.
“Mama are you alright?” He asked sitting beside you. You nodded pulling his head onto your shoulder. “Yes I’m alright. Are you?”
“No, I wanna see daddy. I miss him.” Davi smiled turned into a frown as he looked down with a sad look on his face. “I know you do. You’ll get to see him eventually, I promise.”
Just as you finished your sentence you felt another sharp pain except these ones felt much closer together. “Davi go upstairs and play with Thiago & Mateo okay?” Once he had left you grabbed Lionel’s upper arm and squeezed it as hard as you could digging your nails into his arm.
“We gotta go to the hospital now Honey.” Antonella sat between you and Lionel, grabbed your hand and begun stroking your back. She tried to get you off the couch but you wouldn’t budge.
“No not yet. Let’s go once I’m screaming in pain on the floor.” You waved her off and begun to breath heavily. “Are you sure?” She asked once again.
“Positive.” You answers shortly before waving her off again this time along with her husband.
“Did you call him?” Lionel asked in a whispered voice as he and Antonella snuck into the kitchen to converse.
“No did you?” Antonella asked with her eyebrows raised at her husband. Lionel’s silence was enough of an answer for her. She elbowed him him is side making him wince in pain. “You did, didn’t you?”
“I’m sorry but he was basically a mess on the phone when he called me. It was depressing to hear.” Lionel admitted with a sheepish look. “Leo you idiot! When a woman needs space it means a woman needs space”
“Well that woman is in labor! And I’m pretty sure she’s gonna have her baby on our couch!” He whisper shouted at his wife.
“Don’t you think I know that you fool! You can’t- don’t call him until she’s at the hospital about to give birth. any added stress could end up harming her baby.”
They both nodded before returning to the living room where you were so sweaty your hair was sticking to your forehead and your palms had nail marks in them from being dug into so hard.
“Alright Mama we’ve gotta go now. Leo go get the kids and load them into the other car. We’re gonna ride alone okay?” Lionel went upstairs to go get the kids while Antonella wiped your forehead sweat and helped you to the door.
The rest of everything was a blur, the car ride, the admission to the hospital, the vaginal exam everything was blurred until you realized you were in a hospital room.
Tears were brimming your eyes as you instinctively looked around the room for Neymar. You’ve been pushing him away for the past 5 days but right now you want nothing more than for him to be here.
Except your stubbornness wouldn’t allow you to admit that. Luckily for you, you had an incredible friend alongside you who knew exactly what you’d need in your situation.
“Darling I’m gonna step outside for just a second I need to make an important phone call.” Antonella quickly stepped outside of the room and walked to her husband who was waiting right outside the room.
“Did you calls him?” Antonella asked her husband in a hush hush tone.
“Yeah he’s on his way soon.” Lionel kept his answer short as every time he got sidetracked Matteo would hit him in the face with his toy truck.
“Call him again she’s at 8cm” Just as she finish her sentence she heard Davi scream out causing her to whip her head in that direction.
“Daddy!” Davi screamed out as he ran down the hall and hugged his dad. “I missed you so much papa.” Neymar hugged Davi extremely tightly tears falling down his face. Just seeing his face again made his world whole once more.
“I’ve missed you too Davi. So much.” He whispered out hugging his son tighter. It felt like an eternity before he let go after hearing a loud scream from your room.
“Oh God. Is she in there?” Lionel & Antonella both nodded with fear on their faces from the noises that were coming from your room. “Go, go quickly we’ll look after him.” She ushered him into the room.
“Alright it’s time to push now dear.” The OB informed you, you had asked to wait as you had a feeling Neymar would be here although from your perspective it didn’t seem like that.
“No I can’t.” You cried out, squeezing the life out of the OB’s hand. “I can’t do this without him. I’ve never done this without him. I won’t.” You begin to hyperventilate crying harder than you thought you ever could.
You heard the door opening and checked thinking it was Antonella coming back from her phone call. You choked up with relief & confusion after seeing Neymar before screaming out in pain feeling another contraction stab you in the lower abdomen.
Neymar quickly rushed to your side taking your hand in his, kissing your hand, stroking your hair & all the things he did last time you were here giving birth to your son.
“Now it’s really time to push, right now. Go ahead push for me.” You squeezed Neymar’s hand before pushing as hard as you could, It felt like your vagina was on fire & a bunch of needles were poking you all over your body. That’s how bad you felt.
Even with all that pain you couldn’t concentrate on anything but the fact that Neymar was really here.“You’re here. You’re really here. Are you sure I’m not seeing things?” You asked the OB’s really quickly as you were trying to push, talk, breath and scream all at once.
“Yes Princesa. I’m really here. It’s okay we can talk later just focus on bring our daughter into the world safely and healthy.” He kissed the back of your hand once again before his face contorted into one of excruciating pain.
After 30 minutes of pushing your healthy baby girl; Valentina-Rosa Camíla Santos-[Last Name] was born at 8:25 PM at 5 pounds & 8 ounces. You cooed at your newborn as the OB brought her back into the room and handed her off to you. Immediately you soaked in her newborn smell, sniffing her head and patting her bottom.
Neymar was standing beside you staring at his daughter unsure if you were still angry at him and just forgot in the heat of the moment or that was all over.
“You can come closer you know, she is your daughter.” As you called Neymar over she slightly opened her eyes and you saw a peak at the colour. “and she has your eyes.” Hearing that Neymar climbed into the hospital bed with you holding his hands out as you handed him his daughter.
“She’s absolutely beautiful. And she has your hair, when Davi came out he was basically bald.” You laughed at what he said as lightly as possible so you wouldn’t irritate your stitches.
Unfortunately since such huge babies have to come out of such small canals you had to wear freezer diapers to calm the swelling and irritation down.
“You known I’m sorry for what happened I really hadn’t-” You placed your index finger on his lips telling him to hush as you stroked your daughters perfect hair.
“We can talk about that later. Just enjoy our little pancake. I don’t even have the energy to talk about it.” Neymar hushed after that with a small smile on his face when his daughter wrapper her hand around his pinky finger.
“Wipe that smile of your face I said I have no energy to talk about it, not no energy to still be pissed at you.” You sent a side glare his way which still didn’t shake his smile as he shook his pinky slightly which moved his daughters hand.
After. the moment of silence he begun to speak saying, “I love you. So much. I’d never do anything to hurt you and you know that. You don’t need to say anything but I just needed to let you know.” Neymar babbled on, you looked at him the entire time which made him swallow nervously.
“Never mind, I need you to say something. Please.” He looked at you pupils moving from one eye to the other. You sighed and leaned into his ear whispering “I love you too.” Before taking back your daughter from his hands.
As you patted your daughter on her bottom staring into the distance you turned your head to face your boyfriend and caught him staring at you with a stupid smile on his face. “What? Something on my face?”
Neymar sighed before taking back Valentina and placing her in her incubator. Shuffling something out his pocket, he turned to you grabbing both of your hands staring into your eyes with so much love. “[Name], [Last Name], Will you marry me?”
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REMINDERS: @itzz-me-duh @kacyyz @ravithepanic-er @watersquirtpewpewboomm
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third-arch · 7 months
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My Corazon HC’s!! pt.4❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Inspired by my boyfriend, my dad, and my own imagination/knowledge of Corazon and Law
I think if Law’s parents and Corazon lived, his dad and Corazon would be having a barbecue and drinking beer. They’d be besties.
Lami would love Corazon.
Surprisingly, he’s listened to every single Led Zeppelin album growing up! His favorite album is Physical Graffiti. His top picks from the album are Houses of the Holy and Boogie with Stu.
His favorite Led Zeppelin song is The Ocean.
His favorite genre of YouTube video is the “Every time I get hit in Minecraft my computer is coded to generate 30 ender dragons” one. Not the theoretical videos like “Was Sans really just a skeleton?” Or “The dark secret behind Cardcaptor Sakura”, but like the ones where people mod the games or play games at an unplayable setting.
(And no. None of these are real videos LOL)
After a long day, sometimes Law will join him to watch like a historical documentary that might be a tad bit too graphic for Law. Corazon, passing out on the other couch, will just exclaim.
“Don’tlookatthis, Law”
And immediately it’s some mildly grotesque image.
Law still looks and doesn’t even flinch. He doesn’t really care.
“As you can see, the bullet wound went straight through the man’s abdomen-“
“Don’t look, Law (falling asleep)”
(Shows image)
He likes Charlie Brown and Snoopy stuff.
When Law is sad or going through a traumatic memory, he’ll let Law cuddle up in his coat for comfort.
Corazon makes spaghetti for Law every Sunday night and takes him out for ice cream afterwards.
He loves Bill Evans. His favorite song is Autumn Leaves. Law learned it on the piano for his birthday.
“But Lemon, how could he learn it in private?”
“Cora-San. I need some privacy to practice. Can you use Silent?”
“Oh! Sure!”
This was sort of in a Law HC I wrote, but Corazon once took Law to the zoo to look at all the animals. Law really liked the penguins, otters, and the tiger. Corazon liked the elephant, otters, and the petting zoo.
Corazon has a surprisingly very aesthetic ACNH island. He makes little noises sometimes when working on his island. It probably looks something like this.
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madeintheniamh · 2 years
you don't have to be sorry
waiting at the school gates, a dad you've never seen picking up his daughter appears at the time in your life that you might just need him most....
a/n: this one's quite sweet ngl. i fucking love dadrry with my whole heart.
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“There you are, my gorgeous girl!” you watched him smile, as he held his arms wide open before a tiny figure ran towards him, who practically jumped on top of him. He lifted her up, holding her on the side of his hip, whilst tucking a strand of long brunette hair behind her ear. “Did you have fun at nursery?”
A little voice began to chatter on about all the activities she could possibly remember that had occurred doing the day.
“Sounds like you had a lot more fun than Daddy,” he sighed. “Can I see your drawings when we get home?”
She nodded, burrowing her head into his chest. “Oh, I missed you, Tilly Gem,” he smiled whilst trying to balance everything he was now holding between his hands. “Where’s your book bag gone?”
You were mesmerised. Even the back of him looked good, as he walked back towards the building, now in search of his daughter’s lost possessions. Shiny, flowing strands of brown hair which framed his chiselled face. He turned back to look in your direction, green eyes glistening in the autumn sun. You nearly gasped as his eyes met yours for a second, and his lips raised slightly at the edges.
You looked in front of you and quickly remembered your daughter, who was now rocking back and forwards in her buggy in front of you. Things hadn’t been quite the same after the break up with your husband a few months back. Despite the concern that you were now going to be raising her as a single mother, living in a flat you could barely afford in North London, you couldn’t help but also worry about the impact on her emotionally, no longer having a father figure. Although it had been a toxic relationship, she had always been a Daddy’s girl, but didn’t yet have the vocabulary to describe what it felt like for her father to suddenly walk out one day, with no intention of coming back. He was a businessman who worked in Canary Wharf, who was barely around during the week, but had always made time for her on his days off- at least before he decided to have an affair with the young receptionist who worked in his building and leave one night for Australia with her. Promising to pay her tuition fees at a posh private preparatory school was simply not enough. He had left his three-year old daughter fatherless, and you helpless and alone.
You exhaled slowly, before realising that the same tall figure you had seen a few minutes ago was now leaving the blue double doors, and walking straight in your direction. You knew you only had one chance, and made a split-second decision to wave in his direction. He smiled back at you, revealing bright white teeth, creases forming around his bright green eyes.
“Hi, you must be Matilda’s dad!” you explained, heart beating rapidly trying to keep your gaze focused on him. “I think my daughter is in the same class as her,”
He extended his hand towards you, revealing nails painted a glossy shade of white.
“Lovely to meet you, yes this is my Tilly,” he smiled, looking down at her in adoration, his hand now clasped around hers. “I’m Harry, by the way,”
Harry. He could have either been eighteen or thirty, it was difficult to tell. You noticed how a layer of stubble sat around his lips, and how the light reflected off the front of his perfect smile. His daughter had the exact same eyes as him, a beautiful olive colour with hazel rings around her pupils. In-fact, she was the complete spitting image of him, only much smaller with longer hair.
“I haven’t seen you here before,” you noted.
“Ah well, I’m on daddy duties today,” he smirked. “I’m a musician, so I’m away quite a lot. Feels good to be able to spend some time with my little, though,”
The little girl stood next to him nodded whilst shuffling around on the spot, clearly bored by your conversation. Your own daughter was also becoming restless in her buggy, kicking her legs around aimlessly as though all she could think about was an escape plan. You lifted her up and out of the padded seat, placing her gently on the concrete playground next to her.
“Girls, why don’t you go and play for a bit?” Harry smiled at both of them before turning back towards you.  
You soon found yourself sitting on a bench next to him, explaining your entire life story to a man you had never met.
“That sounds absolutely awful, I’m so sorry,” he sympathised. “No man deserves a woman like you. I can tell you are an amazing mum,”
“You too. I wish my daughter looked at me the way that Matilda looks at you,” you explained.
“Oh, don’t say that. I feel so guilty,” he sighed. “I have to leave her constantly, and it breaks me. I feel like such a shit dad every-time. I have to pry her off of me every-time I go out through the front door, and I fucking hate it,”
You were surprised at his honesty, and even he sounded shocked at his own words, as if this was the first time he had ever said them out loud.
“Well, at least you’ll be there when she grows up,” you said, tears starting to form in your eyes. “Not like my little,”
“Hey, don’t say that,” he says whilst placing his hand on top of yours, his gentle touch making you jump slightly. “I only had my mum for a couple of years growing up, and I did okay,” he smiled. “Plus, you’re gorgeous. You can find someone better than him, for sure,”
Your eyes lit up in response. “Do you really think so?”
“Yes, of course I do, and I wouldn’t lie to you, I promise,” he confirmed. “Look, maybe we could organise something sometime? Considering that our daughters will probably end up being close, being in the same class and all,”
You looked up at him, his green pools of light staring you dead in the face, nothing but kindness in his expression.
“That would be amazing, I’ll give you my number,” you chimed.
You spent a few more minutes chatting, before he passed his phone over to you. You put your number into his contacts list before he rested his hand on his shoulder.
“Tilly, it’s time to go home now,” he bellowed sweetly in her direction. “It was so lovely meeting you, hopefully we will see you both soon,” he chuckled, once again trying to balance all of his daughter’s possessions in one hand, whilst holding her hand in the other. You grinned at him in an attempt to prevent yourself from letting the tears that had formed behind your eyes from beginning to flow.
He came up beside you and whispered in your ear.
“And remember, if you ever want to go for a coffee or anything, my number is always there,” he said slowly, and you could feel his warm, sweet breath on the side of your neck. “I’d really love that,”
As he walked away, you looked down at your daughter, who was now fast asleep in her buggy.
“Lovey, I think mummy may have just found you a new step-daddy,” you giggled at her, whilst walking out of the school gates. 
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hozukitofu · 5 months
kkir fic idea 💡 might write it or someone else can adopt this and run with it
i work at an australian magistrate court as a paralegal and kkir (my ninja dads) remind me of the police prosecution vs defence lawyer negotiation throwdowns. kakashi is literally all the weird and eccentric lawyer i've ever met (you need to be weird to be sane) and iruka just acts like all the other very nice but firm prosecutors at court to me
imagine hotshot perpetually late but so so brilliant defence barrister kakashi (mr hatake) negotiating a better outcome for his clients. he's always laid back because he knows he's that good, dresses in the same suit every time, gets away with wearing a facemask in court and literally only ever fixes his terrible posture at the bar table and whilst in court. he tried to ask the magistrate to let him salute the coat of arms (instead of bowing like everyone else) when he first got transferred down to the lowly magistrates' court but got promptly shot down (the compromise was the mask). he was working as a top queen's counsel for the private city law firm then got mysteriously transferred to their regional branch in a 'mentoring role' (a bunch of graduated law students interning actually quit their postgrad studies because he was really harsh and had really arbitrary rules tbh). so my man's in a bad mood ALL THE TIME (literally unprovoked) and has no personal assigned paralegals because no one can stand him. his assigned clerk has the patience of a saint and the tolerance for no bullshit (it's rin) he makes outrageous plea offers with prosecution and it's the best/worst time down at court. he also cross examines like the person at the mic personally wronged him, which isn't great if it is a protected person in a family violence case, or any witness at all, but very eye opening to see
down at court you have the sweetest man ever sergeant umino ('please call me iruka') in the dog box(what we call the prosecution office). he has a law degree (admittedly from a nowhere regional university but he is admitted to practice as a legal practitioner) and way too overqualified for the police force, but he wants to make a difference before going to teach full time or practising law full time. he's nice about everything (printers, legal advice, referrals, talking to anyone) except for paperwork which he is anal about. he wields stamps like weapons and every time an informant is shown to have filled out their paperwork wrong he calls them up directly (how does he even have their direct line?) to chew them out, but super nicely. adjournments, unmentionable dates, requests - don't need to provide reasons, iruka will approve. he not-so-secretly made copies of his police badge so paralegals can print documents off the police printers. he always gets snacks and coffees for court registrars and referral officers. he has bags of lollies for little kids. iruka teaches community service and justice studies for the vocational college nearby. he also has the occasional stint as a university lecturer only for first year law kiddies, and teaches also senior high school legal studies electives. beyond stamps and paperwork, he is the law down to the letter, sometimes to the spirit. if the facts look bad, especially if it is family violence or egregious failure to appear/warrants then he would be a hardass to lawyers. my man however is not opposed to diversion especially if the accused are kids.
so like fanon, kakashi brings outrageous plea offers to the dog box whenever iruka is in -- 'can you withdraw [most serious charge]' 'you can't prove that she was fearing for her life' 'he's never had a criminal record so can't you give him a slap on the wrist and send him a bond?' iruka shuts that shit down every time. he has a case of bleeding heart-itis so occasionally they CAN collaborate to help truly at risk offenders to reorient their lives. kakashi complains that iruka agreeing without a yelling match feels worthless but deep down he doesn't mind when iruka isn't in full hate mode AT him. kakashi thought that iruka would be all snobbish because police prosecutors who hold law degrees tend to act like they're better than everyone else but iruka is overall down-to-earth, hi-i'm-here-to-help. can't push him around though, but he's all about the learning experience so he encourages postgrad law kids and volunteers to have a go at him. for the real thing, defence lawyers groan good-naturedly when they hear he's in the dog box. kakashi seems to be the only who delights in riling him up, but in the rare instance that everyone agrees BUT the magistrate says otherwise and hands down a harsher sentence, he would be handing up paperwork for a contest hearing SO FAST kakashi wouldn't have time to consult with the client. there's a deal between him and kakashi for a stack of signs form 11As can be dealt out when absolutely needed. despite going at each other's throats on the clock, sooo many people have seen them getting lunch together or just talking about their mutual student naruto.
in this universe naruto did not complete high school, went through to vocational studies, took a pathway to uni instead. somehow he, sakura and sasuke end up at the same law firm (naruto is a bit older than the other two but acts precisely like a teenage eshay ALL THE TIME). why does he want to practise criminal law? because it looks cool and he wants to make the bar. his mum is a judge and his dad is a speaker of the senate/cabinet member so... it runs in the family. sasuke is following alongside the traditional asian career choice: doctor, lawyer or engineer. my man hates maths with a passion so lawyer it is. i know it's weird that sakura would be doing a law degree knowing she could be doing a med degree but hear me out: i met and know and am friends with girls who studied double degree law/biomed, finish their law degree, said fuck it I'll be a lawyer what's so bad, otherwise i can come back, and now making big massive bucks. though i imagine sakura will specialise in personal injury cases as well as mental health tribunals, then might go back to university for her med degree. she will be that cousin who lived 6 lives already - was a doctor and a lawyer and your mother would not stop comparing you to her. she needs a bit of instinct training but her academics are spotless. sasuke is ruthless but can't connect with clients. naruto maybe brash and loud but he plays on people's heartstrings like a conductor when presenting a bail app or plea. everything is the way it is so that iruka can move naruto's admission to become a lawyer when he applies for admission at the supreme court
anyways iruka will retire from police work to teach full time, maybe sign on to work for a community legal centre to appear for bail apps for remanded offenders picked up in the cells. he accidentally yelled at kakashi one day to go out and kakashi thought it was too funny to not go along with. now they raise 8 dogs, 3 full grown adults and all of iruka's students together. they fight about everything, but might slip into really formal legalese (passover aggressive fuck-you) when they're being annoying or really pissed off. naruto sometimes has to adjudicate these fights and he can't stop being scared for his LIFE.
kakashi: your honour, my learned colleague here had erred in his submission that i had, conclusively, not promised such things
iruka immediately pulling out receipts: your honour, may i submit evidence contradicting otherwise
(they were fighting about whose turn it is to do the dishes. there were only oral agreements in place but once you're both lawyers you just get used to writing everything down and signing to bring up in an argument later)
(iruka also cross examines kakashi for funsies, but they mainly shelf this for when arguments are bad and they need to pull out the big guns)
anyways if anyone ends up writing this please tag me
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smoothiedreams · 2 months
Bakugou/kirishima headcanons time!
I have nothing to do on my miserable life so why not
[This might include some relationships each character has on their individual daily routine, friendships are real, not only ship can u believe it? I tend to forget haha]
First of all, they train together, like on gym, Bakugou enjoy hitting things with all he got but he can be real moderate when training other exercises. While he is on the treadmill kirishima is training calisthenics, and while bakugou practices boxing punches and karate moves kiri is there lifting himself on some beam.
Kirishima likes bakugou's shoulders and arms a lot, he thinks they are maily attractives. Bakugou likes kiri's chest and belly, nothing more mesmerize than his boyfriend's tummy.
They usually take combat classes with uraraka. She and kiri are gym bros, eventually sato joined them and bakugou surprisely is very calm during these times. He does his exercises alongside them but doesn't necessarily exclude himself, they are all enjoying each other's company at these times of the day.
Bakugou and Sato end up forming a light friendship, they don't talk much but share interactions related to cooking frequently.
We can't forget that Bakugou's parents work with fashion, he inevitably ended up becoming a stylish person himself without noticing. He kinda have a streetwear aesthetic, a bit gotic sometimes. Kiri however likes clothes more colorful, he is a summer boy but also has his streetwear side.
Bakugou is gay, just it, simple as can be. He is demiromantic tho. Kiri is pan/bi.
They private times aren't just penetration, they like touch, intimacy, likes kisses and just rubbing up against each other or giving a helping hand. (I feel kind of weird having thought about this but it seems like I need to highlight my thoughts in this simplistic perverted world).
Abt positions, bakugou usually is topping - not because of any strange straight gender role u might think- he just find more joy on giving pleasure for his partner, and Kirishima is always more willing to receive this adoration ( he might feel powerful for holding confidence in having this relationship with bakugou ).
Kirishima is the big spoon. He always has bakugou grapping his waist and melting into his arms as he sleep peacefully against his chest, at least this is how they start the night, bc when they wake up bakugou has Kiri sprawled out, half-thrown on top of his chest, with his face aligned in the crook of his neck, and somehow Bakugou's arm is now the boy's pillow.
Bakugou is an introvert with limited social battery so is common to see he just chilling out on the couch with jiro, each one on the phone and listening music. Sero sometimes sit with them to just vibe.
Kiri despite having the bakusquad is usually seemed hanging out with momo, asui and SHINSO. Yes, our boy gotcha friendship with him! (someday I'II dissect my thoughts and understand why I want them all to be a small group). He and momo are extroverts dragging asui and shinso tho mostly watch their interactions, that don't mean they don't talk as much as them, they just prefer to add interesting and spicy comments or facts.
Kaminari jokes on being their third wheel, he is right.
Ashido helps kiri on insecure moments, encouraging him on his relationship. She is almost the mom friend, almost.
Bakugou likes chemical. Kirishima likes biology.
Bakugo's dad and kirishima go fishing sometimes. They both are terribly distracted by any conversation.
Bakugou's mom is flustered every time kiri is eating her food bc he always is praising her cooking skills. it's usually her husband who gets all the praise because she herself recognizes that his food is amazing, so he is the one who cooks usualy on the house, but she assures to be the chef when kiri is coming.
Beginning with: kiri has two moms bc this headcanon just makes sense. The two managed to win over Bakugou with their kindness and strong morals, he is extremely more restrained around them.
How and who confessed? It will be extensive.
They are partners even before being in a romantic relationship, so it was on one day that bakugou finds out how good is to them being in such a synchrony, imagine how much more easy it would be if they were more... them BOOM! Existential crisis with a sexuality crisis that lasts two minutes for him to come to a consensus that he doesn't care about falling in love with a boy, but rather wants to have a relationship with anyone. He struggles for a week and ends up agreeing that yes, he wants to stay by shitty hair's side, so he will take it as he has been taking it, just existing. If in any parallel universe Kirishima asked him to go out with him, Bakugou could take that opportunity, but he was fine with how things were. And then he wasn't. The class had just discovered that Present Mic and Professor Aizawa were a thing and everyone was excitedly talking about how good it was to have someone to lean on and share things with in the world of pro heroes. Kirishima, mina and uraraka were talking about how much they admired their relationship, and Kirishima lets slip that it's even a little envious of them by having the courage to get deeply involved with someone. He jokingly says something like "Bakugou, can you believe it? That maybe one day someone could be my significant other like that? Being heroes and everything else we aspire to." "is to much to ask for haha." bakugou replies, "you better think of harder wishes to grant shitty hair." Mina then is like, "Don't go throwing words like this because Bakugou might take it as a challenge", uraraka adds with, "He already think its to easy." THEN some defiant and provocative instinct of bakugou is activated and all inhibitions are thrown to the air without him realizing it, "STUPID EXTRAS! being by his side is something that I am already taking first place in, it isn't even a challenge!"
Then somehow..."Would u easily turn into my boyfriend as easy as you make it seems bakugou?" - "stop saying dumb things shitty hair"- "You said it first!" - "if u wanna me to take responsability u have to take courage to ask me out" - 'but we already went out!" "..." - " WE ARE DATING" - " WE ALREADY ARE"
I know this was long and a bit confusing but I hope you enjoyed my thoughts lol
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theosconfessions · 11 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here :)
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here :)
river- hey scar. just a heads up that you dont deserve. dad just threw blake out.
scarlett- okay? sorry your boyfriend left?
river- are you ever not an asshole, seriously? he was thrown out because dad seen the tiktok. hes coming in here next. so have fun. robin you might wanna clear out.
robin-mm yeah i think i wanna see scarletts explanation.
scarlett- dude you were apart of this!
robin-the interview yeah but not the life and definitely not embarassing dad. SO.
river- k well like i said have fun.
dustin- HOW COULD YOU DO THAT ? TO ME! me.
scarlett- i wanted to see what kind of guy theo was. he left his family.
dustin- and him and i worked on things together as adults. for whta was best for US and for you guys. and we did that privately? but it seems not we have to put ALL of that shit in the public eye too so people dont just think hes ...that hes some asshole and that im a pushover. this wasnt YOURS to tell. you shouldve never manipulated your dad but on top of that you shouldve just asked us privately scarlett. and do NOT get me started on the blake shit.
scareltt- oh please youre not about to defend blake to me. just because hes a quarterback doesnt give him a pass to throw himself on anyone.
dustin- he didnt throw himself on river.
scarlett- hes a creep.
dustin- he isnt. he read the signals wrong. ive done the same plenty of times. but what you didnt have to do was take advantage of not only blake but your brother too? TO WHAT? do some witchhunt in theos name? this wasnt yours to tell. now im fielding calls and texts from my family about this shit that i never wanted them to know.
scarlett- well im sorry?
dustin- thats it? thats the best you have scareltt really.
scarlett- what? you accepted blakes apology im guessing. typical
dustin- blake was extorted. he did what he did to protect your brother from his own sister. you know all of this talking is doing nonthing. you do not feel bad. at least not yet. youre grounded. for the rest of the school year.
scarlett- dad thats like a literal year
dustin- you didnt let me finish. give me your phone.
scarlett- what no!
dustin- youre not getting this back for a very long time. and the first thing im going to do is delete your tiktok account.
scarlett- DAD! i have so many followers on there
dustin- the second thing im going to do is call your mom.
scarlett- NO. i dont need MARLEE preaching whats right and wrong in my ear . remember jami
dustin- i cant forget jami. youre offering babysitting services everyday after school. i need jami in office with me.
scarlett- youre kidding? chloe is a nightmare and they literally have a baby BABY.
dustin- should be fun for you.
scarlett- youre joking? i have cheerleading practice,dad. every single day.
dustin- not anymore you dont. goodnight scarlett.
scarlett-this is so unfair!
dustin- night scarlett
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aqua-the-smiter · 6 months
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✦•······················•✦•······················•✦୨୧✦•······················•✦•······················•✦ ℑ𝔯𝔬𝔫 ℌ𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔰 Ferrus Manus x female oc (Argena Seeva) Other parts in the reblogs Ferrus, in a bid to one up his pain-in-the-ass brother Fulgrim, takes up drawing. Gets some reference help from his long suffering friend and senechal, Argena. Part of my AU I have cleverly called the Primarch Wife AU. Happy endings, the boys get the help they need, Big E is a good dad and, most importantly, everybody gets a wife. Because big husband and small wife makes brain go brr
Sexual content/NSFW after the cut - Very lewd-but-not-lewd touching, Ferrus jacking off to his future wife while trying to get work done, idiots in love. @thevoidscreams @pringles-plaguehaus ✦•······················•✦•······················•✦୨୧✦•······················•✦•······················•✦
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊ “Gena?” Ferrus asked, sounding uncharacteristically nervous. “I have a…strange favor to ask of you.” Argena put down the loop of silver she’d been polishing and turned around on her stool to face him as she heard him out. Throne, he even looked uncomfortable, and she wondered what exactly he needed that he was looking so hot under the collar. Ferrus Manus was many things, but wavering was not one of them. Actually he was kind of cute like that. She mentally slapped herself almost as soon as the thought crossed her mind. HE. IS. YOUR. BOSS. She’d been with him for over a year and half at this point. It felt like it should have been longer. Falling into the role of his senechal had been so easy after a while. Especially after they’d started spending more time simply enjoying each other’s company. He was a surprisingly layered man once he opened up enough to show it. And, she heavily suspected, a lonely one too. So they’d gotten close more easily than she would have first thought. It even showed in the way he addressed her. Gena, a more tender nickname than her given. “Does it have anything to do with your ongoing attempts to one up your brother?” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It does, yes. Look, I can’t help it. Fulgrim has been driving me mad recently, so I want to pay him back in kind.” “I know, I know. And if you pull it off you’ll make him absolutely seethe.” “It” in question was Ferrus putting a serious effort into learning how to draw. He could already, but it was an entirely different kind. Technical drawings, machine blueprints, weapon schematics. Nothing really artistic, although it could be counted as a form of art in its own right if you asked her. Watching him work was hypnotic, the movement of the pencil or stylus in his metal hands impossibly graceful. Elegant even. But most people didn’t see it that way. Resident artsy fuck, Fulgrim, certainly didn’t. Constantly making little jabs and jokes at his best friend’s inability to produce anything else than purely practical drawings. Finally, Ferrus had enough and announced to her in private that he was going to produce a piece of actual art better than anything Fulgrim could do (and he wasn’t as good as everyone thought he was, including himself) out of pure brotherly spite. The early results were rough, but promising. Argena herself had quite a bit of skill, picked up from her goldsmithing hobby, and he’d come to her with practice sketches, rudimentary shapes and simple three dimensional objects. It took him a while, but he was definitely getting it. His talent for technical drawings was beginning to shine through with the clean linework. In short, it seemed he might actually do it. “That is the goal.” He said, just a little smug. “So what do you need me for, pray tell my lord?” She prompted. The Primarch seemed to steel himself for a moment. “Well…I feel I’m ready to move on to…organic materials now. I can only draw my own tools so much before I cease to learn any more from the exercise. I was going to ask if I could study you. Your anatomy, I mean.” And it already sounded like that would involve less clothes than she started with that day. “...Study my anatomy? How so? Moreover, why?”
“Feel up your body. Your muscles, skeletal structure, general build. How everything connects and moves together. I find that I learn best when I am up to the elbows in it so to speak, so being able to touch it would be the best thing. You are the only person I feel comfortable coming to with this. It is, ultimately, quite a petty thing I’m after. You have been very understanding of me. More than I thought would be possible.” Ferrus paused for a moment, wondering if what he had to say next was even a good idea before deciding he’d take that chance. “Also, you are objectively a very beautiful woman. Whatever someone’s personal tastes may be, nobody could look at you and deny it. And subjectively, I think you are a beautiful woman. For those reasons you’d make the best subject for what I’m trying to accomplish. If the goal of art is to create something pleasing to the eye, something that captures the beauty of the world and the enthusiasm of the creator in a still image, you would be a perfect basis. Not like the mess of colors and lines Fulgrim throws on his canvases.” He spoke so frankly. Ferrus was always a very no-nonsense type of person, but to have that direct, blunt nature used in such a glowing description of her was something else entirely. Because you knew for a fact when he said something, he meant it. It made her feel very warm inside. “And this is purely for research, right?” She asked tentatively. “Purely objective.” He swore. “And I won’t go any farther than you want or touch you anywhere you don’t want to be touched. I’ll fill in any gaps in my knowledge with an anatomy book. Just tell me where to stop, and I will.” Somehow a Primarch who’d grown up in the wilderness eating sand had a better concept of boundaries than many people. “Well...I trust you, so I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.” She said after a moment, rubbing her upper arm. “I’m willing. Let’s do it.” He gave her one of his rare smiles (that seemed to be becoming less rare nowadays come to think of it), genuinely grateful. It made her feel more at ease with the agreement. Who knows, it might even be fun. ₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
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kiefbowl · 1 year
Can I ask for advice on how to... Act more assertive? I've been so quiet and shy my entire life but I've been trying to stand up for myself more if that makes sense. It's still really hard though and I haven't... Broken out of my shell? Ever since I've been walking by myself more I've been harassed a few times and I want to learn how to not look so weak or whatever. I just want to have a more open personality in general without being scared to share my feelings and thoughts, and you seem like a good person to ask
Sure, great question. I was once a shy shy shy child, I had to build my confidence up a lot with this regard. My first piece of advice is to stop being so hard on yourself. Stop calling yourself weak etc. The only way to start become more assertive is to respect your emotional responses. Don't think for a second that strong, witty, take nothing women don't have their moments of fear and hesitation. The way your body responds to threats and danger is natural, and it has some form of trying to protect you.
To piggyback on that, don't assume that being assertive protects you from harassment necessarily, or that you will look any different if you gain the confidence to talk back. You're not responsible for how men talk to you, ever.
But any way let's get to the cool advice:
Practice in small, safe groups first. Don't go picking fights with random men when you're walking home at night. Instead, give yourself a little goal of speaking up more the next time you're with your friends, etc. Like all things, practice builds the ability. Practice builds the confidence. Practice builds the instinct. So, start small. If you want some ideas, you can try: being really insistent about where to go to eat ("I really like Blah Blah, and I'd like to go there."), asking for a specific conversation topic when there's a lull ("Hey, I've had something on my mind lately, I want everyone's opinions"), things of this nature. As you can see, they aren't mean. You can be assertive and nice. Practice the less scary stuff first.
In that vein, don't be afraid to be awkward or do it "wrong" (you can't do it wrong, but for the sake of this point). If you sit there quietly wishing you'd go "man shut the fuck up" you'll never learn how to say "man shut the FUCK up." Instead - do the first step of what you think you can do. "uhm excuse me, I didn't like that" even if you're stuttering and sweating bullets is the first building block. Plus, honestly? If you're clearly nervous, that shows some gusto and bravery, sometimes you get more respect by acting like that.
You can tell your friends/family that this is something you're trying. I know, you might think "that's awkward" well cut that out that's not the kind of attitude you're practicing! Say to your mom privately "Mom, I'm trying to be more assertive. I want to speak my mind more, can you help when dad interrupts me." Say to your best friend privately "Friend, I'm trying to speak my mind more. I want to be more assertive. Can you encourage me if I start to struggle in conversation?" I mean, why not? This is a great chance to practice asserting yourself while getting help to continue.
If this is all great but still scary and you still don't know how to start, and you want like a magic bullet task list to just start somewhere, you can start by editing your language. Stop saying "maybe" when you mean "no". Stop saying "I guess" when you mean "no". Or, when you mean "yes!" You have to stop equivocating. Try being as direct as possible when speaking up. Again, this does not have to be mean. It doesn't have to be smart. It doesn't have to be witty. It's taking the time to consciously be aware of when you say things like "I think it would be nice to go together to the party if you want to" and try to say instead "I would like to go to the party with you, what do you want?" ADDITIONALLY: You can correct yourself mid sentence. Forget if it's awkward, you don't care if it's awkward anymore, you only care about practicing what you want. "I think maybe - I mean...I want that, yes."
The next two are really really important that they're going to be their own list, because if you've gotten this far I bet you're thinking "Yes, but how??" and these are the two that tell you how:
5. You have to sit with yourself, undistracted, and think yourself into confidence. And you have to do that for the rest of your life. And that's what every confident person is doing all the time, and they have weak moments where they fail even if you don't see it. You have to be the source of your own internal logic that makes it happen. And you might think "well if it was that easy, I would just do that." No, it isn't easy. And yes, you haven't tried hard enough. You haven't found the logic that works in your mind that you can't refute. YOU have to give yourself time every day to reflect on your life, who you are, what you want...and you have to sit there and backwards engineer the argument that leads to the answer you want. You have to make yourself get that epiphany. You don't wallow on what's wrong with you, you think "I want x-specific-thing, and I know I want that because...and to make me believe that deeply I need to think...what? What do I need to think?" You have to sit with yourself until you think it, because then you can't say you don't know. Personally, I'm deeply motivated by the weight of knowledge that we have finite time to live. I'm deeply motivated by my knowledge of my own female subordination and what I lose if I hold back. I'm deeply motivated by the fact that I can't guarantee the motivation of others. Maybe these will be your same thoughts, maybe they won't. No one can answer this for you.
6. you have to look out for other people. when other people are walked over, you have to advocate for them. when someone interrupts someone else, you have to say "wait, I wanted to hear what so-and-so had to say." If your friend is wilting in the group, you have to get everyone to bring them back in. If you are constantly internalizing you will never gain confidence. You have to be connected to the world around you, and not obsessed with what's going on in your own head. The longer you project your being out, the longer you realize what's going on in your head all the time isn't all that important. And in a strange catch-22, that's when you get the confidence to defend it like it is all that important :)
Good luck!
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mack-attack420 · 1 month
Witch Among Gods pt. 4
A/N- I have a computer now so hopefully I will be posting more :)
With how interested Yagami seemed in me being a witch, I expected him to be around me more. It’s been a relatively quiet week. Though Ryuk has been appearing randomly and scaring the absolute shit out of me. It’s almost like a game, seeing how badly he can scare me. 
“Hey, (Y/N),” My mom says walking down the stairs, “Your father and I are going out with some work friends. We won’t be back until really late tonight. There's some money on the counter for you for dinner.” 
“Thanks!” I yell after her and my dad as they walk out the door. 
We hardly ever eat together anymore. As soon as my mom realized that I could order takeout for myself, her and Dad have been out almost every night. I don’t mind being left alone. I get to do whatever I want without Mom telling me I should try harder in school.
“They leave you every night?” A voice says behind me.
“What the hell?!” I yell at Yagami, after I jump a foot off the couch, “How did you get in here?” 
“Your parents let me in. We’re supposed to do homework together.” He walks around the couch and sits down next to me.
“Dude, you can’t just sneak up on me like that!” I yelled at him.
“I do it all the time.” Ryuk floated out of the floor. I screeched and pulled my legs up to my chest. 
“What is with you two trying to give me a heart attack?!” I was losing what little of my patience I had left. 
“I want to learn more about your magic.” Yagami says.
“I'm still learning so I’m not going to be teaching others.” I get off of the couch and go up to my room.
“Well then I can just watch you practice then.” Yagami followed me up the stairs.
“I told you that it’s a very private thing.” I slammed the door in his face and locked it. Won’t that guy take no for an answer? I ignore the noise of him and Ryuk talking outside the door and take some deep breaths. I need to meditate and I don’t want his energy in the house. I grab some incense and a lighter. I lit the incense and spread the smoke around my room. When the room is sufficiently cleansed, I open the door and let it drift towards Yagami and Ryuk.
“What is that?” Yagami asks.
“Incense.” Ryuk answers, flying back a bit.
“Oh, you don’t like it then?” I walk towards Ryuk. He keeps backing up. I get closer to him and he runs, technically flies, away.
“That stuff reeks.” Yagami says, waving his hand in front of his face.
“It banishes bad spirits and negative energy.” I get closer to him and he starts coughing.
“It won’t stop until you leave this house.” I blew some smoke right in his face.
“Ok, ok, I’ll leave.” He coughs more and leaves.
I lock the door once he walks out.
"May your throat be cleansed, that you might speak rightly when words are needed. May your eyes be cleansed, that you might see the signs and wonders of the world. May this person and space be washed clean by the smoke of these fragrant plants" I say a cleansing prayer getting rid of the bad energies. The house feels much cleaner now. “Much better.”
When I’m back up in my room, I put the incense on a stand to let it finish burning. I set up my pillows, crystals and other candles for meditation. I always have a comfortable place to sit. I tried laying down for meditation but I kept falling asleep. I lit a lavender and vanilla candle. I have an amethyst worry stone that I hold when meditating. As I settle into my spot, I can feel the energies around me fading away. My consciousness faded in the scents of lavender and vanilla and I went onto a different plane.
should i do a taglist?
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orangesaek · 2 years
Hii! I’m new to your blog and I love your writing sm!! 🫶🏻 I was wondering if I can request a felix fluffy scenario of both of you being really affectionate towards each other infront of the other members and they’re teasing both of you and you’re the blushy/awkward one. (I imagine their reactions to be like how they reacted to felix in the ‘your eyes’ mv 😭
hiii 👋 thank you so much, and i'm glad you like my work ♡ really appreciate it! 🤍 i hope you see this and let me know if you liked it 🥰
note: although most people (stays) already know the names of felix's family members, i left them out on purpose because i just felt a bit uncomfortable using their names in a fanfic 😅
also, merry christmas and happy holidays, everyone! 🎄
a/n: slightly proofread. lowercase intended. image not mine.
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december 24. it was finally christmas eve, and felix couldn't wait for christmas to come for three reasons:
one, his family flew over a few days ago just to spend the holiday with him. two, once the group's schedule for the day is over, he'll get about 2 weeks to rest. and three, he looks forward to spending it with you (and with his members before they leave for the holiday to see their own family).
"oh, it's finally over!" felix's mom exclaimed in delight, clapping her hands happily in the process. you smiled at how cute she looked.
you were already waiting with his family at the hotel they were staying at, watching gayo daejeon together on the tv in their room. the place was also pretty convenient since the restaurant where they were able to book a private room was just a couple of floors down.
"eonni, your boyfriend's calling~" his younger sister said, handing you your phone from the coffee table. felix called you up to let you know that they are getting ready to leave and will be at the restaurant in 30 minutes.
"that's great. we should get ready as well," his dad said. "i'll call the restaurant to let them know we're coming down in a few."
it was actually the first time you have met felix's family in person, but they were just as nice and welcoming as he was. it was clear to you then that felix really grew up in such a wonderful family.
everybody was getting ready to leave when his mom rushed to your side and gently turned you around to face her.
"dear, put some of this on," you stood there as she quickly dabbed some lipstick on your lips.
"there you go!" she smiled in content. "this shade looks so good on you!" she was practically squealing at how nicely the shade complimented your overall look.
"thank you, mrs. lee" you gave her a shy smile before leaving the room with her.
you were now at the restaurant, laughing and having a good time with felix's family as they shared some of their favorite moments with him during childhood when the door to the room slid open.
all 5 of you whipped your heads to see felix by the door, smiling your guys' way as he gestured for the rest of the members to come inside first.
after all the greetings were said, felix finally sat down beside you, smiling so widely after giving you a brief hug. you were seated between him and his older sister, with the other members seated on the other side of the table.
"you look extra beautiful today, babe" he complimented. you looked at felix with a shy smile.
"o-oh, really? thank you," you replied. "your mom actually helped me put on some lipstick, so that's probab---"
you paused when you noticed how felix was just staring at you with a big smile plastered on his face.
"is... everything... alright...?" you quietly asked, worried that there might be something stuck on your teeth or something that he found funny.
felix let out a light chuckle before taking your hand and kissing the back of it, still keeping his eyes on you.
"yeah, it's just that you look so beautiful tonight."
after hearing that (plus the gesture felix just made), you couldn't hide the blush that was showing on your face anymore and turned your face away from him.
this time, felix let out a laugh at how cute you looked, finally catching the attention of everybody else in the room.
"what's going on?" felix's dad asked. he turned to look at his dad, still smiling.
"nothing," he answered. "my girlfriend's just really adorable right now."
bang chan let out a giggle before looking at the other guys beside him.
"get your fingers ready coz things are going to get cringey real soon," he teased. the room was then filled with laughter and some more light-hearted teasing.
"babe," felix called. "ahh~" he said as he raised a fork in your mouth in an attempt to feed you with a small piece of meat.
you looked between him and the fork in his hand. you were about to open your mouth to take the food when you heard the other guys teasing you and felix again.
"ahh~" bang chan, changbin, and hyunjin said in unison while lee know, han, seungmin and i.n. tried to suppress their laughter.
felix turned his head to them and stuck out his tongue playfully. his family could only shake their heads and laugh at the silliness of the group.
unfortunately for you, felix seemed to enjoy seeing you all flustered and shy. and of course, the more he did it, the more his members would playfully tease the two of you. although felix didn't mind it at all, you were feeling so shy to the point that you just wanted to curl up into a ball.
you were peacefully eating a cream puff, quietly listening to the conversation going around, when felix called your attention. you turned your head to face him, waiting for him to say something.
"you really make me want to take care of you more," he sighed quietly.
you weren't sure what he meant by that until you felt his thumb swipe gently on the side of your lips, realizing that he just wiped some cream off.
you were about to thank him for it but was left speechless and embarrassed when you saw him licking the cream off of his thumb and gave you a playful wink.
you heard hyunjin scream as he dramatically covered his eyes and slowly slid off of his chair, 'collapsing'. the other guys have started playfully pretending to gag, with some of them curling up their fingers from cringing so bad. even his sisters have started joining in their antics.
"i can feel the chicken i ate come to life," lee know said as he put a hand on his belly, feigning the horror in his eyes.
felix and his parents were just laughing wholeheartedly from the chaotic antics of the guys, while you laughed awkwardly in embarrassment.
he was still laughing at the guys when he turned to look you. he gave you a soft smile before asking you if you were feeling alright.
"yeah, but just a bit embarrassed," you quietly admitted.
you have known the rest of stray kids for a while now, and although you were already used to their playful teasing (especially about your relationship with felix), there are still times that you just couldn't think of an equally playful comeback and just end up blushing furiously — tonight was the perfect example.
the guys have now (slightly) calmed down from cringing and have started talking amongst themselves (still about what happened) when felix cupped your cheeks gently.
"i love you," he suddenly said as he looked deeply into your eyes with a soft smile.
despite feeling a bit embarrassed from all the playful teasing from the guys, you still couldn't stop the growing smile on your face.
you looked straight into his eyes before leaning in to give him a quick peck on the lips, not caring anymore if somebody saw it.
"i know, and i love you, too." you quietly said with a shy smile on your face. felix grinned sheepishly right after.
and just as expected, another round of playful teasing from the rest of stray kids ensued, with seungmin jokingly commenting, 'for the sake of our mental health, just please get a room!'
- end.
requests are OPEN ♡ holiday break just started, so i have a lot more time to respond to requests now 😊
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heysawbones · 1 year
It’s 2:40 in the morning. I can’t sleep. Have the beginning of MO… in prose form.
February. The office of Emperor Steven Lee Crossroads XXXIX, whose full title we won’t trouble ourselves with right now. A young man named Bob leaned all his spindly weight on the double doors into his father’s office. Bob - The Crown Prince - had an important development to discuss.
Light flooded the doorway. Bob held a practiced forearm to his eyes, squinting. The back wall of the office was nothing but windows, which sounds nice but existed mostly to intimidate visitors by blinding the shit out of them. The windows had curtains, and the Emperor had functional arms and legs, but for reasons clear to nobody he often blinded visitors he had no apparent desire to intimidate. His son was no exception. Bob made his barely-seeing way to his father’s desk.
“Father.” He cleared his throat.
The older man looked up from a scattered pile of paperwork. “Ah. Hey, kid.”
Bob palmed sweaty hands all over his school uniform. This was more nerve-wracking than he’d like to admit. “I have something to tell you.”
“Oh? What’s on your mind?”
“Well, uh, do you remember Starlett Vandiver? She was at the TAKES fundraiser ball.”
“I know who she is.” The Emperor tilted his head.
“Oh! Good, yes. Good. Well!” Hands clasped behind his back, Bob rocked forward onto his toes. “We’re getting married!”
The pause before his father burst out laughing felt interminable. “Oh, kid, kid. Oh no.” He pulled his hand down his face. “Augh. Listen.” He spat disparate ha, ha, has as he shook his head. “Boy, you’ve never been too good with jokes. The ah, the timing’s all wrong. Just - turn around, walk out. Try again. I’ll laugh if ’s funny! Swear t’ Stal, I will.”
Bob was not fooled by his father’s diversionary tactics. This, he knew, was stress laughter. He held his head high and balled his fists.
His father sat back and started worrying a piece of paper between his fingers. “Bob.”
He stared. “This’s a joke, right.” He crumpled the paper.
Bob withered and couldn’t look him in the eye. “…No.”
The Emperor, a famously large man and privately infamous for emotional outbursts, flipped his desk. It didn’t go far, and landed on its side with a thud that reverberated off the walls of the sparse office. He hunched over the desk, chest heaving, head in his hands.
“Dad.” Bob little more than stumbled out of the vicinity of his father’s tantrum, and now approached as one approaches a frightened child - hands out, palms open. Quiet. Calm. “Look. Dad. It’s - it’s okay. We’re having issues with the Vandivers, right? This will make them stop parking the colony in stationary orbit and holding trade routes hostage. We can make some headway on that, ‘harboring terrorists’ thing. It’s going to help.” He came to a measured stop in front of his father’s fallen desk and slowly withdrew his hands, studying the tight lines of the man’s body and trying to tamp down regret. He hadn’t expected a positive response, but he hadn’t expected his father to react like a wounded animal, either. He’d hoped for some ridicule, maybe shouting. There would be eventual acceptance and acknowledgement of Bob’s initiative. A few more problems would be solved, and life would roll on. Bob could swallow his doubt.
He perked up when his dad straightened and dropped his hands.
“Kid. Listen to me. Y’ can’t do this.” Bob’s perkiness went in reverse. “You’re 17 god-damn years old. It’s-“ He sighed. “You didn’t already propose t’ her, did you.”
Bob frowned. “I have.”
His father frowned harder. “Do her parents know?”
“Of course they know. Everything’s been taken care of-“
“What do you mean, ‘everything’s taken care of’? Why would you -“ He began to gesture furtively. “You’re my son, Bob! You’re not -“ He looked around the room in desperation, as if there might be someone there to offer guidance. “You’re not a tool!” His voice rose. “I don’t need you t’ solve problems this way!” Bob’s father’s eyes met his, pleading.
“Dad it’s-it’s just a political marriage! This kind of thing happens all the time, what’s your p-“
“You’re throwing your life away.” His father’s roar shook the room. Bob stepped back, but would not, could not allow himself to back down.
“This is what my life is for!” Bob shouted back. “What am I, if I’m not a tool? It’s not like there’s some - perfect princess out there, waiting for me! It’s going to be fake anyway, so I thought, might as well solve some problems now instead of later! Why put it off? I’m expediting a solution!”
The Emperor fell silent, awestruck. He couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his son’s mouth, and neither could his son. They sprung, unbidden and unwanted, from some unspeakable loci of teen angst with which he had no conscious connection.
In that moment, it was unlikely that there were any right words to say. The Emperor snapped a booming HA in Bob’s face, and the boy winced.
“Dad-” But he’d already gone. The man stuttered pained laughter as he wove toward the windows, tangling his fingers in his hair.
There was nothing Bob could do. He turned away in disgust.
Over the next six months, Crown Prince Bob Crossroads (the First) tried to convince himself that marrying Starlett Vandiver was a good idea. In some ways, it was. Starlett’s parents ran the Vandiver Colony, a manmade habitable satellite made of… space junk. The Vandivers liked to put their actual trash heap into stationary orbits that just so happened to cross trade routes from planetary settlements, then demand money to move the damn thing so said trade could get through. All parties were aware that this was extortion, but the price was not so high as to outweigh the advantage of keeping the peace. The Empire paid up, and the Vandiver Colony kept most of its crime and libertarianism to itself.
Now that Bob and Starlett were engaged, the colony stayed out of the way. This was good, but Bob had to admit that it might not have been worth his hand in marriage. The colony began to cooperate with extradition requests, which, while nice, was underwhelming. Bob thought that it might’ve been better to leverage his marriage for something more valuable, but it was too late for that. He couldn’t bear to tell his father about his second thoughts. His father couldn’t put a stop to the wedding without risking very real repercussions from the Vandivers, anyway.
The wedding came and went. It had a surreal quality, alternating between a blur of faces and crisp memories of hands on silverware, Starlett’s diadem, his father gripping a glass of whiskey like a lifeline. Starlett was beautiful, but that didn’t mean much to Bob. He didn’t know her, and she wasn’t making it easy to try. He thought she would photograph well, and she did.
They didn’t have a honeymoon. They didn’t have sex. They stayed up and played cards until Starlett went back to the party to talk to some friends. She didn’t return until the small hours of the morning. He was surprised when she crawled into his bed, with him already in it.
It was alright.
Bob had few expectations of married life. All the marriages he knew intimately were defined by the constraints of living in the public eye. It wasn’t always easy to tell who genuinely loved, or even liked, each other. For the most part, it didn’t seem to matter. As far as he could tell, things seemed to work fine if you could balance a sense of being on the same team, with staying out of each other’s way. His parents had utterly failed at this, and that was why they were getting divorced.
Or, so he thought.
Bob believed he was up to the task. He and Starlett could keep each other up to date on any important things they learned, that the other might not hear about otherwise. They could make fun of people together. He’d have her back and she would have his, even if they weren’t exactly goo-goo eyed over each other. Low stakes! Simple.
This “plan” had a fatal flaw. That flaw was that it required Starlett to talk to Bob, and that wasn’t happening. The contours of the problem were so unfamiliar to Bob that he wasn’t 100% sure if she was avoiding him, or if he had somehow failed to initiate the act of talking to his wife correctly. Maybe if he figured out whatever step he’d missed along the way, she would suddenly notice him. When it became clear that she was actively ignoring him, he knew things couldn’t go on like that for long. Maybe he’d offended her at some point? Whatever the issue was, it needed solving soon. He wasn’t about to live out his foreseeable future like this.
Bob came up with another plan. Instead of giving her plenty of space, as he had been, he’d actively engage her. He’d ride to school with her, now that she’d transferred to Madigan with him. He’d try to share meals with her. He’d invite her to… watch TV with him. Shit, he had to do something. Bob wasn’t sure he could solve the problem this way, but he was confident that he couldn’t make it any worse.
He woke up the first Monday back to school after the wedding, pumped and ready to take action: they would ride to school together, he’d decided. Bob was nothing if not proactive. Unfortunately, she was gone before he was even done getting dressed. She left makeup and mysterious metal implements strewn across the bathroom counter. The disorder struck him as disrespect on top of disrespect, leaving him to frown at himself in the mirror. What was he to make of this? Starlett made herself at home in his life, yet rejected him. Was he not the gateway to her legitimacy? She came from what amounted to a crime family, much as they might make efforts to appear to be a nation-state. Much as others found it advantageous to buy into the illusion, for the sake of the inconvenience it did the Crossroads. Surely, Starlett must know what the reality is. Surely, she must see the danger in turning him against her, especially so early in the game.
Bob paused and blinked back over his shoulder at his reflection. 17 god-damn years old. You’re throwing your life away. I don’t need you to solve problems like this. His father’s words echoed for what had to be the thousandth time, conveniently silencing the split-second of self awareness in which he questioned the wisdom of gamifying his own life.
Homeroom offered neither an opportunity to foist his presence on his wife, nor to avoid her entirely. It took him a long moment to recognize that one of the two-foot-high smiling faces on the overhead light projector, looking off into the middle distance was his own. The other was Starlett’s. He and Starlett were both fresh, glittering in royal finery and backlit by the halo of the setting sun.
Bob was reminded of how good he was at faking smiles. He couldn’t tell if Starlett was actually pleased or not, but by god, they were picture perfect together. She was every bit the princess, with auburn ringlets cascading over her shoulders, loose hairs catching the light. The low murmur of chatter rose until the teacher cut them off with a sharp “Now.”
“Vacation’s over and done with! Back to the ol’ grind, eh?” He responded to scattered snickering by clearing his throat. “I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. Especially you, Bob.” The murmur roiled back, burbling just out of Bob’s periphery. He smiled stiffly.
“As you all know, young Mr. Crossroads here was married while we were away.”
“Yeah, we know, most of us were there,” came a quip from the back of the room. Bob felt 29 pairs of eyes bore into him.
“Yes, well.” Their teacher flicked open a retractable pointer and indicated the light projection. The pointer went right through and tapped the wall, leaving a wavering hole in Bob’s magnified cheek until the teacher jerked the pointer away. “I still forget that these things aren’t solid,” he muttered. “Anyway. Anyway!”
When the picture changed, Bob had a split second of hope that he would not be the topic of conversation this morning. Unfortunately, the picture was also of him and Starlett, this time cutting the wedding cake. The Emperor hovered in the crowd, hands stuffed in his pockets and looking away from the camera. Bob assumed his classmates couldn’t tell the difference, but he could read his father’s exhaustion.
“As you also know, there are… issues around the marriage.” He rapped the pointer across his desk. “Marian. Issue.”
Bob caught one of his smaller classmates out of the corner of his eye. She sheepishly straightened in her chair. “Oh, um, the Empire and the Vandiver Colony don’t get along.” No shit, thought Bob.
“Yes. Many assume the marriage is related. Hanya.”
“They’re both like… 18.” A titter rolled through the class. Bob’s grip on his desk tightened.
“Look, straight up, no - no offense, Bob-“ He raised his hands in supplication as Bob’s frozen glare snapped to his classmate. “I totally thought he was gay. I’m -“ The class exploded into hoots and guffaws. Darryl gestured for everyone to tone it down, stifling his own grin. “I’m just - I’m just saying! It’s not a thing, I just thought that. It’s in WOW! Weekly this morning, so-“ He picked up an analog tabloid and flapped it around a little. His words were mostly lost to the riot of Bob’s classmates talking over each other about Bob’s voice - he doesn’t really sound gay, but what does that mean, anyway? -, his mannerisms, how attractive Starlett was. How Bob didn’t seem to have ever had a girlfriend. Did he have a secret boyfriend? Maybe he was one of those people who didn’t like sex at all. Or friends. The cacophony was in turn lost in the sound of blood rushing in Bob’s ears.
He missed the next 45 minutes and didn’t notice that time was a thing that happens until the bell rang. Bob’s classmates skittered and bounced out of their seats like pinballs, eventually filtering out the door. It didn’t occur to him to follow. He sat with his long legs awkwardly jackknifed under his desk, knees jammed hard into the underside.
How much of this happens because I act like it’s okay to treat me like a news item? Like it’s normal?
He jerked at the vibration of rapping on his desk. “Bob,” his teacher’s voice bordered on a whisper. “You alright?” Concern creased the man’s all-too-earnest face. Pissed Bob right off.
“I’m fine.”
The teacher’s face said he didn’t believe Bob. “You see, it’s not - that we want to hurt your feelings or anything, it’s just that - as the Crown Prince, you’re going to be the current event at times. Surely, you must be used to it by n-“
“I said I’m FINE.” Bob snapped to his feet and loomed over his teacher. The man shrank, just slightly. “When did I say I wasn’t? I didn’t say anything,” he hissed through clenched teeth.
“I didn’t say anything at all.”
He left his teacher wondering if he might lose his job in the next 24 hours and escaped into the seemingly less judgmental hallway. Sure enough, Bob’s peers were more concerned about getting lunch than they were about him. He, on the other hand, had no appetite. He stopped at his locker to put away some books, and retrieve another - an outdated, but still interesting, library text on robotics. He was peripherally aware of how his peers broke and peeled away to let him pass, but after years of not knowing how to address the habit, he’d decided to let it be. Bob suspected this wasn’t an issue his father had when he attended the same school, so many years ago, but was too afraid of spotlighting his own deficiencies to ask the man about it. He wasn’t sure when he’d grown afraid of asking his father questions about himself. He wasn’t sure why. This was the first time he’d even been aware that he was. He shouldered into the door leading out to the courtyard hard enough to jar the air from his lungs.
It was crisp out. Not quite cool, but with a brisk wind. A little too bright, perhaps. Bob made long, crunching strides over the vibrant, manicured lawn. He had a particular tree he was fond of, with roots just the right size to hold him and flat surfaces one could get away with putting a drink on. People were kind, or respectful, or fearful enough to leave him his tree. Bob settled in and cracked his book. He was keen on appearing busy; appearing nerdier than he actually was. Boring. Not someone to talk to, immediately after having been the center of classroom discussion - a time when, historically, his peers had wanted to check in with him after. It genuinely did not occur to him that this could be out of concern - that they might find it awkward to discuss him as if he wasn’t there, with him sitting very much right there - that they might worry about what that does to a person. They never outright asked if he was alright, so he assumed it was a morbid curiosity that brought them to poke and prod at him with questions. Maybe it was. Being paranoid and cynical, doesn’t make you wrong. In reality, he needed a moment to refocus himself on the plan. What mattered was that he figured out a way to connect with Starlett. He knew where she ate lunch, and with whom. What was the best way to approach the group? Should he just… walk up? Should he call out to her from a distance? Should he do it… assertively? God, what was he even doing wrong other than existing? Would she like it better if he didn’t exist?
Bob looked up slowly, as if he hadn’t been jerked out of himself. Three of his classmates stood above him, apparently not dissuaded by Bob’s large and nerdy book. They all smiled.
“Hm?” He looked neither perturbed, nor pleased, to see them. Perfectly neutral. Blank.
“Congrats, man!”
The other boys nodded along, mirroring the leader’s enthusiasm. “Yeah, yeah, congratulations.”
Bob’s brow knit. He could not imagine what on earth they would be congratulating him for.
“I can’t believe you married a Vandiver! Shit, the hottest one, too.” The boy on the left drew a curvy torso in the air, provoking a subtle frown and toe jab from the leader. “I didn’t even know you were seeing each other.”
“No one did.” The redhead on the right spoke up.
“Yeah, no one did,” the three murmured to each other before looking intently to Bob, as if he might offer some explanation.
Oh. It’s this. Being congratulated on his marriage made him feel. Unsteady, almost queasy. “Thanks.” He cleared his throat. “You know it’s… politically sensitive. Nobody wanted to make room for speculation, before everything was arranged.”
This answer seemed to satisfy them, and they all nodded their assent. For a moment, there was silence. Then, a nervous toe twisting in the grass. “... Man, you should’ve told us sooner? Right?” The leader elbowed those to the left and right of him in an attempt to spur the kind of energy that Bob effortlessly sucked right out of the interaction. They all squared their shoulders before leaning in all over each other and gesturing enthusiastically, reading less as individuals to Bob just then, than a bumbling hydra. Out of the cackling and indecipherable, brotherly muttering came, “Yeah! Could’ve got your dad to lower the drinking age, like, we’d throw you one hell of a party.”
“Yeah, man.” Sexy-Torso-In-The-Sky grinned. “Best party you’ve ever seen, am I right? Am I right?” He turned to the leader, who had his arms around his compatriots’ shoulders and was already gently leading them away.
“Anyway, Bob,” He nodded back towards the tree, a momentarily illegible look quickly replaced with a bright smile. “Again, congratulations.”
“Yeah… thanks… again,” Bob called after them as they got smaller.
Sexy-Torso-In-The-Sky had a finger in the air. Bob could barely hear his declaration that Starlett was, in fact, hot enough to turn a faggot straight. The wincing was internal.
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so I keep learning about The Horrors™️ of American healthcare and I keep hearing Americans talk abt this shit like it’s totally fine and let me tell y’all. It’s not. Apparently and ADHD or Autism test costs like 500$ for you guys? And then when you do get diagnosed you gotta think abt shit like “okay but do I actually need meds?” Bc apparently that’s a financial decision? But it,,, it shouldn’t be right? Right okay bc
I live in Europe, specifically Austria, and this is how healthcare works here: if you have a job you have healthcare. Your employer pays for it. They have to. It’s absolutely illegal and unheard of not to. They do take about 20% out of your pay-check every month to pay for that and other legal things that I don’t quite understand (my dad explained it to me once but I’m 20 so I still don’t get it bc I don’t really have to but every cent they take out benefits me I think so it’s fine).
Now irl this is a lot more complicated but basically, you have public healthcare and private healthcare and then just stuff that’s up to the government (like ambulance rides, I think. Even if you don’t have insurance u don’t pay for that. I know this bc an American friend of mine didn’t and had to go to the hospital and called a cab and when they told me I was like “??? BRO WHY NO AMBULANCE” this is also how I found out that Americans have to pay for ambulance rides. wtf.)
Basically your insurance covers all medical expenses from doctors who are in your network (public practice). This is your GP, hospitals, and pretty much all specialised docs (dentist, internists, cardiologists, etc.). However, the public offices are much busier than the private ones (obvi) so if you’re in a rush, want special treatment, or just be a little fancy you can CHOOSE to pay for private doctors. And even then you can hand in those bills to your insurance and you get part of the money back (abt 30% which you receive abt 4 months after handing the bill in).
If you keep your bills for private care doctors you can hand them in to,,, someone somewhere somehow (idk man) and get a bigger tax return. (bc we don’t calculate our taxes ourselves. it just gets taken out of your pay-check by your employer every month and then at the end of the,,, fiscal year??? I guess?? Idk man idk how shit works — you get any money that was like,,, extra (????) back)
Now you might ask yourself: “phi, why would I pay for doc if I can go to free doc?” Which is an excellent question. Again, for most people it’s about waiting times but there is one field where it just really makes more sense: mental health services. Private practitioners have less clients and more high quality care than public ones because they choose their own funding, which, surprise surprise, is better than public funding.
I will now take you through my own personal journey so you can have a practical example of how good healthcare CAN AND SHOULD BE (keep in mind here I have parents who after messing me up and being terrible but learning their lessen once I became an adult and told them how horrible they were are very supportive of me pursing my mental health)
When I was about to turn 20 I went to my GP and had a conversation with her about how I think I might have ADHD. She asked me about my complaints and agreed there definitely are symptoms indicating it. She wrote me a referral to a Psychiatrist. When I got to my Psychiatrist she tested me and because of the referral she could tell the insurance company that this test was necessary and not elective, meaning insurance payed for it in full and I never even saw that bill.
Now I had a diagnosis all but a week later. I spoke to my parents who agreed to support me in finding private care. My Psychiatrist charges 160€ (insurance returns 48€) per appointment which my mum graciously pays for. I see him once every couple of months to check in on my use of medication and how I’m responding and to see if my dosis needs adjustment. If and when I need a refill, I only have to write him an email. Before he could put me on medication I needed a blood draw and cardiac test, to ensure that I qualified for a stimulant, since they can be harmful in some cases. He wrote me referrals and I went to my GP and a public cardiologist for those tests, which were all free of ANY charge.
I was then cleared to take my meds within a few weeks (cardiologist had a bit of a waiting list). I was prescribed Ritalin and some sleeping pills by my psychiatrist. He gives me the prescriptions and a letter to the insurance company asking them to cover the cost, as I have a diagnosis which he confirmed again in his initial assessment of me. Now that I’ve gotten approved, all I pay for is the prescription, not the actual medication. Which is about 6-7€ for the Ritalin and 4-5€ for the sleeping pills (monthly supply each).
My Therapist is also a private doctor. She charges 120€ per session and I go twice a month, which is 240€ per month. My dad contributes 100€ and my mum contributes 30€, which means I’m down to 110€ per month. Insurance pays 30€ per session (so 60€ per month) so I pay a grand total of 50€ or 25€ per session.
So my medical treatment each month costs me just about 62€ AT MOST (since I don’t always need my sleeping pills refilled).
Now, just for fun, let’s assume my parents don’t support me and I see both my therapist and my psychiatrist in the same month and need both my meds refilled. This would come to just about 304€ (because of insurance deductions).
But you have to consider that I DON’T see my psychiatrist every month, so the more realistic monthly cost would be 187€. And should I decide I can’t pay for that I can still get on a waiting list for public mental health practitioners, in which case the only thing I’d ever need to pay for are the prescription costs for my medication which would still be up to 7€ for the Ritalin and up to 5€ for the sleeping pills putting the grand total at 12€ PER MONTH.
My family and I simply chose the quicker, more efficient option, but no one twisted our arm into paying this amount of money FOR BASIC CARE.
And yes, it’s a lot of bureaucracy (it took me WAY too long to spell that) and paperwork, but I’d much rather that than have to decide between mental well-being or being broke.
So, my conclusion: Cancel America, move to Europe, OR just tell the American People In Charge Men that it is that easy and they really should try a little harder and you citizens shouldn’t settle for the shit you have to put up with right now because wtf
if you wanna cry a little it’s okay lemme know I’ll come sit with you and offer a hug but you can say no if that’s not your thing
anyways love ya
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eviltiddyproductions · 3 months
Continued thoughts on Midnight Romance in Hagwon
because the re blogging got tired and confusing.
i know we need a little bit of conflict and we’re seeing how #passionate but i hope things don’t snowball for that student who had that one question with two answers. teachers sometimes are so stuck in their ways that any question on their checking or paper setting and they’ll be after you like a blood hound! trust me!
people in my country are so used to the idea that if you send your paper for rechecking you better be prepared for WAR, because they might give you the 2 marks you need but they’ll look for 10 marks to deduct 👎 they take it as a personal offense when it’s just human to make a mistake….
like our female lead going to bat for her student is real but babes these are treacherous waters…
help that teacher just dead ass looked at her like this when she explained the comprehension answer 😑
lmao why is the teacher so offended 😭 to be fair tuition teachers and teachers are always beefing (despite many doing both the jobs)
lmao now the spectacled loser is just getting angry 💀👎 apparently setting a paper is serious business but a student trying to get a vital point in an exam is cheating.
gag him queen! idgaf
now he’s seething because she said the question is old. before this he was trying to taunt her by saying that she was bad at her job for not being able to predict this question. drama!!!
what a fucking loser… grabbing her by the shoulder over a question paper. move queen, I’ll handle this
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she’s still going when it genuinely looks like he’s going to hit her. honestly I want her to hit this mf with her bag.
her putting a pain relief patch :(
wi ja hoon looking good and not being a second lead, i won soooooo bad
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wait has he liked her since he was 13…. (edit! I think she taught him when he was 19-20, i won 🙏 i had gotten confused by some 8th grade stuff that they were talking about)
knew as soon as she mumbled that he was going to show up 😂
she’s got his name saved as her pride and she glows like the sun, love her soooo bad
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third wi ja hoon drama (for me) where he’s in love with someone older, love that. although the teacher and ex student thing is a new territory for me, idk how i feel about it just yet.
i hope the teacher who tried to practically hit seo hye jin (our female lead) doesn’t do anything drastic….
also went on MDL to check her name and why are people saying this show is hot garbage omg don’t do this to me. to be fair me and that site rarely agree so we move 🙏
her showing up to those restaurants where they can get closed door rooms is crazy after what he pulled 😭 only public places with people who lay hands on you !!! and with company
why does this apology feel like it’s coming with a MAJOR but
knew it lmao. the drums in the bgm are deeply unserious.
allll of this over a question. I know as a teacher, a private tutor showing up to your school telling you that you made a mistake can be annoying. you see this in South Asia as well, the teacher is right, students value the tuition classes more than the school but babes why are you talking about going to WAR 😭
he wants to go to war for teachers but this is just an ego battle. that apology was so fake.
cowboy shoot out music in the bgm and our lead just left. girl he’s weird af but i wish we sniffed something. we don’t know what he’s planning!
directors at these tuition places are greedy as hell. (my source?! crash course in romance 🤪)
lmao the conversation between the two characters taking the teacher test was actually so chill and respectful. I was waiting for the shoe to drop but it was amicable.
lmfaoooo not hye jin lurking around to see him complete the exam
the other language instructor shooting her shot, gotta take tips
mr. yoon for the tap on the wrong shoulder thing, aww
her with her big ass red umbrella is giving
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he looks so adorable like a wet puppy 😭
lmaooo just realised even jun ho’s dad is a staple in the ahn pan seok universe. a dad in all 3! (recently saw him on atypical family)
my sister trying her best to ensure he keeps a good job when he’s already left it
him saying his love life isn’t any of her business made me bust out laughing bc he’s going to be a menace in hers isn’t he 💀
one thing I love about this creator is that everyone in his shows looks so real. the actors are gorgeous yes, breathtaking. but the way they dress, the way their hair is done, it’s all so natural.
standing under an umbrella under as rain pours down, faces like 3 inches away from each other, he’s asking her to address him as an instructor with the biggest smirk 😂😂😂
that was an abrupt finish lmao give me more
a subway sponsorship, can’t wait for them to eat a dry ass sandwich soon 😭
well this was fun ❤️ let’s do another
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