#narcissist behavior
realjennysita · 5 months
Beware of people that treat you like an Accessory, that keep you around for how you make them feel, but not because they are interested in you as a person.
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elhoimleafar · 1 year
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I would like to wish the following to all my enemies, but the truth is, that I have no enemies, I only have very confused obsessive fans, really obsessed.
So for all of them;
Time, Health, and Good fortune, you must need a lot of these ultimately, don't be easy to be sitting at your computer every day stalking me with 21 alternate facebook accounts and taking screenshots of everything I do, say, and write; just to have something interesting to say to everyone, take out of context, and keep the conversation with those loyal friends of yours; so sad the fact that these loyal friends never pay the same attention when you are talking about yourself.
Wishing you the absolutely best ❤️ and sending you some kisses 😘 put them wherever makes you happy ✌🏻
PS: The most interesting part of this kind of posts I do every month, is how many people come immediately to my DMs argumenting "are you talking about me?", Or "my friends are pretty sure this is about me".... I'm like "Babe... I grow up surrounded by a narcissistic family and a very abusive sister, then I move to military school, where abusers are everywhere, these posts are a reflection of my own life I do as my personal therapy, and have always been, but if the show fits...💅 If you think this is about you, or your own friends think this is about you... Maybe you should check therapy 🤷🏽‍♂️
Xxo, ELO.
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lostmf · 1 year
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Hi I was wondering how do you deal with a toxic family member? How do you handle situations in which they are manipulative and gaslighting you?
Validate your own emotions and experiences
Practice emotional differentiation. Prioritize your own feelings and goals
Learn the psychology behind guilt-tripping, shaming, and people-pleasing & how it's used to manipulate/gaslight children of narcissistic & other types of emotionally immature parents
Implement the "grey rocking" technique during conversations (be "boring' and emotionally flat; don't give them the emotional reaction they crave)
Go as low contact as humanely possible (no contact is the best option). Never initiate a conversation unless its absolutely necessary (logistical issue, emergency, etc. if needed)
Keep them on an information diet. Don't tell them anything about your life that is not vital for them to know
Don't try to change their minds. Just say "You're right," and disengage
Set boundaries on conversation topics/them criticizing your character. Say "I'm not engaging in this conversation." Stop replying, hang up the phone, or walk away
Live your life with them out of sight, out of mind as much as possible. You deserve to live in peace and be happy, no matter what these toxic family members say
Hope this helps xx
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autopsyfreak · 5 months
the question is do i fill my chronic boredom with destructive decisions or with sex
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When they've just traumatized you and then 2 seconds later they act like nothing ever happened and everything is rainbows and sunshine.
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npd culture is feeling kinda uncomfortable everytime someone talks about emotional abuse because you just know someone is gonna mention ppl with npd for no reason
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jacks-weird-world · 5 months
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and when I cut all contact, I hope you realize what you’ve done.
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ruthlesslistener · 3 months
if you know npd is a real disorder than why would you still use narcissistic as an insult.
because he a.) fits literally all the symptoms of the disorder, which abuses us with despite literal years of people telling him he needs to be better and how, and b.) the term being used to describe an inflated sense of self-importance existed before the description of the disorder did, AND I specified that I'm aware that people with the disorder are not automatically abusers but that in this case he is.
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pink-key · 9 months
Pinkie What do you mean the ticci Toby author went bonkers?
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Hehe Pinkie nickname reminds me of my favorite mlp character. I understand teenagers nowadays going uwu don't want to hurt the creator's feelings uwu, wish he was as nice as them at any point of his online presence lmao. He published Tobs on DA, seeking feedback or attention, then he got it. He hated any Toby fangirl and left aggressive comments under their posts, and, learned recently, also bullied them with the help of his circle of jerks in their dms. A lot of people didn't like his shipping with the mary sue character and preferred to ship him with other charas. He was so hateful about that he just wrote very, very rude comments under Toby ship art/fic. He was blaming the fandom that it depicted his goofy, childish character who annoyed twinkified version of masky like a kid as a.. goofy childish character, but who liked waffles a lot (waffle thing was annoying but in his art waffles were present so it didn't come out of nowhere, I remember that-). I am just surprised he is still blaming the fandom as an adult, he even drew a completely different character and slapped the name Toby on it, because he hates the fandom and his character this much.
Wanted to add, most of this comes from my memory and most things I mention are deleted (comments and so on) but I saw people also mentioning similar things around here.
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celestial-naiad · 2 years
You guys know you can say "drag shows are adult entertainment and shouldn't be shown to child audiences" without saying shit like "we should shoot up drag shows/attack drag queens because they are pedos" right?
Like I know you guys have enough brain cells to understand the very basic concept that even though *some* priests or *some* teachers have been pedophiles, that doesn't mean all priests and teachers are pedos by proxy, so why do yall now suddenly think ALL drag queens must be pedos?
Please, excercise some critical thinking that I know you all are capable of. You know who you are, I don't need to make a stupid call out post naming you.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 10 months
Reading the kind of messages a guy sent a girl before abusing her and killing her, makes me realize how manipulative he was with her, playing with her kindness, guilt/codependent issues and lack of healthy boundaries. She wanted their story to be over while he couldn't accept it.
It also throws me back to a guy I met once and that showed slightly similar manipulative behaviours with me. I was lucky enough to become aware of that in time and get away, build up a wall and leave him by putting myself first and not letting him control me. It breaks me she couldn't, nor could ask for help or talk about this with others who could have helped the guy while keeping a distance from him.
Please if you find yourself in a toxic and potentially dangerous situation like this, where someone tries to make you think they may do something bad and only you can save them (or even they try to control your every move and/or have you say/behave in certain ways to make them feel good), talk with someone who can help you and ask for help for this person too by contacting their family/friends. Remember it's not you they need, but to feel the power that comes from the control they have on you and the attention you keep giving them as you feel responsible for them (in reality you're not!! You're only responsible for yourself, you cannot save them from their own demons but you have to save yourself). It could be anyone else. So save yourself first and foremost, and if you can try to save the next person (this habit has no gender anyway) too by talking about this with their closest ones or a school psychologist or anyone really.
Please take care of you.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Playbook: Questions To Ask When Evaluating Your Relationships
Whether it's a friendship, colleague or professional relationship, romantic/sexual relationship, one with a family member, mentors, or with yourself. Here are some questions to ponder when trying to evaluate someone's true character and intentions. Consider the following if you think someone is trying to deceive, manipulate, love bomb, or blindside you in any way.
Do they live with integrity? Not the "I'll start tomorrow" type of integrity, but do they live in alignment with their general life philosophy, opinions, and values?
Do they take accountability for their actions, behaviors, and mistakes? Listen to whether they acknowledge their role in how a situation played out automatically when recounting a story to you. Even when another person is at fault, do they see the situation objectively? Do they play the blame game to make themselves appear like the innocent victim at all times or try to see how their actions may have consequences for others?
When you share your successes with them, is there immediate action to double down on making you feel good or do they automatically claim your win by telling them how it makes them feel or feel about you?
When you make a mistake or share a failure with them, do they seek to understand/offer support, try to distance themselves from your claim/actions, or provide unsolicited advice?
When offering criticism, do they judge your behaviors, attitude, and actions, or do they immediately start evaluating your character?
Do they engage in conversations to win or understand?
Do they make assumptions about your or your perceptions before hearing what you have to say about a particular situation? Do they ask or assume how you're feeling?
In a conflict, do they initiate a conversation by opening a dialogue or immediately jump to criticize you? Do they speak about an issue with you first directly, or do they try to get others on your side behind your back before confronting you?
Are they loyal to you, or do you believe they can "switch sides" at any time? A friend to all is a friend to none.
Do they seek connection or perceive you as a source of consistent attention? Do they ask you how you are or go on endless monologues about themselves/their struggles? When speaking about yourself to them, do they ask questions and seem curious or act dismissive in an attempt to redirect the conversation back to themselves?
Do they put effort into acknowledging your needs, interests, or preferences? Do they do favors or nice things for you that don't necessarily benefit them or relate to their interests, purely because they know you would enjoy it, without having to ask once they know you well?
Do they respect your boundaries? Do they react with understanding and compassion or rage and condescension if they cross them?
Do you feel supported or like you're nagging when expressing your needs to them? Do they value your input or say they do yet dismiss your needs through their actions?
Do they more often say or show that they're a good person? The more someone needs to validate their character, the less likely they've confronted the truth about themselves.
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karmaismyfriend · 5 days
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Manipulation summed up 😈
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crispycreambacon · 2 months
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Dear Nephew Gobo, today I discovered that silly creatures give out striped colorful flags. I’m not quite sure why flags are such an important gift in Outer Space, but the silly creatures seem to be really happy about getting one. One of them handed one to me, and I must say, this one really speaks to me. I hope I can get one for you and your friends eventually.
Aka *throws my “Traveling Matt has NPD” headcanon in the pit and skitters*
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