#not intersex myself
kahuna-burger · 1 year
PSA for writers, including but not limited to tagging on AO3 where this is making me buggy :
If you are writing about an alien species, supernatural creature or alternate human subtype (looking at you, omegaverse) in which individuals can function reproductively as both males and females (at the same time or changing over the course of their lives) they are not Intersex. The correct biological term for a species that reproduces this way is hermaphroditic.
Now, people used to call intersex individuals hermaphrodites, but that language is being changed, not just because it's associated with discrimination and poor medical practices (to put it mildly) but because it is scientifically inaccurate. Intersexuality is not the "new term" for hermaphroditism, it is about real people whose reproductive anatomy varies in many ways but includes true reproductive hermaphroditism only in theoretical possibilities of one specific variation. Trying to make it synonymous with hermaphroditism sounds like a short road to more misunderstanding and fetishization of real intersex people.
Tl:dr, Calling your hermaphroditic aliens or human mpreg engines "intersex" is inaccurate and imho just puts outdated and potentially damaging connotations onto the term.
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i propose that instead of pride month, we have queer year (queer people are treated like actual people all year long)
edit: @ilackhumanqualities wins best addition to this post
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ridibulous · 2 months
intersex people who are/were invisible to others and/or themselves, I love you. intersex people who don't have a cut-and-dry label or short explanation for their bodies, I love you. intersex people with imposter syndrome about their experiences, I love you. please have faith in yourself.
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milotheshrike · 6 months
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If anyone's ever wondered what a trans masc dwarf looks like. I'm right here babes
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river-taxbird · 9 months
Reminder that I am a homosexual, and that is always the case no matter what I'm doing.
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bugtoast · 3 months
i’ve been reading up on intersex issues here and there lately, and ngl i think the trans community should, as a whole, make it common practice to learn about intersexuality and the issues that come with the identity.
I feel like the same can be said about any and all oppressed groups, but I stress intersex folks here because it’s pride month, and they don’t get as much support from the wider community, which sucks because they have done so much for the wider community.
TL;DR: Intersex people are cool and we should listen to them more often, because the wider community could learn a lot from them
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bunnitine · 23 days
idk what to say dude this new tumblr shit is the new he/him lesbian discourse. i didnt get sexually harassed in school for being a "trap" and worse just to be told that i dont have similar struggles to the transfolk around me. sometimes people will identify in a way you don't understand but ultimately does not harm your existence, and that's Fine.
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trans-androgyne · 18 days
To get a proper picture of modern trans oppression, you need to recognize the ways trans issues have varied across history and still vary heavily across places. I made a post the other day about how things have changed in my country for trans people over the past 50-100 years, but it was incredibly US-centric, a huge issue when trans discussions on here tend to be western-centric in general.
I feel most folks recognize that where things are bad for queer people generally, they're terrible for trans women and similar groups. It's illegal to be queer in one-third of all UN member countries, and in 13 cross-dressing is explicitly criminalized. Such laws have often targeted transfeminine expression specifically. And of course, Trans Rights as we know them (such as access to medical transition, ability to change gender markers, anti-discrimination laws) are a struggle in even relatively accepting countries; there are plenty of trans and other gender non-normative folks that don't have access to the most basic rights I do as a trans person in the United States. Problems trans folks face here, like trans women being forced into sex work, are even more prevalent and severe elsewhere in the world.
But fewer people seem to recognize that where things are bad for cis women, they're terrible for trans men and similar groups. There are so many places where those considered women are put under much heavier appearance and behavior restrictions than here and I can guess that trying to undergo any amount of masculine transition would not turn out well for them. Where I live, we may have gotten better than 50 years ago about not treating women as babymaking property, but there are 46 countries where marital rape is not a crime, while 40% of folks globally live under restrictive abortion laws. I know forced pregnancy as a form of controlling and detransitioning trans men and mascs happens enough where I live, and I cannot imagine what it would be like to live a transmasculine life under these conditions. I'm privileged by where I was born, and hope to find more stories of trans and gnc lives in other places. If anyone has any stories to share or somewhere to point folks towards to educate ourselves, it would be incredibly welcomed and appreciated.
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fagdykeposting · 13 days
Seeing conservatives liken gender affirming surgeries to mutilation and say no minor should have them because they *can’t consent* yet they never advocate for intersex people who ARE ACTUALLY HAVING SURGERIES DONE ON THEM *WITHOUT CONSENT* is wild.
Conservatives want people to conform to binary so they will contradict themselves to force people to fall into their ideals.
So many queer advocates are quick to point out the transphobia (and that is a good thing) but rarely point out the intersexism. And it leaves a whole conversation in the dark.
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intersexfairy · 2 years
body hair doesn't make you gross, no matter your gender or what the rest of your body looks like - whether you're fat, muscular, thin, curvy, etc. body hair is the same thing that grows on the top of your head and above your eyes. it's just hair, and it can be whatever you want it to be. it isn't inherently masculine. it isn't bad to have it. it's natural and harms no one.
you're allowed to keep and get rid of it as you please, and you'll always be wonderful no matter what you do. your body is a good body, because it's yours. not because of what it looks like, or will look like.
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remidepointedulac · 3 months
this post is kind of all over the place but here are some thoughts I really wanted to get out:
i’ve seen a lot of perisex people on this website be like “why do we see all these afab transfems but not amab transmascs? it must be because the afab transfem identity is apart of a secret transmisogynistic psyop!” and it’s funny to me because the truth is that they’ve only heard about afab transfems because that’s an internet discourse topic… and they haven’t heard about amab transmascs because that isn’t an internet discourse topic. they don’t actually know or have listened to intersex trans people who identify this way they literally are just jumping to conclusions based off of extremely niche internet discourse.
in queer intersex spaces it is common to see REAL LIFE PEOPLE who identify as transmasc when they’ve been assigned male at birth and identify as transfem when they’ve been assigned female at birth and nobody bats an eye. amab transmascs aren’t rare at all compared to afab transfems. this “terf psyop” theory just doesn’t check out.
in conclusion though, all of this discourse is because of people’s fundamental misunderstanding of what agab is. agab has come to be a term that people thinks describes what your sex is, what your body is like, and what gender you were raised as, when the term is solely meant to describe your gender assignment at birth. gender assignment meaning the sex that your doctor chose for you when you were born, which for most babies is done by just seeing that they have a penis and testes and marking M or seeing a vulva and marking F, and for babies with ambiguous genitalia it’s done by picking M or F based on which their genitalia is closest to and/or surgically altering their genitalia to look like a typical penis and testes or vulva so that they can easily be labeled as M or F.
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vaugarde · 29 days
i know we joke about mirabelle being the beloved token cis because of her quest, but tbh there’s something there maybe about a trans person who doesnt wish to get surgery and feels like they have to to be taken seriously as a trans person…. idk is this anything
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proudproship · 9 months
I don't see posts like this a lot, but headcanons and selfshipping is part of proship too, and nobody talks about intersexness, so...
Shout-out to intersex selfshippers; your F/Os love you.
Shout-out to intersex people who headcanon characters as intersex.
Shout-out to intersex selfshippers with confusing or contradictory identities; your F/Os love you.
Shout-out to intersex people who headcanon characters as intersex with confusing or contradictory identities.
Shout-out to intersex people with weird kinks and general interests.
Shout-out to selfshippers who are questioning being intersex; your F/Os love you and will respect your choice.
Shout-out to questioning intersex people who headcanon characters as questioning intersex.
Shout-out to intersex people who don't selfship, and/or don't have intersex headcanons.
Shout-out to non-intersex people who have intersex headcanons (I love you /p).
Shout-out to those who've been harassed because of your intersexness or your F/Os intersexness.
Shout-out to intersex people in general! You are all loved and wonderful; you are not disgusting or a mistake. 💛💜
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justablah56 · 1 year
hey guys reminder that there are more gender identities than just cis and trans . if you're making a poll that depends on how you identify gender wise include at the absolute bare minimum intersex and nonbinary people . not everyone is cis or trans .
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cayde6feetunder · 5 months
tfw you agree fully with OP but they push the complains about terms like tme/tma as being ~ transmascs complaining they’re being labelled as tme ~ like terms like tme/tma aren’t disgustingly intersexist and while there are some people who do complain because they’re being labeled “tme” (I may not have ever seen this ever but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a possibility it happens) I and many others don’t fuck with it because it’s fucking intersexist and trying to dismiss that as an actual real issue with the terminology is dishonest. Get real.
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benanazauce · 1 year
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decided to draw these little guys for pride month!! I love sharks and wanted to do something special this month
here are the breeds + flags from the top:
aromantic flag bluntnose sixgill shark (they are also known as cow sharks, which is really cute!!)
asexual flag pacific spiny dogfish (despite the name, they’re not dogs but adorable sharks!!)
intersex flag leopard shark (their spots are so neat, I adore them)
transgender flag nurse shark (nurse sharks are one of my favourite sharks!! second only to the little pacific spiny dogfish)
bisexual flag cookie cutter shark (they always look so silly, but their bite packs a punch!! cookie cutter sharks can take chunks out of prey)
agender flag hammerhead shark (sorry if he looks a bit too similar to the aromatic flag cow shark!! on a side note, there’s sort of a nostalgia factor for me when I see a hammerhead, because they’re my dad’s favourite shark!! mine, at the time, was whale sharks!)
genderfluid flag lollipop catshark (the most adorable name I’ve ever seen given to a shark!! yet another one of my favourites, they’re just so small, like kittens and lollipops. maybe that’s where the name’s from?)
lesbian flag sand tiger shark (despite their intimidating features and sharp teeth, they are indeed passive! the only unprovoked attacks made by sand tiger sharks on humans are by juveniles that still are not grown enough)
gay flag blue fin shark (or just the blue shark!! it’s indeed a blahaj. such a beautiful blue.)
that’s all of them! sorry I couldn’t fit too many sharks onto this one canvas. if I could, I’d scrawl more on the walls!!
might make another canvas filled with pride sharks soon!!
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