#nurodivergent problems
il0vetofu · 2 years
When you read fanfiction and forget to save it, try to go back to realise you never saved it and can't find it. Or that you thought you read a fanfic but didn't and are losing your mind trying to figure out if it was just a dream.
(Update: I found it and I am trying to to bang my head on the wall)
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that-bluesybitch · 3 months
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scatteredraysofhope · 4 months
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I found this on pintrest and wanted to share it cause it's sooo true!!!
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natt-writes · 5 months
~7 tips for stay focused while writing.~
1. Make sure to drink lots of water/tea and have a healthy meal shortly before. This will help to nourish your brain, which in turn will help you to write and stay focused.
2. Find a calm, comfortable location. Stay away from places with lots of sounds and distractions, instead try to find somewhere that you can relax and enjoy the writing process. It’s even better when the location has dim lights.
3. Exercise shorty before. just going on a walk down your street and back or going on the treadmill for five minutes can help to get rid of excess energy and make you less restless and distracted.
4. Set up a reward system. Maybe have a small piece of candy after every two sentences, watch an episode of tv every time you finish a paragraph, or do a fun activity after every chapter. This will help motivate you to finish up your work for the day.
5. Set a daily word count. Setting a daily word count can help you to feel like you’ve achieved your goals, even if they are small. Start with a couple hundred words each day and then work your way up to your desired amount. Checking how close you are to achieving your daily word count can help you to feel more more motivated and productive. (I use nanowrimo.org but you can use whatever work tracker you want!)
6. Listen to music. I like to listen to music that suits the tone of the chapter I’m writing, as it can help you to feel more immersed and focused. It’s best to listen to the music on a lower volume so that it doesn’t overwhelm you and just blends into the background.
7. Be gentle with yourself. Not every day is going to be amazingly productive. Everyone has days where they are distracted or don’t get much work done. Don’t beat yourself up about it and instead try to relax, have a nice day and get a good nights sleep. You’re doing really great, You deserve to take a self care day!
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yn-addams · 1 year
anybody else constantly mimic their favorite characters, or is it just me? because i've been watching a favorite show of mine and now i just have the urge to mimic the characters/
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snakeskinass · 20 days
Is it bad I genuinely plan on killing myself in the future?
Like I know most of y’all are joking about it, but I’m seriously considering it.
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opabiniasarecool · 3 months
My brain when there is no texture: where texture? You don't give me texture right now ima explode. Pls give me texture :( I need texture you fool
My brain when there is texture: UM excuse me, get this shit off me right now, wtf, you better stop that or I'm making you feel your bones >:(
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watusay · 5 months
Ok tumbler, I know I'm 16 days late but tumble hasn't been working. I came up with an awarness project for autism acceptance month. I'm calling it the red bead project. There black and white bracelet with a red bead in the middle. I used loom bands but whatever works. The black bands represents visible parts, the white represents the invible parts of autism, the black and white together represents how some neurologicals and even some allistics this autism is a black and white type of thing. The red bead is because the color chosen for autism acceptance month by autistic individuals.
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If you can read this good, I know my hand writing isn't that good😅 the goal of this isn't for money but a show of acceptance, wairing the bracelets is simply just a show of support for autistic individuals. The nice thing about braclets is you can make them yourself and use your perfered material(loom bands, beads, ect.) as long as it has the colors of course. I've made around 30 braclets and probably given out 20. If you like the idea please tell people about it :]
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wildfoxes-spirit · 1 year
How to build habits with adhd
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themelessadhdthoghts · 6 months
Getting upset by stuff is weirddd, like I'm usually very chill with everything, but now it's like. Last year my friends making jokes abt my intelligence was banter, and their concerns about my sensory issues was super considerate. But now I have this one teacher that talks down to me all the time, and suddenly the jabs at how slow my brain is hurt, and the constant double checking and 'are you sure' when I do anything feels like a lack of trust. And now it's everything- the teacher that talks too slowly, someone misunderstanding what I want to say, people interrupting me, the shock when i say im 17, a funny joke about my future driving abilities- everything just hits a nerve, even when it shouldn't.
Like. Wow, emotions.
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I wish I didn't feel so uncomfortable existing.
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florinethescribe · 1 year
Can I just say how much I hate the lack of action my executive dysfunction + Pathological demand avoidance gives me?
I want to do things! I want to do ALL the things! It would be so fantastic and great if I actually did something. Like the things I want to do,
like learning a song on the piano, writing a story, casting spells, doing yoga, playing my singing bowls, learning card games, reading a book, painting, drawing, cleaning my room, doing my homework, doing chores... Literally anything would be better than endlessly scrolling
Well, I did just write this. ^-^
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that-bluesybitch · 2 months
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grovermungus · 29 days
currently two am and i have the zoomies but i have to stay in bed lest i wake up anyone. actually feel like im clawing at the walls of my cage right now, feel like i could run a mile. bring back the olympics i have a gold medal to win. holy shit. as a wise hedgehog once said, “gotta go fast”. SOMEONE HELP ME
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natt-writes · 1 month
Me: *writing a scene where my broken characters are under a bunch of stress and losing their minds and fighting*
Also me: *adds a sex joke because why they fuck not*
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drowning-faith · 2 months
I’m broken, and I can no longer pretend that that’s not all I am.
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