#plushies are innocent and deserve to be respected
c4t1l1n4 · 4 months
I know Spock’s misunderstanding of human things is generally played up, even by Spock himself because he’s a little shit like that, but I like to think there are some things Kirk/McCoy do that he genuinely does not understand.
Like they’re at some sort of carnival/festival and win one of those prize stuffed animals and Spock pretends to think that’s illogical and not understand the point of a worthless trinket but in reality he totally gets wanting to win something for your partner and feels all warm and fuzzy seeing them carry it around all night.
But then he swears, or makes a lewd comment or says something adult and McCoy gasps dramatically and covers the plushie’s ears and is like: “how dare you, Spock?!”
And Spock looks over at Jim all confused, but Jim just nods seriously and is like: “you can’t say something like that in front of Mr. Fluffles.”
And Spock genuinely blue screens.
He’s careful about what he says the rest of the night and when they beam back aboard he finds time to corner Uhura and tries to figure out the best way to ask WTF he did wrong. Uhura gleefully (and between giggles) explains that plushies are “innocent” and should be treated in a similar way as children (with great respect, care and not saying crude/adult things around them.)
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rahhhbananas · 1 year
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✭ ✭ ✭ 𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐎𝐍 ✭ ✭ ✭ ft. a lot of characters
summary. Y/n is very protective of his son (aka Spider Plush).
warning(s). He/Him pronouns, foul language, Hobie is a major bully
a/n. Y/n and Spider-Plush are the new Miguel and Lego Spider-Man
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“He is a person! And you will treat him that way!”
The voice of Y/n welcomed the newly woken society. It was around 7 am, and a commotion had begun in Miguel’s office. As the sun lazily illuminated the sky, Miles groggily made his way towards Miguel's office, attempting to rub the sleep from his eyes. He couldn't fathom why there was such a commotion at this early hour. "Why is there so much yelling? It's 7 in the morning...!" he groaned, his voice laced with exhaustion. Miles walked through the door, greeting Gwen and Peter B. who were watching the scene amused. Miles looked to see Y/n in a heated debate with both Miguel and Hobie, although it was mostly Hobie, Miguel was sitting down, trying to sooth an incoming migraine.
Pavitr stood at Y/n’s side, cradling a….Spider-Man…plushie? “What is going on here..” Miles who was now wide awake stared at the situation, looking at Gwen for answers. Gwen responded with a chuckle “Get this…their arguing because Hobie skipped Spider-Plush in line for breakfast.” Gwen managed to say between fits of laughter. Miles gave Gwen a look “So, he doesn’t believe in consistency and he doesn’t believe in manners?” Miles watched Y/n, who looked like he was on the brink of committing murder, due to Hobie’s nonchalant face. Peter chimed in, catching a swinging Mayday “I don’t think he did it to be rude. Maybe because he likes getting on Y/n’s nerves,”
Jess who just walked in looked at Peter, “This early morning air finally gave you a brain?” She walked towards Miguel, handing him water and probably a headache pill. Miguel thanked Jess, looking up at the continuing argument. “Yeah..and how did Pavitr get into all this?” Miles questioned, Gwen laughed, for what seemed to be the 4th time “That’s even funnier! He’s trying to take Hobie to court,” Miles smiled, seeing the obvious amusement in the situation “Yeah, somehow he’s got a diploma in that stuff.” Jess chimed in from the computer.
“That’s not the fucking point, Hobart! My son deserves respect! You’ve made him cry!” Y/n gestures to the “crying” plushie, and Pavitr who’s nodding in agreement. Hobie scoffed “Cryin? He’s got a tear sticker on ‘is face! You’ve got yourself fooled!”. This was Miguel’s last straw, he finally flipped the table, literally, sending everything flying— including the cup of water, that Spider-Plush was now drowned in. Gasp filled the small crowd, the laughter coming to a halt to stare at Y/n who was breathing heavily, trying to calm down.
Y/n slowly turned, looking at the soaked Spider-Plush. The plush squeaked, comical tears spewing from its large eyes. Y/n turned to Miguel and Hobie— the latter raised his hands, in a attempt to prove his innocence, he instead pointed to the leader who sported a small bead of sweat, his posture straightened “Umm, that was an accident- I was trying to de-escalate the situation. My anger over took…” Y/n pounced on Miguel, not letting him finish his sentence. Miguel tried to pull the other off his face, stumbling around while knocking things over.
“I-it was an accident!”
“Sorry, Miguel. I’m not getting into this fight.”
The crowd watched in silence as Miguel walked out with a bucket on his head, drenched in water. Y/n, on the other hand, walked out cradling his son, the plush wrapped in a towel, Y/n cooed trying to calm down the squeaks emitting from the plushie. Y/n walks up to the group, staring directly at Hobie “Hobart. My lawyer will contact you.” Y/n pointed to Pavitr, and somehow the teen was in a suit. Hobie chuckled, “Fair enough.” Hobie looked at Gwen “Gwendy. Ya down to be my lawyer?” Gwen shook her head “Nope, your not dragging me into this.” Hobie sighed in defeat “Alrigh’ Miles, see ya in a suit on Tuesday.” Hobie shook said boys shoulders, before running off, leaving the boy no time to complain.
Y/n looked at his boyfriend, tutting his head “Fine. Miles. You wanna play that game? Helping my enemy!” Y/n groaned, pulling shades from seemingly nowhere, while also putting them on “I want my child support by Friday,” Y/n said, striding away, Pavitr shuffling after him, the stuff suit preventing him from running.
Meanwhile, Miles stood shocked “Child support? Wha…what is he talking about!” Gwen shook her head disapprovingly “Come on Miles, don’t play dumb, take responsibility.” She advised before departing, leaving Peter who shook his head as well “Don’t worry kid, we’ve all been there..” Peter smiles, before joining the rest.
“Wha- what are you guys talking about!”
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fareehaandspaniards · 9 months
I sometimes wonder how comes you ended up SO attached to Damian specifically? When you first appeared you was just one of us Micolash simps, but before I've noticed it is just Damian everywhere ggjhggkj Sorry if you've answered somewhere already, but what made you so obsessed with Damian? What was that thing that made you see his potential and appeal the way you do now?
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Well, yes, you were right to point out that when I came here, I was mostly interested only in Micolash! But gradually getting used to the character, you start to think about his surroundings! And if Edgar I liked from the first glance and he always will be my favourite nerd-accountant-church boy with issues, then Damian I just ignored at first xd And in the game did not really notice him, although he stands out among the phantoms - Loch Shield, ability to heal with choir bell, Mensis cage (AND his amazing look. Long hair and tired old face? Ooooh, I'm in). The cage in particular makes you think that he is a very difficult character which belongs to an enemy fraction and fights on your side. Well beyond that, it was worth taking a closer look at him and it all went on its own :'D
Most of the fandom sees him in a similar way - caring, selflessly giving of himself to Micolash, loyal to the core, a bit slow due to age, and cozy man. My first vision of him was also like he is an absolute angel, the purest creation in the entire game! That was second phase of my simping I think xD Granddilf with the biggest heart and purest soul, loyal servant of his beloved one - oh my god!! Makes me go crazy because I want him to be respected immediately, be loved and cherished. Maybe he is my type? I don't know. Old, really OLD man with loving heart and I-i-i-i... melting...
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One of my headcanons is that Damian can kill a human, do crimes, cruel medical experiments (he is a Mensis scholar after all) but he can never hurt a child! ^^^^ There is him with little Yurie, Micolash and Edgar, and image I drew after a cool discussion with Fantomette! We talked about possibility of Edgar being Micolash's son, which means that Damian could possibly be his godfather xd
(Also you may see a plushie bunnie in little Micolash's hands and it has much more sense that it may seem!)
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I am too lazy to explain I am sorry Dx But I wrote about bunny and little Irzhie here, in an ask game. The question was - what would be his favourite toy? >>>
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Me and my husband talked about Irzhie too much and came to many funny and creepy conclusions and ideas (Damian's obsession with his little brother, projection his brother on Micolash, insanity, necromancy and,,,, Many other things :^) , so that picture was born)
(Sorry to put it in your ask lkak.ermkeamg,g,fdmg BUT you can't shut me up when it's about Damian D: )
I mean you can put Damian in ANY headcanon and he still be kindest man ever existed.
In myvision of lore he helped Rom when she felt really bad in Byrgenwerth, was one amongst three people in the whole college who supported Caryll, he protected Micolash his whole life, he was trying to soften Micolash's deeds and didn't want him to involve innocent children in his experiments (as much as adults. But I believe that Yahar'gul people were sort of fanatics so there were many volunteers for School of Mensis medical stuff), he was the one who will always do his best to help whenever you ask.
And my poor old man is also a saddest creature, because the fact is a fact - no matter if he hates or loves Micolash or just fights against his ideas in game, Micolash is in a Nightmare and Damian is here. I shipped Damicolash and it was really bittersweet. Mico dies and what is left for Damian? Only grieve and sorrow?
Damian/Yurie - bitter end, Damian/Rom - bitter end, Damian/Micolash - bitter end, Damian/anyone else - bitter end! :^)
Anyone else except sir Gremia! (This man deserves another post he is also so complicated! My husband KNOWS how much I adore him. Many of our daily jokes include him lol) Gremia has a strong need in an "adult/mother" archetype and also in "wife/lover", he needs someone who will pat his head and whom he can protect. And Damian needs someone to take care of, to protect and to be protected by that someone (Theme for another post :Р)
Damian, who gave love but didn't receive it, who did his best for Micolash but ended up leaving the Mensis School because his beloved crossed all bounds of sanity, who believed in Kos, his goddess of mothers and children, who genuinely tried to help everyone - I wanted him to be happy.
It really concerned me and I think then started the third phase of simping, when I found out that Sir Gremia exists and Damian just can't be perfect (it's so wrong and boring. I love when a character is like alive person, so it means they are problematic! There are no "normal" people)
I have to say, as you mentioned, I have seen him as a chad, attracting everyone to him xD But right now for me he has flaws, he can be very annoying sometimes, plus overprotection of Micolash (I think Micolash even got tired of him. Sounds like an absolute Micolash plus that may be a reason he let Damian go from serving him), weaknesses and traumas, cruelty and coldness in his heart, and a strong attachment to the past. But he's the kind one. And that's what hit my heart the hardest way. He is player friendly for his own unknown reasons, but I believe his destiny and talent is to lead and protect, which is what he has been doing all his life.
I write a fic about him and Gremia right now, connected with the early Healing Church and I want to put there all my headcanons, big and small and finally finish his story and give him the end of the game that he deserves
I am sorry for the amount of text. Old man took a place in my heart, he does not only looks like an absolute perfection but also seems to be a wonderful person with lots of issues and flaws. I LOVE HIM
I need to improve my drawing skill so I will draw him better and he will become more popular :'D
Maybe I got a little off-topic? But I want you to know how I see him - it's the main point of my simping xD So hard to put all my thoughts in one text. Hope it's not hard to read. It's much easier to write a story than tell the chaos that is happening in your head with your blorbo xD
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] VENTI MY BELOVED WE ARE SHAKING HANDS WE ARE CRYING i barely rmb how it goes anymore but hes. still such a comfort 2 me and uehrghshhdjhf anyway answerimg dat respons,..
"they could have such little conversations that even for a short time could bring his mind away from the exhaustive pain that is Everything Else"  like REAL SHT THATS WHAT IM GETTING AT,... for the ppl who had been caring for him and talked directly even if theres a few. id sorta think zhongli doesnt rlly allow ppl to visit xiao for the sake of not overwhelming him with guilt, and the only healer that came for rare check ups directly being madame ping and zhongli usually go straight to the pharmacy for more advice. not even bringing qiqi or baizhu along too. he knows xiao well enough not to have a lot of visitors no matter how Worried they are bc xiao doesnt worry for himself even in this condition, why bother when he doesnt even, cant even, walk out of the inn.
i got a lil scene abt that but like YEAH PAIMON?? paimon is so great in theory and to me when it comes to her in-game i just go entirely on my theory and Selectively Read her dialogs anyway whatever feels like its My paimon i do that KFHSHDHDH despite her being the most talkative character Ever she rlly deserves more than sumkind of hyv scapegoat fr and theres way too much unwarranted hate even on harmless scenes bc the game dialogs and text alwsys gets lost in translation and en voice acting. can be misleading than the og cn too. cn paimon is the most chill ever. id like to think paimon in this brainrot tho,.. and how i interpret my paimon in general shes still a lil childish but in a good way without those annoying lines amd if she has it she learns. and xiao over time has a soft spot for her like he does to other kids. lil pai pai nugget actually. ive had lumine hold her like a plushie sometimes.
anwyay back 2 brainrot [idm published but this makes me shy again uhehe] she's that lil spark in the weeks when xiao is asleep bc of that blunt innocence she naturally has, and lumine zhongli sometimes find it hard to escape their own thoughts everytime they see xiao on bed unmoving. its depressing its still worrying despite it being a form of recovery, and venti's flute already stitched the most grave of wounds. "but people who know xiao, whether just barely or through zhongli speaking of him or through lumine speaking of him, wishing him well sending regards and how does that make any sense? that those who know so little about him would care that he gets better?" u see like, i had this cute but sad scene once that since zhongli doesnt allow too many visitors but ppl have also caught on when lumine sees Other People once in a while esp when she can only roam in liyue (whether usual traveler stuff, or she has a hand in the exorcist family duty of helping in the fallen conquerer of demons' stead after the incident) they sense that grief and asked, and it doesnt take a lot to connect the dots regarding the incident bc ppl know abt that demonic presence but only a few can guess its xiao too.
and taking that message, and out of respect knowing xiao would feel even more guilty to be visited, sends their well wishes their own way. occassionally during pre-awakening, they get letters and gifts at the inn. short get well messages. herbal tea. adeptal medicine recipes. lots, and lots of flowers from both the qixing and adepti. they had to make use of the flowers somehow before it wilts, and paimon had the idea of weaving it to crowns. she fails once, at lumine's amusement, fails twice, and a few more times until she manages a sloppy looking once out of liyue's flowers. who's it going to be for then? her traveler partner would ask halfway through a perfect crown of her own. well, guess! but not a single smug one is correct, not the inn staff not the boss lady not even herself or zhongli. surprise surprise; the first to get the honors is xiao, as the activity was done on the very bed he sleeps so he can 'have fun' too. paimon proudly, but also so gentle and careful, puts the crown as if it and xiao would break under the gesture. he looks pretty. he looks serene, if one can take away the eyebags and slow breathing and unmoving fingers and bandages lightly decorated around him. he's pretty for his own good, even in slumber. lumine chuckles at the whole deal, but she wasnt sure out the amusement or that shes touched of the ideas her companion does that doesnt feel too much and genuinely lighting up such a dull day.
her voice cracks. she didnt mean to, she didnt mean to be sad all over again when paimon made a happy decision amidst it all. xiao has such pretty flowers on his head that paimon tried her hardest to make and he still hasnt fucking woke up, people have been gifting have been writing good wishes have brought zhongli to smile once in a while and she knows he's grieving with the way the older god can still break on his own personal guilt she'll never know completely and he still hasnt fucking woke up. its a simple mess that brings her down under, and shes back to remembering the incident again. paimon knew, she always notices, always watching throughout the week, brings a flower next to the inteyvats that still adorned her head, and tells her traveler partner. hey. paimon can make another one for you too. lets use all the flowers for everyone, so it has a use and doesnt die without it. xiao would always say what's the use of mortal gifts and we're using it!
and they proceed to make use of every single one, and every staff of the inn wears one for the whole day; like a sign of a special time everything is still okay.
"id sorta think zhongli doesnt rlly allow ppl to visit xiao for the sake of not overwhelming him with guilt, and the only healer that came for rare check ups directly being madame ping and zhongli usually go straight to the pharmacy for more advice. not even bringing qiqi or baizhu along too. he knows xiao well enough not to have a lot of visitors no matter how Worried they are bc xiao doesnt worry for himself even in this condition" this is SO OUCHIE !!!!!!!!!!!! but also so fucking correct, zhongli Knows him far too well to let visitors in. itd probably be really fucking uncomfortable for xiao tbh? unable to understand any of the worry and being overwhelmed by all these people who DO worry and express care and concern, unable to reconcile that with his own emotions like Why does it matter to you im useless right now i cant do anything why bother? madame ping being the only healer also makes SO much sense and is so good i love that...
"and how i interpret my paimon in general shes still a lil childish but in a good way without those annoying lines amd if she has it she learns. and xiao over time has a soft spot for her like he does to other kids. lil pai pai nugget actually. ive had lumine hold her like a plushie sometimes." I LOVE THIS SO BADDDDDDDDDDDDD childish in a good way is SO real like god, and xiao having a soft spot for her ohhh my god. okay so like. not to Totally talk abt smth else but. one of my FAVORITE games from when i was really little is called dust: an elysian tail. and the protagonist is kinda serious but also friendly and MAD powerful and has no memory of who he was before, and!!! he has!!! a small flying companion who acts as his guide through the world and people often refer to as a toy or a mascot. her name is fidget. and her fandom treatment is HORRIFIC from what little ive seen but. but. ingame. their dynamic is EVERYTHING i wish paimon and the traveler had. dust is kind to her, they argue a little bit sometimes because they dont always understand each other but fidget grows really close to him, she has SO much faith in him even when he lacks faith in himself, she pulls him back when his mind starts to get to him, she's always there by his side stays there even in battles because her magic is really weak but dusts own abilities are able to make use of an amplify it. they're a team !!! they're a genuine team. there's a point where they try SO hard and they save this town but a sick character they were really trying to help in doing that still dies, and fidget is a bit younger a bit more naive and it REALLY gets to her. like. "but we did everything we were supposed to do..." not understanding how he still passed when they did everything right. and dust just kind of quietly has to tell her how sometimes even that isnt enough. and they learn SO much from each other and its just !!!!! fidget is treated like her own character, not a mascot or a scapegoat, and its SO good, and i think of them every time i think about the traveler and paimon its unreal. that's the treatment paimon deserves she should be a teammate and a person and a guide not. That.
"she's that lil spark in the weeks when xiao is asleep bc of that blunt innocence she naturally has" NO BC THIS IS SO GOOD even when zhongli and lumine are getting caught up in their own heads and are down and upset and unable to muster too much energy, paimon being able to focus on the simple stuff making sure they're still taking care of themselves staying more positive and cheerful and being blunt !!! telling them outright at somepoint that they're wallowing and that wont do xiao any good, and he'd scold them if he saw them like this, too, so they should get up and do something etc etc man. Man.
and PEOPLE SENDING THEIR WELL WISHES TO THE INN OR THROUGH LUMINE........ god that's so. herbal tea medicine recipes....... crying shaking sobbing.
"and lots of flowers from both the qixing and adepti. they had to make use of the flowers somehow before it wilts, and paimon had the idea of weaving it to crowns. she fails once, at lumine's amusement, fails twice, and a few more times until she manages a sloppy looking once out of liyue's flowers. who's it going to be for then? her traveler partner would ask halfway through a perfect crown of her own. well, guess! but not a single smug one is correct, not the inn staff not the boss lady not even herself or zhongli. surprise surprise; the first to get the honors is xiao, as the activity was done on the very bed he sleeps so he can 'have fun' too. paimon proudly, but also so gentle and careful, puts the crown as if it and xiao would break under the gesture. he looks pretty. he looks serene, if one can take away the eyebags and slow breathing and unmoving fingers and bandages lightly decorated around him." CRYING SHAKING SOBBING. thinks about xiao just sort of idk. Caring the way that he does, acknowledging paimon in the way not everyone does and making sure she's not hurt after bigger fights and ensuring her safety and paimon caring about him sm in return wanting him to get better wanting him to have that first successful crown, working so hard over and over again to get it right so that he can wear it. god.
something about the grief lumine feels, all the gifts theyve gotten all the mourning theyve done all the hardship and the effort and through it all xiao still isnt awake, that hits SO fucking hard. god.
"and tells her traveler partner. hey. paimon can make another one for you too. lets use all the flowers for everyone, so it has a use and doesnt die without it. xiao would always say what's the use of mortal gifts and we're using it! and they proceed to make use of every single one, and every staff of the inn wears one for the whole day; like a sign of a special time everything is still okay." THE ENTIRE STAFF WEARING THE FLOWER CROWNS...... explodes and dies. handing out crowns to the staff and the people staying there and those just stopping by and the kitchen and the children and and and. some confused some grateful some knowing all accepting, all wearing them
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rick-rayson · 3 years
Batfamily vs Tiktok
The Batfamily and what kind of accounts they'd have!
Follower count: 900k
Doing Stephanie first because she probably uses Tiktok the most.
Trauma dumps. Like all the time. But for comedy purposes (and lack of a therapist)
This is very specific but I feel like she makes tiktoks of her saying really seggsual pick up lines and then in the next moment she brings up how incredibly unloved she is or sumn.
She's the best and worst at covering her identity.
"Call me Batgirl because I wanna swoop into your Batcave" *lip bites*
"Nobody loves me and I am always forgotten."
Half of her fans believe she's actually Batgirl.
But then she posts a video of her at midnight trying to smoke from a cinnamon stick, crying because her plushie was placed uncomfortably on her bed and she feels immense guilt over that.
Yeah nvm.
Her fans love her to bits but the amount of videos she's posted of herself crying is concerning.
She's the type to like and reply to any comments that make her laugh.
Follower count: 700k (but he honestly deserves more)
Duke uses Tiktok a LOT.
Posts mostly outdoor videos tho.
Parkour, sports, food videos.
But he's actually most known for his dance videos.
He's made so many dance trends and if it wasn't for the fact NOBODY EVER CREDITS HIM, he'd have a much larger audience.
He likes comments but never actually replies unless it's a question.
In his drafts he has like 5 videos of him dancing that've been interrupted by some criminal trying to mug him or some shit.
He actually posted one of those drafts on accident and although he quickly deleted it, it spread like wildfire.
He gets bombarded with comments asking him to give combat tips.
Who is he to say no?
Follower count: 600k
Tim is a younger Hank Green.
He's the smart science boy that everyone asks strange questions to.
He's so, so tired of his fans sometimes so he isn't very active on Tiktok.
His followers are actually feral and chaotic so when he posts he mentally prepares himself for the onslaught.
It'd come to a point where he addresses that shit.
He loves his fans but sometimes they make him wanna rip his hair out.
If you genuinely ask him a science question without the motive of chugging lava or inhaling fear toxin, Tim will love you and cherish you.
Although he doesn't really respond to people in his comments, he does duet people.
One of the reasons he doesn't have more followers is because he actively deletes some... Don't ask.
Follower count: 2M
Dick is the obnoxiously enthusiastic dude that likes to *think* that people mainly follow him for his health tips or diet plan videos.
But literally anyone that is anyone knows that's not the case at all.
He's a thirst trap, and a very popular one.
He innocently posts videos of him doing flips and tricks not realizing that people eat that shit up.
He has so many simps it's crazy.
His comment section though is actually very respectful. Because he does flips with such a big smile on his face that fans just sit back and behave.
He gets "🍰🎂" comments all the time tho and he doesn't get it at first.
Until Jason commented: "They're talking about your ass bro."
He replies to nearly every comment and LOVES duetting people.
Posts like once a week but his videos always get so much likes.
Follower count: 500k
Thinking about it- Jason doesn't really use social media much.
Steph was the one to convince him to get Tiktok and she boosted his followers by giving him a shoutout.
He posts some of the most random shit ever.
Like you'll get a video of him eating cake with Artemis and Roy in complete silence and then you'll get a video of like.. what Batfamily member you are based on your Zodiac.
But his most popular videos are when he answers questions.
"uhhh Thickthighsthot69 says, 'I'm sick and broke my ankle, how r u?' .. better than your ass that's for sure."
He never replies to comments. He doesn't even like them.
Follower count: 700k
He finds Tiktok utterly repulsive and only made one because Jon made him do it.
Much to his dismay he got verified and that boosted his account extremely fast.
"Jon, how do I save this? This layout is irritating my eyes, surely there's more options—"
He only duets animal videos or some of Dick's Tiktoks, other than that he doesn't do much.
Ma boy will block you if you irritate him in his comments, he does not care.
Unless you insult his pets.
Expect 8 paragraphs of why you are dumb and his cat Alfred is superior to you in every way.
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lasquadrasfuckhouse · 3 years
What do you think about la squadra(separately) with s/o that is very childlish? Like, not a little child ofc, they can get serius when it has to be, and they talk ,like, normally (without "owo uwu" shit). They just loooove some cute things, animals etc. They also love watching cartoons, play games, and many other things likke that.
If you don't want to write it that's okay :)))
Bye bye <3
awwww i love it!!!!!
la squadra with a cutesy and playful partner 😚
risotto ✂️
he loves cute things too, he gets it. he adores how excitable and sweet you are and you absolutely count as cute things that he loves
the two of you will fawn over the neighbourhood cats together and every time you run into his office with fun shaped snacks to share cause u both love them (like gummies or cookies or chocolates) his heart goes ❤️❤️❤️❤️💕❤️💕❤️❤️💕💕💕
he appreciates that you're not afraid to get serious when the time calls for it too but seeing you without your normal attitude is so jarring and sad for him, he'll work twice as hard to fix what's wrong to see you smiling again. you're so full of love and wonder despite everything and that's so precious to him, he's protective (he knows and respects that you can handle yourself he just loves u) and would never want you to change for the wrong reasons ya kno
you absolutely balance each other out very well and you're fucking adorable to see because he's so stoic and scary and then ur this energetic sweetheart
he's not really one for cartoons or video games but he'll indulge ur interests!!! if he has the time to watch a cute movie with u (like disney) he will pay attention and give u his honest opinion
prosciutto 🚬
honestly when you first joined the team he was an ass about it, thought it was unbecoming of an assassin to behave so childishly (the others already give him a headache) but the fact that you stood your ground actually really impressed him. you're still an adult and you're not unreasonable, you know when to take things seriously, you just have your eccentricities like everyone else in this circus and he came to appreciate your point of view and your seemingly boundless enthusiasm for nice things in life. he later expressed as much to you during his apology for being an ass.
you temper each other. he'll be your grounding force and you'll help him loosen up
he does like how ur sweet and open with your affection. if he grumbles about sharing the bed with plushies that's code for 'cuddle me instead'
he also loves bringing you to cafés that do those fancy or fun shapes in the lattes cause he loves to see your eyes light up and fawn over how 'its almost too pretty to drink!!!' it's really quite adorable how excitable u are and prosciutto is not immune to it
pesci 🎣
he very very much loves and appreciates it, you're a big comfort to him. the instant you chugged milk with him and gave him a silly grin with a milk moustache, he was in love
your sweetness and energy picks him up and when you've dropped your attitude he will take on the WHOLE WORLD to hear you laugh again. he's very protective and he's the first to jump to your defense if the others tease you or otherwise give you a hard time
he could listen to you gush for hours. he will absolutely sit and watch cartoons with u. he's not the greatest at video games but he'll try his best for u
because of his name you'll often lovingly make that cute fishy face at him with the kissy lips and ur eyes crossed and his heart explodes every time
he has somewhat of a sweet tooth, he likes things that have a light sweetness to them rather than anything super sugary. you'll share desserts and it's very cute
formaggio 🧀
he LOVES IT. he's just as fun-loving, there's never a dull moment with you two whether you're playing a dumb game you made up out of boredom, you're dancing and he's twirling you around, or ur in a pillow/tickle fight and play wrestling. you tend to get each other into trouble but you both snicker about it. two peas in a pod.
cats like you more than they like him but he can often get his pets in if the kitty is curled in ur lap and u both get giddy about it
you definitely game together. he's not as into the cartoons but he'll still watch em with you, he thinks they're cute and you're cute, but he may fall asleep during movies
he's a very grounding support when things require you to be serious, you work together hand in hand to solve the issue so u can get back to laughing
and he will do anything to hear u giggle, doesn't matter if he makes a damn fool of himself, he doesn't care. as far as he's concerned your laugh is the best sound in the world
illuso ✨
oh, he will tease you about it. probably in a way that's kind of mean when you first join, but you aren't bothered by him or concerned with his opinion. if you point out that he's the childish one for trying to get a rise out of you when you're just minding your own business, that has EVERYONE appreciating you because it's unbearably fun to see illuso taken down a notch. that has him huffing and retreating for a bit and having a think. when he comes back, he's less of an ass. as you grow closer, he apologizes.
now the only way he teases is gentle and loving and fond, because you really are quite adorable and he wouldn't have it any other way. it honestly kind of freaks him out when you get serious but he doesn't show it, he'll just place a gentle hand on your arm or your waist and work with you to resolve the issue. he's relieved when you smile again
he warms up to your plushies because they're nice cozy additions to his piles of pillows for lounging around on and they make u happy
he may keep up his aloof air when he picks up a controller with u or watches over ur shoulder like he has nothing better to do but he gets REALLY into it and competitive, or intensely supportive and backseat gaming if ur going solo
he honestly loves how sweet u are because that sort of thing doesn't really come easy to him
melone 🍈
he thinks ur absolutely adorable and makes sure u know it. he's playful too in a more relaxed sort of way so he mellows you out while still having fun
he loves to hear you gush and wants to get involved in ur passions. he's pretty good at gaming but he'll get more into admiring/analyzing the design aspect of it and same w/ cartoons, he's concerned for all the babies out there because they deserve good stories that make them think and benefit their growth and he will think out loud about how a show/movie fares in that regard after you've watched it together
he can talk a lot about animals with u too!!!! every time u grin or coo at a cute creature or Stay Very Still so a butterfly will land on u and giggle cause it tickles, his heart is doing backflips and he can't believe someone as wonderful as u exists and loves him as much as he loves you
ADULT COLOURING BOOKS!!!!! he absolutely loves to fill in the pages with u and add onto the designs outside the lines in all sorts of colours
he admires that ur not afraid to get serious when it's called for but still so sweet, he's so drawn to you and you make everyone's day better and just light up the room
ghiaccio ❄️
he also loves cute things. that includes u. but it will take him a while to admit out loud how adorable you are because he's flustered about it
forget normie relationship milestones like moving in together, the moment u both started slowly familiarizing your plushie collections to each other, swapping or gifting ones u saw and HAD to get for them or keeping two of them together because they're friends now Do Not Seperate!!!!, he knew this was Real
one of his favorite pastimes is sharing a big big cozy sweater with u, it doesn't matter if it's a bit tight with two people in it or that ur faces are squished together, he'll wrap his arms around u (if u haven't already put ur hands in the sleeves too) and cuddle u against him like a fluffy, snuggly, grumpy cat. welcome to sweater town, population u and ghiaccio
ur both very into pokemon too. you'll spend hours with ur heads bent together over ur gameboys with each other's companion games for that generation and help each other with trading and version exclusives
he's the first to yell at anyone for teasing you and he honestly gets a little freaked out when you go serious but he won't show it. he'll want to address the problem as quickly as possible tho and discreetly hug u when ur giggling again
sorbet and gelato 🔪🍦
THEY LOVE IT UR ADORABLE. they're both playful in their own ways (sorbet is more chill and dry wit sort of playful, gelato is no impulse control and hyena cackling sort of playful) and they love to have fun with u
it's also like.... the world is fucked up and they're both kinda fucked up (more than kinda), and they know you're not like an innocent baby or at all incompetent (hell, you may be kinda fucked up too, who isn't when ur an assassin) but it's just. nice to see someone else having fun and being sweet and enjoying things about life. so they are very protective of you when things get serious, they never EVER want to see you become embittered and will do absolutely anything to get you laughing again as soon as possible. which, guaranteed, they do
gelato has always had a short attention span so he knows what to do for entertainment and sorbet knows how to entertain, he may be the more patient one but they both like to mix things up and keep the surroundings interesting. they will play all sorts of games with u, video games or card games or stupid shit like beer pong or making a game of how many marshmallows u can each fit in ur mouths. you'll all go for a nice walk in the park and nothing is more relaxing for sorbet than kickin back on a bench while his rowdy babes end up tussling in the dirt. be free
of course, u and gelato also drag him into the dirt and put flowers in his hair and he would want nothing less
they'll both squish ur cheeks and lovingly tease u about how cute u are. blow a raspberry at them and they'll give u a kiss
sorbet will throw u over his shoulder and carry u around (no matter ur body type, he's strong!!!) + gelato will smatter ur face in kisses, just to hear u squeal and giggle
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom episode 4-7 Thoughts: (under a readmore because, these got kinda long!)
-the outfit danny had to buy for dash's party. CLASSIC 2000S i cannot stop laughing. And also showing up to the party and everyone is dressed like the trio is hilarious. and further proof that everyone looks good dressed goth.
-dash has a closet full of cute lil bear plushies?? LOVE that. adorable. also his response to danny trashing his room fighting a ghost was SO valid if somone BROKE MY BED IN HALF ID BE PISSED TOO.
-technus being like 'oh smart, u should be a tutor!' then later being like 'forget tutor, be a teacher!' :) supportive king <3 I also really like his upgraded suit/design. AND SPOCK CAMEO??? HELLO??
-the music in this show is super. its so funky. I looked it up and the guy who does it, guy moon (awesome name) also did music for other cartoons like fairly odd parents, barnyard, chalkzone, billy & mandy, AND some actual movies like FIGHT CLUB??? the whiplash I got from reading that)
-sam being rich explains a lot about her, actually.
-I know the moral of the episode was supposed to be 'dont ditch your friends for popular people/spend a lot of money on clothes that arent You to Fit In'. but tbh. it wouldve been easy for danny to have been like 'well, okay, ill come but only if my friends can!' but I get. that hes 14. so. not a lot to say there.
-BOX GHOST IS BACK!!!!! also, danny sitting up and wearing the dress/wig/makeup. umm thats how I dress everyday LMFAO. unironically me. (hate the jokes that boil down to 'haha funney man in dress' tho. but this is a look)
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-jazz being protective of her brother once again being like NOOO YOU GUYS BETTER NOT STAKE OUT HIS (actually haunted) LOCKER!! shes aware of how people perceive him and she wants to help :( which is also probably why she told dash to invite him to that party even tho she had no interest in going!! she wants to help him out :(
-gotta say im with tucker on the whole 'should danny use his powers to get back at bullies' debate. 100% yes. let him teach kids to fight back. making dash throw his food at paulina out of the blue? no. but when hes actually about to pick on someone? yeah! for self defense? YEAH! if dash and his friends just threw food at him, I think rather than. idk doing sneaky shit with frogs he couldve just threw it back and not pulled punches if they tried to fight. I kNOOWWW its a kids show so they are like 'if u fight back ur just as bad!! violence bad!!' but. theyre HIS POWERS. WHO CARES.
-like my only gripe is that dash really isnt LEARNING ANYTHING WHEN DANNY GETS BACK AT HIM IN THE MOST PETTY INDIRECT WAYS. whatever they had to add a bully psa episode I guess. I hate it and I hate the way cartoons usually handle it because these methods simply Do Not Work. 'aND YouRE USinG YOur poWErs FOR EVill???!' this is Not Evil. even when poindexter takes dannys body, theyre only being 'nice' bc hes stealing soda for them!! bitches deserve what they get (nothing too brutal bc theyre high schoolers but damn, if they pick on danny he doesnt need to be the 'bigger person' he needs to start biting people)
-SAM TRYING TO SMUGGLE FROGS OUT OF THE BIO LAB?? girl in middle school when we had to dissect frogs we could opt out, also, they came to us already dead and preserved...
-sidney's lingo and the fact hes in black and white is sending me. also, danny is a ghost celebrity apparently for being a halfa?? ok. thats interesting to know
-I LOOOVE the trope of 'wishes gone wrong'. not crazy about the stereotypical genie, or the use of the dreamcatcher looking design. (also, I KNOW theyre scientists but the way theyre handling a cold...are the fentons ANTIVAX)
-the genie. she. whitewished paulina. JKASDFHKJ. (the ghost literally just being hello kitty???? im dying) 'why do i feel that im special and wonderful? because I AM! <3' paulina ilu self worth queen. felt bad for her also getting possessed by (2) boys later who were arguing INSIDE HER. WTF.
-imagine being the guy trapped in his now flying car. he thought danny and tucker were HALUCINATIONS. imagine being trapped in a flying car with two, what you think are imaginary arguing 14 year olds convinced ur gonna die. i WOULD say this dude is gonna need so much therapy, but he seemed totally fine and excited when they landed (I would be happy too if a chicken was on my head. chickens rule) stoner rights
-sam's bat slippers??? iconic. SO cute.
-I think desiree's backstory is so :( do all ghosts have messed up sad backstories?? poindexter's was sad too...cannot imagine box ghost has any kind of fucked up backstory. but what if. his mom got pushed off cliffs by boxes...........a la cruella... anyway her 'no man may lay a hand on me' iconic. ilu
-I know danny has no concept of how much bras cost but my god dont attack tucker with some girls bra. those are so expensive.
-its really. well its not a GOOD THING he went into the portal and got fucked up, but its good danny was the one to do it rather than sam or tucker. because even tho he was being influenced by desiree and kept getting more malicious and it prob wasnt 100% him...he sucked as a ghost like most the people he 'pranked' were innocent ppl just Chillin and he didnt want to help anyone at all. I think danny is the most responsible out of them but also, hes 14 and shouldnt HAVE to feel obligated to fight every ghost. hes a good kid and wants to, but I also feel like he feels like...responsible for the portal turning on?? because his parents did give it up,, but it was an accident and not his fault (if anything, why was the on switch on the inside. why was it that easy. why was there no safety measures. that seems like smth OSHA needs to hear about). like thats my son. hes a good boy. and hes never done anything wrong in his life, ever. if anyone hurts him im killing everyone in this room and then myself. etc.
-danny's curfew is 10PM????? DUDE. when I was 14...shit I couldn't be out that late, I had to be back at like, 8 at the latest, and my parents had to know exactly where and who I was going with, AND i had to call/text them regularly...is this a case of my parents being overbearing, or the fentons sucking??? the only time i could EVER be out that late was if I was at an overnight sleepover or smth...
-the vultures have lil fezes. why do they have fezes...theyre so fuckin funny 'ask him for directions' 'I KNOW WHERE IM GOING' these ghost vultures are my new grandpas. pick them up, put them in the adopt box.
-'I wonder why those guys were trying to waste dad!' THEYRE GHOSTS. YOUR DAD HUNTS GHOSTS. why is that not a conclusion you'd immediately jump to??
-*jazz voice, clearly disgusted* WISCONSIN???
-mrs fenton with the lab coat and leg warmers and PERM. YESSS STYLISH.
-was going to say 'ew billionaire' @vlad but. super valid he used his powers to assumedly steal and cheat to get that money, thats how all billionaires do it! but ew hes a SIMP. and spending your billions on FOOTBALL STUFF?? you are Not Valid overall. I DO respect the fact you have a castle instead of a mansion. in wisconsin. if youre going to be stupidly rich might as well go all out, torches on the wall and all. I DO like his ghost form's little kitty ears. catman. and his cape! every design can benefit from a cape. and how different his forms look, like danny looks the EXACT SAME IN BOTH FORMS ASIDE FROM COLOR CHANGES. vlad's is like,, I could believe they were different people!! also I love the drama. but dude you are fighting a 14 year old. lame. also he was like, telling danny he wanted his mom and him and like, wanted him to renounce his dad?? WHAT ABOUT JAZZ?? bitch. those r MY kids and they are both important and special. I do agree they need better parents but thats not u sir <3
-I thought vlad's 'little badger' nickname for danny came from the football mascot of the packers, but google says they have NO MASCOT?? so now I'm like?? is it because his hair is sometimes black and sometimes white?? I hate to give him props but thats a PERFECT NICKNAME. theyre also tiny and vicious!
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-why did I get so excited that Skulker is back!! its been like. 2-3 eps LMAO. AND THE DAIRY KING. ICONIC I LOVE HIM. hes the nicest guy ever :) more nice ghosts please. danny cannot be fighting alone everytime with no ghost buds like every ghost being hostile sucks :(
-mr. fenton knew vlad was controlling him, but a few episodes ago he had no clue danny was doing the same thing...is it something about how malicious the ghost is?? he just seemed to think his memory had gaps the first time, this time he was INSTANTLY LIKE 'GHOST'. then again in this ep when danny did it again he was just slightly confused but not immediately freaking out like he did with vlad possessing him!!
-'my parents will accept ME NO MATTER WHAT' so. so why haven't you come out to them yet, danny?? if you really think that?? if theres no harm, and you're sure??? if vlad is a real problem, wouldnt that make dealing with him easier, to expose him???? SO WHY HAVENT YOU COME OUT YET?? COULD IT BE,, MAYBE YOU HAVE DOUBTS ABOUT WHETHER YOUR PARENTS ACTUALLY WILL ACCEPT YOU??? 🤔 ... 🏳‍🌈 I get why people say He Is Trans. I totally totally get u danny.
-sorta unrelated, but it just occurred to me in one of these eps they go to casper HIGH not casper middle school??? theyre 14?? dont highschools usually do ages 15-18? (I didnt go to hs so I might be wrong, if I am ignore this...) freshmen are usually 14-15, could just be a case of them not turning 15 yet but they will sometime in the school year (I say they because tucker said he was 14 too)? I know the show has 3 seasons, so by the end of it will they be older? thatd be neat but usually cartoon characters stay the same age...I love shows where you can see the characters age and grow up, though...three seasons seems like a long time to spend on like, 1 year...
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Part 6 of my Plance fanfic series is inspired by the song “Lucky” as sung by Lance’s voice actor, Jeremy Shada. Get ready for intimacy, hilarity, and the fluffiest of fluff in Pidge’s room. Lance and Pidge sing in this chapter. Guest starring Bae Bae and the Trash Floofs. (That might be a good name for their band if they decide to start one.)
Part 6: An Intimate Moment in the Bedroom
Lance had been in Pidge’s room before, both on the castleship and onboard the Atlas. It was always a mess of odds and ends from computers, robots, and unidentifiable alien technology. There were clothes strewn about (Paladin gear, Garrison uniform parts, or her brother’s old hand-me-downs), and a couple of fluffy trash nebula creatures floating around. Her pets, she called them, but she wouldn’t ever tell anyone their names. When Pidge opened the door, he wasn’t prepared for the sight before him.
There were books and video games neatly lined up on bookshelves, a tidy desk and chair, many photos in frames and a few posters on the walls. There were model spaceships and robots on display, along with a teddy bear and a mermaid plushie. There were wall decorations of distant stars and planets, matching her bedspread, which was patterned with constellations from Earth’s night sky. There was a television with a gaming console, a computer, various small electronic devices, and a telescope. She also had a little collection of perfume bottles, makeup containers, hair accessories, a jewelry box, and so many other cute girly things that Lance almost thought they might have entered the wrong room. He realized then, that he had only really seen Pidge Gunderson’s room. This was the bedroom of Katie Holt.
Lance stood there for a moment, just taking it all in, while Bae Bae darted in through the open door. There were old photos of the Holt family when Matt and Katie were little, and some from when they were a bit older, including several taken on the launch day of the ill-fated Kerebos mission. There was a newer family photo taken on board the Atlas, and an amusing one of the Holts in costume, taken at the Clear Day celebration. There were many photos of the Paladins as well, some taken onboard the Castle of Lions, others onboard the Atlas, and many from the various planets that they had visited. In nearly every single one of them Lance saw himself standing next to Pidge, often with one arm casually draped around her shoulders. She was always beaming at the camera or laughing in every picture of the two of them together. He smiled at the happy memories that the photos captured. She probably had many other pictures of the Voltron team, but she displayed only those particular photographs for a reason, as if to cherish those particular moments. Lance felt another pang of guilt when he saw those mementos, regretting how he wasted so much time in those days, flirting with strange females he barely even knew, when he should have been paying more attention to the amazing girl who had been by his side the entire time. Hunk’s words came back to haunt him. “She’s had a crush on you since forever,” and “She’s cried herself to sleep over you a thousand times.” Lance hated himself for not noticing her sooner, and thought maybe the Holts should have been even more protective of their daughter. He didn’t deserve her.
“You’re awfully quiet.” Pidge looked at him, concerned.
“You’re room isn’t what I expected. I’m just...overwhelmed. That’s all.”
“You think it’s too girly, right?”
“It is girly, but you’re a girl, so that’s perfectly natural.”
“But you don’t like it,” she said dejectedly.
“No! It’s just the opposite, really. I love this room. It’s really cute. In fact, if I ever have a little girl of my own someday, I would want her to have a room as cute as this one.” He was still staring at everything. He had just picked up a framed photo of himself, Pidge, and Kaltenecker that made him smile fondly. Pidge’s fluffy blue and green trash nebula friends floated over his shoulder, as if to admire the photo with him.
“A little girl? You’re already thinking about starting a family?”
“What?! Oh...” Lance’s face felt warmer than usual. He nervously set the photo back down. “Oh, uh, yeah...I’d like to have a family of my own someday.” He couldn’t believe he had just admitted that out loud. He dared to steal a glance at her, and when their eyes met, he could not look away.
Pidge looked at him with a soft expression, her lips slightly parted and her golden brown eyes wide with surprise. She was small and vulnerable, and at the same time, she was also his Pidge—strong and tough, courageous and brilliant, but still so very young and innocent. For a fleeting moment, in his mind’s eye, she was more beautiful, more radiant, more dazzling than every star in the sky. “I want a family with you,” he admitted. “Someday...I mean, if that’s what you want, too.” It was if his mouth had a mind of its own. The blue and green space pets seemed to be blushing right along with him, as if feeling empathy for his discomfort.
She smiled at him, then looked down at the floor, blushing adorably. “Yes,” she said quietly. She was quivering ever so slightly. “I want a family someday...” Her eyes began to water. She took her glasses off and wiped her eyes, then swallowed. “...with you.”
Lance moved towards her and pulled her close, enveloping her in a warm embrace. She buried her face in Lance’s chest, her shoulders shaking as she wept quietly, grabbing a fistful of his shirt. He hid his smile in her hair, inhaling her sweet scent. He wasn’t crying, there was just a bit of space dust in his eyes...
They stood like that for a long time, saying nothing. The only thing he could hear in the stillness of the room was the sound of her fluffy trash nebula friends softly trilling, and Bae Bae’s tail thumping against the floor. Pidge stopped shaking and her breathing slowed, Lance rubbed her back gently. She slid her arms around him and hugged him. When she finally let him go, he held her by the shoulders and looked at her.
“I love you, Katie,” he said,. “I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. I want to grow old with you. And I am just as terrified by it as you are.”
She grinned. “I love you too, Lance.” She reached up to touch his cheek. He closed his eyes blissfully to savor the gentleness of her touch, then looked at her through eyes that were half closed. “For me, it’s always been you, and I never thought you’d ever feel the same as I do. I am happier and more frightened than I have ever been in my life. Everything is happening so fast...”
His opened his eyes wider. “We need to slow down. I...I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. We have been best friends for years, and we share a Paladin bond. Ever since that last battle, when we fully bonded with our lions...”
“We have been closer than ever before. Which is why I can tell you, with great certainty, and without fear of retribution, that you look like a raccoon right now.”
“Your mascara.” He turned her toward the mirror, laughing a little.
“Ugh! I’m not used to wearing this stuff. This is so embarrassing.” She picked up a makeup wipe and began to dab under her eyes. He grinned at her awkward attempt to maintain her dignity.
“Stop it. This isn’t funny, Lance.”
“Yes, it is.” He couldn’t stop giggling at how silly she looked. Then he saw her hurt expression.
“I’m sorry. Please, allow me. Close your eyes.” Pidge obeyed. She turned her face towards him, and handed him the moist little cloth. He held her chin as he gently wiped the dark smears away. Then he lowered his head and kissed her lips softly. It was intended to be a quick chaste kiss, but Lance couldn’t suppress his joy when she cupped his face and kissed him back. He deepened the kiss, wanting more, and Pidge then began to kiss him with more intensity and passion than ever. Lance began to pull away, afraid that things were indeed moving way too fast. Pidge pushed him down on her bed. “Take off your shirt,” she commanded.
Lance looked at her, both aroused and terrified. “Pidge, I don’t think we should...”
“Take it off,” she said more gently, sitting very close to him on the bed. “Start undoing those buttons.”
“Pidge, I really respect you, and I don’t mind waiting until...”
Pidge shut him up with another kiss. She took adavantage of his surprise to begin unbuttoning his shirt.
“I really don’t think we should do this,” he said breathlessly as she continued to undress him. “Pidge, I’m really trying to be a gentleman about this.” She had undone all of his buttons.
“Take off your shirt,” she insisted.
“I think we should wait. Now isn’t the time for either of us to lose our virginity.” He was blushing so hotly that he nearly radiated steam.
Pidge cracked up, laughing so hard her sides hurt. “I’m not trying to seduce you, goofball. You have mascara all over your shirt. I’m going to put stain remover on that, then put it in the washer. It should be as good as new after that.”
Lance’s facial expression changed from aroused embarrassment to cool shock in an instant. “Pidge!”
Pidge was in giddy hysterics. “That look...on your face...priceless!” She wheezed at him, so overcome with laughter that she nearly fell off the bed.
Lance sighed as he took off his shirt and handed it too her. “I still think that you’re using this as an excuse to tear my clothes off.” He turned on the charm, and said in his deepest, most seductive voice, “I’m just so sexy that you just can’t resist me.”
“In your dreams, Loverboy.” She draped his shirt over one arm, and then made finger guns at him. “Gotcha!”
She exited the room with his shirt in hand, still giggling as she shut the door. The trash floofs made a kind of sandpapery sound, which was probably their equivalent of snickering. Bae Bae, on the other hand, just whined in sympathy as she thumped her tail on the floor.
When Pidge returned to her room, she discovered that Lance had removed his shoes and was sitting cross-legged on top of her comforter, strumming his guitar. He was definitely underdressed, wearing only his gray trousers, white undergarments, and socks.
“Making yourself comfortable on my bed, Lance?”
“Obviously, I am trying to seduce you with my good looks, charm, and talent.” He smirked at her as he played an elaborate riff on the guitar. The fluffy blue and green alien pets trilled in harmony with his last chord.
Pidge laughed. “I think it’s working. But alas, as much as I would like to keep you up here in my bedroom half-dressed and swooning with mad affection for me, I don’t think my parents would approve. I brought you the sweater you left downstairs. You can put that on before we have supper, which should be in about an hour.”
“Won’t your parents suspect something? They might wonder what happened to my shirt.”
“If they notice, just tell them you spilled something on it, so I washed it for you. Now, about that song you wrote for me...”
Lance played his most recent version of the the song, which he entitled “Lucky.” Pidge was delighted with it, and kissed his cheek when he was done. She sat barefooted on the other end of the bed, facing him, and he taught her to sing her part in the song. They spent several minutes revising the lyrics. The final result was this:
Lance: Do you hear me, I'm talking to you
Across the stars, across the galaxies
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Pidge: Boy, I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the stars
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
[Both:]. Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Lance: They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you, I promise you, I will
[Both:] Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
Lance: And so I'm flying through the stars
To a planet where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
Pidge: Though the breezes through the trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now
[Both:] Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
They were so caught up in the music that they didn’t notice that Sam and Colleen were standing in the open doorway. Sam had his arm around his wife and a faraway expression in his eyes, smiling at some distant memory. Colleen was visibly moved by the song and looked on the young couple with admiration. When the song ended, the Holts applauded. Lance and Pidge blushed.
“Mom, isn’t he amazing?” Pidge gushed.
“Lance, you have a voice like an angel, dear.”
“I thought the song was wonderful. Well done, both of you!” Sam exclaimed.
“You two had better get ready for supper. Matt will be here soon, with takeout from Pizza Shack. And there’s plenty of leftovers from lunch today.”
When Sam and Colleen went back downstairs, Lance and Pidge put their shoes on, and Lance put his guitar back in its case. Pidge handed him his sweater.
“Well, that went well. What’s the plan for after supper?” Lance asked as he pulled his blue sweater on over his T-shirt.
“I was thinking we can get Matt to teach us how he finally got to level 36 of Killbot Phantasm.”
Lance beamed at her. “That is a great idea! Then I’ll give you the surprise that I brought over for you. It’s in the white bag on the sideboard downstairs.”
“That bag smelled suspiciously like peanut butter cookies,” Pidge said.
“Of course!”
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ainchase · 6 years
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“What do you want?  If you have something to say, then spit it out.”
1st Year
155 cm
Specialty: Kendo, household chores
The only 1st year student at the Velder High kendo club. He started learning kendo since he was a kid, having admired his older sister, a promising kendo champion. He joined Velder High as it was the only school in the area with a kendo club.
He’s never discouraged or intimidated in any situation, which comes off as arrogance at times. However, he trains relentlessly every day, saying that he’s got a long way to go if he wants to catch up to his sister, and he’s never been free of scars for this reason. He spends most of his time at the kendo club when he’s not in class.
He’s gotten several warnings for carrying around his practice wooden sword around everywhere which did little to deter him. He’s become more cautious about it though, and tries to not get caught. Despite his clumsy and reckless tendencies, he’s surprisingly good at household chores. He can be brutally honest at times, but he is just inexperienced at expressing his feelings and means no harm.
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“I told you not to run in the classroom!  Ugh, these idiots!”
1st Year
157 cm
Specialty: Nagging, magic (?)
A class president who’s never missed 1st place in the school ranking.
She’s managed to maintain her image as a bookworm since entering the Velder High, but according to the rumors, she levitates brooms with magic to clean when no one is watching. Other rumors say that she left some problem students midair 100m off the ground overnight to “correct” their behaviors. It’s been widely speculated that might be the reason why there is not a single student who doesn’t grow quiet in front of Aisha, even the most problematic students.
She appears as a Perfect Model Student who lectures others all the time and doesn’t lack a single thing in her life, but even she has a naive, pure side to her; her after school hobbies include reading shoujo manga or romance novels, believing in fairy tales of destined love.
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“Call me if you need any help. I’ll run to you like the wind!”
3rd Year
170 cm
Specialty: Archery, tending plants
Velder High Student Council President, who’s always kind to everyone. She is trusted by all with her innocent smile and heartfelt sincerity.
She doesn’t hesitate to help anyone in need. As kind she is, she is also known to be merciless to wrongdoers. According to the school legend continued to this day, a student messing around at the flowerbed was soon found kneeling before her and begging for forgiveness.
She’s incredibly athletic, and many sports team have tried to recruit her but to no avail. She shows up every once in a while at the archery club, but otherwise she spends most of her time for the student council. She claims she suits looking after plants instead, but not many students believe that as she is the first one to run over to land a flying kick to those who cause problems at the school.
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“...If that’s what you really want, then I’ll take you on.”
3rd Year
184 cm
Specialty: Leading people
In the past, he was the ace player at the kendo club, but had to leave all that behind due to unknown circumstances. At one point, he was the leader of an infamous student gang which was involved in several incidents.
He had spent a lot of his earlier days in the dark, but he was able to turn his life around somehow. He’s left the gang completely and cleaned off his dark past. He would love nothing better than to just spend his days in peace now, but he often ends up getting involved in unwanted fights with other students. It’s usually because people mistake his scars and his bluntness as hostility, not to mention those who wish to challenge him because of his infamous reputation in the past.
Recently, he’s been visiting the kendo club from time to time to spar with younger students.
For reasons unknown, he has bandages on his left arm at all times. Apparently, he never takes it out of his pocket. As the rumor goes, he only takes it out during a fight, but since no one has lived to tell the tale, its actual appearance remains a mystery.
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“...How rude. Please be respectful at school.”
1st Year
167 cm
Specialty: Designing and inventing robotics
A mysterious transfer student. Cynical and refined, she is nicknamed “Her Majesty the Queen” by her fellow classmates ever since she slapped Elsword on her first day of school when he destroyed her precious inventions.
She has strange devices on her forehead and ears, but it’s absolutely forbidden to ask her about them. She shows extraordinary talent in robotic engineering; she’s even borrowed an entire facility of the science club to develop robotics in her spare time. Perhaps due to her past trauma of Elsword wrecking her creations, the security system is known to be a bit over the top.
She displays affection to her creations, more than she does to humans, but seeing how she can be beyond cold to other creations that does not meet her standards, maybe not all of her creations equally deserve her affection.
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“Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you!”
1st Year
155 cm
Specialty: Cello, academics
Thanks to his excellent grades and polite manners, he was referred to the vice president position of the student council, despite being only a 1st year student. Both the teachers and students alike love this model student because of his positive personality, never hesitating to help anyone in trouble.
He doesn’t quite know what to do with the fact that he’s getting confessed frequently by male students because they mistake his pretty looks. He is especially good at playing the cello, and carries it around despite his small stature.
He attends Velder High as a part of his lesson to be the successor of his family’s business while his father is abroad.
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“KYAAAA! I’m late!”
2nd Year
168 cm
Specialty: Calligraphy
She grew up in a strict household, where she learned to be respectful and courteous to others. Unfortunately, all the grace and refinement she’s learned goes out the window, because she makes frequent mistakes thanks to her innate clumsiness.
Being exceptionally talented in all things athletic, she tried join several sports clubs. However, she either got the rules confused or destroyed the facility due to her immense strength. She gave up eventually, but she accepted other’s suggestion to be a cheerleader instead and has been cheering everyone since. Her pure and innocent smile is her trade mark, making her fairly popular at the school, even though she herself is not aware of it.
The stray cat(?) she found one day doesn’t want to leave her side, and tries to get inside her bag every morning she gets ready to go to school. There’s a rumor going around saying that her older brother has made friends with the wrong crowd and became a core member of a gang. She’s worried because she had tried to contact him many times, but cannot reach him.
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“It’s important for students to continue to train themselves.”
2nd Year
163 cm
Specialty: Kendo
The captain of the kendo club, head of the student disciplinary committee.
When she catches anyone trying to climb over the fence to ditch school, she chases after them in a flash. It’s almost impossible to run away from her.
She didn’t get to spend much time at home, because she was always busy with kendo competitions since she was a child. She’s won numerous awards from world championships, but for some reason she’s left all that behind and currently attends Velder High as a normal student. Judging from how much she cherishes her younger brother, who is in the same kendo club as her, a rumor says that she quit being a champion just for him.
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“Hmph, what are you going to do with the fact that my name is ‘Add’?”
2nd Year
168 cm
Specialty: Disassembling and modifying machines
A problem student who has trouble getting along with his classmates because of his personality, but he is a genius; he’s often the top of his class. He is targeting a core blueprint that Eve supposedly has for his own personal agenda. 
According to the rumors,he is a son of a world-renowned family of scientists who have invented many incredible things in the past, but apparently due to unknown circumstances he's left the family and is currently living by himself. 
He's able to pay the tuition with the vice principal’s support, but it seems like he’s always on a tight budget. Sometimes you can catch him at the grocery shop during timed sale. Despite his cold exterior, he seems interested in animals as he can be seen spending his time observing cats near the school.
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“I’ve baked some cookies. Want to try them?”
3rd Year
188 cm
Specialty: Gunnery, butler activity(?), baking
An ex-core member of an infamous gang. He was forced to transfer to a different school with Lu after an incident.
He secretly looks after Lu so she wouldn't get caught up in trouble. He's known as her personal butler because of this, but he doesn't seem to mind his new nickname.
Although he looks distant and serious, he loves cute things; he carries around little trinkets of plushies on his bag or his phone. You can see him near a toy shop, playing the claw machine with expertise.
He loves to bake and often hands them out to students in the class.
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“I am the Luciela R. Sourcream!”
3rd Year
141 cm
Specialty: Eating desserts
She was one of the leader of an infamous gang from the Demon School.  Betrayed by those she trusted, she was falsely accused of something and was forced to transfer to Velder High. Apparently she’s looking for a chance to get her old position back.
Nowadays she tries to get around quietly without catching any attention, but she ends up catching attention anyways, in a different way, thanks to her cute appearance and bold attitude. She is asked to play a role in the theater club many times because of this, but she rarely gets on the stage because she only wants the good roles.
She hangs out with Ciel who transferred with her, and seems to leave all the annoying tasks to him. She loves sweet desserts, and joined the baking club with Ciel, where she has taken the role of taster, as she is not gifted with baking in any way.
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“I’ve successfully arrived at the school. For the chairman, transferring school is not a problem.”
2nd Year
182 cm
Specialty: Gunnery, repairing and modifying guns
Elite member of a foreign army school. She transferred to Velder High of Elrios to investigate the source of a great disaster that threatens her home country.
Perhaps due to her upbringing in a military family, she is extremely athletic and boasts an outstanding marksmanship. She is especially attached to guns and can be seen secretly taking care of a model gun she carries with her.
Having been trained with a strict military education, she can be harsh with herself when it comes to training and self-disciplining. She carries around bag with the weight of a full gear that soldiers normally carry. She also eats battle-ready rations like jerky or energy bars for meals, and is always ready for battle. Her soldier-like tendencies surprise people but it doesn’t look like she is aware of it.
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“I’m a bit busy right now. Can you come to the student council room if you have a business with me?”
3rd Year
182 cm
Specialty: Can do whatever he puts his mind to
The scribe of the student council, who deals everything with composure and a soft smile.
Separate from his student council duties, he’d volunteered to be the manager of the kendo club. He visits 1st year classes quite often, under the pretext of supporting the young 1st class club member. He appears to be closer with the 1st year students than students of his own class.
He frequently calls in sick due to an accident he was involved in before he started attending the school. He can be seen taking classes at the 1st year class the next day. It’s very unusual, but strangely he doesn’t draw enough attention so he gets called out on it very rarely.
He’s always smiling and no one has seen him making any other expression. He can be brutally honest without any regard for other’s feelings, but it doesn’t seem like he himself thinks it’s particularly big problem.
Perhaps he is religious seeing how he performs certain actions before lunch.
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drmatchupmode · 6 years
I'm a straight female who is shy unless you decide to befriend me. I really care about people close to me and I love making others smile in general and making them believe in themselves! I love affection and I'm hopeless romantic. I like to mess with others by teasing them sometimes or act smooth. I can also be lazy but the other day I will be overworking myself. I tend to bring myself down though and I get distracted a lot. I'm also pretty emotional. I love games, books and plushies. Thanks :3
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Omg gurl, i’m so sorry this was so late. Like I had mentioned before, I don’t really have the time to answer these during school semesters so I just answer them during vacation. I also want to say sorry if my writing isn’t as good as with other matchups, i’ve been sort of recently out of it but because i’ve been planning this matchup for the last 4 days I wanted to get it done for you. Hopefully you’ll still be able to enjoy your matchup. Once again, I’m so sorry.
Your match is…
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Nagito Komaeda!!!
Since the very get-go you seemed like Nagito’s ideal type! Although i’m stating a bit of the obvious here, your ability to bring belief and hope to others is one that Nagito looks for in a person and admires above most other traits. I also find that a person with this ability is a good match for Nagito, not solely based on his infatuation with the idea of Hope, but also on how he very much needs someone who can provide hope to him, especially on the topic of his self-hatred. Someone who is caring and enjoys making others happy could greatly benefit Nagito, not because he needs someone to be reliant on, but because he needs someone willing to stand by him despite his many complex flaws that are usually considered bothersome by many. A more emotionally open parter could also help Nagito with developing better emotional intelligence when it comes to himself and others. Nagito might not be the most comforting person in the world, especially because of how blunt and straight-forward he is, but when it comes to people he greatly admires he isn’t afraid to point out how amazing they are in his eyes, something that would also definitely apply to you. He is also a great observer, so when it comes to your distractedness he’d probably be able to keep you a bit more in touch with your surroundings. Though I wouldn’t say Nagito is really affectionate nor a hopeless romantic, he does possess a lot of devotion to the people he comes to respect and care about. He also tends to romanticize his feelings at times, such as with hope, so when it comes to you, i’m sure he might occasionally act like a hopeless romantic himself. When that affection is directed towards him however, things may be bound to be a bit awkward at first, based on his insistence that he doesn’t deserve it, but given the fact that he’s been lonely most of his life, it would come to no surprise if this quickly changed, at least when it comes to you. Nagito tends to tease people quite a but himself, so he definitely wouldn’t mind this and in fact would probably tease each other back and forth. He doesn’t really mind you switching between being lazy and overworking, as long as it doesn’t affect you too much. Your interests also correlate a bit, especially reading books, games he enjoys playing and plushies probably not so much, but he would never mind getting some for you. If you both strive to become the best version of yourself, you’re definitely in for a long lasting relationship.
You first came to Nagito’s attention after he saw your interactions with your friends and loved ones
He could tell that you provided happiness to those around you, but couldn’t come to imagine that you were going to be anything more than an ordinary person
It was after you shyly approached him due to a book he was reading that you two started bonding
Though once he saw how you were able to provide a sense of belief and hope to others while putting a smile on their face, that’s when he really, really started falling for you
Many of your dates consist on what you might have guessed, library visits or just stay at home dates where you just play games together and cuddle
On the topic of cuddling, at first, it’s awkward, cause it consists of you just hugging Nagito while he’s laying there stiff, but afterwards, oh man, this boy is TOUCH-STARVED
A day won’t go by without him either hugging you, kissing your hand, whatever
Though you normally switch on who is either the big or small spoon, when he’s the small spoon, he absolutely loveees having his hair petted
He’ll just like melt, you swear he even purrs at times 
You never fail to put a smile on his face, even when he just looks at you
While you’re distracted, you’ll catch him staring at you with a soft smile on his face
Whenever you put yourself down, Nagito will go on a literal discourse over how amazing you are (Nagito: hi welcome to my ted talk)
Flirtatious teasing back and forth 100% of the time
Nagito will have a very peculiar way of teasing, where he just acts so innocent while say tons of innuendos and it’s just… how does he do it
However when you manage to act smooth, he just goes all red and quiet, kinda startled you at first
This 👏 boy 👏will 👏get  👏you 👏all 👏 the 👏plushies 👏you  👏want (perks of having a boyfriend with a lot of money)
He won’t really pressure you into not being lazy or if you overwork yourself won’t say much either, except when one of these starts going to the extremes where it affects you emotionally or physically 
Just when Nagito thought he had no hope, you miraculously appeared
Other options: Kokichi Ouma, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Hope you enjoyed the matchup! If you feel like you weren’t portrayed correctly/I misinterpreted your information let me know and I’ll make the corrections!
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moonchildhcs · 6 years
parkjin headcanons!!
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ur honestly both in awe at how ur in a relationship with each other because neither of u give urselves enough credit !!!! u r both sweethearts and visual gods
hyunjin: “wow ur so cute i cant believe ur dating me” parker: “no!! thats me @ u” god: “p l e a s e ur both cute babies and u deserve each other”
i digress
this bb is friends with some clingy ass mofos !!! like daehwi !!! ur getting the hugs u deserve and u will get no complaints from him abt ur affections either because hes just sitting their with you like o//w//o
dont believe this boys dangerous stage presence he is a softie through and through he will get you flowers and chocolates and everything you could possibly imagine !!! angel baby sweetie pie ur pumpy umpy umpkin !!!
he would absolutely love dancing with you !! he loves ur passion and drive to perform and is always willing to practice with u even when hes tired :( bb boy !! hes much nicer than chan tho lol but hes still a pretty strict teacher so expect some dramatic improvement under him
(also whenever you pull off a move properly he gives u a sweet s m o o c h so it encourages you to do even better for more opportunities to kiss ur bf)
bc hes an idol !! yall cant go out publicly for dates all the time so a typical date is yall goofing off at home, watching movies and shows on netflix, a romantic dinner if yall have the energy but generally takeout, blasting music and dancing around, etc etc he just loves being with you
but when its been a while he will absolutely take you out on cute dates!! sometimes cute elaborate picnics, sometimes a spontaneous trip around the city at night, but always without a fail fun and exciting, especially with your boyfie by ur side :^)
also initially he is SO shy with you !! like remember how shy he was around jinyoung ??? during the survival show??? multiply that by a MILLION this boy was so shy he blushed the deepest shade of red just by h*lding ur h*nd !!! he gains more confidence as the relationship progresses but pls be easy on this bb boys heart
also (wiggles eyebrows) yall can have some spicy kisses !! some intense makeout sessions !! but nothing further lol he is a SHY BOY and also very much 18 he is awkward and is not abt that life rn lol
like ur gonna be shocked at the duality because at the beginning of the relationship hes like “c-can i h*ld ur h*nd? and ur like “how did u censor that out loud” but now hes like “makeout with me” and ur like bitch WHAT but also okay lol
this boy is a solid eight inches taller than you lol if you think he wont even lightly tease you about the height difference you are wrong !! ur just chillin and hes like “hey :) hows the weather down there” and ur like “i will END you” and he blows a kiss ur direction and ur like “okay maybe not ur kinda cute. but comment on my height again and u will receive no mercy”
DUDE he is at the perfect height where he can rest his chin on ur head!! and give u forehead kisses !!!! he just loves u so much man !!! sure kissing u on the lips is great and all but kissing ur forehead?? CUTE
also so many of his shirts and hoodies disappeared and he was like ?????????? what !!! and then he saw you just DROWNING in his hoodie because he too loves oversized stuff and hes like. im fine with this (he takes photos and sets them as his home and lockscreen when they arent promoting) (this boy is GOOD at not getting caught)
dude when the Boiis found out u two were dating they LOST IT !!! interrogated then welcomed !! hyunjin was exposed by them a lot lol they exposed ALL the juicy stories and u were like :^)
dont worry tho ya girl laramie exposed u in kind so then hyunjin was like :^)
truly a bonding experience for the both of you
yall are both visual gods so sometimes u both will just. try on even the most ridiculous outfits and have a fashion show in the living room of ur technically shared apartment
yall take photos on ur phones in a super exaggerated manner in order to mimic the paparazzi and photographers and shout encouragements like “YES KING GET THAT BREAD” and “OH YES WORK IT”
willing to nerd out with you at a l l times !!!
oh my god him sleeping over when he can when hes not promoting and u waking up to him spooning u and just. big cuddle hours: activated
soft kisses before jokingly going “u have morning breath” and just the resounding GROAN before he threatens to leave u cold in the bed and ur like no wait-
hes trying to be frugal with his money as he hasnt been an idol for that long but he definitely buys you gifts from time to time when hes reminded of u
“babe i got this red panda plushie for u” (insert parkers unintelligible  shrieking here)
hes not the most jealous boyfriend actually !! he trusts you a lot and is okay with you being friends with whomever u please but sometimes he sees u fangiring over his seniors or smth and hes like >:( im a good performer too love me !!!! pls !! he just wants ur love smooch his cheeks and ull be good
also to get him flustered? peck his cheeks or (gasp) his NOSE he gets so flustered bc its so innocent but so intimate at the same time so he just gets so RED and stutters and ur just like :^) ah how the turn tables
this boy is a ROMANTIC through and through hes not old fashioned but he likes doing cheesy things like opening the door for you, giving you flowers, pulling out the chair for you, etc etc
he just wants to LOOOOOOOOOOVE you !!!!!
he doesnt go for too many pet names but babe and princess are what he leans towards !!
he practices his english on u and u practice ur korean on him (hint, ur better at korean than he is at english)
but he tries so hard and hes so cute !!! his english is so cute!! appreciate this baby pl s
him: “my hands are big so i can hold the world” u: “worm?” him: (holds ur cheeks) u: (choked) “w-worm?”
u guys r so cheesy but its so cute !! he just wants whats best for you
also you guys are no strangers to having deep and highly emotional talks because ur both very empathetic and vulnerable people
youve talked about ur insecurities and so has he!!! uve also both confronted the whole “ur not dating me because of my visuals/because im an idol right” and ur like “um?? no ur a sweetheart and a dedicated boii and performer and-” and then u go on a half hour long rant about all the things u love abt him and hes just like :’) i love you
whenever hes away for one reason or another, esp stuff like tours, he leaves a bunch of his clothes that smell like him so you wont feel as lonely !!! because the sad reality is is that on tours when hes not on stage hes practicing practicing practicing so keeping in touch is kinda hard
but he does his best !! he sends letters and text messages and voice messages and everything !! and when he can he facetimes you !!
we have ALL seen the boys instagram he will take a burst of 10000000 selfies on ur phone, plague u with the “ur icloud storage is almost full” messages, and it takes u 12239632485 years to delete them all (after making sure they are safely backed up into ur google photos)
yall are SO CUTE and take so many couple photos !!! yall are that iconic couple and u generally post these on ur super exclusive finsta but sometimes u sneak in a blurry pic of him on ur main or even a censored pic of him and ur like “do u ever just have the cutest sweetest (and hottest but hush) boyf in the world to flex on the broke bitches who hate u” and hyunjin is like BABE and ur like :^) 
lowkey sometimes u get jealous of jinyoung bc this boii loves and respects him so much and ur like “What Does He Have That I Do Not” and hyunjin is like “a successful career as an idol” and ur like “define successful” and he GASPS
jokesjokes lol yall playfully argue with each other a lot but if any of u go too far its pretty obvious bc u get quieter and he just. emotionally withdraws and u can see it in his eyes and ur both like OH NO BABE i didnt mean to hurt you im sorry !! and ull have a quick convo with multiple apologies and then ur BACK TO BUSINESS
so basically he was out with !! the boiis at this cute coffee shop that is never crowded so its safe for them to just relax without having seven masks on lol
and the u !! come in with laramie like :( dude school SUCKS and laramie like nods her head intently like yes indeed
and this boy is struck with LOVE like ur . so cute. and tiny. and cute. and ur venting so passionately about how the education system does Not Meet The Needs of students and hes like. her passion. i love it
and u havent noticed him but oh man the boiis have and they are RUTHLESS bc hes so shy but theyre like GIVE HER UR NUMBER COWARD
and after an overwhelming amount of encouragements and some mild bullying (and laramie going to the bathroom because this dumb bitch spilled a lil bit of tea on her shorts and shes LIVID) and this boy approaches u and ur now love stricken
bc hes so CUTE !!! and its clear hes a lil nervous bc hes blushing uwuwuwuwuwuwu but he said !! he really admires ur passion and he thinks ur really cute and hes sorry if this is creepy but could i get ur number and ur like yes. pls. i love you (jokesjokes u dont profess ur love immediately but DAMN were u close to)
u and hyunjin all blushie and excited and the boiis are LOSING it and laramie comes back like “hey fellas whatd i miss-”
anyways yall are THAT power couple who love each other and are super devoted!! and have an amazing time with each other and DAMN ppl say love is dead but clearly they havent met yall
@daffodwlw read this and weep tears of love, coward
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blameitonthebleach · 6 years
Can I have hcs on Yoruichi's new s/o wanting to get along with Kisuke and Soi Fon? :) How would things go?
Full disclosure, I started writing this months ago, and then something happened, like my computer died or something, and I lost everything I had for it. I was too pissed to restart it then, so here I am now! Lol Long overdue and without further ado~
Yoruichi Shihoin
Part I: Kisuke Urahara
–Kisuke would be much easier to appease than Soi Fon. Almost too easy. While he’s definitely protective of his best friend, he also knows that she’s a terrific judge of character, so you’re in the clear in that regard. He’s also irritatingly flippant, so if you’re the easily riled type, it might take you a bit longer to get along with him. He’ll pick on you, and he’ll drop less-than-subtle innuendos about your sex life, and he’ll just generally be an ass. Really, that’s just his way of testing you. In his mind, if you can’t handle him, then you sure as hell can’t handle Yoruichi, and quite frankly, don’t deserve her. 
–With Kisuke, it might actually be worth while to state plainly that you want to get along with him. Tell him you’ve heard great things about him, that Yoruichi regards him as her most important friend, and that you’re interested in learning why they’re such good friends. That being said, stating your intentions outright guarantees absolutely nothing. While he’s a very rational mind, he’s also the type to follow his whims into the lion’s den if it strikes him. He could either take pity on your earnestness or exploit it–it all depends on how he’s feeling that particular day. 
–All in all, though, he won’t hate you just to hate you, or dislike you just because you’re dating his best friend. First of all, Yoruichi would chastise him for it. Second, it’s not in his nature. He’s a live-and-let-live kinda guy, and he doesn’t really hate anyone. (There are exceptions to the latter, of course, but that’s a discussion for another time.)
–He WILL ask you about your sex life. Period. Kisuke’s curiosity is a plague on those around him, and his constant need for mental stimulation will lead him to teasing when it’s not otherwise occupied by his many experiments. And really, it depends on your personality what kind of response you’ll evoke from him. A shy, perhaps even timid, innocent personality will elicit a much kinder response. Likely something akin to the way he treats Ururu. A brash, confrontational, excitable personality will draw out his mischievous, needling side. He’ll treat you exactly how he treats Yoruichi, and she’d be pleased that the people she loves most are getting along. 
Part II: Soi Fon
–Oh, my, have you got your work cut out for you. It’s not news that Soi Fon worships the ground Lady Yoruichi walks on, to the point that she loathed Kisuke–and even still does, to a point–when they were first introduced. Continued to find him troublesome and cheeky when he acted so familiar with Lady Yoruichi, etc. It’s also not a far stretch to state that she has a crush (*cough* obsession *cough*) on Yoruichi, either. Whether you’d like to take this as romantic, platonic, or extreme respect and devotion, the fact remains that there will be hostility between you. If not initiated by you, certainly initiated by Soi Fon. 
–Yoruichi would do her best to curb Soi Fon’s outward dislike for the situation (a word which here means “you”), and Soi Fon would desire to like you because it would please Lady Yoruichi to have you two get along. Neither of these things would be very useful, however, because Soi Fon is steadfast in her decisions and actions. Really, your only choice is to continue to treat Yoruichi like she’s gold, love and cherish her, and while Soi Fon may never truly like you, she will come to terms with the relationship.
–Once that happens, which could take eons, you two will have a strange frenemy relationship, wherein you can ask for advice on how best celebrate Yoruichi’s birthday, what she’d like best as a gift, or what her favorite foods are, etc. Soi Fon, objectively, might not be the most helpful, often suggesting cat figurines/plushies/paraphernalia, but she would genuinely try to help you out. After all, it’s Lady Yoruichi we’re talking about! Anything done for her is in the realm of things Soi Fon is interested in. 
–Regarding sexual matters, Soi Fon is stuck in a state where she wants to know everything that happens, but absolutely does not at the same time. She is jealous that Yoruichi spends so much time with you, but accepts that you are someone precious to her. As frenemies, she’ll be on your side, defend you, protect you all for Lady Yoruichi, but also find your presence mildly irritating. She’ll know when you two have had an intimate night, and she’ll fidget all day long, battling with herself over whether or not she should ask you how it went and what happened, or if she’d rather remain ignorant.
–Overall, Soi Fon and Kisuke will come to accept and acknowledge you. Kisuke will be much easier to become friends with than Soi Fon, as he’s generally laid back and accepting. Soi Fon would take goddamn forever to win over, and that’s really only because she loves Yoruichi to death. Under normal circumstances, while prickly, she’s not unreasonable, and you would have a much easier time getting to know her. Noting who you’re dating, however, she has placed a wall between you that might never fully disappear, but it will become more like a curtain than sekkiseki.
–Yoruichi will have minimal involvement in resolving the tension between the three of you. She would introduce, coo over you in that teasing manner she often performs, and intervene if things got hostile (mostly between you and Soi Fon), but would otherwise trust that you three could work it out. You’re all adults here, and she chooses those she favors carefully. When Kisuke starts getting closer to you–jokingly, of course–Yoruichi–equally joking–would wrap her arms around your waist possessively and declare, “Nice try, Kisuke, but she’s mine. I’m the only one who gets to see her cute face when she–”  “Okay, okay! That’s enough, please!”
–Laughs all around. Except there’s a distinct black aura coming off Soi Fon…
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sexhunal · 7 years
EXO Summary
- 8 active members and 1 member that’s been in China for 12 years.
-‎ Talk about Sehun’s dick on national television.
-‎ Horny 24/7
-‎ Look intimidating but are actually a bunch of muffins except for D.O who will cut you.
-‎ Love making EXO-ls suffer.
-‎ Canes.
-‎ Abs for days.
-‎ Visuals are no joke.
-‎ “WE ArE sINgeRs, noT STriPpERs.”
-‎ Dancing Kings.
-‎ Dangerous smiles.
- Invented the hip thrust
- Deserve all the love and respect in the world
- Not the maknae
- ‎Goes way too hard on sexy choreography
- ‎Baby face, man body
- ‎Will not put up with your shit
- ‎Cute cheeks
- Struggling single mom
- Harassed by all his children members
- ‎Just wants to join Red Velvet
- Shameless
- ‎Is a prettier girl than you
- Lost 24/7
- ‎Dimples
- ‎Super sweet and innocent
- ‎But will hip thrust you into next week
- ‎Goes way too hard on sexy choreography pt.2
- ‎Just wants an ass to grab
- Needs help
- ‎Doesn’t know what personal space is
- ‎Vocals will kill you
- ‎Extra
- Can’t keep his hands to himself
- ‎Needs attention to survive
- Looks like a cat
- ‎The most beautiful cat
- ‎Vocals will kill you pt.2
- ‎Probably complaining right now
- ‎We don’t deserve him
- Trying his best
- ‎Rap god
- Also amazing singer
- Cute ears
- ‎Plays every instrument ever
- ‎An actual angel
- ‎Scared of everything but D.O.
- Small but will fight you
- ‎Vocals will save you
- ‎Isn’t allowed to have hair
- ‎Wants to grow vegetables
- ‎Probably just wants to go home
- Sin
-‎ Will break his pelvis one day
-‎ Laughs at everything
-‎ He doesn’t look for cameras, cameras look for him
-‎ Embarrassed of Suho
-‎ Would trade you for chicken
- Literally tore an entire plushie to shreds during an interview (stop giving these things to him)
- Gets the best lines in every song
- ‎Has recently lost all of his shirts
- ‎Petty bitch
- ‎Better than everyone and he knows it
- ‎Tall maknae
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cuddlefishcutie · 3 years
you know, people dont get what they deserve, good or bad. im sorry im bitching so much. i really cant see anything good about me anymore. a lot of bad stuff happened. everyone believes the liars. even if they dont, they still respect them and dont see why they should be held accountable and want to shut you up and worse for saying the truth. but hey, you have awesome pets. a cat and a puppy, right? what else makes you happy? do you have any hello kitty stuff, plushies, maybe something you watch?
The universe and humans society isn't fair so yeah no one ever gets anything they deserve I know it's hard to see the good in and of yourself it's a difficult thing self love is never easy or simple we are our own worst enemy and our worst critics yeah that's usually the case victim blaming and not believing us but only the ones who committed the crimes the innocent are marked guilty I think they don't want to hear the truth sometimes because it's always so terrible awful horrifying terrifying scary disgusting and nasty it smells it has a foul pungent stench of rotten molded half devoured sick ugly nightmarish evil wrong doings crimes we're all told raised preached at to avoid stay away from run from...while the lies that get passed out like flyers for a fall festival downtown every year in September and October you hear it going around you see them and you even get handed one to read to look at to be annoyed with taunted provoked and pestered by and so they shove it in your face no matter how hard and how many times you say no it's forced into your hands to keep and walk home with they're laced like a drug EVERY person believes the trip they get they stay on it because they can't stop their addiction they see you and run because they see a monster when in reality you're the human who got hurt by said monster.
I have no "pet" persay as I put it lol my son Buddha he's a feline he's a few weeks give or take a few days over a year old now yay his older siblings passed he only knew one Chip his older brother who was white lab and some other mix I don't remember passed before even a year old had him since he was 6 weeks adopted from another family oh boy oh boy do I have Hello Kitty things I have enough to decorate an entire small 2 bedroom apt or house even just about and still have a little left over for a storage closet lol it's insane but she's my religion my god my BPD obsession idk why but my BPD just clicked on her and hasn't switched in years spend $300 something at Hot Topic just a little while back this year and $500 something at Toys R Us when they had the closing sale...I have things even given to me that are Hello Kitty... makeup stuffies Easter baskets candle for birthday cake coloring books paint markers shoes clothes hair accessories jewelry nail polish sunscreen skin care products bedding a bike scooter water thingy to refill once a day and get the amount recommended every day a lava lamp doll house even a toaster that prints her face into both slices!!!!! Shower products you name it I probably have something Hello Kitty of it I don't really watch anything anymore but I do have old specific special shows and movies I love
0 notes
smutmylifeup · 7 years
Client Report: Shuichiro Momoi (MATURE)
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“It’s so weird you sitting there smiling. I’m not sure I like it.”
Miho said from the other side of her desk, almost a little bitter since she didn’t have a reason to smile currently with Goto just leaving for an undercover operation.
Rose was sat in Miho’s office, writing up her last clients report. Well, this could be her last client for a very long time since all that had gone on at MJS recently. And while the atmosphere was tense and sombre. Everyone tried their best to remain positive at least – except for Miho who had been hugging her Domo plushie for the last hour or so.
Rose couldn’t help having a reason to smile. She’d found Ryosuke.
“Stop looking at me then.”
Rose sassed back although she wanted to wipe the inane grin off her own face because of Miho’s current situation, she couldn’t.
“Was the client that good? Or are you thinking about a certain puppy of yours?”
Miho’s eyebrow arched but she knew the answer to that question before she asked it.
“Don’t call him a puppy, it reminds me too much of Kisaki.”
Rose’s body shivered, that was one encounter she wished she could forget. But somehow, she had a feeling it wouldn’t be the last – especially since Ryosuke and Ota knew each other, even if it was through Mr Oh.
“I really wish I had seen that, Jazz said he deserved it,” Miho leaned back in her chair as if she was imaging it. “But don’t avoid my question. Tell me about him.”
“Fine, his name is Ryosuke. And actually he was the reason I learnt self-defence when I was younger. We were neighbours and he was the kind of annoying kid that just didn’t know when to quit. He’d hang around me like a – well like a lost puppy. He was always so happy go lucky and energetic, the total opposite of me. He was infectious and I found myself wanting to be around him.”
Miho nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips as if she knew something Rose didn’t.
“Eventually he didn’t annoy me anymore. And I actually started to look forward to seeing him after school. Since we went to different schools we only saw each other after. But he’d always have these odd scrapes and bruises on his hands and knees.”
Rose frowned, she remembered confronting him about them on several occasions. And he’d just say he was a ‘klutz’ and fell over. She wasn’t stupid – while he smiled and laughed it off, his eyes looked sad and his eyes never looked sad. But she couldn’t do anything about it or she didn’t think she could because they didn’t attend the same school.
“He was a scrawny, short boy and was so innocent and saw the best in everyone – that was his greatest quality.”
Rose smiled again, he was the only person that saw beyond Rose’s cold exterior. No one had ever broken her walls down as easily as he did – well not until the MJS ladies.  
“But kids are assholes. They saw his kindness as his weakness and pushed him around, literally. I wanted to protect him somehow. So I asked to join my Uncle’s Dojo.”
Rose realised she was rambling about part of her past that both made her who she is and haunted her. She knew that MJS knew she was kind of like a guard dog when it came to people she cared about but it was still hard for her, the metaphorical walls may have been knocked down but there was still rubble all around her.
“Long story short – I kicked some bully asses, nearly go kicked out of school and Ryo got mad at me for getting myself in trouble for him. He shouted at me, possibly the only time I saw him remotely close to being angry but in seconds I had him pinned to the floor.”
Miho chuckled and Rose looked at her.
“I know, it’s like a running theme right? But he wouldn’t listen to me so I had to take drastic action. I wanted to protect him, he was and still is extremely important to me.”
“So he’s basically like your puppy?”
Miho questioned as if she was trying to make Rose realise something.
“No. He might have been when we were younger but he’s not a puppy anymore, well not mine anyway.”
Rose felt a plunge of sadness strike her heart.
Why did that upset her?
“I see.”
Miho nodded well aware of the sudden change in Rose’s expressions. Miho was a woman of wisdom and she knew that some people needed to work things out for themselves rather than be told.
“You’ll have to tell me more about him at our sleepover tonight.”
Miho chirped, the sadness in her voice masked with a forced excitement attempting to cover up her upset but failing miserably.
I think it’s been said before but MJS seriously has some badass bitches who didn’t succumb to drama and angst easily.
“But for now, finish that client report. I’m going to grab a coffee, want one?”
Miho was more than a fair boss. There was an even mix of work and play – outside of the actual date scenarios, and it made for a great working atmosphere. And a great atmosphere meant happy employees.
“Yes, Sir.”
Rose saluted at Miho.
“Okay, just for the Sir comment I’m not bringing you coffee now. And don’t think I won’t kick your ass if you keep giving me lip. Don’t forget I was an assassin in a past life.”
Rose chuckled and waved her hand as if to admit defeat. After all, even if Miho wasn’t serious in her threat, she knew Miho was more than capable of handling herself in her past life and in her current life.
After that, Miho left the office to get their beverages and Rose picked up her clients profile again, thinking back to the beginning of the date.
“Hey, sorry to make you come all the way here instead of the bar we agreed on.”
He picked up the bowl full of icing and whisked it as if it was the lightest and easiest thing in the world – and from a disastrous experience of her own, Rose knew it wasn’t.
“No problem. Sounds like you’ve been pretty busy.”
She wasn’t lying when she said it wasn’t a problem. Although being here at all was kind of disappointing since she’d just found her best friend, she was still on an adrenaline rush that made it difficult for her to sit still or for her mind to be focused on one thing. But work was work. She had time for a social life later. Rose leaned over the counter trying to squash her jittery hands and watched him.
“You have no idea.” He sighed.
Shuichiro Momoi. 25 years old. Pastry chef and part owner of Pâtisserie Larme in Jiyugaoka. He was a very handsome man, still young, in good physical shape despite all the sweet treats around him every day, he could bake and he had his own successful business at such a young age.
He ticked all the right boxes for a lot of women. Although, it wasn’t as simple as that – she hadn’t witnessed much of his personality yet. Even at the brief meeting with him and Miho, he was quite serious and robotic about the entire thing.
Which wasn’t a bad thing.
“While you finish up, mind if I ask you some questions about your ideal wife?”
Rose said getting out her sketchbook – she had planned to makes notes but it was kind of becoming a theme for her to draw clients as part of their profile. And with the inspiration of such decorative cakes all around her, she was in her element. As well as to keep her focused on the job at hand.
“Go ahead. I’m almost done anyway.”
“Tell me about your ideal type? What specifically do you want in a woman?”
Rose flicked her pencil in the same motion as Momoi did when he iced the cakes he was making.
“Hm. Well, I think it’s easier to tell you what I don’t want and I don’t want to date another pastry chef.”
He said, his tone sharp but flat and deathly serious.
It wasn’t meant to come out as inquisitive as it sounded but Rose couldn’t exactly suck back in the sound she just created.
“Bad experience.”
Was all he said, the end of his sentence making it quite obvious he didn’t want to go into any further detail. So, he had a wall up. Not willing to show someone his scars like a badge of honour. He needed someone patient to chip away his armour.
“While I respect that it’s probably still a tough subject for you, you are aware that I need full honesty from you to find you the best match, right?” Rose said.
She glanced and him and he gave a nod but didn’t look at her.
There was silence for a moment only the sound of her pencil scratching against paper. Rose wasn’t sure what to say – he hadn’t really answered her previous question, well he had but there were millions of women who weren’t specifically pastry chefs. It was almost like he chose to end that conversation there. And so far, all of her clients had been more than honest with her since it was to their benefit. This was basically the first wall she’d walked into yet.
“What are you doing?”
His voice boomed over her head and the sudden appearance of his voice, much closer now made her head bolt up and straight into his chin.
He grunted, stumbling back slightly.
“Ah, fuck. I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
Rose dropped her pencil and got up and briskly walked round to where Momoi stood. She pushed his hands out the way that held his possibly bruised chin and replaced them with her own.
“Jeez, you have a seriously hard head.” He grumbled.
But he allowed her to continue touching him and inspect his chin for any damage. She titled his head upwards to get a better look. His jawline was really something, it was sharp and strong. Surprising really that he hadn’t shattered Rose’s skull.
“You chin isn’t exactly soft.”
Before she even realised, her fingers softly followed the bone. When her eyes flitted up to his face, there was a tinge of pink to his cheeks and he seriously avoided eye contact. While she was here for more than a caress of his chin, she also didn’t want to step over any boundaries he had.
“Sorry,” Rose let her hands drop after making sure he was not seriously hurt. “and to answer your question. I was just drawing – I’m an art student.”
A deep intake of breath and Momoi looked at Rose. His brow furrowed into a scowl and while she would have assumed he was pissed, the slow arch of his eyebrow was the first expression she’d seen other than his resting bitch face.
“That doesn’t really surprise me,” Momoi eyed her from head to toe. “You have that whole artist ‘look’.”
“Is that an insult or a compliment?”  
Rose stepped back so she was able to look at him without craning her neck too much and crossed her arms under her chest. Effectively creating some impressive cleavage that poked out of her shirt. And she was rewarded with an obvious glance from Momoi.
“What would you do if I said insult?”
This was starting to get somewhere. While the banter was basic at best, it was still more than what she’d gotten out of him already.
Rose walked back slowly, not taking her eyes off his until she reached the almost empty bowl of icing. She gracefully, still looking at him dipped her finger into the bowl and got a generous amount of icing on her finger and raised it until she could lick it clean off.
Momoi watched, his stoic face shifting into the slightest of teasing smirks.
“You’re lucky I’ve finished icing the cakes or I’d make you pay for the icing you just ate.”
While Rose thought that perhaps if she wasn’t here for the reason she was, that threat would have been serious. After all, he clearly took a lot of pride in his work and the dedication it took to make and perfect each individual cake.
“You’re lucky it tastes as good as it looks or I’d need something to wash away such a dissatisfying taste.”
Rose gave her finger one final lick before she walked back towards Momoi.
“I’m so glad Aki isn’t here.” He sighed.
For a moment Rose thought that perhaps he’d be embarrassed by how openly they were just flirting in his work place and the innuendo that left her lips. But there was something about him that reminded her of Minato.
If he was anything like Minato, this was going to be fun.
However, he looked completely comfortable in his posture, in his gaze and in his movements as he tugged Rose into his chest.
His lips were on hers and their bodies pressed as close together as the height difference would allow. The kiss was warm and smooth. Their heads titled together as Momoi changed the angle. Rose’s hands were gripping tightly onto him for support, he was greedy in his kisses and even with her vast experience, Rose struggled to keep up with his pace.
“Hah…Not – Not here.”
He panted as he took a moment to catch his own breath before he kissed her again.
While Rose was starting to get into the heat of the moment – she also knew it wasn’t very sanitary to have sex in a kitchen that was used to make cakes for mass human consumption. And reluctantly she pulled back.
She looked at him with lustful eyes and waited for him to show her in the direction of where he wanted to continue.
He took her hand and escorted her to a set of stairs and with his eyes motioned for her to go up them. However, he did not follow and just watched her as she continued.
“Enjoying the view?”
Rose called as she peered over her shoulder.
“Would be better if your shirt wasn’t in the way,” He dismissed but his tone still teasing. “I’m just gonna lock up, I don’t think we want any unexpected visitors.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.”
Rose smirked thinking back to the time her and Kyobashi were just about to reach their orgasms and his bedroom door burst open, and what she could only assume was his friend/co-worker walked in. She never caught his name but he was pretty hot and the way he blushed was extremely adorable.
She continued up the stairs with that memory replaying in her head and went into the room where Momoi told her to wait.
It was really hot upstairs. The room was probably directly above the kitchen so the heat from the ovens seeped into this room. She undid her shirt, popping each button – while she would have endured the heat for any other reason, her shirt would probably be coming off anyway so she may as well make a head start.
With her shirt thrown over the back of the sofa, Rose sat back in position and a few moments later Momoi entered.
“Sorry, the guy who ships our deliveries just showed-“
Momoi cut off his sentence when he lifted his eyes from the floor to Rose. And Rose smirked in response, it always made her feel really good when she removed her clothes and she got that kind of reaction.
People always didn’t expect her to have the figure she has from the baggy shirts and t-shirts she wore.
“Something wrong, Shu?”
Rose hadn’t asked if she could be so informal, not that she normally did but with what was to come calling him “Mr Momoi” seemed a little strange, unless he asked her to call him that.
He whistled out in a deep exhale. He shut the door behind himself and began to undo his uniform on his way to where Rose was seated.
“I like a mature woman, but you,” he said wrapping a hand loosely round her throat and pulling her up. “Are pretty damn impressive.”
He kissed her again, not allowing her to respond to his compliment. And Rose fell into the kiss.
The rest of their clothes were shed without any hesitation. Although, Rose’s underwear was left on. Perhaps her intricate strappy mesh bra and panties combo was a good choice because Momoi didn’t seem the least bit interested in taking them off.
“Like doing it with underwear on?”
Rose queried as he pushed her into a sitting position on the sofa.
“Mm, if the underwear is this sexy – yes.”
He responded but still stood.
Rose made a mental note that he was a fan of sexy underwear and waited for him to make the next move. She looked at him through her lashes and blinked sensually – she knew what she wanted to do next and she was hoping her eyes were doing a good job at asking for permission as well as her sneaky hand that was running down his stomach.
“Uh-uh. You have to vocalise what you want.”
He smirked, pushing her hand away.
“I want to suck your dick – please.”
Rose didn’t hesitate to answer to his terms. It wasn’t as if she was ashamed of wanting to blow him.
“Good girl.”
Momoi brushed his hand through her hair and encouraged her to slide off the sofa and onto her knees by putting a little pressure on the back of her head. And she complied happily.
“Looks like it’s not only your cakes that rise well.”
Rose said – she couldn’t miss the opportunity to make a pun out of his job and his semi-erection.
Abruptly, before Rose could even get his boxers down and around his ankles, Momoi pulled her hair back and made her head tilt up to his towering form.
“You’ve got a lewd mouth.”
“You’re going to find out just how lewd.”
Rose moaned, enjoying the pain on her hair follicles.
Momoi let out a growl and encouraged her once more to get down to business.
So he enjoyed dirty talk too – noted.
Rose pulled his boxers down and the semi she had seen protruding through his boxers was now a full blown erection. And she subconsciously licked her lips – it was amazing how a little dirty talk could turn someone on so much.
He wasn’t huge, Rose would say about average but he was thick and girthy. Each vein seemed to stick out and throb against his skin. And it was all cased in the delicious chocolate colour of his pubic hair.
“Don’t just stare at it.”
Momoi said, his tone impatient under Rose’s gaze.
And Rose wasn’t one to keep someone waiting. She gripped the base of his cock and watched Momoi’s body tense at the contact.
Once he relaxed again, Rose gave one stroke with her fist before she leant in to kiss his tip. It was a feather light brush on her lips and she stared up at him to watch his response.
His eyes tightly shut before opening and he stared down at her. A stern expression as if to say ‘don’t keep me waiting.’
Rose shut her own eyes and sucked his tip between her lips. The salty taste hitting her savoury pallet in the dribble of the pre-cum that she swiped at with her tongue. Rose opened her eyes again as she began to bob her head. One thing she loved about blowjobs was watching a man enjoying her mouth.
Their eyes met for a brief moment until Rose grazed her teeth along the top of his cock. Momoi’s eyes squeezed shut and the grip he had on her hair tightened. Rose did that one more time before continuing to bob her head.
She continued like this for perhaps ten more seconds before switching it up. She removed him from her mouth with a lewd pop. Tilting his cock up towards his stomach – Rose licked the underside of his cock from base to tip and back down again.
And next was the focus on his balls, which seemed to throb against her tongue as she traced small circular patterns before sucking on one then turning her attention to the other.
Rose gripped onto his thigh for support and dug her nails in when he gripped her and pulled her once more to put his cock back in her mouth.
But this time he set the pace – thrusting his hips forward into her mouth, pushing as far back as her gag reflex would allow. When she began sputtering, he held his position and looked down at her.
Rose swallowed, although she wasn’t actually swallowing anything – it was the contraction of her throat muscles that contracted around the head of his cock that pressed against her tonsils. Momoi groaned and pulled back out of her mouth.
“You weren’t wrong when you said your mouth is lewd.”
Momoi panted, releasing his tight grip of her hair and smoothing it down. And Rose smiled, one of things she enjoyed about rough sex was the softness that was hidden under all the pleasurable pain.
“But if we keep that up, I’m not gonna last much longer,” He said bending to wrap his arms around her and pick her up. “And I’ve got to an inspection of your pretty little cake before I do that.”
Momoi grinned, obviously pleased with his own baking pun.
Rose chuckled, wobbling slightly as Momoi helped her stand. The pins and needles made her legs ache but she couldn’t asked for a moment to walk it off – it would spoil the mood.
So instead she decided to turn and kneel on the sofa and lean against the back of it. Her ass perched up and ready for inspection. And she was rewarded for her position by a little spank on her behind.
“You’re such a good girl.”    
Rose wiggled her ass in response. The ache between her thighs from the make-out sessions and the blowjob was bordering on painful. And the little wet patch on her underwear showed that.
“Did you enjoy sucking my dick that much?”
Rose nodded as he gripped each of her cheeks.
“Say it.”
He slapped her ass again but this time with a little more force. And Rose threw her head back in enjoyment.
“I loved sucking your dick.”
She panted, she was already extremely turned on – the lack of friction was starting to get realllllly frustrating. She gasped when her underwear was pushed to the side and the air hit her damp pussy, a buzz of a shiver ran over her body from head to toe.
The intrusion of a finger into her wet glove was not unwelcome but still made Rose moan out her surprise. The much needed friction satisfying the frustration he’d caused making her blood pulse around her body faster than before.
He leaned over her form and brushed her hair to one side of her neck and kissed softly against the other side. A complete contradiction to the almost pounding his hand was doing as he thrust in and out of her pussy adding a second finger after two thrusts.
For a moment, he just breathed against her neck and her ear as he continued to fuck her with his fingers.
“I’m not allowed to mark you, am I?”
He asked, his teeth grazing her already bruised throat – the marks Minato had left still not fully healed.
“My – My boss wouldn’t be happy if I showed up with more visible bruises.”
Rose moaned out, struggling to form a sentence with the pleasure he was still bestowing on her. But she emphasised on the ‘visible’ part.
“Well then,” His teeth continued to graze down her neck until her reached her shoulder. “I guess I’ll just have to leave some only where you and I know about them.”
Momoi bite down onto her shoulder and sucked harshly. A rush of pain jolting her forward and her moans muffled into the back of the sofa as he made sure he’d leave a sufficient hickey.
“I can’t, I can’t hold back anymore.”
Momoi said as he released her skin.
He retracted from her, the heat from her back making her sweaty skin shiver. But as he pulled his fingers out of her, her pussy was still hot and begging to be cooled down.
Rose stayed in position panting out the lingering pleasure she was feeling.
She leaned on her arm and peered behind her as she watched Momoi head to a locker – which was probably his. After some fumbling he pulled out a small foil package. And Rose was thankful because her bag was still in the kitchen and she’s not sure her legs were stable enough to go and collect them.
Momoi returned to her but instead of continuing this position, he sat on the sofa and made her straddle his lap.
With the condom on, Rose held the base of his cock and began to lower herself onto him. His width stretching her in ways that made her sting but in a pleasant way.
She let of on his cock when his tip was inside her and she gripped onto his shoulders to support her as she engulfed the rest of him. Momoi gripped her hips and pushed her down on this cock with a gentleness that was refreshing in comparison to the roughness he’d showed her so far.
After full insertion, for a moment they sat still and panted. Their breaths mingling into a hotbox of sexual heat.
Then they began to move, and Rose’s hips lifted Momoi pulled his back to the slammed her back down into his lap. The desperation in both of their movements were evident. It was so blissful and gratifying. Each thrust reaching further and further each time – or that is what it felt like.
“God, I – I want you to cum.”
Momoi said, releasing one side of her hip so he could play with her clit.
At the contact Rose’s head flung back and only didn’t fall off his lap thanks to the hold her nails had on the skin of his shoulders.
It wasn’t long till they’d both reached their orgasms.
She was first to cum, and gladly let Momoi use her pussy until he’d found his own.
Rose was putting her clothes on, while Momoi went downstairs – luckily after putting on his own clothes, probably wouldn’t look good if someone saw a naked man wandering around inside of a cake shop – especially since it had peaked in popularity, mostly due to the ‘prince of pastry’.
Once she was presentable, Rose went back down too.
“Here, these are for you.”
Momoi handed Rose a pale pink box.
“Oh and Miss Fujiwara.”
Momoi said as an afterthought.
Rose placed the box on the counter and opened it.
In the box sat six cupcakes, all pale pink and white. Each intricately decorated into symmetric and tasty looking butterflies.
“Oh my god. These a beautiful.”
Rose smiled at Momoi and he blushed. How cute.
“I almost don’t want to eat them,” Rose’s smiled intensified. “Almost. Thank you, are you sure it’s okay for you to just give these to me?”
Momoi nodded, his cheeks still a little pink.
“That’s really sweet of you. Hey, how about when I finish my drawing, I give it to you as a gift? Fair trade.”
Rose offered as she picked up her sketchbook and put it back in her bag.
“Deal. Maybe I’ll have to get you to design some cake for me sometime.”
He smirked as if he hadn’t even give Rose the option to say no.
Rose’s phone began to ring – telling her that the date was over.
“That’s my cue to leave.”
Rose smiled, and Momoi’s disappeared but he nodded.
“Would you like me to take you home?”
Rose shook her head. While she was pretty sure Momoi was a good guy under his abrasive personality, after all that had gone on at MJS she couldn’t allow him to do that.
“I’ll get a cab, thank you. It’s getting late, I’m sure you’d like to go home.”
Rose smiled as she collected her things and then picked up the box of other sweet treats she was itching to wrap her lips around.
“Thank you for this evening and the cakes. You’ll be hearing from either myself or Miho in the next few days.”
Rose said as she headed towards the door. Momoi following closely behind.
When she opened the door, she turned towards him and stepped onto her tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek, more of western style goodbye than a traditional Japanese one but she felt rude just bowing after what they’d just done together.
“Good night.”
And that was the end of the date.
Rose had just finished writing up Momoi’s report when her phone rang. She didn’t recognise the number but answered anyway.
The use of her first name and the almost shy but puppy like voice used made Rose smile instantly.
“Hey Ryo. I’m so glad you actually called. I was half expecting you to forget, you were always good at that.”
Rose chuckled.
“I’d never forget to ring you!!!”
Ryosuke exclaimed, very defensive.
“Yeah, yeah. So what’s up?”
“I, I, Um. Was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow? Mr. Oh gave me the day off and I want to see you. But Don’t worry if you’re busy!”
Rose smiled, he was so adorable.
“I’m not busy tomorrow. What did you have in mind?”
“Really?! Yay. Um, I dunno I hadn’t thought that far ahead,” There was silence on Ryo’s end for a moment. “Oh I know, can we play mario kart?”
Rose’s smile turned into a grin.
“Didn’t get enough of me beating you when we were kids?”
“Hey! I’ve had a lot of practice. I know I’ll be able to beat you this time!”
Rose laughed. He was always so energetic, it was so refreshing.
“We’ll have to see about that. Do you want to come to mine?”
There was another pause on the phone and Rose wondered if she’d asked anything strange.
“Is, Is that really okay?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”
Rose was puzzled, he came her house as a kid all the time. And she went to his all the time. Why wouldn’t it be okay?
“N-No reason! Ya, what time should I come to yours? Is it the address on the card you gave me? Do you want me to bring snacks or anything?”
Rose laughed.
“Calm down, Ryo. I can only answer one question at a time. Yes it’s the address on the card and shall we say about one PM ish? And no, I’ll swing by the grocery store after I leave work today.”
“Okay! I can’t wait to see you. Oh, and to finally beat you at Mario Kart.”
Rose shook her head. He was still the same person she knew as a kid and that was such a relief, she was always worried if she found him he’d be completely different.
“Bring it on.”
Rose could hear another voice in the background and by the tone, assumed it was Mr. Oh.
“Ah, yes. Sorry Boss, right away,” Ryosuke’s voice was muffled but Rose could still hear what he was saying. “Akane, I’ve got to go. Mr Oh needs me. I’ll see you tomorrow!”
“Heh, okay. Have a good day!”
Rose hadn’t realised that just by talking to Ryosuke just how much he could affect her mood. She almost didn’t recognise the excitement that came out of her voice as she said goodbye. But she wasn’t bothered.
She was just thinking about what snacks to get for hers and Ryosuke’s Mario Kart date.
MJS: @whatdoyouexpectthistime​ @hifftn @smile-smile-ichthys @nitelotus 
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dat-town · 8 years
Coffee taste (m)
Characters: Min Yoongi & You
Genre: fluff, smut (just a prolonged foreplay though)
Summary:  As in what happens when you disturb your boyfriend late at night in his studio uninvited and try to lure him home.
Warnings: mild dirty talk and light sexual content
Words: 2963
I blame my late night conversation with @taetaeby about sweets, coffee and Yoongi.
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“Come on, take a break.”
If there were a list of things you definitely shouldn’t tell Min Yoongi, that would be at the top of it right after Hey, wake up, sleepy head. Still, you get no reaction from the young man sitting in the chair in front the computer illuminated by its fluorescent light. His fingers are constantly typing, clicking, pausing or drumming to the beat that’s coming from his headphones. He is so lost in his music that he is completely unfazed by his surroundings.  You take a few steps towards him after closing the door shut with a quiet click and setting aside the bag in your hands. You have always found the so-called Genius Lab cozy with its worn leather couch and stylish furniture decorated with memories of its owner’s most cherished or life-changing moments: a museum of photos, awards, CDs and let’s not forget about the iconic Kumamon plushies either.
Your steps come to a halt just to stand behind the swivel chair that provides you a better view of what Yoongi is currently working on. Not that you know anything about music softwares, so the only thing you comprehend is that he’s still staring at the same file he opened two days ago when you were in. Based on the empty pizza and Chinese take-out boxes in the corner it looks like he didn’t move around a lot in the meantime and you sigh at the collection of various neglected energy drinks on the wooden table. You gently pull off the headphones you bought for him last Christmas and place it around his neck while you bend down to rest your chin on his shoulder.
“Hey,” you greet him in a soft murmur, pressing a short peck on his nape which finally jerks him out of the trance. You feel the muscles in his shoulders tense immediately because he certainly didn’t expect a visitor in the middle of the night and your fingers move quickly to soothe him by applying light pressure on the uptight area.
“Oh shit, it’s late, right? I forgot about time,” cusses fly out of Yoongi’s mouth followed by a tired yawn and you can tell from his raspy, deep voice that he hasn’t spoken out loud in a while. Which means he didn’t really have company during the past days.
“It’s okay,” you reassure him like the patient girlfriend you are even if you hate sleeping in the cold king-sized bed alone. You had been well aware of his life style and perfectionism when you started dating after being just friends for years. You admire him for being so invested in music, living so diligently to his passion but you are willing to be that person who stops him if he overdoes it. Someone has to make sure he takes care of his health and doesn’t forget about his family and friends either.
Your hands smooth down on his hoodie-covered arms and when you reach his pale, bony fingers, both of you instinctively move to intertwine them with yours. “Let’s go. You need to get some rest,” you nudge him lightly, whispering into his skin that’s still faintly mint-scented despite the previous days without seeing daylight much less taking a decent shower.
“Soon. I’ll just finish this beat,” Yoongi promises hastily while he brings your hand close to his face and you feel his slightly chapped lips brushing over your knuckles lovingly. Even though his affectionate gesture sends shivers down your spine, you know better: in his dictionary soon means another hour then one more again and so on. The never-ending battle with his own expectations to create something perfect: he won’t stop until he’s satisfied with the track and that takes a lot of time. You can’t blame him because good things take time and the outcome is always jaw-dropping: a heart-stirring song you could cry on or a rap track you would be hyped for. However, it means a lot more nights spent alone. An unintended whine escapes your throat.
“You haven’t come home yesterday and the day before either,” you remind him trying not to pout but failing miserably. The disappointment must colour your voice too because Yoongi turns in his chair and looks at you with those sincere eyes as black as his favourite coffee.
“You know what it’s like with inspiration.”
It sounds like an apology you don’t want to hear. You understand and respect his love for music and his loyalty to his fans but you won’t let him work himself to death.
“I know,” you mutter with an acknowledging nod because during the last nine months of your relationship and ever before, as soon as you miraculously became friends with him over a cup of coffee, you promptly learned how it is when he gets into the zone. You literally had to drag him out last time when he was in this phase before their latest comeback. You mercilessly threatened him to visit Holly, his beloved dog in his hometown alone and bless your acting skills, he believed that and crawled out of his cave. Somehow you figured, the trick won’t work multiple times. So you adapt to the circumstances with a sigh. “I kind of already knew you would say that so I bought you coffee and sweets just in case your supply ran out.”
You draw back a little and pull out two cups of sweetened coffee from the bag set aside along with a package of colourful french fancies you bought at that fancy patisserie open 24/7 down the corner to ensure his normal blood sugar level. Of course, you also brought decent food: a serving of black bean noodles and spicy rice cake.
“You are an angel.” Your boyfriend exclaims with widened eyes, sitting up straight and he licks his lower lip at the sight. You just smile at his eagerness and hold out wooden chopsticks for him which he takes still dazed. “What did I do to deserve you? I must have saved the world in my earlier life.”
“Probably,” you laugh it off, a pink blush heating up your cheeks as you watch him attacking the sauced pasta. He doesn’t talk much while he’s munching on the food but he has always been softspoken. You’re glancing at the luminescent light of the clock on the shelf and it shows a little over 1AM.
Your boyfriend lets out a content sigh patting his now full stomach and tosses away the empty box. He wash away the taste of spicy food with big gulps of coffee and you swallow hard at the sight of his Adam’s apple bobbing. You can’t even argue with that fan claiming she would sue Yoongi because he really is a dangerous man. Who else could turn you on just by looking hella fine while drinking?
“I really needed this, thanks,” he rewards you with a grateful smile after he finishes the cup, and then turns back towards his computer to continue working.
You almost unconsciously slip off the table you’ve been sitting on the last fifteen minutes while Yoongi devoured the food you bought him. You know that you should probably go and leave him work in peace so he can come home in the morning and make it up to you. But you’re needy when it comes to his presence and you don’t want to leave yet, at least not alone. So you slip into his personal space trying not to block his view and unceremoniously sit on his lap sideways with your legs swinging on his left. You act like you don’t know what it does to him even though his tense grip on the computer mouse makes his knuckles turn white. Leaving it without comment, you casually stretch yourself to reach the package of pastries across him as if it was your sole purpose of closing the distance between you.
You open the plastic bag noisily to take out a strawberry flavoured dessert. As soon as the typing sound dies away in the background, you can sense Yoongi’s hungry gaze on you and try your best not to smile. The pastry looks delicious but when you hold it to him, he shakes his head dismissing your kind offer. Though, his dark eyes are still trained on you absorbedly and you dare to maintain the eye contact as you ever so slowly bite into the sweetness.
Eventually you end up smiling when the rapper’s breath hitch in his throat.
It’s a warning, you know well but it doesn’t stop you from innocently licking the sugar off of your fingers that became sticky because of the frosting.
“Are you absolutely sure you don’t want to come home? To freshen up a little? We can shower together and then cuddle,” you murmur, your lips barely touching Yoongi’s ears but his hands suddenly find their way on your waist and his grip immediately tightens.
“Hm... tempting,” he lets out a shuddering breath and you enjoy the effect you have on him until you can. Most of the times he’s too composed to let you have the upperhand so it’s always thrilling to have a chance. He’s a little emotionally reserved, rarely allowing his feelings to be shown but right now he’s too tired to put on a mask and you shamelessly try to make the best out of it.
“Well, that’s what I was aiming for,” you admit with a cute giggle while your fingers are tangling in his soft locks. You press an unexpected peck on his cheek again but Yoongi takes you by surprise as he greedily chases after your sugary lips. He’s still a little tired so the kiss is kind of chaste and sloppy but you love it nonetheless. The coffee washed away the spiced flavours leaving nothing but the bittersweet caffeine aroma on his lips. Shakily you have to grab ahold of your boyfriend’s shoulders while he’s stroking your thigh through the thin fabric of your jeans. You kiss like this for what feels like hours and your limbs slowly turn into jelly at Yoongi’s light touches. You open your mouth instantly with a sigh when his tongue licks at your sugar-coated lips seeking entrance. The way the sweet taste of dessert and the bitterness of coffee mixes overwhelms you and before you could stop yourself, you let out a whimper in pleasure.
Yoongi pulls away with a light groan, panting heavily into your neck with his breath hitting on your heated skin.
“If you keep that up baby girl, even if we make it home, we won't sleep soon.”
You are already breathless from the kissing but the nickname and the implication that slips out of his mouth so casually really knocks out all the air from your lungs. You remind yourself that you came here with a purpose and you won’t be deceived so easily into thinking that it was his idea all along.
“You said you need to finish that damn beat so do it,” you provoke him, just a little and your daring gaze follows the way Yoongi’s tongue wets his lips. Both of you know that it’s a challenge but also a clear innuendo.
Finish what you started is one of Yoongi’s most common used line when it comes to you. He can be a teasing little shit in the bedroom but pretends not to like when you tease him (but oh, he does love it very much). You know exactly how to rile him up and he knows how to push your buttons to conjure up those sweet sounds he adores so much. Sometimes he’s rough and into dirty talk, whispering sinful things into your ear, telling you how much he’d like to record those filthy moans that leave your mouth and maybe include them in his next mixtape. His skillful, fire-spitting tongue and teeth are always on the mission of mapping out your whole body while he holds you down not letting you to touch him, torturing you in the best way possible and only allows you to have your release if you beg him like a good girl. But other times, he’s so gentle as if you were made of porcelain and his gentle touches are sorrys for the purple bruises and love bites he left earlier even though you love the way he marks you and makes you his. His butterfly kisses on your hot skin are full of praises, his mouth engraving silent I love yous on the canvas of your body while he makes love to you oh so good.
“Okay,” Yoongi shrugs nonchalantly, tugging the headphone back on one ear and starts revising the track, replaying it again and again leaving you disappointed and untouched like a doll in a vitrine.
You have no idea because he looks so put together as always that but deep down inside it’s killing him to resist and deny you what you want. Still, he acts like he’s unaffected by your charm and focuses on the unfinished melody while you watch silently as he works. You love observing him when he writes lyrics or produces a song, it's always so inspirational. But tonight, you aren’t in mood for inspiration. It's late and you want to go home. With him.
Your patience only lasts for a few more minutes and while your lips graze his earrings, you can’t see but rather feel Yoongi’s cunning smirk. He knows you too well, he knew you would break eventually, a lot sooner than he would give in because you aren’t as stubborn as him.
You plant a kiss under his ear, then right under his jaw, at the corner of his mouth and then on his plump pink lips. You expect him to stop you, to tell you to leave him alone for a bit but he surprises you once again and you gasp loudly when he finally kisses you back with fervor. His hands cup your face keeping you close while you lick the taste of iced americano out of his mouth and savour it. He always tastes like coffee. bitter and sweet at the same time, it's addictive, really.
“Impatient, are we? You really want me that much, huh?” He chuckles sneaking a hand under the hem of your shirt so he can caress the soft skin of your stomach.
“So bad,” you admit without shame and your eyes flutter half-closed at the wonders his long, pianist fingers are doing to your skin leaving goosebumps behind. You can’t even protest, not when he asks you so nicely. But who could blame you? When a comeback or concert tour is nearing, you see your boyfriend less often and he’s always so stressed, you rarely have time to be intimate. It’s been a while and you missed feeling him close.
“You couldn’t even wait until I finish. You’re so spoiled, princess,” Yoongi clicks his tongue disapprovingly and you feel arousal licking your veins at the authoritative tone of his smooth voice. The small studio suddenly feels too hot. Perhaps you like it a little too much when he takes charge. You can’t seem to shake off the memories of him blindfolding you and tying you up completely leaving you at his mercy and you think you could get off on that thought alone. But why bother if he was right here?
“Will you punish me for being bad?” you ask seductively, fluttering your eyelashes at him while your naughty fingers dance down on Yoongi’s chest until the button of his jeans and you tease it just to test the waters without taking your eyes off of him.
“Maybe,” he replies after a moment or two of nerve-wrecking silence and his raspy voice sends shivers down your spine. The anticipation is building up quickly as you bury your fingers into Yoongi’s soft raven hair you adore so much and he wastes no time to crash your lips together. As you devour each other you can still feel the sleepiness in your boyfriends’ lazy moves but you find it too attractive to complain about it. Maybe he will make you do all the work tonight, but you wouldn’t regret it one bit.
The way his calloused fingers tap on the small of your back makes you bold and he growls into your mouth when you sit a little too close to his sensitive part.
“I changed my mind…” he pants heavily as he pulls back but you’re no better when a whine escapes your mouth. You can’t help the tremble either that shakes you to the core when his rough voice whispers those dirty words so close to your ear, his teeth gently nipping at your earlobe. “You’re definitely going to get punished. You’ll regret playing with me, baby girl.”
You know that he’s dead serious because he doesn’t joke about these things. Yet, it’s not fear but excitement that makes your blood boil. He’s like fire, burning hot but you’re reckless enough to seek this intoxicating sensation.
“Really? Because so far you’ve been all talk but no action,” you say trying to keep your voice as calm as possible but it cracks when Yoongi’s fingers teasingly play with the clasp of your lacy bra under your shirt. Staring into his darkened coffee brown orbs, you can pinpoint the exact moment when he snaps. He dives in to lock lips with you quickly and roughly one last time before he pats your butt silently ordering you to stand up. As you obediently do that, you can see the mischievous glint in Yoongi’s eyes and the dangerous curve of his mouth promising you a long, long night.
“Okay, you won. Let’s go home.”
And oh, winning never felt so sweet.
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