#randomized prompt fics
janeykath318 · 1 year
Taserbones Royalty AU friends to lovers
“Are you okay, your highness?”
Darcy was sitting in a reverie beside the giant fountain in the garden of her palatial country palace. She’d just ended a very public relationship and had fled to the peaceful spot to get away from the annoying questions. Everyone was disappointed in her.
She looked up at the sound of Brock’s voice approaching. He was her trusted security chief and a close friend and unbeknownst to him, the reason she’d broken up with Ian. She’d decided she couldn’t marry someone just to earn public approval and she’d been kidding herself that her feelings for Ian were anything beyond surface level. If only she’d got a clue sooner, she thought.
Brock looked ruggedly handsome and professional in his dark suit, but his usual badass poker face had been replaced with concern. She swallowed. Did she dare admit it? What if he didn’t feel the same?
“Relieved, actually,” she answered him. “I couldn’t go through with it. It wasn’t fair for either of us. No one else gets it and I can’t deal with any more disappointed lectures. I just need a friend.”
“Well, you’ve got one, Darce,” he reassured her, standing a respectful distance away, as was his habit.
“I know you’re off duty, so get over here,” she ordered, patting the stone bench beside her.
He grinned at her and obeyed.
Heaven help her, but she loved that grin. It was rare, but gorgeous. She couldn’t help but stare.
“Um…..Darce, do I have something on my face? You’re looking at me funny.”
“Oh, sorry,” she blushed, returning her gaze to the fountain. “I’m all out of sorts today.”
“I gathered that,” he observed. “But I’m glad you made the hard choice to follow your gut. Ian would have made you miserable. He clearly didn’t appreciate you.”
Darcy couldn’t help but smile at the way he emphasized appreciate. Almost made it sound like he meant it another way……but no, it was just her crush making her read way too much into things.
“So far, you and Jane have been the only people who understand that,” she told him sadly, a trace of wariness in her tone. “But there was a much bigger problem than him not appreciating me.”
“And what was that?” he asked.
Darcy toyed with her jacket hem as she tried to find words.
“Um………I……might be in love with someone else,” she managed, avoiding even looking his direction. She felt like she was on the verge of a precipice, scared to ruin their friendship, but scared not to say anything.
“Ah-hah! So now we get to the root of the issue,” Brock declared, folding his arms and looking (if she had seen it) delighted.
“You gonna tell me who he is so I can vet him?” he asked. “Gotta make sure he passes muster.”
Darcy smiled. She loved that protective part of him, even if it annoyed her sometimes.
“Oh, he’s pretty trustworthy,” she hinted. “I’m pretty sure he’d die for me.”
“Wow. Sounds hardcore,” Brock commented. “I approve. What else?”
“He listens to me ramble about science, he never talks down to me, he knows my go-to take out order by heart, he laughs at my bad jokes, and I’m pretty sure he’s got killer abs hiding under those tight black shirts,” she finished, turning pink again.
Brock was looking right at her now, understanding dawning in his expression.
Her heart started pumping rapidly.
“Also, he’s my best friend.” she added, giving the last piece of the puzzle.
“So, what you’re saying is, I should run a background check on myself?” he asked quietly, looking at her very intently.
“Yeah, that’s what I’m saying.” Darcy admitted, squeezing her eyes shut and bracing for the worst.
Brock didn’t say anything for a moment, but then she felt herself pulled up against him and an arm wrapped around her shoulder.
“There are all sorts of reasons why I should say this is a bad idea, but I’m going to just say, It’s about effing time. And yea, I do have killer abs.”
Darcy opened her eyes to see him smiling at her with a sexy mischievous gleam in his eyes that definitely boded well for her.
“So, you feel the same way?” she ventured hopefully.
“You bet your diamond tiara I do,” he said, then kissed away her last doubt.
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panevanbuckley · 9 months
soulmate au where your soulmate's thoughts appear on your skin except your soulmate has adhd and your body becomes a living canvas of nonsensical, never-ending, constantly entertaining trails of thought
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scealaiscoite · 3 months
.☽༊˚ a hundred assorted prompts
¹⁾ raspberry lip gloss
²⁾ pajama bottoms
³⁾ a silver lighter
⁴⁾ fresh honey
⁵⁾ flushed cheeks
⁶⁾ a fogged-up mirror
⁷⁾ the imprint of a belt buckle on skin
⁸⁾ helium balloons
⁹⁾ a broken cocktail glass
¹⁰⁾ old playing cards
¹¹⁾ chipped green nail polish
¹²⁾ a brown leather wallet
¹³⁾ bullet holes in a wooden wall
¹⁴⁾ seashells lined up along the curve of a spine
¹⁵⁾ beaded curtains
¹⁶⁾ pomegranate seeds
¹⁷⁾ a carabiner heavy with keys
¹⁸⁾ fresh-cut orchids in a pottery vase
¹⁹⁾ vending machine cigarettes
²⁰⁾ an out of date map
²¹⁾ a creaky wooden gate
²²⁾ a minifridge stocked with budweiser and paracetamol
²³⁾ snapdragons growing between pavement slabs
²⁴⁾ smudged yellow eyeshadow
²⁵⁾ slept-in braids
²⁶⁾ library books that’ll never be returned
²⁷⁾ a pink-tiled shower
²⁸⁾ a honeybee on a linen shirtsleeve
²⁹⁾ burnt popcorn
³⁰⁾ watching an eclipse from bed
³¹⁾ a black lace bralette
³²⁾ a tattered patchwork quilt
³³⁾ blue raspberry bubblegum
³⁴⁾ a rusted fishing rod and a dried-up lake
³⁶⁾ the taste of whiskey on someone else’s lips
³⁷⁾ rose-scented candles burned down to the wick
³⁸⁾ crescent-shaped coffee stains on a wooden tabletop 
³⁹⁾ odd socks 
⁴⁰⁾ a loose thread on a jumper sleeve
⁴¹⁾ warm sheets on cold skin
⁴²⁾ amber-tinged perfume
⁴³⁾ gold jewelry 
⁴⁴⁾  a calloused palm against a soft cheek 
⁴⁵⁾ a busted headlight
⁴⁶⁾ sunrise from a jail cell
⁴⁷⁾ hand tattoos that weave around fingers
⁴⁸⁾ coconut shampoo
⁴⁹⁾ a doorbell sounding in the middle of the night
⁵⁰⁾ ladybugs crawling across a headstone
⁵¹⁾ grass stains on blue jeans
⁵²⁾ a loaded saddlebag
⁵³⁾ a dusty wine cellar
⁵⁴⁾ a bikini top draped over a bedpost
⁵⁵⁾ snow in july
⁵⁶⁾ dirt-red mountaintops
⁵⁷⁾ goosebumps in a heatwave
⁵⁸⁾ an empty dinnertable
⁵⁹⁾ a fresh manicure and bruised knuckles
⁶⁰⁾ zombie movies
⁶¹⁾ bitten lips
⁶²⁾ dark eyes full of tears
⁶³⁾ a soft cast in summertime
⁶⁴⁾ stale coffee in paper cups
⁶⁵⁾ frozen peaches on a black eye
⁶⁶⁾ acrid smoke
⁶⁷⁾ bound hands
⁶⁸⁾ animal tracks
⁶⁹⁾ unwound vhs tapes
⁷⁰⁾ cartoon plasters
⁷¹⁾ lipstick marks on shirt collars
⁷²⁾ silver bangles
⁷³⁾ sharing a coat in a downpour
⁷⁴⁾ fields with grass at waist-height
⁷⁵⁾ daisy chains up to your forearm
⁷⁶⁾ rolled-up shirtsleeves
⁷⁷⁾ the smell of bleach in a dark room
⁷⁸⁾ a shared sleeping bag
⁷⁹⁾ a new haircut
⁸⁰⁾ swimsuit tanlines
⁸¹⁾ perfume clinging to a pillow
⁸²⁾ lollipops dangling between lips
⁸³⁾ a badly-timed grin
⁸⁴⁾ old books
⁸⁵⁾ tongues stained from slushies
⁸⁶⁾ waking up in a hailstorm
⁸⁷⁾ dying sunflowers
⁸⁸⁾ colourful sunglasses
⁸⁹⁾ the last pew
⁹⁰⁾ tall, rattling windows in a storm
⁹¹⁾ six missed calls
⁹²⁾ sticks of incense burned down to the last
⁹³⁾ bunk beds
⁹⁴⁾ matching sets
⁹⁵⁾ ruined mascara
⁹⁶⁾ a boxing ring
⁹⁷⁾ stained glass windows
⁹⁸⁾ fairy forts
⁹⁹⁾ a cluttered bedside table
¹⁰⁰⁾ a hangover in the evening
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ghostbsuter · 10 months
Danny had everything under control! He did!
It's dark out, time ticking to zero, and he's desperately trying to hide the baby yeti along the shadows of the alleys.
He's so so dead. Even more than he is right now. Turning full ghost even.
When Frostbite finds out that he'd taken his eyes off Snowdrift for five seconds and ended up in the living realm with no preparation, very short notice, or plan, he will never trust Danny with babysitting again!
Oh ancients.
"Hey there— is that a yeti?"
Great, a hero.
Swirling around, Danny stands in front of Snowdrift, hiding their form barely, their fluff and form peeking from behind the legs.
"Greetings! My name is Snowdrift!"
Danny glances at the yeti cub as they stand next to him.
"Snowdrift, this is a stranger danger situation, remember what I told you about those?"
The cub peers up at him, confused. "Name no name and call for Dad?"
The teen nods.
Snowdrift looks at the hero, and a light bulb goes off. They quickly slide back behind Danny's form, simply peeking from the side now, curious.
"You saw nothing." The halfa turns to the hero, grinning nervous yet threatening.
"I'm not sure this is how it goes—"
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helpimstuckposting · 8 months
Stop stop stop stop immortal Eddie who had Steve centuries ago and he’s gone now, but souls in the afterlife are maintained as long as their names are said in the living world and Eddie whispers Steve’s name every morning just so he doesn’t forget him. Steve, who can’t figure out how he could still possibly be remembered after hundreds of years, but is offered to go back down to the living world as a reincarnation. He finds out Eddie is immortal and that’s how he survived in the afterlife for so long, and even though he’s Steve Harrington now and has a different face, he still tries to get Eddie to fall in love with him again
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bobwess · 28 days
Random SPN prompt: Dean doesn't know that he can pray without talking, so Cas pretends he doesn't hear the silent "I love you" Dean doesn't want to add at the end of each one.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
It's always funny to me when in an lu fic the chain is offered bananas and don't accept them. Like, you're offering these high energy adventures free food?? Fruit they'll have never even heard of before??? A ridiculously expensive imported good at best?? AND it boosts your attack?
Not ONE of these idiots would ever turn down something new and interesting to eat at least once. They'd be all over those bananas and immediately get dubbed yiga and I'm honestly surprised no one has used it in a fic yet 🤭
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turtleofthehollow · 7 months
Given that Lucifer has been in hell since its creation, I imagine he’s seen some really fucked up stuff to the point that scary things don't even phase him anymore
And given that Alastor loves to freak people out, I'd imagine he'd be really frustrated with the lack of reaction from Lucifer
Alastor than takes it as a personal challenge to find something that would scare the King of Hell, and gets more and more desperate as time goes on and nothing works
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dndeceit · 27 days
Moceit Fairytale/Workplace AU but it's this meme:
Tumblr media
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Soap has a box that sits under his bunk and stays locked at all times. Everyone’s seen it at one point or another but nobody actually knows what’s inside and so they’ve all got their bets on what could be in it.
Gaz said there was a bunch of porn mags in it and got so severely judged for it that he considered changing his bet, but nobody would let him do so.
Price bet that it was family stuff. Pictures, heirlooms maybe some trinkets or what have you from family members (eg. a hair clip from his sister, a cigar from his dad, etc.)
Alejandro said it was different bottles of booze he had picked up from missions, reasoning the man was Scottish so it would make sense.
Rudy had gone the opposite direction and said it was food cause they all knew how much of a foodie Soap was and how severely pissed he got when any of them took his food form the common rooms.
Ghost had shrugged and said it was filled with his old journals since he knew Soap worked through them so fast, and he had never seen what Soap did with old ones anyway.
Soap knows about the bet and he refuses to tell any of them what’s in the box, always deflecting and shrugging whenever he’s asked about it. Because it’s his box of secrets and for once, he doesn’t want to share it with anyone else.
While him not telling is in part due to his own embarrassment it’s also because the box is filled with what the others would consider trash, but they’re special things to him.
It’s filled with trinkets and little bits and bobs from his team members. Different things they picked up during a mission and gave to him or something he had picked up to remember a particular mission for whatever reason.
There’s pretty rocks from Gaz that caught his eye and he just brought with him. They always end up with Soap cause the other man just leaves them in his pockets and forgets about them.
Price gives him snacks and foods from the regions he’s gone on a mission to and Soap keeps the packaging. Cleans it out and keeps them cause he’s a bit of a hoarder like that.
He’s got bullet casings and beer cap lids from missions and nights out with Rudy and Alejandro. No two beer caps are the same cause the two like giving him different alcohols to try and the bullet casings are from the last bullet that ended a mission.
Ghost gives him little vials filled with dirt and he always claims that it’s only because he had picked up too much to fit in his mason jars but Soap knows he does it on purpose. He knows that Ghost picks up his dirt jars and thinks of Soap and getting him some and it’s so heart touching.
It’s also got photos of the team from the ends of missions or night outs and some sketches that he considers too private to leave in his journals. Nothing erotic or anything but things that show the softer moments of their lives or, on occasion, Simon’s face.
So yeah, maybe it is filled with trash and useless crap but it’s his and he doesn’t find any of it to be useless. He loves his little box of trinkets that remind him of times with his team mates, it’s a home away from home for him.
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lilac-hecox · 3 months
Fandom Dares Game
Hey! I was inspired by @ao3-shenanigans who ran a truth or dare game on their blog and gave out dares! With their permission I compiled the dares into this document/game! This is a list of dares compiled from the @ao3-shenanigans blog (with 6 dares added by me at the end!) These are geared towards general fandom use but lean towards being more applicable to writing or drawing fanfic/fan art! I hope this can be fun and inspiring! :) 
Rules: You can either choose one from the list that you want to do, or if you’re feeling more spontaneous generate a random number 1-30 and do the task given! 
OR you can spin this wheel and do the dare it gives you! 
Hard mode: No re-rolling or re-spinning! :) 
If you'd like to play all you have to do is either choose a number off the list, spin the wheel for a dare, or use a number generator for a dare! I'd love to see what you get if you use this!
You can @ me or use the tag 'fandom dares game' so I can see and reblog! Initially I made this for our smoshblr fandom, but really, it can be applied anywhere!
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were-wolverine · 1 year
birdflash high school au where dick is captain of the cheer team and wally is captain of the track team
cheer and track have practice at the same time (cheer is on the field, track is on the …track)
their first meeting is wally practicing sprinting but getting distracted by dick doing cool ass gymnastics shit
wally trips and faceplants, dick notices and goes to help him. wally is super embarrassed and dick thinks it’s adorable
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cable-salamder · 2 months
Need to write a fic on what Zane did immediately right after Dr. Julien turned off his memory switch and he “awoke” again. Imagine waking up in this place that you do not recognise and you turn around and there’s a guy in the bed behind you who seems to be dead and oh god you realise you can’t remember anything at all from your life. What else is there to do but to run away?
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fangirlingpuggle · 4 months
I've crawled out hell with my bare hands, ran across a field on glass, and beat an evil wizard in a poetry competition just to beg you for inkblade headcanons and scenarios, please please please please please please please please,,,
More Inkblade thoughts
The rat grinders end up spending more time with the bad kids because Lucy likes them and because Mary Ann and Gorgug are dating. Oisin is awkward and the first time he's alone with Adaine she basically threatens him and tells him knows he's possessed but he tries anything she will end him and no god will be able to revive him.
Oisin had a crush on Adaine before after that... he is in love head over heels.
Like Dragon's courting is vicious and they nearly kill each other and Oisin has had those instincts activated he is in love and full on courting Adaine at this point.
Every time they're in combat Ivy or Ruben or someone has to keep using a bonus action to snapping Oisin out of staring at Adaine destroying enemies with heart eyes. One time they have to spend full action pulling him up off one knee after Adaine using her furious fist spell to literally destroy a demon with one punch.
If enemies tried to target Adaine or kidnap her then they have to deal with Oisin and Aelwyn. She disappeared and the next thing 2 very pissed very protective and very murderous wizards right even to the kidnappers when the rest of the bad kids arrive there's Adaine being hugged by Oisin and Aelwyn and blood... so much blood.
Adaine takes Jawbones name after graduation (She surprises him with showing her graduation certificate... jawbone openly sobs for ages) and after marriage Oisin also takes O'shaughnessy as a last name.
As Elven oracle and full time OP adventurer Adaine does have to travel around a lot and have to do some diplomatic stuff for the academy(As Arthur Aguefort is not allowed in Fallinel anymore) but she will regularly stop meetings to answer her crystal to talk to Oisin and their kids and one of them will use teleportation spells to say goodnight to kids.
(Hope you liked these)
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dannyphantom1234 · 8 months
Reborn as Dan Phantom.
A fan of the show is reborn as Dan, the evil version of Danny just as he was created— but what no one knew was a fangirl had taken over the body and knew just what to do to help her family that would suffer what she just went through unless she did something to help. So— she creeped towards Clockwork, stole the time medallion, went to the timeline of the original, and immediately took over as big brother figure to help these poor children from suffering the future they would have to endure alone without adult supervision.
She— now he— didn’t care for gender, and just wanted to help and protect his new(ish) family from bad people. What he didn’t know was he was also thrown alongside the dc universe, which was an awesome discovery on his part later on.
Dan— or Dante— as he wished to be called, came to the group with sorrow in his heart as he explained what would happen in the future if Danny cheated on his test, not that it was anyone’s fault but fates. He explained how no one was at fault and it could all be avoided if he could help it.
He took over the ghost fights, and had a long talk with Clockwork about what would happen and his real purpose for being there.
His original timeline was obviously erased, and the only reason he survived was because of the medallion, so later he had to go through ghost magic and make himself his own person, gained a whole butt load of tattoos intertwined with ghost time magic and becomes the next king of the infinite realms after defeating the old guy easily after seeing him beat up his little bro.
Dante became king instead of Danny and took over all the overloaded paperwork along the way.
What he didn’t know, was that he would be summoned because of his status. He really thought the fan fictions were just exaggerating what would happen if he was ever given the position and power. Well, it was all true from what he read.
(I’m making this a Dante/King Phantom x Jason Todd/Red Hood).
He made an actual legal identity for himself with the help of Technus and Tucker, who became better pals after they set aside the fact that they attacked each other at some point or another.
Danny became a little brother to him, Jazz became his little sister who likes to treat him as if he were still Danny at times, and Danielle became his daughter.
Dante legally adopted Dani after they got his papers in order, and made her an identity as well. Elle was much younger than he remembered, but then again, she was deaged recently and just came back into contact with the group, who couldn’t take care of her because they were still children as well.
Vlad was still a little evil but leveled out after a huge diabolical involving Maddie, their so called mother.
Madeline Fenton had thought her son and daughter conspired with the ghosts and attacked them in their own home, Danny was greatly injured with multiple blast wounds and Jazz suffered a concussion while trying to push him out of the target zones.
Jack had football tackled Madeline and the rest was history.
Vlad had fallen out of love with her after seeing what she did to her own children, and instead got his head out of his butt and realized he was in love with Jack all along.
Jack divorced Madeline, took custody of his kids and decided they should move, all while Vlad made plans to take down GIW with Team Phantom.
Jack and Vlad met him and decided to emotionally adopt Dante as well in their messed up family.
Dante got a job as a mechanic and started his own business in Gotham. Very cliche from all the fanfics he read in his past life but he wanted to do something he knew and loved. He loved fixing things and his side job as the king of the infinite realms was basically being like a father to ghost children while scolding those who thought it was a good idea to attack innocent mortals.
He mainly spent his time raising Danielle. Giving her everything she deserves and making her happy now that his family was safe.
He was randomly summoned by the Justice League who were ready to full on attack him until they saw him reading to his child, not realizing he was summoned until someone cleared their throat. He was literally in his own little bubble, reading his two year old daughter a storybook while holding her against his chest as he floated above the ground, laid back in a relaxed position.
How it would go:
I looked up from the book after feeling a sudden shift in my surroundings, seeing multiple very brightly dressed people in front of me. I glared, shifting completely into my ghost king form while holding my daughter close to my chest. The storybook I was reading had disappeared into a pocket dimension for later, as I had to deal with this madness.
“Who in their right minds would summon the Ghost King? I literally burnt all those summoning books to ash.” I grumbled, and looked down to see Elle had slightly woken up at the sound of my deep voice.
“Dada?” She mumbled, rubbing her right eye as she sat up from my chest.
“It’s alright, Elle,” I rumbled, kissing her forehead as she plopped back down to take her nap again at my reassurance. “We can finish reading time later today.” I murmured to her as she went back to snoozing.
“What do you want, mortals?” I asked nonchalantly.
“Why does the ghost king have a child? And how in the hell are you not attacking us as the books state?” Zatanna asked, looking on at me in shock.
“You willingly want to be attacked after summoning me? That’s idiotic. “ I state, looking bored with their conversation. I still held Elle close, not answering their questions about my child just yet.
“No, a bloody idiot summoned you just as we defeated him as a last defense!” Constantine spat out, looking hysterical.
“Well, sorry to break the news, coward, but the last king was defeated by me after trying to take over the world, he is now locked away in forever sleep until we can find a way to get rid of him completely.” I explained to the coward looking at me in shock on the ground, bruises across his face and the usual weird looking villain costume on him.
I looked around for a quick second before stopping at the Batfam. Who were all here in a more relaxed formation seeing a child in my arms. My favorite fandom family in my last life.
I looked them over before spotting the Red Hood, my celebrity crush I had on him was no secret to my family, but they had no room to judge for themselves.
His aura admitted contaminated ectoplasm, and I knew I had to heal him sometime in the future.
“May I ask what your goals are? And who is this child?” Superman spoke up after a moment of digesting my information about my new position.
“I protect both living and the undead. I don’t have a world ending goal in mind, just to raise my daughter and give her the life she deserves.” I said, looking down at my daughter with a small smile that would be unnoticeable to most.
I looked back up to see the large group had softened at my words and I was about to ask a question about Red Hood, when my daughter suddenly decided this was taking too long and too much noise for her to take a nap.
“Dada! Where puppy?” She demanded answers, smacking the side of my face with her chubby hands, as I floated there, unmoving with an emotionless face towards the group.
“Cujo is with the twerp, remember? He will come by later for playtime.” I answered, which was slightly muffled as she squished my cheeks together and smiled at me happily.
“Dada! Fishh—“ she squealed out, looking happy with herself as she giggled at my face.
“You gremlin—“ I muttered out, tickling her sides as she squeaked, her flying out of my arms and turning into her young ghost form, looking ready to play.
“Playtime?” She asked, bouncing a little in the air, clapping her hands a little.
“Not yet, blob ghost. We need to head back home for snack time.” I explained, crossing my arms as she pouted, my arm muscles bulged a bit as I crossed them, and I still always forget the fact that I’m taller than most, alongside bigger. In my past life, I was a stick of a girl that had spaghetti arms, much different for sure.
Her pouting turned into the famous puppy eyes, and I turned back to the group to avoid them, only to see amused faces all around.
“Do you guys need anything before we head back? I’m sure you don’t want to deal with a Princess tantrum.” I rumbled out, looking on in disinterest as Elle decided to hug the side of my face like an octopus. She probably still had the puppy eyes on.
“You have an adorable daughter!” Princess Diana exclaimed soon after I was finished speaking. “How old is she?” She asked, looking at me curiously as I lowered myself to the ground, Elle now floating behind my head as she played with my low ponytail.
“She is now two years old.” I answered, swiftly nabbing Elle from behind me while reaching the back of my head. I lowered my arms to see I had her upside down now, her hanging like a sack of potatoes as she giggled.
“Dada!” Elle exclaimed, waving her arms around her in glee as she looked up at me.
“You don’t feel like a ghost completely… neither does she, what are you exactly?” Constantine asked, waving his hand at me in confusion.
“I don’t know if I can trust you with that information, Constantine.” I growled a little, glaring at him as he stepped forward while Elle hid behind me.
“Hey now! Let’s calm down, no one needs to start anything!” Nightwing stepped in front of the glaring Constantine who looked more and more like a bug the longer I looked at him.
“There isn’t anything to start, really. His soul is in shreds at the moment, not very powerful compared to my kind anyway.” I stated, crossing my arms once again as Elle peaked out from over my shoulder.
“Now, I need to speak with a Mr. Red Hood.” I said, looking on at the Batfam who tensed at my words.
“Why?” Batman growled out, stepping in front of the confused Red Hood.
“To heal him, of course.” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose as I heard sounds of confusion from everyone else.
“His ectoplasm is very corrupted. He has the ghost flu, in which case makes my kind very moody and in need of pure ectoplasm to filter it and his emotions.” I briefly explained, unpinching my nose as I looked up from the ground. Willing my headache away for now.
“So his pit madness is basically the ghost flu?” Red Robin murmurs out hysterically, almost giggling in disbelief.
“Yes, I have heard of his haunt, Crime Alley, that being under his protection, I have never stepped foot on his property because I didn’t want to seem like a threat to a sick person who can’t control themselves completely with such a sickness.” I explained myself a bit nervously, rubbing the back of my neck a little with my right hand as Elle now sat on my left shoulder, swinging her legs.
“Wow, the ghost king is a dork…” I heard Spoiler mutter to Orphan, who nodded in agreement.
I huffed, crossing my arms and floated once again. “I can come back another time. I just wished to help a little. My doctor can probably fix him quicker than I, but I know what to do as I have studied under him for more than over a year now.” I informed them.
“So the pit madness can go away…?” Red Hood asked, stepping from around Batman to speak to me clearly.
“I’m unsure of what this “Pit Madness” is, but yes, I can heal you and make sure you properly get the help you need from your emotional roller coaster sickness.” I said, looking down at him as he took a few more steps to me, his family following behind him.
“Well, when can you fix me?” He asked, his voice modifier cutting all emotions from his voice, but I can clearly feel his emotions bursting from his almost formed core. It seems this sickness had stopped him from forming his core completely and left him sick for many years.
I could feel his hope, his rage and especially his bursts of want for some reason.
“I can fix you right now, but I wasn’t sure if you wanted privacy or not. It’s very…. Intimate. I can take you somewhere private if you would like?” I rumbled out, the burst of want came out more clearly, and I could tell Red Hood was clearly not expecting that word choice.
“Take me anytime—“ I could clearly hear his muttered out answer behind his helmet with my enhanced hearing, but I don’t know if I was supposed to hear that.
“Nope! Little Wing— you are not going with the ghost king—“ Nightwing suddenly yelled out, the whites of his mask bigger as Spoiler, Red Robin, and Signal burst into loud laughter. Batman sighed loudly in disappointment. Robin just “Tt” and sighed alongside his father, looking like a mini bat. Orphan just smiled at me.
“By intimate, I mean having a look at your soul, I will essentially have to take a closer look at that and cure you.” I fixed my words, making it seem as if I didn’t hear anything and I could feel a little disappointment coming from Red Hood but he nodded at my explanation.
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soy-soi-si · 2 months
Am I the only one obsessed with Yuu(or an OC) that basically views everything that happens at nightraven as a game. Like those power fantasy manhwa with systems. But they have No super powers just notifications on small things like new homework or quests they could take and a main storyline which they follow.
They get small amounts of money for completing tasks and quests along with the things we get in game. Like they have a daily quest like the weekly. Daily logins by heading into their homeroom. Multiple choice options of dialogue or answers on tests that could be turned off. Danger notifications like in games when an attack is heading for them.
But that's it nothing else.
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