#romantic little piece of sh
misslovasstuff · 4 months
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e-vay · 3 months
See, with this newly revealed information for Sage and Aurora's friendship, love it btw, how did Shadow and Aurora's first date go? Who asked who? Where did they go?
I'm so happy to hear you're a fan of the Luminescent Ladies! 🤩 The first date was very casual, but a hit! Shadow is the one who asks Aurora out and they go to a café and end up spending hours together.
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Since I've never fully written out the full Shadora story, bits and pieces of it exist here on my blog but sometimes the details change. But here's a very rough version of how I envision their first date going:
(If you're familiar with my story, you can skip the text in blue)
Shadow has spent the last several decades taking odd merc jobs in deep space in the hopes that he'll run into the woman he fell for years ago, but he never finds her. Rouge eventually convinces him to head back "home," and since he's never failed a goal before he decides he has to replace it with a new one: Get to know and enjoy the planet Maria always wanted to visit. So he heads back and that's where he meets Aurora (she does not know him yet, as she meets him later in her life via time travel). He's pretty certain Aurora is the woman who saved him years ago, but since she doesn't seem to know him he thinks maybe she's been reincarnated or something, he isn't sure. He wants to know her better and find out.
Since Shadow's new goal is to better acquaint himself with the planet he abandoned decades ago and since Aurora knows her hometown like the back of her hand, the two decide that she will be his guide (his 'guiding light' if you will 😉 ) around town. (Shadow doesn't need one. He's the ultimate life form; he's plenty fine exploring on his own. But he considers this an opportunity to do some recon to get to know her better). It mostly starts fairly professional even though Aurora does flirt with him a lot (she can't help it, just look at him!) but Shadow quickly becomes fond of her, and he decides he wants to pursue her romantically.
As they are going to bid each other goodbye after one of their tours, Shadow asks "You have a recommendation for every kind of activity in this town, correct?"
A: "Yeah! What is it you're looking for next?"
Sh: "Something... romantic, but humble. Where one might go for a first date."
And at first Aurora is internally thinking "Dang, so he is interested in somebody." But she dismisses that thought because it's none of her business who Shadow spends his time with.
She's gotten to know him a bit by now so as she's pondering ideas she's taking into consideration that he doesn't like loud, busy scenes and would likely enjoy somewhere more intimate, and she remembers him mentioning that he likes coffee. So she suggests this quaint little café that's on the edge of town.
He says "Very well" and surprises her by taking her hand and asking "Would you accompany me there tomorrow afternoon?"
She's shocked but enthusiastically agrees. He offers to "pick her up" at her house so they can go together, but since even as an adult Aurora still lives at home with her parents, she knows that if Sonic answers the door he will be very wary and likely follow them to see what's going on. She doesn't want the date to go awry before it's even happened lol So she convinces Shadow that she'll just meet him at the café.
Aurora is VERY nervous as she has basically no experience dating. She's only had a "boyfriend" once when she was a very little kid and that was really more of just a crush when she was too young to be dating anyway. She also has no idea why Shadow would be interested in her because she thinks she's pretty boring compared to him. (She even briefly thinks "Oh no, what if this is a prank!?")
But upon meeting him at the café he makes it very clear this is a date, bringing her flowers and being a real gentleman by getting her chair for her and all that jazz. Initially she is super self-conscious but Shadow quickly makes her feel really giddy (Ex: SH: "Wow, you look-" A: "Too bright?! I can tone it down! I just have to bend the light to make my clothes darker-" SH: "I was going to say 'lovely'. Please, don't dull your light for me." A: *Can't help but glow more*)
She very quickly gets swept off her feet haha.
They end up losing track of time and even continue to hang out on the outdoor patio after the place has closed and enjoy the sunset together. Before he gets the chance, Aurora over-enthusiastically asks if Shadow would like to have a second date with her and he warmly says yes.
For the record, I'm always open to y'all's ideas of how Shadow and Aurora's first date would go down. If you want to write your own version of their date and it's completely different, I'd still love to read it :)
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devvelle · 2 years
how they act when they miss you
Genre: fluff <3
Characters: first years (Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack, and Sebek) x gn!reader PART 2
Scenario: you're away from NRC for a few weeks, and they have to find ways to get by until you return.
Notes: each can be taken as platonic or romantic! reader is the Prefect and the reason for the absence is up to your imagination :)
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Ace Trappola ;
Let’s get this out of the way. Ace is not well.
In his eyes, you’re like the whole reason school is fun. So when you’re gone he’s sulking all day, sighing dramatically at the mere mention of your name. 
"Remember the Prefect? I wonder how they're doing these days *sniffle* I hope they haven't forgotten us..." (Definitely gets yelled at by Riddle for acting like you died.)
He'll start spamming you with messages. You thought you’d get a break from Ace? Silly Prefect, not if he has anything to do with it.
He'll text you pictures of the randomest things, tell you every insignificant detail of his day, and ask you bizarre questions, all in the hopes of getting as many replies back as possible.
When you do answer, he's smiling like an idiot, replying asap while you're active. He's happy that you're okay and making time for him.
Ace will need lots of cuddles and quality time when you're back. He will vehemently deny all allegations of his behavior, though. He did no such things, how could you believe that?
Deuce Spade ;
Deuce hides his feelings the best out of everyone, but you are on his mind constantly in the form of daydreams.
He's a bit quieter as a result. Usually you’re the one he’s replying to and speaking to the most, so when you’re not there he prefers to listen instead, picturing what you would be doing or saying.
If someone mentions you though, he’ll be quick to join the conversation.
Would be more involved in his dorm activities as well as track and field. It helps him stay distracted and gives him more time to think about you and what to text you later :')
Being the model student he now is, he'll copy a second set of notes for you so you won't be behind when you return. He'll even draw little pictures on them and leave helpful (and sometimes silly) comments for you. If you see a scribbled out "I miss you :/" or two... ignore it.
Stays cool and collected throughout your absence, in the end. The time without you makes him appreciate you more when you're back. Just promise him you won't leave again.
Epel Felmier ;
Progressively starts spiraling the longer you’re gone.
He calls you nightly for as long as you’re away. 
Goes out of his way to make plans or do interesting things just so he can have more to talk to you about when he calls. 
He’ll make you talk to him until he falls asleep because he finds he usually dreams of you when your voice is the last thing he hears.
Probably gets a bit more snappy, though. Usually you’re there to keep the peace within the group and prevent their schemes, but without you they start to lose it just a bit. Perhaps he’s hoping that if he does something really stupid you’ll come back faster.
It doesn’t work, obviously. You scold him over the phone instead.
And now he's carving your initials into apples aggressively and pouting. You made him more sad. How could you?
Epel is definitely a handful in your absence. Come back asap.
Jack Howl ;
Also doesn't make a big deal out of missing you.
He's very considerate of whatever your circumstances are for being absent, so he leaves you alone unless you text him first.
He'll reply instantly when you do message him, though. He even set a special alert noise for you :')
Definitely carries something of yours with him at all times, like a piece of jewelry or an accessory. He was a bit embarrassed to ask for it from you before you left, but the comfort it brings him makes him glad he did. He’s very sensitive to smells so this little piece of you keeps him from worrying too much while you’re away.
The cutest thing he does though? He listens to the music you like. When he's out on runs he'll have your playlist on shuffle, thinking about you until Leona tells him he's falling behind.
Overall handles it well. You wouldn't even know he missed you if he wasn't seeking you out more than usual after your return.
Sebek Zigvolt ;
Sebek is so good at hiding the fact that he misses you, that he almost fools himself.
Epel and Ace would no doubt tease him relentlessly if they found out, so he keeps quiet and focuses on his duty to Malleus. That's always supposed to be his focus anyway, no sweat.
But when he can get a quiet moment to himself? He’s somehow always going through pictures of you.
There’s a secret folder on his phone titled '🤦‍♂️' that is filled with dozens of pictures of you and him. They’re all selfies you dragged him into while he pretended he didn’t want to be in them, but when you’d sent them to him, he’d saved them all immediately. He’s made sure no one's seen it though, especially you.
(Besides Lilia who’d crept up on him and seen it once and was overjoyed. Sebek is still mortified.)
Occasionally, he’ll check in on you through text and send something like “Make sure you’ve eaten, human!” or an image of the other first-years with, “Why did you make me befriend them?”
Pull him aside and give him a hug when you get back, please. He's in denial but he'll appreciate it.
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a/n: tried out a new format!! I’m going to try hcs like these in between my longer written works just so my brain gets a break :’) kisses, and happy halloween <3
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Omega helping the reader try to plan the reader's wedding to whichever Batcher of your choosing and the batcher is in the other room overhearing everything.
Wedding Planning
Hunter x Reader
Summary- Now that Hunter has popped the question, you and Omega start planning the wedding! Little do you know, Hunter overhears and falls a little more in love. This is a part 2 to 'Marry Me?'
Part one right here! And Part Three right here!
A/N- Trust the process, romantic fluff near the end <3. Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you don't mind I took this opportunity to make a sequel to my most popular fic! To understand parts of this fic, you will need to read part one!
Word Count- 1,498
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Your ring rested heavy on your finger. It wasn't anything fancy, not that you needed it to be, it was just a new feeling. While you hadn't had any jewelry allowed on Kamino- now that you had an engagement ring, you'd never go back.
"Omega wants you to finish putting her to bed, Hunter." You called to Him, entering the cockpit. His face lit up, you didn't know the real reason quite yet.
He nodded and headed back to her 'room' to put her to bed. You smiled, continuing to turn to Crosshair and Wrecker.
Though you couldn't hear them, the two people you loved most began their 'good-nights.'
"Holding up okay, kid?" He asked Omega, pulling her blanket up.
She gave a quick nod, "I... I missed you." She leaned closer, Hunter pushed back a piece of her hair.
"I think I missed you more..." She smiled, closing her eyes for a moment.
With a deep breath, Hunter started. "I know it's late, but I have to ask you something."
She found a new type of energy at his words, slightly sitting up. Much to Hunters dismay.
"What?" She was giddy, knowing it was good news from Hunters body language.
"How would you feel if I asked," Your name felt unreal on his lips, he was still getting used to having you back at his side, "to marry me?"
Her eyes grew wide, almost as big as her grin. She shuffled quickly, the blanket pooling at her waist. "Oh my gosh, yes! Please ask her!"
"Shhh, shh. It's still time for you to go to bed." He regretted asking so late, but he was eager to pop the question.
"How am I supposed to sleep after you've told me you're going to propose!"
Hunter gently guided her back into bed, pulling the blanket back up. "I know, I know. Can you keep the secret until tomorrow?"
She gave a vigorous nod, the covers resting at her chin.
He leaned down, pressing the ghost of a kiss on her forehead. Much like a father would. "I'm going to ask her tonight, but you need to try and get some rest. Promise you'll try?"
With a smile, she agreed. Even with the news, she was still exhausted.
You frequently thought back to the day Hunter got down on one knee in the middle of the ship for you. Your heart warmed every time, fidgeting with your ring.
"It's so pretty..." Omega commented. Just two weeks later you all found yourselves on Pabu. Rested and resupplied.
You were both crammed into her closed off space. You ignored the gunman seat, choosing to lay with her on the floor.
She had a grasp on your hand, analyzing the band. The twinkle in her eye matched the gem. "Thank you, Hunter has pretty good taste, don't ya think?"
She giggled, letting you have your hand back. You gave another glance at the ring you'd been staring at for days.
She rolled over, facing the ceiling, arms sprawled out. With a light sigh she began, "When will you have your wedding?"
You leaned back as well, one of your arms overlapping hers. "I...I guess I haven't thought about it too much. I'm content just finding an officiant tomorrow." All you needed was Hunter, who cares if you had a fancy wedding?
Apparently Omega, as she jumped up, "What! No, we have to have a ceremony by the shore! It'd be perfect!"
You laughed at her reaction. "This is no laughing matter!" She pointed a finger in your direction, "This is serious!"
"Omega, I have Hunter. A huge wedding will not change my love for him." She humphed and settled back down.
"What's the point of marriage if you don't have a wedding!" To be frank, Omega had never been to a wedding. Only reading about them in the books Nala Se allowed her, or hearing about them through her travels.
"I think marriage shows our devotion to each other. That we'll never part." You craned your head to look at her, she rolled her eyes at your confession. This caused you to let out another smirk.
Now, she was really getting annoyed. Giving your lips a swipe with your tongue, "Ya know, maybe having a small ceremony wouldn't be bad. But, I would need a maid of honor. Know anyone?"
Her smile reappeared fast, "Are you asking me to be your maid of honor!"
"I couldn't think of anyone better..." She shuffled to throw herself on you, giving you a big hug.
You squeezed her tight, just before a loud gasp came from her, "What?"
"The dress!" She yelled, "What will you wear! We have to see if Shep knows someone who can make you one!"
Her energy was contagious, you were starting to get excited too. "I want a ballgown dress...Oh and I could have off the shoulders lace, maybe even a train, but not too long. I'd hate to trip on it." Okay, maybe you had put a little thought into a wedding.
She was practically bouncing on her heels, now on her knees hovering over you. You still laid on your back, day dreaming about dresses.
"What color do you want your dress Omega?"
"I get to pick?" She questioned.
"Of course you can, sweetie." You could see the gears turning in her head. She was going to think on what style she wanted for a while.
You sat up, leaning against her side. "How would Batcher fashion flowers? Think she could learn to drop them? Cause I would certainly need a flower girl for the wedding."
"Yes, of course! I'll start training her!" She was excited to teach Batcher a new trick. You knew they could do it, but Omega didn't want to take any risks.
She raced out, completely missing Hunter. Who was leaning against the steps of the gunman room.
You let a breath leave you, slumping against the wall.
"Is she wearing you out already?" You jumped at the voice, immediately being comforted by the recognition of who it was.
"Hunter, when did you walk in?" You weren't bothered by it, just surprised.
He had a smug look. "I was just checking the fuel, then I heard you and Omega talking about weddings?"
You felt flushed, like you were caught doing something you shouldn't.
"You don't have to be embarrassed, I think you'd look beautiful in any dress." He stepped forward, about eye level with you. He reached a hand up, taking yours in his.
"You're such a charmer." You smiled, your head leaning back to hit the wall.
Hunter stepped up, joining you on the floor of the room.
You scooted closer to him, taking his head in your lap when he layed down.
"What kind of wedding do you want?" You asked, brushing your hands through his dark hair.
He closed his eyes, basking in your touch. "I just want you to be happy. I don't care what we do." You figured that's what he would say. You lowered your head and pressed a kiss on his forehead.
"Omega's ideas didn't sound too bad... A ceremony on the shore." He commented.
You continued to pet his hair, "Yeah, that does sound sweet. Who would we invite? I mean, I don't know too many of the natives yet." It was true you tended to keep to yourself on the island.
With his eyes still closed he responded, "If you just want it to be us five, I wouldn't mind."
"Well we'd have to send Echo a message, oh and of course Shep, Deke, Mox, Stak, can't forget Phee, also-" You ran out of fingers to count on. Opting to rest them back in Hunters hair.
He had a grin on his face, "We don't need to figure out the guest list quite yet. We can get married any day you want.." He was ready to bend at your will.
"Can..." You sucked on your teeth, changing your mind about asking.
"Hmm?" He pressed on.
"You don't have to... but," Why was this so hard to ask! "Can I wear your bandana?"
He opened his eyes, baring into yours. You struggled to read his expression.
"It's okay, it was dum-" You felt stupid for asking.
"If it would make you happy, I would be glad to let you." He reached a hand up, rubbing your side to soothe you.
"Yeah." He moved his hand to untie the cloth. "Here, try it on."
You snickered, gently holding the fabric. "What if I wore it on my arm?"
You tried to show him, but found it difficult to tie on your upper right arm.
He noticed and sat up, taking it into his hands. He took his time, smoothing it over your skin and tying it expertly. He only pulled away after giving you a kiss.
"I like it." You expressed.
"I love it." He stared, but not at the bandana- at you.
"I love you too..."
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I hope it's as good as part one!!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @dangraccoon @knight-of-flowerss
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py-dreamer · 7 months
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So... I know I'm late...
But yea! I said I was coming back with some stickers and I kept my word! I would've hoped that I could've completed the sheet in like a day but as you can see...that didn't work out
I know I've been a bit MIA lately but burnout sucks. I do have a lot of WIPS I really want to work on but again, it seems that the ProcrastiNation hath struck my feeble mortal brain again.
But anyways:
I headcanon Aroace Mei, just a personal headcanon (disagree if you like) I also like lesbian Mei but thought I'd give some aroace appreciation
Silktea was only given 1 episode but OH BOY did it fuel our wild shipping habits. And I jumped on the bandwagon. It's a reference to that scene in She-Ra where Scorpia tells Catra she 'didn't want to do this' then wraps kitty up in the blankey and cradles her like a wee baby. And Sandy would do that for any friend, I will die on this hill
Saw a fanart where Mk had a pig nose themed pacifier and I just yoinked that idea. The pig hoodie and the pacifier seems like something Tang would do for Pigsy (also to get away with free noodles cause who can say no to that face?~)
Mac showing Wukong the lantern. What can I say, mans' fascinated by them pretty lights. Though our little performer's eyes seem to be straying from the show (^u ')
I know many people have issues with shipping with Nezha and such and I know the two had a rough history but y'know what fans do; they love to make the people who kill each other soulmates (platonic, romantic or otherwise) Even if it wasn't romantic, I still love the idea of them being buddies and just chilling, the danger noodle prince and the angy prince snuggle and watch a movie (mainly from Nezha 2019 but I also saw New Gods and can I just say, I want those two twinks to bicker then kiss awkwardly and I want Yun Xiang to BEAT. HIS. ASS) but in case anyone asks, I do perceive Nezha to be a consenting adult in general outside shipping drama and if the two are adults, it does make my heart squeal when I see these two hold hands and whatnot
HOW COULD I EVER FORGET MY SPICYBOIS, inspired by that one Ponyo kiss scene. I was actually gonna make a bigger piece but then I saw someone do it already in a much better fashion than I ever could and I just gave up on the idea but Ig here, its just like the two cakes mentality and I gave it a go. Hope I could do the concept justice
Have spider queen or scorpion queen ever interacted before? No. But they are both queens and I believe Spider Queen's confidence could rub off on Scorpion Queen and she'd appreciate the company of Spider Queen's children henchmen. Also she give yummy food so lesbian venomqueens for the win
Redraw of that moment with Peng and Azure. I normally detest that bird but these two do get some gears grinding and whatever anyone says. Neither of those two are straight. I'll tell ya that.
Toxicinsanity is another rarepair that had like 1 sec screen time. I don't think they'd ever work out in canon and had virtually no chemistry. I still love all the fluffy ship content I can find of them though and if it ever were to happen. I think the mayor would scare the sh!t out of Syntax
Let's get at least one hetero couple here, Chang'e and Hou'Yi are a couple of favorites ngl, I took most of their outfits from Over the moon cause both of them looked stunning, Chang'e especially. I've seen people ship mah girl with other people and while I do agree it's healthy to move on, in my heart she will always long for Hou'Yi
Also irl, on valentines, my mum took us out for lunch, she treated us to bubble tea and donuts. We walked home so I waited to drink mah drink in my room while I drew and I accidentally finished it all... I'm so sorry mum
f*ck I forgot ironbull. Uhh....I'll draw something later, rn I need to go to bed before I get yelled at...
click pic for less sh!ty quality!
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angelfleurry · 9 months
may i request kyoko catching feelings please??
♡ Kyoko Kirigiri Catching Feelings!!: ♡
Thank you so much for the request, Anon!! Kyoko’s one of my more weaker characters I feel, so I’m hoping I did her justice!! I’m always happy to write, so feel free to keep requesting!!
Also I’m so sorry for the delay, college has been AT ME lately so I’m so sorry!! I did just get on to Christmas holidays by the time I uploaded this, so I should have plenty of time to take requests! Thank you, Anon! Have a wonderful day!
♡ There was no sudden massive realisation for her.
♡ On some random day she just so happened to have something click, but she was already suspecting she may be viewing you as more than platonically.
♡ She honestly just started piecing it together after a certain point.
♡ She began to realise that there was a reason she gravitated towards you, a reason she felt so inclined to spend time with you, a reason she seemed to trust you more than she did other people.
♡ It didn’t even surprise her by the time she became fully aware.
♡ She managed to keep her stoic aura, and she was more than capable of keeping herself composed around you, but behind closed doors in her own company she was not okay.
♡ She was definitely becoming frustrated in all honesty, deep down.
♡ It had nothing to do with you, she just was.
♡ She’d pace around her room, absorbed in her head, all of her emotions erupting within her rather than making their way out.
♡ There was hardly anything to mull over. She knew she loved you and she knew what she’d likely have to do, but it was just the process.
♡ She fully intended to tell you about her feelings, she didn’t want to prolong it, but…
♡ Kyoko really wanted to find the right timing.
♡ Something about just admitting them with no warning didn’t appeal to her. She wanted an opportunity, an appropriate moment, a clear headspace.
♡ But most of all, she wanted it to be fair on you.
♡ In her eyes, she believed that it would not be fair on you to just come out with this declaration; especially if she was uncertain of how you felt for her. She’d grown rather fond of you over the time you knew each other, so ruining that bond was terrifying.
♡ So, naturally, Kyoko started looking for clues.
♡ She observed you, pieced interactions together, silently desperate for any sign that you may return her feelings.
♡ However, surprisingly, her natural instinct seemed to be completely overpowered by anxiety this time around.
♡ Any time Kyoko thought she may have a sign, she backtracked and assumed she was somehow letting her hopes up.
♡ She is a master at keeping her feelings to herself, so literally nobody knew unless she’d mention it.
♡ Would she mention it? No. She debated talking to Makoto about it, but she ended up just lingering on the idea and never acting upon it.
♡ She’s more of a silent processor when it comes to big chunks of information.
♡ Continued to gravitate towards you.
♡ She’s not very direct with expressing how she wants to spend time with you, but these feelings definitely boosted her in that area.
♡ She’d ask you to accompany her on a walk, or to help her sort out some non-confidential files, claiming it was a tedious task to do alone.
♡ Kyoko wasn’t much of one for use of the phone, she wasn’t constantly on it, but she seemed to always check hers at work on break just in case you’d messaged her.
♡ Appreciates every little interaction you two have.
♡ It’s so lovely for her to feel as if she really belongs with you, whether or not you choose it to be platonic or romantic, but Kyoko really is just glad she met you.
♡ Whenever you need her, whenever you want her, just say the word - she’ll be there in a moment.
♡ Doesn’t matter if you need help, if you wanna talk, or if you just got bored, she’s coming.
♡ She’ll be all fluttery on the inside but on the outside she might as well be ice.
♡ If you compliment her she will NEVER recover. Your words bring her so much pride it’s unreal!!
♡ Plays it cool though, she can’t be giving away her feelings just yet.
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yarrystyleeza · 8 months
𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝟐𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫!
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Well, as the title suggests, I am turning 22 on January 30th (yes I can't believe it either), and it's a very very special number to me, I was obsessed with it since I was a kid—because of Taylor Swift's 22 of course (you have no idea how happy my inner child is now!).
However, I thought I should celebrate this very important event with you by hosting my second sleepover! (honestly I was planning to make this a double sleepover if I hit 300 followers before my birthday, but since I didn't, I really had to host a sleepover)
As usual, my sleepover will host games, questions, asks, and definitely, requests!!! <3
The sleepover will be a week long, from January 30th till February 6th, where you can submit asks and requests!
Note on prohibited things that I won't be doing or answering:
No nsfw/dirty asks, writing requests or questions, it's uncomfortable for me sometimes, and this is an all-ages-friendly celebration. No further elaboration, please respect this. <3
Here's a list of the games we can play:
Kiss/Marry/Kill: you give me three characters and I will sort each one in one of these categories! (make it hard for me)
Would you rather: you give me two things/characters and I get to choose one that suits me better! (for example: night owl or early bird?)
Make an assumption: you literally make an assumption about me and I either prove it or deny it!
Never have I ever: you ask me about things I did or didn't do!
Exchanged Ships: basically, you give me a character that you find as my significant other, and I will give you a character in exchange and why I think it's the perfect character for you!
Random Q&A: you can ask me about anything, whether it's my favorite food or even what fabrics do I prefer to wear, ask whatever you want!
Girly Talks: just talk to me about any girly topic you want and we'll establish a good conversation! Let's talk about books or authors, favorite poetry pieces, maybe movies we loved in our childhood, or even your favorite outfits back when you were a 10 year old! Literally anything!
Rate My Music Taste: give me a song/artist and I will rate it from 1 (absolute flop) to 10 (total banger)! — (this is absolutely done just for fun).
I Wanna Write You A Song: start with a phrase and we will make a totally original song together in the reblogs!
Doodles: give me something simple to draw!
As for writing requests, I will be taking fluff/angst/violence (blood and gore—due to the nature of the characters I write for) x female!reader requests only. But of course you can request the prompt you desire. <3
As for the characters, here's a list of the fictional men that I would be writing for:
Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Foggy Nelson
Tristan Thorn
Michael Kinsella
Henry (from Eat Locals)
Daryl Dixon
(might consider writing for other Charlie Cox/Norman Reedus characters. example: Ian Hamilton, Owen Sleater, Scud, Murphy MacManus, etc.)
You can ask for prompt included in this list or ones you come up with yourself:
intimate moments / gestures that make me feel love / romantic rainy day prompts / gentle things that make me fall harder in love / fluffy comforting/sick dialogue prompts / lighthearted first kiss prompts / sparring prompts / forced proximity prompts / date prompts masterpost /
Note that I will be tagging the fic requests with #yuna's 22 birthday sleepover so they're easy to find, but they will be sorted in my main masterlist as regular requests! <3
tagging my moots to spread the word sorry for being a little too annoying hehe (and I tried to tag as much as possible but my memory is messing around with me I'm sorry if I forgot anyone): @v4leoftears @remonemo @fizanotfeeza @bunmurdock @bellaxgiornata @kal-0n @1988-fiend @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @floral-charlie-cat @farfromstrange @babygirlmurdock @mattmurdocksscars @itwasthereaminuteago @c-mrdck @xxeycisxx @loveroftoomanyfandoms @mindidjarin @little-miss-dilf-lover @shiorimakibawrites @tongueofcat @marytheweefrenchie @chvoswxtch @devilsmurdock @galaxies-and-moons-and-cox @acharliecoxedfan @folkloreandfall @murdocklorian @munsonownsmyass @abbyhaslongshorts @murc0ck @lazyxsquirrel @theradioactivespidergwen @xxdrixx @saintmurd0ck @softasawhisper @she-likesorchids @peterman-spideyparker @mattmurdocksstarlight @amberlynnmurdock @courtforshort15 @saltedlays @importantnightwerewolf @lene-loki
That's basically everything I have for my birthday sleepover, feel free to submit requests and games! Thank you for coming to my sleepover tonight! <3
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Invisible String [2] | njm
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Genre: friends to lovers; slow burn; fluff Synopsis: Na Jaemin had always been a friend, nothing more. But now that you've pieced together the possibilities of him having feelings for you, you begin to question whether you're ready to cross the line between friendly and romantic relationships. Is it worth it giving in a little more to his warmth? Pairings: Na Jaemin x Female Reader Warnings: slow slow burn, denial, mild sexual content (18+), fluff Notes: 13.4k words, song prompt was Lifetime by Ben&Ben
[Part 1]
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Wednesdays remind you of Jaemin, mainly because your female co-workers would excitedly talk about lunch at Nana's Cafe. You were determined to keep your distance until you figured out your own feelings so you found excuses not to join Jaehee and Yunseo.
"That's your best idea? Avoiding him?" Heejin jeered, tossing a peanut in her mouth.
"No. I'm not avoiding him, I'm just not seeing him. It's actually very natural. We rarely met in the first place."
"Why what?"
"Why are you—" she raised her fingers to gesture a quotation. "'not seeing him'?"
You shrugged. "Because I'm trying to figure it out by myself first. I want to understand where I stand in this whole... thing."
"And then what?"
"And then I'll see where this goes."
Heejin scowled at you and grabbed the bag of peanuts you were holding. "And that's smart because?"
You let out a deep sigh and gave her a deadpan expression. "I wouldn't expect you to understand, but I'm not trying to be smart or anything. I'm just trying to be at peace while I figure out my own feelings. Seeing Jaemin won't help me with that, at all."
Heejin just scrunched her nose and nodded dismissively. "If you say so. But I stand by what I told you before. Just talk to him."
"Or," Seola began, just as she had finished talking to someone on the phone. "You do what feels right. It sounds cliché but it works. When you get to that point, you'll know."
The weekend came with a chance to relax. Your mother arrived early in the morning to tell you you were going on a camping trip. You had no idea how she even thought about camping but you assumed she missed your father. As a child, you always went on fishing trips and even when you stopped coming, your parents continued doing it. But today, your mother is packing your stuff for a camping trip in the mountains, which is different from the fishing she's used to.
"What makes you think we'll survive the mountains, Mom?" you asked as you pulled out a pair of pajamas she stuffed in your bag. "I don't need three pajamas."
"Just keep it in there in case you need it," she insisted, taking the pajamas from you and stuffing them back in the bag. "And there is no need for survival. It's a campsite with security and rangers patrolling. Don't be dramatic."
"How about food?"
"We can buy them beforehand, but I'm sure there will be plenty of food."
"How about fishing?"
"I don't know how to fish, honey. That's why we're going to the mountains."
She made you carry everything into your car and kept nagging about leaving as soon as possible. She also made you bring your car because hers was just recently washed so you drove with feigned indignation from her snide remarks about your dirty car. It's not even dirty, she just disliked the covers of your car seats.
She fell asleep along the way and you figured it was because of the music she chose to play. They were old but you grew up listening to them so you enjoyed the ride too. An hour and a half later, you arrived at the first rest stop and she woke up looking suspiciously excited.
"Should we just head on? I don't think we need anything here," you suggested after asking her if she needed to pee and her saying no.
"No, wait. Let me just call someone."
"Who is it?"
She tutted and started hollering at you. "Are you in a rush? Just stay still and listen to me."
You scoffed. "Mom, you're the one who said we need to get there before lunchtime!"
"Why are you shouting?"
"Because you're shouting!"
"Shush, I'm talking to someone," she chided as the receiver of her call picked up. In a sweet voice, she greeted, "Hello? We're here at the stop. Are you still here? Oh, I see, you're taking a break. We're at the parking lot. She's with me in a hideous red car."
You scoffed after hearing her call your car hideous. Whoever she's talking to must be someone she likes, a friend or something. You looked around while trying to make sense of their conversation. As you did, a white SUV parked right next to yours and rolled its windows down.
"That's them!" Your mother excitedly tapped your shoulder. You saw Jaemin's smiling face looking right back at you.
You gasped and glared at your mother. "You invited Jaemin?"
"It's not just Jaemin. He's with his mother and father."
"Why would you invite them?"
"They invited me! Stop making a fuss and just greet them!"
You rolled your windows down and returned Jaemin's bright grin with an awkward one. He raised a hand to wave at you. The window in the backseat opened to reveal his mother.
"Y/n! Good to see you! Have you been well?"
"Yes, Auntie! Good to see you too!"
She beamed wider. "I'm glad you could come. Ah, Jaemin brought coffee. Would you like some?"
You made a gesture to refuse but your mother loudly accepted. "We'd love some! Thank you!"
There were a few more minutes of awkward conversations in the car before both families agreed to proceed on the road. You let Jaemin's family lead the way while your mother happily sang along to the tunes of her old songs. You kept huffing until she finally acknowledged your distress.
"Can't you look a little happier?"
"Hey!" she scolded. "What's wrong? Did you fight with Jaeminie?"
"Jaeminie?" you exclaimed in disbelief. "Since when were you so close that you're calling him Jaeminie?"
"Why? He's the same age as my daughter and I'm close with his mom. What's wrong with calling him Jaeminie? And what did he do to you?"
"Why would you assume he did anything to me?"
"Who else would you have problems with if not your friend?"
You just sighed and shook your head. It's impossible to argue with your mom, especially when she's too excited about something. Although it had always been impossible to argue with her because she always finds a way to win.
"Why? Just tell me what's wrong. We can cancel this whole thing if you're uncomfortable."
"I'm not mom. I was just..." you huffed, rethinking if you should tell your mom but since you already started, you decided to just let it out. "I was just hoping not to see Jaemin for a while."
"What happened?"
"I can't really sum it up. It's complicated."
"Then coming here was a good idea! You can talk and fix your misunderstanding."
"It's not a misunderstanding," you insisted but refused to explain it even as your mom tried to pry for more information from you.
Two hours later, and after some pretty challenging uphill driving, you arrived at the campsite. Your mother excitedly ran off to Jaemin's parents while you had to unload your stuff. The way your mother seemed to transform into some teenager around Jaemin's mom just made you shake your head. Both of them actually.
"Let me help you with that," you heard Jaemin say while you were unloading your trunk. You didn't notice him approach so now you're nervous but you tried to act like normal.
"Thanks," you muttered. There's no point in trying to pretend you don't need his help because you do. Your mom's bag was heavy and you don't want to go back several times. With Jaemin's help, the unloading was a one-way trip.
"You should have told me you were coming too. We could've driven here together," he initiated as you walked towards the clearing where you'll be setting up your tents.
You chuckled. "Yeah, but I actually got dragged here, so I had no idea you'd be here at all."
"You know what, me too. I thought it would be just us." He placed the bag on a tree trunk. "Don't you think our moms are getting too close? They're even deciding on things by themselves now."
You smiled at his sentiment. "I think so too. I wonder what else they're capable of."
Jaemin's father cuts in. "How about setting you up together?"
Both you and Jaemin looked at him with confused expressions. The elder man just laughed heartily and walked away. You both glanced back at each other and laughed.
"Old people are weird."
"Yeah but that's not a really bad idea," he replied so you raised an eyebrow at him. Jaemin just laughed and followed his father so you were left to your own thoughts.
"Ugh, their entire family is weird."
You didn't want to think they were actually serious about setting you up. Jaemin's dad must have been joking so was Jaemin. You hope he was but part of you liked the idea that his parents like you. A good relationship with a lover's family is a plus in your book.
"Pizza?" Jaemin offered, walking over to you with a box in one hand and a foldable chair in the other.
"Thanks," you smiled, taking the box so he could set up his chair next to yours.
"Having fun so far?" he asked after sitting down.
"All I did so far was drive, set up our tent, and sit, so no, not really."
Jaemin chuckled. "Well, the oldies are planning a barbecue party, so that might cheer you up."
"They are?" you asked, gleefully clasping your hands together.
"Yes. That's why we're having mediocre pizza for lunch."
You smiled dreamily, already imagining the taste of barbecue made by Jaemin's parents. Their restaurant was famous for their barbecue and that has been your favorite ever since you first tried it.
"How are you? I heard from Jaehee that you've been swamped with work lately."
"A little," you replied, remembering to thank Jaehee for covering for you. "Just work stuff that I can't escape from. I got the takeouts though, thanks."
"Glad you liked them," he said proudly.
You just smiled and ate your pizza quietly. It seemed like he caught on to your silence because he stopped talking and just ate too. You hated the atmosphere the situation was creating. Awkwardness is your pet peeve but you would rather swallow it than be the one breaking the ice between you and Jaemin. Right now, that's your best coping mechanism.
"I hope you don't mind," he prompted, making you glance at him. That was when you heard soft music playing and noticed the small speaker he placed on the arm of his chair.
You shrugged and quietly continued eating. The song wasn't familiar to you but it had a beautiful tune to it, something you'd find yourself listening to. More of the same songs would play and you're starting to get curious about each one but you couldn't bring yourself to ask him about them. You were determined not to initiate a conversation. But the fourth song was the last straw. You have to know what it was and have it in your playlist!
"Say, Jaemin," you blurted, glancing at him only to find him resting his head on the chair with his eyes closed. You pursed your lips, leaning forward to see if he was asleep, touching his arm ever so carefully. "Jaemin?"
When he didn't move, you realized he really was napping. You sighed and leaned back, enjoying the music and reminding yourself to ask him later. But the peaceful image of him won't leave your mind, so you take a peek at him again. Just one. It won't hurt. One peek was followed by another and then another, and more until you eventually decided to shamelessly stare.
You knew Jaemin was handsome, he had always been. Back in high school, girls would swoon over him. You can't even count the number of times someone gave him gifts and confession letters, one senior even went as far as to write a confession song. At the time, you appreciated his good looks but being a friend that sees him on the regular, you didn't really lose your mind over his smile or his presence. Now, with all these conflicting feelings, you feel like you're seeing him in a different light. Not only are you seeing his actions differently, but you're also starting to swoon over how handsome he is.
You sighed and sat back, shaking your head at yourself.
"Done admiring my beauty?" You heard him say so you sat up straight in surprise, pulse racing in embarrassment. He just chuckled and when you glanced at him, you realized he had caught your reaction.
"Very funny," you goaded, standing up and escaping into a hole—your tent.
When you zipped it up, you saw how he knocked on the fabric of the tent. "Hey, I was just teasing."
You didn't respond and just laid there, taking your phone out to surf the internet and pass the time. You didn't realize you had fallen asleep until your mother slapped your leg to wake you up.
"Mom!" you groaned, lifting your leg to stroke the part where she hit you. "Do you even love me at all?"
"I do that's why I'm telling you to get up. It's getting dark and we need to start preparing food. What kind of camping is spent sleeping inside a tent? You should be out there appreciating nature!" she nagged so you got up, begrudgingly leaving the tent.
You saw that she was right. The sun has started to edge down the horizon and under a tree a few feet from the tents, Jaemin and his family are preparing for dinner. You spared a few minutes to look decent before heading down there to help.
"Y/n, darling. Come taste this sauce," Jaemin's mom was beckoning you over with her hand so you headed straight to her. She took a different spoon and scooped up a bit of the barbecue dip for you to try.
"It's phenomenal, auntie," you chimed truthfully, showing a thumb up. "You always made good food."
She giggled and hit your arm affectionately. "Look at you flattering this old woman."
You just grinned and looked around. "Can I help you with anything?"
Your mom joined in at that moment, pushing you aside. "No, we'll take care of everything here. Go make fire."
"You can't even cook Mom," you teased but Jaemin's mom was shooing you away too.
"Don't worry about us and go make fire. We'll take care of everything here," she insisted so you gave up and turned to the direction of the grill.
"How do I even make a fire?" you mumbled to yourself, picking up a stick and poking the charcoal on the grill. "Ah, I need a lighter."
You turned to ask for a lighter but you bumped into Jaemin's chest, losing your balance on the rocks. He caught your shoulders just before you fell over, laughingly telling you to watch yourself.
"I got the lighter," he chuckled, showing you the object in his hand. You tried to take it from him but his hand flew upwards so you failed to reach it. "I'll do it."
"Your mom told me to make fire," you insisted.
"Well, they told me to do it first," he grinned, gently flicking your forehead before walking past you.
You trailed behind him, awkwardly standing by while he attempted to light up the grill. It didn't even take him long and he never even needed your help so you were about to leave but he held your wrist to stop you. Your heart began to race as you looked down at your joined hands.
"Where are you going? We need to set up the table," he laughed, pulling your arm in the direction of the tents. He let go only when you reached the back of the tents where the cars were parked and you subconsciously touched your wrist where he held it. Opening the trunk of their car, he took out a small foldable table and handed it to you. "It's not heavy."
"Okay," you blurted, taking it in your hands. He pulled out another one before you made your way back to the grilling area. You watched him assemble the tables and helped when he asked for you. After a few minutes, the table has been set up and your parents are calling you over to bring the food.
"Race me to the grill?" Jaemin challenged while you were carefully carrying the tray of meat. He had a pot of what you assumed was stew in his gloved hands.
"No," you shook your head briskly but he was already starting to walk fast. "No, no, hey!"
You ended up racing with him anyway, laughing when he tripped on a small rock and almost spilled the stew. You won the mini-race because he had to walk slowly after the trip.
"That wasn't valid. The race was dangerous," he declared as he placed the pot at the center of the table.
"You lost to me, Na Jaemin. You shouldn't have challenged me if you're going to cheat," you fought back, sticking your tongue out at him.
"The pot was hot."
"And the tray was flat. The meat could fall any minute."
"Don't fight, children," your mother chided as she pushed between you with other dishes in her hands.
"Yeah, you should get along. Your parents are good friends," Jaemin's mom added. His father followed along, laughing heartily while giving the two of you suspiciously happy looks.
"Yes, good friends," your mom repeated before the two of them started giggling giddily.
You scoffed and sat on one of the chairs around the table. "Jaemin and I are good friends too," you said but your mother tutted at you.
"Good friends? Stop being good friends then!" she chided and you felt confused as to why she was suddenly snapping at you.
"You just told us to stop fighting!" you defended, glancing at Jaemin who has now begun grilling the meat with his father.
"Yes, don't fight. But don't just be good friends too," Jaemin's mom insinuated but whatever this code between them was, it totally went over your head.
The meal was nice and hearty, filled with laughter and random conversations that you enjoyed. It was different from when you gathered with your friends. The vibe is more familiar, in a way that it's warmer and cozier and more gratifying. It made your heart swell, especially since the last time you had a family barbecue was when your father was still alive. You're thankful for your mom who brought you along, and even more so to Jaemin's family who made you feel at home with their warmth. Having good food was a bonus too!
"How's work these days, y/n?"
You smiled at Jaemin's mom. "It's fine, auntie. A little tiring but having a job is tiresome in itself."
"I assume so. I won't try to understand because I never had experience working for anyone," she beamed. "Do you ever get a break?"
"Sometimes," you nodded.
"Jaeminie, you should hang out with her from time to time. Show her a good time. She must be sick of just working every day," your mom told Jaemin who was sitting right next to you. The parents occupied every seat except the one beside yours, so you both ended up sitting next to each other.
"I'll try my best, Auntie," he replied politely.
"Don't bother him, Mom. He's busy too and he's been a good neighbour to me so that should be enough."
Jaemin's mom shook her hand at you. "That's not enough. You two should get out often. Eat outside, have a day out, or something. Go on camping trips like this."
"Just the two of us?!" you blurted, surprising everyone, including Jaemin who was just about to put some meat on your plate.
The older ladies exchanged looks and giggled. You scoffed.
"Mom, I don't think that's appropriate," Jaemin stated and you nodded your head at him in agreement.
"Well then, make it appropriate!"
"That's not how friendships work, Mom. You can't just make it appropriate," you said, quoting in the air.
"Find a way. I'm sure there's something you can do."
You sighed, taking a bite and surrendering from the challenge of arguing with your mom.
"They're telling you to date," his father declared and the cola Jaemin was drinking ended up choking him. He choked so hard, he could barely breathe and the only thing you could do to help was stroke his back and offer him some water. All the while, the parents watched and his father laughed heartily.
"Honey, you can't just jump into them like that!" Jaemin's mother chided softly. "Look, he was so shocked, he's almost dying. We agreed to take it slow."
"Mom," Jaemin chided softly, coughing as he turned to you. "Ignore them."
"Don't ignore us! We're serious!" your mother argued. You rolled your eyes at her.
"We're grown-ups, mom. Who we date is our business," you declared sternly, hopefully putting an end to the topic. But your mothers can't seem to stop talking about it.
"I thought they liked each other," your mom asked.
"That's what I thought too. Jaemin seemed to care for her a lot," his mother added. "Did we read into it too much?"
"Mom, I'm working on it," Jaemin sighed, making you glance at him with wide eyes. He just smiled at you before turning to his parents. "You don't have to intervene. I'll take care of it."
Both of your mothers started teasing you and giggling amongst themselves. You just sat there quietly, staring at your food even when you could feel Jaemin's gaze boring right through you.
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You sat on a tree stump by the cliff, staring at the wide scenery in front of you. The air was cold and breezy, blowing in one direction so you had to tie your hair up. Your jacket was thick but your exposed hands were cold due to the air. You kind of regretted leaving the bonfire, but the teasing was starting to get to you and you just wanted to get out of there because you knew they wouldn't stop.
"You alright?" came Jaemin's voice, handing you a mug of warm coffee that you accepted after muttering thanks. He sat next to you. "Mind if I sit here?"
"Why would you tell them that?" you asked straight, giving him a serious look that he noticed right away.
"Because it's true," he replied and you were satisfied that he understood what you meant.
"What do you want from me?" you asked without missing a beat.
The nervousness disappeared from his face, replaced by confusion. "What do I want from you? Nothing. What do you mean by that?"
"Why are you doing this? You're too nice. You're too considerate. I've racked my brain the whole time trying to convince myself that you're just being a nice guy. But then you say things that don't make sense."
"How do they not make sense? I was being honest."
You sighed, frustrated by the whole beating around the bush. "Do you have feelings for me? Do you like me or something?"
"I do."
You laughed derisively, feeling stupid for being confused all this time. "That's all it took for you to admit that? Why didn't you just say that from the get-go, then?"
"How can I? You looked at guys and gagged! You even told a classmate that he's gross for asking you out," he clapped back.
"That was in high school! I was fourteen and— wait. You liked me since high school?"
He just shrugged, looking away while stifling a smile.
"No you don't."
"I do." He sighed. Now he's the one frustrated by your cluelessness. "I know it's hard to believe but it's true. I liked you all these years. It was just a crush. I had no plans to pursue it especially after we became close friends but I liked you. Of course, we drifted apart after high school and of course, I had my eyes on other girls. I dated some of them too. But then I saw you again and maybe it was the nostalgia. Or the familiarity. Or maybe because I liked you for a long time but when you came here, I realized I still have those feelings for you. You've gotten more beautiful, a lot smarter, more mature, but you were still you."
"If you didn't want to pursue me because we're friends, why are you doing it now?"
Jaemin sighed and took a good look at you for a good minute. "Because this time, I thought everything's gonna work out. I'm in love with you, y/n and I'm willing to pursue the possibility that we could be something more."
You sighed, feeling the adrenaline die down as you walked towards the edge of the cliff, holding on to the high railings. You looked into the horizon and quietly lamented on your thoughts. You had no idea how to react to his confession. He seemed nonchalant about it, almost too confident. You wished he would act properly like he meant what he said. You wished he would show it to you instead of just saying it and leaving it at that. But then again, he had been showing it to you all this time, you were just preoccupied with the thought that he was just being friendly.
Jaemin followed you, standing right next to you and looking at the side of your face. "I'm sorry if I confused you. I thought I was being clear. And I'm sorry if you felt like my attention was so sudden. It doesn't really feel that way to me because I've been doing it all these years. The only difference this time was I got rid of my self-restraint. I thought it wouldn't be necessary to tone it down since I'm ready to commit to it, anyway. I had a feeling that it would work out somehow, so I'm trying."
You felt his hand on your arm so you looked down at it before shifting your gaze to his face. He gave you an uncertain smile and you wondered if it was worth risking your friendship for this.
"Well," you began, sighing as you glanced at his hand on your arm again. You let it stay there, seeing how it seemed comfortable resting there like it belonged there. "I'm not really sure how to react about this yet, so, I'm gonna need time to think about this."
Jaemin's smile became wider, reaching his eyes. "You can take your time. I'm not forcing you into anything."
"Thanks, Jaemin," you smiled back.
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It was mid-Autumn when it came time for Jeno's wedding. Jaemin was dressed in a neat navy blue suit when he knocked on your door. He had a black turtle neck underneath it and a necklace with a tiny sun pendant. You tried not to check him out. Even his good looks felt different now. Everything else just turns into blurs when you look at him. He just glows differently now that you have both talked about his feelings for you.
"You do what feels right. It sounds cliché but it's the truth. You'll get to that point and then you'll know when it feels right." That is what Seola told you when you sought their advice. You are living by it now. So while you still haven't decided on what to do with the complex feelings between you and Jaemin, you opted to let him be his usual self around you.
"Shall we?"
"I need just three more minutes," you replied briskly, running back into your bedroom. You hastily put on a pair of earrings and double-checked your makeup look. You also checked your purse for anything you might have forgotten. And then when you finally came out, you looked around the house for your phone and found it on the sofa. "Sorry. I was at work and forgot the time."
That was a lie. You arrived from work long ago and you spent one hour on your hair and make-up and another one hour picking out the perfect dress.
You watched him walk straight toward you, eyes looking anywhere but your own. You suddenly felt conscious but you were rooted in place and couldn't move. "What's wrong?" you asked as he inched closer.
"Your dress is unzipped," he replied. You felt your face flare when he said that and remembered you had a hard time zipping it and eventually gave up to finish your makeup first. You were embarrassed but turned around anyway when he offered to zip it up for you.
"I couldn't... I couldn't reach it," you stammered your excuses, worried about what he thinks but he remained quiet. His touch on your clothed shoulder was brief, but it sent a surge of electricity through your body that you knew was caused by your hyper-awareness of your proximity.
"You're missing a necklace." He commented and you instinctively placed a hand on your neck.
"Oh. I couldn't pick the right one," you replied, and then felt him place a necklace around your neck and lock it in place.
"Let me see?" You turned to face him as you also looked down at the necklace dangling around your neck. It was the sun necklace he was wearing just a while ago. He lifted your chin to meet his eyes and he smiled as he held your gaze. You were sure he didn't mean the necklace at all when he said, "There. Beautiful."
He told you to relax before you left your apartment. You were visibly tense and you don't know if Jaemin even knows he's the reason. It's kinda annoying.
The hall was almost full when you got there. After giving the congratulatory money, you were guided to your seat and you found your other friends there.
"You look gorgeous," Hyuck commented as soon as you sat next to him. "You even came in matching outfits, wow. You should have picked me. We'll look good together like that."
Once again, you and Jaemin were matching clothes but you felt it was unnecessary to explain that it wasn't intentional so you didn't and just exchanged smiles with him.
"They've always looked like a couple," said Eunbi, one of your close friends in high school. "They're always wearing matching accessories and outfits back in high school. I'm still mad I lost the bet. We were so sure that you two would end up dating if you weren't already."
"You assumed that just because of clothes?" You quipped.
"Honey, it's rare to just sync perfectly with someone. Not only that. He was so nice to you, it was difficult to say there was nothing special going on. You might have not dated at the time, but I'm sure Jaemin liked you or something."
You couldn't refute it, especially now that you knew Jaemin did have a thing for you back then. He just confessed all of it to you and now you are realizing that you missed all the signs that glared right at you. The topic shifted to Seola who just arrived and received a shower of congratulations from the table.
When the wedding ceremony started, you were in awe of the grandeur of it all. The food was excellent too. After about thirty minutes, it was time to take pictures and you were invited to the platform with all of your friends.
The wedding ended after that and Hyuck managed to gather your common friends for some drinks in a nearby barbecue restaurant. There were drinks and grilled beef and it came as no surprise for anyone on the table that Jaemin was grilling the meat. Of course, you noticed how he grilled meat continuously and stacked all of it on one plate for everyone to share but made sure your own plate right next to him was filled on the regular. You would tug on his shirt to make him eat and he would heed your plea, sitting back down for a moment to eat while the meat was grilling. In between conversations, Jaemin would ask you if the food was good or if you needed to refill your cup. If it wasn't for his confession, you'd see this as his usual kind self. But now you need to keep reminding yourself that he may be kind but he is not as attentive to everyone as he was with you all the time.
"So, Jeno. And then Seola. Who's next?" asked Eunbi, making you look around the table to think about her question.
"Probably Jaemin and miss class president. They were lovey-dovey all night," Sucheol teased, one cheek full of food.
"They would need to date first before they can talk about marriage," Hyuck quipped.
"What? You guys aren't dating?" Sucheol exclaimed brows furrowed in surprise and confusion. "You look like you were!"
Jaemin reached for the grilling plate on their side of the table and started flipping the meat. "Pay attention to the meat and stop blabbering! Your food is burning and it's thanks to Sucheol."
The topic was shifted to Sucheol's clumsiness and you thanked Jaemin for taking you out of the hotseat. He cutely scrunched his nose at you before nudging your shoulder affectionately.
After the mini party, Jaemin drove you back to your apartment. Thankfully, he didn't drink too much. You weren't drunk either but you certainly had a few shots of soju. Maybe it was the liquid courage that made you ask him, but now that you've let it out, you don't regret it.
"When did you start liking me?" you asked when he turned off the engine in the parking lot.
Jaemin glanced at you, evidently surprised by your question but he just chuckled. "When you first walked into our homeroom."
You rolled your eyes at his nonchalance. He didn't even stop to think about it. "You're so cheesy."
"Why are you getting mad? You asked me a question and I answered it," he chuckled and you got even more annoyed because you knew he was teasing you on purpose.
When it seemed like you wouldn't be speaking again, Jaemin laughed and continued. "I kinda hinted a bit over time. But then you said men are gross so I backed out. I still tried to show you that I like you, though. But you obviously missed it because eventually, you started dating Jeno. So I stopped."
"How was I supposed to know you were giving me the special treatment? You should have used your words!"
Jaemin grinned, unbuckling his seatbelt. "I'm a shy guy."
"No, you're not." You took off your seat belt too and got ready to leave the car but the doors were still locked.
"The feelings came back when I saw you at your father's funeral, y/n," he confessed, and suddenly, you felt nervous. "At first I thought I just felt bad for your loss and got it confused with affection but I couldn't stop thinking about you even after months had passed."
You remembered your father's funeral. Your friends were there. Your relatives and family's friends were. Your teachers and friends from Seoul. Even friends that you stopped seeing were there. But all of them left after a while. Every single one, except for Jaemin who sat right next to you, clutching your cold hands tightly to keep them warm. He stayed even when you never once acknowledged his presence, overcome by immense grief that you couldn't even bring yourself to care about the world around you. Jaemin stayed that day and the next day and the next, until you were able to take your first rest and sleep. Until you were able to cry for the first time since your father passed away. Until you have sent your father to his final destination. You remembered that after a week, you sent him a cake to thank him. You had no idea why you chose a cake, you just wanted to thank him in any way.
"I started following you on your social media accounts hoping I could get updates on how you were doing. I tried messaging you several times but I was too shy to send them and I don't know what to say. So I just interacted with you in our group chatrooms. You were rarely there so that was kind of a bummer. I went looking for you when I went back home too, but we never really crossed paths," he continued, smiling fondly as he reminisced. "Then I saw you here. And I was so sure that it wasn't pity. It really was affection."
He fell quiet after that and you literally had nothing to say. When he glanced at you, you noticed his movement so you glanced back at him too. When he smiled, you flashed an awkward grin in response.
"Let's go?" he invited and you nodded. You were quiet the whole walk and even during the elevator ride, not one sound came from the two of you. But when you reached your door and he bade you goodbye, you grabbed his sleeve and asked if he wanted to come in.
You had no idea why you invited him in, it just felt right at that moment. But now, as you sat in the living room with him, you were regretting the invite and were looking for an excuse to send him out. The Nat Geo on your TV wasn't very loud and you could hear the pounding on your chest. Jaemin soon noticed your unease and prompted you.
"Do you want to kiss?"
"Sorry?" you asked, unsure if you heard him right.
"Do you want to kiss?"
You didn't even hesitate at all when you said, "Yes."
He made a move to close the distance between you so you closed your eyes, thinking this would be the kiss but it didn't happen. When you opened them, he was staring at your face at an alarmingly close distance. Smiling, he said, "Here I come."
The first kiss was brief because he was checking to see your reaction first. When you made no sound or movement to protest, he kissed you again, this time deeper, longer, just pressing firmly and sending warmth through your body. When you reached for his cheek, his hand found the back of your head and held it in place before he started moving his mouth over yours. Kissing him didn't feel forced, nor did it feel awkward or messy. You didn't even need to take a few trial and error to practice your rhythm. Kissing him came so naturally that you felt as though you've known his lips for a long time. When he slipped his tongue between your lips, you opened up for him without any hesitation. In no time, you were making out on your sofa, a little tipsy on soju but drunk on his scent and warmth.
He stopped when your hand trailed from his neck to his chest. He looked into your eyes, smiling as he tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear. "Are you okay?"
You bit your lip, craving for more but too nervous to continue. "I don't really want to hook up or anything."
Jaemin chuckled, "We won't silly. We're just kissing." He kissed your forehead before moving away. You grabbed his arm just as he was letting you go and he stopped in his tracks, surprised by your boldness. You were too so you shyly pushed his arm back. He laughed and reached for your hand, pulling you close to him and tucking you between his arms. You rested your head on his chest as his hand gently stroked your shoulder. It felt comfortable in his arms. His fresh smell and steady heartbeat were lulling you to sleep while Nat Geo continued in the background.
"Don't you need to get changed," he softly whispered in your ear as sleepiness threatened to drag you to dreamland. You stirred, slowly rising to your feet as you headed for the bathroom. You stripped out of your clothes and washed up. Cold water on your face definitely helped wake you up a little. After making sure you've erased all your makeup, you clumsily slapped on some skincare products before wrapping yourself in your bathrobe and stepping out. Jaemin was still there and he looked away from the TV when you opened the bathroom door.
"You should get some rest too," you told him and he gave you a nod in response before taking a deep breath and rising to his feet to turn off the TV.
He walked to you and you met him halfway, looking up at him as he placed a hand on your shoulder and the other on your cheek. "See you tomorrow."
"You can stay, you know." You don't even wanna know where the courage came from, but what has been said is done. He just laughs though and says he literally lives one door away. You would have insisted, but you felt shy and just looked away. Jaemin noticed this so he lifted your chin and told you you don't need to do this just because he likes you. "It's not that... I... I want you to stay."
"You want me to sleep over?" he inquired, making sure he was understanding you perfectly.
"Yes." That was all he needed to hear to agree.
He said he needed to go back to his place and change so you agreed. You wondered if he'd come back and thought it would make things easier if he didn't. But a large part of you wished he never left at all so you don't have to worry about him not coming back. You were in the middle of this mental ordeal when he rang your bell and you basically flew to the door, pausing for a moment before opening the door so you don't appear overly eager. He was changed and washed when he appeared, a big smile on his lips. You smiled back and invited him in. As you were heading to your bedroom, you saw him sit on the sofa and yawn while stretching.
"Aren't you sleepy yet?" you asked wondering why he was still sitting there.
"I am. Terribly."
"Then why are you still there?"
Jaemin understood that you want him in your bedroom and he was surprised. "I can't go in there."
"Oh. It's okay. I don't mind."
Ever so perceptive, he walked to you and held your hand. "I can't sleep on the same bed with you because I'm a man who likes you."
"You don't have to feel bad about it. I invited you in. You're not forcing me to do it." you explained but Jaemin still shook his head.
"I would love to but I'd really rather not. I don't trust myself and we're not really in an official relationship yet so even if you allowed me, I would hate to disrespect you like that."
"I see."
He cupped your face and patted your head before telling you he'll see you in the morning. You told him the sheets are in the cabinet and he can help himself. Then you went into your bedroom reeling in extreme embarrassment because it seemed like you were too eager to get in bed with him. You didn't sleep properly that night, just thinking about the whole encounter.
The truth is, you're done contemplating. Ever since the camping trip, you've spent days thinking things over, weighing pros and cons, and just deciding on what to do. You are now sure you liked Jaemin too and you'd love to be in a relationship with someone like him. These past days, you kept thinking of ways to bring it up but nothing seemed to work and you often ended up with more dilemmas than answers. Today, after everything he said, you figured this was the right time, that you would regret it if he left tonight without telling him your feelings. But at the end of the day, you still chickened out, totally embarrassing yourself than clearing things up for good.
On the other hand, Jaemin was lying on the sofa, watching a movie on your TV. Sleepiness escaped him right after you left and he was contemplating which one was a bad idea; declining your offer to sleep in your bedroom, or sleeping here at all. It troubled him that you're right inside the room, so close yet he can't even reach for you. But it was true that he didn't want to disrespect you by doing inappropriate things with you while you weren't together yet. Kissing you made him want to punch himself already although he loved every second of it. Now, he considered it a guilty pleasure.
He sighed as he remembered bits of memories of you. He remembered when you first came into the building. You were distraught the last time you met, but you were still pretty. Now you're even more beautiful and his heart started feeling like a teenager again. At your housewarming, he was wondering what he could bring and found a stash of freshly made side dishes from his mother. The night progressed quickly and he was on hyper-alert while you leaned over to him, seemingly unaware of your close distance. It didn't help that Hyuck kept pushing you until you were flush against him. You smelled good and looked cuter up close. When he went home, Hyuck asked why he was going out again so he explained that you needed help cleaning up. "Liar. You just want to spend more time with her."
Well, Hyuck wasn't wrong, but it was true he really wanted to help you clean up. Things never got better since then, instead, his feelings keep growing stronger for you and it seems as though fate keeps bringing you together.
He sighed for the hundredth time, not even understanding the flick on the TV anymore as thoughts of you filled his mind. As the main leads on the TV kissed, his mind fluttered to the sight of your bare back that morning, the feel of your skin when he put the necklace on for you, and how the lipstick shade you wore earlier matched you so perfectly he had to keep looking away or he'd pull you into a kiss. Then he remembered kissing you; the addictive feeling of your soft lips and the sensation it engulfed him in that felt like a vice—forbidden but good.
"Hey." Your voice made him jolt and glance your way briefly before struggling to change the channel of the TV that was flashing an intimate scene. He fumbled with the remote and ended up increasing the volume as the woman on the screen moaned.
"Shit," he muttered just as he found the off button. You laughed at his flustered face, walking towards the sofa with a pillow in your embrace. He sat up to make room for you and you didn't even hesitate when you sat close to him and leaned on his chest. Jaemin panicked a little, masking it with a chuckle as he reluctantly placed a hand on your shoulder before rubbing it. "You okay?"
"How do you know you like me for real?" was your question. Jaemin genuinely did not know the answer so after a while of thinking, he just shrugged and said he just knew.
You hummed, nuzzling closer as you closed your eyes and inhaled his scent. "That's valid, isn't it?"
"I guess," he replied, pressing his cheek on your head.
"Good," you said. Jaemin sighed, relaxing into the position as his hand left your shoulder to caress your head. "It's good because I like you too. For real. I don't know how I know, but I just do," you added.
Jaemin smiled to himself, his hold of your head getting tighter as his heart evened its pace. "That's valid, isn't it?" he asked back so you smiled, eyes closing as you fell asleep.
"I guess." Who knew that the reason you couldn't fall asleep would also be the solution to the problem?
"So, how would you feel if I asked you to be my girlfriend?"
You chuckled sleepily, eyes still closed but his question sounded ridiculous to you. "That's not how you get the girl, Na Jaemin."
Jaemin laughed too. "Would you like to be my girlfriend, y/n?"
You smiled, looking up and kissing his cheek. "Let's get to bed, Jaemin."
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You woke up in your bed the next morning, the other side was empty but it was warm, a clear telling that someone was there before. You wondered where Jaemin was until the smell of food coming in through the small opening of your door permeated inside the room. When you rose from bed, you felt conscious of your face and your morning hair so you discreetly went out, sneaking into the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. You were in your tiptoes as you tried to go back to your bedroom but Jaemin called your name.
"Did you sleep well?" You stopped in your tracks, forcing out a grin as he smiled at you. He was setting food on the table and you approached because there was nothing else to do.
"Yeah. Did you?"
He grinned at you. "Best sleep I had in a long time."
You rolled your eyes even though it made your heart flutter.
"Sorry for going through your pantry. We both have work so I thought I'd make breakfast before we leave," he explained but you just waved your hand dismissively.
"Feel free. It's fine as long as I get breakfast made by my favorite chef." You saw how he stopped dead in his tracks while mixing the food he was cooking and his ears turned extremely red. You giggled contentedly. Jaemin just cleared his throat and continued his task. It's a bit forward, but it felt good to just be yourself around him, honest with no restraints.
Breakfast was hearty and surprisingly a lot just for the two of you. Jaemin encouraged you to eat a lot, putting more food in your bowl of rice.
"Do I look starved? Why are you giving me so much food," you complained, putting the eggrolls back on the plate.
Jaemin just placed them back in your bowl. "Just eat. Breakfast is good for you. I have reason to believe you skip breakfast every morning."
"What reason?" you asked, taking your chopsticks to your bowl to remove the eggrolls again.
Jaemin tutted and stopped you from taking the food out. "Just eat."
"So much for having a chef boyfriend," you complained, taking a bite out of the egg. Your eyes lit up when the taste filled your mouth. "This is good!"
"You like it? Great. Finish it so you'll have energy at work."
Jaemin was right. You mostly skipped breakfast and relied on sandwiches or the cookies he would give you when you went to his cafe. You rarely have time for it and even if you do, you hated eating bad food, which was usually the case with your cooking.
After breakfast, you and Jaemin cuddled on the sofa for a long time, giggling and kissing like teenagers. You stopped only when your alarm went off, signaling that it was time to get ready for work.
"Aw," you complained, nuzzling against Jaemin's chest.
"Come on, let's go. I'll come over after work."
"Fine," you sighed, standing up and trekking to your bathroom.
"Wait." He grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a quick kiss. "Can I pick you up?"
"You never asked me that when you would go pick me up before."
He chuckled. "Well, I was trying to be cool that time."
"You can also drive me there, you know."
"I know, but I'm going out of town for a bit to buy some produce. I'll be back before you clock out though."
"Okay," he chimed, swooping in for another kiss. "See you later."
You walked him to the door before bidding him goodbye. He even stole another kiss before leaving and it made you chuckle. Yesterday you were still conflicted about the whole situation with Jaemin, now you can't even take your hands off of each other. You wondered if it was better if you had both decided to do this a long time ago.
"You guys are definitely dating," Jaehee noted when you all came down after work and Jaemin was outside the building waiting for you in his car.
Yunseo chimed in. "Totally."
You just chuckled. "We are."
"Really?" Yunseo exclaimed before she and Jaehee exchanged looks and shrieked.
"Shush, girls," you chided softly, bowing at the random people who were startled by the girls. "It hasn't been that long."
"Doesn't matter. It should have happened a long time ago!" Jaehee giggled.
You didn't notice Jaemin get out of his car and make his way to you. "Hi, ladies."
"Hi, Chef Jaemin," the girls greeted while you were frozen because Jaemin just casually placed a hand on your waist.
"Did you make plans today? I can just leave you to it," he asked, turning to you for an answer.
"No, we're all heading home now." You turned to Yunseo and Jaehee who both nodded. "See you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, see you! Bye, Chef!"
Jaemin tugged on your waist, gesturing for you to go get in the car so you followed his lead. As soon as both of you were seated, he leaned over you for a kiss. One that was long and strained, you could almost feel his frustration with the way he's pulling the back of your neck. You couldn't help but giggle.
"What was that for?"
Jaemin sighed. "I missed you."
You almost choked at his unbridled honesty so you cleared your throat and straightened up in your seat.
"And I was just making sure it's real," he added.
"What is?"
"All of this."
"We haven't done much as a couple yet."
"Yes, but it's kind of overwhelming to me right now. You know, dating you after a long time." He paused, reaching for your hand on your thigh and kissing your knuckles before intertwining them with his own. "It feels new but familiar too."
You cracked a smile, reaching for his cheek to stroke it. "I know. It's weird. But the good kind of weird. I love it."
"I love you," he said and that made you stop stroking his skin. "I have for a while now."
"How are you so quick to decide that?"
Jaemin chuckled and turned on his engine, not letting go of your hand. "I didn't decide it. It just happened."
The drive was smooth, filled with soft music from his speakers and casual conversations about random things. When he pulled over on the side of the road, you realized how long he had been driving so you looked outside the window to see that you'd reached a hilltop. It was a popular spot that overlooks the downtown area of the city. If you go higher up, you'll be able to see a panoramic view of Seoul.
"Oh wow," you exclaimed, rolling your windows down to get a better look. "I've always wanted to come here!"
"Really? Why didn't you?"
You glanced back at him, also wondering the same question. When you realized that you actually didn't know why, you just shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe because I didn't want to come by myself?"
Jaemin grinned, turning off the car. "Well, you're in luck. I'm taking you here on our first date," he said before getting out of the car.
"First date?" the thought made your cheeks feel warm and you sat there feeling your heart pound wildly in your chest. When the door on your side of the car opened, you accepted the hand Jaemin offered you and let him lead you out.
The sky was clear and the air gave a cold chill that pierced your skin. But Jaemin's hand was warm so you inched closer to him, hoping to share his warmth. He noticed you nuzzling and pulled you by the shoulder so you were snug against him. Then he led you all the way into one of the buildings.
At the entrance, he told the staff about a reservation under his name. After a quick check, another staff came to guide you inside. A little walk, an elevator ride, and a staircase, you reached the rooftop restaurant of the place where you could see the cityscape. You gasped quietly, heading over to the banisters for a better look.
"What do you think?" Jaemin asked, standing close to you and placing one arm around your shoulders.
"I think it's cold," you giggled, pressing your body closer to his. He moved to wrap both of his arms around you until he was hugging you from behind. You looked up to meet his eyes. "But it's really pretty. I love it."
Jaemin planted a kiss on your forehead before letting you go. "Should we take a picture before we go inside?"
He took out his phone and pulled you for a selfie. After snapping a few pictures of you together, you told him to stand there so you could take solo pictures of him with your phone. A few more pictures later, your hands were feeling the cold so you both headed inside the rooftop restaurant.
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You scrolled through your gallery for the nth time today. Just over three months in your relationship and your camera roll is already filled with pictures of each other. Your roll mostly consists of handsome pictures of him but you know damn well he kept more of yours, even the ugly ones he would randomly capture when you're not looking or when you're doing something silly. It was annoying at first but he would always insist that he liked seeing them more than your decent ones. Even saying that those pictures make him feel like you're right there next to him.
You sighed, wondering if he was looking at those pictures right now. He had been gone for five days already, attending a training seminar for chefs in a far-away province by the east coast. When he first left, you told him you won't miss him that much. It's only for a week and ever since you started dating, you've seen each other every single day without fail. So a few days of being away shouldn't hurt, right?
Wrong. It hurts like hell. So you kept texting each other. It helps that you have all the time to chat and talk over the phone when you get home. He's learning a lot over there and you know that this will help him with his business so you were proud that he even registered for it. But now you kinda wished you never got him that registration form in the first place.
You sighed, closing your phone and putting it face-down on the desk.
Yunseo saw this and scoffed. "Woojin, how many times has it been?"
Woojin stirred in his seat. He had fallen asleep and panicked when Yunseo called his name. "Huh?"
"Eonnie has sighed for how many times today?"
Woojin swallowed and shook his head uncertainly. "I–I lost count."
Yunseo glared at him and grimaced. "That's because you're sleeping! You better not let Mr. Jung catch you!"
"There's nothing to do around here! We can't even leave!" Woojin complained, melting in his chair again.
Jaehee limply laid her head on her desk and sighed. "It's been three days without work. Are we getting laid off?"
Yunseo's shoulders sagged. "We might as well be at this point. Did XO Foods really pull out of the company?"
"No, they didn't," the voice of your Team Leader coming from the door made all of them sit up, except for you who was still staring at the window. "They're just being moved to another team."
Mr Jung paused when he noticed your dazed expression. "What's wrong with her?"
"She misses her boyfriend," Yunseo teased. Mr. Jung shook his head and dropped the folder he was holding on your desk. This made you jolt and look down at it, then look up at your Team Leader.
"Look alive team, we've gotten too good for XO Foods. We've been reassigned to ABC Company."
You gasped while the rest of your coworkers cheered happily. ABC Company is also a food brand but with a bigger reach and influence over the market. Working to market them won't be difficult as they are already popular. It's an extra workload to keep up with their popularity, for sure, but it also means a higher pay grade.
The good news cheered you up and your team went out to celebrate with some drinks and barbecue. After that, you arrived at your house late into the night, feeling tired but satisfied with how the day went.
You dragged yourself into the bathroom to take a long shower. The restaurant was a little humid so you were sweating the whole time and you would rather not sleep at all than go to bed feeling icky. After wiping yourself dry, you didn't even bother to wrap yourself in a towel when you stepped out. But when you rounded the living room, you heard the sound of glass falling on the floor and breaking. That startled you and seeing the figure of a man in your kitchen made you scream and crouch on the floor, aware of how naked you were and terrified of finding a stranger in your home.
"Get the hell out of my house or I'm calling the police!" you screamed at him but you heard his footsteps approach so you curled up and hid your face between your knees.
"Hey! Hey!" came Jaemin's voice. "Baby, it's me. It's just me."
"Jaemin?" you croaked, looking up at him. You felt something warm drape over you and found that he had covered you with his coat. "What are you doing here? You scared me!"
"I know, I know. I'm sorry. You kinda scared me too, coming out of the bathroom like that." He helped you up, wrapping you with his coat so you don't expose yourself.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming today?"
"Well, I did. I texted you that I was coming. I even called but you didn't pick up."
"I was in the shower."
"Yeah, I realized that when I arrived and the shower was running. I first thought you were still out so I just came straight here and then you..." he looked at the state of you and sighed. "God, you're driving me crazy."
"I'm driving you crazy? You're the one acting like some burglar and walking around with the lights off!"
"I wanted to surprise you! I didn't know you would walk out of the bathroom butt-naked!"
You laughed then apologized and stopped. But you couldn't help laughing again.
"What's so funny?"
"You are! You said butt-naked."
Jaemin scoffed. "You think that's funny?"
"No, just the way you said it."
"Oh yeah? I bet you think this is funny too," he said before grabbing a handful of your clothed ass and squeezing it. You shrieked and ran away. Hiding into your bedroom and locking the door. Jaemin pounded on the door. "I haven't broken down a door but I might try!"
You just laughed and got dressed quickly. When you opened up, he was grimacing at your fully clothed appearance. "Go take a bath or something."
"Yeah, but I need my clothes," he retorted, gently pushing you aside to go to the closet. You're not living together yet, but he has slept over plenty of times and he now has clothes in your closet. You have a few clothes over at his house too along with some other stuff. He pulled a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt before leaving for the bathroom. In the meantime, you went to the kitchen for a drink and found a paper bag with a bouquet of flowers in it. You opened it and took out its contents one by one. The bouquet was small and came with a box of chocolates and a small velvet box.
You freaked upon finding the box. Wondering what was inside of it. Your mind was quick to imagine him proposing, then holding a wedding, and getting married, and all that stuff. You pondered on the idea of spending your life with him and contemplated whether you were ready to step into that phase of your relationship. Your mind went into a spiral of emotions while staring at the box but you dared not to open it, scared to confirm your suspicion despite feeling extremely curious.
Then you felt Jaemin's presence behind you before feeling the weight of his chin on your shoulder. His hair was damp against your cheek but you didn't mind. He took the box from your hand and opened it. You almost closed your eyes but it opened up quickly.
"Earrings?" you pointed out, touching the small diamond stud earrings.
"Yeah," he replied and you could hear the smile in his voice. "I saw Jaehee's post online. You were out tonight for a celebration. I don't know what it was yet but I would hate to come home empty-handed."
"They're beautiful."
"I picked them with you in mind," he said proudly. "A pretty last-minute purchase but I took my time to find something you'd like."
You glanced back at him, your noses almost touching. "Thank you. For a second, I thought you'd propose to me."
Jaemin shrugged. "A little early for that, but I will eventually. Though it won't be like this."
You giggled. "Am I to expect something grand?"
"If I tell you, it won't feel as fulfilling as we hope it would."
"Hmm, that's fair."
You managed to convince him to let you eat a few pieces of chocolates before bed, though he never stopped reminding you to brush your teeth after. So you slipped one in his mouth to shut him up.
"Now you have to brush your teeth too." You stuck your tongue out while he begrudgingly ate the chocolate.
"It's actually good."
"Right?" you beamed, tucking the box away after taking one last piece.
Your bathroom was spacious but it felt cramped with the two of you in it. His hand was holding on the sink for support while you stood and stared at yourself in the mirror as you brushed your teeth. He noticed that and smirked.
"You like watching yourself brush?" he asked and you scowled.
"No, but where else would I look?"
Jaemin looked over his shoulder and then back at you. "My butt," he said before wiggling his ass.
You laughed and cleaned your mouth before slapping his ass. "Stop saying butt. It sounds funny when you say it."
"Butt, butt, butt, butt," he teased so you went and grabbed his buttocks. He jolted when you squeezed it and he turned to face you. "Hey!"
"What? You did it to me first!"
He sighed and rinsed his mouth before putting his toothbrush away and facing you again.
"Did you even miss me at all?"
"Oh, I missed you a lot. But how are you back so soon?"
He leaned on the sink and pulled you by the waist so you were flush against his waist. "The seminar was only for five days. The extra two days is for sightseeing or going to markets but I don't think it would be fun."
"Why not? You like the market."
"I really just wanted to come home to you as soon as possible," he replied, lifting your chin and kissing your lips. "I missed you every day."
"I missed you too, every single day. Five days felt so long. I wasn't expecting that!" you complained while Jaemin affectionately rubbed his nose on yours.
"Me too," he said before kissing you again, this time, he grabbed your waist tighter, pulling you closer as if your bodies weren't pressed against each other already. With a swift movement, he lifted you off your feet and brought you back into the bedroom.
He sat with you on his lap, still kissing you with sweet abandon. You took the initiative to straddle his lap for a better kissing position. His hand traveled the length of your back, the other holding your head in place. When his kisses trailed down your neck, you felt goosebumps all over your skin that made you jolt a little, unintentionally bucking your hips against his crotch. Jaemin nipped on your skin but the gasp that escaped you made him suck harder. You let out a moan, amazed at how the pain clearly translated into pleasure. You found yourself grinding on his hips but as soon as you felt the hardness between your legs, you jumped off him in surprise.
Jaemin looks at you with half-lidded eyes, surprised but still a little drunk on the makeout. "What's wrong, baby?"
"Nothing. I'm... I'm just sleepy."
"Oh," Jaemin sighed, disappointment was evident on his face but he still smiled at you. "Okay. Let's get some sleep."
He opened up his arms to welcome you and you tried not to let your eyes wander to his crotch. You lay with your back facing him so he would spoon you and he did just that, kissing the back of your head before closing his eyes.
"Goodnight, Jaemin."
"Goodnight, baby. I love you."
"I love you," you echoed.
This wasn't the first time you backed out on the possibility of making love with Jaemin. Sometimes you think he had gotten used to it too because never once did he force you to do it. He doesn't even bring it up. You loved cuddling with him and you loved it even more when you made out. But having sex scared you as much as you craved it. You're totally not a 26-year-old virgin, you've had a few experiences. But ever since dating Jaemin, you felt ashamed to share your intimate secrets with him. That was actually why he was so shocked to see you naked. He's never made you feel inadequate or insecure. In fact, he always made you feel like you're the only girl he'll ever worship, the most beautiful of all. Maybe that's why letting him explore you to the very core scared you a little bit. He loves you so much that he thinks so highly of you. What if you disappoint him when you finally have sex?
Your thoughts were muddled the whole time you were lying there. You don't even know how much time has passed. His warmth was comforting behind you and his arm wasn't heavy at all. You thought this would put you to sleep like it always did, but right now your body wasn't just warm, it was hot. Jaemin's breath on your bare neck and the sound of his breathing wasn't helping your case. You forced your eyes close, hoping that sleep would just take over you soon enough but you remained restless, moving ever so slightly to make sure you don't wake him.
It must have failed because Jaemin eventually exhaled sharply and pulled you a little closer to him. You shifted to find a better position but the movement caused your ass to brush against his crotch. You froze, feeling warmer where your lower bodies were barely touching than your back that was literally pressed on his chest. In an attempt to get your ass further away, you moved again, but this time, he pulled your waist and your ass was flush against his. He shifted a little, and you felt his muscle getting harder until you were well aware of its length. You pressed your ass closer to him, this time, intentionally. The contact made him jolt back and groan at the same time and you couldn't help but gasp and close your eyes at how good he sounded in your ear. Feeling bolder, you grind your ass against his erection again, making him buck away.
Then you felt his head move to kiss your ear as he whispered, "Naughty."
You felt shy and wanted to explain that it was an accident at first. But instead of that, what you did was grind your ass on his crotch again. He humped you back, pressing his cock on the crack of your ass. You felt wetness gather in your underwear as you tilted your head back. "Jaemin."
Damn, even that sound was driving you to the edge. But you knew he wouldn't act on it. You knew he would never dare even if the tension was this bad. So you decided to plead. "I want you. Please?"
Your begging made him hump harder and groan a little louder as his hand that was on your waist moved to cup your clothed core. "Oh, baby. You're driving me nuts."
The only nut you wanted right now was his on your skin.
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You woke up feeling sore, the spot next to you empty except for Jaemin's shirt which you knew he had discarded the night before. You grinned upon remembering what happened last night. You don't even need to look under the sheets to know you're still naked underneath it, except for your underwear. You grabbed his shirt and slid into it before leaving the room.
Like usual, Jaemin was in his spot in the kitchen, preparing a hefty breakfast. You were convinced he's motivated to fatten you up and you were sure you've put on a little bit of weight despite your efforts to exercise. He saw you and smiled but then he saw his shirt on you and smiled even wider. "Was your sleep good?"
You wrapped your arms around his waist as he finished transferring the food from the pan to the plate. "No. I'm tired." You followed even as he placed the plate on the table.
"Sorry. Was I too much?"
You shook your head. "10 out of 10, will do it again."
He chuckled and set the final plate on the table with you still attached to his waist. "You were too beautiful. I couldn't help it," he said before suddenly lifting you off your feet and setting you flat on the countertop. You shrieked and giggled as he looked up at you with a grin. None of you said anything, he just quietly looked into your eyes and studied the features of your face.
"Good morning," he said before kissing you, deeply, passionately. Your hands found his neck and you made out on your countertop for a good minute before he pulled away first. "I made breakfast."
"I can see that."
"Can I eat you first though?"
You blushed and stuttered. "Hey, how are you like this already?"
"Like what?"
"Like this. Perverted and loud about it."
He just shrugged and pressed his erection between your thighs. The contact made you gasp. "I've always been like this. I was just holding back."
You rolled your eyes and tapped his shoulders. "Let's not let the food wait."
He flashed a naughty grin and cocked an eyebrow at you. "Oh? Does my food hate waiting?"
"Stop," you chided shyly, hitting his chest before getting off the countertop. "I'm still tired. Give me a break."
"Like, two hours?" he persisted, sliding on the seat next to you and leaning his head on your shoulder.
"Na Jaemin!" you scolded so he straightened up.
You just shook your head in disbelief. Now you understand why people say sex changes relationships. But you're not complaining because Na Jaemin is more obsessed with you now than he already was before.
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yourlocaltreesimp · 1 year
Falling for you, a little too literally
SS!Link x Reader
TW: Attempted suicide, suicidal thoughts, implied SH, Hurt/Comfort, Everyone lives, soulmate AU if you squint.
Hope y’all enjoy, let me know what y’all wanna next! Not beta read and i’ve been up for 18 hours 😙✌️
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It didn’t take a genius for someone to know something was up. Your best friend was missing, your other (definitely not romantically interested) best friend chased after her, and you were left alone. Normally, this wouldn’t bother you too much. Between all of your classes, working maintenance at the bazaar and every other little task of life, you get busy every now and then. You appreciated a little time alone every now and then especially when things got rough. But that’s not to say you didn’t miss Link nor Zelda. No. It was quiet cold nights like this things got bad. Skyloft is tiny, suffocating, even. Everyone breathing down your neck and all the eyes watching and all the expectations…. You were the equivalent of glass beneath someone’s boots. But this time, there was no one to pick up the shards left of you. No one to cradle the broken pieces and reassure you that it’d all be ok. No one to wrap up your wrists after you searched out the proof of your humanity, proof of you not being a monster despite feeling otherwise. No. Today you were alone. And you were yesterday and you would be tomorrow. You were honestly just tired. So many sympathetic stares and questions, so many people trying so hard to make you feel seen and yet they never listen when the words finally spill. They’d tell you they cared and yet they never acted like it when you were down to the wire. With a heavy sigh you pushed yourself off the floor of your dorm room.
It took roughly 10 minutes to see everything again, sneaking through the knight’s hall, your eyes lingering on Link’s door for half a second to long. You felt a tug dragging your heart downward, your mind starting its spiral again. You passed by everything you wanted to see one last time. The goddess statue, The bazaar, The main plaza, the lake before finally getting where you needed to go. The wind pushed you to the tombstone, you kicked it to the side and watched the tiny passage open. You fell through to the wooden platform below, leaving you alone at last. Truly alone. No one to stop you from leaving this time.
Link POV:
Battered and bruised he stumbled out of the temple, Eldin’s heat causing his caramel locks to stick to his forehead. Too late. He was too late. Too slow. Not enough. Never enough. He sighed, the image of you flicking through his mind. He hoped so badly he was enough for you. Sometimes it’s all that kept him going, those funny little memories. Cooking when you’d both missed dinner, flying around on your loftwings, sharing gifts on the winters solstice, all proof he was enough. That he was loved. He hoped you knew you were loved to. He hoped so much for you both, hoped even when you couldn’t. Hoped that there’d be brighter days for you both, hoped he could make it back to you alive. Hoped that one day your eyes would meet his with the same amount of adoration. Goddesses, He hoped.
Walking up to the stone carved loftwing, a breeze of wind sent him upward with his sailcloth. He extended his arms, letting the wind greet him before whistling for Crimson. But… something was off. Crimson lunged and dived erratically, never following his directions, something Link hadn’t seen before from his avian companion. So, with hesitance, He let Crimson fly. He would’ve been impressed at the speeds he managed to gain, Skyloft no longer a tiny dot in the sky, but a quickly approaching landmark. But his heart sank quickly from its place when he realised what it was that had Crimson riled up. His other half was falling and there would be not (f/c) loftwing to catch them.
You POV:
The wind felt nice brushing past your fingertips, a (f/c) feather loosely pinched between your forefinger and thumb. Your other half. You hoped they wouldn’t be lonely when you were gone. Ownerless Loftwings usually weren’t cared for as well, not fairing well without their beloved hylian. But maybe Link and Zelda would take care of them. Maybe. Your hair was in tangles as you finally met the clouds, finally dismissing your title as burden, finally freeing those around you from needing to worry. Your weight lurched upward, stomach twisting at the sudden deceleration. You hadn’t whistled for your loftwing? Why are you?- Your fingers were met with soft carmine down, your frame cradled between familiar arms.
“Link - I…” You were breathless, perhaps the air was thin or you were too flustered to speak. He was silent, One hand wrapping around your mid to pull you closer to his front as you flew. He navigated to the closest island, a small patch of dirt and grass, a little tree near its center. He offered a calloused hand after you landed. You didn’t look him in the eye as you dismounted the loftwing, to scared the shame his stare would bring you.
“(y/n)” His voice, you’d been longing to hear it for weeks. To soft and rhythmic, a song to your ears. But now, you felt ashamed for causing him such worry, even with all that’s happened with Zelda, you still managed to make yourself a nuiscence. His hands reached for yours, taking them ever so gently, as if cherishing them. You met his eyes, the color of storms, of the bold sky, your favorite color. He looked so tiered, freckled skin slightly sunburnt, hair tousled, eyes pooled with worry. But before you could find it in you to feel worse, he pulled you close. He hugged you so tightly, as if you’d run to fall again the second his grip faltered. He buried his face in your hair, kissing the crown of your head and keeping you there, not a single word said. And it was like all the pressure on you finally shattered, you sank into him, and let yourself break. He held you so carefully as you sobbed into his tunic. He whispered all sorts of comforting things into you ears, but you get a sense of pleading urgency within his voice you hadn’t caught before.
“Please don’t leave. Don’t go. I won’t need to long. I won’t be late to save you. I’ve got you, i’ll be here as long as you need. Sky or surface, i’d find you if it ment i could have you again.” His words were a quiet promise between the two of you as he pressed soft kisses to either side your temples, eyes searching your own. You guided one of his hands to your cheek, unable to stop yourself from its warmth. He was enamoured by your actions, letting you do as you pleased so long as you’d be happy. You pressed a small kiss to the inner of his wrist and were met with a small, albeit tired smile.
“If you fall, i’ll catch you. Just maybe not that literally next time”
You both laughed lightly, he’d always made things a little lighter. And with his goofy smile you couldn’t go without seeing, you finally gave in. He kept that same wobbly smile as your lips met, content to just have one another once again? even if the situation that led you here was difficult to navigate. You looked between your childhood friend, and his loftwing that had saved you when no one else even knew you had fallen. Perhaps it was your soul that had called out. Perhaps your other half had heard your souls last weeping cry and responded. But it didn’t matter when you had your hero to chase away the bad thoughts what led you to the ledge. Not a knight or the Hero. Your knight, Your Hero, Your Link.
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goiterinthegullet · 9 months
Tuco in "The Good the Bad and The Ugly" is honestly amazing
I've been watching TGTBTU (tuguttubutu) again recently and just thinking about how, unlike any other character in the movie, Tuco is the most human. I mean, Angel Eyes and Blondie are incredible, well-acted, compelling, aesthetically-grabbing, but you've got to admit they're rather alien, in a weird kind of way.
Angel Eyes is obviously evil to a classic standard, wanting nothing but to cause mayhem for extremely vague reasons related to general self-preservation and/or greed, and his reasons are much less important to the narrative as opposed to the threat he represents. Sure, he's got a bit of a past, but we never even learn his real name. He's an excellent villain, a perfect character in one of my favorite movies ever, but like Maleficent or Ursula or Scar, he's just that. A villain, and I love it, but it's definitely not "human", at least in an emotional sense.
And Blondie? Sure, its different obviously but his whole schtick is that he literally never tells us anything about him. We don't know his name, his heritage, his backstory, hardly anything. Anything we do know is just sorta vaguely picked up or known in a more personality way, like seeing how he responds to situations with complexity while never actually divulging anything more tangible.
But Tuco? Tuco? He's a creepy little criminal with a brother in the priesthood and two dead parents he hasn't seen for nine years. He used to have a wife somewhere, his eyes filled with tears upon hearing of his parents death. He's got more names than Blondie or Angel Eyes could ever hope to carry: Tuco Benedicto Pacífico Juan María Ramírez. He carries his name and his hastily-drawn sign of the cross everywhere he goes, gleefully cheats and steals and is genuinely a piece of sh/t, but also brags about how his brother is the "leader of the whole abbey!" after being thrown out by said brother who is also hurting. He's greedy and strange and a fantastic with a gun (prefers pistols to revolvers) and will sell anybody out for a nickel, and he's just so human.
Angel Eyes and Blondie don't try to not tell you anything about themselves. They're not interested in talking, albeit for different reasons, and would probably take it in stride if you did find anything out, but Tuco? Tuco is the only person who actually doesn't want you to know anything while simultaneously never being able to shut up. It's important to not use your own name in the brutal world they live in, a statement said by Tuco himself, and yet he's constantly speaking in a pseudo third-person, naming himself in a way that reveals how much he misses the life he left behind and even regrets the life he currently leads while also, and this is very important, totally vibing with his current life of debauchery and violence.
He's us. He's me. I think when watching movies, projecting onto characters is expected and even encouraged, but it's easy/enjoyable to see ourselves in those that are untouchable. Strange. Interesting. Vague enough to be Romantically projected upon I guess. But Tuco? He's got so much stuff to him it's spilling off the sides. He's pathetic, annoying, somehow worse than Angel Eyes, and that's how I am. That's how most people are. Sure, I've got a conscience, and I can say pretty proudly I'm leading a better life than Tuco over here, but like. Hurting, a little stupid, wanting to seem like Blondie or Angel Eyes (enigmatic, stoic), but coming off as overwhelmingly talkative and annoying instead, lashing out when accidentally becoming vulnerable, a walking contradiction, feeling my faults but never actually fixing them because, on some level, I haven't taken responsibility for my own actions? Tuco. We're Tuco.
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safflowerseason · 1 month
Hi! I've been reading BMTL again and I have quick q- in BMTL, how did Dan and Amy 'plan' their wedding? Was it a spur of the moment thing? Was it Dan or Amy's idea to do it during Jonah's announcement? :)
Hey! I'm so glad you are rereading and thank so much for sending in an ask! I love BMTL asks!
Dan and Amy's wedding is one of those things I made up in the super early days of writing--like literally when I was thinking of article scraps for that first chapter--and I knew I wanted their wedding to be very untraditional and kind of spontaneous...and then later I was like "sh*t, how does this actually work in practice." So I've spent a lot of time thinking about their wedding, haha.
The way it goes in my mind is that Dan and Amy (and Cassie) are on their way to court an eccentric lumber multi-millionaire in Maine who demands that people who visit him arrive in the most eco-conscious way possible (he's one of those rich people who get very rich off some exploitative industry and then feels "bad" about it)
So Dan and Amy are driving up in an electric car instead of flying and their car has some sort of malfunction (it's probably a Tesla ☠️) and they get stranded in some cute little touristy town on the coast of New Hampshire. The car can't be fixed quickly and they find themselves on the town's main street, feeling very annoyed and wondering what to do. Dan and Amy are in the middle of bickering, of course - maybe they're sitting on a bench in the town square or something. Dan takes a look at their surroundings and sort of processes how picturesque it all is, and then he looks at Amy and Cassie who are probably both ignoring him and has a genius idea that he and Amy should get married. It's partly driven from the fact that they are stuck and (unusually) don't have anything else to do in the moment, but also from the deep, abiding knowledge that even if they both drive him crazy, there's nobody he'd rather be stranded with anywhere than Amy and Cassie (plus, they've been "engaged" at this point for quite some time). He doesn't remember until later that Jonah is going to announce his presidential campaign on Youtube or whatever, but it's an extra cherry on top of the whole day.
So they are able to pull the whole thing together really quick - they get a marriage license and Dan sends Amy to the local shops to get a white dress and he rustles up a photographer and a ring and Amy gets a bouquet from the florist and voilà! They get married and take many photographs. Amy is relieved they get the whole thing done in an afternoon and also that she doesn't have to deal with her family, but of course she also finds it secretly romantic that Dan had the idea so spontaneously. Cassie enjoys getting to wear a white dress and tearing Amy's bouquet to pieces afterwards.
(I just looked at the first chapter and apparently I specified Portsmouth, NH as the place where they get married, which is not really a small town but probably feels small to cosmopolitan Dan. The Portsmouth courthouse is hideous though so they definitely do not get married there. Maybe Dan gets someone to marry them somewhere more picturesque...I could see him showing up at the local party headquarters and hounding some volunteers. Or maybe Portsmouth is where all the local reporters rush because they don't necessarily know where to go. Maybe I need to update that part of the chapter a bit, haha.)
also, right before they get married, Dan tells Amy he killed a dog. she's just relieved that he's not confessing to being a serial killer.
and they all lived happily ever after!
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eliteseven · 2 months
Back to the DJ!Shart idea. Do you think Serena and Shadowheart could find their way back to each other of SH does not redeem herself and kills her parents? Like if later on she realized what she did in some capacity and tries to turn away? Also what 'leg work' (love that you used that, since Shart uses it in an dialogue option) would a redeemed DJ!Shart have to get to for Serena to get involved with her again?
Well- as mother superior? I think not. Don’t get me wrong- Serena would always be head over heels for her, but I think she has too much self-respect to be her side piece or dirty little secret by that point. Not only that- they’d fundamentally disagree on too much.
But if Shadowheart is rejecting the cloister? After killing her parents? It can still work out:
Killing her parents can be seen as an act of mercy- and that’s a personal choice for Shadowheart, I don’t think Tav’s love would be dependent on that. The real issue here is that Shadowheart was willing to kill Tav to get to the Nightsong, to serve Shar. Serena’s entire character arc revolves around forgiveness. She’s had to forgive and forget the worst transgressions against her (from her own father). She could forgive Shadowheart, too.
But no hip work from Serena without leg work from Shads, this time 😉
I think that means Shadowheart would need to find a place in Serena’s life once more (even if Serena is initially with someone else). This time, the roles would be reversed. Serena would be very guarded and hesitant to trust, and Shadowheart would need to seek her out again and again. Shadowheart would need to convince her, somehow, that she loves her as much as Serena loved her. If Serena’s working with Wyll in the city to help rebuilding efforts, Shadowheart will follow. If she’s a sword for hire on some dangerous new quest, Shadowheart will have to go along with her.
Their dynamic would be tense- snappy, charged with sexual tension and romantic angst- especially if Serena is entertaining someone new for Shadowheart to compete with. It’s a lot like their beginning dynamic, but with more history. It would annoy Shadowheart to see her with someone else, but also spur her on to win her back. Shadowheart will prove herself- saving Serena’s life, healing her wounds, staying by her side when she’s wounded or sick. They’ll share a bottle of wine under the stars, maybe go for a swim, and Shadowheart will confess that she’s missed this- missed her. All she wants is her. And Serena will -as she always does- forgive her.
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viktheviking1 · 11 months
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Blitz and Stolas sat at the only table in the room, forced there together by fate, destiny, and some f**ker who thought it'd be funny. They hadn't really spoken since they ended the full moon arrangement, and suddenly they were stuck here together, locked in a room.
“You know, I- Aw, sh*t!” Blitz knocked over the candelabra on the table and a small fire began on the tablecloth. Much to Stolas's delight, Blitz tore off his coat and was right about to start pounding the candelabra to put out the fire, when suddenly an arm scooped it out of the way, and sprayed the table with a fire extinguisher, getting the foam all over Blitz in the process.
"Woah, there! That was a close one!" A robo fizz in a suit came out of nowhere. "My apologies, gentleman. Let me fix that for you."
"Oh c****t on a stick, not another one of you f**kers." Blitz said as the robot effortlessly replaced the tablecloth, candelabra, and menus, putting the ruined ones on a cart beside them.
The robot grinned disturbingly wide, “Now, now. I am entirely my own bot, so whatever experiences you have had in the past, should not apply to me. So, are we ready to order?”
Blitz, still standing from his seat, jabbed a finger at the faux fizzarolli, “You listen here, you low-grade piece of scrap, you had better turn right back around, tell whoever the f**k your master is to let us out, or I will tear off your arms, tie them together, and shove them up-”
The robot backed up in response, putting it’s hands in front of him as a blockade, “Woah there, buddy! R-relax! No need to-”
“Hang on, just a g**d*mn minute!” Blitz grabbed it by the collar, and pinched it’s cheek, “Fizza-f**king-rolli, you trapped us in here?!”
“I-I-I assure you, sir, a-a-as realistic as I was made to seem, I am only a replica of the real thing.” The ‘robot’ began to sweat.
“Sticking to the lie, huh? Tell me, are you s*xbots ticklish?” Blitz said as he went for Fizz’s sides.
He let out a high pitched squeak and fell to the ground, Blitz followed, still tickling his waist, “Okay! O-okay! I give up! F**k!” He said between laughs.
Stolas looked between the two men feeling confused, and maybe just a twinge jealous.
“Good. Now let us out. You will have some explaining to do later, but right now I just want to get Loona back home before it gets dark.” Blitz stopped tickling Fizz, but still straddled him.
“Oh come on! We had this whole thing planned. At least stay and chat with your birdie over dinner.” Fizz urged.
Blitz let out an exasperated sigh, “No, Fizz. I am not staying here for one more minute with that pretentious owl. Okay? Enough of your bullsh*t.”
“Oh, you wanna talk about bullsh*t? How come we set up this whole romantic atmosphere for you guys and all you can do is sit in silence? You guys are both dying to talk about your feelings, but you say nothing!” Fizz slithered out from under him and sat up.
“My g** Fizz you really don’t know when to mind your own business, do you? There are no-" Blitz's sighed, his face blushed a little as he looked at the ground. Then remembering who's fault all this was, got back at it, "No feelings to talk about, okay?!” Blitz grabbed the jester by the shirt and shook him a little, his bells jingling, “You can lock us in a gaudy *ss room, with all the f**king candles you could fit in one of your boyfriend’s condoms, but nothing is going to convince me to go out with a binge drinking, kinky *ss doormat who can’t call someone daddy without thinking of his own neglectful father and is weirdly clingy with his daughter 'cause she's the only good thing in his life-”
“Blitz, I’m pretty sure you just described yourself.” Fizz pointed out, but Blitz ignored him.
“I mean, what did you expect?! For me to burst out into song, proclaiming my undying love?! Get real. Even if we started dating, it wouldn't be long before he realizes that I’m just a pathetic excuse of a demon, and he’ll regret all the sacrifices he would've had to make for to be with me. In the end, I’ll just end up ruining someone else’s life! It always ends the same! Just like you said, I will die alone!" He was crying, head down, tears dripping onto Fizz’s shirt, which he was still clutching onto.
Fizz watched the tears stream down his face, "I never said tha-"
"It doesn't matter, Fizz. Nothing matters. And there's nothing you can say or do will convince me to tell him how I feel.”
“. . . I think you just did.” Fizz said, and they both looked over to Stolas’s direction, but found him gone, a portal left open by the table, “Ah, f**k!”
“He could’ve made one of those the whole time!” Blitz stood up and shouted.
“That’s not the point, idiot! He probably left after hearing all the sh*t you said about him.” Fizz went up to him and smacked his shoulder.
“. . . Ah, f*ck.” Blitz covered his face with both his hands, and dragged them down, so done with himself.
Fizz sighed, “You dumb*ss.”
Read More of The Pompous and the Prick: a Stolasxblitz fanfiction here. Chapter 15 is out now!
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theoncelee · 2 years
I made it all of one day keeping up with Tickletober. Stellar of me I know. So here’s yesterdays fic, I’ll hopefully be posting todays as well before the end of the day. I’m not super happy with this one but hopefully someone likes it haha.
Plus my stupid SAT studying brain kept lecturing me about grammar the whole way through this one. I had to keep reminding myself that I was writing goddamn fanfiction and it didn’t matter 😭😭
Anyways enjoy!! :)
Day Two- Drawn On
Fandom: MHA
Ship: Platonic or Romantic KiriBaku (lee!Bakugou ler!Kirishima)
Warnings: this is a tickle fic. Don’t read it if you don’t like that stuff. Some capital words but no entire sentences in this one.
A Paper Alternative
“Bakubrooooo I need your help,” Kirishima whined, barging into Bakugou’s dorm room with his spare key. Which was a normal thing to have, by the way, friends did that. Bakugou lazily glanced up from his phone, where he had been casually scrolling on his bed. Couldn’t he have one hour of piece without one of those damn extras bothering him? But it was Kirishima, so of course that came out as “sure, what’s up?
“I need to practice for my art project, can I use you?” The redhead asked. “What?” Bakugou replied, utterly confused. “Don’t you have paper, shitty hair?” “Well, yeah, but I don’t wanna ruin my good art paper before I know what I wanna do!” Kirishima explained, slightly embarrassed. “Tch, fine shitty hair. Do whatever,” Bakugou relented, collapsing back onto his pillow. “Awesome, thanks bro!” Kirishima beamed. He carefully placed himself on top of Bakugou’s thighs, rolled up Bakugou’s shirt, and grabbed his pens and markers. He took his first pen and lightly touched down on Bakugou’s toned stomach, focusing on his sketch. Luckily for Bakugou, that meant that Kirishima didn’t notice Bakugou’s eyes practically bulging out of his head at the sensation. The pen tip was smooth and relentless, unlike anything he’d ever felt before. And FUCK it TICKLED. Kirishima was Bakugou’s best friend and the only one he allowed to come close enough to touch him. Bakugou hadn’t been tickled since he was really little; he’d honestly forgotten he even WAS ticklish. But fuck was that smooth pen gliding up and down his torso jogging his memory. Although, if he was more honest with himself than he wanted to be, what Kirishima was doing really didn’t feel all that bad. It was kinda nice. The only problem was keeping quiet so Kirishima wouldn’t notice.
That all changed when Kirishima started coloring. The felt tipped marker he was using tickled WAY more than the pen, and coupled with the consistency of Kirishima’s back and forth coloring motion Bakugou was DEAD. He jerked with a yelp before he began squirming for real. Kirishima looked up and saw Bakugou’s beat red face and strained smile and quickly put two and two together. His expression softened, but he decided to fake obliviousness for a little while longer. “Geez Bakubro, what’s got you all squirmy today?” he asked as he began coloring a very large shape at the bottom of Bakugou’s ribcage. “ngh, just, hurry uhup shihity hairr,” Bakugou strained, “I dohon’t have ahall day you kn-know.” Kirishima just chuckled and continued.
The biggest problem for Bakugou, was that the longer the tickle went on, the more ticklish it got. He was like a giggly bomb, destined to break if Kirishima’s incessant scribbling didn’t FUCKING STOP. When Kirishima scribbled the marker in Bakugou’s navel, Bakugou honest to god SQUEALED. With the damn broken, he collapsed back onto the bed in a fit of the SWEETEST giggles Kirishima had ever heard. “What’s the matter Bakubro? Ticklish?” Kirishima teased. And if he noticed how Bakugou barely fought back as he finished his picture, he never mentioned it.
The drawing ended up coming out stellar, a gorgeous tree with its shimmering branches reaching out all over Bakugou’s torso. And while Bakugou kicked Kirishima out of his dorm and threatened murder, he definitely dreaded having to shower the next morning and wash it off.
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just-call-mefr1es · 7 months
random brance x thg shitpost because i fucking can🤧🤧😵‍💫😵‍💫 tw: mentions of sh, mentions of torture
-they had tons of silly little late night calls (im pretty sure the houses from victor’s village has phoens okay)
-they always sneak off from those capitol parties and talk shit about the other victors behind their backs
-bruce always laughs at vance’s horrendous costumes whevener he has to put on the fucking tree suit (his stylist hates his guts)
-they’d toss grapes into each others mouths during the capitol parties aswell
-always dance with each during the parties aswell
-the reason why there’s so much party shit is cause thats like the only time they really get to see each other in person lmao
-always on call with each other when watching the games so its like theyre watching it together (how romantic watches children die guys amiright)
-naw im joking for the previous one, they watch it togegher so that they can comfort each other while atching it (everyone’s required to watch the games its actually canon /s)
angst now (and spoilers for thg aswell)😻😻:
-theres dents in the walls inside of vance’s dorm in 13 from him punching them out of grief.
-vance dislikes watching the capitol’s lil announcement thingys because they always have bruce after the 3qq and he doesn’t like seeing him so sad
-but he still watches them just to see how theyre treating his pookie (he plans another torture method for the president with each bruise he sees)
- he avoids amy (cause 13 was kind enough to rescue their families) cause she reminds him too much of bruce
-bruce tries to stop himself from thinking about vance in the captiol becase he knows that he’s hurting, and he feels sad about making him feel that way
-vance isn’t allowed near sharp objects in 13 (im sure you can piece that together)
-bruce shuts down any conversation about vance whenever someone asks (mostly robin) and assures them (*cough* himself *cough*) that he’ll be fine
-most of bruce’s torture mostly comes from just taunting him abt his loved ones, which is mostly centered around his family and vance (ik i included his family here but theres still brance so it counts😤)
-vance cried seveteen (and counting) rivers when he and bruce finally reunited🎉
okay thats all i have rn do with this what you will ig🤷
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shoobydoo · 1 year
Why arranged marriages are the perfect tool to oppress women - for dummies
So, I recently saw this comment under a pin on pinterest (which praised a woman who broke up arranged marriages) which dissappointed me so bad.
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I responded with this.
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Now, I obviously know that two people wanting to marry eachother and two people wanting to have an arranged marriage are different things. But fact is, once you want an arranged marriage, there is no way out. You don't go searching on the side on your own and as the women, you definetly do not get to say "no" more than twice to your "elders" (=oppressors). I will explain this in more detail way more into this post. I blocked the person who responded to me but what they basically wrote is : " Desire has nothing to do with if it was arranged or it just happended."
So I absolutely lost my sh!t and am now gonna post what I posted there. Have fun reading.
„I don't agree with you. Because most of the time, spouse's of arranged marriages do not get a chance to meet each other a lot before the marriage. It's not about their feelings, it is simply a tool parents use to to build or maintain economic and social stability. So there is absolutely no room for a coincidental romantic development between the two. In most of these orthodox, strict and religious family's, girls are seen to be fit for marriage after their first period, which a lot of girls already get around the age of seven. And because women in these kind of society's are often seen as unfit for work or a proper education, they AND their family's, are financially completely reliant on her husband, which therefore has to be a man, who is already economically very well established and therefore, much MUCH older. And because of the fact that men are not so financially reliant as women, they ACTUALLY have more of a word in these decisions. Women do not. That is the reality of arranged marriages. Not some fetishized manga or anime lovestory where they just happen to fall in love uwu. I dare you to look up the amount of brutal physical and psychological abuse women in arranged marriages have ti endure. Just google it. But you won't get these picture's out of your head very soon. That is because a women in a marriage like this has no, absolutely no chance to leave. The financial stability and expectations of her family and the one of her spouse's family are pushing down on her. Plus, in community's like these, women are still expected to please and obey their husband, so a women who wants a divorce, is automatically branded a human of lower class, not a "real" women and is looked down upon by the whole society, not getting any support ever again. So do not, even for one second, try to tell me that arranged marriage is not a weapon to oppress women with. In a world where women are supplied with their rightful fundamental human right's (which isn't the case right now, but should be) there is absolutely no reason for arranged marriages to exist. If you actually belive in the sick fantasy that little abused girls actually "fall in love" with the man they are forced to have sex with and have to breed children for, you disgust me. We all know, that victims who are stuck in relationships of uneven power dynamics (which these are in 100% of the cases) often develop an unhealthy, unconditional affection for their abuser/capturer, simply because it's a waste of power for your brain to hate someone you are forced to be so close with for forever, even if they constantly hurt you. I cannot believe you are actually downplaying and defending arranged marriages here. shame on you and the harm you do women all over the world by choosing to be an ignorant piece of sh!t everyday.“
Now you hopefully get what I meant by writing "once you want an arranged marriage, there is no way out". Because parents who choose this path for their kids, choose by two very simple factors: money and social status. Which both, are not in any way tied to the character of the individual or the chemistry he or she could have with their spouse. That is an arranged marriage. Your parents choose someone and that's it. If your parents actually look for people they see fit for you and set up some dates, that is merely a little bit of help while dating NOT an arranged marriage. Either you libfems get your vocabulary right or you should just shut the fck up about life experiences you have never made and never will make. Goodnight.
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