#smart barty crouch jr
franklysirius · 5 months
Just James listening to Barty´s knowledge and being really interested and he keep asking question and tell Barty that he’s so smart and interesting and Barty who never have that before (bcs his dad is an as***le), is just crying because he need James so much and maybe maybe he’s not unworthy of love
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moonyswarmsweaters · 1 month
When I say smart Barty this is what I mean
Evan: What's your blood type?
Barty, bleeding out: How would I know?
Evan: How would you not?
Barty: Who am I, Karl Landsteiner, discoverer of blood groups?
Regulus: You don't know your own blood type but you know who discovered them?!?
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littleliterarylesbian · 6 months
I think people need to use Barty to explore the thin line between brilliance and insanity more.
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saturnsconstellation · 5 months
No one runs faster than Barty Crouch Jr after he pisses off Evan to his limit.
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bombyxluna · 4 months
Barty Crouch Jr. is a smart motherfucker ok? He reads scientific papers for FUN, he’s full of random knowledge about even more random topics and he’s always looking for more weird and interesting information on whatever pops up into his mind, he devours books to the point he’s out of stuff to read by the third year and has to break into the restricted section regularly. He probably has a photographic memory. He’s definitely a mastermind at getting information from and out of people, and he WILL use everything he knows against you. He’s an intellectual and a little shit abt it.
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san-marlenes-version · 5 months
Barty: *kicks a 1st year so he has an excuse not to revise*, *sets fire to the Library so Evan and Regulus pay attention to him instead of revising*
Also, Barty: *gets top marks*
Regulus: How the fuck did he do that?
Evan: I'm going to guess that it's the power of ✨️daddy issues✨️
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@rosekillermicrofic, July 11th - Smart, G, Word Count - 347
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Pandora decided that it had been too long since her and Xenophilius had gotten out of the house for a reason that was not Luna's soccer practices.
So she called her brother to come and babysit for the weekend.
Evan and Barty were currently sitting in their shitbox Jeep in the parking lot of Luna's school. They were listening to whatever trashy rock was playing on the radio. Barty wanted to blast something louder but Evan quickly stopped him. You can't play it that loud with a child in the car!
The bell rang for dismissal and both boys kept an eye out for their niece. They spot her coming out of the school, a folder of papers in her hands and her pink floral backpack hanging off her shoulders. She looks around for her mom's car, but lights up when she spots the lime green mess that is her uncle's car.
She sprints over to where they are parked, a massive smile on her face. Evan gets out of the driver's seat and is immediately tackled by his niece. "Uncle Ev!" She laughs, hugging his legs.
"Hey there Lune, how have you been?" Evan greets, picking her up and bringing her into the backseat of the car. The booster seat they borrowed from Pandora sat in the middle.
"Good!" she smiles. Evan buckles her into the seat, she waves to Barty. "Hi Bat!"
"Hey pumpkin, how was school?" Barty turns to look at the backseat just as Evan's moving back into the front.
"Here!" she grabs out a few papers from her folder and gives them to Barty. He reads them as he grabs them from her. Spelling Test - Unit 3 - A+.
Barty makes a big show of surprise then passes the test over to Evan. "We've got one smart cookie there in the backseat Ev."
Luna's giggles fill the car. Evan looks at the sheet, "I think you're right Bat. What's better to celebrate? Ice cream or—"
"Ice cream!" Luna shouts.
Nodding, Evan puts the car in gear. "Ice cream it is then."
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crimsonlovebartylus · 4 months
Regulus is smart but he has no shame copying off his boyfriend because Barty is smarter.
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t1oui · 6 months
barty crouch jr. is eleven the first time evan rosier takes his breath away.
he's a second year in barty's house, with warm brown skin and blonde hair and amber eyes that flash gold in the sunlight. he knows regulus. one of barty's dormmates, somehow, and he smiles at barty like he wants to know him, too.
barty is thirteen when he finally figures out what the butterflies in his stomach mean.
they're sitting down at the lake, barty on the grass, soaking up the sun. pandora sits on a blanket next to him, her half of it in the sun, the other half underneath regulus in the shade of a tree. dora's busied herself with making flower crowns, and evan and dorcas are swinging at each other and laughing, both ankle deep in the water of the black lake. evan reaches up to kick water at her, and the silver of his anklet - a thin chain with a silver daisy charm hanging off of it - catches the light.
dorcas ducks away and shoves evan square in the chest, sending him stumbling back a few steps before he finally lands hard on the grass next to barty. it must've hurt, even in the soft green, but instead of wincing, he just turns to barty and grins.
oh, barty thinks. it's so obvious, he thinks.
barty is a fourth year the first time he kisses evan rosier.
it's the first christmas he doesn't go home for. he spends long hours knocking about the castle, staying out past both the regular curfew and the one made later for the break.
"can't sleep, crouch?" evan had asked him, making him jump, polished prefect badge - no doubt pandora's handiwork - sparkling from his collar. and suddenly there was mistletoe and the chance to finally make his fantasies a reality. there was the taste of evan's lips (vanilla) and the smell of his shampoo (cucumber) and the feeling of his arms around barty's waist (intoxicating).
even on that dreary, cold evening, there was hope.
barty is a sixth year when regulus begins going out with james potter.
they're on the train, barty halfway out the window, evan's arms tight around his middle in the fear of him falling, and barty hoots with laughter when regulus jumps into potter's arms. potter's a seventh year like evan. head boy, a gryffindor, and one of pandora's best friends, for some reason.
"leave them be, barty," evan snorts, pulling him back through the window. barty watches him, opening his mouth to speak, only to be swiftly cut off by his boyfriend adding, "we can be as dramatic as we like, but i'm not risking missing this train just so we can kiss in front of it."
barty groans in protest, but by that point regulus has arrived at the door to their compartment with a sheepish-looking james potter in tow, so he decides to annoy them instead.
barty is seventeen the first time he comes to hogwarts without evan, and it makes him feel empty.
he's still got regulus and dorcas, of course, but there's a gaping hole in the group now that the twins have graduated. regulus is quiet without james to bring him out of his shell. dorcas doesn't cheer as hard during quidditch games - ones without regulus in them, of course - without marlene mckinnon there to cheer on. and barty? barty isn't himself without ev there to easy his anxieties.
night after night, barty and regulus curl up in the same bed for nights of bad rest. it gets easier, over time. letters pile up. floo calls happen weekly. and while regulus and dorcas struggle, barty thinks about the future. the one decided by him, and not anyone else.
two days after his eighteenth birthday, barty steps off the hogwarts express for the last time.
regulus and dorcas don't hesitate to sprint past him towards james and marlene, who wait with evan futher down the platform. barty, though, hesitates. gives himself a moment to take a deep breath, smile at evan, and start running.
evan envelopes him in a hug, his arms a reassuring weight around barty.
"you must be tired," he whispers, the hint of a smile in his voice. "eight newts, barty. you're insane."
barty grins into evan's chest. "i missed you too, rosie," he mumbles. he lets out a content sigh he didn't realize he was holding in, and evan hums.
"welcome home, love," he says. "our home."
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morsmortish · 2 months
i cant get on with the emo-himbo-dumbass barty agenda because it’s just so much more entertaining for him to LOOK like that but actually be the opposite. he’s dressed in his grotty grungy band t-shirts and black ripped jeans with chains and piercings and tattoos, but he’s sat straight upright at his family’s ornate marble kitchen counter with his hands clasped together as he contemplates the best way to enact his 10-year revenge plot like some machiavellian hipster. he’s hitting his vape whilst his correcting your use of the word ‘whom’. he’s throwing popcorn into his mouth (and missing) whilst explaining the meaning of chekov’s gun and how this allows him to predict the ending of any piece of modern media. he’s acting like a drug dealer whilst being the most intellectual person you know.
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Barty: Is masturbating while smoking weed called masturblazing? Pandora: No, it’s called high jacking. Sybill: Weed whacking. Emmeline: It’s called disappointing your mothers.
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deathnguts · 2 months
Barty the type of guy to get clothes for regulus without minding the size because that’s not something he thinks about and when regulus tells them they’re too big he’s like, ‘my bad what size are you’ and regulus tells him he’s size zero Barty just becomes absolutely affronted and goes on for far too long about how ‘zero isn’t a size! Zero is nothing!’
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moonyswarmsweaters · 2 months
Evan: The thing about Barty is that he's smart enough to play dumb, and pretty enough so everyone believes it.
Barty: :]
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rosekillerbf · 1 year
Barty Crouch Jr is the kind of guy to eat paper. Not even just as a child, but like as a whole ass teenager in the middle of class.
Evan: *doing classwork* Hey, B, do you have the answer to- oh my god-!?
Barty, with half a sheet of paper hanging out of his mouth: *muffled* what?
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atlasdoe · 2 months
i need to know who lied to the fandom and told them that Barty was cannonicly a Ravenclaw cause he in fact was not
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saturnsconstellation · 2 months
Rosekiller is Tall but smart & short but fast
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