#so uh guess who might bring this up next time i see my doctor. oops.
scatterpatter · 2 years
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I’ve had this conversation with my Uncaunt a few weeks back and have not had a single rational thought since
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 22/?
Word Count: 1.8k
Author's Note: Y/N - Your name, A/N - Any name (Your best friend's name)
We're back, we're in full swing, we've hit like 50 followers, we've hit 500 notes. We're thriving.
Also! Fun fact but I can't actually watch Young Justice season 3 (and 4) or Titans :/ They're on DC Universe, which is only available in America. (If you can't catch on, I'm not from America lol)
Warnings: Swearing, Description of Injury, Kidnapping, Police/ Justice System, Manipulation attempts, Gaslighting, Violence, No beta bitch we die like Jason Todd.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20) (Part 21) (Part 22)
The days became longer and kept bothering Y/N. She was losing grip on reality. Aria would come in occasionally and feed her. Give her water. Let her use the bathroom. She was stuck. She wanted to knock off that stupid fucking bird plague doctor mask and, look her pathetic sister in her eyes. And let Aria know that she knew, she knew who it was.
But she was backed into a corner. And the mask was not going to come off anytime. Boy, oh boy, she wanted it to fall. She wanted it to slip so she could boot it into the walls she had become accustomed to. She wanted it to fall and shatter.
Aria came into the room like normal, to be greeted by Y/N not even looking her in the eyes.
"Come here, love," Aria said.
"Go to Hell."
"I need to use you for a "Proof of Life" video. So I can use you for ransom. Come here."
"Come here. Now," Aria said, voice getting more hoarse and pissed off with Y/N and her actions.
"Come. Here. Now!" She screeched.
She felt Aria's claws grab her wrists and dig in, she could feel the blood seeping through the claws from her wrists. Aria pushed her into the wall, still gripping her wrists and letting the blood flow down Y/N's arms.
"Listen here, you fucking bitch," Aria said, dropping her voice a few octaves, to seem intimidating. "I want that money. If you don't cooperate, I'll kill you."
Y/N whimpered but spat at her sister, "You'll fucking die trying."
Aria wrestled Y/N into her seat and handcuffed her to it. She then set up the video camera.
"And, recording. Talk."
"I fucking hate you."
"You should."
"Go to fucking Hell."
"The date is February 14th. Here," she shoved a newspaper into the view of the camera, Y/N didn't even notice Aria bring it in. She saw the article on the back of her kidnapping. She knew people were still talking.
"Here is the date. On a newspaper. This video will be released today. If I don't get the money within a week, I'll kill her. Along with the Waynes."
Y/N gulped. This just got so much more real than she was expecting.
Aria left the room, with Y/N still handcuffed to the chair. She took in the room she had become used to. She had spent a week in captivity, expecting the vigilantes of Gotham to come and get them, but they didn't. She was confused as to why-
Wait a damn minute, she thought. Are you- Wait- Wait- Wait- Wait. Oh my god? The family is in captivity, the vigilantes haven't come for us yet, are- she paused. Are they the vigilantes? There's no way, they can't be- Can they? They can- Can't they, huh? Fuck. We're- We're not getting out anytime soon. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
This is a God damn pickle we've gotten into. Aria must know what I think, the family- she paused, almost as if she didn't believe what she was thinking. That they're the Gotham vigilantes. She must- Fuck!
I don't care that they didn't tell me- she thought like someone could read her thoughts. She figured that someone might be able to. She knew that Martian Manhunter had those abilities. she figured that Miss Martian, who she didn't see often, likely shared those abilities.
I care that we might be fucked.
Before she knew it, that exact day, she figured, February 14th? The door was broken down by Superman. This just put the pieces together more for Y/N. Her assumptions about the Waynes being the Gotham vigilantes were just seeming more likely as time went on.
Superman uncuffed her and she thanked him before running out to where Aria was being arrested by the Gotham police. But she didn't stop, and she knocked off Aria's mask.
"Oh, hi Y/N," Aria said, nonchalantly.
"Oh, hi Y/N," Y/N mocked. "You fucking bitch!" she yelled and pushed Aria, while the police tried to detain her. She struggled and tried to attack Aria further, "Let go! I know her power of attorney is going to be her sister-"
"How do you know that?" Commissioner Gordon asked.
"Because her sister is me!" She yelled when she finally broke away from the police, trying to get closer to Aria, before Commissioner Gordon stopped her, grabbing her arms and squeezing lightly. She stared at him, dead-faced. No emotions were there, other than anger, raw, seething anger.
Aria laughed, "Oops. I guess the jig is up."
Y/N was seething, she didn't even notice the JLA and the rest of the Waynes were behind her. She was still struggling to get towards Aria, yelling and just making noise.
She was making a scene, but she didn't care. She felt betrayed.
"You fucking bitch. You absolutely pathetic piece of shit."
"Keep yelling at me, Y/N. Mom and Dad will be disappointed in you. They always are, aren't they?"
Y/N turned to Commissioner Gordon, who was still holding her in place, "You either get her out of my fucking face in 5 seconds or I'm going to hurt her. That's not a threat," she turned to Aria, "That's a fucking promise."
"We might have to detain you at this rate, Y/N."
"And I would understand that, but I'm going to hurt her."
"Ma'am, calm down." Commissioner Gordon said before waving his hand and the other police took Aria into the back of a police car. "I'm going to have to arrest you," he said, trying to show sympathy for the pain that Y/N was in.
"Then do it already," Y/N mumbled, eyes still locked on the police car her sister was in.
"Gordon?" Jason called, "I swear, I've never seen this much anger in her. I'm sure you can send her home with us."
"You better be right about that, Jason."
"I really think I am right."
Gordon looked at Y/N, which she caught in the corner of her eye. She could tell he was upset about this, he was trying to get to her, to get her to understand her anger was okay, but beating her sister wasn't.
And then Aria waved as they drove her to the station.
But she wasn't even paying attention and before she knew it, she was in Jason's arms. He was holding her while talking to the police about the attack. He had his hands wrapped around her waist while he was behind her, maximizing the ability he had to stop her should she run.
He knew what he was doing, and it was working to calm her slightly, to the point where the police were able to talk to her about her experience with the attacker they knew as Hour, or as Arianna (Last name).
Once they were done with questioning her, they spoke more to Jason, who still had her in his grasp.
She surveyed the area and noticed that Bruce was talking to Superman.
The pieces were all falling into place. She knew he had to be Batman at that moment.
And she wanted in on it.
The hopelessness she felt when Aria had her kidnapped was astronomical. She wanted to make sure no one ever felt that way again, not if she could help it. She wanted in on it all.
She thought back to Jason's stab wound, the scar still fresh. She knew it wasn't a mugging. It had to be him saving the city from peril. She realized how dumb she was for buying into that lie, but she wasn't mad at anyone in her vicinity.
She was mad- pissed- so far beyond angry at Aria.
She didn't know she could be so angry. She didn't know she had it in her to be so angry at Aria. But she was. She was so unbelievably pissed. Any mention of her name sent Y/N into seething anger, and Jason could feel her heart race in her body.
She wasn't paying attention to words anymore. She just wanted to get out of there, to go home. To her home, not Jason's. She didn't feel safe in the Wayne Manor anymore.
No one could blame her when she told the police to drive her to her house, not the Wayne Manor. Jason just hugged her and asked when he could see her next. She told him in the morning. "Or," she added, "At 3 in the morning. I don't care. Just leave me alone right now."
Everyone understood. They didn't have their own sister kidnap them after all.
She got to her house and got inside, A/N immediately trying to flag her down to talk to her, but she just put up a hand and waved her off. Slinking to her room without a second thought and locking the door.
She didn't want to talk about it. The thoughts about her sister racing through her mind. The thoughts about how her boyfriend was a vigilante. How was she going to bring this up? How was she going to tell him that she knew? That she wanted in on the act? That she wanted to fight alongside him- and his family?
Before she knew it, and like clockwork, it was 3 in the morning. And Jason was knocking on her window. She assumed that he had tried to let himself into her room, but to no avail since she hadn't unlocked the door.
She went over to her window and unlocked it. She lifted it and Jason crawled in.
"I have a front door," she said.
"You didn't answer when I tried to knock on your door," he joked. "How are you holding up?"
"As well as anyone can in my situation."
"Well, everyone wishes you came home with us, so we could watch you on your first night away from-"
"From my sister?"
"I was going to say from captivity."
"So, my sister."
"Yeah, that."
"So, anyway," Jason said, trying to get Y/N's mind off of Aria. "Did you sleep when you got here?" he asked.
"No. I was busy."
"Doing what?"
"Lost in thought. There's a lot of thoughts, not enough brain," she joked. "You probably get that part."
"I do-"
"When were you going to tell me?" she but in.
"Tell you what?" he questioned, confused.
"That you're one of the vigilantes," she answered, studying his face. He seemed taken aback by the statement and tried to avert her gaze. Oh yeah, he knows what I'm on about, she thought.
"You know what I'm on about, Jay. You know I know so don't lie anymore."
"No. You know I know. I know you know. Don't lie anymore. I'm not even ad at the lies, you're trying to keep me safe, obviously."
"The truth is, babe, I want in."
(Oh my god? Are we going to get Red Hood action? (The answer is yes, in due time)
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anarchyduck · 3 years
Peas in a Pod
Day 20 Alt Prompt: De-Aged 
(posted it on AO3 yesterday, forgot to post it here oops) AO3
“So let me get this straight,” - Tony massages his temple in effort to soothe his growing headache - “There was a wizard.”
“Yeah,” Ned nods. “And he was shooting off fireballs, like real fireballs, and it was awesome and kinda scary and-”
“Ned. Ned. Find the shortcut to the point. Because nothing explains” - Tony gestures towards the couch - “that.” 
Ned blushes with embarrassment and nods . “Right! Sorry, sir. So, uhm, Pete was fighting the wizard guy and he was doing really good! Was totally kicking his ass! And then the wizard like, shot him with some kind of purplish black energy ray stuff? Like it shot right out of his hands. Then the wizard was gone and Pete was… like this.” 
Tony eyes the kid on the couch. Same curly brown hair. Same doe brown eyes. It’s everything else that’s wrong. Peter is sixteen, a teenager, and this kid looks like he’s no more than five years old. 
As for Peter, well, he looks content watching videos on Ned’s phone. Some children’s cartoon about dogs or something, Tony didn’t quite catch it. But the kid likes it and he isn’t crying anymore so Tony counts that as a win. Judging from the confused state the kid was in upon arrival, it’s safe to assume Peter’s memories are wiped. Or, rather, memories of his life in the present day which is a problem in and of itself.  
“So,” Ned’s drawl catches his attention. “What are we going to do?”
Tony raises an eyebrow. “We?” he shakes his head. “No, no, you are going home.” 
“What about Peter?” 
Yeah Stark, what about Peter? 
“He’ll go with his aunt.” Tony says simply. Easy enough solution. 
“You mean you can’t like, fix him?” Ned asks. “What if he ends up staying like this forever?” 
Tony waves off the teen’s concerns. “He won’t.” he assures. “Whatever the wizard guy hit him with will probably wear off in a couple hours. Easy peasy.” After all, the kid couldn’t stay like this forever, could he? That is just absurd. 
The effects don’t wear off. 
Two hours later and Peter is still a child. Ned is gone, reluctantly dragged out by Happy who also delivered clothes that fit the kid better so he’s no longer swimming in the Doctor Who shirt Tony assumed belonged to one of the boys. During that time, Tony contacts May to fill her in on what’s going on. The woman is stuck at work (“We’re incredibly short staffed today, it’s ridiculous.”) and unable to leave before her shift is over. 
It leaves Tony in charge of the kid which, while normally wouldn’t be an issue, he suddenly finds himself out of his depth. Teenagers, he can handle. No problem. They could be reasoned with. But small children? 
“Mr. Tony?” 
Tony jumps, spinning on hell with his hand pressed firmly against his heart. “Holy shit!” he gasps.
Peter flinches back, eyes wide and looking as startled as Tony feels. Then his bottom lip begins to quiver. 
“No no, don’t cry.” Tony says in a rush. “I didn’t mean to scare you, kid. You snuck up on me. Ought to put a bell on you someday.” 
That earns him a giggle which washes away the rising guilt. “Uncle Ben says that too.” Peter says. “Says I’m really good at sneaking.” 
“You are good at sneaking.” Tony affirms. “What are you doing down here anyway? Thought you were watching TV?” Least that’s where Tony left him. Kid was content with watching the cartoon with the dogs and he figured he could get some work done tracking down the wizard guy. 
“I was, but it’s over now.” Peter says dismissively, his eyes already wandering the workshop. Then he actually begins to wander. Tony watches him, contemplating on whether it’s a good idea to let a four year old wander his workshop. It isn’t exactly kid proof and if he knows anything about kids (which is very limited) it’s they like to touch everything. And put things in their mouths. 
“What’s that?” Peter asks and Tony leans to the side to look past the monitors and equipment to see what the boy is pointing at. 
“Oh that’s DUM-E.” 
The robot chirps in response, clicking it’s claw as it peers curiously at the boy. Tony takes a couple steps towards them, immediately thinking Peter might fear the robot. Much to his relief, the boy’s mouth is agape with wonder and eyes equally wide. 
“Wow!” he gasps. “Hi DUM-E. I’m Peter.” Peter reaches up to pet DUM-E’s extended arm, giggling as the robot chirps at him. “So is he a robot?”
“Yep. I made him.” 
“You made him?” Peter gives him the same look of wonder and amazement. “Wow. Are there other stuff you’ve made?” 
“I’ve made a lot of stuff.”
And so Tony gives the kid a proper tour of the workshop. Like his older self, Peter is sharp minded and incredibly smart. He asks questions Tony doesn’t think a four year old would know to ask and hangs onto every word Tony says. When he introduces Peter to FRIDAY, the kid is so ecstatic he can’t sit still. It warms his heart to know Peter keeps that same excitement as he aged. 
After the tour, Tony brings him into the kitchen to feed him a late lunch. The kid sits on the kitchen counter next to him, watching Tony’s every move. PB&J sandwiches are the easiest thing he can fix and turns out to be the kid’s favorite.
“So you’re a superhero?” Peter asks curiously. 
“Sometimes.” Tony replies as he spreads the peanut butter onto the bread. 
“Like Batman?” 
“Kiddo, I am way cooler and richer than Batman.”
Peter giggles and Tony thinks it might be the cutest goddamn thing he’s heard all day.
“My daddy is like you.” the kid says suddenly.
“Oh yeah? How so?” Tony asks, finding himself equally curious. He knows through his early research into Peter Parker that the boy’s parents are deceased. Father worked for OsCorp, mother worked for some type of law firm. Aside from the atrocious choice of working at OsCorp, both of them seemed relatively normal. 
“Because he makes stuff. B-But not robots like you do. He makes other stuff and-and he white wears a coat and he helps people.” Peter gives a long, wistful sigh then and adds, “I want my daddy and mommy.” 
Tony freezes, butter knife stuck in the jar of jelly. Quite suddenly he remembers something else about Peter’s parents. 
They both died in a plane crash. 
When Peter was four years old.
The man internally panics, mind going blank on what to do, what to say because what can you say? 
“Mr. Tony?” Peter’s little voice draws him from his internal crisis. He tilts his head, looking at him curiously and, dare Tony say it, concern. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah.” Tony sniffs and finishes up the kid’s sandwich. “Yeah, totally fine kiddo. A-OK. So you want this cut up?”
“Yes.” Peter replies, apparently moved on from the incident. Yet, as Tony puts the knife to bread in order to cut, the kid shouts, “No! No no, not like that! You have’ta make the X.” 
“Huh?” Tony looks a little helplessly from the kid to the bread.
“The X!” Peter leans over and traces an X on the sandwich. “Like that!” 
Tony cuts it up according to the kid’s desire and it’s only then that he sees what the kid means. “Yeah, guess it does look like an X when you cut it, huh? Well, here you go kiddo. Eat up.” He slides the plate to the boy’s side. 
Peter takes a large bite and hums with approval as he chews. “‘Ood yob!” he says around his mouthful. It’s the additional thumbs up that makes Tony chuckle. He grabs a juice box from the fridge for the kid, something teenage Peter would have rolled his eyes and grumbled about. Toddler Peter says a polite ‘thank you’ and picks it up with fingers covered in grape jelly. 
He decides to capture the moment for May and pulls out his phone. “Heads up, kiddo.” he says and takes a picture. Peter is caught in a half smile, peanut butter smeared on the corner of his mouth. There’s a glob of jelly on his shirt that’s run down the image of Thor’s hammer. 
“I wanna see! I wanna see!” Peter instantly demands. 
Tony moves to stand next to him and flips the phone for the kid to see the picture. Peter grins and immediately reaches for the phone. “Uh uh, sticky fingers.” Tony says, which gets the kid giggling about being called ‘sticky fingers’. He moves the phone out of reach and sends the image off to May. 
“So,” Tony says. “What do you want to do after lunch? TV? Go play with DUM-E? Whatever that wannabe Merlin did to you took away your powers, or maybe just suppressed them. Maybe we ought to run some tests to figure that out.” 
On second thought, maybe not. Teenager Peter detests needles; he imagines little Peter hates them just as much. 
“DUM-E!” Peter says excitedly. 
“You’re going to spoil that bot, kid.” 
“Thank you so much, Happy.” May says as she steps into the Tower’s elevator. “You really didn’t have to pick me up. I could have drove.”
Happy directs FRIDAY to take them to the penthouse then shakes his head. “It’s no problem.” he says. “Boss wanted to make sure you got here quickly and with that guy who attacked Peter still running around-”
“Right.” May sighs. “Well, guess he could have done worse things than turn Peter younger. At least him and Tony seem to be hitting it off.” She smiles fondly as she recalls the image Tony sent her. She only hopes Peter has been good while they wait for her.
“Yeah, well, the kid’s grown on him.” 
“I feel a little jealous, honestly.” May admits. “Peter was so cute when he was little.” 
The elevator comes to a stop, the doors slide open to the entrance of the penthouse. It’s oddly quiet inside and the lights are dimmed. “Tony?” Happy calls out as he and May walk through the foyer into the living room. 
It looks like a tornado hit it. There are papers thrown about with childish drawings covering them. A sheet covers the kitchen table which has been pulled away from the dining area and there are mini marshmallows covering the floor with some sticking to the large windows that overlook the city. A device that looks like a mini catapult sits on top of the table next to a pile of marshmallows and markers. 
May follows the chaos, finding the TV on with the Incredibles playing on a low volume and both Tony and Peter fast asleep on the couch. Peter is still a toddler in every way May remembers, sleeping with his head on Tony’s chest. There are stickers on their faces and she spots marker smears not only on Peter’s arm but also on the hand that’s resting on Peter’s back. 
“Did you find-” Happy starts, quietened as May shushes him. He comes to her side, expression softening at the sight. “Least they kept each other busy.” he remarks. 
May nods in agreement as she pulls out her phone to take a quick picture of the two. “Like two peas in a pod.” 
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myonechicagoworld · 3 years
 [TRIGGER WARNING: kid trapped in laundry chute gif under the cut]
Matt Casey: Hey.
Heather Darden: I am so sorry. I completely zonked out.
Matt Casey: No worries. I didn’t want to wake you.
Heather Darden: What time is it?
Matt Casey: Uh, 7:00.
Heather Darden: Oops, I, uh, I have to pick up the boys from
Matt Casey: Okay.
Heather Darden: Uh, the baking dish is still dirty, so I’m gonna
                              wash it.
Matt Casey: I’ll clean it.
Heather Darden: Matt.
Matt Casey: I saw this swing set fort type thing at True Value.
                      I’ve been meaning to build it for Griffin and Ben.
                      I’ll bring it and the dish by after shift. If that’s cool
                      with you.
Heather Darden: Thank you, you’re… that’s very sweet.
Matt Casey: Oh, come on.
Heather Darden: Mind if I use your bathroom?
Matt Casey: Of course.
                                    [knocks on door]
Kelly Severide: Hey.
Matt Casey: Hey.
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Kelly Severide: My dad wanted me to drop that off. His way of
                          apologising for you catching that elbow.
Matt Casey: Thanks.
Kelly Severide: All right, well, I-I’ll see you at the house.
Heather Darden: Do you have any mouthwash?
Matt Casey: Eh… it’s not what you…
                      Hey! It’s not what you think!
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Kelly Severide: Yeah, I’m sure you’ve got it all figured out.
                                   [car door slams, engine starts]
Christopher Herrmann: Hey! Any of you guys know John Pritchard,
                                         or are you all too young?
Matt Casey: He was gone before I came on, but I heard stories.
Mouch: Piece of work, that one.
Otis Zvonecek: What, he died or something?
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah! You know, Boden, Mouch and me,
                                          we all knew him back in the day. He
                                          must have been 20 years older than
                                          Boden if that tells you anything.
Otis Zvonecek: What did he die of?
Christopher Herrmann: Old man stuff. I don’t know.
Matt Casey: [chuckles]
Christopher Herrmann: Funeral is tomorrow up at Grayslake.
Otis Zvonecek: Are you guys going?
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah, I guess, you know? We should
                                         pay our respects.
Matt Casey: All right. Hydrant’s good to go.
Christopher Herrmann: [grunts]
                                         Peter Mills, you get to flush the next
Mouch: By the way, saikensha wa saimusha yori kioku yoshi.
Otis Zvonecek: What the hell’s that?
Mouch: You bet me I couldn’t say a sentence in Japanese. I just
              said one. You owe me 20 bucks.
Joe Cruz: [chuckles]
Otis Zvonecek: Okay. (A) I don’t remember that. And (B) how do
                           I know you’re not just speaking gibberish?
Mouch: It’s a sentence.
Otis Zvonecek: What’s it mean?
Mouch: Pay me 20 bucks, I’ll tell you.
Otis Zvonecek: Ridiculous. You tell me and…
Boy 1: Help! Help!
            He fell!
            We were playing hide and seek upstairs.
Victim 1 (Little boy): [groans]
Matt Casey: Hang on. We’re coming.
Victim 1 (Little boy): [strangled grunts]
                                                 - title -
Joe Cruz: (into radio) This is 81. I need a paramedic across from
                  our firehouse.
Dispatcher: (over radio) What’s the address?
Joe Cruz: (into radio) Look for our lights!
                  Let’s go, bro!
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Peter Mills: Hit it!
                                        [siren wailing]
Victim 1 (Little boy): [strangled grunts/breathing]
Matt Casey: His neck’s twisted. He can’t breathe.
Boy 1: I told Taye not to go in that chute. He knows better.
Matt Casey: Come with me.
                      All right, we have to get through this block.
Boy 1: [crying]
                                         [sirens wailing]
Matt Casey: (over radio) 61, we need you on the second floor.
                      It’s a child.
Gabby Dawson: What’s going on?
Otis Zvonecek: Kid hid in the laundry chute.
Joe Cruz: Mills, get in here.
Peter Mills: Yeah!
Lady 1 (Mom): Dougie?
Boy 1 (Dougie): [cries] I told him infinity times not to hide in
                           there [cries]
                                 [indistinct chatter]
Matt Casey: Okay let’s peel back the front.
Lady 1 (Mom): Taye?
Chief Boden: Ma’am. Ma’am, don’t look.
Lady 1 (Mom): [gasps]
Chief Boden: We’ll get him out. Let them work.
Matt Casey: Get his head.
Lady 1 (Mom): Dougie… Honey, go upstairs.
Chief Boden: Okay.
Lady 1 (Mom): Oh God. Oh Lord.
Matt Casey: Let’s back him out.
Chief Boden: Don’t look.
Lady 1 (Mom): [cries]
Joe Cruz: [grunts]
                 Grab his legs.
Otis Zvonecek: He’s conscious but barely.
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Lady 1 (Mom): Taye! [cries]
Chief Boden: Okay, okay. Okay.
Lady 1 (Mom): [cries]
Joe Cruz: Grab his legs.
Lady 1 (Mom): Taye.
Leslie Shay: Let’s board him quickly.
Chief Boden: Hold on to me.
Lady 1 (Mom): [sobs]
Gabby Dawson: One, two, three.
Gabby Dawson: You the mother?
Lady 1 (Mom): Yes.
Gabby Dawson: You can ride in the back with me. Let’s go.
Chief Boden: Go on.
Gabby Dawson: I’ll be right back.
                            What have you heard?
Lady 1 (Mom): Um… the doctor says it looks bad. It’s a
                          damaged windpipe, so his brain was…
                          without oxygen.
Gabby Dawson: Well, they’ve got great surgeons here. They’ll
                             do everything they can.
Lady 1 (Mom): You know… Taye has been to your firehouse.
Gabby Dawson: Oh yeah?
Lady 1 (Mom): Yeah. His whole class went on a field trip last fall
                          when the school year started. It was all he could
                          talk about for days [chuckles] [sniffs]
                          He said he wants to be a fireman, help people.
Gabby Dawson: That’s… that’s sweet.
Lady 1 (Mom): [sniffs] Gangs are always calling, but he won’t bite.
                         He’s gonna be straight and narrow, and I believe
Gabby Dawson: I’m sure he will.
Lady 1 (Mom): [sniffles] Thank you.
Matt Casey: You gotta be kidding me.
Mouch: I don’t know if I can handle another season like the
              last one.
Christopher Herrmann: Hope springs eternal.
Mouch: Hope never met a Sox September.
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah, well at least you guys have a series win
                           in the last century. Try being a Cubs fan.
Christopher Herrmann: There’s plenty of room on the
                                         bandwagon if you want to move to
                                         the south side.
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah. What are you, Pouch? You Cubs or Sox,
Christopher Herrmann: Look at her feet. She’s definitely a
                                         White Sox fan.
Joe Cruz: Guys, put a cork in it. I’m trying to listen to the
Mouch: Saikensha wa saimusha yori kioku yoshi.
Otis Zvonecek: What does that mean?
Matt Casey: Hey, if they score, come get me.
Otis Zvonecek: [muttering] Saikensha… Sai…
Chief Boden: Hey Lieutenant. I want to bring you up to speed
                       on what Kelly’s just filled me in on.
Kelly Severide: I’m gonna push to fast-track Peter Mills to
                          Squad. The youngest anyone’s every made
                          it was 23.
Matt Casey: You.
Kelly Severide: I think Mills can break the record. And I talked
                          to Chief Walker over at District, and he thinks it
                          would be great for CFD morale.
Matt Casey: Is that what you think, Chief? Great for morale?
Chief Boden: As long as he qualifies.
Matt Casey: Well, sounds like you guys have all the answers.
Peter Mills: You wanted to see me, Chief?
Chief Boden: As you’re aware, Lieutenant Severide thinks
                       that you’ll make a strong addition to Rescue
                                          [door closes]
Peter Mills: Yes.
Chief Boden: I just want to hear your take on it.
Peter Mills: I’m gonna bust my ass to make it happen.
Chief Boden: Why?
Peter Mills: I’m sorry?
Chief Boden: Why’s it so important to you?
Peter Mills: ‘Cause I want to be an elite firefighter, sir.
Chief Boden: And this has got nothing to do with your
Peter Mills: No, sir.
                    This has nothing to do with what my father did
                     or did not do with his time at the CFD. This is
                     about me
Chief Boden: Well, since you’ve been here you’ve put on ten
                        pounds. Which, from where I sit, doesn’t look
                        like a candidate willing to bust his ass.
                                             [door closes]
Gabby Dawson: Hey, how’s it going?
Peter Mills: Been better.
Gabby Dawson: You need me to take care of someone? Give
                             me a name.
Peter Mills: Not now.
Matt Casey: Heather Darden and me, we’re just friends. She
                      came over to talk and fell asleep on my couch.
Kelly Severide: Right. Got it.
Matt Casey: I don’t know what you want me to say here.
Kelly Severide: I saw what I saw, Casey. Sell your clean whistle
                          act to someone else, ‘cause I ain’t buying.
Matt Casey: You can’t imagine you might be wrong about
                      something, can you?
Kelly Severide: I can imagine a lot of things, just not the idea
                          of you rolling around with Andy’s widow.
Matt Casey: Come on.
Kelly Severide: Explain to me why Heather barely talks to me,
                          but she’ll sleep with you, even though you’re
                          the guy who put her husband through that
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                                       [glass shattering]
Firefighter: Get down!
                    Get down!
Christopher Herrmann: What the hell is going on in here?
                                        [tires squealing]
Chief Boden: You okay?
Kelly Severide: Yeah.
Chief Boden: Casey, are you okay?
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Chief Boden: What the hell is going on here, Detective? This
                        has always been a neighbourhood house.
Man 1 (Det. Ben Vikan): You tell me. No run-ins recently? No
                                         fires where one of your guys tried to
                                         pop off to the local…
Chief Boden: No.
Christopher Herrmann: We’re not cops. People are happy to
                                         see a firefighter show up.
Man 1 (Det. Ben Vikan): Could this be Voight related?
Matt Casey: Voight?
Man 1 (Det. Ben Vikan): When it comes to gang violence, the
                                         man has a long reach. He’s got a
                                         dismissal hearing soon.
Matt Casey: Not like Voight to stir up the nest if he’s trying to
                      free himself.
Joe Cruz: Man, why don’t you pick up one of these bangers
                  for something small and trade the bust for what
                  they know about the shooters?
Man 1 (Det. Ben Vikan): Corner boys in this neighbourhood
                                         are good. We can’t catch them with
                                         the drugs and make the bust stick.
                                         We’ll keep our ears to the ground.
                                         In the meantime, I’ll make sure we
                                         have a conspicuous police presence
                                         around the station.
Chief Boden: Meaning what?
Man 1 (Det. Ben Vikan): Put a special detail on it. Squad
                                         outside. Officer posted in the 
Firefighters: [muttering in disagreement]
Chief Boden: Well, that’s fine. So long as the men are safe.
Otis Zvonecek: [sighs]
Chief Boden: What?
Christopher Herrmann: Cops in the house is a bad precedent.
                                        Sends a message to the good residents
                                        around here that… we’re not a safe
Mouch: You rather have one of us be killed?
Christopher Herrmann: Of course not.
Chief Boden: We will let the police handle their business, and
                        we… will handle ours.
Joe Cruz: [sighs]
                                [police radio chatter]
Otis Zvonecek: Never seen anything like this before.
Joe Cruz: So much for being the neighbourhood’s house.
                                     [engine starts]
                                   [dramatic music]
Lady 2 (Barista): Here you go.
Leslie Shay: Thanks.
Kelly Severide: Thanks.
Leslie Shay: Yeah.
Kelly Severide: Hey, any word on that kid pulled out of the
                           laundry chute?
Leslie Shay: I haven’t heard anything yet.
                      Hey, what’s going on with you and Casey? It
                      seemed like…
Kelly Severide: Oh, I don’t… I don’t want to talk about Casey.
Leslie Shay: Okay, fine. We’ll just enjoy watching you two
                      mark your territory.
Kelly Severide: Ah…
Leslie Shay: So what do you want to talk about?
Kelly Severide: So how would this work? With the, um…
Leslie Shay: Well… basically, you know, I’d get a hormone
                      injection once a day for 12 days to boost
                      ovulation, then we’d go to a clinic where they
                      have rooms set aside for collection. Meaning
                      you know, they give you magazines or
                      whatever and you go in and do your business.
Kelly Severide: I mean, I get that part
Kelly Severide: How much does it cost?
Leslie Shay: Uh, all-in, 10 grandish.
Kelly Severide: 10 grand, are you serious?
Leslie Shay: Yeah.
Kelly Severide: You have that kind of cash?
Leslie Shay: I’m gonna stretch some card limits and cobble
                      it together.
Kelly Severide: I’m in.
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Christopher Herrmann: What?
Mouch: You picked him up first?
Christopher Herrmann: Just get in.
Mouch: Now I gotta stare at the back of your head for an
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah.
Mouch: Guess it’s better than getting shot at at the
Boden & Herrmann: [laughs]
Chief Boden: So I come home, try to climb in through the
                        window, but it’s shut. It’s locked.Oh, okay. I
                        thought I got a clean getaway, but no. Now
                        I gotta go around and ring on the damn
Chief Boden: My old man, he’s just sitting in his chair.
                       Waiting for me. For hours.
Mouch: 3 o’clock in the morning.
Chief Boden: Alcohol on my breath
Mouch: Ooh! [laughs]
Chief Boden: He just stares at me, hard as nails. He says,
                       “boy, you got four choices where you’re going
                        to college… Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines…
                        pick one.”
Mouch: Wow.
Chief Boden: [scoffs]
Christopher Herrmann: At least your old man gave a damn.
Mouch: Oh, Bill Herrmann wasn’t so bad. I’m friends with
              Chris’s older brother, Larry. Your dad would throw
               the ball with us when he was home.
Christopher Herrmann: Larry did not disappoint him the way
                                         that I did.
Chief Boden: You never told me about your dad.
Christopher Herrmann: Aw, sold luggage to department
                                        stores all over the Midwest. He
                                        was on the road more than he
                                         was home.
Chief Boden: Is that right?
Christopher Herrmann: He wanted me to chase him into
                                         the business like my brother
                                         Larry did, so naturally I took the
                                         fireman’s test.
Christopher Herrmann: They got this whole thing…
                                         Larry and my dad.
                                         I don’t talk to him that much
Mouch: You should call him.
Christopher Herrmann: I should. It’d be that much worse
                                         when he didn’t call me back.
Gabby Dawson: [panting]
Peter Mills: What are you doing here?
Gabby Dawson: Maybe being quiet and keeping to
                            yourself is how it works in the Mills
                            family, but that’s not how the Dawsons
                             Dawsons do it.
Peter Mills: Is that so?
Gabby Dawson: Look, if you want to fly solo, you better do it
                             in bed with your eyes closed, okay? But if
                             you want to train for Squad, you better get
                             ready to talk while you run, ‘cause I’m
                             coming with you.
                             Hey. I want to be a part of whatever comes your
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Peter Mills: Well, then you better tie your shoes first.
Gabby Dawson: Oh!
Peter Mills: [laughs]
Gabby Dawson: [laughs] Oh I’m gonna get you!
Chief Boden: This is the right time, right?
Christopher Herrmann: Paper said 3:30.
                             [organ playing in background]
Christopher Herrmann: Excuse me, is this the Pritchard
Man 2 (Mortician): Yes. Yes, we’re about to get underway.
Christopher Herrmann: Oh.
Man 2 (Mortician): Have a seat.
Mouch: Thanks.
Chief Boden: Thanks.
Christopher Herrmann: Are you kidding me with this? Didn’t
                                         he have, like, five sons?
Mouch: Yeah.
Christopher Herrmann: Where’s his family?
Man 3 (Preacher): Welcome, friends. We’re all here today not
                                to grieve but to celebrate the life of…
                                John Aaron Pritchard. Matthew 5:4 says,
                                “Blessed are they who mourn for they
                                shall be comforted.”
Mouch: Let’s get outta here.
Chief Boden: Amen.
Christopher Herrmann: So, like, I mean, that’s it? I mean
                                         what… half a dozen people, and
                                         no family, and a preacher who
                                         doesn’t even know his name
                                         without looking at the program?
                                         And where’s the truck with a half-
                                         raised ladder and salute to a fallen
Chief Boden: Chris…
Christopher Herrmann: No, I’m serious. What’s my funeral
                                         gonna be like when I kick it? Or
                                         yours, Mouch, huh?
Mouch: Doubt I’ll care.
Christopher Herrmann: All the same, he deserved a funeral
                                         with respect for all of his service.
                                         And just because he waited a dozen
                                         years to die and moved out to the
                                         sticks doesn’t mean that he wasn’t a
Chief Boden: Let’s go.
Mouch: Shotgun!
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Christopher Herrmann: This… this ain’t right! Grr!
                               [indistinct police radio chatter]
Matt Casey: Any word on the shooters?
Uniformed Cop: Nada.
Matt Casey: How was the funeral?
Christopher Herrmann: What’s worse than terrible? It
                                         was that.
Peter Mills: [groans]
Otis Zvonecek: What?
Peter Mills: Oven’s busted.
Christopher Herrmann: What? Blender is too.
Joe Cruz: Bad news. Remember that kid from last shift?
                  Trapped in the laundry chute?
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah?
Joe Cruz: Didn’t make it.
Gabby Dawson: He came here, this kid. He was here on a
                            class field trip.
                            He told his mom he wanted to be a fireman
                            when he got home.
Peter Mills: Wow, I recognise him. It was my first day. You
                    guys had me give the tour.
Otis Zvonecek: [exhales] Man I remember that.
Joe Cruz: Funeral’s on Friday.
Christopher Herrmann: Hey pop, it’s Christopher. Just…
                                         checking in. I know it’s been a
                                         while, and… anyway just call
                                         me back.
Kelly Severide: You know what the worst part is?
Matt Casey: What is the worst part, Kelly?
Kelly Severide: That you don’t have enough sack to
                           admit you’re sleeping with Heather.
                           At least come clean.
Matt Casey: Keep walking. I’m done explaining myself.
Kelly Severide: You haven’t explained a damn thing!
                           That’s the point!
Matt Casey: ‘Cause you’re wrong!
                      Don’t come up on me again like this.
Kelly Severide: Really?
Chief Boden: What the hell is going on here?
                        In my office, now.
                                           [object clatters]
Chief Boden: We’ve been here before. Almost tore
                        this house apart.
Kelly Severide: This time, it’s different.
Chief Boden: Tell me about it.
Kelly Severide: Yeah, Casey, tell him about it.
Matt Casey: No offense, Chief.
                                          [door shuts]
Leslie Shay: So what do you think about the whole
                      Casey/Heather thing?
Gabby Dawson: Uh… I don’t know.
Leslie Shay: Hmm. You haven’t asked him?
Gabby Dawson: We’ve said like two sentences to each
                            other in a month.
                            Hey, what’s your name?
Man 4: Phillip.
Gabby Dawson: [laughs] All right, let’s get you up, Phillip.
                            Come on.
                            Here we go [groans]
Leslie Shay: Whoa!
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles]
Leslie Shay: Phillip, that is not the kind of full moon I was
                      expecting to see today.
Gabby Dawson: [laughs]
Leslie Shay: Come on.
Gabby Dawson: Here we go.
Leslie Shay: All right, keep your pants up.
Gabby Dawson: Whew! So Severide’s, uh, little swimmers,
Leslie Shay: Yeah.
Gabby Dawson: And who’s paying for this?
Leslie Shay: [sighs] I don’t know.
Gabby Dawson: You know, there’s another, cheaper alternative.
Leslie Shay: Oh, come on.
Gabby Dawson: What? I’m just saying.
Leslie Shay: Oh boy.
Gabby Dawson: Nature has already worked out a lot of these
                            Come on. Oh!
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                                      [engine revving]
                                      [tires squealing]
                                       [horn beeping]
Leslie Shay: (into radio) I need a 10-1 to East Van Buren, now!
Dispatcher: (over radio) What’s the nature of the call?
Leslie Shay: (into radio) Someone’s stealing our ambulance!
                                       [horn beeping]
                                     [tires screeching]
Gabby Dawson: Hey!
Man 5 (Thief): What the hell?
Gabby Dawson: Pull over!
Man 5 (Thief): Shut up!
Gabby Dawson: You can’t steal an ambulance!
Man 5 (Thief): I said shut up!
Gabby Dawson: Listen to me, moron!
Man 5 (Thief): Quit talking to me!
                                     [horn honking]
Gabby Dawson: This ambulance has GPS. They can track us in
                             the city so they know where we’re at at all
                             times. When you hear the beep that means
                             that they’re about to shut down the engine!
Man 5 (Thief): What are you talking about?
Gabby Dawson: They’re gonna turn off the engine, lock up the
                             tires, and send your face flying through the
                                       [sirens approaching]
Man 5 (Thief): That ain’t true!
                                      [police sirens wailing]
Gabby Dawson: Here it comes!
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Gabby Dawson: You should buckle up!
                                       [beeping continues]
Man 5 (Thief): Damn it!
                                         [tires screeching]
Gabby Dawson: [heavy breathing]
Man 5 (Thief): [groans]
                                            [siren whoops]
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Gabby Dawson: Somebody call for an ambulance?
Leslie Shay: Come on, Philip.
Leslie Shay: Hey.
Kelly Severide: Hey.
                                             [door closes]
Leslie Shay: [clears throat] I know this may not be the best time,
                      um, but I have a new proposal. So please don’t
                      say anything or make any funny faces.
Kelly Severide: Okay.
Leslie Shay: Okay. Uh… I can’t afford the insemination. So I’ve
                      been thinking about Plan B. And I propose…
                      when the time is right, you go into your room with
                      magazines or Skinemax or whatever you need to
                      get yourself ready. And then with the lights out,
                      you signal me by calling out my name once. You’ll
                      hear your door open, footsteps. And… and then
                      you’ll be mounted. You will finish your business
                      inside of me as quickly and efficiently as possible.
                      And then I’ll be out the door, so you can clean up
                      or whatever you need to do. At which point, I will
                      need to be alone. Most likely to cry. And we will
                      never speak of this to anyone ever [chuckles] for
                      the rest of our lives. And… I thank you for
                      listening. Just think about it.
                                         [door shuts]
Gabby Dawson: [sighs]
                                      [phone buzzing]
Gabby Dawson: Here we go. Here we go.
                            Sit. Sit.
Mouch: What the hell are you doing?
Christopher Herrmann: I’m not standing near any windows.
Mouch: Well, it ain’t exactly easy to watch the ballgame with
              you staring back at me.
              You think the shooters are going to text you before
               they open fire?
Christopher Herrmann: I broke down and called my old
                                         man. I got nothing back.
Otis Zvonecek: [sighs] Mills, what’s for lunch?
Peter Mills: Oh, um, I was bringing in some beef tips but I
                     don’t think they’re gonna taste that good raw,
                     so, uh, we can do some pimento cheese
Joe Cruz: How about Al’s beef?
Peter Mills: Okay, all right. We’ll do Al’s beef.
Matt Casey: Call it in.
Peter Mills: I will. All right.
Mouch: Oh Otis!
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah?
Mouch: Uh, saikensha wa saimusha yori kioku yoshi.
Otis Zvonecek: Seriously, up yours, Mouch.
Mouch: [chuckles] Hey, you know who knows how to
              translate that? Andrew Jackson [laughs]
Chief Boden: Dawson, where’s Shay?
Gabby Dawson: Uh, I don’t know.
Chief Boden: This is Tara Little. She’s a candidate. She’s
                       gonna be riding along with you guys for the
                       next few shifts for evaluation.
Gabby Dawson: Cool.
Lady 3 (Tara Little): Hey, so nice to meet you. I’ve heard
                                 a lot about you.
Gabby Dawson: Oh, don’t pay any attention to what these
                            guys have to say. Especially Frick and
                            Frack over here.
Lady 3 (Tara Little): Oh, which one’s Frick?
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles] Come on.
Matt Casey: What’s that?
Peter Mills: Oh, it’s… yeah I keep the cooking club cash
                     hidden here. That-that’s cool, right?
Matt Casey: Yeah. Yeah it-it’s fine. I’ll get the food.
Peter Mills: No, I don’t mind. I’ll grab it.
Matt Casey: I got it.
                                      [car door shuts]
Matt Casey: I want to talk to whoever’s in charge.
Young Man 1 (Dealer): Nah, get back in your truck.
Matt Casey: Not a cop. Not armed.
Young Man 1 (Dealer): Nah man, get back in your truck.
Matt Casey: I just want to talk.
                                 [game sounds on TV]
Young Man 1 (Dealer): [clears throat]
                                         [door closes]
Matt Casey: You in charge?
Young Man 2 (Greshawn): Who wants to know?
Matt Casey: My name’s Casey. I’m the Lieutenant at
                      Firehouse 51 down the street.
Young Man 2 (Greshawn): So?
Matt Casey: Someone tried to pop a couple shots into our
                      house in broad daylight. Could have killed
                      someone. Someone who works to protect
                      this neighbourhood every single day. Now I
                      know why. You guys hide your drugs in the
                      hydrants, don’t you?
                      Look, we have to flush those hydrants twice
                      a year. Otherwise one of these buildings is
                      on fire… yours maybe. It burns down
                      because there’s no water in our hoses. You
                      know, I’m not stupid enough to think that
                       you’re gonna give up selling your junk
                       because I come in here, but I’m telling you,
                       you hide it in the hydrants, it’s gonna get
Young Man 2 (Greshawn): You done?
Matt Casey: No. Like it or not, we all gotta coexist here,
                      right? This is our neighbourhood. You
                      don’t own it.
                                          [door closes]
Leslie Shay: Hey. Guess what?
Kelly Severide: What’s up?
Leslie Shay: Well, my dad just called. He’s gonna pay
                      for the insemination. Says he was
                      worried that he’d never be a grandpa.
Kelly Severide: That’s great.
Leslie Shay: Yeah. So you know, back to Plan A.
                                [indistinct radio chatter]
Otis Zvonecek: You know what? Fine.
Mouch: Saikensha wa saimusha yori kioku yoshi.
              Creditors have better memories than
                                        [train passing]
Mouch: Hey, Lieutenant, okay if we make a quick
              stop. Won’t take long, I promise.
Matt Casey: Sure.
Mouch: Cruz, take a right here.
Matt Casey: This is the right place?
Mouch: This is it.
Christopher Herrmann: Aw, come on Mouch. What
                                        is this?
Mouch: Just wait. I want you to see this.
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah.
Man 6: Randy! How are you?
Mouch: What do you say, Larry?
Man 6 (Larry Herrmann): Good to see you man. Hey.
Christopher Herrmann: Hey, Larry, how you been?
Man 6 (Larry Herrmann): You’re not getting away with
                                           a handshake. Come here,
                                           little brother.
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah, good to see you.
Man 6 (Larry Herrmann): [chuckles] All right.
Christopher Herrmann: Hey. Wow you guys have grown.
Man 6 (Larry Herrmann): Yeah. How long has it been since
                                           you’ve been here?
Christopher Herrmann: I… don’t remember. Uh, dad around?
Man 6 (Larry Herrmann): No, he’s in Boston. He’s supposed
                                           to be selling socks to Filene’s
                                           basement, but he’s probably
                                           already in line for bleacher seats at
                                           Fenway. Randy called and said you
                                           were down about dad. So come on.
                                           There’s something you should see.
Tumblr media
Man 6 (Larry Herrmann): You should hear him talk about his
                                           son the firefighter. I can’t get him
                                           to shut up about it.
                                          [dishes clattering]
Chief Boden: Okay.
                        Mrs Leppert.
Lady 1 (Mom/Mrs Leppert): Chief.
                                                Hello. I’m sorry to bother you.
Chief Boden: No, not at all. We’re all very sorry about your
Lady 1 (Mom/Mrs Leppert): Thank you. You may know he was
                                                here once. And… he wanted to
                                                be a fireman ever since. Anyway,
                                                he would have been happy to
                                                know you guys were there at the
                                                end. And he would have wanted
                                                you to have this. Thank you for
                                                what you do in this
Chief Boden: Thank you.
                        We owe this kid. We owe Taye better than this.
                         We are better than this.
                                              [somber music]
Christopher Herrmann: I have an idea.
Chief Boden: Ten-hut!
Tumblr media
Chief Boden: Present arms!
                                               - end -
Saikensha wa saimusha yori kioku yoshi = Creditors have better memories than debtors
Hope springs eternal = Said when you continue to hope that something will happen, although it seems unlikely
10-1 = Fireman/firemen needs emergency help
Frick and Frack = English slang term used to refer to two people so closely associated as to be indistinguishable
Filene’s Basement = Department store company
Ten-hut = Come to attention!
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No Happy Ending
Masterlist Ao3
Pairings: Implied Lyfrassir Edda/Marius Von Raum
Warnings: Major character death, Mechanisms-typical threatened violence, Coughing blood, Thoughts of suicide, 
Don’t worry, I don’t describe the death in a ton of detail, but be warned. 
This is my first fic for the Mechanisms fandom. I was listening to The Bifrost Incident again and thought "Hey I've seen a bunch of content where Lyf survives and meets/joins the Mechanisms. What if they didn't survive?" And because I had to deal with that thought (it's a Mechanisms album let's be real) now you get an hour's worth of straight stream of consciousness. Enjoy! :)
“Log of Lyfrassir Edda Inspector- oh that doesn’t matter anymore I suppose. Just Lyf then if anyone actually listens to these when I’m gone.” Lyf coughed wetly into their hand and stared somewhat disinterestedly at the blood that splattered across it. They took a moment to catch their breath. “This will be my final entry I imagine. None of the ship’s functions have worked correctly in weeks.
“First it was the-” they were cut off by a sudden blur in their vision. It took a moment for Lyf to realize they were still holding the recorder. “The navigation systems went down first, then one by one various systems shut down or broke. I am nearly out of food and water and the oxygen pumps stopped almost an hour ago.”
Lyf stared at their hands, shaking and covered in their own blood. “I know I was touched by the outer gods. Even I wasn’t fast enough to escape their grasp completely. But I know they will not save me. I wouldn’t want them to if they could. Perhaps in a moment of weakness I would fall to them as Odin did, but here in the cold of space I don’t even have the option. It’s for the best.”
They gazed at the sputtering lights around them, the broken gauges and stuck knobs. They had been tempted just to end it many times, but something always stopped them. If Lyf had been more foolish or perhaps just slightly less stern they might have called it hope. Hope that they could flee and survive. That they could take advantage of the gift Loki and Sigyn had given the Yggdrasil System with their lives. But they were austere as ever and chalked up their perseverance to nothing but fear of dying.
And Lyf was afraid to die. Even here, even now, as they felt the end approaching as they had for weeks now. They were afraid. They realized the log was still running. They might as well spend their last hours leaving something to be remembered by.
“The recordings of my findings and the events of the Bifrost incident are all here. You may even have listened to them if you’re listening to this. I sincerely doubt there will be anything left of my home system, not after what Odin released there. They might even leave there one day, consume the rest of everything. It doesn’t matter. I’ll be long dead.” Lyf laughed. A short bitter laugh that turned into another wracking cough.
“I didn’t have much on Asgard to be perfectly honest. No family to speak of, few friends. The one constant I had were those blasted Mechanisms. I suppose they’re the reason I lasted long enough to make it all the way out here instead of being trapped in that psychedelic hellscape. They’re the reason I asked for a transfer from the prison to transport police. The amount of violins I confiscated from Marius,” Lyf said as an afterthought.
“They always disappeared not long after I left them. I guess Von Raum and the others could always have escaped. They must have wanted another story .” Lyf put more malice in their voice than they felt. It was hard to feel real anger towards the Mechanisms, other than maybe Jonny. He was a piece of work, Lyf thought with a grimace. Jonny had taken the longest to capture and the most work to contain and recapture. Everyone knew- had known someone who’d been killed or injured by Jonny d’Ville. Lyf couldn’t say they had any love for the man.
Ivy, they could respect. She was incredibly logical in a way they found endearing. Raphaella la Cognizi scared them. True, Lyf had a ton of respect for her, but she was the closest thing they had ever known to a mad scientist before Odin. Brian was nice, as was Marius when he wasn’t being an idiot. Lyf had only called him Von Raum to annoy him, so Marius had responded in kind. A smile tugged at the edges of Lyf’s lips even as they struggled with each breath they took. Ashes and Tim scared him the normal way. The “We will destroy everyone and everything you love with a smile if you wrong us” way. Stay on their good side, and they’re nice enough. And the Toy Soldier… Lyf didn’t like thinking about the Toy Soldier. It unsettled them.
Lyf wasn’t sure how much of that they’d said aloud, if they had said any of it. Oxygen deprivation was really getting to them. They gave a tired smirk at the monitor above them as if any of the cameras still worked. “If the Mechanisms ever get ahold of these my message to you is; fuck you ,” they said with feeling, before doubling over in another coughing fit.
“I don’t have much-any time left,” Lyf rasped. “I-I Lyfrassir Edda signing off for what is likely the last time.”
They clicked off the recorder and set it down on the table by the chair they were sitting in, next to a small pile of similar recorders. Lyf took the deepest breath their air-deprived lungs would allow and closed their eyes.
In the greatest mercy the universe would ever bestow upon Lyfrassir Edda, it allowed them to die in their sleep. One might even have been able to call it peaceful.
Drumbot Brian stood on the bridge trying to puzzle out where that beeping was coming from. Nastya had added a lot of systems to Aurora before she left and well… Brian hadn’t had nearly long enough to learn them all. Finally he managed to find it. Ah a radar… thingy. He wasn’t really a pilot. Why was he the pilot? He would be much better as the doctor seeing as resurrection was his thing. Brian made a note to bring it up with Jonny or maybe Ashes seeing as they were the quartermaster (not that they ever did any quartermaster-like duties). The increase in beeping brought Brian out of his thoughts. That looked like a ship. Floating in the middle of nowhere?
Brian shrugged and left to go find Jonny. He always threw a fuss if he wasn’t the first one notified of anything and Jonny throwing a fuss generally led to him quite literally shooting the messenger. Brian didn’t much feel like dying today.
He found Jonny in the library, which was strange. He typically avoided books like a plague and Ivy hated having Jonny in there. Jonny gestured Brian over as soon as he saw him.
“Come on. Come on ,” Jonny whispered furiously as Brian took his time walking to him.
“Who are you hiding from this time?” Brian asked loudly. Jonny glared daggers at him. Ah well, he was starting to think antagonizing Jonny today would be worth getting shot.  
“Ashes. I might have stolen their favorite hat.”
“So you’re hiding in the library.”
Jonny gave Brian a knowing look. A look that made Brian wish he had the eyebrows to express his disdain, because that look said that Jonny thought he was doing something really clever. 8 times out of 10 he was wrong and the other 2 times ended up with someone dying. “Exactly. Ashes is banned from the library, too much flammable materials or something or other.”
“That’s why you’re banned from the library too.”
“Exactly why it’s the best hiding spot.” Jonny peeked around the corner at the sound of footsteps outside, hand over the gun at his side. He caught a glimpse of Raphaella’s wings as she passed the open doorway.
In the split second Jonny was turned away, and therefore less distracting, Brain remembered he had for once actually been looking for Jonny. And that it might be somewhat urgent. Oops.
“Uh Jonny?”
“Uh-huh. What?” Jonny wasn’t paying attention to him.
“There’s a transport ship outside.”
That got Jonny’s attention. “Any idea who?” he asked with a grin that meant he was in the mood to shoot someone. Brian shrugged inwardly, as long as that person wasn’t him.
“No clue. Looks familiar, but I can’t place it.”
“Lovely.” Fight with Ashes forgotten, Jonny strode out of the library whistling Tales to Be Told and Brian walking just behind him.
They arrived at the bridge to find the ship had drifted even closer, or maybe the Aurora had gotten closer, it was hard to tell. Jonny studied it for a long time before snapping his fingers a couple times as he tried to remember where he remembered it from.
“That’s from As-as something.”
“Asgard?” Brian asked. Jonny nodded.
“That’s the one.” He put his foot up on Brian’s chair and rested his elbow on his knee. “Wonder what it’s doing he- Hey Brian, when are we in relation to the whole Yggdrasil system collapse thing. The Bifrost Incident? We were going to make a new album out of that story right?”
Brian checked one of the monitors, halfway surprised that Johnny remembered the Yggdrasil System. Although, to be fair, they’d been there for almost a century and even he couldn’t be drunk the entire time (events 300 or so years in the future ago were outliers and so could not be counted).
“We’re a couple months after. Why? You think someone escaped the train?”
Jonny shrugged. “No idea, but we might as well get the rest of the crew up here.” He turned and pressed a couple buttons until he found the comms. “Crew of the Aurora,” he exclaimed with his usual gusto, “this is your Captain speaking.”
“FIRST MATE!” They heard Tim scream at the top of his lungs from the armory. The armory wasn’t too far from the bridge and damn could Tim scream.
“ Captain. We’ve found something rather interesting, a transport vessel from the Yggdrasil System. If anyone would like to come with us to take a look get up to the bridge. You have five minutes.” Jonny poked a couple more buttons until it seemed like the comms had shut off.
It wasn’t long before they were joined by Tim, Marius, Ashes, and the Toy Soldier.
“We didn’t invite you,” Jonny sneered at the Toy Soldier.
“I’m just happy to be included!” the Toy Soldier said happily, oblivious as ever. Johnny rolled his eyes.
“Right. Can we dock it or something?” Ashes asked, leaning on the door-frame with their hands in the pockets.
“Aurora?” Brian asked tentatively. The Aurora was unreliable at the best of times and now that the only person she would always listen to was gone, she was testier than she’d ever been. Still, they heard the satisfying clunk and hiss of the airlocks attaching and sealing. The doors slid open to reveal a small ship.
Close as they were, it was clearly Asgardian design, all sleek edges and intricate grooves. For a transport vessel, it was decent quality although obviously not built for the kind of travel it had been doing. Jonny stepped in first. Well… his gun went in first while the rest of him followed. The Toy Soldier trotted in behind him and the rest followed in a sort of amorphous blob.
There was just enough space for the 6 of them to fit in the largest of the two rooms. Everywhere they looked was broken equipment, a frankly impressive array of destruction for this thing to have gotten as far as it had when it wasn’t built for out-of-system travel.
“There’s no way anyone from that system could have survived this much system failure,” Brian whispered as if the likely dead person in the other room could hear them.
“They could have been, what was it? ‘Touched by the outer gods?’” Jonny asked.
“Who came up with that line?” Ashes snorted.
“Me,” Marius said distractedly as he moved towards the table by the door. There was a small mound of recorders on it. He pressed play on one of them. The sudden sound made everyone jump. Then they heard it.
“Log of Inspector Second Class Lyfrassir Edda New Midgard Transport Police. I was able to barter for a transport ship. I’ve spent most of my savings on this, food, water, and fuel. I have some left over that will hopefully last me until I can find work in another system. Already things have begun going wrong. I brought my recordings of the Bifrost incident with me, I don’t think anyone will believe if I didn’t, and attached to the last one are some messages we’ve been receiving on various frequencies from everywhere in the system.
I didn’t tell anyone I was leaving. I just left a copy of the recordings and got out of there as quickly as possible. I think I escaped the worst of it, though the nightmares I’ve been having are certainly nothing of this world.
If I don’t stop, I might survive this. I might survive this.
Log ends.”
The Mechs stared at each other for a moment before Marius shoved his way forward and thrust open the door. In the pilot’s seat sat Lyf, their eyes closed, blood spattered about the small room. Their uniform was long past wrinkled and blood-stained. Their dark skin was the palest Marius had ever seen from them.
Marius had seen war. He had been through horrors, and committed such atrocities in kind. He had thought that his many centuries of mechanization would have made him desensitized to death by now, and it had. But it was so much easier to come to terms with Lyf’s death when they weren’t laying in front of him, covered in their own blood. This touched him deeply, in a way he couldn’t remember feeling before.
He didn’t remember walking to the medical bay, but he must have because here he was. Lyf lay on the table that they usually put their dead crewmates on to wait for the resurrection process, but there would be no resurrection process.
Raphaella had come in sometime during the time Marius had been in there and given her verdict. Lyf could not be mechanized. They had been dead too long and even if they hadn’t been, the touch of the outer gods would not have allowed for mechanization.
And Marius was alone again.
Alone with a corpse that would never walk again. That would never tell him, and Marius smiled slightly at the memory, to shut the fuck up and put the goddamn violin away, again. Lyfrassir Edda was gone. For good.
They listened to the tapes. All of them. All of the Mechanisms had known Lyf and most of them had even liked them. Besides, they weren’t entirely cruel and oblivious. They knew this was something Marius needed. Not to mention it helped with the whole album-writing part of their gig.
Marius listened to those tapes. He listened to them over and over again until he had them memorized. Well, except for the final recording. It hurt too much to listen to it more than once.
Marius always had the one of them that approached immortality with the most skepticism of the Mechanisms. How disappointing that he had been right.
Let me know what you think! If you like to be tagged in other works in this fandom (or others) or have any questions my inbox is open. Stay safe! :)
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andrewmoocow · 4 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 3: Cracks and Buds (originally published on December 21, 2020)
Author's note: Like I said last chapter, this will be where things get interesting and diverge a bit from the original version of Future. In addition to merging Rose Buds with Volleyball, A Very Special Episode will mostly be skipped since while I did enjoy that one, it pretty much rendered itself non-canon by the end. However, elements of that will be incorporated into the final episode of Part 1. But I've been talking too much, let's get on with the show!
Synopsis: Steven is forced to air out more of his mother's dirty laundry when Pink Pearl and a group of Rose Quartzes visit Earth.
Zach Callison as Steven
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst, Ocean Jasper, Lace Amethyst, Famethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, Pink Pearl, Shell, Mega Pearl
Tom Scharpling as Greg
Kimberly Brooks as Shy Rose, Superfan Rose, Hippie Rose, Angel Aura Quartz, Zebra Jasper, Biggs Jasper, Carnelian, Skinny Jasper
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon
Lamar Abrams as Wy-Six
Cristina Vee as Jay-Ten
Dee Bradley Baker as Lion
Noël Wells as ?
"Thanks for stopping by to help me with this painting while I help some of these Gems today TZ." Steven, wearing a doctor's uniform, thanked Teal Zircon while she stood before a painting of her former leader Rose Quartz. "Seeing this after all I've been through recently is kinda making me uncomfortable, so I want it moved somewhere else."
"Can do Steven!" Teal exclaimed while keeping her eyes on the painting, contemplating what to do with it. "Now where to put this."
First, Teal tried hanging the portrait above the temple gate. "Naw, no good."
Next, Teal went up to Steven's conservatory and thought Rose's serene expression would fit well among the greenery, but then changed her mind. "Hm, needs to be more grandiose."
Then, she tried going up to the temple's hand and hung it on one of the fingers. "Nice view, but I'm not sure."
Warping back down to Steven, Teal Zircon carried the Rose Quartz painting over to the kitchen and leaned it against the trashcan. "Hey Steven, you think this is a good spot?!" she called to Steven, who had just wrapped up healing a Ruby.
"Wait, in the garbage?" Steven asked as he walked over to the painting near the trash. "Why would you choose that place?"
"Well, it's simple really." Teal explained. "Y'all think Rose is trash now so therefore, she belongs with actual trash."
"No, it's not like that!" Steven objected to the Zircon's decision. "Rose may have done some highly questionable things, like faking her own death as Pink Diamond and lying to both sides for thousands of years, but that doesn't mean she should just be thrown away like that!" Before Steven could continue, there was a knock at the door. "Hang on, gotta take this."
When Steven opened the front door, he was greeted with tons of Quartzes with cracked gems and physical deformities. "Volleyball must've gotten real wild, eh?"
"You said it!" Biggs Jasper replied, sticking out a finger that had an eyeball at its tip.
A few minutes later, all the Quartzes were back to normal thanks to Steven, and they returned to their volleyball game while he waved them off. "Come again!" Steven cried. "But not like, too soon. Remember, volleyball isn't a contact sport!"
"Yo Schtu-ball!" Steven's father Greg called for him while he walked towards the beach house with Amethyst in tow. "Did you and that crazy Zircon find a good place for that painting yet?"
"No can do." Teal answered with a shake of her head.
"What she said." Steven agreed. "After everything that's happened lately, I don't know if I still want her hanging over us, y'know?"
"Hey, speaking of pink Gems, I think someone might wanna talk with you." Amethyst said, and she & Greg moved out of the way to reveal Pink Diamond's former Pearl standing behind them.
"Oh, it's you!" Steven exclaimed, recognizing Pink Pearl from when he managed to free everyone from White Diamond's control, including her. "What brings you to Earth?"
"I came here because I heard you might be able to help with this." The Pearl said, stepping forward while gesturing to her hideously cracked eye that extended to parts of her face and even a small portion of her hair.
"Well step right on in!" Teal Zircon exclaimed before she and Steven walked Pink Pearl into the house and sat her down. "You came to the right guy. You should've been here earlier. He was able to fix up all these Quartzes, including one that had an eye growing on her finger!"
"Thanks TZ, but let me take care of this." Steven said. "I'll have you fixed up in a jiffy." He began to lick his palm, which grossed Pink Pearl out. "Don't worry, it may seem gross but it gets the job done." He placed his healing saliva-covered palm on his patient's gem and waited for her eye to be healed. But sadly, nothing happened.
"Did it work?" Pink Pearl quietly asked.
"Maybe you should try touching her eye?" Teal suggested.
"That's exactly what I was going to say." Steven stated before he licked his hand again. This time, the spit went on Pink Pearl's injured eye. But just like last time, nothing happened. "This can't be right!" he said to himself. Steven rushed over to a plant and plucked off a leaf to double-check. He tapped on the stem the leaf came from, and out of it came a bouquet of flowers. "It's alright, my powers are fine."
"But what if there's something more to this?" TZ guessed, sitting down where Steven once sat right across from Pink Pearl. "Tell me, I've been told you were controlled by White Diamond once. I know this might be a touchy subject, but is there anything you remember from that time?"
"Nope!" Pink answered. "8,000 years just, blip! Gone!"
"So you don't remember getting cracked in the first place?" Steven asked.
"Oh no no." Steven's patient corrected him. "This was from before."
"So White must've hurt you at some point!" Teal guessed earnestly. "Is that right?"
"Oh stars, no!" Pink Pearl stated. "This was all Pink Diamond's doing!"
"My mom?!" Steven yelped at this revelation and began tensing up, turning a little pink in the process.
"Told you." TZ muttered, unintentionally making Steven more nervous already until Pink Pearl let out a gasp.
"Are you okay?" Pink Pearl asked Steven, who began to ease up more thanks to her.
"Sorry, it's just baggage." Steven let out a sigh of exhaustion. "And thanks a lot Teal."
"Oop, sorry!" Teal giggled nervously. "No hard feelings?"
"It's fine." Steven said to Teal and turned back to Pink Pearl. "Anyway, I think I know just the Pearl to help us fix you!"
As Steven took Pink Pearl outside, Amethyst joined the two as they began searching for Pearl. "So, I take it fixing her eye was a no-go?" she asked.
"You're right, and that's why we're looking for Pearl." Steven said. "You know where she is?"
Before Amethyst could answer, a stray volleyball zoomed past her, Steven and Pink Pearl. Right in front of them, the same group of Quartzes Steven healed earlier were playing a very aggressive round with Pearl serving as the referee.
"Think fast!" Angel Aura Quartz yelled before she spiked the ball towards Zebra Jasper's head, followed by Pearl blowing the whistle.
"Next set!" Pearl declared before she noticed Steven. "Oh, if it isn't my favorite medical professional. How's your clinic going?"
"Hey Pearl, you got a moment for she and Steven here?" Amethyst asked, pointing to Pink Pearl.
"Sure." Pearl accepted as she looked at Pink Pearl. "Did you come to compete?"
"Pardon?" Pink Pearl asked confusedly.
"I mean, in the volleyball tournament." The other Pearl blushed awkwardly.
"Actually, we came here because we need your help." Steven said.
"Okay, what can I do for you?" Pearl asked the two.
"So, this is Pearl." Steven introduced Pink Pearl to Pearl. "She was Mom's, I mean, Pink Diamond's Pearl too, a long time ago." Unfortunately for Steven, introductions quickly got confusing. "And Pearl, you remember Pearl? She was also Pink Diamond's Pearl, AGH! That's too many Pearls!" he snapped in befuddlement. "We should probably give you a nickname."
"A nickname?" Pink Pearl blushed in surprise.
"Yeah, a nickname." Steven repeated.
"Like how Steven calls Teal Zircon stuff like Teal or TZ." Amethyst said. "Maybe we could put an eyepatch over that eye and call you Captain Pearl!"
"Oh, I know what a nickname is." Pink Pearl stated. "It just reminds me of how Pink Diamond once gave silly little names to everything." She added, reminiscing on her former owner with a longing stare. "She was so funny like that."
"Looks like someone's still holding a torch, am I right?" Amethyst snarked. "Now if only I had an eyepatch lying around."
"How about-" Steven began just before a volleyball hit him in the face, and an idea hit him just as hard. "Volleyball!"
"Volleyball? You're so funny!" Pink Pearl, now known as Volleyball, blushed with a cute giggle. "You're just like her."
"No, I'm not like," Steven yipped in surprise. "Anyway, we're here because of the crack on-"
Steven was cut off however by the beach growing darker as a large rumbling sound rang out, and an equally large dagger-like silhouette descended towards them.
"Uh guys, is that who I think it is?" Greg rushed to join the Gems, as the shape grew closer to the Earth.
"Um, is whoever's in there with you?" Volleyball asked nervously.
"Yep." Steven answered, before the Human Zoo docked itself right in front of him. "They're with us."
"Ste-Van, greetings!" Wy-Six, one of the humans inhabiting Pink Diamond's former human zoo, merrily greeted Steven alongside Jay-Ten through the communicator in Steven's conservatory.
"Jay-Ten, Wy-Six, how did you get your space station all the way to Earth?" Steven asked just as cheerfully.
"We took the Zoo ship and made it into a cruise ship!" Jay-Ten answered.
"Um, I don't think I was told there were humans that made it to space." Volleyball stated.
"You were still under White's control when Pink had this human zoo made for her." Pearl suggested to Volleyball just as Greg, Amethyst and Teal Zircon arrived in the conservatory. "I'll fill you in later."
"Oh hey Jay-Ten. Hey Wy-Six." Greg nervously greeted the two Zoomans, whose pleasant expressions turned sour in his presence. "I haven't seen y'all since the Choosening!"
"You mean since you DIDN'T choosen us?!" Wy-Six said angrily. "Don't you have any sound discs to listen to in your wheeled conveyance?"
"Yes, yes I do." Greg replied as he nervously walked away from the conversation.
"Now that he is gone, we'd love it if you came by for a visit." Wy-Six offered.
"Sure thing." Steven accepted the offer. "Is it okay if Amethyst came along and saw the Famethyst?"
"You're right, I gotta introduce the Quartzes to them!" Amethyst exclaimed before preparing to run off. "Oh we're gonna have such a ball!"
"As long as she is not Ga-Reg, she is welcome." Jay-Ten smiled.
Since Steven had last been there, the Human Zoo had received a massive overhaul. Now that Era 3 came with the end of the caste system, the Famethyst and the Zoomans essentially took over control of the zoo from Holly Blue Agate and turned it into a paradise for themselves.
"Ste-Van, welcome to our cah-ruse!" Wy-Six declared, introducing Steven, Pearl, Volleyball, Amethyst and the Little Homeschool Quartzes to the new & improved Human Zoo.
"Wow, it looks so much different that last time." Pearl gasped in astonishment at how much change they brought to the space station.
"Um, was it always like this?" Volleyball asked the Zoomans.
"Kind of." Jay-Ten said to the Pearl. "We were descended from humans that were taken here and choosened, but it's all different now for us while the Amethysts and Jaspers laze around like delinquents! Am I right Holly Blue?"
"Stop relaxing and get back to your posts, you low class twits!" Holly Blue yelled orders to the relaxing Amethysts, despite the fact that she no longer had power over them. "How can anyone function with this total lack of order?!"
"Aw come on Holly, chill out." A Carnelian the size of Amethyst said while another Amethyst put a flower crown on the angry Agate's head. "You know you want to."
"I give up. No one answers to me, and I answer to no one." Holly Blue kept ranting, unaware that Steven and Volleyball were standing behind her. "I'd give anything for an order from the Diamonds, but all they ever talk about is Steven, Steven, Steve-STEVEN?!"
"Hi Holly!" Steven casually greeted Holly Blue. The Agate gave a stink-eye to Volleyball before nervously shuffling away while performing the Diamond salute, and ran off as her former subordinates laughed at her expense.
"Soon boy. Soon." Holly growled under her breath as she ripped the flower crown off her head and the doors slowly closed behind her. "That Pearl we made into a sleeper agent better work."
"Bye Holly." Steven said just as casual, unaware of what Holly Blue murmured.
"Yo, Famethyst!" Amethyst called to her fellow Quartzes. "Meet some of my new homies!"
"AMETHYST!" the Famethyst cried out happily before Amethyst spin-dashed towards the group and knocked them all down like they were bowling pins.
"Hey, you came here with Amethyst here?" a very skinny Jasper asked Zebra Jasper as she held up Amethyst. "You guys are gonna love it here."
As the large group of Quartzes laughed and played together, Steven looked on with a grin. "What a weird, happy family."
"Ste-van, we have some special friends we'd like you and your Pearls to meet." Wy-Six said to Steven and the Pearls before he led them out of the Zoo.
"They wanted to meet us?" Pearl asked in total confusion.
"Yes, it is they who wanted to come with us to Earth." Jay-Ten replied before they stood in front of the door that led to a room where so many Rose Quartz gems were bubbled by the Diamonds. "We cannot wait to see the look upon your faces when you see their faces! Ooh, here they come!"
The door opened, and standing before Steven, Pearl & Volleyball was a Rose Quartz with a face and hair eerily similar to the Rose that Pink Diamond had disguised as. While Steven and Pearl stood wide-eyed in shock, Volleyball was still left in the dark.
"Yes, that's the look we wanted to see!" Wy-Six exclaimed.
"I suppose she looks familiar to you?" Volleyball asked her friends, who were still silent in alarm as two more Roses, a medium pink-colored messy haired Rose with her gem on her shoulder and another with her gemstone on her chest and slightly straighter hair of a lighter color, rushed out of the room, where tons more formerly bubbled Rose Quartzes frolicked about.
"S-s-so many Rose Quartzes." Steven finally stuttered in surprise. "But how?"
"Now that it's Era 3, we were all unbubbled, so now we're making up for lost time!" the shoulder-gem Rose revealed excitedly while shaking Steven's hand. "Hi, I'm Rose Quartz! And you, you must be Steven!" she added while picking the boy up. "You're so much smaller than I thought you'd be! Is it because you're half-organic? Isn't he amazing Rose Quartz?"
"It's, like, we were bubbled but, like, now we're not." The chest-gem Rose pointed out while speaking like a hippie while her super-excitable companion presented Steven to her.
"Uh yeah, it's really great." Steven laughed awkwardly. "I'm glad to see you're adjusting well."
"Oh, isn't Steven just the best?!" the hyperactive Rose exclaimed. "You're so kind and friendly and brave and smart and handsome and gentle, and we haven't seen the Earth since we first emerged! Tell us, what's it like living there?"
The familiar-looking Rose Quartz peeked out from behind the hippie-like Rose, continuing to make Steven & Pearl nervous while Volleyball still looked befuddled.
"I'm sorry, what?" Pearl stuttered.
"You know, the planet you live on, Earth!" the happy Rose shouted as she lowered Steven to the ground. "What's a day in the life like for a hero like you?"
"Well, most days I am pretty busy." Steven answered shyly. "I wake up pretty early and-"
"Where's your house at?" the hippie Rose interrupted with a question of her own.
"Oh, we have a beautiful view of the ocean." Pearl answered.
"I've never seen the ocean before!" the exuberant Rose said, placing a hand on Steven's shoulder.
"I've never smelled it before." Her relaxed friend added as she placed a hand on Steven's other shoulder, making him even more disturbed. "Speaking of smell, what's it like breathing?"
"It's mostly nitrogen." Steven explained. "My friend Connie says-"
"I bet you sleep ALL the time!" the Rose that had pretty much become Steven's new number one fan cheered.
"Well, not all the time." Steven replied. "I only need eight to ten hours of sleep at night at my age."
"What's it like eating food?" the fangirling Rose squealed eagerly.
"W-w-w-well why don't you come to dinner and find out?!" Steven blurted out while looking at the shy Rose with a massive degree of unease. "That is, if you want?"
"I'm still lost. Why are Rose Quartzes such a touchy subject for you?" Volleyball piped up, breaking up the tension.
"Oh ye of little faith." Pearl declared as she put a hand on her fellow Pearl's shoulder. "You have so much to learn."
Just then, the Quartzes suddenly arrived via conga line led by Amethyst; seemingly unaware of what just happened. "Yo Steven!" Amethyst cried, before she turned catatonic at the sight of the Rose Quartzes with Steven and the Pearls. "Uh, what did I miss?"
"Family reunion." Steven answered meekly before the Quartzes conga-lined away. "So what do you say girls?"
"I'd love to Steven!" the shoulder Rose cheered and gave Steven a big hug. "Come on guys, Steven's having us over!"
"Like, wow man." The chest Rose replied. "You really are a real sweet guy Steven."
"You go on ahead, I'll catch up later!" Volleyball laughed while Steven and Pearl walked away with the Roses. When she was left completely alone, Volleyball hesitantly knocked on the wall and a peephole opened up. "I've come to report Holly Blue."
"Excellent, at least I have one bright spot." Holly Blue sighed happily from the other side of the wall. "Can you give me any important info?"
"Yes. Apparently this Rose Quartz they once spoke so highly of is a rather uncomfortable subject for the Crystal Gems." Volleyball said nervously. "I could see it in Steven, the Pearl and the Amethyst's eyes when they met those Rose Quartzes."
"The boss will like this." Holly Blue purred mischievously. "Return to that boy at once and see what else you can gather."
"That reminds me, I think I'd like to back out of this revolution." Volleyball murmured. "I know it's because of Pink Diamond that I'm like this, but Steven is barely anything like her! He even gave me a nickname!"
"You one-eyed moron!" the Agate yelled at the Pearl. "Our master has brought us together in the first place because Steven bent all of Homeworld to their knees by being a controlling brat, just like how Pink constantly threw tantrums because she didn't get what she wanted! Is that clear Pink Pearl?!"
Volleyball didn't listen however, and instead walked faraway from Holly Blue. "I still won't have any part in this." She declared hotly. "And by the way, they call me Volleyball now."
"What kind of stupid nickname is that?!" Holly shrieked furiously. "Get back and do as you're told, like the slave you are!" Her yelling fell on deaf ears and Volleyball was gone, leaving Holly to panic. "The master will not like this."
"He's cutting one of those carrot beans again." The excitable Rose announced as she, her fellow Roses, Garnet and Pearl watched Steven cut up some carrots on his dinner plate. "Going up…..into…his mouth!" she continued before Steven picked up a piece of carrot to eat. "Ah, and it's gone! No one can eat a carrot bean like you!"
"I've been doing this for most of my life now." Steven said, still unnerved by the Roses' obsession with him. "I'd hope that-"
"Hey Scthu-Ball!" Greg cheerfully greeted his son as he entered the beach house. "Any idea when the Zoomans will leave? I haven't had this many of my exes visiting since-"
"You must be Steven's human dad!" Shoulder Rose exclaimed. "Hi, how are you?!"
Greg completely stopped in his tracks at the sight of the three Roses, especially the one that looked almost exactly like his late wife. "I can feel the rest of my hair falling out."
Just as Greg was about to leave, Steven tried to stop him. "Don't go Dad. You wanna join us for dinner?"
"Nope!" Greg answered without hesitation, and left just as quickly as he came. As Mr. Universe left, Volleyball finally returned to Steven.
"Hi everybody, sorry I took so long." Volleyball fibbed. "Amethyst wanted me to stay a while."
"Uh…" Steven muttered.
"Okay, now back to this eating thing!" Shoulder Rose continued while she took Steven's plate for herself. "So, you take this food stuff and you put it in your face hole like this, right?"
"Yeah, that's basically it." Steven laughed nervously.
"Y'know, if I had my own Pearl, I'd totally, like, want it to be just like you." Chest Rose said as she gazed at a very unnerved Pearl. "You tried this butter stuff? It's real groovy."
"It's okay, but thanks anyway Roooooose." Pearl answered very uncomfortably.
"Excuse me Pearl, but are you alright?" the shy Rose Quartz asked Pearl.
"I'm going to the bathroom." Pearl abruptly declared and, as she stated, moved away to the bathroom.
"Yo, you're lookin' kinda tense." Chest Rose said to Garnet with a hand on the fusion's shoulder. "How about I give you a nice relaxing message while we talk?"
"I'm also in need of the bathroom!" Garnet stated and got up to follow Pearl to the john.
"Okay Steven, I think I got this eating thing down." Shoulder Rose proclaimed while holding a carrot from Steven's plate in front of his face like he was a little boy. "Here, open your face hole." With that, Steven reluctantly took the carrot and ate it. "Good job!"
"I, uh, should probably see how Garnet and Pearl are doing." Steven nervously said. "Why don't you talk to Volleyball here while I chat with them?"
As Steven left for the bathroom after Garnet & Pearl, the three Roses stared at Volleyball.
"So, what was it like as Pink Diamond's Pearl?" Navy Rose asked Volleyball.
"They're not her." Steven whispered to himself as he watched the Pearl talk with the Quartzes, with a hand on the doorknob. "It's not weird at all."
Steven found Garnet and Pearl waiting for him in the bathroom as he closed the door behind him. "So, how's it going?"
"Don't you think this is super weird?" Pearl asked her son figure. "I mean, we've lived without Rose for sixteen years now, and then here come these Rose Quartzes that were bubbled because of her! And one of them even looked like her!"
"Of course it's super weird Pearl!" Garnet answered bluntly.
"Come on guys, we can't all be like this." Steven tried to calm the two down. "It's like Pearl said, they were bubbled because they looked like Mom. Now they're finally free, and all we're doing is hiding away in the bathroom whispering to each other about the same thing."
"I know it's wrong," Garnet stated. "but I'm overwhelmed."
"You know what? They don't just look like her, they are here!" Pearl exclaimed. "Because she made them!" The ex-servant took a deep breath and buried her face in her hands in embarrassment. "I thought I'd be more prepared for this."
Just then, they heard someone rushing down the stairs, followed by a familiar voice. "Hey Steven, where are you?! I still need help with the painting!"
"That's gotta be TZ." Steven recognized the voice and prepared to go back outside. "You two wait here, I'm gonna go back out to make sure they're having a good time. And that they don't see the painting."
"Oh Steven, come out come out wherever you are!" Teal Zircon called for Steven around the house while she hauled the painting around on her back, when she noticed Volleyball and the Roses. "Oh hey Pink Pearl, who are your new friends?"
"Oh, you're that Zircon from earlier." Volleyball said. "I was about to tell these three Rose Quartzes about how I got my eye cracked when you came around. How are you doing?"
"I still can't find a good place to hang this doohickey that won't make Steven freak out." Teal explained as she flipped the painting off her back to show Volleyball. "I understand why he doesn't want it within his line of sight, but it's a very nice lookin' "meep morp" as I've heard some Gems call art."
As Steven finally emerged from the bathroom, he saw that Teal Zircon was presenting Rose's painting to Volleyball while the Roses looked on.
"I think we should leave." Navy Rose suggested. "We wouldn't want to overstay our welcome."
"But we're having so much fun!" Chest Rose complained, and the trio looked at Steven with hurt on their faces.
"Do you not want us here?!" Shoulder Rose asked Steven sorrowfully.
"N-no, you're totally welcome here!" Steven stuttered bashfully, taking a brief moment to glare at TZ for bringing up the painting at such a bad time as he slightly began to turn pink. "I-in fact, I think there's still something we should t-t-t-t-took, I mean talk about, like Volleyball! We haven't brought up your eye yet!"
"Oh yes, it's a real shame what White Diamond did to this poor thing!" Pearl dramatically agreed as she impulsively burst from the restroom, realizing far too late what she just did and covered her mouth in shame. "Oh, darn it!"
"Yeah, I mean, Steven's healing powers won't work on her eye." TZ replied. "Hey Pearl, you know a place where she can get fixed?"
"Well, when a Pearl was damaged, they're usually taken to the Reef." Pearl explained. "It's located on one of Saturn's moons
"Yes, that's exactly what Pink would do!" Volleyball chirped happily.
"Ooh ooh, can we come too?!" Shoulder Rose asked Steven and Pearl. "I always wanted to know how Pearls are made!"
"Oh sure, the more the merrier!" Steven accepted.
"That's so awesome!" Shoulder Rose yelled, and she dropped down to the floor. "I'm dying, I'm dying, I am dead! I am dead Rose Quartz!"
After they all had a good laugh, Steven, Pearl, Volleyball and the Roses all left for the Reef via Warp Pad, leaving Teal Zircon all alone in the living room. At least until Garnet peeped out of the bathroom. "I predicted you would play a role in screwing the pooch TZ." She coolly stated.
"Was it something I said?" Teal said meekly.
Far from Earth, past Saturn & Jupiter and on the moon called Titan rested the Reef, a Gem facility that was essentially the birthplace of Pearls. And it was just the place that Steven was looking for.
"Here we are." Pearl announced as the Warp Pad took her, Steven, Volleyball and the Roses to a clamshell-like building surrounded by water.
"So this is the Reef." Steven declared as he looked around the place.
"This is where Pearls are made, right?" Navy Rose asked.
"Were, but you're right." Volleyball answered. "It also serves as a luxury boutique and center for refurbishment & repair."
"Repair, yes!" Steven exclaimed. "Just what I needed to hear." When Steven pressed his hand on a nearby pedestal, the facility turned on and a voice similar to Pearl's spoke to the group.
"Welcome, Pink Diamond." The voice greeted Steven.
"No, my name's Steven Universe." Steven corrected the voice.
"Welcome, Steven Universe." The voice corrected itself. "My name is Shell, your guide to the Reef."
"Wow, it sounds just like Pearl!" Shoulder Rose chirped eagerly.
"Well, this is a place for Pearls." Pearl stated with a chuckle. "Anyways, tell Shell why we're here Steven."
"Okay." Steven said, and then he turned to Shell. "My friend Volleyball here has a big crack on her face, and we'd like to get it fixed. Can you show us where you can help?"
"Understood." Shell obliged as a path to the center of the facility was lit up. "Please follow the illuminated path to the Care Center."
"You really didn't need to go all this way for something so trivial." Volleyball smiled.
"It's not so trivial Volleyball." Steven assured Pink's former Pearl. "Soon, we'll all be able to put this behind us."
"And don't you worry." Pearl added while taking her fellow ex-slave's hand. "I'll be with you the whole way."
Steven and his Gem friends began following the lit path to the Care Center while they examined all the boutique's accessories and holograms of Pearls.
"This is like, so cool." Chest Rose commented. "Pearls are so lucky to get all this cool stuff."
"Please feel free to take your time looking at the boutique's latest offerings as we make our way to the Care Center." Shell instructed. One offering in particular caught Volleyball's eye.
"Look at these darling fans!" Volleyball exclaimed, pointing to an assortment of fans.
"I'm taking one of these for the road." Chest Rose snickered while taking one of the fans for herself.
"What about you Pearl?" Steven asked Pearl. "Any memories rushing back into you?"
"Please, nothing like examining all these glitzy tchotchkes to get you remembering the simpler days." Pearl scoffed when she found a ribbon wand on display. "I mean, who even needs something as tacky as a ribbon wand, right Volleyball?!"
"What a sweet ribbon wand!" Volleyball gasped at the wand on display. "It looks just like mine!" To demonstrate, she summoned a ribbon wand of her own just like what was displayed and began twirling it around. "It was a gift from Pink. Isn't it exquisite?"
"Ooh!" Shoulder Rose whooped in excitement.
"Takin' this one too." Chest Rose declared as she snatched the ribbon wand from its stand.
"It's sweet she gave you all these keepsakes." Pearl laughed sardonically. "But I don't think there's any need to get attached." She tried to remove the ribbon wand from Volleyball's grasp, but the other Pearl refused to lose it.
"Guys, can we keep moving already?" Steven said impatiently.
"Yes, let's." Pearl obliged grumpily before she stomped away to the Care Center. "I've had enough of this old circus of objectification."
"Welcome to the Care Center." Shell introduced the almost featureless round room to its guests as they stepped into it. "We have everything you need here to update and repair your Pearl."
"If only I had something to help us remember this trip by!" Shoulder Rose whispered to her fellow Quartzes as Volleyball stepped onto a panel in the middle of the Care Center.
"Hey, I got these." Chest Rose replied, holding up the trinkets she took from the boutique. "Can't wait to show everyone at the Zoo."
"Scanning in progress." Shell informed as the one-eyed Pearl was scanned for any injuries to her form.
"So how do I look?" Volleyball asked Shell, but the answer she got was nothing like she expected.
"I am sorry." Shell apologized. "There is nothing I can do."
"But I thought this place was for fixing Pearls!" Navy Rose exclaimed. "There's got to be some kind of misunderstanding!"
"That's right! What's wrong with her?" Steven agreed.
"There is no visible damage to her pearl." Shell analyzed. "Perhaps the damage was severe enough to impact her even if her gem shows no signs of disrepair."
"So, it's psychological?" Steven gulped at the AI's answer.
"That's absurd!" Volleyball laughed creepily while turning to the others. "I'm totally fine!" The forced smile on her face and the worsening cracks on her eye, on the other hand, told a completely different story.
"How could White be so careless?!" Pearl shouted furiously at Volleyball.
"Oh no Pearl, you got it all wrong." Volleyball revealed. "This was all Pink's doing."
"What did you just say?!" Pearl yelled in Volleyball's face, as Steven watched in horror.
"Ah dudes, I don't think Steven's looking too hot." Chest Rose muttered while she noticed Steven sweating very nervously.
"It's a real funny story." Volleyball said. "Once, Pink got so fed up with Yellow and Blue Diamond refusing to give her a colony that she went straight to White Diamond. Of course, White told her that she wasn't fit to have one, and that set her off."
"Set her off?!" Pearl shouted, currently unaware of the stress Steven was under at the moment. "What kind of crazy talk is that?!"
"You know how Pink's powers were so destructive, how she threw tantrums left & right and that her screams could crack walls!" Volleyball continued explaining, accidentally earning her more of Pearl's ire. "But she didn't mean to hurt me! I was just standing a little too close during one tantrum and-"
"It doesn't matter!" Steven yelled while averting his ears from more of his late mother's dark secrets. "I don't want to hear anymore, I just want to fix this!"
"Destructive powers? Tantrums?!" Pearl exclaimed in disbelief of what Volleyball was saying. "The Pink I knew was a healer who kept her feeling secret!"
"The Pink I knew couldn't keep a secret to save her own gem." Volleyball admitted.
"Are you kidding?!" Pearl replied as Steven's angst reached a boiling point. "If anything, she was too good at keeping secrets! In fact it was because of one secret that we're even here today!"
"STOP IT!" Steven finally screamed as he fully turned pink and his shout knocked the Roses off their feet, catching the Pearls' attention. "I've had enough with hearing about all the horrible things she did! I get it already, she was the absolute worst, can we just cut it out already?! I don't want to think about it anymore!"
"Steven, please!" Pearl cried out, shocked at both Steven's outburst and how it changed his body.
"I just want to fix it!" Steven exploded, causing a room-wide shockwave created by his fury, forming a crater beneath where he stood. Pearl rushed to the traumatized Volleyball's defense as the pink-colored Pearl curled up into a ball on the floor. When Steven finally calmed down, he gazed at his reflection in the broken floor and immediately regretted what he just did.
"I am terribly sorry for the troubles these defective Pearls have caused you." Shell coldly apologized while the whole Care Center turned an ominous red. "Rejuvenation is required to contain these two."
Suddenly, a pair of oyster shells emerged from the ground and began trapping the Pearls inside of them right before Steven and the Roses' eyes.
"Zoinks man!" Chest Rose yelled, a complete 180 from her usual hippie-like persona. "What do we do?!"
"We have to use our heads!" the panicking Shoulder Rose suggested, and her two sisters turned to face her. "Uh, what are you looking at me for?"
"When the process is complete, they will obey you without fail." Shell continued while pulling up a viewscreen showing the Pearls inside the clam-like trap.
"What have I done?!" Steven yelled frightfully while banging on the shells. "Please, let them out!"
In the midst of the chaos, a loud clanging noise was heard from the other side of the shell, which came from Chest & Navy Rose trying to use Shoulder Rose as a battering ram to help free the Pearls. "I didn't mean use my head!"
"Do not worry Steven Universe, your Pearls are about to be better than new!" Shell assured the boy while presenting him the viewscreen. "Feel free to examine this process from the outside using this screen."
While Steven was forced to watch as Pearl & Volleyball were writhing from the pink energy they were zapped with coursing through their forms, the Roses kept on using Shoulder Rose's head to try breaking them out.
"What are you three still doing?!" Steven cried out at them.
"We're just trying to help, uh doy!" Shoulder Rose yelled while rubbing her head.
"Can't you all take a hint?" Shy Rose stated. "He doesn't like us because we look like his mom, and us coming here made it worse!"
"There's no way that's true, right Steven?" Shoulder Rose began sobbing in disbelief.
"That's not important!" Steven replied. "What's important is that we have to save them!"
"Wow dude, not even considering our feelings?" Chest Rose said. "That's just cold!"
"Never meet your heroes." Shoulder Rose began crying.
"No please, don't leave me like this!" Steven yelled for them while they tried to escape the Reef. "You can still help me, it's just that you guys look so much like my mom! I thought I could finally move on from her, but then here you three come and start making feel all twisted up. I've been pretending I'm fine this whole time, but to be honest, I'm not."
"We've been pretending to be fine too." Navy Rose confessed.
"But not pretending to have fun with you!" Shoulder Rose added.
"And not pretending to take all this cool stuff." Chest Rose also stated.
"Your mom created us, and then we were bubbled because we looked like her." Navy Rose said. "Because we were Rose Quartzes. I don't really expect you to understand."
"But I do understand." Steven responded softly. "If anyone knows where you're coming from, it's me."
While Steven and the Roses were still outside, Pearl and Volleyball were on the verge of being rejuvenated into completely new Pearls, and used these last moments of their current selves to confide in one another.
"I'm sorry for not believing you!" Pearl apologized quickly to her fellow Pearl. "I just can't stop making all these excuses for her!"
"Is that what you've been doing?!" Volleyball asked while twitching in agony. "Like I said, she didn't mean to do this to me!"
"But you were hurt!" Pearl yelled. "Badly hurt!"
"You were badly hurt too!" Volleyball exclaimed. "But how did you stop all the hurt?!"
Pearl simply responded by hugging Volleyball tightly and proclaiming, "I didn't." When Volleyball hugged her back, the two began glowing in harmony.
"Don't worry Pearls, we got you!" Steven exclaimed as he and the Rose trio raced to the viewscreen just as it disappeared. "Oh no, are we too late?!"
Thankfully for Steven, his question was answered in the form of the clamshell exploding and from its remains came a fusion of Pearl & Volleyball, standing calm and confident. The fusion had a single gold eye while the other got its cracked eye from Volleyball, and was dressed in very regal attire.
"You fused!" Steven exclaimed joyously. The Roses were just as amazed, particularly Shoulder Rose who just kept squeeing in amazement.
"WARNING: UNKNOWN ENTITY SIGHTED!" Shell roared in alarm while activating the Reef's defense systems. "FACILITY DEFENSE PROTOCAL INITIATED!"
"We can cheer later dudes, we gotta bounce!" Chest Rose cried out as claws emerged from the walls. The Pearl fusion, however, detained all of the claws with elegant ease using a weapon that was Pearl's spear combined with Volleyball's wand.
"That's so awesome!" Shoulder Rose cheered. "Go Mega Pearl! Yeah, that's what I'm gonna call her, I call dibs!"
"Hang on everyone!" Mega Pearl exclaimed as she rounded up her four friends and sliced the Care Center's door open immediately after it was shut. Laser began firing from the walls, which Mega Pearl nimbly maneuvered through. But as one last defense, smaller clamshells tried to block the exit while tendrils emerged to keep Mega Pearl restrained.
"We were almost there!" Steven groaned in frustration, before Mega Pearl picked him and the trio up in her hand.
"You four take it from here." Mega Pearl said before she turned her ribbon spear into a lance that pierced straight through both the clams and the exit. She then tossed Steven, Shoulder Rose, Chest Rose & Navy Rose forward, and Steven used his shield to slide on as he reached for the pedestal to shut down the facility once again.
With the defense systems finally off, the door opened and Mega Pearl was lying gracefully on the ground, now free from the tendrils, and gazing tenderly at Steven.
Steven smiled back just as Shoulder Rose rushed up from behind him. "That, was, SO AWESOME!" she squealed and squished her cheeks in excitement.
"Best day ever." Chest Rose declared with her face to the ground and a thumbs up in the air.
"Come on, let's get out of here." Navy Rose sighed, exhausted but relieved that everyone was okay.
Unbeknowst to all the Gems as they left the deactivated Reef, a peculiar device left out some dying beeps in the Care Center, and then finally shut down.
Night fell by the time Steven and the Gems returned to Earth, and they all gazed out at the ocean together.
"Wow, everything looks so pretty at night." Shoulder Rose muttered in awe.
However, Steven was silent for most of the night, until he turned to Mega Pearl and the Roses. "I'm sorry that this whole trip was for nothing." He apologized to the fusion, and then turned to the trio of Quartzes. "And I'm sorry I made you guys feel bad."
"Nothing personal Steven." Chest Rose accepted the apology. "And like you said, no one could understand us more than you."
"Yeah. Guess that kinda makes us siblings in a way." Steven admitted.
"What does that mean?" Navy Rose said shyly.
"Well, my mom created you, just like how she created me." Steven guessed. "I think that would make you my sisters in a way."
"That sounds awesome!" Shoulder Rose cheered, and she gave Steven a big hug. "Siblings forever!"
"I'm glad to be related to you." Chest Rose agreed with the sentiment.
"I can't wait to tell all the other Rose Quartzes about this." Navy Rose said. "It was very nice getting to see Earth."
"This whole endeavor wasn't for nothing." Mega Pearl finally said softly. "Your mother's Pearls just never knew the whole story. One knew your mother as she was trying to change, but didn't know why. The other never expected her to change at all. But now, I can understand it all, and they can have each other."
With that, Mega Pearl unfused back into Pearl & Volleyball, holding hands and gazing out at the night sky. As Volleyball leaned on Pearl, Amethyst and the Little Homeschool Quartzes suddenly returned.
"Yeah, Famethyst for life!" Amethyst cried, accidentally ruining the mood as the others stared at her from behind. "Hey, what did I miss?"
"Oh, Steven!" Teal Zircon yelled as she raced towards Steven. "First things first, sorry for making your guests feel bad. And second, I think I finally found a place to put Rose! And no, I won't put her in the trash this time."
"That's great TZ." Steven smiled at the Zircon. "What did you have in mind?"
Later that night, Steven was lying peacefully in bed with Lion by his side. And within Lion's mane, Rose Quartz's painting leaned against the tree within its pocket dimension, no longer hanging over everyone.
"So she just up and left?!" a voice barked at Holly Blue Agate from a computer screen in a hidden room at the Human Zoo. "Why didn't you stop her?!"
"I tried your clarity, but she refused to listen!" Holly Blue pleaded on her knees. "Please forgive me, I can do better on whatever assignment you give me next!"
"Okay, I'll let this slide." The voice sighed, bringing joy to Holly Blue's face. "Return to Homeworld at once, I have another assignment for you. But in the meantime, what about that tracking beacon we planted on the Pearl?"
"It seems to have short-circuited, last I checked." Holly Blue declared. "Last known location was the Reef on Titan."
"And that's why you never send a Pearl to do, well, anyone else's job!" a slim, black figure wearing a white cape complained on the other end of the call via a green visor, pinching the gemstone replacing her nose in irritation as she arrived via Warp Pad at the Reef. "I'm already at the designated location. I'll keep you all updated with further orders."
Pushing the pedestal, the facility suddenly reactivated, to the figure's delight.
And cue For The Damaged Coda! Gotta say, this was probably my longest chapter yet. Now that we have yet another load of dirty laundry cleaned up, it's time to ask some bigger questions. Who is Holly Blue taking orders from when she said earlier she didn't take orders from anyone? What does this mystery character want with the Reef, and how will Steven react to a possible revolution taking place right under his nose? Join us next week for more answers, and happy holidays!
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chapter-61 · 5 years
the reunion
CARRY ON COUNTDOWN DAY 14: Favorite Trope/Cliche
“I can’t believe you talked me into this.”
I can, actually. Simon Snow can make me do anything just by asking. I’m weak.
“Don’t be dramatic,” the man in question tells me. “We’ll be fine.”
“You’re not the one who’s going to have to pretend to be dating you,” I say, because snark is my default state around Simon. This night is going to be horrible.
“It’s not too late to back out, I can always call Penny,” Simon says, as if he hadn’t asked her first. She said no, of course, so Simon had to come to me. That’s what I am, a last resort.
“We’re almost there, Snow. We might as well, now.” In fact, we’ve only got one intersection left, and then we’re at the location.
“Turn right here,” he points.
“I know.”
He rolls his eyes and I grin at the windshield. Annoying Simon is my specialty, after all. However, I might have to turn it down a notch for tonight.
“Try to be nice, alright? Or else this isn’t going to work.”
“I’m a fantastic actor,” I say as I parallel park the car perfectly. I’m not lying, I am a good actor. I’ve been friends with Simon for five years now, and he still hasn’t noticed my massive crush on him. We were roommates in college, and from the first moment I saw him, I was smitten. Then, he had to be the nicest guy possible, always helping me with projects and staying up late to spell-check my essays, and the rest is history.
Him not figuring it out might also have to do with his utter obliviousness, of course, because I’m quite sure that Penny has known for a while. He was probably distracted by Agatha, as well. But we don’t think about Agatha.
I turn off the car and wrestle myself out. I’m a bit too tall for my car, but I really like the model. Plus, driving around London with a big car is a nightmare, so I’ll keep my small one, thank you very much.
I shake my head to make my hair look elegantly messy and adjust my suit slightly while I move to the sidewalk, where Simon is waiting. He’s not looking too bad, his curls slightly more tamed than usual and wearing a gorgeous blue suit that matches his eyes. He’s a sight for sore eyes, alright. And I get to be his pretend boyfriend for the night. Terrific.
Simon exhales a laugh when I’ve reached him, and he’s looking at my suit. I feel slightly offended. It might be a bit overkill, but I know I look amazing in my flowered suit. I lift an eyebrow, daring him to say something, but he wisely stays quiet.
As we’re walking to the building he pointed out earlier, I say, “Remind me why I’m here again?”
“Baz, I’ve told you.”
“I want to laugh at you again,” I tell him. No other ulterior motives, of course.
He looks at me sideways and huffs. “We’re going to my school reunion. I wasn’t planning to go, but one of the bullies from back then baited me and now I can’t not show up.”
I nod along. “Of course. And?”
He sighs extensively, but continues. “I told him I’d bring my partner, but he didn’t believe me. Because who would want to date me, right?”
I tactfully keep my mouth shut.
“And then I asked Agatha and initially she said yes, but then, you know. We broke up. And now you’re here.”
“Because you asked me to be your pretend boyfriend.”
He groans and I laugh as if being his boyfriend is such a laughably idea.
“We’re here,” Simon says as we arrive at a wide building with glass doors. There’s a lot of people inside. Suddenly this seems like a bad idea.
“Wait,” I grab his arm (hello, biceps) and pull him back a little, so we don’t keep people from entering.
He looks at me questioningly, and then looks down at his arm where I’m still holding it. Oops. We’re not even inside yet and this night is already going great. I pull my hand back like I touched a stove (same thing, really) and clear my throat.
“What’s our story?”
“Huh?” He frowns. “Oh, right, we’re dating.”
I’d be lying if I said that didn’t make my heart flutter. Pathetic.
He says, “Can’t we use our story but with a few tweaks? Roommates in college, now we’re dating.”
“Romantic,” I remark, trying to extinguish my gay panic. Why did I agree to this?
Simon laughs. Oh yes, that’s why. “We’ll improvise, come on.”
He grabs my hand and pulls me to the doors. As we enter, I keep my eyes entirely on the people around me and the decorations, ignoring the burning feeling of Simon’s hand in mine.
We walk past a group of people, most of them our age. I can feel a lot of eyes on us, although I’m not sure if it’s because we’re two men holding hands or because I’m wearing this ridiculous suit. I flash them a nervous smile, finding myself incapable of anything else. The Baz from this morning would kick my arse for not looking intimidating, but he’s not in this situation.
Simon has finally stopped pulling me along. It appears we stopped at the food tables. Predictably.
“Are we going to hide here, forever?” Please say yes.
“Of course not,” he scoffs. “I just wanted to get a vantage point of the room.”
“And a snack,” I say, because I can see straight through his bullshit.
“And a snack,” he admits. He releases my hand in favour of a scone on the table. I glare at it.
Simon takes a bite and notices me looking. “What?” He says, mouth full. I shouldn’t find it so endearing.
Before I can reply, we’re joined by two women. “Oh my god,” one of them says. “Simon Snow?”
He manages to swallow his scone and smiles pleasantly at them. I can’t wait to see how this turns out. “Hi,” he says. “Uh...”
I snort. He clearly forgot who these women are. I decide to save him. “Good evening, girls. I’m Baz. Simon’s boyfriend,” I add, because I can. If only for one night.
Next to me, Simon chokes on his scone. For someone who loves food, he’s really bad at eating.
“Nice to meet you, Baz,” the first woman says to me. “I’m Anastasia, this is Nadine. We were in Simon’s class.”
“Right!” Simon has recovered. “Sorry, you just look really different.”
Anastasia laughs. “I’d hope so! You’ve changed a lot, too.”
Do I sense a hint of flirtation there? I will not stand for this. “I love your dress, Nadine. Did you make it yourself?”
“I did!” Nadine confirms. It was a fairly easy guess, considering how terrible it looks. It’s grey, boring, and hangs off her body without accentuating any shapes. I’m not saying I would be able to make a better dress, but I could.
“So, Simon,” Anastasia starts. I almost roll my eyes. This lady. “What do you do now? I always imagined you as a hero of some sort, like a fireman or a doctor.”
“I’m a kindergarten teacher, actually.” Simon says with pride. It makes me smile. He’s always crazy proud of those kids, constantly texting me about them and sending me pictures of drawings they made. He’ll be a great father someday.
I realise I’ve stopped listening to the conversation and I’ve been staring at Simon with a lovesick smile on my face for a few seconds and school my expression.
I’m pretty sure Nadine noticed but she doesn’t say anything, she just looks amused. Anastasia has come closer and is now within touching distance of Simon. Alarms are going off in my head but I keep still. I’m not his actual boyfriend, I shouldn’t care.
Then Anastasia laughs exaggeratedly and puts her hand on Simon’s chest, and I’m moving. I’ve grabbed his hand in a second and I tell the women, “We’re going to snog now,” while pulling Simon with me to an empty corner of the room.
Simon looks perplexed when I finally let go. I may have overreacted. “What are you doing?” He asks.
“What am I doing? What are you doing? That woman was clearly flirting with you!” I try not to sound too affected.
“Huh?” He says intelligently.
“I’m pretending to be your boyfriend,” I tell him, “you can’t go around letting people flirt with you while I’m standing right there!”
Simon frowns. “She wasn’t flirting with me.”
“God, Snow. You wouldn’t recognize someone having a crush on you if they were right in front of you.”
That hit a bit too close to home. I need alcohol. Thankfully, a waiter passes by us, and I grab a glass of champagne. I chug it in one go. It makes me feel slightly better about this evening.
Simon hasn’t said a word. He’s rubbing his neck and looking around.
“Seen him yet?” I ask.
“Hm? Who?”
“The bully. The reason we’re here.” I feel like I shouldn’t be reminding him of this, when he’s been so focused on this event the last few days.
“Oh. No, I haven’t seen him yet.”
I lean back against the wall and pull my leg up at an angle. “Next you’ll tell me you just wanted a reason to take me here.”
“Ha ha,” he says, still looking around. “Funny.”
“I try.”
It seems like most people have arrived. I take my phone out of my jacket and look at the time. Half past nine. Everyone should be here by now, unless they’re fashionably late.
Simon has settled on the wall next to me. I lean toward him. “Hey. How long are we staying?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know, we’ll see.”
I accept another glass of champagne. Simon hasn’t touched anything except for that one scone.
“D’you want another scone?” I ask him.
God, what’s wrong with him? Somewhere between the women and now, something’s changed.
“Are you hungry? You’re awfully quiet all of a sudden.”
“I’m fine,” he says, not very convincing because he’s still staring in front of him.
I shuffle closer and hit him with my shoulder. I don’t know why. I keep it there, so our shoulders and arms are touching. It feels nice. I feel warm inside, but that might be the alcohol.
I can see someone coming over, so I reach out and grab Simon’s hand. I can feel him jump slightly, but he doesn’t react otherwise. It’s a man, relatively attractive, that goes straight for Simon.
“Simon! It’s been a long time, mate!”
Simon’s face lights up and he pulls away to shake the man’s hand. “Michael! I didn’t know you were coming.”
The man, Michael, shrugs. “Danielle talked me into it. What about you? I thought you said you couldn’t make it?”
I raise an eyebrow. Interesting. Simon laughs, but it sounds more like a nervous laugh. I’m not sure what’s going on. He makes a gesture at me. “Baz talked me into it as well.”
Michael turns to me. Like I said, relatively attractive. Next to Simon, he’s much less handsome. He looks at me curiously. “Baz, huh?”
“That’s me,” I smile. I’m using my empty glass as an excuse not to shake his hand.
“You’re, uhm… Together?”
“Yes,” I say. I’m his terrible boyfriend that he doesn’t even want to talk to.
“Really?” Michael sounds surprised as he turns back to Simon. The latter seems embarrassed for some reason. I’m not following.
“Since college,” I add.
Okay, what is happening? Everyone is suddenly incredibly reserved. I’m beginning to think there was something in my drink.
“Say, Michael,” I start. “You wouldn’t happen to know a bully from your school that would be here, would you?”
“A bully?” He turns to Simon again. “Who’s he talking about?”
“We’re only here for him,” I continue, “then we can go home, right Simon?”
He nods slowly, but he’s exchanging looks with Michael and I don’t like it.
“Oh, there you are!” A woman, presumably Danielle, joins us. “Honey, who are these handsome men?”
I’d feel flattered if I weren’t so confused.
Michael puts his arm around Danielle’s waist and gestures to Simon and I. “It’s Simon. I’ve told you about him.”
“Oh, Simon Snow! Nice to finally meet you,” she smiles at him warmly. I like her much more than Anastasia already.
“Hi, Danielle.” He looks like he’d rather jump out of a window than continue this conversation, and I can’t begin to wonder why. I’m quite certain Danielle is not the bully Simon was talking about, because he’d been using he/him pronouns.
I step forward so I’m next to my pretend boyfriend, and raise my glass at Danielle. “Hello, I’m Baz, Simon’s boyfriend.”
“Baz! I’ve heard so much about you! Wait.” She looks between us. I can hear Simon sigh next to me. “Boyfriend?”
“Uhm,” Simon says.
I copy Michael and put my arm around Simon’s waist. I feel him stiffen. We probably should’ve practiced this before tonight, but I didn’t think Simon would indulge me.
“Yes,” I say, because Simon is quiet.
Danielle looks delighted. “Oh, wow! Finally! Congratulations. Michael told me a lot about you two and I’m glad you finally worked it out.”
Michael and Simon both suddenly look very uncomfortable.
“It’s not...” Simon starts.
Danielle talks right over him. “How many times I’ve had to listen to Michael’s rants about Simon, concerning you! And then when he started dating that Agatha, he was very frustrated with him,” she tells me. I’m having trouble keeping track of what she’s saying.
“Danielle--” Michael starts.
“Oh Simon,” she keeps going, facing Simon now. “I told Michael it’d work out! I knew that if you just told him--”
“Okay!” Michael practically shouts, dragging Danielle away. “We’re going to get some food. I’ll see you later, Simon.”
“What?” I hear Danielle say while she’s being dragged away.
I am utterly lost. “What the hell is going on?” I demand.
“Fuck,” Simon replies.
He’s leaning against the wall again and slowly sliding down to the floor. “It’s nothing.”
“It’s definitely something,” I say. “Wait here.”
I walk towards the table with drinks and drink some water, evading eye contact with the people around me. I’m not in the mood.
When I feel significantly less tipsy, I go back to Simon. He’s sitting on the floor now, with his hands in his hair.
“Simon,” I repeat. “What’s going on? What was she talking about?”
I join him on the floor and poke his leg.
“Can we just pretend this never happened?” He mumbles.
“Absolutely not.”
Simon huffs. “That’s what I thought.”
“Answer me.”
“I’m sure you’ve figured it out by now, you’re smart.”
My head is reeling and I’m glad I’m sitting down. “Pretend I’m still drunk and explain it to me.”
“I’d rather not.”
I reach out for his hands and gently take them from his head. I hold them between us and squeeze once. “Simon,” I repeat, quieter.
He sighs and lifts his head. He looks at me with a painful grimace, and then looks down at our hands. “I’ve been talking to Michael a lot over the past months,” he starts. “And after a while he noticed how much I mentioned you, even while I was still dating Agatha.”
My heart is beating so fast, I think I might faint.
“And he made me realise some things, I guess.”
“You guess?” I can’t help but interrupt.
“Yes, you twit. I realised something, and it was incredibly scary. Because I was still dating Agatha, you see? So I told her, and we broke up.”
“You weren’t that sad about it,” I’m starting to understand.
“Not really. We separated as friends. I told Penny, and she told me to take you here with me.”
“So there’s no bully? Why?”
“I just… Wanted to test it.”
“Wanted to test what?” I ask. I feel close to bursting.
Simon laughs slightly. “Test this.” He shakes our clasped hands. “Us.”
“Huh.” My soul has left my body at the moment.
“I was sure you didn’t feel the same way, but then you’ve been saying some things today, and now you’re being weird, so...”
“You’ve been calling me Simon a lot this evening.”
“Yes, Baz?”
“Say it.”
“Say what?” Now he’s just teasing me.
“You know what I mean.”
He smiles at me and I’m about to combust.
Then, on the tile floor of this random building, hired for a special event that Simon dragged me to under false pretenses, he says:
“I’m in love with you.”
My head was spinning but now everything is bright and clear and I laugh happily. “You’re terrible.”
He looks amused. “What?”
“I’ve been in love with you for five years, you incredible nightmare.”
His mouth falls open. “Really? Why didn’t you say anything?!”
“I didn’t think you felt the same way!”
“I think I’ve always been a little bit in love with you, it’s just gotten a lot stronger this year.”
“Well.” I say. I can’t believe this is happening.
Simon grins at me. Because he’s in love with me. Simon Snow is in love with me! “Well,” he says. And then, he leans forward.
And then, on this tile floor, he kisses me.
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autisticjunkrat · 4 years
I’ll beat you- Mondo x Rival! Reader
“Wait, let me get this straight boss. You started a fight with the Crazy Diamonds?”
“Yeah, so what if I did?” You popped your gum loudly, leaning against your bike. You were the leader of the 2nd most famous, more like infamous, biker gang in Japan. The part about being 2nd bugged you. No matter how hard you tried, you never surpassed Mondo’s gang. Probably because he was the ultimate biker gang leader.
But that never stopped you from trying. And by trying, I mean trying anything that could bring his gang down a rank.
Just last night, you requested to race Mondo. He agreed, of course, because he would never turn down a chance to prove he was better than you.
But unlike other races you’ve had in the past with him, this one was different.
You had the bright idea to play dirty, and decided to mess up his bike. You shredded his wheels during the race, and about got sent to hell and back by his gang. But thanks to your gang members you escaped with nothing more than a black eye, a bloody nose, and a few scratches.
But today, while out riding your bike, you encountered Takemichi. He drove you into a stray alley, but didn’t hurt you. He simply told you to be ready for tomorrow.
So, here you were, about to go up against the crazy diamonds tomorrow. So, as gang leader, you informed the whole gang, and told them to prepare for tomorrow, and meet up in the abandoned warehouse you guys usually hung out in.
You definitely didn’t expect the fight to go on as long as it did.
It started out as a normal riot, one that you thought would last a few hours max.
But oh boy, were you wrong.
The fight had started at about 2 in the afternoon, with mainly fist fighting, the two gangs duking it out in the alley infront of your warehouse.
But as night approached, it escalated into people starting to use weapons. You ran back to the warehouse and grabbed your bat, returning it the battle to be met face to face with Mondo himself.
“Hey, y/n, maybe this’ll teach you not to mess with my FUCKING BIKE!” He swung a pipe at ypu, but you stopped it with your baseball bat, pushing with all your might against it. You finally moved to the side, making him slam the pipe into the ground with all his might, the noise of the metal echoing through the ally.
You moved the fight out into the open road where a few of your other gang member were fighting the crazy diamonds, blood splattering the street, and a few cars honking or swerving around the riot.
Mondo huffed as you both stopped in the road, both of you had dropped your weapons and had squared up.
“D-damn.. your gang just doesnt know when to give up, do they?” He growled, swinging at you as you dodged.
“No, and were not going to give up until the Crazy Diamonds does!” You swung at him, punching him in the face. It didn’t phase him though, and he punched you square in the jaw.
“Shit!” You yelled, popping your jaw, before screaming and leaping onto his back as he tried to throw you off. You punched at him, and even messed up his pompadour to rub it in.
He threw you off, and you landed on the ground, blood dripping from your arm and smearing your white shirt.
“What.. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO TO MY HAIR BASTARD?!” He screamed, making some of your gang members and some of the crazy diamonds turn around, only to witness the two go back to fighting.
“..So, how long do you think this’ll last?” A policeman said to his partner from inside the car that they parked a few yards from the fight.
“Eh, either until they get tired or someone surrenders. It should be done tonight.”
Boy were they wrong. The whole night had consisted of fighting, the police too scared to step in. Both gangs were exhausted, but kept going.
A small crowd had gathered at the end of the street, a few people recording from afar, and even a local news station had come to interview spectators.
By this point, your gang had decided to bring out knives and pipes against the crazy diamonds. But they weren’t underprepared, and had weapons ready. You and Mondo had separated for a bit, but that wouldn’t be the last time you guys fought in this riot.
It was the next day, nearing night once again. You were currently using your favorite knife against two crazy diamond members, with one of your members helping with a pipe.
That’s when you felt someone pull you by your shirt, and you drove your knife into your attackers leg. They yelled in pain, and that’s when you realized it was Mondo again.
“...back for.. more, eh?” You said, exhaustion evident in your voice.
“Damn.. right. I’m not going to let you.. WIN!” He fought away his exhaustion with a yell, and swung his pipe at you again, hitting your arm with a snap.
Adrenaline rushing through you, you didn’t even acknowledge the pain, and landed a punch on his bicep, stabbing him in his stomach.
He acted as if he didn’t feel it, and pulled back, your knife stuck in him still. He raised up his pipe, ready to hit you over the head.
But before he could, searing pain doused both of your bodies, making you feel like you were being burned alive.
You closed your eyes and screamed in pain as pepper spray covered you, and fell to the ground. Struggling to see through the tears, you finally succumbed to darkness.
You woke up, and your senses slowly faded in. The smell of medical equipment hit you along with the soft beeping of your heart rate monitor. ‘Shit, was it that bad?’ You thought, immediately trying to sit up. But pain hit you in the gut like a truck, and you grunted in pain.
“Hey, lay back down, dumbass!” A loud voice said from the other side of the room. Confused, you looked up and saw Mondo laying in the hospital bed next to you, staring at you with furrowed brows.
“What the hell.. why are you here..” you said, still tired from the fight.
“The doctors put us in the same room. A few of our other members are in the hospital, but they’re fine.” Mondo said, lowering his voice for once.
“Huh? When did you get all quiet tough guy?” You laughed dryly, laying back down now, but facing him.
“S-shut up! You’re one to talk, you look exhausted.” He growled, crossing his arms.
“Yeah, I mean we fought for about two days straight. I wouldve gotten better sleep before the fight if I had known it would go on that long.” You said with a sheepish grin, looking down.
“...you need to take care of yourself. How do you expect to surpass my gang actin like that?” He locked eyes with you, a shocked look splaying on your face.
Your shocked look faded into a small grin.
“Oh, so you care about me now?” You watched his face turn red, as he covered it with his hand.
“No! Well, yea-, well no, not at all!! Well..” he sighed in defeat, looking down.
“..I only care about you because your my rival. We can’t fight if you’re dead.” He finally said, choosing his words carefully.
“...well, I am.. flattered. I guess I care about you too.” Your voice faded into a whisper. “Or maybe even admire you..”
But Mondo heard the last part.
“Wait.. you admire me?” He said softly, looking at you. Now your face was the red one.
“Shit! I...didn’t think you heard that!” You yelled at him, looking to the side.
But instead of making fun of you, he gave a soft smile.
“...You’re adorable when you’re embarrassed.” He smirked, making you even redder.
“You’re one to talk! Just a few seconds ago you looked like a tomato!” You huffed, going to cross your arms but hissing in pain.
“..oops, that’s my bad. I uh.. kinda broke your arm.” He went to stretch, but let out a gasp at the pain that shot through his abdomen.
“..and that ones my bad. I stabbed you there.” You gave a small smile. “Guess we’re even.”
Mondo smiled back at you. “Yup. Good battle.”
For once, Mondo felt like somewhat of a friend to you. Not an objective, not even a rival at the moment. A friend. A comrade. Someone who shared the same desires as you. And deep down, you had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time you felt this way about him.
“...Good battle.”
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hyphypmic · 5 years
Hey, thanks for updating so frequently and so much, you're keeping the fandom well fed!!❣️ If you could give me a little something of Hifumi with a marshmallow like s/o (like, short and kinda pudgy and really soft) that'd be great! If you can do it for a male reader, that'd be a plus, thanks!
well i said i was gonna make this short but…
Hifumi is such a fucking puppy, like he adores anything and everything cute. Still, you’re kind of surprised that this high profile celebrity, owner of a host club, would be with someone as short and as soft as you.
You weren’t exactly like Hifumi, almost a far cry from it. You didn’t have the masculine physique that the blonde so honed and trained almost all the time. You didn’t have his lean frame or his chiseled abs or his muscular arms. Was it really your fault that you loved McDonalds over the gym? Was it really your fault you enjoy baking way too much?
You had short curly hair and you were short enough that your head comes up to Hifumi’s ear. You also are what people would call “pudgy” and your tummy was soft enough to act like a pillow. Sometimes, your friends would pinch your cheeks and kiss them because they found you so cute.
Well, the last part, you didn’t really mind.
You were definitely in love with your body, even if you were sure that a good number of people didn’t love it.
However, you really weren’t expecting Hifumi to love you.
When you first met, you were just a fan, watching one of Matenrou’s performances in Shinjuku. You loved Hifumi, especially since he was so confident in his suit, and you were infinitely jealous of how easily the ladies and men gravitate to him. If only you were like that.
You walked out of the concert, still in a high after seeing Hifumi-kun. After a good meal, you decided to hit a bar nearby.
Lo and behold, you find Matenrou, sitting at a table.
You’re awestruck, but you knew better than to approach just randomly. Not only was it embarrassing, there is a reason why the four divisions never bring bodyguards— they don’t need them.
But you couldn’t help but sit at the bar and choose a place that would give you a great view.
You ordered a pretty mild drink, but just so you could sip it slowly and enjoy the buzz as you gazed at Hifumi-kun.
The next thing you knew, you ordered quite a few mild drinks and you were zoning out, watching the TV. You decided that it was time to go, but just as you were going to leave…
Your head snapped up and you had to rub your eyes for a second. Was that… Hifumi?
“Hifumi-kun!” You looked away and blushed.
“You were at the concert right?” The blonde smiled brightly.
“Y-yeah.” You were a bit tipsy, but you were sure this was not the Hifumi who rapped and flirted with the entire crowd. This Hifumi was kind of… well there was a different aura to him.
“Ah…” Hifumi blushed a little. “Sorry, I guess I’m not what you’re expecting.” He flashed another blinding smile. “I… I take off my suit when I’m with Jakurai-sensei and Doppo.”
You looked at him (maybe a bit too long) and you realised that his blazer and vest were gone, and he was just wearing his dress shirt and slacks.
“Hey! My eyes are here!” Hifumi pouted.
You blushed again. “Eh… uh… why do you need the suit?”
Hifumi laughed a little. “Well, I’m afraid of girls… so the suit kind of acts as an armour for me.” He looked at you with his brilliant green eyes and you nearly fainted. “And… I have a host club, so I can’t be afraid.”
“A-afraid of girls?”
Hifumi blushed. “Kind of silly, but yes. I have a fear. Doppo and Jakurai-sensei help eye through it though.”
Hifumi clapped your shoulder and you nearly melted. “But that’s not really me! Well, it’s a part.” He put a finger to his lip. “Well uh… I guess.” He squeezed your shoulder. “Anyway!” He said a little loudly. “You’re cute.”
Your eyes looked over to Matenrou’s table, and there was… well. You thought you drank a lot, but their table was littered with a lot of alcohol. Doppo was slumped over, but Jakurai was sitting straight, a glass of iced tea in his hand. The doctor looked at you and smiled.
Hifumi leaned forward. “I saw you at the concert, even me in a suit saw that you’re pretty cute.” He smiled. “It seemed like I wouldn’t see you again!” He let go of you and clapped his hands together. “I’m weird right now! But that’s because I think I’m a little tipsy.” He looked back at the table. “Weeeeellll, I’m not drunk because it takes a lot for me to get drunk because… I almost drink every night… but tipsy enough to talk to you!”
You really had no idea what to say. Your literal crush turns out to be the biggest puppy ever and isn’t straight.
He clapped his hands again. “Soooo….” He paused. “Eh… uh what’s your name again?”
“Y/N.” You said, your tipsy brain just not computing.
Hifumi pinched your cheek. “So cute! I just want to bite your lips!”
You nearly fell.
“Oops.” Hifumi covered his mouth. “Did I say that out loud?”
You heard a very deep and audible sigh, and also a muffled scream.
“Well,” He rested his head on his palm. “I’ll pay for your drinks if you give me a favour.” Hifumi winked. “And don’t pretend that you weren’t looking at me!”
You blushed. “Eh… I guess I was.”
Hifumi brought out his phone and took a picture of you. He then tapped a few buttons and held it out. “Please give me your number!”
You stared at the new phone and took it with shaking hands. You typed your number, and read it more than once to make sure you didn’t type it wrong.
You handed the phone back to Hifumi.
“I’ll text you!” Hifumi slid off the bar stool and he sauntered back to the Matenrou table.
You sat in silence for a while, not really processing anything. You remembered you were going to go, so you slid off the stool and walked to the door.
Your phone then buzzed.
You took it out.
Told you I’ll text you!
You looked up to see Hifumi waving at you. “SEE YOU SOON! I’LL TAKE YOU OUT!”
“IDIOT!” Doppo gripped his own head. “STOP BEING SO LOUD!”
You waved back at him and smiled. You walked out of the bar and typed a reply. It might have been the tipsy confident you but…
take me out? sure. when?
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uhbright · 6 years
Dilaudid~Ch4;Blame//Spencer Reid
Chapter 4/6
Tw; Drugs, Addiction, Mention of Overdose
Click here for chapter 3 !
Click here for chapter 5 ! (NOT YET RELEASED)
Quick Note:
Word Count:~1.4k
Synopsis; After Prentiss’ apparent “death” (season 6/7), Reid turns back to Dilaudid in order to get away from the pain of losing a friend that was practically family. It sounds lame but I think it’s good :)
“Reid…” JJ poked her head through the door. He looked up at her, and she rushed over to his side, “It’s so great to see you!”
“You too,” He tried to smile, “Thanks for coming.”
“Oh my god, of course,” She grabbed his hand and looked him up and down. Her friend looked barely better than he had when she had found him alone in his apartment. “Are you- How are you feeling?” She asked.
“I’m fine,” He said, lingering on his final word.
“But…?” JJ urged.
He sighed, “My head feels like it might explode, I can’t decide if I’m burning up or freezing cold, they put me on suicide watch, and I… I yelled at the doctor who was trying to give me my psych evaluation.”
“Oh, Spence,” JJ tried to take his hand again, but he kept moving it away, “No one blames you for /any/ of this. You’ve been through so much.” She smiled gently at him.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Spencer turned his head away from her, “We’ve /all/ been through so much but everyone else dealt with it and I… I” He could feel tears starting to rise in his eyes. He tilted his head back in attempt to keep them from rolling down, but they welled out.
“Spence, it’s okay. We should’ve been there for you, all of us. We got so swept up in our own grief we failed to look out for everyone else…”
“You shouldn’t have had to be there for me,” He shook his head, “But if you guys hadn't shown up when you did, well,” Spencer smoothed out the blanket covering his legs.
“Hey big guy,” One side of Derek’s mouth curled up as he popped his head into the room, “Mind if I join you two?”
“Hey,” Spencer quickly wiped his cheek, “Is the whole team here?”
Derek glanced at JJ, who nodded.
“Yeah, the rest of them are all waiting outside, we just…”
“Wanted to take it easy at first,” JJ finished.
Reid nodded and rubbed his arm, for the first time taking notice of the small scabs right under where his elbow creased. He glanced up at Derek, who was looking at them too, and quickly pushed his arm under the blankets.
He cleared his throat, “Well I’m okay if they all want to come in.”
Now JJ looked at Derek for reassurance. He shrugged and turned to invite in the rest of the team. As Garcia walked through the doors, her makeup was streaked and he could tell she was barely holding back the rest of her tears. Rossi and Hotch filed in afterwards, both struggling to conceal the worry and hurt behind their smiles.
“We’re glad you’re okay, kid.” Rossi gave him a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. Spencer bowed his head, “I’m sorry,” He whispered after a long pause. Garcia let out a loud sob and quickly covered her mouth.
“No one’s blaming you-” Hotch began.
“But you should,” Reid filled the room with shaking heads, each of his team members trying to find something to say. “I’m the one that made these, these choices!” He threw his arms out, looking around the room. “And all I did was bring all of you guys more stress and worry than you already had. I’m sorry. I’m so, so, sorry.”
Hotch nodded, “It’s okay, just… get better.” He walked out of the room, and Garcia quickly followed behind him.
“Kid, we all care about you,” Derek started, “And you know we do, and you know we’re here for you, no matter what, so /talk/ to us, alright?”
Spencer nodded and wiped at his eyes again.
“We’ll see you tomorrow,” JJ wrapped her arms around his shoulder, pulling away with a kiss on his cheek. They waved and left the room, leaving Reid alone with himself again.
He reached for the remote on the table beside him, noticing his hands were trembling. He steadied the remote, grasping it with two hands, fumbling for the power button.
“Hi again…” The doctor from before skeptically walked back into the room. Reid dropped the remote into his lap and groaned, “You had some friends visit?” Reid nodded.
“Great, great,” She smiled her same gentle smile, “You feeling up to continue?” She waved the clipboard in the air. He nodded again.
“Okay, so, we left off with your friend who recently passed,” She gently put the pen back on the paper, “You said you’ve been really stressed recently. How’ve you been coping?”
Reid looked over her shoulder, “I think you know,” He let out softly.
She nodded and scribbled something on her paper, “And, other than stressed, how’ve you been doing?”
Reid shook his head, “Not great,”
She wrote more, “Could you elaborate on that?”
“Uhm…” He scratched the back of his head, “I guess I’ve just been feeling, alone? Abandoned.” He stopped, she kept writing. Once her pen stopped moving, she continued to look down at her paper, not speaking.
“Afraid of being left by myself,” He felt forced to fill the silence.
Her head bobbed up and down, almost reflexively it seemed.
“Okay Spencer, last few questions,” She smiled and looked up at him, “It’s important you feel like you can answer these truthfully, can you do that for me?”
“Uh, sure, yeah…” He swallowed.
“Did you mean to overdose?” She looked back at her clipboard.
“No! No I didn’t, I just got… distracted… got the dosage confused, I s’pose,”
“Do you recognize, now, how dangerous this is, and are you looking to break this streak?”
“Yes, yes for sure,” He confirmed and she checked a box, then smiled.
“Great, that’s all looking great Spencer,” She stood and started walking towards the door, “I’m going to send in a coordinator for our rehab program, they should be in with you soon.”
Reid nodded and watched her leave the room. A bead of sweat dripped from his forehead as he shivered beneath his blankets. He gripped the remote with his shaking hands again and managed to hit the power button. The quiet noises of Sunday morning cartoons drifted through the room, letting Reid finally breathe.
He stared up at the TV, waiting for the next person to arrive.
Like he had been called, a small, mousy man walked knocked on the doorway as he stepped in.
“Hello!” He squeaked, “Dr. Reid, is it?” He nodded, “Grand! I’m Jeremy Fletcher, I work in the rehab facility upstairs.” He scurried over to the chair in front of Spencer’s bed and pulled it closer so that he could lay out a number of papers and pamphlets on his Reid’s legs. “So, Dr. Reid,” He cleared his throat and scuffled through some papers, “We have a few options for you.”
Reid nodded and accepted the papers with uneasy hands.
“You can have time to read through them if you like,” He began to sit back, and Reid scanned through them in seconds, “I would suggest really looking at them, just so you know the bes-”
“I did.”
“You- you did?”
Reid nodded.
“Like, you /read/ through them… all… just now?”
He nodded again.
“Oh wow, okay, oh…. Okay,” He scooched forward in his seat again. “So… okay wow... It looks like the one your doctor suggested for you was our in house 72 hour program, with supervised NA meetings, how does that sound to you?”
Reid nodded, “And once I finish that I can go back to work?”
“Yes,” He looked down at his papers, “After your first NA meeting you can go back part time, with full supervision, given your doctor grants you permission… and after 6 months of NA meetings and no slip ups, you should be able to go back full time.” He smiled up at him. “Sound like a plan?”
Reid bobbed his head, “Sure thing!”
“I’ll call for you transfer,” He stood and collected the papers, “They’ll be coming to get you soon!”
And they’re just getting shorter and shorter, aren’t they? I added one more planned chapter because I got distracted and didn’t hit all the plot points I wanted to this chapter, oops! Thanks for reading!
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Buncha replies...
Because I’ve been neglectful. For @aquilasims, @littleblondesim, @celebkiriedhel, @wesleesims, @kayleigh-83, @olivesplum06, @holleyberry, @twofingerswhiskey, @penig, @taylors-simblr, and @fuzzyspork...
aquilasims replied to your photoset “Yup, subway tile…or some of the colors could also pass for brick. :)...”
darn. i would love to use this in my game but i have a mac :(
Yeah, sorry about that. :( I was going to make a Mac-friendly version, too, but when I sized down the image to accommodate the stretching that happens when a 256x512 texture is used, it kinda messed up the tiling between the 256x256 “blocks” that I initially drew ( so that I could make floors, too, eventually). The tiling between the “blocks” was skewed by like half a pixel (which was really noticeable because the “grout” between the tiles is only two pixels wide) and I didn’t feel like redrawing the whole thing. But now that I think about it, it might look OK if the 256x768 textures in the wall files were sized down to 256x512 which would “flatten” the individual tiles somewhat. Then perhaps the stretching that the game does would re-stretch them to about the right dimensions and not screw up the tiling. I’ll have to experiment a bit, see how it looks...
littleblondesim replied to your photo “And Simon became a Real Grown-up™. He let his hair down and sprouted a...”
Time to be a big boy and get a big double bed!
Well, unfortunately for him the firehouse he lives in now only has single beds, too. :) But it does have couches so, since he lives there alone at the moment, he could bring home some “company”... Or, knowing this neighborhood, company will just barge right in. :) I still don’t know what’s up with that...
celebkiriedhel replied to your photoset “Matching recolors of the cheap counters, stove, and refrigerator, in...”
I can do that - do you want a cabinet with or without doors?
With doors, I think. But then again, without might be good, too; I could see it as a good place to store “cookbooks” and those wouldn’t necessarily have to be behind doors. So, if you’re feeling ambitious, both? :) Or just with doors. Whatever you feel like, really. :) And thank you! You’re awesome. :)
wesleesims replied to your photoset “Pet stuff! Suzy grew up into a basenji. (I love basenjis. They’re one...”
very cute, but not a basenji (; i'd guess a shiba inu? they do have basenjis in the game, too. and yeah, feisty is the right word for basenjis, but despite being difficult at times, they are still one of the best dogs out there! but i may be a bit biased since we have two of them at home ;D
Yeah, you’re probably right. The head’s a bit too bulky for a basenji. I just saw small and curled tail. :) But yeah, they’re awesome dogs. I love their yodel. :) And their wrinkled foreheads. And their feistiness. And their lack of stink. I’m definitely getting at least one when some of my current pack pass away. (8 dogs is enough, when they’re all together, especially because they’re all large!)
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “It’s winter! Time to take care of the autumn leaves because I don’t...”
oops trigger happy on the enter key.... try that again... every time I've tried to burn the leaves my Sims have ended up setting themselves or something else on fire, so I gave up on it! LOL I do like getting witches to zap them though!
I’ve only ever had that happen once. I think the key is not to have anything around when you light up the pile. :) Kind of like how fireplaces will light stuff that’s within a tile away unless you’ve modded that out, like I have. (Maybe that prevents leaf-pile fires, too, now that I think about it; it probably uses the same coding.) But then, I think fires are kind of fun sometimes. (In the game, that is! Not in real life! *laugh* )
olivesplum06 replied to your post “I’m bummed. :(”
Have you downloaded felicity island for TS2? It's a copy of the CS island, that along with all the build, buy & CAS stuff it's pretty close to CS!
I haven’t, no. Mostly because I don’t want to play castaway scenarios in TS2. I actually prefer Castaway Stories for that. I like its “careers” and its way-more-logical routing. (Like, Sims can actually talk to each other when standing on a slope; the lack of that in TS2 drives me NUTS! And I imagine that it would be a real problem with that TS2 version of Felicity Island, since that map is ALL slopes.) And I definitely prefer the way CS handles “walkbys.” (No “greeting” needed; they just make themselves at home, gives it a genuine communal tribal feel.) And its want trees are more appropriate for castaway scenarios, of course. And I especially like its things like spearfishing and its swimmable on-lot water (without having to screw around a lot to make on-lot water swimmable, like you have to do in TS2) that also increases hygiene.  
So...Yeah, I definitely wanna play it in Castaway, not TS2. The only downside is, yeah, having to play the stupid story again. But, I can do that in one session, since I just do exactly what I have to do to get to the next “chapter,” without screwing around and with playing on higher speeds whenever I can, because I don’t care about the story at all. I just want to unlock all the stuff. :)
holleyberry replied to your post “I’m bummed. :(”
Oh No! Well, at least you'll have fun setting it all back up.
Yeah. :) And I’m thinking I might see about the possibility of making a completely empty template for the freeplay island, so that there won’t be any “townie” natives or premades. Like the empty Pleasantview template you use when you don’t want the “standard” townies. My biggest disappointment with the first stab at this scenario was that, while I could use the Visitor Controller to prevent the “natives” from waltzing onto my castaway lots, I could only set it in a way that prevented ALL non-household Sims from “walking by” because Castaway doesn’t seem to internally distinguish between townies and playables. That sort of killed the “tribal” atmosphere I wanted. So, I’m thinking that if I can make it so that there are no “townie” natives and premades from the get-go, that would be better than using the Visitor Controller. So...Yeah, it was probably for the best because I was kind of thinking about starting over to address this issue anyway...
twofingerswhiskey replied to your photo “More devastation for poor Simon. At least Sharon was still hanging...”
sleep when you're dead? ;)
Something like that. :) I still haven’t quite figured out the logic behind ghosts being pissy if their bed isn’t there. I mean, why on Earth would they care??!
kayleigh-83 replied to your post “I are sad. My brother and his husband went back home to hell Indiana...”
I sometimes attempt to catch up when I've been behind and I have to say I sure wish mobile was set up like the desktop site, where it will show you on your list of followed blogs when the last time they updated was. Then you can just only click into ones that have been updated since the last time you were on! Sometimes I just wanna lay in bed or on the couch and catch up on the ipad, but it doesn't show you that info! Fix it Tumblr, fix it!
HAH! Well, you’re better off than me. The Tumblr app for Kindle (my only mobile device) hasn’t been updated in, like, four years. The dashboard on it doesn’t work anymore, and it doesn’t even have messaging. And all looking up your followers does is bring up an alphabetical list of them. The only thing I can really do in the app for Kindle is see notes and look at my own posts/queue. And I can make posts, but I don’t often do that because I hate virtual keyboards. I’m pretty sure the apps aren’t actually made by Tumblr, though, but are made by third parties. So I’m afraid that for this, it’s not Tumblr we need to be yelling at but the folks who make the apps. 
But yeah, because of this I only “do Tumblr” when sitting at my desktop, which definitely cuts down on opportunity. Otherwise, I could do it when, like, sitting in waiting rooms at doctors’ offices....
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “Jupiter became a grown-up dog and…uh…well… I swear, my game habitually...”
Hahaha my dogs are the same, my game seems to give me a lot of sorry looking mutts. Lol
What I don’t get is that the small dogs in my game seem to be OK, but the big dogs are just...what? I mean, why would only one dog size be weird? Why not both?
taylors-simblr replied to your photoset “Because you can’t have awesome 50s kitchens like this…...”
I'm pretty sure our new kitchen has that gold lino ha ha
Heh. Well, it WAS a very popular color in the 60s/70s. “Harvest Gold” and “Avocado” were The Shit, at the time. :) Probably not so much in the late-40s-through-early-60s that I’m targeting, but...Well, not having a dark yellow would’ve thrown off my spectrum, man. ;)
penig replied to your post “I are sad. My brother and his husband went back home to hell Indiana...”
It's supposed to be fun, not an obligation. You can always use the archives to catch up on situations involving continuity, at your leisure, and if you miss stuff - so do we all.
I know, I know...I just feel bad because I like to give notes and especially replies and stuff. Tumblr is just so...non-validating, you know? Like, made for the short-attention-span generation. I suppose clicking the little heart shows “enough” appreciation, but it seems like very little, and not doing that at all just feels like shirking. But yeah, I know that’s all on me. I just wish there was more time in a day, is all. :)
taylors-simblr replied to your post “I are sad. My brother and his husband went back home to hell Indiana...”
Same with me except I need to catch up on over a years worth of stuff, tumblr just moved too quick. If you're not on it daily it's hopeless to try and see everything
Yeah, it does move fast. Made for short attention spans, like I said. :) I actually wouldn’t feel bad about it if I was gone for a long period of time, though, like “maternity leave.” I mean, no one could be expected to catch up with a year or more of posts. :) But I just tend to have a few days or a week here and there where I just don’t have the time (or, sometimes, the will) to really keep up like I’d generally like. And sometimes I just scroll through looking to see if the stories I keep up with have updated and don’t even leave any “likes” otherwise. That really makes me feel bad, but sometimes all I have time for is a quick scroll-through looking for certain user names. :( Bad iCad! No biscuit! :)
fuzzyspork replied to your photoset “Sandy made a lot of devastated noises, but… I’m kinda not buying it....”
The sims lack of a mourning period is sometimes annoying. :P Maybe she needs to fill that giant hole left behind in her heart when Goops passed and she thinks there's only one way to do that?
Maybe. Although it’s not like she really had time to fall in love with anyone else, anyway, given that she died like two days after Goopy did. :) Of course, she didn’t “know” that was going to happen. :)
But yeah, mourning in the game is weird. Especially because it’s limited to only the Sims who were in the same household as the deceased. When Goopy and Sandy croaked, the only kid left in the house was Simon. The other two kids didn’t do any mourning, of course. Toddlers get that fear of relatives dying, so they’ll sometimes take a mood hit, but only sometimes and if they, say, learn to walk, that’ll instantly get rid of that bad mood. And even Simon wouldn’t have been in his birth household if I played him how I usually do, kicking kids out when they reach “Inteen 18,” either to college or out on their own. He was only there because he was “destined” for the firefighter career, which only has an adult track, so it didn’t make much sense to kick him out until he was an actual adult rather than an Inteen one.
Anyway, yeah, this is one thing I’d change about the game, if I could. One should mourn one’s parent’s death (assuming that you have a good relationship with them), even if you no longer live with that parent. It’s just weird, otherwise.
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amourete-blog1 · 8 years
(( late but. sleepy nerds talkin about stuff with Hellen
tagging: @roseredmutant @hereticalsym69ls
begin log:
aberrantcadenza Tonight you don't go out with Xanthe when he goes for a run in the early evening. Normally you would... Instead you opt to stay cuddled up to Lil, sapping his heat and repaying him in soft kisses every now and then, to the face and pressed into his hair.
roseredmutant Cool lips press themselves to you and you nuzzle closer to the affectionate olive, sighing and wrapping your arms lazily around her. It brings back a time before this; camp fires, fussy trolls trying to stir you awake and long treks to no where in particular.
Eventually you open your eyes, only to yawn before closing them. For once your body is trying to wake up early. Perhaps because Xanthe had gone? Not that this is news to you, he'd done these runs for months now.
"G'venin'." Your words, usually punctuated and sharp, slur lazily passed your lips. "Hun'ry?"
aberrantcadenza Purring amplifies in volume when he snuggles closer to you. Volume is directly proportionate to proximity of the little red troll - so, naturally, you pull him close to you like a cat and hug him tight.
"Yeah, but you aren't awake enough to do anything about that." Kiss kiss. "I can get something to snack on when I pawther getting up. You can sleep more, it's okay..." And you're torn because half of you wants him to stay sleepy and snuggly, and the other half wants to kiss him ways he'd have to be awake for.
roseredmutant A sleepy, soft groan rumbles in your throat. You nod. Then shake your head and seem to give up in the middle of seeming to make a decision.
"I'll get up soon then." It takes forever for you to actually crawl out of bed and get dressed. Hopefully Felide won't mind.
aberrantcadenza Not at all. In the meantime you will continue to hug and be affectionate, being completely and entirely counter-productive.
"Alright," you concede with one more kiss. Yawn. "I do need to ask you something though. Just so one of us remembpurrs..."
roseredmutant "Mm hm." You nod and almost immediately start to drift off again. You are a completely useless troll like this.
aberrantcadenza Ragdoll troll mode: initiate.
You laze about with him a little more, but at some point you do actually get hungry. You regretfully leave the comfortable bed to go downstairs and get jerky to munch on. For a brief moment you consider being cruel and involving ice in waking up Kankri. Brief.
roseredmutant In bed a little longer, you stretch and start to wake again. You force yourself up, half roll out of the bed and groan when the landing isn't as soft as you'd hoped.
It's fine. You needed motivation to stand anyway.
So you do, and after taking a moment to steal one of Xanthe's dirty shirts you make your way to the kitchen. It doesn't matter if you're a mess, just that you're hunger and she's hungry and Xanthe will likely be hungry coming back.
As you get to work in the kitchen (a surprisingly natural feeling thing by now), you visibly become more awake and aware. A glass of water and some nibbles of food and you're at least aware you were supposed to talk to Felide about something.
"I think you wanted to ask me something?"
aberrantcadenza "Mm." You perch on the table, in the most unladylike manner there is. Fuck manners, Porrim isn't up yet to scold you. "Yeah... but I don't know if you want to hear it this early."
Your hands rest behind you, arms locked out to hold you up, and you watch him work for a quiet moment.
"It's about uh. Hellen. And Xanthe. Xanthe with left Hellen."
roseredmutant You blink, turning the heat on the cooking food low while your tired mind tries to understand what she'd just said.
It's a meme. A meme referencing flavor disks. It takes a while of over thinking for you to realize it's a question largely about Xanthe and less about "Hellen".
"Oh." You're not sure what she could be asking you about, but you decide it can't be anything horrible, or she'd be much more tense about it.
"If you want to ask, you can. I don't mind."
aberrantcadenza You spend a few more moments kicking your feet like a wriggler before you actually start your thought, because you kind of don't want to talk about this. At the same time... You know Lil better than that. But then, you don't think Sugary was lying... would she lie? What would make her want to do that?
For a brief moment, you consider the possibility of her having an interest in Lil. You make a face.
"So um. ... Condy told me that you and she were with Xanthe. Like... after he got out of. Wherever she was."
The details are really fuzzy for you, who knew Nothing until quite recently.
roseredmutant "... Oh."
It's about THAT time. You take a deep breath and, after lowering the temperature a little more, go over to sit next to Felide. On a chair. Like a good boy.
"Well... there's a lot to say about that time."
You pause and push down the knotting feeling in your gut.
"What exactly did you want to know?"
aberrantcadenza Is he trying to show you up? Just to spite him, you also sit in a chair. You have no other motives for chair-sitting, obviously, nothing like "being on the same level for potentially stressful situations."
"She told me you wanted to leave Xanthe."
You decide to just say it straight-up. Your hand rests on the table. "If I'm going to know one side of this, I want to know the other too."
roseredmutant Oh. That.
"It wasn't exactly like that, no." You paused. "Xanthe asked the same when she told him, but I think the tone she states this in suggests something that wasn't..."
You pause again. Stop and think, Kankri, god damn.
"She... she words it in such a way that makes it sound much more.. intimate in nature, I suppose. I had no intention of leaving Xanthe romantically. But at the time he was very... He was still mentally recovering from the brunt of it. If that makes sense?"
You pause again and fiddle with his shirt. It still smells like him.
"I didn't want to make things more difficult for him. I didn't, and still don't, largely, know how to deal with trauma in others. I feared my inexperience and ignorance would only hurt him more while he was still in the process of recovery."
"... I wasn't entirely wrong in that... I'd done things that I'm sure were more hurtful than not."
aberrantcadenza You listen to him quietly, taking in this information. He seems nervous - you offer your hand for him to hold if he wants to, palm-up on the table.
"So you were considering distancing yourself for the time. 'If you can't do good, don't do anything at all'?"
roseredmutant "Yeah." You hand kind of naturally goes to her palm. "I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't want to make recovery harder for him. It made sense. Sugary had access to doctors of all sorts, had other trolls who could monitor him and report anything wrong to her... It made sense to leave him in her care til he was more capable of dealing with me and how I can be."
aberrantcadenza "This is really scary." Your thumb runs over the back of his hand. "Just... all of that, seeing him that way... and I've only known for a short time. If he was *worse* before, I don't blame you at all for being apprehensive." It's scary to have the ability to hurt people. You don't say it, but the thought is there - he knows, you know, he knows you know, you know he knows, he "... But you didn't? She said you changed your mind."
roseredmutant "No thanks to her, yeah."
Oops. Tone down that bitterness.
"... He said he wanted me around."
aberrantcadenza You actually laugh at that. It's more of a snicker with a purr underneath, but it's a laugh all the same.
"I know you better than to think you would just... up and leave someone in a situation of need. Especially someone like Xanthe, which is why I wanted to ask. I know, too, some of the things you struggle with - with feeling like you aren't wanted or your presence won't help."
You kiss the back of his hand - delicate, soft, and only for a brief moment.
"I hope you know you're wanted here."
roseredmutant You smile, though now it's a little sad. You hate having to tell Felide about this. You hate having to remember. She should've died sooner, after all "Hellen" did to Xanthe.
It takes a moment for you to reel back from that brief thought. That's not like you. But this circumstance is exceptional, isn't it? No? Maybe...
"I know." You sigh. "I forget, admittedly, but you two always know how to remind me."
aberrantcadenza "Then I guess I'll just have to remind you more often, huh?" You grin, and lean in to kiss the tip of his nose. "Maybe I'll even get creative about how. Keep on your walkstubs, mon cerise. You might just get overwhelmed by sap."
roseredmutant "Ha. Jokes on you, I can't be overwhelmed with sap."
That's a lie, but you don't think it needs to be clarified.
You sniff the air, kiss Felide's cheek and stand to go back to tend to the breakfast you were making.
"Thank you, though."
aberrantcadenza You hold onto his hand just a second longer before you let him go. Somewhere in the distance the Titanic theme plays.
"Hey. Hey Kankri." You follow him, loitering by the counter. Your face is a reminiscent of the :3c emoji. "Psst. Kankri."
roseredmutant Oh no. What's with that tone in her voice. You look to her, raising a suspicious brow at her and squinting your wide, flickering eyes.
"Yes, Felide?"
aberrantcadenza "I looooove you."
It's sincere, but the way you say it is exactly the kind of tone that says you plan mischief later today.
roseredmutant Squint! But you smile and chuckle, stepping from the food a moment to give her a quick peck on the lips.
"I love you, too."
aberrantcadenza *PRRRRRR.* You steal another kiss from him before he darts out of reach, then settle for purring contentedly while you watch him. The :3c face remains.
In fact, you go to turn on the kettle for tea, then duck outside for a moment. Part one of your plans - plural.
roseredmutant What is she doing? Suspicious lover with her suspicious smile. You watch her briefly before turning back to your first meal, finishing it and plating it before taking all three plates to the table.
You lean forward and blink, raising your brows as you look towards the direction she headed in. It's still hard to see, even with the bright moonlight, but...
Where did she go?
aberrantcadenza You return several minutes later with... Nothing? You beam at him innocently from the sliding glass door, which naturally means you are the furthest thing from innocent and are completely plotting his demise.
"What, is there something on my face?"
roseredmutant "That smirk, for one." You push a plate towards her. "Come on and eat before it gets cold." For now, you don't question it. There's a big plate of meats, eggs and some other yummy things piled on that need to be eaten.
aberrantcadenza An important responsibility indeed. You happily take a seat at the table to his side, and kiss him on the cheek in thanks before you eat.
"I'd make fun of you fur wearing his shirt, but one, I can't talk - two, you look adorable."
roseredmutant Stick your tongue out. "I know you can't talk." You're not about to say you're cute. You're not. But you like feeling like you could be.
"Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"
aberrantcadenza You chew thoughtfully for a few more seconds, then swallow.
"What are you favfurite flowers?"
roseredmutant "Flowers?" You pause. "I don't really have a favorite. They're just kind of nice to look at sometimes."
Giving a little shrug, you take a big bite and chew thoughtfully, unintentionally mimicking Felide's own chew.
"... Then again, I don't know much about flowers to begin with."
aberrantcadenza "Then do you have favorite colors of flowers, or favfurite colors at all?" You're trying not to sound like you're trying to glean information for Nefarious Purposes(tm) - with limited success.
roseredmutant Humming around your food, you stare at her for a minute before shrugging again.
"I'm fairly fond of green and yellow hues." This should come as no surprise. "Maybe purples and violets, too?"
aberrantcadenza It doesn't, no - but it does illicit more of a purr from you. You're pleased.
"Fair," you say, which isn't mysterious at all. Not one bit. In your head you're reviewing your various plans. When the kettle whistles, you excuse yourself from the table to go and start tea steeping, lingering to fiddle with something on the counter surface while you wait.
roseredmutant You could turn to look at what she's doing... but you decide not to. No peeking. If she's going through the trouble of hiding whatever she's got going, it's not something you're supposed to see, yet.
"Do you think Xanthe will be back soon? His food will get cold."
aberrantcadenza "I think so! He normally doesn't stay out this long. Maybe he's taking a different route." You say this mostly to convince yourself not to worry, now that the thought has come into your mind. "Either that, or he's thinking of some purrticularly awful pun to pitch at us when he gets back."
Instead, you occupy yourself with your little project... Until you find yourself satisfied with your work, and go to return to the table.
You put something light on his head, barely noticable, when you pass the back of his chair on your way to your seat. It's a crown of multicolored primroses, in the colors of his current quadmates. Sometimes it pays to keep a garden.
"Either way, he's missing out on the real joy here - you made a delicious breakfast."
roseredmutant "I say we eat his share," you tease, poking at his plate. "It's not like he can't cook his own food, anyway." You have no real intention of touching his plate. Still, you hate to think it might go cold soon.
You take a moment to carefully feel around the small thing Felide put on your head. The soft flower petals brush against your finger tips and it's almost immediately recognizable what she's put on your head.
You let out a small coo of curious fascination before taking out your phone and turning on your camera.
A flower crown! It looks so cute!
aberrantcadenza You purr happily at his acceptance of the gift, and return to your meal.
"If he doesn't come back by the time we're done, we can go out and see if we can't find him. Deal?"
roseredmutant "Yeah, alright." It's not terribly concerning. You'd sense if he felt he was in danger. And you can all but find him if you need to. It's just... well. You like eating with him.
"We could also call him. Interrupt his thoughts and be pests."
aberrantcadenza If you knew, you'd agree. Instead you just smile.
"Best idea yet." And you get out your palmhusk to set it on the table, so the two of you can successfully badger your mate as soon as possible.
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