#someone please ask me about the fact that tim took care of jay while he was practically catatonic post 72 PLEASE PLEASE I AM SO INSANE
villruu · 7 months
I am being so normal :) <-[writing the most self indulgent jam one shot ever]
0 notes
not-back-to-this · 3 years
Tim has a habit of grabbing onto a small corner of peoples shirts when he’s walking with them no this isn’t inspired by the fact that I do this but he only does this with people he has a close connection with.
~Dick Grayson~
First time he did it to Dick, Dick just took it as a sign of affection and had no problem with Tim doing it
Dick asked Tim why he did then when they came back home and Tim said it was a sign of affection and just made him feel safe
Dick was really happy to hear that because even though he always knew that him and Tim have a close relationship he felt like they were slowly drifting away but now he has confirmation from Tim that they are still close and even closer now that Dick let’s it happen
Now Dick is super happy whenever he’s walking with Tim and he just feels the slight tug on his shirt
~Jason Todd~
First time he did it to Jason, Jay was super confused but he let Tim hold onto his shirt anyway
Later he asked Bruce why Tim did that and Bruce explained that Tim does that around people he’s close to and he feels safe around
Jason was super touched because that means after years of trying to make up with Tim after he tried to kill him Jason finally was able to get Tim to trust him and feel close to him
One time Jason and Tim got into a fight and Jason’s eyes got glowing with the Lazarus green Tim just calmly backed away and hid from Jason in his room
Jason was super pissed at himself cause he finally got somewhere with Tim and he just ruined it then he got the idea to try and take Tim to get ice cream and see how he felt after
Tim agreed to go get ice cream and as they were walking to the parlor Jason felt a significant absence of someone holding onto his shirt and so he gently grabbed Tim’s hand without saying anything and just gently rubbed his thumb against Tims hand as he was holding it to try and let Tim know that he was safe
After they got ice cream they sat on a bench and talked about the fight and other things and Tim told Jason that he forgave him but still wanted a little time before he fully felt comfortable around him and Jason said it was ok and Tim could take all the time in the world before he felt ok and Jason would be ok with that
It only took a week before Tim started holding onto Jason’s shirt again
~Damian Wayne~
Since Dami is shorter than Tim, Tim grabs onto the top of his shirt and walks with him like that
Damian was super annoyed with it at first and he thought Tim did it to treat him like a kid
“Do not grab onto my shirt, Drake. I am not a baby and I don’t need you to hold onto me.”
Tim felt sad that he couldn’t hold onto Damian’s shirt and show him affection like that and he didn’t really feel like explaining because he didn’t want Damian to make fun of him
Dick saw that Tim was down because of it and calmly explained to Damian that it wasn’t actually because he wanted to treat Damian like a baby but he did it because he trusted and liked Damian even though they fought a lot
Damian went to Tim in the cave and told him that he was ok with Tim grabbing onto his shirt
Dami secretly likes Tim holding onto his shirt because he also feels safe. He feels like someone has his back and he and Tim are finally in a good place. Also n the Red Robin series, Tim had a list of people he didn’t trust and kept and Damian was on that list and I just feel like Dami would be super happy to know that Tim finally trusts him. They still fight like hell though but thats just sibling love lmao
Tim does it a lot after Damian came back from the dead everyone notices it but Tim refuses to offer up an explanation
The reason is that Tim has an irrational fear that if he let’s go of Damian then Damian will die again but he feels like it sounds stupid so he doesn’t tell anyone why
~Bruce Wayne~
The first time Tim held onto Bruce was on patrol and they were walking walking to the batmobile
Bruce just climbed out of a building that exploded while Bruce was still in it and Tim was so scared that He wasn’t actually alive and him holding onto his cape made him feel grounded and it felt like Bruce was safe
Bruce asked him why he held onto his cape when they made it back to the cave but Tim didn’t say anything
Alfred asked Tim why he did that and Tim told him why he just generally liked holding onto people’s clothes
Alfred stitched Bruce up and gave him a good lecture on how he should be more careful especially since he has kids
Bruce walked into Tim’s room to talk to him and he found Tim crying on his bed while holding a picture of his parents
He hugged him and asked him what was wrong and Tim screamed
“You can’t leave too! You can’t! You can’t! You can’t! You’re all I have left, Bruce! I’ll be a better Robin I swear just please don’t die too!”
Bruce held Tim tight and told him he would be right by his side and he would be more careful from now on
He held onto Tim for about an hour and then they went into a movie room to watch Tim’s favorite movie and Bruce made sure Tim knew that he was already good enough
~Alfred Pennyworth~
Obviously Alfred was the first one Tim did it to. When he first came to the manor Alfred was there for him no matter what and so it feels right to have him be the first that Tim held onto
Tim thought that Alfred mighty been annoyed by it so he explained to Alfred why he did it and if he wanted him to stop he could
Alfred hugged him and told him he didn’t need to stop and he also didn’t need to explain anything to Alfred
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yanderes-stuff · 4 years
5; 8 and 9 please and nsfw is optional.
Yes, the feral trio I never did a poly yandere before, and sorry for being so late school was holding me at gunpoint
P.s it's 1:43 am where im at and I got zoom at 7:10 I'll edit the grammar mistakes later but I didn't want you to have to wait any longer
Characters: Skully, Masky, Hoodie
Words 5k 
TW: yandere thoughts, cussing, kidnapping, drugging 
You met Jay during college when the teacher put you both together for a school project, you got to have a good read on his personality with Jay, being a curious goofy character with a charming atmosphere surrounding him.
After a while, you decided to start the project filming causal nature. you both shared a passion for nature being calmed by the forest, and the woodland creatures which made you closer. After a while, you noticed that he would rarely talk to any of his other friends in favor of talking to you.
This led to many intervals where you caught him staring at you during class and followed you around like a puppy which although made you irritated you brushed it off thinking nothing of it, after all, it's just goofy Jay being Jay.
But alas he fell victim to your charm the conversations he had with you stuck with him and the moments where you were in his presence kept him going till the next day, you reached his heart unlike anybody else he met, and he lived for you alone perhaps it was the way you carried yourself through the gloomy days or the way you were more kind-hearted than anyone he ever met.
He longed to catch your eye and make you laugh but certain feelings were starting to stew inside him whenever he caught your friends talking to you especially if they were putting their hands on your beautiful body and even if they did so casually it made him infuriated he believed that he should be the only one that should be graced by your presence not them
After all, you never knew their intentions but he had a gut feeling they weren't good they didn't love you they only loved you for your looks and looks alone but he loved everything about you and he didn't know why but alas he had friends who were close to you those friends being Brian and Tim his colleague's since high school 
However, he had to obtain your affection and warmth to protect you so he wormed his way into your dating life because he had known your crush had his dark secrets that he cheated on his exes and he just couldn't let this snake wrap his suffocating coil and sink his poisonous fangs into you for his esteem 
So to resolve this fear of his he followed him home in the dark and threatened to shoot him if he didn't avoid you like a plague but without his knowledge, he didn't know that he was being watched by none other than Tim who mentally noted with haste that he's not the only one who took a liking to you and strolled out of Jay's sight before he could notice him
Relief washed over as he went back to his secret home surrounded by woods away from his lonely college dorm comforted by the fact that the guy that tried to use you had been put in his rightful place now thanks to him all he had to worry about now was the fact that his other friends also shared a connection with you that was too close for his liking 
You were his everything now and while he still cherished his friends he wasn't going to let either of them have you even if it put him in danger of course you only saw the good in people and that would include Tim and Brian which he would grow to admire but it would also make him nervous but despite that he knows you love him and he had to make a move quickly to prove he's the only right one for you
Oh how he longed to be anything that would make you happy and today being Valentine's day he promised himself this was going to be the day he asks you out and you'll say yes or at least he certainly hoped you would he grabbed a few things from the store some gifts he hoped would win your appreciation but he had a thought cropped in his mind what if you rejected him and if you did do such a thing how distraught he would be 
He waved away those thoughts in his mind trying to convince himself he played his cards right after all he frightened any competition away from you while making sure to be by your side at every moment you needed him the thought of your gentle voice accepting his confession of love made his uneasy mind now calm and focused 
Once he reached the school province he took the bag of gifts consisting of chocolates of your favorite brand and bouquets of lovely crimson flowers that are a symbol of his love for you he was finally ready to be your lover and he sure as hell hoped you were too as that thought passed his mind he peeked his head around the corner to your dorm 
What he saw made his blood boil and felt a violent sensation he couldn't understand at the time and what he witnessed was Tim brushing his lips against your while caressing your cheek with his rough hand you weren't flinching away but rather leaning in into the troublesome kiss he didn't know Tim could do this he thought he made it clear that she belonged to him
Tim look so entranced by the way your chest raised and fell in sync with his own as he leaned closer with his arm bending above your head caging you against your dorm door 
While Jay was peaking he noticed that Tim had a card with a heart placed on in front of it in one of his hands 
He quickly pieced together that he had gotten to you first before him as he felt despair overwhelm him why did you have to love Tim of all people he quickly grabbed the gifts and descended the stairs as quickly and quietly as possible at the same time he felt hot tears stain his bitter cheeks that day he drove back to his home weeping 
But as he stepped inside an environment of misery following behind him as he sat down on the sofa he didn't think he'd have the guts to kill Tim but little did he know that someone else was in the room with him that individual being Tim and although he didn't want to admit it
Tim planned to kill Jay ever since he witnessed him threaten to kill his old crush since you confessed about liking him which was a big mistake on your part but Tim was glad Jay took care of him but now he had to kill Jay but he acknowledges he didn't want to at all but Tim was afraid of what Jay was capable of when it comes to his unstableness
He knew Jay was infatuated with you and that he's been getting more and more unusual as you continued to spend time with him and he started to dissociate with Brian and Tim which was starting to get concerning because Jay was starting to become extra dependent on your affection to distract him from all the chaos going on in his life
But Jay himself was starting to take drastic measures to prove himself to you and Tim never thought Jay could be capable of violence but he's seen firsthand that he the man that he thought wouldn't harm an insect was contemplating murder out of love 
So with guilt, he grabbed his firearm and stared as Jay slowly was lured into a deep slumber he slowly opened the oak closet door so that it was vastly ajar and he tiptoed quietly towards Jays sleeping form beads of sweat was beginning to form on his forehead
Once he loomed over the trembling man's resting figure his silhouette casting a shadow over him his hands shook as he raised the revolver to Jay's temple and his finger was on the trigger there was a small click followed by a thunderous bang 
The gory sight of Jay would be etched into his mind for the rest of his life but it would be worth it to protect you but he had to admit it he for some reason felt relief in his mind and another feeling that was off it was a euphoric adrenaline rush he noticed that he was still shaking and realized that he should evade the scene as quickly as possible back to you
You were sleeping so soundly in Tims dorm and Hoodie thought your sleeping form was so beautiful so vulnerable he's been watching you for a while through Brian and he thought this would be the perfect moment to steal you away after he saw the note Tim wrote a letter to you inviting you to come to his place for valentines day 
How romantic of him too bad Hoodies going to whisk you away now he recalls seeing you and Tim go on a dinner date in Tim's kitchen he prepared your favorite dish the reason he knows this was because he placed cameras in more secretive places to check on Tim and his episodes when he would become Masky and go out to do God knows what 
Hoodie knew Tim was trying to keep he alter personality a secret from you as well as hide his more obsessive side when he would become Masky he would stalk you and take pictures of you going about your day and attach it to his wall later to look at when Tims feeling emotional which Tim had to compile in a box the day previously so you wouldn't freak out at him
Which Hoodie would probably have to steal along with you was a thought that came across his mind as he prepared a syringe with an unknown liquid inside of it from underneath Tims mattress he watched the scruffy brunette man got up and picked up a revolver from the drawer with his pale hands and walked out making sure to keep the gun hidden from anyone's view 
Once he was out of sight propped up upon his shoulders he began crawling out from under the bed as quietly as possible as not to disturb your sleep as he stood up gazing upon your softly snoring form as he was searching for the perfect spot to prick your neck with the fluid once he found it he punctured the soft flesh injecting the liquid in your bloodstream you awoke for a second not long enough to examine him but only to be held down by the powerful man as he clasped his rough fingers around your both your wrist 
"Shhhhhhh [Name.] baby just relax" he mumbled somewhat gently with a smug smile etched on his face, his thoughts instantly twisting into ideas of what he was going to do to you when you finally got back to where you truly belonged. "Everything is going to be just fine."
As soon as the drug invaded your mind and your world faded once again at the same time he hastily took you into his arms and started his journey back to his abandoned cabin into the darkness of the night and when he reached his own home he settled you in the bed in his room with ropes gripping your hands attached to the old oak foundation of the bed as he snuggled into your warm body once he was feeling bold as the night proceeded
"I've been wanting to do this for a fucking real long time." He mutters under his breath into the crook of the cozy soft flesh of your neck "Best part is that he doesn't know where I live so he can't take you away."
Tim didn't know what the hell could've happened while he visited Jay but all he knew was that something was wrong and now you were missing with no signs clues of to where you might be it was only when he found a note under the blankets with just three words that made his blood run cold 
She's mine now
Now he knew has an idea of who could've done it Brian has been strange as well lately by giving death glares to him when Tim tries to flirt with you not only that but he seemed to be more encouraging of Jay's stalkerish behavior Tim now realized the mistake he made earlier by leaving you alone to murder Jay before he could murder him Tim believed the only reason Brian was nudging Jay to stalk you was to get Jay to stop bothering him and let him live in peace but now that Jay was dead there was no other suspect left but Brian 
As he was piecing together what could've transpired he heard a buzzing coming from his cell phone he took the phone in his hand while the faint glow of light was still emanating when the device as he saw the message from none other than Brian with a string of numbers possibly coordinates to his location where he kidnapped you from him while he was busy
His breath started to get more uneven with his eyes dilating out of fear while thoughts flew past his mind about your safety he was started to hold himself with his hands gripping diagonally at his upper arms while the fabric of his flannel creased as a reaction to his strength he started to tremble not out of distress but resentment his knuckles started transforming into a snowy white from how hard he was clenching his fist
His mind was beginning to feel fuzzy as his own thoughts were starting to get quiet but the static in his mind was getting only louder followed by a loud booming voice that was starting to overtake him again but this time he welcomed it as he didn't know what other actions he could take
Once it finally overtook him a sinister simile was plastered upon his parched slips he was going to get you back and slaughter Brian as atonement for stealing you and maybe keep you in the cabin away from the violence and then he would fix everything thus you would belong to him
"Fuck Brian you know I'd do anything to protect [Name.] anything for her to be mine." He growled under his breath, eyes now focused on the porcelain mask with dark circles around its eyes with eyes knitted up in what appears to be suprise and pitch jet lips on the wall he told you was just for decoration "You're about to regret what you've just done." He remarks followed by a deep huskier chuckle
He clutches his handgun yet again and sets off on a search to locate the coordinates stepping into his vehicle and sliding in the keys before turning it to start the engine and pulling out of the college campus parking lot now focusing on the road in front of him and driving into the nightfall as to not be discerned by anybody 
When he finally reached the trail to the cabin he started sprinting his way to whatever location Brian had sent him he had no time to waste following a trail of footprints of crunched leaves and snapped twigs on the surface of the ground floor when he finally reached the window of the cabin he stood and pressed an ear to listen for activity in case Brian was preparing an ambush for him in one of the rooms 
He heard the sound of a struggle and the sounds of thuds something else that he couldn't quite make out but it was still extremely worrying 
Bam...bam...bam! "AARGH!"  followed by a thunderous crackling of somebody he couldn't make out the voices clearly but he could at least assume what's occurring...what if it was Brian hurting you because you did something that made him extremely furious if that were the case he'd have to come and rescue you but at the same time he'd have to keep his alter ego a secret to avoid your concern for him
He quickly wrapped his fingers around a nearby rock and launched it directly at the cabin glass window instantly shattering it to sharp pieces and stepping through it carefully and at that moment he could make out masculine yells coming from the room in front of him now he is certain the voice wasn't actually you much to his relief 
As he more steps towards the door intertwining his fingers against the knob of the old wooden door and twisting while at the same time putting his strength against the ancient oak entryway he could still make out another familiar yet unknown voice furiously screaming along with Brian shouting among all the commotion which fueled his yearning to harm Brian for bringing both you and him into his annoying scheme even moree
Then as he walked inside the miserable room with the white paint heavily chipping away following that sight he witnessed Brian in a vibrant orange yellowish hoody stained in certain places with what appears to be blood along with a pitch-black fabric mask covering the entirety of his head beside the hood that was pulled over his head another thing he noticed on the material placed on Brian's face was a red frown along with crimson pinpoint dots for eyes additionally just plain worn out jeans that looked to be somewhat dirty he realized that this wasn't actually Brian but his alter ego whose name was unmistakably known to him as hoodie but he was still going to execute him nonetheless for possibly harming you 
But the other figure straddling Brian clutching a cell phone above him  looked somewhat familiar with a coffee brown leather jacket with a black hood that was also above his head he noticed the man's jacket happens to also be tinted in particular spots with that easily recognizable red liquid in addition to this he wore a mask that resembled that of a skeleton with two rows of square teeth and dark circles on both of the holes where his eyes would be with eyebrows that looked to be expressing with curiosity 
"Give me back my phone right now you fucker!" Brian hissed eyes glaring up at the man on above of him trying to get to pry the man off him "And get the fuck off of me!" He added with a hint of irritation 
"SHE'S MINE SHE'S MINE YOU CAN'T HAVE HER SHE'S MINE!" The man snarled in an outrage his tone obviously hysterical as he raised his other fist preparing to hit Hoodie with a flurry of punches aimed at his already bloody face
As Masky stepped closer to the scene there was a painfully audible creak and both men stopped for a second before their head began tilting over to Masky's direction than the mysterious man spoke his words flowing out of his mouth like fluid 
"Well...well...well remember me?" He implored Masky swiftly changing his tone from outrage to relaxed while staring at him intently still with that emotionless mask whilst Hoodie kept swatting for the man to get off of him 
"No who the hell are you and did you send me that text." He questions feeling himself getting more disgruntled with this confusing situation he opens his mouth to speak once again "And where is [Name.] What did you do to her!?" His eyes gaze directly at the unusual man 
"Oh, you don't recall me, your friend? that you shot dead in my own home!" The man glares and scowls at Masky the unpleasant memory started to rise in his mind again "You took my love then you took my life and now I'm back for vengeance" 
"Jay?" Masky grumbled, "there's no way I killed you, why aren't you dead?!" He shouted his mind racing with questions maybe he was just hallucinating this whole predicament 
"Close im Skully, but about your little question I'd rather not answer that." Skully answered back Hoodie now was panting under him from a combination of him being crushed under his weight and his failed attempts to injure Skully with his sore bloody knuckles
Hoodie was beginning to feel lightheaded from only getting to inhale so much oxygen just when he thought he was about to black out Skully stood up with his eyes boring into Maskys then Skully spoke
"I'm going to...kill you then I'll kill hoodie then she'll be mine all mine." Skully's breathing started to hitch and become heavier like a bear's breathing as he slowly took a step towards Masky "it's going to be all okay everything's going to be fine it's about to be the way it should be."
You started to thrash around in your bounds fortunately to you it was becoming looser you tried to observe the darkness of the environment around you to tried to find a way to escape back to safety there were windows but they were boarded up but there was an old door which caught your eye as you limped over to it still sore from the burns of the rope that felt like a harsh heat
As you wrapped your hand around the knob and pushed you heard the conversation of people in the next room so then out of curiosity you put your ear to the door you could make out a thickly deep voice and some the sounds of some light coughing along with Tims's voice which filled you with both relief and fear
Because on one hand, Tim is here to save you from this place but on the other what if he got wounded by that other man after thinking about what to do in this situation for a minute that felt like an eternity you decided it would be best to step into the room help Tim beat that man and escape with his help and call the authorities
As you stepped into the room everybody peered in your direction you caught a good look at them one being Tim with his dark brown hair and yellow jacket and worn jeans and a white mask covering his face with what looks to have dark lips and circles encasing the holes meant for the eyes the man in front him looked a bit similar 
He has a tan leather jacket with a raven black hood and the same worn pants and a white mask white rectangular teeth and the same dark circles around the eyes as Tims but this time with the same eyebrows settled in a surprised manner in your direction as if they were startled by you waltzing in the room
And then finally there was that easily recognizable sound of Brian's roughly breathing you heard in your sleep but right now he was on the floor laid flat with blood with a yellow orangish cloth hood along with ordinary jeans and a black cover mask with crimson red frown and two dots for eyes above it
"What's going on! who are you?" You questioned loudly, eyes flickering around the room. you were wondering why they were in costumes was Tim in on this sick circumstance?
"I'm here for you my beloved and im Jay but...in a different form," he announced casually as he made a fist and pointed his thumb to his face "My names now Skully" 
You were confused because Skully didn't look like Jay whatsoever he was taller and his voice was a lot deeper almost in a chilling way and his figure looked to be more stronger than Jay with his broad shoulders but the only thing that was the same about him was the way he spoke 
"[Name.] Give me a minute to deal with him. I won't be needing your help." Masky sighs casually trying to weave away in his mind to distract Skully so your as least scared as possible 
"That's quite a rude way to talk." Skully quickly brought out his hand and grabbed his pocket knife from out of his jean pocket while using his other hand to clench Masky's throat blocking his airways while Masky started making choking sounds trying to struggle out of his grasp 
"If you kill him I won't ever love you!" You blurted out of desperation trying to save your lover from getting his throat slashed from Skully's blade your eyes now are being focused on Tims trembling body
Skully faltered at this his breathing now became even more intense then he dropped Tim with a dull thud then he started to clutch his arms and rocked himself ever so slightly back and forth in an attempt to comfort himself from your words
While Skully was distracted Hoodie who was now back to full willpower  hastily got up as quick as possible and clenched Skullys knife from behind and had it now hovering over Skullys throat Hoodie didn't say a word and just when he was about to make the slit you perked up
"No, don't kill him either for the love of God!" You cried out you didn't believe that what Skully possibly done was right but that doesn't mean you want him to perish you took a quick breather before continuing "Don't or else I be able to love you either" 
Instead of trying to comfort himself in an attempt to forget your words he just gave a disappointed sigh and slowly backed away from Skully while he raised his hands in surrender secretly smirking under his mask now comforted that you saved him
Masky was now staring at Hoodie already reaching in his pocket for his handgun but before he could you interrupted "That goes the same for you too Tim."
And with that, he stopped in his tracks and looked from Hoodie to you with a blank stare so you couldn't be able to get a read with how upset he was that you would say such a thing especially when it was Hoodie that did this to you and dragged him into it 
"Actually I got an idea," Hoodie speaks enthusiastically eyeing everyone in the room chuckling as ideas resurfacing in his head then smirking to himself "If [Name.] Hates it when we're at each other's throats then let's just share her"
Skully had a thousand-yard expression yard stare then he uttered "Actually as much as I hate sharing I'd rather share than be genuinely despised by my sweetheart."
"I'm going to be honest I'm tired of me and [Name.] Getting stressed by college and...I would rather spend more time with her" Masky spoke softly yet reluctantly while his eyes glanced at yours lovingly "And I'd prefer not to kill my friends despite what they've done" 
your lips started to depart to talk attempting to sound stern but your voice came out meek "I'm not sure about this." Your stare now focused on the floor and not any of the men in front of you who on the other hand were staring right into your eyes
Now your mind was frantic on one side how are you supposed to split your affection between three of the closest people in your life all the time and also you loved Jay and Brian as a friend and maybe Tim as a lover but you didn't want them to be at each other's throats especially Skully since he appeared to be tougher than the other two men another thing to note is that all three of them could easily hurt you although you can sense that they didn't want to
But what if they forced you into this scenario if you resisted would they punish you or your family so with that last thought in mind you decided it would be best to accept their offer after all it would be selfish to have somebody dying just because you resisted their demented obsession with you and after all…maybe you'll learn to love them over time
So trying to hide the anxiety in your voice and the heat on your cheeks you spoke loudly enough for them to hear "I've decided that your offer is for the best so I'll accept." their face lit up at your words
Skully was the first one to step towards you at a slow pace as he wrapped his arms under your own in a warm tight embrace whilst he put his chin atop your soft hair 
Then Hoodie came trapping you in a side hug nestling into your shoulder while you could feel him against your skin grinning ear to ear through the mask 
Then there was Masky who came up from behind and settled his rough hands down on your shoulders then he bent down to kiss the back of your neck which made you jolt in surprise in response to this he just chuckled then he bent down and put his arms under your legs and swept you off your feet while the other two men backed off now carrying you bridal style 
Then he started to head back into the bedroom where you woke up in taking the lead while the other two followed then setting you down gently atop the soft oak bed while Hoodie reached for something underneath the bed much to your dismay while you were caged in the middle of the bed between Skully and Masky then Hoodie stood up with a syringe in hand while Masky snaked his arms over yours so that your arms were to your side and you were pulled flush against him feeling him purring against your neck while Skully began to stroke your hair with one hand in an attempt to calm you while his other hand was tracing patterns on your thigh
Hoodie slowly came on top of the mattress putting a finger to his lips while silently shushing you not to struggle as you felt the familiar prick of your skin as your sight began to fade and turn black 
"Shhhh love you made the right choice we're so glad but now is the time you get your rest." Was the last thing you heard from Masky's lips before you fell into a deep sleep.
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elareine · 4 years
I know I already gave you one, but I just thought of this now, if you could, or ignore it, either one is fine, can you please write Nurse or Doctor Tim with JayTim or DickTim, or both go crazy with it, if you want. And Tim being so exasperated with them because they keep giving him the lamest excuses for their injuries, because they don't know he knows or they suspect he knows but both sides are trying to see who will mention it first. So its like a big competition of who will break first.
So the competition aspect got lost a bit? I hope you still enjoy it :) 
Warning: Some dark jokes about domestic violence, mostly borne out of my experience when I actually fell down the stairs. Also I blatantly did not care about the actual medical issues in this. 
“You fell down the stairs.” 
Usually, when Tim had to repeat these words to someone, he said them gently: telegraphing his disbelief as well as his willingness to keep up appearances as long as the victim needed to. With kids, he was a bit more direct, though only after separating them from the parent. He never spoke this sarcastically; that would be uncalled for. 
(Also, contrary to popular belief, some people actually did fall down the stairs.) 
Today? Today his words were dripping with sarcasm. 
The man—‘Richard Grayson’ according to his file, ‘Dick’ according to his introduction, ‘Gotham’s most handsome bachelor’ according to the gossip mags—rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “I… maybe it was more, like. The roof?” 
“Did the roof use a whip, by any chance?” Tim asked, examining the welts. “What did you do to piss off Catwoman?” 
“Not—Nothing, because I fell down the stairs.” 
“The roof.” 
“The stairs on the roof.” 
Tim sighed. “Alright. We’re gonna need an x-ray because I suspect your muscle has been cut through. Please report to room three, and the nurse will take care of it.” 
“Sure thing, doc!” 
When Tim had been inspired by Thomas Wayne to become a doctor, this hadn’t been what he envisioned. 
Cure the sick? Sure. Fix bones and other injuries? As an orthopedic specialist: every day. Look at every injury Dick Grayson acquired during his totally-legal activities? Nope. What the fuck. 
The explanations became increasingly stupider, too, which was hard to believe seeing how they started with a chart-topper like ‘I fell down the stairs/roof and it happened to look like a belt from a whip.’ 
Tim had resolved early on that he wouldn’t ask. His patience for Dick’s weak-ass excuses was close to zero, sure, but it was safer  to keep away. This was a professional medical praxis that cared for everyone, no matter their allegiance. Tim didn’t even know which vigilante was sitting in front of him. 
…oh, who was he kidding. This was Nightwing. None of the other vigilantes in Gotham was that chipper. 
(Also, that ass.) 
Fine. Tim could deal with that. He might’ve even privately fangirled over the fact that he got to patch up Nightwing (the first Robin!) on a regular basis. Also, Dick was ridiculously charming; Tim didn’t mind spending time with him. It was a nice break in the middle of a hectic day. 
Except then Dick started bringing his brother/boyfriend along. 
(Yeah, Tim felt as weird about that ‘/‘ as you do. But they were holding hands, so…) 
He took one look at Jason Todd and asked drily: “So, seen any good zombie movies lately?” 
Dick choked on air. Jason just grinned through the bloody mess he’d made of his mouth and asked: “Do I look that bad?” 
“Worse.” Tim sighed and started examining the mess closer, carefully pressing along the lines of the other man’s jaw. “Let me guess, you’re also into parkour?” 
“Among other things.” 
“Hmm. Yeah, nothing broken, I think, but we’ll double-check. If not, ice, painkillers, and no ‘rooftop parkour’ for a while, alright?” He paused. Honestly, judging by Jason’s stature (too wide for most vigilantes) and age (too young to be Batman)… “I’d tell you to wear a helmet, but apparently, even that’s not helping.”  
Jason turned to Dick, grinning widely. “I can see why you like him.” 
Tim had no idea what to think about that, so he didn’t. 
It was supposed to be a quiet afternoon. Every Wednesday, Tim would close his practice at 2 p.m. and spend the rest of the day doing paperwork. A cup of tea and the tv in the background 
Except then the news started, and Tim heard the phrases “Nightwing and Red Hood,” “magician,” and “explosion.” 
Then, the footage—obviously taking from mobile phone recordings—began playing. He watched for three minutes, panic spreading through him. Nightwing limp on the ground. Red Hood, literally thrown through a wall. He knew that these men were terrifyingly well trained, that Red Hood must’ve had some beta modifications at some point in his life with the injuries he took in stride—
But on camera, they weren’t moving. 
According to the timestamp, the footage had been taken thirty minutes ago. 
“Clean-up has begun,” the reporter on the screen said. “There is no sign of the two vigilantes who have defended our community center to the last—“ 
Tim grabbed his things and ran. 
Tam, his assistant, looked up in alarm as he entered the waiting area. “Tim?” 
“I need to go,” Tim told her, not stopping. “It’s an emergency.” 
And because Tam was the best, she simply called after him: “Call me if you need help! I’ll take care of the practice.” 
Tim knew Dick’s home address, had memorized it just in case—just in case. That’s where Tim drove now. If they weren’t there, he would try Wayne Manor next, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer. 
But when he pressed the doorbell at the apartment labeled ‘Grayson,’ he was immediately buzzed in. 
Jason was the one who let him in and led him to the living room, where Dick half-sat, half laid on a couch. 
Tim asked: “Okay. What hurts the most?” 
“His head,” Jason replied, and Dick glared: “I’m told you I’m fine, Jay—“ 
Tim walked over. Swelling, definitely, and something about that shoulder… 
“I popped that back in,” Jason explained. “But I think there’s something wrong with his neck.” 
Yeah, there really was. Tim recognized the beginning of some deep bruising—strangulation, his mind supplied, that magician had tried to choke Dick out—and the back of Dick’s head felt tender and hot. 
“I don’t suppose I can interest you in an x-ray?” he asked. 
Disagreement all around. Fine. Tim would write them prescriptions for braces, if they didn’t have them lying around in a corner, anyway. Unless something felt like it was broken or shifted out of place or actually torn. You didn’t mess around with that. 
Jason had sat down next to Dick, and Tim moved on seamlessly to checking him. Jason’s ribs were definitely not okay, but probably hadn’t punctured his lung or anything, or he wouldn’t be sitting here. Apart from that, he was one massive bruise and a fucked-up hit. No running for Red Hood for at least a week. (Six weeks for normal humans. Tim was used to the calculation by now.) Oh, and something had crushed his foot—“the building falling on me,” Jason very helpfully informed him—and they had both suffered fourth- and third-degree burns. 
Tim began dressing the wounds in silence. His hands were shaking. Why were they shaking, dammit. He was a fucking doctor. His hands were the steadiest thing about him. 
It felt like hours passed before he was done. 
“You need to stay awake.” His tone was too sharp; he could do nothing to soften it. “With a blast like that, concussions are a given. Is there anyone we could call to stay up with you?” 
Dick nodded, then winced. Yeah, he should avoid that movement for a while. “Yes, we could—“ 
“No.” Jason shook his head. 
“No?” Dick looked at him. Something must’ve been telegraphed in Jason’s eyes because Dick continued: “Oh, I mean, no. I’m afraid there isn’t.” 
“We’re all alone.” 
Tim sighed. “Don’t you have, like, fifteen siblings and a butler? I should just call Wayne Manor; I’m sure that number is on Google or something—“
“Tim,” Dick said very gently. His hand went up to grasp Tim’s. “Stay with us?” 
Tim blinked. “That’s. Really unprofessional.” He didn’t pull his hands away, though. 
“You’re in our living room.” Jason shifted—it looked painful—and continued: “Pretty sure nothing about this is professional, so…” 
“Please?” Dick asked. 
Tim inhaled deeply and shook his head. “You two are so—stupid.” They flinched. “Like, what’re you doing, getting injured like that every week? You’re going to get yourself killed, and then I will have to come up with an explanation and it’s gonna be better than any you ever came up with. You’re gonna be so bad for my blood pressure.” 
Dick looked crestfallen, but Jason was starting to grin: “So, you’re staying, then?” 
(I’m taking prompts until the end of the year.) 
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redhoodieone · 4 years
Panties or Us
This is a short fic. Fluffy and a little smutty (but not as much as I usually do). I wanted to write something with emotion and feelings for once, and I think I’m starting to get the hang of the fluffiness. 😊
A little practice goes a long way. And I apologize in advance for any spelling errors or just shitty ass mistakes in general.
Warnings: Language, Sexual Content, and Misunderstandings.
Panties or Us
It’s no surprise Jason Todd is hot. Scratch that; it’s no surprise that he’s fucking sexy. Anyone would have to be blind to not see it, I mean, men and women everywhere have shown interest in him and even admire him enough to either want to be him or be with him.
I suppose my crush on him grew as fast and hard like a man’s erection when he took me under his wing. As a matter of fact, the whole Batfamily is training me as well:
Dick is my emotional support.
Tim is my technology support.
Damian is my meditation support.
Barbara is my sister support.
Bruce is my father figure support.
Alfred is my saint support.
And Jason is my training/fighting support.
Initially, he hated the idea of having “train” me. He tried to say he didn’t have time to be a “master” to a “grasshopper”, and had insisted Dick or Tim to take me. But after Bruce lectured him that he should have some sort of new responsibility to keep him out of trouble, Jason reluctantly agreed.
But that doesn’t mean he ever went easy on me.
For the first four months of our new partnership, it was a complete horror movie. We constantly argued. We constantly butted heads and had stormed off like bickering couples. We constantly found the need to hate each other more than ever.
And it was all because we didn’t know what to expect from the other.
Jason had always expected me to be fast, smart, and on my feet for anything and everything. Days of grueling workouts, late night stake outs, protein shakes daily, and lessons of self defense and some weapons.
NightBat, my superhero identity, is still considered the newest member of the Batfamily even though I have been working with them for over a few years. But luckily, I’ve learned how to fight well and even use guns with rubber bullets like Jason.
So, in a way, I became exactly like Jason.
But I never thought I could like him. Hell, I never thought I would ever like him-like him.
And believe me, I never thought I could ever fall in love with him.
But I did, and I’m in love with him.
I’m in love with Jason Fucking Peter Todd.
But being in love with Jason Todd is everything.
It hurts.
It’s confusing sometimes.
It’s beautiful.
It’s difficult.
It’s perfect.
It’s unfair.
Oh, boy...whoever said being in love with Jason Todd isn’t fair is lying.
Whoever said, “Being in love with Jason Todd is all sunshine, sex on heaven’s clouds, happily ever after, and all’s fair in life!” Is WRONG!!!
Because right now, it’s not fucking fair how Jason is staring down at the city with his back turned to me.
It’s not fucking fair how his thighs flex when he rearranges his gun holsters and how it makes me want to grind deliciously on those big muscular thighs.
It’s not fucking fair how I want to run my hands underneath his leather jacket just to feel his strong back and make him moan for me.
And it’s not fucking fair how he makes me want to drop to my knees and BEG him to let me suck his big hard cock.
Fuck. It’s also not fucking fair how I want to please him before he pleases me!
None of this is fucking fair. There. I admit it! I admit that I’m acting like a horny, spoiled bitch on the inside. And it’s not very pretty and lady like.
But how else am I supposed to behave and think when someone like Jason Todd is a sex God on a stick? He’s a delicious snack for fucks sake!
And how can I focus on saving people when all I can feel and think about is how wet my panties are?
“Why do I feel your eyes burning in the back of my head?”
Jason’s voice startles me. I stumble back and release a nervous sigh.
“I’m not. I swear!”
Yes, because I’m really staring at your fucking body, Jason.
Jason turns around to face me. He removes his trademark red helmet and holds it under one arm, while he digs into his jacket pocket with the other; while keeping his beautiful, addictive-staring blue eyes on me.
“Really? Do you honestly expect me to believe that?”
“Yes, because it’s the truth.”
Jason smirks. “You’re a horrible liar, sweetheart. You’re just as awful as Tim! Maybe that’ll be our next lesson for next week!”
He finally pulls out a Butterfinger candy bar from his pocket. He rips an end open and takes a big bite.
I softly whine when Jason moans in satisfaction at the taste and when he licks his lips. I suddenly want a taste.
Another thing that’s fucking not fair.
“Want a bite?” Jason asks me with a mouthful.
“Um...okay,” I say weakly.
Jason hands me the candy bar. I slowly and cautiously raise the sweet chocolate to my mouth and take a decent bite. It’s delicious. It’s a satisfying treat.
But it’s not as sweet as Jason, I imagine.
I hand over the candy bar back to Jason but he somehow looks offended at me. He pushes my hand back.
“Oh, come on, Y/N! Take a real bite! I’m not going to get pissed if you do,” Jason urges.
“But it’s yours, and I don’t want to eat it all,” I insist, handing it back to him.
“But I’m sharing it with you, doll. That’s why I offered it to you, so we can share it.”
Fuck...the way he calls me “sweetheart” and “doll” makes me feel all tingly inside. I almost believe and feel like I’m his girlfriend. The way my heart beats fast and slows down whenever he’s near me or far away makes me believe in it more than anything, because Jason is the only guy to ever do that to me.
But “sweetheart” and “doll” are common nicknames he uses for attractive women and close female friends.
And I’m just another female friend to him.
I sign heavily in defeat. “Okay,” I say, while taking a bigger bite of the candy bar. While chewing and tasting the dessert, I instantly notice Jason is staring at me with such intensity.
His pupils are blown wide.
His mouth is parted and he’s breathing almost hard.
He consciously or unconsciously licks his lips while watching me lick my own to make sure I don’t have any crumbs on me.
“Uh...here,” I say softly, and hand half the candy bar back to him. “I ate my half so the rest is yours. You can finish it.”
Jason reaches out to grab it but ends up pulling me instead by my wrist. My chest collides to his, and he gazes down at me with lust in his eyes.
“I rather have something else...and I’m not in the mood to finish it anytime soon,” he reveals in a deep voice. I shiver at just hearing him speak and feeling his hot breath on me.
I stare at him with confusion. “Wait, what?” I choke out, as he shuts his eyes and lowers his head to chuckle at me.
“You heard me,” Jason smirks.
But I’m confused. I’m literally confused right now!
“I’m sorry, Jay. I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” I admit quietly.
“You seriously don’t know what I’m talking about, Y/N?”
“I-I really don’t,” I whisper.
Jason immediately purses his lips and stares at me as if he’s trying to decide if he believes me or not. I stare back at him with anxiousness.
“You don’t believe me.”
I open my mouth to say something but I can’t. All I can do is stare at him in shock.
“You know I really like you, right?” Jason asks me. He smiles at me, and it makes my heart swell. “Y/N, you’re my babe. You’re my girl. You’re everything I want.”
I finally find my voice. “You-you like me? You really like me?”
Jason frowns. “Of course, I really like you! Why else would I have spent all this time with you? Why else would I have fought so fucking hard to be chosen by Bruce to be your mentor? I had to literally beat Dick’s and Tim’s ass to be with you!”
“But-but you didn’t want to be my mentor! You hated it! You hated me! You always bitched and whined about having to train me and spend all your time with me!” I say defensively.
Jason throws his head back and bursts out laughing. I immediately frown, my cheeks burn with embarrassment, and I instantly feel like I’m about to cry. Standing in front of someone as strong, handsome, fearless, and beautifully broken like Jason, while wanting to cry is intimidating.
A nightmare, really.
I want to run away. I want to run so far away from here that even detectives like Bruce and Tim could never find me.
Because just the thought of Jason seeing me cry and feel stupid is more painful than being alone and lost.
I can’t help but shake in embarrassment. My bottom lip quivers and my cheeks become wet from the few tears that refused to stay in my eyes.
Jason glances down at me for a second and quickly notices me crying and looking red in shame. His smile is gone. He’s concerned and looks ashamed for his actions. He gently reaches to wipe away my tears.
“Oh, sweetheart, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry if I made you feel upset and embarrassed. I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. I was only laughing because I never once hated you or hated being with you,” he reveals softly.
“But...but you did,” I choke out sadly. “You
always acted like a total asshole to me.”
“Y/N, the only reason why I acted like a total asshole to you is because I was always lectured by Bruce to keep my feelings in check. He didn’t want me to like you more than a friend. He didn’t want me to flirt with you, didn’t want me to ask you out, didn’t want me to sleep with you, and didn’t even want me to get in a relationship with you,” Jason confesses. He lifts my chin up so I can look into his devastated eyes. “I wanted you ever since I met you, Y/N. I wanted to be the one you crushed on. I wanted to be the one you’d turn to for help. I wanted to be the one you’d run to if you needed someone to hold you. But I couldn’t. Bruce said if I broke any of his “golden” rules that he would replace me with Dick or Tim. But I couldn’t let him do that. I couldn’t let either of them take you away from me, just when I got you. That’s why I had to act like an asshole. If I acted like I didn’t care and didn’t want to be around you, I really thought that no one could find out how I honestly feel about you. But I guess you really believed what I was trying to sell you...”
I wipe my cheeks from the fresh set of tears that fell.
“But...what were you trying to do tonight then?”
Jason finally grins and brings me closer to him. He gazes lovingly at me.
“Y/N...I’m been trying to flirt with you all night here!” Jason confesses with a soft laugh. He lifts his head back up and looks at me with such adoration.
But I can’t help but feel like all this isn’t real.
Am I dreaming?
Did I fall off this big ass building and die?
Is Scarecrow fucking around with me with his scary-ass gas?
I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. I can’t help but stare at Jason with confusion.
Jason laughs nervously and moves both hands to hold my waist. I suddenly notice he dropped the candy bar just so he can hold me instead. He even looks down to see what I’m looking at, but he doesn’t say anything or even react.
His eyes are back on me, and he won’t look away for anything.
“Can you please say something? Can you please say anything before I fall apart in front of you?” Jason whispers. He’s so anxious. I’ve never seen him like this before. “I’ll hate myself more than I’ve ever had.”
“I-I really didn’t know you felt that way about me Jason,” I admit. I don’t necessarily know what to say, because I’ve never thought Jason would ever feel this way about me. “I just don’t know if you and I-“
“Okay! I get it! If you don’t feel the same way I feel about you, then just don’t say anything! I’ll understand. Fuck! Because why would a beautiful, smart, kind girl like you want with a total fucked up, zombie like me?! No one! Don’t even explain it to me, Y/N! Don’t get your fucking panties in a twist!” Jason snaps angrily. He removes his hands off me and takes a step backwards.
Jason appears really embarrassed and rejected; he looks as if he’s about to cry.
Because he confessed his true feelings for me. And he truly believes I don’t feel the same way about him like he does about me.
But I do feel the same way.
I love Jason.
But I’m afraid to say it right now, because Jason didn’t say he loved me. He just has feelings for me.
And Jason is about to leave me right now. He’s going to run away until he moves on and can face me again.
But I don’t want him to leave me. I don’t want him to think I don’t have feelings for him.
So, I think of something instead.
I’ll flirt back...just a little.
“Who says I’m wearing any panties?” I smirk.
Jason’s face falls. “What?” he splutters.
“I always go commando in this costume,” I shrug and smile at him. “It’s comfortable.”
I swiftly turn around and walk to the other side of the roof, just so Jason can have a good view of my ass. I know he’s flustered, and still spluttering all by himself. I turn back towards him and grin cockily.
“You’re not uncomfortable with that, or anything right Jay? I mean, you were honest with me a while ago, and I want to be honest with you, too,” I say innocently.
Jason finally looks like he’s got control over himself. He tries to smirk back at me. “No. I’m not uncomfortable at all. But I may need to see some evidence,” he reveals with a dark, lustful grin. “You know, so I won’t get distracted by you.”
I slowly walk backwards until I glance behind me and see an easy escape. “Well, then come and get me! If you catch me, I’m yours!” I shout, before I shoot from my grapple gun and jump off the roof; swinging to the other side.
“I’ll get you, Y/N. I’ll always come for you,” Jason confesses, as he runs fast to the edge to jump and chase after me. Just to find out if I’m wearing panties.
A game that’ll definitely lead to more.
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83 but with all the batfam + Mari fluff?
“If you want me, come and get me, motherfuckers.” 
Ah, thank you. A feel good prompt at last!
Bruce blinked slowly, trying to gauge exactly what emotion he should be feeling at the moment.
Clark was standing behind him in awe and slight terror, waiting to see how the big Bat was going to respond.
Diana looked absolutely delighted by the goings on of Bruce’s children.
The entire hallway was covered in little foam darts with sticky cups attached to the tips. Pink, purple, black, gold, red, blue, green, and grey foam darts painted the normally dull colors of the manor. They were attached to the pictures, the walls, the banisters, basically anything solid.
Throw pillows were tossed in every direction. Blankets were held up haphazardly, as if they were a hastily made shelter. Books were also scattered across the floor, along with some creatively taped together foam darts that looked like…throwing stars? While it didn’t look like anything was broken or damaged, the lack of Alfred greatly concerned Bruce.
He was positive the butler wouldn’t let the children get away with this. Alfred had taken care of this house since he was a boy, and Bruce knew that the children couldn’t overtake Alfred. Each child had their own sense of respect for Alfred, occasionally listening to him instead of Bruce. If Alfred had ordered them to stop, they would have ceased immediately.
Alfred didn’t call Bruce to tell him he was leaving either, so the man knew his ‘father’ had to be inside the house.
“Clark, take the eastside. Diana, you take the west side. I’ll try and see if I can’t locate Alfred. Keep on your toes, the kids have most likely set up traps,” Bruce said quietly.
Both nodded, though Clark seemed more serious than Diana. The Amazon’s blue eyes were sparkling with excitement and mirth as she broke away from the group. Clark was hesitant to leave Bruce, but one glare from the man sent him on his way.
Clark may be virtually indestructible, however, he knew his best friend well. He also knew his best friend’s children well. He knew damn well he was walking into a literal warzone with some of the fastest and most intelligent non-metas to ever take up a cape. He was now a potential target, and he wasn’t dumb enough to underestimate the Bats…especially not on their home turf.
As it turned out, Clark was very right to worry.
How did he know?
There were now fifteen darts stuck to his head.
The man of steel had been walking down one of the many corridors when he felt something strike the back of his head. He had pulled off a dart, which was grey in color. He tried listening around him to hear if there were any footsteps approaching him, but when he closed his eyes to focus, a barrage of darts came out of nowhere.
He began to run, only to be yanked into a passageway by someone.
That someone swearing fervently once they saw him.
“Motherfucker! The girls’ got Clark, Dick! And he obviously didn’t fuckin’ see Babs because he’s completely unarmed! He’s fuckin’ useless!”
Clark’s eyes widened as he looked to the dark haired man speaking.
“Jason? One, watch your language. Two, what in the name of Ma’s apple pie is going on here?” he demanded, looking at Bruce’s second eldest son.
Jason gave him a grin with teeth, essentially telling the Blue Boy Scout to go fuck himself. Another set of footsteps caused Clark’s attention to snap to the newcomer, who he recognized immediately. Dick was holding a finger to his mouth with an intense glare on his face.
“Shut. Up! Do you want the girls to find us? Or worse?” he hissed lowly.
Clark looked bewildered between the two brothers as they began to make obscene hand gestures towards one another in annoyance. He still had no idea what was going on and was about to go find Bruce until Damian appeared.
“Training exercise,” he whispered. “Girls against boys. To participate, you had to go see Barbara for the comm and dart gun with your specified color. Since you did not, this means that you are not on our team and will be considered a casualty point instead of full points. However, since the girls got you first, that means if we shoot you, we don’t get any points. So you’re safe from at least us.”
Clark felt a headache beginning as he rubbed his right temple. The things these kids thought up when they were bored! Clearly Bruce hadn’t known about this, considering his confusion upon entering the manor. Did Alfred know what the kids were do—
He gasped as another dart hit him. This time the dart hit the back of his neck. He ripped it off to see it was a grey foam dart once again. He held it in his hand, rubbing the back of his neck. Clark wondered which of the girls would have chosen grey—
“Fuck, we’ve gotta move!” a fourth voice came, slightly panicked. “He found us! Abort, abort!”
Who found them?
Who was he?
Clark watched as Tim haphazardly shoved things into a bag, turning it into a makeshift shield. Jason began to swear violently as Damian responded that they couldn’t move from their position. The girls were lying in wait for them just around the corner. If they fled, they’d all be shot. Dick seemed to be lost in thought for a moment, taking cover behind one of the statues in the room. He went to speak until Jason covered his hand.
“I’ll go.”
“I said, I’ll go. Just get ready to run,” Jason said, alarmingly grim.
Wasn’t this just a game—?
Jason sprinted out of the room, hollering as loudly as he could, “IF YOU WANT ME, COME AND GET ME, MOTHERFUCKERS!”
Clark watched as a spray of darts followed Jason’s path as he attempted to reach cover. Dick, Tim, and Damian darted down the opposite way, leaving Clark behind. The Kryptonian just stood there, confused and still being pelted with little foam darts. It wasn’t until he heard a jubilant voice that he actually began to move.
“Clark! Why aren’t you getting in on the action?” Diana asked him, with her own dart gun in hand.
“Diana? What are you—”
“The girls were a player down and invited me to join their team! I think this will be a brilliant exercise in teamwork, strategy, and stealth!”
Of course Diana would think this was fun.
And of course, Diana also took this opportunity to shoot him with her own red and blue darts.
Clark then wondered if Bruce was getting it just as bad as he was.
Bruce, while having not been shot yet, was not having much luck either.
He had seen his boys race past him, but the trio hadn’t paused for a second. All three had had foam darts of the pink, purple, black, blue and red, and grey variety sticking to them, some falling off as they ran. Considering the fact that none of his children had stopped their mischief upon seeing him, he figured that either they didn’t see him…or they saw him and did not care.
His daughters, as well as his hopefully future daughter-in-law, also darted past him without a care. The girls were mostly covered in grey darts, but there were some red, blue, gold, and green ones attached to them. Diana was also trailing after the girls, however, she only had grey darts on her body. They paid him no mind, giggling and laughing as they raced past him.
Bruce was now irritated, and he continued to search for Alfred. It appeared the only sane person in this goddamn house would have to restore order. His kids had even roped sweet little Marinette into their tomfoolery, and it was up to Bruce to stop them before they got her hurt. Though, Alfred was probably the only one who could stop them now.
He went to walk back into the foyer, not having found Alfred in the kitchen or living room, when he felt something hit him between the eyes.
The next thing Bruce noticed was that his children had all frozen, staring at him with wide eyes.
Jason looked delighted, a wide grin on his face. Dick and Tim were horrified, mouths agape. Damian was laughing, as was Stephanie. Marinette’s grey eyes were wide, and she’d covered her mouth with her hands. Cass’s shoulders silently shook with mirth, and Diana had a shit eating grin on her face.
Clark had just appeared next to him sighing, a grey dart on his forehead.
“Got you too, huh?” he said with a sigh. “Okay kids, which one of you decided nailing me and Bruce on the forehead would be fun?”
“Oh, it wasn’t one of them,” a sing-song voice came. “By the way, both teams lost.”
This brought forth arguments from the Bat-siblings as Marinette wiggled her way to the front. The dark haired Parisian walked over to the speaker… a red-headed woman in a wheelchair.
“Who won then, Ms. Barbara?” Marinette asked, ever polite.
“Please, Marinette, call me Babs,” Barbara said with a smile. “And our surprise sniper won of course! By taking out both Bruce and Clark, he clenched the final victory.”
Marinette’s grey eyes lit up, and she laughed loudly.
“Congratulations, Alfred! Looks like we’ll be making dinner tonight,” she said with a grin.
Alfred stepped out from behind his hiding spot, smiling at the lot.
“Yes, yes, you will be. I trust Master Dick and you will keep them in line?” he said, handing Barbara his dart gun.
“Oui, Alfred!” Marinette chirped. “What would you like for dinner?”
“Surprise me, Miss Marinette. I’m sure you’ll pick something wonderful,” he replied.
Bruce watched with wide eyes as Alfred instructed the children to clean up. The kids left without a fuss. Marinette and Dick left the room last, discussing what they would be making for dinner. Alfred walked over to both Bruce and Clark. He snatched both darts off of their foreheads before smiling and saying, “Welcome home, Master Bruce. Master Clark, it’s good to see you. Miss Diana will join you once she’s done helping the children clean up.”
Clark looked down at his best friend before sighing.
The Waynes and company were… certainly something else.
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pricetagofficial · 4 years
The Archer T.D. Part 2
Warnings: Language, Blood, Angst, Sexual Content, etc.
Part One Part Three
Word Count: 2.4k
Tag: @catxsnow​
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Chapter Two
Tim was sat on the couch looking through the news feed on his phone, keeping up to date with everything going on not just in Gotham but the rest of the world. It sufficed to say that Tim rarely ever quit working after he became Robin at the age of 15, now he was 19 and wasn't even Robin anymore. He was Red Robin, one of Gotham's protectors along with the rest of his family.
"Master Tim, would you be so kind as to take your feet off of the couch I just vacuumed?" Alfred asked, holding a tray with a mug of coffee on it.
Tim bent his head backward to look at the English butler and gave him a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Alf."
"Apology accepted, now would you please remind your brothers that we are expecting a guest?" Alfred requested, handing Tim the mug of coffee he had asked for 20 minutes before. Tim gave him a nod and rose to his feet, taking a large sip of the coffee. "Also, remind them I want the manor to stay clean until they arrive."
Tim gave Alfred yet another nod. "Sure thing, also thank you for the coffee." he smiled and walked out of the sitting room. Knowing his brothers, they would be down in the Batcave prepping for the night's patrol. Something Tim did 3 hours prior. Turning the handles on the clock in the study, Tim drank half of his coffee in one gulp before descending the stairs.
What he saw when he got down there was no surprise to him. Of course Dick, Jason and Damian were all down there but so was Stephanie and Barbara. Cass was still in Japan on Batman Inc. business and wouldn't be back for another month.
There stood Stephanie in her average daily wear, with what looked to be jumbo marshmallows shoved into her mouth with Dick and Jason egging her on. He didn't have to see the look on Babs' face to see that she did not approve, and Damian was his usual self standing off to the side observing the others' antics.
"Guys, Alfred told me to remind you that our guests are arriving." he sipped more coffee and stood by Barbara and his assumptions were right. Steph was, for some unknown reason, shoving jumbo marshmallows into her mouth.
"Yeah, yeah. Timmy, you have to look at this. Steph has 14 jumbo marshmallows in her mouth. 14!" Dick said, clearly excited.
Damian huffed, "Why don't you tell him why she has 14 marshmallows in her mouth?"
Tim looked at his siblings, obviously it had something to do with Dick and Jason because they were to most excited about it. Knowing them, it was some kind of bet to see how many marshmallows she could fit into her mouth which would also explain the look of disapproval from Barbara. One wrong move and Steph would either spit them all over or choke and need CPR.
"Jason made a bet to Dick on how many she can fit didn't he?" Tim asked.
"Bold of you to assume that I started this babybird." Jason retorted.
"Did you?"
"Of course I did."
Tim rolled his eyes and looked at the clock on his phone, according to Alfred their guests were an hour away and Bruce wanted everyone to meet them. Like clockwork, Bruce appeared and took one look at his kids and let out a long sigh.
"Why is it that everytime we have people coming over, at least two of you do something stupid?" he asked, as Stephanie shoved two more marshmallows making Dick grin wider.
"Oh come on B, at least let us finish this bet. I am 3 away from winning. I bet she could fit 20 in her big mouth, Dick bet 18." Jason said, not turning to look at Bruce.  "Besides, what's so important about these people anyway?"
"Oliver Queen is bringing his ward to stay with us for a while. They've been having some trouble and they thought I could help." he explained, crossing his arms and watched as Steph fit yet two more marshmallows maxing it out at 18 like Dick bet.
"Ha! I told you she could fit 18!" he taunted, pointing a finger in Jason's face.
"Don't ha me yet Dickiebird. If she fits two more, I win." Jason grinned, pushing Dick's hand away.
Bruce dropped his head in defeat. There was no way they were going to listen to him when they were like this. Everyone watched as Steph grabbed 2 more marshmallows and began to fit one into her mouth much to Dick's dismay. Jason crossed his fingers as she tried to push the last one in to make it 20, but gagged halfway through and spat them all over the floor.
"19! I win! Take that Jason, you have to bake me cookies now." Dick cried triumphantly. Jason however did not look that impressed.
"You lost too looser, she had 19. Not 18."
"Jay, that's not how it works. She got to my number not yours. I win." Dick argued.
The next thing they knew, Jason was trying to put Dick into a headlock who just kept flipping away out of his hold only making Jason try harder.
"Master Richard, Master Jason! Stop fighting and come up stairs. Our guests are almost here." Alfred announced, appearing at Bruce's side. Both boys stopped and rubbed the back of their necks.
"Sorry, we'll be right up."  Dick said and began to help Barbara upstairs.
"What's so important about Oliver's kid anyway? Did he blow up a building or something." Jason asked, heading for the stairs.
"Rory has been having problems, I think we can help." Bruce explained yet again.
"His name is Rory?" Damian asked, crossing his arms. "Sounds stupid."
"Master Damian, there will be no name calling of our guest. Understood?" Alfred scolded. Damian huffed again and gave him a nod.
Tim was the last one up the stairs, with Alfred right behind him. So the guy's name was Rory, what did he look like and what problems was he having? With their eventual arrival, Tim would find out soon enough.
About 20 minutes later, everyone was in the main lobby awaiting Oliver and his ward.
"What do we even know about this guy?" Jason asked.
"Jay, can you not be suspicious of everyone?" Stephanie asked, leaning over to look at him.
"Being suspicious of everyone keeps you alive, big mouth." Jason replied with a smirk.
"Who are you calling big mouth?! If anyone is the big mouth it is you!" she yelled at him, a frown upon her face.
"I'm not the one who put 19 jumbo marshmallows in my mouth on a bet!" Jason yelled back, and like everytime someone starts a yelling match, everyone began yelling at each other.
"Enough!" Bruce yelled, his voice vibrating off the walls of the manor. Immediately, everyone went quiet with the occasional mumble of "Sorry, Bruce."
Tim played with his fingers, there were a million other things he could be doing at the moment but they were waiting on Oliver and Rory to show up. The name Rory sounded familiar to him as well, years ago he knew someone by that name but there was no way they were the same person. His Rory was a girl for starters and Oliver's was a boy, so they couldn't be the same person.
There was a knock on the door and everyone straightened up. Alfred opened the door and in walked Oliver Queen with a few suitcases. "Hey Alfie! Long time no see!" he cried.
Alfred gave him a smile. "Nice to see you again Master Oliver." Oliver gave Alfred a pat on the back and looked back out the dor.
"Come on Rory!" he called. The person who appeared through the door next surprised everyone.
Rory Queen was in fact not a boy. Rory Queen was a girl, and not just any girl. Rory Queen was Tim's childhood best friend.
"Everyone, meet Aurora Queen." Bruce introduced.
Rory's eyes looked around and assessed everyone in the room, she went from Alfred to Bruce to the line behind him. The boy at the end of the line caught her eye. The first words out of her mouth were not in greeting at all.
"Tim? What the fuck are you doing here?" she asked.
Immeadiately, everyone's eyes turned to look at Tim. "What, you know her?" Dick asked curiously.
Tim was speechless, he hadn't seen Rory in 13 years and she looked the same. Of course the last time he had seen her she was 7 and he was 6, she had grown but her eyes and smile were still the same. All Tim could do was nod in response.
"Wait, you knew she was a girl and neither you nor Bruce thought to tell the rest of us?" Jason cut in.
"Well, I didn't want to ruin your assumption Jason. Maybe you should think before daring someone to put 20 jumbo marshmallows in their mouth." Bruce stated, a small grin on his face. "But I had no idea Tim knew her."
"In his defense, it's been 13 years and I was Aurora Sonnet then." Rory stated, looking at Tim who seemed to be in shock.
"Timmy? Hello? Earth to Timmy?" Steph said, waving her hand in front of his face. Tim's mind was going a million miles a minute.
Why the hell was she Aurora Queen and not Aurora Sonnet? Clearly Oliver was her father figure now, so what did that mean about her parents? Last he checked he was still married to Dinah, so he couldn't be her stepfather. Bruce had also said she was Oliver's ward like Tim and the rest were to him.
So that left only one option, Michael and Clara Sonnet were dead and he didn't know until now.
Snapping himself out of his thoughts, he finally found his voice. "Yeah, we were kids. She moved to Star City because she got into a prestigious ballet school." Tim explained. "How is that going by the way" he asked.
Rory's face fell, the thought of dance always brought her back to her parents and these days she just didn't have the heart to dance anymore. "I stayed until I graduated 4 years ago."
"4 years ago? But that means you would have been like 15 when you graduated?" Dick asked, clearly confused. She was about the same age as Tim right?
"I was 16, I did highschool in 2 years."
Everyone's jaw dropped. Not only was Rory Queen a girl, a pretty one at that but she was a genius and a vigilante like them. It wasn't long before the gears started to turn in Dick and Stephanie's heads, knowing someone close to them who was just like that.
"Well, you are welcome here Miss Queen." Alfred said with a smile.
"I'm leaving her in your capable hands Alfie. Take care of her." Oliver ruffled Rory's hair, "I have to get going, Dinah can only do so much without me. Be good and for the love of everything do not bleach the cape again." he said giving her a quick kiss on the forehead and headed out the door.
"That was you!?" Stephanie yelled, "I had never seen Bruce so angry, how did you do it?"
Rory went to open her mouth, but Bruce stopped whatever she was about to say. "Never mind the cape getting bleached, she is not telling you because I know at least two of you would try to replicate it." he pointed his gaze at Jason and Steph.
"I feel as if we should be insulted that he would asume we would try it." Steph mumbled.
"Do you blame him? Have you not seen the things we have done?" Jason laughed, and shook his head.
"Enough about the bleached cape, Rory let me introduce my family." Bruce said. He gestured to the first person in line, he was tall with black hair and blue eyes. "This is Dick."
Dick stuck his hand out, Rory taking it and giving it a good shake. "Nice to meet you Rory, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here." he said with a charming smile.
The next person in line looked Rory over with a slight smirk. "Jason Todd, I'd say the same but half the time I don't enjoy it here." he said, making Rory laugh a  little. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind.
Next to Jason was a blonde girl, immediately she took Rory's hand and shook it. "The name's Stephanie, glad we finally have another woman in the house. Babs and I are being suffocated with all the testosterone." she chuckled.
Rory let out a chuckle, "Glad I could balance it out."
Next to Stephanie was another female but she had red hair, Rory could only asume this was the Babs she mentioned. Barabara reached up and shook Rory's hand. "I look forward to working with you." she smiled.
Next to Babs was another boy, but he was shorter and had a darker complexion and actually resembled Bruce a little. Rory stuck her hand out, only for him to reject it completely with a huff. "Sonnet." was all he said.
"That's Damain, he isn't a people person." Tim said from his side.
"Are you sure you're even a person Drake and not just some robot Father concocted?" Damian retorted.
"Ooh, been working on that one all day little D?" Tim taunted, making Damian glare at him. "Tt, whatever." he mumbled.
It was then Rory turned her attention to Tim, the best friend she hadn't seen in over a decade. She didn't know how to address him, was Tim okay or did he prefer Timothy now? Should she hug him, but they weren't that close anymore so it could be overstepping boundaries. She looked at Tim and it seemed that he was thinking just as hard if not harder about their situation.
Rory followed her instincts and pulled Tim into a tight embrace. "I missed you, Tim." she mumbled softly. She felt Tim's arms wrap themselves around her and hold her just as tight.
"I missed you too songbird." he smiled.
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antivirus-mh-au · 4 years
Antivirus - Chapter 2
TW: None Chapter 1 here Ao3 link If you like this, please leave a like, reblog, or send me an ask! It encourages me so much.
He blew the smoke from his mouth around the cigarette, the morning sun catching all the particles as they floated into the air. Tim drew the J on top of the fresh carton and dropped the pen onto the dashboard. Pulling the cigarette from his mouth, he drew in a deep breath of fresh air, fresh as you could get at a gas station by a highway. Looking around the parking lot, at the people filing in and out, he shook his head and gave a wry smile. Hard not to be in a good mood when you got some decent sleep for once.
Becca and Lukas were okay. Lukas's leg had been taken care of, and the two had set back off for Idaho, back to the families that loved them. Another success case for Timothy Kane. Another group of people adding to the myth of his existence. Seemed like every month there were more of them. The Operator never tired. The sickness never eased. In fact, it only grew worse.
But like hell was he going to start off a good morning with that depressing shit. He'd gotten paid, gotten rest, and he'd found out where the nearest library was with free internet. He was not going to let a rare moment of peace escape him. He'd lost too much for that.
The library wasn't far away from the gas station he'd refilled at. By the time he pulled into the parking lot, it was open, as were the windows on the front of the building. He spoke briefly to the clerk at the front desk, making sure he understood their internet rules and that it was okay for him to bring in his thermos of coffee, before finding a convenient spot by a power outlet. 
His laptop was getting old, it took a while for it to boot up. As Tim waited, he thumbed through a newspaper. Experts predicting a war with China for the third time in as many years, conflict in the Middle East, the royal family in Britain getting roped into some scandal or another. That was why he didn't read the news much, it was always the same. By the time he got to the comics (never his favorite part of the newspaper), his laptop had finished, and Tim traded the two without a second thought.
He could and did check his email on his phone but he was old-fashioned and preferred to use his laptop when he had the chance. Earlier Becca's mother replied to his report about her daughter returning home, a message he'd saved in a special folder he looked at when he felt particularly shitty. 
Another email was waiting for him now, from a 'Meridith Frederickson'. Another client, looking for her son and his missing best friend. He replied to that one, offering to schedule a Zoom meeting later that same day. By now he knew all too well what happened if he wasn't on top of his cases. 
And of course, he had new messages in the spam folder. Tim glanced over the subjects of the emails without opening any of them. Some didn't have any, but most were vaguely threatening, the kind he usually got from trolls and kids. 'Always watching', 'there's no escape', 'how could you', and on and on and on. People thought they could get a rise out of him by acting like totheark, but none of them even came close to what Brian had been all those years ago. 
Tim glanced at the tab next to his email, frowning. There was no sense in trying to put it off, even if he hated doing it. Everything on that site made him feel worse, and today had been a pretty good day. But if he didn't look, he'd regret it later, falling into a rabbit hole of updates that was guaranteed to fuck him over. So he opened YouTube.
The videos were taken down years ago, the channels involved with Marble Hornets wiped from the website. But that didn't mean they were gone, just hidden away on Google Drives and shock sites. What was on YouTube was... the fandom.
It made his skin crawl thinking about it. People from all over the world were obsessed with what he and Jay had been through. He'd seen hundreds of articles about the videos, from five minute listicles to long analysises about the events and the people involved. He'd seen other things, too, things he'd rather not remember. Like the fanart...
Out of everything, though, it was the YouTube community that unsettled him the most. The passionate, wide eyed college kids. The naive high schoolers. The older people, with their backgrounds in criminal science and forensics and cryptids and God knew what else. They picked over the videos and tweets and codes like vultures at a pile of bones. Like it was just a fictional web series, like people he knew and once liked weren't dead. And they spread the disease. It didn't take all of them, leaving the YouTubers alone, but claiming their followers. It made him sick thinking about all the people he couldn't save, the people who had no one left to try and find them, the people who vanished into Rosswood Park and were never seen again. It made him sick, watching these ignorant people talk about his pain as if they were all insects under microscopes.
But if he didn't pay attention, who knew what might happen. The Operator was watching all of them. One slip up was all it took.
He scrolled through both the front page and his subscriptions. The videos were, in the end, all the same. Speculation, discussion, analyzation. Some of them he could watch later. Others needed his attention now.
Tim’s eyes landed on a video, and his heart clenched. The Neophyte was streaming again.
The still image didn’t show much. Neophyte_Calling didn’t put much work into his channel. It was just a shot of what the streams normally showed, pale, unkempt hands poking free from black robes, resting on an old plastic table. That was what he expected to find once he opened the stream.
And he’d be correct, that was what awaited him once he got the courage to click. The hands twitched and clenched and dug at the table. It wasn’t the hands that were special though, it was what the owner of those hands were saying.
“Autumn after firestorm, the nights don’t listen and the butter is on the corn. Ten days or twenty paces of living guts wrapped around an old man’s neck. The water comes up to your waist but you don’t feel the attitude of denial inside the bastard daughter’s heart. Oh, god, eureka, industry was never so smooth…”
Complete nonsense. The ramblings of a man on some kind of drug, or lost to some unknown mental illness. Despite this, the chat flooded with messages. Donations popped up occasionally, attempts to get the Neophyte’s attention. He didn’t notice. He never noticed. He just kept talking. And he would keep talking until the stream ended on its own, or he passed out on the table.
People called him a prophet. Claimed every word he spoke had a double, or even a triple, meaning. They recorded every word he said and discussed them among themselves, coming up with ‘translations’ for his maddening dialogue. And to be fair, they could have a point. Sometimes, what the Neophyte said did seem to foretell events that happened not long after he spoke them. But the god the Neophyte channeled was not one Tim would ever ask someone to worship.
Silence. The man stopped talking, his fidgeting hands resting flat on the table. Dread filled Tim’s body. Speak of the devil, he was doing this again?
The Neophyte spoke again, his voice deeper now. The words came clumsy from his mouth, uncomfortable, heavy, as if he had never spoken before. The emphasis, the tone, it was all wrong. Tim had no trouble understanding them, however.
“You always fight,” It said through the Neophyte’s mouth. “You always resist. You tire, and exhaust, and fall. You continue to fight despite.”
The robes shifted, the head hidden from the camera’s view tilting.
“Tim,” It said. “You are a grain of sand. I am eternal. I am here. I will always be here. You understand. You continue despite.”
On the side of the screen, the chat surged with messages. It raced so quickly, Tim couldn’t have read any of them even if he tried. He didn’t look away from the livestream. 
“Tim,” It said again. “Enough. You have fought hard. You are getting old. That’s enough. It’s time to come home. To us. To all of us.”
The hair stood up on his arms, on the back of Tim’s neck. He shuddered.
“Like hell,” he whispered, and closed the tab.
But even though he closed the livestream, he could swear he heard the Neophyte, the thing puppeting him, whisper in his mind.
When 2pm rolled around, Tim was back in his van in the library parking lot. Obviously he couldn’t do a Zoom call inside the quiet space, but their internet reached well past the parking lot. He sat on his bed, now folded up like a couch inside the converted van he lived in. His laptop open before him, the program open and ready. Now he just had to wait for her.
Hard to say what this Meredith Fredrickson would expect a private investigator like him to look like, but Tim did his best to look presentable anyway. Hair combed, beard trimmed, leather jacket kept to the side out of her line of sight - leather jackets weren’t worn by authority figures, and that was what he was trying to be right now. Not anyone could do this job, but who’s to say she knew that? If she didn’t like the way he looked, she could try to find someone else to find her son and his friend. And if she did that, by the time she realized only Tim could help her, it would be too late.
Thinking about it that way made him shudder.
Of course, while he was prepared to deal with what she thought he would look like, he wasn’t as ready for what she herself would look like. As the call began, and Meredith’s face came on screen, Tim hesitated. He looked at her closely again. Had he seen this woman before?
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Fredrickson,” He greeted.
The woman shook her head, her curly brown hair tossing around her slim shoulders.
“Meredith is fine,” she said. “I haven’t been called ‘Mrs’ since my husband died. I changed back to my maiden name - my son’s last name will be his, not mine.”
“Of course,” Tim said. Odd information to include, but people tended to ramble when they were nervous.
He looked at her again, at the frown lines developing around her lips, and the worry and pain in her wide-set eyes. Behind her was a normal looking home, a few windows with pale curtains, a kitchen kept clean from what little he saw. Something was nagging at him. What was it?
“Did you fill out the information packet I requested?” He asked.
Meredith nodded.
The file appeared, Tim half-listening to her as he opened it.
“I know this is a very strange thing to ask from you,” Meredith said. “But circumstances have changed in a way I really didn’t expect. I know it’s hard to believe that after ten years my son could be alive, but I don’t have any other explanation for…”
She trailed off. Tim didn’t look away from the document she’d sent. The names written on the very first line.
Missing People: Jay Merrick and Alex Kralie
Motherfucker, had he been tricked?
Tim shot the woman a sharp glance, examining her expression in seconds. She was not the first person to ask him to track down Jay and Alex, but she was the first he hadn’t screened out before it got this far. Most people were upfront about their intentions, or were obviously trolling, or he otherwise got weird vibes from them. This Meredith had slipped him by, and wasted his time in the process.
“He is my son,” Meredith said. “I’ve included his birth certificate, since I thought you might not believe me.”
“I don’t need it.” A birth certificate? Those weren’t easy to fake, but Tim was no expert on Photoshop either. 
“I would’ve included Alex’s, too,” Meredith continued. “After all the years he and Jay knew each other, you would’ve thought I’d have it too.” She laughed, and there was pain within it. “But his parents died in a car accident about six years back, and…”
“Wait.” Tim refocused. “Alex and Jay knew each other?”
“Since the first year of middle school,” Meredith said with a nod. “I have a lot of photos of them. You know, Jay went through a phase, where he wore all black, and listened to rock music with singers I couldn’t understand. He got a tattoo of one of the bands on his ankle behind my back. I was so angry...”
She laughed again, and her eyes went distant. Tim stared at her, his mind flashing back to all the conversations he’d had with Jay, things that didn’t go into the videos. Being Alex’s childhood friend, since middle school - the phases he went through as a teen - that damn tattoo he was so embarrassed of. None of these were known by the fandom.
Oh god, this woman was the real deal. Even her face, now that he looked at her, was just like Jay’s. The distant look in her eyes as she thought… Jay got that same expression.
“Meredith,” he said, his voice softer, kinder. “Do you know about Marble Hornets?”
“I can’t bring myself to watch them,” she said. Meredith folded her hands together. “But I know what… what was shown on the videos. I know that they are…” She swallowed. “Considered dead by most people. I was one of them.”
His gut twisted. By most people, including her. “But something… changed.”
“Yes.” She took a deep breath, and moved to wipe her eyes. “I got a package in the mail about a week ago. Inside was a flashdrive and a few printed photos. It had been placed in my mailbox - I don’t know who sent it.”
Oh no, Tim thought. Not this again. Please, don’t play this game with people again.
“What were the photos?” He asked, aware of the sound of his own voice more than anything else.
“I’ve included most of them in the document,” Meredith said. “I… I still can’t believe what I’ve seen, but… But they don’t look like they could’ve been faked.”
Dread pressed down on his shoulders. Dread and something else, some kind of energy buzzing through his nerves. Tim looked at the document, scrolled down, and opened the photos.
Some were blurry, taken from a distance and zoomed in before being printed. Some were clear as glass. It took him several seconds to process what he was seeing, what the subjects of the photos were. Tim blinked, looked again, and his pulse quickened.
Alex, standing on a street corner, gray in his hair, exhaustion on his face. Jay in a dark cloth jacket with a hood, looking over his shoulders. Alex, and Jay, Alex, and Jay, in all the photos, in every single one. The clothes were different, the faces aged, but there was no denying what he was seeing, and like Meredith said, no way to fake what he was looking at.
“Oh my god,” Tim mumbled.
Jay and Alex were alive.
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ethelphantom · 5 years
Into the... Wait, we’re all what now?
As it turns out, I’m horrible at keeping things as one-shots, so now you’re getting a continuation of the fic in which Mari falls into the DC verse. Using Maribat March is definitely a wonderful way to continue these things. Also, yes, this means you can ask to be tagged to the story from now on. There is at least one more thing to write about this if not more.
Ao3 || first part
This is Maribat -- don’t like; don’t read
It was way too late to be up and awake but apparently, that was precisely what Marinette was anyway. Sighing, she pushed the covers aside, slipped on a pair of fluffy socks and made her way to the kitchen through the seemingly endless halls of the Wayne Manor.
As she got into the kitchen, she checked the clock from the microwave oven. It was only 3.29 am. Damn it. She hated the fact she couldn’t sleep. She also hated the fact they hadn’t yet figured out a way back to her own world. The Amazons didn’t know anything about the miraculous — her own world was a cartoon in their world, it turned out, and she kind of knew her partner’s identity, as well as Papillon’s and Mayura’s identities, which, poor Chaton. Hopefully, the Parisians were doing fine without her there to capture and purify the Akuma —, though Wonder Woman had said she could still try to look further into it.
She was glad that Diana had promised to do that because Marinette really would have preferred to be home, especially since speaking English all the time got very tiring. There weren't many people she could speak French with, not really. Dick knew some French, Bruce could speak French, and Tim was able to hold up a simple conversation for a while, but it... It wasn't really enough.
It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy being with the Wayne family, no. She loved the family and kind of considered them her other family aside from her Maman and Papa. She’d even been officially adopted to the family in their world’s eyes so it wouldn’t confuse anyone as to why a random girl suddenly hung out with them without dating any of them. It had been Tim’s idea, Bruce had decided it was a good one, and then they’d asked Marinette if that was something she was okay with. She was. It wasn’t like her family was in this world or universe anyway, and it was nice to know she belonged somewhere. Besides, she fit the pattern — black hair, blue eyes. The only ones who didn't have both but had black hair anyway were Cass and Damian, really.
It was a little amusing that the only one who was actually related to Bruce looked like him the least if they ignored his facial structure.
Quietly, she tiptoed around the kitchen, having already given up on the idea of sleep at this point. She made night snacks for herself and poured herself a cup of coffee, sighing happily as she inhaled the bitter smell of it. The coffee was scalding hot as she took a sip — just how she liked it. The drink warmed her hands as she held the cup which was nice, seeing as the Manor was rather cold at night.
Marinette settled herself at the small table in the kitchen that was mostly meant for anyone who really, really didn’t want to eat with the rest of the family and opened her phone, meaning to go through her Tumblr feed and maybe watch Netflix. She'd even been ready to just start watching a new show when she was interrupted.
What caused the interruption was someone trying to get a mug out of the cupboard quietly and instead dropping one on the ground. Thank god it was the sole plastic mug in the entire manor, so nothing broke.
Marinette turned to look at the source of the voice and found Tim staring at the ground with what looked like grief in the dim light of her phone. She would’ve understood if there was coffee or if it had been Tim’s favourite mug (as that one could be broken — Jay had threatened to do it once or twice by now, actually), but no. Nothing was broken, nothing had spilt on the ground, nothing needed to be cleaned up.
So what was it?
When Marinette raised her eyebrow at Tim as he finally looked at her, Tim just sighed and shook his head. “‘S nothing, Nette, don’t worry ‘bout it,” he told her, crouching to pick up the mug. “Haven’t slept much, nothing more than that. I thought there had been coffee for a second.”
Marinette nodded, understanding what he was on about, and continued reading. It was only when Tim dropped down on the chair in front of her that she paid attention to him again. He had his laptop out and was frowning at his screen.
“A case?”
“Yeah. A series of murders, three robbed stores, riddles and a string of witnesses that refuse to say anything kind of scream multiple of our villains, and I’m not sure who to investigate first, or if it was a collective effort of theirs, or if someone is impersonating them and trying to frame all of them. None of them has claimed the crimes either, which is a little unusual and a lot disturbing,” he told her and turned the screen around for her to see. Indeed, there was a list of possible culprits and the chance of an unknown and the details of the crime.
“I can see why this is troubling you,” Marinette sighed and turned her eyes from the screen back to Tim again. “I cannot believe I’m suggesting this, but what if you slept and then looked at it again? I know you tend to try solving problems even in your dreams, so there’s that as well, but also your brain might want to brain better after sleeping.”
It took her a moment before she realised what she said, but when she did, she groaned and rubbed her hand on her face. “I can’t believe I just used a noun as a verb. Please kill me or knock me out so I could sleep.”
Tim just laughed at her. That asshole.
“What are you two doin’, drinkin’ coffee at this hour?”
Marinette jumped, startled that someone had managed to sneak up on them even in the silence of the night. She turned around to see the slightly glowing eyes of Jason and let out a sigh of relief, bringing a hand to her hear. “God, Jay, you scared me. A guy your size shouldn’t be allowed to move so quietly,” she whined and let her forehead hit the table. Jason only barely managed to snatch her cup away from her way so it wouldn’t fall down and that all her coffee wouldn’t end up on the floor.
She murmured her thanks into the table as Jason patted her head, laughing at her quietly. She would kick his ass in the morning for that. Maybe. After all, he had just saved her coffee.
This time, Marinette noticed when someone entered. She couldn’t bother to turn her head to look at them, though. They would make themselves known to the rest of them soon enough.
No, actually. There were two people. One of them had a very soft walk, barely audible, but now that Marinette was listening, she was able to find it. A hand touched her hair, gently pushing it away from her eyes and tucking it behind her ear. When Marinette looked up, just a little, she found the dark eyes of Cass staring at her. Marinette gave her a weak smile in return.
They don’t talk, not really. The time passed by as Cass just sat on the floor next to Marinette, Tim tried to solve his case, and Jason and Dick were talking (or fighting) about something in hushed voices again. None of the others, except for Cass, obviously, because she noticed everything, paid attention to the small frame that appeared in the doorway. Marinette did. She stood up, stretched and walked to Damian.
She didn’t touch him. She wasn’t sure if it was okay right now. Instead, she watched for any signs of what had happened, or reactions to anyone in the kitchen. Nothing. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Damian shook his head. “No. It was merely an unfortunately timed nightmare, I can survive.”
“I know you can. You’re strong like that. It just doesn’t mean you have to survive on your own, alone. It’s also a strength to recognise when you—,” Marinette yawned. She hadn’t slept in a too long time. “—When you need others for support.”
When Damian lingered in the doorway a little too long, his eyes going between the floor and Marinette. Marinette just opened her arms and let Damian walk into them before embracing him. “Do you want a hug? I can tell none of them you wanted a hug if that helps. We can also go to the living room if that sounds better?”
Damian nodded. Marinette shot Cass a text to drag the rest of them to the living room in about half an hour with pillows, blankets and mattresses. They all needed sleep, or at least rest, and maybe they could get that in a pillow fort?
The two of them went on ahead, and once they were there, Marinette sat on the couch and waited for Damian to come there with her. He, a little reluctantly and hesitating a lot, took careful steps towards her before he too was sitting on the couch and curling up against Marinette. She smiled and pulled him closer, securing them under a blanket.
Maybe he’d feel safer from the nightmares this way.
About half an hour later (though both Damian and Marinette had dosed off already), the rest of the family made their way to the living room, everything Marinette had asked from Cass with them. They built a pillow fort for them as quietly as possible, one of them always watching over Damian and Marinette so to make sure they didn’t wake up. Heavens knew both of them needed the sleep, and they didn’t want to try their luck and see if they would fall asleep again.
After it was done, Jason picked Marinette up in his arms as Dick carried Damian in his, and carefully laid them down on the mattresses before tucking both in. Tim and Cass curled up the closest to the two, Jason and Dick surrounding the smallest four of them the last. It was comfortable and much warmer than it usually was in the house, six bodies all huddled close.
Aside from how none of them knew how to not sprawl over everyone else, it was the most peaceful and well slept night any of them had had in years.
@kris-pines04 @thethirdwheelfriend @maribat-is-lifeblood @abrx2002 @persephonebutkore @rebecarojas07 @corabeth11 @kadmeread @silverwhiteraven @marinettepotterandplagg @freshbark @maribat-march2020 @catsandfanfic @fertileleaf @eat0crow @cutechip
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miss-choco-chips · 5 years
Soul Shards Au Headcanons
Dunno if this already exists, but if not, here it is.
Tim Drake Soul Shards au.
Okay I wanted to write about this, but really, between Twisted Soulmates and Put a Ring on it, and *finals* (I’m halfway through hell, I have to keep going), I just can’t. But this wouldn’t leave me alone, so here.
Au where everyone is born hugging a shiny small orb, which encompasses their soul. To anyone else, the orb is solid, like diamond perfectly polished. But to the owner, it changes as they see fit, from rock solid to malleable. Commonly, mothers, fathers and close relatives will gift their kids with little pieces of their own souls, shaping them to be little rings, necklaces, headsets, etc. Kids are discouraged from giving soul shards to anyone other than their relatives until they grow up a bit, but some still give bits and pieces to their best friends. The bit of soul given away always carries the feeling the person who gave it has for the person receiving it, so kids always carry their mother’s love, their father’s pride, their aunts or uncles fondness, etc.
Now, into the  headcannons. Please keep in mind I wrote this in one go so it’s not edited. Probably full of mistakes.
Tim’s parents were always careful with their souls, carrying them on little pouches or leather bags. They are full and perfectly unscathed. Jack’s soul was a little more reduced, since he gave bits and pieces of himself to his own parents when he was a little kid, but Janet’s is whole.
They never gave him a piece of themselves, Janet firmly against the act altogether, Jack following on her example.
Little Timmy always watched his classmates on kindergarten running around, shinny shards of soul decorating them, radiating a love he never felt on his own skin.
Fast forward the night the Graysons fell, little Tim went back home and made a little necklace for the boy that flew for him and gave him a hug so warm he likes to think it’s what being gifted a soul feels like.
He never really gets around to giving it to him though. It sits on a wooden box in a hidey hole under Tim’s bed, along with his most precious Batman and Robin photos.
He once tries to give his parents soul shards (a wonderfully made ring and headset for dad and mom respectively). His mother is outraged, to the point to slap him. Then, for maybe the second or third time in his life, she hugs him.
“-You stupid boy. Don’t give your soul away so easily, or you’ll have none left for yourself. And what do you think will happen to you, if you are soulless?”
 He never tries again.
Tim once falls from a high spot, where he was perched taking pictures of the second Robin. His hero saves him, gives him an earful, and they become friends (Robin drops in before or after patrol to make sure Tim listened to his warnings and stopped sneaking out at night. Tim kept doing it, but was sneakier about it and Robin, despite being suspicious, has no proof that the kid disobeyed).
Tim gives Robin/Jason a soul shard once, a little birdarang he craved after the one Jason gifted him, but shiny blue like his soul. It’s filled with awe, respect, shyness, adoration and what would equal as a crush if Tim were socially adept enough to recognize it. Jason is a stuttering mess for weeks, keeps the birdarang with himself at all times, right next to the soulshard Bruce gave him, and never takes it off. He plans on giving Tim something back, but is unsure as to what. Earing? The kid needed a little pre teen rebellion…
He never gets around to doing it.
He’s clutching Tim’s birdarang when he dies. Bruce doesn’t know who gave it to Jay, and is too overwhelmed with grief to investigate. He just buries Jason with it.
After Tim becomes Robin, he finally gathers enough courage to give Dick his soulshard. He explains how much Dick meant to him growing up, but that Dick doesn’t need to give anything back. They’ve just officially met not long ago, after all. Dick promises to give him something soon, though.
He doesn’t. Other things are more important. IT’ll happen when it happens, he figures. No rush.
Bruce gets a watch and Alfred a tie pin, but Bruce refuses to give anyone else a piece of himself, less of all Tim. He’s sure his soul is poisoned or something (He gave some to his parents, they died. Dick, he left. Jason, he died. Clark and Diana, they were superhuman, they don’t count. Alfred… well, Alfred is always the exception), and won’t allow his darkness to touch the boy (OH BOY IS HE WRONG). But because he doesn’t want Tim to feel like Bruce has a personal problem with him (*epic fail on his part*), instead of calmly explaining his reasoning, he also forbids Alfred from giving Tim a soul shard (That shit’s gonna explode on his face).
Tim goes around to giving bits and pieces to his friends, too. Doesn’t really expect any back though, used as he is to giving and never receiving.
He gives Steph a locket, when she tells him she’s pregnant, so she can keep a picture of the baby if she wants (or anything else if she doesn’t), even after giving him or her away. Steph doesn’t reciprocate since pregnant women are advised against molding and sharding their souls, in case it hurts the baby’s soul development. Then she ‘dies’, and after she comes back Tim is angry at her, and there’s never a right moment for her to give him a shard.
Cass… well, Cass is so touched when Tim gifts her a soul-made compass that always points towards the Manor (“So you can always find your way back home”), but her father has damaged her soul by throwing it around and dropping it a lot, on top of his emotional and physical abuse, and it’s just too bruised for her to give any away, though she promises herself she will the moment it’s healthy enough.
Tim’s team… God, his team. By this time, Tim is kinda concerned, because he gave too much recently and his soul is looking kinda… malnourished? small? He can’t really put a finger on it, and he’s worried his parents will notice, so he doesn’t give his team a shard at first.
It’s after his parents die (buried with the soul pieces Tim made for them, even if they never wanted to wear them) that he thinks ‘fuck it’ and, while hanging out with Kon and Bart, gatters courage and asks them what would they like.
After being reassured that he wants to do it, Kon shyly asks for an earing (of course he does) and Bart for a ring (kinda like his grandfather’s? few other things would stay on him at the speed he runs, too). They wished they could give back, but Kon, as a clone and alien, was created with a soul no one can touch, like a phantom light following him around, and Bart already told them how everyone in the future was born with theirs inside their bodies.
He sees the soul-made birdarang again, and that’s what cues him on the fact that Jason Todd came back to life. It’s colour had changed from blue to red, the only reason he recognized it was the tiny R he carved on the middle. He sees it close and personal when his former hero tries to gut him.
He gives Cassie a bracelet on Kon’s funeral. Turns around and leaves before she can say anything about it.
Tim lays in bed at night and remembers his mother’s words (“You stupid boy.”), and wonders what, indeed, is the danger of going soulless. He doesn’t know if it’s possible. His soul has shrunk, that’s obvious, but, thinking back on all the pieces he gave away, he should have run out of it a long time ago.
Bruce dies. Everyone whose soul he gave to are the ones that carry his casket. Damian and Tim are sitting on the front rows, but their lack of deep blue soulshards is telling.
Not too long after, Dick gives Damian a little Robin sky blue brooch, to fasten the cape of his new uniform with. Tim wears black and red, not a hint of shiny soul on him. He leaves Gotham and looks for Bruce.
Ra’s is the first person ever to inquire about his shocking lack of soulmade gifts. To wonder about the bruised state of his soul.
“The Pit could heal it, restore it to it’s former grandness” “I’ve seen what it did to the bit of my soul I gave to Jason… no thank you.” “You’ve given far too much. It’s state is sad enough a hundred cynics wouldn’t be able to describe it without bawling” “It wasn’t a matter of give, it was a lack of take. And it’s not like giving it away is the only abuse my soul had to endure.”
He brings Bruce back, but he’s so tired. His soul hasn’t been growing back on itself like it did the first few times he took from it.
The love he felt when someone smiled at his soul shards was what feed his soul, he realizes. It’s past malnourished at this point.
If he had enough soul left, maybe he’d have cared.
The final straw is Damian, of fucking course. He doesn’t even remember what the argument was about, even five minutes after it had ended. He simply didn’t care anymore. Something about Wayne Enterprises, the right heir, the blood son…
Tim blinks blankly at Damian, hand reaching inside his pocket, looking for the now tiny, ping pong ball- sized piece of soul. The last he had left.
Silently, he stopped Damian’s rant short by taking the gesturing teen’s hand mid air and holding it open, dropping the remains of his soul in it, and closing the now still fingers around it.
“There. Now you truly have everything that was mine. Happy?”
He turns away, and leaves. Damian stays behind, heart hammering away in his chest, clutching the tiny (too tiny) soul.
In different places, different people feel a sudden heat from the pieces of Tim’s soul they carry with them. Steph, Cass, Bruce, Kon, Bart, Dick, Jason, Alfred, Cassie… they all look for theirs.
The soul is now mostly red with flecks of black, very little of the icy blue remains. It’s a bleeding soul.
A dying soul.
“And what do you think will happen to you, if you are soulless?” Sorry, mom.
Apparently, decides Tim, dragging his hoodie over his head to hide his features as he boards the plane, you stop caring.
Did I make you cry? I made myself cry. Was gonna give this a happy ending but I HAVE TO STUDY, FUCKING FINALS.
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mischiefandspirits · 4 years
Colony of Gotham (7/7)
The Colony of Gotham is an urban legend that is whispered about in the dangerous city. It’s said the Colony is a family of demons and spirits that stalk the night, hunting for the souls of the guilty.
When Bruce became Batman, he’d never intended to be mistaken for a demon. He was happy to lean into it, though, and as he gained his partners – as his family grew – they all followed suit.
First Part ~ Previous Part
Once Tigress had escorted Flash and Young Justice to the Watchtower and had calmed everyone down, she explained that the Colony was not, in fact, malevolent.
She told them that the family was simply territorial of the area they protected. Their actions had just been them making their point in their typical chaotic and playful way. She and Flash had encountered some of the Colony the night before and after assuring them they would continue to keep their business out of the city, the bats and birds had agreed to a truce. The Flash's kidnapping was just Flash wanting to get in on the joke. He was meant to show up that night with a figurative olive branch from the Colony, but then Young Justice had rushed in and the Colony reacted in kind by capturing them. They then informed Flash so he and Tigress could return them. The team was reprimanded for rushing in without backup and Flash was given extra monitor duty as punishment for his trick. He accepted it graciously, having expected it.
When they made it back to Gotham, Dick explained Damian’s past to Artemis and Wally. The latter was not pleased to discover the young boy he’d been teasing and calling cute for years was an assassin.
“He might be a former assassin, but he’s still adorable.”
“No, Dick, you don’t call people who can and will slit your throat if you upset them adorable. You could have warned me! I nearly died!”
“A lot,” Jason added from off to the side where the rest of Dick’s siblings were watching the show with popcorn.
“Damian wouldn't have actually killed you,” Dick argued.
“Maybe just maimed you a little. But hey, you heal fast.”
“Not helping Tiny Jay,” Dick hissed as Wally pointed at Tim and nodded.
“Maimed! I could have been maimed! Just because I heal fast doesn’t mean getting maimed doesn’t hurt!”
“Dami never meant to kill. Dami only meant to maim or seriously injure,” Carrie croaked from right behind the speedster, causing him to jump with a shriek.
“No voice filters in the manor,” Dick huffed at her before turning to his siblings as a whole. “Guys, please stop traumatizing my partners!”
Artemis, who until this point had been pinching the bridge of her nose, looked up with a murderous expression. “YOU STARTED IT!”
When Bruce and Selina returned from their honeymoon, the kids explained what had happened.
Bruce would never admit it, but he was proud of how the kids handled the situation. They ensured the other teams wouldn’t interfere in Gotham and limited the amount of information that got out about them to people who were already trusted. That said, he would have preferred they had taken the situation more seriously, which he made sure they knew.
No matter how amusing the recordings Barbara had shown him of the heroes’ reactions were.
He also would have preferred no information got out about them, but he knew it was only a matter of time for those who did find out. Young Justice was just a little too invested in Tim’s wellbeing, not that he was complaining, so they were sure to notice something eventually. As for Wally and Artemis, he’d been waiting for this since they’d found out the family’s other secret.
Selina had bet the engagement announcement would happen first, but he knew Dick wouldn’t have agreed without all secrets coming to light first.
He was a little less forgiving of the rest of the kids taking this as permission to tell their friends.
He wasn’t too annoyed with Damian as Jon had already suspected there was something different about the family (he was too much like his mother) and he mostly excused Stephanie and Bette seeing as Cassie already knew, which meant they were more likely to mess up in the group chat. He didn’t say anything to Barbara, partly because she wasn’t really his (no matter how much he cared for her) and partly because she’d somehow managed to convince Hank and Dawn she was still a demon.
He did have talks with Dick, Jason, and Carrie though. Kory might have been a friend of the family for longer than Jason had been a member (as Dick had been quick to point out in his defense), but they hadn’t been as close since the breakup. Artemis Grace tended to be a wild card in regards to her loyalties and her team had a looser grasp on the law then most others in their business (Jason took offense to this, of course, even if he didn’t object). As for Traci, they simply didn’t know her (No, Carrie, a two day round trip does not give you plenty of time to know a person. No, I don’t care if you managed to convince her you were a demon. Barbara’s situation is different!).
There was a bright side to this, though. The mix of information that the heroes had ended up causing a few amusing situations.
One such situation came up a few months later when Tim, Stephanie, and Bette were hanging out with their friends at Mount Justice. Bette offhandedly mentioned to Cissie that Damian’s mother was part of “the League” right before the three Gothamites got called away. This resulted in Cissie, who thought the Robins were human, gossiping with Roy, who thought Robin was a demon, about how “Batman totally knocked up someone in the JL and Robin’s the result.” This resulted in Oliver, who’d been eavesdropping, ending a League meeting by asking if anyone knew who’d spawned the Bloody Robin. The information reached anyone even remotely connected to the League within twenty-four hours.
The Colony just sat back and watched the accidental chaos, obviously.
The most common theory was Wonder Woman, though no one was willing to suggest it anywhere she might hear. One of Hawkgirl’s past lives was also a popular theory, and she was horrified when she realized she couldn’t be sure it wasn’t true.
It came to a head when the Titans decided to have a get together of current and former Titans and Teen Titans. Guests were allowed, so Kory and Roy invited Artemis Grace and Bizarro. Assuming the event would be boring and wanting to either have someone who would lighten it up or be bored with her, Artemis only agreed to come if Red Hood came too. To the horror of everyone not in the know, Kory not only agreed, but decided to extend the invite to all the younger members of the Colony.
Nightwing and Robin arrived first with Tigress and Flash, the older bird arm in arm with Tigress while the younger was sitting on Flash’s shoulders. Both gave too wide grins as they waved at the Titans and Teen Titans who were already gathered. Robin dropped limply off Flash’s shoulders and hit the ground in a roll before running off to drape herself over Thirteen.
Batgirl, Hawkfire, and Lark arrived next with Cassie and Donna, to the latter’s obvious discomfort. They were quickly joined by Cissie and Kara as Donna went off to greet her friends. Batgirl took great joy in disappearing and reappearing around the room, while Lark took great joy in selling her out every chance he got since he could always see where she was. Hawkfire was equally thrilled to use the voices of anyone who got near, having made sure to study up on as many people who’d be at the party as possible so she could mimic their voices.
The rest of Young Justice arrived shortly later with Superboy, Corvid, and Robin. The last surprised most of the people who’d already been there, until they realized Robin was no longer at Thirteen’s side despite many being sure she’d been there only a second before. Throughout the party Robin seemed to disappear from Thirteen’s side, only to reappear across the room at Superboy’s within a second. Some even swore they’d seen Robin in two places at once, but no one was ever sure. Meanwhile Corvid’s speech pattern had him sticking close to a member of the Colony or Kory so they could translate for him.
No one was exactly sure when Black Bat and Bluebird arrived. They were simply there, hovering around some of the others or hidden off in a corner. No one ever seemed to notice Black Bat come or go between groups either. She always seemed to just be there.
Pythia had been there from the beginning, but she mostly just kept to herself, watching and listening through the cameras, until Hawk and Dove arrived. Then she whispered at them through the nearest speaker. This meant the two mostly stayed off to the side on their own, but neither felt any need to complain.
Roy, Artemis, Bizarro, and Red Hood arrived after the party was already in full swing with no reason for being late other than a joke from Roy about being fashionable. Red Hood had a similar experience to Corvid, though Kory could not translate for him while Artemis and Bizarro could. Artemis had placed a comm into her ear for the occasion, but not even the Colony could explain how Bizarro managed to always know what Red Hood was saying.
Despite the Colony’s eccentricities, the party went smoothly.
Until someone brought up Robin’s heritage, at least.
The Robin with Thirteen snickered when she heard and disappeared into the shadows. Corvid, who had also been near, shook his head and let her slip under his cape as he headed towards where Kon and Lark were talking.
The debate began to spread until Beast Boy huffed and turned to Bluebird. “So who popped out the demon spawn?”
The room fell silent and a few people gave him terrified expressions before glancing at the Colony. The shapeshifter squirmed, not having meant for his voice to be as loud as it was.
The thing was, every Robin had been referred to as a demon spawn at multiple points in their lives, and Black Bat had had the title thrown at her a few times too. As such the group couldn’t help themselves.
With eerie synchrony, Dick, Stephanie, Bette, Duke, Damian, and Carrie all answered, “My mom.”
Most noticed that Jason, Tim, and Cass had all answered as well in growls, trills, and sign language respectively, which only added to the confusion or horror everyone in the room was feeling.
Those who knew the group to be the Wayne family and associates were confused about why they had all answered, and why answer like that as they had thought their friends had separate mothers. Didn’t they? Those who knew they were not actually demons were also thrown by how the group had managed to speak as one.
Meanwhile those who knew nothing were terrified as they came to the incorrect conclusion that a member of the Justice League had somehow managed to spawn most of the Colony without anyone finding out.
The Colony refused to say any names, but otherwise most of them were happy to answer questions about their mother. This really only managed to confuse people more, however. Especially when people would get conflicting answers. That was near always, really, as Nightwing was describing his mother; Red Hood was describing Catherine Todd; Corvid was switching between his mother and Selina; Batgirl was switching between her mother, Kate, Selina, and Talia (the middle two purely for the amusement and the last for the looks she’d get from Robin whenever he caught her at it); Hawkfire was describing her mother; Black Bat was just gesturing for Bluebird to describe her own mother; Lark was describing his mother; and both Robins were describing Selina (though Damian would later state it was purely for the consistency with his fellow Robin).
It was only after the party when the Colony, Young Justice, Tigress, Flash, Starfire, Artemis, Arrowette, Supergirl, Superboy, and Thirteen retreated to the cave that anyone got a real answer.
“Oh, Dami’s mother is from the League of Assassins, not the Justice League. There must have been a mix up somewhere.”
Surprisingly, this did not bring relief to anyone. Especially when they found out his mother was none other than Talia al Ghul.
One calm day, Artemis dragged her partners down to the cave’s sparring mats so she could see what Dick could do firsthand. He did not disappoint as he quickly pinned Wally.
“Well, this explains why Jade seems to like him so much,” the speedster muttered from his place facedown on the mat.
Artemis frowned as Dick sat next to their boyfriend, patting his back. “Wait… Oh my God, Dick! You sa-Is tea code for getting your butt kicked by my sister?”
Dick looked up with a sheepish grin. “No, tea is code for kicking your sister's butt.”
He shrugged. “In her defense, she wasn’t expecting someone with my level of training. The fight would have been much closer if she had been.”
Wally looked up with wide eyes. “Hold on, she actually tried to kill you then?”
Dick gave Artemis a look. “You probably should have told her we were together. She thought Wally had cheated on or dumped you. I thought it was actually kind of sweet, really, but Bruce was ticked when he found out and I think Jason was considering hunting her down.”
Artemis threw her hands in the air and marched off. She dug her phone out of her pocket.
“‘Ello?” Jade’s sleepy voice answered.
“You tried to kill my boyfriend!”
“Oh, you found out about that?”
“Why didn't you tell me he could fight? And well enough to defeat you.”
“You didn’t know? Why did you think I approved? I don’t approve of the speedster and he has powers. He really needs to learn how to fight without relying on them.”
Artemis could admit she had a point on both fronts, but wouldn’t admit it. “Dick’s sweet and charming. I swear if he had a superpower it would be making friends. I just thought he’d made you like him.”
“Yes. By being a competent fighter. Although if he’s going around bragging about defeating me I might need to teach him a lesson, being brothers with an al Ghul or not.”
“Wait, you knew about his brother being Ra’s al Ghul’s grandson too?” Artemis choked.
“You really need to pay more attention to who you’re dating.”
“Who’s dating the brother of an al Ghul?”
Artemis blushed. “Is that Roy? Are you two still together?”
“It’s complicated. And before you freak out, we were just sleeping when you called. Actually sleeping.” Quieter, likely from holding the phone away, she heard Jade say, “Artemis is. Her little Gotham squeeze has league connections.”
“Jade,” Artemis hissed.
“League. You mean Damian? Of course he’s… Hold on!” There was some static and then Roy was talking directly into the phone. “I’m coming to Gotham.”
He came to Gotham. He showed up right on the porch of Wayne Manor hours later looking more excited than she’d seen him in years.
“Please tell me Damian Wayne is who I think he is,” he said as soon as she marched up to where he was waiting outside. “Please tell me he is because I need to know if everyone has been freaking out thinking Robin’s the kid of Wonder Woman when he’s actually Talia al Ghul’s spawn.”
“Please tell me you didn’t ditch my sister to come here,” she shot back, glancing around to be sure her sister wasn’t hiding in any shadows.
“She took off after we had morn-”
“Nope. Shut up.”
“So is he?”
Artemis glanced over her shoulder to see Wally and Dick watching. Dick shrugged and she sighed. “You can’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t. This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I’m not ruining it. So Jason is Hood.”
“And Dick is -”
“This is amazing.”
“If you get yourself shot don’t come crying to me.”
“I’d die happy. You haven’t heard the things Ollie and Dinah have been saying. This is the best inside joke I’ve ever heard and I hate you for keeping it from me.”
“I only found out after the Titan party last week.”
“That’s an entire week where you kept me out of the loop.”
“You want to come in for food or are you going to go track down my brother?” Dick called.
Roy shrugged and they started for the door before his eyes widened and he glanced between the three. “So that stuff about Flamebird?”
“He was just messing around to tease Wally and freak out the League. Just like everything he and his family have done since Zatanna dragged them into the spotlight. That’s how I realized he was Nightwing. They are exactly the same level of troll.”
“I love everything about this.”
“Are you sure?” Dick asked.
“Absolutely not,” Wally said, but grabbed the blood bar Dick was holding out anyway.
“If you don-
“We’re fine,” Artemis said, grabbing her own bar. “Wally’s just whining like usual.”
“I’m just saying, we have no idea how this will affect me.”
“Duke’s a meta and he was fine.”
“He’s not connected to the Speed Force.”
Dick reached forward to grab Wally’s bar. “You don’t have to -
“I want to,” Wally said, jerking the bar away, grabbing Dick’s hand with his free one. “I do. I’m just nervous.”
“As per usual,” Artemis teased and kissed the speedster's cheek. Dick stepped closer and she kissed him as well before pulling the wrapper off her bar. She met their eyes, then took a bite.
She began to sway as she finished it so Dick helped her over to the bed. All the while Wally tossed his bar between his hands. He pulled it open and frowned down at it.
Dick pulled him to the bed once Artemis was settled. “It’s alright if you want to back out. Neither of us would blame you.”
Wally shook his head and sat down. “I want this, I do. I just can’t stop thinking about what could go wrong. Like, what if my body already burned through whatever it is that’s supposed to turn me.”
Dick cocked his head and slipped into his lap. He leaned down to nuzzle Wally’s neck, earning a sharp intake. “I can bite you while you eat it. Then your body won’t have time.”
The speedster shivered and swallowed. His free hand came up to card through Dick’s hair as he gave a quick nod.
Smiling, Dick peppered a few teasing kisses across his jugular before biting down.
Wally shivered again and melted into Dick for a moment before bringing the bar up and taking a bite. He finished it off quickly as Dick pulled away.
“It doesn’t taste like blood,” he said with a frown, tossing aside the wrapper as he licked his lips. “I don’t know what it tastes like, but it isn’t blood.”
“That means it’s working,” Dick said.
“You think Stephanie would have downed an entire bottle of blood by accident if she could taste it the same way a human does?” Dick pressed a kiss to the corner of Wally’s mouth. “Blood has a special flavor to us unlike anything else.”
Wally hummed and kissed Dick until his mind started to fog up. Dick helped him lay back then covered him up when the fever took him.
The bird took a moment to just stare down at the two, his thumb brushing the band on his left ring finger.
It was made from strips of black and gold titanium twisted together with rubies peaking through the cracks. It matched the one on Artemis’s hand, gifts from their wonderful fiancé.
Dick gave both a quick peck then left them to rest.
Things were sure to get crazy soon enough, especially once the announcements went out, but for now, Dick would revel in the calm and the feeling of family.
Vampires’ animal forms:
Artemis: North American cougar
Wally: Vizsla dog
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haljordamnit · 4 years
Jason’s birthday is coming up. His relationship with Bruce is finally improving, they’ve been communicating and he frequents the manor now. Bruce wants to throw him a little something for his birthday and a gift, he’s keen on being a better batdad.
It’s the day before Jason’s birthday and he’s nowhere to be found. Not in his safehouses, not in the manor, not with his other super friends, not with Dick... zilch. His phone can’t be reached, the tracker that Bruce (helicopter parenting 101) “installed” in him can’t be traced. Bruce is all ???? “not me losing my son the second time! fuck” he’s now worried, frustrated and angry— the family looks for Jason.
Dick comes up empty, and Tim doesn’t understand how Jason could disappear from the grid that easily... for fuck’s sake, he was just with them yesterday! Cass searched everywhere twice, no sign of Jason. Damian is calm. Tim notices. “You know something, Damian, spill it.”
Damian really tries... but can’t really lie to his family, especially since Bruce is looking scarier by the minute. “Mother took him.” ~deafening silence~ She wanted to celebrate Jason’s birthday with the League. The–“
Bruce stands up from where he was seated infront of the Batcomputer. He is apoplectic, he’s ready to throw hands. “What?!? Why would Ja—“
Damian continues, “Father please, I’m sure Mother meant no harm. Jason spent time with the League, he made friends there, while he was... you know... recovering. They saw him become better, helped him... in a way.” Damian’s voice remained steady and calm. Fingers crossed his Father would would be appeased even just for a little bit.
“Well, that would make sense.” Older brother Dick Grayson contributes.
“Explains why we can’t track him, the League has their own protective measures. I’ll get us in and hack it.” Tim adds and starts to type away in his laptop.
“His birthday’s tomorrow. Why take him today?” Cass, the ever brilliant, inquires.
“Mother plans to return him tomorrow. She doesn’t want to hijack him from us on his actual birthday.” Damian replies.
Bruce is a little relieved... he is now sulking. He must see his son, make sure he’s fine. “You all stay right here. Tell Alfred about this. I will be back later.”
The Batplane descends on a tarmac, he got in easily. He’s expected. Bruce is lead to a room. Talia is there waiting for him.
“Hello, Bruce.” She greets him, not surprised at all.
“Where is he? I’m taking him home, Talia.” He regrets being impolite but is feeling quite turbulent at the moment.
“He’s in the training room with some friends, they wanted to spar with him, like old times.”
Bruce opens his mouth to say something but Talia isn’t finished yet. She crosses her arms, sighs and says, “You’re early, I atleast expected to keep him here for a few more hours.”
“You can’t just take him away like this, Talia.” Bruce is tempered but his voice reeks of ...
“I didn’t. He’s old enough to decide for himself and I asked him if it’s okay to have him back just for today so we can celebrate his birthday. He said yes, Bruce. A part of his life was spent here, he met people who cared for him, it wasn’t all bad.”
“Talia, just... with all that’s happened before... I am...” scared to lose him again!! But Bruce’s still emotionally stunted so he didn’t say the last part and instead just sighed and reinforced that fact that “He is my son.”
“He is my son too, Bruce. I–” Jason enters the room, head down and typing at his phone. His in his casual clothes, a bit sweaty, towel draped in his neck.
“Mom, guess who easily went down when I kic—“ He looks up and is stunned. Bruce is here. And Talia. Fuck, he just called her “mom” in front of his dad. His. Dad. Is. Here. Not as Batman. As Bruce Wayne. Here. They’re both staring at him. Were they arguing? Because of him? Fuccckkk. “Dad is everything okay?” Calling Bruce “dad” is the equivalent of doing the puppy dog face, works every time. Also, it comes naturally to him now to call him that. Not always, but more often than before.
Bruce’s face soften and his shoulder relaxes. “Everything is fine, Jay. We were just talking. Are you all right?” He can’t not ask.
Jason nods slowly, eyes darting between Bruce and Talia and ultimately turning to answer Bruce. “Yes. I wanted to come here...it’s safe and...” He’s not really sure what to say next. Why does he have to explain himself anyway? “Did I anger him? Maybe I worried the family” Jason thinks.
Talia moved to where Jason is standing, puts a comforting hand on his shoulder, “It’s all right, Jason. I was very happy to have you. I hope you had a good time.” Her voice is soothing, and she looks at Jason with genuine care.
“I did, thank you. Everything was lovely, and the food was perfect! I’m bringing Damian some of it.” Jason smiles at Talia.
Bruce suddenly feels warm looking at the exchange infront of him. He misunderstood the situation. Maybe overreacted. “You can stay the night if you want, Jay.” Sudden change of mood. Trying to rectify the situation.
Before Jason can answer though, Talia says, “It’s all right, your siblings are probably looking for you. We’ll have next time.” She engulfs Jason in a hug, he feels cherished. They pull away and he nods to Talia as if to say “next time again, mom”
“I’d appreciate a note next time.” Bruce interjects in a light, almost playful tone. Talia just rolls her eyes. “Thank you, Talia. I apologize if I...” trails off. Like father, like son. Don’t know what to say. Talia gives him a knowing smile.
The autopilot was just switched on. Bruce looks to see Jason say beside him typing away on his phone. He sighs. Jason looks up at him.
“I was worried, Jay. We couldn’t find you.” Protective Batdad mode commence.
Jason sighs, feeling a bit bad. “Sorry, didn’t mean to cause trouble. I thought you wouldn’t notice. I would’ve been back in Gotham by nighttime. It happened so fast. Talia showed up at my door and the jet was waiting.”
“It’s all right. You don’t have to explain yourself. I was just being...”
“Overprotective? Paranoid?”
“I get it. Don’t work yourself up too much, old man.” A smug smile appears on the son’s face.
“So, Talia’s “mom” now?” The question was innocently posed. The son turned red. The father just smiled.
Bruce and Jason enter the manor. His siblings are on the couch, all of them focused on whatever is on Tim’s laptop. Dick looks up first.
“Not funny, Jason.” Expression? Stern. Tone? Dead serious.
“It looks like your standing so close too it! That’s pretty meta.” Tim exclaims. How is he energenetic but also sleep deprived?
“Don’t do again.” Cass reprimands.
“Aww come on! It’s funny!” Jason insists, he’s standing in front of them, hands on his hips, waiting for someone to back him up.
“It’s distasteful, ahki.” Damian says, crossing his arms.
“What is?” Bruce asks. Tim turns his laptop around to show Bruce... it’s a selfie of Jason clearly taken just hours ago, he’s doing a peace sign and in the background, clear as day... it’s the Lazarus Pit.
Batdad sighs.
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wordsfromthesol · 5 years
Author: @wordsfromthesol Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Summary:  You have a panic attack at your friend’s birthday party. Jason is there. Warnings: Panic attacks, Language, alcohol Word Count: 2.6k A/N: Most requested when I polled you guys!
“Gaby, I’m not going to know anyone there!”
“Well, it’s my birthday. So, you’re coming. Oh! I’ll invite Tim! You’re friends with him!”
“Yeah,” you rolled your eyes, not that it did any good since you were on the phone with her, but it made you feel better. You knew that Gaby secretly wished you two would end up together, despite you warning her that you were just close friends. Nothing more. “Alright, fine. I’ll meet you at yours at 10 and we can head out from there?”
“Girl, drinks are expensive! We are pre-gaming, come at 9 so we can do some shots before we leave!”
“You will be the death of me…see you at 9 Gabs.” You hung up the phone and immediately dialed Tim.
“Hey Timmy, I have a favor to ask.”
“Why am I not going to like this?”
“Because you’ll have to pry yourself away from that computer for like a night. But you have to come to Gaby’s birthday with me. I will loose it around all those sorority girls without you.”
“I think you can handle them, Y/N/N. You are very good at making friends.”
“I know I CAN handle them, but I’d rather have you there to help out. Maybe you’ll end up meeting someone? Come onnnn.”
“For some reason, I don’t think I would click with any of Gaby’s sorority friends.” You hear his older brother, Jason in the background.
“Timbers, someone is inviting you to hang out with a bunch of girls and you’re saying no?!”
“It’s just Y/N.”
“Oh gee, thanks Tim.”
“You know what I meant,” he mumbled into the phone before turning back to his brother. “Jay…she wants some company. You should go.”
“DO NOT PAWN ME OFF ON YOUR BROTHER, I SWEAR TO – HE DID NOT JUST HANG UP ON ME.” You realized that you would be facing this party on your own. If you had just told Tim why you wanted him to go, you knew he would stop everything and accompany you, but you didn’t want to be a charity case. Who knows if it will even happen? It’ll be fine.
Finally, 9 pm rolled around and you walked up to Gaby’s front door. You could already hear screaming girls on the other side. You took your key out and walked in, hearing Gaby yell at the top of her lungs, “Guess who’s 22, bitches!” Before turning on the infamous twenty-two song by Taylor Swift. It was the obligatory 22nd birthday song, after all. Gaby screamed once again when she saw you enter the kitchen.
“Y/N! You look amazing and I love you. We are going to have so much fun!” She turned back to pour a round of shots for everyone. You pulled your phone out and sent a text to Tim.
Timmy, if you love me at all you will come out tonight. We are going to Zia’s at 10.
Tim looks up from the computer as his phone buzzes. He reads the message and runs his fingers through his hair. He knew that you wouldn’t be asking…twice…if it wasn’t important. He got up from the computer, went to get more coffee and hopefully run into his brother. Thankfully, both a fresh pot and Jason were in the kitchen.
“Jason, Y/N texted me, the party is headed to Zia’s.”
“You want me to go to a party – without you – that your best friend is going to? Care to explain further, Timbers?”
“She asked me to go…twice and I’m really deep into this case…but she never asks twice.”
“Awe, little Timmy is worried about her.”
“Please Jason.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll head there and keep an eye on her.”
Tim nodded as he let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in.
You got to the club, still waiting for Tim to even acknowledge your message. You knew how enveloped he got researching and whatever else his father had him doing on that dang computer. You would be surprised if he even checked his phone at all. Leaving Gaby, you headed to the bar…in desperate need of a drink.
“Sorority girls too much for you?”
You glanced up, immediately recognizing the voice, and then the person standing next to you. “Please tell me Tim didn’t send you to babysit me.”
“The sap was worried about you. Don’t yell at him too much.”
“At least he didn’t send Damian…” you grumbled, trying to get the attention of the bartender.
“Heh, the little demon would find a way in and cause a scene, wouldn’t he?”
“Probably just drag me out, kicking and screaming, so he didn’t have to watch people having fun.” You leaned over the counter and ordered your standard drink before looking to Jason and motioning for him to order something.
“Make it two,” he said before turning back to you. “So, I don’t take you as someone who needs back-up at these kinds of things.”
“Yeah, well, sometimes it’s better to be safe than sorry.” Your drinks were brought out, but as you reached for your card Jason stopped you to hand the bartender his own. “Thanks, Jay. So you dance?” You asked with a mischievous smirk growing on your face.
“I’m going to have to –” His words cut off as you grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the center of the group of girls you came with.
“GIRLLSSS, look at who I just found. Isn’t he just gorgeous?!” Jason swore your voice went up two octaves. All the girls surrounding him squealed as they took turns trying to get him to dance. He looked over at you with a ‘I’m so getting you back for this’ look in his eyes. The girls, he didn’t mind, the attempts to dance, he did. After a few songs, you needed a refill, and began to fell guilty for Jason’s current predicament so you carefully moved over to him.
“Jayybirdd, I sooo need another drink. I think you do to, doesn’t he girls?” Queue all the girls shrieking in agreement. You grabbed his wrist and led him back to the bar. “Sorry, I had to…but remember I also saved you.”
“I can see why Tim likes you.” He grins as you roll your eyes. As if you needed another person shipping the two of you together.
“He’s one of my best friends, like a brother.” You said with a definitive look in your eyes, willing him to understand that you and Tim would never be romantically involved. In fact, not that you would tell a soul, but the two of you did try one night and it just felt wrong. The two of you kissed and then spent the rest of the night laughing about it.
“Well I don’t want to be your brother.” Jason quipped back at you, as you summoned the bartender and ordered two more drinks.
“Don’t worry. You aren’t.”
Once the drinks arrived, you were dragging Jason back to the dance floor. He resisted a little less this time.
A few more songs had passed, and you felt that pit in your stomach starting to rise. You made your way back to the bar, in hopes of finding an unoccupied corner. Your eyes searched frantically around the club, to no avail. As you tried to begin regulating your breathing, you made your way to the door. Not the smartest thing to be on the streets of Gotham alone, but you couldn’t stay in there anymore.
Jason looked up and watched as you headed to the bar, hoping you would bring him back another drink as well. Looking down at the girl who grabbed his waist, he wriggled out of her grip and headed for where he last saw you…only you were no longer there. Okay, maybe she went to the bathroom. He knew Tim would kill him if anything happened to you, so he made his way to the bathrooms, stopping a girl about to enter.
“Hey, can you check if Y/N Y/L/N is in there?”
Thankfully the girl was not completely plastered and noticed the worried look in his eyes. She nodded and pushed open the door. Jason heard muffled calls before the girl came out and shook her head no.
“Fuck. Thanks.” He waved her along and made his way to the exit while searching the crowd for your Y/H/C hair. He steps outside and looks up the street, seeing you turn into an alleyway. What the fuck is she thinking. He broke into a run.
Going into an alley probably wasn’t the safest thing, but your mind was racing and thinking straight was not on the agenda. You counted your breathing in your head. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. You slunk to the ground, not caring about the dirt and trash that would coat your favorite skirt. Pulling your knees to your chest you tried to keep counting as you slammed your eyes shut blocking out as much of the outside world as possible. Eventually, you gave up on the counting and were hyperventilating in an alley, in Gotham, alone. You thought you heard your name, so you opened your eyes and saw Jason kneeling in front of you.
“Y/N, what the fuck. What are you doing?”
You jumped to your feet. No no, he can’t see me like this. No no no. You tried to run, but Jason grabbed your wrist and spun you into him. His fury melted as he saw the panic in your eyes. You looked up at him and without thinking pressed your lips against his with desperation. He pulled away and looked at you, confusion glossing over his face. You didn’t care and pulled him back in. You felt your breathing steady and tore your lips from his.
Barely able to form words, you looked at him, “I…panic…attack…” was all you could manage to get out. He nodded and picked you up, walking over to a cab. He opened the door and set you inside before walking around the car and climbing in next to you. He rattled off your address to the driver before pulling you next to him.
As you arrived, you opened the door and climbed out of the car as Jason rushed to your side. He looked at you, as if to ask ‘you okay?’ You nodded, but grabbed his wrist to follow you upstairs. Without saying another word, you opened the door to your apartment and went into the bedroom, you could feel your breathing start to become erratic once again. I just need to take my makeup off and get out of these clothes. Suck it up, Y/N. You can do this.
You stood at your bathroom vanity for far too long, staring at yourself, trying to will yourself to relax and calm down. You didn’t even notice when Jason came up behind you and put a hand on your shoulder, but you instinctively turned around and tucked yourself into his chest. He began to move to the bedroom but you planted your feet in place, determined to at least get out of these disgusting clothes. Taking a deep breath, you released yourself from his grasp and walked to the dresser to pull out an oversized t-shirt and a pair of sleep shorts. At this point, you didn’t care and you stripped off your club clothes and pulled on the clean ones as Jason stood in the doorway of your bathroom.
You crawled into bed and curled into a ball before noticing Jason still staring at you. You reached out your arm, motioning for him to join you. You noticed him sigh before crawling beside you, unbeknownst to you it was because he thought Tim would kill him for this entire situation. Letting you run out of the club and now falling asleep with you in his arms. Surely he was a goner, but he had always liked you. Ever since Tim brought you home all those years ago, but he never had a reason to hang around too much. After having you to himself all night, he knew he had legitimate feelings for his brother’s best friend.
You woke up the next day still entangled in Jason’s arms and devastation struck you as you remembered the disaster that occurred the night before. I kissed my best friend’s brother. Shit. Though, you had to admit, you had wanted to for awhile now. Carefully slipping from Jason’s grasp, you searched for your phone and immediately sent a text to Tim.
Don’t hate me. I may have kissed your brother last night.
What the hell happened?
Ugh, I had another stupid panic attack. And my mangled mind was all like, didn’t you read something about kissing helping to regulate your breathing.
I’m sorry, I should’ve been there. I knew there was a reason you asked me to go.
It’s okay Tim.
So…did you like it?
Tim! Wtf!
That’s not a no, Y/N/N!
Grow up!
You plugged your phone into the charger and went into the bathroom to see the state of your makeup. It was a disaster, as you guessed. After washing your face, you exited the bathroom to see Jason sitting up in the bed.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better now that I’m not freaking out in front of my best friend’s brother.” You dragged your hand down your face. “I’m sorry about everything. You shouldn’t’ve had to deal with that. They’ve just been really bad lately…that’s why I wanted Tim to freaking go…but I didn’t want to disappoint Gaby, since it was her birthday –”
“Y/N. Relax. It’s okay. I was just worried about you. Why on earth would you not get me? Instead you go into an alley, by yourself, in fucking Gotham City.”
“I know,” you moved to sit next to him on the bed. “I just, most people don’t understand or know how to handle them. And I didn’t want to worry you…or Gaby. So, my mind just needed an exit strategy.”
“I’ve handled way worse, don’t ever scare me like that again.”
“What, you still wanna hang out with me?”
“Oh, uhm, well it’s not like we hang out much to begin with.” His tone turned almost sad.
“Well, you never ask.” You said blatantly.
“Neither do you!”
“Okay, fair. Well, since you’re here…and you paid for my drinks last night, I think I owe you breakfast. I think Tim even has some –” You stop short realizing that Tim’s clothes would never fit his brother and wave your hand at the thought.
“Tim has what?” He asked, slightly concerned.
“Oh, just some spare clothes here…but I realized you wouldn’t fit in them.”
“He’s going to kill me, by the way.”
“Probably.” You let out a chuckle as you rummage through your dresser for some clothes.
“Mind if I at least shower before we head out?”
“Not at all.” As Jason goes into the bathroom you change clothes and head into the kitchen to make some coffee while you wait.
Jason turns on the shower and dials his brother.
“Where are you Jason? What happened last night? Gaby texted me saying you and Y/N went missing halfway through the night!”
“She had a panic attack, so we got out of there.” Jason opted for a half-truth in order to avoid being hit and/or berated by his younger brother when he got home.
“Hm, so where the hell are you now?”
“I’m still here. At Y/N’s.”
“What the fuck, Todd. Why are you still there?”
“I just wanted to make sure she was okay!” There was a long silence, one that Tim was sure drove his brother crazy. “We kissed.”
“If you like her, I’ll back off.”
“Nah, I was messing with you Jay. I already knew.”
“And I already see how the two of you look at each other. I say go for it…But I will kill you if you hurt her.”
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Not to be super dramatic or anything, lolol, but just one, just one multi-chapter “bringing Jason back into the family/derailing the worst of the UTRH events” fic that mentions Dick killing the Joker because he mocked Jason’s death.
Just one for the love of Batcanon please can we have just one, lololol.
Like, I’ve read one-shots where they discuss it, and some of them are great, but in all my searching I have never found a single full ensemble family fic specifically about reuniting Jason with the family, that so much as acknowledges that Dick grieved for Jason enough that he beat the Joker to death with his bare hands for making light of Jason’s death.
Jason may have focused on Bruce not killing the Joker, but ultimately he just wanted to feel that someone cared that the Joker took Jason away from his family.
And Last Laugh is literally the single most relevant piece of Batcanon in terms of that single most definite want Jason has!
It absolutely kills me that its been minimized and ignored as much as it has. And for the life of me, I can’t come up with any explanation for that other than people just not wanting Dick and Jason to have the kind of rapport that could organically develop from Jason having that single relevant piece of evidence that proves his older brother does in fact love him very much, and always did.
Gaaaaaah. And the thing is, its not even that I begrudge people liking Jason and Tim’s dynamic and wanting them to be close. But when so freaking many of the ‘bring Jay back to the family’ fics focus on the kid Jason resented so much for replacing him he beat him half to death, being the one who most easily and naturally forms the strongest connection to Jason...while ignoring any and all instances of canon that acknowledge the actual canon history of Dick and Jason that would bring up the question of why Dick doesn’t seem to care now....it just feels weird. And I’ve looked at the narrative situation enough times that I feel pretty confident its not solely my character bias making me think that, y’know?
Its like......idk, maybe its the fact that Tim has plenty of reasonable justifications for being the one whose initially wary of Jason’s return and takes a little while to warm up to him post UTRH and feel confident Jason no longer wants to hurt him....so it in no way reflects badly on Tim at all, for him not to be the one taking point on trying to bring Jason back to the family.
Similarly, having Dick be the one to take point in no way minimizes the potential for Jason and Tim to then go on to form a strong bond of their own as well. Nor would any such bond between them be lessened by an equally strong one existing between Jason and Dick....anymore than they’d be incapable of forming strong bonds if Jason had never died and Jason and Dick’s bond just pre-existed on the basis of knowing each other longer than Tim.
By contrast, pointedly keeping Dick ‘out of the way’ of Jason and Tim being the ones to develop a strong initial bond due to Tim taking point on bringing him back to the family fics....DOES minimize the potential for Dick and Jason to ever go on to have equally strong ties after that point, because based on that specific narration, there will always then be the question of why didn’t Dick take point in that, or the fact that Dick does have less justifications than Tim to be wary of Jason and more reasons than Tim to try and bring Jason back into the fold.
So inevitably, sidelining Dick to any extent during that kind of storyline does bring into question the legitimacy or strength of any bond Jason and Dick form after Jason’s return to the family, and casts doubt on the validity and strength of any ties they felt before Jason’s death as well.
And the thing is, it would be one thing if the canon was just an equally clean slate where all characters were concerned.
IF Dick really was as aloof and/or a jerk to Jason in canon pre-ADITF as fanon makes him out to be. IF there were extended storylines about Tim being the sole one with hopes of Jason returning to the family, rather than just the one storyline about helping him escape Blackgate, which Jason immediately turned around and killed more people, the one thing Tim had asked he not do, in exchange.
IF there weren’t stories with Dick begging Jason to let him help. IF the Arkham thing really DID follow the fanon narrative where Dick callously tossed Jason into a cell next to the Joker, instead of the canon context where Dick specifically said he put Jason in Arkham to keep him out of general population for his SAFETY, Joker was nowhere near Arkham at the time, and Jason specifically stated his biggest complaint with his time in Arkham was he was bored.
IF Brothers in Blood didn’t end with Jason acknowledging that he had always considered Dick family. IF Last Laugh didn’t exist as pointed proof that the one and only time Dick has broken the Batfam’s cardinal rule himself, it was Jason’s murderer, after bringing up Jason’s death to him.
But when any and all of those things have to be completely disregarded in order to craft a narrative that posits Tim being the only one willing to reach out to Jason, and posits that Dick doesn’t have any strong feelings about Jason other than guilt for not being a good enough brother or whatever....
Like, I really don’t think its just character bias that makes me say the dynamics that result from that are always going to feel a bit stilted and awkward....because not only do they disregard pivotal canon events....they disregard the actual characterizations that led to those characters acting the way they did in those canon events.
*Shrugs* It just makes those stories feel disjointed and yeah, a little petty, because its like trying to force specific dynamics through a mold that’s based on the actual shape of the characters....and thus with stuff inevitably getting trimmed off around the edges and left behind. Because those specific dynamics/characterizations don’t actually FIT the narrative they’re trying to be pushed through.
Again, like I said, it’d be one thing if canon events like Dick killing the Joker just never ever happened and it was a fairly even playing field in terms of what characters make the most sense to play certain roles in certain specific narratives.
But when your narrative revolves around Jason initially still being estranged from his family because he remains convinced nobody cared enough to avenge him....but said narrative makes zero mention whatsoever about the very much did happen story where Dick....cared enough to avenge him....
And this pattern persists in dozens of stories about this particular premise, with practically no exception I can think of....
Like, there’s something off there, lmao, and I really don’t think its just my own character biases making me feel that way.
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rocket-roach · 5 years
Bruce Wayne has to go undercover working at Bat Burger. He hates his life. He tells no one, but somehow, everyone finds out anyway.
allow me to share some of my experiences working in retail pharmacy through bruce suffering in fast food
word count: 2164
“I’llbe dark for the next few weeks. Do not try to contact or find me. I can’tstress this enough,” Bruce said as he spun in his chain to face his assembledkids. “Gotham is resting on all of your shoulders. I know you can handle it. So,take care of her, okay? I’ll be back whenever the mission is done.”
Dicknibbled on his lip as his eyes flashed to the batsuit encased in glass.
“Do youwant me to go out as Batman?” He asked as his brothers and sisters eyestraveled to the offending case.
“No,”Bruce stood. “That won’t be necessary. We’ve gotten them quiet, and they shouldstay that way for a while. But don’t start any big cases until I get back. Thisis just patrol.”
Jasonpulled a pack of blue Camels out which was quickly followed by his Zippolighter. He lit up, blowing a smoke ring towards the roof of the cave. “What’sthe mission?”
“Stopsmoking in the cave. It upsets the bats. Also, that’s classified.”
“Classifiedfrom family?” Tim asked as he headed towards the fire extinguisher.
“I gethow the Justice League feels now,” Steph added.
“We’llkeep Gotham safe,” Dick said as Tim sprayed Jason with the fire extinguisher.
Withthe arrival of Bruce’s third decade of his vigilante career, he was getting damngood at putting on wigs and applying fake beards. He pulled the carefullyrumpled and wrinkled big box store button up from his suitcase and lookedaround at the crappy bedroom he’d rented in the larger, shittier two bedroomdeep within Gotham. He’d found this place after scouring Craigslist. It was 750square feet, with a gunk covered stove, blackened oven, and dish filled sink.Additionally, the bathroom appeared to have been designed in the 1920’s andthen had never been cleaned. His roommate was one Isaiah Addams.
Arecent grad from Gotham University, Isaiah was a country boy trying to make itbig in the big city. He was working at Big Belly Burger as well as a dive bardown the street. Isaiah was simple, ineffective, and for the sake of this case,an ideal roommate. But Isaiah only knew Bruce as Paul Scott, a down on his luckrecent divorcee who was out a wife, a job, and a house.
“HeyPaul?” Isaiah asked as Bruce finished checking over the resume he printed.
“Areyou uh, hungry? My friend Deb recommended this ramen place down the road. Shesaid I needed to try real ramen. I guess Maruchan isn’t the gold standard.”
“Thankyou, but I think I’ll pass. I need to save money until I can find a job.”
“Yourloss, man. By the way, Bat Burger is hiring. They’ll take anyone with a pulse.Have a good night.”
Brucewaved as Isaiah grabbed his keys, and slammed the rickety front door shut.Bruce ran a hand through his hair, letting out a heavy sigh. The apartmentreeked like the backed-up sewer that ran beneath it, and the stench of sewerwater was helping Bruce get further into character.
Thenext day found Bruce sitting in the chaotic closet that was the manager’soffice. Zach was a burly man, nearly too large to fit in the room. With eachmovement, the black swivel chair groaned.
“Yourresume’s impressive,” Zach started. “But you don’t have any food serviceexperience.”
“I’m aquick learner. I have some retail, customer service experience. To be honest,working in food is something I’ve always wanted to try. I’m always on time.”
“Youlive close?”
“Justdown the block.”
Zachsighed as he placed the resume on the television tray that was apparentlyserving as a desk. “Well, jobs yours. You can start today. Janey can starttraining you. You just missed the lunch rush, but by dinner we’ll have youflipping burgers.”
Janeywas a single mom of three, with only a GED and a 1990 silver Toyota Camry toher name. Her teeth were yellow from the cigarettes she’d been smoking sincesixteen and her hair had been permed into oblivion. But she was patient, whichmade his training go exceptionally.
“Alright,so Paul. You’re gonna get complainers. Old people, mainly. They’ll throw a fitif you so much as look at the burger wrong. The easiest thing to do is justredo it. But sometimes, they’ll throw a fit for a voucher. Cashiers can’t give‘em vouchers, and they know that. They’re gonna scream for the manager andZach’s always here. Just get Zach, sweetie. It’s less of a headache.”
Paulnodded, filing all this information away. He looked around at the fewcustomers, each sitting in their own booth, chowing down on the grease filledburgers with relish. Janey carried on through the training, showing him how tooperate the registers, which codes to call when he needed change, or when therewas too much cash in register. Then she moved him back into the kitchen. Oldfridges and even older ovens lined the walls, covered with black grease. He wasafraid to look into the grease traps.
Janeypassed him off to Daniel, the cook for the midshift.
“Youever flip burgers before?”
“No,”he answered honestly.
“Youabout to learn.”
Eventually,Daniel banished Paul from the kitchen. He had burned just one too many burgers,and that was how he found himself standing back at the register next to Jackie.It was five o’clock.
Brucewatched as the parking lot began to fill up with the cars of the people justgetting off work from Gotham’s downtown. Janey took a steadying breath, and thesmell of her most recent cigarette filled Paul’s nostrils.
DickGrayson walked in, his eyes rimmed by dark circles.
“Lemmeget Bat-beef deluxe with cheese and no tomatoes, please, Janey.”
“Surething, hon. You want to Jokerize that?” Janey asked as she typed in the order.
“Pleaseand thank you,” Dick narrowed his eyes as he took in Paul. “Haven’t seen you inhere before.”    
“He’s anew hire. Name’s Paul. Little shy but got a good head on his shoulders. Paul, Iwant you to meet Dick. He’s a cop.”
Dick’seyes were still narrowed.
“Uh,yes sir. Today’s my first day.”
“Anyoneever tell you, you kind of look like Bruce Wayne?”
 Afterthat, and a few more days of training, Paul offered to take theovernight shift. As he wiped down the tables, counting the customers in therestaurant, the amount of food they’d ordered, he decided that there was no waythis franchise was making enough money to stay open twenty-four hours a day andpay workers and other bills. When he was back in his mold-ridden apartment, headded notes to the ever-growing file he kept stashed underneath his mattress.He dressed in the ill-fitting batsuit and began his trek towards his job.
Theyellow streetlamps were bright enough to see the sidewalk, but not brightenough to illuminate the cracks and uneven slabs. He had a few skinned knees toprove it. But tonight, had been fall free. He stretched his arms above hishead, his neck cracking loudly as Sal, a regular, stomped back up to theregister.
Heslammed a half-eaten Mister Freeze dog onto the counter.
“I onlygot half a dog!”
Brucewatched as the ketchup oozed. “I gave you the full dog you ordered, Sal.”
“Don’t‘Sal’ me, Paul. You only gave me halfa dog. I want my money back. And a voucher. You know what? Get me your manager.I want to talk to Zach.”
“Hewent home for the day.”
“Thencall him! I can wait.”
“It’stwo in the morning. Zach won’t be in till about eight. I can get you Jazz,she’s working now.”
“No. Iwant to speak with the store manager. I want you fired.”
Brucealso wanted to be fired.
“I’llbuy his dog,” a deep voice that Bruce knew very well, cut in. “Sal, do you wantanother Freeze dog?”
Redhood turned to face Sal, his hands drifting towards his hip holsters.
“I’mgonna ask one more time.”
 Brucequickly picked up on Janey’s tactic of going outside for a smoke. He didn’t smoke;maintaining his peak physical form and all that, but getting the fresh, sewagescented air of Gotham did help clear his head. Usually. When Jason wasn’tsmoking a cigarette three feet from him.
“Howlong?” Jay asked.
“Howlong what?”
“Don’tplay dumb, old man. I know who you are. Who you really are.”
“I’mPaul,” Bruce wanted to yell at him.
“Okay, Paul,” he said after blowing a smokeright. “Why are you here?”
“I needmoney,” Paul was starting to get a little pissed.
Jasonlaughed as he crushed the butt under his boot. “I need money, too. Yet, Ididn’t realize we were so destitute that you had to pick up a side gig at BigBelly.”
“I haveto go back to work,” Bruce’s face was pinched. If his damn kids didn’t stop,the whole thing would be blown. “Have a good day, sir.”
“’Sir’,” Jason started laughing. “You’re agoddamn hoot, Paul.”
 Paulwas locked into his room, buried in his notes when he heard Isaiah shouting forhim. He ignored him, hoping that Isaiah would shut up and let him work inpeace. It usually worked in the past. Usually. But soon the sounds of a scufflereached his bedroom.
Aheadache bloomed behind his eyes as he heard Tim Drake shouting his way toPaul’s room.
“Listen,kid, I dunno ho yougot in here, but you have to leave!”
“Isaiah,right? I just really need to talk to Bru- Paul. He’s behind… on his loanpayments.”
“Youlook like you’re twelve!” Isaiah said.
“Internship,”Tim fired back before he jimmied open Paul’s lock.
Paulhad been desperately trying to shove all his papers under the mattress, butthis damn kid was too fast. He darted over, snatching up as many papers as hecould. Bruce lunged for him. Tim dodged.
“Goddamnit!What part of ‘Dark, do not contact me,’was unclear to you all?” Bruce nearly snarled.
“It wasfine until we realized you’re trying to dethrone the Falcones. They knowsomeone is working against them from the inside, Bruce,” Tim waved as hescanned Bruce’s notes. “You’re writing as Paul, not Bruce. There are key factsmissing from this case—”
Brucewalked over to Tim. He grabbed the back of the boy’s shirt, and bodily liftedhim into the air. It was only then that Tim saw the anger bubbling in Bruce’seyes. He’d thought his dad would have been happy to see him after so many weeksgone, but Bruce just tired, frustrated, and bordering on pissed.
“Gohome,” he said lowly. “Tell everybody else this area is off limits. If I see any of you, you’ll all begrounded for the rest of your lives. Clear?”
“Crystal,”Tim gulped, slowly curling into a small ball.
   Paulwas coming up on two months on being undercover. After his conversation withTim, his children’s visits had cut down significantly. But tonight, as he threwthe heavy black trash bags into the dumpster behind the building, he noticedone small shadow that was out of place. He wiped his hands on his pants legs, looking up at his daughter.
Theshadow disappeared for a moment, then appeared right in front of him. Her darkeyes were staring intensely at him; and with that Bruce realized she was aboutto ream him out. Her hands began flying, and it took every ounce of Bruce’sstrength not to immediately head home and start packing up his stuff.
“Iknow. I’m nearly done.”
“You’relying. To me,” she said.
“I’llkeep trying till you buy it,” He smiled sheepishly.
“Even Icould tell that you were,” Damian’s voice reached him from above.
Brucelooked up, mildly impressed with his youngest’s ability to sneak. He wasgetting better. Glacial blue eyes flickered to Cass, and she was grinningproudly.
“Oh,god. You two have been teaming up,” he groaned. “Fine, two more weeks. I’llhave it all wrapped up.”
It didn’ttake two weeks. It didn’t even take one. The Falcone’s goons blew up hisapartment as he was leaving for work that night. Isaiah, thankfully, had gone outto sing in the subway. Bruce sighed as the flaming remnants of his notesfloated to the ground. He went to work after giving a statement to the policeand ignoring the way Gordon kept staring at him.
The doorcreaked open.
Insidesat Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Orphan, Robin and Spoiler. Hog tied at theirfeet sat the Falcone family, gagged and growling.
“Paul,”Nightwing smiled. “Did you know you were working for the most notorious crimefamily in Gotham?”
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redhoodieone · 5 years
Just the Two of Us
A/N: Hey everyone! I’m finally on summer vacation which means I’ll be able to read and write more which is totally fun! This is my first major fic about Damian, and I’m totally excited to share it with you all. Enjoy!
Summary: Damian is nervous and frightened that he’s losing his older adopted sister Y/N and is determined to spend as much time with her, even when Jason and his brothers crash their slumber party.
Warnings: Language, mentions of sexual activities, and too much fluff.
This is a totally random night. What should have been a night all to myself while my boyfriend participates in ‘guys night’, I find myself sitting on a thick pink comforter while we’re hidden underneath sheets in a perfectly created fort.
Because Damian insisted we needed a fort for our “slumber party.”
“There...finally we have privacy for our slumber party. I do not want Grayson, Todd, and Drake interrupting our night. Now, what else do we do on these...nights, sister?” Damian asks. The curiosity and interest in his eyes never fade.
Yes, the thirteen-year-old Damian had overheard me talking to Barbara about how slumber parties were a way to reconnect with friends, share secrets, and just be there for each other. As an adult, I still found slumber parties to be fun, but haven’t had one since I was a teenager but had missed it so much. After my confession, I found out Damian had Alfred put together a slumber party for him and I.
The fort is spectacular; knowing how Alfred and Damian practically used the highest furniture to make it big and sturdy just shows no man in this family does anything half ass.
I unzip my sweater to reveal my tank top and pajama shorts, as Damian sits down after changing into a thin t-shirt and sweatpants. After he settles down, he sits cross legged like me and he smiles.
Just seeing Damian smile warms my heart, after everything that has happened.
I was thrown into the Batfamily at just fifteen-years-old. My parents abandoned me. I was living out on the street and did dirty work for Two-Face just to survive. But on a night that Two-Face was done with me was the night Batman and Robin saved me.
I was not only adopted by Bruce Wayne, but I became the newest superhero, NightBat. Five years of working alongside Bruce, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Tim Drake, they gave my life meaning and became the light in my former dark life.
But being NightBat was something I couldn’t keep doing since I fell in love.
Yes, I fell in love with Jason Todd.
After Jason’s death and resurrection, Jason was on the edge of becoming as dangerous as the Joker. It took the Batfamily and I a very long time to save Jason, but in the process, Jason and I kissed; a kiss that revealed how long we loved each other and how much we meant to each other.
After our confessions, Jason asked me to be his girlfriend and we’ve began dating. We’ve been together for three years now.
But with dating came some cold hard truths. Jason had been a nervous wreck and constantly worried about me fighting alongside them. And after he voiced his concerns, I realized crime fighting wouldn’t exactly help my future goals.
What if I wanted to get pregnant one day?
Although Jason and I never spoke about kids, I always wondered if he wanted them secretly or if he has even thought about having them with me.
But it was settled anyways. I worked behind the computers while Damian’s entrance into the Batfamily made him Robin. But just knowing Damian was enough for me to realize how kind and caring he was underneath the anger and hatred he was bred into believing.
And after a while, Damian and I became close; we’re almost like best friends (Barbara is right behind him).
Although Damian was initially against my relationship with Jason, it took everyone by surprise especially with how overprotective and serious Damian was about my wellbeing. But after serious and heart to heart talks with Bruce and Alfred, I realized Damian really saw me as a sister and wanted to protect me and make sure I’m taken care of because of his newfound brotherly duties.
Which could explain Damian wanting a spontaneous slumber party tonight. Even though Damian’s random thoughts and ideas for us to hang out is not unusual.
What’s unusual is how he’s been clingy these past few days. I haven’t exactly confronted him or tell anyone about my suspicions.
“We can make s’mores outside?” I suggest. The thought of a roasted marshmallow on a piece of milk chocolate and in between two graham crackers makes me lick my lips. “That sounds like fun.”
“Excellent. I’ll go fetch Pennyworth and have him provide us with the supplies,” Damian announces. 
We begin to crawl out of our fort until someone jumps down, pokes their head in, and growls at us. Damian and I scream and fall and crawl back into the corner of the fort. Laughter. Men laughing takes us by surprise. 
Jason Todd.
Dick Grayson.
Tim Drake.
Damian climbs off me and growls himself as we crawl out of the fort. And there were the three brothers, with Jason on the floor holding his stomach while laughing his ass off, as Dick and Tim were standing and laughing hard while covering their mouths and shaking a lot. As Damian and I stand up, Damian kicks Jason in the stomach.
“What the fuck?!” Jason snaps.
“How dare you frighten us, Todd! I should kill you where I stand!” Damian yells.
“I’d like to see you try, fucker!”
Before Jason reaches to grab Damian’s foot, I kneel beside my boyfriend. “Jay, what the hell are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at guys night?” I ask curiously.
“The little shit head never showed up at the movies. He fucking ditched us!” Jason answers, and he’s trying hard to not lose his cool with me. “And why are you here, Y/N? Shouldn’t you be back at home enjoying your ‘masturbating alone’ time?”
“Damian invited me to stay the night so we’re hanging out,” I say.
“Okay…but since Damian never showed up, we came back here to drag his little ass out,” Jason says, glaring at Damian.
“That’s why we came back here,” Tim replies.
“So Little D, you ready to go now? We always hang out every Friday night,” Dick says, offering a hand to help Jason up. Once Jason’s on his feet, Damian scoffs and shakes his head.
“As you idiotic pests can see, I already have plans with Y/LN. You imbeciles can go ahead and leave us alone,” Damian says, not even hiding the fact that he’s pissed off at them. 
Damian grabs my arm and tries to lead me into the backyard, but Jason grabs my other arm. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, demon spawn?! Y/N’s my girlfriend! Don’t you know guys who flirt or try to steal other guys’ girls end up getting their asses handed to them and buried six feet under! Now get your fucking little hands off her!” Jason snaps viciously.
“Jason stop! What is your problem?!” I demand. I pull my arm away from him, shocking not only him but Dick and Tim as well.
“Don’t you see what he’s doing, babe? He’s trying to take you outside and do whatever that little pervert has planned!” Jason claims desperately.
“T-t,” Damian scoffs, and shakes his head at Jason. “You are a very, ignorant, arrogant, fool Todd. Y/LN and I are brother and sister. Father adopted her, which makes her my sister. As her brother, I have the right to spend time with her; one on one time since bonding is appropriate and needed for people to grow, learn, and be content. Whatever sick delusions you have are merely your own issues, not mine. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re going outside to make s’mores.”
Dick’s eyes widen and he perks up. “S’mores? I want s’mores!” Dick cries out excitedly.
“Well, too bad Grayson. It’s only for Y/LN and me,” Damian snaps.
Damian manages to get us outside but Jason and the other two just wouldn’t leave us alone. I realize something’s bothering Damian, and I need to get to the bottom of it before he explodes, and we’ll just keep on fighting.
“Damian, something’s bothering you. Please tell me what it is,” I plead. The younger brother continues gripping my arm and I can hear him breathing hard. “If you say we’re as close as you say we are, then you should be able to tell me. I can help you. I want to help you.”
“It’s nothing,” Damian mumbles under his breath. He refuses to look at me or our brothers. “Just forget it. It’s pathetic.”
“Your problems are never pathetic. It’s okay to have problems and to solve them,” I disagree, and I finally am able to pull away from Damian’s grasp. “I don’t think I can continue our slumber party unless you tell me what is wrong. So, tell me what is wrong, Dami.”
Damian finally turns around, and his eyes are teary. Despite his rough and tough exterior, inside is a boy who has never had an innocent and fun childhood. He’s on the verge of breaking down, and just seeing him this upset breaks my heart.
“You’re…never around anymore Y/N,” Damian says to me, as he allows himself to cry and tell me and our brothers what’s been bothering him. “Ever since you and Todd have become…what Grayson says, “exclusive”, you have barely been home. You always spend time with him, and whenever our family gets together, you’re always with him: kissing him, embracing him, holding his hand, and always just touching him while you forget I’m beside you, too. I-I don’t have any serious issues with your relationship with Todd, despite our ongoing brotherly feud, I truly believe he cares about you and loves you as much as you deserve and more. But it always feels like you don’t even speak to me or want to “hang out” with me anymore. When was the last time it was just you and I alone?”
I can’t control my own tears from falling. “Maybe a month ago?” I choke out.
“Two months ago,” Damian corrects me. “You moved out six months ago to move into his apartment, and you’ve only been back home for short visits.”
“Damian…I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t know you felt that way. But you have to know that I still love you and care about you,” I say, hoping he would understand. Damian looks up at me, even our heights are close (because he’s becoming a rather tall boy). His green eyes glisten from his tears and the patio light. I reach out to touch his face, and he closes his eyes and leans into my touch. “I never meant to hurt you like that. I love you, and you’re my little brother and I should be around more because we’re not only family, but we’re friends too. From now on, I’ll be coming home more. Okay? Can you please forgive me and give me another chance?”
Damian’s eyes open, and he smiles at me. That smile is enough to warm my heart again. “I would be a fool to not give you another chance, Y/N. Can we please continue on with our slumber party?” he asks softly.
“Of course, Dami.”
I hug him tightly. As we hug each other, I notice Dick smiling proudly at us for solving our problems. Tim sighs, and looks at Dick and Jason. “Poker night?” Tim asks.
“I’m in. But this time, I’m shuffling the cards,” Dick says, as he and Tim head back inside to give Damian and I privacy for our slumber party. “Jason cheats, and I believe you count cards!”
“I don’t count cards! You don’t have evidence; you can’t prove anything!” Tim shouts.
As Damian and I pull away from each other, Jason clears his throat. He runs a nervous hand through his dark hair, and sighs. 
“I…I’m sorry Damian. I didn’t know you felt that way. I’m obviously fucked up, so in my defense, I tend to get jealous and crazy because I love Y/N so much. And I know you love Y/N as well, so how about we set aside a schedule or something during the week?” Jason suggests.
“Maybe when you want to hang out with Dick, Tim, and Roy, on your ‘guys night’, maybe Damian and I can have our own “siblings’ night” or something. What do you say to that, Dami?” I ask, hoping he’d love the idea.
Damian smiles sincerely. “I would…appreciate and respect that idea. Thank you Y/N. Thank you Jason,” Damian says, before engulfing Jason in a rough hug. Jason chuckles, and hugs Damian back.
“Tell anyone about this Todd, and I’ll castrate you in your sleep,” Damian threatens.
“I was just going to tell you the same thing, Omen. And hey, you called me Jason,” Jason teases.
“Fuck you, Todd!”
“Fuck you, Wayne!”
I roll my eyes at both, as they quickly move away from each other after their hug. I finally make my way to Jason, and he immediately looks down at me with so much love and admiration. His blue eyes steal my attention. 
“I really like what you did back there, Jason. You’re so sweet and caring. You even apologized and helped Damian out,” I say. “I really admire that.”
“Well, he is my…little brother,” Jason says quietly. “Not like I had a choice, right?”
I smirk at him. I stand on my toes to reach up and kiss him. “I love you,” I whisper against his mouth.
“I love you too, doll. I love you so fucking much, Y/N,” Jason whispers back, and kisses me again.
Damian scoffs to get our attention. We stop kissing and look at him. “Now that we solved my problem, I believe it is time for you to leave, Todd,” Damian says seriously.
Jason sighs, and kisses me again. “Maybe all of us can do something tomorrow? Just you, me, Damian, Dick, and Tim?” Jason asks.
“I would like that a lot,” I agree.
“And I agree as well,” Damian agrees with me.
“Well, then I guess I’ll see you in the morning, doll,” Jason says softly. “Goodnight.”
“Yeah, goodnight Jay,” I say.
Jason grins, and kisses me once more despite Damian making gagging noises. As soon as we pull away, Alfred comes outside with a tray of marshmallows, pieces of chocolate bars, and graham crackers. Jason sneaks a handful of chocolate and some marshmallows and waves us off.
“Night Omen!” 
“Night Hellboy!”
“My word! Master Damian, I bring you the items you requested. Is there anything else I can do for you?” Alfred sighs.
I take a seat on one of the patio chairs, as Damian starts a fire into the firepit Bruce and the boys made a while ago. As the fire glows and rises, he smiles at me and I smile back at him. 
Because Damian and I finally fixed our problem, and as siblings, we only have adventures and memories to share and create now.
“No, thank you Pennyworth. My sister and I are set tonight. We’re okay now.”
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