#spooky's writing prompts
thepromptfoundry · 15 days
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It's a double feature this October here at the Prompt Foundry with both Prompts That Go Bump In The Night and OC-tober.
For Prompts That Go Bump In The Night, let's get creepy with it, get in touch with our dark sides, make Edgar Allan Poe proud, and get into the spirit of spooky season!
Feel free to combine different days' prompts with each other, or combine them with other events! Use your OCs, your favorite characters from media, your own experiences, whatever tickles your fancy.
Make this as scary as you want, just remember to tag appropriately!
If you use this list, please tag me here @thepromptfoundry, I’d love to see your writing and art and learn about your characters!
Respond to as many prompts as you want or as interest you, don’t worry about missing or skipping any. Remember, this is supposed to be fun!
If you have any questions or musings, check our FAQ, and if you don't find your answer, shoot me an ask.
Plain text list below the cut:
1 Too many eyes 2 A whisper in the dark 3 Someone who shouldn't be there 4 Vampires 5 Blood 6 An untimely death 7 A shadow in the window 8 The darkness before dawn 9 Nobody's child 10 Open graves 11 Zombies 12 A stolen face 13 Something behind you 14 A lying smile 15 Creaking floorboards 16 Witches 17 The full moon 18 Werewolves 19 Screams on the wind 20 Skeletal remains 21 A black dog 22 Rattling chains 23 Restless spirits 24 The wrong way home 25 Icy breath 26 A forgotten name 27 Words never spoken 28 The other side of the mirror 29 Lights going out 30 An unheeded warning 31 One last chance to escape
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Spooktober Prompts Masterlist 2023
"They are calling us…" "Don't listen to them. Do you hear me? Don't listen to a word they promise you!"
The cameras show five people enter an elevator, but only four of them leaving it. Those four never remembered a fifth passenger.
"Aww, are you so afraid of the dark that you need me to hold your hand?" "I'm not holding your hand." "Then whose..."
At first, they believe it to be a bad joke, but when more and more graves of people who haven't died yet appear in the graveyard, they start to panic.
The camera she bought at a flea market already has photos on it. Since the people are wearing clothes from centuries ago, they believe them to be from a play. But they soon realize that those photos and events were real.
A child actress turned cult leader feels her power slipping and she needs to gain control over her following again.
When they started building the new school, they had expected to maybe find unexploded WWII bombs, but what they found instead was nothing they could have expected.
She heard footsteps behind her coming closer, but when she turned around, holding her breath, she could only see the dark and empty alley.
"Why did you choose the cemetary as our meeting place for tonight?" "Because only the dead can keep our secrets."
Going to your own funeral and see who would cry - it sounded almost fun. If it wasn’t for the fact that they could hear and see everything, but could not make a sound to stop them from closing up the grave around them.
A medium without a voice of her own, can only speak when a ghost speaks through her.
They had always felt that shadows seemed to beckon to them. But this time, when the shadows beckoned, they wore a sinister grin. (Submitted by: tumblebumblebee-63)
"I'm not haunting a filthy public bathroom, I'm a ghost with class."
A fun survival game TV show on a remote island becomes a reality when one contestant after the other turns up brutally killed. Right in front of hundreds of cameras and millions of watchful eyes.
Waking up to a child that you've never seen before, but that everyone assures you is your own that you've raised for years, is terrifying.
"Did you see that?" "Did I see what?" "That man... he touched the leaves and they immediately blackened and fell off. Please, let us go back before he sees us!" "Too late." The man in the dark cloak suddenly stood right in front of them and slowly reached out his hands to them.
What started as a fun midnight activity suddenly turned into one of them missing and the others running for their lives, trying to escape freaking zombies.
He always dreamed about being in a kdrama. He didn't imagine it to have a horror side plotline that feels way too real.
They said that when you die, you return to earth as your one true self. Why then, when he opened his eyes after being killed, were his teeth long and he hungered for blood? (Submitted by: ouilah)
She didn't think it would come to this point. She felt the cold stone of the gravestone in her back and before her the red glowing eyes of the creature crept slowly closer.
There are perks of being a ghost. Walking through walls was fun. Or haunting annoying people. But nothing was quite as nice as being able to just fade out of a conversation that you didn’t want to be a part of.
"I dare you! Come on, stop being a coward. There is no such thing as ghosts."
Someone wakes up to a text saying 'It's your lucky day!' and it turns out to be the worst day ever.
A family of vampires that lives unidentified in human communities, becomes paranoid and starts to believe all their neighbors are also supernatural creatures.
There are stories and superstitions abound about the seaside bluffs, but that's to be expected in a town of fishermen. One night, from the bluffs' direction, you hear someone singing, softly. (Submitted by: someoneoffthestreet)
Astronauts coming back to earth keep talking about hearing songs from outside the space shuttle. What they don't say, is that those songs followed them home.
Someone stared at her through the window. She had always felt safe in her own home, shutting out the scary, real world. But a window is just glass, and glass… oh it breaks so, so easily…
A plane disappears from the radar and then reappears multiple hours later at the exact same location in the middle of the ocean with no place to land and not enough fuel to just fly around for hours.
"We shouldn't enter! This place was abandoned for a reason!" "Come on, don't be a coward. We will be the only ones here!" "Okay, okay... I'll follow you. You don't have to push me!" "I... I didn't push you..."
A session of reading tea leaves ends in chaos when every single participant reveals a bad omen.
Something tells the home owner that the kids trick-or-treating in front of his house are not wearing costumes - and are not human at all.
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Prompt: “Pick a god and pray” they said, and you did, praying to every god you knew. And as you did this a name popped into your mind, one you didn’t recognize, yet you prayed to them all the same. In response the air stood still, like even the world had forgotten their name.
Devotion Tastes So Sweet On Your Lips (AO3)
It was another one of those nights- Steve was running through the dark trees, waking nightmare chasing him down.
He prayed his footing stayed true. He prayed that his breaths didn't falter. He prayed that the hungry darkness falling fast in his shadow didn't catch him.
He prayed to all the gods. Every deity he had ever learned of, all the new gods, and the old. He prayed until the sweat burning his eyes blinded him and he felt a root leap up in front of his foot.
He stumbled but did not fall.
But the sound of a snapping maw was closing around the dust he kicked up.
Suddenly, in his desperation, a name floated from the depths of his erratic heart to the tip of his bitten tongue.
"Eddie the Banished, of the Fallen Forest— Please- Please," Steve huffed, a force behind the name punched through his diaphragm and left him no air to plead with.
No sooner had the name fallen from Steve's lips, than the ground fell away beneath him- an embankment, steep and unforgiving in its angle. He rolled past tree trunks, slid over rough roots, and scraped jagged rocks loose for gravity to bring along for the ride.
His body hit the bottom and bounced.
Steve was dazed, his ears felt muffled as if he had landed underwater. He sat up so fast his vision swam, leaving trails of light where the stars shone down on him under the glare of the full moon.
He tried to stand, but his stomach protested- knees, shaken and unsteady, refused to hold his weight. He fell, once again on his back, trying to catch his bearings.
When his head cleared enough that the moon ceased it's dance in the sky above him, Steve sat up slowly, taking stock of his surroundings. He strained his ears to hear the snap of twigs or the slide of rocks down the slope he had just ridden as his pursuer followed him into the gorge.
It was silent as a ghost.
Steve pressed his palms to his ears and felt no blood, squeezing to try and pressure shock them into working.
He listened again—
Not even a whisper of wind in the trees.
Steve picked up a twig from the soft bed of moss that had saved his limbs from the worst of the abrupt impact and snapped it between his fingers- the sound sharp enough to startle him.
His ears worked just fine, it seemed- it was the forest that was broken.
As Steve got one knee under him, prepared to make another attempt to stand- a shadow fell over him.
Steve kept his head lowered, subdued under the charge in the air- the unmistakable aura of predator.
He slowly raised his eyes, and only his eyes.
There, standing tall above him, was a Wild God.
"It has been... So long-" The voice was grinding stones carried on the wind, "I'd forgotten what it sounded like." The Wild God lowered his body into a facsimile of a bow. A hand that shadows cling to like smoke, finger tips black as the night and ephemeral, ghosted under his chin, raising Steve's eyes to meet the darkness shining in the Wild God's own. "My name on some desperate tongue."
Steve was struck with a lightning heat deep inside his belly that rose like a plume of ashes from the mouth of a volcano, his face burning under the gaze of the most beautiful and terrifying wonder he had ever witnessed.
"Say it again." The Wild God demanded, voice deep enough to shake the ground Steve knelt on.
"Eddie the Banished, of the Fallen Forest." Steve moaned, unabashed.
Eddie's eyes rolled and the whites flickered behind shivering lashes as he savored the taste of devotion.
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willtheweaver · 4 months
Ways to add horror and suspense
• Restrict what the narrator can see! First or third person limited is best. (Let the imaginations of the narrator suggest the worst)
[Character] could barely see a thing in the gloom. All in front were shadows hidden in the mist. They were going into this totally blind. For all they knew, the ground could be littered with sinkholes and pits that were not seen until it was too late.
• Short sentences create a sense of urgency. Keep paragraphs short and add exclamation points.
I ran. Faster than I ran before.
Feet hammered. Heart pounded.
Behind the door shuttered.
It was blown clean off its hinges.
• If there is a monster, don’t over describe. Less is more. Drop information in gradually.
In the shadows were two eyes. Blood red, they glowed like a furnace. Barely visible, the outline was humanoid with long, spidery limbs.
The beast halted and sniffed the air. Every now and then it would turn its jagged, vulture-like head in an attempt to regain the scent.
• Atmosphere, atmosphere, atmosphere
The wind had a mournful quality about it, and every so often, the crash of the waves against the sea caves embedded in the cliffs sent off sounds that went from low moans, to cries of anguish, to eerily human mutterings.
• The uncanny valley is a great way to make characters uncomfortable!
The entity was… I wouldn’t call it human. There was a waxy quality about it. All the features were smooth and looked painted on. Their eyes were doll’s eyes; glassy and lifeless.
• Places can be uncanny too.
From the first moment he opened the door, [character] knew something was off. This place was absolutely lifeless. No evidence of ever being occupied. No dust, no abandoned furniture, no game trails or other signs of animals. The walls were smooth and seamless. No sign of degradation. It was like a computer rendition of a building interior.
• Anything can be scary. Maybe the narrator had a rare phobia.
The square always made my heart pound and sweat pour down my brows. All those people in one place. A writhing, crushing mass of humanity. A rolling tide ready to sweep away those who let their guard down for even a millisecond.
• Put character(s) in a situation where they are powerless, and the monster is in control.
Whumpee was thrown across the room. They hit the wall with a loud thud before slumping to the ground. Whatever the torturer was…it was a total monster. It had a complete mastery over the facility, and could appear when and where it pleased. There was no escape. The only way one would know the torturer was near was when it clamped down with vice-like strength, and a speed faster than any runner.
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lyralit · 11 months
halloween flash prompts
a failing witch apprentice & abandoned turtle meet in a bar
13 short stories from different perspectives of the same scene
the scene starts in a claw-foot bathtub
frosted glass and red cheeks stained with chocolate
the wind howling through the chimney as you put on your favourite movie
waking up in a pile of candy wrappers
ghosts are people who've died before their soulmate; they follow them around until they are joined in death
the more powerful your familiar is, the more powerful you are as a witch. an enormous black cat has begun following around a witch who cannot do magic.
you're the fate who decides where people go after death
a child shows up at your door, but their costume moves
enchanted candies that make funky things happen
you go door to door giving candy rather than receiving it
trick or treating as Santa Claus
a town is stuck in eternal Halloween; one day a child arrives, gift-wrapped in red and green
you command the clouds that shroud the night during Halloween; one day, your counterpart, the one who commands the stars, betrays you. this Halloween is the night for revenge.
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fandomfuntimem · 1 year
DP X DC PROMPT (paralized!Danny au)
Alfred Pennyworth is Danny's great uncle. The only reason Alfred kept much contact with them was that they are the only family of his in America.
One day Alfred gets a message from Maddie and Jack explaining they are going out of country for the summer for some ghost chasing, and they want him to take care of their "poor penalized son, so no ghosts can get to him" (Maddie's words).
Alfred agrees because clearly his nephew needs a better environment than his ghost obsessed parents. Now Danny is living in Wayne Manor with everyone else for the summer. Very clearly upset because he had his own plans for the summer.
Over time it does get better, but the batfam notice very odd things about him. Such as Duke noticing the light is off around him, his need to make sure everything is secured, and as Jason had disturbingly learned after breaking in in the middle of the night for some food, his glowing green eyes.
Everything else is up to you.
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Monsterfucktober 2024 Bingo Card (Preview)
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Hello everyone and thanks for being patient with us as we get ready for the event for 2024!
While the final card with full art is not quite ready yet, we did want to provide at least a preview so participants can start planning their bingo fills. The finalized card, with full art from @gil212, will be posted to the blog on October 1, just in time for the event to start!
On that note, none of the square placements will change between now and October 1, so feel free to start creating now if you haven't already!
For those who need the image ID, here are the prompts in order from left to right, top row to bottom row:
Row 1 - Gorgon, Plant Creature, Satyr, Siren, Bunny
Row 2 - Dullahan, Cyborn, Demon, Selkie, Eldritch
Row 3 - Dragon, Symbiote, Free Space, Sphinx, Valkyrie
Row 4 - Gargoyle, Werecreature, Spider, Naga, Vampire
Row 5 - Mothman, Elemental, Tentacles, Mimic, Kaiju
Any questions? Send us an ask, or check out our FAQ!
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🎃⁀➷ 31 days, 31 spooky prompts for Whumptober *ੈ✩‧₊˚🕷️🍂
1. ❝ don’t look, try not to show any fear as I tell you this, but I think that pumpkin behind you is alive, and it’s looking at us. ❞
2. ❝ please, I’m not crazy. that scarecrow is alive and it’s trying to kill me. you have to believe me. no one in this town is safe! ❞
3. ❝ you remember that body that was admitted to the morgue last night? the one that has human bite marks that looks nasty infected on the arm. yeah, well, this is going to sound insane, but it’s gone. the body’s missing. ❞
4. ❝ babe, you’re dead. this is the afterlife. we’re all ghosts here. ❞
5. ❝ do not come out of your room when it’s nighttime. no matter what you hear, you must stay in your room throughout the night. ❞
6. ❝ the bats, they’re biting and killing people. we have to run. now! ❞
7. ❝ is that a person sitting on the tree branch? why is she smiling like that? what’s wrong with her eyes? oh my god, she’s crawling down. oh my god, she’s crawling towards us! ❞
8. ❝ you haven’t heard of the blood moon curse? you must be new here. ❞
9. ❝ if you hear a voice calling your name from the woods at night, do not answer. ever. ❞
10. ❝ I got bitten, and I need you to kill me before I turn and become like them. please promise me you’ll kill me before I hurt anybody. please don’t let me be like them. ❞
11. ❝ no, don’t make eye contact with it. keep on walking, but do not run. ❞
12. ❝ there will be a ritual tonight and they will use you as a human sacrifice. you have to get out of here. ❞
13. ❝ shhh, she can’t see us, but she can hear us. be quiet. ❞
14. ❝ what do you mean the doll is alive? it’s just a doll. ❞
15. ❝ one of us is possessed. there’s one way to find out who. ❞
16. ❝ we’ve been walking in circle. we’ve walked past this house before. you see that lady in the window staring at us? she was also there the last time we walked past her property, staring at us through the window exactly like this. it’s like she hasn’t moved at all. ❞
17. ❝ you need my blood to stay alive. drink it. drink. or you die. ❞
18. ❝ I think there’s someone living in the walls. I can hear them breathing at night. ❞
19. ❝ this is a mistake. we should never have come here. the myth is real. we’ll never get out alive now. I’m sorry. gosh, I’m so sorry. ❞
20. ❝ if you see the shadow, you only have 3 days left to live. ❞
21. ❝ are those claw marks on the trees? they weren’t here last night when we set up the tent. ❞
22. ❝ I don’t think the blood on his clothes is fake, neither are the human organs in those jars. we have to get out of here. ❞
23. ❝ I’ve seen it all. the devil is real. it’s too late now. all of us are going to die tonight. ❞
24. ❝ they are not a cult. they’re my family. I’m not being brainwashed. let me go. let me go! ❞
25. ❝ what did you just inject me with? what’s in the syringe? what’s in the fcking syringe?!! ❞
26. ❝ those blood, it’s still fresh, meaning whoever — or whatever — killed it is still around. we have to keep moving, and we have to keep quiet. ❞
27. ❝ she doesn’t like her dolls to speak at night. if she hears your voice after 8 o’clock, she will rip your vocal cord out. ❞
28. ❝ there’s something in the mist. if you breathe, you die. ❞
29. ❝ look at me, hey, look at me, these people, they look like your friends and they sound like your friends. but they’re not your friends. your friends are dead. we cannot trust anybody. ❞
30. ❝ don’t get too close to the water. the fairies have very sharp teeth and strong grips. ❞
31. ❝ be careful in the full moon night. just… be very careful, alright? ❞
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offonaherosjourney · 1 year
I love sci-fi stories where the reason why humanity hasn't encountered any aliens is a spooky one.
What if we're the first life of the universe. What if we're the last life of the universe. What if there's a whole intergalactic society but we're the control group. What if other intergalactic societies have reached such a perfect utopic state that due to lack of conflicts their art grew stale and boring so now they make sure not to contact some planets such as ours because they want to keep consuming our media. What if our galaxy is just an intergalactic zoo. What if a planet in our solar system is actually an egg and no one wants to be close when it hatches. What if they've been trying to contact us for years but a mysterious force around our planet keeps blocking all communication attempts. What if our planet was built as a prison for something/someone and no one is allowed to contact let alone rescue the life that sprung on that prison planet. What if no one dares to get close to our galaxy because the thing at its center is not a black hole. It looks like a black hole and acts like a black hole, but sometimes... it blinks
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silky-nereid · 8 months
⋆。°✩ happy accidents in space
tw : manipulation, inaccurate space station, sleep deprivation, cosmic horror?, shape shifting.
yandere!cosmic entity x reader/you
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Yandere! Cosmic entity who accidentally listened to your broadcasts from the space station since your crew mate was messing around with the radio system to try and get a radio station from earth.
Yandere! Cosmic entity who mimics the voices of your crew on earth who managed the monitoring in the space station.
Your fingers pressed the buttons on the control panel and twisted the radio knobs to match the frequency. Till, you finally got it the correct frequency and heard a familiar voice from the static.
“Hello?” You pressed the speaker close to your lips. “Can you hear me?”
You smiled at the familiar voice and breathed a sigh of relief. Moving the radio knobs to get a better and clearer connection through to your ears.
Yandere! Cosmic entity whose voice is only clear to you and only you but the other crew mates hear static drowning out your voice or just your voice talking in silence.
Yandere! Cosmic entity that slowly begins to appear in your dreams but only shows their eyes since mortal eyes can’t comprehend their true form and occasionally leaves you sleep deprived after constant nightmares and night terrors that it purposely put in your head.
Yandere! Cosmic entity who messes with the systems of the space station and their large slit iris stares in the small window that always got a good view of earth to see you floating in your sleeping station that was embedded in the floor, seeing how dark rings underneath your eyes that no longer held the familiar shine.
You felt a shadow while desperately trying to sleep, it had gotten dark in the sleeping quarters. You decided to poke out your head from the your bunk to see—seeing something staring back at you. Rubbing your tired eyes to see the something gone, getting out of your bunk and floated towards the small window to see earth; unchanged.
It was real, wasn’t it? But only you saw it, you haven’t slept in days remember?
Yandere! Cosmic entity watches you repair the space station in your space suit and oddly enough finds the space suit intimidating and cuts the tether that keeps you attached to the space station.
Yandere! Cosmic entity that continues to drift you away from the space station and hears your pleas for a crew mate to help you.
Your glove hand aches with the amount of times you pressed on the intercom button. Your tears seemed to float in the suit, tired limbs that tried to swim back to the space station but it seemed to push you back further and further away.
“Is anyone there?” You begged. “My line to the space station was cut. Can you hear me?”
“He..hello?” The familiar voice responded.
Your voice was stuck as a smile appeared on your face.
“It’s you,” you replied. “Finally, someone responded! My line was cut, is there any way that you could pull me back to the station?”
Your eyes saw another space suit floating towards you, a white cord attached them to the station and they were close. Seeing the famili—the unfamiliar face staring back at you and they must be apart of the other side of the station.
“I’m here,” they said.
They pulled you to grab their forearm to help you back to the station. How long were you floating since the space station seemed to be a metallic white ball in the far distance.
You noticed that they stopped pulling forward and pushing the intercom button.
“Why did you stop pulling?” You asked.
You gasped out in shock, immediately covering your eyes, watching them take off their space helmet and hearing the hissing noise.
“Don’t hide from me,” they said. “Let me see those eyes.”
How they were audible, their voice echoed throughout your head. You pulled away your hands to see them, alive surprisingly with no discoloration or— those eyes. Their eyes, the ones from the night terrors, the ones that watched you from the window.
“Hey…you hear me!” A crew member's voice blared in the intercom. “You’re far out there…will get to you, don’t worry!”
Their eyes stared at you, dissecting your movements that you did.
“You don’t need their help.” Their hand held the glass of your helmet. “You don’t need their help.”
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hush-writes-preg · 1 year
Spooky Season Day #13
Concept: Imagine finding yourself intoxicated with the pheromones of a werewolf's heat. You're flipped onto your belly and mounted like a bitch, their straining cock sliding deep into your hot, eager hole. This is no soft, gentle fucking; they pump into you with a ferocity and feral hunger that nearly sends your eyes rolling back in your skull. Their knot is a hot threat pounding against your entrance with blatant intent, and you know where they want it. Where you want it. When they finally drive it home, your climax crashes over you in an earth-shattering tidal wave. You're screaming out in pained pleasure, feeling them twitching inside you with every jet of potent seed into your unprotected womb, the knot plugging you up to ensure conception.
Months pass, and their seed has taken root. Their litter shifts and squirms in your belly, especially when they continue to pleasure themselves in your gravid body. Clawed, furred paws rub fondly over your massive abdomen while they're pumping you full of a fresh load, and you can't imagine going back to your old life.
(A Spooky Season prompt. Feel free to put it to good use! 😘)
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Halloween Prompts
60 ideas for writers and artists!
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Either choose your own prompt, or ask your followers to choose for you by sending you a character or ship and the number or emoji. Also, let people know if you welcome combos (combining two prompts into a single story or art piece)!
🎃 - Pumpkin carving time!
🍭 - Candy eating contest!
🫣 - Let me tell you a scary story...
🙅 - In support of the Halloween-disliker
💬 - I'm scared, and I'm going to text you all about it
🤒 - What do you mean you're sick? It's Halloween!
😳 - I have never been so embarrassed in my life
😱 - Don't worry! They're just wearing costumes!
🍷 - A little tipsy, a little spooked
☕️ - Pumpkin spice and everything nice
🍁 - The leaves are lovely this time of year
🌙 - A stroll in the moonlight
💃 - Dance the fright away
💔 - Halloween heartbreak
❤️‍🩹 - Halloween heart-mending
💍 - A Halloween proposal
🛏️ - Getting spooky in the sheets (always practice safe hex)
📖 - An armchair, a bathrobe, and a good creepy book
📺 - Let's stay in and watch scary movies
🍿 - How about we go see that new horror flick?
🛒 - What do you mean I bought too many decorations?
🪡 - Adventures in costume making
💅 - Trust me, you're going to look great!
👥 - The perfect couple's costume idea
🧼 - Your makeup really won't wash off?
🥸 - They can't tell that it's me in this costume!
🍬 - We're (not) too old to go trick-or-treating
😈 - No treat, all trick
🏚️ - Two tickets for the haunted house, please
🕯️ - A little bit of candlelight
🔦 - Are you afraid of the dark?
👂 - Did you hear that?
👀 - I'm probably just seeing things
👻 - Do you believe in ghosts?
🧛 - Vampires aren't real... right?
🧟 - The dead walk (or run, or mosey, or swim...)
🐺 - Werewolves and other fuzzy menaces
🧙 - Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
🤡 - Clowns aren't THAT scary
🪓 - Didn't you hear there's an axe-man on the loose?
💀 - Is that skeleton rattling in this direction?
🐙 - It came from beneath the waves
🧠 - It's all in your head (no, really... it's in there)
🎭 - Possession for fun and profit
🤫 - Shh! It will hear you!
🕷️ - Eight-legged guests
🐈‍⬛ - Black cats need love, too
🐦‍⬛ - An unkindness of ravens, a murder of crows...
😴 - Nightmares can't hurt you
🧸 - Children shouldn't play with creepy things
👩🏽‍💻 - An online presence
📦 - What's in the box?
🪦 - We'll just take a quick shortcut through the graveyard
🔤 - Tell me that isn't a Ouija board
📜 - An unfortunate artifact
📕 - Volume of the damned
📼 - I wonder what's on this old VHS tape
🖼️ - A portrait of very bad things
🚪 - A strange door to... somewhere
🎶 - The reanimation of the ancient being known as a "songfic"
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infinitegest · 1 year
ordered by every-day utility:
womb tattoo that, when activated, makes you appear as you did before pregnancy. it’s only for a limited time, so there is risk of it wearing off in public. (illusion)
antigrav womb tattoo for pregnant ppl that activates to momentarily ease the weight of carrying a big ol belly. (transmutation)
womb tattoo that magically illuminates the babies inside you, practically a 3d ultrasound but also showing off to the world just how stuffed and fruitful you are. (evocation)
womb tattoo that lets you pause pregnancy growth, coasting at whatever size you want as long as you want. (transmutation)
womb tattoo that lights up and gets warm whenever you're ovulating, just so you can't forget and others can't either. (divination)
aforementioned tattoo gets brighter and hotter the longer you go without getting bred
(it plays a little video game-style victory song once someone successfully breeds you)
womb tattoo that widens your hips and makes you consistently hyperovulate (transmutation)
womb tattoo that, when activated, causes the bearer to ovulate regardless of whether they’re already pregnant. (conjuration)
for creature/monster lovers, womb tattoo that, when activated, summons additional creatures directly into your womb. (conjuration)
womb tattoo that, when activated, just turns your brain off and sends you into heat. (enchantment)
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warpedlegacywrites · 1 year
Eldritch Horror Prompts
Based on the list found here. Please like and reblog the original version.
Forbidden knowledge
Made of the Void
A strange and ancient statue
Something pretending to be human
Parasite and host, puppet and puppeteer
It watches from above
A glitch in reality
I've seen too much
Eldritch corruption: human
Eldritch corruption: animal
Eldritch corruption: environment
A creature from the deep
Eldritch circuitry, what lives in the wires
Maddening music
Humanity's smallness
Too many eyes
Too many teeth
Non-euclidean geometry (think M.C. Escher)
Swarm or hivemind
Something in the walls
Unearthly arthropod
Fungal/plant takeover
Mirrors, reflections, and doubling
Vampiric entity
Ritual circle
Anatomy/body horror
Eldritch and fey
Horse/farm animal horror
Something on an old VHS tape
Fear (based on a phobia of either the writer's or the asker's)
Okay, fine: Tentacles!
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theluckywizard · 20 days
Horror Literature Prompt List
I spent some time pulling crunchy quotes from respected horror authors (and a bonus philosopher) to ignite our twisted little minds this spooky season. Please enjoy! Made for @dadrunkwriting
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“He couldn't get a grip on his sudden fear: it slipped through the safety bars of his mind and threaded—wormed—into the shadowy pockets where nightmares grew.” ― Nick Cutter, The Troop
"Pick a sin we can both live with, is what I ask." ― Joe Hill, Horns
“There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand.” ― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
“Do you think she can see us, talking to one another now? Do you think the dead come back and watch the living?” ― Daphne Du Maurier, Rebecca
“If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” — Friedrich Nietzsche
“Am I walking away from something I should be running away from?” — Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House
“The air out here was ghostly, craving something of her. Something she would never let herself give.” ― Alma Katsu, The Deep
“Passion has little to do with euphoria and everything to do with patience. It is not about feeling good. It is about endurance. Like patience, passion comes from the same Latin root: pati. It does not mean to flow with exuberance. It means to suffer.” ― Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves
“Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re open, we’re red.” ― Clive Barker, Books of Blood
“What looked like morning was the beginning of an endless night.” ― William Peter Blatty, The Exorcist
“There hasn’t been a time that we weren’t dying slow. The world just learned how to make it happen faster. While we weren’t looking,” ― Kristi DeMeester
Madness is when all your nightmares have come true and you just don’t care anymore. - Simon R. Greene, For Heaven’s Eyes Only
“Stare at the dark too long and you will eventually see what isn’t there.” ― Cameron Jace, Snow White Sorrow
“The words thumped deep and low, rhythmically, like a little drum in a wooden box, beaten by unseen hands in a black room that opened doors onto another place you could not see the end of.” ― Adam Nevill, No One Gets Out Alive
“But they are only the faces of the dead. Coming into detail as we hurtle toward them. They see us, too. Fingers scratching at the ice’s rough underside, desperate to be the first to pull us down.” ― Andrew Pyper, The Damned
"Do not call up any that you cannot put down." ― H.P. Lovecraft, The case of Charles Dexter Ward
“There were always stories; people had to talk. Even if they were dying. Maybe the tongue was the last to go.” ― Kathe Koja, Bad Brains
“The light in the gallery changed subtly and he whirled and saw someone approaching him from between the exhibit cases. The individual moved with alarming speed, bent low to the floor, but straightening as he or she drew nearer. Unfolding…” ― Laird Barron, The Croning
“I think it’s good to be afraid. It means that I’m alive.” ― Paul Tremblay, A Head Full of Ghosts
“The cool breeze that ruffled her hair felt like something more than wind.” ― Bentley Little, The Influence
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
Aideku with blood (smut) 🙏❤️
Sorry this took so long, smut is hard 🥲How about a vamp AU? :3 Warnings in the tags ✨
Izuku is nervous.
"Don't be such a pussy, Deku," Tsubasa jeers, shoving him forward. The mausoleum looms in front of them, haloed by the setting sun. "It's one night."
"Yeah, you can handle one night in an empty building, can't you?" Neiru laughs. "Or...mostly empty, anyway. Aside from a few corpses."
Izuku swallows. "I-I can do it! I just—"
"Good," Neiru interrupts, stepping up to open the big stone door. It opens with a grating moan, a vast expanse of black yawning beyond it. Neiru gives a mocking bow. "In you go then!"
Nails biting into his palms, Izuku sets his jaw. "...I do this, and you'll give me my picture back?"
Tsubasa throws an arm around Izuku's shoulders, leaning in close and making his skin crawl. "Aw c'mon, Deku, we're friends, right?"
They haven't been friends in years.
"It's just a little game. The picture's just insurance that you won't chicken out. We'll give it back if you make it the whole night without bailing."
Izuku doesn't believe him. But what choice does he have? If he refuses, he doubts they'll hand it over—it's more likely that they'll rip it up right in front of him. Besides, Izuku is less concerned about spending the night in a mausoleum than he is Tsubasa and Neiru letting him out in the morning.
But even if they don't, Izuku is crafty. He'll figure it out.
Tightening his hold on his backpack, Izuku strides forward into the tomb.
"Finally! Thought we'd have to throw you in," Tsubasa complains, and Neiru snickers as he begins to push the door shut.
"Have fun, Deku!"
Before Izuku can even reply, the door thuds shut, and the bar scrapes back into place over it from the outside. Izuku waits a moment before fumbling for his phone, turning on the flashlight to get a good look around. It's not that big of a space really, but it's full of cobwebs and coated in a thick layer of dust. It's clear that these ancestors haven't been visited in a very long time. There's about six plaques on either wall, some of them so old that the kanji has worn down so much he can't make out the names. They're so old that Izuku wouldn't be surprised if there were actual bodies behind those plaques rather than just urns full of ash.
And speaking of bodies—the biggest thing in the room is the long stone slab directly opposite the door. It has no plaque on it, but the seam between the heavy stone lid tells Izuku that it's likely a coffin, which means that he really is locked in here with a corpse.
Izuku gulps. It's fine. It's fine. He can handle this. There's nothing to be afraid of.
Shaking his head, Izuku finds a fairly clean spot in the middle of the room and sits down, shrugging off his backpack to rifle through it. First things first; he pulls out his actual flashlight, shutting his phone off to preserve the battery. He clicks his flashlight on and sets it on the floor like a tiny lamp, before tugging out one of his textbooks. Might as well get some work done while he's stuck here.
He's almost out of high school now, looking into nearby colleges so he can stay close to his mother—which makes it all the more pathetic that he's still getting pushed around by people like Tsubasa and Neiru. Granted, it's not as bad as it used to be, but it's still irritating.
Izuku tries to ignore his surroundings as he works his way through the next chapter, gnawing on his pen and occasionally jotting down notes in the margins. This works for a while; he manages to make his way through two whole chapters without much trouble. He loses track of time a bit, until—
—something skitters across his foot.
Izuku shrieks, throwing himself back on instinct, leg flailing as he tries to stand only to end up toppling harshly against the casket behind him. Yelping, Izuku crashes back to the ground, clutching his shoulder with a wince. It throbs when he touches it, and he hisses quietly. That's going to bruise.
Grabbing blindly for his flashlight, Izuku staggers back to his feet and looks around for whatever just tried to climb his pants leg. He sees a spider the size of his hand sprint into a crack in the wall, and Izuku shudders, making a soft 'blegh' sound.
Swinging the light around slowly, Izuku freezes when he realizes that his flailing has pushed the lid of the stone casket aside. "Sh-shit," Izuku whispers, anxiety spiking. He sets the flashlight down again, face up, the light dispersing throughout the tomb enough to give the place a dim glow. "Shit, shit, shit—"
Hands shaking, Izuku approaches the cracked casket and tentatively peers inside. He expects to see some withered husk of a thing, or maybe nothing but bones and dust given how old this tomb seems—he's very much not expecting what looks like the perfectly preserved corpse of a man who couldn't have died more than a year ago.
Izuku blinks, squinting. The flashlight glow is dim, but from what he can see it's a man with long, dark hair and a riot of stubble. The white and black yukata he's wearing is shockingly pristine, pale hands folded calmly over his stomach. There are no signs of decay at all, not beyond the ashen white of the corpse's skin. Unable to help himself, curiosity ad incredulity flaring, Izuku reaches forward and touches the man's cheek. The flesh is stone cold—not quite icy, but certainly not full of warmth. There's a bit of give there too, the flesh porcelain but still somehow soft.
Brow furrowing, Izuku slides his hand down to press two fingers to the corpse's white neck. He's no sure whether he's surprised or relieved to find no pulse.
Izuku barely has time to register this however, because mere seconds later a hand snaps out and fists in his uniform jacket, yanking him down and in to the coffin. Izuku yelps, panic spiking, as he crashes onto the cool body settled in the slab, mouth opening to scream as the stone lid of the casket slams back into place.
But no sound escapes his mouth, because in the sudden darkness he feels teeth slice into his throat—before pleasure overtakes him.
Izuku gapes at nothing as a solid arm latches around his waist, tight enough to bruise and yet somehow still seeming absentminded. The subtle rasp of stubble rubs against his neck, and Izuku smells the faint scent of blood as lips move and hum quietly against his pulse. The electrifying feeling of heat spiders out from the point of contact, spreading through Izuku's body and pooling in his gut. Izuku's eyes flutter, a weak noise escaping his mouth as his hands flex and paw at the chest of the-the thing beneath him. He's not sure whether he means to push it away, or draw it closer.
Izuku feels his blood spilling slowly down his neck, thick and hot, and the pieces slot together in his bewildered, fuzzy mind.
He is locked in a tomb—a coffin—with a monster of legends. It's feeding off of him, stealing his blood, likely killing him...
But Izuku can barely bring himself to care.
A ragged groan scrapes out of his throat as the vampire sucks out his lifeblood, ecstasy filling him in its place. He feels his cock stiffen, pressing tight against the seam of his pants as Izuku's eyes roll back in delirious elan. Through the haze, his ever analytical mind notes that the man's hands are skating up and down his sides, one fisting loosely in his hair to pin his head at a better angle. The chill of the corpse's skin is slowly being replaced by warmth, siphoning off Izuku's body heat as well as his blood.
Izuku gasps as a leg juts up beneath him, a muscled thigh slipping in between his legs and pressing against his erection. The pressure makes him tremble, little hiccups of sound lilting out of his mouth as he instinctively rocks his hips down in helpless little jerks, each movement giving him another jolt of pleasure.
A tongue swipes over his bloodied neck, the white-hot bliss of those teeth leaving him for a moment as the monster beneath him cleans him up. Izuku whines at the loss, a quiet desperation striking through him.
'No, no, come back, I'm almost...'
He moans shakily as he feels those fangs pierce the other side of his neck, drawing out his blood and sending him high once more.
"A virgin...?" a low voice purrs, sleepy and bemused and...in his head?
The hands on him tighten, and Izuku whimpers as it sends another spike of arousal through him. He has the vague sense of shame, of embarrassment, at the way he's humping the man's leg, rubbing the tent in his old jeans against the silky white fabric of the man's yukata—but it's a faint sensation. His anxiety is drowned out by the sheer amount of ecstasy coursing through him. Izuku feels it building in his stomach, coiling in his gut as his toes curl and his thighs clamp tight around the muscled thigh beneath him.
He's close, he so close, he—
Red glow fills the space, casting the figure beneath him in a crimson haze. His eyes are a brilliant, luminous scarlet, and the light of them makes the blood painting his mouth look black.
"Your lust..." the man rasps, hands skating up and down to fasten around Izuku's hips. His voice is low and wet, and Izuku can smell his own blood on his breath. "I can taste it."
Then the monster yanks Izuku's hips down, forcing him to grind up against the man's stomach. Izuku cries out, sobbing as the force, the crush, the smell sends him toppling over the edge of orgasm. He cums so hard his vision goes white, mouth open in a soundless wail as wave after wave of pleasure crests over him, shocking up his spine and curling in his scalp. He forgets to breathe for several precious moments, knocked breathless by it.
Vaguely, he feels the man's mouth on him again, trailing his tongue against the newest wound. Izuku's eyes flutter, and he collapses fully on top of him, lost in the afterglow. He's not sure whether the dizziness he feels is because of his orgasm or the blood loss, and he's not sure he particularly cares either. His limbs feel like jello.
"Mm, you're type O," that low voice muses, a hand trailing up and down Izuku's spine. "I thought it was merely that I hadn't fed in so long, but it's no wonder. Best way I've woken up in a long time." The hand pauses, and the red glow now saturating the inside of the coffin flickers. "Mind telling me what year it is?"
"It's..." Izuku begins, the question booting his brain back into gear. His thoughts begin to race as he blinks rapidly to clear his head, a myriad of questions and emotions and reactions flashing across his mind in quick succession. "I-It's 2237."
"A little over four hundred years this time," the man murmurs, brow furrowing in contemplation. "Odd. Someone usually wakes me up every turn of the century."
"U-Um, sir," Izuku tries after a moment, wriggling in mortification when he feels the mess he's made in his pants. "Can you, um, let me out now? If y-you're not going to finish me off?"
'Why would you ask that, WHY would you—'
"I would," the monster begins absently, licking a stray trail of Izuku's blood from the corner of his lips. He's looking at the faintest trickle of light that can be seen from the seam of the stone lid. "But it seems like it's still daylight out. The mausoleum must've collapsed..."
Izuku attempts to push himself up, but the idle hand on his back isn't as idle as he thought. Vampire strength, he realizes quickly. Biting his lip, he tries not to think of the bruises already blossoming on his hip. "No, that's just my flashlight! It's actually very late, so it's safe for you to let me out, I promise!"
Scarlet eyes narrow at him, grip tightening, and Izuku squeaks like a dog toy when those fangs scrape against his neck again. "You're not lying to me, are you? Little lust thrall?"
Izuku's face flushes brightly, and the man noses his cheek almost instinctively, as if following the blood flow. "I-I'm not! I'm not lying, I swear! Please, just—I don't want to die," he finishes weakly, hands fisting tightly in cloth pooling by the monster's sides.
The man's eyes soften slightly, and he sighs. The tang of warm iron feathers against Izuku's face. Reaching behind them both, the man swipes the lid to the side with one hand, the rough scrape of stone on stone making Izuku wince. Before Izuku can even move, he finds himself being hauled up and set outside the coffin on his feet. He staggers immediately, knees still weak, and nearly falls.
A calloused hand pushes against his back, keeping him upright. Izuku swallows and blinks away the spots crowding his vision, stumbling away to pick up his flashlight.
He turns again, cringing at the wet feeling between his legs. The man is sitting up in his box, peering at him curiously. Unable to help himself, Izuku tentatively asks, "So... you're n-not going to eat me?"
Tipping his head, the man gives him a hooded smile, dark hair shadowing his face as he answers, "Not anymore than I already have."
Izuku's face feels so hot he'd work well as a heat lamp.
The man steps smoothly out of his tomb and, to Izuku's surprise, folds into a bow. "Aizawa Shouta."
More habitually than anything, Izuku bows back. "Midoriya Izuku. It's, uh, nice to meet you?"
Aizawa smirks at him, the tips of his fangs flashing. "Well, Midoriya," he says, practically purring out the name. Izuku's breath catches. "Thank you for the meal. I hope you'll allow me the chance to taste you again. In a place where I can properly see you, this time."
With that, Aizawa rises from his bow and swirls into shadow, racing out of the doors of the mausoleum and leaving them banging open behind him. Moonlight spills into the tomb, and Izuku watches Aizawa's shadows zip through the cemetery and out into the night.
He has a feeling that he's just got himself into far more trouble than he knows.
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