#supportive kon
help-itrappedmyself · 4 months
DC trans week day 3
Prompt: Non-binary. Coming out discussion!
tw: for what could be slight transphobia, just in case
“Society doesn’t care what you want. You have to decide what you want and what you’re willing to do for it.” Kon tells him. "Society doesn't care about you, so don't let it dictate your life."
“That’s great, when it comes to things like world peace or whatever. But sometimes it’s hard to muster up that much fight just for yourself. Just little you against all of society’s expectations. Against the fear of judgment cast down by family and friends. I grew up knowing that I couldn’t tell my parents. At this point, I guess I’m just resigned. I’m used to living this way, It’s fine now.” He waves him off, turning away, but Kon flies around so he’s in front of him again.
“Tim, you know you deserve to fight for yourself too. We’ll fight with you.”
“This would be me going against everything I’ve been told since I was a child. I know what I was born into, what expectations people have of me. I’ve lived through society yelling and shoving me into a box. Telling me their constant opinions through tabloids and press. My parents telling me what I am, how to be, what I should be doing, how I should be dressing. They told me exactly how to appear to the world and they expected it. This is not something to be public with, it's private. I’ve long since learned, how you act in public and how you are in private are two separate things. It’s not a battle that needs to be fought, especially not one I need to force anyone else into.”
“Your parents shouldn’t have done that. But they’re not even here anymore, and you know that we don’t care! I mean, half of us are gay anyways. None of us would care how you identify. They would care that you’re keeping things from us, hiding such a big part of yourself for no reason!”
“Even those accepting of otherness sometimes don’t understand the answer ‘I don’t know’ or, even worse, ‘multiple of these things’. The world is binary, black and white. People don’t understand when they tell you to choose and not only do you not ‘choose’ but the answer is somehow ‘all of the above’. Even you, now, telling me it’s fine to ‘come out’. Come out as what? Unsure? Some secret third option, but not even I know what that is?”
“Sure, if that’s how you feel.” Kon is too calm about this, Tim feels. But he has run his anger and frustration dry and now just feels like crying. Or sleeping. Or crying himself to sleep. “Start with me. What pronouns do you want? Do you have a term or a label that you feel fits you, or do you prefer to go without labels?”
Tim huffs. Falls to the ground cross-legged. Kon comes over and sits down next to him. “Non-binary, I guess. Can’t really get more specific than that.” 
“Pronouns?” Kon encouraged after a moment of silence.
Tim just shrugs. “None of them, all of them. Honestly, they annoy me because the whole point of pronouns is to talk about someone while they’re not there. Just use my name.”
“Name it is then.” Kon nudged Tim with his shoulder, and Tim slumped against him.
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awhitehead17 · 2 years
Whumptober 2022: Day 15 - Emotional Damage 
Prompt: New Scars 
Summary: When Tim gains a new scar to his already elaborate collection on his body, his old insecurities and strong feelings of self-doubt come rushing back. Thankfully Kon is there to help him chip away at the negative thoughts encasing his mind.
Enjoy! :D
It’s funny how he thought he had gotten over his insecurities by now.
When he thinks about it, he supposes it’s been long enough to almost have forgotten how it feels to be drowning in his own self-doubt and negative thoughts. Tim knows that these feelings are only resurfacing because of recent events that have happened.
Tim’s had long conversations with many people over the years about it, ranging from his family to “professionals” and to his boyfriend. Sometimes they helped to ease his mind and to slowly overcome those mental barriers which prove to be difficult for him to conquer. Other times not so much, they occasionally had the opposite effect and made him resent himself even more.
It’s probably one of those things that won’t ever really go away, it’ll only ease with time before coming back with full force and making his life difficult until it eventually fades again. Then the cycle repeats.
It’s been a week since the most recent event and this is the first time Tim’s really got to sit down and reflect on what happened. The last week has been busy consisting of report writing, damage control, analysing strategies, and most of all recovering.
Now he stands in front of his full length mirror, wearing only some loose jersey shorts, staring at his skin and judging everything about himself with a critical eye.
Most of the time he tries to avoid doing this, especially after a mission and battle where he’s ended up wounded, but he couldn’t help himself this time. The need to look was too great to ignore. Looking was supposed to be one of those things he tries not to do because it happens to be a trigger, it starts off an endless cycle of negative thoughts which only grow increasingly worse in a short space of time and keep growing until they’re all but consuming him, making him uncapable of anything else until the chain somehow breaks.
His gaze moves from one body part to the next, taking in every little detail visible on his person. 99% of everything he sees isn’t new, every lump, bump, spot and hair on his body he already knows. That other 1% is exactly what his eyes keep drifting back too as he stares at the mirror. A recently healed wound has left behind a new scar across his lower stomach over his belly button. It’s two inches long and the pinkness of it making it stand out against his pale complexion.
Tim couldn’t keep his eyes away from it, even after he stares at another part of his body, his eyes eventually always drift back to that spot in particular.
He hates it.
The new scar only adds to his already elaborate collection on his person. He knows that the vigilante gig comes with consequences but it’s still difficult to see the negative impacts it has on his body. When he sees scars on the other members of his family, he doesn’t think anything of it, they somehow suit them (of course ignoring how the scar got there). But with Tim, they look wrong. He can’t accept them.
That’s something his family have pointed out to him previously, if Tim can accept the scars on them then why is it any different to accept them on his own body. They’re sure he’ll learn to accept them on himself if he can do so for them. Tim shakes his head at the thought, that just isn’t possible.
“I’m going to smash that mirror in a minute.”
Tim’s startled out of his thoughts when a voice speaks up behind him. Eyes not straying away from the mirror, he glances behind himself to watch Kon walk out of the bathroom with his eyes narrowed. Tim huffs and raises an eyebrow.
“By all means,” he says, “but don’t come pleading your case to me when Alfred goes after you.”
Kon sends him an amused look, his boyfriend leans against the doorway and crosses his arms over his chest. “What? No comment about giving myself seven years bad luck? Nothing about how ‘Bloody Mary’ is going to come and scratch my eyeballs out of their sockets?”
Tim shakes his head and rolls his eyes at the ridiculous notions. Finally broken out of his self-torment spell, Tim moves away from the mirror and steps forward to grab the t-shirt he had abandoned on his bed and puts it on. Once he’s dressed he sends Kon a small smile which his boyfriend returns but it doesn’t stay as Kon quickly sobers up, now looking at him with concern.
“What’s going on Tim?” He asks the question like he doesn’t already know. Tim appreciates that Kon is giving him an option to either accept the invitation to talk about what’s bothering him or to reject it.
Sighing Tim shrugs dejectedly and sits down on the edge of the bed. His hands fall to his lap and he looks over at Kon, observing the way his boyfriend watches him back. After the whole mirror thing Tim’s left feeling slightly disconnected from himself, in a way he doesn’t where to go from there. His headspace isn’t in the best place right now and he knows it wouldn’t take much to plunge back in deep where his negative thoughts lay, by now he’s tired of it but he doesn’t know how to stop it from happening.
Letting out a dramatic moan Tim falls backwards on the bed and covers his face with an arm. From the side he hears Kon chuckle. After a moment he suddenly feels a heavy weight appear on his thighs and he feels the mattress dip by his hips. Removing the arm from his face he looks up and finds Kon’s smiling face looking down at him.
Kon braces his forearms on the bed besides Tim’s head and if it was any other time this position would make Tim feel all giddy with excitement, sadly now is not the time for that.
He pouts at his boyfriend. “I’m not in the mood for sexy times Kon.”
Kon tilts his head to the side, his smile falling from his face. “I know, that’s not what I’m doing here.”
“Then what are you doing?” Tim questions as he smooths his hands along Kon’s sides, feeling his boyfriend’s warm and firm body. At some point his hands wonder underneath Kon’s t-shirt and Tim is stroking the smoothness of his skin, feeling how unblemished and perfect it is. It’s so unlike his own imperfect and marked body…
Tim scowls at himself. There he goes, again with the negative and self-hating thoughts.
“What I am doing,” Kon begins as he leans down to press kisses to Tim’s lips between words, “is showing you why your thoughts are wrong. Proving to you that it’s possible to like yourself for the way you are.”
Tim pushes Kon back to look at his face, unimpressed at the corniness of how his words sound. Kon simply smirks and dives back in and claims his lips in a deep kiss. Tim sighs into the kiss, he closes his eyes, tilts his head accordingly and runs his fingers through Kon’s soft hair.
When Kon breaks the kiss the two of them are breathing heavily but neither of them mind. That’s when Kon shifts on the bed, he sits up right and moves his hands underneath Tim’s legs to move them around until they’re wrapped around Kon’s waist instead.
“Kon what are you…” Tim starts to ask his boyfriend what he’s doing because he just stated that he didn’t want to have sex despite the passionate kiss they just shared and Kon’s current actions seems to be heading in a direction he doesn’t want.
“Hey!” Tim suddenly lets out a yelp when Kon slides his arms underneath Tim’s back and lifts him up without a word and drops him down further up on the mattress. “Conner!”
His boyfriend confuses him even more when Kon forces Tim’s t-shirt off his body and throws it off to the side. Tim glares hard at Kon when the Kryptonian once again straddles his legs, he told Kon he didn’t want this…
Pushing himself up so he’s leaning on his hands, Kon stares down at Tim with a determined look. Tim is now on edge, unsure on what is going through Kon’s mind but he tells himself he has nothing to be worried about when Kon starts speaking again, finally explaining what’ he’s doing.
“You and I, mister, are going to have a conversation. I’m kinda forcing your hand right now because you’ll just avoid it for as long as possible and be entirely disagreeable about the whole thing. Call it tough love.”
Tim scowls at him. Before he could protest however, Kon places a finger over his lips to stop him from speaking.
“I figured we could try exposure therapy. Together we’re going to go over your scars and one by one go through them and talk about each and every one. We’re going over your chest because they’re the ones that cause you the most distress.”
The scowls disappears from his face and is replaced by disbelief. “I don’t think that’s how exposure therapy works Kon. And we really don’t need to do this.”
Kon shrugs, seemingly unbothered by it. “Eh, if this doesn’t help we can try something else next time. I’m not a psychologist, I’m only guessing and simply trying to help.”
Tim shifts uncomfortably underneath him. “I appreciate that Kon but I really don’t think this is going to help. So thanks but no.” He starts trying to escape from underneath Kon but his boyfriend doesn’t move. Instead he simply pushes Tim back down onto the mattress and pins him there with his weight.
“Please, do this for me.” Kon says quietly, almost pleadingly. “We haven’t tried this way yet, I think it may help. If not we don’t have to do this again.”
Kon lets out a sigh and ducks his head, his expression goes almost sorrowful and it pains Tim to see that look on his face. “Seeing you look in that damn mirror with the most hateful look on your face as you stare at yourself… Tim I want to try and help, to try and get you to see the way I see you. Handsome. Appealing. Wonderful. Perfect.”
Tim immediately feels his cheeks warm up at the words Kon use. His boyfriend’s told him that all before but it doesn’t stop Tim flushing at the blatant admiration Kon is showering him in. Kon’s outspoken love for him, makes him pause in his protests. Maybe he could try this for Kon, he could give this a go despite how embarrassing and how difficult it’s going to be. If it doesn’t work out they don’t have to do it again.
Tim swallows thickly and nods. His voice is  quiet when he speaks but he means what he says. “Yeah okay. We can try this.”
Kon sends him a mega-watt smile. His boyfriend ducks down and captures Tim’s lips in another heated kiss. “I’m proud of you, you’re so brave. Please believe that.”
In response to that all Tim could do was kiss him again.
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sleepy-grav3 · 3 months
Amity Park hates the Justice League but loves Red Hood and sometimes other heroes
A/n: I got this random idea so here it is. Oh, and this is good reveal AU ok?
Due to the Justice League mocking them and ignoring their villain problems that were also publicly interdimensional problems, everyone hates the JL. It got worst with the GIW coming in, who blatantly went against the meta-laws (which included aliens, demons and so much more that weren't human from the beginning). They started to think the Justice League supported them.
In the Infinite Realms, however, there's a revenant that many adored and others respected. He did not hold back against criminals. Criminals that would rape, kill, traffic, sell drugs, and more to people. He especially didn't like when they brought kids into this. He'd avenge people the way they should've been: by promising that their abuser/killer/whatever wouldn't be able to do it again. And in the place they lived in, the only way for that to be possible was by major injury, heavy social outcasting, and/or death. Most prefer the 3rd.
And after how long the Amitians dealt with the attacks which eventually came to a slow once or twice a week type thing, they started opening their minds to the idea of coexistence. Well, further than they had. So when people started to cross over and start making their small haunts in their side of the veil, the Amitian's began to become aware of the popular hero Red Hood. He was part of the undead community, which was trustworthy in everyone's books.
So Amity Park started making merch. Most of it was for Team Phantom, but there was plenty for Red Hood as well. There were other heroes on the side, like for Superboy 1 (who they renamed to Supernova due to their hatred for Superman for 2 reasons, the obvious and that he rejected a mirror-born), and Raven (the half demon).
And with this coexistence, Team Phantom had noticed the positive feedback about killing in the name of vengeance. So they went on the offensive, and after a good year of that, the GIW lost funding for producing no results and just taking up resources. The acts were still there, but nobody enacted them in Amity, and nobody actually knew or believed them outside of the haunted city.
Then the Justice League find out about the hero group there due to tracking merchandise after they started to sell outside of the city. Superman was the guy everyone liked, so he was sent over. He immediately got thrown out and was now questioning who the heck Supernova was and when he rejected him.
Flash? Outcast. Everyone ignored and walked away from him. they had the police, who never did anything or even had to anymore, kick him out.
Green Lanter? Oh the poor guy. He had his ring taken away and thrown out of the city somehow. It took hours to find it.
Wonder Woman, they had to be ok with her. Not at first, but once Phantom had a talk with her and people learned that they were cousins through Clockwork (Kronos) and Pandora, they were ok. ish. Tolerated was the best word and she got the info back to the league.
The batfamily took a trip there, dragging Red Hood along somehow. And right when Red Hood was noticed, a crowd began to form as everyone practically worshipped him. There were many victims he had avenged and an Ancient (Lady Gotham) came and gave him the gifts she couldn't without scaring the guy.
At one point, the poor guy even cried.
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ravenpureforever · 2 months
On one hand, Young Justice is kind of neglected by the actual superheroes that should be looking out for them in a lot of crucial ways and very much failed by the adults around them
But on the other hand Red Tornado straight up hosts a parent-teacher conference where their respective legal guardians all show up, barring Batman who’s in traffic so Nightwing fills in instead because Robin’s dad does not know he’s a vigilante which is objectively hilarious
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shrugsinchinese · 1 month
Day 5 of Billy Batson week, this one is dedicated to all the 12 year old Dad Billy AU’s out there, especially when Kon’s the one being adopted
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Part 2 here
Also I really want to know what the salary of a justice leaguer would be, is it a 401k? Can it support one person or a family? Or is it just above minimum wage? Do they even get dental?
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mamawasatesttube · 8 days
i think generally kon is a private person as he gets older bc . you know. all the horrors of his youth really put him off publicity and stuff. BUT there is a world in which he runs a dogstagram for krypto (as superboy/supernova). and in this world i know he makes memes about his dog and inflicts them upon everyone. it's not at all about him; the most you'll actually see of him is his arms or legs or maybe one foot bc krypto is sitting on the other. he'll happily respond to comments asking about krypto but no one else. Everyone Look At His Pumby Dog Sitting On A Cloud With His Ear Looking Really Stupid
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magenta-somethings · 2 months
remember those jokes about kon dyeing his hair blond in an attempt to become a certified tim love interest? well. turns out tim has had a love interest dye their hair blonde, to try and get his attention
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and he hated it. mainly because he knew she did it because steph was blonde, and there's secret identity shenanigans going on with that. but i kind of want to believe that, despite his modern dating record, tim isn't actually all that into blonde hair
anyway. cue kon dyeing his hair & tim either lying through his teeth or straight up saying 'ngl. i hate it' and kon making more rash hair-related decisions in response
(panels from robin (1993), issue #29)
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burritowitch · 1 year
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you ever get bored and make slideshows about why your blorbos should not be removed from each other. neither do i haha
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suzukiblu · 3 months
Please, cuddling, and TimKon?
. . . I am sorry but also I am NOT sorry for what I have done with this reply, but hey, why don't we all enjoy this one being the only prompt fill from this meme that got a read-more cut??
“Please,” Kon tries, trying not to look–he doesn’t know, weird and needy and like an embarrassment, or whatever. It feels like such a stupid thing to ask for. He knows Tim’s not really a hugger or a touchy-feely guy or whatever and that he likes having his own space and basically always hops out of bed right after sex to go write down all the shit his post-nut clarity made him think of, and the idea of, like, just staying still and actually cuddling or whatever is probably basically literal torture to him, assuming it’s ever even occurred to him at all, just . . . 
Just he’d kind of like to sometimes, maybe? Like–not regularly or whatever, he’s not trying to drive Tim nuts or cut into either his worktime or downtime here, just . . .
Just he’d like to do it sometimes, that’s all. 
Tim’s not the tactile type. Tim isn’t even the eye contact type, unless he’s lying to somebody or at work or just faking it for Robin-mode or whatever. Kon gets that. He’s been, like–careful about that. Not trying to take up too much space or ask for too much attention or mind when Tim doesn’t even look up at him when he– 
He’s been careful about it. 
But he is . . . well. The tactile type. Like . . . kind of, anyway. 
Like–it’s kinda unavoidable, honestly. 
“Oh,” Tim says, blinking at him in just enough bemusement to make him feel even more self-conscious about bringing this shit up to begin with, and Kon tries to keep his expression casual and noncommittal and–and just normal about this. Because he is totally normal about this. He is so normal about this. He is.
He’s also normal about the fact that when he asked Tim if he could talk to him about something, Tim didn’t even put down his tablet. Didn’t even put it to sleep, or actually even look up from it until . . . 
Kon’s normal about that. About all of this. 
(and he definitely never feels kind of weird or a little bit abandoned because Tim can’t EVER just bring his stupid laptop back to bed or at least work on whatever he’s thinking about IN the bedroom at the untouched desk he's got set up in there or even just, like . . . stick around and hang out on the couch with him, or anything like that. he definitely totally ENTIRELY doesn’t ever just feel like a casual fuckbuddy or an easy hookup or a gala-night accessory or just the most immediately convenient option and not actually–not actually any kind of a–not actually something that– 
he doesn’t. 
“Uh,” Kon says, and backpedals awkwardly, because clearly this conversation is not going the way he’d wanted it to and Tim just looks so surprised by it all, like–like it never even occurred to him or something, that maybe . . . that maybe Kon would want anything like that, or like he literally just hasn’t noticed how hard Kon’s been trying to be normal about it, or . . . 
It doesn’t feel very good, the idea he’s been trying so hard to respect Tim’s space and preferences and comfort levels and Tim hasn’t even noticed that he was doing anything at all. 
Especially because Tim usually notices just about everything. 
Maybe Tim’s just never thinking about it. Maybe he gets out of bed so quick because he’s spent the whole time in it thinking about other shit and just putting up with–just– 
“Kon,” Tim says, his voice going a little tight, and Kon just tries not to wince. He didn’t mention any of the complicated stuff he’s been trying not to feel, he just asked if Tim could–if Tim would– 
He didn’t even mention any of the complicated stuff, so it’s, like–not a great sign that Tim’s looking at him like that right now, like he’s said something really serious or upsetting or . . . 
He really shouldn’t have said anything, yeah. 
“Sorry,” he tries stiffly, glancing away and wrapping his hand around his own wrist and digging his fingers into the inside of it. It’s–tactile. Just . . . something tactile. “I know you don’t–sorry. Uh. Just forget it.” 
“Fuck,” Tim mutters for some reason, and Kon feels like such an idiot for saying anything at all, and a worse one for apparently doing it in a way that’s got Tim making that face at him. That face is Robin’s “my utility belt is empty, comms are fried, and the mission just went to shit” face. 
He really fucked this up. It was fine. Everything was fine, and now he’s wrecked it and Tim’s about to say it’s not even that serious, it’s not like it’s even–not like they’re even–and that Kon’s clearly gotten the wrong idea and they should just–just– 
“How long have you felt this way?” Tim asks very, very carefully, like the question’s something fragile, and Kon thinks from literally the first fucking time you left me alone in bed all night so you could go recalibrate some stupid useless specialty sensor that wasn’t even part of your primary gear, like, a WEEK into us sleeping together and says, “I dunno. It’s not–I told you. Forget it. It’s not a big deal.” 
He’s being weird about this. He’s being an asshole about this, actually, because being prepared for literally every single possible contingency ever is the Bats’ whole thing and he got into this knowing Tim wasn’t the touchy-feely type or all that expressive and emotive about–about his feelings, or whatever, and–and it’s not like he even–not like he– 
(he just wants a fucking HUG he didn't have to FUCK him for every now and then, or for Tim to at least exist in the same space as him for longer than the time it takes for the next email from Oracle to come in or next alert from Batman to go off or next self-assigned project to finish processing or–
but that’s not something Tim does, and Kon knew that going in, so–so it’s his own stupid fault if he feels SMALL sometimes, when . . . when there’s always something else, always another problem to solve or place to be or thing to think about, always . . . always something more important than just . . . staying, just for a little bit, and just BEING with–with him. just him. not the team, or either of their families, or . . .)
He knew all this going in, Kon reminds himself. He knew it. If he were this bad at being with literally anyone else, he’d just–he’d just– 
But something about it being Tim means he just . . . can’t. 
Tim’s jaw tightens, and he finally sets down his stupid tablet. 
Only now, though, Kon thinks bitterly, and digs his fingers a little deeper into the inside of his wrist. 
“Kon,” Tim says again, says too carefully again. Like something’s fragile, again. “I–” 
“I said forget it, for fuck’s sake!” Kon snaps too hotly, and maybe hates himself for both doing it and for the stricken look that doing it puts on Tim’s face, and also maybe cheats a bit by super-speeding straight out the balcony door into the night air and not taking his cell or his communicator with him. Or–definitely does, in fact. Definitely that’s cheating. He knows it is. 
He just really can’t stand to hear Tim tell him how he’s fucked up this time right now, though. He just–he tried so fucking hard not to fuck up this time. 
He really, really tried. 
He should’ve known it wouldn’t work, but . . . but he really did try.
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sophiasrant · 1 year
I love the two very different reactions that Bruce would have to his children dating their respective superboys
Damian: Father, I am romantically involved with Jon. I know this may-
Damian: what
Bruce: someone responsible who can keep you in line
Tim: Hey Bruce, I just thought I should tell you. I’m dating Conner-
Bruce: Conner? Like Kon-el Conner? Like Conner Kent Conner? Like Superboy Conner?
Tim: Uh, yes
Bruce: Oh no. I always knew this day would come. I have to get the Kryptonite ready. Maybe I can still salvage this.
Tim: I don’t understand. You already knew I was bi. I thought you were supportive. What’s going on-
Bruce: Hey, I don’t care that you’re dating a boy. I CARE THAT YOU’RE DATING THAT BOY. MY SON IS TOO GOOD FOR THAT SCOUNDREL.
Tim: I don’t know what I was expecting, honestly.
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sxnshxnxxnddxxsxxs · 3 months
if you wanna give duke a super, cool
give him like steel, not because they’re black, but because black people find community with one another *shocking*.
but also please remember that duke is a super in his own right (i personally think that his light powers include the ability to move at the speed of light or at least should develop that way) and specifically he is cass’s super.
because he and cass are besties.
like lowkey it’s hilarious that wfa put cass and kon’s brief dating history above cass and duke’s very well established close friendship for who cass considers to be her super (especially when it’s becoming apparent that some people didn’t know that cass and kon dating was canon).
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lily-s-world · 2 months
Netflix, it has been 2 months. Where is the second season of Chaos Theory? I want to see my kids again.
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vampiregokudera · 30 days
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My two preview pieces for @konbartzine ;3 made with love, blood, sweat and tears xD
Working on this was so fun and everyone's contributions are absolutely breathtaking!!! 🙌🙌🙌
Mark your calendars, cuz preorders open September!!! 💗💗💗
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ao3sbatfamily · 6 months
'Can I tempt you?' by Ididloveyou_once
Author: @ididloveyou
‘Apologize,’ Jack spat and Tim huffed a laugh, looking at Janet. He really didn’t care. He was eager to get home, collapse on his bed, and bask in the lingering feeling of Conner’s body pressed against his.
‘I’m sorry I implied that you’re an alcoho-’
‘For the display in there,’ Jack seethed and that nicked his good mood a little. He wasn’t sorry for dancing with Conner. He didn’t think he’d ever smiled so much in his life.
Still, apologies were only words so whatever. He sighed deeply.
‘I’m sorry I flirted with him. I’m sorry I danced with him. I’m sorry I want to fuck him. Well, actually, I’m sorry I want him to fuck me, I guess that’s more accurate. Anything else you want me to apologize for? Existing, maybe?’
Jack took a breath and when he spoke his voice was low and furious,
‘I have never - never - been more relieved to be leaving you behind tomorrow.’
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effervescentmelody · 7 months
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Day #13
The sudden and untimely artblock has hit me hard and: close to the finish line of my art challenge. This was originally supposed to be all six campers …. but I only got this far…. So enjoy some unintentional Benji content I guess??
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blueangelflights · 2 years
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timkon doodles that literally dug me out of art block
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