#team arrow shenanigans
amelia-queen-black · 1 month
Roy: I always keep a bat by my bed.
Diggle: I sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Sara: I sleep with knives.
Felicity: Haha, the three of you are pathetic.
Roy: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?
Felicity: Oliver.
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Black Canary: While we appreciate the effort you're putting in to reaching out more Batman, the rest of the JL would prefer if you didn't try relating to us
Batman: Why?
Black Canary: Because the situations you use are bizarre and frankly, quite concerning
Green Lantern: Like last week, when I complained about feeling tired, you said you could relate because after you got back from a murder tournament against ninjas, the only thing that let you rest was Alfred putting sedatives in your tea
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ikanpesuttsblog · 1 month
Saw a post about how guilty Rook felt after the entire VDC shenanigans and how it made Vil overblot, and I think the Savanaclaw Rook groovy is supposed to portray how guilty he felt after voting for the other team and made Vil overblot, hypothetically "k*lling" Vil and his dream, thus he's crying because he can't change it in his dream (it already happened in reality) yet he felt really guilty while aiming his arrow at a silhouette of Vil on top of a glamorous (VDC?) stage.
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000marie198 · 2 months
Are there any sonic au’s you would recommend? I am trying to find more to get into so would love to know if you have any favourites out there :D
Hello! Oh there are so many! :D I definitely have some favorites and some which aren't favs but are pretty great.
Putting these under the cut because there are so many! And there's definitely more cool AUs that I haven't seen or haven't saved.
Anyways, please enjoy my personal selection:
Seven Years Too Soon by NightFuchia. Basically what if a much younger Sonic accidentally set Shadow free from Prison Island. It has awesome characterization and happens to be one of my favorite stories. The rest of Team Sonic is also present
Brotherhood's Twist by @/drawloverlala even though I don't think it counts entirely as Au but it still sort of does. Unbreakable Bond ageswitch due to Zeti's meddling.
Passion's @sonic-tangled-au . I love it! So very much. The lore and backstories are so good.
Noonui's World Restored in Imbalanced Chaos au. Extremely engaging and good. Has a bunch of world building and fun concepts and lore.
Sonic's Super Totally Awesome Mixtape, though it seems to be discontinued, I'm not sure. It's pretty good so far! Takes place in the movie verse.
@brainworms-all-night-long is working on a Dreamtale Au which I'm hyped for. The tag in use is 'dreamtale and sonic tomfoolery'.
@/the-starlight-project comic is pretty good too. Mystery! And emotions. So many emotions ough.
And there's @the-emerald-isle-au by @0vergrowngraveyard . Very intriguing. 👀
Please do check out the Pandora Au by @/starrjoy. It's great!
The Fair Folk by Irritable_Fabulamancer, this fic is one of my favorites! Team Sonic as Fae my beloved! I love fae AUs.
On that note, if you're alright wanting to read a Fae!AU which is pretty much a sonadow fic, there is also I don't believe in fairy tales [but I believe in you and me]. Fantasy and Fae! Satbk inspired, another one that had me hooked.
My Arms Are Blue by thekyuubivixen and its unofficial, fan-continuation (My Arms Are Blue! Final Four Edition) by PlaystationPassenger. The story doesn't completely count as an AU but I'm recommending them anyway cuz they're really really good and has that watching your own show from different dimension trope. It's also hilarious and fun.
Burning Arrow, Wildfire Heart by Taranea is SatSR novelisation AU with Sonic's other friends present too, it's pretty fun. Not very accurate regarding the desert but it's a good read and I come back to reread it often. Must read in my opinion. Just don't dare use it as guide for desert travel or you'll be shriveled up in the sand somewhere
This fic. Read it, I will not elaborate this one. Just trust me :]
And don't miss out on @shadofiredragon's Legends Never Die fic. It's a future fic! And an awesome one. I won't spoil much but it is so good. She also has lots of fun AUs in the works.
Down the Foxhole series by MoonlitNightin. Sonic Prime AU series which is great! Tails' pov. The Shatterverses have their own Sonics. Engaging and great.
Feel free to check out @/Son1c's 10verse and other AUs. Those are some pretty great ones. Love the different lore and variants given to the Shatterverses in 10verse.
Spirit of the Wind by TrenchCoatGecko. Satbk inspired fantasy au. Sonamy, has focus on magic and lore and other characters as well.
If you'd like some Forces angst with Unbreakable Bond focus, please do read Illusionary are your arms around me by @nixoon-again. The feels will kill you /pos
Chaos Barren by but_why_not. I forgot to add this earlier (this is an edited addition). Takes place in the Blue Devils AU, great story!
Baby Tails shenanigans by @myymi . Tails got turned into itty bitty infant kit. (And also check @0vergrowngraveyard 'baby tails' tag for more little gremlin scenarios)
Myla is also working on @tails-and-the-ink-machine au
Feral au by Oneshot_bravo. Little short stories or drabbles taking place in Unleashed but the werehog is feral yet keeps his memories. Very lighthearted and fun and cute
Three or more foxes form a skulk by @/chiropter36 . Post Prime au fic, loved it! Go read.
Also, @donelywell 'roadtrip! sonic au' and 'Casino Nights Au'
Haven't yet started reading The Fox's Burrow by @/space-gutz but I'm planning to. Recommending it either way cuz I feel like it's gonna be good. Unbreakable Bond but ageswaped au.
@/sonicchaoscontrol comic. Another in-progress au which is also quite intriguing. Sonic jumps through a portal and exits in future where the planet is a mess. The mystery of what and how it all happened and what's going on slowly unfolds.
The Buzzsaw Dillemma by redpenship. I haven't personally read it myself but I've heard many good things about it, especially it's world building.
Incomplete and won't be updated anymore but if you haven't read them yet, DO NOT miss out on Ghosts of the Future and The Murder of Me fancomics by Evan Stanley (spiritsonic) and Gigi Deutrix (gigi-D) respectively. They're a must read. Both are available on DeviantArt.
The Heart of a Monster comic, @/the-heart-of-a-monster. It's in progress and updates regularly. Unleashed retelling, really really good with some extra lore and everyone involved.
Sometimes the Picket Fence isn’t Perfect and Sharp Edges (Sonic Prime AU) series by @/skimmingthesurfaces. I'm holding off the first one to read later, like that one book you've been saving so I'm not sure if it completely counts as an AU, still putting it in recs, and the second one is intriguing so far. I have heard a lot of good thing about the Picket Fence series.
Dark Boom by Smash50. The entirety of Team Dark in the Sonic Boom universe. Alongside it, there's also Boomtober by the same author.
It Always Snows by the 24th by Selendred had me hooked even though it's a oneshot. Great au and would love to see it explored more.
No One said I Wish by SylWritesStuff. One of my fav stories from the Sonic Platonic Fairytale Week event. It's really funny.
Sonic Phantom Forces (SPF) au comic. Sonic Forces au, blue boy gets taken away but not in the way you think, pretty cool story so far. It's in-progress and available on both Tumblr and DeviantArt. @/spfau
If Black Doom tried to be a better father by Tirainy. Don't take this one seriously. It's pure comedy and I love every second of it. Shadow is having a time for sure XD.
Silent Talkers by @brainworms-all-night-long. Takes place in the Prime Bros verse, feels intensified, all the good ones. A must read, trust me.
And speaking of the Prime Bros AU (in which all Shatterverse foxes also got adopted by Sonic and are now brothers), feel free to scroll through the 'prime bros' tag here. So many awesome posts for this particular au by everyone!
There's so many more, cool ones, epic ones. I haven't saved all and I'm probably forgetting some great ones too so I'm leaving this open for others to add. If y'all have more cool AUs, plz add to these (I wanna check em out too)
And now a few from the Fanfiction.net site because it doesn't have much audience compared to AO3 and there are some actual gems hidden there;
Premonition by thekiyuubivixen (not entirely an au but it feels like one due to the unique ability Sonic gains)
The Sonic Project by SconnieSA. Rated M but it's a pretty awesome AU and the rating is due to more serious themes and uncensored language in some parts. Highly recommending this one
Survivor's Resolve by DC111. Not entirely an AU but I must rec this fic it's so good and doea havs some AU vibes.
Sonic the Hedgehog: Attorney of Law by thedraconicwerewolf. Ace Attorney type AU with Sonic and Tails as main characters. Not too adventurous but very very fun and interesting and still managed to keep Sonic in character. Though it has a sequel started, I only rec the main story, not the sequal as it seems to be abandoned and isn't needed to be read like them cliffhanger stories.
beLIEve by Meow21. I have only read snippets from this, waiting for this story to continue but it seems to be discontinued. Felt like an epic story too and deserves to be recommended.
Sonic and the Golden Journey. Sonic gets thrown in another storybook, this time it's a children's classic fairytale. Short but very comedic and fun. Go read it.
Tales of a Samurai. I am begging you to read this one, please it's so good. Also by Taranea.
Wonderful and it's sequal Sanctuary by Inflamore for some Unbreakable Bond angst. (Kindly ignore the obliviousness of earlier ff.net for not knowing the meaning of certain symbols, there's nothing of the sort in story, trust me.)
Regrets by MazzyBooks. A high school au of sorts. Sonic centric with some heavy angst. I'm not kidding about the angst part, trust me. It had me hooked from the first chapter though and I believe it deserves a rec.
You need the cracks (to let the light shine through) by king.needlemouse. Istg this is the most underrated thing I've ever come across, it's one of my absolute favorite fics which I can never forget. Do read it.
Within this Nightmare by sonicfan1990. Sonic get transported to an alternate universe which has gone post apocalyptic and his counterpart in that universe has been dead. Pretty great story, lots of angst and everything.
And that's all I could remember and have saved for now. I'm leaving this open to more AU recs (yes even self plugs are welcome) so if you know any I missed, plz feel free to add. I hope you enjoy all these great AUs!
Thanks for the ask!
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jennsterjay · 4 months
Prowler Hobie x Miles Headcanons
Normally in fanarts Prowler Hobie is taller than regular Hobie, but in this au I'd like to think this Hobs is taller than Miles but shorter than regular Hobie (because every Prowler is shorter than their Spider-Man counterpart in my mind) (laughs in short Miles G)
This Hobs is from Miles universe Earth-1610B, so he's American and his style and fashion sense is more close to Miles'
Hobs fell for Miles twice. Once on their first meeting when Spider-Man webbed him up (but he didn't know it was a crush yet), and twice when he met Miles at Brooklyn Visions Academy before he found out he was Spider-Man.
This guy has so many hoodies. Does Miles eventually steal some? Yes (More like Hobs shoves some into his hands, in the name of upping his game. Totally not to give him  boyfriend hoodies of course)
After Spider-Punk meets Hobs the first time, sometimes Hobie will randomly portal nearby wherever he is and start joking around with him / pulling him into shenanigans. I imagine their shenanigans play out like regular show episodes. Sometimes Miles gets pulled in too
The first time Hobs meets Miles G (Prowler Miles) they try to act cool / see who's the coolest in front of Miles because they both secretly have a vegeta complex and immediately start talking about tech and gear and then go to G's house to play Street Fighter and Tekken (Miles laughs and knows they're both nerds and weebs). Miles G is definitely trying to play the 'gotta make sure this guy is a good match for my bro' card here, and Hobs is like 'I can't believe Miles has rizz in every universe'
Canon event theory is flaky at best, but everyone knows every Prowler is fated to create the most god awful FL studio beats known to man. Hobs tries to impress Miles by playing some of his self produced music and it takes everything in Miles not to laugh or say its trash because Hobs has the biggest smile on his face and looks proud of himself
Them falling asleep with Miles' head on Hobs shoulder on the Metro train because they're too beat from a mission to swing / parkour back to their homes (Metrooooo)
Hobs shows Miles some of his graffiti art around the city while they're suited up, and that night Miles takes a risk and trusts him enough to lead him to his secret spraypaint mural of his uncle and the other spiders at the abandoned train station. Hobs is in awe and they have a heart to heart and Hobs helps him remaster some of the art and also add his own stuff too
Hobs starts showing up more and more around Miles, and Rio and Jeff think they're secretly dating. Rio and Jeff hit Miles with the 'Son we love you no matter who you love' and 'So you and Hobs huh?' And Miles does a record scratch in his head and says 'Wait what are we talking about right now??'
Cue Hobs with the "Its a pleasure to meet you Mr. And Mrs. Morales" and then when he sees the Morales' relax more, Hobs grins to himself like 'Yeah I got this in the bag'
When they're already dating and it's Miles' birthday, he takes Miles around the city to show him graffiti murals he made of Miles' face with Sunflowers and murals of Spider-Man. He ends the date with them on Miles' rooftop and Hobs takes out his Bluetooth speaker and Hobs starts rapping a song he made for Miles (and the beats he made are actually fire this time too!!) and Miles is awestruck. He was in love before, but he's even more in love with him now.
Combined team attacks (after Hobs alignment starts leaning more towards neutral/good) where Hobs throws Miles like an arrow towards enemies or Miles uses his webs to launch Hobs up in the air to do flips and attacks and stuff to defeat the villain of the week. Cue being surrounded by enemies and they're back to back in a fighting stance and when the first move is made they fight together effortlessly and so well it's almost like they're dancing. Cue the victory poses.
Hobs may have become the Prowler because he had to, or maybe he didn't have a choice, or maybe he did it because he had someone he had to protect, but ever since meeting Miles and being saved by his heroism, he's finally been given the one thing he's always ever wanted. A choice.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 2 months
What clubs, teams, and other extracurricular everyone is in/will do?
Associated Reading: Past Extracurriculars!
Kai: Kai's only extra thing was temporarily being on the track team his first year, which ofc he quit when he dropped out. Doesn't take up anything new rn due to having his hands full with looking out for Lloyd (and just trying to get through school in one piece), but might get back into track for his final year.
Jay: Is still trying to make Robotics Club a legitimate thing, but until then, Sunni manages to talk him into getting back into doing science fairs (which also feeds into his upcoming extra credit project upupu). Might wind up doing Quiz Bowl or something similar in his last year too, if I'm feeling spicy.
Cole: Was into sports until The Dodgeball Incident, and doesn't take up anything new because a) he hates school, b) it's his last year anyway and c) most of his extra time will taken up by his part-time job at the Rockshot Club (does that count as a club? lol). Sometimes thinks about joining the art club, climbing club, or a dance club, but is lowkey afraid of how he'll be received. Might be able to be talked into doing climbing as a last hurrah, at least.
Zane: Obviously is on the student council, and is a member of the archery club (which has been mentioned in passing a time or two!) and the chess team. Probably would join more stuff if he could/wanted, but being on the Student Council (and the cold reception he receives) is already intimidating enough.
Nya: Also obviously on the council, would join every club if there was enough time in a life, but for now councilwork and her future job at the autobody shop takes up most of her extra time (thank goodness). ...Don't tell her a Debate Team exists, please. (Also might rejoin gymnastics down the line, should the opportunity arise)
Lloyd: The Green Ninja doesn't have time for such frivolous things, tch. ...that being said, his presence as a band member might lead to shenanigans in the future hgffgdd (buuuut he might join archery alongside Zane down the line, since while his bow and arrow skills are pretty good courtesy of his mother, he can still use the extra practice)
Jesse: Beyond councilwork, does not have anything extracurricular due to his job working at his family's place (and eventually furthering his career as a performer), buuut with the former being out of commission rn due to Great Devourer Aftermath, he's got some free time to spare...maybe by joining in on a little ninja training at a certain dojo? (He also was in choir but had to quit because he was too good. The music teacher still mourns his loss.) Might join the theater club for his final year.
Antonia: Beyond councilwork, is/will also be: in the newspaper club, on the yearbook committee, in photography, on the cycling team, on the swim team, runs a very informative blog, and yoga club. She gets up to a lot when not keeping up with ninja or keeping her best friend(s) in one piece hfdfdfghd
Harumi: Right now is just focused on her councilwork, but over the years she also gets into: VOLLEYBALL, National Honor Society (or the Ninjago equivalent), tutoring, history club, math league, debate club, martial arts, occult club, and AP classes...She and Antonia are out here doing the most.
Olivia: Has phased out of her extracurriculars due to the Shark Army being an active threat again, but was in the occult club and the dnd-equivalent club. Also probably should not be told about the Debate Team.
Miranda: Nerd. Pioneers a social media club, eagerly joins Jay's fully realized robotics club down the line, joins the soccer and ping pong teams, and does film club, a coding/website-making extracurricular (easy for her with her hacking skills), anime/manga club, and a graphic design club.
Sunni: Does science fairs like Jay, but also joins the student council cabinet after Zane graduates (Nya becomes Prez, Jesse becomes Vice Prez, and she slots in as the new secretary), partakes in spelling bees, charity work, volleyball (at least for one year, just to try it–she's not very athletic otherwise), tutoring, science bowl, and photography. Just, not all at the same time.
Harleigh: Is not academic smart whatsoever, but finds ways to flaunt her skills in other ways such as: jewelry-making club, fencing team, swim team, and the ceramics club. Also attempts volleyball but only because Sunni is there
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About the TFRB x AEMH crossover, what do you think the Avengers would think of Priscilla? (Maybe also what they think of her being with Cody?)
Sorry I had to do some quick doodles for this ask. TAKE THEM, THEIR HORRIBLE!
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If I'm allowed to use my hc that Simon is Priss dad, then this will be angsty. And if I don't use that idea, then it would still be angsty as Madeline could work as an antagonist for Tony because they work in similar fields but Madeline steals the products to claim them as hers..
I really don't know in which place of the timeline we would set this up if between seasons 2-3 or on season 4 after Madeline is arrested. But well 😋
-Cap is the type of guy who likes all types of children no matter how destructive or arrogant they are. Though Priscilla is hard to open. I think that Priss would remind Cap of another woman who is hard to open up to, but is nice deep down (I'm referring to Madame Viper. And who knows, maybe Madame Viper worked once for Madeline too)
-Tony might not like Priscilla at first. He is a very busy man and has no time for bratty children, more if they're the kids of his competition. However, after getting numerous propositions from Pynch Industries he ended up desecrating, for then purchasing Simon Innovations. An angry Priscilla comes at his door screaming how he has ruined his family even more... so yea, it wasn't a really good first impression, but they warm up with time.
-Thor as the god of thunder and prince of Asgard would be the most interesting Avenger to Priscilla, and Thor would hate it. The Asgardian knew that humans could be perseverant and an unstoppable force, something Priss proved to be. The girl is 11 and she already had levels of Enchantress manipulation, though Thor knew that she was still a kid who grew up with a mother worse than Enchantress herself. But it still made Thor tremble every time Priss showed up in front of him with a wide smile to ask ¨can I brush your hair?¨
-Banner and Hulk have come to the agreement that Priss is not the worst thing that has happened to them... and even when Priss is annoying at times, is a bit nice to have someone yell at you because you are not a monster but because you are annoying to her as well. Priss doesn't see Hulk as a monster which is surprising for many.
-Hank and Jannet are worried for Priscilla, mostly Hank who after a deep investigation found out what Madeline was doing in the shadows and what was planning if she killed made an alliance with Tony.
-T´challa is impressive as to how obstinate Pricilla is, how cold, and how calculator she could be all thanks to the teachings of her mother. But Priscilla was still innocent, a little kid who didn't know better and was never put a stop as a conscious decision to keep her as an obedient brat. It made T'challa that things were never as black and white as some pointed out. Priscilla has the chance to be the bad guy or the good guy, and T´challa hopes that maybe some of his teaching shows Priss that one route will be better than the other. The route may take away a lot of things/people that Priss loves, but is the best path to live.
-Hawkeye won't stand for Priss shenanigans and will ping her with one of his arrows to a wall just to annoy her and make him leave him alone. But Priss just like Cody is a force to fear, more if you ruin one of her prettiest dresses. Clint learned that with a bomb of glitter exploding on his face...
To summarize, everyone on the team has different views on Priscilla, but they all mostly agree that Madeline played (or well didn't?) a part in Priscilla's education and teaching her how to act. Everyone and Cap would be a bit worried that Cody has a secret crush on her, but the kid has proven capable enough to deal with this (or so they think ashdkjahd)
Wasp is a shipper like Dani so a lot of chaos suffers with this...
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cilil · 4 months
Headcanons: The Day of Love
I felt spontaneously inspired to write down my headcanons (yes, I've thought of this before a few times) for Valentine's Day in Valinor, or, as it's known there, the Day of Love, featuring both Ainur and Elves. Enjoy!
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♡ The establishment of a dedicated holiday to celebrate couples and other forms of love and companionship was, as certain people (*cough* Melkor) would snidely remark in later ages, most likely inevitable due to Manwë being a hopeless romantic and Irmo's penchant for playing matchmaker (and subsequently winning bets he made with his wife and siblings).
♡ After Tulkas and Nessa were wed - within the circles of Arda, unlike the other Valar who espoused their partners earlier - Manwë was inspired to take action and create this holiday, as everyone had greatly enjoyed the festivities and many wished to have the opportunity to express their affection for their loved ones in a similar manner, without the pomp of a wedding.
♡ It was decided that the Day of Love would be in spring, as per Vána's suggestion. To this day, there's still some debate among the inhabitants of Valinor whether she simply thought the season was appropriate or whether she was making a thinly veiled mating season joke; the Ever-young, however, has declined to comment on this. It takes place in the month of Súlimë (March), much to the delight of Manwë, usually within the third week since this is (roughly) the beginning of the season, as determined by Yavanna and Vána.
♡ Over the ages, various traditions evolved. Among the first and most notable to this day is Manwë's poetry soirée, where everyone is invited to share their romantic poems and other writings - a special iteration of his regular writing group get-togethers that strives to be as inclusive and affirming as possible. Ever since the first Day of Love was celebrated, Manwë has written a new poem for his beloved queen every single year, and Varda shows her appreciation with breath-taking meteor showers. The event has naturally become important to the Vanyar in particular, especially those who are regulars among Manwë's fellow poetry enjoyers.
♡ Irmo and Estë take great pleasure in hosting a "casual tea time feast" (as described by the Lord of Lórien himself) that welcomes not only couples or friend groups, but also explicitly those who feel lonely on such a day and would like some easy company. While Estë and her Maiar serve herbal teas for health and good spirits and bake lots of delicious cakes and other treats, Irmo prepares his (in)famous punch which so far has never failed to get a party going and distributes special "love candy" that has also come under scrutiny a few times, but is still consumed with great delight by those who dare.
♡ Aside from (more or less) innocent tea party shenanigans, Irmo is wide awake on the Day of Love for different reasons as well, mutating into the kind of entity we know as Cupid. The use of arrows has been forbidden, but that does little to stop the Lord of Dreams and Desire from making his OTPs come true by providing a little bit of "assistance". He gleefully plants courage and inspiration into the hearts and minds of Ainur and Elves alike, so that they may finally confess those feelings they have been carrying around for too long. It has been alleged that he has attempted to play bingo with his brother in regards to these things coming to pass, yet nothing could be proven and Námo, as usual, was silent.
♡ Oromë, being in good spirits as hunting season is drawing near, likes to host a special hunting events where couples (and throuples and so on, naturally) can either compete against each other or team up to hunt and see if their love is strong enough to catch even the greatest prey. While it's all in good fun and the competitive side isn't taken seriously, Oromë and his people do hold the belief that the ability to work together and cooperate, as well as engaging in friendly, playful competitions without hostility or ill will, are important parts of a relationship of any kind and thus can be a good test for couples looking to get married in particular. It is also worth noting that the hunting duels of Aredhel and Celegorm have become particularly infamous and are to this day lauded as a great example.
♡ Tulkas, as always, is looking for a fun little fight and a good laugh, and those sharing his passion are welcome in his mansion for a special kind of celebration. Many Elves and Ainur alike seek to prove themselves in battle against their peers to win the affection and admiration of whoever they wish to court, as well as engage in friendly duels with their friends and loved ones. Making sure that everything is as fair as it can be, Tulkas presides over these fights with glowing pride and invites all participants to attend a great feast after.
♡ Said feast is usually coupled with a special performance by Nessa and her Maiar, as well as others who wish to join them, and afterwards everyone is invited to dance with their partners. It is not unusual for non-martially-inclined couples to spend their day elsewhere but attend Nessa's dance party in the evening, and oftentimes the lord and lady can also be seen on the dance floor together.
♡ For Yavanna and Vána, the Day of Love is yet another instance of their boundless generosity. The two Valier share their gifts and boons freely, providing flowers, fruits and materials for the crafting of presents; sometimes even advice to those who seek it. Year after year, their husbands show their gratitude - as well as vicariously for the rest of Valinor - by crafting and hunting special gifts for them, and it is said that the trees and flowers bloom even more beautifully on that day to celebrate their ladies' joy.
♡ Among the Elves, traditions are varied as well. Particularly famous is the pearl-diving of the Teleri, a test of both courage and skill where young and old lovers alike venture out into the sea and seek to find the most beautiful pearls to bring home to their partners. Ulmo gives his blessings freely to all who attempt such a feat and, together with his Maiar, makes sure that everyone returns home safely; over the years, many a daring Elf had to be fished out of more perilous waters. These pearls - and other treasures that were found - are particularly precious to the Teleri and objects crafted from or with them may even become family heirlooms.
♡ The Noldor, together with Aulë, Vairë and their Maiar, spend a lot of time before the Day of Love crafting wonderful gifts for their loved ones. These creations are a matter of great pride and may hold a lot of different, intricate meanings, often being a key component in courtship. Aside from all sorts of trinkets, couples are often seen exchanging promise jewelry. A particularly noteworthy occurrence over the years was the unveiling of a great Fëanor statue, made by none other than Nerdanel during their courtship, and to this day spectators claim that they have never seen Fëanor this speechless before or after.
♡ The Vanyar, aside from attending the festivities in Ilmarin, are also fond of music and love to sing or otherwise perform for their loved ones. Such performances are often done with special costumes and instruments, and the gifting of instruments is regarded as something especially intimate and meaningful. Those among the Maiar of Manwë and Varda who are not too fond of poetry like to join the Vanyar instead, offering their own songs and arts as entertainment. Eönwë and other avian Ainur are regularly asked for their feathers and even grow special plumage to accommodate these requests.
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Thanks for reading! Feel free to take inspiration from these (though as always a little shout-out is appreciated if you create your own stuff based on this post ♡).
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mzminola · 1 year
Doylist Hypotheses on why Tim is So Bonkers:
First Robin to get a solo comic as Robin, instead of as an older hero: Many things Robins do look much crazier when they are doing them by themselves instead of with Batman there to tank for them or take credit for the comic writers’ schemes.
First Robin with alive parent(s) who spent significant amount of his run not living with Bruce: having an actual civilian identity that Tim had to maintain in his own home lead to more lying and complications.
Youngs Justice 1998 was (at least somewhat) intended as satire of The (New?) Teen Titans: Tim’s first long-running non-Bat hero team served as a catch-all for Whacky Shenanigans the writers couldn’t put in more serious comics, yet also meant to deal with Modern Youth Problems, leading some insane levels of tone dissonance.
Follow-up question: Are the other YJ members considered more bonkers than their primary groups? Cassie comparatively insane for a Wonder, Bart for a Speedster, Kon for a Super, Cissie for an Arrow? Slobo was an outlier from his origins in the opposite direction.
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amelia-queen-black · 1 month
Sara: I told Felicity her ears flush when she lies.
Diggle: Why?
Sara: Look, it’s hilarious.
Sara: Hey Felicity! Do you have a crush on Oliver?
Felicity, covering her ears: No.
Diggle: …
Diggle: I think you broke her.
*2 hours later*
Oliver: Felicity, why are you wearing earmuffs?
Felicity, red faced: No reason. I mean, fashion. It’s a fashion choice. You wouldn’t know because you don’t follow trends, you’re more into arrows and stuff, but trust me, earmuffs are in this summer.
Oliver: *confused*
In the back, Sara and Diggle: *laughing their heads off*
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
Connor and Tim: They’ve Got a Dad Thing
With the DC Pride story, I’m having soft thoughts about Tim Drake and Connor Hawke talking about their feelings, identities and dads together, which is something they do remarkably often for two characters who are friends but have never been on the same team or family. Also Tim brings up Connor not being able to drive. A lot.
Going through a bunch of their appearances:
Green Arrow #105: The first meeting! Connor and Tim are chasing after Connor's stepfather, who has committed CRIMEZ buying weapons in Gotham. They take the time to discuss such important issues as ‘not being the first person to have their identity’, legacies, Tim’s love for cars, Connor’s inability to drive, and Lady Shiva.
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Connor stays in town, leading to their next team up in Robin #25. Tim’s chasing down a DIFFERENT group of gunrunners after one of his classmates brought a gun to school. The dad angle here is actually Tim sending Jack to talk to his classmate’s dad about bringing a gun to school. There isn’t nearly as much fun banter between Connor and Tim here, but they still get to spend some time appreciating each other’s martial art skills.
Also notably Tim emotes quite a bit to Connor (and also Steph) about how he feels about his classmate getting shot (due to bringing the gun to school) and how fighting for revenge feels (it’s not something Tim enjoys).
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The next team up is Batman Chronicles #7! Connor shows up to talk to Tim about Ollie and what it’s like trying to live up to a legend, and Tim tells him a story of a Bruce & Ollie team up. They bond over being legacies for Batman and Green Arrow.
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The next time Connor and Tim team up is my all time favourite, Brotherhood of the Fist. It happens following Cataclysm but before No Man’s Land. Tim and Connor get a full crossover together! (Ok Bruce and Dick and Eddie Fyers are also there). Everyone is having problems with the Monkey Fist cult, who are busy having a martial arts competition while taking down various martial arts masters.
Tim and Connor once again get the chance to talk about dads (and also the fact Connor STILL doesn’t have his licence). This time it’s discussing whether Batman is Tim’s dad. He’s not! Connor’s still feeling like he has to live up to Ollie’s legacy! Tim empathises and tells him Batman approves.
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Tim’s also a martial artist fanboy.
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Eventually Connor ends up having to fight Lady Shiva! Tim saves Connor’s life by using his life debt with Shiva, and everyone tells Connor how good he was keeping up. (Nobody acknowledges Tim HAS that life debt due to managing to kill Shiva by accident a few months ago, because Tim’s fight record against her is full of ‘Tim wins due to shenanigans’)
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(I love this crossover so much, folks)
Robin #78-79: Connor drops into Gotham again, because all of Tim’s classmates at Brentwood have something weird going on. This time they’re taking down a demon! Tragically they’re too busy running away from the demon to have any good conversations about their dads this time, but Tim DOES get some jokes in about the car.
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(Eddie Fyers does not appreciate this and gives as good as he gets, bringing up the only mention of a dad).
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Batgirl #30-32. Connor and Eddie show up to investigate the murder of some rich folk who belong to a specific secret society. A member of this club is Jack Drake. Amazingly, Connor and Tim get to talk about dads even while they’re in Cass’ book. Connor and Eddie kidnap Jack Drake and Eddie pretends to be him at an awards ceremony to save his life. This is very funny as Dana, Tim and Steph are in the audience and Tim at least recognises Eddie on sight. Eddie then gets kidnapped by the assassins.
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Once Tim and Steph regroup and meet up with Connor and Cass, Tim still has time to tease Connor about being unable to drive and take control of the vehicle. Again.
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The group tracks down the van that Eddie was kidnapped in, leading to Tim very awkwardly trying to explain how he knows who Jack Drake is.
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Identity Crisis #6. Now this one is not so much a Connor and Tim team up so much as a very important moment on the topic of Connor, Tim and their feelings about dads. (I will never not be annoyed that Ollie doesn’t show the paper to Connor, given that Connor knows about Jack Drake, even if he doesn’t know that Tim is Tim)
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This is an important part of the Connor and Tim relationship, dammit, even if neither of them realise this moment happened.
Unfortunately after this point the Bad Times start for both Connor and Tim for a while (several continuities of a while). Not so much time hanging out together talking about what being a legacy means to them and what’s in a father.
But they’re both FINALLY back in continuity, themselves, and in the same place. So what did they do together this week? They met up, talked about coming out, their dads, and their feelings. (No cars this time, though).
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Damian thinks they’re joking about sitting about talking about their feelings. They absolutely are not. 
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puroresu-musings · 4 months
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NJPW THE NEW BEGINNING in Osaka Review (Feb 11th, Osaka EDION Arena)
Toru Yano & YOH vs. Ryusuke Taguchi & Boltin Oleg **
Bishamon vs. Great-O-Khan & Callum Newman ***1/4
Shota Umino, El Desperado, Tomoaki Honma & Tiger Mask vs. EVIL, Ren Narita, SHO & Yujiro Takahashi **1/4
Tetsuya Naito, Yota Tsuji, Shingo Takagi, Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI vs. SANADA, Yuya Uemura, Taichi, DOUKI & TAKA Michinoku ***
Kazuchika Okada vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi ****1/2
IWGP Tag Team Championship - El Phantasmo & Hikuleo (c) vs. KENTA & Chase Owens **
Bryan Danielson vs. Zack Sabre Jr. *****
10 Man Dog Pound Cage Death Match - United Empire vs. Bullet Club War Dogs *****
Wow, what a show this turned out to be. It started pretty ordinary, but ultimately had three exceptional bouts, one of which is the best match of 2024 so far. The show opened with CHAOS teammates Yano and YOH taking on Taguchi and Young Lion Shooter, Oleg. This was perfectly fine, but only went 3:45, so there really wasn't much to mention. YOH scored the win over Taguchi with a roll up. Next, UE Young Boy Callum Newman got a chance to shine in his tag match with O-Khan against Bishamon. This was a good little sprint, with the spirited Newman looking especially good. It wasn't to be his night, however, as he was put away by the veterans at 7:37 with Shoto.
The NJPW Babyfaces took on House of Torture next. This was your typical HoT match, beginning with a brawl, before the babyfaces got their shine, only to succumb to heelish shenanigans. After Dick Togo distracted the ref, Narita hit Tiger Mask with the Metal Plated Push Up Bar Of Doom, before SHO pinned him with a Shock Arrow in 8:43. Post match saw SHO steal Despe's IWGP Jr. Belt and proclaim himself the new champion, so we've got yet another HoT stolen belt deal, and Desperado seems destined to feud with these dorks for his entire reign. This was followed by pretty much the same LIJ vs. J5G match we've seen all tour now. It was a good outing, but I can't say that I'm interested in any of this, aside from Tsuji and Uemura's Hair Match in Sapporo at the end of the match. The two youngsters carried the action in this one, which culminated in SANADA tapping out BUSHI at 11:05 with Skull End to go strong into his Title Match with Naito on the 24th.
Perhaps the final ever Okada vs. Tanahashi match followed, twelve years to the day that the Rainmaker Shock happened in this very same building that made Okada a Superstar. This was excellent, emotional stuff that was by no means the best match these two have ever had, but it was a great send-off for what is perhaps the greatest, most consistent feud ever. I've potentially gone a tad high with the rating, but I don't care, I'm sticking with it, as this one had me invested from the minute the entrances happened. The Osaka faithful were super into this, loudly chanting for Okada at the start, going crazy throughout. Tana, who's definitely in "office shape" at the moment, even turned back the clocks and hit the High Fly Body Attack to the floor, which was awesome. After getting the knees up on a HFF attempt, Okada nailed the Tombstone, but Tana turned the Rainmaker into a small package for a great near fall. After some back and forth which the crowd were totally into, Okada hit a beautiful dropkick, a Landslide, and a Rainmaker to put the President away at 16:50 with one final Rainmaker. The pair embraced in the post match, and a teary bowed to the Lion Mark and Okada bid farewell to Osaka. He only has two matches left in his NJPW career in Sapporo, which should be similarly emotional occasions, and hey, who knows, maybe he could even put someone over on his way out (nudge nudge, wink wink).
The IWGP Tag Title bout that followed was something of a dampener, to say the least. This was the opposite of the last match, the crowd were dead for the most part, and it moved at the speed of smell. It was hovering around one star territory, but things picked up once Hikuleo got the hot tag and ran wild, but it was short lived as the ref got bumped, Taiji Ishimori ran in, hit his old pal ELP with a belt, then Hikuleo, which allowed KENTA to steal the win and the titles. Look, I know New Japan likes and rewards loyalty, and Chase Owens was there for them when they needed people badly, but the notion of him holding a major title in NJPW in 2024 is all kinds of bemusing. And to say the new GoD's Tag Title reign was a bit of a disappointment would be an understatement. These guys deserve better, and I honestly don't have the strength to watch another match between these teams after the two we've already seen so far this year.
Thankfully, things turned around in fantastic fashion with an absolutely perfect display of pro-wrestling between ZSJ and Bryan Danielson. This was a rematch of their 5 star classic in AEW last October, and it managed to surpass that match and is the best bout of 2024 so far. Outstanding grappling and counter sequences throughout this, Dragon used an arm wringer to send Sabre's legs into the ropes, which he then proceeded to work over the whole match with intense kicks and leglocks. Zack fought back, working over Danielson's neck. Lots of Romero Specials, Manjigatame's and Cobra Twists, before it broke down into a stiff strike exchange. Danielson hit a big Back Suplex off the top for a near fall, then tried Cattle Mutilation, which Sabre escaped and hit a Zack Driver for a near fall of his own. Dragon hit the stomps, then locked in the crazy arm submission he submitted Okada with, but Zack fought to the ropes. Another strike battle culminated in Danielson hitting the Busaiku Knee out of a backslide, but Sabre turned a second into a European Clutch, they exchanged great cradles, before ZSJ got the pin with a crucifix at 32:46 of fabulous action. The two shook hands afterwards, and now being 1-1, Danielson challenged Zack to a 2 out of 3 falls tiebreaker backstage, which I'm 100% down for. In the ring, ZSJ signalled he wanted a belt, then called out the winner of Naito/SANADA (despite what Chris Charlton might have claimed he said). I'm all for Zack winning the belt to be fair. I've lots to say about Naito being the champion again, which I'll refrain from, but all I will say is that the guy who holds the top belt in this company sure has felt like an after thought since winning.
Then the Dog Pound Cage main event that was also Will Ospreay's New Japan swan song. Look, theres way too much to even attempt to recap, and I went back and forth about going the full 5 stars on this one, as it did feature some stuff I really wasn't keen on. BUT, at the end of the day, these 10 guys put on an absolute spectacle of bloody drama and craziness, and it's definitely not a match I'll forgot any time soon, and a tremendous post match. They had an impossible task in following the previous match, but they had an equally blow-away outing, that was the complete wrestling polar opposite. This was set up like that classic ROH vs. CZW Cage of Death from 2006, in that the cage encircled ringside as opposed to the ring itself, and was fought under War Games rules, with guys coming out every two minutes.
Ospreay and Finaly started, with Ospreay convincing Finlay to let them fight for 5 minutes. Lots and lots of crazy stuff followed, which included the heels bringing out a ton of plunder, Akira hitting an incredible dive off the cage onto the War Dogs before Connors gave him a big spear through an upright table in the corner, Gabe Kidd potatoing HENARE with table shot, that split him open bad on the top of his head, which the doctors at ringside spent a lot of time trying to patch up. HENARE got a receipt of sorts later when he hit Kidd with a super stiff slap that looked like it knocked Gabe silly. Connors hit a big spear on Ospreay through the ropes, off the apron and through a table at ringside, Jeff Cobb ran wild on everyone with his incredible power moves, TJP emerged from under the ring as the Aswang, running wild and misting all the heels, Maloney broke up a pin attempt by Drilla Killa'ing Ospreay into the pile of bodies, Coughlin took a serious wilful beating with kendo sticks, who then took a big senton through a table off HENARE from the top of the cage. Connors introduced thumbtacks, but ended up bumping into the pins. Gedo came out with a barbed wire wrapped table, but O-Khan put an end to his interference, and it was Finlay who went through the barbed wire table, thanks to an Ospreay powerbomb. Gabe Kidd responded by hitting Ospreay with a piledriver off the apron, through a ladder bridge to the floor. Moloney forked Akira in the head, who juiced heavily, but then overcame his fear of the fork, no-sold it, and stabbed Drilla in the head with the cutlery, drawing his blood of his own, then hanged Connors over the top with a dog collar.
The heels then handcuffed Cobb to the cage, removed the ring canvas and padding, exposing the boards, and what followed was absolutely terrifying, as those boards were flying around and guys were falling through the ring left and right, to the point I thought someone might get seriously hurt. HENARE hit a massive vertical suplex on Kidd to the boards, before he too was handcuffed. Akira then took a horrendous Tombstone on the boards, which left Ospreay alone with the War Dogs. Sacrificing himself to save Akira, he tried a Hidden Blade, but collapsed from exhaustion, resulting in him taking a spear into the boards by Connors, then Finlay wrapped his knee in barbed wire and hit Ospreay with his new Overkill finish to end this insanity and win for his team in 64:05 of crazy, mind-blowing action.
The Overkill finish was quite ironic given the amounts of sheer overkill in this thing, there were times when I thought/was begging it would be over, but they just kept going and doing crazier stuff. Anyone who knows me knows I love a good crazy, unhinged blood and gimmicks match, and this was one of the best there's ever been, overkill or not. In the post match, Ospreay bid farewell to New Japan, and he got the big emotional send off with the confetti and all the UE guys surrounding him. Ospreay asked that the fans not forget him, and backstage he promised he'd be back, but when was still a mystery. Losing Ospreay is a major blow to NJPW (not to mention they're also losing Okada!), but I've no doubt he'll do great things in AEW.
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hit-tab · 2 months
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Guess who's back! Yep, it's @insufficientchill's Conall and @ritens' Lane! I took a few too many screenshots, so brace yourself. <3
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Yeah, bud, that's the whole point of this party comp. I thought it'd be fun. Don't you worry about it! It'll be fiiine.
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I'm sure Conall and Lane only have the best of opinions after seeing me fail this levitation-jump five times in a row because I refused to waste a harpy snare beacon. I mean, it's a jump over the brine so I can try as many times as I want without consequence...except for the rapidly dwindling respect of my pawn's friends.
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Speaking of, check out this cool underwater shot I got while getting eaten by the brine. Neat, huh?
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Here's a shot of Conall being awesome. Fire suits him so well! Mage vocations have such a cool aesthetic, I swear.
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And here's Lane kidnapping a knacker(?) that knocked me down. It always tickles me when pawns do that.
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"Lane, was that your arrow?" "'Twas not me." "..."
Guys I know you're very excited to pal around but please look out for monsters.
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I think René misses being a warrior...
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I managed to get a cool shot of Lane, finally. Look at him! He's so ready to wreck face!
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My new favourite hobby...equipping a bow specifically so that I can kick rocky saurians. And maybe also other saurian-type monsters. I'm really not too picky.
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The whole team is working together! Look how cool everyone is! It's so rare to get them all in one shot that doesn't look like they're all doing their own, random thing.
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Conall helping me out after I got wasted by a goreminotaur...thanks, man. Sorry it wasn't the monster you were after. Where's Lane and René? Just over there? They're high-fiving and/or fist-bumping? Oh... ;-;
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I was trying to capture a bunch of little victory poses and Lane was having none of it haha.
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I don't think Conall knows how to deal with René's shenanigans, the poor guy. (Also check out Lane hiding in the tall grass like a wild pokemon pft.)
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Look at these two and their lining up perfectly and their matchy bows. I forget what they were aiming at...probably a bat.
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René, buddy, I'm not sure that's going to work. Max rank and he still isn't quite sure how to be an archer smh. Glitches are fun.
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Er...Conall? I'm not sure we needed this spell for one teeny little minotaur that had a sliver of its health left, but at least we completed your quest.
René is way too happy about the meteors.
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Camping: miserable and wet edition. The poor pawns sitting in the rain...
I had so much fun with Conall and Lane this past couple of sessions! We all got a little dinged up (no tank no real healer) but that might have also been because I went wandering around the volcano area and everyone kept stepping in lava rip. Nothing a little more resting couldn't solve. Sorry in advance if they complain about their burned feet when I send them back.
I actually did Lane's quest first, but sadly didn't get any pictures of us fighting the golem...s? I think we fought two of them. Yeah, one on the volcanic island and another in mainland Battahl, I'm pretty sure. Something about golems makes me forget to take pics I swear.
Anyway, this party comp is surprisingly viable. I only switched to my magick bow for things like spooky ghosts and dragonkin. Everything else was three bow one sorc baybee! SO much fun.
(I haven't sent them back yet! Will do soon.)
Bonus victory pose I have never seen:
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Behold. René's applauding. And because there's an enemy in the distance, he's applauding angrily!
I love it so much?? He just-- looks SO mad haha.
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laufire · 8 months
at their core, the reasons I find both "brothers in blood" and the titans' tower disappointing are very similar. of course, there are other issues I find with them; mainly dick's characterisation in the first one, or how obvious it is that the latter's writer didn't even bother to read SUMMARIES for jason's canon titans' team up because even details as simple as which characters he met and teamed up with are WRONG lmao (it's literally 11 issues. that's one afternoon. so fucking lazy...). ETA: OR read them but thought his shitty take was better asjdjkdjd. it was not, it was tired and lacking in any emotional resonance. btw.
but mostly it can be boiled down to how I think jason should've been more head-game-y with it lol, playing 5d chess with them in terms of obsessively planned shenanigans and toying with their emotions, like he does with bruce in utrh and with mia in his green arrow arc (and no, putting someone else's silly costume and taunting them does not count rme).
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thefourchimes · 2 months
Can you tell me more about the Four Chimes AU?
What paths did you originally have planned for Robin? I wanna see how close my own ideas are lol :D :D :D
And tell us more about the Chimes themselves please? Like what are they like? What kind of abilities do they have? I may need some ideas for a fight scene... hehe
so. four chimes au my beloved. the reason why my url name is the way it is, even when im an encanto centered blog AHSFUIAHSF but yeah, here we go then! also, finn mentioned you can send him asks too, he would love to answer you about this as well yeye
anywho, lore dump time! made with a tag team between me and finn
Can you tell me more about the Four Chimes AU?
the four chimes verse is essentially an amalgamation of my want—need—for badass max, max angst, elumax angst, just general party and co angst, apocalypse four shenanigans, several unexplored character interactions and dynamics, the four horsemen of the apocalypse concept, and everything else that comes with this plus things i wasnt able to mention its very self indulgent ngl
but yes, it's about the apocalypse four (max, patrick, fred, and chrissy) and how they get turned into the upside down four horsemen of the apocalypse aka the four chimes of catastrophe by vecna, and they become his way of furthering chaos and destruction in hawkins, while also using them to get rid of his thorns aka the party and co
nobody's having a fun time lol
i've already got a lot of it planned out, i just need to write it lmao asufhaishdf
its funny because this all started when finn sent an ask to his friend about how the four victims of vecna are paralleled to the four horsemen of the apocalypse
on top of me already thinking about this, i saw the ask and pretty much ran with it
also, here's a bonus just for you! the following are the arc names of the og four chimes au (and technically still the general arc names regardless of the sub aus, tho ofc with some differences here and there):
during catastrophe - the four chimes
during catastrophe - contact to familiarity
during catastrophe - jailbreak
during catastrophe - void dark
during catastrophe - escape the dark
during catastrophe - resonance
during catastrophe - the end
What paths did you originally have planned for Robin? I wanna see how close my own ideas are lol :D :D :D
so robin is very feral yes AHSIFUHASf
im pretty sure i explained it a bit before but robin got hit by an arrow that was meant for nancy in the ciquest au, and because of nancy, she's able to find the will to fight back against the infection instead of succumbing to it, making it her own
One and the chimes sees how she's evolving and don't like it, so lence's suggestion of getting nancy takes priority, and so it happens
nance becomes quest and now the battle is on
robin is obviously devastated and the gang is slightly in shambles because of how much nancy brings to the table, and now she's gone—no, worse, she's being used for the other side
so robin steps up to the plate in multiple ways, trying her best to fill the void nancy was forced to leave behind
the burden on her is so heavy considering she got a power she technically never expected to have nor wanted, but now it's on her to make the most use of it
she usually questions why it was her who was in this situation and literally not anybody else who she thinks could definitely do better
lots of questions and wondering for her
now, unlike with renegade, she doesn't lose herself technically, but she gets close, like a lot
though should i mention that there was a little kidnapping that happened? the person who was kidnapped in question being someone who is very important to robin and may have caused a some strain and conflict for her and the chimes?
yeah, the chimes kidnapped steve to lure robin to them so that they can take her down
it was conquest's idea :)
robin was very much not happy about that btw
lots of things happen and as said, robin was very much close to losing it so many times but she doesn't for a couple of reasons
renegade is a completely new take and direction of ciquest and just four chimes in general, and im so interested in seeing where it goes, so very interested <333
i feel like im not able to tell robin's full story here, both because we want to keep some things hidden and also because my brain is kinda not working rn AHSFUHASF mb on that one
but yeah, that's generally it, tho if you got more questions, feel free to send an ask to either me or finn, and if we remember something in particular, we'll make sure to mention it
And tell us more about the Chimes themselves please? Like what are they like? What kind of abilities do they have? I may need some ideas for a fight scene… hehe
here's the longest part because...lore dump yes
the chimes our beloveds <33
so the chimes. in our 68600 messages (as of the moment) of a four chimes dump, we've built up the characters and personalities of the chimes, and somewhere in this thread is the scattered information on them
now, i unfortunately dont have the time and patience to go through the thread to find all of the little information, but we'll do our best to give a good rundown of their characters
here you go with the characters and personalities first:
wields throwing knives
very loyal to One (meaning he gaslit her so much for that loyalty to come to be, a consequence of being his first chime)
wants to be the leader because she thinks (and is gaslit to think) that she deserves it (One really likes to cause discord between his chimes)
having no prior connection to the main gang—or thorns as they call the gang—besides eddie who is dead and a spectre here, so she's the one who has the least moments of "remembering their past life" before
is very brutal and ruthless and likely the one the gang got the most injuries from in a general sense
wields a large scythe
my secret blorb
most likely to actually defy One, and fun fact, he has an au called the runaway au where he, a chime in the middle of the battle between the upside down and right side up, got to run and escape from One before certain things happened, which then causes a chain reaction in this au ofc
he's a coward, and this plays a lot into his actions and interactions
technically had a connection with nancy in the gang, but with conquest here, it gets harder for him to connect, but robin actually steps up to the plate here
wields a sword
is the most balanced out of everyone when looking at his loyalty and his defiance to One, in the middle of the pack in that sense
his past life of abuse shows up a lot when it comes to One, so he tends to throw others under the bus to not get caught in the crossfire (not that he wants to do this, but he also doesnt want to gain One's ire)
just generally very chill, the most chill out of every one here
is the medic of the team because of how he's the personification of war
has a connection with lucas in the gang, so that's something that gets him to "remember" some stuff in a way
wields bow and arrows
finn and mine's blorb
leader in og, former leader in ciquest/conquest
if you can only see the rambles we have on her…it will take days to get through
will take the bullet for the other chimes when it comes to One's ire
vec has a tighter hold on her because she's max
literally connected with everyone, will have a lot of moments where she feels familiarity (and will subsequently get punished for it later)
second most gaslit by One in a way, which is big oof
wields a sawed-off shotgun
the leader in ciquest/conquest aus
very protective of all the chimes and especially lence
vec also has tighter hold on her because she's nancy
last one to fall, was suggested by lence to be taken
more aware of things than the other chimes, but still completely controlled by One
same case as lence, but even more so considering she's been there since the start of it all (does her best to take most of lence's punishments as her own when One goes after them)
gets very hyperfocused with robin (vaguely aware the thorn makes her weak in some sense but quest doesn't care), but is frustrated she cant hurt her too much because lence will get hurt too (and maybe another reason deep down, but she doesnt acknowledge it)
all of them
they're all dog coded
One can summon them/call them whenever and its shown through the shivering cold in their necks, like what happens with will
One wants them to be just the way he wants them, meaning the way they died and got transformed into chimes must be how they are no matter what (this includes clothes, hair, weapons, and everything in general)
the only new addition he accepts them to have are new scars :')
the chimes have such a complicated relationship, but at the end of the day, post-vec, they love each other
note for them individually: there's a lot more that i want to add but my brain is blanking a little and i am probably forgetting some things, but here are some of the important things to note (remember this is incomplete to everything we wanna add ASFHUIASFh)
some relationship notes (by pairs, groups are another story)
min clashes with death when it comes to lence, but otherwise are fine with each other, neutral in general but are connected as the first two chimes of One
min and war are not quite friends, more distant than friends but closer than allies… (very interesting when you note how they were in their Before)
has a very one-sided antagonistic rivalry with lence, especially when it comes to the leadership position (this changes a bit when quest is in play as she's the leader, but there's still the rivalry with lence despite not being leader in ciquest/conquest), will be very callous in a way with her, but they actually work well together, especially as the similar twin concepts of famine and pestilence
quest is able to take min's bitterness mostly in a stride and keeps her in check from being too antagonistic when it comes to leadership roles and just generally (helps because quest understands them in a way, though she doesnt understand why she does)
death and war are more or less chill with each other, most cordial relationship out of every single chime relationship and the least tension filled, just vibing so real (though war knows death is a coward and death knows that war knows it)
death and lence are surprisingly close, only second to quest for lence (and death too technically, which is inspired by their Before), this relationship is due to the fact that in canon, max got to see and technically interact with chrissy, patrick, and nancy, but never with fred, so we saw it and ran with it and now they're close here
death and quest are more or less okay with each other, and their Before helped them understand each other better, unlike the other chimes' Before affecting their relationships in another way
war and lence are complicated, since war throws lence under the bus the most (especially in og) to avoid One's ire, and lence understands why, because of her own Before (and it doesnt help that she takes bullets for the other chimes), but they're both fine more or less
war and quest are similar to min and lence with the similar concepts, war and conquest, fire and lava, war follows quest to the T (just like he does with lence in og but more so here with quest), and they work well together because of their similar concepts
lence and quest are the closest out of everyone, helped by their Before and their instincts with each other, confides with each other a lot and are just helping each other no matter what, tho ofc this comes with the consequence of One seeing this "weakness" of theirs and using this bond between them to punish them when he sees fit
although here's a note about this too: finn said "honestly tho their relationships r So complicated its hard to capture in a few sentences", and i agree, what you just read is just some general thoughts on their relationships, but god is there so much more to them all, and if we want to really show you the relationships in full, we would have to ramble it all out ASHUFIUASHF but yeah
here you go with their abilities:
knife throwing, very fast and precise
the fastest of the chimes
can cripple the energy and power of a person
takes down the food supply and wilts crops
can take the energy and vitality of a being and/or object
scythe proficiency
is the slowest of the chimes
everything related to death
teleportation through the shadows
summon bone beings
forming shadow tendrils kinda
exudes the ambiance of the end of life, striking a deep sense of fear
flame sword, very proficient with swords
second fastest of the chimes
use the molotovs and flamethrowers against the gang because fire for real
hot skin, literally
can cause a sense of crisis and rage in those near
causes sickness (through arrows) and disorientation of people (through aura exuded)
poison arrows
has a balisong (one she had as max—this is an hc we have) and uses it as an extra weapon
second slowest of the chimes
infect people to insanity or to do her bidding
also wilts flowers and plants in general
aura vision (she's blind because of her interrupted transformation due to el but she can see the sort of "auras" of beings, especially the upside down ones)
gun proficient (obviously)
very precise shots
her gun can either fire in a scattered way like a shotgun or only one bullet at a time, it depends on quest herself
lava (we were thinking mix of fire and earth for conquest, hence lava)
also hot skin, literally
in the middle of the fast and slow spectrum
can summon different types of guns, smaller guns takes less energy for her actually, but One doesn't like that so she doesn't do it much, if at all
sort of intangibility (only works when they're full on chime mindset, if their anchor selves start waking up and breaching the surface, they become vulnerable and the intangibility doesnt work)
connected to One's power
summoning their weapons
connected to their hounds (their horses)
faster healing
technically immortality (as long as One is around)
and bonus!
connected to lence, draws power from her
trying to infect her even more causes robin to grow stronger and lence to grow weaker (this is important to note heheheh)
means she's a bit more feral though (she gets close to losing herself but doesnt fully)
becomes more durable and stronger and the best at dealing with the chimes in the long run
also faster healing
another note: i am very sure i forgot some things so yeah, assume this list is incomplete AHSFIUHASF but thats what we can remember off the top of our heads
anywho, yeah! that's pretty much a lore dump and a half, except i also know its not complete and there's still so much more we want to say but are unable to mention it for several reasons
but maybe those are asks for another day (wink wink, go check out @lumaxramblings' askbox too yesyes)
thank you for the ask! and i hope this helped with the renegade au yesyes <33
see ya around
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