#the kids just stand silently behind him and now and then make a sarcastic comment
its Bring Your Kid To Work Day in the dc universe and Batman walks into the watchtower meeting room with a dozen brightly dressed birds behind him
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sithbvcky · 1 month
Inspired by the film "The Man From U.N.C.L.E", after learning of your estranged father's nefarious ties to an underground organization, you find yourself caught in the middle of two enemy spies and a whole lot of trouble. Bucky x Female!Reader. Warnings: Language, typical spy violence Word Count: 1,148
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“Are you kidding me?” Sam protested. “I have to team up with bionic staring machine?” He pointed at Bucky who had his arms crossed over his chest and a sour look on his face. 
“It’s just for the mission, Sam. We need his help.” Tony explained. “He’s knows his role already, but we need you to get the girl out of East Berlin first.”  
“Should I tell her about the arranged marriage or save that for later?” Sam said sarcastically, earning a glare from Bucky. 
“It’s bad enough I gotta be partnered with the man who tried to kill me, but now I gotta set her up with you.” Sam continued. Bucky clutched his fists together, his mechanical arm whirring. 
“Enough! There’s more important shit here than who gets the girl, damnit!” Tony shouted. Bucky relaxed and Sam sighed. Tony continued, 
“Sam, you focus on the Russo’s themselves. Mrs. Victoria Russo is the one to watch out for, she’s the brains behind the whole operation. Theres your girl.” Tony said snidely. 
“If all goes well we stop an underground nazi organization from selling their warheads to our enemies. Got it?” Tony finished. Bucky and Sam looked at each other begrudgingly. This mission would definitely be bumpy but they’d both be damned if they didn’t make it work. Even if they couldn’t stand each other. 
“Got it, boss.” Sam confirmed. Bucky nodded silently.
“Good, let the charade begin.” Tony clapped his hands then left the room, leaving the other two men standing in silence. 
“You better not screw this up, man.” Sam taunted. 
“Just stay out of my way then.” Bucky retorted. 
“I don’t want to be covering your ass if you lose your cool.” Sam shot back. 
“You worry about you, you forget how long I’ve been in this business.” Bucky snapped. 
“I didn’t forget what you did for most of your life, not just espionage. You sure you can keep that caged?” Sam knew he was getting under Bucky’s skin. He could tell by the way Bucky’s fingers on his flesh hand began to tap against his leg. 
“I can handle myself.” Bucky moved forward, slamming his shoulder into Sam’s as he made his way out of the room. 
East Berlin
Sam approached the mechanic shop, straightening his suit as he stepped inside. 
“I’m looking for Y/N Y/L/N.” He said to the first man he spotted. The man gestured with his thumb to the back where a pair of legs were sticking out from underneath a car. 
“That’s a beautiful machine.” He commented, standing above them. You pushed yourself out from under the car and glared up at Sam. 
“Can I assist you?” You asked, your face was smudged with black. Grease and oil from the car. 
“You can, you are Miss Y/L/N, right?” Sam asked, moving to place the briefcase he carried with him on the desk beside the car. You rolled yourself back underneath the car, 
“Depends on who’s asking.” You retorted, returning to tinkering with the machine. 
“Do you know where your father is?” Sam continued, taking a seat in the empty chair. You rolled yourself back out from under the car and sat up, wiping your hands with an already dirty towel. 
“No, I haven’t spoken to him for many years. Why?” You asked, standing up to your feet now. 
“There is reason to believe that your father is in league with a very dangerous group of people and we need to get to him, fast.” Sam stated, intertwining his fingers and leaning back in the chair. 
“And why would I want to help, let alone know where he is. I already told you we haven’t spoken in many years.” You responded sharply. 
“Well, you can either come with me or let them pay you a visit next. I assure you it will not be as friendly.” Sam started as he stood up from the chair. He walked over to the entrance of the garage to peek outside, noticing the shadow of someone watching. 
“May I borrow your car?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“We need to get out of East Berlin, and I don’t have a car so, may I borrow yours?” He was urgent yet still polite. He was still peering outside of the garage, as if expecting someone. Realizing you didn’t have much choice, you pulled the keys from the pocket of your overalls. 
“Marvelous! You drive.” 
After a rather perilous chase through the streets of East Berlin by who you assumed were the evil people your father dealt with, you arrived back at a small hotel on the other side of the wall. Far from the little shop you had spent a good amount of time in. Sam had prepared a small meal for you then disappeared into the other room where you assumed whomever was giving the orders was waiting. Being chased by some evil nazi group was enough to ruin your appetite. Instead, you decided to rest on the little cot in the corner
The next day, you found yourself trying on dresses, hats and handbags. All in the name of espionage. 
“These are more expensive than my car!” You remarked, twirling around in the latest statement dresses of the year. The door to the shop opened and a strong but stern looking man walked in. His hands were in his pockets, his eyes looked at you coldly. 
“That is not how an architect would dress his fiancée.” His tone was just as cold as his stare. 
“Fiancée?!” You exclaimed, looking from Sam to the strange man who just entered. Sam shrugged. 
“No. No! This is not happening.” You tossed the earrings and rings onto the floor and stormed out of the building with Sam on your heels. He grabbed you by the arm to stop you, 
“Listen, I know it is not ideal but it is just for the mission. I promise, he is going to protect you while I infiltrate the Russo’s.” Sam explained. 
“Who are you supposed to be?” You asked, as Sam let go of your arm.
“I am Arthur Hammond, specialist of fine art. The Russo’s happen to have an extensive exhibit.” He smiled and you sighed. 
Reluctantly, you walked back into the store and stormed straight past the man and into the dressing room. 
“Good job, pal.” Sam remarked. 
“You were dressing her like she still lives behind the wall.” Bucky retorted. 
“She’s from behind the wall.” Sam shot back. 
“Not anymore she isn’t, so she will no longer dress that way.” Bucky replied, the pair were starting to get more intense when you reappeared from the dressing room in a beautiful new dress. 
“Have you seen the price of this handbag? It costs more than anything I’ve ever owned.”
Bucky looked back at Sam with a smirk. This was indeed going to be a rough ride. 
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blue-jisungs · 2 years
heyy 💝 just do you know, you're doing amazing with the time stamps ✨
can you write a stray kids reaction to meeting their s/o's protective little brother that pretends not to know stray kids? very specific, yep :D
they meet your protective sibling ♡
a/n. thank you sm :D also i mixed it up a bit, hope you don’t mind!! i wish my younger brother was like this smh 🙄
warnings. cursing lol!! and mention of cutting off various parts of body…
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┆彡 BANG CHAN [ 방찬 ]
i feel like chan, being the social butterfly he is, would have no problem getting into you brother’s heart
but, your brother being the rascal he is, would hide it >:T
"this is chan, a singer as you know…" you introduced him, grinning
"no i don’t know" you brother said, causing you to frown. because you have been talking about stray kids ever since you started listening to them and…
"that’s okay. not everyone listens to k-pop. or knows us" chan shrugged it off with a grin. later on the name popped out in the convo and your b/n just giggled
"stray kids? what a dumb name" he sighed and you shot him a dangerous glare. and chan took a mental note that you being pissed off is not the… greatest thing to experience
throughout the convo your brother was just butting in to add some sarcastic comments about chan or stray kids… or you.
but you could see that chan impressed him!! but b/n was just busy being the "protective brother" to admit it
but don’t worry, chan noticed that too. but he thought it was cute that your younger brother cares so much about you
┆彡 CHANGBIN [ 창빈 ]
honestly the moment changbin saw your older brother with crossed arms and glaring death stare standing behind you he almost shat himself 😭😭
like "why is he staring at me like that??" "why y/n’s brother seems so buff??" "can i run away??"
"and who’s this little fella?" your brother smirked "now this is a stray kid"
you smacked his arm, grabbing changbin’s hand and dragged him away
he did not leave your side for the whole event
and your brother wouldn’t stop staring 😭😭
changbin tried to flex his muscles every chance he got just to make your brother stunned a bit.
and it worked, just a bit.
but until the future meetings, changbin started figuring out how to curry into your brother’s favor
┆彡 LEE KNOW [ 리노 ]
oh my god it would be an never ending staring contest
like you’d have to nudge lee know and your brother because the food was there
"you know, lino is a dancer. how cool is that?" you hummed, looking at b/n
"i don’t care" he mumbled in response
"and he has three cats" you added. your little brother shrugged, the food apparently being more interesting then your boyfriend
when your mom took lee know to show him the garden, you went there with your younger brother as well yet stayed behind
"why are you acting like this?" you sighed, looking at your boyfriend
"it’s just… i want you to myself. i don’t want him to take you away from me…" your little brother said and you couldn’t help but to hug him
in the meantime, your mom said the same thing to lee know explaining how much your younger brother loves you
so the rest of the day was a bit awkward but during the next meetings with your family, b/n started opening up more to lino
and your boyfriend wasn’t even mad. he found it rather cute <33
┆彡 HYUNJIN [ 현진 ]
hyunjin was a bit puzzled because, well, your mom liked him mostly because of his looks (i’m sorry but that’s true) and your dad because jinnie is a huge gentleman
picking you up, giving flowers to you and your mom, always saying hello, etc etc
so once your dad asked him to pick up your brother from school, he didn’t have the heart to turn it down plus hey, he’ll finally meet him
the ride home was silent. dead silent.
once they arrived home and no one was there yet, b/n stared at hyunjin
poor boy.
so he tried to start a conversation but your brother was not giving up on making this evening the worst in hyunjin’s life
"y/n is awful, how can someone even date her?"
now, you see, it was a test.
LMAO you know that one tiktok trend when someone says something and whilst waiting for the answer the person who said it goes 🤨🤨🤨 bc that was trick a question. yeah.
"she’s not awful. i think you think of her like that because you’re siblings but to me she’s the most amazing and stunning person i’ve ever met. and i mean it not only physically. she actually told me a lot of great thing about you…"
hyunjin passed the test and your brother may take into consideration liking him 🙄
and it was the first and last time of him picking up your brother from school.
┆彡 HAN [ 한 ]
han met your parents before but he didn’t have a chance to meet your younger sister
so when the time came, he did a research (i mean, asked you) and bought a present for her
whether your sister likes pokémon cards, a video game that just came out or the newest album of her favourite band – he got it
after saying hello and giving it to her, she just looked up and down at him with suspicious frown on her face
for the whole dinner she was teasing him or ignoring his questions (which made you kick her under the table and han pretended he didn’t see the whole table shake from the impact…)
your mom said that there’s gonna be a dessert in a while and your sister sent han a death glare and disappeared in her room
han, on the other hand, dragged you somewhere far away from everyone (little did he know that your sister was standing nearby and heard everything)
"did i do something wrong? did i say something i shouldn’t have? why doesn’t she like me?" with :( look on his face. he was really anxious that he did something wrong </3
your sister felt bad, so during the dessert she explained that she just wanted to… yknow, throw a dangerous facade so he knows how she’ll act if he ever hurts you.
clang. another kick under the table aimed at her leg, causing the table to shake.
but han just grinned and repeatedly said that he will never ever hurt you
after all it turned out that they get along pretty well and you could see how relieved and happy han was :D
┆彡 FELIX [ 필릭스 ]
your sister tried to look dangerous and act protective
but the moment felix walked into the room… i mean come on, he’s literally a walking sunshine
trying to look defensive, she held a staring contest with him
one smile and she was defeated.
they started getting along, gossiping about you and everything 🙄🙄
but the moment your sister dragged him to her room to film a tiktok
"i doubt you’d even hurt a fly… but just try hurting my sister, mister" s/n said, threatening him with her finger and - she thought - dangerous glare (`ヘ´)ノ !!!
"don’t worry. i’d chop my own leg off if i ever hurt her, even on accident" felix announced with a grin and then they proceeded to film the tiktoks like nothing happened
┆彡 SEUNGMIN [ 승민 ]
your brother looked up and down at seungmin, shaking his head
i’m sorry but the most of the dinner was silent.
you tried to loosen up the atmosphere and tell some jokes or funny stories about skz but…
"what’s stray kids?" your brother asked, waiting for seungmin’s reaction
and your boyfriend just snorted.
now, your brother took it as a good sign
and seungmin explained everything, breaking the ice step by step
and actually your broether was quite interested in that!! started asking questions about the mv filming process and everything
but seungmin couldn’t help but still feel a bit… threatened
and well, he was right about the feeling because before you left and you quickly went to the bathroom, your brother took him the the side 0_o
"listen, you’re a nice guy. but break her heart and i’ll break your nose. understood?" your brother looked your boyfriend dead in the eye but seungmin just smiled
because your dangerous-looking brother just said he’s a nice guy!! :D
┆彡 I.N [ 아이엔 ]
i.n would be very awkward at first (due to your brother not answering him 😭😭)
"hello!" … "i’m jeongin, y/n’s boyfriend" … "nice to meet you!" …
you nudged your brother to say something and he just murmured his name in response
while you went to help your mom in the kitchen, i.n started looking around the living room out of curiosity
and your brother watched him carefully
"what’s your business with my sister?" b/n asked suddenly
"nothing. i mean, not nothing. i’m dating her. and i really love her. i’m hoping for marrying y/n one day but we’re too young right now… woah, you have mario kart?!"
while your brother was still recovering from the marriage part, i.n focused on b/n’s game collection
"we can play if you want but don’t think that i’ll go easy on you because you’re famous or something" your brother said, rolling his eyes
and i.n didn’t even care that b/n didn’t know (or acted like) stray kids – he just wanted to have a good relationship with him
and well,,, play mario kart >.<
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist: @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @lhsng ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny
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shawtybabe · 2 years
Pinball Wizard: People (Vance Hopper x Fem! Reader Chap. 3)
Hey guys, sorry this is a bit late, I just got on school holidays, and I just got back from a date with this guy I really like. (He has moved schools, so we have been trying to find a good time to hang out together for ages now, so this was really exciting.)
@Ianadelraystan (requested a tag, thanks so much love, it's really exciting to know people are actually looking forward to my upcoming chapters <3)
Edit: Not proof read, I was too lazy.
Vance slung his bag down on the floor next to him, propped his feet up on the desk and rested his hands behind his head.
I felt Casey nudge me gently, I turned my head towards the girl, and her eyes twinkled with mischief. I could hear the teacher groan and turn around to lecture the boy. Vance seemed to know what was coming but didn't pay any mind to the teacher, just glanced out the window across the room. 
"Mr Hopper, would you care to remove your feet from the desk, please?" The teacher stated, already looking fed up. Vance scoffed and raised his hand to the air, flipping the teacher off.
I almost let out a snort at such a bold and unexpected action, Casey was trying to hold in her laugher too but ended up making eye contact with me, which caused her to let out a loud laugh. The whole class turned to look at us, I couldn't help but laugh with her, we had now drawn the classes whole attention.
"Shut up." I elbowed her in the ribs as she covered her mouth with her hands, trying hard to cease her fit. I held my head down, laughing silently. The teacher coughed obnoxiously at the both of us. "Excuse me girls, care to explain what's so funny?"
I had to take deep breaths in order to keep myself from spiraling back into second laughing fit. "Um, well a lot of things, clowns, jokes, the sound of your voice." I listed sarcastically with an innocent look in my eye. Casey whacked my arm as she let out a loud cackle.
The teacher didn't say anything, just shook his head and turned back to the board. I felt a gaze on me and shifted my eyes to the blond boy sitting in front of me, just as he recognized that I caught him staring he furrowed his brows and swiftly looked away.
I smirked and shifted in my seat, waiting for Casey to come back down from her high.
The class continued with us laughing obnoxiously and Vance jabbing the occasional insult or mean comment at the teacher. I can safely say that my first class is probably going to be my favorite.
I was swapping my books from my locker when I heard the sound of yelling. I turned around to see Vance grip some poor kids collar and lift him into the air, I rushed over to Macey who was already at the scene.
"What's going on?" I asked, placing a hand on her shoulder to help peer over the rest of the crowd. "Some kid got pushed into pinball Vance Hopper, and now he's guuna pay." She explained, slightly tilting her head towards me.
"So now he's gunna bash the kid into a pulp?" I asked, my eyebrow raised at the immature scene in front of me. Macey nodded, she was acting as if this was normal, and it something didn't sit right with me about it.
I looked both ways down the hall for a teacher but there wasn't any sign of one. "How come no one is standing up for the kid?" I asked, my stomach churning as I watched the scene before me. "Because whoever picks a fight with Vance Hopper usually ends up in hospital." She said unfazed.
It was hard to watch some innocent kid having his head smashing into a wall and I really wanted to do something, but I also don't want to go to hospital and make a fool out of myself.
I sighed, contemplating my decisions, it made my chest hurt to imagine how the boy must be feeling, hearing his cries for mercy didn't help.
"Come visit me in hospital or possibly my death bed." I muttered quickly before pushing passed the rest of the crowd. I heard Macey call out to me and try and grab onto me, but I was already too far gone.
I stormed towards the two, clenching my fists as adrenaline pumped through my veins. "Hey!" I shouted aggressively; Vance stopped beating the kid momentarily as he glanced at me. I reached for Vance's shoulder, shoving him off the boy harshly. Vance stumbled and almost fell to the floor, his fists were clenched and covered with blood.
Before he could do anything, I ducked down to kneel on the floor, wedging my hands under the back of the boy's head and lifting him into a sitting position. The boy had tears pouring out of his eyes, but it was kind of hard to notice because it was mixed in with the blood.
"Tilt your head back for me." I said softly, the boy nervously glanced back to Vance who was staring at the both of us with steam coming out of his ears. "Don't worry about him, tilt your head back for me." I instructed gently. The boy did as I asked, I needed to stop the blood from pouring out of his nose.
I used my sleeve to try and dab the blood from under his nostrils, but it was pretty much useless. There was too much blood to get this kid fully cleaned up.
"Can you stand up?" I asked, he might have a concussion from the way his head was hitting the wall. He shrugged, his whimpers and cries made my stomach squirm. I held one of his hands as I helped him up.
A few other kids who must have been his friends came rushing over to me and slung their friends' arms over their shoulders as the helped him hobble to the nurse's office. Once they had him secure, I turned back to Vance who was breathing like a rabid dog with rage.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I spat bitterly as I slowly walked towards the boy. He has no right to treat others like that over such a small accident. He growled as he marched over to me, getting in my face. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" His teeth were clenched so hard it had to be hurting his jaw.
"I'm someone with a little humanity. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but you decided to bash that kid into a pulp for bumping into you, correct?" I asked, jabbing my pointer finger into his chest. He slapped my hand away, huffing and puffing wildly. He stayed silent for a moment, his eyes never leaving mine, glaring hard into my soul.
"You're lucky I don't hit girls." He knew he had nothing to excuse his behavior, so his only tactic was to change the subject. I scoffed, "Why, are you scared that they're better fighters than you? Or that they're too weak to fight back?" I tilted my head, getting closer to his face as I narrowed my eyes at him.
Once again, he stayed silent, finally, after a moment, he turned around and slammed his fist into the wall as hard as he could, grunting loudly as he did so. He spun back around to face me, ramming his shoulder into mine as he left, everyone who surrounded us parting to make room for him to leave.
I crossed my arms and shook my head as I watched him leave.
Everyone was silent after that, staring at me. I quickly got uncomfortable and yelled at them all to leave. "What is everyone looking at? Go away!" I flung my arms in the air and everyone quickly moved on.
The next few days I got even more attention from bystanders, people whispered as I walked by. Some people even avoided eye contact or kept their head low as they walked past me in the halls.
I kind of regret picking a fight with Vance, only because everyone looks at me as if they're scared or they're pointing me out to some of their friends.
The only reason I don't fully regret it, was because the sound of the boys screams and cries for mercy made my chest tighten and my stomach churn. I can't even begin to understand how Vance could do something like that to someone and then when I tell him to stop, go storming off like a toddler and act as if he wasn't in the wrong.
I guess I'll never understand, I've made a few friends in the last few days, so I've asked them and a few other about the boy. They all say the same thing, they tell me that he is bad news, or that he has always been the way he is.
He has always picked fights and had a bad temper. It makes me wonder how badly he must be hurting to constantly be angry enough to break people's bones. Maybe he's been doing it for so long, that it's just routine or the natural thing to do for him.
I was shaken from my thoughts when the bell rang for the end of school. I eagerly stuffed my books and pencil case in my bag and pretty much bee-lined straight for my locker. I had to duck and weave through people charging through the halls, it wasn't that hard, I've gotten pretty good at it.
I closed my locker with a slam, wanting nothing more than to be in my pajamas at home, binging some cheesy romance films we have on tape. Or I could watch some lame horror movie, they're always fun to laugh at and criticize. Either way I know I want to be home, in pajamas and watching something while eating popcorn.
Just as I was walking away, I heard a familiar group of people call my name. I whipped around, a tired smile on my face as I looked between the girls who were all marching towards me.
"Hey, we were wondering if you were free to have a sleepover this afternoon, considering it's Friday and all." Brianna asked. I thought for a moment, maybe binging a whole bunch of movies with other people could be fun, I just have to ask my mom.
"Yeah sure, we could have it at my house if you guys haven't picked a house already, I just have to ask my mom." The girls all smiled and nodded, looking between each other excitedly. "Sure, just give me a call and I'll pass the message along." Macey said with a toothy grin. I nodded, Macey and I had exchanged phone numbers with each other in English. Bidding my goodbye's, I sighed and sluggishly walking out of the school grounds.
I kicked a pebble as I was walking along the fence of the school when a loud engine noise came from behind me. I turned my head to see a blue ford mustang screeching down the road, heading straight passed me. I made sure to get a peek at the owner to find Vance, glaring daggers through my skull and a scowl on his face as he drove passed.
I scoffed and shook my head, not understanding the point of all that commotion in the slightest.
I continued home, humming a tune to a song as I walked. After what felt like an eternity of walking home in the hot Denver sun, I finally reached my room. Pulling out a pair of pink silk pajamas, I turned my record player on, finding the black disk with the right sort of tunes.
I stuffed my feet into my slippers and jumped my way downstairs, feeling a lot better now that I'm back home and in the air con. I turned on the stove and rummaged around for a popcorn packet.
When the popping had ceased, I took the pot off the heat, stirring around the little bits stuck at the bottom. I had just gone upstairs to bring my blanket downstairs when I heard the front door open, my mom calling out through the house.
"Hello my darling!" She hollered. "Hi mom." I called back, snatching my blanket off my bed and hauling it downstairs. "Oh, what movies do you plan on binging now?" She scoffed, I rolled my eyes and continued my way to the couch.
"It's a tie between cheesy romance or lame horror series." I explained, neatly piling my blanket next to some pillows.
"Ooo, that's a tough choice." She admitted, I nodded franticly. "I was thinking about it the whole way home, I just couldn't make up my mind." My mom tapper her chin thoughtfully. "I think some good horror would be nice, it's always fun to have a good scare."
I pulled a cautious face. "Maybe... Oh! I could binge a whole bunch of horror movies with friends, they wanted to come over anyway." My mother smiled. "Sure, do you have their phone numbers?" I nodded. "Good, give them a call and they can come over."
I grinned and threw myself into my mothers' arms. "Thank you." I beamed. My mother kissed my head just before I rushed upstairs to the phone in my room.
I dialed Macey’s number; she picked up within the first three rings which I wasn’t expecting. “Hello Macey speaking.” Her voice was flat, as if she was expecting someone like her parents or siblings.
“Hey girl, my mom said it’s fine for you guys to come over.” I explained, wrapping the cord around my fingers. “Oh hey, okay great. I’ll give the message to Brianna, and she’ll give it to someone else and it’ll go on like that.” Macey explained. “Oh okay, you guys can come over at around six, I should have everything set up for a movie marathon, it’s going to be great.” I said, trying not to sound as giddy as I was.
“Oh my gosh, that will be so much fun!” She squealed. “What movies are we watching?” “I was thinking some horror movies, and after that if everyone’s up to it, we can stay up and talk about random shit.” I bit my lip to stop myself from jumping up and down on the spot, I was just a little too excited for this.
“That is a must! And horror movies sound good to me, what’s your address?” I gave the girl my address and reminded her of the time everyone should get here. She said she would pass the message on, and I thanked her before we both hung up.
I had gathered around six blankets as well as two pillows for each of us. Hopefully that should make everyone comfortable, if not well then, they aren’t human because my couch looks like my dream land right now.
I stood back for a moment, trying to think of anything else we might need. I almost face palmed when the idea came to me, snacks. We need snacks, it was around three forty, so I still have heaps of time before the grab and go closes at six. I raced upstairs to get changed, pulling on some very short denim shorts and a tight tank top with a pair of white flats, I looked myself over in the mirror, I looked plain and kind of skimpy, but I wasn’t dressing to impress anyone, so I decided it would be fine.
“Mom, I’m heading to the grab and go for snacks, I’ll be back soon!” I called, peaking my head out from my room and towards my mom’s room. I heard my mom call out in approval, so I snatched some money from my purse and began my journey to the grab and go.
The walk was nice, much better now that I wasn’t in my jeans and converse. The breeze made the hairs on my arm prickle and goosebumps erupt over the exposed skin, the good thing about Denver, is that it has a cool, crisp breeze, even in the hottest time of the year.
Just like all the previous times I’ve walked to the grab and go, I was pretty much on auto piolet and daydreamed the whole time I’ve been. The store wasn’t as busy as I expected it to be for a Friday afternoon, maybe people come at specific times, either way it just means I have less people to worry about.
I entered the store and headed straight for the cady section, picking out a whole lot of MnM’s, around fifteen packets of pop rocks, some jellybeans, some ring pops, and a few others. I decided it would be best to get some soda too, we have some at home, but I figured a variety of cans would be better.
I walked out towards the big fridges of soda and almost immediately regretted it, just as I turned the corner I noticed Vance at his usual spot in the store, at the pinball machine. His eyes trailed me as I opened the big glass doors, I tried hard to pretend not to notice but my eyes eventually flickered to meet his, I sheepishly looked away.
I am sure he hates my guts now which is something I don’t want, I know he can easily fuck me up beyond repair, so maybe making friends with him or at least some middle ground will help to not have my teeth knocked in. I know he said he didn’t hit girls, but I know many boys who have said that but a few days later beat me senseless.
I sighed and picked out a few drinks, stuffing them into the bag I had brought with me. I sighed and picked out a few drinks, stuffing them into the bag I had brought with me. I gave a small smile as he looked towards me again, I slowly made my way over to him, leaning gently against the pinball machine.
“Hey.” I started, not meeting his eyes, instead focusing on the flashing lights in front of me as I looked down at the see-through plastic. “What?” He snapped, sliding a sliver coin into the slot. “I just wanted to say that I didn’t mean to make enemies the other day, I just wanted you to know that I only did what I did bec-“ I was cut off by his harsh voice. “Because you want to be a hero? You want to help the people that can’t help themselves? Is that it?” He spat; teeth clenched.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Okay, if anyone knows anything about being beaten senseless for no damn good reason its me. So when you see someone being treated just the same as you were, it hurts, and you remember the pain of people watching but no one doing anything, it hurts more than any bruise or broken bone that I’ve had. The fact that people can see what’s going on and can stop it but don’t, leaves you falling in a deep pit of despair, knowing that you aren’t worth saving or standing up for. I’m not some wanna be hero, I’m sympathetic.” I explained firmly.
He went quiet for a moment and just looked at the pinball track in front of him. “I don’t want to make enemies, if you don’t want to be friends, that’s fine, but I don’t want to start some stupid war. And don’t expect me not to stand up for some other kid I catch you beating up, also, don’t pull that ‘I don’t hit girls shit,’ because the last time someone told me that, I ended up with a black eye and a scare across my rib cage.” I smirked, giving a gentle punch to his shoulder.
He lightly licked his lips and shook his head just hard enough to make his curly hair bounce on his shoulders. “Come on, I need some form of confirmation to know that I’m not next on your hit-list.” I said gently, not watching to push him to much in case he blows up or something.
“Fine, if you give me some money for pinball.” I threw his hands up and finally turned to look at me. I smirked. “Easy, give me one second, I’ll just go pay for my stuff, and I’ll give you the change.” He nodded at me hurriedly, wanting almost nothing more than to get back to him precious game. 
I walked over to the cashier, pulling my bag onto the counter and unzipping it, pulling out all my items before showing my empty bag in case she thought I was stealing. She gave me around four dollars fifty in change, so I asked to get it in coins.
She gave me a strange look but agreed to my request, counting up the amount in little piles of silver coins. I thanked her, swiftly stuffing the goods into my bag once again and scooping the coins into my hands.
I walked back over to Vance who was tapping his foot impatiently, it made me chuckle. “My god, calm down. You’ll be able to return to your precious game in a minute!” I exclaimed, piling the cash onto the machine, scooping up the remaining coins that almost slipped off.
“Here, that’s four dollars fifty in coins. Is that enough?” I asked, stepping back and going quirt for a moment. He slapped his palms against the side of his legs and letting out a breath. “Yeah, that’s plenty.” He said vaguely. “Sorry, I figured the money would be better in coins because you can actually use them on the machine.” I pointed briefly to the slot.
He hummed, swiftly turning to me ever so slightly before turning back to the stack in front of us. “Thanks, that was smart.” He mumbled the last part so quickly I almost didn’t understand what he was saying. I turned to him and smiled. “So, this is our peace offering, I give you money and you don’t kill me when I see you killing some kid?” I smirked, he rolled his eyes, the tiniest smile on his pretty plump lips.
“Sure.” He shook his head again started scooping the money into the pockets of his denim jacket. I inhaled sharply. “Okay, well I better go, I have a sleepover to prepare. I’ll see you in science, or at the pinball machine again.”
He scoffed and bit the inside of his cheek briefly. “Yeah sure, whatever.” He cracked his neck and slotted another coin into its place in the machine.
I smiled, walking off in the direction of the exit and feeling satisfied at my achievements. 
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nephilimarecool · 1 year
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This is my first fic on tumbler even though I have many on Wattpad as Friendly-Flame so if I make a mistake feel free to tell me or comment in general but please don't hound me about it. Your welcome to request fics as soon as I'm able to figure out how lol. I will do most things but I refuse to do smut, I also reserve the right to turn down a request if I'm uncomfortable and will explain why I refused. At the moment I'm only really writing SPN and YJ but once I'm more used to it I'll do DC, Marvel & SPN. This is the first of a series of fan fics featuring the Winchesters in YJ.
Chapter 1: I Hate Witches
"They're an extremely old family of witches, all the way back to the Salem Witch trials." Sam was reading the collected info off his laptop; we are hunting a family of very old and powerful witches the Mayfairs.
Next to speak was Dean, Castiel listening silently from across the table, Jack by his side. "So we take the guns, fill them with witch killing bullets and go in fast and hard. Charlie and Jack will stay outside and watch the doors. -" I'm pissed, I've gone through nearly as much as he has, Dean has no right to keep me out of this hunt.
"NO." It comes out louder than I intended but I am so mad. Dean tries to reason with me but I only see red.
"Not gonna happen kid. We need you to look after Jack, he's still new to this." I glare at Dean resulting in the older Winchester flinching slightly. I smile to myself.
"Jack’s a Nephilim, he's more equipped for this than we are!" I snap not thinking but simply reacting to the situation. "You need EVERYONE in there Dean, I may be 16 but I can handle myself." I make sure to get my point across and watch as Dean sighs.
"She is right." I'm surprised to see Cas speaking. "Jack does lack experience but as a Nephilim he could easily overpower a witch Jack can not be harmed and her plan does make logical sense, we need her" I love Cas, he's still so much like a soldier, always making the calls others won't yet projecting this calm aura. As much as we bicker these guys are my family.
"Lets go now while it's dark." I suggest, it's only 4am and in the winter months like now the sun doesn't rise till 8. "We have the element of surprise. Plus we all know the plan, no need to go over it again." I sigh slightly at the end.
"Let's hit the road!" Squirrel exclaimed smacking his palm on the table. I have taken to Crowley's nickname for Dean, I miss him, sure he was a demon but he always made me laugh.
"Everyone ready?" Asked Moose as we get the weapons from the trunk. Most of us just nod but I decide to be me.
"Crystal pistol." I say laughing at the resting bitch face Sam gives me. I see Dean smiling lightly, I always do get on better with the older Winchester.
The house is empty. I glance at Dean, this isn't good. "It's too quiet." I whisper worried. We had stayed together not splitting up because of the nature of this hunt.
"I sense power from..." Jack pauses for a second. "There." He points to what looks like a cleaning closet. Dean pushes the door open Sam at his side make sure we were behind them. On the wall was a symbol I thought it was nothing till I saw the witch pressing her hand to it in the purple light that followed illuminating the room.
“Cum sanguine et igne dimitto vos. Sanguinis daemone claudo te. Relinque hoc mundo. Relinque hoc mundo. Relinque hoc mundo.”
It was spell. This is bad, all I can see is the violet light before I fall face first into... grass? "Cas? Jack? Moose? Squirrel?" I call standing up unsteadily. That's when I realize I'm 2D. "Great." I mutter sarcastically, we are stuck in a TV show.
I hear a chorus of 'Here' or 'I'm okay' and sigh, turned out we are all mostly un-hurt. I help Dean and Sam too their feet as Cas and Jack were already standing.
"Who are you?" I turn at the gravelly voice to see batman from Young Justice. This was just great. Seeing my family reach for their weapons I shake my head. No. Slowly they drop their hands but not their guard.
"Batman." I stated.
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mackenzielovee · 3 years
princess - rafe cameron
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a/n: this was a request from @gpiggy98 I hope I did your idea justice! please let me know if you enjoy!
Summary: You've got a crush on Rafe Cameron, but being from two different sides of the island, you know you have to keep it in.
Warnings: swearing, kissing, mentions of buying/consuming drugs
my writing
The Cut is your side of the island. It belongs to the Pogues. You and your friends don't like seeing any of the Kooks on your side of the island for any reason - which is why you can never understand the feeling that happens in your chest when you pull up to Barry's and see Rafe Cameron's bike sitting out front.
You buy weed from Barry for you and your friends - mainly JJ. He smokes a lot. And JJ always sends you to get more from Barry because you push your boobs up before you go in and wind up walking out with more weed for less money. Barry's a classic man, easy to manipulate with your body.
You walk up to the porch of Barry's place, seeing he and Rafe standing there, talking. You walk up and open the door, watching as the two of them turn around to look at you. Barry smiles, but you're too focused on Rafe's smirk when he sees you.
"Hey, boys," you greet.
"Afternoon, girly," Barry's still smiling at you, staring at the low cut top you have on.
"Hey, princess," Rafe teases you.
"Don't call me princess," you tell him, purposely using your pointer finger to tap on his chest. He smirks wider as you touch him.
"Sorry," he says, "Sweetheart."
You glare, but Barry starts talking before you can shoot back a response.
"Here for your usual?"
You nod, letting out a small 'yeah', watching Barry slip off into the trailer to get your shit.
"You still smoking Barry's shitty ass weed?" Rafe asks you, taking a seat and keeping his eyes on you.
"It's not shitty ass weed," you say, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Hmm," Rafe hums, "You sure do buy a lot of weed for one girl."
You look over at him and grin, "How come you're paying attention to my orders?"
Rafe shakes his head, breaking eye contact with you for the first time to glance at the floor. You caught him.
"It's not all for me," you continue, "It's for my friends."
"Ah," Rafe looks up again, "JJ Maybank, right? Something going on between the two of you?"
You make a disgusted face at him, immediately answering his question, "Hell no. He's my best friend."
"You can fuck your friends," Rafe grins.
You roll your eyes, "You can fuck anyone."
Rafe stands now, a playful smirk dancing on his lips as he steps over to you.
"Yeah?" he asks, his voice raspy.
"Oh hell no," Barry says from the doorway, "You two gotta get a room for that shit."
You and Rafe both are staring, not being able to get enough of one another. He breaks away first, sitting down on the couch again.
Barry steps over to you and hands you your shit, then mumbles out a number to you. You hand him the cash, then say thank you quickly.
"Well, I would've charged you less if it was me you were flirtin' with," Barry tells you, smirking.
"Maybe next time," you pat him on the shoulder.
"Go smoke that shitty ass weed, sweetheart," Rafe teases you, "We'll see you here in a few days."
You turn to him, laughing lightly at his comment. He smiles, happy he made you laugh.
"Count on it, Cameron. Thanks, Barry," you nod to him, then turn around and walk toward the door.
"And, hey," Rafe calls after you, you don't turn around, "If you're ever looking for something stronger, my door's always open. Princess."
He adds the last part just to get a reaction out of you, so you don't give him one. You bite your lip to hide a smile, then walk out without even glancing at him. You hear Barry say something to Rafe once you're off the porch, but you can't make it out.
You make it back to John B's  house quickly with the weed, tossing it to JJ to start rolling up.
"Yo, thank God," JJ smiles when it falls into his lap, "How much?"
"Twenty," you reply, "I even pushed my boobs up, too."
JJ snickers, "Damn, that usually works."
Kie rolls her eyes, unable to understand why you allow JJ to use you to get drugs for him because of your body. John B comes out onto the porch, greeting you.
"Pope, you gonna smoke with us, brother?" JJ teases him, knowing Pope doesn't smoke.
"Keeping the signal clear, JJ," Pope replies, keeping his nose in his book out on the hammock.
"Rafe was there," you tell them, trying to keep your expression emotionless, so as not to give away your little crush on him.
"Asshole," JJ mutters under his breath.
Your eyes shoot up and look at the blonde boy, who's too busy focusing on rolling a joint to notice. You shrug, gaining the attention of Kiara.
"He's not that bad," you say.
"Did he say anything to you?" Kie asks, her voice sounding like she's ready to kick Rafe's ass if he had done anything bad.
"He told me Barry sells shitty weed," you mumble.
You almost regret bringing it up, always forgetting that your friends hate him so much. Every run in with the Kooks has mostly involved Topper - like the night Topper and John B fought at the beach. Rafe wasn't even involved.
"What the fuck would Rafe Cameron know about weed?" JJ snickers, "And why is he even chilling with Barry?"
"I think he does some harder shit," you speak up, ignoring Kiara's lingering stare, "That's the impression I got, anyway."
Kiara's glare turns into a smirk as you look down at your lap again, fumbling with the hem of your shirt.
"You sure do know a lot about him," Kiara says, her smirk only widening when your cheeks turn pink.
You just shrug, not really knowing what to say to defend yourself. Kie lets it go, thankfully, you just sit back and wait for JJ to deliver you a blunt. When he finally hands it to you, you hope and pray that you can smoke away a crush.
You spent the night at John B's and then hung out in the morning, taking off for your house later on in the afternoon. John B offered to drive you, but you told him it was fine. You could tell he wanted to go out on the boat with JJ, anyway.
The walk turns brutal quickly. It's humid as hell and you can feel sweat greasing your forehead only a few steps in. It's not too far of a walk, you keep telling yourself.
The sound of a car coming behind you doesn't even phase you at first. You just keep going, reaching up to wipe sweat from your neck. As you hear it get closer to you, you spin around and glance, noticing the truck. And the boy in the driver's seat.
"Hey, princess," Rafe smirks as he rolls the window down, "Need a ride?"
You stop and take a deep breath, taking in the sight of him and realizing your crush is not going away any time soon.
"Is it that obvious?" you reply, wiping sweat from your forehead.
Rafe smirks, "Get in."
You sigh and nod, then walk around the front of the truck to hop in the passenger side. You see the grin on Rafe's face and shake your head, wondering what the hell he's thinking.
"What are you even doing on our side of the island?" you ask him once you're inside.
"Heading to Barry's," he replies.
He tears his eyes away from you and puts the truck in drive, intentionally reaching out and setting his hand on the headrest of your seat. You notice him move out of the corner of your eye, but you don't mention it to him.
"You're there a lot," you state, then silently curse yourself for making such an obvious observation.
"He gives me drugs a lot," Rafe laughs, but it sounds more sarcastic to you than funny.
Silence falls over the car, as you don't really know what to say in response. You can tell Rafe feels uncomfortable with it because he starts shifting in his seat.
"So," Rafe starts up again, "Are you going to the movie thing tomorrow night?"
You steal a glance at him, and he steals one at you, so you both look away. Rafe tries to hold in a smile, and so do you.
"Yeah," you reply, "All of us are. Take a left up here."
Rafe nods his head, glancing over at you again, "All of us?"
"Yeah, all of us," you repeat, finally gaining the courage to look at him again. You smirk, knowing he wants to know who that entails, but aren't telling him. He grins at you and shakes his head.
"Maybank? John B? That nerdy kid?"
"His name is Pope," you correct, laughing when Rafe rolls his eyes.
"Okay, whatever. But you're going?" he questions.
"Yes," you reply, smiling at him when he looks over at you.
"Maybe I'll see you there," he's teasing you now, and you know it.
You don't answer him, which you know will drive him crazy, you just look back out onto the road and then point.
"Take a right up there, and then it's the third house on the left."
Rafe nods and obeys your instructions, not saying anything else about movie night. When he pulls up in front of your driveway, he shuts the truck off completely.
"You know," he starts, "You could come to Barry's with me. Hang out. Try some better shit than that fucking weed."
You laugh and shake your head as you reach over and hit him on the shoulder. He takes a risk and reaches up as you do this, grabbing your hand and taking it in his.
"I mean it," he says, his voice more serious than it was before.
You stare at him, at his eyes, and your face drops from the laughter. You can feel his skin on yours, and you'd be lying if you said you hated it.
"I can't," you say finally, "I haven't been home in, like, two days."
He looks at you, confused, then his eyes drop and he releases your hand.
"You've been with them," he figures out, "Which one are you with, then, if not Maybank?"
You look at him like he's crazy, but he refuses to look up at you again. He's just staring at the spot on the seat of the truck that has a stain on it.
"I'm not with any of them," you tell him.
You watch his eyes slowly glance up to look at you, trying to figure out if you are serious or not.
"But you're sleeping there?"
"On the couch," you tell him, then add, "Alone."
He nods his head, still not entirely convinced. You're not sure why you even feel the need to explain yourself to him, because you know it's none of his business. But, for some reason, you just really care about what he thinks.
"Have you ever done anything with any of them? he asks, his voice quiet.
"No," you say, your voice strong, "And I wouldn't, either."
You aren't sure what to say or do, so you just reach out and grab the door handle to get out of the truck.
"Thank you for the ride," you tell him.
"Anytime," he gives you a small smile.
You pull open the door and hop out, then look up to him again before you close the door.
"So, see you tomorrow night?" you ask.
Rafe breaks out into a grin after that. Of course, his smile makes you smile.
"Absolutely, princess," he's laughing now.
You roll your eyes and flip him off, then shut the door and start up the driveway. You know he's watching you, so you don't turn around. Just to drive him crazy.
The next night at movie night, you can't help but continue to glance around and see if Rafe has arrived yet. Pope and JJ have been acting strange ever since you all arrived, and to make it worse, John B had bailed on coming.
"Okay, what is with the two of you?" Kiara asks Pope and JJ as they keep looking over their shoulder.
"Nothing, Kie, Jesus," JJ mutters.
"Really? Because it seems like you fucked up," she snaps back. She knows better than to believe JJ when he says nothing is wrong.
"Kiara, please," Pope says, a fearful look in his eye. Kie just rolls her eyes in response, telling herself that what she doesn't know can't hurt her.
"I'm going to get something to drink," you stand, "Anyone else?"
"Coke, please," Kiara says, holding up cash in the air for you to grab.
"Boys?" you ask, but they're too busy whispering to each other, so you walk away.
The second you get a place in line, you see him. He's with Topper and Kelce, of course, but you can't help raking your eyes over him. He looks so good to you, and you're not used to that. He glances over and sees you just a second later, catching you red handed. He says something to the boys and then starts walking toward you, immediately making your stomach flip.
"Hey," he says once he gets to you, "What's up?"
You shrug, trying to play it cool, "I'm on drink duty."
Rafe smiles, and you watch as he then glances over at your friends.
"Hey, uh, JJ and... um," he trails off.
"Pope," you remind him, watching as he snaps his fingers once you tell him.
"Pope, yes, um, JJ and Pope didn't happen to mention anything to you about what they did, did they?" he asks, staring at you for any sign of deception.
"What are you talking about?" you say, staring right back.
Rafe quickly shakes his head and changes his expression, "Nothing. Just curious."
"What-" you start, but Topper comes up behind Rafe and interrupts.
"Excuse me," Topper grins, and you can tell without even smelling him that he's been drinking, "Do you mind if I borrow him? Dude, super hot girls, ten o'clock."
You look down at the ground, breaking your stare with Rafe. You don't hear Rafe say anything, but after a second, Topper pulls him away.
"What are you doing, talking up a Pogue?" you hear Topper ask him as they walk off.
You can't help but feel slightly hurt that after all of the daydreaming you did about seeing Rafe here, that that was all you were going to get. You know Topper is an asshole, but you never imagined Rafe would be, too.
You get the drinks and popcorn for yourself, the return back over to the boys, but before you can even sit, JJ grabs your arm and pulls you down.
"Why were you talking to Rafe?" he asks you, his voice urgent.
"He was asking me if I'd heard from Barry," you lie quickly, "Why?"
You want to know what the hell is going on, but you want the truth from the boys.
"No reason," Pope says, waving you off.
You send a glance to Kiara, silently telling her that something is going on. You know it must be bad if the two of them are keeping secrets from you and Kie.
"Liars," you mutter, but they're too wrapped up in themselves to hear.
You go and sit by Kie, not even noticing that Rafe and his friends have chosen to sit directly behind you guys. You feel something hit your back, and when you turn, Rafe is smirking widely at you. Popcorn lies in the grass just behind you. You glance at Topper and notice that he and Kelce are both turned around talking to girls, which is probably the only reason Rafe is trying to get your attention.
You know you can't speak, because his friends and yours will all hear. So, instead, you take some of your popcorn and throw it back, careful that Kiara is still staring at her phone. Rafe laughs and moves to the side, avoiding your throw. He throws one pieces at you, and while you're busy ducking from that one, he tosses another one. It hits you, making him laugh loudly.
Of course, that attracts attention. You hear Pope gasp beside you, and then he and JJ frantically whispering to one another. Topper turns around, too, eyeing you. He punches Rafe in the arm and mutters something, but you can't hear it. When Topper goes back to the girls, Rafe rolls his eyes and shrugs at you.
Before you can silently respond, Kiara turns and looks to you, which makes you face forward to avoid suspicion.
Once the movie begins, you relax. You finally have something to focus on other than the fact that Rafe is six feet away from you. Throughout the movie, you can feel pieces of popcorn hit your back every so often, and occasionally, you pretend to glance over your shoulder and fire one back. With all of the eyes looking around the two of you, you know you have to be careful.
About halfway through the movie, JJ and Pope get up and start to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Kiara whispers to them.
JJ turns around, "We gotta piss."
Kiara looks at you and makes a face, wondering if you found it as weird as she did.
"Are you gonna hold it for each other?" she hisses.
"Shut up, Kie," JJ replies, rolling his eyes.
You shrug at her, turning your attention back to the movie. It dawns on you that you haven't felt anything hit you in a minute, so you glance slightly behind you to see what's going on. You half spin turns into a whole spin around when you notice that Rafe and the boys aren't sitting there anymore. You turn to Kie and point, silently asking her what the hell is going on.
"Something's definitely wrong," you say to her.
You both stand up and head off into the direction the boys went, which is behind the screen of the movie. The tree they had gone to has nobody near it, so you start looking around. That's when you hear it.
"Topper, get off of him!"
"Over here," Kie grabs your arm and pulls you, heading in the direction that the voice came from.
Once you both get behind the screen, you see the boys. They're punching and yelling like crazy, and while you know you should be worried about JJ and Pope, all you can look for is Rafe. Pope and Rafe are going at it, but all you can see is Pope hitting Rafe, not the other way around. Kiara jumps in and goes to help JJ, so you run to Pope.
"Y/N!" Pope yells out to you, his voice relieved.
"Get off of him, Pope!" you yell, grabbing ahold of his shirt and yanking him away.
Pope stares at you, confusion and betrayal written all over his face. Rafe backs up, wiping blood from his lip and nose. A fire erupts on the movie screen, making the other boys stop and let go of JJ.
"What the fuck!" Pope screams at you, "Why are you protecting him?"
Topper rushes over and grabs ahold of Rafe, Kelce not far behind.
"Let's get out of here, man," Topper tells him, but Rafe holds back.
"I'm sorry," you say to Pope, but it seems to fall on deaf ears. JJ steps over beside Pope, bloody and beaten.
"Why did you do that?" Pope presses. You look around at your friends, not even bothering to look at Rafe.
"No fucking bullshit, Y/N. Why the fuck would you pull me off of him?"
"Because I care about him, all right?" you shout, blowing up without even meaning to, "I'm falling for him and I fucked up, Pope."
Kie joins the boys, and you watch as they all stare at you like a complete stranger. You hear Topper crack up behind you, but the tears are already stinging your eyes at this point. You're sure Rafe and the boys will run off and laugh about this whole thing.
So, instead, you decide to take off first. You turn away from your friends and look to Rafe only for a second before you run away from all of them.
"Aww," you hear Topper snicker.
You make it far quickly, not stopping for anything. The tears are really falling now, and there's nothing you can do to stop them. You just want to get back to your house, fall asleep, and never think about this night again. You curse yourself for being so stupid in the first place. Someone like Rafe Cameron could never have feelings for you.
"Y/N!" you hear, but you don't stop until you hear it again.
You turn around and wipe your cheeks and eyes out, not knowing what to think when you see Rafe rushing toward you. You swallow, scared he's going to make fun of you.
"Hey," he says once he reaches you, "You run pretty fast."
"Well, tell Topper it comes with being a Pogue," you snap, embarrassed that your voice comes out nasally because of the crying.
"Hey, now," Rafe reaches out and grabs onto your arms, which confuses you. After what you just admitted, how could he want to touch you?
"Rafe-" you start, but he shakes his head.
"Don't you dare apologize," he says, his voice soft, "I haven't even told you how I feel yet."
Your eyes grow wide as he speaks, but you're sure he'll just tell you that you two are better off friends. How could he not?
"You don't have to say anything," you say, sounding ashamed. The last thing you want is to have the pity conversation with him.
"Yes, I do," he says, bringing one hand up to your face to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, "I feel the same way. Honest. I never, ever stop thinking about you-"
"If you're lying-" you start, but he hushes you.
"I'm not, all right? Why do you think I hang out at Barry's so much? It's because I never know when you're coming around, and the last thing I wanna do is miss you when you do. Believe me, Barry's not that cool to hang with."
You laugh, and it somehow seems to make all the tension in the air go away. Rafe grins at you and pulls you in by the back of your neck for a hug, allowing him to breathe in your scent.
"I think we should give it a shot," he states, speaking softly against your head. You can feel his lips moving against your scalp, and it oddly relaxes you.
"Really?" you ask, practically melting Rafe's heart.
"Absolutely, princess," he smirks, giving you a short kiss on the top of your head.
You look up at him and he looks down at you, and before either of you know it, he's shoving you back against a tree with his lips on yours. Everything about him seems to intoxicate you - better than any shitty ass weed Barry can provide. Rafe's lips against yours make you feel like you're on the best high of your life.
After a few minutes, Rafe breaks the kiss and stares down at you, observing your pink lips.
"You with me?" he asks you, catching his breath.
"Hell yes," you reply, letting your lips fall in the same spot as they sat before.
With him.
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Just Once - Part 2
Title: Just Once - Part 2
Some of y'all were asking for Part 2 of Just Once so here ya go! This picks up right after the first story.
Pairing: Tony Stark x fem!reader
Summary: Grief and loneliness got the best of you last night. Your friendship with Tony was too precious to risk, and now all you want to do is move on. But what happens when the other party doesn't want to forget?
Warnings: smut, language, (technically) cheating, friends to lovers, mentions of past canon trauma, oral (f receiving), protected sex
Word Count: 5.1k
[Starts out sweet and all about tony x reader friendship, then turns into steamy Tony smut. Table sex, included. 😳]
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Thump, thump, thump.
Your feet hit the pavement rhythmically as you jog your normal morning route. It’s a misty Seattle morning, and the world is still quiet. The sun is rising sleepily, beginning to bathe the world in gold. All is well.
Except. It isn’t.
You turn the block corner, and your apartment comes into sight. You take a glance down at your watch.
42 minutes.
That’s how long ago you had quietly slipped out of your apartment for your morning run. That’s how long it had been since your eyes shot open and you remembered the events of last night, rushing into your mind, all at once like a tsunami. You had turned your head to find Tony still asleep beside you in the bed. One leg sticking out of the messy sheets and his face buried in the pillow. Your pillow.
You had stared at him in disbelief, half-expecting him to disintegrate into a fleeting figment of your imagination. You had rubbed your eyes, trying to clear the haze.
Nope. Still there.
You silently curse yourself and your stupidity (see: weakness in the face of sexual temptation) for the 50th time this morning as you approach the brick building. Perhaps, when you reenter your apartment, Tony will be gone, and this will all have just been a bad trip — or something of the like.
Before you even open the door, the smell of frying bacon reaches your nose. You step inside and are greeted by a peculiar sight.
Tony Stark, clad in nothing but a pair of dark jeans, is buzzing about your small kitchenette. Simultaneously, there are eggs being flipped over-easy on the stovetop, orange juice being procured from the open fridge, bacon sizzling happily in a pan, and toast being buttered. You stand in amazement for a few seconds, processing the scene before you. The wonderful aroma of the all-American breakfast makes you mouth water.
“Y/N! Hey!” Tony exclaims when he sees you.
You slide onto a stool at the bar top, overlooking the controlled chaos unfolding in the kitchen area. Tony truly has remarkable skill when it comes to multitasking. You guess, all that time in the suit, operating about twenty computing systems at once, was good practice.
“Wow. Breakfast?” you remark, raising an eyebrow. “Since when do you cook?”
He scoffs, shooting you a brief smile before turning away to rapidly crack some black pepper onto the eggs.
“Cooking is easy. People think it’s a skill, but really it’s just planning, timing it out. It’s like assembling anything else. You just do the parts in order, trying not to break any yolks.”
You roll your eyes sarcastically at the classic “Tony” response.
Suddenly, all the components come crashing together, and Tony is setting down two perfectly assembled breakfast plates on the bar top — complete with a glass of orange juice for each of you. It looks delicious; it’s been way too long since you had a proper breakfast. Meaning, a breakfast that wasn’t cereal, a protein bar, or a bowl of sad, pale, scrambled eggs. You thank Tony as he pulls up the other stool to sit across from you.
“Dig in,” he says cheerfully, raising his fork. “Good run this morning?”
You nod, taking a big gulp of orange juice.
“Yeah, I heard you leaving,” Tony continues mindlessly. “Kind of weird waking up to an empty bed after a night like that. I finally know what it feels like to be on the other side, I guess.”
You nearly spit out your bite of toast. And just like that, reality comes crashing back down to earth. For a brief moment, it had felt like things could possibly come out normal on the other side. You and Tony could go back to being perfectly normal best friends.
How ignorant.
“What?” you remark incredulously.
You’re on the verge of laughter, partially out of amusement but mostly out of bewildered embarrassment.
Tony gives you his award-winning “I’m innocent!” raised-eyebrow expression. You suddenly become acutely aware of the situation. Tony Stark is sitting in your kitchen, shirtless, serving you breakfast. After you spent a far-from-platonic night rolling around your sheets together. You want to slap yourself.
“I’m talking about the incredible sex we had last night. And then, you leaving me alone before sunrise,” Tony explains casually, pushing your buttons further. “That's usually my play.”
He looks up at you, expecting a playful quip in return. Instead, you just slowly set down the fork you had been gripping.
“Tony,” you begin, seriously and calmly. ���Let’s not talk about it. It was one night, and it won’t happen again. It was just once. We gave into the moment, but we shouldn’t-“
“The moment?” Tony suddenly blurts out, interrupting you. You purse your lips, surprised by the new and unexpected edge of anger in his voice. “God. Y/N. The moment, huh? You’re really just going to shrink it down to that. Just a moment.”
You stare at him, confused. Tony’s big brown eyes hold yours with an intensity. It's amazing how fast his sarcastic, playful tone can morph into ferocity. You want to look away, break his gaze, but you can’t. This whole thing was a mistake.
“It was fun,” you finally say. “But it was just a fuck. We were lonely.”
“You know, Y/N. You’re so damn smart,” Tony replies, leaning back a bit in his seat. “So, why do you always try and kid yourself? It bothers me. I know -- that you know -- that this wasn’t just a fuck.”
Your mind races through a million different responses.
Then, what was it?
What do you mean?
Why are you acting like this?
I'm not kidding myself.
But something tells you, deep down, that there's nothing you can say that won't lead to something you don't want to hear.
So, instead, you angrily snatch up your glass of orange juice, rising from your seat at the bar. You grit your teeth at Tony one more time before turning your back and striding toward to your study. You feel your cheeks burning hot.
The study is a second living room-sized space where you keep all your projects. Early sunlight is now streaming in through the large windows, falsely giving the impression of a peaceful Saturday morning. The large wooden table tops are littered with wires, microchips, and other electronic parts. When you first met the Avengers year ago, you and Tony butted heads over your shared expertise in technology and robotics. After much bickering and trying to outdo each other, you eventually accepted one another's intelligence and bonded over your shared field.
You look to the floor of your large study to see the air mattress you had set up there prior to Tony's arrival yesterday, obviously still pristine. You squeeze your eyes shut. Your apartment is absolutely dripping with reminders of last night's events. The empty whiskey glasses, still sitting on the side table in the living room. The couch pillows crumpled from the weight of your bodies, hungrily crashing together above them. You don't even want to think about your bedroom, where you're sure Tony's missing shirt is strewn on the ground.
You push the thoughts out of your your mind, pulling up a seat at your work table. You start to fiddle with a new lightweight shoulder pauldron you're currently designing. You can feel yourself going into 'shut-out' mode, trying your hardest to focus all your attention on the metal in your hands. This was all too much. This was all wrong.
When you hear footsteps behind you, entering the study, you ignore it. Tony quietly traverses the floor, coming to pull up a chair on the other side of the work table. He silently watches you working the wires into place. You don't look up. You don't have to see his expression to know the contemplative expression undoubtably painted on his face. You also don't have to look at him to know he's pondering more than just your work.
"You know, aluminum-titantium alloy won't hold up after a few heavy hits," Tony comments, nodding to the armor piece.
"I'm gonna chromatize it," you reply dryly, not looking up from your hands.
"I wouldn't bother. You can't just give everything a shiny coat to hold it together. If the problem is underneath, that is."
Fuck Tony and his fucking metaphors.
You growl angrily, throwing the pauldron down in frustration. You sit back in your seat and cross your arms, finally meeting your friend's eyes.
"Ok, fine," you say matter-of-factly. "Let's talk about it. It was good. It was really fucking good. And we both needed it. But that's it. I'm willing to leave it at that and forget about it if you are."
Tony rubs his beard in his palm, seemingly mulling over your words. His brown eyes don't leave yours. The warm sunlight coming in through the window behind him paints yellow patches on his bare shoulders, bathing him in gold. You take a mental picture of him, sitting there in his thoughts. A brief, intrusive thought passes through your mind, threatening that this could be the last time you see him. You immediately banish the notion. This friendship means too much to you. Not even a fuck-up as big as this one could make you want to toss it away. You hope Tony agrees.
"Help me understand where your head's at, Y/N," Tony finally replies. "What is your biggest concern right now? Wait, listen, I know there's a lot of reasons why last night was bad. But I want to know what you're thinking."
You sigh, uncrossing your arms. As much as Tony's 'list-and-analyze' reaction to crisis could be annoying, in some ways, it comforted you. Tony is impulsive, yes, but those who know him best also know his calculative nature: the mental risk assessments, the contingency plans labelled through Z. Always searching for the route that will hurt everyone the least. Always.
You consider his question carefully. Again, there's a million answers: the risk of ruining your friendship, the potential awkwardness, Pepper -- oh, god, Pepper --, the pain and grief you've both been through in the past few years. You close your eyes and pick one.
"You're one of the only people left that I trust. One of my only friends. Complexity doesn't often end well."
"You're right," Tony admits. "But aren't you the one who asked, 'is it wrong to not want to be alone'?"
You scoff loudly, angered by his using your words against you. However, that bitterness melts away into nothing when you see the heart-wrenching expression on Tony's face. His lips are pursed, and his eyes are searching yours desperately. Tony rarely shows outward weakness, but right now, the man before you isn't Iron Man. The man before you is broken. Someone who has tried everything to hold it -- his sanity, his relationship, his life -- together, to save the people he loves, to be strong. Someone who failed at that. Someone who truly felt alone.
You rest your chin in your palms and sigh, the weight falling over you as well.
Finally, you speak.
"Isn't it awful -- and strange -- how it can feel like a lifetime ago and just yesterday at the exact same time?"
Tony nods sadly at your observation. Of course, you were talking about the snap. About Thanos.
"You're right. About everything," he remarks. "Sometimes, it just gets too much. The...”
Loneliness. You finish his sentence in your head.
“Me too.”
“You should know though,” Tony continues. “I would never stop being your friend. No matter how complex things are. This — what we’ve been through — could never change, Y/N.”
There it is.
Some situations feel like you're running in circles; you're spiraling downwards and everything you say only makes matters worse and worse. It feels like sinking in quicksand with no way out. In every one of those situations, there's a key -- that one sentence, that one idea, that effortlessly clears the fog. This was it. Tony is going to be here, always. Everything is going to be alright.
You straighten up a bit in your seat. You let out a long sigh and give Tony a small smile.
"I know," you assure your friend. "Sometimes I forget everything that's happened. How complicated it's been before. How we made it out."
Tony laughs, and you're relived.
"How could you forget? It's been a wild ride."
The two of you grin at each other. You take a sip of your orange juice, which you had forgotten about and was now lukewarm.
"OK, happy?" you inquire with a playful tone. "Base material fixed. No need for shiny coats of anything. We're solid now."
Tony lets out a hearty chuckle at the stupid analogy. Suddenly, he stands, circling the work table until he's right in front of you. You suck in a breath of oxygen. From your seated position, your head only comes up to his abs. Bare abs, that is. You tilt your face upwards to meet his eyes.
"Y/N," he says gently. “Stand up.”
Confused, you rise to your feet. Before you can open your mouth to say anything else, Tony’s lean and muscular arms are wrapped around you. He pulls you into his chest, embracing you in his warmth. His grip is firm, as if he’s afraid you might run away. You soften into the hug, wrapping your arms around his back. You feel safe.
After a few moments, Tony releases you. However, he doesn’t move away, and the two of you are still nearly chest-to-chest. You peer up at him, and your friend’s warm toffee eyes meet yours.
“Wow, a Tony Stark hug?” you remark sarcastically. “I should play the lotto today.”
Tony chuckles under his breath. Despite your joking, it was true that Tony rarely gives hugs. He just isn’t the touchy-feely type — according to himself. Somehow this gesture, right now, meant everything. A hug was the most intimate thing Tony could have given you. It was a seal, a mark saying ‘I meant every word I just said.’
Tony is still standing directly in front of you, so close there’s only a magazine’s width between you. He’s so near that you can feel the warmth of his steady breathing, and the slight radiating heat from the arc reactor in his chest. Suddenly, you feel that familiar tug in your stomach. A rush of blood downwards...
“Do you want me?” Tony cuts you off. His voice is low, gentle.
You suck in a breath of air at his words. Despite his directness, there's a detectable edge of nervousness in his tone. You smile internally at knowing you have this effect on Mr. Playboy. The slight uncertainty in Tony's voice also tells you that it's true: this is different. Last night was not just a mindless fuck. This is an understanding, wrapped around a mutual care that runs so deep that it burns.
You don’t even try to convince yourself that you don’t want Tony. Every ounce of your being is screaming to close the gap between you. You can still hear the scientist-logic-brain in you resisting, but your heart feels at ease. You and Tony. A concept that felt like the forbidden fruit itself just ten minutes ago now looked more like an oasis. And oasis that was maybe alright to take a drink from every once in a while.
You snake one hand upward to hold his cheek. Tony pushes gently into your palm.
It's you who leans in first. When your lips collide, it's soft. He presses himself into you, a delicate sigh escaping. You pull back just enough to whisper a breathy "I want you."
And oh, god do you want him.
“Then, have me,” Tony whispers back, gently.
You nearly visibly shiver. Any trace of hesitation is gone from his voice now. His words are demanding, but his tone is more of a plea.
“Do you want to go the bedroom?”
“No,” Tony replies immediately. He’s breathless. “Right here.”
You immediately feel wetness drop into your panties. Tony’s eyes have grow darker, as they bear down at you. The intensity makes your legs feel weak. You need him. He needs you.
In a moment of boldness, you bring your hands down to the hemline of your shirt. You lift the garment up and over your head, placing it on the work table beside you. Tony’s eyes wander to your red sports bra and your now-stiffened nipples showing through the sleek fabric.
In the next breath, Tony is suddenly kissing you again, his lips against yours in a desperate hunger. He brings his large, roughly calloused hands to your waist. He firmly grips your body, making you feel tiny in his hold. You let a small moan escape your lips.
Still holding you in his grasp, Tony starts to walk you backwards until your backside is pressed against the edge of your large work table. Tony’s hips press forward into you, making you gasp with excitement. You fingertips tangle in his hair, just wanting more and more and more...
In an effortless movement, Tony lifts your sports bra over your head. He throws the red fabric to the side, neither of you caring where it lands. Tony breaks away from your lips, starting to kiss down your cheek, jaw, and then finally giving attention to the delicate skin on your neck. Again, he’s careful not to nip or suck too hard to leave marks. The light scratching of his facial hair contrasts with the soft wetness of Tony’s lips, making you throw your head back in pleasure.
He continues to attend to your neck and jaw as one of his jean-clad thighs moves to fall between your legs. You let out a deep groan as Tony begins to rub and and roll his knee forward, stimulating your clothed core. His movements are like a wave, every forward crest bringing you a tiny bit of that friction your body wants so, so much. You’re in awe of the control Tony has over his movements and the effortless pleasure he’s capable of giving. You can’t help but find his experience and expertise sexy.
“Y/N,” Tony breathes against your neck. “Say it again. Please. Say you want me.”
It occurs to you that, aside from last night, Tony hasn’t felt wanted in a long time. Like, truly wanted. A pang of sadness fills your heart.
“Tony. I want you,” you declare, making sure the conviction in your voice shines through. You don’t have to try. You desire him more than anything right now. “I want you. I want this.”
With your words, Tony moans deeply into your jawline and begins to move his leg between yours more vigorously. Your fingertips trace over his bare back muscles. You trail your hands upward, into the nape of his neck, massaging his scalp. Everything about his beautiful form fits perfectly in your hands.
Tony continues moving downwards, soon finding your right nipple in his mouth. You arch your back, letting a loud moan escape your lips. He works your nipple expertly, rolling it and playing at it with his tongue. He alternates to your other nipple, his thumb replacing where his mouth just left. He lightly strokes the hard, spit-slick bud, and the combination of coolness and friction is heaven.
Tony stands back up, and a second later, his hands are at the elastic band of your running shorts. His eyes meet yours for a moment, silently asking for your permission. You nod a bit too eagerly, and Tony cracks a small, teasing smile. You scoff and lightly slap his shoulder, returning the smile.
Tony pulls your shorts down in one swift motion, leaving you in just your underwear. Next thing you know, Tony’s arms are around your waist. You let out a soft, surprised squeal as he lifts you effortlessly to sit on the edge of the work table behind you. Slightly elevated now, you come to about the same height as Tony.
“Hey,” you protest playfully. “Be careful. There’s important stuff here.”
Tony reaches behind you to clear the area, moving your half-finished projects and parts to the side.
“My apologies, Ms. Y/L/N,” he replies with a huge grin. “Got a bit carried away.”
You pull him into another deep kiss. He growls with pleasure when you nip at his bottom lip. Tony is now standing between your knees, his torso pressing gently into your panty-covered pussy. You can feel his erection through his jeans, straining against his clothes. After seeing Tony’s length for the first time last night, the mental image of his cock — just a few millimeters away from your core — is enough to make you drool. You wrap your legs around him, pulling him in harder against you. He moans into your mouth, and you feel the vibrations as your tongues tangle together.
You feel Tony’s body leaning forward, slowly coaxing you to lay down on the table. Now fully on your back, Tony’s above you, taking in the sight of your body.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re the most magnificent creature on Earth?”
“No,” you reply with a smirk. “But now, knowing how many other planets are out there in the galaxy, just being Miss Earth doesn’t seem like a huge deal.”
Tony laughs, smiling with his teeth. You find the crinkles that form on the outer corners of his eyes utterly endearing.
“Well, you’re still one out of four-and-three-quarters billion,” he jests back. “Not too shabby. It’s all about the little victories.”
You giggle. The pleasant thought passes through your mind that despite the current situation, everything does feel strangely normal. Tony is still Tony; you’re still you. The banter between you and your friend is still comfortable and easy. Your relationship, although maybe morphing into something more nuanced, remains unmoved.
You’re so caught up in your inner thoughts, that you don’t register Tony kneeling to the ground between your legs. You gasp when you feel his warm mouth over your still-clothed pussy. The combined wetness of his mouth and your core easily soaks through the fabric of your panties, making it cling to your skin. Tony runs his tongue over your folds, through the saturated cloth. You groan with pleasure, the small of your back arching off of the table. You grip Tony’s dark hair, needing something to hold onto.
The sensation of Tony’s lips and tongue through your thin panties is completely unique, and fuck, does it drive you wild.
After a few minutes, Tony’s hands reach up to hook in the waist of your panties. He removes your final garment, leaving you fully bare. His mouth immediately returns to your pussy. His tongue circles your clit, before running downwards through your lips, and then back up again. He alternates this pattern with gentle sucks on your clit.
“Oh, Tony. Shit,” you manage to call out. “That feels so good.”
He hums hungrily into you, pleasuring you to a level that no previous lovers have ever come close to. Tony’s large, rough hands wander upwards. One palm gentle grips your breast, while the other comes under your waist to hold the small of your back.
You raise your head slightly to glance down at Tony. The sight is pornographic. His face is buried in your cunt, head bobbing. The shape of his shoulder muscles, and his strong back. His tan skin, all bathed in golden sunlight.
Pleasuring you. On his knees.
It’s like a painting. Beautiful and erotic.
“Tony. I need you,” you gasp out, suddenly overcome with neediness. “Inside me. Fuck, I want you.”
Those magic words, again. I want you. The effect they have on Tony is instantaneous. Without hesitation, Tony is on his feet. He swiftly unbuttons his jeans and pulls down the zipper. His pants fall down to his ankles where he kicks them off. To your surprise his naked cock springs free. A glistening pearl of precum is formed at the tip.
“Wow, commando, huh?” you tease, gently biting at your bottom lip. “You were so confident you were going to get lucky again today?”
“Of course not. I just like to let it breath sometimes,” Tony remarks. “You wouldn’t get it. It’s a man thing.”
You scoff and roll your eyes sarcastically. Lovable idiot.
“Top drawer?” Tony asks, referring to the location of the condoms.
“On the left.”
Tony hurries out of the room and returns a second later with a condom from your bedroom. Stepping closer between your knees, he gives his cock a few pumps in his fist. You can feel your heart quickening with anticipation. Your pussy is nearly pulsing, needing to be stretched and filled.
Tony rips open the shiny wrapper and rolls the condom down onto his length. You scoot slightly closer to the edge of the table as his hands travel to grip your thighs. You moan deeply as Tony rubs the head of his cock over your slit, spreading your moisture.
“Are you ready?” Tony asks, eyes dark with desire.
“Mmhmm,” you hum. “Make me feel good.”
With that, Tony starts slowly pushing into your dripping pussy. You groan as your walls accommodate to his girth. It’s amazing that you took him just last night, and he’s already capable of stretching you like this again. Tony throws his head back, hissing in pleasure as he bottoms out, his pubic mound flush against yours.
He starts pumping gently. The way Tony’s hips roll forward in fluid motions makes you want to scream with pleasure. His hands are gripping your thighs tightly, fingertips digging into the soft flesh.
Tony’s pace quickens, and soon the room is filled with sounds of wetness, skin slipping on skin, and the moans leaving both your throats. One of Tony’s hands moves to your pussy. His thumb rubs tight circles on your clit making you see stars behind your eyes. The extra stimulation almost immediately starts tightening the orgasmic coil in your stomach. Tony seems to know the exact speed to move his cock and thumb to turn you into a whimpering mess beneath him.
“Oh, more,” you groan, your pleasure growing. “Tony Stark. Yes, oh, please.”
“Come for me, Y/N,” Tony growls almost primally. “Wanna feel you squeezing around my cock.”
Tony’s filthy demands go straight to your pussy. You love the feeling of being under him, sprawled out on the table, completely naked for him to fuck. And the dirty talk is the cherry on top.
The pleasure in your abdomen continues to rise until you’re on the edge of ecstasy. With one last thrust, your orgasm washes over you. You scream Tony’s name into the room, not caring who hears. Pulses of pleasure rip through your entire body, even making your feet tingle. When you come down, the convulsions slowing, your head feels fuzzy and bubbly.
Not even a moment later, you feel Tony lifting your legs higher. Still inside you, he straightens them, bringing your ankles to rest on his shoulders. The new sensation is instantly nirvana. He starts pumping into you, and the head of his cock rubs your G-spot on every thrust. Penetrative sex had never felt this good for you.
“You feel so fucking amazing, Y/N,” Tony manages to says between moans. “I’m not gonna last much longer.”
The feeling of your pussy being pounded in this angle has your eyes rolling back into your skull. All your thoughts seem to leave your head. The only thing you can focus on is the immense pleasure. The sound of Tony’s balls slapping against you wetly with every stroke combined with his desperate moans fill your ears.
Tony’s thrusts start to become more jagged, needy. His moans slowly transform more into whimpers as he continues to fuck into you. Suddenly, Tony comes with a series of loud groans, his eyes shut tight. You feel his dick pulsating inside you as he orgasms. He thrusts a few more times, riding out the last waves.
He gently slides out of you, his hands coming down the tabletop next to your waist to steady himself. Both of you are breathing heavily, your bodies radiating with the afterglow of pleasure.
Silently, Tony helps you to stand before sweeping you up easily in his arms. You lean into his chest as he carries you to the bedroom. Tony lays you down carefully on the cool mattress before hurrying to the bathroom. He returns a moment later with a warm washcloth.
After cleaning yourselves up, Tony crawls into the refreshing sheets beside you. He slips one arm under your neck, and you cuddle in closer to his body. The warmth and smoothness of his skin is so, so welcoming. In the strangest way, it feels natural.
“I didn’t think it was possible to top last night,” you finally say, chuckling.
“Me neither,” Tony replies. “I guess we just have good chemistry.”
“Who would’ve thought?” You laugh and drape an arm over his chest. “Hey, question.”
“Ask away.”
“Why did you cook all that stuff earlier? Like the eggs, toast, the whole nine yards. It was sort of...”
“Out of character?” Tony finishes your sentence.
You nod. Tony takes a deep breath, exhaling loudly.
“Honestly, when I woke up, and you were gone, I was freaking out a little bit. I wanted to talk about last night, but you weren’t there, and I just didn’t know what you were thinking. If you were having serious regrets, or if you were angry, or upset with me. Or if you were thinking our whole friendship was burned to the ground.
“I just needed to do something. Anything. Busy my hands, distract my mind. Sorry that I kind of raided your kitchen.”
You turn to peer up at him, letting out a soft laugh. His chocolate eyes meet yours, and you give him a kind smile, endeared by his typical, hyper ramblings.
“I’m sorry I left,” you start. “I was freaking out a little, too. I guess that’s always been a difference between us. I always try to run from the unknown, while you just want to plow straight through it.”
Tony smiles warmly and blinks his gorgeous, thick black eyelashes at you.
“It’s why we make a good pair. Balance. Yin and yang. Ya’ know.”
You both chuckle, content in one another’s arms. You open your mouth to reply, but you’re cut off by a loud growl from your stomach. Tony bursts into laughter.
“Your fault for barely touching breakfast,” Tony remarks playfully. “Which — not to toot my own horn — was quite artfully made.”
“I guess I could settle for a bowl of lowly cereal as punishment,” you reply with mock sadness.
Tony chuckles and shakes his head. He starts to rise from the bed, then offers his hand for you to follow.
“C’mon, I’ll make you some more eggs.”
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
taste you on my tongue
Pairing: The Mandalorian (Din Djarin) x Reader
Words: 9441 (I can’t fucking write anything shorter I’m sorry)
Warnings: Angst and Smut. Helmet is on and then it’s off. Oral (male receiving). Soft then rough sex. Breeding kink. Touch kink. Hand kink? Dirty/Sweet Talk. Mando feels primal when he sees you wearing his shirt and flirting with someone that isn’t him.
Summary: The Revenant was a fairly spacious gunship compared to others and you prided yourself in keeping it running for this long, especially after you were told it would soon lose its “life force.” But when a certain Mandalorian and his foundling join your ship following a disastrous mission, you find that the Revenant isn’t as big as you initially thought. In fact, it is much less private than you wish to admit and you find yourself escaping to a cantina one night to avoid the bounty hunter who isn’t aware of the effect he has on you. The problem is, the Mandalorian doesn’t like to share anything with anyone, and that rule applies to you. Unfortunately (or perhaps luckily) for you, you learn about this rule the hard way.
A/N: I hope yall like these because I’m currently spiraling down a Din Djarin hole and I’m not remotely apologetic. Let me know how it is in the comments and how I can make the smut better or the characterization better. Please, I can’t improve unless yall tell me what I’m doing wrong. Also, I promise to write more smut than angst next time. Enjoy :) And @purple-mango​ sorry it wasn’t as rough as you probably hoped, I was feeling soft Din but mark my words, the next one will be rough.
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The obnoxious laughter coming from one of the corners of the cantina made you shake your head as the tavern-keeper approached you and motioned towards your glass. He smiled when you enthusiastically nodded and held out the finished drink, silently asking him to pour some more of the Tevraki whiskey because there was nothing you wanted more than to forget the past few months.
Well, that wasn’t entirely true. There was something, or rather someone, that you wanted more than your need to set aside what’s been going on since that shitshow of a showdown on Tatooine. Coincidentally, or perhaps ironically, that someone had to do with what happened on the desert planet. You smiled at the man in front of you who knew better than to argue about how many drinks you’ve downed thus far. 
As the thoughts slithered back to the source of your frustration, you couldn’t help but let your eyes take in your surroundings, shamelessly hoping to find someone who could fill that deep-seated need seeping through your chest and into your heart. No one would compare to him of course, and you knew that very well. But you couldn’t stand another hour on that ship without scratching that itch that’s been bothering you ever since he joined your ship with that annoyingly cute green goblin. You took a sip and returned your attention to the man wiping down the counter in front of you, already thinking of just skipping all the pleasantries and going back to his place.
“If you point him out to me, I can pay him a visit later and roughen him up a bit.” He leaned over and pointed behind you, pouring himself a shot of some weird blue drink before moving in closer to you again.
“Sorry?” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what he was referring to or if you had even begun a conversation with him.
“The sleemo that rejected you sweetheart. Why else would you be drowning in my best stuff?” He winked at you and you barely managed to not visibly gag at the ways his eyes raked over your form. Did he think this was the way to flirt?
“Maybe I just love drinking liquid fire, sweetheart. Have you thought of that?” You hoped you weren’t being too sarcastic with him because if there was the slightest chance of getting laid tonight, then you were going to do everything in your power to take it and run considering how there was no chance of you asking your now-permanent “roommate” for those kinds of services. 
“Maybe. Either way, I’d love to help you forget about that sucker.” You took a deep breath and willed yourself to not punch him in the eye because the thought of being able to forget about the beskar-clad bounty hunter, even for a few hours only, sounded incredibly pleasant.
“Oh aren’t you sweet? So selfless and confident too.” You forced a smile before downing the rest of the whiskey and tapping on the glass again. If you were going to get fucked by someone like him, you needed at least three more drinks or else you wouldn’t be able to imagine the Mandalorian in his place. You chuckled at the depressing thought because here you were trying to forget about the man himself and yet went out of your way to make sure you were sort of able to pretend he was the one showing you the stars. 
“Believe me darling, my intentions are strictly...honorable.” He poured you another drink and took a shot with you, his eyes widening in shock when you didn’t bother to wait another second before downing the whole glass in one go. 
“Damn baby, he hurt you that bad?” You raised an eyebrow at his inquiry and didn’t know why the question bothered you so much. As much as you hated to admit it, the answer was a hard yes. 
“Hah, hurt doesn’t even begin to cover it. And you know what the worst part is? He doesn’t even know he’s doing it.” You didn’t bother to ask him for another drink, jumping on top of the counter before leaning down and grabbing the whiskey bottle from the shelf right in front of his knees. 
“You mean he’s still here?” He didn’t question your behavior, letting you take a long sip from the bottle before smiling down at your dazed expression. 
“Here. There. Everywhere. He’s fucking everywhere all the damn time. I...he’s- maker...I can’t get him out of my kriffing mind. And the funny thing is, he probably doesn’t waste a second of thought on me. I’m just...someone with a fucking ride that can get him from one planet to the next.” You traced random patterns on the cold tile of the counter and didn’t realize that someone had occupied the seat just opposite of you and trying his hardest to ignore the way the patrons across the room continued to stare at you like you were a piece of meat. 
“Darling, he isn’t worth your time. You need someone that...appreciates you. Tells you how good you’ve been.” You knew the man in front of you was just saying those lovely things to get in your pants but you couldn’t help the next few words from stopping even if you tried.
“Yes...gods, yes. Yes I do. But I wanted him to appreciate me. I wanted him to tell me how good I’ve been. I can’t blame him for not bothering to thank me though because it’s hard for him to hold a conversation longer than five minutes. I get that, he’s not used to it, he hasn’t needed to for so long. But it wouldn't hurt to acknowledge me every once in a while you know. I mean, do you know anyone else who’d willingly put their entire life on hold just to help some random introvert and his child find their way through this kriffing shithole of a system?” You knew you shouldn’t be saying any of those things out loud, let alone to a complete stranger. But he struck a nerve and you couldn’t take not another minute of not telling anyone how you truly felt. You needed to get some things off your chest and you sure as hell weren’t about to complain to the man waiting for you back on the ship. ��
“And- and do you know anyone that would readily give up their most valuable position in this world to a stranger they just met? I don’t.” You violently shook your head at him and felt your eyes fill with tears when you saw the way the man was looking at you. His eyes shot down to the bottle in your hand and you unceremoniously raised it to your lips before taking a long swig of the burning liquid, hoping by some miracle that this was enough to make you forget all about his stupid strut and his annoyingly low and gruff voice and the way he was so effortlessly kind to the kid.
“That ship. It’s- oh gah, it’s been with me through the worst fucking jobs. I fought for it, almost sold my kriffing bo-...almost sold something priceless to ensure it isn’t taken from me again. And it only takes some damn beskar-wearing, quiet, fucking who-knows-what-species nerfherder to save me once for me to voluntarily hand it over to him. Like it wasn’t a piece of me...like it wasn’t my home.” You were over sharing at this point and you noticed the way the man was beginning to lose interest in you  so you made sure to grab his shirt and pull him closer to you before grabbing his forearm and digging your nails into it to keep his attention.
“Have you heard of the Revenant? You must have heard of the Revenant. There is no way you haven’t-”
“Yes, yes. I’ve heard of it.” He was exasperated but continued to attend to you, shamelessly letting his eyes follow a drop of whiskey roll down your shirt in between the valley of your breasts. You fixed your posture, pushing your tits together and giving him an eyeful of skin before ranting to him again.
“That’s my baby. My pride and joy. I always made sure everyone at the dock knew who it belonged to. Know why?” You grabbed his hand and pulled on it to make sure he was listening to you, laughing when he tiredly leaned down and forced himself to look away from your sweaty chest to your eyes. 
“Enlighten me sweetheart.”
“Because it’s one of the biggest gunships out there. So much space that I don’t actually use. It’s a fucking beauty...but you know what? It’s all a lie. A sad, unfortunate lie. Because it took me spending the better half of the year with that kid and his tincan of a guardian to realize just how small it is. It’s like he put his mark on every corner of my home on purpose...just to drive me insane. Every time I sit somewhere where I’m sure he wouldn’t bother to come to, I’d still smell that- that...that fucking scent of his that I can’t, for the life of me, figure out what it is.” You had thankfully placed the whiskey bottle away from you and didn’t try to fight the tavern-keeper when he took it and put it back on the shelf, instantly returning to you to make sure you weren’t about to break anything.
“I even gave him my room. My room! Because ‘no one can see my face’ so he needs some privacy away from me but then there’s the whole ‘the child stays with me all the time’ and that womp rat can sleep in the little cot in my room with him while also giving him some privacy. Which leaves me, you guessed it, in the shitty lower deck where there is no door, not even a curtain, to give me some semblance of solitude.” You didn’t realize how harshly you were breathing until you stopped speaking and noticed the way the stranger continued to look at you. 
“It has been a literal hell not being able to get myself off because he can walk in on me at any given moment. Picture that, not getting off for almost a year while being forced to remain in the same vicinity as him.” You didn’t care when you saw the man almost choke on his drink at your bold admission and looked around to make sure no one heard you. “Ughh, you’ve been such a good boy listening to me whining all night long and I think you deserve a treat.” You knew you had him as soon as he shivered at the way your fingers moved beneath his shirt and scratched his neck. “You look like the kind of guy that could fuck me within an inch of my life. Right?”
“Ah huh. Y-yeah.” He licked his lips before setting down the towel in his hands and inching closer towards you. And you silently swore at how absolutely pathetic he was because not a minute ago, he was trying to find a way out of this conversation and here he was thinking with his probably-disappointing dick. 
“Good. And I promise to make it worth your while if you manage to make me forget his name.” You leaned across the counter and were about to kiss him when you saw something move across your peripheral vision, something that looked oddly familiar to your completely hazed mind. 
“And what’s his name, baby? So I make sure you can’t rememb-” Before he could finish whatever he was about to say, you felt a large hand wrap around your upper arm and pull you back from the bartender and off of the stool. You almost tripped as you struggled to stand and huffed in anger before raising your voice to the distinguished individual who thought this was the time to fuck with you. 
“Hey what are y-” You were about to take a swing at whoever it was currently bruising your arm when you followed the glint of the familiar metal and were met with your reflection staring right back at you. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you blinked in confusion a few times at the visor currently tilted in an almost judgemental manner at you before attempting to wipe your hair with your other hand.
The Mandalorian slowly changed his focus to the man behind the bar and threw a few credits at him, hands immediately lowering to the blaster in his side holster when he saw where the tavern-keeper’s eyes moved towards. The stranger could only hold up his hand in defeat before walking towards the other side of the bar to lick his invisible wounds. The Mandalorian’s helmet turned to the rest of the cantina, daring anyone to approach the two of you before you left. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to follow the two of you as you returned to the Revenant. He could feel his patience withering away with every passing moment you decided to share what’s on your mind with the rest of the universe but him. 
“Let me go.” You whispered to him, eyes maintained to the ground and cringing when you felt his hold on your arm tighten at the request. Before you could ask him again, Mando was turning around and walking out of the busy cantina, pulling you along with him aggressively and not leaving any room for negotiation. You winced as he pulled you like a child through the streets, avoiding the concerned and intrigued looks you were receiving. He was much taller than you and you laughed when you realized it must have been a sight to see some random woman getting dragged along by an angry bounty hunter. Mando couldn’t help but turn towards you when he heard your giggles break the silence, his annoyance spiking because there was absolutely nothing humorous about this situation. 
You noticed the way he was staring at you and decided to quiet down, swallowing the lump in your throat as the cold air hit your sweaty skin and made you shiver. 
As you moved closer to the ship, you realized there was a chance he heard what you had to say about him and your ship. Hurt and anxiety rose up your throat and before you could attempt and control the all too familiar feeling, you were tripping over your feet and falling to the ground, instantly vomiting everything you’d managed to eat and drink in the last couple of hours. 
The Mandalorian hoped his obviously misplaced outrage wasn’t what led you to such a violent reaction, and he kneeled down immediately to hold your hair away from your face. When he saw tears falling down your cheeks and how hard you were breathing beneath him, something snapped in his chest and he knew he was definitely the reason behind this severe response. 
“Don’t- oh gah….kriffing look at me.” You spat in between words and turned away from him, holding onto your stomach and to the grass beneath you as you continued to empty your stomach in the middle of the forest. At least you weren’t in the city anymore. 
“We’re close to the ship,” he didn’t know what else to say and chose to state the obvious instead, afraid of using a harsher tone with you. Actually, he did know what to say, he just didn’t trust himself to speak the words out loud yet.
“Wopty fucking doo for-” once again, you opened your mouth and dry heaved until you were sure there wasn’t a single drop of whiskey in your system, “you and your stupid kriffing-” 
“Please Ad'ika, let me-” You visibly shook at the familiar endearment you’ve heard him whisper to the child so often when he thought you weren’t around. It hurt to know he was throwing it around as if he wasn’t twisting the knife inside your heart with every breath he took near you. 
“Let m-me go, p-please.” Mando’s sudden intake of breath was as loud as the silence engulfing the two of you and you swallowed your pride before looking into his visor, well aware of how awful you must have looked without the reflection staring back at you. He, on the other hand, grasped in that moment just how deep your words in the cantina were and instead of listening to you and allowing you a moment alone, he took a deep breath before softly pushing back your hair and wrapping one arm around your waist. You didn’t have any time to question him as the other went beneath your thighs and before you knew it, you were holding onto his cowl for dear life as he quietly walked up the ramp of the Revenant with you in his arms. 
Mando pushed in the code to shut the hatch before making his way through the quiet halls of the ship, reaching hi- your room and going straight to the bed he has occupied in the last few months. As he put you down, he took notice of your body language and knew instantly how self-conscious you must have felt laying on the bed he’s been using since he joined you. The same bed which you sort of commented about not an hour ago. He watched as you forced a smile as soon as you saw the familiar green little womp rat peeking its head right before descending from the safety of his crib and wobbling towards you. 
You tried to leave the bed but Mando was ahead of you, gently pushing your shoulder until you realized there was no room for arguing with him. Leaning down, he took the kid and put him back in the crib before telling him he couldn’t cuddle with you tonight. 
You kept your hands clasped together and refused to look at him, eyes taking in the room no longer familiar to you. He’d moved things around, even put things away that he didn’t need. Your gaze shifted towards him unintentionally as you saw him approach you with a cup of water and wet towel. Pushing the covers towards you, he sat near your thighs as he handed you the water and began to softly wipe at your cheeks and forehead. 
You shut your eyes out of fear of giving more away just by staring at his visor and Mando thanked the stars you had because he wasn’t sure he could truly look at you if they were still open. It was a ridiculous thought because he was wearing a mask and you’d never know how much he loved committing all those little muscle twitches to memory. But it felt strangely intimate to return your gaze and he didn’t want to make you any more uncomfortable tonight. 
You sighed heavily at his touch and felt pathetic at how starved you were for anything that had to do with him. The man was wearing gloves and wasn’t technically trailing his fingers over your skin but it still felt difficult to contain yourself.
When he was done, he stood up and moved to the refresher, giving you a few moments alone before he imposed on you again. You gulped down the water and placed the cup on the floor near you, looking out of the large window to your right and noticing the dark blue skies moving slowly above you. It took you a few minutes to recognize that what you were feeling was no longer hurt but confusion. He’s acted so differently tonight and you hated to think it was because he was pitying you. It didn’t matter anymore whether he’d heard what you said about him or not. He would have found out sooner or later, and if you were being honest, you felt like he probably had some inclination for a while before but chose to not bring any attention to the topic to save you from embarrassment and rejection.
“Get some rest.” You turned towards him again, not realizing he’d come back into the room and was standing right beside you. Mando tried his hardest not to give away any of his thoughts but you knew what he was thinking as soon as you saw his helmet tilt down just below your neck. 
When you followed his line of sight, you felt ill again but for a completely different reason. Of course this would get worse. You weren’t planning on seeing him tonight and you told yourself you’d have plenty of time to change out of his shirt but it seemed that the universe was not making this any easier on you. Mando couldn’t stop staring at the shirt wrapped so loosely around your smooth skin and how large it looked on you. If he was a decent man, he would have turned away when he saw you shifting uncomfortably under his gaze but he couldn’t help taking in the way your body seemed to react to his presence and before he could think about it, he was stepping closer to the bed and reaching out to touch the material of his shirt falling down your shoulder.
“I- I’m sorry about your s-” The words died in your throat when you felt his gloved fingers trailing down your exposed clavicle and you were torn between asking him what he was doing and letting him carry on without interrupting his curiosity. Mando barely held himself back from pushing you down into the covers and taking what he now knew was his but he noticed the sudden goosebumps erupt on your skin and finally managed to meet your eyes through the visor. The way you were returning his gaze was perhaps too much for him and he flinched away from you, clearing his throat and willing himself to think of anything else but the way you were practically begging him to take you. You parted your lips to say something but couldn’t find your voice, afraid you’d push him more than he could take and drive him away all together. 
“It’s fine. It’s...I don’t mi- forget about it. You need to rest.” He spoke softly before walking towards the cot nearby and pushing the crib out of the door. 
“Wh-where will you sleep?” You sat up and knew he noticed how much you were holding onto every single interaction with him.
“Good night,” he didn’t bother to respond to the question, turning off the lights and shutting the door behind him before making his way to the cockpit. You sat in silence for a few moments before slithering under the covers, sighing in annoyance when you noticed just how much this entire room smelled like him. Pushing your face into the pillow, you took a deep breath and felt shaken to the core when you were hit with Mando’s distinctive scent: sweat, beskar, and that damn featherfern wash he somehow found every time you flew by Nevarro. 
As you looked out the metal blinds, you tried to brace yourself for the conversation you were most definitely going to have with the Mandalorian the next day. You knew for a fact that whatever decision he’d take will ultimately hurt you because there were really only two options available, one of which involved him and the child leaving and the other would lead to them staying but making things awkward since there was not a single chance he would reciprocate your feelings. 
And the worst part was, you weren’t sure which was more painful.
The Mandalorian sat quietly in the cockpit for a while, making sure you were asleep so as to not wake you up as he moved through the Revenant. Seeing that the kid was fast asleep, he found himself leaving the small space and navigating to the lower deck. He passed by your room and noticed the lights were off, sighing in relief at knowing that you were finally resting comfortably. Arriving at the lower deck, he stood at the entrance of the large room and felt his chest tighten once he took in the state of the space. Turning on the lights, he immediately noticed your makeshift cot in the far right corner, unable to stop himself from moving towards it to inspect it. He shook his head in anger but this time it was aimed at himself and not you or the random tavern keeper who couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. 
How did he not know of this arrangement? And why did he not ask about your sleeping situation the day he joined your ship? Was he truly that unconcerned with anyone else but the kid or was it because he was reluctant to listen to Peli when she recommended you?
He’d only been in the lower deck for a few moments yet he felt his skin crawl with goosebumps. It was awfully cool down here and it took him another ten seconds to acknowledge that you’ve been living and sleeping here for this long without complaining once to him. 
Everything you said about him earlier tonight crashed into him like a wave of guilt and he couldn’t stay in the room any longer, making his way back to the upper deck to try and figure out what he would say to you come tomorrow. As he slowly moved through the dark hallways of the Revenant, he heard a faint voice coming from the upper deck, muscles tensing instantly when he walked past your room and noticed you weren’t on the bed.
Not wanting to disturb you, he waited right outside the cockpit and listened to you humming to the child. He must have woken up and found his way back to you. As he crossed his arms and stood behind the door, he couldn’t help but notice how soft your voice was as you continued to sing a lullaby to the little womp rat. 
How could he have not noticed…
“There you go, you little green goblin. If only I could sleep as quickly as you.” You whispered to him before tucking him into the crib while continuing to rub his abnormally large ears. “Your dad is really funny...thinking I’d be able to sleep in that room with his scent all over it.” 
Maker, how were you so forthright with everyone but him? It hurt to know that he wasn’t someone you could whisper your little secrets to. Then again, it made sense since all of your secrets seemed to involve him.
“I pray he doesn’t tell me he has to leave now that he knows I...ughh, for both of our sakes little one.” Mando noticed the way you seemed incapable of finishing your sentences whenever you spoke about him and a deep part of him wished you would, if only to hear the adoration in your words. Rarely anyone spoke of him so softly and he had a feeling he’d only ever accept such words from you. It was quiet for a few minutes before he heard you whisper to the kid again. 
“It just hurts to know that he’ll never see me as...as a-” He wasn’t sure if it was the heartbreaking tone of your voice or if it was the way you were reluctant to say your heart’s desire out loud but Mando couldn’t stand another second of you thinking you weren’t important to him.
“As a what?” His voice came out harsher through the vocoder and he winced at himself when he vaguely heard you jumping from the chair. A soft hiss came from the cockpit and he took a deep breath when he realized you’d just shut the crib and moved to leave the room. As you stepped out, Mando forced his eyes to remain on your face, refusing to look at your exposed legs or the way his shirt seemed to end right beneath your upper thighs.
Softly shutting the door, you walked to the opposite side of the room and knew the Mandalorian must have noticed your need to put as much space between the two of you as possible. 
“We need to stop running into each other like this,” you laughed awkwardly and anxiously ringed your fingers, glancing at his visor before turning away and looking everywhere else but him. Okay, so humor wasn’t going to get you out of this situation. 
“How’s your head?” You could feel how on edge he was and decided to answer with short and straightforward responses just to avoid any more awkwardness. 
“M-much clearer.” You stood in silence until you heard the Mandalorian pushing off of the opposite wall and heading towards you. You didn’t have anywhere to go, eyes snapping to the door right behind him and knowing there was no way you could try to walk around him.
He stopped a couple of feet away from you and you ceased to breathe when you noticed how awfully close he was to you. 
“Answer my question.” His voice was dangerously low and you found it difficult to try and think of anything to say when he was giving you no room to breathe. 
“I- I did?” Your voice was far from confident and you watched as he gently took off both of his gloves before shoving them into his pockets. Even though he willingly removed them in front of you, you didn’t allow yourself to look at his skin, afraid you’d somehow offend him and his Creed. But then you saw his hand move towards your face, and gasped when you felt his fingers tilting your chin so you were looking into his visor. There was not an inclination of an emotion available to you but you forced yourself to keep your eyes open nonetheless. 
“How do you want me to see you Mesh'la?” Mando whispered down to you and you swore his voice was hoarse as he spoke to you but you didn’t allow this moment to get to your head. It would hurt more than anything if…
“It d-doesn’t matter.” You blinked away the tears, wanting to wipe your face before anymore were shed but not finding it in yourself to move away from him. But then you felt his thumb softly rubbing at your wet skin, making you almost lose your composure as soon as he stepped closer in your space until your back hit the wall. 
“I’m sorry Cyar'ika,” his chest was inches from your face, cornering you beneath his other arm before leaning down and resting his forehead against yours. You couldn’t breath, not when he was suddenly filling all of your senses as if it was the most natural thing to do. He felt your tears roll around his thumb and couldn’t bear the thought of you crying because of him.
“I’m sorry for making you think you don’t matter...you do, not just to the kid but- but to me as well.” Your knees gave out on you as soon as you heard Mando’s confession, barely managing to grab onto his forearms right before buckling against him. The Mandalorian wasn’t sure if that was the kind of reaction he was looking for but he immediately wrapped his arms around your back and legs before pulling you against his chest. You nuzzled into his chest and kept a tight hold on him as he walked through the dimly lit hallways back to your room. He could feel goosebumps take over the skin of your thighs where he was touching you and tried to distract himself from pushing you down into the middle of the Revenant and taking you right then and there. You deserved more than that. 
As he reached the room and laid you on the bed, he felt your fingers clasp onto him harder and when his eyes trailed over your face, he knew you were silently begging him not to leave. 
“I’m not going anywhere Ad'ika.” His reassuring tone tugged at your heart and you swallowed the lump in your throat as you watched him walk to the door and shut it behind him before moving to the refresher. You heard him shuffle around and allowed your mind to calm down, knowing very well that Mando wasn’t unkind and wouldn’t lead you on just to leave you. But then he walked out without his beskar armor and you swore you died and joined the stars. His helmet looked odd without his normal clothing and you knew he could probably see you shamelessly ogling him from across the room. 
He walked to you and stood to the side, and you realized he was probably nervous. You pushed yourself against the wall and threw back the covers, hoping he’d understand what you wanted of him.
“Can I-”
“Please.” You cut him off before he could finish his question and he took a deep breath before laying on the bed and moving as close to you as possible. Before he could throw the covers over the two of you, you were already laying your head on his chest and wrapping an arm around him, fingers fisting into the soft material of his shirt unintentionally as you felt him relax beneath you.
You weren’t sure how long it’s been but you felt his heart rate finally come back to normal. Hoping you weren’t being too forward with him, you took his hand into yours and brought it to your lips, softly kissing his knuckles before turning his palm over to lay a kiss on his wrist. Mando was losing every ounce of control left in his body and his arm tightened around your back as soon as he felt the tip of your tongue against his hand. 
“Pfassk,” you flinched at the rough expletive and raised your head to look at him, finding his visor already tilted down towards you. “I- I’m sorry I’ll stop if-”
“No..n-no, don’t stop. It just- you took me by surprise.” His chest was rising and falling more rapidly and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was as affected by this new level of ‘intimacy’ as you were, if not more.
You felt bold at his request, kicking the covers away before sitting up and moving to straddle his thighs. Mando was breathing harshly and mirrored your actions, sitting up against the cool metal of the wall before laying his hands on top of your exposed thighs. He let himself take in the way your skin flushed under his touch and smiled to himself when he continued to inch his smooth hands over your upper thighs until his shirt rid up your legs and revealed the pastel color of your undergarment. 
“Cyar'ika…” He sighed when he finally forced himself to meet your eyes and found them dilated until there was barely any color left in them. You wanted to ask him what that word meant but chose to file it for later. Placing your hands on top of his, you smiled down at him before pulling them towards your lips and kissing his palms. Almost instantly, you felt him twitch against you, unable to control himself from bucking his hips against your heated core. You let go of his hands and laid your own on his chest, throwing your head back when you felt his tight grip on your thighs. You could tell he wanted to apologize but gave him no chance to do so, sliding against him until you were sure he was painfully hard beneath you.
“Maker...I- I could almost taste you on my tongue Mando. When you- you left me in here all by myself. I couldn’t sleep, n-not when I could smell you on these covers, not when I could feel you on my skin. I..gods, wanted to kiss you then, and- and I wanted to taste your- you...Please, c-can I? P-please-” You dug your nails into his chest and heard him throw his head back against the wall with every confession you moaned to him. He was never this unhinged and you wished to see him come absolutely undone at your touch.
“A-are you sure?” It pained him to ask but he needed to be sure that you wouldn’t regret this. Regret him. 
“Mando, have you not listened to anything I’ve said tonight?” As much as you hated to remind him of the earlier and rather embarrassing events, you wanted him to know just how much he meant to you. You knew he was reluctant to let this relationship move forward and you couldn’t really blame him. This was all new to him. But you also didn’t want to stall, not when the two of you have become so aware of the other’s feelings.
You continued to rub yourself on him, shaking with anticipation when you heard him moan through the vocoder as you pressed yourself more confidently down on him. 
“Mesh'la I-” Without warning, you took one of his hands and pushed it to your lips, slowly taking two of his fingers into your mouth and swirling your tongue around them until his moans grew louder. And when he pushed his fingers deeper into your mouth, you gripped his wrist tightly and groaned, making sure he could feel how much you wanted him. 
“Y-you’re killing me sweet girl.” He wanted to loosen his hold on you, to take things slow, to not let himself get carried away with you, but he didn’t find it in himself to be gentle because he could feel how wet and needy you were above him and there was no way he was going to waste another second not being close to you.
“Please Mando, I want you, n-need to have you. I can make you feel so good. Please, can I?” You reached down and cupped him through his pants, finding him as hard as the beskar of his armor. He thrust up into your hand and swore violently before taking his hand away from your mouth and fisting it into your hair. You smiled when you felt him push you off of him, whispering something in Mando’a when he saw you pulling his pants down his thighs and throwing them behind you. 
You bit your lower lip before moving off of the bed and pushing his legs along with you as well. Mando sat up and forced his hands to remain by his side, afraid his enthusiasm would make him get too rough with you and scare you away. When you laid your hands on his knees and pushed them wide open so you could get comfortable between his legs, Mando’s hands tightened around the covers and he hissed when he saw the way you were eyeing his cock. You were staring at him like he was a piece of meat and he wasn’t sure if he loved it or was embarrassed by it. 
“Maker,” you whispered before dragging your nails up and down his thighs, watching as his cock twitched against his stomach every time you got a little aggressive with your touches. Looking up into his visor, you slowly leaned down and took the tip of his cock in your mouth, humming around him as you tasted precum leaking into your taste buds. That seemed to do it for him because one of his hands shot to the back of your head and fisted into your hair while the other moved down until it landed on your hand. He intertwined his fingers with yours and watched as you pulled back and licked the underside of his dick before spitting into your hand and wrapping it around him.
“M-mando, the taste of you,” you took as much of him in your mouth as possible while maintaining eye contact with his helmet, squeezing the base of his cock before reaching down and cupping his balls. Mando swore, involuntarily thrusting into your mouth and watching in awe as he saw a dangerous glint in your eyes right before you clasped his hand harder and somehow managed to take him in deeper. It was such a sight, holding affectionately onto your hand as you brought him to pleasure. Letting go of him with a pop, you laid wet kisses down the length of his cock, licking the protruding veins and smiling when you felt his hold tighten on your hair. “Is absolutely addicting.” 
You could tell the exact second he lost all semblance of control because one minute you were kneeling at his feet, and the next thing you knew, Mando was pulling you up by your hair and throwing you beneath him on the bed. You wiped your lips with the back of your hand, watching his muscles flex as he removed his shirt expertly over his helmet. The soft starlight coming through the metal blinds of the window shone onto his skin and you trailed your gaze down his chest, finding the golden brown tone of his scarred body absolutely breathtaking. 
“Mando, you’re beautiful.” You saw his hands begin to shake at your compliment, and you knew you’d take every chance you get from now on to tell him how much you adored him. You could hear him breathing through the mask and licked your lips when he looked down and saw the way you were playing with the hem of his shirt. Slowly, you began to pull on the soft material, about to take it off when he held onto your wrists. Your smile faltered for a second and hoped you didn’t somehow misunderstand his intentions.
The last thing Mando wished to see was your body giving away to shyness before him. Pushing your thighs open, he didn’t give you a chance to say anything else as he slid his fingers below the thin undergarment, violently ripping it off of you and discarding it onto the floor. You gasped when you felt him hard and heavy against your slit, taking both of his hands and pulling him towards you until he was only a hairbreadth away. He watched closely as you placed one hand around your throat while the other descended to your breast. You could tell Mando was reluctant to move so much an inch and when you pushed yourself against him, eyes daring him to do as he wishes, he found himself completely overtaken with the thought of you belonging to him and him only. You smiled when you felt the grip on your throat tighten, shutting your eyes and arching your back against him as the other cupped and pinched at your nipples through his shirt. 
“If you want me to fuck you tonight, Mesh'la, then you’re going to keep my shirt on.” He could feel you shaking in his arms and smiled to himself at the knowledge of how much he affected you. 
“Mando, please…” You would have continued begging him if he asked you to, but then he was moving away from you and leaning towards the window. Keeping your hands clasped to your chest, you watched as he shut the blinds until there wasn’t a single light shining into the room. You could barely see your own hands in the dark and wondered why he was shuffling above you. A soft hissing sound had you tensing in an instant and you ceased to breathe when you heard the faint sound of beskar hitting the ground. 
“M-mando?” The question was more reluctant than inquisitive and you didn’t have time to react as you felt him lean against you until you were touching every inch of his skin. You blinked a few times in vain, knowing there was no way you would be able to see anything. But then you felt something soft brush against your cheek and as you turned your head towards him, Mando was molding his lips with yours, swallowing your gasps and sucking on your tongue as soon as you melted into him. He pulled away against his own will, but not before pushing your jaw with his nose until your neck was available to him.
“And my name is Din sweet girl, Din Djarin. It better be the only word you scream tonight as I fuck this pretty little cunt. Understood?” You weren’t sure if it was his deep voice that made you speechless or the fact that he not only took off his helmet for you but willingly told you his name as well. You committed it to memory, hoping this wouldn’t be the only time he took off his helmet around you. You’d always wondered what he sounded like without it, not comprehending that it could be so much sweeter than what you’ve dreamed of. And by the gods, his lips. How were they so soft and gentle? Maker, he had a stubble too, not a rough one but just long enough to tickle your neck as he kissed and nipped at your clavicle.
“Answer me Ad'ika.” He bit your shoulder to grab your attention once more, chuckling above you when you nodded frantically against him. 
“You’re so soft Cyar'ika, I- I want to kiss every inch of your skin.” As much as you loved making him lose his mind at your touch, you had to admit you enjoyed him much more when he was in control. You smiled when he kissed along your shoulder before pushing down his shirt far enough to expose your breasts. Din bit down on his lower lip to contain himself, but then you were arching your back and pushing yourself into him and he couldn’t hold back. He kissed down your sternum, waiting until you relaxed in his arms before assaulting your nipples. You screamed his name as you felt his teeth tug on your nipple, hands shooting to his hair when you felt him grope and pull on the other. 
“Din, oh ma-maker- your mouth is...f-fuck.” You could tell he was smiling as he aggressively licked the hardened bud before sucking on it again. Din pushed his cock against your wet slit, growling when you pulled on his hair and cried his name like a sweet prayer. 
“I could smell your cunt sweet girl, so fucking wet and hot and ready for me.” Din pulled back and cornered you between his arms, bucking his hips into you until you were a needy and moaning mess beneath him. “Woke up countless times in this bed...hard and aching at the mere thought of you...d-dreaming of having you in my arms, wanting to sink into you, f-fuck you on every inch of this ship.” 
“Din, please...I need you.” 
The way you clawed at his back broke him and before he knew what he was doing, he was flipping you on your stomach and raising your hips against him.
“I need to have you Mesh'la.” Din leaned down and swiped your hair to the side, whispering the filthiest things in your ears as he took hold of his cock and rubbed it against your heat. 
“I’m yours Din, do what you want. Fuck me, ruin me...cum in me if you wish. Just p-please-”
You made it sound so simple, trusting him. It was an odd feeling to know how easily you were giving yourself to him. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise, not after what you said tonight. But something about the way you offered yourself to him, especially with that last request, had him seeing stars.
Leaning down until his chest was sliding against your back, the Mandalorian held you against him with one arm across your front while he slowly slipped into your wet cunt. You sighed in unison, and Din felt a sense of pride fill his chest when you dug your nails into his arm while your legs began to shake beneath him.
“You’re a dream Cyar'ika, the best f-fucking dream I could ever have. And you’re all mine.”
“Y-yes, yours. I’ve always been yours, oh gods Din please, move. M-move.” You were babbling at this point but couldn’t find it in yourself to care, turning your head to the side just to feel him breathe against your cheek. His stubble rubbed deliciously at your heated and sensitive skin, and you would tell him later that you hoped he’d mirror those actions but elsewhere.
“So tight darling, I- you’re everything. The things I- uhhh, the thing I want to do to you.” Din achingly pulled out before snapping into you again, biting down on your shoulder when you clenched violently around him. 
“Din, oh Din-” You wished you could tell him how good he felt, how much he filled you, how often you craved having him inside you and how much you were losing it now that he was. But you couldn’t find a single word, not when he was fucking you like you were it for him.
The normally quiet man was groaning and hissing above you, pulling you along with him as he sat up and continued to fuck you relentlessly. You reached back and held his head against your neck, crying in pain and pleasure when he picked up the pace and his hold on your hip tightened. You were sure there would be bruise marks the next day but you couldn’t tell him to slow down or be a little less aggressive, not when you finally had him where you’ve wanted for so long. 
“Fuck, fuck….sweet girl, did- did you mean it?” He was asking you something and you didn’t really pay attention to him, focusing on the way he deliciously dragged against your tight walls over and over again. Din knew it wasn’t fair to ask you anything right now but he had to know. Needed to.
He stopped his movement all together, sinking as deep into you as possible and tightening his grip on your throat. 
“Pfassk...answer me darling.” Din whispered into your ears and reached down to where you were joined, softly slapping your clit until you twitched and begged him to repeat his words again.
“I said, did you fucking mean it when- kriffing hell, when you said I could...c-cum in you?” He was reluctant to ask but there was no point in denying either of you. 
“Yes, gods yes. I told you Din, d-do what you want with me.” You forcibly loosened the fingers around your throat and brought them to your lips, biting the palm of his hand as he resumed thrusting into you. 
“Mesh'la...you’re such a sweet girl, letting me b-breed you...taking my cock so well, letting me fill you up. You were made for me darling. This cunt, this sweetest and tightest kriffing pussy was made for my cock.” He pronounced each word with a harsh push of his hips and you smiled when you heard how low his voice suddenly became. The sounds of skin slapping on skin filled the room and you hoped the child wouldn’t wake up from how loud the two of you were being. 
“You’re mine darling. Won’t let anyone else touch you...fucking look at you even. Maker I- I almost lost it tonight in the cantina.” There was a hint of self-consciousness in his words and you hoped he didn’t think you could ever replace him.
“D-din..” You wanted to tell him no one else would compare but he didn’t give you a chance. 
“Talking about me like I- fuck, like I didn’t care about you, like I don’t picture you coming on my cock every waking moment of my day. And flirting with him in my shirt...my kriffing shirt. I almost lost it when he put his hands on you sweet girl.” You weren’t sure if he had somehow become harder inside you or if it was his words that made you attuned to the feeling of him pushing into your cunt but you turned your head and kissed his cheeks, hoping he’d understand what you were trying to tell him with your touches. 
“You’re the only one f-for me.” Din let go of your neck and held onto your hips, no longer caring about how rough he was being with you. Your heavy sighs were the only warning he had right before your tight walls convulsed around his dick and he continued to fuck you through your orgasm, falling on top of you and bucking his hips slowly into your cunt until you begged him to slow down.
“Cyare, ah pfassk, that’s it. Keep squeezing me darling. I’m so close, so close. Ah fuck, you’re mine. Mine, not letting you go. N-never letting you go. Oh maker...ner runi...ner. Ner. Riduur. My sweet girl...riduur.” Din didn’t realize what he’d said until the words were left hanging in the air and he felt a rush of relief wash over him as he finally admitted how he felt about you. 
“Din, I lo- ahh gods please.” He silenced your screams with his hand, losing his rhythm as he came in hot spurts of cum inside you. Din bit down onto your shoulder just as you bit on the palm of his hand, continuing to push his seed deep inside you until he felt you a mixture of your juices seeping out of you. Neither of you moved for a few moments, relishing the way you fit so perfectly with each other. You could feel him breathing heavily against your back and smiled with pride when you realized you were the only one that got to see him like this. 
Din didn’t want to stop touching you, falling to the side and grabbing your flush to him only to hiss when you unintentionally clenched around his softening cock. You kissed his wrist as he pulled the covers over the two of you, not bothering to move a muscle mostly because you knew he didn’t wish for you to leave him.
He kissed along the bruised ridges of your shoulders, drawing circles on your navel and smiling when you giggled beneath him.
“I wasn’t too rough with you was I?” He asked embarrassingly, not knowing what he’d do if you said yes. 
“You were perfect Din...you- you are perfect.” You turned your head far enough in hopes of catching his attention, letting out a deep breath when he leaned over and captured your lips in a chaste kiss. He was so soft and you didn’t know which side of him you enjoyed more but you were sure you wanted to get to know him, all of him. His likes and dislikes.
“Far from it Mesh'la. I...I went to the lower deck and saw where you’ve been sleeping.”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Din rose on his elbow, seeking your hands in the dark and holding onto your fingers as he raised your hand to his mouth and kissed along your hand. 
“I- I didn’t want to make you think you weren’t welcome. Peli told me about the Creed and well, there isn’t any sort of privacy down there really. And the kid would’ve been cold. I know how much he likes to cuddle next to you when he sleeps.” 
“But you’ve been-”
“I’ve slept in worse conditions, believe me.” He didn’t say anything else in response but you knew he was very much thinking about it. 
“Din, I wouldn’t change a single moment. Not one. Because each one led me here, to this bed, in your arms. I would relive every mission and every cold night and every awkward conversation again if I knew I’d end up here with you. You’re the closest thing I have to a..a-”
“Family.” He broke the silence before lying back down and pulling you as close to him as possible.
“Promise me you won’t get drunk by yourself in a cantina again.” You wished you didn’t laugh out loud at the random request because Din swore behind you before his grip loosened a bit.
“I’m sorry I...I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s just, here I am pouring my heart out and the only thing you could follow up with was that.” When he didn’t say anything in return, you grabbed his arm and pulled him back to you. “And yes, I promise not to get drunk in a cantina by myself ever again.”
“But I can’t really make any promises about not flirting with anyone because if it means I get to have you all hot and bothered then-”
“Sweet girl, you’re going to regret ever thinking of that…” 
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Sleemo - This Huttese insult was pronounced slay-mo and translated as "slimeball," a rude insult.
Ad'ika - Little one
Mesh'la - Beautiful
Cyar'ika - Darling/Sweetheart
Pfassk - An adaptable expletive
Cyare - Beloved
Ner - Mine.
Runi - soul; only used poetically
Riduur - partner, spouse, husband/wife
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anystalker707 · 3 years
Pleasantly Surprising
Pairing: Gerard x Reader Word count: ~ 4 000 Genre: Fluff / Enemies to lovers Summary: (Y/n) meets a nice group of guys in a concert. Warning: Blood, but no violence or wounds description.
Requested on Wattpad
a/n: This one if for you blood kink bastards </3
(Y/p) = Your pronouns
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Feeling the cold night air filling my lungs with a faint smell of grass is much better than the smoky and sweaty, heavy air present among the public that gets worse near the mosh pit. I lean back against the brick wall, feeling the cold surface through the thick jeans of my jacket, digging into my shoulder blades as I try to control my breathing, quietly watching the band leaving the stage to give place to another.
My throat feels dry, aching the slightest after I swallow around the sharp and cold breaths, so I look around for a stand to buy at least a soda, ankling over to the nearest one. The line isn't actually that long – thank hell –, but that doesn't prevent a random bastard from trying to cut in line.
"Hey, what in the fuck you think you're doing?" I raise an eyebrow, pulling them back by their collar and they just look at me with this sulky face, bottom lip sticking out and lip ring glowing lightly under the reduced lighting. "No cutting in!"
"Says who?" they retort bitterly. "What you gonna do about it?"
"Aw, bold, aren't we?" I raise an eyebrow, glancing down and... the motherfucker is wearing school clothes, lacking the tie and shirt untucked. Private school. "What are you? Not like the other kids? The line isn't even that long, stupid."
"Fuck off," they sigh, shrugging out of my grip and harshly fixing their clothes.
"Frank– Fuck, Frank, the hell, can't we leave you alone for a single second?" A random voice suddenly interrupts our interaction before a tall person approaches, a motherly and worried air lacing their gaze. They look from me to Frank before exhaling, raising an eyebrow, at which Frank shrugs. "I'm sorry for whatever Frank did, he–"
"Fuck, no, Ray!" Frank cuts them off, "you're not playing the good guy here! I was just trying to–"
"Trying to cut in the line, yeah, very nice of you, isn't it?" I roll my eyes, twisting my mouth. At least he isn't lying, but is he stupid or something? Why would he try to convince us what he was trying to do was alright?
It looks like Frank is going to argue for a second, but ends up just groaning through gritted teeth and looking away with a sigh and tense shoulders.
Ray doesn't look any amused, only observing Frank like who looks at a puzzle after having tried to solve it for weeks without success. They shake their head, turning to me instead. "I'm Ray, he/him, nice to meet you. Sorry for Frank, what he did is... unfortunately usual."
I observe him looking at him from head to toes. School uniform just like Frank's, tucked shirt, loose tie. "Hi. I'm (y/n), (y/p). And don't worry, I would've done the same," I breathe, looking away from the two to hand the person behind the counter the money after pointing to the drink I want.
"What?" Frank gasps. "You would've done the same and still acted all like that towards me?"
I roll my eyes, sighing. "Me doing it doesn't mean I like being affected by it." I grab the change, shoving it in my pocket then step aside for Frank and Ray, cracking the can open.
"Y'know–" Frank crosses his arms over his chest, throwing his nose in the air, "–my momma says that you should treat the others as you want to be–"
"Aw, honey, so you'd like me cutting in the line right in front of you? Shamelessly?" I raise an eyebrow at him, unable to hold back a grin when his face gets bright red, hands balling into fists. Not gonna lie, it's kinda cute how he twists his mouth. Frank is about to curse when Ray is shoving a couple of cans into his hands – a sigh leaves his lips instead. "Two for each?" I question and sip on my drink.
Frank smirks, looking at me with humor. "Yeah, wanna watch me drink them at once?"
Ray rolls his eyes at Frank, shoving him out of the way after noticing there were people behind them. "We're actually with two other friends. Are you alone here? Do you wanna come along?" He smiles, ignoring Frank's complaints, so I opt for doing the same.
"I guess that'd be nice," I hum, shrugging. Otherwise, I'd be going home right now and Ray actually seems nice... I mean, Frank does too, but I'm not feeding his ego.
The other two stand against a brick wall when we find them, both quietly chatting to each other until seeing us approaching. The first one doesn't exactly react, more interested in the can Ray hands him, but the second, greasy punk, hums questioningly, straightening their posture as taking a good look at me almost like I did to Frank earlier. "And who are you?"
"(Y/n), (y/p)," I mutter, looking at them from over the rim of the can, taking a sip of my drink.
"Found lying in the trash when I approached," Frank adds, but doesn't seem so confident after I playfully shove him aside.
"Gerard, he/they," Gerard replies, eyes never averting away from mine. What is he, kind of a gang leader? Got a hell of an ego, though a bit differently from Frank – I'm noticing a pattern here, huh. "Mikey, he/him," he continues, nodding to the other guy.
I throw my empty can in a trashcan before leaning in towards Gerard. He tries to escape the touch, but he's against a wall, there's nowhere to go. How cute. "Belleville High," I say, finally able to make out what the small black letters embroidered on the chest area says, and step away, allowing Gerard to breathe. "Isn't it that private school? Catholic one? Wow, who'd know I'd find BH students here!"
"Stereotyping, are we?" Frank raises an eyebrow. It's impossible holding back a smile at him.
"No, never," I chuckle. "It's just a... rare occurrence. You came here right after school?"
"Not really." Ray shakes his head. "Just didn't have the opportunity to change. Good thing it's Friday, tho," he chuckles humorlessly and I nod in a silent agreement.
"And where do you study?" Frank takes a better look at my face. "If you study, that is."
I scoff, but don't reply just yet. Mikey is the most tidied up out of the four whereas Gerard has his tie loose around his neck, shirt untucked, blazer all wrinkled. "Of course I study, dumbass!" I glare. "But I'm in the public school near the park. But I've seen you before." I nod towards Gerard. "Just don't know where."
Gerard's eyes narrow. "Are you sure?"
"It's not always that I see a greasy vampire looking around, so yeah."
A silence hovers between us for a moment, both of us staring at each other until he feigns unamusement, looking away – I smile with a stupid pride swelling in my chest.
The night ends with us exchanging numbers after a solid hour of joking around and throwing sarcastic insults at each other. Teasing Gerard was particularly fun because he often ran away from the whole joking or at least tried to and even Mikey laughed when it failed, though sometimes succeeding when Frank finally managed to get the spotlight on himself. Ray is sweet, despite being the perfect example for 'looks like a cinnamon roll, but can actually kill you.'
Gerard got my attention, to be honest.
Saturday and Sunday go by quite slowly and thankfully texting the guys every five minutes doesn't make it as depressing as usual. Texting Gerard isn't the same as texting Frank – who replies a text to each word I send him –, however. Gerard often replies with a word or a vague comment and guess what? I'm only more interested.
No Gerard manages to slip between my thoughts during school, but it ends up happening as soon as I step past the gates. Belleville high, isn't it? Shitty elite, but they don't really seem to be like that... let's see if that wasn't just great acting. That's not even a mile away from here. I look down the street, the direction opposite to where I would usually go. It won't hurt to say hi, right? Not to mention I've got nothing to do for the rest of the day.
Belleville High's classes finish about ten minutes later compared to my school's, so I don't bother walking too fast, but not slow enough to let my palms get clammy or overthink anything. Amazing how I can feel like this about people I only met once. Okay, whatever, take a deep breath because I guess I know these curls.
"Look at who we have here!" I throw an arm around Frank's neck, interrupting whatever they were doing and attracting wide eyes towards me. Turns out I found them earlier than expected, hanging out in the park.
"Damn, are you everywhere?" Frank raises an eyebrow at me and presses his lips together, though never stepping away. Blood?
"Who knows?" I joke. "Also..." I trail off, only now taking a good look at them. "Man, what in the hell fucking happened to you guys? Seriously–" I yank a paper off Frank's back, sighing at the 'kick me' written across it and hand it to him, shaking my head. What fucking idiot did this? How the hell did they even get into a fight? It doesn't seem like they were fighting each other.
Frank groans poorly, wadding the paper into a ball and tossing it at the nearby trash can. He's got a few scratches above his eyebrows and blood trailing down the corner of his lips. Mikey and Gerard are probably in the best state out of the four – Gerard got blood trailing down his nose and same for Mikey, though on opposite sides and Mikey's cheek is smeared with blood. I can't say the same about Ray... I don't know how he's not even wincing with all that blood trailing down his face.
"Well," Mikey breathes, bringing a hand to the back of his head, "you can say that–"
"Why do you even want to know?" Gerard steps forward, hands clenched into fists by his sides. "You got nothing to do with it, okay?"
"Aw," I breathe a chuckle. So he wants things to happen like this? But does he have the nerve to keep it? I may not have known him for long, but the attitude is clearly foreign, unmatching. "And what, baby? You lost, didn't you? And you're a fucking sore loser!"
"I just don't see why you should know." He twists his mouth, looking at me uninterested, but it doesn't take long until he's looking at me with these eyes, irises barely seen, eyebrows scrunched close. "And don't talk to me like that! Maybe it would even be better if you fucked off and left us alone, don't you think?"
Man, he talks a lot. Too much. No wonder why he's in such a state. Maybe he'll shut up if I...
"Holy..." Frank trails off with a quiet chuckle and I'm certain Gerard would have glared at him if he wasn't processing what just happened.
Meanwhile, Mikey and Ray stare at me with wide eyes – as wide as Gerard's, but they're not as petrified as Gerard is, for sure, only with hesitant, unsure grins on their faces. I suppress the urge to laugh at Gerard, instead more focused on rubbing my tongue against the roof of my mouth, trying to get rid of the salty and metallic taste.
A quiet sound comes from Gerard as he finally moves, maybe a groan, not sounding really comfortable. He brings a hand up to his lips. The perfect trail of almost dry blood is now smudged, following the direction I licket it to, having the blood smeared across his chin and bottom lip. "Ugh, ugh, ugh," he groans, frantically cleaning his lips and chin with the back of his wrist, against the sleeve of his blazer. "What the fuck? You're gross!"
I roll my eyes with a sigh. "Man, I wonder why I thought being an asshole could be solved."
"Eh, trust me, he isn't normally like this," Ray says with a shrug, looking at Gerard like if he was a chained angry dog even after receiving a glare.
No one gives Gerard's tantrum much attention as we soon sit down on the grass and change the subject before we can notice. Surprisingly, Gerard sits down next to me. Even more surprisingly, he leans closer at some point and whispers, "well, look at who's the vampire now."
Saying Gerard's words got stuck in my head would be an understatement. Maybe it's a nightmare, maybe it's not, but it does get me randomly blushing or stupidly grinning during random times of the day. Nonetheless, school the following day does help a bit with cleaning my head a little.
After a few hours of staring at blackboards, the setting changes to staring at records hanging on the walls and it's honestly better. Incoherent, loud chatter being changed to music of my choice is a lot better, even if I need to talk to a customer now and then.
"This is the place I told you about. I've only been here once, but it seems good," a voice says from the outside, but I don't look up from my homework.
"Never been here," someone else says. A pause follows then their footsteps sound clearer and I sigh, shoving my things on the space under the counter.
"Hello, good afternoon," I say automatically, holding back a groan at how my eraser insists on falling and grabbing it fast. "How can I help you?" I finally look up just to freeze. And the four have the same reaction, to be honest. "I knew I had seen you before," I say to Gerard.
"What a small world!" Frank approaches, immediately narrowing his eyes and throwing his nose in the air as looking over to me. "So you're not a rebel who only wanders around and goes to free concerts during the night and stalks us?" He raises an eyebrow, looking around the place, inspecting the shelves full of records and CDs.
"So you only got one set of clothes?" I mock, staring at his school uniform.
Frank exhales, shoulders dropping. "We just got here from school." He motions vaguely to his messenger bag and I nod, humming, not like it matters a lot.
While we talk, Ray and Mikey wander around, talking quietly to each other and sometimes taking a record in hand, but Gerard... he stands there awkwardly, observing Frank and I with a lost gaze. What is he doing? Trying to act all cool like last time? Or doesn't know how to react?
"Hello," I greet, which sounds more like a question. Frank turns around to look at him, apparently understanding Gerard as much as I do.
Gerard presses his lips together and steps forward, also leaning against the counter. "You didn't mention you work here."
"Didn't have a reason to." I shrug.
The corner of his lips twitch and he's holding eye contact until sighing. "Okay, whatever. Got anything new on Misfits or Pumpkins? Also, Bauhaus." He glances at me, black strands falling over his eyes for a moment before he's pulling them away. Cute.
"Of course." I grin, moving to the cabinets behind the counter.
Frank eventually darts off as I show Gerard the records and cassettes like he wanted. I glance around to make sure Frank is paying attention to whatever Mikey is telling him and Ray before I turn to Gerard again, grinning lightly. "Y'know," I mutter, leaning forward with my elbows over the counter. "I've got passes for a bar concert tonight. Wanna come?"
"What do you mean by passes?" His eyes never avert from the records – he runs his fingers over them delicately, examining each of them closely.
"Each ticket was about ten dollars and they're sold out, but the store is sponsoring the event and I got free passes." I smirk, watching his eyebrows raise lightly. "I usually can get one person in with me. What do you say?"
He pauses. "Why me?"
"Because you're the one I know the least." And also the one I'm interested in. "Pick you up at seven, what do you say?"
He sighs. "I'll text you my address."
"Wow, you're..." Gerard stares at me with a blank face, standing there and letting all the cold air get in. He rushes into the car, closing the door carefully.
"I'm...?" I raise an eyebrow, sinking my foot down on the gas, pulling away from the sidewalk.
"I don't know." Silence. "Not what I expected."
"Glad to know." I grin. "You're also not what I expected. You're never what I expect, to be honest..." He wasn't all open in the beginning, but also wasn't the asshole he was in the park – in his defence, at least, he had just gotten out of a fight, nerves still on edge. At the store, however, he seemed more like himself. "Also, you're looking good."
Gerard's eyes are surrounded by eyeliner and a red eyeshadow – definitely nothing I would see him in, but also nothing I'm disappointed about –, bringing out his paleness. And for the first time, he isn't wearing that stupid school uniform and fancy shoes are replaced by platform boots. A leather jacket clutches his shoulders, decorated with a few studs and patches, and covering a nice Slipknot shirt. And there are his jeans, fucking tight and I swear I hadn't noticed this guy got such a nice ass and, fucking hell, it's difficult not staring at his thighs flat on the seat, with a chain falling over one of them.
"Thank you," he mutters quietly. Even in the reduced lighting, I can see his cheeks gaining a red tone before he looks away.
The place is crowded, but not overly – which is why the tickets were even sold, at first place – and it's fun seeing Gerard's chin drop when he looks at the sign of the place. To simplify, everyone is either always wanting to play in this bar or come watch someone play and the tickets are not only always sold in small quantities, but also expensive.
"Let's go," I chuckle after having spent a good moment observing Gerard.
We jog across the street, towards the entrance, just straight away skipping the whole line. The guy in charge of letting people in looks at us indifferently, in a silent question, muscles clear under the tight staff shirt. Even if there's no visible difference in his expression, he does relax a bit after I show him my pass and steps aside to let us in.
"Wow," Gerard mutters, almost inaudibly.
"You like it?" I ask as we walk through the people. No answer comes. He stayed back, of course; the boy is kinda shy and hesitant, after all. "C'mon!" I take a hold of his hand to pull him with me until we're in the bar area, which's much calmer. He stands there for a moment, looking around, until I point at one of the stools, sitting down on the one beside it.
Gerard shifts on his seat, hands resting on his lap and clenched into fists. He observes everything with wide eyes and I can't bring myself to avert my attention away from him. He's beautiful.
When the band starts playing, however, the atmosphere starts changing. It's a classic punk band – the kind of people you'd see around in skate lanes, spraying anarchist messages on a building's wall or behind a McDonald's counter – and the music is good, nonetheless, raw and emotional and demanding. Great to dance to.
Gerard is shy, as already stated – what makes me wonder how he even agreed on coming –, taking a good time to actually stand up from the stool and join me.
His hand is warm under mine, maybe not as warm as his cheeks seem to be. I had taken it in mine to pull him up from the stool, only, but he didn't let go and... oh well. Aren't you interesting, Gerard? I grin to myself and take his other hand to pull him to dance with me; that if you consider moving around to the rhythm of the song some kind of dance, but Gerard doesn't complain.
I'm not sure how much time goes by – I only question myself about that once the band is saying good night, breathing audibly as they get off the stage. The live music is replaced by a momentary incoherent chatter when loud music fills the place again, this time coming from the speakers. Gerard and I are out of breath when averting our attention from the stage to each other. My arms feel a bit sore after all of that, almost the opposite to my numb legs.
"Wanna grab a drink?" I nod towards the bar. "We can go to the alley to take a breath, then."
"Sounds good."
The non-alcoholic drinks are as cold as the night air, suddenly making it even more obvious how much we jumped around to the band's sound. We lean against the wall opposite to the side of the bar and I look at Gerard, watching his chest rise and fall fast, only coming to a longer pause when he brings the glass to his lips. He observes something above us, maybe the sky, but I don't care.
"Your nose is bleeding again." I suddenly note, seeing the dark red trail now almost reaching his upper lip. Not a surprise. He hurt his nose not much over a day ago and all the jumping must have opened the wound.
"Fuck." Gerard brings a hand to his nose and sighs when seeing the red stain on his fingers; I chuckle softly, halfheartedly. "What? You wanna lick it again?" he teases, raising an eyebrow at me. He apparently opts for not ruining the sleeve of his leather jacket, regarding it more than his school blazer.
I roll my eyes, smiling helplessly. "Well, if you'd like me to," I decide to tease back, looking at him through half lidded eyes.
"Ah, you wouldn't dare!" He chuckles, blood staining his lips according to how he talks.
"You think so, honey?" I raise an eyebrow. A few stutters come from him, but I just grab his glass and set it aside with mine, on the ground, before stepping towards him. "Tell me, why are you always so... bold around me? It's clear it's not part of you, as Ray even said." I suppress a humorous chuckle at how he frantically backs away against the wall, having nowhere to go. This brings me memories. "Maybe it has a specific reason?"
Gerard's eyes are wide, lips twitching, though no word ever comes through and his expression changes instantly once I get a hold of his hips and pin him to the wall. Feeling the heat coming from his cheeks is almost possible and all that resistance is gone, tendering into compliance and shyness.
"Look at you, Gerard," I mutter, rubbing circles into his hips as leaning in. "How surprising can you be?"
Having Gerard only letting out a quiet whine in response as his hands rest hesitantly over my shoulders make my heart flutter in my chest. I finally lean in, pressing my lips to Gerard's; he returns the kiss right away, lips sliding against mine easily.
And there it is; the rich metallic taste of Gerard's blood. I run my tongue over his bottom lip, snatching a hum from him, which turns into a whining-gasp once my teeth sink into it slightly.
His hands tighten around my shoulders, I grip harder onto his hips in consequence and he's sent relaxing back against the wall. He never had control over the kiss, but he's suddenly just giving up on the power at once with a quiet sound, slowly wrapping his arm around my neck to pull me closer and I gladly deepen the kiss.
"Wow, love," I breathe as soon as we part the kiss, lungs screaming for air. Gerard doesn't reply verbally, with his lips brushing lightly against mine and, by now, the blood is starting to get sticky, on its way to drying, also on my lips.
"I hope we can go out more often," he mutters shyly, not long before burying his face in the crook of my neck.
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braunbakery · 3 years
meet me at our spot (2)
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☞ eren jaeger x reader [fem bodied] [chapter word count: 2k]
☞ sfw, fluff, mild angst, modern au, short fic, other characters present
fic plot: before high school, you and eren were best friends. after high school, you and eren are strangers still grasping at those same past threads.
inspired by meet me at our spot by the anxiety
prev. next
2. something’s got ahold of me
a once-off conversation is just that - once-off. so you try to convince yourself there’s no point in dwelling on seeing eren yesterday, or dwelling on how he helped you sit back up, or how he smiled at you before he left. there’s no point. it was just a coincidence, a fluke.
eren has an entire group of friends. armin and mikasa, who you’ve shared a couple classes with and known since they were young. jean kirstein, who’s guts eren swore he hated back in the first couple days of freshman year. connie and sasha, who you know of course because of the commotion that always seems to follow them. he sees them everyday, and he only said he’d see you around as a courtesy.
you repeat this as a mantra over and over in your head, trying to distract yourself from looking up every few seconds the wind causes the leaves outside the treehouse to rustle and the small voice in your head that hopes it’s eren.
you sit cross-legged on the floorboards, pulling out more weird trinkets and drawings from years ago and placing them in a plastic bag to the side. now you know there’s not really any chance of being interrupted by eren again, of being rendered speechless when you’re just trying to get your shit and go (so why does your chest keep sinking whenever you swear that you can hear someone come up the ladder only to be met with an empty doorway?)
at some point you start to get sick of yourself, keeping your head focused on the box in your lap and shoving whatever even seems remotely yours into the plastic bag. so when you hear what distantly sounds like footsteps again, you don’t look up.
“hey,” a voice speaks, and your head lurches up from your hunched over position. it’s eren, hand on the frame of the doorway and peering into the wooden room.
“hi,” you practically squeak out. eren steps in.
“you back again?”
“yeah,” you say, “i still have…some stuff.”
you wonder if knows that’s as soon as he left yesterday you got out of here.
eren leans down and picks up the photo album from yesterday off of the floor, “you want this?”
“oh, you can keep it if you want.”
eren walks closer to you and sits down next to you. he doesn’t seem to notice you watching him carefully, “nah, i remember it was your idea, right?”
“yeah,” you hesitantly confirm, “but theyre our photographs.”
you notice eren freeze and you regret saying that because now he’s looking at you in a way…in a way that makes you feel like he only ever looks at you like that.
“this is one weird custody battle,” eren jokes before putting the photo album back down and grabbing the box in your lap.
“hey!” you exclaim, shoving his arm, “i was literally looking through that.”
“yeah,” eren offers you a shit-eating grin, “and now i am.”
“how are you still so annoying?”
“and how are you still so easy to annoy?” eren moves his face closer to yours.
you feel blood rush to your face and mumble sheepishly, “shut up.”
and with that, eren seems satisfied enough to let you balance the box halfway on his lap and the other half on yours, both of you rummaging through clutter silently as an excuse to sit for a little longer.
you hear an engine rev after eren does and only when you look at him do you realise hes stood up and is practically hanging out of the treehouse in an attempt to peer down at his drive way.
“oh,” he says, and you wonder if it’s more so to himself than to you, “it’s reiner.” it seems dumb, but you only realise he’s speaking to you when he turns back to you like he’s waiting for a response. you’re not really used to all this talking with him. like…talking personally to you and not the you that walks past him every once in a while.
“him and a few of the others are coming over to hangout.”
“right,” you start anticipating him bidding you goodbye and climbing back down the ladder, but the goodbye never comes and he still stands over you like he’s deep in thought.
“do you…wanna come?” eren sounds out, like he’s testing out how the syllables feel on his lips.
“…what?” what the hell is he talking about?
“to hang out,” eren says carefully, eyes flicking back and forth between yours, “with us.” he adds.
with eren’s friends? you don’t want to be possessive or weirdly resentful but the first thought you have is that he’s inviting you to sit with the people that he prefers. you have to mentally slap yourself to remember that drifting away is normal, and they’re all probably really nice. and it was four fucking years ago. and you don’t stay friends with the people you knew when you were 8.
“oh…are you sure?” you ask. eren shifts from one foot to the other before taking another step towards you. the box in your lap feels like it’s slipping from your grasp.
“yeah, why not?” he says, and he must notice how he doesn’t sound very convinced of himself either when he watches your eyes droop because he’s quickly interjecting before you can say anything back, “it’ll be fun. come on.”
his hand extends out to you. you want to slap his hand away and tease him, say you don’t need his help, that you’re not an old lady, but your palm is already meeting his and you can already feel calloused fingers over your skin and him pulling you up to stand in front of him.
the short journey between the treehouse to eren’s kitchen is a blur, and saying hi to reiner and who he brought with him (bertolt, you think. as well as connie and jean) is even blurrier, because all of a sudden you find yourself seated on one of the stools in eren’s kitchen and absentmindedly listening to whatever the hell they’re talking about.
you appreciate how eren spares you a glance every once in a while, offering you a close mouthed smile like you haven’t not been in this house since you were 14.
“hey, eren,” reiners voice bellows from the front of the house and you hear him unlock the front door. the look you and eren are sharing is cut short by reiner, “armin, mikasa and sasha are here.”
“‘kay,” eren responds even though the three new visitors are already waltzing into the living room. you’re still frozen in place. you don’t even remember the last thing you said.
“guys, this is my - sasha get out of the fridge - my neigh–” eren tries to start, but sasha is suddenly barreling towards your seat at the kitchen island.
“hi! you’re in my bio class, right?!” sasha excitedly asks you, practically jumping on the spot.
“you mean she was, sasha. we’re not in high school anymore,” connie calls out from behind her. sasha rolls her eyes.
“it’s so nice to see you!”
“thanks…it’s nice to see you too.”
“you’re scaring the girl, sasha,” jean comments before deciding to grab something from the fridge himself. sasha immediately follows after him. you lock eyes with eren again and you realise he had already been watching you.
“hi,” a soft voice greets you, and suddenly mikasa is standing by your seat, “nice to see you again.”
“yeah, it’s been forever,” armin adds from beside her.
“you guys know each other too?” reiner asks from across the room, leaning on one of the kitchen counters next to eren.
“from when we were kids,” you say, flitting your eyes to eren only to find that he’s looking at you again. you want him to stop so you don’t have to focus so hard on speaking anymore, but you want him to keep doing it because it’s nice to know that he’s still knows you’re here. which sounds pathetic but, eren’s got such a big group of friends that sometimes you think it was kind of inevitable that he slowly drifted away from you.
“we all kinda knew each other before high school, reiner,” armin explains, sparing you another smile.
“you and bertolt literally transferred in halfway through freshman year, how do you not know this?” jean calls over to reiner.
“just slipped my mind i guess.”
“he was too busy trying not to be mistaken for a senior,” connie jokes. the room laughs. you try to.
“don’t you mean a security guard?” jean adds. everyone laughs again. you didn’t really spend that much time looking at the two boys when they had transferred, so the joke is kind of lost on you, but you smile along anyways.
“ha-ha, very funny,” reiner sarcastically retorts, “don’t know why you’re laughing, bertolt. think someone mistook you for someone’s dad once.” another eruption of laughter.
you really don’t wanna start feeling out of place (well, more out of place than you did before) but when everyone starts shooting jokes and comments across the room at each other, it gets harder and harder to stretch out a smile over your face at each one. and it gets harder and harder to look up and eren, to watch him laugh along with everyone or have him lock eyes with you again, until you’re all together just staring at your lap.
you think…you think it’s time for you to go.
eren stands at the corner of his kitchen, still leaning against his counter, so you carefully slip out of the stool and make your way towards him, wanting to try your utmost best to make this exchange as short as possible before you go back home.
“i think i’m gonna go,” you say to him quietly, awkwardly staring anywhere other than his face.
“hm?” eren is cut out of the lively conversation with his friends and is looking back at you, lips parted momentarily as his tries to figure out what you said. he takes a step closer towards you and your heart skips a beat, “wait–“
you cut him off, trying to get out of there before you’re reminded even more of how you just faded away from eren’s life, “thanks for inviting me.”
you quickly whisk yourself away to the front door before eren can say anything more, not trying to deal with any more of what always seems like general politeness to you. just as you’re about to step out of the front door, a hand wraps around your wrist when you let go of the door handle and you turn around to be met with eren behind you, looking just as shocked with himself are you are.
“uh…” eren’s gaze shifts between your eyes repeatedly, “is everything okay?”
you look down at his hand around your wrist and back up at him, “yeah. just tired.” you feel his grip loosen but he still doesn’t let go, and a part of you isn’t ready for him to.
“see you around?” he echoes what seems to be his catchphrase. you nod your head in a way that you know isn’t as enthusiastic as what he might like to see. he’s just being polite. today was another coincidence, another fluke, and he isn’t actually going to want to make any effort to see you again. even if you’re just next door. he hasn’t for the past four years.
“yeah,” you quietly respond, slipping your wrist out of his grasp. you can still faintly hear chatter from inside the house. eren watches as you trod down the front steps to his house and make your way back over to your own, the back of your head never turning even just for a second to look back at him.
eren doesn’t like regrets. he doesn’t like wasting time on them, he doesn’t like how they make him feel like he should be in a rush to do something that he’s not even sure of (that he can’t even take back). but as he watches you leave his house, he thinks that if there’s one thing he’d let himself regret, it’d be not realizing he’d fallen away from you before it was too late.
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i-need-air · 3 years
Hey it's me again ❤️
I'm just gonna whisper something in your mind (is that even possible?)
Having a baby with Hybrid Katsuki.
Just that. Imagine girl. Perfection.
Ok, real talk here. Every time I see a request from you I uwu a little bit bc I know for a fact whatever you're requesting will make me get so immersed and involved and I'm gonna 💕💞AAAAAA💕💞 while writing AND [lemmecatchmybreath] it happened once again skdjdkfkf Hope you enjoy and sorry it took longer than normal~
Word count: 1.8k
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× listen 🥺 I already started and I'm melting, ok?
× when he finds out you're having a smol baby together?
× he freezes and looks at you in a whole different light
× if you're getting pregnant, he will definitely smell the change in your scent and will know even before you do; he'd be instantly by your side with a bewitched expression on his face, taking your cheeks into his palms to just soak everything in yet he's shaking slightly
× and even if you adopt [hopefully a smol hybrid], something deep inside of Katsuki, burried and long forgotten surfaces
× this is the life he always wanted, he always craved even in his darker moments
× this happiness, this fulfillment, this joy
× I absolutely believe he will diligently read and learn everything about the baby to come; will educate himself like no other, deciding to be the very best father he could ever be
× his life was rough and he was stolen away from his biological family, he will now have a chance to have his own and he will not fail you or the baby
× when you hold the little bundle of sunshine in your hands, head down admiring the beauty of a new life, he will stand there, again in shock, again soaking this moment in... so beautiful, so perfect
× will he ever tell you that? of course not; angry ass wild pomeranian—
× but his face gives him away every single time and when you tilt yourself to hand him his new son or daughter, he falls in love for the second time in his life;
× he burries his nose in the soft and fragile skin of the baby's head and breathes in, his instinct kicking in to defend, protect, care, look out for...
× watch carefully because once the baby makes a noise, he'll still, unsure of what to do, but smile so softly as the baby coos in his arms securely; that right there is the best image you can have of soft Katsuki.
× the first few weeks are actually horrible, sorry to break it to everyone aksjskdj not because he doesn't know what to do or does not want to help; on the contrary, he is so incredibly attentive but he also recites the books he learned by memory at this point and it's getting absolutely infuriating;
× although understand him, please; he wants to prove he's a good dad 🥺 except you wanna smack him bc he scoffs if you suggest something he isn't sure about.
× you will find him standing by the baby's crib as it sleeps; he's just???? making sure this is not a dream????? don't question anything though
× can we hc Bakugou with a daughter too? [ already established in the Hybrid!Kiri hcs that Kiri'd have daughter bUT i just really really like beefy men with tiny daughters;;; my heartttt;;; ]
× his little angel, no discussion, no argument, his daughter can do NO WRONG!
× he's very down to earth though, don't get me wrong, he just absolutely adores spoiling her
× speaks softly into her ear, the lowest you'd hear from him
× gruff, raspy, gutural voice ofter overused to scream now low and soft as he holds her into his chest; doesn't do baby-voices or anything like that, but calls her his angel then smirks at you if you're watching;;; then starts softly complaining and bitching about you to the baby 💀 all while rubbing her back
× omfg his hand is as big as her tiny back; guys, call an ambulance, I'm—
× Katsuki would be the type of little shit to pull what I just said then grab you and glue you to his chest too; he'd look down at you both, eyes shining in such adoration he'd take your breath away just before he continues his ranting about you;
× once the baby starts being more interactive, her giggles specially the ones induced by her daddy will make him melt; absolute diminute baby with a small wiggling tail clapping her chubby hands at her dad? his eyes would widen suddently, ears snapping high in surprise and he's taken back by the emotions overtaking him
× he's gone, man; she has him wrapped around her tiny little finger and you can't do anything about it
× instantly acts all in denial if someone is around though; scoffs to hide is obvious smile, placing a palm on his mouth to further block it out and tickles her with the other, earning another fit of giggles
× please, don't tell him his whole tail is waving from side to side
× the only clear giveaway apart from his ears and it's;;; a d o r a b l e;;;
× specially when your daughter also starts wagging her tail in response whenever he does it;
× "Hey, come see what the dumbass is doing!" or "Look at what she did" while showing you a video; proud pappa 🥺
× we're bringing back Proud Bakugou bc hIS DAUGHTER iS tHe BeSt; no, seriously, his kid is the mf best in the world and he will start this presentation with—
× now sit down with me and accept this: the baby; yes, your sweet daughter; mhm, that adorable screeching angel; mhm;;; she'll talk so early it's disturbing.
× at 6 months or so she's already saying mamma, dadda, kitty, woof-woof
× seriously terrifying how sharp she is and how she cannot shut up; for the love of gOd, Katsuki, this is all your fault... it doesn't matter, he just smirks as he has another reason to brag to anyone about his child
× did that street vendor look at him funny? "I'M GONNA FUCKING TELL YOU ABOUT MY DAUGHTER—"
× super-protective of her and fucking hates with a burning passion if anyone dares to do that thing where they match up babies saying "Maybe they'll get married when they grow up"
× hands down, no filter, he just looks deep down in whoever had the audacity and says "Like fucking shit they'd deserve her."
× drag him away before he throws fists
× he will definitely if you don't drag him away and you know it, they know it, the baby knows it and cheers for pappa, the whole world knows it at this point and they're buying tickets to watch the shitshow
× chest carrier and walks around with the kid like a boss
× man has shit to do, don't even dare to judge him;
× handles fits really well, he's impressive to say at least
× she's spoiled, yes and always has new toys, coloring books, whatever she wants but the moment she throws fits, he puts his foot down
× baby would be smol angery bb all adorable in all her Bakugou genetics anger and he'd just stare, tapping his foot
× literally waits in place until she calms and looks up at him with big, round eyes, puffy red cheeks and ears lowered
× mission accomplished; he nods then picks her up;
× and you're there amazed??????
× "The fuck you lookin' at?" lil shit still has a foul mouth tho, but make him get just as pouty and embarrassed as the child in his arms by saying something cheesy like "How amazing you are as a dad 💕"
× all rainbows and unicorns until she starts repeating insults and fr tho, Katsu almost shits his pants, fearing your reaction. Will, hands down, chill out with the insults even if he meant no damage with them; he has this unreadable expression on, a mix of shame and fluster, dread too? he's sorry, ok????
× loves, loves, loves cooking for you both and once the kiddo has her own special chair to sit at the dining table together, that's when he sees it: his dream
× you, wiping some food off her cheek with a loving expression, talking about your day casually, baby giggling while she moves her face away playfully; he loves you both so much.
× has these rare moments where, at the end of the day once you're settled in bed, he'd hug you tight and thank you in his mind for... for this... all of it...
× once she starts walking they're both a disaster
× seriously, do not expect the household to be silent ever again [ well, that dream was gone long ago anyway lol ]
× "Where the fuck do you think you're goin'?"
× rapid giggle running around from place to place
× "Oh, for fucks—"
× "Katsuki." you only need to say, catching him in his insults
× 😳 ... "Kid, come back, we're goin' to the park." Skdjkdfkl
× sudden adorable tiny fast steps approach him bc they're going for walkies!
× he is very careful with her and teaches her about stranger danger; also teaches her how to growl and even if her attempt is a total failure, small rawr leaving her lips, he's like "Yes. Good job. Now give it more heart."
× he growls as an example
× she growls back, sounding like a cute lil pup 🥺💕
× as she grows up, she obviously acts more like her father yet he knows when to stop the bad behaviors and it only takes a warning growl from him to get her to cease
× yet somehow you're the strict parent at the end of the day??????? tf????????? who made the rules??????
× starts calling her brat, squirt, lil shit 💕lovingly💕
× "your child" if she did something bad
× "Your fucking child kicked the ball into the vase and broke it." Aha, nice one, Katsuki. Good job.
× not to brag but her puppy eyes don't work on him but yours do; the problem is her puppy eyes do work on you bc she's the light of your life so if she wants something; she'll puppy-eye you knowing you'll get it for her bc daddy loves you very much 💕💞
× literally evil mastermind; didn't I tell you she's sharp? pft, she's playing you both so hard
× every day he comes back from work she runs to him at the door, tail wiggling happily behind her as she stretches her arms to be picked up and he always does, without a doubt, then proceeds to kiss the top of her head
× come out to greet him too? the whole loving routine is his absolute thing and wants to see you, have you kiss his cheek; he complains but adores it soooooo much!
× you have a family night; BONDING WITH MOODY POMERANIANS. Yes, plural, and it sounds perfect~
× even if it's just one of those animated movies he hates so much, he'll watch through all of it and make sarcastic comments just to make you both laugh; will grin satisfied asf if he manages to do so bc he's the best.
× will definitely want another kid, so how about maybe a boy??? hmm???
× asks you if you're up for the idea and if you agree, he'll roll his eyes and crack his shoulders, acting so very uninterested and purely exhausted yet his smirk would give him away:
× "Knew you'd torture me with another devil"
× throw him out, istg— 💀
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purpleyellow · 3 years
It’s not enough
NCT 24th member / Dream 8th member
Bee’s Masterlist
“The remarkable world of Mark Lee’s mind” or, Mark rethinkgs his entire history with Bee.
a/n: I finished it!! Feel free to share your thoughts with me. Requests are open!💛 this gif is peak devastation 
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All Mark could think when Bee first joined the group was “Thank God for Lee Jeno”.
Noticing that while she didn’t know how to express herself in front of them, Jeno was the first to give her a sense of comfort. Mark, after getting nervous for not knowing how to be helpful, told himself that eventually, Bee would get close to him too. He had a year, after all, to become friends and grow a bond with her.
Except that a year doesn’t last that long and little girls don’t come with instructions.
He knows she cried on his last showcase with Dream. But Mark has a feeling she only did so because of the occasion. She was seeing the seven best friends she witnessed together being separated, and that’s a heartbreaking sight when you know how close they are together.
Two years later, Mark realizes that was his big mistake. It wasn’t on purpose but along the way, he isolated the girl from their original friend group, and maybe it’s what caused some sort of distance in between them.
The year following his departure was an eventful one, and the boy grew a lot, experienced a lot, and learned a lot. The best part of everything being that whenever he met with their little friend group, his spot was intact and everything was the same. Except for Bee. Mark would see how she had inevitably built her own place within the dreamies, and it had him feeling weirdly left out even though they were perfectly coexisting.
They went on being coworkers and labeling each other as friends despite the weird lack of bond, until, of course, the whole “crush” fiasco went down. Mark saw himself and the girl going from, no correlation besides being in the same friend group, to suddenly facing a crisis that revolved around her feelings and his lack of knowledge about how she works.
The image he had of her, was built on a shallow level based on how others perceived her. That’s his second mistake. Jeno, and some of his Hyungs, were almost protective over Bee. Renjun and Jaemin treated her like their personal teddy bear. Haechan, Chenle, and to some extent Jisung were not worth going over in his head, because he thought that if he joked around as they did, she would probably get offended.
So there Mark was, trying to work around, this seemingly fragile character, while finding out that she saw him as a friend more than he did to her. And that maybe all the stress he had gone through to make sure she was being “protected” was worthless and seemingly ignored. He was a bit selfish for wanting to do the right thing simply for others to notice him, but that’s how he knew things. That's how he had to build a career for himself, he needed to get recognition from others to do the things he had done. And maybe connecting everything to work was another mistake.
“What’cha thinking about?” Chenle throws his coat on top of Mark’s head after realizing the practice room wasn’t empty. Though the boy was so deep in thought he didn’t realize the idol had arrived until he announced himself.
“Just life” Mark groans while laying back on the ground, his phone left on the floor next to him. The younger boy walked to the side, taking a glance at the screen before smirking.
“And by life, do you mean someone special?” He teases and Mark's hands fly to the device, the notes app open on the words he had mindlessly typed. He knew Chenle didn’t have time to actually read everything, but the title gave away enough. “The little ballerina”
“I’m trying to see things through a different lens” The Canadian spoke looking sideways at him. Gesturing he continued “Yesterday, I tried talking to her back at the van, but to be honest I had no idea what to say. Apparently, there's no good way to approach it, but I kind of feel like there might be”
“Markie, Markie. Don’t overthink anything. What do we do when we have a schedule that we’re not particularly good at?” Chenle placed a hand behind his ear and waited for the boy to say.
“We go ahead and just do it”
“So do just that” The boy snapped, “Between you and me, Yun-hee doesn't know what she wants. At one point she's all certain about 'moving on' or whatever, yet then when you ask her for any details of what she's feeling, she completely ignores you”.
“You asked her about it?” Mark's head snaps up frowning and the boy nods. “What did she say? Does-”
“Did you not listen to what I just say? She brushed me off” Chenle rolls his eyes “But I think she still likes you if that's worth something. Maybe not the way she did back when Haechan dropped the bomb”.
“What do you mean? Like a friend?” He questions confused, decreasing the younger's patience.
“No, Mark. The same way you like her now”.
“Chenle, I already told her, and all of you, that I don't feel like that towards Bee” Mark’s tone gets more serious and the younger groans annoyed.
“You two are so slow, we literally have to put words in your mouth to get things going” Chenle speaks quicker trying to get his point across. “It's really obvious you care about Bee more than you did at the beginning of last year. And okay, let's say you don't have a little thing for her or whatever, but you do want to have some sort of relationship with her, don't you?”
“Yeah, being friends for once would be nice” Mark nods, sarcastically, and gets up from the floor. “I really just want this all to end”
Mark left the room shortly after and being honest with himself, he felt a little light-headed with everything Chenle just told him. Putting most things aside to revisit once he had a clearer mind, the boy decided to put into use the one good advice he could find in the middle of everything. When you have a particularly hard task, you just have to go ahead and do it.
So with that, his plan was built. And by plan, he means to have no prepared speech, and no questions to ask, instead figure out everything after he finally finds a way of talking to her, which has been harder than anticipated.
A couple of days later, while he went down to the sm cafe before it was time to be at the studio, Mark quite literally froze in place at the sight of a certain Stray Kids member standing near a wall.
Waving shyly at him and Renjun, Seungmin waited awkwardly to see if they would come near him.
"Bee shouldn't take much longer" Renjun caught Mark by surprise, as he approached the boy calmly "Her recording session is almost done, but we can show you the studio if you want to wait for her there"
"No, it's fine" Seungmin smiled, though a little intimidated by Mark's frown. "I'll just sit wherever if it takes too long"
"I'm sorry, you two are going out?" The laugh followed by Mark's question was a little nervous, considering he had only seen the boy a few times yet here he was waiting for Bee to be done so they could do... something?
"No, no. Bee's going to meet Moon, I'm just the intermediate" Seungmin tries to joke but Renjun is the only one laughing. Clearing his throat, he explains further "My group was nearby and we're meeting Ateez for dinner so Moon asked if I could come to pick her up"
"Yun-hee is staying over at her dorm" Renjun adds, glaring sideways at the Canadian. "A sleepover or whatever you want to call it" The three fall silent after he's done talking and Mark runs over an explanation as to why he's feeling so frustrated over this conversation.
He and Bee hadn’t properly spoken since the award show shooting. And while forced interactions were the bare minimum, the boy felt as if the distance they kept had triplicated its length. It made him feel odd to see her act normally with everyone, including a boy she hadn’t spoken to for a year. So why couldn’t they be normal as well?
"Well, I'm going ahead and get a coffee. She should be coming anytime, though being late is kind of expected at this point" The comment from Renjun makes Seungmin chuckle and both boys nod to each other. Turning to Mark, he frowns at his wondering expression "You coming?"
"I'm heading up actually, it's my turn on studio 3" He shakes his head and waves at them. The elevator doesn't seem to take much longer to arrive, which Mark thinks might be some weird doing of fate, considering as soon as he makes it to his floor, Bee is walking along the hallway. Or was, because she changes her path the moment she spots him
Acting purely on instinct might not be the smartest thing to do, the boy thinks to himself while chasing her through the building without any idea of what he wants to say once "catching" her. Maybe Kun hiding Bee in his studio and obviously lying to him was a good thing, or at least it gave him another day to think about where he wants to stand with her.
Ironically, a couple of days after, he's in fact standing in front of a door while thinking if he should or not enter and hopefully settle everything. Mark opens the door slowly, analyzing the small room with two chairs in which she's sitting on one.
“Can we talk now?” He waits for her positive to walk inside and Bee does so by simply nodding. Her eyes looked a little tired and uninterested, but the small tremor on her hands told him how present she really was. And just like the first time they met, her nervousness contaminated him, and they just sat inside the small room without looking at each other in silence.
"I, um, have been thinking about everything since that game night" Mark clears his throat and starts speaking towards the floor "And, not that you owe me anything, but I'd just like to know what happened"
Frowning, Bee quickly glances at him "What do you mean, what happened?"
"When did you start, kind of seeing me in that way. And how did it stop, I guess. It just feels like a lot happened that I'm not aware of, and it's making me look back and reconsider some stuff, I'll explain that later, just let me know what I missed"
Bee thought of how she would put things into words and twirled the ring on her finger, taking a deep breath she tried to make herself comfortable on the chair
"It started around when you came back from the SuperM tour. Or maybe before that, I'm not sure” She sighs and picks at her nails “It seemed like that boy I met was gone after you graduated, and you became this even cooler rapper, you became more confident in yourself, literally embodied SM's favorite child. I sort of became stunned, this feels really weird to say, but I couldn't really recognize you"
Mark slowly looks at Bee while she's talking and carefully listens, he feels a little more comfortable not to look away once she raises her head again. Once she stops, he nods turning his chair a little so they're more face to face.
"You feel out of it after you find out I'm still the awkward boy from before" His jokes make her shrug as opposed to the giggle he expected to hear.
"That happened, but also, you did turn me down" Bee bites her lip regretting the word choice "Not that I'm mad, or really hoped for anything, I simply didn't want to push anything or make things too weird. That's why going back to normal was such a huge thing, but it's been a really long time since then and we still don't know how to do that, I guess"
"Maybe it's because we didn't exactly have a normal, at least not the one we're trying to do right now" Mark catches her attention and she gestures for him to keep going "Thinking back to when we first met, we never got close just the two of us. The others were always around, and even then, I can't recall us sticking together or anything. That might be why you thought I was different"
"It makes sense" The girl mumbles tilting her head and frowning. If he was true, that would mean her crush had been based on this picture of him she drew on her head. And while part of it certainly was, Bee also knows that a little percentage came from his actual responsible yet boyish and kind personality she still appreciates to this day.
"I guess it does" Mark nods reading her face "We should probably find a way to work around that. Just get closer in general, I guess. Find out what our dynamic is like without blending in with the rest of the boys and ignoring each other" He speaks hopefully, but Bee fears it might not work again.
"But, what if this is it for us. We didn't naturally become friends, so maybe accountancies it's what we should stick with" She doesn't know if she meant it, or was scared of this whole 'finding out' deal and its consequences. From what she knew, Bee could easily slip back into her feelings for him and end up breaking her face again.
Yet Mark wasn't having it. He'd spent way too much time, especially lately, noticing how she was comfortable with the others, and the nice chemistry they had. He felt left out, not as in ignored, but Bee was sweet, and a little quirky which also made her funny, but still very caring, and he never denied she was pretty. He wanted to know what it’s like to be her friend like the others are. Though this moment might be the first time he questions if a friendship will be enough for him.
"Let's put an effort this time" He shakes his head dismissing her comment "We can stick around in the practice room a little longer now that our schedules mostly match. And you know, hang out together more, no running away or ignoring each other"
"Are you sure this is going to work?" Bee bounces up her leg and thinks a little bit.
"For what it's worth, we can try. We spent a good time in here and it didn't get awkward, so there’s hope" Mark giggles and she follows him "It'll make the teamwork better if you need a greater good to support your decisions"
"Okay" Bee nods making him shyly hold out a fistbump to her. Making up a quick and weird handshake, they laugh together lighting up the mood a little.
"Just a little request" The girl stops Mark as he's getting up "Let's not rush things, you know. Make it more natural than acting like we're forcefully acting as friends"
"Yeah, sure" Mark pats her head opening the door. And to everyone, especially the dreamies’, happiness, they're a little less awkward around each other.
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luckyasfuck · 3 years
maybe i just wanna be yours [k. bakugou]
A CAMBOY AU SERIES - PARTS 1, 2, [3], 4, 5
pairing // katsuki x female reader
tw // cussing, smut
warnings for this part // (kinda?) mutual masturbation
theme // enemies to lovers au, camboy!katsu au, college student!katsu and reader au, no quirk au
keys // y/n, l/n, h/c
words // 1.8k
a/n // pt. 4 will be written at 100 likes and posted at 5-10 reblogs :). i’m glad ya’ll are enjoying it, send criticism and/or ideas in my inbox.
previous part I masterlist
y/n’s head was no longer cloudy.
it scared her at first,  her twitter username and bio must have gave it all away. part of her hoped that katsuki wouldn’t notice the notification, and if he did, well she hopes he’d be too dumb or oblivious to know it was her. but of course, bakugou fucking katsuki wasn’t like that. y/n would know, especially when she woke up him following her back.
fucking son of a bitch.
it was very obvious that it was katsuki. from his voice during lives to his demeanor with his posts: reserved. it was a bitch to think about, no matter what y/n did it was all that occupied her mind. she was aware of the comments she had left on his last live, her other hand too busy pumping her fingers in and out of her pussy to make more than two. that’s what bothered her. not only did she get off to her rival of all people, she did it twice. twice!
she thought about it the whole morning as she reached UA. a person came from behind and bumped her shoulder, rushing to the group of people crowding the main gate. y/n knotted her eyebrows, her mind was too all over the place to know what they could have been fussing about.
the crowd completely blocked the gate and she sighed, opting to take another route until someone grabbed her arm. thinking it was a teacher or a student, she turned around with a smile.
what the fuck.
katsuki stood there gripping her arm and her heart dropped. she yanks his hand away and glared at him, goddamn if looks could kill katsuki would’ve made it to heaven right about now. she stared at him with so much intensity, it almost looked like she was gonna go crazy over the fact that he stopped her, let alone even touch her.
fuck, that’s hot. katsuki gulped and mentally slapped himself after the thought. “don’t let the teachers see you-” he whispered, looking around. y/n sighed, “too late.” she looked behind him where their Biology professor stood with a smile.
“good morning, kids! i’m glad i found you two together, which is um... quite new, don’t you think?” the old woman greeted. katsuki rolled his eyes before facing her, standing beside y/n.
the h/c-haired girl didn’t like being near him at all, he had this weird aura and she didn’t know what his intentions were at all. and him approaching her for the first time without being forced by a professor after the shenanigans of last night? way too timed to be a coincidence, though she wishes it was. 
“if you don’t know yet, our school’s competing with others schools with this little competition our school made.” the old woman got straight to the point. “the competition is that weekly for this month, a duo would take a quiz on a specific subject together. the subject changes every week and the questions get harder and harder! the 5 duos with the lowest scores are eliminated. it’s said on the board right there!” she pointed to where the students crowded.
“um, okay...? why are you telling us this then?” y/n questioned, adjusting her grip on her bag as the professor smiled again whilst katsuki breathed out a loud sigh. 
“i want you both to be the duo that represents our school!”
“miss-” katsuki started, but got cut off. “don’t you think we’re the worst duo for this? i mean,” y/n laughed sarcastically. “you know we hate each other, everyone fucking knows tha-”
“language, miss l/n.” the professor’s sternly scolded and y/n flinches a bit at the change of mood. “yes, ma’am.” the younger girl looked down on her shoes. “i think it’s a good opportunity for the two of you,” the old woman pointed to the two students. “to get along. you two are really gifted, and i don’t want our school to lose this or get humiliated just because you two have beef with each other for reasons unknown.”
y/n was sweating under her jacket and she gulped as the woman walked away, letting them know her decision was final. katsuki breathed out a deep sigh, face-palming. “what are we gonna do now? knowing that bitch, she’ll tell everyone we said yes.”
y/n didn’t bother to argue with the blonde, she knew he was right. the crowd near the gate starts to disappear and she leaves without responding to katsuki. she doesn’t know where the fuck he got the confidence to talk to her so casually. more like she wished she didn’t know.
she knew that he knew.
and he knew that she knew too. 
so simple yet so complicated.
class dragged out and y/n hasn’t spared a single glance at katsuki. she’s done this almost everyday since she met him, so it was easy to do. if only he’d stop staring into her soul, knowing she can see him in the corner of her eye. 
katsuki’s always liked to stare, though he had nothing to stare at. and now he does, even he doesn’t like how much he’s staring. he’d snap out of it, curse himself and y/n too while he’s at it, then get caught in a daze while staring at her again. 
multiple teachers approached them and individually asked them about the competition, their answers were the same the whole time, a bland “yeah, we’re competing as the duo.”
the students sat in their last class, blabbering around and not caring anymore. it was the last class, after all. they were tired and wanted to go home, but of course, they can’t. at least not yet. y/n didn’t feel like listening, she was tired too. doodling in her notebook, her heart drops when the professor calls her name. fuck, i don’t know the answe-
“oh. and mister bakugou too. i think it’s for the competition, the principal wants you two.” the old male lets out an intrigued hum. “don’t you guys hate each other?” y/n and katsuki walked out the room silently, filling the room with embarrassment on the professors side. 
the female walked on the other end of the corridor, she didn’t like katsuki at all. his mere presence makes her gag, and she knows it’s the same for him too. that’s why they opted to stay as far away from each other as possible.
the ash blonde walks into the principal’s office with y/n hot on his trail. “take a seat.” the principal said, not looking up from his paperwork. “listen, you two. i heard a lot from teachers about how you compete with each other, but the both of you are the smartest duo here. all i want is for you two to study together and pass the quizzes as best as you can. you don’t even have to get along! and your grades will be perfect A+’s for the whole month, and if you win, maybe i’ll extend to a month more.”
y/n and katsuki’s eyes widened at the offer, it was so tempting. and education always came first before pride anyway. “fine, i’ll do it.” y/n was the first to speak while katsuki just nodded his head.
“it’s settled then.”
[ timeskip ]
y/n plopped down on her bed. the two of them got sent home early and were forced to share socials with each other. they were also granted permission to use the library whenever they wanted, and were given the schedule to study together from their last two classes until whenever they liked. and before going their separate ways, she told katsuki to text her a plan if he had one.
her phone dings and she automatically assumed it was him. and it was. just... a little more lewd. definitely not what she was expecting.
y/n cussed, “since when the fuck did i let this stupid fucking site give me notifications?” katsuki’s heavy breathing and occasional grunts boomed through her speaker and she hurried to click off it, until her eyes landed on his cock.
from what seemed like it, he had already cum once, the white liquid dripping from his slit down his lenght. y/n can’t seem to tear her eyes from the way he stroked his cock, so gentle yet so rushed, so... satisfying.
she shakes her head and kicks herself out of her absurd train of thoughts, thumb hovering over the ‘X’ on the top left of the site. “have you joined the live, pretty face?” she flinches when she heard his raspy voice, thighs unconciously rubbing together and panties already soaked. 
“i hope you have, fuck. been thinking about you all day, mhmm~ why don’t you drop your little comments for me?” she could practically hear the smirk in his words, and it irritated her. but fuck, if he wasn’t so attractive. his perfectly sculpted body, his voice, and that pretty cock. it was that fucking cock.
“are you touching yourself, pretty face? you better. this live’s all for you.” katsuki moaned out, stroking himself faster. y/n watched as the chat went crazy, all of them confessing their sins to him like he was some sort of God.
and maybe he was, cause she found herself running a finger through her wet folds as she watched the camboy play with his tip. she shoves a finger inside, moaning with him before moving in and out parallel to his strokes. 
katsuki comes again, his strokes coming to a half. he pants before smirking, “pretty face, lookie here.” he shows a fleshlight to the camera, his tip prodding at the toys entrance. y/n slowly adds another finger as he sunk the toy down onto his cock, both of them moaning.
they both fuck themselves into oblivion while thinking of each other, katsuki’s hips violently fucking into the toy as he hissed, “fuck, i bet your pussy feels a lot better.” y/n felt her cunt clench around her finger at the statement as she started to rub her clit as well. 
she orgasms a little bit before katsuki shot his load into the toy, both their movements halting as they tried to catch their breath. she types in a comment before finally exiting the site, feeling slightly disgusted of what she just did. she shudders and opts on taking a shower before napping.
“you dirty little thing.”
katsuki felt his cock twitch at y/n’s comment. he ended the live right after, knowing she probably left already. the notifications for money he hoarded sat heavy on his account and he smiled, cleaning himself up after. the image of her with her legs open, her fingers buried deep in her cunt and her moaning uncontrollably was all that filled katsuki’s brain.
and he fucking hates it. he hates how much power the desires of his cock had over him when he was horny.
and the only desire his cock had was her.
next part I masterlist
@princesspeach-00 @tamakisropebunny @bakugous-mamas @ll379333 @j1-914 @gazelle-des-pres @trashpandainahat @dickinson-67 @victoriaestein @amelie-chan @your-worst-obsession [ cannot tag last two ]
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ssa-montgomery · 3 years
I'm sorry to my unknown lover
Tumblr media
Word Count: 2040
Summary: During a night out with the BAU Hotch can't hold in his feelings towards Emily anymore.
Characters: Hotch x Emily, JJ, Garcia, Morgan, Reid, Rossi
Warnings: Some angst and fighting, lots of yearning, fluff, declarations of love
A/N: Another Hotchniss fic! I actually had a lot of fun writing this one and I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did! I like to think that both Emily and Hotch are very stubborn when it comes to actually talking about their feelings and situations end like this for them far too often xD This fic was also requested on here so please do continue sending me prompts! I really appreciated the comments on my last Hotchniss fic and they motivated me to finish this one so please leave some comments and let me know what you're favourite part was :D
Prompts: "I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending that they're you." "I can't do this anymore." "It's scary what a smile can hide."
Feedback is what motivates me to work so please let me know what you think! Reblogs are also greatly appreciated.
Taglist is open!
The bar was busier than usual, all though for late on a Saturday evening it was to be expected. The team was working a rough case all week that thankfully ended well and had just arrived back in Quantico when Rossi suggested they head to the bar and let him buy them all drinks to celebrate. They quickly accepted, never turning down a free drink and headed out for the night. A few hours and plenty of rounds had passed by now. The tables around them were packed full of people and the noise of the conversations and the loud music playing all around them meant they had to shout to be heard but nobody seemed to mind. They'd lost track of the last time they got to spend time all together like this and it was a well needed night out.
While they all started the night sitting around one table the team had slowly been separating out across the bar. Morgan was now standing by the pool tables near the bar with his arm wrapped around the waist of an attractive blonde as he leaned in to be heard over the music, teaching her how to play pool with him. Reid who followed after him seemed to be in deep conversation with one of the men at the next table over, they had seemingly found a topic they were both passionate about as they ignored everything else around them in favour of their rant. Back at the main table, the team had fallen into a casual conversation, Rossi and Hotch talking together while Garcia filled JJ and Emily in on all the gossip they had missed at the office while they were away on the case.
Garcia suddenly stopped mid-rant and tilted her curiously, watching something over Emily's shoulder. She tapped JJ's arm and without exchanging a single word she knew exactly what she was talking about, simply nodding her head as a reply when Garcia turned to meet her gaze.
"What the hell are you two looking at?" Emily asked, furrowing her brow in confusion as she turned to look over her shoulder herself. She couldn't see anything out of place that they could have been staring at.
"That guy at the bar, uh the brunette with the dark shirt?" Garcia tried her best to gesture towards him as subtly as she could without giving away that the whole group was now staring over at him. "He's been staring over at you all night. I mean I can practically feel the yearning from here. You should go talk to him!"
"Oh." Emily hesitated and then shook her head nervously. She stared down at her glass, twisting it in her hand as she considered the idea. This had become a regular thing for them. JJ or Garcia would spot a cute guy and then convince Emily to go talk to him while she hid the truth about who she really wanted to talk to. "I don't know, is that really a good idea?"
"Um yes? Come on how many times have I told you it's time for you to get back out there Emily." JJ encouraged smiling widely at her. Before making any decision Emily glanced around the table waiting to see if anyone would object to the idea. Hoping he would. When everyone else remained silent Emily could feel that all too familiar sinking in her stomach. She pushed it down and tried to ignore it, putting on a bright smile instead.
"Oh okay screw it! What's the worst that can happen right?" Emily laughed doing exactly what she did best, hiding her disappointment. She lifted her glass and took another drink before standing up out of her seat and starting to walk towards the bar. JJ and Garcia watched on closely, leaning in to whisper together about how they thought it would work out. Even Morgan seemed to notice what was happening back at the table and he shot Emily a supportive grin as his form of encouragement from where he was standing.
It seemed the whole team was on board with setting Emily up with this mystery man as she sat down and started talking to him. Well, everyone but Hotch. He stared forward so no one caught onto the tightness in his chest with every second that she spent laughing with someone else. It all came to a breaking point when the man took her hand in his and leaned forward, kissing her gently. Hotch had to tear his eyes away from the sight in front of him then, not being able to take anymore. Part of him wanted to tell him to get his hands off of her, and the other part knew it wasn't his place. It was selfish, he knew that, but he couldn't stand to see Emily with someone that wasn't him. Then again it was his fault when he could never find the courage to tell her how he felt about her. Maybe if he could, things would be different and loving her wouldn't hurt so much.
While everyone else was still distracted by what was happening and he was sure they wouldn't notice him leaving he stood up and grabbed his coat from the bar of his chair. He quietly slipped away from the group and pushed his way through the crowds towards the back exit of the bar. It was cold as he stepped out into the biting late-night air and he pulled his coat on before continuing across the parking lot. He knew he should've told someone before he left - they always did, a safety precaution with their job - but at that moment all he wanted to do was find a cab and get home as quickly as he could. He was halfway to the street when he heard the sound of the heavy exit door swinging open behind him. He ignored it at first, presuming it was just another person leaving after him but then.
For a second he thought his mind was playing tricks on him, that his mind had been so consumed by her tonight that he was starting to hear things but when he finally turned around it was in fact Emily walking towards him. She was tugging her jacket closer to her body in an attempt to fight off the cold as she watched him curiously.
"Why'd you leave?" She asked, her voice almost sad.
Hotch opened his mouth to reply, ready to fire off some lame excuse as to why he needed to get out of there as quickly as he did, he was sure he could come up with a convincing lie like he had a hundred times before but instead he just sighed. He dropped his head in defeat and ran his hand across the back of his neck.
"I can't do this anymore." Was all he managed to get out, his tiredness at this whole situation obvious in his voice. He couldn't stand around and lie to Emily's face anymore. He turned around again and started to walk towards the street.
"Hotch!" Emily called out as she ran to catch up with him. He could hear the sound of her heels on the ground and he wished she would just go back inside. If she started to push him, he knew he wouldn't be able to hold it in anymore and it had been building for too long. He spun around to face her when she grasped at his arm to stop him in his tracks. "What is going on with you?"
"What's going on with me? Are you kidding me, Emily?" Hotch snapped with more aggression than he'd meant to, but it was too late now, the dam was finally burst and whether he liked it or not the truth was finally coming out. Emily's hand fell from his arm then and she stood back staring at him with a mixture of surprise and confusion. "What's going on with me is that no matter where I go I have to stand back and watch JJ and Garcia fawning over the idea of setting you up with every guy they see. What's going on is that I have to sit there and bite my tongue while I act like it doesn't bother me. I have to act like it doesn't physically hurt to see you kissing them because if I react then I'm unprofessional and I mean what does it matter anyway because you don't give a damn what I think about it so it's not my place to say anything anyway. I have to act like it's not eating me up inside."
Hotch stopped then, feeling his heart hammering in his chest and the sudden realisation of what he just said settling in. He started to panic, afraid that Emily would push him away and that he'd just ruined what relationship he already had with her. He wanted to apologise, to take it all back but he couldn't now. Emily laughed then. It was a short, sarcastic sound, more of a scoff than anything else.
"Wow. Seriously Hotch? Are you genuinely so oblivious that you think I don't care? I care! Of course, I care! I always have." It seemed it was Emily's turn to let out everything she had been holding back as she launched into a rant of her own, her voice slowly rising in volume as she did. "I flirt with those guys, I let them set me up to keep them happy, to keep them off my back about the real reason I haven't dated anyone in months. Tonight when they were encouraging me to go talk to that guy I looked around that table because I wanted you to stop me, I wanted you to give me a reason to think you cared enough to stop me. Instead, all I got was that blank expression that told me that you didn't care. Do you want to know why I kiss have of them? Why I kissed that guy tonight? Because they remind me of you. Because it's you I want to kiss but I can't and I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending that they're you."
"But-" Hotch trailed off then, as the weight of Emily's words settled over him. All this time, she had cared after all. All this time they had both been silently suffering because neither one was brave enough to admit the truth about their feelings. It felt silly now, all the excuses he'd told himself about why he couldn't just admit his feelings to Emily. He'd always believed she didn't want him and now he knew how wrong he was. "You always seemed so happy with them. Smiling and laughing the whole time."
"It's scary what a smile can hide," Emily admitted weakly, her voice barely above a whisper now. "It was never real with them, they could never really make me laugh, not the way you can."
That was all it took for Hotch to finally surge and pull Emily up into a fierce kiss. He cupped her cheek, letting his other arm wrap around her waist pulling her in closer to his chest as his lips slid over hers. Emily seemed stunned for a moment but then she responded just as passionately, wrapping her arms around Hotch's neck. Neither of them ever thought they'd get to this moment but here they were, standing in the middle of the parking lot wrapped up in each other's arms as they kissed. They didn't care that at any moment another member of the team could walk outside or that it was still freezing outside. All they cared about was that moment.
"I can't believe it's taken us this long to do that." Hotch laughed gently, brushing Emily's hair out of her face as he slowly pulled away from the kiss.
"Me either." Emily giggled, letting her forehead rest against his. She could feel his breath fanning over her lips and she wanted to kiss him again, she wanted to kiss him forever now that she finally could. "Does this mean you're finally going to take me to dinner?"
"Yes." Hotch nodded smiling down at her. "Absolutely."
Tag list: @marauder-level-chaos
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aomine-ryo · 3 years
Kind of late, but I had an idea for a fic that’s been in my drafts for a while and I wanted to post it for Kise’s birthday but it wasn’t quite done yet. But it is now, so here it is, hope you like it!
Scenario: New kid, Kise Ryouta ends up falling for the reader
gender neutral reader
It’s not particularly easy being the new kid at school. Especially if you were Kise Ryouta. Being a well known athlete and model, it was difficult for him to be able to find friends in a new place that didn’t have ulterior motives. However, Kise learned to deal with it. He was cold to people until he himself learned to respect them and understand their motives.
But the problem with him was not in the friendship category, but rather the romance one.
Kise had a tendency to fall for the first person that was nice to him in a new place, and that almost always ended in the other person using him. So this time, he promised himself that he was not going to hurt himself yet again.
On his first day, Kise stood at the front of the class and introduced himself. “Um, hi, nice to meet you, I’m Kise Ryouta. I look forward to getting to know you all and well, I don’t really know what else to say,” he said, turning to the teacher for some help. The class filled with a small chatter once he stopped talking, and he could already faintly hear comments about how ‘cute’ he looks.
“It’s alright Kise. You can take that empty seat next to Y/N over there,” the teacher said, pointing.
Your head snapped back to the front of the class from gazing out the window at the sound of your name. Of course the new kid got stuck in the seat next to you. He was cute, you couldn’t disagree. However, that only meant that everyone else was going to be swarming around your desk for a while.
The teacher went on with the regular announcements until the bell for first period rang. “Oh right, before I forget, Y/N, can I trust you to show Kise around the school during your break?” she added.
You held back a sigh as you nodded. “Sure,” you replied curtly, glancing over at Kise and giving him an awkward smile.
As expected, once the teacher left, he was soon surrounded by girls asking him questions that were borderline invasive. How do they do it? How do they simply have the courage to speak to people like that? In a way, you envied them for their confidence, but it was also quite pathetic.
Eventually, the break came around and Kise approached your desk with a polite smile. Why did he get stuck with you out of all people? You were the first one that caught his eye and Kise could already see himself catching feelings for you. But he made a promise to himself and he was going to keep it. He wasn’t going to get played with again.
“Hey, um, Y/N, right?” who was he kidding? He knew your name. It was stuck in his head ever since the teacher instructed him to sit next to you.
“Yeah, just give me a second, I just have to organise this mess and we’ll be on our way,” you said, fumbling with the stationery that was cluttering your desk.
“Oh, you don’t really have to give me that tour if you don’t want to. I don’t want to be a burden— I can probably figure things out myself,” Kise said.
“It’s alright, I don’t mind helping out. If you end up getting lost at some point I’ll feel bad,” you insisted, finally putting the last of your things away and standing up. “Okay, we’re all good. Shall we?”
Kise hesitated for a moment. He really didn’t want to do this, but he didn’t have any more excuses so he simply walked by your side.
You showed him all the classes that he would regularly be attending, adding a few tips that you learned through the years whenever you could. This was the most you’d ever spoken to someone who wasn’t a close friend and yet Kise remained rather silent. Did he think you were boring? Were you talking too much? God, why did you have to be assigned this task?
“Oh right, I almost forgot. Are you joining any clubs?” you asked him as you walked through the halls.
“Yeah, I’ll be joining the basketball club,” Kise nodded.
“Right, I figured,” you mumbled, making Kise let out a small chuckle.
“Hey, you might have made the right judgement this time, but don’t judge a book by its cover,” Kise joked.
“It was more of an intuition thing rather than judging you, I swear,” you replied defensively, holding back a giggle.
“Mhmm I’m sure it was,” he said sarcastically. He hated how bright your smile was. It was so warm and gentle, he could look at it all day. He barely even knew you, but he was already obsessed with your smile. Just his luck.
“Well, unfortunately for you, I’m the manager for the basketball team so you’ll be seeing a lot more of me.”
This had to be some sort of cruel joke. “Really? That’s great. So I could probably just tail behind you and not get lost by the looks of it.”
“Maybe,” you shrugged. You hoped he was joking. The last thing you needed was a bunch of fangirls trailing you around campus. “Let me show you the way to the basketball gym though, just in case I manage to escape you.”
“Escape me? Tired of me already huh?” Kise teased, dramatically pretending to be offended.
“Absolutely,” you joked.
Kise clasped a hand over his heart as though he got shot in the chest. “I am hurt, Y/N. What did I ever do to deserve this?” he recited.
“You know, the drama club is probably also looking for new members— I should show you their club room instead,” you retorted.
“Ha ha very funny,” Kise rolled his eyes. How were you two already joking around like this? He tried not to speak to you much, but it was like his charisma was forced out of him. Maybe he was overthinking it. You seemed nice. Maybe the two of you could be good friends.
And well, that’s pretty much exactly what happened. With the sheer amount of times you two see each other, it was no surprise that you’d become friends. It started with witty banter and random comments but soon, the two of you became close. After about three months, you were hanging out with each other every other day, going out for a bite after practice, going to the movies, walking to school together— the list goes on. And somehow, you never got tired of each other.
“Hey, Y/N-cchi, are you going for the field trip?” Kise asked you in between classes, referring to the yearly trip your school organises to a selected place in the country with a rich history.
“I’ll go if you do. But to be honest, I’d rather stay at home,” you replied.
“Well, we’re going then. It’ll be fun. There’s probably cute places to take pictures for Instagram,” Kise said.
“So I’m basically going to be your photographer?” you sighed.
“Sounds like a blast,” you groaned.
“I’m kidding, I will find a way to make this worthwhile. I heard that there’s a nice restaurant near the hotel we’re staying at, so we should pay that a visit,” Kise said.
“I’m exhausted just thinking about it,” you replied, resting your head on your palm.
“Shhh it’ll be fun, trust me,” Kise said, eyes softening up when he noticed how the sunlight that shone through the window landed on you like some sort of natural spotlight. His mind was about to wander off into a daydream when the teacher walked into the classroom, snapping his attention away from you.
The field trip finally rolled around and you found yourself in a fresh hotel room with a gorgeous view of the beach. Unfortunately, you didn’t get assigned to room with Kise, but it was alright since he was just a few doors down. As promised, Kise did his best to make sure you were having fun. You did have to take an awful lot of pictures of him, and sometimes he’d force you to take pictures with him, but Kise was always good company so you didn’t mind too much.
On the last night, Kise took you to that restaurant for dinner. “It’s kind of a fancy restaurant so we should dress up,” Kise informed you that afternoon.
“But that’s so tiring. Let’s just go to McDonalds instead,” you suggested.
“We are not going to McDonalds. I will dress you up myself if I have to,” Kise said firmly.
So in the end, you did end up dressing up, but you didn’t pack any nice shoes so you had to go with your sneakers. Of course, Kise patronised you for it, but you just replied with the wittiest comment you could think of, like always.
“Hi, I made a reservation here, for Kise Ryouta,” Kise said to the hostess.
The place was nicer than you expected it to be. It was a strange feeling being here with a reservation. It felt less like a hang out with your friend and more like a date. And for some reason, you were now nervous.
“Ah yes, right this way Mr Kise,” she said with a polite smile as she led you two to your table. “A window seat, just as you requested.”
“Perfect, thank you,” Kise said, glancing at the view of the night sky and the twinkling city lights below.
“Here are your menus, a waiter will be with you shortly. Enjoy your date,” she smiled.
“Oh, uh, it’s not a—” you began, but she walked off before you could correct her.
“Well that’s awkward,” Kise chuckled.
You simply sighed in defeat as you took a moment to admire your surroundings. There was a clean white cloth spread across your table with a candle and flowers as a centrepiece. It was a bit too romantic for your comfort, but you tried to shake it off. “Someone went all out for a simple dinner. You even requested a table by the window. How picky can you get?” You said teasingly.
“I just made a reservation in case this place would be busy. You wouldn’t want to wait in line would you?” Kise explained and you shook your head in response. “Exactly. And I got the window seat because I know you like to stare out sometimes. I figured you wouldn’t wanna stare at me all night long, so I got you a better view.”
You felt your stomach turn as your mind’s immediate thought was how Kise was enough of a view on his own. You had to admit, he looked fantastic that night— when he said he was going to dress up, he wasn’t kidding. It was a simple white button up shirt with a red tie, but he still looked dashing. Perhaps it was the fact that he rolled up his sleeves to his elbows, showcasing his toned forearms that pulled the look together. Either way, you didn’t like the fact that you were viewing your friend in such a way.
“Oh my, what is this self deprecation? I thought I was hanging out with model and Generation of Miracles member, Kise Ryouta, not some emo teenager,” you said, your tone resembling Kise’s dramatic one that you’ve heard a thousand times before.
“Well, if you’re not going to appreciate my effort of getting us these seats, I can just ask them to move us away from the window,” Kise huffed.
“No, no,” you tracked back almost immediately. “I like the window. Thank you.”
“That’s what I thought,” Kise grinned triumphantly.
That night was absolutely lovely. But no matter now hard he tried, Kise couldn’t take his eyes off you. As expected, you’d rest your chin on your palm and gaze out the window with a faraway look in your eyes, and Kise could do nothing but admire how beautiful you looked. He couldn’t believe that he knew someone as amazing as you were. Moreover, he couldn’t believe that he told himself that he wouldn’t fall for you. What a dumb decision. But he was already this far in, maybe it was just that fact that he can’t have you that made him want you more. These feelings will pass, right?
As the two of you walked back to the hotel that night, a cool salty breeze flowed through the air. Kise had made you laugh yet again, and his heart filled with joy as the bright smile returned to your face. He could stay in this moment forever.
“I can’t believe this is our last night here,” Kise sighed once you simmered down.
“Yeah, this trip was actually kinda fun. I wish it didn’t end so soon,” you said, gazing up at the bright full moon.
“You think we can squeeze in one final adventure tomorrow morning?” Kise questioned.
“Where to?”
Kise shrugged, “I don’t know.”
“Well then, I’d rather stay in and sleep thank you very much,” you said.
“Are you tired yet?”
“Not really.”
“Then let’s go walk along the beach,” Kise suggested.
“But the sand gets everywhere, it’s so annoying,” you frowned.
“It’s our last night. Come on,” Kise said, grabbing your wrist and dragging you towards the empty beach.
The two of you walked by the water where the sand was firmer so that it less tedious. It was quite peaceful hearing the waves crash against the shore as the water glimmered under the moonlight.
“You know, when I first met you, I really didn’t wanna be your friend,” Kise said out of the blue.
“How rude,” you faked a gasp as you playfully whacked his arm, making him chuckle. “But to be honest, me neither.”
Kise looked at you with a dumbfounded expression. “Seriously, Y/N-cchi? But why?” he whined, seeming much more offended than you were.
“Because you always had people following you around and I didn’t want to be caught up in that,” you explained, kicking a pebble around as you walked.
“Oh,” Kise said, realising he probably shouldn’t have said anything because he couldn’t explain his reason as rationally as you did. “That’s fair, I guess.”
“Why didn’t you wanna be friends with me? Was I annoying?”
“What do you mean, you still are annoying,” Kise joked, earning himself another whack on the arm. “I’m kidding, no you weren’t annoying.”
“Then what was it?”
“Okay, this might sound really stupid, but I told myself that I wouldn’t go after the first person that’s nice to me, because that always ended up with people using me for something or the other,” Kise explained, stopping in his tracks to pick up a smooth pebble.
“That’s fair,” you said, trying not to overthink what he meant by ‘go after’ as you watched him skip the pebble over the waves.
Kise looked out at the horizon, seemingly lost in thought for a moment before turning back to face you. “You know, you caught my eye almost immediately and that was a red flag to me for the longest time, but you actually turned out to be pretty cool.”
It was strange seeing Kise like this. It was like he was possessed. He never speaks in such a serious manner with you. “Well duh, because I’m awesome like that,” you joked, trying to lighten the mood.
A gentle smile spread across Kise’s face. “I told myself I wouldn’t fall for the first person I had a crush on, but here I am,” Kise let out a heavy sigh, glancing back out at the ocean for a moment.
“Crush? You had a crush on me?” you asked, your stomach doing twists and turns that made you feel as though you were going to throw up all the delicious food you had earlier.
“Yeah,” Kise muttered. What was he saying? Why was he complicating things? “I hate myself for it.”
“Oh. Um, it’s okay,” you said, unsure what to say. He clearly didn’t want to like you, so you didn’t want to bring up how you felt about him. “We can stay friends if you want, nothing has to change.”
Kise looked back at you, finding comfort in the warmth of your eyes. There was no dramatic outburst like he expected. You seemed to be considerate of his feelings. You genuinely did care for him. “I don’t mind staying friends. But is it okay if I do this?”
Before you could think twice about it, Kise had his soft lips pressed against yours. Even though your mind hadn’t fully wrapped itself around the situation, you found yourself kissing him back. Kise felt you melt into his touch as his heart skipped like pebbles on the water. God knows how much Kise had been longing for this moment. To have his arms around your waist, your body pressed against his, and his lips on yours. He could finally get a taste of you and it was better than any meal he could imagine. This just felt right.
After a few moments, Kise pulled back to catch his breath, his mind racing with thoughts that he couldn’t even keep up with. “I’m sorry,” was the only thing he could muster.
“Don’t apologise,” you shook your head, taking his hand in yours and squeezing it tightly. “I am absolutely okay with that.”
A wide smile spread across Kise’s face as his mind slowly began to clear up. Maybe his instincts were right this time. You were perfect to him the moment he laid his eyes on you, even though he tried to deny it. And as you stood in front of Kise with the moonlight glittering in your eyes, you were just as perfect as the day he met you.
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Gloved hand (Crosshair)
Summary: Crosshair found a way to get rid of his chip, and went looking for his brothers in the depot, fully aware of the confrontation that would follow.
No pairing or reader description, only the member of the Batch
Word count: 2761
CW/TW: ANGST; Death, trauma, guilt, violent memories/ nightmares, burns/scar, some swearing; I don’t know how graphic my style is, so if I forgot anything please tell me!
Tags: @allamarisss @loth-wolffe @imalovernotahater (you all asked 🤧)
@razena88 @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s (non of you asked but I thought you'd want to check it out since you reacted to my Crosshair post; if you don't want to be tagged just tell me and I'll remove it !)
Notes: I had to. Because you’re all nice and I love pain, so here is the Sad Hour: Crosshair Edition™; Enjoy! (aka, I hope you’ll suffer a bit)
PS: sorry about the little dots when I skip a line, it’s the only way I could well...skip a line. I’ll try to find another way for the future!
PPS: The Neighbourhood - Roll Call is the song I listened to while writing this 🤭
He knew they were waiting on him, on the move he would make. They didn’t know about his chip being removed – not yet – and he knew he only had one shot.
How ironic.
He was still wearing the Imperial armour, face covered by his helmet, rifle attached to his back. He could see the way Hunter tightened his fingers around the trigger, and he recognised that look; the one he usually gave to his opponents before he killed them. He could get away; Hunter was a good shooter and his senses did helped for that; but Crosshair was the marksman. He guessed by a simple look at the scenery that the shot would crush through his pectoral plates, and given the distance and the type of blaster, it would surely shake him out, but it wouldn’t kill him.
As much as he sucked at it, he had to resort to words. He wasn’t the Empire’s puppet anymore, and trying once again to threaten them…It was simply out of the question.
Slowly, he raised his hands to his helmet, grabbing the lower part of it. He waited a second, not sure about the short moment where his vision would be obstructed.
Come on, you don’t get to worry about getting shot. Take the damn bucket off.
He pushed it up his head, briefly closing his eyes as a ridiculous way to sooth his morbid thoughts. When he opened them up again, Hunter hadn’t moved an inch. He didn’t know how much time he had, so Crosshair dared to take a step forward. Then another, holding his helmet in one hand, keeping the other one on the plastoid covering his chest, gently taping it with a gloved finger.
He stopped at the fourth step. The Batchers tensed up, unsure of what his next move would be. Crosshair knew what he was doing.
T’s your time to shine, Cross.
“DC-17. Round it down to a 7 meters distance from the target, slightly move your arm to your left.” He taped on a small spot of his chest plate, never breaking eye contact with Hunter. “Make me proud.”
It was a bold move, he knew it too damn well. He forced himself to maintain eye contact with them, with him, as much as it scared the crap out of him. As much as he hoped, deep down, for his brother to take pit-
 It was quick, bright. Finger pressed against the trigger, Hunter noticed every wave in the sound of the shot as it echoed in the depot. He followed the blue deflagration as it got spit out of his blaster, sliding the air in a thin whistling, brushing past Crosshair’s left arm, hitting another clone further behind.
He didn’t know if it was the right decision; but he knew enough about Crosshair to try it.
“I said ‘to your left’” was the only thing that came out of Crosshair’s mouth as he turned his head to look at the man lying on the floor a few meters behind him. He wasn’t dead, and now they had to quickly evacuate.
But Cross was alive. For now.
“Tech, get in there and be ready to take off when I tell you to! Wrecker, you cover us. Crosshair.”
The sniper pulled out his own blaster, back turned to the Batchers, ready to shoot any intruder trying to rip him away from his family once again. He soon felt a firm hand grasping his shoulder and dragging him back. He didn’t fight it, didn’t look at it. His focus was on the men running in the depot, on the way he hit them with such precision it almost felt too easy.
He was the last one to get in the Havoc Marauder, still shooting as the door closed shut in front of him.
His heart pounded so hard in his chest that for a moment, he thought it might go through the plastoid armour and crush against the wall. There was the next move. So easy to execute, yet so terrifying.
“Crosshair, look at us.”
It was the tone; too formal, almost polite. He hated it. But he obeyed anyway, slowly turning around to face his tattooed brother.
Don’t look down. Don’t look down and cut that crap.
Hunter remained silent for a moment, examining Crosshair’s face scarred by burns, his new shaved side and white patch on the side of his head. The violent pumping and barely shaky breath told him more than the stoic eyes he was staring at.
“How’d you do it?”
“A droid helped.” Hunter’s nod was the only answer he got.
Keep talking, di’kut.
“I missed you.” confessed Wrecker. “I think we all did.”
Now it was his turn to nod. What could he possibly answer? ‘I missed you too, but mostly because my chip made me want to kill you.’?
You didn’t wanted it, you had no choice.
“You didn’t have a choice,” Echo got a bit closer to him, even though he couldn’t tell if it was a good idea. “We know you didn’t.”
“Now that you removed your chip, you’re out of risks.” commented Tech, trying to comfort him a bit.
Each second passing was getting him closer to the edge. He wasn’t looking at faces, he was looking at phantom targets, still feeling the stings stabbing his brain every time he hesitated before shooting at them. Their voices were hardly getting to him, they were so distant, probably a faint memory from a time where he still had control.
“…get you something to eat, and you’ll go take a shower. Works for you?”
“Yes, Sarge.”
He knew the small clap on his shoulder was more of a friendly kind than a brotherly one. He hated it. He deserved it.
 He never felt that uncomfortable while eating with someone before. Even lunches on Kamino’s cantina weren’t as awkward. Tech tried to initiate a small talk, mentioning their next mission, the supplies they would need to get, and Omega tried to keep him going by nodding and asking questions he knew were useless.
But really, it was just an excuse to avoid the talk. Given the situation, it would probably hurt less to just… confront him. Tell him he scared them, when he callously ordered Hunter to stand down and surrender, told his troopers to “aim for the kid”. Not that he didn’t know; he found the confession in their eyes every time they would look at him.
He barely ate, rolling a fresh toothpick between his gloved fingers as he weakly chewed on his food.
“I’ll take the first round tonight,” Hunter muttered, mostly for himself.
Crosshair slowly got up from his seat, putting his ration away, trying to avoid the stares. He slid his toothpick between his lips, nibbling a bit harder than usual on the wooden texture. All he had to do was turn around and leave the cockpit. He had done it countless time by the past, what’s one more?
He wanted to lay down and sleep his pain away, get drowned in the pillows and forget all about what happened. He took a few steps, pretended he didn’t flinch when a hand caught his own, but couldn’t bring himself to smile at Omega when she gently rubbed his knuckles.
She didn’t say anything, she simply followed him to the bunk beds. Crosshair could barely look at her, because every time he did he could only see the scared look she gave him when he ordered it.
Aim for the kid.
It was haunting; she was just a child, a mixture of a little sister and a daughter for the Batchers, and he tried to rip that away from them too.
His attention shifted to the beds when he noticed the lights around his. He could also see a glimpse of a plush – oddly familiar – and a soft blanket nicely pulled over the mattress.
“We – she needed a place to sleep, and you were gone so…”
Wrecker, who followed him too, was uncomfortable; he was the one who came up with the idea. As much as he missed Crosshair, he knew he needed to take care of his little one because she was here. But now, Cross was back.
“Keep the bed,” he murmured, “I don’t mind.”
And he meant it. He would have done the same if Wrecker, or Echo or whoever went missing like he had. The kid deserved a comfy place to rest, her life with them already being chaotic enough.
“I can sleep with you, I don’t mind. I can stay at the end of the bed if you’d prefe-”
“It’s fine, Omega.”
He painted a weak, yet gentle smile on his face, hoping for it to convince her. It did, because she nodded and held his arm against her for a few seconds as to hug it. Wrecker – and Echo later that night – offered him to sleep in their bed. “I can sleep with Tech if you want it all for yourself” the 501st vet assured him. But Crosshair declined each time, pretending that he would probably not sleep anyway tonight, just tonight, because he needed to get used to this place again.
In a way, it was true. He needed time to find his footing here, to get back to the way things used to be.
Don’t pretend it will go back to ‘how it used to be’. It could never.
 When everyone headed to bed, Hunter returned to the cockpit and found the sniper sitting on his own.
“I’ll take the first round, Crosshair. Go get some sleep.”
“I don’t have a bed,” he barely confessed, his usual sarcastic tone nowhere to be found.
“Take mine for now, I don’t need it before a few hours. Don’t discuss it,” he pursued when Crosshair tried to reply, “I’m not giving you a choice.”
It took him a second to realise how clumsy it sounded, but Crosshair spared him the embarrassment of an apology when he got up and nodded.
“Alright, sorry.”
Hunter grabbed his shoulder, unsure about his next move, but trying anyway.
“It’s…We can’t pretend nothing happened, but we’ll work through this. All of us,” and when he heard Crosshair’s heart pumping harder and his breath getting heavier, he added, “as a family.” Before letting go of him.
Crosshair couldn’t even speak anymore. If he tried, all that would come out would be confused babbling and an awkward throat clearing. He hoped on his brother’s heightened senses to read through him like an open book, throwing back one last look before he got back to the bunk beds. All the Batchers were already sleeping, peacefully wrapped in their blankets or holding their plushie against their chest. He sat on the edge of Hunter’s bed, his blacks still on, eyes locked on the soft lights emanating from his old bed.
 Hunter woke up when he felt a soft weight landing on his lap. The smell got him almost immediately, a mixture of gunpowder and iron.
“You should have surrendered.”
His eyes shifted to the slim shadow standing a few steps away, lurking on him with cold determination.
“Crosshair?” He looked down at the soft plush laying on him. Lula. Her head was almost ripped in half by a now barely fuming hole. He couldn’t hide the fear splashing his eyes, neither could he refrain his voice from breaking when he asked “what did you do?”
“I did what had to be done. This is why they put me in charge to track you. I’m efficient.”
Hunter shivered at the sick smile he could hear in Crosshair’s voice. His thoughts ran from the plush to Omega, to the bunk beds at the end of the hallway, to his brothers left unarmed at the mercy of a sniper who had none.
“You should have killed me in that depot.”
A quick thud filled the cockpit as a red, bright light stroked Hunter right through the chest. He fell back into his seat, unable to breathe, but way too aware of the burn on his skin, of the nerves flaming up under the chock and the heat, of his heart rapidly pulsing then slowing down in a macabre countdown. He got dizzy, eyes blurring out despite his desperate attempt to get them focused.
He struggled to keep his head up, until a gloved hand grabbed his jaw, forcing him to look up. He could guess the shapes of the helmet, the green and grey shades melting altogether as his eyes barely held open. As he felt his own heart stop, his last breath making him chock, he heard his brother’s voice taunting him, one last time.
“Good soldiers follow orders.”
  Pitch black. This is all Crosshair could see when he abruptly opened his eyes. The blanket was rolled up at his feet, his blacks soaked in sweat, and his head aching. A sudden terror grasped him as he held his temple, tripping off the bed as he tried to get up, muttering Hunter’s name. He choked up on the syllables when he realised he was sleeping in his brother’s bed, while the tracker was nowhere to be found. He found himself struggling for air, the same way he would if someone stabbed him repeatedly in the chest. He dragged himself to the refresher, locking the door as soon as he got in.
The bright light forced him to close his eyes for a few seconds, but once he got used to it he reached the tap. His hands, usually so precise and steady, where uncontrollably shaking, to the point of him getting cramps.
The cold water did nothing to help; he shivered to the wet contact, lightly gasping when he splashed his face, but did it again, and again, trying to wash off the pain of his body.
Did I killed them? Did I? What if I did, what will I do, what if I killed them, I can’t- I can’t lose them, not again, not this way, I-
His head was buried in his hands, and it demanded all his strength for him to look up in the mirror. He quickly regretted doing so.
He hated those scars. Mostly, what they represented, what they meant.
It means you tried to get them burned alive; you ordered for them to be burned alive by an active propeller. This is what they mean, this is what you did.
He hated his reflection, lurking and haunting him the same way his memory did. A phantom pain none of them could imagine.
You like to pretend they don’t get it, but they do. Their own brother tried to kill them. You did that, Crosshair; don’t put the blame on your victims.
“Kriff,” he bitterly chuckled, tears burning his eyes.
You did this to yourself. Take some responsibilities.
He tried to maintain eye contact with himself, fingers gripped so tight around the edge of the sink he could feel his muscles quiver. He didn’t have a choice, he knew that. The chip forced him, the Empire used him to do these terrible things.
If a gloved hand kills you, will you blame the glove, or the hand?
You’re the hand, Crosshair. Nothing you will ever say or do will change that.
“Shut the kriff up,” he gave up, angrily pushing himself away from the sink, but still catching a glimpse of tears running down his cheeks before he turned his head, defeated. “Keep the snide to yourself.”
He jolted when someone softly knocked on the door. He took a few deep breaths to calm down his pumping heart, wiped away the tears with the back of his hand, and opened the door.
“I didn’t find you in the bed,” Hunter explained while analysing his expression, “I thought you’d be in here.”
“I can take the next round.” Crosshair calmly responded.
“Mine’s not done yet.”
“Hunter, please I- let me take the next round.”
He couldn’t say which of the two, his muffled “please” or his begging eyes, convinced Hunter; but it worked and that was enough for him. He didn’t flinch this time, when his brother gently patted his arm; he even wished for a quick, warm embrace. But he doubted Hunter was ready to get affectionate with him so easily. Truth be told, he didn’t feel that comfortable either. It was a crave he couldn’t fill.
He still cracked a weak smile as Hunter nodded and returned to his bed to get some rest.
Crosshair dragged himself to the cockpit, his stomach twisting at the sight of the empty seat on his right. He fell into his own, a long sigh slipping from his lips.
Don’t fall asleep.
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