#these are lyrics from a song i just discovered... it makes me so happy...
smile-files · 8 months
where is my friend the smiley? have you seen smiley? :)
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eufezco · 9 months
Synopsis — It's hard to get your life back on track when the Capitol has gotten inside your head but Finnick is there to help you. You were enjoying a party in District 13 when you discovered something that triggered you.
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ And I break down, then he's pulling me in. In a world of boys, he's a gentleman ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Finnick looked at Katniss and considered himself a lucky man.
Although both of them had managed to get back the loves of their lives, their situations now were quite different from what they were used to. Finnick now looked at Peeta and realized how the Capitol had completely destroyed the friend he made in the games, making him incapable of telling the difference between what was real and what the Capitol put in his head. Finnick saw the sadness grow in Katniss' eyes as she and Peeta couldn't spend more than five minutes together without him wanting to jump on her neck.
You, on the other hand, had your moments of lucidity.
Finnick considered himself lucky for being able to enjoy the person you were before the Capitol took you, but the longer those moments lasted, the worse your breakdowns were.
Even though he considered himself luckier than Katniss, it wasn't being easy for him either. He hated to see you fighting the medical team from District 13 while they were trying to inject you with a sedative and the way he had to hold you so they could do it. He hated to see you with your hands and legs tied to the bed as you tried to free yourself from the straps that held you to the mattress. He hated to see your eyes red with rage, the way you flinched when someone made an unexpected move next to you, and how you could not help but be alert to everything that was going on around you.
But Finnick also appreciated when he saw you smile, or talking to someone who wasn't him, or seeing that you had changed your clothes that day or enjoying your meal in the dining room. The way your eyelashes fluttered when he spoke to you like he was the most magnificent thing you had ever seen, how you were always looking to have some sort of physical contact with him whether it was sitting too close at the table or something more subtle like seeking for his hand in the crowd as you listened to the words that Alma Coin pronounced.
The Capitol caused irreparable damage but they had not been able to take everything from you.
―Let's give a huge round of applause to Sarah and Mike from District 11!
The two siblings had been singing since dinner was over along with their band. The lights in the dining room were dimmer, not the cold white ones that gave you a headache every time you went inside. They had set up a small stage and some decorations on the ceiling. Alma Coin knew that Christmas was close and wanted to do something special to raise people's spirits, and it seemed to be working because after dinner, people had stayed to listen to the siblings sing, and some had even encouraged to go out and dance.
―We still have time for a couple more songs, any requests? ―The boy spoke into the microphone, looking at the audience.
It was your hand that rose.
Finnick and Katniss who were sitting at the table with you looked at each other. You got up from the table and walked to the stage, well, you didn't feel your feet moving on the floor, it was more like you were floating. You were enjoying the little concert so much that you had managed to remember all the lyrics of the songs that they had performed when just a few days ago you couldn't even remember your name, your feet moved under the table following the rhythm of the instruments and you even hummed some of the words.
Both siblings approached the edge of the stage and bent down to listen to the title of the song you were asking for. They looked at each other, satisfied, and more than approving your request. You went back to your seat at the table, happy, and before Katniss and Finnick could ask about the song, the little girl called your name through the microphone.
―Why don't you come and sing with us? ―She asked you in her sweet voice. All the people in the dining room were waiting for your answer, some you knew were encouraging you to come up like Haymitch and Effie, and others you knew were judging you just by the way their eyes were on you like Gale, but you didn't care because since your return you had never wanted anything so much as to get on that stage with those two kids.
Finnick held your hand, his eyebrows drawn together. ―Are you sure?
You nodded and showed him a little smile, reassuring him.
They welcomed you with smiles and sweet gestures to show you where to stand. They had placed a microphone in the middle of the two siblings for you.
―May I? ―You asked for the guitar the young girl was holding. She showed you a smile and gave it to you. The guitar felt out of place in your hands, as if it was a stranger and it was the first time you were meeting each other. That was not the truth, the truth was that you had been playing the guitar for as long as you could remember. You liked to play it for the children at District 4 while they sat around the campfire in the sand accompanied by Finnick and they sang with you. But now it all seemed so far away and the instrument felt odd in between your fingers.
You coughed to clear your throat without realizing that you did it right into the microphone. Finnick smiled at how innocent that had been and you smiled embarrassed. ―Sorry.
The two siblings from District 11 were looking at you with their big eyes and with smiles of comfort on their faces, waiting for you to start singing but all those people staring at you was all you could think about. You couldn't remember how the lyrics started.
Finnick nodded at you from the audience.
Can't take my past Can't take my history
The little girl sang for you. There was a friendly expression on her face. Her eyebrows were raised as she was singing the beginning of the song and she nodded as she looked at you, trusting that you knew the words and helping you with her kind gesture to find them.
You could take my pa But his name's a mystery
Her brother continued singing. A similar expression was on his face. Apart from your friends and Finnick, you had trouble finding people who trusted you in District 13. You didn't blame them because even you found it hard to trust yourself.
Nothing you can take from me Was ever worth keeping Nothing you can take Was ever worth keeping
Your voice didn't sound as you expected, it was still the same sweet voice as always. You expected to have completely destroyed it after all the screaming you did at the Capitol, but no, your voice was still there, just as Finnick remembered it. He was trying very hard not to burst into tears because he knew you were watching him.
The band played the song perfectly on their instruments while you tried to follow them on the guitar and more people listening to the lively rhythm of the song came out and danced in the center of the dining room.
Can't take my charm Can't take my humor You can't take my wealth 'Cause it's just a rumor Nothing you can take from me was ever worth keeping
Those lines you were singing meant so much, it was like pulling the middle finger to the Capitol. He had never seen you so happy since before the Quarter Quell. There was a smile on your lips while you sang, your body moved to the rhythm of the son, your hands moved skilfully on the guitar, and the boy and the girl from District 11 danced on the stage around you.
―Come on. ―Katniss stood and Finnick looked up at her with his green eyes glassy thanks to the tears.
―Come on where? ―Finnick asked.
―We're gonna dance.
Katniss took his hands and dragged him to the dance floor.
Thinking you're so fine, thinking you can have mine Thinking you're in control Thinking you'll change me, maybe rearrange me Think again, if that's your goal
You laughed into the microphone watching them and you handed the little girl her guitar back. You came down from the stage to join them. Katniss stepped back when she saw you coming and you followed Finnick's movements. He had always been a very good dancer so you let him lead you. You twirled around, laughing, until you were so dizzy that you had to wrap your arms around Finnick's neck, your fingers digging into his hair while his arms went around your waist.
―You were amazing. ―He told you, speaking a little louder so that you could hear him over the music. You hugged him again.
―I love you so much.
Finnick cupped both of your cheeks and kissed you. ―I love you too. ―He said before the group of little girls pulled you by the arm so you'd dance with them.
He kept dancing or something like that with Katniss but with his eyes fixed on you. The girls were being so nice; two of them held your hands while the other two were dancing on their own. Their hairs were tied up in braids and they even asked you if they could braid yours later.
But all of a sudden, you let go of their hands and took a few steps backward, bumping into the people dancing. The girls looked at you worried, had they done something wrong? ―No, no, no. ―You mumbled to yourself.
Finnick stopped and approached you quickly, pushing people out of his way when he saw the change in your mood. He took your face in between his hands, looking for your eyes but they were focused on something that wasn't him. You pushed him once his hands cupped your cheeks, only making eye contact with him for a few seconds and then going back to focus on something else.
When Finnick decided to follow your gaze, he felt a wave of heat form in his lower body and rise to his head. Cressida was behind Castor, directing how the shots of you dancing with the girls should look like. By that time you already left the room.
You tried to record a propo a few days after your arrival in District 13. Heavensbee, but especially Coin, were very insistent that you should do it. They said that your rescue and your dedication to the revolution would bring hope to the people resisting in the districts. You weren't too sure about it, much less Finnick and Katniss, who could see how bad was your state to be exposed to something like that.
You were still in a daze, confused with everything that was going on, and very weak physically when you stood in front of the camera in the ruins of District 13 covered with white roses. The smell of the flowers made you fall to your knees in the debris before Finnick could catch you and throw up everything you had eaten since you were taken out of the Capitol.
―I'm okay, I can do this. ―You said, wiping your mouth with the cuff of your uniform, but it was not true and you found out that when you got in front of the camera. Castor pointed the lens at you while Cressida repeated behind him what you were supposed to say. The spotlights were on you and also were the eyes of the president herself, who had come to the surface to see you film the propo, and suddenly you were back at the Capitol, sitting in front of Caesar Flickerman, drugged to the point where you could not remember your name just the words they'd been repeating for you to say during the interview. Your outfit was tight, your face was covered with powder and make-up so that the bruises would not be visible.
―Don't make me regret rescuing you. ―Alma Coin said to you with a smile on her face before the propo. Something similar to what he told you when the Capitol took you out of the arena.
―Don't make me regret not killing you.
After that day, only one type of images of you was broadcast for the rest of the districts to see and they were of you living your life in District 13, recording you when you didn't notice and taking advantage of the moments when you were doing well to show it to the rest of the nation and obviously, without your consent.
Finnick was not happy with that decision and he made sure to make it clear at the meeting at which it was discussed, shouting, running his hands over his face, offering himself to do all the propos they wanted. He was desperate to get them to let you recover in peace.
Katniss agreed with Finnick. She did not like the idea of turning you into a product to fool people into thinking that everything was fine, much less without having your approval. Haymitch and Effie were silent but neither did they agree with what Alma Coin wanted to do with you and Beetee suggested other options but nothing was as valuable to Alma as your image.
The only ones who openly agreed with Heavensbee and Coin were Cressida and Gale. She said that it would be good for the spirit of rebellion and that they would do it so discreetly that you would never know. On the other hand, it seemed like Gale had a lot to say even though he didn't know you at all, and because of that, he ended up in the infirmary that afternoon after he replied to Finnick's complaints by saying:
―There are times when we have to do things we don't want to do, you should know that better than anyone else.
And Finnick couldn't help himself and get up from his seat and before Gale could finish speaking Finnick's fist was already against his cheekbone. That same hand with which Finnick hit Katniss' friend was now smacking Castor's camera into the floor, a gasp could be heard from the people who had stopped dancing to see what was happening. Finnick pointed at Cressida with his index finger, threateningly.
―I warned you to keep that shit away from her.
Katniss was fast to intervene, stepping in between Finnick and the woman. She looked at Cressida with pure rage but knew she couldn't do anything with all those people watching ―Go find her.
Finnick approached the girls you had been dancing with. He knelt by their side. ―Did you see where she went? ―He asked kindly to them, perfectly hiding his nervousness. One of them pointed at one of the doors and he immediately knew where you were. He flashed a smiled to her as a thank you.
―Have we done something wrong? ―She played with her hands.
―No, she was having lots of fun with you. ―Finnick caressed the hair at the top of the little girl's head and stood on his feet.
―When you find her, please tell her we still want to braid her hair.
You were sitting on the floor, holding your legs close to your chest. You had already hidden in that place several times before. It was Katniss who found the first time because it was the same place where she would hide right after she was rescued.
You moved back and forth, mumbling words that Finnick could not decipher, and with your head down, your forehead resting on your arms. When you heard Finnick's footsteps getting closer, you tried to escape him, crawling backward and watching as he quickly approached so that you couldn't get too far away. He fell to his knees in front of you, grabbing your cheeks again to make you look at him.
―It's me. It's Finnick.
You analysed his face, your eyes moving fast across his face looking for any friendly features on that face but all you could see was the face of a traitor. Your lips trembled as they continued to mumble I don't think I can forgive him for what he's doing, Caesar. I didn't know Finnick Odair was like that, I didn't know he would join the rebellion. What you do in the games is one thing but what you do outside the arena is what defines you.
―You're safe. We're in District 13, you're not there anymore.
You're right, Caesar. He has tricked me into thinking he was someone he is not. I thank president Snow everyday for helping me realize.
―You're from District 4. We live together. Our house is near to the beach. You won the 72th Hunger Games. We went back to the arena for the Quarter Quell. The Capitol took you. I'm Finnick Odair. I was your mentor along with Max.
If he were watching this I would tell him to think for himself. It's not too late to start doing things right and stop this war, and if he is unrepentant and this has always been his true self, Caesar, I think I may have never lov...
―You're here with us and we will protect you. Katniss is here at District 13 and so are Johanna and Peeta.
...I think I may have never lo...
―You're okay, baby.
...I may have never...
You hugged Finnick tightly against you, your eyes wide open and your hands shaking from the strength you were putting into holding him to be able to feel he was real. ―I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know what's going on. I feel like I'm losing my mind. ―You cried.
Finnick shook his head while he held you almost as strongly as you held him. He kept whispering sweet words until he felt how your body began to relax. Finnick carefully pulled you away from him so he could use his thumbs to wipe away the tears running down your cheeks. ―It's fine, I'm here with you. It's not your fault, they've done horrible things to you but you're with me now, you're safe. They will have to go over my dead body to get their hands on you again.
He helped you to move so that you were sitting on his lap, with your head resting on his chest and his arms around your body. When some time passed and you calmed down, he could see it in the way your body had stopped shaking and also because you had stopped sobbing a while ago but you didn't want to separate from him, Finnick decided to try to cheer you up.
―Do you know who told me where you went?
You shook your head, really curious.
―Those new friends you made on the dance floor.
You pressed your lips into a smile, you were having so much fun with those little girls...―They were so cute, I must have scared them.
Finnick shook his head and kissed your temple. ―Not at all. They told me they'll wait for you. They said they wanted to braid your hair.
Now you really smiled, snuggling into his chest.
―Do you want me to take you to our room?
You shook your head, making yourself comfortable in Finnick's lap. It was not the most comfortable or welcoming place to be but he didn't want to rush you to leave. He was aware that they would be looking for you two, they would take you away from him and lock you in a room next to Peeta's, thinking that you were a menace and putting you in a place where the screams of the boy next door would drive you crazy.
―We can stay here for as long as you want then.
You hummed in response, closing your eyes and focusing on Finnick holding you in between his arms. Thanks to your head on his chest and the silence, you could hear Finnick's heart and you were relieved because it was the realest thing you had ever experienced. Its beats were peaceful but still managed to quiet all the noise in your head.
You were so immersed in Finnick's heartbeat you would swear yours was beating so hard against your chest because it wanted to escape your body so it could be closer to his.
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ilwonuu · 8 months
hihi imagine being in a secret relationship with jaehyun as idols and going to a bruno mars concert
and the song finesse comes on and the part where it says « fellas grab ur ladie if ur ladie fine » and that somehow s gets them discovered .???
idk y can like imagine the rest tyy if u do this ✊
.★ ᦃ ۰finesse. j.jaehyun
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summary- you and your boyfriend accidentally reveal your secret relationship.
warnings-affection, slight angst, idol!jaehyun,idol!reader, exposed relationship, kissing, sweet bf jaehyun
authors note-help im so sorry if this is terrible 💔
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your boyfriend surprised you with tickets to a bruno mars concert. you were beyond excited. bruno mars and you get to go with jaehyun. you were happy that you got that opportunity. a little nervous about you two being seen together.
“you ready baby?” he asks you as you two are waiting for a staff car to pick you two up. “yes im so excited!!” he pulls you into his arms kissing your face.
“the staff is here let’s go!” he says before you two leave for the concert.
you two arrive quickly making it into the venue with all the other attending. you two find your seats waiting for the concert to start.
“it’s gonna be great!” he says looking around you two. he smiles at you adjusting his hat.
the concert was something you have never experienced in your life. you were having a great time. the whole time you and jaehyun singing to eachother. as your and jaehyuns favorite song “finesse” starting to play.
you are jaehyun singing and dancing together to the lyrics.
you two getting lost in the moment. as the lyrics “fellas grab your lady if your lady fine” jaehyun pulls you into his arms singing the lyrics to you. causing you both to smile into eachothers touch.
you sing the lyrics back with him holding him aswell. “i love my lady.” he says kissing your cheek. “i love you too jaehyun.”
you and jaehyun make your way home after the concert ends. “thank you for taking me baby.” you pull him into a kiss. “of course my pretty baby.” he smirks kissing your neck before he gets interrupted quickly. getting a call from the company.
he makes a weird face at his phone before answering. “hello?” he asks listening shortly to what he is being told on the phone. “what? seriously? shit okay.” you are now beyond confused but slightly nervous about the way he was reacting to the words. “yea okay i’ll say something.” he nods again before putting his phone away.
“y/n..” he says looking at you softly. “whats wrong jae?” you move to pull him into a quick hug. “nothing really just something happened with the concert.” you look at him clueless.
“someone followed us at the concert baby. they took photos and posted them online everywhere. the company says we need to say something.” you are beyond shocked.
you and jaehyun have been dated for a little over a year. you two were happy with your fans not knowing about your relationship.
“what do we do jae?” he shrugs. “hey its okay baby. i know fans can be crazy but i’m not leaving your side.” he rubs your side to give you a little bit of comfort. “the company says that we should release something from us personally.” he sighs kissing your cheek.
“so they don’t care about how you being in a relationship will affect your image jae?” he shakes his head. “i guess not. but what about your love? this is gonna affect you two.” he sighs again. “i know but you’re in a big group. i’m sorry this is just crazy? we we’re having so much fun. the fact that someone followed us is crazy to me!” you say quickly sitting on your bed, jaehyun joining you shortly after.
“i know. i cant believe it. i thought we were covered up enough!” he rolls his eyes before grabbing his phone.
“i can post something on my account. don’t worry babe.” he kisses your head. you nod at his words moving closer to him.
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_jeongjaehyun: i guess this is my way of saying the rumors are true. i love my girlfriend <3
comments are turned off.
“done!” he smiles at you softly and pulls you into his arms. “don’t stress okay? we can adjust to this together okay?” he pulls you into a quick kiss.
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this was for an ask but it became something different from the ask but I still wanted to post it cuz cute (tm)
Rated M (im just being safe)
taglist: @ghostinvenus
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The kiss is terrible, you tremble, lips just pressing on his; it's so bad. Astarion has had his share of terrible kisses, inexperienced kisses, and ones that left him out of breath (rarely). Yours easily tells him everything about you, from why your hands try to figure out what to do, to why you try angling your face, and pressing your lips on his. You retreat with heated cheeks, eyes looking everywhere but his face.
"That… Wasn't good, was it?"
He laughed, "If you have to ask, it was bad." It is cute truthfully seeing you sulk followed by throwing your hands in the air, "You are overthinking this." His hand reached and cupped the side of your face, "Look at me." Your eyes can't stay on his face, shy and nervous. "Look." When your red eyes meet his red eyes, "Build up the anticipation," His thumb traces your lips, lightly brushing your bottom lip, "You are in control." When he pushes his thumb ever so lightly past your lips, you don't know why but you welcome it parting your lips and your tongue licking flesh.
His lips form a smirk as you easily get enchanted then lead in as his thumb keeps your mouth open, "Do as I do." Like a spell, spoken and you obey.
This is a kiss.
His hand remains on your face caressing your cheek, the other around your waist supporting you. You are still confused about what to do yet where your mind lacks, your body reacts; instinctively seeking him. Your hands gripping the back of his poet blouse, your body leaning as if sculptured to fit with his, mouth meshing with his and tongue tasting him. 
Wine and blood, strange that excites you.
The kiss is still inexperienced but not as terrible as before. His eyes are half shut while yours are completely closed. Seeing the way you struggle to match him, the relief when he welcomes your tongue in his mouth.
Happy. You look happy when the kiss ends.
"So this is why there are so many love poems." The observation blurted out of your mouth, "This is inspiring."
"Oh, should I expect a flowery love song tomorrow evening?" Teasing you as he releases his hold on you, physically leaving your warmth is getting harder to do as these days pass.
"A song? Astarion, you inspire a symposium with only the way you look."
He laughs, that narcissistic laugh which given your words is deserving, "Go on."
"Kissing you or talking." Your hands didn't leave his body, they rested on his waist as if fearing him escaping into the moonlight, swept away by Selunê's glow.
"Either one is quite interesting."
You are on that high of your first kiss with him, "Can I have more?" Lowering your head with eyes looking up at him, "Kisses, I mean."
"So polite," Oh, how he enjoys you discovering the pleasures of the flesh. "Of course." Once more he moves to take charge only to stop as you copy his movements from before, though your fingers tracing the shape of his face then his ear.
A lyrical tone follows your next words, "Hot blood begets hot thoughts," Recalling words from a book your mother gave you, "And hot thoughts beget hot deeds," Your nose brushes against his. "And hot deeds is love." When the kiss happens, you are slow. Methodical.
Astarion makes adjustments along the way even as his mind is on that line you sang to him.
One could say there is nothing behind those words or one could see it as a confession. Well, another confession as you do not hide your heart from him.
When you both end up on the ground under the stars of clear night, he has you singing his name. A siren's charm ensnares him.
It is you who starts greeting him with silly flowery words. With the tune of a lute, violin, or flute at night serenading him over a meal of wine, bread, and cheese. In love, helplessly and innocently.
The only good side of this is that he isn't using the charms to hand you off to Cazador, you are his.
And that slips out.
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Vampires cannot love, they are creatures of the night blessed by Kanchelsis to feed on blood and debauchery (as stated in the books from your old master's library).
Yet, he feels its grip! The way you care for him, respect him, seek him as a person and not a tool.
Things he lacked towards you— you are just another sorry spawn who will help him achieve his goal…
He tries to list what he would change about you, flaws that bother him. And there are many as he makes a mental list while currently watching you from the shadows. You are providing a distraction as he steals something you need for some ridiculous quest.
Too helpful.
Maybe that is good for him when he has you in his service upon his ascension.
Definitely too nice for your own good. It makes him want to be nice to you back, God. Even now he had to threaten someone because you froze because someone didn't feed before getting here, saw the way your eyes glowed with the hunger. Probably will kill that patron after he returns to your side with the stolen documents.
Those eyes follow you, studying the body he knows quite well, then to the way the low-cut blouse exposes your neck and from his view the hickey he left from yesterday morning.
"Thank you, Astarion." Breathing slowly to tame the beast. "Guess you were right."
"Trust the one who has been at this for two hundred years, darling." The smile you give is downright blinding. He turns his head away, "Here." The evidence you take and read over.
“Hm?” You do not stop him when he kisses you. In this smelly, loud, and dirty tavern; you felt the world fall away with Astarion’s lips on yours, a feeling shared.
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girl4music · 22 days
Happy 29th anniversary to the pilot episode of XENA.
Original air date: September 4th, 1995.
Directed by Doug Lefler. Written by Robert Tapert.
Lead starring Lucy Lawless as Xena.
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and Renee O’Connor as Gabrielle.
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I will watch and write meta about other TV shows.
I will watch and write meta about other TV ships.
But nothing I watch or write meta about in this world will ever come close to matching my fan passion and loyalty to the TV show ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’ and the TV ship Xena and Gabrielle. They are my one true love.
What ‘Sins Of The Past’ does once you’ve seen the whole TV show and watch the episode back over is it shows you how intertwined these soulmates already are as the event of them meeting saves their lives and once you are aware of the wheres and whys of this - the show itself completely changes into something more valuable than you initially saw and understood. I recommend people go back and watch it and only view it as a love story from the very beginning because the way it hits you when you do is just mind-blowing.
They set up a beautifully complex and layered WLW love story between Xena and Gabrielle without really realizing that that’s what they were doing because it’s such a very natural and authentic queer storytelling of two strangers that find home in the soul of each other.
"There’s not a word yet, for old friends who’ve just met” is a lyric in a song written by Paul Williams and Kenny Ascher from ‘The Muppets Movie’. Writer and co-executive producer, who wrote many of the most formative episodes of ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’, Steven L. Sears affectionately ascribes that lyric to Xena and Gabrielle because he believes it perfectly describes the incredible soulmate connection that the two main characters share right from the very beginning of the TV show. And I would have to say that I agree with him on that because no matter what alternative Universe, Uber timeline, reincarnated lifetime or afterlife it is, they meet each other and they develop an attraction to and affinity for each other that seemingly goes way beyond basic friendship and romance and they have a dynamic that is so strong, so substantial and so damn profound that the studio gave up on censoring them. It’s a dynamite chemistry that can be felt so viscerally that you can watch the episodes countless times over and still pick up on fresh new things about the way these two characters are with one another and how they balance and complement each other so perfectly that they’re basically the human representation of yin and yang. And you can read my Xena and Gabrielle: Character study thesis to learn what I mean by that.
Their relationship is incredibly well-written in that it’s so carefully and conscientiously slow-burned and evolved from friends into lovers that it will make it impossible not to ship them together. Believe me - even if you’ve seen Xena before, you haven’t seen it like this. You haven’t seen it as a WLW love story from the beginning to the end. But once you do, you will be attached to it in ways that will make you just like me.
That is… Lifelong dedicated to and enamoured with it.
This is a TV show that finished airing in the year 2001 but it’s been my everything since I first discovered it at 5 years old just flicking through the UK channels bored out of my mind or so my parents have told me.
I cannot even begin to imagine of who I’d be without this TV show and TV ship in my life and I know no other will ever come close to it or them for me for the rest of my life. So all day today I am spending my time celebrating not just the TV show’s anniversary of its pilot episode but also Xena and Gabrielle’s anniversary of meeting and becoming the greatest love story ever told in TV art/entertainment history. They’re iconic and legendary in the LGBTQ community for a reason. That reason is that they’re the first and, honestly, still the best WLW/queer representation that can ever be witnessed and engaged with on the TV screen. The factors as to why that’s true are many,… but mainly… it’s because they were allowed to exist and evolve together as the only lead main female characters in such a way that no other WLW ship on TV ever would or could do so again. They may have been severely censored as an explicit romantic and fully maintext confirmed and committed couple on screen but the creators never let that prevent them from providing a depiction of an all-encompassing love that was much like a romance and still went beyond a romance. Xena and Gabrielle’s love went way beyond the boundaries of romance. I’m not ever saying it’s not that. I’m just saying that it’s more than that and that’s exactly what makes it even more romantic than anything else ever created at least in the TV format and paradigm it was.
Since then, the landscape has changed so drastically that TV WLW/queer ships are never given what they got. Which was a 6 seasons, 22-24 episodes-long epic journey of them just being each other’s absolute EVERYTHING. You can see, hear and feel every single moment of that in who Xena and Gabrielle are as both individual main characters and as a main character dynamic because they do not ever neglect any real and raw aspect about them. The only thing you do not ever get to see between them - although it is heavily implied often - is sexual intimacy. That really is not a loss because everything else that should or needs to be there is there way more than it is with any other WLW/queer TV ships in any other TV shows because they’re lead main characters. In fact… they’re the only lead main characters that are credited throughout the entire run of ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’ and, honestly, sometimes I do wish TV ships in other TV shows would censor themselves every now and again so that they would be forced to dig deeper into the nuances and details as much as they did with Xena and Gabrielle.
I know many would disagree with me here but I’m adamant that the censorship helped them more than it hindered them because what you got instead with them was such a powerful representation of true love that didn’t have to rely on sex to represent it. I know that they couldn’t be shown to be sexually intimate because it wasn’t allowed to be sexual. Nowadays it can but I find that sex is used too much now when it shouldn’t be because a real life WLW/queer ship is more than sex and that’s why Xena and Gabrielle is still better representation even in this day and age.
It’s a combination of queer censorship, unbelievably strong chemistry between the leads and the creator/cast/crew’s sincere intention with queer storytelling that gave us the truly EPIC WLW love story that we got with XENA and I wouldn’t have it any other way because, for me, that is everything I could ever want.
So if you love this TV show and TV ship, please join me in celebrating the timelessly magical experience it is by writing meta about what these things mean to you.
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XENA: “You know, I’m sending you home in the morning.”
GABRIELLE: “I won’t stay home. I don’t belong there, Xena. I’m not the little girl that my parents wanted me to be. You wouldn’t understand.”
XENA: “It’s not easy proving you’re a different person.
*Gabrielle eyes her curiously, Xena throws a bundle of blankets at her, gestures to the other side of the fire*
You can sleep over there.”
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XENA: “You know, where I’m headed, they’ll be trouble.”
GABRIELLE: “I know.”
XENA: “Then why would you want to go into that with me?”
GABRIELLE: “That’s what friends do. They stand by each other when there’s trouble.”
XENA: “All right, friend.”
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areyoudreaminof · 2 months
Worth The Wait: An Elucien Week Playlist
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Happy Day One of @elucienweekofficial! Enjoy this playlist of songs about fate, love, and patience that I hope inspire you!
Tracklist and lyrics behind the cut!
Love Letter From the Sea to the Shore-Delaney Bailey
Cause you hold in my tide I would die a thousand times Just to see you in another life I think I loved you in a thousand ways 'Cause you remain stagnant on my trouble days No matter how far I drift away You'll be there when I come back one day
Silence-Before You Exit
Talking Why's everyone always talking? Noise in my head, but it’s nonsense I can't feel nothing Guarded Don't overthink how we started Knew from the second you walked in This could be something Everybody’s looking for a love to start a riot But every time I look in your eyes The world gets quiet
Comin' Around Again-Amber Marks
So let's see where the night goes Maybe love's comin' around again
Why Don't You-Cleo Sol
Why don't you just let go And quiet down your ego Don't complain about finance I know your daddy weren't a real man Go ahead and live your dreams To me you're stronger than a whole team
I wanna see you smile Even when you think I'm angry It's true it might take a while But it's between you and me
Homemade Holiday-babygirl
Homemade holiday Catching rays, wearing shades Inside, dead of the night Who needs pearly gates? You’re the same, hear your name I die, bye bye
Forever & Always-Zeph
Honey, now we're older, but we'll never age I don't think my love will ever start to fade My attachment to you isn't subject to change My heart's yours forever and always
The Day That I Met You-Matilda Mann
But then you called, only to say You'll never love somebody else this way And though I'm still battered and bruised I forgave the world the day that I met you
The people talk, it's background noise I don't wanna hear nobody else's voice There's somethin' sweet about your scent It's like lavender came and never left
Garden's Heart-Natasha Khan & Jon Hopkins
I hear a whisper in the trees Where I am you and you are me You need to find a way back here Remember what I said: The space that is in between You have to fight it
Love Sneakin’ Up on You-Bonnie Raitt
Fever turns To cold, cold sweat thinkin about things we ain't done yet Tell me now I gotta know, do you feel the same? Do you just light up at the mention of my name?
Till Forever Falls Apart-Ashe & FINNEAS
Out on our own Dreamin' in a world that we both know Is out of our control But if shit hits the fan, we're not alone
Jupiter-Flower Face
We can leave right now, never come back home You're all I need Forget everything that we used to be Take me to another place, fly me up to Jupiter We can run away But I'll always feel at home with you
Lucky For You- Novo Amor & Gia Margaret
Lucky for you I’m nothing without The thought of starting all my days With the mornings when I see you I’m bored of staring at my face Every morning when I need you
Old souls we found a new religion Now I'm swimming in that sin, baptism Peach colored skies we feel the sunrise Two lost angels discover salvation Don't you wish we could run away now?
Sardine Song-Lav
If I had a home It would be our tin can Caught in your red hair Breathing in salt and making you swear Please Who do I have to be? I'll dip myself in honey Climb into the spaces in between your teeth
Ends of the Earth-Lord Huron
To the ends of the earth, would you follow me? There's a world that was meant for our eyes to see To the ends of the earth, would you follow me?
Unicron Loev-Raleigh Ritchie
There’s something about you That takes my blues away Life’s nothing without you I can’t get through the days I’ll never be cynical ‘Cause you wouldn’t have it I believe in miracles, I believe in magic
Morning Dove-Genevive Stokes
We don't talk much When I'm around you I'm a statue When you're running I can't catch you But it's not time There's a way to your defiance so I'll wait to break thе silence
I'm On Fire-Bruce Springsteen
Sometimes it's like someone took a knife, baby, edgy and dull And cut a six-inch valley through the middle of my skull At night, I wake up with the sheets soakin' wet And a freight train runnin' through the middle of my head Only you can cool my desire Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire
Worth the Wait-Kali Uchis
Most people don't know how to love, that's why they're empty Nothing will ever be enough, that's why they envy Gotta be careful with my heart because I love deep
How Deep is Your Love?-PJ Morton
How deep is your love? I really need to learn 'Cause we're livin' in a world of fools Breaking us down, when they all should let us be We belong to you and me
Taglist: @born-to-riot @asnowfern @cauldronblssd @dawneternal @foundress0fnothing @goddess-aelin @goghwilde @kataravimes-of-the-shire @iftheshoef1tz @acourtofladydeath @chunkypossum @amandapearls @climbthemountain2020 @popjunkie42 @queercontrarian @rosanna-writer @tunaababee @temperedink @lainalit @xtaketwox @cursebrkr @octobers-veryown @separatist-apologist @separatist-apologist @the-lonelybarricade @jules-writes-stories @velidewrites @melting-houses-of-gold @panicatthenightcourt
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alastor-simp · 1 year
Vice Dorm Leaders + Ruggie & Floyd with a reader who sings like the Japanese singer, "Ado"
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🍀Trey Clover
-Trey enjoys listening to music especially when he is baking in the Heartslabyul kitchen. He doesn't really have any favorite music genre, as he just listens to whatever is playing or whatever Cater sends him. He had no idea you could sing so well until he heard you singing softly next to him when you were helping him bake tarts for Riddle. "Wow Prefect, you never told me you could sing so well. Its very nice." After your baking session, Trey learned about your video channel and listened to all of your songs in about a week. He knows it must be a lot of work to be a very popular singer, so whenever he has time, he bakes sweet treats for you and brews you tea to soothe your throat. His favorite song of yours is "Eien No Akuruhi" , he loves how it expresses the theme of falling in love.
🍩Ruggie Bucchi
-Ruggie is not really focused on social media and all that other stuff, as his mind is occupied with donuts and making some money. He discovered your talent when he came to the botanical gardens to wake up Leona, until he saw the both of you there, with Leona laying on your lap and you singing a lullaby to him. You stopped singing when you heard Ruggies famous "Shishishi" laugh, and saw him walking closer to you, then lay down on the grass next to you, arms wrapped behind his head and a cheeky smile on his face. He told you he came to get Leona, but he changed his mind and told you to continue. Great job! You got a cute hyena boy as your official cheerleader, as he would always pop into your recording sessions, quietly cheering you on and dancing to the beat. His favorite song of yours is "Odo", he thinks the beat is crazy and loves how energetic it is.
🍄Jade Leech
"Oh my, you seem to very talented, Prefect-san." Jade is always interested in the unknown, so he was very elated to discover you could sing without him knowing and that he found out without using his unique spell. He happened to hear your beautiful voice, when he was serving customers at Mostro Lounge and heard you at one of the far tables in the back, humming some lyrics, while writing some words on a notepad, most likely coming up with ideas for another song. Once you realized Jade was next to you, you greeted him and thanked him for the drink he made. Jade gave you his best gentlemen smile and said it was a pleasure, but before he left, he walked closer and leaned against your ear, whispering "You have the voice of a siren, Prefect. I wouldn't mind listening to you more, in private, of course." Chuckling, he walked away to finish his duties, leaving behind a flustered you. His favorite song of yours is "Love ka?", he loves the oceanic vibe of the song and how slightly twisted the song is.
🦐Floyd Leech
-If there is one thing to know about Floyd, is that he loves music. Music is his best subject at NRC, and he is a very talented dancer as well. He came to discover your singing, when he was training in the gym for an upcoming basketball tournament, and noticed you sitting at one of the bleachers, with headphones in yours ears and you quietly singing. Giggling to himself, he slowly came up behind you and lunged towards you in a bear hug, making you jump in fright. "Ehe~ Koebi-chan~, you're amazing", Floyd squeezed you tighter, super happy that he learned something new about you. After he let you go, you told him about your channel, but before you could talk more about it, he had already taken his phone out and subscribed. Floyd was a very chaotic supporter, as he often spammed the comments section with silly phrases and happened to squeeze you in happiness whenever you uploaded a new video, but you found his support sweet nonetheless. His favorite song of yours is "Rebellion" , he likes how its about breaking free and how he relates to it as he is a slight delinquent/rebel himself.
🐍Jamil Viper
-Jamil was a man of many talents even though he tends to hide them from others around him, but despite being skilled in cooking and basketball, he also happens to have a great singing voice and amazing dancing skills. He happened to discover your singing talent from Kalim, as Kalim was enthusiastically jumping up and down in joy, telling Jamil about your singing voice and that a celebration should be held. Jamil was annoyed that he had to prepare for another celebration again, but he was interested in your singing voice and wanted to learn more about it. He did come to wonder why you don't show your face in your songs like most other singers, but once he found out that is what you preferred to do, then he wouldn’t question you further. His favorite song of yours is "I'm Invincible" , he likes how describes the feeling of being confident and achieving their dreams.
🏹Rook Hunt
-"Oh la la! Your singing is merveilleuse, Trickster!" Rook hunt is a very interesting fellow, he is very poetic and loves to express his joy for findings things beautiful, but he tends to become a bit stalker-ish, when he finds a person very interesting. Well, enjoy being stalked around by this hunter, he is going to be following you 24/7. He is the definition of an obsessive fan, just minus the craziness. Vil has noticed that Rook has become a huge fan of your talent, but he rather it be you then Neige LeBlanche, yet he does tell Rook to suppress some of his antics as he can imagine how much stress it may cause you. Rook is always present whenever you are singing/recording for a new music video, swooning over your voice and holding up signs that say "BEAUTE! 100 POINTS!" It's very hard for Rook to chose a favorite song since he adores every one of them, but he does tend to listen to "Yoru No Pierrot" more out of the others. He loves the colorful animation of the video
🦇Lilia Vanrouge
-Lilia is very up to date with the latest trends and is the most knowledgeable about pop culture, like Cater. He is very talented in the music field himself, as he is shown to have a very beautiful singing voice and is part of the Pop Music Club with Kalim and Cater. He was on his way to his club room, when he heard the sound of singing nearby and went to go explore. He saw you in one of the empty classrooms, sitting on top of the desks, singing to yourself. While in the middle of your singing, Lilia had appeared above you, and gave you quite a scare. "Kufufu, your singing is quite lovely," Lilia said as he placed a hand on your cheek, while still staying upside down. Blushing, you thanked Lilia and he asked if you would be interested in joining his club. Before you could give your answer, Lilia had already dragged you out of the room and ran towards his club room. Lilia was happy to found out you had a channel on Magitube, and became your second biggest fan as Idia had already won the title of number one. Lilia was the most understanding of you not revealing yourself in your MV's , as he believes that you are already expressing yourself enough with your voice, and that it shouldn't matter whether you show your face or not. You did mention wanting to collaborate with his band, and make a song together, to help them gain some popularity. Once you told Lilia that, he was overjoyed. His favorite song of yours is "Tot Musica" , he can't get enough of how powerful your voice is and how intense the lyrics are.
credit to Japanese singer, Ado
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changbeansss · 3 months
Echos of us
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Pairings: Han Jisung x reader
Genre: fluff, slow burn romance, neighbours au
Warnings: None
A/n: I was inspired by the song 'when we are together' by The 1975 hehe
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You’d always been one to cherish the quiet moments in life—the soft hum of city traffic at dawn, the gentle rustling of leaves in the park, the soothing melody of your favorite songs playing in the background. Your life was a tapestry of these simple pleasures, and you were content. Then Han Jisung walked into your life, and suddenly, your world was filled with a new kind of music.
Jisung was your neighbor, living just down the hall in your apartment building. You had exchanged polite greetings and occasional small talk in the elevator, but it wasn't until the building's power went out one stormy evening that you truly connected.
You were fumbling with your keys, the hallway eerily dark, when Jisung appeared with a flashlight. "Need some help?" he asked, his voice warm and reassuring.
"That would be great, thanks," you replied, relieved to have some light.
He held the flashlight steady as you unlocked your door. "Do you want to come in for a bit?" you offered, not wanting to be alone in the dark. "I have candles and some snacks."
Jisung smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I'd love to."
You spent that evening together, sitting on your living room floor surrounded by flickering candles, sharing stories and laughter. Jisung had a way of making you feel comfortable, his easygoing nature and quick wit putting you at ease. You discovered that you had a lot in common, from your taste in music to your love for quiet, introspective moments.
Over the next few months, your friendship deepened. You started meeting up regularly, exploring the city, going to concerts, and spending lazy afternoons in coffee shops. There was a slow, steady rhythm to your interactions, a gentle progression that felt natural and unforced.
One crisp autumn evening, you and Jisung found yourselves at a small, intimate concert. The band was playing "When We Are Together" by The 1975, and as the familiar lyrics filled the room, you felt a wave of emotions wash over you.
"You know," Jisung said softly, leaning closer so you could hear him over the music, "this song reminds me of us."
Your heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He smiled, his eyes locking with yours. "It's about finding happiness in the simplest moments, about being together and feeling like that's enough. That's how I feel when I'm with you."
You felt your cheeks flush, the warmth of his words spreading through you. "I feel the same way," you admitted, your voice trembling with emotion.
As the song played on, you both fell silent, lost in the music and the unspoken feelings between you. It was a slow burn, a gentle unfolding of emotions that had been building for months.
One evening, as winter began to set in, you and Jisung were walking through the park, the ground covered in a thin layer of snow. The air was crisp, your breath visible in the cold.
Jisung stopped and turned to you, his expression serious yet tender. "There's something I need to tell you," he said, his voice steady but filled with emotion.
You felt your heart race, the anticipation building. "What is it?"
He took a deep breath, his eyes searching yours. "I've fallen in love with you," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't want to rush things, but I can't keep it to myself any longer."
Your heart swelled with joy and relief. "I've fallen in love with you too, Jisung," you replied, your voice trembling with emotion. "I was afraid to say anything because I didn't want to ruin what we have."
Jisung's face lit up with a smile, his eyes sparkling with happiness. "You could never ruin this," he said softly, taking your hands in his. "This is just the beginning."
As you stood there, hand in hand, you felt a sense of contentment and excitement for the future. You knew that your relationship with Jisung was built on a foundation of genuine connection and mutual respect. It was a slow burn, a love that had grown and deepened over time, and you were ready to embrace it fully.
"When We Are Together" played softly in your mind, the lyrics resonating with the journey you had taken together. In a world that often moved too fast, you had found a love that was patient, steady, and true. And in that moment, you knew that as long as you were together, everything else would fall into place.
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
Could I get a song lyric story with Billy Butcher with either song lyrics #1 or #13
Fluffy or sexy your choice.
⎯ better than him. [billy butcher – 1/2]
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྾ summary: being denied by your crush, you find yourself at the door of butcher, only to get better since his your only company but it ends different than you thought. ྾ lyrics: #1, A little bit older. A black leather jacket. A bad reputation. Insatiable habits. He was onto me, one look and I couldn't breathe. Yeah, I said, “If you kiss me, I might let it happen.” ▸my oh my, camila cabello; #13, I could be a better boyfriend than him. I could do the shit that he never did. Up all night, I won't quit. Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him. I could be such a gentleman. Plus all my clothes would fit▸boyfriend, dove cameron
wc: 1.4k ྾ notes/tags: fluff, mentions of nsfw content (a little) – part 2 will be the nsfw one, reader discovers inner facts, kind of mean butcher, kissing, biting, confessing, nicknames, cursing. ^^ ALSO, lots of thanks to @butchers-girl for the request! 💌 I know I made you wait for a while but I hope this one will make you happy. enjoy! *lots of kisses and hugs* [masterlist]
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“You look like shit.” He says, rolling his eyes at your mess yet he leaves his door open behind him to let you in after he understands you are waiting in front of his door for a while now from the way you sit on the ground, no tears but sadness washing over your face.
“Yeah, got it from you.” You tease even though he can make you leave his house anytime soon. A voice tells you that he will let you because contrary to his common cold manner, he’s soft – for you. This was the reason, maybe not the main one, you came to him after feeling so down due to having a crush, ex-crush now, who said how he could never imagine liking someone like you. Well, it shouldn’t hurt but it did and you had only Butcher to make you feel good since he was your only close friend.
“Stop being a brat,” Not using the word ‘cunt’ with you, no, you were so delicate to hear that, Huggie wasn’t though. “I let you in, yeah, be grateful.”
Following him into the couch, you put no mind to the mess of his house. You know he nearly comes to his house and today was your lucky day that he finally came. You watched him as he took off his black leather jacket, only leaving with a black sweater, making him look more mature and older – he’s indeed a little bit older than you, enough to make you watch him for a while before he remarks with a smirk on his attractive and cocky face, “Liked what you see the princess?”
Rolling your eyes, you look at the closed TV in front of you and hide your face from him – probably already understood how he made the heat rush to your face. You knew you were like an open book for him – he knew you maybe more than you know yourself, and that was another reason you came here – not the main one still.
“Just open the TV.” You say after seeing your own reflection on the black screen of huge TV; you have a messy posture while he’s looking so good as always. His wide open legs make you focus on there for a moment before catching his eyes on the reflection, seeing how he smirks and puts his left arm on the couch’s edge, right above your shoulders, caging you with his body like your small body, comparing to his bigger one, means nothing.
Without saying anything, he opens the TV, some ads playing while he drinks a bottle of beer which you didn’t see until that moment. How he got that even? “Want some?” He asks, pointing to the bottle.
Shaking your head positively, wanting nothing but forgetting about everything, you take the bottle from his hands, fingers brushing into each other. Feeling hotter each second beside him, you take a few gulps of cold beer and put your head on the edge of the couch, making his arm behind you a pillow for you to sleep on. Closing your eyes, you say after a moment of peaceful silence – something you like about Butcher; he always knows when to talk or let you go while being in silence. “He said he would never be with someone like me.” You leave a sad chuckle, feeling insecure even if you want to deny it.
It takes a few seconds for Butcher to say after you feel his piercing gaze on your face. How you wish to open your eyes and watch his beautiful eyes, attractive face, and sharp gazes but you can’t – not yet. “I said that he was a bastard, didn’t I?”
Opening your eyes, you look at his face, rolling your eyes at his cocky attitude inside your brain. “At least say something – uplifting you cocky bastard.”
Your swear makes him smirk, shrugging, he points to the door, “You can leave if you need a fucking therapist, ya know. I ain’t one.” Knowing he will not let you leave, you chuckle, drinking the remaining part of the beer as he watches your face, not even taking any permission to do it – he doesn’t need it anyway.
“I speak the facts darlin’, the cunt is a bastard, so, let it go. Not worth it.” – Not worth crying, not worth thinking about his words but it’s nearly impossible when his words flow in your system like venom and you want Butcher to make you find your own medicine for it – you know your worth but still, being a broken one now, you need him.
“Butcher,” you say, taking his full attention on you because your voice comes so low, revealing how bad you are feeling right now. “What’s the meaning of ‘someone like me’? Am I that bad? I am, right?” You leave another weak – sad chuckle, making Butcher swear to the guy before looking at you deeply, with sympathy and affection on his expression.
“Fuck the guy,” He says, his arm behind you now holding you by the shoulder, pushing you closer to him, his hot breaths hit your face. “Fuck them all, y/n, you don’t need them to see your worth.” Surprised by how he talks – so openly, you become breathless because of both his words and the proximity between you.
Putting your right hand on his bearded cheek, you say, “Being soft now, are we?” Teasing him makes you giggle.
“Only for you, darlin’.” He confesses, leaving you surprised at his words. Looking at him, you gain great confidence by the way he looks back at you, and your hand moves on its own, caressing his beard as one of his hands find your back, pushing you closer to him, earning a low, “Butcher –“ utter from you.
“Yes, love?” He asks; a cocky smirk on his attractive face. Rolling your eyes, you leave a chuckle, playing the game he’s up to.
“Will you show me my own worth? In your eyes –“ You say, trying to understand his motives; just to take away your sadness or express something he wants aloud. You know that if this moment, he kisses you, you will let it all go, and like he hears your own thoughts, he smirks, holding your cheek with his free hand, pulling you closer until your lips touch his – fireworks blow in your stomach at the sudden but waited, for a long time, action.
First, you stay without moving, then, when he bites your lower lip to get your blank mind working again, you let a soft moan out, closing your eyes, and you kiss him back – as passionately as he does. Lips trying to eat the other’s lips, hot tongues enter each other’s mouth. As you and Butcher kiss each other as your lives depend on it, the world under your feet seems to be disappeared, only leaving Butcher and his presence knowledgable to your mind – reality. He’s neither fast nor slow with his actions. He acts as if he knows every nerve of you, which to push, which to pull, which to touch.
He slowly, and gently – contrary to his common attitude, rises, making your back touch onto the surface of the couch. Pushing your legs apart with his knee, he finds his place between your thighs, hands positioned on the left and right sides of your head. You can’t help but feel small against his big body, not that you complain, not when he breaks the kiss – both of you need air, a necklace which you gave him swing, you pay attention to it for a moment before looking at his eyes, seem to have more sparkles now. “At the end of the night,” He begins, sounding both confident and assuring, “You will know your own fucking worth, doll,” He kisses your lips again, rough this time, leaving red marks on them due to biting. He’s so possessive, you can see that. “The most precious girl – my girl is the most precious girl. So fucking precious. That cunt – oh, that cunt will kick his own ass after he finds out what he missed, I’m telling ya – ”
“Butcher,” You say before holding his necklace and pulling him into you powerfully. You need him now – more than anything, and you know you have needed him for a long time now. “Just forget about him and kiss me. I only need – you.” He smiles, genuinely, then, the smile turns into a devilish smirk, leaving you breathless.
“Damn sure you need me. Will make sure the only man you can think of will be me at the end of the night, my girl.”
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tayfabe75 · 4 months
Did Taylor and Matty meet on Myspace? (And other early coincidences!)
Early on in their careers, Taylor and Matty both utilized Myspace as a way to promote their music. Taylor, specifically, would message with other teenagers on Myspace:
"I'd post my songs on my MySpace and, yes, MySpace, and would message with other teenagers like me who loved country music, but just didn't have anyone singing from their perspective."
Matty, too, described himself as "King of Myspace" when he was fifteen. But he brought it up more recently on the Ion Pack Podcast, even mentioning his age as seventeen at the time. And here's a retro clip of Taylor talking about how she wasn't some corporate entity on Myspace, if you messaged her account, you were talking to her! She also filled out her profile in her own words.
She has some things in her profile that might've caught Matty's eye, a fellow teenage country fan and fan of American music specifically, that might've emboldened him to message her:
"I love people who like my music. I love people who are nice to me. I like people who are excitable. I think it's endearing when people cry when they're happy. I'm pretty excitable too. Guys don't ask me out because they know I'll write songs about them. But I'm also the girl who still believes prince charming exists somewhere out there -- fully equipped with great hair and an immature sense of humor. I'm fascinated by black and white pictures. I like people who can be sarcastic and laugh about tense situations. I'm a fan of fans."
Say whatever you will about Matty, but that man is a genuine fan of Taylor's music. When he became a fan is open for discussion, but let's just pretend, for fun, that he found her via Myspace early on in her career.
Now, here is the old Myspace page for The 1975 back when they were known as 'Drive Like I Do' in 2008. Note the James Taylor in the list of Influences! (as well as the Jamie Squire in the top 8! How sweet, I'm sobbing!)
Taylor was a bit of a firecracker on Myspace (and not just there, there's a whole conspiracy theory she used to troll 4Chan!). A few of her comments were screenshotted and you can find them around the internet. Here are some. The one from October 31st, 2005 about a queer fellow ("I'm sorry that I'm kinda queer, it's not as weird as it appears") with a Sex van ("take your shoes off in the back of my van") really caught my eye, anyway…
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"Listen my queer fellow. I thinketh we shall hangeth out sometime soon, eh? yes, I do believe I am growing fond of this idea. drive over in your sex van and come pick me up, farewell knave."
Notice the spelling here, too. Thinketh? Hangeth? Knave? Feels a little bit Shakespearean, at least for say, a fifteen-going-on-sixteen-year-old girl (as we would later discover, Love Story and Robbers were both inspired by Romeo and Juliet, both written around the same time so far as I know, but it's hard to find exact dates!)
Matty, by the way, used to refer to himself as the "Prince of the Tyne". He's also got some old Drive Like I Do lyrics from 'We Are the Streetfighters' that are suspicious to me: "Well in four thousand miles we'll meet you" (The nearest airport to Macclesfield is in Manchester, and the distance between Manchester and Nashville? Roughly 4000 miles)
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Two months later on December 21st, 2005, just after turning 16, Taylor says she's in England.
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Did they meet? Who knows! But there's enough weirdness there to make me wonder. Speaking of weirdness… we're going to go on a side tangent about Fearless, but that's part of the puzzle, so bear with me…
I don't know about anyone else, but when I saw Matty's Fearless Love Gaze™, I was rocked to my core! Men do not look at women like that, but especially not brand-new flings. They're too concerned with trying to look cool and unaffected. For most men (stereotypically), romance and love are "dumb" and "stupid" and perceived as a "woman thing" that men can't be bothered with. But not Matty. Matty was utterly transfixed by her. Something about that touch of mischief in the lip bite when she says the bit about "absentmindedly making me want you", the way he just barely mouths along to the words at the end of the clip, well… sirens started going off for me. So, I followed my intuition and started researching all of this.
Now, Taylor wrote the song 'Fearless' sometime in 2006. The hidden message liner note for Fearless? "I loved you before I met you". Taylor describes 'Fearless' as a song she wrote about a perfect first date she hadn't had yet, about something she didn't have but dreamt of. She debuted it for the first time on April 6th, 2007 in Reading, PA (if you don't already know it, that's two days before Matty's 18th birthday). At this show, she debuted 'Sparks Fly' (yes, in 2007! Original lyrics were brown eyes rather than green eyes, by the way) and 'Tied Together With A Smile'. She also played a cover of John Waite's song 'Missing You' which seems to be about a long-distance relationship: "And it's my heart that's breakin' down this long distance line tonight"
Speaking of Matty's birthday, the release of Fearless TV happened to coincide with Matty's birthday! She dropped a sneak peek of Fearless on his birthday in 2021, and the album would release one day later on the ninth (perhaps because albums release on Fridays and that's as close as she could get?)
Taylor describes the Fearless album as her diary from when she was seventeen (misplaced my source on that quote, d'oh!) That said, 'Love Story' interests me as well. There are some interesting facts about Love Story:
Hidden message: Someday, I'll find this. Taylor wrote this song in a very short amount of time after her parents had told her that she couldn't be with the person she wanted to be with. And in her own words:
"'Love Story' is actually about a guy that I almost dated. But when I introduced him to my family and my friends, they all said they didn't like him. All of them! For the first time, I could relate to that Romeo-and-Juliet situation where the only people who wanted them to be together were them. That's the most romantic song I've written, and it's not even about a person I really dated."
Taylor's UK television debut (like first time ever performing on TV in the UK) was on Loose Women (Matty's mother's show). Now, Denise was not there during this period as a host, but she had been before that and would be afterward, so maybe there's some significance? Maybe not. But if Taylor and Matty knew each other, he would definitely get to be in the audience to see her if he wanted to. The song she chose to perform was 'Love Story'.
Now, 'Robbers' is also based on Romeo and Juliet (and also written circa 2007), and Matty describes that here in a fan video from 2015. We'd see Romeo and Juliet imagery pop up again in 2014, both in Taylor's video for Blank Space (where she's on a balcony looking down at her lover) and in November where she stood up on a balcony at Matty's show as he serenaded her with Fallingforyou (visual comparisons here)
Blank Space, too, might reference Fallingforyou. There's a scene where she rides bikes with her lover inside her enormous house, perhaps reminiscent of Matty's lyric: "All we need's my bike and your enormous house":
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Matty even dresses a bit like the lover from 'Love Story' music video at the 2017 BRITs:
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When you fall down the Myspace rabbit hole, you start noticing other strange similarities in their lyrics - like Matty referring to a "girl on the screen" in 'If You're Too Shy', which perhaps parallels Taylor's "guy on the screen" in 'Karma'. In 'The 1' (another song that lyrically parallels 'Robbers'), Taylor imagines "the 1 that got away" meeting a woman on the internet and taking her home, which might be another reference to Matty, perhaps lyrically paralleling The 1975's 'Playing On My Mind'. This theory, of course, makes the entire album 'A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships' suspect, especially given that 'Be My Mistake' is a song Matty wrote "about Nashville", the striking similarities between 'Sincerity is Scary' and 'Me!', a song called 'Mine' that references the year 2009, and the inclusion of a Drive Like I Do track Matty wrote when he was just fifteen years old, '102' (the same age he was when he was "King of Myspace"). Considering 'Love Story' was written for someone who Taylor's parents disapproved of, it makes this lyric all the more striking:
"I hope this song will remind you I'm not half as bad as what you've been told."
Lastly, if Matty is the confirmed 'Cardigan' muse and if 'Willow' is the continuation of 'Cardigan' (based on where the music video begins), the scene where she gazes into the water at her lover could perhaps represent a visual metaphor for looking through a screen, no?
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Back to the NYU commencement speech! I recommend listening to the FULL clip. She talks about: feeling lonely, chatting with other teenage country fans on Myspace, and then segues into her motivation behind protecting her private life:
"Having the world treat my love life like a spectator sport in which I lose every single game was not a great way to date in my teens and twenties, but it taught me to protect my private life fiercely."
All of this seems correlated to me (also why it's hard for me to reconcile this whole football charade! But for me, it's easier to believe Taylor here about privacy being important to her, and not assume that some boyfriend kept her locked away in a dungeon against her will or something)
Now, to tie this all into a very nice bow, here's a quote where Taylor talks about how she uses easter eggs:
"Easter eggs can be left on clothing or jewelry. This is one of my favorite ways to do this, because you wear something that foreshadows something else, and people don't usually find out this one immediately, but they know you're probably sending a message. They'll figure it out in time."
What shirt was she wearing during her pap walk with Matty? Think of the "He lets her Bejeweled" meme… She had on an NYU sweatshirt.
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Now, could be just a giant coincidence, trust me, I know, I get it. However… maybe she's really hinting about an old Myspace pal that she has protected fiercely. I mean, she did seem to use that speech to easter egg/foreshadow YOYOK & Labyrinth lyrics…
Speaking of 'Bejeweled'… On July 15th, 2023 Taylor flubbed the lyrics: "Sapphire tears on Myspace", and then she giggled. Freudian slip, perhaps? But this is the woman who assures us that "nothing is accidental"... and in a song that mentions a "Top 5", no less! (reminiscent of a Top 8, perhaps?)
Maybe James and Betty were involved in a "teenage love triangle" for a reason, and maybe TTPD references "teenage petulance" for that same reason… or maybe it's nothing but a bunch of eerie coincidences! Who knows! In the meantime, I'll keep on clownin'! 🤡
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fairyhaos · 1 year
seventeen as taylor swift songs
notes: guys. guys im not even a swiftie but ive listened to sooo many of her songs for this hc that i could literally Become one now if i wanted to
[this fic's spotify playlist]
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wildest dreams. it's kind of an incredibly, almost painfully romantic song. it's kind of a whirlwind romance song? while it's certainly a little hopeless, there's yearning there, and there's also so much vivid, vibrant love at the same time, a kind of possession, of protectiveness even so. it's seungcheol because of the desperate, helpless love it describes, a 'i couldn't help but fall for you' vibe that is so him.
style. the type of pretty boy x pretty girl energy this song exudes gives me delicate, gorgeous, jeonghan vibes. it's sweet, light, but it's also playful and so romantic that it makes your heart feel so full it might burst. it's something you can scream loudly, but also something you can hold close to your heart. the song is a silvery cream colour, reminding me of jeonghan
enchanted. i mean???? enchanted is The royal, romantic, sparkling, glittering song of all time. it's gentle and gentlemanly and yearning and hopeful and wonderful and so, so joshua coded it's actually insane. it's a type of strangers to friends to lovers that crescendos into a heart-melting happy ever after that takes your breath away. it's so joshua it makes me cry.
paper rings. it's so youthful, so bubbly, so young love in the way that only junhui can be the one to embody. it's sweet like junhui's smiles, endearing like junhui's laughs, bright and lovely like the way in which junhui would love with his entire heart. paper rings is so full of brightly orange coloured love, just like junhui is.
22. this song talks about living your life to the fullest, no matter the age, for all time, as if every day is your last. it's about finding happiness in every situation, with the person you love the most in the entire world. it's a song that feels like bright, flashing lights, like warm drinks, like soft kisses. it feels like hoshi.
willow. the acoustic vibes of this song feel very wonwoo. there's a sort of undying, eternal love in the lyrics, an idea of always coming back to him, of forever finding endless comfort and wonder and new experiences while loving him. there's a certain domesticity to this song, and honestly the best way to describe it really is eternal love, constant love, comfortable and thrilling and warm all at once.
jump then fall. honestly, it took me a while to find one for woozi, but then i discovered this song and it fit him perfectly. it's devastatingly soft, so gentle and caring, just like woozi is. it doesn't have any sudden realisations of love, but rather a slow, soft kind of falling in love, an innate understanding of how one feels, and that is just so, so woozi to me.
all too well. the romantic, elegant, velvet feeling to this song embodies minghao very, very well. it's almost wistful in its love, like remembering a wonderful memory, like making sure that you remember the best times of your life without any animosity, any hatred. it's of real love, of cherishing, gentle and nostalgic and minghao all the way.
daylight. it's a little youthful, hopeful, bright, like mingyu. the song just exudes so much "happy ever after" vibes, at the end of a perfect romantic novel, and that's so mingyu. it's the epilogue song, heart filled with warm love, his smiles as sweet and gentle as the chorus of the song. it's hopeful, optimistic, beautiful.
cruel summer. okay first of all—the high notes?? the pretty little voice tremble thingies?? it's so pretty dokyeom voice coded. but also, apart from that, it's such a sweet sounding song, young and happy and and hopeful and devastatingly him. it's yearning and endearing at the same time, full of every emotion in the world, just like he is.
shake it off. it's a citrusy brightly fun song, with lilac undertones and this is gonna sound really really weird but that instantly made me think of seungkwan. it's full of positivity, of bouncing back, of not giving up and and not caring what anyone else thinks. of being the life of the party, of making other people happy, and that is the most seungkwan thing in the whole world.
we are never ever getting back together. lyrics aside, there's a lot of feel-good energy in this song which feels so vernon. honestly lots of taylor's old songs feel like they can match him a lot, because there's so much young energy, feeling a little like a boundless puppy, and i don't know. the self-assurance, the brightness, the pure pop, light feeling is something that just fits vernon.
red. perhaps an unexpected one, but hear me out, this one is so, so, chan-coded, i promise you. it's like an old love, a sad, wistful love. but a wistful love of a romance that was anything but that: of a romance that had been full of the scent of leather and love and living. that's what chan is, i think. red feels very, very much like loving chan.
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gretavanbear · 1 year
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Jake Kiszka x Fem!Reader
18+ ONLY! This one shot is strictly smut.
[warnings : mean jake, dominant jake, spanking, hurting(??), degrading, cockwarming, edging, oral (m & f) aaaand just SMUT!]
2.1k words.
Summary: You surprise Jake with a new accessory.
“I got you something.” 
“Oh did you?” His right eyebrow rose as he spun his chair around. He was so focused on his notes, most likely lyrics, you were surprised he heard you. You loved that about him; how entangled he was in his work. 
You held the tiny black box in your hands, the little red satin bow wrapped around it nearly. You needed it to be perfect, so you had wrapped it yourself at least three times. Perfecting each bow with every try. You knew he wouldn’t even care about the bow, but for him, you’d do anything. 
You walked over to him, and he placed his hands on his thighs, tapping the material to a rhythm of a song you’ve definitely heard before. He looked up at you with those beautiful eyes, those long lashes making him look so feminine in a way that made your heart grow. His thighs were beautiful, thick. You loved sitting on them, straddling his lap, straddling his face. 
No, right now you needed him to discover what was in this little box. you needed to make him happy. He had been working so hard. 
“What's this, love?” his voice melted in your ears, and the excitement was becoming overbearing. 
You watch him closely as he slowly unties the satin ribbon, the same eyebrow raised in curiosity as he wraps his fingers around the cover and pulls it off. 
Inside reveals two silver rings. one with a ‘J’ on it, and one with a ‘K’. 
He looked up at you with those big brown eyes you love so much. A slight shimmer in his left eye made your heart race. And your clit twitch. 
“These are amazing, thank you darling. What’s the occasion?” He looked extremely good, even for staying at home and working. He wore a burgundy red button down shirt with some dark linen pants. Even on his comfy days, you couldn’t be more in love with him. How could he look so beautiful on an off day? There you were in your oversized hoodie- one of his. Though he didn’t know what you were wearing underneath it. 
“They’re… for fashion. and… accessorizing.” Your voice reeked nervousness. But you’ve wanted this. You knew he did too, deep down. 
“Accessorizing? Don’t you think I have enough rings?” He chuckled a little, which eased your nervousness a bit, but the way he was looking at you brought it right back. 
You sucked in a breath before answering him, the tension growing thick in this office. “no… accessorizing me. I want you to mark me.”
Your words made him flinch, and his eyes darkened. He slowly looked back down at the box, taking the rings out of it slowly and slipping them onto his right hand, his middle and ring finger. You thanked the gods to have gotten the right size- though you were pretty aware of how thick his fingers were from feeling them… in many different ways. 
“Bedroom. now.” His voice lowered an octave, and it was raspier. Oh, and you knew this was going to be good.
Once you arrived at your shared bedroom, you tore his sweatshirt off and laid out on the bed seductively, pushing out your hip a little so he’d notice the dark red lace barely covering your skin. You had picked this lingerie set a while ago, when you had found the perfect ribbon for that box- this set matched it accordingly. Around your upper thigh was the same ribbon, tied with a pretty little bow. It was all for him, you were his and you wanted him to make sure of it. 
Jacob marched into the bedroom at a faster pace, his loud footsteps making your spine tingle as you wondered what he was going to do to you. You wanted him to have all the control, and you knew he was going to take it. 
Once his brown eyes laid upon you, you felt as if your heart was going to explode. His entire aura exuded dominance and power. Fuck, you loved it. It felt as if the room had gone dark- as if his stare froze you in time and you couldn’t do anything else but obey his every order. He was already shirtless, and he looked so beautiful. 
“Get on the floor.” He barked out at you, pointing to the edge of the bed. You took a second to look at his shoulders, how strong they made him look. You followed his words and completed the task, on your knees in front of the bed. 
He sat down on the soft material of the black satin sheets- they were expensive and sleek. Soft and comfortable. But you weren’t focused on that, you were focused on the increasing tightness of his pants in front of your face. You looked up at him waiting for your next order, and his hands made their way in front of your face. 
His long, sleek fingers wrapped around the ring on his middle finger; rotating it so the initial was facing the inside of his hand, right above his palm. He did the same with the ring on his fourth finger.
Watching his hands so close made all the warmth of your body gather right between your legs. You wanted him to fix that for you, but right now- it wasn’t time. 
“Are you just going to stare at me?” He spoke with a harsh tone. Every word made your skin fill with goosebumps. 
“No, sir.” You squeaked out, and began undoing the bow holding his linen pants slowly. Pulling on the thread so softly. He watched your every move. You pulled down his pants and pulled his length out as it was hardening in your hand. You kissed it gently, your tongue softly licking his swelling tip as his mouth fell open above you. God, he was so pretty. His lips darkened as his cheeks reddened, waiting for you to make your next move. 
You held his cock in your hand, squeezing it gently and giving it a few strokes and watching him react softly, a curse making an appearance under his breath. 
You licked a long stripe from the bottom of his shaft, all the way to the tip. Wrapping your lips around him, you bobbed your head down and his fingers made their way behind your head; making a ponytail with his fist and helping you move your head up and down on him. 
“Was that what you were up to all week, hm? Being all sneaky.. telling me you were doing groceries. Fuck… All this time, you just wanted me to take care of you.” He breathed out as he moved your head a little more aggressively. You hummed in approval which sent vibrations all over his length- making him choke on a moan. 
He pulled your head off gently and helped you get up, then picking you up and throwing you down on the bed. He was getting aggressive and you liked it. You were facedown on the bed, your face in the sheets as he moved himself so he was behind you. 
Those beautiful long fingers of his hooked themselves in the band of the lace panties you had on, and he pulled them off quickly. He did not want to waste any time. 
“Don’t fucking move. I move you.” He said sternly, his lips kissing behind your thigh, slowly traveling its way up to your ass. With his other hand, he allowed his fingers to dip in your inner thigh. His middle finger grazed your swollen clit gently and the action made you twitch. He completely removed himself and sucked in a breath. 
“I told you, do not fucking move.” he said, his voice low and raspy. Before you could respond he landed a sharp blow to your ass cheek which made you gasp and then moan. You felt the rings against your skin just perfectly, and you could feel your wetness start to coat your inner thighs as you imagined the mark that would be left on you. 
“J… K…. you’re mine.” His hands reached your hips and pulled them up, your face still down on the bed. He kept a hand there, holding you up as his lips found your inner thigh once more, his tongue licking a stripe from your aching slit. You moaned into the sheets which made him smirk, his pointer and middle finger finding your clit and rubbing it softly as his tongue began fucking you, his groans making you melt inside. 
You breathed out his name as he applied pressure to your core, his tongue not stopping. You wanted to push yourself back onto his face, but you didn’t want to face the consequences. 
He let go of you all at once, letting you fall to the bed and making you gasp in shock. He positioned your hips with his large hands, both pressed against each side. He placed you the way he wanted you, and held a tight grasp on your skin especially with his right hand- you could feel the two letters slowly making a mark. Fuck. It felt so good. 
Without a word, he eased himself inside slowly. Allowing you to feel every inch, letting the stretch from his thickness take control and you felt yourself melt into the bed. Jake was just perfect for you, he always was. He always knew how to take care of you. But today, he was different. And you loved it. A low growl came from his throat as he settled himself fully inside you, and you could hear his breath shiver slightly, before he took himself out completely. 
You let out a small whine at the emptiness, which resulted in a fast smack against your right cheek. 
“You asked for it. Take what you fucking get.” The way his whisper was so raspy and low, god, it drove you insane. His lips found your neck, and his cock slid back inside with ease. He began rocking his hips against yours, his breathing loud and heavy against the sensitive skin right under your ear. 
He pulled himself back up. His hands finding your wrists, still rocking his hips against yours, and he pulled you up so your back was against his chest. “You gonna cum, baby?” He breathed out, his long fingers making their way around your neck. His other hand down to your cunt, his index and middle finger rubbing fast circles against your swollen clit. As he moved; you took your time identifying the veins in his arms, the roughness of his fingertips, the warm silver from the rings against your throat. 
“Fuck.. Yes, Yes!” You cried out, tears filling your eyes from the slight overstimulation. 
“Oh love.. Don’t cry.” He cooed, kissing your cheek before his hand tightened around your neck. “You’re all mine. Who’s pussy is this?” He groaned out.
“Yours.. Yours Jake.” You cried, the tears strolling down your face now. 
“Mhm.. That’s fucking right. You’re nothing but my tight little fuck hole hm?” 
You couldn’t reply with a word, instead you held onto his arm for guidance. You knew he was going to get you there; you just needed to be patient. But you were already so close, and he was not missing a beat with every thrust he pushed against you. 
“Hold it.” He whispered in your ear, his fingers still rapidly rubbing your clit. “Hold it…” He repeated, but you couldn’t hold on much longer. 
You could feel him twitching inside you, he was there too. Please Jake.. Please.
“Give it to me.” He said, holding you close as you combusted in his arms; your juices coating your sheets as you held onto his arm tightly. You yelled his name without a care for who could hear, you wanted everyone to know he was making you feel this good.
“Good girl.. You gonna take me, baby?” He spoke and you nodded, knowing he was there. 
With another thrust, he let himself fill you up, fully marking you as his.
As you two cooled off, he laid next to you without pulling out, wrapping his arm around your stomach he pulled you closer and nuzzled his face into the dip of your neck. “That was a beautiful gift. Thank you so much.” He spoke so sweetly. You turned over which made him pull out gently, still overstimulated a little. 
“I’m so glad you liked it.” You smiled, your hand combing through his brown locks. 
“I wasn’t too rough was I?” He asked, full of concern. 
You looked down at your thighs and lower stomach, his initials all over your body. 
“Just enough.”
“I love you, my beautiful girl.” He smiled, laying a soft kiss on your temple, pulling you close so your face was against his chest. 
“I love you too” You smiled against his skin. He was perfect. So fucking perfect.
{@sarakay-gvf @positivegvfthings @brokenbells11 @krystalm98 @shutupdevvie @milkgemini @jordierama @​​maddie-van-fleet @writingcold @gretavanfleas @jakes-eyebrows @spark-my-nature @lek-gvf @rad-space-princess @joshkiszkatoothgap @hippievanfleet @objectsinspvce @gvfficrecs @ageoffleeet @welllauragvf @weightofstar  @groupiegirlie08 @welllauragvf @fwzco @nicoleghost18 @andromeda-raine-gvf @sarrrahh @ren-ni  @zoe-tally06 @hellowgoodbye @aminaalilyy @spinthehemmo @hippievanfleet @streamofgvf @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @brokenbells11 @Gvfpal @gvfmarge @jakeygvf21 @Timeless—classics  @mackalah  @myleftsockisnotmine-blog @bubblyjake @valvebone @lexii-nv-c @mp0801 @hellowgoodbye @girldonttryme @risingwiththeheatabove @fakeplastiqtree  @beckahvanfleet }
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bluejay-the-geek · 5 months
DC characters/moments as Tortured Poets Department songs/lyrics bc i have a light concussion and am very bored (in the album's chronological order)
(disclaimer before someone is triggered- some of the lyrics are taken out of context or interpreted differently than what they actually mean. this is just for fun don't come for me. also this gets pretty angsty towards the end so proceed with caution)
"I was supposed to be sent away, But they forgot to come and get me"- tim drake very obviously bc neglecting parents/boarding school
"I love you, it's ruining my life"- early harleen quinzel about joker
"My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys"- the whole song is just harley quinn idc (pre-harlivy of course)
"Now I'm down bad, cryin' at the gym"- nightwing def cried at the gym at some point
"I stopped tryna make him laugh, stopped tryna drill the safe"- dick grayson about bruce after moving out of wayne manor
"You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues? I died on the altar waitin' for the proof, You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days"- remember the whole selena leaving bruce at the alter thing? yeah
"I'd rather burn my whole life down, Than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin', I'll tell you something 'bout my good name, It's mine alone to disgrace"- I'm just getting red hood vibes from this no specific reason
"Now, pretty baby, I'm runnin' back home to you, Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to"- almost every gotham rouge to batman right after escaping arkham/prison. especially joker, catwoman and riddler lol
"At the park where we used to sit on children's swings, Wearing imaginary rings"- this one specific panel of tim and steph
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"And this city reeks of driving myself crazy"- everyone who's ever been to gotham
"All my girls got their lace and their crimes, And your cheating husband disappeared, well, No one asks any questions here"- it's giving gotham city sirens
"Am I allowed to cry?"- maybe it's just me but i thought about clark kent discovering he had different biological parents and grieving about them even though the parents that actually raised him are alive and well
"So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street, Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream, "Who's afraid of little old me?", You should be" red hood's debut
"The scandal was contained, The bullet had just grazed, At all costs, keep your good name, You don't get to tell me you feel bad"- jason todd about the whole making batman choose between him and joker at the end of under the red hood
"You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me"- this is 100% Bane bc he was born and grew up in prison for a crime he didn't even do!! also cassandra cain and damian wayne
(^this is actually the lyric that inspired this entire post lol)
"You caged me and then you called me crazy, I am what I am 'cause you trained me, So who's afraid of me? Who's afraid of little old me?"- kind of a stretch but remember that time they put jason in arkham?
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)- again the whole song is harley about joker
"Your arson's match, your somber eyes, And I'll still see it until I die, You're the loss of my life"- bruce about jason. out of all the robins that died, jason's death hit him the hardest. even now when bruce sees red hood, he still sees that happy little kid that he lost
"I can read your mind, "She's having the time of her life", There in her glittering prime, The lights refract sequin stars off her silhouette every night, I can show you lies"- bc we all know Nightwing is always dying on the inside, and it was very true in the discowing era bc it was right after he left the manor
"'Cause I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit"- jason pre-bruce
"I'm so obsessed with him, but he avoids me like the plague"- ok so we got joker about batman, cupid about green arrow, hush about bruce wayne... and a bunch of others but it's too many to write lol
"And you deserve prison, but you won't get time"- fucking tarantula that bitch
"The smallest man who ever lived"- the atom! not any of the messages in the song tho ofc he's just very small
"What if I told you I'm back? The hospital was a drag, Worst sleep that I ever had, I circled you on a map ,I haven't come around in so long, But I'm coming back so strong"- joker to batman after escaping arkham again
"I haven't come around in so long, But I'm making a comeback to where I belong"- jason coming back to protect crime alley after being away from gotham for years after his resurrection
"Even if it's handcuffed, I'm leavin' here with you"- batman and catwoman<3
I Hate It Here- imagine the whole song as homeless jason todd taking shelter in the library💔
"I built a legacy that you can't undo, But when I count the scars, there's a moment of truth, That there wouldn't be this if there hadn't been you"- bruce built a legacy as batman, and created a huge family he loves, and it hurts to think about but he wouldn't have any of it if joe chill hadn't murdered his parents
"Please, I've been on my knees, Change the prophecy, Don't want money, Just someone who wants my company"- kid bruce grew up all alone in a huge mansion, but he'd give all his billions away in a heartbeat if he could change his parent's fate
"So, they killed Cassandra first 'cause she feared the worst"- ok so you might think i chose cassandra cain for this only bc of the name, BUT- cass notices things others don't (like cassandra the prophet...), bc of her skills and abilities she is feared the most (Ik the song said "she feared" not "she is feared" but idc lol). like if someone knew so much about you just by looking you'd think she's some kind of a witch too
Peter- picture this: jason had a childhood friend back at crime alley. he left to live in wayne manor and become robin, and said goodbye to his old friend, promising they'd reunite again in the future. 3 years pass and his friend reads an article about jason's death. now listen to the song and try not to cry (if someone writes that fic send me the link IMMEDIATELY this has been haunting me) here's the link to the song with lyrics bc ik you're too lazy to look it up. also jason's middle name is peter:)
"Splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless, Excellent fun 'til you get to know her"- brucie wayne vs batman
"Started with a kiss, "Oh, we must stop meeting like this" But it always ends up with a town car speeding, Out the drive one evening"- catwoman and batman of course<3 the town car is the batmobile speeding out the batcave to catch catwoman (to arrest her or make out with her? probs both)
Robin- ofc we have to go robins for robin! imo that's bruce to dick and jason's robins, and dick to damian when he was his robin. dick and jason- despite the hard times they went through that led to them becoming robins, they were still mostly happy curious kids that run around covered in mud while bruce tried (unsuccessfully) to maintain the innocence they had left. as for damian- it's more of a stretch than the other 2 bc he had no childlike innocence before robin, but dick tried his hardest to extract the child that was hidden inside the ruthless assassin the league created, finally allowing him to experience normal kid things. idk
"He said, "I'm not a donor but, I'd give you my heart if you needed it", She rolled her eyes and said, "You're a professional""-to me this is clark kent completely in love and lois with her sass
"And at last, She knew what the agony had been for"- almost every hero. they suffer, they sacrifice, they fight, and sometimes they want to give up- but at the end of the day, they save lives, so it's all worth it
and that's it folks! feel free to add more/share your insights!!
sorry for any spelling/grammer mistakes, English isn't my first language plus like the title said i had a minor head injury a few days ago and I'm tired soI'm not proofreading this bc I'm going to sleep rn goodnight to all✌️
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TOP 3 - My favest scenes of my least favest season
Ironically, this is not my favest episode BUT...
3 - The one above, and not the Sydcarmy part, where for a moment he was back! But precisely what comes after. THE DISCONNECTION that starts at 0:13, right after she accepts his invitation. He was gone. Just like that. And she just gave up. That instant alone made me re-watch this scene about 50 times in a week. Carmy is mesmerizing and scary. I love him. (Fuck you, Storer! But I forgive you).
Then he went back to his polka dots sauce, that we all know is code for Sydney. Cool, that was just interesting but IDGAF about that.
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But then, what he did with that dish is what got me:
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He didn't want it. Which symbolically means that he didn't choose Syd.
Of course, this didn't end there because this was Carmy we were talking about, right? So what I then noticed and LOVED was that he didn't choose the alternative EITHER:
And then, after days of despair, because I knew he hadn't chosen Syd, even though I understand why he did it and I also think he needs some ALONE time, meaning: No C, no S, and just a good team of therapists, psychiatrists and maybe even yoga instructors and personal trainers, I figured this out:
2 - Being stuck in Claire's mud and being stuck in the freezer, are the same thing and he not only wasn't stuck but also he got out of there willingly after NOT CHOOSING C once again and then went into Syd's territory, the BOH. Syd represents what he went back to when got out of the freezer, Syd is the kitchen and C is the freezer. So he actually did choose her. Not consciously, of course. What he did choose consciously was NO MORE C, after remembering her saying ILY. But the one who would be his was the woman on the other side of the door he had recently invited to a dinner party. All of this happened at a very subconscious level, clearly. Carmy was not in the best place to make any solid conscious decision as I have been saying since June 27. He was operating at a very basic level of not the best self-awareness. He was blocked. He hit a wall the entire season.
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Either way, that scene stayed with me for days, once I cracked that code a few days ago after exchanging some ideas with someone here on Tumblr, can't recall whom. Loved it. It was somewhat of a relief.
1 - And now MY VERY FAVEST (the subs are a bit off tho)
Here's what I could decode from the lyrics, as I cried at a coffee shop while listening to the song in an infinite loop.
After watching it over and over for days and crying to the song every time, all I get from it is that they are apart yet soooo close. It's perfection in blue and here's why:
Syd contemplates her life away from him by the water, and how she might lose herself if she makes the “wrong” choice, and Carmy thinks about the one time in his life when he was truly happy in Copenhagen when he found himself for the first time. Each one going through their own personal journey, separately to eventually be reunited at some point along the way ❤️
I know they will. They have to.
Storer, you are fucking killing me!
Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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Daddy-Daughter Podcast 2023
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11 years ago, my kid's daycare surprised us by announcing that they were closing for Christmas break a day before everyone else, so I ended up with our then-four-year-old daughter, Poesy, at my office for the day.
After she got bored with coloring and playing with my office toys, I sat her down on my lap in front of my podcast mic and we recorded the greatest, all-singing episode of my podcast ever:
Thus began an annual tradition. Every year since – save one, when my mic was busted – we have recorded a podcast: I interview the kid about her favorite media, apps, books, and hobbies. Sometimes, she gives a tutorial. Then, we sing a song.
She's 15 now (!), and I still managed to drag her to the mic this weekend. We discussed her musical favorites, old (Ike and Tina singing "Proud Mary") and new (Dominic Fyke). We discuss high school, volunteering at the zoo, and the rigors of dance team. She teaches us how to drive. She runs down her favorite apps, and discusses her recent name change. And then, we sing!
This is the eleventh installment in this time-series snapshots of my kid, starting in London, then moving to LA, and every year I go back and listen to the previous recordings. It's not just a wonderful moment of nostalgia for me – it's also a powerful way to put everything into perspective. Anyone who's kept a journal (or a blog!) knows, the act of regular record-keeping, combined with regular revisiting of those records, turns the impressionistic jumble of memory into a clear picture of your life and its trajectory. We remember so poorly, but our treacherous minds fill in those omissions with whatever's going on right now, so if times are good now, we remember all times as good. If times are bad, everything seems bad.
The following year sees Poesy far more confident and even funnier – and excited about working at the zoo someday:
At six, Poesy has learned a little French, and some naughty words for Jingle Bells (and she's got a lot more vocal control!):
At seven, Poesy is living in Los Angeles and my mic is very busted, but Poesy knows all the words to Frosty and she's got the barrelhouse walkout nailed:
We didn't manage to record the next year, so we catch up with Poesy at nine, with her English accent all but gone – but her memory for lyrics is better than ever (who knew there were so many choruses to "Deck the Halls?"). This is the first time I interviewed her, for an in-depth discussion of how to make slime (remember slime?):
At ten, Poesy is now watching online makeup tutorials and has lots of advice for you, and is super into squishies:
At eleven, Poesy's no longer willing to sing, but she has lots of information about riding horses. This is the first year that she's got her own music preferences, with half of them being contemporary artists like Billie Eilish and the other half being older acts like Queen. This is also the year that she got rid of all her old toys, books and clothes, because they were "not her style":
Twelve sees us podcasting from covid lockdown. No song this year, but she's playing video games (Among Us), thrifting (while double-masked), and she's just discovered Tiktok, along with Tiktok dances, and she's started to find cool music that I enjoy:
At thirteen, Poe's a high school freshman and the singing is back! She's big into Drag Race and Ru Paul. And high school sucks so hard that she'd rather go back to Zoom school. She's still riding horses, and she's fallen in love with a book for the first time in years: Animal Farm (but she hates the ending):
Last year, Poesy was fourteen, and my office had just flooded out in a freak rainstorm. Poesy has discovered her argumentative nature, and she loves hiking in nearby Angeles National Forest. She's getting into hiphop – Eminem, Snoop Dogg, and Cyprus Hill – and South Park (also Fleetwood Mac!). We get a lot about Big Mouth, and a long discussion of her short fiction writing:
These annual time-capsules are just tremendous. I may not have had the discipline to do daily, time-lapse ready photo portraits, but this corny, silly yearly tradition is more than a way for my kid and me to spend a few minutes together just before Christmas – they're a way to connect to our past and think about the future to come. I can imagine doing these over Zoom when the kid's away at university in a couple years, though who knows if she'll stand for that.
Here's the podcast episode:
And here's a direct link to the MP3 (hosting courtesy of the Internet Archive – they'll host your stuff for free, forever):
And here's the RSS feed for my podcast:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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misc-obeyme · 2 years
Forgetful MC
I wanted to try writing something in this style, as head canons with all the brothers. So here it is!
I am crazy forgetful, so I felt like writing how the bros would deal with an MC who is forgetful and/or absent minded. Maybe I'll do the dateables, too? Haven't decided yet.
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Warnings: MC is forgetful. These are all things I personally struggle with, so it's pretty self indulgent. Tried to keep it gender neutral. Might be some ADHD symptoms too as I have that as well. Mentions of forgetting to eat. I think that's it though. Please let me know if I should add something here.
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Gets annoyed with you at first. Why can’t you seem to keep track of things, MC? Important things are forgotten just as easily as unimportant ones and he doesn’t understand.
Eventually figures out that you can’t help it. It isn’t that you don’t care, it’s just that your brain doesn’t work that way.
Lucifer becomes your personal calendar. Starts sending you texts to remind you of important dates and upcoming meetings. Will send you a text the day before everyone’s birthday, even his and your own, just so you don’t forget.
Keeps a little basket that he puts all your forgotten items in when he finds them around the house. Gives them all back to you once a week. Secretly pleased at your delight when you find something in the pile you were looking for earlier.
Figures out pretty quickly how absent minded you are. He’s always asking you if you’ve got your essentials - did you remember your D.D.D.? Got your textbooks, backpack/purse, etc? In the beginning, he complains about it a lot, but eventually it just becomes routine.
Brings extras of things to class and other places in case you do forget something. Need a pencil because you left yours on your desk back in the House of Lamentation? Left all your money sitting on your bed for some reason? He’s got you covered. You better be grateful, MC!
Reminds you of things you need when you go shopping. If you mentioned to him once that you need something, he’ll remember it even if it’s days later. You don’t need a shopping list, you’ve got Mammon.
Discovers that you will get lost easily because you can’t remember how to get places. He knows if you go somewhere new or somewhere you haven’t been to recently, chances are high that you’ll get lost. To prevent you from wandering aimlessly for hours, he won’t let you go anywhere alone.
Your forgetfulness becomes apparent to him when you can’t remember the plot of an anime you watched together a few weeks ago. It’s okay, MC, he’ll re-watch all the episodes with you to refresh your memory!
Anytime you spend hours in his room gaming or marathoning something, he checks to be sure you haven’t left anything behind when you finally leave. If you did, he will put the lost items in Lucifer’s basket.
Loves when you ask him a question about one of the items in his collection even if he’s already told you about it before. Levi is happy to tell you all about it as many times as you need!
Is a little baffled when you turn out to be really good at remembering specific things - like song lyrics, character relationships, and his personal opinions on different things. He finds it really endearing.
Realizes you have trouble remembering certain things right away. Figures out what you’re good at remembering and what you struggle with. He’s going to be your study buddy, MC. You need one to help make sure you remember the important things.
Due to studying with you, Satan knows that you’re not as forgetful as you seem. You actually retain information really well and have no problem with most tests.
Similar to how Levi figures out that you can’t remember anime plots, Satan discovers that you will forget the plots of novels, too. If you’re reading a series of novels together, he will give you summaries of the first books that you’ve already read. This way you don’t have to re-read the whole series when a new installment comes out.
He’s thrilled when you remember the name of every cat he’s ever introduced you to, whether it’s a Devildom stray or one that lives in a cat cafe.
Of course Asmo is the one who realizes that you forget to take care of yourself. Takes the time to figure out your morning routine only to discover that there is no routine. Sometimes you remember to brush your hair, sometimes you don’t.
Things can’t go on like this, MC. He makes you a list of things you need to remember to do and tapes it to your bathroom mirror. There’s a morning and an evening edition. He’s lucky if you do a third of the list, but hey it’s better than the sporadic things you were doing before.
Will check your products to make sure you aren’t running low because you will forget to buy more before you run out. Will just buy the things you need for you while getting his own.
Regularly goes through your closet to rearrange your clothes. If you put clothes in the back of the closet, you forget they exist. He rotates them for you to keep your wardrobe fresh.
And Beel is naturally the one who figures out that you sometimes forget to eat. He asks you regularly throughout the day if you’ve eaten anything recently. If you haven’t, he makes you come with him to find food.
Asks if you’ve eaten every morning before leaving the house because breakfast is the meal you seem to forget most often. Breakfast is important, MC.
Knows that sometimes you forget to do things like go outside or move around. Will make sure you go on a walk with him every day.
On days when you don’t have anything planned, Beel will take you out to eat because he knows that you’ll forget to eat at all if you don’t have a schedule of some kind. The instant he suggests it, you realize you’re starving and will agree immediately because wow you really need food this second you don’t care where he takes you.
Belphie doesn’t understand why all his brothers seem to think you’re forgetful. You always seem to know exactly where he left his pillow whenever he asks you. What are they even talking about, MC?
Reality is that your memory is incredibly selective and for some reason, you can never forget the location of a cow print pillow.
Pretty good at helping you to remember what you came into a random room for. If you pause after walking in and look confused, he'll ask you the right questions to get you to remember why you're there.
If Lucifer just put an item in your basket, he’ll take it out and leave it somewhere random. Has you hide in the room with him so you can giggle together when Lucifer finds the object and gets confused and/or irritated.
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masterlist | part 2 with side characters | Thank you for reading!
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