#tw trigger dates
Ginger Snaps AU for the soul. Sometimes you just have to be a little cringe
Brigitte and ginger's bonding through teenage angst and obsessing over gore just really reminds me of Billy and Stu, so this has been in my head for a little while. I like this dynamic where Billy desperately doesn't want Stu to move on from their friendship and leave him like his mom did, so he's the one trying to keep Stu's transformation at bay. I hope this isn't too random of a combination lol
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Billy Loomis and Stu Macher were best friends since diapers; neither of them would be able to recall or imagine a life without the other. They were conjoined at the hip, especially due to the lack of presence Stu's parents had in his life, and the constant sleepovers they had as a result. He slept on a bed of his own in the Loomis' house's basement by the time he was four years old. Be it pondering the cruel and uncaring way of the universe or acting out gruesome crime scenes, they were absolutely inseparable. You wouldn't find one without the other.
That is... Until the accident. Ever since some freaky dog thing attacked Stu one night during their bi-weekly playground sulking, he started acting quite strange. Unlike himself, and more like the archetypes that surrounded them in school and made their life a living hell (and not in a good way). Billy's heartbroken at the wedge the changes have been driving between the two, but he's determined to find out if unusual hair growth, "hormones" and uncontrollable bloodlust are enough to break the blood pact they've been rigidly obeying for so many years.
Meanwhile, Stu's introduced to the dramatic and rebellious world of high school hookup culture. He's thrilled to get a taste of the experiences that come with blossoming into a handsome young... Werewolf?
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jacks-weird-world · 4 months
TW: What is orthorexia?
Orthorexia is a term that describes an obsession with eating healthy food. It comes from the Greek words ortho, meaning ‘correct’ and orexis, meaning ‘appetite’.
A person with orthorexia is fixated with the quality, rather than quantity, of their food to an excessive degree. Orthorexia can start with ‘healthy’ or ‘clean’ eating, then progress to the elimination of entire food groups such as dairy or grains, and then to the avoidance of foods such as those with artificial additives, foods treated with pesticides, or particular ingredients (e.g. fat, sugar or salt).
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b1zmuth · 2 months
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The Mishaps of SITE:DD | Obey Me! x Reader
[File 2] \\ 5K words
SC \\ Monsters, gore, the SCP foundation, you date everyone ig… slight angst but with a happy ending, fluff, sci-fi, experimenting, mentioned suicide, everyone is a little off their rocker, you are NOT innocent!! I'll add more tags later..
TL;DR - Think the SCP Foundation, but you are the researcher who unfortunately gets assigned to Seven Keter classified objects. 
EXTREME TW's : graphic depictions of vomiting and death smelling objects + small suicide mentioning // be extremely wary of this when reading! thanks!
Open FILE.[FOLDER_2]? > Please select one option. (Yes/Yes) . . . FILE.[FOLDER_2] Opening.. Please wait.
Oh, brother.
Now you were seriously in for it.
Just imagine; you decided to take a risky gamble on some paperwork that you didn't read thoroughly- ended up signing some… papers, that ended up with you viciously hurling the contents of your lunch right back up your windpipe and into the toilet.
Seriously! You were so screwed- unbelievably at that.
Due to your risky signage of those papers, you accidentally signed off on volunteering with a partner for ‘’SCP EXPERIMENTATIONS’’, which translated to ‘’Oh yeah btw we don't have enough on-fielders to sacrifice so heres a volunteering sheet with 4x the pay if you sign up and you have zero guarantee of not being assigned to a keter class so if you sign off on this your kinda fucked ngl lmao’’
And there goes another chunk of your overpriced egg and cheese sandwich.
‘’You are expendable.’’
‘’Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! I should have never took- that f-FUCKING risk, of course, Jesus Christ himself damns me to an early d-death by being slaughtered by a SCP. just fantastic! I should start writing a will- yes, yes! Write a will… but to who? I don't have any family… oh fuck me! Everything seems to get worse by the second in this hellhole!’’ You practically whisper-shouted at yourself, causing anyone who happened to pass by the private bathroom to start questioning your mental sanity- your hot tears and snot dripping down your face and dropping into the toilet, causing your somewhat visible reflection to ripple in the murky water- the ringing in your ears seeming to increase in volume with every shaky breath you managed to suck in.
“If only you didn’t take that risk. You know, this is all your fault.’’
You looked at your messy reflection, watching your own reflection slowly ripple into an undistinguishable mess of swirls and blobs of food- the pungent smell filling your nostrils and causing you to gag and quickly back up away from the toilet, a cold sweat rushing all over your body. ‘’Maybe you're right. It is my fault.’’ you let the tears fall once more, not even attempting to wipe your face for some type of decency if someone were to walk in.
‘’This is my penance for what I’ve done.’’ ‘’This is your penance for what you’ve done.’’
. . . Everything is getting brighter- so bright. Is this real life? . .
The door to the bathroom opens and quickly shuts- a mess of a purple and peachy-colored blob rushes in and kneels in front of you- waving a tanned…something, that you couldn’t even make out somewhere near your face- the ringing in your ears masking the already muffled voice of the purple blob- ‘’MC? God, it reeks in here- are you okay?’’
What did that walking grape say to you? This damn ringing almost wouldn't even allow the reverberated sounds of your heavy breathing to make it to your ears- you can forget about it if anyone said anything outside of your ear-’’MC! Shit- we might have to get a medic- SOLOMOOON! COME QUICK!’’
While the purple-colored grape desperately used any method to get you responsive, your mouth opened and closed repeatedly, as if you were trying to speak, but nothing audible would come out, much to your frustration, the blob still didn't catch your goldfish movements even with the way you were tugging and pulling borderline anything to catch its attention- the light was getting brighter, and your vision was starting to turn red..you guessed you wouldn’t have long before…whatever this was put you out of your misery- so in a last-ditch effort, you put all your energy into screaming your final words.
‘’TELL THIRTEEN THAT I ENTRUST EVERYTHING TO HER!’’ . . . Wow. Well, at least your figurines wouldn’t end up in a Goodwill somewhere in Timbuktu.
And that was the last thing you said, or well, what YOU remember saying before you promptly blacked out and fully embraced your incoming divine judgment and thirty-minute express Uber to the deepest pits of Hell.
The only setback to this heavenly gift was that you woke up in one of the facility med bays, the blinding white light fooling you into thinking that one of the angels in heaven accidentally ordered the wrong Uber and sent you to the wrong place, until you rubbed your eyes and noticed that you were, in fact, not in heaven- but in the one place you had been begging Jesus to take the wheel and lead you directly out of this shithole.
You groaned at the sight, nearly tearing up at the notion that you had just passed out, and didn’t suddenly keel over and die in Thirteen’s bathroom. Fuck!
Mentally cursing at the higher being that stopped you from leaving your misery, you swung yourself out of bed and made a straight B-line for the nearest exit- ‘’Uh, excuse me?! Your supposed to be in bed and resting!’’ you heard a shrill and child-like voice speak from behind you, making you turn around in surprise to reveal a blonde-haired boy with blue eyes dressed in a regular doctoral outfit- and wait just a second, now that you look at him… that's a not a boy but a whole ass KID?? My god and you thought this place was bad enough- this was just downright wrong, alongside the numerous violations of public safety and multiple HIPPA violations, having child labor added to the tall order of lawsuits would NOT look so pretty on paper- maybe it really was time to start looking for a casket..
‘’Cmon! Back to bed!’’ The blonde ordered, watching you sluggishly walk back to your bed and settle in before you turned your head and stared at him for a solid 30 seconds before he finally got uncomfortable and spoke up again- ‘’Dah! Quit staring at me! If you're really that bothered by my appearance, I'm actually thousands of years older than you!’’ he looked at you with an annoyed look and pulled up a chair next to your bed.
‘’Okay, so what I'm hearing here is that you look like a whole child, and act like one too- but supposedly you are thousands of years old…yeahhh, I don't buy it.’’ You shook your head at the kid, watching how he looked at you with utter disbelief and shock, his body lurching forward- ‘’I- You do work here, or did the impact from your head hitting the bottom of Miss Thirteen’s bathroom floor scramble your brain THAT bad?’’ the boy smirked at you before he triumphantly sat back in his seat- totally oblivious to the seething person in front of him.
You weren't going to argue with this kid anymore- the blinding whites of this room were going to drive you insane if you didn't make a hasty dash to the nearest exit within the next MINUTE.
‘’Anyways, let's go back to square one- my name is Luke, I'm an angel that was recruited by the foundation to heal injured workers!’’ He flashed you a bright smile before he got a small pack of sweets out of his pocket and handed them to you- ‘’These are medicated sweets, they’ll help ease any pain your blackout may cause later on, I highly recommend that you take one now that your fully awake.’’ you nodded your head and thanked him for the sweets, popping a wing-shaped cookie into your mouth- feeling the sugary taste of the cookie practically melt inside of your mouth, surprisingly, with no hint of medication in it- ‘’..so, Luke, how long have I been out?’’
‘’About a day, Simeon was looking after you for most of it.’’ Luke responded, tilting his head to the side as he shot a nervous smile at your terrified face- ‘’I’ll bring you a cold towel..’’ . . . . . ‘’And then I assume you blacked out…again, which led up to now- when you're finally awake… Should I buy you some nausea medicine?’’ A worried Thirteen asked you, starting to rise out of the chair Luke was previously sitting in before you passed out for the second time- ‘’Y’know, being an On-Fielder isn't as bad as your making it out to be- just look at me and Solomon for example, yes, he is a complete and utter dumbass…BUT! He wouldn’t hurt me even if i tore him limb from limb.’’ She said, giving you a gentle smile as she held your hand in hers- to which you just shook your head at the gesture.
You gave her a small giggle- ‘’The way you looked like you fought a fully grown bear two weeks ago would say otherwise- and you say he wouldn’t hurt you.’’
‘’You're not getting the point here, MC! Im saying that there's no guaranteed chance that you’ll end up with a shitty anomaly-’’ you cut off Thirteen, ‘’But there's a possibility, right? As if! I've lived the past six years, somewhat, unscathed! I’d rather not be turned into a smear on the wall by some random beedogcat hybrid thing!’’ you lurched forward and told Thirteen, who just responded with a loud sigh- ‘’You practically stressing yourself half to death worrying about getting an anomaly that could quite literally just be Safe or Elucid!’’ She shook her head and gestured towards Luke, who was floating towards the both of you with a certain look on his face.
‘’MC- Simeon just dropped off this package for you, he says HR wants a confirmation soon..’’ he looked worried as he handed the yellow package to you, running off towards the office of the med-bay to, presumably, fetch you some more medicine for your upcoming blackout.
You now held the package in your hands, gingerly running the tips of your fingers alongside the edges of it, before you shot a desperate look at Thirteen- ‘’Im gonna be so pissed if you did allat yapping in my ear just for me to be assigned a Keter class.’’ you said before you opened the package and read the contents.
We value your humble contribution towards a new dawn with the substitution of a looming threat to humanity as a whole, and the contribution towards further research into the nature and behaviors of SCPs.
After careful consideration and sorting of MC, [REDACTED]’s personal file, your results have culminated to bring out your full potential as an [EXPERIENCED] On-Field Researcher, and your SCP’s full potential as an addition.
Your SCP’s details are listed below.
Item #: SCP-6667 Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6667 is highly dangerous and any movement and/or action needs to be exercised with extreme caution due to its ██████████████, ███████-███████, ███ ████ ██….…
We sincerely hope that you and your newfound SCP further our push for research and safety with SCPs, and with your considerable predicted efforts, your pay will follow suit. Please be ready to meet your newfound subject(s) at a.m. 0300 hours from the moment you receive your package. - Matt, from HR.
* NOTE: The SCP Foundation is not liable for any on-site accidents or injuries via Non-SCP Anomalies. personnel loved ones are required to claim liabilities through a Personal Insurance Firm. (PIF)
It felt like your mouth was stuck agape as you stared at the paper in horror- constantly reading over the same word like it was a religion to you; Keter, Keter, Keter Keter, Keter, Keter, Keter, Keter, Keter. A fucking Keter.
A Keter class. The damn near kill-on-sight class which few researchers ever, and you meant- a few EVER survived. You would have already been pushing your luck if you made it out on the first DAY in one piece- let alone surviving another encounter with that class.
YOU. had been assigned to a Keter.
Starting to hyperventilate you desperately tried to clamor out of your bed- only to find yourself restrained to the bed with brown leather belts. And even as you screamed for Thirteen to help you out, she only stared at you with a blank expression on her face before the corners of her lips slowly curled into a toothless smile- ‘’You are expendable.’’ ..what?
Her body starts to curl on itself- her eyes now becoming soulless and morphing into pits of the void, her smile still being toothless and making you feel uneasy whenever you looked into it- ‘’You are a disgusting human being.’’ you heard her talk to you…but her mouth never seemed to move? You were suddenly startled by her neck stretching inhumanely long, long enough to the point where her nose started brushing up against your own, her mouth that was too close for comfort permeating the gut-wrenching stench and displeasure of death, that same smell that you swore you had gotten used to.
“If only you didn’t take that risk. You know, this is all your fault.’’ Her mouth stretched open, the stench getting worse and worse until you started dry heaving due to it- your eyes betraying your mind and the rest of your body as it gazed into the inhumanly stretched mouth of the former friend you called ‘’Thirteen’’, and you screamed as you finally saw what laid inside of its throat- a pale hand, which adorned yellow painted nails, emerged from the back of its throat desperately trying to claw its way towards you- ‘’No. No. no-NO! This isn't real- THIS ISNT FUCKING REAL!’’ you screamed now trying any possible way to get out of your restraints, thrashing back and forth to wiggle your way out, sweat now adorning your body like a heavy winter coat, your hair stuck to your face while your eyes stayed glued on the thing that you once called your friend- your breathing getting harder and harder as you took in more of the putrid smell of death-
And then it all stopped.
Thirteen was gone. The smell was gone. That voice was gone.
You lay in a white room filled with a multitude of different shaped and colored flowers, a gentle breeze flowing through the room blew in your favorite scent, and your ragged breathing slowed down with every deep breath you took.
It felt calming. Like you could finally breathe fresh air for the first time.
Your shrunk pupils darted across every inch of the room, scanning it for any hint of danger before you realized that you could feel something on top of your eyelids since whatever it was slightly twitched every time you blinked- you slowly raised your hands towards your eyes, softly landing them on something..warm? It felt like a hand, but who’s hand? Are you dreaming?
‘’Come find me, MC. Save Me.’’ You felt drowsy listening to the voice, but it wasn’t like the voice from earlier- it felt more calm, less sinister…who really was this talking to you? It had to be thirteen..or that guy Luke was talking about….it..couldn’t..be any- anyone….else?
Your thoughts dragged out as you felt your muscles twitch and shake, your mind slowly shutting down- before you woke up in a cold sweat.
You now found yourself back in the Med-Bay, still sitting in this damned bed, but now you were accompanied by a gorgeous dark-skinned male with beautiful brown fringed hair which was parted on the sides of his head due to his…head wings? Is he deaf? Nevermind… He sat in the same chair that Thirteen did, his head was tilted downwards toward a clipboard which had something that you couldn’t discern written on it.
He seemed to notice your presence as he looked up from his clipboard, setting it aside on the nearby nightstand as he brushed himself off- ‘’Welcome back, MC! I assume that Luke has told you about me, no?’’ you nodded your head. ‘’That's great, do you happen to feel any discomfort or dizziness? Any worrying feelings?’’ you shook your head no- ‘’I'm happy to hear you feel fine, especially after what just happened- here, I'm giving you some fludrocortisone acetate to help with your fainting.’’ He said in a cheerful tone, smiling at you again after handing you a glass of water.
You were parched. Your mouth damn near felt like a desert with how dry it felt, so this glass of water was a blessing in disguise for you, thank god for Simeon- ‘’Don't fret too much about your meeting, you have an hour to properly rest and get yourself into a better headspace- I’ll be right here at your side if you need someone to talk to as well.’’ he said, getting up from the chair to walk over towards the nearby bookshelf. well, at least you had an hour to recollect your thoughts and mentally prepare yourself for what could be very well the last moments of your life, ‘’what a pain it's going to be loading my tomato soup-looking ass into a coffin.’’ you slightly snickered at your joke before you rolled over and your mind wandered off elsewhere, your eyes subconsciously drifting over towards the now sitting Simeon, who was quietly reading a book beside your bed.
‘’Simeon.’’ He looks over towards you, his eyebrows raised- ‘’Would it be rude to ask if you and Luke are…y’know, non-human?’’ you asked, expecting him to go ballistic on you for asking such a question- I mean, it did happen to you once before when asking an angel that Thirteen was watching over- guy got SUPER pissed that you didn’t just use common sense and look at the winds that were hidden on his back (which were covered by his long hair), god, that guy was a fucking dick now that you think back on it.
Simeon only smiled as the wings on either side of his head flapped happily- ‘’It's not rude to ask a question that has a clear answer, Luke has wings as I do but he is just too young for his wings to be fully visible!’’ you smiled back at him, happy that he wasn’t being as much of a dick like the last angel you asked this question to- ‘’How come you dont have a halo then?’’ ‘’It's too much of a problem to have floating on the back of my head, I tried to make it work but alas it ended up getting stuck trying to get through a door..’’ he shook his head whilst lowly chuckling to himself, ‘’Anyways, I'd love to keep on talking with you but I think we’re out of time here- but please don't start worrying! I specifically put in a medical request for Thirteen to accompany you during your time with your SCP…or well, Thirteen practically begged me to do something to aid with your panic attacks.’’
Your heart dropped hearing him say anything that hinted towards your looming death, but you just sucked it up since you would be with Thirteen- someone who could write out your will and put all of your figurines to good use. Simeon waved you off and shouted something along the lines of ‘’letting Luke know that you are bidding farewell!’’ with you shouting a happy ‘’See you later!’’ back at him.
The walk of shame towards the meeting room was absurd.
Totally absurd because there were people literally prancing around the main floor with whole-ass deers, frolicking around with bees, and JUMPING for joy at their newfound SCPs. The fuck?! Are you just the mayor of Frown Town or are these people actually on some type of hardcore drug? Because there is no possible way that the foundation didn't give all of these people Safe class SCPs- if they were going to do this then how come you didn't get something that wouldn’t kill me on sight?
‘’Your results have culminated to bring out your full potential as an [EXPERIENCED] On-Field Researcher’’ Right. They looked through your file to personally assign you a specific SCP.
Well, despite this unnerving fact, you pushed forward, determined to at least get a glimpse of your personal grim reaper, this fact pushed you forward with some pep in your step until you pushed open the doors to the meeting room- Matt. goddamn Matt.
Of COURSE they decided to let Matt be the tour guide for this whole shitshow- the one person you wanted to stay away from you at all times was HERE and going to be walking around with you for a solid five minutes to your new laboratory- Jesus fuck! Was the foundation that determined to get you to kill yourself?? ‘’MC! Oh, it is so, so, great to see my new favorite employee looking so delighted about their new job promotion! Come! Let's turn this frown upside down!’’ Matt said with a disgustingly cheery tone, his annoying ass smile seemed to get brighter as your frown drooped even more as he grabbed your hand and guided you towards your gravestone- I'm sure you will looooooove your new SCP! He is very docile and kind-hearted, his only setback is that he sleeps a ton, so getting research out of him will SURELY be a hassle!’’ he let go of your hand and twirled a bit before grabbing your hand, again, and further leading you to the airlocked door of your new laboratory.
Okay, now you were convinced that everyone was on this newfound hardcore drug and that you were the only sane fucker in the facility- because what fucking Keter class is DOCILE and KIND-HEARTED? Either Matt is a complete and utter dumbass who is totally oblivious to the most important aspect of his job or he genuinely didn’t know about the class you were assigned to.
Matt opened the door for you, ushering you inside as he explained the password system to your lab, giving you the code on a sticky note, and walking over to a panel that had several buttons on it as he flicked on a button which turned on the lights in the ‘’research station’’ as he calls it before he beckoned you over to him- ‘’And now for the grand reveal..! I, Matt, will be giving MC the honor of revealing their SCP!’’ he squealed, looking at you with a ‘’Hurry up and push that button’’ look as you just sighed and flicked on the switch next to the one he already turned on- with the lights slowly turning on to reveal a… Cow? No, human-cow cosplaying human curled up in the corner? What??
‘’Okay Matt, I'm going to be straight with you- what in the actual fuck is this? This isn't an SCP, it's some random guy cosplaying a cow that you plucked out of an anime convention!’’ You looked at Matt with a dumbfounded look as you looked back at the sleeping cow-cosplaying man before looking back at Matt- ‘’Oh yes it is, MC, that is in fact not a human but an SCP, he’s just assuming a human-like form to fool the task force into thinking he is docile. Not saying that he is violent, he just seems to not like his sleeping to be disturbed.’’ did Matt think you were that stupid? ‘’Matt, what the actual fuck are you talking about? ‘’Oh YeAh, He’S DoCiLe!’’ THAT MOTHERFUCKER IS ASSUMING A FORM TO FOOL PEOPLE INTO COMING INTO HIS ENCLOSURE! No, and I mean NO docile ANYTHING assumes a form to lure people into its habitat! How the hell can you actually look me in my face and tell me that it's DOCILE?!’’ you angrily pointed towards the still sleeping cowman
Matt's tone darkened, ‘’Let's not forget our positions here, or do you really want a black mark that badly? Either way, you have a job to do- valuable research to provide to the Foundation, i highly suggest you start moving to assess the SCP’s danger level- now, please. He told you, handing you a briefing file that you didn’t even know he had with him- your eyes quickly scanning over the material of said file, landing on one specific word before you looked up and stared into the soul of poor Matt.
It's like the fucker wanted you eliminated and wiped off of the face of the earth at his earliest convenience! This was downright ridiculous- get into the enclosure WITH a demon Keter class? Are you serious? fuuuuuck that.
You pinched the bridge of your nose in annoyance, ‘’Oh godfuckingdammit! Give me a break! A COW! A COW!! A DEMON COW AT THAT! You’ve got to be joking- seriously! If I walk in that THING’s enclosure I'm going to be not pushing 26 but fuckin’ DAISIES! Matt, I don't think you understand the problem here, You're putting me in the same room as a KETER- do you want me dead that bad?’’
Matt shook his head- ‘’Get in the enclosure, the black mark doesn't argue back nor does the rest of HR, after all, they will side with me, once again.’’
‘’Fuck you, Matt.’’ You said whilst angrily punching in the code to the enclosure- cautiously walking into the brightly lit room as you had a one-man staredown with the cow before you softly tapped your foot, attempting to wake it without immediately being torn limb from limb- and somehow you succeeded- having a grumbling, somewhat pissed, cow look at you like you just kicked a puppy and napalmed an orphanage, and kicked someone's grandma down a flight of stairs- god how much you missed the Med-Bay now…
Now that you could get a clear view of your short-time good ol’ buddy and pal- you could see his outfit clearly; somewhat blue hair with white streaks on the tips, a tired look adorning his face, and a blue jacket with a hood that he paired with an olive colored pair of pants, with damn near knee high brown boots- what in the actual fuck was this guy wearing? Damn, where did they FIND this man?
‘’What do you want?’’
What in the fuck- who said that? You thought to yourself, glancing back to an empty lab with no Matt in sight- oh that fucker REALLY wanted you dead. ‘’Fucking Matt…’’
Was it that voice that was nagging you about being a bad person and this that and the third earlier? Maybe it was… him?
‘’Was that you who just said that?’’ you stared at the cow who was lying down on the ground, watching it for any movement in its mouth before you heard the voice again- ‘’Yes, now answer my question already.’’- were you actually going schizophrenic or something? Because you were just staring at his mouth and didn't move one bit when you heard the voice- ‘’The fuck? Are you talking telepathically?’’ you asked the cow, only to get a now angry response- ‘’Are you deaf? Or just willfully being ignorant? Do you have zero sense of danger?’’
That's right, that cow was asking you to answer its question- ‘’I want the same thing as you do, for me to get the fuck outta here. I don't know if you saw that guy back there but he FORCED me to be in here with you.’’ You gestured to the empty room across from the both of you before you noticed something small and pink on the glass window- and you couldn’t get to it due to the walking threat lying down in front of you, especially the fact that any sudden movement could aggravate this guy and send you 6ft under, pushing daisies.
‘’So you're stuck here too, that guy wrote on that paper something about how he locked the doors for bonding time’’ The cow gestured towards the pink paper that was on the window, and then looked back at you.
Without missing a beat, he suddenly appeared in front of you and wrapped his hand around your throat, squeezing it with some considerable force since your face slightly twitched at the sudden cutoff of oxygen, and the cow did NOT seem to like that result as he let up with the squeezing- ‘’You really don't have any sense of danger, huh?’’ at this point, you didn’t even try to fight his grip, you just shrugged and accepted your fate- ‘’I do have a sense of danger- I just knew what type of bullshit I would be going into, but y’know, I'm forced to work with you. No point in having a sense of danger if you're just going to die by the end of the business day.’’
He sighed and fully let go of you, walking back to his previous spot in the corner and curling up into a ball, hiding his face from the bright lights of the room- ‘’How boring, it's no fun killing you if you're already wanting to die, that's like im granting your shitty wish. I'm a demon, not a genie.
‘’If you're a demon then go do us both a solid and kill that fucker, Matt!’’ you thought to yourself, rolling your eyes at the thought of his eventual return- ‘’What exactly did this Matt guy do to you for his name to be accompanying some form of death every five fucking seconds in your head?! You need to take anger management classes or something.’’
This fucking sassy fuck- ‘’It's because Matt sat there and LOCKED me in a room with YOU, no offense by the way, all for the purpose of killing me- like what type of psychopath sits there and leaves the glory of watching your greatest enemy be killed in real-time to go frolic around in an imaginary field or whatever he does in his free time! It's borderline stupid!’’
‘’Not only that, the guy keeps on babbling on about how you're so docile and kind-hearted!’’ You finished your rant about Matt, laying down against the cold, hard tiles and staring up into the ceiling- ‘’what a dumbass.’’ ‘’Tell me about it- the guys been doing nothing but riding my ass for the past six years and the moment he got a promotion he starts going on a whole tangent about how he’s so important and that he’ll put a mark on me if I step out of line- fucking power-tripping!’’
‘’And he got this promotion because why?’’
The cow seemed to pause at your words before he uncurled himself and stared at you, much to your dismay- ‘’He… did what to [REDACTED]?’’
‘’Yeah, he did, the only and probably only SCP I will ever trust again. And he [DATA EXPURGED BY ADMIN_M], and I hate his fucking guts for it- I sometimes wonder about her family she used to tell me stories about… I really wanted to meet some of her older brothers if our plan worked.’’
‘’Tell me about these stories [REDACTED] told you, now.’’ ‘’It's not like I have anything better to do.’’ . . . . . . . . . ‘’She really was the light of the foundation, making the suicide rate in this damned place drop to an all-time low! Hell, even the SCPs themselves enjoyed her presence, and that's impressive to get that senile old man down the hallway to shut the fuck up with his happy-go-lucky attitude.’’
Rename FILE.[FOLDER_2]? > Please select one option. (Yes/Yes)
Enter a new name for FILE.[FOLDER_2]. > [Paranoia] . . .
Saving FILE.[PARANOIA].. Please wait..
<<< ''Do you really want to go back?'' || ''Are you sure you want to return?'' >>>
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soureggs · 8 months
lol tehe decided to make a lil face snip of the dating sim
this is the neutral ending of his rout , where you are turned in to (as someone put it ) a relic to worship , where you are sedated and tied to his bed or on his lap forever ! no longer having to sin by envying everyone who once looked at you !
due to the years he would do this to you , eventually he wouldn't have to drug you anymore. not because he trust you ! but because you muscle function loss, or paralysis, becoming your muscles lose function, you won't be able to properly operate the affected parts of your body. but thats okay, gods dont need to move there bodies!
thats what your loyal worshiper is for ! like it or not.
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ari-3d · 8 months
Oh to get high with someone and ramble on and on about my favorite dungeons and dragons podcast while they stare at me lovingly and then they ramble about their special interest and I listen and stare at them in adoration because what’s more intimate and lovely than getting a peak into one’s soul and letting someone indulge you with what they love and then we make out and have hot gay sex and watch movies and stargaze and make out again and
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kiwidotcom · 8 months
was about to 'tap in' and find a photo of myself at 21 before realizing that 21 was absolutely peak eating disorder so no i will not be going through photos of myself at 21 😅
i love trends like this tho. wish i had a body that was loved to show you!!! \
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Important reminder that when my raised-Jewish father and raised-Protestant mother had first met they were planting trees for their jobs and my mother told him to "give me the shovel, tree boy," but my father heard "jew boy" and proceeded to kick her in the shins with steel-toed boots. Their marriage is now Bad.
Equally important reminder that once, the person I was flirting with at the time said something derogatory about Jewish people and I reflexively slapped her in the face.
Third reminder that, on our very first date (after having been friends for three years), for some reason, I was talking about Syndrome K, the disease that doctors used to pretend Jews had so Nazis would leave them alone, but I couldnt remember the name of it, so I said, "You know, that holocaust disease?" And my current partner, the love of my life, who I adore immensely and trust entirely, thinking I meant that nazis called Judaism a disease, immediately said, "Oh, you mean Judaism?"
They then immediately realized their mistake and apologized for twenty minutes, and there was no violence. In all fairness, I did once accidentally call them a racial slur, and all they did was hide under a table wheezing with laughter. Moral of the story? Uhhhhhhhh. Slap Antisemites, not your partner? I guess?
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4ga1n5t-4ll-4uth0r1ty · 7 months
I'm gonna fucking walk out of english tomorrow I don't give the tiniest shit about all your stupid projects you're honestly such an asshole is it not possible for you to not make your students want to fucking die your so unsupportive towards everything and you don't have any way to comfort your students when they're stressed because they don't have ENOUGH FUCKING TIME FOR YOUR BIG ASS ASSIGNMENTS
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sorry if this is a weird question, but um, a girl i know asked me out. Shes aplatonic but alloromantic and allosexual. I do like her back, but im a bit worried.. ive dated a guy before who didnt have friends and what ended up happening is that i had to support him 100% of the time when something bad happened and i had to be with him after school every day because i was the only person he talked to and he would get lonely otherwise. He even threatened to do bad things to himself if i went to a friend's sleepover because it made him feel bad. Im really worried that something like this would repeat... it lowkey traumatized me i think. Is this a valid concern or are aplatonic people different and they dont really need much emotional support compared to non-aplatonic people? Or was my ex just uniquely an asshole? Thank u so so much if u respond
I am prefacing this with a disclaimer that this blog was never for giving people advice, especially when they view aplatonics with such suspicion and are not actually asking any advice related to plato repulsion which is what this blog is about. I can also only go off of your statements here to draw conclusions, and I am assuming you are stating the truth here (especially as this is online, I know there is a possibility people can lie, but may also be telling the truth.). Also, we are not responsible for anything that happens to you emotionally or otherwise if you make decisions based off of this advice, because thats not within our control.
From what you said, your ex sounds like he was being rather toxic and manipulative towards you. That kind of behaviour is harmful (threatening self harm as a form of control, trying to control who someone spends time with, and not respecting peoples boundaries regarding interaction or emotional support, are all harmful actions.) and nobody should be acting that way towards others, we're sorry that happened to you. You also don't need to be concerned that someone will act this way towards you just bc theyre aplatonic. Your concern is valid, but it is in no way something that will inherently apply to aplatonics.
If you are concerned about whether this person has unmet social needs then you should just ask her about her social needs and emotional needs and what she expects in a relationship, and communicate about your needs and emotions regarding these things too. If its possible to, maybe mention that you have past issues or trauma in relationships which is why you want to be careful about dating, while not making it seem like aplatonicism is inherently a reason you think someone might hurt you(because it's not).
Set boundaries about what amount of time you want to spend with someone you're dating, and state your limits regarding how much you are okay with emotionally supporting someone / what topics you are ok with talking about / etc. . Don't assume that someone will be toxic or abusive towards you just because they're aplatonic. Its not really like your ex was inherently aplatonic just because he didn't have friends, and it may even be more likely he was alloplatonic.
Some aplatonics have and/or want friends but some dont, and moreover, if someone doesnt have friends by choice, that's very different from someone who is lonely because they don't have friends and mistreats a partner because of it. I will also add here that I don't intend to malign mental health issues just because it sounds like your ex may have had them (as you mentioned loneliness - which is different from just being alone or even liking solitude) ; mental health issues do not innately make someone abusive or toxic, and one can have mental health issues and still be respectful to people.
Someone without any mental health issues can also still very much be abusive or toxic towards others. And honestly, if you associate the concept of aplatonicism itself with this trauma then maybe its not in the best interest of you or the other person to date? And if it applies maybe it could be possible that you are simply not ready to date someone again after what happened, which is also okay, but I don't intend to assume that or be harsh in stating it as a possibility. I will also add that not having friends is not a 'red flag'. If someone has a preference to date/ be involved with people who have friends, that's okay, but not having friends is not inherently a 'red flag'.
Some aplatonics may not get lonely if they don't talk to people (but this can also be true of alloplatonics), and just because someone is aplatonic doesnt mean they will expect their partner to support them all the time to an unhealthy level or to an extent that crosses their boundaries. I will also add that there is no surefire way to tell whether someone will be abusive or toxic, although if they cross your boundaries or are disrespectful to you from the start, its worth staying away from them. Even ppl who are very kind to you initially may at some point abuse you or mistreat you, and theres no way to tell for sure whether or not this will happen because thats kind of how social relationships of any kind are.
But don't profile aplatonics as inherently more likely to be abusive or toxic (I don't know if this is intentional on your part, but hearing the word 'aplatonic' and making all these assumptions about how one may be in a relationship wounds like either this and/or like a trauma trigger extending to the concept of aplatonicism). Not all aplatonics even approach social relationships the same way, and even those who don't have friends are still capable of respecting boundaries in relationships they engage in. I wouldn't say that aplatonic people don't have emotional needs, but people in general have varying social needs and emotional needs. Some people who don't want friends may specifically not have a social drive towards having friends, but this may also apply to people who want friends.
If someone is happy without having friends then they probably don't seek emotional or social fulfillment from friendship. They may have other relationship types even if they are aplatonic (such as familial , romantic, sexual, alterous, etc.) (I don't know if you and this girl are monogamous are not but if you are intending to be monogamous that obviously is excluding sexual and/or romantic then) , and I will add that people don't always need social relationships/ bonds for emotional support. Some people may process emotions through journalling, or may go to a therapist, or such.
Some people may have people they talk to sometimes but don't call them their friends. Having friends does not ever guarantee anyone emotional support, and neither does any other relationship. It just so happens that a lot of people end up mutually (i.e. more or less both ppl give the other emotional support, it doesnt have to be equal so much as it is respecting the boundaries of both people. It is also possible that people may be incompatible in this regard) giving emotional support due to just being around people they are close to and also due to having some kind of emotional connection.
Anyways, long answer short, aplatonicism doesn't say anything about someone's social needs or emotional needs, and neither does alloplatonicism, and its often better to communicate with people you are close to or are looking to be close to, about important aspects regarding relationships.
(Also stating here that this is not an advice blog, we will be deleting any asks seeking advice from now on. If you want you can send in asks as reply to this response, as long as you aren't asking for more advice)
Anyways I hope it works out for you, whatever you decide to do.
(Additional disclaimer - to anyone who sees this post - do NOT suggest that 'narc abuse' 'borderline abuse' or whatever is real, do not imply mental health issues cause ppl to inherently be abusive, and do not treat having no friends as a 'red flag', regardless of platonic orientation or favorability)
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mrsmarlasinger · 3 months
My charcuterie board dirty martini bubble bath slay 👍
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Me trying to decide how to dress for tonight and my family members literally coming in to make mean comments about my body- 💀
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drelizabethgreene · 5 months
Posted my first Madney fic (with some Maddie and Buck dynamic) for @badthingshappenbingo!
Prompt used: journal/diary entry
TW: implied domestic violence, mention of stabbing
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imabillyami · 10 months
8 years ago on this day...
8 years ago on this day my dad died. He was 45. It pretty much happened out of nowhere. 
As in, we didn’t expect it to happen when it did and the way it did. 
He was an addict - alcohol, narcotics, plentiful drugs, the whole palate, you name it.
He had already had a massive stomach tumor, a perforated stomach & had already died due to that on the table at age 35. The doctors who brought him back said it was a sheer miracle. 
He got a second lease at life, but he didn’t use it. He never stopped drinking or searching the high of one more hit, even though the doctors told him it would kill him.
Still, his death happened out of nowhere for us. And it was quite tragic.  Cause in the end it the doctors were right. 
Don’t get me wrong, I hated my dad, I really did. He ruined my entire childhood, he ruined my mother, he ruined a good portion of my life.
I don’t remember many days as a kid where one of us didn’t end up beaten into a pulp. He started when I was still a toddler and he never stopped. Yet my mom stayed.
Even after he tried to stab her to death in front of me when I was 10. Even when beat her daily and broke her bones. Even when beat me and broke mine. He tried to kill himself in front of me when I was 12.
He tried to go after my little sister when she was still a toddler, but I never let him. From that day on it doubled the amount of beatings I took, cause he got a kick out of it when I put up a fight whenever he tried going after her.
When I was 14 he once again beat me into a pulp, before he kicked me out for being “a filthy whore” and “his biggest mistake”. After that I attempted to end my life for the first time. And after everything was said and done, my mom made me come back.
Just a few of the many highlights of my childhood/ teenage years. 
My dad left me mentally and physically broken to the point where even now, many years later, most days walking or even standing hurts. Badly. His abuse paved my own way into addiction. 
What I’m trying to say with all this, I’ll never understand that side of my dad. The violent side that is.
What I understand better now though, the older I get? The addiction and the mental health issues he was facing. 
Much like him, I’m dealing with a number of serious mental health conditions. Even now that I’m diagnosed, most days are a never ending struggle. 
Much like him, I’ve been an addict to everything I could get my hands on since my teenage years. That’s when the toll all these beatings took on my body started to really show and when my mind really started processing all the trauma that he'd put us through. 
Much like it did him, my addiction almost killed me. It was only a couple of years ago that my own addiction was so bad that I had pretty much given up and accepted that it would take my life. 
I hate my dad. Most days I’m glad he’s gone. But I understand his pain. So much.
Only thing different is that I never chose the path of violence that he chose. I never chose to hurt anyone or put them down to make them just as miserable as I was. I never chose violence to break someone.
I chose kindness and redemption and I was fortunate enough to find a way out of the addiction he could never escape. I’m thankful I chose that fight every day. And I’ll keep choosing that fight every day. 
That being said, I am 615 days sober today. Longest I’ve been since I started using at the prime age of 13. And I couldn’t be prouder of myself for that. 615 days and hopefully forever. 
I’m not gonna lie, I’m in pain almost every day, both physically and mentally, but for me living with that is better than not living at all. It’s better than endlessly chasing the numbness or the next high. 
And despite everything I just said, I still grieve my dad. Not the man he was, but everything that could’ve been. 
Despite everything he did to me I had chosen compassion. I had helped him get into rehab only months prior to his death, cause everyone else, even my mum, had finally given up on him. 
I was barely 20, an addict myself and in no shape to take care of anyone, yet it was a last ditch effort to maybe somehow make him love me. Joke’s on me, cause he never did. 
Last time I saw him was the summer before his death outside that rehab facility I dropped him off at. Our last text convo was making tentative plans for Christmas. A week later my then 13y.o. sister and my mum found him dead in his apartment. Multiple organ failure.
I never had a proper father figure to look up to, so what I’m really grieving is the idea of a father figure that could have been. 
The topic is quite controversial within our family, too. 
My mum just shoved everything aside and is still making him out to be this great guy that he wasn’t. She chose denial. Deep deep denial. My sister was too young to remember the worst of it. We shielded her the best we could, really. 
My dad finally left us for one of his many affairs and moved out when she was 9. He moved away and she saw him twice a year after that.
I saw him once a year when he came to visit. And we couldn’t be in the same room for more than two minutes without things getting physical between us.
I still remember an instance when I was 17 and he tried to lay hands on me again during his visit. I punched him right in the face in self-defense and he had a pretty shiner after that. 
My dad only moved back into town 6 months before his death in an attempt to fix things with my mum and my sister. I was already in college by then, I visited home during my term break though. Sometimes I wish I hadn't.
In these six months he did a number on my sister though, to the point where up until this day she sees him as this big hero. 
A lot of it also is thanks to my mum’s stories. My sister firmly believes that my dad was flawed, yet was the best dad ever. My mum and sister are both so deep in denial that it physically pains me. 
Me? I can’t forgive him. Never could. I see him for the monster he truly was. And I don’t believe in “protecting his memory”. Not when it’s all lies.
And every year around this day I can’t believe how much power he still holds over me, even from his grave. I’ve been in therapy on and off for 15 years, yet there’s things I can never let go or forget.
I’ve mostly forgiven my mum for what she put us through by staying with him. Mostly. The memories of my dad haunt me to this day though. The muscle memory is still there and the pain never leaves. I have constant physical reminders. 
Anyway. Today I’m grieving the idea of a father I could’ve had and I’m grieving the things and years I lost to his cruelty. I’m grieving, yet I’m celebrating being alive and sober and on the path to a better life at the same time. 
If you made it till here, just know this: I don’t want any pity. I don't wanna hear how strong I am. I know I am. But I wish I wasn't. I'd rather be not traumatized, but that's beside the point.
What I want is this: If you have someone you love, I want you to go hug them (a friend, a parent, a pet, whoever) today and think of a good memory you have with them, maybe tell them you love them. That would make me happy. 
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somelazyassartist · 1 year
Ough I need to avoid my TAZ shelf when I'm tired, because reminding myself that The Adventure Zine and the graphic novels are right next to each other and how painful some of the differences between them are legitimately gives me a migraine. That and my eyes are weird so looking at comics for too long just does that anyways but I digress
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Banding Together (Obey Me!) fanfiction part 1
summary: Lord Diavolo calls the brothers to defend the Devildom. But MC has other ideas and calls up the rest of the friends to help.
characters: basically all of them. It's going to be a full baseball team dynamic.
content: battle, fighting, blood, injury, violence, danger, this is an actual fight to the death type scenario so be advised this isn't fluffy
Links for part 2 and part 3 and part 4 are here
inspiration is taken from: @obae-me so I am tagging their thread here
picture is Common Treasures by Catlaxy
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The moment all the brother's phone's rang in unison, my anxiety spiked. So I felt the tension hang in the air as everyone at the dinner table went still. But before any one of the demons I call family could move, I gave a soft command to trigger our pacts with all I might muster. "Do not move." The power snapped over all seven of the brothers for them to freeze in their seats. Which had all of them go as wide eyed as possible as I took out my D.D.D. Using it to do a conference call with Diavolo, Solomon, Simeon, Luke, and Mephistoles. Placing it on speaker so the room might be heard as everyone picked up. Diavolo sounded very stressed as he spoke to me. "Marzena? Why are you-" I cut him off with my iced tones and pointed words. "The brothers are not moving out of their seats for whatever danger is on it's way until I get a full run down of the situation. Solomon. Simeon. I expect for you to agree that something is looming and to grab whoever we need for a life or death fight. Luke. Get in touch with Michael to let him know the situation and to do what is needed."
Everyone one the phone went so quiet I could hear the fact everyone was holding their breath. So my huff was very loud in my own ears. "Anything that is a threat to any individual is a threat to us all. The Heavenly Father gave His beloved angels of protection the calling to defend. Can we really just ignore that any danger to anyone isn't worth rallying all the troops to give the aide needed? Lord Diavolo. You want the three worlds to live in harmony. That means when one of us jumps into a fight, the rest of us jump right in as well."
The first to speak after my declaration was Solomon. His words holding so much love and pride they were melted. "Marzena. Oh my precious apprentice. You do us all proud with your convictions. Bold of you to stand full firm against whatever your instincts warned you about. No wonder I love you so. She's right, Lord Diavolo and we all know it. So before you or Barbatos start yelling at her, know that I believe the same. So instead of arguing the point, let us come together."
Simeon gave that joyful sigh he tended to do to speak next. "Agreed. I will ask for any angels that are excellent in healing to rally at the portal to the Devildom as soon as we get word from the Celestial Realm. We had a feeling something was looming here. So just tell us what to expect." Luke sounded frightened but he huffed into his phone to get that stubborn determination. "Right! We can't just let the demons do all the fighting if something bad is going to happen! We're just as capable of helping where it counts! So don't tell us it isn't our problem! I want to help and protect my friends here too!" I gave a sigh of air to then will the command to ease so the brothers might move in their seats. But their feet stayed glued to the floor as Mammon gasped and cursed openly in his chair. "Shit! That hurt, Marzena! You are such a stubborn human! Makes me so mad sometimes I want to toss you into a sleeping bag and sit on you!"
Lucifer was seething in his chair as much as Satan was to look murderous as his gaze kept itself directed right at me. But I just looked to Beelzebub as he groaned to rub the kinks out of his neck. Beel giving his deep rumbles as he flexed his arms next. "Marzena is right. Hence why I'm not mad she leashed us to sit and not move. Lord Diavolo. I know you may want to keep the others from what you believe the Devildom should handle. But it's better for all of us to stand together when something bad happens. It's what you've asked of us for school events and holidays and other weird things. So this isn't really any different and we need our friends and family to help."
Belphegor gave a nod to tilt his head so his neck would pop. While Barbatos gave a heavy sigh over the phone to click his tongue. "How utterly vexing. Here we were worrying over the Ancient Beast of Carnage waking up centuries early. But I genuinely feel that we have an even strong force of will to tackle. One that I would rather aide instead. Wouldn't you agree, Young Master?" Diavolo gave a huff of pure frustration. "What a fine time to prove me both right and wrong. I was being short sighted when I called just the brothers for this. Yet I could not bring myself to endanger any more than I already was doing. Marzena. You are indeed correct. How am I to bring true equality to the three realms if I keep letting Devildom problems of this nature stay Devildom problems. There is wisdom in asking for aide from our friends and allies. I am grateful to you for calling me on my rash decision, Marzena."
Mephistoles gave a hard growl before he piped into the debate. His words silken and strong as he spoke. "The audacity of a mere human will not be brushed aside so easily! But I am too concerned with ensuring Lord Diavolo's will be done to fret over that right now! Where shall we stand against the Creature of Carnage and where shall we prepare blockades?" My gaze went to Leviathan for me to reach over and take his hand in mine. Making him squeak before he squeezed my hand tight. His words shaking as he spoke. "I can rally Lotan to push the creature away from the main city if we get Cerberus and a few other powerhouse battering rams to move it. That way we might keep it away from the citizens and ensure we have an option of drowning it."
Asmodeus gave a hum of pure molten intensity to look quite deadly at his internal thoughts. "Ah. The Admiral is thinking of a permanent solution to this creature we have to contain. I like it. May mean more risk. But a half measure really isn't one we should take for something that wants to slaughter people. So I would agree that trying to drown the threat is a good idea." Luke gave a squeak of pure terror as Raphael picked up Luke's phone to speak directly. "This is going to be a full scale operation. I have Michael on my phone right now. Apparently, there's a similar threat sweeping over the Celestial Realm this very instant and looks to be heading directly for the portal to the Devildom. But Michael is sending as many healing items of magic or medicine we might spare directly to the Devildom. He was actually going to call Simeon when he realized the line was busy. So we are all hands on deck regardless."
My chair gave a shriek when I stood up to ask, "Raph? Whatever witches or sorcerers the human world has in the ways of medical aide or combat better be on full alert by the time we hang up. No chances this isn't a coordinated strike against all three realms. I don't care about the formalities. Solomon. Whoever has it in them to be of help, you make the call and tell them what is going down." Solomon gave a confirmation as Lucifer finally spoke up. His rage tempered as he openly declared, "We are going to battle against something that would ruin us all and leave nothing behind. Death is going to be very keen at taking whoever steps foot onto the field. Before any of our friends make that choice, know full well it may be your last." Before he could speak further, I cut in. "My family is of all three realms and I would not wish to grieve for them. That's my translation of whatever the Avatar of Pride was going to say instead." Satan gave a chuckle of pure enjoyment as Lucifer glared dagger at me. But there was warmth in that gaze as I finally let go of the command for everyone to get up out of their seats. My words full and strong, "Let's do this thing. Luke. You stay glued to Lord Diavolo at all times. Simeon. Help Solomon grab whatever magic tools and equipment you can think will help. Raph. I place my trust in your judgement to fill in where it is needed. Love always and be safe, everyone."
The beach held storm clouds as various demons and vampires ran here and back to help with coordinating the counter assault on the Ancient Beast of Carnage. With Luke all but sticking to Diavolo wherever he was to look absolutely petrified over the situation. Yet Diavolo would place a hand in Luke's to give it a squeeze as he stood with his war council. While Satan all but had me caged to his side to keep me from running off anywhere. But I was far too focused on directing traffic with the help of many to ensure we kept tabs on where the Beast was heading and steering towards the sea. Leviathan was already in the water to gather his navy as well as Lotan. Lucifer had already brought Cerberus out of the crypt and was directing where it would be best to put up magic barriers and protective wards around our chosen battlefield. Asmodeus was flying supplies here and back to help with spreading out the magic tools and weapons to each volunteer and capable warrior. Since Mammon, Beelzebub, and Raphael were heading up the aerial maneuvers against the Beast. Several old structures had already gotten demolished with no injuries reported. But that wouldn't be for much longer.
I was currently helping with mixing elixers next to Solomon when Satan spoke up and asked me a pointed question. "Marzena? How did you know something bad was coming? You were on edge for the past several days, as well. Did you know on some level this was going to happen?" I gave the mixture I had finished stirring a light tap against the bottom of the beaker before setting it down. My words heavy and sad. "Human instinct is a powerful thing, love. I cannot count how many times I ignored my instincts to have full on Hell whip all of my ass and everything else. So when my entire being gets that sensation of major bad incoming, I listen to it and make preparations." Satan accepted my answer to then reach out and pull me into a hug. Making me squeak as he sighed against my ear. "You are using your fear as added adrenaline to keep active. But for just a moment, let me hold you. This is a fight to the death we're facing..."
My eyes burned as I finally let myself ramp down to then give Satan a bear hug. My breaths coming in soft pants as I pressed myself as close to Satan as physically possible. "Don't. Even. Think it. You are not going to die on me today. I refuse to accept that for any reason. You dare die on me and I will drag your soul back from eternity kicking and shrieking. You hear me, love? Nobody in this family gets to die today without me rewriting existence to keep them alive." Satan actually chuckled to place a kiss to my forehead. His eyes leaking a few tears even as my vision was so blurred I wasn't really able to see. "Oh Marzena. My wonderful and headstrong Marzena. I love you so much. Especially when you decide to be bold and determined against what is seen as impossible. You have such complete faith in what you set your mind to. I would believe that is why you always make such faith into reality. That is your true power, Marzena."
Satan tilted my face up for him to meet my gaze. His smile so full of love as he leaned in to give me a kiss on the corner of my mouth. So I squeezed my eyes shut and gave him a kiss back. My words soft and sad. "The Father up above made us to do the impossible, love. At least that is my belief. So we will do whatever we must to keep everyone alive and safe. Now then. Help me with making sure I didn't pull a Solomon on these elixers." Satan burst out laughing at my comment to hug me tight. Which helped the overall mood on the beach.
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greentrickster · 2 years
Look, I’m not saying the American Health Care system is incompetent, I’m just saying that back in 2016 they somehow entered me into the system as an American citizen of the wrong sex, when I had carefully filled out the paperwork stating that I am an American resident of my actual sex, and they then proceeded to send me letters about it from a corporation that was connected to my health insurance company of the time but which had a completely different name and logo and very weird turns of phrase, leading me to think it was another company trying to court me as a customer or steal my info and thus ignored.
But don’t worry, it was fine! Yeah, they cut off my health insurance, but it was fine, it only took two months to sort out because the website refused to let me log on so I had to do everything over the phone and the process took a long time done in that manner, but it was fine. I mean, yeah, by the time I had that final call to get things completely sorted out I had to have my mom there with me because I’d been unable to sleep that night and kept having to run to the bathroom, but it was only dry heaves because I hadn’t been able to eat much of anything for the past twelve hours, so, you know. It was fine.
And hey, I got health insurance again! And it’s been six and a half years since then, so I don’t even have panic attacks when everyone’s urging you to renew your health insurance at this time of year anymore, and I only have have trauma flashbacks for some of the stuff they send me in the mail, regardless of what the content of the letters are! It’s fine! I’m fine.
I’m fine.
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