#twst papa shroud
harunayuuka2060 · 3 months
Toddler MC: Papu?
Idia: I'm not your Papu. And we're not blood-related.
Toddler MC: But we family?
Idia: ...
Idia: Yeah.
Toddler MC: *beams*
Mama Shroud, Papa Shroud, and Ortho: *watching them from the monitor*
Mama Shroud: Should we get him a wife?
Papa Shroud: Boss, I think giving him a child is more than enough.
Ortho: *giggles*
Mama Shroud: Ortho, watch them closely. Okay?
Ortho: Okay~!
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kenchann · 7 months
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doodling the shrouds fam cause i love them
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dicenete · 2 months
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I have only met them couple of minutes ago and I'm convinced that they would be like this. :) Mama and Papa Shroud are so precious. I love them. I did this doodle so fast just so I can ramble abour their helmet designs!!! Rambling begins after the cut! ^^
Okay first I just thought it was funny that we didn't get face reveals or anything like this, easy to do these like this, no need to do expressions and so on... But! Then I started to look a bit closer.... Mama Shroud has flowers in in her helmet. And that got me thinking........... Persephone?? In Greek mythology Persephone is the Queen of the Underworld and the wife of Hades. But she is also the goddess of the dead, the underworld, grain, and NATURE = Flowers. The quick overview of the myth of Persephone is that Hades fell in love with her and kidnapped her to be his bride in his domain, the underworld. Some myths say that Persephone hated the whole deal but some myths say that she fell in love with Hades after everything. (debatable topic and well ancient mythologies rarely were about roses and rainbows) But the point being: Mama Shroud is someone who isn't originally from the Shroud family, the bloodline that was cursed with the bloodcurse and the duty to look over the gate to the Underworld. And since we kinda get the idea that the Island of Woe is very guarded and rarely lets outsiders in (unless they modify their memories and send them off), if Mama Shroud came from somewhere else, she is tied to the Island of Woe now as the wife of Papa Shroud and her kids.
But I think, unless they state otherwise, I'm sure Mama Shroud can visit her relatives. Atleast for the spring to fall and then be winters in the island of woe : DDD Ya know... cause that's how Greek myths explained four seasons. :)
And when you look closer at Papa Shroud's helmet... IT TAKES SHAPES FROM HADES'S DESIGN FROM DISNEY'S HERCULES:
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I just thought their helmet designs were very nice and I love the attention to detail :3
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twstfanblog · 1 year
*~Period Drama~* Saturday
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A/N: So I sneezed, which is why this is out before the RSA series chapter lol. But I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this series I can feel it. Word Count: 4.7K (Wow, around the same as the last part) Warnings: Period mentions, Blood mentions (Drawing blood) She/They OC Pronouns Pairings: Azul/Reader (Poly), Jamil/Reader (Poly), Platonic relationships with Floyd, Jade, Ortho, and Crewel. Enjoy! Start, Part 2 (Here), Part 3 (Heartslabyul), Part 4 (Savanaclaw), Part 4.5 (Diasomnia pt.1), Part 5 (Diasomnia pt.2), Part 6 (Pomefiore)
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Jamil, Azul, Jade, Floyd, Grim, Ace, and Deuce stood outside of ramshackle, some of them sitting on the wooden steps. Waiting as patiently as they could for Crewel to give them a final order. No more than twenty minutes had passed before Crewel opened the front door. He looked their group over, coming to some sort of choice before he smacked the palm of his hand with his crop, “Octavinelle pups, you stay. The rest of you go on with your day.” “Wait, what!?”
“Why does he-”
Crewel smacks his palm again. The crack somehow perfectly balanced with the harsh shush he gives them, quieting the protesting group instantly. His glare softens at seeing their crestfallen faces, “Yuu will be in contact. I need to gather up the needed potions and resource materials. But for now, They’re resting and it would be best to have someone in the house with them. Both to get them whatever they need and to keep unwanteds out. Ergo, the Octavinelle mutts.”
Jamil frowns but doesn’t speak up. He knew that he would probably have damage control to do in Scarabia. Najma most likely called Kalim in confusion from his call, not entertaining the thought of actually waiting on him to explain his bizarre question. Kalim would have only half the story and no context which was worrying enough, so he was clearly panicking and amassing the other Scarabia students for a witch hunt. He should stop at Scarbia before going back to basketball practice…
Deuce steps forward, imaginary puppy ears drooping as he mutters out, “Is Yuu at least okay? I didn’t see much, but it looked like a lot of blood…”
Sighing, Crewel walked down the stairs, gently patting Deuce on the head as he passed, “They’re fine, pup. I’m going to gather the Shroud boy and then prepare a proper medical report. As far as we should be concerned, this is completely natural for Yuu, if a bit painful.” He reached into his coat, pulled out his pipe kit and started to fill it as he walked away, “But for now, Azul, Floyd, and Jade are to look after them until I come back. You other pups are to return to your scheduled activities and tell no one about this.”
Ace looked to the side nervously, thankfully unseen by anyone before he nodded and started to make his way down the path behind Crewel. Deuce sighs but nods, calmed by the info that Yuu was okay at least. He jogs down the path after Ace, none of them are really surprised when muffled yelling could be heard a little down the way.
Azul looked out of the corner of his eye, catching Jamil giving him an intense glare. He knew Jamil was upset at the turn of events, the very fact Azul was picked over him would be enough to anger the Scarabian student. Let alone being picked by their lover’s pseudo-father figure as their keeper. He turns entirely to him, smiling and opening his mouth to pacify his lover-in-law before Jamil interrupts him.
Jamil turned his back on Azul, walking down the path to get back to campus. He quickly scooped Grim into his arms, ignoring the monster hissing and fighting his grip, “Just make sure they eat something high in iron.” That was all he said before he was also gone from view, walking past the row of trees acting as a fence of the property.
Silence passes the three students before Azul squeals, smiling wide and pumping his fist, “YES! He trusts me! You both saw that! He gave me his faith that I would tend to our lover. It’s only a matter of time before I can talk him into transferring!”
Floyd rolls his eyes, walking back into the house with a snickering Jade behind him, “Either you take care of my Shrimpy or they’ll kill you themselves…” he mutters under his breath, pout turning into a frown as the scent of blood hits him harder inside.
Jade’s own mirth decreases at the smell. He hums looking around the dorm. Yuu wouldn’t want the windows open, not to mention the smell would simply travel over the campus. The last thing they needed was Malleus smelling Yuu’s blood in the air. Seven could only think of the disaster that would bring. He looks up the stairs, only half listening as Azul enters the dorm to bicker with Floyd.
“-fact you would insinuate I wouldn’t take care of my pearl is insult enough, Floyd.”
“Ehe~? I just said Shrimpy wouldn’t let you slide with shitty service. You scared of a little blood Azul~?”
“I will dock your pay-”
“I’ll go sit with Yuu, keep them company.” Jade smiled over his shoulder, already walking up the stairs. He pauses halfway up the stairs, tilting his head at their stares, “Unless I’m allowed free range of their meal?”
Floyd instantly perked up, rushing to the kitchen whining with a glare at his brother, “No way! You’ll make some weird mushroom thing that’ll make Shrimpy even sicker!”
Azul stays for only a moment before he follows Floyd, giving Jade one last look, “Do make sure my pearl is in good condition. If you can wake them up, ask if they would like a bath.”
“Will do.” 
Jade parts with Azul, walking onto the second floor and toward Yuu’s room. He rested his hand on the doorknob and breathed in deep. Yuu’s blood was interesting, he’s always found it to be since he first smelled that foreign flora that no one could place. But that didn’t mean he wanted to smell it so strongly. He took in another deep breath in hope if he smelled it thoroughly enough the tightness of worry would loosen in his chest. Once calm he creaked the door open, knocking on it gently as he peaked his head in, “Yuu, I’m coming in.”
A simple groan answers him. That was acceptance of entry enough for him. He closes the door behind him and walks to sit in the armchair, moving it just a foot or so closer to the bed. Yuu had rotated since he last saw them. Now lying on their front with the blanket uncovered to their calves, arms wrapped around a pillow and eyes closed. If it wasn’t for the brief moments of their eyebrows creasing in pain, Jade would think they were perfectly fine.
A few minutes pass before Yuu opens their eyes, vision slightly hazy from pain, “Hi.”
“Hi.” Jade smiles, leaning forward to poke their cheek in greeting, “I’m guessing whatever is going on is quite painful?”
“Very much, yes.” They groan, snuggling into their pillow, “Periods are a bitch.”
“Azul said something about that. ‘Period’. That’s what it’s called?” When Yuu confirms, he leans back into the chair, humming under his breath. Now that things had calmed down, Jade couldn't help but call the whole scenario interesting. Finding differences in biology was always a fascinating venture, “Tell me about it.”
“Are you sure? It’s kinda gross and like…as you saw, pretty bloody.”
Jade chuckles, raising a hand to cover his mouth coyly, “I already said I want to know! Please don’t tease me in such a way!” He preens, feeling a small wave of pride at hearing Yuu laugh.
“You’re so weird…Alright.” Yuu angled herself to look over to Jade, raising an eyebrow, “What do you wanna know?”
“Is the bleeding just the first step of it? Do you gain internal injuries to produce the blood? Is the pain a result of-”
“I’m gonna just…stop you right there…” Yuu took a moment, trying to not laugh again, not wanting to change their towels yet, “So…Periods are weird because I feel like I'm injured but it’s all natural because of hormones are whatever.”
“Your hormones make your internal organs stimulate injuring themselves?” he takes a moment to look around the room. Standing up to grab a notepad and pencil from Yuu’s desk before returning to the armchair, "We have basic health classes in middle school. But I've never heard of hormones causing internal bleeding."
“Eh…more like the hormones jumpstart a refreshing process? Not so much internal bleeding.” 
Jade smiled wide, his pencil poised to write down every word they said, "Do tell.”
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Azul texted Crewel to bring an iron supplement potion along with the pain potions. Yuu didn’t have any food besides snacks and her childish cereals, how Floyd managed to find enough items for a seafood alfredo was nothing short of a miracle by Azul’s standards. Sure it wasn’t high in iron like Yuu needed, but it would be warm and something for her to eat.
They were still worried. How could they not be? Their dear friend was a floor above them basically bleeding out from an intimate area that shouldn’t be bleeding. Crewel’s behavior had calmed most of their nerves, Yuu strangely wouldn’t lie to Crewel nearly as much as she would any other teacher. And Crewel wouldn’t be half as calm if something had actually happened. But as Floyd had said to him, ‘It still felt gross’. All of them forced to twiddle their thumbs and wait for Crewel or Yuu to give them all the facts instead of just dismissing their horrific theories.
Floyd scooped the pasta dish into a bowl, as Yuu preferred it, shoving a fork in it and walked past Azul. He didn’t bother to listen to Azul tell him to stop and wait for Yuu to get up from her nap or call for them. He didn’t want to. The only reason he cooked instead of Jade was because his brother couldn’t be trusted in a kitchen alone without shoving mushrooms into something. At least not while Azul was as distracted as he was. But he was just as worried as the others, Yuu was his Shrimpy. He’d share with his brother and Azul. But as far as he was concerned he was doing just that, sharing. Shrimpy was his to look after for as long as she hung around him. And he was already in a bad mood from earlier thinking he had failed her.
“Floyd, Yuu might still be sleeping, we shouldn’t bother them.” Azul scolded him, trying to keep his voice down while making sure it carried a harshness.
“Don’t care. I wanna check on Shrimpy…”
Azul kept quiet before he sighed. He pulled out his handkerchief, if Yuu was still sleeping he could cover the bowl so they could eat later. It would be lukewarm at best, but it’d be clean and ready for Yuu when they woke up, “Fine. Let’s go check on them…”
Floyd didn’t bother to knock, opening the door one-handed and ignoring Azul’s groan behind him, “Shrimpy~, you awake?”
Yuu rolled over, smiling with an edge of weariness, and waved, “Hi Floyd~.”
“Shrimpy!” Floyd nearly dropped the bowl onto the bed sheets, moving to hug and squeeze his best friend. The scent of blood was still strong but just knowing that his friend was okay was enough to keep him in a positive mood. Pulling away, he passes the bowl properly to them, “You doing alright?”
Yuu smiles as Azul moves quickly to place his handkerchief onto her lap, a small comment on the bowl being hot. She kept eye contact with the cecaelian until Azul turned away with a blush. But, she does place the bowl on her lower stomach, the heat helping more than the boys knew, “Thank you for the food. And no, I’m in pain.”
Floyd’s relaxed expression instantly changes, dropping into a frown and downward brows, “Why? What happened to make you bleed like this Shrimpy? If we were in the ocean you’d be a chum magnet…”
Jade looked up from his notes, “Muscle tension.”
“Huh?” Both Azul and Floyd turned to him in confusion.
Jade taps at the notepad, showing the lines of neat handwriting with various questions sprinkled around it, “Yuu’s body is physically pushing the blood out by contracting their pelvic muscles. The involuntary spasms are causing some intense muscle cramps.”
Azul frowns, his hand moving to press on their stomach, almost trying to feel the sensation, “When will it stop? Losing this much blood can’t be good for you…”
Jade looked over his notes, sighing at his findings, “Yuu says this lasts four days normally for them.”
“Four days?” Both Azul and Floyd exclaimed, worry evident in their voices.
Yuu smiled, leaning against their pillows, “Seven is the standard.”
Azul whips his head back to Yuu, eyes wide and glasses nearly falling off his face, “Seven!?”
“How do you stop it?” Floyd looked the most distressed out of all of them, simply looking at Yuu’s lap with poorly veiled concern.
“Oh, Azul, you’ll love this.” Jade beamed, eyes reading over his writing, “This is apparently happening because Yuu didn’t get pregnant.”
Floyd turned to look at Azul, voice deadpan, “Azul, hurry up and knock Shrimpy up so we don’t have to deal with this.”
The scandalized look on Azul’s face makes Yuu burst into laughter, blood be damned. The cecaelian stuttered out a rambled form of scolding and excuses on how he couldn't 'Knock Them Up' and how it was no one’s business what he and his lover did in the bedroom. He only grew more flustered seeing the smiles on the twins' faces, knowing they were internally mocking him and his distressed state.
He snaps his fingers, a golden contract appearing beside him. Gripping it fiercely, he points to the four names signed at the bottom, "In any case! Per our official ‘Quad Agreement’, only Draconia is allowed to impregnate Yuu and that's not even in effect until they’ve both graduated!" With another snap, the scroll was gone, leaving Azul huffing and crossing his arms.
Yuu quiets their laughter, reaching out a hand to hold Azul’s, " Aw~. Are you mad you can't give me an octo baby?"
"I'm mad because you're in pain and the one way to stop this is something we can't do for years!" Azul does loosen his arms, both hands coming to cradle their outstretched one, "You've been acting odd all week before this whole bleeding mess even started. We were worried…"
Floyd pouts, resting his head on Yuu's shoulder, uncaring of how far he had to bend, "You punched me for trying to give you a piggyback ride, Shrimpy. Really hurt my feelings."
"You had seemed quite lethargic the past few days." Jade gave a worried smile, tone clear in just how concerned the past events had made him.
Yuu looked at all of them in shock, looking at the slowly cooling bowl of pasta before they covered their mouth. The room was silent until Yuu closed their eyes and tried to fight back the whimper threatening to leave their throat.
"You guys care so much about me…so much…" Yuu lets go of the bowl, both hands fanning at their face as their eyes well up with tears, "And I've been such a bitch to you." Their voice cracked and slid into a high-pitched wail as the tears started to fall.
Jade’s eyes widened, his mouth opening in a silent gasp as he quickly shared a panicked look with Azul, " O-oh, oh no."
The cecaelian babbled, stuttering under his breath and hovering his hands over Yuu’s body. He wasn’t sure if Yuu wanted to be physically comforted, or even touched, “Yuu? What’s wrong, are you in more pain? Do you need me to call Crewel!?”
Floyd hesitantly pats at Yuu’s head, not wanting a repeat of being sucker punched in the face the last time he touched an upset Yuu, “There, there Shrimpy. Just eat your food…”
Still crying, taking shaky breaths while gathering a collection of noodles and seafood on their fork, “You guys are so nice to me. And I’m a bad friend…”
Jade was subtly leaning away, pressing his back deeper into the chair as he eyed Yuu with mild suspension, “No…You’re a perfectly good friend to us, Yuu.” Hormonal changes would explain Floyd’s notice of Yuu’s scent being 'off'. He assumed the different levels had only affected their body as they had stated. But it seemed their emotions were also being affected. A moody Floyd is something he grew up with, he knew every tell Floyd could give. A hormonally moody Yuu was new and dangerous territory as far as Jade was concerned.
Even with their reassurance, Yuu’s tears wouldn’t stop. The three males grew more uneasy, simply watching their friend bleed on her bed and eat lukewarm pasta while she softly cried. They shared a look between the three of them before Azul stepped forward, a nervous smile on his face while he gently caressed her hair.
“It’s…it’s ok my pearl.”
Yuu looked up, sniffling pitifully before pressing her head into his hand, “I’m sorry I’m so mean to you…”
Azul chuckles, pressing a kiss to their cheek before pulling away, “It’s ok. I will admit, I do like when you’re a bitch.”
The sweet air was gone in a second. Yuu’s crying stopping as though a switch was flipped. They glared up at Azul, “Did you just call me a bitch!?”
“...” Azul looked to the side then back to her, pulling his hand back, “I-”
“So you think I’m a bitch!?”
“No?” The confusion in his voice was clear. He looked at the twins who were just as puzzled, the two eel-mers quickly shrugging at his silent question as to what he did. 
They also had no clue how to proceed. Yuu would normally either let them in on, or at least make their goal clear when they toyed with Azul. But this sort of rapid-fire mood change was not in their MO. It was even more so than Floyd could keep up with.
Yuu turned back to their pasta, tears coming back full force as their anger disappeared, “You’re lying to me…”
“...Would you feel better if I thought you were a bitch?”
“What is that supposed to mean!?”
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Hours later, Floyd opened the door, disheveled and pouting at Crewel and Ortho, “Knifejaw…Hurry up and fix Shrimpy. They’re really mean like this and I’m sick of it.”
Crewel raised an eyebrow, walking into the dorm and waving a hand to send Ortho up before him, “Are they? More so than normal?” He said it with a jovial air, teasing his student since his own moods were the things of nightmares.
“Yes. If I felt like it, I would beg. I can’t handle them like this…”
Well, that was concerning… Floyd followed Crewel back up the stairs. Opening Yuu’s bedroom he realized that Floyd wasn’t kidding. Next to a standing Ortho Yuu sat on the bed, now cocooned in one of their blankets in Azul’s lap. Tear tracks on their cheeks and angrily sniffling between hand-fed forkfuls of pasta. Azul was sweating, oozing a nervous energy as though he were defusing a bomb and not feeding his lover. Jade sat in the far corner, chair pressed against the wall as far back as it could be and furiously writing notes.
Ortho beeped, eyes showing he was smiling under his mask, “Body scan complete! No external injuries are to be found!” He leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Yuu and resting his head on them, “I’m so glad you’re ok, Prefect Yuu!”
Floyd huffs from the doorway, glaring at the display, “Oh, he can hug you but I get punched if I try?”
Yuu glares, eyes just peaking through Ortho’s flaming hair, “I could never hit Ortho, he’s baby.”
“Prefect Yuu is right, I am baby.” the smug tone was just barely heard through Ortho’s normal frequency of cheer. Looking up his bright yellow eyes meet Yuu’s, “Oh! Just so you know, Ace told the rest of us what was going on in our group chat. Though Crewel-Sensei told me that no one was supposed to know. In his defense though, the timestamps show Ace gave the information before Crewel-Sensei gave the order to not tell anyone.” 
Yuu looks over to their phone on the nightstand, groaning at the wall of texts they’re sure is waiting for them, “God damn it.”
Sighing, Crewel waved his hand, “This is very cute, but Ortho you’re here for medical purposes. Let’s not get distracted.”
“Right!” Ortho stands up straight, holding out a hand as his other arm morphs to produce a syringe. “Prefect Yuu, may I have your arm to take a blood sample?”
Even though it looked like that was the last thing Yuu wanted to do, they managed to remove their arm from the blanket cocoon to place in Ortho’s waiting hand. Looking away while Ortho set to work finding a vein.
Crewel walked to the bed, grabbing a potion from his coat and uncorking it in one fluid movement, “How are you feeling, pup?”
“Like I’m in pain. The same as two hours ago. What kind of fucking question-” A fork full of pasta and sauce was shoved into their mouth, cutting them off from cussing out their teacher/father. Azul smiled timidly when Yuu’s glare snapped to him. Muttering through their food as they chewed, “Don’t you ever fucking try to silence me with pasta, again.”
Waiting until Yuu had swallowed and taken a breath, Crewel shoved the opening of the potion bottle to Yuu’s mouth and forcibly made them drink it, taking care to not justle their arm while Ortho drew blood. He adored his pup. But he was not going to sit idle and let them bark at him like they had the right, “That’s nice sweetie. Take your medicine, you’ll feel better.”
He only let up once the flask was empty, pulling away and placing the glass back into his coat. Yuu’s glare slowly softens, tense body finally relaxing in Azul’s nervous hold. They sigh, dropping their head into the crook of Azul’s neck, nosing into the flushed skin before pulling away to rest their cheek on his shoulder, “Sorry…about threatening your life and stuff. Forgot how bad cramps were…”
Azul, slowly wrapped his arms around them, nuzzling into their hair, “It’s…ok? So long as you’re feeling better now. Were you truly in that much pain?”
Floyd hums from the doorway, folding his arms, “I guess I can give you a pass then. I don’t like being in pain either, it’d make me just as crabby as you’ve been…”
Jade nodded from his corner, but made no move to come closer, “And it’s been nearly 6 hours since the supposed start of all of this. Does the pain really last the whole cycle?”
Yuu nods, “Yeah…I normally take pain meds when I realize it’s started so I don’t feel the worst of it. I take another dose either daily or just when I feel the first dose wearing off. But I didn’t have any potions in the house so I was gonna nap it off until Sam got my order.”
“All done!” Ortho spoke up, the vial of blood being placed in a secondary pouch for safety. Morphing his hand back, he placed his hands on Yuu’s lower stomach, tingles of something pulsing from Ortho’s fingers as he performed another scan, “In the most scientific phrasing you can, tell me what’s going on so I can add it to your file.”
Without missing a beat, Yuu answered, “My vagina is internally peeling and the liquidated lining is being pushed out.”
Ortho closed his eyes and stood up straight, arms resting at his sides. Turning around he walked out of the room, brushing past Floyd and closing the door behind him.
“...” Azul looked at Yuu, the horror from earlier that day returning to his face full force, “Your what is what now!?”
The sound of Jade’s pencil scratching at the notepad starts up again, muttering under his breath about needing more paper. Rushing to the desk and flipping through notebooks for a clean page.
Floyd simply looked sick by the door, the visual refusing to leave his mind.
“You know…” Crewel chuckled under his breath, more annoyed than mirthful, “That would have been a wonderful nugget of knowledge to have two hours ago.”
“I would have loved to not be in pain for half the day, but we don’t all get the raisin butter, do we?”
“It is really that different here?”
“Does blood come gushing out of female anatomy for a week? No, no it doesn’t. Yes, it’s different, puppy.”
Yuu sat quietly, looking down before raising their gaze back to Crewel, “I should probably learn more about the biology of this place…”
Crewel shook his head, annoyance clear in his expression while he pulled out folders from his bag, “Yeah you really should.” muttering under his breath about a ‘Dumb adorable dog’ as he slapped the papers on the bedspread, “So to start, there is a similar process-”
Floyd, opens the door, “Yeah, I’m leaving I’m bored and kinda freaked out.”
“Bye, Floyd! Sorry for punching you again.”
“Bye, Shrimpy~! Don’t bleed out!” He slammed the door behind him.
Jade sighed, standing from the armchair, “I should make sure he’s not doing anything too destructive. Best of luck to yourself, Yuu.”
Yuu waves to him while he leaves the room. They look to Azul, raising an eyebrow in question, “You wanna leave too?”
Azul mused for a moment. Female health classes weren’t something he was required to know, nor wanted to know. Anatomy in the Coral Sea was extensive enough, adding on surface world versions couldn’t be too different in hindsight. He might need the info later on in his life, maybe for a deal. Maybe to use it for a creative writing class, would Yuu find it distasteful if he wrote about their period in a horror setting?
“I’ll stay.”
“Fine.” Crewel smacked his crop in his hand, twirling it to make the papers float and act as a PowerPoint, “Since you scared away the Shroud boy, I’ll have to do it this way.” Pointing toward a digraph of a uterus he spoke, “Luckily enough everything seems to be the same hardware-wise if your previous medical scans are anything to go by. Though, because you don’t have magic in your world, your bodies evolved a more… physical process.”
“Are you seriously telling me you bitches don’t get periods because you have magic?”
Azul slowly lifted a forkful of food to Yuu’s mouth, shakingly offering it like a sacrifice. He found that food was an easy way to calm their seemingly blind rage. He’d have to ask Jade for his notes later since he was too busy trying to keep Yuu and Floyd from fighting each other. He softly breathes a sigh of relief when Yuu lets him stuff the food into their mouth.
Crewel watched the exchange silently before continuing, “Yes…The process here is done normally after a day at most. The body’s natural magic will flare up and revitalize the uterus lining instead of…removing it.” He waved his crop, a photo of a body and various systems replacing the first example, “As I’ve told you before, everyone in Twisted Wonderland has magic naturally in their body’s cells simply from the magical byproduct of our world. So even if someone can not do magic, their body can still store magic to perform such cycles. It’s why scarring is so rare. Seeing how with modern medicine and the body’s cell restorative magic, healing has reached an almost perfect standard.”
Yuu was quiet, looking over the visual examples as Crewel continued his impromptu lecture. Leaning forward, they sighed out for so long it had morphed into a cry. They simply pushed away from Azul, ignoring him when he tried to comfort them. Turning away, they landed face first into the mattress and cried into their pillow. Through their sobs, muffled by the cushion they yelled, “This fucking sucks! I can’t even bitch with anyone else about how much this hurts!”
Azul looked at them in worry, barely noticing the red smears on his pants, “My pearl? Do you want pasta? Pasta makes it better right?”
“Azul, I’m getting real tired of you trying to feed me. I’m not a fucking wild horse you can soothe with delightful seafood pasta!”
Crewel raised an eyebrow, gesturing to the offered bowl in Azul’s shaking hands, “So do you not want the pasta-”
“Yes, I want the fucking pasta!”
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ventique18 · 7 months
Book 7, Chapter 7, Episode 106
Ortho wakes up as a projection in STYX. His mama tells him that his body was completely destroyed, but they managed to salvage his core. She also informed him that his two dogs were also killed, which made Ortho sad because he was hoping to return safe and sound with them.
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Mama Shroud: "Once the magic domain is lifted, we'll definitely salvage their parts. Then mama will fix them up right as rain."
Then Ortho apologizes to his parents. It seems he feels like he's been a burden. Mama cuts him off though.
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Mama Shroud: "What are you saying! As long as you're safe and sound, nothing else matters."
Papa Shroud: "Welcome home, Ortho. We're glad you're back."
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Ortho: "... Mm. I'm home."
And they hugged Ortho's projection. Omfg, my heart, my heart...
Then Ortho remembers his mission. What happened to the anchors? They tell him that Ortho fulfilled his mission, and that the data is now handed over to the analysis team. Malleus' domain is multi-layered and incredibly complex.
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"It reminds me of Subject F's... I mean, the ancient magic casted on Grim."
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"However, with Briar Valley's cooperation, we were quickly able to understand how the spell was constructed."
(They were able to contact grandma Maleficia?)
Ortho celebrates. What wonderful results! But then papa Shroud mutters the opposite; this is actually terrible.
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Ortho: "Eh? Why? Didn't you manage to uncover how Malleus Draconia's magic domain works?"
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"Malleus Draconia needs to voluntarily let up the domain himself. Because there's a 99.8% chance that the domain is indestructible, unless the caster himself is eliminated."
Mama Shroud further explains that within the domain, even reality itself twists in favor of Malleus' wishes. Even if you take all the strength of every powerful magic cannon in the world to break the barrier, once inside, you're still completely powerless.
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Mama Shroud: "We might stand a chance if we could deploy 100,000 Cerberus Gears at once, but..."
Mama Shroud: "But before mama could make a hundred thousand autopilot Cerberus Gears, the entire world would be swallowed up by the domain first."
Papa Shroud adds that everyone within the domain has their minds completely entrapped and are stuck in their own dreams. The domain is holding their souls hostage. There, "dreams" are "reality". So,
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"If you forcefully destroy the magic domain, there's a possibility that everyone trapped within will have their souls destroyed as well."
Ortho liken this to a large server where if destroyed, then all data within are destroyed as well.
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"In other words, "Persuade Malleus in some way or another, have him release his domain, and set everyone free.""
"... That's the only solution."
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bluesylveon2 · 6 months
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The Shroud family is so funny and precious 😂😭
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iirc I think you said you don’t like Trey and Malleus’s hair but somehow excuse Rollo’s hair 😨 so where does everyone else stand if you were judging them based only on physical appearance?
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Disclaimers: I'm not including any Yuus (like, from the manga), mob students, reused assets (ie ghosts and pixies), or characters that we've only gotten the silhouettes for (that means no Mrs. Rosehearts, no Farena/Falena, no Zigvolt parents, etc.). I am only giving my thoughts on the looks of named characters with fully realized designs. If there is a significant variation of their hairstyle I like, I'll make note of it. Additionally, I will be commenting on general style rather than on individual outfits. This also involves official in-game artwork only; it is NOT inclusive of merch artwork or fan art since those can vary widely.
These are my opinions, please don't take them too seriously. I think all the designs work as is to convey the background and personality of each character, but everyone will have different tastes and preferences in terms of visual design; these are just mine! (And remember, just because I may like how a character looks doesn’t mean I like the character overall!!)
***PLEASE NOTE: This post contains spoilers for the main story and events that have yet to be released in EN!!***
Jade - I'll admit that it took me a while to get used to his haircut (I typically don't go for the super short bangs), but it grew on me! I really like his face in particular; it can be very calm and pleasant but also mischievous and sinister. When he's angry or upset, it's much more subtle and hard to read in his face. That's something I can really appreciate. It all works very well with his neat, tidy, and unassuming appearance.
Jamil, Najma - THE VIPER FAMILY HAS SUCH GOOD GENES, just look at their luscious hair and mysterious, dark eyes... They dress so well too, I love all the hair accessories and flowy fabrics the Viper siblings have.
Meleanor - Malleus's mom has got it goin' on 🙃 She really kills the warrior princess look! Very imposing, yet elegant. I can totally understand why Lilia used to crush on her.
Fellow - Not usually a fan of gingers (and nor do I simp for fox man), but there's just something so charming about Fellow's face. I think it's the eyes and his self-assured, fun-loving smile. His outfit's snazzy and he makes it work so well! I especially like the cravat, spats, and the cape hanging off one shoulder.
Leona - OKAY FINE I'LL ADMIT HE'S HANDSOME, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW????? 😭 As much as I want to wrestle Leona, I have to admit that he has a very striking face (especially when he smirks) and powerful presence. He knows how to command a room (and he’s just about the threshold of muscle I’m willing to accept). I'm not really into hair past shoulder length or how he usually dresses, but what I think is the coolest about him are his eyes. It feels like they'll follow you everywhere. Ponytail Leona is the best Leona, in my opinion.
Ortho - I was debating between putting Ortho in "Cool" or "Cute", but ultimately went with "Cool" because he by far has the most unique look of the entire cast. I love learning about his different Gears and their functions, each one different than the last. I don't find the pale skin and blue hair as off-putting on Ortho as I do on Idia, and I think that's because Ortho's more child-like.
Crowley - His aesthetic is nice! I find the bird mask really goofy and his hair a literal rat's nest (DON'T @ ME, IT LOOKS LIKE LIMP SEAWEED), but his suit and cape are so dapper! All the keys and mirrors would look gaudy on any other character, but they fit so well for Crowley. The extra shiny details give him an air of mystery, like threads of light peeking through the dark.
Trein- Trein's robes and cravat make him look so classy and regal! The colors also remind me of Edgeworth from Ace Attorney-- He looks very stern at first glance, but when he gives his little smiles you can tell how much he really cares.
Sam - He's way overdressed for running an on-campus school general store but hey, it works for him. There's lots of little details I enjoy in his design, from the stitching on his top hat to the locs he sports.
Lucius, Grim - LIL' KITTY CATS 🥺 I especially think Grim is adorable whenever he gets a new themed bow or a whole ass outfit like in the Halloween events!
Chenya - His haircut is so uneven but I commend his style. Chenya's look isn't too busy; his jewelry and decorative patches are spread out so they don't crowd for your attention. Gotta love those callbacks to Alice in Wonderland! This might sound weird, but there's power in his plain white shirt half-buttoned and loosely tucked into his pants; it gives the right amount of casualness to feel "accidentally stylish". There's also just something really whimsical about how cat-like his facial expressions and gestures are. It's quite endearing!
Ruggie - His hair looks perfect for ruffling! The fact that he often dresses in hand-me-downs and Leona's oversized clothing makes him appear "small" and even cuter. Pair that with Ruggie's crooked little smile, and it's perfect. I like that his build is lankier than those of the other Savanaclaw students; it makes him appear less intimidating on an initial evaluation.
Cheka - Have you SEEN Cheka?????? How does your heart not melt at the sight of him 😭 I adore his little :3 face and how he shines when he's innocently asking Ojitan to hang out with him...
Floyd - I feel like I kind of have to put Floyd in "Cute" since he's Jade's twin. Floyd just places lower because I find his eye shape less cute and his personal style doesn't really align with my tastes.
Kalim - This type of hair isn't usually my jam, but Kalim dresses it up well with a headband/scarf (?) and jewerly. When he moves, I imagine that the jewelry is jingling its own song. Kalim always seems to be smiling, so just looking at him puts me in a good mood too. His fashion choices tend to be extravagant and not very viable for everyday wear, but it's fine as long as Jamil stops him from making impulsive decisions.
Rook - I actually don't like his bob (I prefer it in an awkward little ponytail), but his face--especially the mouth--is beautiful. I BEG OF YOU, LOOK AT HIS CEREMONIAL ROBES GROOVY. Rook can be so expressive, it's like he's a one-man play. Alas... He looks naked without a hat :(( but I appreciate the mystery of covering up his limbs for the most part so we can’t see how truly muscular he is.
Lilia - Peepaw really stands out from the rest of Diasomnia; he doesn't come off as scary right away, he just relished in how adorable he is and is confident in that. Lilia's shorter stature and more experimental style certainly plays into that uniqueness too. It's fun to see what he comes up with! I especially love that he wears more traditionally feminine things like tulle skirts and gathered fabrics, and even dyes his hair and paints his nails in various colors. The cut itself is a bit of a clusterfuck when I first saw it, but I've really grown fond of it over time. It's such a bright expression of who Lilia is. I can't say if I prefer his long ponytail or the shorter trim; both are good!
Sebek - Like Jade, Sebek is also very well-put together. I like him with both his hair up and down; each has its unique appeal! With his hair up, Sebek appears much fiercer. With his hair down, he reminds me more of a puppy drenched from the rain. I feel like even though his face can be menacing, his smile overpowers how scary he can be. It feels so pure, clashing with his usual attitude... (His pathetic/sad expressions are also cute, but don't let him know I said that.)
Marja - Sweet granny... She looks so kind and cozy, I just wanna give her a hug.
Rollo - I’m a bowl cut apologist, what of it 😭 I like how he's so straight-laced and proper in his dress. It goes together with his face very well. Moreover, the dark eye bags and pinched, stern mouth only add to his charm. Rollo can go from neutral to devious smirk to a flash of anger--it's so interesting to observe how his face contorts.
Gidel - He looks like a mix of Ruggie and Cheka, so by default Gidel goes in "Cute". His oversized sleeves, patchwork pants, and mismatched socks give him such character!
Dylla - ANOTHER ATTRACTIVE MOM!!! Her clothing is more on the tomboyish side, but she still wears them well. Dylla's face in particular is really stunning; I get a mature big sis vibe from her.
Ace, Deuce- The most generic hair styles of the entire cast. I don’t have much else to remark on. What I will say is that I prefer Deuce’s hair slicked back (which happens in a lot of gan arts) more than his standard hair.
Azul - I don't know how else to say this, but I think Azul is handsome but in heavily regulated manner... to the point where it doesn't feel natural?? Like yes, he obviously cares about his appearance, it just feels "too" controlled of a narrative to me. The same goes for his smiles. Like Eliza says, he does it too much, so it feels fake.
Crewel - His hair and mostly monochromatic color scheme with splashes of crimson is cool, but I'm not into his clothing. It's very jarring to see his hair and vest color blocked, and I don't find his big flashy fur coat appealing.
Neige - He's wearing such an ugly sweater, but the innocence of his face evens things out. I find Neige cute in that generically sweet way, and for that I cannot place him higher than "Mid".
Epel- Same "generically sweet" cuteness as Neige. I do like his colors though.
Silver - Also has very generic hair. Silver just looks like Some Guy to me (although I will say his lopsided smile is cute). I’m slightly put off by the super muscular arms in his PE uniform too.
Eliza - I think Eliza could be a lot more appealing if they hadn't presented her to us in such a different style. Like the generic ghost NPCs, she's drawn more like a western cartoon rather than like an anime so she feels "off" from the rest of the named cast. Because there isn't unity between her and the characters she is shown with, Eliza sticks out like a sore thumb. I gotta hand it to her though, she still slays in that tattered wedding dress.
Fairy Queen - Love how the buns in her hair resemble roses, and how her entire body looks like it's golden and glowing from within. I wish her dress was more detailed though, more fitting for a queen.
Don't Like, but Could be Worse
Riddle - ROACH ANTENNAE........ . .. ... . . .... . ...... . .. . . . .. .... . .. Oh, and he looks so funky when he gets all red in the face.
Vil - For as much as we're told he's beautiful, I don't find Vil's brand of beauty to be digestible. He comes off too strongly, if that makes sense??? 20 cm heels, face beat to the gods with makeup, carrying himself at all times like there's a camera pointed at him and he has to pose 24/7 (look at most of his groovies)... It's hard for me to get behind that, it feels too overwhelming.
Eric Venue - My guy has the same sort of severe-ish facial structure as his son. Also not a fan of facial hair.
Seven Dwarves - I find most of the dwarves way too cartoonish, and not in a cute way. I think the only design I genuinely find okayish is Timmy (the timid dwarf).
Ambrose - He's an older gentleman in his wizard Halloween costume. I find his design sort of... generic??? But I'm knocking him down a little because I also find his overall appearance to be goofy and unflattering.
Shroud parents - Cool helmets, but I wish we actually got to see their faces.
Baul - I find Sebek's hair color more pleasing to the eye. Baul has a lot of other elements that Sebek doesn't (due to Baul being full fae and Sebek being half), and I find that they overcomplicate his design. It's hard for me to focus on his face because there's just so much to take in, from the scaley beard and more voluminous hair to the fangs and pointed ears.
Dawn Knight - This is the "bro, can I copy your homework" / "sure, but be sure to change it a little so the teacher doesn't notice" meme. I wish the Dawn Knight wasn't just long-haired, recolored Silver (with the exact same voice actor too). I would place the Dawn Knight in "Mid", but that armor is not doing him any favors. It's way too excessive with all the wings.
Kifaji - The big brows and the really long goatee make me go "???"
Actively Dislike
Trey - His hair reminds me of a freshly mowed lawn. Trey's design is otherwise inoffensive to me, but that hair color and cut are bringing him down so much. The only memorable thing about how he presents are those rare moments when he whips out his one brow raised smirks, and even then I think he looks slightly silly and it's hard to take him seriously.
Cater - Again, it's the hair for me. I like it better when it's all down (like in his Club Wear card). In his usual hairdo, there's a middle segment that's weirdly pulled back from the rest of his face in a... scruffy ponytail??? That really bothers me. I don't vibe with his usual style of dress or how he presents himself either, it's a bit too... lax?? (I know I said the same thing about Floyd, but he looks similar to Jade and therefore gets a pass).
Jack - He commits the sin of having a confusingly styled mullet and has a muscular physique which don't bode well for my tastes. I guess he does have those "looks intimidating, but is actually a softie at heart" vibes going for him, but I just cannot look past the haircut I'M SORRY.
Malleus - I'm not into super pale emo/goth guys, and Malleus somehow presents as even more of that than Idia. He dresses in mostly black (and while there is a lore reason for this, that doesn't make me like the color any more or less), has a sort of mopey face (I guess it's supposed to be elegant, but I don't perceive it as that), and dear god that haircut and the ashy grey lips… It doesn’t help that the expressions he makes (particularly on his birthday cards) give really strong “are u lost bby ghorl” energy and that weirds me out 💀 So many things about him just don't work for me.
Vargas - Too muscular. Also not a fan of facial hair or athletic wear. Vargas doesn't seem to have a very keen fashion sense either, judging by the outfits he put together for his camp events.
Heinrich - His face is very grotesque and twists into making some of the most comedically evil and smug expressions I've ever witnessed in all of TWST.
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bl0rbohandbag · 7 months
One of this update’s highlights is how clearly they establish that robot/humanoid Ortho and organic/deceased/phantom Ortho are BOTH loved, individually, as their own respective people and that humanoid Ortho isn’t just a replacement, he’s not a fake.
The worry from the Shroud parents over Ortho while he was in Malleus’ domain expansion and Idia rejecting dream Ortho by saying he only has two little brothers 🥺 I am so normal about this. Probably one of my favorite updates in chapter 7 so far.
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miyuki-fenn · 9 months
A Christmas at S.T.Y.X!!
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This is a secret Santa gift I did for my friend Angel in a twst discord server! With all the shroud family bein' happy, including Ortho 1.0 who got Star Rouge 2 as his gift Bc dammit they gotta be happy!! It also includes 3 of my OCs, Mel, Fero and Fovos, who are twsted from Meg, Pain and Panic!
The star rouge 2 cover was designed by me! Honestly I went a lil overboard with it but dammit I'm proud of it. Also Smeega is in reference to Mr. Smee, I thought it was silly Here's the full version of the cover!
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luxthestrange · 2 years
TWST Incorrect quotes#226 YUU NOO!
Yuuken*Knocks in the door to Yuu's room*
Yuu: Who is it?*From the other side of the room*
Yuuken*Enters before he is given the ok*Hey, Lil Sib I know it's late, but I really need to talk-...AAAAARRRGHHHAaaa!?-
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Yuu pull the covers over their chest looking with a nervous smile...as they are between a shirtless Idia and malleus who also look awkwardly at a frozen Yuuken
Yuuken: Baby child, no!!!*Covering his eyes*
Yuu: Yuuken...
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Yuu: Yuuken!
Yuuken: You, Them, here OOOH, I need a moment!...*Takes a breath and looks at the wall with a neutral forced face and trembling lip*...I'm an adult...I can handle this...I'm okay...
Yuuken slowly turns his head around back to the trio...still in bed who smile back awkwardly at him...malleus even waving
Yuuken: Baby child, no!
Idia: Yukken, will you keep it down?!
Yuuken: I'm not ready to talk to you yet,young man's!*Pointing at Idia and Mal with an authoritative tone*
Crow: What happened? I heard screaming!-Oh...*Coming in his "Papa Hen" shirt*
Grim*Coming in with a baby onesie and yawning, too sleepy to see what's really going on*What's this, a pajama party? Hey, scooch over-Nyeh!*Was grabbed by Crowley and turned to not see what was really going on*
Crew*Coming in with a whip and worried tone*What is going on?...*Looks at the trio with a disappointed gaze*Ew...
Eliza*Who was staying in one of the rooms, surprised with a smirk at you*Hey~
Yuuken: Okay, that's it!*Pushing the others out the door* Everybody out, Everybody out!
Crew: Move it, Princess, Right now. Everybody-Come on birdbrain*Grabbing Crowley too out of the room*
Yuuken: Okay, Yuu, I just wanna say...that I am hurt, And I don't think...that baby siblings are supposed to do w-what...-Oh, my sevens, I just got a mental picture!
Yuuken: Get out! Get out!*Hitting his head while he sobs out of the room*
...Maybe next time do it in Diasomnia...or Ignyhide?...
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harunayuuka2060 · 9 months
MC: *is on a video call with Idia's parents*
MC: Good day, Mr. Shroud and Mrs. Shroud.
Mama Shroud: Eh~? Just call me "Auntie" or it would be better if it's "Mama"~.
Papa Shroud: Boss, please.
Mama Shroud: What?
MC: *smiles genuinely* Thank you, Auntie.
Mama Shroud: *squeals* Papa! Look at them!
Papa Shroud: Yes, yes. I could see them just fine, boss.
Mama Shroud: Anyway, MC? On your next vacation, wouldn't you like to spend it with Idia here at S.T.Y.X? I'm sure he'll be happy!
MC: But... Isn't the place top secret?
Mama Shroud: Oh that's fine~! Anything for our dear Idia!
Idia: *joining the call* No. We're going to spend our vacation binge-watching anime and playing games.
Mama Shroud: Oh? But how about Ortho? Hm?
Idia: ...
Papa Shroud: Well, I understand that you wouldn't like it here.
Idia: No, no. Don't guilt trip us.
Papa Shroud: You've been like this ever since you were little.
Papa Shroud: This is making me sad, boss.
MC: ...
MC: Well, I wouldn't mind as long as Idia and Ortho would tag along.
Idia: Ugh! No-
Mama Shroud: Idia, don't make me delete your folders.
Idia: ...
Idia: Fine. *leaves the call*
Mama Shroud: Oh I'm excited! You don't mind staying in Idia's room, right?
Papa Shroud: Boss.
MC: Idia, are you upset?
Idia: I'm not. But my parents are playing matchmakers. Smh.
MC: My parents were like that whenever I had a new friend.
Idia: Oh?
MC: They were, hm, how should I put this?
Idia: Supportive?
MC: Yes. I wish they were a bit more strict.
Idia: Lol. No, you wouldn't want that. Trust me.
Cater: MC, pleeaaase~? I beg you to have a friendly date with my guy Trey.
Trey: Cater, no-
MC: ...
MC: I don't mind hanging out.
Cater: See? I told you! They would say yes!
Ace: Because you said it's a friendly date, senpai.
Trey: ...
Trey: What do you think about going to my parents' after school?
Deuce: Is... Clover-senpai using this as an opportunity?
Riddle: Trey, you will get your heart broken. Don't get your hopes up.
Ace: Don't listen to Riddle-housewarden! He also has a secret crush on MC!
Riddle: You-
MC: ...
Riddle: MC, no! That isn't true!
MC: ...
MC: *smiles* Okay.
Cater: Nuuuuuuu! Riddle got subtly rejected!
Riddle: ...
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ocean-candy-fish · 1 year
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Papa and Mama Shroud....❤️‍🔥💀
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kurakuradon · 2 years
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twst oc: papa shroud
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twstfanblog · 7 months
*During the Culinary Crucible*
🎮: I-is it good?
🔪: Oh, I forgot I was judging. No, this is awful, but that's not what I was thinking about.
🎮: O-oh...
♥️: Fuck you. We worked hard on that dish. What are you even thinking about?
🔪: How much money does this fucking school have?
🔪: There's a fucking barn and windwill on campus but apparently wer'e too poor to have to pay actual staff for like 90% of the faculty?
🐶: Puppy, just judge the slop. 1.
🍩: It was edible. 4
🔪: Can I give -5 points?
♥️: Oh, fuck you.
🔪: Who eats Vegetable Mousse????
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ventique18 · 7 months
Book 7, Chapter 7, Episode 105
There's 20 seconds left before Ortho's time limit. He's not going to make it! But mama and papa Shroud haven't given up; they're deploying everything in their arsenal in order to retrieve Ortho at all costs. The scientists are panicking and are advising that their system will burn down if they crank it up further, but papa Shroud shouts that he doesn't give a damn. Do it! Whether it be 10 seconds, even 3 seconds-- it's enough. They just need to distract Malleus so he'd turn his attention to his domain itself rather than Ortho.
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Papa Shroud: "Aim at the magic domain! ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK!!"
The earthquake was STYX assaulting Malleus' barrier! Now's Ortho's chance!
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Ortho: "Magic thruster, full burst!"
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Malleus: "... Wha--?!"
Go Ortho, go! Now papa Shroud orders to cease fire and focus on defense instead. Get ready for Malleus' counterattack!
... But...
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"... ORTHO has reached its activity limit. System down. Unable to establish signal!"
Mom and dad are in disbelief. But then they get a call from one of their deployed teams. They've retrieved Ortho at sea! They discover that his body was destroyed, but his core is unharmed. He's also managed to bring all the anchors with him.
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Mama and papa shroud collapse in relief. Omfg, they're so lovely...
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Mama Shroud: "Really... Even if I were to have multiple hearts, they will never be enough..."
Papa Shroud: "What a coincidence, mama... I think the same..."
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"... Tch. Clever little humans."
"No matter. How ever many times they turn up, uninvited guests will always be turned away."
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"Again and again, no matter how many times..."
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callmemoonstone · 5 months
My design for Papa and Mama Shroud
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I thought about giving Mama Shroud dark brown hair but I ended up making it pink lmao.
The hair clips she wears are gifts from Idia and Ortho when they were little lol.
Also, what are y'all's headcanons for them, I'm curious.
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