#vampire king and their baby bat....
notsomeloncholy · 9 months
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It's Halloween month that means baby bat time 🦇
This started as quick redraw of the rightmost sketch but I got...carried away. But here!!!
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2021->2023 💚 i am quite happy w the direction my art's taken!!
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puppetmaster13u · 26 days
Prompt 315
We all know the idea of Danny getting adopted by one of the batfam. But hear me out: Danny gets adopted by Vampire Dick Grayson. 
Danny honestly, did not mean to dimension hop, nor did he mean to get this injured in the first place, where his vision is spinning and there’s greenRedGreenGreenGREEN spilling from his body like he’s melting from the inside. He didn’t mean to get caught, he just didn’t want Dan to happen again, not again and the GIW had seen him flying and- 
And now he’s here, wherever here is, smoke in his lungs making it even harder to breathe than it was before. And there’s a shadow approaching, a flicker of crimson in his blurry vision, and there’s claws tilting his head and then something burns- 
Dick? Call it nostalgia perhaps, seeing this small child, so much like his little wing and baby bird once were, white streak and corpse-pale skin and all. He just wished for his dear brothers to join him, that’s all he wanted, and perhaps Damian won’t be so bitey if he got a friend…
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words-of-wonderland · 2 months
this track produces the undeniable desire to join a vampyric cult and dedicate my life to the pursuit of aesthetic perfection
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bokuwahyde-fanpage · 2 years
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Some ocs are easy to draw. They sit still, pose, and show you every detail of their outfit. They are polite and enjoy having their portrait done. Thus they have a lot of art collected of them.
Some ocs get bored halfway through and leave the studio and now you can’t get their hair right, face shape, nose or remember what they were wearing. This is frustrating and often results in unfinished and unsatisfactory sketches. 
Then there’s the bastards that wont sit still. The ones that refuse to let you get a good look at them. The ones that you can’t even get into the room half the time. It doesn’t matter how beloved they are, how long you’ve known them, what the rest of their personality is like, as soon as you pick up a pencil they bolt. They HATE getting their portrait done and there’s next to nothing you can do about it. 
I have this vampire oc that happens to be a king and he does not sit still. At all. I cannot draw him. I know what he looks like, I can see him, but he won’t let me draw him. But finally, FINALLY, I got him. 
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Turns out the noble king sits still when he’s being a bat. 
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dragutvampiri · 2 years
Tag Dump
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megalony · 10 months
Say It Again
This is my first Aegon Targaryen imagine, I hope you all like it. any requests and feedback would be lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps @justagirlthatlovedtoread
Summary: During an awkward family dinner, Aegon is willing to sit back and bite his tongue at his nephew's disrespect. But when that disrespect is aimed at his wife, he cannot stand by.
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"Are you sure you are well enough to attend dinner?"
"Aegon… I know what you're trying to do." (Y/n) looked down at her hands before she dared to look up at her husband. She raised a brow when he only smiled before attaching his lips to her neck like a starved vampire.
It would be a more fitting excuse for Aegon to say that they couldn't attend dinner tonight because (Y/n) didn't feel well enough. No one would bat an eyelid at them being absent from supper, given that (Y/n) was eight moons pregnant. And it wouldn't be frowned upon if Aegon didn't attend either and stayed to care for his wife. It was a better excuse than saying the future King didn't want to be around his family and would rather stay in his room with his wife and a jug of wine.
"And I know what you are like, dear wife. I seem to recall the maids interrupting dinner last week to tell me you'd fallen." He liked the way (Y/n) groaned beneath him when he kissed her jaw and hovered his lips over hers before pulling back when she leaned up to try and connect their lips.
His hand roamed across the expanse of her stomach and squeezed her curved hip before he shifted off the sofa and stood up. If they truly were going to attend then they needed to leave now before they were late. His mother would have his head if they were late, again.
"They were fussing," (Y/n) mumbled quietly as she held her hands out towards Aegon, a pleading look in her wide eyes to ask him to help her up.
It hadn't been as bad as the two maids had made it seem and (Y/n) flushed in embarrassment from the panic she had inadvertently caused. She hadn't felt well enough to attend dinner last week and when her foot caught on one of the many tables in her and Aegon's chambers, she went down with a thud that alerted the maids. The most damage was done to the table which legs had snapped, whereas (Y/n) only had a bruise or two and a sore hip.
The maids insisted on getting Aegon when (Y/n) felt too sick and dizzy to stand and both Aegon and his mother had come running just as (Y/n) started to feel better.
Aegon had barely left her side since.
"You hurt yourself," Aegon corrected, but he indulged her with a charming smile and gently pulled (Y/n) up to her feet.
His arm secured itself in its usual place around (Y/n)'s lower waist so his hand, clad with golden rings, could spread out against the expanse of her stomach. As much as (Y/n) loved how close Aegon was to her now she was pregnant and how it made it hard for him to keep his hands off her, she was ready to have this baby now. The constant aches and pains, the burning in her chest and the sickness she was still feeling, were growing tiresome. (Y/n) wanted her baby in her arms.
(Y/n) felt her stomach fluttering as if the babe could feel her adoration when Aegon pressed his lips longingly to the top of her head before they entered the dining room, apprehensive of what was going to happen tonight.
Everyone else was just filtering into the room, but at least the King hadn't arrived yet. Then they really would have been late if they arrived after him.
(Y/n) took her seat next to Aemond with Aegon on her right and a soft smile formed on her lips when she noticed her husband inch his chair closer until their arms brushed when he sat down. It was almost laughable how ungentlemanly Aegon sat, he slouched as if he wasn't the future king but an errand boy already tired of his job. His back slouched down in his chair, he brought one foot up to rest on the bottom of his seat and he propped his chin up on his hand.
It was a very enticing pose, one that made (Y/n)'s heart skip a beat, even if everyone else around the table glared and glanced at him with odd looks. Of course no one would say anything, what could they say? He wasn't going to act with etiquette just because people frowned at him.
Just the sight of the food made (Y/n) feel her stomach do summersaults and she knew if she ate a lot tonight it was only going to come back up later. She couldn't eat much, she would face Aegon's wrath of worry later. When a waiter leaned between her and Helaena and placed down a rather large plate of meat, the smell hit (Y/n)'s nose in an instant and her hand moved to press to her nose to try and block it. The smell would usually make her mouth water but now it made bile rise at the back of her throat that was tightening and she was almost gagging at the sight and smell.
"Will you try to eat something, for me?" Aegon's voice was so quiet (Y/n) barely heard the words that dripped into her ear like melted butter. He knew how to tease her and worm his way around her and he wasn't afraid to show it in public, either.
He perched his chin on her shoulder and pressed a butterfly kiss just beneath her jaw, feeling the way (Y/n) held her breath when he did so.
The longer (Y/n) went without eating, the worse she was going to make herself feel and the more she was going to worry Aegon. He had barely gotten through the first few months when (Y/n) hardly ate anything and spiked his worry to a peak.
Everyone knew that (Y/n) was Aegon's one weakness. She could calm him down from the most sour of moods, make him smile when others had only seen him frown and make him laugh when people only saw him cry. When (Y/n) was happy, Aegon was over the moon and when she was ill, Aegon was reduced to worrisome thoughts and troubled nights.
(Y/n) put a few sweet meats and a small lump of potatos on her plate because she knew that as long as she picked at something and tried to eat, Aegon wouldn't worry. And she could feel him smiling into her neck already because she was doing as he so politely requested.
Before a servant passing behind them had chance to reach the table, Aegon reached over and took the jug of wine from his hands with a smile and a curt nod.
He already knew that he was going to need more wine than this to get himself through this dinner.
There was no point them all being here, pretending to play happy families and everyone knew it. Aegon knew his mother hadn't forgiven his father for his lenience towards Rhaeynera and her bastard children and Aegon couldn't blame her. Not that it mattered very much to him, if things went the way his father had always said they would, then Aegon would never be in line for the throne, it would pass to Rhaeynera and her bastard offspring. That was how he wanted it. But something always told him he might see the crown one day and it was a frightening thought.
Aegon filled (Y/n)'s glass and his own but kept the jug very close to his plate, he wasn't sharing when he was going to be consuming a lot of wine tonight.
"Here, cheers."
The sarcasm that dripped from her husband's voice made (Y/n) shiver and she could feel his free hand roaming over her thigh, at any moment he would probably hike her dress skirt up like he normally did just to tease her since they were with company.
(Y/n) took a few sips before putting it down and leaning back in her chair, rubbing her hands over her enlarged stomach.
It took all (Y/n) had not to groan or sigh when she listened to Rhaeynera give her little speech about Alicent. Of course she would now give her old friend praise, but it was too little too late. Everyone knew of Rhaeynera's misdeeds, it was evident any time someone so much as glanced at her disrespectful offspring.
(Y/n) was just pleased that none of them were here in the Red Keep for long, her sons were insufferable and their constant bickering and tormenting was tiresome. Especially when they riled Aemond up for no good reason and that in turn brought Aegon into his brother's defense and he could be crude and ruthless when he wanted to be.
"Let me know when you want to go," Aegon took the liberty to pour himself another glass while his lips tickled over (Y/n)'s cheek and travelled across the shell of her ear, making her shiver.
She wanted to leave already but it wouldn't be polite to go when everyone was in the middle of eating. Aegon always said it didn't matter what everyone else thought or said, he would leave with her from any event if she wanted to go. But (Y/n) didn't want the fuss or the glares or whispers of they left too soon.
(Y/n) found herself drifting off into her own world, all the noises drowning out into static while the only thing that kept her grounded was the feel of Aegon's hand rubbing up and down her thigh. Occasionally squeezing the flesh like he was moulding clay between his fingertips. Leaning to the right, (Y/n) tucked her face into Aegon's neck and hooked her hand around his upper arm. She didn't have to look up to see the smile that danced across his lips, she could feel it when he turned to kiss her head.
But her attention was brought back to the chatter around the table when she heard Aegon whisper something to Jace who was sitting on his right. He didn't mean to rile them up but whatever he had said was clearly taken the wrong way. (Y/n) wouldn't have bothered to listen if it wasn't for Jace who leaned forward so he could look directly at her.
"And what time do you return to the silk streets?"
He spoke quiet enough so that no one across the table knew what he had said, clearly knowing he would be in trouble for being so inpertenant and rude but he wore a smirk that made (Y/n) narrow her eyes in distaste.
She hadn't even been engaging in the conversation yet he had brought her into it to try and rile both her and Aegon and for a moment she thought it was working. She felt her husband tense beneath her and his lips left her head so he could turn to his nephew, but instead of spitting venom at him like (Y/n) thought he would, Aegon leaned closer with a placid, neutral expression.
"Why, do you need lessons in that department? You do know what to do, how to put it in, don't you?" Aegon watched his nephew turn a shade of beet red before a satisfied smirk came onto his face and he turned away to lean back into (Y/n).
He would let the insult slide this time, but he wouldn't stand for it again. They could say what they wanted about Aegon himself and he wouldn't care, he had no self esteem left in him to care what anyone said about him anymore.
But (Y/n)… she was different.
She was Aegon's world and he wouldn't stand for anyone disrespecting her or saying anything degrading about her like that. If his nephews didn't have respect for (Y/n) Aegon wasn't going to be easy on them. Just like with Aemond, Aegon wouldn't stand for them tormenting his brother when that was his job.
When yet more unnecessary food was brought out to the table, it set off another round of tormenting between the boys at the table and the high princes who were not in the mood for games.
A shockwave bolted through (Y/n) and she jumped, sitting upright when Aemond slammed his fist down on the table and stood up low, stooping over like a predator assessing his prey. For a brief moment, it looked like he was going to lunge across he table at his nephews but (Y/n) didn't like the smirk that overtook her brother-in-laws face.
"And a toast, to my nephews. Jace… and Luke." Aemond knew what he was doing. The smile he wore on his face and how he deadlocked his gaze with Luke showed he was doing this as a taunt, a little payback at them both. He raised his glass high while Aegon raised his glass for all of one second before he emptied it. Again.
"Aemond…" Alicent looked up at her son with such pleading in her eyes but it was overshadowed and overlooked before he rounded the table to be closer to them.
(Y/n) could feel him standing beside her chair and she dared not lean back to look at him. She didn't want to know what taunt he was going to press because he had every right to be angry with them, but this was not the place to start a fight. Not at the dinner table.
"What? I'm only giving you a compliment. Don't you think you're strong?"
Aegon lowered his foot back to the ground and pushed up a little higher in his seat, but he made no effort to get up and interfere. His hand moved from (Y/n)'s thigh to reach across and take her hand. Their fingers meshed together and he brought their hands to rest beneath his chin while he leaned to try and see the interaction happening behind them.
(Y/n) could feel the rage seeping through Aegon the moment Jace landed a punch on Aemond's jaw, who surprisingly didn't flinch at all. Instead, he smiled something sinister. And she could feel her husband straighten up in his chair and grab the arm of the chair with his free hand. He wanted to intervene now but he also didn't want to move away from (Y/n).
If a fight did break out then Aegon wanted his wife as far out of the firing line as possible.
The way Aemond pushed his nephew down to the ground with a swift, fluid motion made Jace look like a little child trying to play a grown up game. Aemond didn't want to fight him, he wasn't worth the effort and he wasn't nearly as capable or skilled as Aemond.
Keeping hold of (Y/n)'s hand tightly in his own, Aegon pushed his chair back and stood up, pulling (Y/n) along with him so they could move away from the table and towards Helaena. When they passed Aemond, Aegon reached out and placed a hand on his younger brother's shoulder. As much as he would enjoy seeing a fight take place and watching his nephews finally be put in their place, he knew this wasn't the time nor the place.
"Brother, this isn't the time."
"You've made your point," Sympathy pooled in (Y/n)'s eyes but it was overcome by relief when Aemond glanced at both of them and nodded. He took a step back and held his hands out in front of him, a sign to everyone that he wouldn't retaliate.
"He listens to the whore too. Tell me, how much does she charge you for her services?"
If they'd of just walked away, let the argument go then everyone could retire and the night would be over and done with.
"Aegon-" (Y/n) held her breath when her husband tore out of her embrace before she had chance to hold onto him tighter and pull him back. She didn't care about the slurrs they called out to her, they were nothing but petty little boys egging on for a fight they couldn't handle.
She could feel Aemond's hand wrapping around her upper arm and reeling her back towards him when Aegon lunged.
Before anyone could stop him, Aegon swiftly latched his hand around the back of Jace's neck in a viper grip that took the younger boy by surprise. And with venom flooding through his veins, Aegon threw him down onto the table so hard Jace's head rebounded and slammed back down into the wood, rattling the plates and tipping over a few glasses in the process.
He couldn't stop himself from digging his hand further into Jace's neck and forcing his face down until there would be splinters poking through his skin and rubbing into his cheeks.
"Say it again. I fucking dare you." He spat through gritted teeth, punctuating each word like they were poison dripping from his tongue directly into Jace's ear.
Who did his nephew think he was to talk about (Y/n) in such a derogatory way? Why was he aiming his malice at her of all people?
"Aegon that's enough. Let him go, please." (Y/n) curled her fingers around Aegon's shoulders and leaned over his curved frame until her chest pressed down against his back. He could feel her erratic heartbeat and her harsh breaths pounding against him and it dampened some of the fire raging inside of him.
"I have no qualms castrating you in front of an audience if you talk to my wife like that again."
With a final shove, Aegon slid Jace across the table before he let go and straightened up. He shook his head to rid the silver hair from his eyes and took a step back towards (Y/n) as his chest heaved and his shoulders tensed. He was done with this messed up family. He didn't want anything to do with his nephews or his half sister who could have the throne for all Aegon. He just wanted them and all their troubles, gone.
Aegon barely turned his head to look at (Y/n) who was stood partially behind him on his left before a sudden movement sent him off balance.
In the struggle, Aegon wasn't sure whether Jace had aimed for him or (Y/n) but his weak punch ultimately landed on (Y/n)'s shoulder before he gave her a direct shove, thrusting all of his anger onto her and sending her tumbling down.
A gasp broke free from (Y/n)'s lips and she couldn't help but snap her eyes shut when Jace pushed her back. It didn't take much to offset her balance when her weight was uneven due to the baby and the force of the shove took her feet from beneath her. Both her hands reached out and clamped down around Aegon's arm and shoulder, her nails piercing into his skin when she fell until her back hit the table.
Aegon slowed down the impact but he couldn't hold them both up and stumbled down to his knees. He watched in fright as (Y/n) collided with the table before she slumped down to the stone floor and leaned back into one of the chairs which stopped her from lying flat on the floor.
"Sweetheart? Are you with me?"
Aegon leaned forward and gently cupped her face in his hands and swept his thumbs across her cheeks. When (Y/n) tilted her head back Aegon clicked his tongue and made her look back at him before he pressed his forehead against hers. He watched her eyes switch from side to side until her focus finally settled on his deep violet eyes.
After a minute or two, he felt her hand twitch against his shoulder and her hands shakily move down to hold onto his forearms and a deep sigh rumbled past his lips.
(Y/n) felt his lips smother her temple in a longing kiss that caused his fingertips to press deeper into her skin but when he pulled away, the violence in his eyes was terrifying. Aegon had never been the type to lash out, he bottled everything up and drowned in his sorrow. At one point in his very young life, he had taken his feelings out on the women in the silk streets and he would shout at his mother when he was overwhelmed, but that was as far as it went.
He was too used to pain that the sting didn't even bother him anymore, Aegon would drown his sorrows and take anything life had to throw at him.
But he wouldn't settle for this.
His mother couldn't have kneeled down beside them a moment too soon for as soon as she was next to (Y/n), Aegon left her side, if only for a few minutes. He could see his little nephew backing away towards his mother like a scared little deer about to be hunted for sport and Aegon wasn't having any of it. Jace couldn't get swaddled and soothed by his mother for doing this, not like Luke who got hidden and protected for taking Aemond's eye all those years ago.
The small dagger hidden beneath the belt around his hips had never felt so heavy when Aegon wrapped his slender fingers around the handle and swiped it as soon as he got close enough to his petrified nephew.
A blinding gleam sparkled off of the polished blade in the candlelight and reflected up into Aegon's maddening eyes.
He thrust the blade's edge against Jace's throat and agonisingly slithered it up higher and higher until his head was tilted back as far as it would go and the tip was pressing up into his chin. A small scrape appeared against his otherwise clean, pale skin but Aegon was already envisioning the river of blood he wanted to see coating the floor and seeping into the cracks between the stones.
When he noticed movement out the corner of his eye, something twisted crossed his face and he pushed the blade into the flesh until a small wheel of blood started to pool and taint the reflective metal. Rhaynaera stopped in her tracks.
"Any last words?" Aegon snarled, revealing his pearly whites that matched his crimped hair and his lips widened into a sinister grin.
He had no problem slitting his nephew from throat to groin right here with an audience. If he couldn't learn some manners and he didn't know what respect was then he shouldn't be in line for the throne he had no claim to. He shouldn't be standing here in a family that wasn't truly his by blood and he shouldn't act the fool if he didn't want to risk the punishment he was going to get. Aegon had been lenient, he had let Jace say slurrs to his wife and punch his younger brother, but he drew the line at physically touching (Y/n).
"Aegon leave him alone, stop this."
His mother's words did nothing to apease the fire raging inside his stomach and burning up through his chest. But when he felt his brother's hand on his shoulder and Aemond's whispers in his ear, he could feel a small slither of reason coming back to him.
"It's not worth the chaos it would ensue, you should tend to your wife." Part of Aemond would happily watch his brother disembowel their nephew and see the grief that would overcome their wretched half sibling. But the other part of him, the more sombre and sensible part, knew it was not worth the hassle.
This would cause a scene, a battle between the family and the constant fighting and bickering and torments that would follow if Aegon truly killed his nephew, was not worth it. Not when Aegon had a wife who needed him this very moment who he should focus his attention on.
Aegon punctured the blade into the soft skin beneath Jace's chin and dragged it along the side of his jaw. He relished in the swallowed cry Jace didn't want him to hear and the tears that flushed his tense, shaking face and the way his jaw clenched and his cheekbones popped out. He enjoyed the suffering and his nephew's screwed shut eyes from the minimal pain Aegon was inflicting.
He finally tugged the blade free and swiped it slowly along Jace's tunic, cleaning the blood off before he lowered the dagger to his side.
"If you so much as look at my wife again, I will disembowel you," He sneered each word quietly in Jace's ear so no one else would know what made him whimper in fear. "Leave."
He scuttled away like a rat jumping from a sinking ship and it quelled a small flame inside Aegon.
When he turned around, (Y/n) was already back on her feet with Alicent's arms safely around her in case she needed support or took a funny turn. His mother had never looked more relieved than when Aegon walked back over to her and encased his arms around (Y/n) so he could take his wife into his own arms and out of hers.
(Y/n) let her head fall against Aegon's shoulder and the cool leather was welcomed against her burning skin. But it was his hands feathering up and down her hips that made her sigh and his lips pressed against the side of her temple.
"Are you alright?"
"Hm, I believe so."
When Aegon circled an arm tightly around her waist and slowly began guiding them both out of the dining hall, (Y/n) buried her face into his neck and curled her fingers around his hip.
Aegon wouldn't let anything like this happen again.
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bratzforchris · 4 months
The Joker and The Queen-J.G. ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:·
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Summary: In which Johnnie is convinced you would be better off with a mortal boyfriend, only for you to remind him that it isn't worldly things that please you. Loosely based off The Joker and The Queen by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran <3
Pairing: Vampire!Johnnie x feminine human!reader
Warnings: Smut, unprotected p in v, rough sex, missionary, marking, making out, creampie, emotional scenes, no aftercare scene
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: This is Pt. 2 to the vampire!Johnnie fic I posted a little while ago--you don't have to read Pt. 1, but I do recommend it! Also, I love this song so much. It reminds me of Johnnie so bad :')
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You had never believed in the supernatural or urban myths and legends. However, all that had changed three months ago when you’d met Johnnie. Somehow, in some strange turn of events, you’d met an actual vampire. In the world of vampires, each one had their soulmate, whether the other person be a mortal or another vampire. And so, only three months later, you and Johnnie were dating. Because of the soulmate tie, you two were much more intertwined than most couples were at this stage, but you didn’t mind it. 
Since being together, you had aided Johnnie in the repair of his once beautiful Harbordale Manor, turning it from disrepair to the glory it once was. The mansion was nowhere near as full of life and splendor as it once had been, simply due to the nature of keeping who and what Johnnie was a secret, but you didn’t mind. You were still able to attend your university classes, while living with your lover, your best friend Tara, and her boyfriend, Jake, who just happened to be a werewolf and Johnnie’s best friend. In your book, that was perfect. Though your small ‘found family’ was odd and rather creepy by societal standards, it was perfect to you. 
But even with all your confirmation of the life you were loving, Johnnie still worried about you. You were the sunshine to his darkness. He wasn’t always the good man you thought he was. His hands were stained with blood, while you were the purest soul he had ever known. 
“Y/N?” he asked as you two laid in your enormous canopy bed one evening. “Are you happy, my dear?”
“Of course I am!” You smiled. “Why do you ask?”
“I just worry for you, baby bat,” Johnnie mumbled, swiping a cold thumb across your cheek. “I’m worried you think I’m someone I’m not.”
“What do you mean?” You asked him, cocking your head. 
“You are perfect. You are innocent and kind and light. You’re what I’m not. I am a killer, Y/N.” Johnnie was beginning to grow frustrated at you not realizing who he truly was. 
“You couldn’t help it,” You insisted. “You were an innocent kid who went through an insane amount of trauma and you didn’t know any better than to feed on humans. You don’t do that now, my love. You’re perfectly okay.”
“I make you live here,” Johnnie said regretfully. “You should be out enjoying your life. You could have anyone else, blood flower. Someone that could give you everything you desire. You could have a king to your queen instead of a joker.”
Though Johnnie had lived to see modern times, he had been raised in a different time. He lived secluded, stuck in a past that wasn’t there anymore. His words were formal, but you could hear the hurt in his voice as he preached ideas he truly believed. 
“What if I don’t want that?” You asked, eyeing him. “I don’t need money, or fancy gestures, or whatever else you think a perfect man does. I need someone who shows they love me, and you do that, Johnnie. Vampire or not, I would love you either way,” You explained softly, kissing his cheek. When Johnnie didn’t respond, watching you with curious eyes, you continued. “I’ve been hurt before by men. Many times, actually. Rich human men at that.”
You moved into Johnnie’s lap, sitting so that you were facing him. You trailed a finger across his strong, clear cut jaw, feeling the smooth, cool texture that resembled stone against your own skin. Once you got to his plump lips, you planted a kiss on them before speaking. “Show me your fangs.” You commanded softly. 
Johnnie opened his mouth as asked, allowing his normally smaller fangs to grow to a healthy three inches. You went to trace the white points until your boyfriend grabbed your wrist, a dark glare in his eyes. 
“Don’t,” he bit out. “You’re playing a dangerous game.”
You and Johnnie both knew that his fangs held venom, and if you were to cut your finger by accident, there would be no choice but for him to change you or leave you for dead. “What if I wanted to be changed?” You asked. 
“I’m not doing that, baby bat. Not yet. You still have a life to live.” Johnnie seemed to soften, a regretful look on his face. 
He wanted to change you. He really, really did. But he knew that once he did so, you were bound to the immortal life, forever the age you were now. He didn’t want that for you yet. You needed to live first. You ignored his words, beginning to kiss and make out with him. Despite his cold skin, Johnnie’s mouth was warm and tasted like sin and heaven mixed together. You ran your tongue across his fangs as a soft ‘hello’, until your lover grabbed your hips, causing you to moan softly. 
“I want you to show me, Johnnie,” You said lustfully. “Show me that those other men don’t matter. That you’re the one I need,” You were beginning to grow warm with arousal as you felt Johnnie’s dick harden beneath you. “Show me I’m your queen.”
“You really want that?” he asked, raising a brow as a smirk grew on his face. “You want me to make you mine? Show you what it feels like to be fucked by a vampire?”
You nodded eagerly, smashing your lips to Johnnie’s once more as he grabbed your hips, flipping so that he was now on top of you. He used his fangs to rip your shirt off in one smooth motion, smirking hungrily at your breasts. Before you knew it, Johnnie was beginning to leave hickeys all over your body, marking every curve of your skin with his print. You moaned at the sensations alighting all over your body, making your nipples pebble into hard points. 
“Johnnie,” You whimpered, hands moving to tangle in his raven hair. “I need you.”
The vampire took that as consent for him to practically rip the small shorts and panties you were wearing off. He could smell your blood through the rhythm of your pulse, and part of him wanted to take you so bad and change you into something equally as sinful as he was. Johnnie knew he couldn’t do that yet, so he opted to flick his tongue over your pubic bone and graze his fangs across your slit. 
“You’re soaked for me, blood flower.” Johnnie grumbled, licking his lips. 
“I…” You panted, already close to climaxing and your boyfriend had barely touched you. “I need you inside of me.”
Johnnie wasted no time in taking off his pants and black, button up shirt. Without another warning for you, he immediately slammed his full length into you, pounding out a furious rhythm. You groaned with pleasure at the feeling of being suddenly so full, and you moved your hands from his hair to his back, clawing him with pleasure at the sensations you were feeling. 
“Oh my god, right there, Johnnie.” You whined and whimpered when he hit a particularly sensitive spot. 
“You gonna cum, baby bat?” Your boyfriend asked you, swiping a strand of hair from your face as his own black fringe stuck to his forehead. 
You nodded and whimpered, arching your back as you desperately tried for more. Johnnie continued to pound into you, until he gave you a look that you knew meant he was close to his own orgasm. 
“On the count of three, you’re gonna cum with me, love,” Johnnie commanded. “1, 2, 3…” 
On the last number, your boyfriend immediately released his load into you, throwing his head back with a beautiful moan at the feelings taking over his own body. You also went through your own climax, whimpering and squealing as your heat clenched.  Johnnie’s sex was unlike anything you had ever experienced before; it was rough and raw and straight up fucking, but it also held a sensual, passionate note beneath the surface. 
Johnnie pulled out of you, licking his fangs with a smirk. “Did that prove it to you? Or should I go suck the fucking life out of another man who even dares to look at you?”
Over the course of your sex, Johnnie had become dominant and possessive, taking you as his own, and showing you what he was at his core: a predator. You didn’t seem to care though, for you rolled on top of him on your sweaty sheets, peppering kisses across his face. 
“I don’t want a king, or a castle, or anything else,” You told him. “I want you, Johnnie. Forever.”
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @jake-and-johnnies-slut @oobleoob @idek3000hi @melguilbert
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Hi honey, I want to place an order for Twilight please. I want something for "being Rosalie and Emmett's daughter" the girl would be Jasper and Alice's goddaughter, hence, "granddaughter" of Esme and Carlisle. If it wasn't too much to ask, write how you think her relationship with each person in your family would be, Clan Denali would also enter this medium, since they are such good friends with Carlisle (I love them). Anyway, that's it honey, if it's too much for you, let me know, I never meant to be rude 😔💗
Being Emmett and Rose's daughter and the youngest in the Cullen family:
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Your relationships with them:
Emmett and Rosalie:
They are your parents, they adopted you a little bit over a century before the big move to Forks.
Unlike the people around you, you have a strong relationship with your parents. Rosalie is a loving mother and Emmett is very much an over protective father.
The over protectiveness can get annoying but you know he means well. At first he was afraid to touch you, with his super human strangth he was always afraid to be around you. That didn't stop you from when you were a baby beacuse you'd just follow him everywhere. If he was working on his jeep you were crawling under there with him holding a flashlight. If he was play video games you'll craw on the couch and read a Dr. Suse book next to him.
Rosalie always makes sure your loved a cared for. She makes sure you eat proper meals, buys you anything you want, and most importantly she's always there to listen. It's hard to keep things from her and you know you can tell her anything.
Their worst fear is you becoming a vampire... But they also don't want to lose you once you get into your old age. It's a subject that wasn't discussed and you just didn't bring it up. That's the only thing you guys fight about... That and boys.
You've never seen your father so angry when he found out Pual Imprinted on you. Rose was just disponted on who it was but she was glad you found someone you loved. I think part of her was afraid you'll end up in this same relationship she was when she dated Ryoce King.
But then they saw that dispite his temper he treated you like a queen and that's what matter.
Alice and Jasper:
These two are your godparents. I think part of Rose wanted it to be carlisle and Esma but over the years she relized Alice was the best choice.
You love Alice and all but sometimes you argue. Mostly over clothes. There's been many first days of school that you hid in carlisle's office because you didn't want to wear a dress. After school you guys do make up.
She always makes sure you know your beautiful. If your insecur about something she'll try and help you see the beauty in it. If you hate your hair she'll come up with different styles intill you find one you like.
Jasper is the one you'll set with if you want peace. If there's a big family gathering and you don't want to talk you'll be with Jasper.
To him your the only thing pure in his life and he'll tare down the world for you.
You love hearing stories from jasper's past.
Jasper tought you how to swing a bat and to play baseball.
Carlisle and Esme:
You have a strong bond with these two.
Your close to carlisle and he always inspires you to be kind to others and he's the reason you want to go to medical school.
If you have a problem that you feel you can't tell your parents you go to him.
You guys bond over books and like with Jasper, you love hearing his stories.
Carlisle is just as protective if not more than Emmett. Carlisle is very calm and collected, but if anything is causing you harm his eyes will be blazing with anger.
Esme was the first one to except your relationship with Paul... Carlisle on the other hand didn't like it.
“I don't like him”
“that's a first” Esme said rolling her eyes.
Emes loves like you like you were own daughter. She's always puts you first and would give you the world if she could.
Dispite there young aprences you call them Pops and grams. When you were a little you couldn't say carlisle properly so you just called him car then pops.
You guys love going to the movies together and they'll watch whatever you want and always show interest in what you like.
Edward and bella:
You don't get along with Bella. Pirod. She doesn't treat you like your part of the family, which it doesn't matter because you were there first.
Edward is more like a brother. Your both closer in age and he treats you like a little sister more then a niece.
He loves you but sometimes he doesn't see that Bella treats you like crap. Infact none of them do expect your mother and Carlisle.
You never told them beacuse you didn't want to ruin anything for Edward but then one day rose and carlisle cought her in the act. You made them promise not to say anything.
You and Edward are close like I said before. You don't see him as the monster he thinks he is and you always try and make his life more brighter.
You never fail to make him laugh.
He tought you how to play piano and you guys bond over music.
Bella causes problems so the day she slapped Paul and he phased she tried to pin it on you right when the family started to except him. You and Paul explained everything and Edward took your side, which you were thankful for.
The denalis:
You and Eleazar have the type of relationship that you guys make each other laugh at the wrong time. Camron and Rosalie can't take you guys anywhere.
Camron loves you to bits and taught to how to speak Spanish. She teaches to about her culture and it warms her heart that you care so much.
Tanya and Kate are like big sister to you. You have inside jokes the others don't understand and your always laughing.
Irina and your get along but you aren't close. She stoped talking to you after Paul and the pack killed Laurant. You could understand why she would be angry but it hurt knowing she hates you because you love a wolf.
Garrett and you have a love hate relationship. You guys teas and taunt each other. At first it was out of spite beacuse your personalites just didn't clash but then he grew a soft spot for you and you became buddies.
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thebat-musicman · 27 days
The Playlist™
My 12 hour Batfam playlist (with repeating songs!)
The repeating version has 200 songs and is 12 hours. Non repeating has 167 songs and is 9 hours and 54 minutes.
I am so sorry to whatever poor souls are reading this just trying to find good songs for their faves
@batfambrainrotbeloved it’s done
The bat-playlist from hell is under the cut
Be our guest
Let it be
Sweet caroline
You are my sunshine
God is really real
Istanbul (not Constantinople)
50 ways to say goodbye (him faking Bruce’s death when he went training)
What was I made for
No time to die
James Bond theme
I got you
Child of Mine
Little Lion man
You’ll be in my heart
Never grow up
Baby mine
Friend like me
My heart will go on
Never grow up
Everything has changed
I hate it here
I look in people’s windows
Karma (AJR)
Humpty Dumpty
Two birds
Cat’s in the cradle
Song for Orphans
Tears in heaven
Heart of stone
Whatever it takes
ocean eyes
I’ll make a man out of you
Under the Sea
Beautiful Boy (darling boy)
The story of us
Just a girl
Clara Bow
Role Models
Break my face
The DJ is crying for help
Little miss perfect
She used to be mine
Pretty distraction
So high school
How did it end
Fight song
You should see me in a crown
The man
Runs the world (girls)
I bet you think about me
Part of your world
I can do it with a broken heart
Touchy feely fool
Never grow up
The Bolter
Surface Pressure
You’re on your own, kid
Because of you
Karma (AJR)
Way less sad
Perfect (simple plan)
Father of mine
This is me trying
Count on me
The Greatest Show
No way
Mr. Perfectly fine
Dancing Queen
Show and Tell
How far I’ll go
Used to be young
Who’s afraid of little old me
The Albatross
Father of mine
You’re on your own, kid
Heart of stone
Fight song
Everybody wants to rule the world
She used to be mine
Family Line
Because of you
You should see me in a crown
I won’t
When will my life begin
The prophecy
I hate it here
I’ve got a dream
The Prophecy
Mr. Perfectly fine
Better than Revenge
I did something bad
My tears ricochet
Vigilante shit
You’re gonna go far, kid
Time of dying
Deja vu
good 4 u
Because of you
Father of mine
These boots were made for walking
Fuck you
One way or another
Bang! Pow! Boom!
Be prepared
One jump ahead
I think I’m gonna like it here (baby jason needs a song)
Record Player
Turning out Pt. II
The Dumb Song
Just a girl
The Man
But daddy I love him
the manuscript
Guilty as Sin?
Father of mine
You’re on your own, kid
Mr. Perfectly Fine
High school sweethearts
Drama Club
My Play
Devil Town
This is love (air traffic controller)
I won’t say (I’m in love)
Ur gonna wish u believed me
Yes I’m a mess
Karma (AJR)
Don’t blame me
Wow, I’m not crazy
Humpty Dumpty
Good 4 u
Pretender (Acoustic)
Mister Cellophane
Come hang out
Let the games begin
Heart of stone
Deja vu
Every breath you take
The sound of silence
Go the distance
Viva La Vida
Here comes the sun
Walking on sunshine
I see the light
How do I say goodbye
The Prophecy
Turning out
Sunshine lollipops and rainbows
Our song
I’m still standing
Waiting on a miracle
I’m not famous
Paper rings
We didn’t start the fire
Everybody dies
What was I made for
I’ll follow the sun
Into the Unknown
Oh no!
Surface Pressure
The good part
Role models
Mother knows best
Bad guy
What else can I do
Devil Town
Losing my religion
(Don’t fear) The Reaper
Pumped up kicks
Go the distance
A whole new world
I just can’t wait to be king
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writerpetals · 1 year
pleasure requited | 🔞
; optional female lead smut |  ☁️
w: vampire!au, mommy kink, slight-degradation
She isn’t even aware of how physically strong she is as she falls to her knees before you. She bats her beautiful eyes as you graze your thumb over her soft lips. A fire ignites within her as the words ‘baby girl’ fall from your mouth, and though she doesn’t even need to breathe, a heavy exhale fills the room.
Baby vampires always have more power than they need until things even out within themselves. They lose the bloodthirsty cravings. Their urges dim and eventually they are no longer a threat to the human race. It’s why you took her under your wing. Having been a vampire for about a century now and knowing how wild and reckless your kind can be when freshly turned, when you spotted her alone and abandoned by her maker, your stomach turned with disgust.
You didn’t turn her into what she is, but you did grow close to her as you taught her your ways. How to live under the radar. How to feed without killing. How to resist ripping open the throat of the strongest heartbeat in the room.
Still, she has so much power, and is so strong, but she only succumbs to you. Having spent a year with her has made the two of you extra fond of one another. If you were human you would probably call it love, but vampires unlearn such things over time.
“Mommy,” she whimpers.
Your heart flutters at the name that has become an endearment of passion. You love how desperately shaky her voice has become as her knees press to the aged woven, wool carpet of the master bedroom you share with only her. In the mansion you acquired nearly fifty years ago live many of your kind along with the two of you, but only she gets to see this side of you. Only she gets to be this close to the leader of the nest.
You grip her softly by the jaw. “Yes, baby.” Her lips twitch in a grin though there’s deep red desire in her eyes.
“Can I make mommy come?” she asks with a lick of her lips. If your heart functioned, no doubt it would stop beating at that moment.
There’s a devilish glint in her eyes before her smile widens, showing off the sharp points of her fangs a second before she presses her lips to your thigh. The red laced garter belt you adorn with matching panties does little to hide your own excitement from her words. You can already feel yourself dripping through the soft fabric as she presses kisses to your flesh, along the thin straps of the lingerie just to tease you. She’s powerful in more ways than one, though she definitely realizes the latter. The darkened patch of your arousal soaking through your panties can’t be missed.
“Let’s see if that dirty mouth of yours deserves it first, baby.” At your words, she pulls away, eyes wide like an awaiting puppy with her baby vamp teeth just barely poking out. It takes a lot of effort not to giggle at her disappointment, but she has to earn her rewards. “On the bed and on your knees, little vampire slut.”
Quickly, her eyes flash wild. The fire of desire is set ablaze with the gasoline in your words. It always gets her riled up. She obeys every command, crawling over the red, velvet blanket of your king sized bed before doubling over. Her hands and knees press against the mattress, ass in the air, and as her panties display the darkened patch of arousal between her quivering thighs, you realize she’s just as worked up as you.
You surprise her the moment you stride over to her awaiting body. Reaching out for her, your fingers brush over her awaiting folds, feeling the slickness within the cotton and causing her to shiver in response. A quiet moan escapes her lips while her body pushes into your touch.
Without warning, you push down the thin fabric that keeps your flesh from touching her own, finally allowing her drenched pussy to be fully on display for you. There’s a trickle of arousal glistening over her flesh, easing its way down to her clit as her legs remain spread for you. She grows impatient, burying her face into the covers so as to not make a peep from her lips. She knows there’s no use in begging. You enjoy taking in the sight of her just as much as you enjoy knowing how much she craves your touch. Or for her to touch you, which she will get to do if she’s a good girl.
Without a word, you reach for the toy you readied on the nightstand for her. Your fingers grip the crystal shaft attached to a leather harness. It’s one of her favorites to succumb to your domination, and you love how weak it makes her as the pleasure builds quickly, sometimes too intense for her own good.
“Mommy’s going to fuck her little vampire slut,” you begin to warn her as you dress yourself with the toy, taking your time and making sure to fasten the straps with a loud zip just to watch her shiver, “nice, and slow, and you won’t beg, or cry, or come without my permission. Got it?”
You step closer on the final word, dropping your palm over her ass just to hear her hiss. Her back caves, pushing her ass toward you as temptation, another moan slipping from her lips.
“Answer me, slut,” you command with a sharp, yet quiet voice, another slap to her ass filling the bedroom.
“Y-Yes, mommy,” she says with a shaky voice. Satisfied with her wavering, desperate tone as she speaks, you carefully crawl behind her on the bed with a smirk.
“That’s mommy’s good girl.”
She’s already so worked, the few slaps to her ass only added fuel to the fire. She’s on edge, and you know it will be hard for her to hold out. She will have to, however, if she wants her reward in tasting you and watching you come undone before her.
She barely makes a peep as you settle behind her, her legs parting and her ass in the air, awaiting your touch. You take your time just to drive her wild, knowing she’s worked up and anticipating your next move. The thrill makes her shiver, and as you place a firm grip on her ass does she finally release a small whimper.
“So wet and ready for mommy, aren’t you?” She whimpers again at your question, another shiver racing down her spine the moment she feels the glass toy against her flesh. You slip the tip up and down her drenched slit, teasing her further while working her body up even more. She pushes against you, so ready to be full of the pleasure you offer.
Though she won’t beg. Not yet. So it makes you take even more time.
“So ready to be fucked-“ You press the curved end of the toy to her entrance, hearing a gasp fall from her lips. “-and so ready to come. Like the little slut you are for mommy.”
She mumbles something into the covers, but you’re having too much fun to care in the moment. Love to see her slippery juices coat the glass surface of the toy as she becomes wetter. Love to watch her body tremble with need.
Slowly, you begin to thrust the glass cock inside of her, pleasure filling every ounce of your body from the desperate moan she releases in return. You fill her up, entering her completely, sinking into her juices and making her back arch and her fingers clench the sheets beneath her.
“That’s it baby,” you encourage her, rubbing her palm along the goosebumped flesh of her ass, “take it all, let mommy stretch that tight pussy of yours.” Your words weigh down on her heavy as she whimpers.
“M-Mommy,” she exhales, rolling her hips to give you the okay to move.
“Ah-ah,” you correct her, “I know my little vampire slut isn’t going to beg me already.” With that, your hand falls slack against her flesh, smacking her ass once again to cause her to jump. You just know she’s clenching those dripping wet walls around the glass cock, wishing it was your fingers or tongue in its place to really feel her.
“N-No,” she hisses, tensing her body a second before you begin moving your hips. Another moan fills the room as you exit and thrust into her again, creating a pleasurable rhythm that begins to drive her wild. Another hiss falls from her lips, nails dragging into the sheets as you fuck her slow and deep, taking your time, drawing out the noises to drive her even closer to the edge.
Messy sounds fill the room. She begins rolling her hips, becoming greedy. But she isn’t begging, and that displeases you.
Quickly with the strength of an aged vampire, you wrap your arm around her body, pulling her from the bed to press against your chest as you fuck her. Her gasp echoes, hands clutching your arm and nails digging into your skin while you sink the glass toy deeper inside her.
“Fuck…” she cries out, hissing as her fangs extend into sharp, needle-like points. A clear sign she is reaching her end. Your other arm reaches around to slip your hand between her trembling thighs, continuing to fuck her as you find her clit.
“What was that, little slut?” You taunt her with a chuckle, caressing small, quick circles into her flesh, sinking your glass cock deeper inside her. “Going to beg mommy? Going to come all over mommy’s cock before I’ve given the little vamp slut permission?”
“N-No…” she cries out, screwing her eyes shut, but she can’t stop her moans. She feels too good, but she’s trying to hold on. Her jaw slacks, needy, pointy fangs on display as she hisses, and when her eyes pop open, they’re a new blood red filled with desire.
She’s right on the edge. You continue fucking her, pleasing her, caressing her, and toying with her until you feel every ounce of your little vampire slut trembling. And just when she’s about to reach her peak… you finally pull away.
She slumps to the bed, leaving the toy dripping with her own juices the moment she pulls away. You look over your little vampire worked up yet too on edge to function. You give her a moment for the rush of near ecstasy to settle, and she recovers her senses quickly.
“That’s mommy’s good girl,” you praise her as you remove the harness from your body. “Ready for your reward?”
Hungrily, she looks over your body as she rises to her knees, crawling off the bed and onto the floor before you. With a smirk, you take a seat, allowing the little vampire to settle between your thighs. You spread your legs as her sights fall, giving her the perfect view of your panties soaked with your own arousal. You keep her gaze as you unhook the straps of the garter belt, taking your time and drawing out the moment.
“Slowly,” you instruct her, watching her come near. Her fingers hook into the band of your panties as her lips fall to your knee. You can feel the point of her fangs as she kisses your flesh, tugging on the flimsy fabric to shimmy off your body and toss to the floor.
Your legs fall open again, giving her the view of your perfectly dripping cunt ready for her tongue. She gulps, studying your glistening slit as her eyes darken with lust. No longer is she worried over her own pleasure, but wanting to please you. Wanting to taste and submit to the leader of her nest. Wanting to be the only one that gets to make you come, knowing the reward is worth the wait.
“Still want to taste mommy’s pussy?” A coy tone fills the air, smirking as you ask the question. All she can do is nod, eyes wide as she stares up at you, mouth waiting. “Let me hear you say it, little slut. Tell me what you want.”
“I want to taste your pussy, mommy,” she tells you without hesitation, a needy desperation in the words as they leave her trembling tongue, “I want to make you come. I want to eat mommy out and make you come on my tongue.”
The deliciousness in the words makes you shiver. She knows exactly what you want to hear.
“Do it, my little slut,” you command, “show mommy what that dirty little mouth of yours wants.”
She wastes no time, burying her head between your awaiting thighs as if it’s her last meal. Her tongue meets your flesh in desperation, making you gasp the moment she licks from your dripping entrance to your aching clit. Not stopping there, she takes her time circling the swollen bud, once, twice, three times. Massaging your flesh with her mouth earns quiet moans as you rock your hips against her face.
It’s all you can do to keep up with her pace as she cherishes the taste of your skin on her tongue. Your hands fall to her hair, weaving the strands between your trembling fingers as she continues to lick your pussy. Her tongue falls to your entrance to lather up your juices a moment before dragging the wet muscle back to your clit. You feel the vibrations of her moan between your legs, opening wider for her as she eases the tension from your body while eating you out, just like she wished for.
Soon she falls into a pleasurable rhythm, burying her face deeper between your thighs, allowing you to feel the two sharp points of her fangs between your flesh. Though she is careful, only offering you pleasure as the flat of her tongue massages between your folds.
A second later, her hands grasp your thighs, nails digging into your flesh. Your head falls back as she moans hungrily, gathering your sweet, dripping arousal between her lips. Greedily she pulls your body closer, taking you by surprise as a gasp fills the room. Back falling to the bed, you allow her control only for a moment due to the pleasure swelling inside of you. She licks your pussy, tends to your clit, makes you whimper and moan until the trembling heat nears its peak.
The red hot pleasure washes over you without warning. A roll of your hips takes the bliss she offers with need. And she doesn’t stop eating you out as you ride the waves of heat surging through your body, gripping her hair tight, back arching from the bed, legs trembling around her.
As you come down from the high, body still tingling with the sensation of her lips, you pull her close, crashing your mouth into her own. It doesn’t take you long to recover, wrapping an arm around her body as you kiss her deeply, hungry to hear the cute little whimpers from your baby vamp once again. Another hand slips between her thighs as she hovers over you, and the moment your fingers find her clit, she pulls away in a gasp.
She sat aching and waiting for bliss while getting you off, making you come on her tongue and now it’s only fair to finish tending to her body as well. With ease, your fingers clit over her flesh thanks to her sweet honey dripping over your diligent fingers.
“Mommy,” she whimpers, body already trembling, hips rolling against your motions, gaping with her eyes screwing shut. Your nails dig into her back with one hand, the other drawing her ever so close to the edge. “Mommy… please…,” she cries out, and it has never sounded more delicious. Watching her face twist in pleasure, the heat of bliss filling every inch until she can take it no longer.
Her body slacks as a gasp fills the space between the two of you. She rides your hand through the pleasure, crying out your name over and over as she comes undone. Juices drip over your digits and you can feel her walls spasming with an intense rush of bliss. She can only last a few more seconds before she goes completely limp and entirely spent.
“That’s my good girl,” you encourage her with kisses on her forehead the moment she begins to come down, finding comfort in your embrace. Sure, she’s an incredibly strong vampire, but you love seeing the moments when she submits and becomes weak for you.
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leliosinking · 5 months
Okay folks. Hear me out. I know the popular vision on this site is for amc Lestat’s rockstar era to be like.. leather pants and mesh shirts ala Maneskin (and Stuart Townsend tbh) but I just don’t see it for this interpretation of the character.
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(I can’t shake the vibe that Damiano is a liiittle too close to what we’ve already seen, I’ll explain shortly)
But also.. we’ve already gotten a canon taste of this Lestat’s stage presence in s01e07. Look at this guy. He’s a flamboyant, piano playing dandy.. like a flamingly gay theatre faguette. This man was crowned king of Mardi Gras and chose to dress up like a queen..
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No. No I don’t see mesh shirts and leather pants in this man’s future (at least not with a 2022 sensibility). But I do see a potential vision. Ride this thought train with me for a sec.
So for this theory to work I should first quickly explain where I think we are in the timeline:
We know that the original interview occurred in the 1970s, and that Daniel doesn’t remember much of that era.. (perhaps he was much closer to the action than he remembers) but I (and several other long term fans) think that the events in Dubai 2022 are likely a fusion of Prince Lestat and Merrick. But more importantly, I think that the events of TVL and QotD have already happened, and mostly likely in close proximity to the original interview.. it’s a lot to explain but trust me it works.
Lestat’s rockstar era occurring in the ‘80s (or even late ‘70s) would of course be book accurate, but it also would allow the show to distance itself from what has already been done in the films. So much like moving the events of IwtV from the 1780s to the 1910s for aesthetic variation, we would be moving the modern events of TVL and QotD from the early 2000s of the film back to their original placement in the timeline. And boy oh boy are the fashion options exciting.. but I have something in mind a little left of field.
So like.. I’m imagining a gothic Liberace, clad in 18th century waistcoats and dramatic capes. Think sequins and candelabras. It’s all very late ‘70s early ‘80s. I know the books are more of a guideline than a bible for this series but the TVC vampires are drawn to the fashion of their era. I can 100% see interpreting his wolf killer coat into an extravagant sequined cape. Imagine “Come to Me” rearranged as a Neil Diamond piano rock ballad.. like are you following my train of thought? Like this Lestat is so so SO gay. And the visual references amc has been pulling from understand that.
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(of course this is all very silly looking, but again, refer to Lestat at the Mardi Gras parade.. that’s him!)
Or think Elton John but like.. by way of Ozzy Osborne. Dramatic wigs and piano ballads, but also stage blood and prosthetics.
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This Lestat understands high camp and theatricality, and I see him deliberately toeing the line between these two seemingly conflicting aesthetics because that’s who he is. Frankly it’s who he has always been as a character. Lestat “eating” the king cake baby? It’s just Ozzy biting the head off a bat. And I think more of that is what we’re in for.
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(I can’t not mention the absolutely perfect adaptation by innovation comics. This look is a great jumping off point for what we might see.. but I think the costume department will take it many many steps further)
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At their root the Vampire Chronicles are period drama, and Rolin and co. are already leaning into that (like there are what? Three active timelines in season one? I would expect even more as the series progresses tbh) and I think a season set largely in the 1980s is going to be more enticing to this team than one set in our present decade. And that’s okay! There’s not only a ton of fashion potential in that era, but also storytelling tools that could not only maintain the current framing device, but also expand on it.
Imagine season 2 ending not with Lestat arriving at the door, but with Armand handing Daniel yet another stack of documents to read and research. Only this time it’s Rolling Stone interviews, vinyl records, music videos and mtv appearances on tape.. all of this ephemera could be used similarly to Claudia’s diary in s01e04 to develop a richer storytelling device. But also it would help to keep Louis the primary narrator, while still providing voice and agency to Lestat (who I suspect is recovering from his post-MTD coma, but that’s a theory for another day).
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Of course this is all theory and I’m sure many of you are more informed on bts spoilers than I, but this is one topic I’ve been wanting to talk about since season 1 concluded, and knowing season 2 will be treading into TVL territory opens up a ton of possibilities. But yeah! Even if the show goes in a totally different direction I hope if nothing else this might inspire some fan artists to play around with an alternative era for Les!
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see-arcane · 2 years
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In honor of the last day of this bit of Droughtula, I present to you Count Dracula, King of Vampires, Nosferatu, and Big Spoiled Baby Fit-Throwing Brat Bat as he no doubt behaved during his interim of getting addicted to Lucy Juice. 
There is now a part 2 here.
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occasionalsnippets · 1 month
Do you have any new fic recs?
Uhh no notes for this time because i'm busy but fic rec part 2 :)
again mix of stuff, gen, romance, x reader, etc etc. some of the crossovers are in random sections b/c i can't be bothered to have a whole separate thing for each crossover
check back in like 2 years maybe for another list
Mashig! [Quotev]
Easton’s Prefect Trio and a Round of Old Maid [AO3]
Determination [Quotev]
Candid [Quotev]
beware the dust devil. [AO3]
The life and times of Kibutsuji Muzan, Bored Immortal Guy [AO3]
the awakening of the demon king [AO3]
An Unexpected Training Trip [AO3] [Naruto crossover]
The Future's Keeper [Quotev]
Record of Ragnorak
Ganymede [Quotev]
Obey Me
The Idiot [Quotev]
One Piece
World-Seeing Eyes [Quotev]
Black Butler
my soul, you know it aches for you [Quotev]
Hush, little baby, don't say a word [AO3]
The Art of Mortal Quests [AO3] [Percy Jackson Crossover]
what goes around [AO3]
Ain't No Compass, Ain't No Map [AO3]
Unable to Forward [AO3]
The Peacock Chronicles [AO3]
Putting the Joy in Joyride [AO3]
Dead Man Walking [AO3]
If You Give a Bat a Burger [AO3]
Danny the Intern [AO3]
Wait, I'm a what? [AO3
Ghost in the Morgue [AO3]
Bus to Nowhere [AO3]
DC x Marvel
Untangling the Web [AO3]
Help Me, I Don't Feel Like Myself Anymore [AO3]
Spider and Bat Friends [AO3]
Dark Matter [AO3]
Ghost Hunting With Skeletons [AO3]
Help, I've Fallen Into a Surveillance State and I Can't Get Up! [AO3]
Turn The Page [AO3]
with you here between [AO3]
bon courage [AO3]
passione speedrun any percent (world record) [AO3]
Healthy Coping Mechanisms [AO3]
Last Resort [AO3] [DC crossover]
complete disarray [AO3]
Morpheme [AO3]
limited vision [AO3]
obito and jjk is occupying my brain and in this essay i will [AO3] [Naruto crossover]
Team Building Exercises [AO3]
You Will Understand Now That Yours Is Unique in All the World [AO3]
Isekai as the Side Character Destined for Intoxication [AO3]
the seven habits of highly unfortunate souls: a transmigrator’s guide to the coral sea [AO3]
Debut or Die
I must debut (or die) [AO3]
Vacation [AO3]
Date or Die! [AO3]
Shokugeki no Soma
and only the bitterness remains. [AO3]
The Cultivating Force [AO3] [Star Wars crossover]
Misinformation [AO3]
Master of Dual Cultivation [AO3]
Scum Villain's White Lotus Halo [AO3]
how to avoid love for dummies [AO3]
bet i made you look [AO3]
The Reborn Villainess Can't Possibly Be This Cute! [AO3]
One Kim Dokja to Rule them All [AO3]
you got me starstruck [AO3]
“You are loved,” said Yoo Jonghyuk. “This is a threat,” said Yoo Jonghyuk. [AO3]
black dragons and white crowns [AO3]
What Lies ahead [AO3]
Amaranthine [AO3]
Treasure of the (Vampire) Duke's Family?! [AO3]
The Distress of the Middleman [AO3]
everybody talks [AO3]
0% Love [AO3]
Genshin Impact
𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑔𝑜𝑙𝑑 [AO3]
living, not breathing [AO3]
The Fourth Seat [AO3]
Indelible Stains [AO3]
半个花瓣 || Petal Fragment [AO3]
Nothing but the Truth [AO3]
Chilled Peaches [AO3]
Not exactly pushing daisies [AO3]
Bait and Switch [AO3]
The Unfought [AO3]
Sight [AO3]
Swinging Pendulum [AO3]
Ball Is Life, But You Still Need To Pay Rent [AO3]
Tokyo Revengers
all for one [AO3]
if trouble must come (let it come) [AO3]
Marbled Elbows [AO3]
Chain Me Up, Darling [Quotev]
Anomalous [Quotev]
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sn0wbat · 4 months
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a row of einarrs because.... why not tbh.
honestly i just wanted to have a reference for his hair and skin colors at different ages. he changed a bit
details under cut
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born very light blond
still very baby
hair may start darkening, as is usual with most natural blondes.
turned out to be surprisingly good at sewing, placing him with the women at an earlier age than usual. :^)
he was trying to give his dress a more masculine tunic cut, because he liked it more for some reason. unfortunately, he did it maybe a little too well.
still a bit clueless about his gender situation, but Something Felt Off
really liked roleplaying... you will never guess what gender all his best characters were. (boys. they were all boys.)
so apparently lye bleach was a thing?? anyway he probably did that with his hair at this point.
came out as a boy 🏳️‍⚧️
going by einarr for real now
father immediately accepted him, mother not so much.
constantly wearing an oversized capelet over his entire torso because he was dysphoric as hell.
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fledgling vampire (age 24-40)
ah, the hubris of exploring on his own while the rest of the group were trying to pillage this mysteriously empty castle. it's an old ruin. and those just intrigue him a lot. they are fascinating to him
anyway so basically he ran into a vampire while going viking. ended up in a duel. died.
in his early vampire years, his growing bat form's white fur started to overtake his existing hair color. kinda similar to graying hair.
once he realized how hardy vampires were, did top surgery on himself with a sword.
then he had to stitch himself up. with his existing sewing skills - a skillset deemed to be very feminine at the time. something poetic about that i feel
stuck in a castle. doesn't escape until he's like 50
middle vampire (age 200-700)
hair has already gone fully pale a long time ago.
skin is getting paler. more purple in tone.
ears are slowly growing in size, gaining transparency along with it
however, has also figured out how to blend in with humans again at this time (through vampiric illusions that make him look mortal)
peasant for a while. growing dislike of kings and authority figures. ends up joining the pirates in his seventh (?) century
has been caught drinking blood from humans, has been caught stealing from the rich, and has been to jail several times. usually escaped pretty easily with vampire powers. has been responsible for at least one mass jailbreak
the look of his clothing actually shifted a lot over all these centuries, but this art wasn't really focused on clothes, so i just picked something basic
ancient vampire (900+)
skin gone blue. fangs gone long.
ears reached their max size a while ago.
gotten quite nostalgic; started to wear norse-style clothing in his own time again. it's comfy and familiar!
among the mortals it has been many centuries of trying to match contemporary fashions. genuinely enjoys working with textiles though, so it's no big deal. yeah he still does this.
cannot keep up a human disguise for more than a couple hours... maintaining an illusion gets exhausting when it's so many things at once.
mostly goes for fish blood these days. it's not the greatest blood, but he likes the taste of it the most and it's less of a hassle to get when he's at sea all the time.
avoids the greater vampire community. he feels it's too much drama all the time, all while they just tend to think of him as a hermit, and well. they're not wrong.
has been known to take some odd jobs here and there, pretending to be mortal.
i did not actually intend to write down this much but!! i just like him a lot. gotta stop myself from writing too much. there's so much more i could say about him, but we'd be here forever
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You mentioned once that Eg has both polecat and dart frog DNA, right? That implies that other clones can have more than one type of animal mixed with them. Thinking of the possibilities is exciting :)
(That is correct! Now it is time for 'Bean talks about clone OCs again!!!' (Also Bean is not a scientist, and we are using cartoon logic, so do not come at them for inaccuracy!!!)
In the most simple of terms, there are three groups that clones can be classified into! (Well, four, but we'll get into that)
The first group is clones with just a single species of animal (or plant!) spliced into their DNA, with examples being Spud (Star-Nosed Mole) and Mirtillo (Common Vampire Bat)
These guys are probably second most common! Giving clones specific traits without the risk of mixing DNAs and causing the clone to explode or something
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The second group is clones with more than one set of DNA, but those animals are all the same species, ie Vitelotte having only spider DNA (Jumping Spider, Wolf Spider, Tarantula etc (side note, no specific subspecies bc there are so many spiders I do not have the spoons to look through them all and pick some out kjfdsjf)), and Mint Chip having shark DNA (Tiger Shark and Thresher Shark)
These guys are probably the most common type as they (the scientists) were giving clones specific traits from animals like the singular DNA clones, but also did not want to be limited if one type of species could do something another couldn't
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And then Eg falls into the third group of having more than one set of DNA from different animals! As mentioned, she has Striped Polecat (aka African Skunk or Zorilla) and Blue Poison Dart Frog DNA! Another example, bc I need to have two examples, is BB, who is a mix of Boer Goat, African Lion, Ball Python, and King Cobra!
This group is the rarest out of the three, bc mashing together DNAs like that often resulted in failure, but that does not mean they are few and far between!
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And last, but not least, special cases!!! This is the group Pep falls into, even tho he should technically be in the third group, he is packed with so many different kinds of DNA, he is very much an outlier here
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And there are a few other outliers, who would also technically be in one of the previous groups, but what makes them different is that they were not purposely spliced with certain DNAs, and were the result of cross-breeding (two (or more) different clones with different DNAs making a baby), or cannibalism (eating another clone and absorbing their set(s) of DNA)
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