#Vampire Dick Grayson
edi-storm · 9 months
Hi! i love your Damijon arts! not sure if you still take requests or not but ii was wondering if you could draw a vampire Damian protecting a human Jon from the evil vampire king (Dick Grayson)?
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Sorry for doing this so late🤧🤧
Senior year is KILLING ME
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beesarekindaswag · 7 months
Ya know how we all collectively agree that the Lazarus pits are just ectoplasm? Well.. apparently it’s canon in DC Vs Vampires that the pits can reverse vampirism and turn someone back into a human…
Guys… GUYS -
Just imagine Danny wandering the ghost zone and ooh natural portal? Yoink.
It just so happens that the portal leads to the DC vs vampires dimension and well Vlad looks enough like a stereotypical vampire that when some dude with fangs tries to kill him who can fault Danny for a little ectoplasm blast?
And wait a minute- what just happened to the guy he shot? He’s… human now? H u h
Turns out when you shoot a vampire with ectoplasm it ALSO cures the vampirism…
The real question is : did Danny happen to land in the midst of a dramatic reveal of Dick Grayson as the vampire king and oops- no more vampire 🤩
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tsuyakiku · 1 month
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polarspaz · 4 months
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-More Horror Bros AU doodles! I also updated Tim's werewolf design.
-Dick ALWAYS breaks when Tim gives him the sad puppy dog eyes. Bruce and Damian are also surprisingly weak against it.
-Tim likes to wear shirts that belong to either Bruce or Kon. Bruce's scent calms him down and makes him feel safe, while Kon's scent reminds me of the sun and makes him giddy. Tim will never admit this though, he will also never admit how embarrassed he is about how Kon's shirt is STILL too big for him, even as a werewolf.
-I said before that Jason can't eat, but I think I might make change that and make him have to eat brains, animal ones at least. It gross. So, so, gross and when Jason is feeling especially devious, he'll make digusting noises while eating, just to make Tim gag.
-When they got cursed, Dick was the first to go down and started coughing up his teeth, along with halve of his blood. Jason rushed over to help, but his own skin began to rot and peel off. Damian was hunched over next to Tim, clutching his throat while gasping for breath as tiny green fish scales blossomed all over his skin. Tim had only a moment to act and manged to grab Damian and yeet him into the harbor before he himself began to transform.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 315
We all know the idea of Danny getting adopted by one of the batfam. But hear me out: Danny gets adopted by Vampire Dick Grayson. 
Danny honestly, did not mean to dimension hop, nor did he mean to get this injured in the first place, where his vision is spinning and there’s greenRedGreenGreenGREEN spilling from his body like he’s melting from the inside. He didn’t mean to get caught, he just didn’t want Dan to happen again, not again and the GIW had seen him flying and- 
And now he’s here, wherever here is, smoke in his lungs making it even harder to breathe than it was before. And there’s a shadow approaching, a flicker of crimson in his blurry vision, and there’s claws tilting his head and then something burns- 
Dick? Call it nostalgia perhaps, seeing this small child, so much like his little wing and baby bird once were, white streak and corpse-pale skin and all. He just wished for his dear brothers to join him, that’s all he wanted, and perhaps Damian won’t be so bitey if he got a friend…
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magpie-murder · 1 year
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(correct) fic link // @batfam-big-bang !
[ image description: Nightwing proudly sits on the top of a building. It's dark outside, and the full moon is behind him. It's misty on the Gotham rooftops, and he's sporting a self-satisfied smile, bearing fangs. Covered in blood, Nightwing is a vampire. ]
i'm so glad i get to finally post this, i've been antsy to share it. i'm so proud of this piece and i was honored to work with @raaorqtpbpdy to build a super fun vampire!dick fic. keep your eye out for the upcoming batfam big bang pieces!
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red-moon10 · 7 months
Birdflash Week - Day 2
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duckysprouts · 1 year
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some boys stay in my heart forever
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lorena-art · 9 months
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While I delight in Timbern's beautiful Christmas fanarts, I've been cooking up this little attempt at an AU for several weeks now.
So I just imagined Tim trying to get to Bernard to get him safe from the vampire uprising that's been brewing in the shadows, reaching out to him as a civilian and planning to confess to him that he's Robin before taking him to the Bunker under Wayne Tower to keep him safe until they can find the vampire king and get rid of him.
Only the vampire king had gotten to Bernard long before him. Dick just wants his brothers by his side helping him rule the new world he's about to create. Turning Timmy's boyfriend and using him to set him up? That's just sweetening the deal for his brother, after all he wouldn't want to separate him from the person he loves, right?
If I ever stop criticizing DC vs Vampires?, is it because I have been cloned and my clone is managing the blog after getting rid of me 😆 Ok, so I just can't help but think of an AU where Dick hasn't lost 75% of his intelligence by becoming a villain and his desire to have his brothers by his side during the world government was legitimate. (and I will never forgive him for crushing Tim's head like a watermelon without even trying to recruit him to his side).
Also, have you seen that strange and somewhat erotic loyalty of vampires towards their king? That shit never failed to catch my attention.
As if, upon conversion, there was something that was disconnected in people's brains, if humanity had a switch and it simply turned off. They reason, they talk, they think and everything, but there is something so different about them. And that's fascinating.
It reminded me a little of the demons from Sousou no Frieren, who are capable of talking, thinking, planning and a lot of things, but they are not able to understand humanity. A predator that cannot understand its prey.
I think that would be really fun to work with in an AU, but unfortunately I'm too lazy for that lol.
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sanguineterrain · 11 months
the teeth you know | dick grayson
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Summary: The war between the humans and the vampires has lasted for a year now. When you fled Gotham, you thought that would be the last time you'd see the Vampire King and the love of your life, Dick Grayson. You were wrong.
Pairing: vampire king!Dick Grayson x fem!reader. based on the dc vs vampires comics
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings/tags: smut!!! 18+ only. oral fem receiving, manipulation, romantic dick, me retconning whatever smarmy little bastard they wrote in dc vs vampires bc that is NOT my dick. dick is literally so gone for you, vampire king or not. themes of death, war, vampires killing humans. if i missed any warnings lmk!
happy almost halloween! follow your dreams and fuck that superhero turned vampire. it'll definitely fix them this time.
the divider
If you like this fic and want to see more, please let me know through reblogs ♡
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Tonight, you dream. 
You don't usually have good dreams. Not since this whole war began. Your dreams are filled with red. Always red, always terrifying. 
Except when he's in them.
The first few times it happened, you yelled at him for intruding on your subconscious. For warping your emotions and making you miss him. He'd laughed at that. 
You should look at yourself a little harder before blaming me. I just appear. You do all the dirty work of missing me, my love.
You're in Gotham in tonight's dream. The old Gotham, of course. Before any bastard undead creatures could suck the life out of your city. Before Dick Grayson haunted your dreams. 
You're on a rooftop ledge, legs dangling. You stare at the harbor. The city's wet from the rain and alive. So alive. You start to cry. 
"Oh, honey," he says, and you cry harder because he sounds exactly like the Dick you knew. 
He keeps his distance, sitting a few feet away. You refuse to look at him, because this is exactly how he gets you to miss him. Dick makes a soft noise when you scrub at your face.
"Have you been eating enough?" he asks, and he almost sounds tender. But you know better. "I'll track down a produce shipment, tell my men to intercept the boat for you."
"Fuck you," you say. "I don't take food out of people's mouths."
Dick edges closer. He feels big in your dreams, looming over you. 
"You wouldn't take food out of anyone's mouth. There's no longer a faction on the planet that requires all that food." 
Because the vampires have all but wiped humans out. You snarl. 
"Why can't you leave me alone?" you snap. "I know you're cruel, but the least you could do is let me dream in peace."
"Have I been cruel to you? I don't mean to be, sweetheart. I visit to check on you."
"Bullshit, Dick." Saying his name makes you shake. "You visit to manipulate me. I'm not going to give up my location, I'm not going to turn against my team, and I'm definitely never going to be your queen."
Dick is next to you on the roof ledge, now. He leans in and you stiffen at his eyes. You still aren't used to the absence of blue.
"Of course not. I wouldn't make you do anything you don't want to," he says, hand slipping across your jaw. You immediately slap him away. He makes a displeased sound. 
"Why don't you find someone else to manipulate? I'm sure you've got countless minions who'd leap at the chance to be with you for eternity." 
"I don't want anyone else," he murmurs. "I've thought of nothing but you since we parted. I wish you hadn't run, my love. Things would be better if we were together, you’d see.”
"Hah. You used to be so much better at compartmentalizing, Grayson. Guess vampires aren't so good at controlling their own desires."
He laughs, tosses his head back. His fangs glint. Dick's smile is deceiving; underneath the charm, there's unimaginable power. Vampirism has treated him well: he's always filled out, lean with muscle, carrying an easy strength everywhere he goes. 
You, on the other hand, suffer from poor nutrition. You didn't sleep well before this mess; now, it's nearly impossible. 
(Except when Dick visits, you feel rested the next morning. You'd never admit such a thing to anybody, but it's the truth.) 
"Oh, sweetheart, but why would I bother controlling my desires now? There's no one stopping me from having what I want."
You stew in silence, turning away from him. Dick sighs. 
"What do you want, hm? Tell me. I'll give you anything." 
"I want you to free every human you're holding captive," you say. "And I want you and your people to stop this war."
"Such a golden heart," Dick says. "That's what I love about you. Always so good."
"You used to be good too," you shoot back bitterly. 
"No, I used to be obedient. There's a difference. I used to be Bruce's little, golden cow."
“He treated you well.”
“When I fell in line,” he says.
You fall quiet again. Dick scoots closer. You scoot away. 
"You know I've already let a few of the humans go. For you, honey. As a sign of goodwill. I'm not totally heartless, you know."
You roll your eyes. 
"Right. Well, us cattle don't find it merciful when we're sent out on our own to die, so you'll have to excuse me if I don't thank Your Highness on my knees."
"You are not cattle," Dick says fiercely. "Don't talk about yourself that way."
"My life is no less human and no more important than theirs," you say, temper flaring. "So, yes, I am."
You fall off the roof before he can say any more. Your stomach swoops similarly to how it would if you were awake. But then the stars bleed into the skyline, and there's a flash of golden light. 
And now you're in a bedroom. It's not one you recognize, richly decorated with golden accents and silk sheets and curtains. You'd almost mistake it for a room at Wayne Manor. 
"Now this is much better, don't you think? You're wearing my favorite color."
You look down and see that your pajamas have been swapped for a long, blood red, chiffon nightgown. It hugs every curve and dip of your body, the sleeves and collar trimmed in soft fur. The neckline is somewhat modest, but the fabric is totally see-through past your thighs. 
It's something a queen would wear. 
"Beautiful," Dick murmurs, voice rough. "Fuck, honey. This is the sort of thing you should wear all the time."
"Change me back," you demand. "I am not a doll for you to dress up, Dick."
"No, of course you're not. This is just a taste of how you'd live if you were with me, my love."
"I will never live with you. I'd rather die."
Dick hums, then draws closer. You back up until your legs hit the edge of the bed. He prowls further, eyes sharp like he's hunting prey. Your pulse quickens and you have to remind yourself that this is just a dream. 
"What happened to us?" he asks softly. "I know that, at one point, you loved me."
"Yeah, that was before you turned into a monster. I loved a man." 
"I'm no more monster than any of the men you've known," Dick says. 
You scoff. "God, where'd you get that one? Jason?"
Dick smiles, and it almost looks human. "No, that was a Grayson original. And it's true. Man has never been good. You don't like me because now I drink a little blood?"
"I don't like you because you used to be good, and now you're not."
He hums. "I'm not all bad, my love. I can be subdued, tamed. You want me to be tame? I can be good for you. I can give you anything your heart desires. Our wants are the same.”
Dick eases you backwards onto the bed. You shouldn’t let him. Shouldn’t like the cold press of undead flesh against your heat. Shouldn’t like how he holds you, how convincing he sounds. You know your wants aren’t the same, that Dick is playing you, and you’re being easy.
But… but it's not like you'll ever see him for real again. No one will know. 
And God, it's been so long since anyone touched you. You pined for this, what seems like forever ago. Dick Grayson wanting you had felt impossible, until it wasn't… but by then, he'd become the very thing you'd sworn to hate. 
"This–” You swallow. “This isn’t right.” 
But your legs part for him to kneel between. 
"Tell me to stop and I will. I serve you first."
Dick hovers over you, hands planted on either side of your head. You're getting wet. You ache in more ways than one. 
"This is cruel," you whine.
"I don’t mean to be cruel,” he says gently. “Do you want me to stop, my love? My beautiful queen, who hasn’t been touched in so long. You’ve needed me, haven’t you?”
“Not–not your queen,” you say, panting, but you let him in, let him settle above you. 
“If you say so, my love," he says, nuzzling your neck. You tense even though he can't actually bite you. 
His fingers thread with yours. The position is unbearably intimate. You’d forgotten how romantic Dick was. How loving. Briefly, you wonder if he kept that through the shift.
It’s impossible, you insist as he kisses your jaw.
"You're a dream in red," he purrs. "I might prefer it to you in blue, but it's a close call."
"Your ego is ridiculous," you say, and Dick unlinks one hand to pet the apex of your thighs with two fingers. You're still clothed, and you're still dreaming, but the heat and pressure and slick feel so real. 
"The sounds you're making certainly don’t keep my ego in check," Dick says with a proud grin, fangs on display. 
Then he rips your underwear off, ducks between your legs, and licks you until you cry. 
You arch off the bed, and even in the dream, his strength is easy, one hand keeping you pressed to the bed. Dick pushes one of your legs up to get a deeper angle, moaning into your cunt. Your leg goes up easily even though in real life, it would pinch. You’re not as flexible as he is.
"Dickie," you cry, tears slipping down your cheeks because it's so good, it feels real, you wish this was real, wish you had him back. 
He nips your thighs, groans into your sex. Dick ruts the mattress, the first loss of control he's shown. It makes you wetter, knowing that he's so gone for you. It's sick to like such a thing, but you never stopped loving him, not really. You can't seem to reckon the man from the monster. 
You come hard on his tongue, and he keeps licking until you push him away. 
"You haven't been touched in ages, I bet," he says, lips shiny with your arousal. His eyes are a brighter red. His chest heaves. He looks hungrier than before he started.
"Been a bit busy,” you say when your brain comes back online. “End of humanity and all that."
His eyes go soft. You hate that he can still make that look. 
"Why are you so stubborn? Why won't you let me take care of you? You belong at my side."
You scowl. "I don't belong anywhere, Dick. Certainly nowhere near you."
His eyes glitter and he grabs you by your hips and kisses you. You let him, because you're absolutely pathetic and because you haven't been touched in ages.
Dick laughs against your mouth and peppers kisses on your throat before pulling away. 
"I'll send your team food. They won't even know it's me," he says, half-lidded. "My beloved queen. You'll never starve. I didn't know it was so bad."
"I am not your queen and I don't need your charity. In fact, you know what? I'm waking up. Right now."
Dick smiles, and kisses your hand. Then he gets off of the bed, and fixes his collar. He must be aching in his slacks, dream or not, but he straightens up like he has all the time in the world to fuck you. Like he knows you’ll be back.
"Of course, my love. Whatever you want. Till next time."
The dream fades from a golden bedroom to your dark, tiny hole of a room you've camped in for a few months. 
You turn your head and look at the clock. It's still late. 
Your thighs ache. Your mouth tingles where he kissed you. 
You swore to never pledge yourself to the Vampire King. But you never made any such promises about Dick Grayson.
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paintedimagery · 11 months
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his pouty face lmao
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edi-storm · 11 months
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I can fix him y’all
Doodle with hangry dickie boy 👦
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 7 months
Tim has worked hard at least in his opinion.
Kept Batman off the deep end, rescued him from the time stream even helped to get all of the wayward sons back under dear old dad.
He keeps tabs on everyone surveillance that would make Oracle weap.
In a way he blames his mother for how he turned out she taught him that to be left blind was to be left dead.
So his big brothers little exploits into the realm of the blood suckers isn't surprising.
It is hurtful that once again he was gonna be brushed aside that Dick assumes that Tim wouldn't follow his Robin to the ends of the earth. That he wouldn't want to live by his brothers side for all of eternity.
Both Jason and Damian have already been turned they are doing a good job of hiding but none of them ever seen to remember he was a stalker first.
He watches quietly as they plot to take down Bruce he hears as they say he would have to go down too that he would never turn against Bruce.
Yes because that is all he seems to amounted to Bruce's little tag along.
Cass being turned was the last straw it was almost too easy.
A little bit of poison in coffee that Bruce took without a second thought no odor, tasteless it's league created never even shared with Damian having a working relationship with Ra's has really payed off.
He decides to take a page out of Jason's book comes to their oh so secret base with a duffle bag.
It's funny as he walks in the shock as if they were so good he throws the bag down making eye contact with Dick the man who gave him everything and was just gonna let him rot.
"It's Bruce if you couldn't figure it out, I can't fucking believe you after everything, you didn't even try."
He can't help the tears that flow down.
"Once again compared to Jason and Damian I'm just the left overs fuck you Dick I would have done anything for you well I'm done enjoy Gotham I set it up for you don't ever speak to me again." He growls.
He turns looking each of them in the eye he sees shock, sadness, he knows how this will go he can't wait.
"Just remember I knew I could have stopped you I didn't because at the end of the day I thought you would know, that I was always your brother before Bruce's little soldier."
He leaves heading towards his bike, pounding of footsteps arms grab around him pulling him into a chest he knows better than himself.
"I never, I wasn't gonna make you choose Baby Bird I wasn't I wouldn't hurt you you saw my actual plans please Tim your my Robin."
"I just why didn't you, I love you Dick, I'm your brother you promised me."
"We will fix this Tim, I can't thank you enough. I shouldn't have assumed, please work with us I'll make it up, you and I against the world."
"Let's get back in and you can explain everything you did I love you baby bird."
"I love you big bird"
Too easy.
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polarspaz · 1 year
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HorrorBros AU
Everyone's having some ice cream, except Jason, who can't digest food anymore.
((Tim's having Vanilla, Damian Sea salt, and Dick's, specially made by Alfred, is just frozen blood.))
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
3am Prompt/Au Idea
What if, like love evil Dick in DC Vampires, more power to him, but like, imagine for a second...
Bruce, after finding out one of his kids is the self-proclaimed Vampire King, just holds up his hand, gathers up said kids into a room and just-
"I am not mad-" Several exchange looks that are half alarmed and half guilty, seeing as they're unsure why they've been gathered up at this moment. "-nor am I disappointed."
Bruce, fully channeling dad mode, "But what did we agree on for world domination plans?" (Somewhere a snooping hero chokes)
"Not to do it when you're on world so you don't have to at least attempt to stop us?"
"Exactly. Now, which one of you broke the rule and now has new medical information you didn't inform Alfred of...?"
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babygirl-but-a-boy · 8 months
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