#we’re water chaotic hardcore
nixnereus · 2 years
Further proof my entire family is chaos.
My dad dumped acid into the pool to level the ph. Our idea to mix it up was to run on a circle and get a whirlpool going. The entire family did so immediately. Even my dog jumped in and helped. It was really fun.
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Every photo I posted from this show on Instagram had a 311 lyric attached as the show was on 3.11.23. I know that I’m corny, I know you know it too, we both don’t really care, so let’s get with the visuals. Double vodkas and watermelon red bulls pair wonderfully with Sativa dominant hybrid hand rolled king-size cones. Just putting it out there. I dream of a day when they can be truly paired together and I can have a drink and a doobie in the smoking section. Venue staff informed me that last minute the venue manager said all drinks need to be poured because this crowd is known to get "violent".
Awww shucks. Thanks Saint Andrew's Hall! I am by no means offended, I think I speak for most metalheads and deathcore kids when I say we take that as a badge of honor. Especially considering how insane shows have been in the past in that room, and look, from my standpoint I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary all night. None of this music is entry level so it’s not like anyone in the room was ignorant of what could possibly happen. And again, as far as my knowledge it was a normal night.
Straight up, Primitive Man is abrasive and I would not play it for most people. With that being said I am a fan of just nothing but growls and breakdowns. Trio of death doom and funeral doom that literally sounds like elevator music to Hell. Or are they the soundtrack of the tear in the ground opening the portal to Hell, right in the middle of beautiful Downtown Detroit, Michigan?
Primitive Man is the first band to make me need a break. I literally had to go downstairs and then outside for a second just to get a pallet cleanser for my ears. All of a sudden the typical Detroit city soundscape sounded like heaven to me. This is not a shot at them at all, this is a sign of respect that they do exactly what they set out to do. I appreciate this band for existing more than most.
And they did, masterfully.
Full of Hell gave me the live intensity vibes of Converge while lifting the tempo massively from the funeral doom openers. Chaos. Samples. Keyboards. An absolute Madman on drums. I cannot ask for anything better when watching support bands. But the truth is this is a band I need to see headline and own a venue for an hour+. Samples and electronics filter through hardcore drum beats and blackened death styles that make my chest feel warm and cozy. I know this music could probably be used to torture normies but it gives me the biggest smile on my face to see shit like this live.
Fit For An Autopsy one of the leaders of Deathcore is damn near homicidal with their music as they are fucking killing it. I wished so badly that Will Putney was here so I can annoy the fucking shit out of him.
Yesterday they dropped a single and at every stop of the tour they're shooting the video for it. As they are crushing it I am reminded of how much I truly love this genre and especially when those fucking thrash beats come out. All this time later we're still just descendants of Dave Lombardo and Gene Hoglan. I am not fucking mad about it.
FFAA brings a much more palatable style of music to the package after two of the brashest bands on Earth, again, this is a good thing in every direction. Lighting upgrades to the main rig and then come the sub hits and insane breakdowns that make my toes curl up inside my shoes. Why do I always find it to be so calm when it is so unbelievably chaotic? No idea, but it feels perfectly normal to be doing what I am doing and witnessing professionals do their thing up close and personal…
The Acacia Strain is up next and at this moment I realize that the Kemper pedal board has a plastic covering on it. I am reminded swiftly of Vincent’s antics with water bottles and then reconfigure my entire mentality towards the 3 songs I got to photograph.
I swear, I saw them at the Modern when I used to bring cases of 40s in the Lebaron. The mid-2000s are an absolute blur. It ended up being the Hayloft in Mt Clemens. Right out the gate, TAS is a brute onslaught playing “The Beast” with help from some friends on vocals. It was chaotic as fuck, louder than the rest of the night, and the definition of a rager popping off. It did not let up, with multiple crowd-surfing photographers, water flying everywhere, clawing crowd surfers, and a wall-to-wall mosh pit. All of this is the perfect storm for a delightful evening of catharsis, release, and deathcore. Look, I smoke a lot of weed alright. Did my email say these fucking guys dropped info on ANOTHER surprise album? Jesus Christ man… so we get two new albums from The Acacia Strain this spring, good. Good. More on that when those records come out! This was an incredible lineup that consistently build to a peak of insanity with The Acacia Strain sealing up the portal to Hell in true deathcore fashion.
I've had varying experiences with staff and security over the years at venues I love and loathe. Most of the time everything is fine. But sometimes I get rubbed the wrong way. My most recent mishap was in Cleveland. Doesn't surprise me. But last Saturday I felt very accommodated and taken care of by security and staff at @standrewshall in Detroit. Look I'm a big pothead so I forget names and shit but I think it was Daryl? in the pit and Anna/Hannah? working backstage access was great with me.
Guest services were wonderful, along with VIP staff and pit security besides those mentioned. I usually never have to worry about anything besides maybe flying water bottles. And even though we had to have every drink poured that night, Vincent made sure to chuck a few cases into the crowd throughout @theacaciastrain set I just really appreciate that from big D and the pit crew and PJ of course. I just wanted to thank them for that shit. Makes doing my job so much easier every time I come there. And the upstairs bartender's thanks, bros! All the dudes in the photo do a hell of a job catching gigantic rust belt crowd surfers. And keeping nerdy music photographers like myself from getting crushed by them. None of that shit goes unnoticed.
THE ACACIA STRAIN ON TOUR: WITH  FIT FOR AN AUTOPSY,  FULL OF HELL, + PRIMITIVE MAN: 3/21 — Los Angeles, CA — 1720 3/22 — Mesa, AZ — Nile Theater  3/24 — Dallas, TX — Amplified Live 3/25 — Austin, TX — Come and Take It Live  3/26 — Houston, TX — Warehouse Live 3/28 — Tampa, FL — The Orpheum 3/29 — Atlanta, GA — The Masquerade (Heaven) 3/30 — Greensboro, NC — Arizona Pete's 3/31 — Baltimore, MD — Baltimore Soundstage 4/1 — Worcester, MA — The Palladium THE ACACIA STRAIN RECORD RELEASE SHOWS: FEATURING ESCUELA GRIND, VOMIT FORTH, + CHAINED TO THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN: 5/19 — Syracuse, NY — The Lost Horizon 5/20 — Albany, NY — Empire Underground 5/21 — Portland, ME — The Cavern
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so i’m trying to write duke and i don’t think i’m writing him right. how would you describe his personality because with don’t trust fanon lmfaooo
(this was only supposed to be a paragraph or two i swear to god)
1. first things first, duke is a hardcore gryffindor. don’t let the yellow color scheme mislead you, okay. and while most of the time he’s depicted in fanon as “omg this family is crazy and i’m the only sane one,” it’s actually pretty much the opposite? if anything, i think the other batkids would be like “oh finally, someone who can match our level of chaotic energy. HEY DUKE WANNA BUNGEE JUMP OFF WAYNE TOWER—” and an hour later they’d all be in the batcave getting lectured by bruce for leading poor sweet innocent duke astray when really he was already planning on doing that this weekend.
listen, this is the kid who once jumped off a bridge to escape police. this is the dude who decided to fight criminals while they’re still eating their wheaties at 6am in a bright yellow suit. and while duke seems to be the best at following bruce’s command at the moment due to having been trained by him most recently compared to the others and is still figuring out how to be a hero, i’m positive that if bruce weren’t here to guide him, duke would be running around gotham taking down criminals anyway. i mean, he literally did do that with the “we are robin” kids. plus there was the whole thing when he was like ten years old and decided “i am going to singlehandedly stop the riddler in my light up sketchers and pikachu backpack. try and stop me.” 
duke is headstrong and has a strong drive toward heroism. he’s an extremely enthusiastic and passionate person in general, and i try to capture a little of that when i write him, even with mundane things like trying to beat his siblings to the last cupcake. 
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2. another thing i noticed is that duke swears like a sailor in comics? seriously, this boy could give jason a run for his money with how many “@#!%” speech bubbles there are. i don’t know if this is just a trend the writers added in the comics i’ve read of him, or if it’s a genuine trait throughout every comic he’s in, but that’s something to make note of when writing dialogue for duke. after all, he did grow up in the narrows, so it makes sense that he’d use a lot of swearing and slang in his everyday vernacular.
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3. i would also make a point of noting that duke is fairly young compared to the rest of the batfamily, being the second youngest after damian. duke is still a teenager in high school, and he acts like it. he’s got homework and friends and is eager to make a difference in gotham, trying to juggle everything and make it all work somehow. he’s stubborn and doesn’t give up easily, so it’s important to write him as someone who is trying to save the world while also struggling with finding time to study for his next math test. he's human. he doesn’t get to dedicate all of his time to fighting crime like cass or jason might be able to, since duke is still a mostly normal teenager with teenager problems.
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4. and don’t forget that unlike the other batkids, duke still has two living parents. sure, they’re jokerized and might not ever be the same again, but they’re alive and that’s what holds him back from letting himself get as close to the waynes as he wants to. duke won’t be calling bruce “dad” anytime soon, and i think he’d have some internal struggle over stuff like holidays and birthdays with the waynes, remembering what his parents are missing out on and wondering if joining the wayne family is a betrayal to them. duke is very conflicted over this, even if he doesn’t say it directly. stuff like ducking out of movie night early or feeling a bittersweet pang during thanksgiving dinner makes sense for someone in his situation. 
(i usually ignore that aspect in my fics because i want duke to just be adopted and part of the family already, but not everyone does that, and that’s perfectly fine.)
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5. honestly, duke is such a caring individual and we as a fandom need more of him being a shoulder for people to lean on because he’s?? so soft?? duke can be so sympathetic and rational when it comes to emotional problems. it seems like duke internalizes every bit of advice he gets from the people around him and uses it to inspire others and help them through their own problems. as tough and hotheaded as duke can sometimes be, he really is good when it comes to emotions.
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6. duke is a smartass. he will 100% use sarcasm against any and every authority figure he meets, usually just for the hell of it. 
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7. he’s very frank in general, usually the first to be like “okay full disclosure, we’re about to die right now. that sucks. anyway—” in a situation. he’s honest and tends to be upfront about his fears/anxieties, usually for comic relief, but i think it still counts.
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8. okay i have to add that duke is also kind of a punk? he and jason have a lot in common because of this: they both grew up in one of gotham’s worse areas (jay in crime alley and duke in the narrows) and they’re both highkey deliquents. duke has no problem getting into fights or talking back to authority figures, and it’s gotten him in hot water on more than one occasion. it’s why he kept getting moved around the foster system before bruce took him in because no one wanted to keep him.
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9. he’s also gotten so close with the other batkids and we love to see it!! duke calls cass “sis” and treats damian like the annoying little brother he never had and i adore every second of it. we haven’t gotten a lot of interactions between duke and the others aside from training and stuff, but he and jason have the whole “punk kid who got adopted by batman and is baffled by how rich people live” going for them, so they can bond over that. and duke is a thinker like tim, so they can hang out and do puzzles or play chess or whatever it is that smart people do. (and duke and steph are BESTIES i don’t care what anyone says.)
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10. most of all, duke is still learning how the whole hero thing works. he’s young and he’s trying his best, but he also makes mistakes. he will be impulsive and screw up, and he’ll try and merge the lessons batman’s taught him and that his parents taught him and that other heroes teach him until it all makes sense in his own mind. duke isn’t experienced like dick or even damian, so he’s going to be lagging behind for a while until he grows until the role he’s made for himself.
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other miscellaneous details to include: 
- duke is dating izzy, who used to be part of the “we are robin” gang with him - he used to live at the manor and now lives with his cousin jay, but honestly i just have him living at the manor in everything i write because i like it better that way - he can control shadows and light now! what a king! - duke secretly writes poetry and is good at creative writing in general  - this:
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- duke is super smart?? he figured out that agent 37 was dick grayson without even trying?? i’m so proud of him - his biological father is this supervillain called gnomon so now duke has got four parents: his mom, his dad, his supervillain dad, and bruce (plus selina if you count her as the batkids’ stepmom, which i do) - jason calls him “narrows” and i love that
- and, lastly, the most important panel in the history of comics:
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catgrump · 3 years
Hello! I love your work, I was wondering if you wanted to write Leobuki with the prompt “I knew this was a bad idea”
Thank you so much!
How have I never thought of this ship before?
Let’s go let’s go!!! Chaotic Punk Rockers!
Non Despair AU where these two are adults auditioning for a talent search/talent competition! Enjoy 💛
“I knew this was a bad idea I knew this was a bad idea,” Leon was muttering the phrase over and over again as he clutched the neck of his guitar that sat across his lap and tapped his foot on the tile floor incessantly
And then he heard the clanging of metal on metal beside him. He looked to his right and saw a girl sitting down in a (rather sick) colorfully punk outfit with matching hair holding a keytar. The chains on her belt must’ve made the noise as she sat down.
She was looking at him with a soft, somewhat eerie smile.
“Can I help you?” Leon asked, unsure if he wanted an answer
“Ibuki sensed distress!”
Her voice rang out like the welcome bell over a shop door. He’s been in the presence of this girl for like five seconds and he’s already... oddly intrigued. “Is that you?” Leon asked, “Ibuki?”
“Yessir; you’re a good guesser.” Her smile hasn’t left her face. The contrast of her black lipstick and white teeth was... endearing?
Well, Leon would be lying if he said he didn’t think Ibuki looked cool as hell. Pink and blue and white streaks were scattered in organized chaos throughout her long black hair; she was covered in studded, spiked, and chained accessories; her makeup was intense, yet subtle; and she had a chain of piercings trailing under her lip.
Leon’s tongue pressed against the backing of his own labret piercing, thinking about how he doesn’t think he could handle more than one there. She must be hardcore.
“So what’s up?” Ibuki asked with a pep in her pipes, then gasping, quickly straightening her posture, and answering her own question with another question, “Are you nervous about the audition??”
“Heh, you’re a pretty good guesser, too,” Leon nervously tried to flirt; why did he think THAT was a good idea when he’s already on edge?
“Do you wanna know Ibuki’s advice?”
His foot tapping has transitioned to leg bouncing as he replied, “Sure.”
“It’s not an audition at all!”
“Hah, what?”
“If you tell your brain it isn’t an audition, and you’re just playing at home like you would normally, or you’re playing for a crowd— whichever is easier for you; I know Ibuki prefers a crowd— nerves just POOF! Disappear!”
“Easier said than done,” Leon said, trying to keep his cool. She’s cute and giving him attention; he doesn’t want to pass up an opportunity for a potential phone number.
But his brain is having trouble keeping up this facade. Normally if he’s actively trying to pick someone up, he can focus all his attention on trying to impress the person he’s talking to, but the more he talks with Ibuki while trying to hold his head up high, the more he feels like he’s going to pass out. Especially because, “I’ve never actually performed for a crowd before.”
“Wooooaaahhh that’s cuckoo bananas!” Her eyes almost had actual stars in them, “You must have some serious balls to make your first performance a talent competition!”
“Hah, I guess so—“
“But I totally get why you’re nervous! You’re super duper totally allowed to be. Ibuki was in her first talent competition when she was ten, and she was nervous as all hell.”
“How long ago was that?— if you don’t mind me asking,” Leon looked at Ibuki and thought she had to be at least his age
“A little over a decade!”
She is his age. And she’s been performing since she was in grade school.
Leon only recently discovered he could try to make a career in music, and one of his insecurities is feeling like he has to catch up to everyone else.
Suddenly, a stage manager with a clipboard appeared from behind the big push-bar doors, “Number 37?”
“Oh, that’s me,” Leon practically coughed out
“You’re on deck,” the stage manager added before going back inside
“How are you feeling?” Ibuki asked, leaning in
“If I’m being honest; lightheaded,” Leon tried to play it off as a joke, even though it was the truth.
“Let me get you some water!” Ibuki declared, springing up from the bench and swinging her keytar across her back before darting off
“Ibuki, wait—“
But it was too late. She was already bouncing down the hall, determined to reach her destination.
“Dammit,” Leon muttered, keeling his head forward
Talking with her was a nice distraction. Now, all he can think about is that he’s up next to audition.
By the time the stage manager came back to bring Leon into the audition space, Ibuki hadn’t returned.
Leon tried not to worry too much, thinking it would distract him in a bad way.
But he couldn’t help but think of Ibuki when he approached the microphone and said, “Hi, my name’s Leon Kuwata, and this is an original piece called ‘Under the Bleachers’,” and imagined himself alone in his apartment as he played the chords and sang.
And he got to finish the entire song. He was expecting to get cut off, but he sang the whole thing.
He was brought back to reality when one of the people on the panel who were watching started asking him about the piece, “When did you write that?”
Leon talked about how he drafted it in high school— it was originally a poem he wrote for a class assignment— and reworked it into music after going through a breakup.
The panel all at least seemed interested in his story, too, “Well, thank you for sharing, Leon,” one person said, “We’ll be in touch.”
Leon thanked the panel members and left with a smile on his face.
When he walked back into the hallway, there was Ibuki, sitting on the edge of the bench, holding a bottle of water whose condensation was dripping onto her ripped tights. She stuck to her word.
“You were so good, Leon!” She said with a grin, bouncing as she sat, the water in the bottle jostling inside.
“You could hear?” Leon asked, feeling heat creep to his face as he heard her say his name.
“Yeah! I came back and saw you were gone, so I pressed my ear to to door to snoop,” she laughed, “We have totally different styles, but I’d love to jam sometime! It’s fun to get new flavors in every now and again.”
“You would?”
“Abso-tively!” She beamed, then continued, “It’s like Absolutely and Positively had an affair and made a baby.”
Leon laughed, unsure what to make of her. She’s odd, and unapologetic about it. She’s confident enough to have been performing for over ten years. She’s honest and upbeat.
He definitely has a crush.
But would someone as cool as Ibuki want to take a chance on some shmuck like Leon?
She at least seems like she wants to be friends, and Leon would be happy with that.
“If we’re gonna jam sometime, then,” Leon stepped a bit closer and took his phone out of his pocket, “How about I get your number?”
“Sure!” Ibuki was still smiling, and caught Leon off-guard when she pulled her phone out from the waistband of her tights.
They swapped phones and exchanged numbers. Leon paused typing his in to look at her, bouncing her head rhythmically to the tapping of her thumbs on his phone’s screen.
She’s cute. She’s cute and she’s cool and she’s also a musician and Leon can’t believe he was lucky enough to meet her.
Even if he doesn’t get in the show, one good thing came out of today.
When she handed him his phone back, he read the full name of that person— the one definite good thing to come from today— illuminated on the screen: “Ibuki 🤪🖤🎸 Mioda”
If you enjoy my work, you can buy me a Ko-Fi 💛 Fics will always be free; this is just an additional way to support me!
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imnotwolverine · 3 years
The Accidental Family - Chapter 1
Henry Cavill x OFC multi-chapter
Chap 1 - Coming Home | Chap 2 >
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Disclaimer: Fluff, some strong language 
Word count: 2.364
Author’s note: Are you ready for some confused Henry-fluff, my baby sweets? I really could use something to focus on now we’re in full lockdown during the Christmas days *ugly cries* -- So, dear fellow quarantine babies: I hope you’ll enjoy the story! 
Also, special thanks to my babe @darkbooksarwin​ for helping out with giving shape to this story and pointing me at some of the technicalities of brain injury and memory loss. ❤️
(Link to my Masterlist)
Say. What would you do if you’d one day wake up without a single memory of the last five years? Would you be like super soldier Hardcore Henry, defeating an army of bad guys? Would you return to the world in white robes, to help Hobbits on their journey to destroy one evil piece of jewellery? Or, would you perhaps be bed-ridden while you’re forced to watch yet another re-run of the Price Is Right on one far too small hospital tv? 
Well, for Henry it was unfortunately the latter. 
And where he had been ever enthusiastic to get back to work and pick up his life, the doctors thought otherwise, their voices all agreeing on one thing; he had to “take it easy”. 
Take it easy? Take it easy?! He had just skipped five years of his life! Let’s be real now! One cannot “take it easy”, when one moment you’re the main character of one of Netflix’s hit series, working 14 hour workdays, only to find yourself bedridden the next. Didn’t they need him? Didn’t they need Superman? Geralt? ..Him?
It felt a bit like he had been the first Doctor to step into the Tardis. Confused, but sharp of mind. Or, perhaps the Gandalf comparison was better; he had fought the Balrog of Khazad-dûm - or in his case some ghost riding idiot on the M5 on his motorcycle, only to return to the world as a different person..in a different time, the past five years a bit of white noise in the back of his brain.  
The one clear differentiation between him and Gandalf’s return being, that Henry had not lost “the One Ring”, but gained one, his left ring finger now sporting a pretty golden band that matched the one on the restless hands of the woman driving him home right this moment.
Returning his attention to her, he watched her, her fingers drumming on the steering wheel as her stormy blue eyes zipped over the chaotic traffic of the London city streets, her teeth biting in focus on her lower lip.  
She was his wife, apparently - a thought that both amused and frightened him. How in the hacking hell could he not remember having a wife?
Henry had always been good with people. Remembering faces, names, little details. But with her? His wife? He couldn’t even remember where or how they'd met. Matter of fact: he couldn’t remember any woman with this kind of sweet, heart shaped face, her eyes the shade of midnight blue and her hair so golden it might have been woven by Rumplestiltskin herself.
This whole thing was rather absurd.
Had someone told him he would one day wake up in a hospital bed sporting grey streaks in his hair and a scar the size of a small coin on his skull, the memories of his past 5 years erased, he’d have laughed hard. 
But, hello there new Henry, here you are.
Scratching at the edges of the itchy scar, Henry leaned into his arm, his aquamarine gaze quietly studying the blond woman.
*scratch scratch*
‘He-hey, don’t touch that.’ The blondine admonished, blindly swatting her hand in the direction of his shoulder - and missing - before she quickly reverted her attention back to the traffic, her foot pressing a bit too fiercely on the gas pedal, making the both of them jolt back in their seats.
‘WOA. CALM DOWN WOMAN.’ Henry gripped for the dashboard and gave her an exasperated look, her lips offering him a quick apologetic smile.  
‘Sorry. You usually drive.’
There it was again, one of those strange references to a life he couldn’t remember. A life that included stacks of family pictures and a car with kids seats and the smell of baby wipes and fake forest mint - he’d get rid of that stupid air refreshener the moment he could.
‘Come on…’ His wife grumbled at the traffic, her lips turning in a pout of pure focus as she tried to push the nose of the car between two sporty low riders on the right lane. ‘MOVE BITCH.’
Henry’s eyes widened at her words, the both of them laughing before she could apologise again.
‘Good gods woman. And how often DID you drive?’
‘Not too often. You were ever the gentleman.’ Her tongue poked out in sheer focus as she managed to squeeze the van into the new lane, a triumphant sigh escaping her lips before she looked back at him, making them both grin.
‘You okay, babe?’ She asked, halting the car again as they had to wait for a red light.
Babe. The simple word made his heart flutter ever so slightly, though he still wasn’t sure whether that was a good thing. An unease settled in his stomach as he looked ahead, the traffic a long string of red chimy lights that sparkled in the dusk of this cool May night, small pools of rain water mirroring the ache he must have caused this woman, his wife. Even as she now offered him a warm, sweet smile, he could see the tired hollowness that burnished her pretty face with dark eye circles and pale skin.
Henry wondered if SHE was okay, but then again..was he? He sighed and tried to relax as the car awoke again under the nervous press of her foot, his hand staying splayed out on the dash as he prayed to all that was holy that he wouldn’t get into yet another mind erasing traffic accident.
One was more than enough, thank you very much.
The night had wrapped the familiar Mews houses in a blanket of drab darkness and, as Henry waited for his wife to fight with the door lock, he could hear the hum of engines in the distance, this area about as quiet as you could find in the middle of London.
At least that hadn’t changed.
Smiling a little, he returned his attention to all the details he had somehow missed so much. The dents in the blue front door. The lock that wouldn’t budge before you’d twiddle with the key a little. And his trusty four pawed friend at the other side, nails tapping excitedly at the hardwood floors.
With a strange ache in his heart Henry followed the blonde woman into the house, her hand flicking over the light switch before Henry was attacked by a flurry of furry warmth and doggy licks.
‘KALLL! Kal, Kal, Kal! Hey good boy..’ Henry smiled as the large Akita near jumped up in his arms, excitement making the dog roll over onto his shoes, his proffered belly begging for a good scratch. Henry bent over to do just that, only to find himself grasping for his head as a sharp pain rushed up his scalp, a loud ring in his ears making him flinch.
‘Ah..!’ He exclaimed softly, but it wasn’t soft enough for the woman to miss, her feet quickly stepping back to him as she coddled him with soft finger strokes and gentle words.
‘Heyyyy..hey..calm.’ Henry could hear the slight worry in her voice, and he fought hard to open his eyes to at least look at her, unfamiliar love and care sparking between the both of them. ‘It’s okay.’ She breathed. ‘You’re okay. Let’s just..eh..get you up to bed, yea?’ She quickly stepped back and licked her lip, unsure of how to proceed with her stranger-of-a-husband.
Henry felt another painful jolt ring up through his skull, and so he could only nod in defeat, eyes clenching closed as he let the woman lead him up to the master bedroom.
Before long he was safely wrapped in the familiar smell of his own sheets, the bedroom a safe haven that had changed little except for the signs of a person that had slept on the other pillow, her smell still lingering.
That same smell now stepped into the doorway in the shapely appearance of dark jeans with hastily washed off toothpaste stains and a comfy cable knit sweater, long blond tresses cascading over her shoulders. She had taken the moment to get rid of their jackets and calm down Kal. 
‘You comfortable? I’m just going to message the day nurse to give her an update on...’ The woman hesitated, and then simply shrugged.
‘Yea, thank you,..eh..’ Henry felt a lump form in his throat as he realised he couldn’t remember her name, his face turning a blank at the rise of her mischievous eyebrows.
‘Say now Mr. Cavill, have you forgotten my ..name?’ Her tired lips curled up in a smile.
‘I …’
It’s like she was making him sweat on purpose, her smile growing ever so slightly.
‘Bee?’ He tried.
She chuckled, a silent relief unclenching the tightness in her shoulders. ‘Well there’s one thing you remember. Or did you pick that up when I was on the phone?’
‘It was the phone.’
She sighed, knowing it had been too good to be true, her head shaking. ‘Shucks. Anyways. It’s Phoebe, or Feebs. Though Bee is the general “go to”.’ She marched out to the larger dresser, her fingers quietly clicking open one of the doors to retrieve some fresh linens. ‘And I used to call you Bear, in case you wonder. But eh, I guess that’s for another time.’ She heaved the pile of white cotton in her arm and gave him a puzzled look. ‘Or, maybe never.’ She quickly turned on her heel, her lips barely managing to hide the sadness that licked at her words.  
Henry smiled gently. ‘Thank you Phoebe-Bee.’
Her shoulders tensed up again. ‘I’ll..eh..be in one of the other -’
‘Wait, you’re not sleeping..?’ His voice trailed off as he looked at the slightly tousled sheets and pillow next to him - he knew she used to sleep there.
‘No, no. I’ll be right next -’
‘You can sleep here if you want.’
He had hoped the words would bring her comfort, but all he released was sorrow, a single tear sliding down her cheek as she looked over her shoulder at him.
‘I-I...oh, fuck, this is so silly.’ She quickly wiped the tear away, her body turning back again so she could hide the anguish that wrecked behind her light hearted facade. ‘I’m sorry, let’s just..’
‘Phoebe,’ Henry pleaded, earning a soft sniffle from her. ‘hey. Come now sweetheart. Come here.’
And like he hoped, these dark chocolate words did bring some sort of comfort, a short chuckle escaping her lips as she slowly shook her head. ‘You used to say that a lot.’
‘Well, you bet I did! And if you keep crying like that, I’ll come over to you instead!’ He pushed the sheets off, revealing his black boxers and two muscular long legs. 
For a moment he could see her look down over her shoulder, look down at him, guilty eyes not daring to really look to much before Henry’s gentle arm wrapped around her back as he escorted her to the edge of the mattress, her body eagerly leaning into him as they both sat down, more tears rolling down her cheeks. ‘Now, settle down, sugar.’ He hushed, brushing away some of the golden hair that curtained her stormy eyes.
Again he could feel a slight tingle in his loins, and, for all it was worth, Henry hoped that it could be a sign that he would remember her soon. Even if it was just a little. With a tender caress he brushed his palm over her back, his eyes studying her silhouette in the lowlights of the bedroom. She looked exhausted, her hands desperately clutching onto the messy white pile of sheets in her arms.
They sat like that for a moment. In a confusingly friendly manner, her breathing slowly calming and tears drying on her cheeks. 
‘Hey. If you promise not to bite, neither will I, okay?’
His words were met with a confused rise of her left eyebrow. ‘What?’
‘Biting bed bugs I can survive, but biting wives? I’m..eh..hahah, not so sure.’
Finally, that sweet smile of hers returned. ‘Oh Bear.’
‘Hi Bee,’ He returned her sweet smile and moved up his hand to brush a thumb over her cheek. ‘let’s both get some sleep, okay?’
Slowly, hesitantly, her gaze merged with his, an uncertainty still lingering deep in her midnight blues as she nodded her head yes. ‘Okay.’
And so, minutes later, Henry found himself in his bed with a wife. His wife, her sweet soft snores heard moments after her head had hit the pillow, her blonde hair splayed out over the dove grey satin. Again, he felt his stomach wring, but now it was with guilt, because as he looked at her sleeping form, darkness hiding most of her face, he could still see the pull of her eyebrows, the concerns of life not leaving her even in her sleep.
Henry sighed quietly and turned on his back, his eyes studying the familiar ceiling above his head, dark beams running long lines over a canvas of white. He had a million questions he still needed answers to. And, from the way people had evaded some of his questions, he knew there was still a lot to unpack; he hadn’t even been allowed to use his phone or laptop in the hospital. Then again, now he at least had someone who probably knew it all.
A wife. How about that?
Smiling to himself, he wondered what he would do tomorrow now his every step was no longer monitored by the hawk-like eyes of the hospital staff. He could like..start making phone calls. Or send some e-mails. Or better yet... figure out what was up with the tiny details that referred to..children. Children’s seats. Smells. And.. did he see Lego pieces strewn around in the hallway?
Children, could you imagine? Henry, a dad? Sniffling in amusement, Henry turned his face back to the woman next to him. Where were the children anyways? Had she been a single mom when they met? Was a crazy ex now taking care of her brood? Did she miss them? Miss him? The ..old Henry?
No, don’t think of that.
Sighing again, Henry’s lips opened, the words so gentle he hoped it wouldn’t wake her. ‘Good night Bee.’ He watched as she shifted a little, but didn’t wake. ‘and thank you. This must be as weird for you as it’s for me, but at least we’re ..home, hmm?’ He watched her silhouette a moment longer and then turned away, the familiar streak of light from the streetlight seeping in through the cracked open door. 
If only he could remember what had happened. 
Chap 2 >
General Tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss @tumblnewby @magdelen69 @thereisa8ella @mary-ann84 @darkbooksarwin @summersong69 @madbaddic7ed @luclittlepond @maroonmolly @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @hell1129-blog @agniavateira​ @tillthelandslide @elinesama 
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greekschist · 4 years
Favorite thing about every mutual?
do i tag the mutuals? what do i do help me
@greek-mythographer you’re a horny little shit (over zeus of everyone nonetheless) but you’re steadfast and loud and unafraid to speak out when you see something that bothers you. i know life is rough but you’ve learned to breathe a little and listen to others
@greek-suitehearts you love sausage link <3 i know you do <3 but i like how you take something that is under appreciated or thrown aside and show the things that make it special. you love what you love and hardly lose sight of it 
@godsofhumanity cough simp so so so nice. you scoop people under your wing like a mother hen. you never let emotions drive you too out of hand and you’re really calm even when you strongly disagree or are under pressure. really projects a friendly feline mother aura
@incorrectgreekgods i like how you’re open to doing new things and accepting new ideas even with such a wide scale audience. you launched a youtube channel just from a tumblr blog and honestly props to you
@my-name-is-apollo apollo nerd
@the-road-is-home your!! art!! the hermes sketch (your icon) was top tier and i love your occasional shitposts because its some good stuff. i haven’t even sent you an ask or anything but i love your content and i support you!
@sansinger chaotic energy. your informative posts are super interesting and i like how you’re generally pretty light hearted even in discussing deities and heroes you worship but you correct people and explain when necessary. pft you really didn’t bat an eye at the arson ask game
@hermesisthebest can i just stop at the url? im just going to stop at the url (but really i love your content and i have to admit a few of them got a good giggle. you’re so pretty and i hope you keep doing your thing because you’re doing it right)
@mynameisshilohnow partner in crime in bullying lea <3 anyways you don’t give a shit and while you have a loud exterior you are really supportive, sweet, and know when apologies are due
@potatochipship potato bottom :) but you’re super sweet and you’re basically fearless of tumblr (i saw you tagging me in random things months before we even spoke). super dedicated to your friends and what you want
now we’re getting to the pjo mutuals phew we’re going into rough waters (uh hi you probably followed me as @simpegasus)
@skateryue i have spoken to you like once and that was because ash was being an uncooperative little bitch but i wanted to give you my congratulations in your engagement <3 know that if ash dresses as daddy smurf or willy wonka on yours and sarah’s special day ill help you attack her <3
@skaterbeth still havent forgotten you and reggie getting it up in asks also spoke to you once but i have to give you points for dedication. making a whole ass masterlist for your percabeth playlist was hardcore
@silenabeth a rareships icon and honestly gets points just for dealing with that one day when i spammed you with stupid ideas. (just go easy on my dude beckendorf. percy ill manage but let him down easy,,)
@bunkernine your edits.... maam please save some talent for the rest of us. honestly its just funny watching you trash your mutuals and i support you in it. queen’s going through schools like i go through socks,,,
@percasbeths respecting your attempts to stan account! you’re trying! also your writing is super fun and while i’m not arab i loved your arab percy headcanons and am still waiting for hot roman percy (no pressure)
@bisexualzia you called me out a few hours ago and i rbed it which is probably why im doing this right now. so supportive and nice! i don’t talk to you all that much but i saw the miss congeniality au and it was. amazing? honesly please keep going you’re doing great mwah
@jasongrape i am still a wee bit scarred over arachnabeth but your energy is so great and your interactions with your friends are really fun to watch. now im just going to mention your url without context and leave you at that
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My lovelies, this is probs the best thing that we (me and my sister) ever came up with when sleep-deprived and creative. Me and my sis were watching Blood of Zeus on Netflix and síce we’re really into the Greek Mythology, we started thinking of random headcanons on the gods. And this is what we came up with:
the oldest sibling, the younger ones call him Big Z
actually very loyal to Hera, would never cheat on her and all of his ‘maidens’ were actually chosen by disaster bisexual Hera
loves cleaning, is very pedantic
is the only one who knows about the real images of all the gods
a great husband, but a terrible father, seriously, don’t leave your child with him
loves his little brothers to death, even if they fight a lot
the middle sibling, nickname is ‘Hadie’, Poseidon loves him, Zeus cares for him very much
is a very loving husband, he gives Persephone everything she could desire
since he rarely chooses sides, whenever the other gods are fighting, he and Persephone have date nights, play with Cerberos (he’s seriously a big puppy) or talk to the dead heroes in Elysium
Charon is his best brooo, parties in Tartaros, he even gives Hades and Persephone romantic boat rides along the river for date nights
the youngest, must be protected even if he doesn’t need protection, has two nicknames: Pony (for joking around and picking at him) and Donie (loving nickname used when talking normaly)
May be the god of the seas, but he can’t swim at all, his older brothers tried to teach him one day and it ended with him almost drowning in a meter deep pool
is really adventurous and traves a lot, if you’re not sure where he is, try either a few California beaches or some historical cities in Europe
is the good dad™️, he takes care of the Zeus children comming in every once in a while and they absolutely LOVE him
both him and Hades are great with kids, but Hades has a wife, so he’s more of a cool uncle then a dad
you’d be surprised, but she does not spend her free time practising makeup and doing yoga; most of the time, while not in public she downs some oversized hoodie and sweatpants and either sleeps, lifts weights or bingewatches Netflix shows and eats chips
except for Zeus, only Appolo and Ares know this, not even her son is aware of it
Appolo found out when he went to borrow her curling iron and she opened the door without thinking (she was just eating a corndog and when she saw the look Appolo gave her, she slammed the door in his face while screaming ‘if you tell anyone you’re dead’)
Ares is a different story, she actually showed him and they accidentaly became best friends
she can’t sleep at her house since they could find out and so she sleeps over at houses of other gods when she knows they’re not there
is actually very peaceful, hates fighting and it’s kinda killing him that it’s his job to be a bloodthirsty warmonger
whenever he can, he drops the act and is just a sweetheart
loves bunnies and has quite a few of them
Aphrodite was sleeping in his house one time because he was supposed to be fighting a war somewhere, but what she didn’t know was that he returns to feed and play with his bunnies every two days (no it’s not animal abuse, he leaves them both food and water whenever he’s supposed to go away and he returns only to calm himself down and make sure that everything’s working as it should) and he returned the day she was sleeping there; she went downstairs as to leave and found out about the bunnies
that’s how they became best friends
his house, to the other gods, looks like some sort of an arena with weapons and spikes all around, but as soon as they leave, he re-decorates and after that it looks like Demeter’s garden
she has alergies
like, a lot
she hates flowers and grass and just every single damn plant because it makes her eyes water and itch, it makes her nose runny and it just puts her in a shitty mood
but because of her profession, she has to decorate her home with them whenever someone is comming over
then she holes up in her house for two weeks until her alergies pass and starts again
he hates warmth
yes, he lives in a volcano, but he’s not fireproof, thank you very much
he’d rather do anything else OTHER then what he does because it’s so hot, but he loves his job and so he continues on with it
every once in a while he disguises himself as a human and goes to the show Forged in Fire (he always wins)
he loves his job and everything that comes with it
the only little bit weird thing is how invested he gets into the love stories he creates with his arrows
he cries whenever the story has a happy ending and is just all in all a very senstive soul with an undying love for romance
he is so devoted to Psyche that had she asked him to, he would rip off his wings and give them to her
Now, we have the gay friend group:
tired™️, always on coffee 24/7, if not, you don’t want to talk to her
curses, is angry and totaly not calm and colected, just chaotic neutral energy
a prankster, along with Hermes
the mom friend, makes sure the rest of the group doesn’t die or kill each other
smart and witty, but doesn’t give two fucks about anything, burned out gifted kid
eyerolls, glares and ‘tsk’s are a must
she WILL make you feel pathetic if she wants to
likes baking
without his shoes, he can’t run to save his life
you’d think ‘Oh, a Greek god, he must be ripped under that Toga!’ but no, he’s a fucking stick; no abs, no biceps, no nothing, just a STICK
can’t exercise, can’t lift anything heavier then a teapot, just...weak baby
living and breathing ADHD
stimming, never paying attention, figet things, hyperfixations, just...
a trickster along with Athena, they are sneaky and they always know what to do to get the best reaction out of every single god
loves to create songs, both lyrics and music, but...a bit different genre
just...heavy metal, rock, rap, he’s just going WITH it dude
also loves the goth aesthetic
plays the guitar, electric one tho
he diguises it as his lyre
Artemis is his eyes in ears for when he needs to change the tone (when the other gods are comming)
he does actually like poetry and loves to read classics and he thinks Shakespear is THE SHIT™️
the theatre kid
the godess of the hunt, huh?
yeah, she’s a vegan
like, a hardcore vegan
goes to PETA protests every once in a while
fights for animal rights with every ounce of her being
but she’s still the godess of the hunt, so sometimes she needs to kill animals
sooooo, she has anger issues.
deals with them by making Hermes exercise
keeps tabs on every animal she has ever killed and cries over the papers where she’s written it down every once in a while
Okay, this would be it for our headcanons, I may or may not be planning to write a fanfic about them in a modern setting and I’m excited af.
Tagging you guys in belief that you’ll enjoy this:
@definietlynotsatan @a-fandom-trashdump @bla-rese
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Sucked into a dream by a prayer.
just a lil idea i had. And yes, my dreams are even more chaotic than this, but this is sourced from a real dream i had lol... replace "hellhound" with "bear" and it be realll.
“What the…” Cass looked around, confused. He was in a black-walled room with stone flooring and excruciatingly dim light. He whirled around and it took him a minute to find a glass tank in the corner of the room, in which, a freaked-out Dean was banging on the sides and attempting to climb the high walls as water streamed in from the floor, climbing up his ankles.
“Dean!” Cas was at the cage in a second. Dean tilted his head, confused, but then he looked at something behind Cas, screaming for him to look out, but muffled almost entirely by the glass. Cas turned, finding a full-on hellhound. Not cloaked, not invisible. Just right there in front of him.
“Whoa!” Cas backed into the tank’s wall, then moved around it, away from the slobbery, statuesque salivating dog. Dean backed up as far as he could in his glass and water prison, staring at the dog as if it could walk right through and rip him to shreds. As if on cue, the glass started cracking on one side of the cage.
It shattered and the hound came at Dean, but Dean ran and slid under its belly, tumbling on the ground, then running around, grabbing Cas, and heading for the doorway. Once outside the door, the landscape changed drastically.
Castiel found himself standing in the middle of a bustling crowd, Dean still holding onto his arm and panting.
“What is happening?!” Castiel grabbed Dean by the shoulders and wiped blood off his face.
“We have to— wait, where’s the hellhound? We have to get this letter to Jake!”
“What? Who the hell is Jake?!” Cas asked.
“Come on!” Dean kept his hold on Cas’ arm and started running through the crowd dragging Cas with him.
“Dean! Dean, come on, stop a minute and help me explain.”
“Explain what? I prayed, you answered. You’re here now. Duh.”
“Prayed? Wait, Dean— Where are we?!”
“What— What do you mean, where are we?”
“Where— like, what place. Are— a being verb. We— you and me.” Castiel’s sass came out hardcore when he couldn’t understand what was happening. His directional senses were unenthusiastic about functioning at the moment.
Dean looked profoundly confused. “We’re in an airport. Okay? A-I-R-P-O-R—“
“I know how to spell airport, Dean. Where the hell is the airport?”
“Narnia? What the hell do you mean?” 
This sarcasm war really couldn’t get much worse.
Oh, it just did get worse.
“Apparently!” Dean yelled back. “You’re the one who doesn’t understand what airport means!”
And yet again, another layer of sarcasm. Ah, children. 
“This is a frickin’ nightmare.” Cas rolled his eyes. Then something occurred to him. He was literally in a nightmare. He was in Dean’s dream. Dean had prayed to him because he was trapped in a glass cage with water and a hellhound. He was scared, so he prayed to Cas… and Cas was sucked into his dream.
“Oh God, I’m dreaming.” Dean panted and looked profoundly relieved, now. “I’m dreaming. Thank God. I was so confused. Okay. Better now. Better now. I can make conscious decisions. We’re good.” Dean was talking to himself, now completely ignoring Castiel.
“Okay, yeah, I know. So what now?”
Dean knit his eyebrows at Cas. “What do you mean? We wait for another plot point then wait to wake up.”
“But… can’t you just wake up?”
“Yeah, sure.” Dean said sarcastically. “But why would I? I need sleep. Or so Sam says.”
“Because… Because I don’t find it fun being in your head in an airport.”
“You’re not actually here, Cas.”
“Yes I am. I am stuck. I can’t leave.”
Dean laughed. “Right. Okay.”
“Just do me a favor and wake the hell up.” Cas tilted his head with a roll of his eyes and a sigh.
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catlynhoss05 · 4 years
Home Sweet Home Ch. 1: The Start of Something New
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Pairing: OC!baureader x Emily Prentiss x Criminal Minds
~Series starts in season 4~ (check out Remi’s work shoes link on HSH masterlist)
Chapter Summary: Remi is new to the BAU and to Hotch’s team. She has MAJOR hots for one SSA Emily Prentiss and her the same. Remi’s first case with the team takes them to her hometown of Nashville, Tennessee.
     Remi has been working with the BAU for about a month and a half now. She never expected to feel so at home with her job and with the team. She hasn’t talked much about her family life back home in Nashville and made sure that her file was kept confidential from the team, besides BAU Section Chief Erin Strauss and Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner. She wanted to make sure that the team liked her for who she is and not for what she was to the rest of the world.
     Since growing up on a 1200-acre farm, Remi’s used to waking up pretty early in the morning to do the usual morning chores that are required to do on such a large farm. However, since she had moved to Quantico, Virginia and had went from living on a farm to living in the city, her ‘normal’ routine had to be changed some. She still got up at a quarter to 4 a.m., went on a 2-mile run with her 2 year old German Shepard, Louisa, and then took a quick shower when she got home. Even though it was only 4:20 a.m. and she didn’t have to be at work until 9 a.m., she made herself some of her famous cheesy scrambled eggs and made sure that she filled up Louisa’s food and water bowls. After Remi had finished eating her breakfast, she cuddled with Louisa for awhile before having to finish getting ready for work. Remi pulled on her shoes, grabbed her jacket and gear for work, said goodbye to Louisa, grabbed her skateboard and went out the door to go to work.
     Remi had gotten to work about a half an hour before any of the others would start coming into the office. She was sitting at her desk that was behind Spencer’s desk that also faced Hotch’s office. She was busy texting her twin brother, Harris, and wasn’t aware that Derek and Spencer had come in. Derek had peeked over her shoulder to see what was making his coworker smile so much. “Who’s ‘Harris T-Bro B11′?” He asked, scaring Remi. “Geez, Morgan. You scared me. And, nosey much?” She asked. “I just asked you a question and I didn’t mean to scare.” He chuckled. “It’s okay..... And, if you must know, Harris is my older twin brother and he keeps a-asking me ab-about....” Remi trailed off when she saw one SSA Emily Prentiss with JJ and Rossi coming through the glass doors and into the office.
     The whole team, including Strauss, knew about how Emily and Remi felt about each other, but both of them were clueless about that. Emily, JJ and Rossi had walked by Remi and Derek and made their way to their desks, or office, before going into the break room for some much needed coffee. While Emily was making her coffee first, JJ and Rossi came up next to her with shit-eating grins on their faces while starring at Emily. “What? Why are you guys looking at me like that for?” She asked, trying to act clueless. “You know exactly why we’re looking at you like this. Remi was hardcore checking you out as we walked by her and Morgan and you know it. When are you gong to make your move and finally ask her out?” JJ asked and Rossi agreed by nodding his head. “She was not checking me out and I think you two are going crazy.” Emily smiled and sat down at the break room table with her coffee.
     However, currently in the bullpen, Derek was trying to get Remi’s attention by waving his hand in front of her face. “I’m sorry. What did you say?” She asked, carding her hand through her hair. "I didn't say anything. You were talking and then stopped because a certain BAU agent had walked by." Derek leaned over and nudged her shoulder while smiling like a dork. He laughed when she shoved him back. "Shove it, Morgan. But by the looks of it, we may have a case." She stated, referring to Hotch coming out of his office. "Everyone meet in the conference room. We got a case." Hotch announced so everyone could hear him. Derek and Remi walked into the conference room together, followed by JJ, Emily and Rossi. Remi had accidentally dropped her pen and when she bent over to pick it up, Emily and JJ were right behind her and Emily was checking out her ass. "Nice Calvin Klein waistband you have there, Remi. Don't you think so, Emily?" JJ asked, making both Emily and Remi blush a deep red.
     Remi had stood up quickly and fixed her shirt to cover up the waist band to her underwear. "Geez, JJ." She huffed as she went to her usual spot between Rossi and Morgan and waited for Penelope to start the briefing. "Okay, my lovely crime fighters. Our case is located and taking all of you, and myself, to Remi's hometown of Nashville, Tennessee." Penelope stated. "Wait? Are you sure?" Remi asked, earning a nod from Penelope. "Yeah. Is that an issue?" Rossi asked, sounding concerned. Remi pinched the bridged of her nose and sighed before answering. “No, it’s not an issue. It's just...... All of my brothers are home for a few weeks to help our parents with the farm because the farm is really busy this time of year. And, they had called me last night to ask when I'll be coming home to visit for a little bit." She explained.
     “How many brothers do you have and how big of a farm does your parents have?” Spencer asked. “Way to many. Why, you want a few?” She joked, earning a rare chuckle from Hotch. “And it’s a 1200-acre farm. Usually only a few of my brothers that live close to them work on the farm regularly. But it’s kind of busy right now with the animals. Anyway, we have a case to focus on.” “She’s right. Go on, Garcia.” Hotch said, matter-of-factly. “A group of misfit teenagers found the body of 9 year old, Trisha Walters, in a ditch beside the highway close to downtown Nashville.” Penelope explained as she showed the team the slide show of crime scene photos of the little girl. “However, there were two other 9 year old little girls, Alexis O’Conner and Georgia McConnell, were also found in the same ditch but, they were all about a half a mile away from each other.”
     “Looks like they were all bound around the ankles to keep them where ever the unsub had kept them.” Derek pointed out. “And they were also face down when they were found, but it looks to me like they were all killed differently though. What would be the unsub’s motive to take and kill these little girls?” Remi asked. “Well, there is a big ‘UH OH’, as I like to say. After the first girl was taken, the other two little girls were taken exactly 48 hours in between each girl. However, it seems like the bad guy had disposed of their little innocent bodies at the same time each night, but 48 hours after each dump. The other big ‘UH OH’ is that the third little girl was found around 5 a.m. this morning, BUT, we have a fourth victim on our hands.” Penelope said in a very sad tone.
     “Who’s the fourth victim?” JJ asked. “9 year old, Joyce McKnight. She was taken this morning around 7:15 a.m. when she was walking by herself to school that was only about 10 blocks away from her house. And, get this. All four little girls went to the same school.” Penelope sighed sadly. “What’s his angle here? What does he want from these little girls? I mean, he’s gotta at least have either lost his 9 year old little girl or lost someone who was close to him when he was either at that age or that someone who was close to him was 9 years old and female.” Remi suggested. Everyone was silent and thinking about what Remi had said. “She’s got a very good point and the crime scene photos from each crime scene points to some, but not much, abuse, but yet held captive. Fed some, but not much. But, they all look like they were tortured more than anything.” Emily explained her views of the case.
   “Wheels up in 20.” Hotch spoke up, dismissing the team. Everyone, including Penelope, gathered there stuff up and made their ways out of the conference room. Penelope went to her bat cave to grab her stuff while everyone else went to their desks to grab what they needed as well as their gear. Strauss had made sure that the team was given strict orders to three weeks off with pay, of course, after they finished up the current case. She also said that she will fly Will, Henry and Jack to Nashville on the jet once they are all settled and done with the case. So, the whole team, including Penelope, have packed enough clothes and essentials for the next few weeks they’re going to spend in Nashville.
     Penelope had locked up her bat cave after she had grabbed her stuff that she needed for the case and for the next few weeks. She made her way into the bullpen where the rest of the team was and walked up to where Remi’s desk. “So...” Penelope spoke up, scaring Remi a little bit. “So.... what?” Remi questioned the bright and colorful tech genius. “Do you think we’ll be able to meet your family?” Penelope asked. “Ooh yeah, could we meet them?” JJ asked, speaking up from where she was standing at her desk. “Maybe. Having all of my brothers, and myself, under one roof is quite chaotic. Hell, my brothers ARE chaotic when it’s just them under one roof.” Remi chuckled, grabbing her go-bag and stood up as she grabbed her back pack as well.
     Hotch and Rossi both had come out of their offices with their bags in their hands as they headed to the elevator to go to the jet. The rest of the team had followed close behind the two older agents and everyone piled into the elevator. Remi was in the back of the elevator and was standing in between Emily, who had JJ to her right, and Penelope who was standing to Remi’s left. Remi stood at height of 5′7″, just an inch shorter than Emily was. While JJ was smiling like a goofball and wiggling her eyebrows at Emily, Penelope was doing the same to Remi. “So, Remi. You never did say how many brothers you have. Or that you have a twin brother.” Emily spoke up, just as the elevator doors had opened on their designated floor.
     “Yes, I have a twin brother. His name is Harris and he’s four minutes and fifteen seconds older than I am.” She paused as the team exited the elevator. “I am also the only girl and the youngest of twelve.” Remi explained. Everyone, except for Hotch and Rossi, were all looking at Remi with shocked expressions and mouths agape. Remi looked around at the team that all stopped in front of her. “What? Honestly, I’m the youngest of twelve. I have a total of eleven older brothers..... Now, let’s discuss this subject on the jet.” Remi said, trying and getting the agents to get a move on. They took two separate vehicles so it would be easier for everyone instead of everyone driving separately to the tarmac.
     Once everyone had gotten onto the jet, Hotch and Rossi were sitting in the two single seats that were facing each other, and could also swivel. Derek and Spencer sat on the couch while JJ, Emily, Penelope and Remi sat at the four seater with the table. Emily had a window seat with JJ sitting to her left while Remi had the other window seat facing her with Penelope sitting to her right. The plane ride from Quantico to Nashville is about an hour and a half and the team had talked a little more about the case while waiting for the jet to take off. Once the pilots were ready and it was time to start getting a move on and to finally take off. After taking off and everyone had agreed to relax for the plane ride to Nashville, everyone was doing their own things quietly. “So, Remi. What was it like growing up with 11 older brothers?” JJ asked curiously, gaining the teams attention because everyone was curious to know.
     “Very chaotic and hectic... And WAY to much testosterone. Just imagine 11 Derek Morgan’s, and that will give you my brothers.” Remi described, causing everyone, including Derek, to erupt in fits of laughter. “Okay, okay. I gotta know and probably everyone else wants to know as well. What are your brothers names?” Penelope wondered. “Well, there’s the identical triplets; Benjamin, Oliver and Nolan who are 42, Ryker who’s 41 and then Sawyer who’s 40. Then it’s the identical twins; Asher and Elijah and they’re 38. Then Wyatt is 37, Colten is 36, Dallas is 35 and then it’s Harris and myself and we’re 34.” Remi explained.
     The whole team was quiet, especially Spencer who was usually the one to be spitting out facts that no one even knew about or would even think of. Remi looked around at everyone as they all stared at her like she had just insulted them or something. “What? Did I say something wrong?” She asked. “No, you didn’t. So there’s identical triplets, identical twins AND fraternal twins? Triplets and TWO sets of twins?” Emily asked dumbfounded. “Yes ma’am.” Remi smirked. “Oh wow. And you all are really close in age as well?” Rossi asked. “That’s right.” She chuckled. “Is Remi short for something or is it just Remi?” Emily asked, leaning forward and resting her arms on the table and her chin in one of her hands.
     “Remi is actually short for Remington. As in I was thought to be a boy when my mama was pregnant with Harris and I. The doctors, I guess, thought I was a boy as well, but surprise. I’m a girl. So, I’m technically named after my papaw Remington Montgomery, but I obviously have a different middle name then he does.” She chuckled, earning a smile from Emily. JJ and Penelope had shared a look with each other after they noticed how both Emily sitting while talking to Remi. JJ could see from where she was sitting, and ever since Remi had joined, was absolutely, head over heels, falling in love with Emily from the moment that the two had met. It was actually quite obvious to the whole team; including Strauss. However, the two agents were COMPLETELY oblivious about the other ones feelings.
     When the jet had landed in Nashville, the team made their way off of the jet and into the airport so Hotch could rent out 2 vehicles for the team for the next few weeks. After getting the rental cars, everyone piled into them and made their way to the hotel that they’re supposed to be staying at. The team was sitting on the couches and chairs as they waited -for what seemed liked forever- for Hotch as he talked to the receptionist. JJ and Emily sat together on one of the loveseats in the lobby while Penelope and Remi sat on the other loveseat across the way from them. Remi had her feet up on the coffee table that was in between the loveseats while she was checking Emily out. And, of course, her actions didn’t go unnoticed by the infamous Penelope Garcia. Before Penelope could say anything, Hotch came back over to where the team was at and he didn’t look very pleased.
     “They have no more rooms left for us to stay in.” He sighed, earning a few groans from the team. “So where are we going to stay then?” Reid asked. “We can stay at my parents place. Even though my brothers are home, there’s still plenty of room for all of us and even for Jack, Henry and Will when they come.” Remi suggested. “Are you sure they won’t mind us staying there and working from there as well?” Hotch asked. “No, they won’t mind at all. Honestly, they’ve been begging to meet you guys.” She chuckled. “Well, let’s go then.” Hotch smirked.
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shibalen · 4 years
hi! sorry for sending in 4 asks last time! here’s take 2: can i rq an ohshc & mha matchup? i’m she/her. i prefer males, please! i’m around 4'10", shoulder length black hair & dark brown eyes. personality-wise, i’m not very expressive & seem apathetic unless i’m close to someone. i can act really childish & immature with people i’m close to, & i love teasing/pulling pranks on my friends. i’m a very messy person + i swear a lot. i like horror, psychological thrillers & action comedies. ♡ part 1!
random information; i’m a cancer. intj-t/intp-t. kind of changes. 3w4. ravenclaw + slytherin. i also really like spicy food- i dislike crowds & parties. i’m a very competitive person as well. i can be quite the sadist asdfghjk- i like cats too :,) i can play the piano & i have basic knowledge of a few other instruments. i like to draw, sing & sometimes write. i’m bad at comforting people- i give sorta good advice, but i always sound harsh. + i’m a night owl- i hate waking up in the morning. ♡ 2!
forgot to add: i’d like a romantic matchup please! i have a dog, but i prefer cats more. i can speak filipino, english, basic japanese & a teensy bit of swedish. i like indoor dates, but i also like dates in public aquariums & zoos! i’m also interested in things science-related, mostly biology, chemistry or anything space-related. i think that’s it. thanks in advance!! ♡ 3!
♡︎ matchup for @cherrycolaxo
howdy! that's okay, i understand the length can easily slip! i'm sorry your matchup took me almost two months to get to—hopefully it is worth the wait |ω・`)
|| ohshc: i match you with . . .
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umehito nekozawa
• it was the matching first impressions vs reality that influenced me the most to put you together !! you both appear intimidating at first but in truth you're different and a lot more than what people make of you.
• i also think you can be a positive influence on Nekozawa. he is not good with people but your free-spirited nature encourages him to try a bit harder ♡︎
• he was looking for members for the black magic club when you first met. he asked you to join, expecting to be let down again, but then you agreed!
• instead of finding him creepy you thought he was an interesting character and that the club could be fun. plus, the Beelzenef puppet was cute; you got your own(ΦωΦ)
• through club activities you got to know each other and grew close. Nekozawa was scared to take the subject elsewhere than black magic at first, but soon learnt you share your love for cats and horror, and dislike for crowds.
• he felt like someone finally understood him outside his family and liked him despite his strange ways.
• likes to talk about your interests as well as the languages you speak. though into the supernatural, Nekozawa probably educated himself on science so he would know how seperate the two. now he's glad it's come in handy again.
• was admittedly taken off-guard by your change of character. you began teasing him playfully and pulling harmless pranks on him, and boy was just extremely confused????
• until he understood that's how you show you think of him as someone close. he cried.
• with you his days became more lively, and he learnt to enjoy himself. finds it hardcore that you can be a bit sadistic. a good trait for cursing people!
• once taught you russian to scare Tamaki who was convinced you were putting a voodoo spell on him.
• "mommy, there's two of them now!!!"
• you can't tell me wasn't crushing on you for months before he finally tried to do something about it. his dark soul could not handle the fluffy and fuzzy feelings consuming his being.
• proceeded to make the mistake of asking the host club for help and utterly embarrassed himself when trying to confess to you. it was chaos.
• you had to chase him down for two weeks before he agreed to show his face to you again.
• the rest is history. welcome to the dark side (ฅº₩ºฅ)
• your dates usually take place indoors because you both prefer it that way. despite his photophobia, Nekozawa occasionally manages to overcome his extreme goth levels to visit the aquarium with you.
• night dwellers™
• you skip school parties to practice black magic and tell stories in the dark, candle-lit club room. most students just assume you're in a cult now.
• the best person to share your drawings and writing with. he gets excited about everything you're willing to show him and actually gives great feedback, especially if it's magic or horror related.
• writes you dark and romantic poems. leaves them for you to find sometimes with a black rose next to the piece of paper ♥︎
• also says i love you by telling you to stay safe whenever you go outside and he can't come with you.
• you have to insinuate anything beyond hand-holding for a while though, because as much as Nekozawa wants to show you physical affection, he's too shy.
• you stop doing it though eventually, just to tease him, so you're surprised when he awkwardly nuzzles Beelzenef against your cheek.
• he got paranoid and thought you lost interest in him to be with the host club
• just kiss the puppet back and he's happy for the next three days. when embarrassed or shy he'll also use the puppet to convey his emotions. you've come to be a pro at reading puppet expressions.
• romantically your relationship advances slow and steady. it's very stong, built from lots of memories, trust and mutual understanding.
• tbh he doesn't need the sun when he's got you to brighten up his life ♥︎
runner up: Hikaru Hitachiin
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
|| bnha: i match you with . . .
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denki kaminari
• your personalities fit together like chocolate and vanilla ice-cream. you add the richness and denki the sweetness to the taste — in result your combination has the best flavor!
• the moment Denki first laid eyes on you he thought you were supe cute, so naturally his mind went 'a person who looks like she doesn't want to be talked to? *cracks knuckles* imma 'bout the change that.'
• your apathetic demeanor didn't throw him off his game, no sir. he just kept talking, flirting and hanging around you until you warmed up to him.
• quest accomplished :D
• i mean, he thought it was attractive how chill you were in the beginning, but uncovering that childish, prankster side of you was like finding a real gem ♡︎
• you can be chaotic together now! loves that you're not afraid to curse. so badass.
• developing feelings for you was an entirely different story, however. they came so naturally as you hung out that when Mina brought it up Denki just short-circuited.
• "You and y/n hang out a lot right?"
• "Yeah, we're super close!"
• "So you like her?"
• "Of course!"
• "Are you finally gonna ask her on a date then?"
• cue surprised pikachu face
• needless to say, he asked you on that date right away the next weekend. you went to the zoo, and he did a bunch of research beforehand to impress you.
• was still shooketh that he only just realised his feelings for you so all his attemps to be smooth were yeeted out the window.
• you still thought it was sweet how genuinely hard he tried to make your day enjoyable so thanked him with a kiss on the cheek.
• boy almost lost his final braincell from the shock and happiness.
• a very doting boyfriend! the type to be at your door with your favourite snacks at 2am if you text him you had a bad day.
• you don't even have to say anything because as your best friend/boyfriend he knows how you act when under the weather.
• even if you're just fine Denki is always down to clown with you. night owls as you are, midnight adventures to. mcdonalds and watching action comedies til the sun comes up are common (even on school nights, especially on school nights)
• 10/10 will do the 'i'm just stetching and yawning oops my arm is around your shoulder now haha'
• he's a bit scared of thrillers and horror though. please cuddle this bby he likes it very much when he has an excuse to be so close to you.
• when you walk together you hold hands. he doesn't want you to disappear or feel uncomfortable in the crowd. gets an ego boost cause he feels like he's protecting you. also, holding your hand is just really . . . nice.
• listens to you play the piano and sing all the time (you play so well and your voice is so pretty?? how??), other times you jam out together and you've got yourselves a chill date.
• he finds it so cool that you're into so many science-related subjects :0 he may not know much about them himself but he's proud that you do.
• will brag to anyone and everyone about how smart you, his girlfriend, are.
• matching phone cases, matching t-shirts, matching outfits, just end me why you gotta be so wholesome💀
• your dog loves him, so you take lots of walks together in the park. watching those two play is the sweetest!
• prank wars everywhere anytime! it's a subtle and continuous thing between you two, always competing who comes up with the best prank.
• don't worry about being a bit sadistic or harsh with your advice. if Bakugo's words don't bother him then neither will yours. he thinks you're much nicer than him, plus your advice is better.
• on that note, welcome to the bakusquadヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
• as much as he likes it when you get along with his friends and hang out with them, Denki doesn't forget the importance of quality time. he will always have time for you ♡︎
runner up: Tokoyami Fumikage
thank you for requesting, i hope you enjoyed the read!! any feedback you might have is welcome. also, remember to drink water ♡︎
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miniminisb · 5 years
ˢᵒ ʷʰᵃᵗ’ˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᵘˡᵗ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ
okay bUCKLE UP FUCKERS IT’S TIME FOR THE DUMBEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE. I preface this by saying, I am a dumbass. I am a complete, irrevocable, plain dumbass. Do not do this at home. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollars. Heed my warnings. also technically not a cult but basically a cult you’ll see just sit tight.
It was a nice sunny day in September 2017. The seasons were beginning to turn. I had just gotten out of my Intro to Logic class. I felt good. I thought to myself, “Man. Such a nice day. I think I’ll do my homework outside today. Enjoy the weather before it goes to shit.”
So there I was, barbecue sauce on my titties doing some, i dunno, categorical reasoning? Just, sitting beneath a tree, enjoying the day, when two girls walk up to me. They say they’re trying to start a club on campus, and they wonder if I have some time to talk real quick. I have some time before my next class. I’m pretty much done with this homework. I say sure.
Mistake number one.
They sit down and ask if I have ever read the Bible. My stomach immediately sinks. I don’t necessarily have things against organized religion, but… American Christians make me nervous. They really do. Growing up, you get a lot of people at your door and you get a lot of crazies telling you you’re gonna go to hell. They can pick pick the weak out of a crowd and target them for their schemes.
I am the weak.
So I chuckle nervously. I’m in danger! I say no, not really. Kinda. I grew up in a small town and would go to church with friends sometimes hahahahahahaha. They seem alright, kinda. They pull out their own Bible and start flipping through it for certain passages, giving the schpiel of “oh God loves you, Jesus died for our sins, yada yada” and I’m like, yeah, cool. Whatever.
Then it gets weird. They start talking about the end of the world, Armageddon, the apocalypse, whatever ya wanna call it. They say this time was prophecized in the Bible, snatching on weird passages to claim that North Korea is gonna drop nukes. They say that this will happen where the four corners of the earth meet, and are adamant to say that it’s referring to our area (I go to college at the Four Corners Region in the US of A).
They say how, because it’s gonna happen, it’s more important than ever to save your soul, get baptized, whatever. They ask if I have been baptized. And I say haha no, not yet, like I said I’m not really Christian, hahahah-
Mistake number two.
The girl in charge of the situation nods in a sort of understanding manner. They continue their schpiel, really starting to hit home that saving your soul and accepting the big J is important. They also said jesus was married to the city of jerusalem? For some reason??? Idk man if you’re christian can you explain this to me?
Same girl then goes, out of nowhere, “would you ever consider getting baptized?”
Listen guys. I know I put off big chaotic energy, give no fucks, can’t mess with me persona on here. But in the words of Kim Namjoon, who the hell am i? I am, without a doubt, a spineless bitch who doesn’t know how to stand up for herself when faced with the smallest amount of conflict and no outward reason to refuse people. Y’all, as I write this, I am shaking and my heart is pounding because yes, you can probably see where this is going. And yes, I am that dumb.
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I chuckle nervously, fiddle with my hands, and go “haha maybe if my friend would want me to idk” just like, full on passive avoidance shrink-into-yourself of someone who desperately wants this shit to end but really can’t find an out.
And the girl looks me dead in the eyes. “Well, that’s good. But you would have to do it for yourself. Would you ever get baptized for yourself.”
“I mean, maybe? I guess? Hahah I dunno, yeah, maybe.”
The two bitches perk up. “We can do it now!” bitch what. I have like, maybe 20 minutes until class at this point. I’m shaking. I’m like, man, I just wanted to do my logic homework. And now, I get into fight or flight mode. I can’t miss class. I feel scared. These girls think north korea cares about fucking new mexico and arizona enough to nuke a place which, objectively, has little to no people living there. Like, what, you’re gonna bomb aliens? Whatever.
I really start to say. No. can’t do it. I have class. I really have class, it’s soon, can’t do it. No. And they keep pushing. “It’ll only take five minutes. It’ll be fine. You’ll be okay. Only five minutes.”
Now, what should I have done? I should have picked up my stuff and said “thank you, but no. I need to leave.” I should have said “you women are making me uncomfortable. I said no. Leave me alone. You are crazy.” I should have raised my middle finger to them which, conveniently, has a pentacle ring on it.
Instead, I caved and said fine.
M͏̤̤I̩S̖̙͝T̯̕A̧̗͙K̩͕̺̕E҉̞͙̞̮ ̤̙͕͔N̷̗͙̙ͅU͚͇̯̦͙M̩͙͖B̵̬̝̤̪E̪̺̟͙ͅṞ̼ ̩͉͍͎͎̼͘F̩̦͔̩O̘̭UṞ͉̯͍
The other girl who has remained relatively quiet, jumps up. “Great! I’ll call our minister, he’ll pull up the van!”
The what.
I don’t say anything. I should have. Listen, I don’t know how I was supposed to get baptized in the middle of the day on a Wednesday but fuck, I did not expect to get taken off campus. We have a fucking non denominational chuch on campus. So, who would’ve thunk? Not me!
“The what?”
The girls jump up and seem super excited. I am shaking as I pick up my bag and follow them to the parking lot. Meanwhile I’m screaming silently to myself what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. You know, like a normal person. So at least I wasn’t completely insane.
“We’re just taking you to our church, don’t worry.” And for some reason, that does put me at ease a lil. Cuz, like, I may be a stinking heathen who’s gone to church so many times that she can count it on one hand, but I do have the belief that nice pretty churches are save havens. So, I do feel a little okay.
I still get into a fucking car tho so there’s that I guess.
The dude pulls up. He is… idk he looked like one of those creepy religious fucks from like a horror movie. Dead behind the eyes. We all pack into the car. I’m trying not to cry, honestly. I’m really trying to keep this light cuz it is pretty funny when you step back but keep in mind I was terrified and I don’t know how to say no.
It is only after we pull away that I have the dawning thought. I’m basically getting kidnapped. They could take me fucking anywhere and no one would know and I wouldn’t be able to do anything to stop it. Three against one.
As we’re leaving my fucking campus I check the clock. I have, like. Five minutes until my next class. I am a dumbass.
The girl shows me like… an apocalypse video??? for some reason??? Like wow thanks bitch but you already told me the world was gonna end but aight.
I’m hardcore like, astral projecting at this point. Full on dissociation. I do not exist on this plane anymore.
We pull into a fucking starbucks parking lot next to some town homes.
“We’re here!” Where’s the church? Where’s the steeple? Bitch I just see modern condos what the HELL is happening. We get out of the car and go up to one of these fucking apartments basically. Fucking Youth Pastor John unlocks the place and.
The church was just a fucking townhome. I’m like. Just. Guys the area where the congregation met was a fucking living room with like maybe six chairs and a podium. On the bright side, lovely open floor plan.
They guide me upstairs.
To the bathroom.
They hand me like… a fucking robe and say I can undress and put that on. They give me a moment but even then i’m like FUCK that. Undressing in a strange house? That’s where I draw the line! Nope, no disrobing for me, thanks! I still put on the robe because apparently it’s like, ritually significant?
Got into my new swanky clothes and they come back in. They start filling up a shitty plastic bucket with water in the tub. At this point, i’m just like:
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They tell me to kneel in the tub and raise my hands in prayer. I follow orders, trying to ignore the fact that I am in a strange place that is very much not a church, that I am currently wearing weird periwinkle robes, knowing that people are in class right now just. Learning about fucking Mesopetamia or some shit i forget what the class was about.
The Hannah Montana from Hell Squad prays over me as they pour cupfuls of bucket water over my head. My underclothes are now drenched. My hair is wet. My knees hurt because I’m kneeling in a fucking bathtub.
“Congrats! Your soul is saved!” I have to get to class!
They give me a moment to take off the fucking robes and I collect my things. I step out and i’m like “great I’m late for class, take me back!”
“Oh, but you still need to have passover.”
Passover is a Jewish Holiday practiced in mid to late spring. It’s September. Y’all are christian. But I literally cannot leave, so I follow them into the kitchen where they put a veil on me. The other two girls put on veils as well. I’ve fully surpassed crying and reached silent resignation to my fate as the guy prays over some fucking communion wafers and some grape juice. I take the lil bits of food, luckily too since i fucking missed lunch because of them but at least I have some grape juice to fill me up.
“Now, we know that this is not the correct time for passover, but we needed to do it to save your soul. Now, practice Passover every year from now on to make sure you show your dedication to God and make sure your soul is saved.”
They do take me back to campus. I am in soaking short shorts and a red flannel. It is, to say the least, very moist and uncomfortable as I start to stick to the faux leather seats of this mini van.
I’m like “cool great thanks for having me!” as they pull up to my building, and as I try to get out, the quieter girl (who, genuinely, seemed to be fond of me) asked if she could have my number.
But this time, ohhoho, I have a plan. I’ll give her a fake number! That’ll teach her! So I punch in a few random numbers really hastily because I am still in this fucking van and I am twenty five minutes late for a fifty five minute class.
“Cool can we test it real quick to make sure we have the right number?”
And, like a dog with my tail between my legs, I very quietly go “yeah uhm i think i put in the wrong number hang one second” and fixed it to my actual number. Like a goddamn moron.
I sprint out of the van. Walk into my class soaking wet with my head down at my professor is in the middle of a lecture. I find my seat in the back of the classroom on the other side, so everyone has seen me. My friend leans up to me as I sit down, and asks me where I have been. I tell her that I got lost during a hike and fell into a creek.
Now, what is the moral of this story, children? If anyone asks you if you want to get baptized on a Wednesday in the middle of September, simply say
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wheelthefridge · 5 years
in honor of last night having been my last ever shift dishwashing at the same restaurant i’ve been at for the past four years here’s an absurdly long list of random chaotic moments that literally no one asked for that i’ve been compiling since day one:
bj, with a half full gallon of orange juice: this expired two months ago. *pours down drain* that was a long time ago
sam: YOU! I HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU!! *carries on normally with no explanation* bj: smack that! that too! smack those vegetables! punch that burger in the nose! chop that bun! bob: no, flick the bun. you have to flick it. 
*bad and boujee playing* bj: walks into kitchen, singing bj: you better know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run bj: walks out of kitchen, still singing
me: hey can you put the wet floor sign out for me dylan: sure dylan: *slips while putting the sign out* me:
sam: get this- i haven’t smoked pot in like three days and my brain is ready to roll! yeah!
joe: ha! oldest trick in the book i just started writing 
dude @bar: ten percent of people are over 6'1" other dude: what about 6'2"  dude 1: what? no. ten percent of people are OVER 6'1" - so that includes 6'2" dude 2: idk I know a lot of tall guys. taller than me dude 1: what? i’m saying- just- ten percent of everyone in the whole world- you know how many people there are in the world? 7 billion– dude 2: i thought it was six billion  dude 1: no, 7 billion- ten percent of 7 billion—
joe, digging through the trash: i’m just gonna peruse through here,, aaaaannnd….. nope not here me: what’re u looking for Joe: …..a book
didi: is eating a pistachio  katherine: is that sour cream
sam: some dirty whorebag wants two pickles 
joe: sam she am. that’s right. dr seuss wrote a book about her 
katherine: oh my goddd this song is always on i’m so tired of it joe: is it? i don’t think i’ve heard it before carolyn: eh it’s all just one long brazilian song to me
katherine: look at my straw i put it in the pencil sharpener 
sam: i’m on crack cocaine. you heard it here
sam, aggressively putting silverware in the tray: just the way the cookie crumbles me: yeah? sam, fake crying: yes
adele: if you’re ready- sam: what if I’m not bob: too bad. she only cares if she’s ready
something: *breaks* sam: time for the mop. and by mop i mean… this thing *holds up dustpan*
mike: you should go on junior master chef…. and only make fries 
sam, quietly as she speedwalks by me: panic panic panic panic panic panic panic panic
sam, beginning of the night: my goal is to make at least forty bucks tonight. hopefully sixty sam, later that night: i’ve made five dollars
sam, pouring a drink into the trash right next to the sink: you know, im not sure why i poured that in the trash. i’ve had a very off day
katherine, after accidentally spraying salsa on herself: i just sprayed salsa all over myself bj: i feel like that too sometimes. i love salsa so much
sam: can you imagine if i did like hardcore drugs how messed up i would be- i’m messed up soberly
someone: what’re you supposed to feed twenty kids  kerry: pizza bj: vodka 
sam: will you let bob know there’s gonna be seven in the snug bj: seven in the snug? that’s my band name. we’re really good
edson: *spins cover on counter and stares at it for solid thirty seconds before putting his finger down to stop it* edson: good. 
sam: what should i draw bj: you should draw casey, hanging from a cliff, with a pterodactyl flying towards them who is on fire, but, seems optimistic about it 
bj: life is too short for low fat cheese. remember that. 
sam, beginning of night, in a really good mood: guess what i’m drunk and high right now  sam, later that night: i was just pouring a beer and i dropped it. like my hand just let go of it sam, end of night: i’m never doing this again 
joe: you know who didn’t clock out yet?? i have two thumbs! joe: ……wait joe: you know who has two thumbs and hasn’t clocked out yet?? this guy!! me: there ya go buddy
bob: i’ve slept fifteen hours in the past four days me: that’s not good bob: yeah
edson: look edson: *holds out hand with top spinning in his palm* *giggles*
sam: i cannot wait for this day to be over  me: it’s barely started  sam: i took a shot before i got here. i have more in my car
bob: hi sam sam: hi bob  didi: hi sam sam: fuck off
joe: her? oh yeah her name is sarah whitaker  katherine: oh i think i know her joe: that’s funny because i just made that up. i’m willing to bet money that she’s nineteen tho me: why joe: bc i overheard her say that she’s nineteen
joe: i’m gonna send you a video but you can’t watch it now it’s needs full attention with headphones and the lights off 
bj: if you lose your hand, don’t replace it with a fork. that would be a bad choice. i know it’s probably the cheapest option, right up there with stick, but just spend the money. 
bj, on a different day: i think if you were to get your hands cut off, getting them replaced with plates would be a very bad idea. you can dig. and you can toss. but that’s about it. no playing the saxophone.  
colby: *doesn’t show up to work* bj: maybe i should leave him a message of just me crying 
katherine: i think an old man just asked me to live with him
sam: wait *pulls celery strings out of her mouth* that just came out of my throat
bob: i’m such a grump tonight. i’m in a good mood i’m just so grumpy.  bob: maybe i’m not in a good mood…
bj, after sending christa downstairs to get liquor for the bar: i put a live cobra down there too so… if she comes back with it dead in her hands…. she’s a champ. and that’s that. 
bj: i had a dog today did you have a dog? me: no bj: oh. well. 
dylan, holding phone camera at joe: hey joe can you pull ur shirt down joe, pulling the collar of his shirt halfway down his chest: yeah like this? dylan, taking picture: yeah thanks 
bj: HI-YAH carley: you’re a ninja!! bj: yes. don’t be alarmed. i only use my powers for good. 
bj, with one bottle in each hand, pouring water in the sink, mimicking cow milking motions: it’s like a cow. mooooooeeeeeeuuuuuhhhhhhgggg aaaaaauuuuuueuejhshhsii. that’s what cows sound like right?
bj: we have a dog, and we’re getting chickens. i’m not really sure why were getting chickens. do i consider myself a farmer? not really. 
bj: we should make a youtube channel of just me saying really random things to you and you not responding to me whatsoever me: mhmm
nancy: I’m sleeping
sam: *pours drink out on counter next to sink* sam: wHAT the FuCK was that!? why did i do that?? i’ve lost it! i’ve hit rock bottom!!
sam: *bends over* ughhhhhhhhhhhhh *straightens up* ok i’m fine
bj: yum! that’s how i rate the soup. two yums up!! *laughs for like a full minute*
sam: i got my motorcycle license over the weekend and now all everyone’s saying to me is “no don’t get a motorcycle they’re so dangerous” like shut the fuck up if i die i die it’s my choice 
bj: i think if i were to be turned into some kind of commercial type of food, if i got turned into a nugget, i think i’d be indignant. i’ve lived my whole life and now i’m a nugget??? “oh i was a great roasted-“ i was a nugget. i was eaten with fries out of a box with a small soda. 
bj: hello everybody. i have arrived. please remain calm.  bob: *screams*
radio: the fastest lawn mower in the world goes up to 150 miles per hour! bob: …….why??
sam: i just meowed in scotty’s face and he was completely unfazed by it. like a full on Meow. 
bob: lemme just touch these live wires with my wet hands  bj: bob has gone offline
katherine: i totally forgot to put their order in for i don’t even know how long me: ……..i’m sure it’ll be fine katherine: i mean, nothing matters, right? right. nothing matters. 
bj: hey did you guys hear that kate: yeah what was that bj: oh i was just yelling……….. about the soup kate: me: katherine: bj: i’ll try to keep it down next time
bob: you sleep a lot when you’re old. it’s just practice for death. getting ready for The Big Sleep. let’s see how do i wanna go out? on my back?? nah not for me. on my front babey! 
didi: hi sam sam: SHUT UP didi, quieter: okay…… sam: i love you  didi: no bj: so you’re a grownup now. that’s means you have to do grown up things, like, pay for dinner and stuff? me: uh huh bj: it’s all downhill from here 
bj: pon pon the van poco. right? me: mhmm bj: probably. i mean. i’m no doctor, but
random woman @ bar: we are the matrix. We. Are. The Matrix. 
bj, to the tune of frosty the snowman: clunkity clunk clunk clunkity clunk clunk look at all this stuff. clunkity clunk clunk clunkity clunk clunk making casey’s job tough! pretty good right?? i just made it up 
bj: *walks into kitchen* YES! that’s all i have to say. that’s it. BOBS killing it. DIDIS killing it. casey MURDERED it. you’re welcome. *walks out of kitchen* bj: today is the second day in a row my dog has eaten my lunch. yesterday and then today. it’s my own fault really bob: well you know what they say about men who like floppy french fries. *doesn’t elaborate*
sam: there’s a toy baby in my section. like just a toy baby taking up a seat in my section. what do i do like do i move the bitch? do i leave her there??
bob, talking to himself: if you get sick tomorrow, just remember. it’s your own fault for eating food off the floor. 
bob, to katherine: no, you don’t have to mop the carpet
bj: cheeeesy. 
laura: if i get through tonight without a heart attack it’ll be incredible. if i do have a heart attack tho just let me go
caldo: *unintelligible yelling* SELLING my BODY for SEX *more unintelligible yelling*
bob: my fathers brother sent all his kids to australia. i guess he figured at least one of them would make it
caldo: i don’t trust people who go out to eat tuna fish
bob: can you make some more guacamole soon we’re running low laura: pulls five (5) avocados from her pockets 
bob: he looks like jesus. well. he looks like what white people think jesus looked like
sam: yeah. Please. eat some more mother Fucking crackers. 
bj: i feel like i gave birth to the eggplant stacks tonight. and honestly? if my child looked like that? i’d be proud. proud to have an eggplant child
bj: alright everybody let’s get the fuf out of here!! i said fuf not f- it’s safe. f u f starts and ends with soft letters no one gets hurt. any word that starts with a soft letter and ends with a hard letter is bad news… i feel like every time i come in here i annoy you guys. casey’s one dumbass comment away from killing me. “hey so what are your thoughts on grass?” “that’s it” *mimics shooting a gun*
ilia: -and the dogs gonna get diabetes- katherine, indignantly: i cleaned it really well!
mickey: i’ll tell you one thing. crack is good. 
sam: some lady just rolled up to the bar, no bra, nipples beamin through the shirt- LETS GET IT!!!!
caldo: *speed walks into kitchen and shotguns a beer over the trash* ok i’m back. i should not have smoked this morning
dom: little kid just picked up a knife and went “oh cool i can stab someone” me, katherine, and sam in unison: good dom: yeah the dad took it away 
sam: my friend was like “why is your go to dance move just to snap” and i was like “i don’t know, i’m white” *shrugs*
bj: someone just asked me if i’m having fun. am i having fun? i don’t know if i’m having fun. there are certainly other things i’d rather be doing right now, but i don’t know if i can definitively say that i’m Not having fun. 
bj: some jobs require Only a ladle bj, thirty seconds later, after walking away and coming back: sometimes, also a funnel
bj, @ laura who’s eating cornbread: you cornbread eating chef!!!  laura: bj: laura: bj: i’m just saying facts in a weird way. you know like you’re in trouble. 
sam: *war cry* *spits out gum* *walks away*
bj: what kind of smoothie? Soup Smoothie!!
katherine: so this woman ordered some hot water so i gave it to her and her husband says you know what that’s for right and i’m like ….to drink? and he says nope! and doesn’t explain so i’m just like ………..okay! and walk away bc i don’t even want to know 
bj: there’s no shame in it! A Grown Man Can Bathe In Yogurt!!!
bj, leaning down very close to to-go box: i love you
bob: anyone want a drink? brian: whatever’s your strongest bob: milk it is
guy at bar: sUE HIM?!?!??? oh i’d sue him yeah
sam: who orders something extra cold?? like, you need to Die now thanks. 
sam: do you dare me to drink this buffalo sauce me: yes laura, walking by: snort it
sam: one more day. just one more day laura: of what sam: waking up
bob: *is trying to explain easter to jewish laura* laura: wait so he died… then he came back to life?? then he died Again??? bob: he died. then he came back just to tell people he was alive. then he said SEE YA and ascended to heaven
sam: i HATE margaritas. i don’t know why i just made myself one. 
bob: wow. i have this overpowering urge to just go home. 
bj, putting back a slotted spoon: this is a bad choice for dressing. a bad choice. 
me: *catches a plate about to fall* bj: woah! smooth moves!! spider-man? maybe. 
danny: so you know how at my other job everyone calls me daddy?
sam: *dumps out two full wine glasses* i fucked up. tell no one. 
me: remember when we used to be able to leave early? bob: no. i think we imagined it. 
danny: i didn’t realize we served DICK here -a few min later- danny: sorry i just got out of work and i’m all fired up
sam: my moms drunk and she won’t go home
bob: hey wasn’t that slang for mari- bj: cocaine. 
bj: *kicks kitchen door open* YEE-HAW!!!!
danny: sorry casey  me: what for  danny: for having to deal with me me: yeah *shrugs* danny: they should pay you more me: yeah
didi: i kill you ilia: do it now didi: no ilia: do it i wanna die
danny, about a burger: we’ve got ourselves a squirter!!
sam: is that a chicken patty  sydney: it’s my dog
sam, on my last night with her: lets get casey TRASHED tonight
sam: are you gonna go dancing in new york didi: yes laura: whore it up
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Is true Kim Taehyung is a Sagittarius rising? If so, what are the behaviors that are related to your ascendant? 1Hug~ ^^
[Below cut: Sagittarius ASC/Rising + BTS rumoured birthtime]
hey there! 💕 thanks for asking 💕 that’s the rumored birth time spread from k-fans as far as I know (either it’s speculations or an interaction idk). It’s popularized in the bts community but it’s?? pretty sourceless so I think it’s speculations (that’s just my personal take on it). It’s kind of been blown out of proportions, so maybe don’t focus too much on it because it’s unconfirmed? Kinda like a lore, so take it with a grain of salt. It gives pretty good reading so it’s a fun activity to do in terms of synastry/houses – but it’s still sourceless so yeah, use caution? 
There’s nothing wrong with believing in it and doing chart reading based on them. Personally I just wanted to make my life easier by not doing the houses/base full chart readings on speculated birth times. Like there’s other stuff to touch on that gets overlooked a lot because we’re trying to read into their houses/asc more than paying attention to our planet placements/aspect that’s already there, y know. So this is me trying to make us digest things bit by bit instead of trying to eat the whole plate. 
Unless the idol themselves disclose their birth time in public (broadcast) along with possibly a birth certificate I’m probably not gonna use it lmao (even miss sunmi’s analysis is on the err side just in case). So no, I can’t confirm that it’s true and I’m personally of the belief that you can kind of ‘go wild’ with it since it’s all speculations anyways. Houses/ASC just makes placement/aspects more fun, but it doesn’t take away from the placement/aspects thats already there. But maybe don’t trust things so easily/use a grain of salt with everything. 
As for Sagittarius rising, for those out there with Sag ASC/rising please remember that your chart affects how your ASC/rising come across! Not every Sag ASC/rising is the same. Personal planets, aspects strength, houses position etc. affects the person. 
ASC/rising tells you how you approach society, your views and personal beliefs on it, the action that you demonstrate towards it. The rulership (sign) you have in your 1st house (angular house) will also play a part in this as well. And decans are most commonly used for sun/asc because they play a role in how you come across to others here (even though they can arguably be applied across your planets). 
So take into account all the other stuff, different Sag ASC/rising will act differently from one another. No one is the same even with the same ASC/rising. 
These are just some common traits I’ve personally observed in myself and my friends, so take it with a grain of salt because it might not apply to you personally! 💕
Sagittarius ASC/Rising (from observation/notes): 
Would bike/drive if they can (if they’re able-bodied) likes to travel alone but don’t mind the company when they’re in their ‘moods’
Appreciate ‘a breath of fresh air’ in their company, tend to notice the difference when they’ve become ‘mundane/tunnel-visioned’ in their work/social group. 
When they meet others from a different perspective (but same intensity) they appreciate the difference in others. 
Isn’t really one to instigate hang outs unless they planned for it, actually has lazy days. But depending on their chart, what they refer to as ‘lazy day activity’ can be very different from the norm. 
Would still include private/personal time a lone where they go out and just, day-dream and be in nature. Likes to think of themselves as music video people (scenarios) or take in a different atmosphere (change is always preferred in order to ‘restart’/’refresh’). 
Chaotic Beings, sometimes likes to do things for the sake of dramatics/pettiness. Subtle about it at first. Seems normal. But makes sure the conclusion is a ‘plot twist’ in a natural way. Likes to play on this ‘not everything is as it seems’ kind of vibe. Doesn’t take things too ‘over the top’.  Punch of wittiness to them. Likes to keep people guessing (mysteriousness but with a directness/sincerity to them) 
Can’t hide their quirkiness when they’re excited, tends to be self-conscious of themselves. It’s not like, bad self-decrepitating stuff though. 
Most of their quirkiness comes from their open-mindedness, they’ve learnt a lot and accept alot from others. So the self-conscious thing is mostly forgetting to ‘test’ the waters out if the other person is close-minded/not as open-minded as they are. 
Realize a lot of things are based around experience and willingness to trust others/people’s narrative. So it’s more like ‘will I have to defend this person’s experience? if the person i’m talking to is close-minded obviously they’re in the wrong. But to what extent am I going to argue/teach them a different perspective?’
It’s either one way or another with them making decisions in the end: 1) wing it or 2) plan it beforehand
Tired sometimes but is unwilling to acknowledge it, if their body can move then they will move.
Prefers getting out of personal funks by doing things rather than waiting for their mood to shift. 
So it’s of personal belief that if they start doing something then their mood will shift, that’s why they ‘wing it’ sometimes. But if they feel totally unprepared they’re not push-overs about it to themselves, they’ll just say no to a plan if they have to.   
Wants to do ~cool things~ like surf/skate mostly because they like the idea of moving motion/cruising through areas
Has a thing for wind rushing past them, adrenaline junkies even when they’re not hardcore about it (people think adrenaline junkies are super hard core when Sag Rising are out here doing the least but hyping up the emotional satisfaction/idea of the act they get from it)
Enjoy changes the most, that’s why they like the wind thing. In people as well. Change feels like a ‘lift off’ experience, pulls them into a new place every time. 
Walks….everywhere. If it doesn’t require climbing they’ll get there. Can go on hikes a lot, or just traveling in general. Doesn’t mind company but would rather do it a lone at first. 
Likes to have knowledge of their surroundings, makes ‘notes’ on things in their mind and can often want to blend in with the locals (even if they stand out, they relish in the difference) 
First order of operation is to familiarize themselves, either by surroundings, activities, routine. etc. They just want to feel comfortable having a place to go to/things to do that they feel accepted in. (depends on other placements, like sun-moons and venus as well)
Has a ‘friendly’ face/aura, so they might find themselves attracting company even in foreign places.
Usually these are good companies, they’re flighty by nature (especially asc) so they tend to stay far from danger. 
Not as much of a dumbass as you think they are, people who know them tends to worry for them when they have to go to new places/be a lone. 
Sagittarius are survivalists generally. They have good/sharp common sense when they’re experiencing ‘new things’, they’re just obtuse to a lot of other more sensitive/detailed stuff when they’re ‘used to it’. 
Sometimes they’re just….intentionally oblivious. Like ‘if I just ignore it then it doesn’t affect me emotionally’ – which is life-saving in a lot of situation they’re in. 
They’re honest about it though. Kinda simple fools? Sincerity is always the key with Sag ASC/Rising, they’re never not sincere/honest to others. That was done intentionally. But they’re a lot more layered/complex than people give them credit for, and that’s what hurts them most and what they’re defensive about (which is why they get so self-preachy sometimes, just wants compliments and validation from others).  
Part of the problem why they lack tact. Sometimes it’s unintentional and sometimes it’s a consequence of their mindset/thinking.
They attract strangers who don’t know them but feel like they could trust them/relatable to them, so it’s more about safety in numbers rather than an available prey. 
Of the general belief that being open-minded to stranger is the nicest courtesy, puts extra effort into listening to people. Eye-contact and contribution to the conversation galore. 
Great first-impression people (if placements/aspects are all uncomplicated as well)
Has layers of ‘relatability’: depending on how well the other person handles their sass, group people into separate cliques that they hang out with. 
The ones they open up to are the people who genuinely make them feel like they’re accepted as they are for who they are, they can’t categorize them into cliques because the other people surpasses all their expectations (forgiveness, able to see past their foolishness, genuine tolerance and love for them even when they messed up)
Talks ALOT about people they love, particularly their best qualities. Is super proud of their friends and the people around them. Even if they acknowledge the bad parts, they’ll tend to hype up the good as a defense thing. 
In their minds, they’re already networking people together. Can often have thoughts like ‘oh, this person will get along so well with this other person’ – and then they want to open that gate up for people. 
Can KNOW if another person is a Sagittarius rising. Although they’re obtuse to other’s feelings most of the time (try as they might, they’re still kind of ‘occupied’ in a lot of ways) if they have strong aspects/placements that indicate intuition, they can ‘vibe out’ another usually. 
Kind of hard on themselves, unexpectedly. 
Particularly when they get really excited about stuff/can’t control their happiness. Scold themselves a lot when they get like this. 
Third person perspective looking in at themselves and criticizing themselves sometimes. But cannot stop their own action so they just– exasperated about it. 
Doesn’t always understand what it is they want to change to, but feels like they’re stagnant in a way (especially because of excitement which is??? so hard on themselves for no apparent reason)
When it comes to other people, they’re always genuinely touched by those who show tolerance/forgiveness for them. When they think they’re being ‘annoying’ or ‘too much’ (themselves) or acting rather ‘foolishly’ (self-preaching) and the other person just takes it and are willing to still be friends with them. They are genuinely touched and cares more about these kind of people. 
Doesn’t like pessimism. At all. Might think they can tolerate pessimism. But pessimism demonstrated by another person that has any signs of feeling ‘defeated’ or close-mindedness – Sagittarius ASC/rising will absolutely not tolerate it.   
Sometimes they get really nervous/anxious for hang out and just kinda flakes on it, or the activity doesn’t seem fun/they’re not planned for it they can easily just not go. Honesty, in a way. But also frustrates another person. 
Always the voice of (sometimes hesitant) optimism when their friends are all being kind of down, tries to inject new motivation ideas/mood into group setting in order to ‘fire’ others up. 
The type who smiles and you just kind of have to cheer up because they’re so genuinely nice and ‘doing their best’ with everything? 
People who tries the hardest/doing their best (apparent) but still has to face their personal demons (running away, flightiness, intentional obliviousness, self-defense stuff) so you know they’re sincere even though they’re imperfect.  
Not as party animals as you think they are, but they do tend to have a ‘wing it’ or ‘eh why not’ kind of mentality which enables people to see/view them that way (not their intention, just people’s perception of them)
Likes to be socially accepted, can ‘front’ or hype up certain activities that they do even though they don’t even genuinely like the sort of thing. 
That’s why change is so important, because if they’re socially accepted first, then they can integrate the things they genuinely do enjoy into being accepted as well. 
Loves telling stories of their past experience, this is mostly why they don’t mind company when they go out. They can’t remember everything that’s happened to them and they need confirmation/validation from their friend that said event was fun/interesting enough to tell others. 
Knows which person/people to take with them on journeys/adventures, just wants to have conversations with people and feel ‘bonded’ – those are the stories they want to have the most. 
Not even a ‘group-setting’ kind of person, more of a ‘want to be bond/feel good’ around those people kind of person. 
Activities are just things to facilitate ‘bonds’ and they’re just hoping the other person will come through with the other half, the fulfillment they need from the act they provide. Half-half kind of deal.  
Embarks on new hobbies or ‘try things out’ fairly often, does things sporadically. But tends to carry through (even though it takes years to continue, time is just a passage that means nothing to them if they aren’t stopped by death)
Anxious/nervous energy, more so than people tend to realize. Spontaneous nature comes from there. Likes the change of pace.
I hope this answers your questions! 💕 Alot of the Sag ASC/Rising stuff does seem to apply to Tae (on first impression), but I’m still going to caution everyone not to take rising signs without their entire placement/aspects into consideration. If the person doesn’t tell you their rising themselves, maybe we should place less significance on it and focus on what we have instead? That’s just my personal thoughts on the stuff anyways. Thanks for sending in the ask again! 💕
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siarven · 6 years
WIP Ask Game
I got asked  “11, 13, 16 und 19?” by @madmooninc via message :D Thank you so much! :D
11 - Which character do you have the most in common with?
Hm. I love painting, the way Ava does, and reading, and making up stories (obviously). I also love animals a lot. I had a lot of nightmares when I was young, too, though not necessarily monsters under my bed. Ava really wasn’t supposed to be the way she is like, now, she just kind of became? In the end all of my characters have small pieces of me woven into them, because how else would I write them? But I think Ava might have the most, even if she’s far more chaotic than I am. Or maybe Fiyare? Good question x’D Sadly I was never that close to my brother as they both are/were XD Though I’m very happy that my parents aren’t in any way like Jon and Liz :) 
13. Your characters are stranded on an deserted island. What happens?
(That reminds me of the fact that I still have to do that timetravel tag, ahahha. I’m sorry, that’s at least 3 months old by now...) 
“Well, we can’t drink the sea water, that’s for sure. But there might be a water source somewhere up that mountain.” Ben looks around the island with a quizzical expression, trying desperately to find something -- anything -- that could relieve the situation. The mountain looks very steep. “Why did the stupid boat have to break down anyways?” Ava kicks at a rock. The rock refuses to budge. She huffs in pain, and then kicks at the rock again. This time it goes flying. “It’s only our luck that this island is called Disappointment Island! We should’ve known better!” She laughs a bit helplessly. They have lost most of their posessions, the wreck is probably going to be arriving during the next few days if it didn’t sink, and all the technology they had with them has broken down. Mom and Dad are discussing what to do next -- well, Mom is discussing. Dad is still mostly in shock, even after two hours, and he’s probably not going to be much help after that, either. He has no idea how to survive in the jungle. “Don’t worry”, Kiyera says jovially. “I know a trick or two. We’ll be good in no time.” “We just need to worry about the essentials first”, Iuri adds, nodding approvingly. “Find a place to stay, something to eat, and most of all: Water.” None of them say what they’re all thinking: We can be happy that we’re still alive. That everything went this well, considering how many drowned in shipwrecks. “Too bad they took down the castaway depots”, Ben says thoughtfully. “I read about them in that book that you gave me, Kiyera. About shipwrecks and pirates and the sea trade. A good book.” Now on the ground of the ocean, probably. “We should go check out the island”, Kiyera says. “Find out how big it is, what kinds of animals live here. Maybe they left something behind in that depot. The building should still be standing, right?” The others nod, happy that someone else is giving the instructions. “All right. Move as a group, stay together, be wary of, well... I don’t know. Just be careful and try to step where we do. I’m going to get Liz, then we can continue thinking about this.” Ben smiles thankfully at her. It’s nice to not be in charge for once - something he’s still getting used to, now that they’ve made so many new friends. Now that things are finally going uphill for the Nichols family again. “Don’t leave me, Ben”, Ava says quietly, clutching at his hand. He smiles at her, too. They’re all bruised and cut in places, and Ava is too, but she’s taking it in step, not complaining or crying. “I’ll never leave you”, he tells her, and it’s the truth. As long as they’ve got each other everything is going to be all right. Even if they’ll end up shipwrecked forever. But that’s not likely; he knows that there are endemic birds living here so scientists and ornithologists are bound to wind up here sooner or later. And anyways, he’s always wanted to have an adventure. And who gets a better vacation adventure than him, being stranded on an island with his favourite people in the world?
They find water that same day, and build themselves a shelter out of branches and leaves later that evening, because Kiyera is an expert in survival stuff since she led a Girl-Scout Group for several years. A very hardcore one. They are rescued three days later by a helicopter because they built a huge bonfire and because they had to leave Azrae behind because they didn’t get off from work so Iuri used to call them every night. After not hearing anything for three days straight, Azrae alarmed the coastal guards and a search party was sent out. And so Ben and Ava have the best story to tell when they return to school after the holidays. 
16. What would your characters be for Halloween? 
Good question! Halloween!AU in our universe :D
Ava: She’s a witch, but the nice kind (not the stereotypical evil ones). She helped a bit with the designs. It has a lot of feathers, and is probably a very earthy type of witch, mostly greens and browns. Also the witch might be a princess, too, because she has a tiara over her hat. (She loves disney princesses, after all. Especially Tiana) 
Ben: I’d love to say that he would be more carefree in our world but probably not. But damn it, he loves superhero comics so he’s defintiely going as Superman, because he’s the best. Obviously. 
Fiyare: A black cat, of course! Her costume is going to be really elaborate but she’ll take care to only use faux fur, and despite it’s amazingness it’ll still be rather simplistic. And def not the sexy cat version, she hates those. Fiyare’s also the one who helps the children with their costumes. 
Kiyera: A pirate... hehehe. All the children in the neighbourhood love her, especially because she has a lot of (rescued) parrots sitting all over her. 
Azrae - Azrae is going to be the most dramatic of them all. Nobody is surprised. They literally come as Death, but a far more enigmatic version. They’ll ask Fiyare to help them with the sewing and since she’s always happy to help she’ll teach them. Azrae does everything themselves, of course, not even letting Iuri help. 
Iuri - She’s going to go as a dragon, the (in theory) firebreathing version. With elaborate scales makeup and costume. She and Azrae spent all their free time the weeks before making the most magnificent costumes. Iuri’s has small scales sown on everywhere and her makeup is on point. 
Jon - He wanted to go as a character from the Silmarillion (because he loves Tolkien’s work so much, and making fan art and connection with the fan base has helped him immensely with his depression) but he couldn’t decide which one he loved the most, and because time is fickle he didn’t manage to make anything. So he goes as a vampire with a cheap costume from the store, because vampires sleep during the day, too. 
Liz - She’s EXTREMELY into steampunk so her costume will have a thousand cogs and small pipes everywhere. She’s been working on it for at least half a year. At first she tried to make the rest of her family join but Ava wanted to go as a witch so badly and didn’t like the pipes, so Liz finally stopped talking about it. The end result of her late nights spent in the attic might be too heavy to wear for long, so the next year she’ll have to optimize. But that’s the price you pay. And she’s looking pretty fabulous.
Ohhh, that question was awesome XD
19 Post a pic or gif that describes your WIP. 
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Heh. I’ll let you make up your own mind about that. ;) The best thing about this gif is that it works for almost all of them 
Ask me a WIP question! :D
I have no idea if I should tag people for this because it’s all AU but anyways, whatever. :’D
@prismalicht @merigreenleaf @lynnafred @romenna @fynniana @yoojas3d @random-stuff-thrown-into-a-pot 
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chimchimdumpling · 6 years
Champagne Corks ❧ Im Jaebum
For @endearkim ‘cause even though my writing is shit she still pretends to like me
Warnings: A teeny tiny bit of angst, a dangerously cute JB
Word count: 2,8k
Summary: Doing stuff the conventional way is just not your thing.
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"Honestly, how the fuck do people deal with this dating stuff?", Ara, your colleague and friend huffed out while sinking down in one of the chairs of your office's break room. With a frown you handed her the cup of coffee you had originally poured for yourself. "That bad?"
She sighed. You sat down across from her and smiled sympathetically. "I'll take that as a yes. What happened?" "Just the usual. He would have been perfect if he hadn't been... him, you know? His job is interesting, his friends are nice but his personality is just-" she made a gagging sound, making you chuckle. "At this point I'm seriously considering getting my vagina vacuum sealed. I mean look at barbie- seems to work out for her- she's got a jeep, a pony, a mansion,-" "- a boyfriend...", you interrupted her. She rolled her eyes. "Is she still with that Ken guy? God, how does she deal with that stupid grin?" You laughed about her joke yet couldn't help but wonder how Ara out of all people always seemed to end up with complete douchebags. Such a great person, such little luck. "Just promise me you'll wait another few years with the whole sealing thing? Trust me, someone's out there just waiting for you to smudge their stuff with your lipstick." The memory of how she had eternally stained one of your favourite sweaters on your first encounter managed to put a genuine smile on her lips. "Can't you just give me the number of the guy you bribed to get Jaebum? Please?", she whined and you both laughed. "It's like you two escaped from a Nicholas Sparks movie." The thought of your very indeed perfect boyfriend almost made you blush. "Gah, stop it!" you gushed while throwing a sugar pack at her. "How long have you been together now?" "We're a month away from two years." Ara let out an 'aawww' while looking at her watch. "Enough about our love lives, I'm afraid we've gotta get to work- see you at lunch?", she asked and got up. You nodded and were convinced she muttered something like 'I swear to god If I don't get to be bridesmaid' to herself on her way to her office. After gathering all of your motivation to start your day you, too, got up to get to your office as you suddenly started feeling a bit dizzy. Even though you were as happy as never before work was quite literally killing you, the toll the lack of sleep had taken on you just being the living proof for that. You set a mental reminder for you to drink more and finally got to work. The next two weeks passed by in a blur, the clammy feeling of nausea and dizziness never quite leaving your bones. You now got home even later than your boyfriend in the evenings, causing you to blame the things that seemed off about your health on the sleep deprivation. And still you couldn't help but notice that your were growing distant to him, the possibility of this one big thing constantly nagging at the back of your head.
"Ground control to Major (Y/N), do you wanna order something to eat, too?", Jackson, one of Jaebum's band members waved his hand in front of your face to gain your attention. You snapped out of your thoughts and shook your head. "No thanks, I'm not really hungry." He furrowed his eyebrows in surprise. "Who are you and what have you done to (Y/N)?" You grinned half heartedly, stating that you'd already had a quick evening snack with your colleagues. All the while you felt Jaebum's dark eyes on you, observing you, scanning your every move. Just like most Friday nights spent with the chaotic pile of rascals that Got7 was, everyone decided to join Mark and Jackson on their late run for takeout. Everyone except Jaebum and you, apparently. "You guys go ahead, (Y/N) and I are gonna set the table and choose a movie." Yugyeom and Bambam exchanged looks wiggling their eyebrows but unfortunately you could feel that this wasn't about the two of you not having enough alone time. Without really wanting to you escaped into the kitchen to get some water, hoping you could somehow avoid the conversation ahead. But then the sound of the apartment's door closing behind the notoriously loud musicians echoed through the hallway, followed by Jaebum's steps making their way into the kitchen. He didn't hesitate to speak up, his velvety voice sounding almost worried. "Are you okay (Y/N)?" You placed your glass of water back on the counter, just for safety, and crossed your arms. Trying to avoid his gaze you shrugged. Could you really tell him? Were you even capable of doing it? "I... I don't know.", you sighed, finally gaining the courage to look him in the eyes. He made his way over to you, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. How again had you managed to basket this man? "If it's something you don't want to or can't talk to me about that's fine love, but I need to know that you're okay... and to me you don't seem like it." His thumbs ghosted over your dark eye bags, his hands cupping your face in the process. You couldn't help but lean into his touch, allowing yourself to enjoy his warmth for at least the glimpse of a second. "It's just...", you started your attempt at explaining the whole dilemma. "There is this pretty big thing I can't stop thinking about and I'm afraid that if I actually talk about it to someone, especially you, it will get real and...". You let out a heavy sigh, your desperate expression meeting his steady and calm one. You would have to tell him at some point. And by waiting any longer you would only hurt him. "I think I might be pregnant.", you blurted out faster than you would have liked it to be. Your boyfriend's eyebrows shot up, his lips mouthing a silent 'oh'. "Did you... did you take a test yet?" He finally asked after what felt like hours of awkward quietness. You nervously played with your fingers. "I was too scared to do it. But... I bought one." "Do you want to take it now?" Only a few minutes later you found yourself standing next to him in the bathroom, both of your backs facing the sink on top of which the test was now laying. "So what if it's positive?", you mumbled. At this point the whole situation just seemed surreal to you. "Then we'll be a family", he answered as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "But Jaebum, your job, the fans, I-" "They're not as important as you." Your eyes shot up to meet his, disbelief probably written all over your face. "(Y/N), I love you. And regarding your reaction I really think I need to tell you that more often because you are my world. As long as I have you and the boys we could be living under a bridge and I would be the happiest man alive." By now you were almost crying, your body's every fibre filled with nothing but pure love for the person in front of you. You knew very well that if you had tried to bring out even a single word, it would have come out as gibberish, so you did the single next thing to expressing your feelings with your words: you did it with your body. You pulled him close and captured his lips in a tender yet passionate, short yet long kiss. The world seemed to stop while both of your lips molded together ever so perfectly. "Do you think the test is done?", Jaebum whispered after breaking apart, his forehead leaning against yours. You shrugged, still smiling. Nothing bad would ever happen to you while Jaebum was around and it was almost ridiculous that it had taken you such a crisis to realise that. "It probably won't hurt to risk a glance, huh?" You nodded at each other, a silent agreement taking place between the two of you. You slipped your hand into Jaebum's and turned around, your eyes immediately searching for the test's little display. The result almost felt like a punch to the stomach. You had pictured yourself cheering and falling into each other's arms at this result, but instead you were just standing next to each other, taken aback by the little emoticon. "It's... it's negative.", Jaebum stuttered, sounding exactly the way you felt. "Is it weird that I feel disappointed?", you hesitantly asked. Suddenly, he grabbed your hand and led you into the living room, pushing you down onto the sofa. "You couldn't have waited another two weeks for this, could you?" You frowned, the floor crumbling away from your feet. What was going on? He disappeared into the direction of your shared bedroom only to return a few moments later. The only thing going on in your brain were big question marks swirling around. He knelt in front of you just like that one time he had comforted you about the death of your grandfather, his beautiful features looking ethereal in the living room's dim lighting. "There is one else in this world I could ever picture myself starting a family with. I may have hated you when you stole my cab that day, and maybe still a little bit when I saw you again at this bar you were playing the guitar in a few weeks later but as soon as you played that song and dedicated it to me with a wink I knew that you were something very, very special. Do you remember what you said?" Despite the chaos in your head your eyes lit up at the thought of one of your first memories together. "I said 'This one is for the guy who hijacked my cab the other day'.", you recited your own words with a smile. "And then you played 'Fuck you' by Lily Allen- probably one of the sexiest things I have ever heard. The night we spent together after bickering around and hardcore third wheeling Youngjae for at least two hours was one of the best nights of my life. And when I woke up to you singing one of my songs while making breakfast the next morning I knew that I had found what I had always been looking for." You were really digging the recollection of the first steps of your relationship but couldn't help but wonder what all of this had to do with you not being pregnant. "I never want to let you go. If you'll let me, I will listen to you rant about that detergent commercial every day for the rest of my life. I will save up the yellow gummi bears for you because you only like those, I will remind you to pack your keys since you always forget them and I will save you from Bambam's stupid jokes. But most importantly will I love you and do everything I can to see that breathtaking smile of yours every day. (Y/N), will you allow me all of these things and become my wife?" You let out a long overdue sob. Unable to speak you nodded heavily, pulling him in by the collar of his shirt for a deep kiss. "Yes.", you finally whispered against his lips, causing his whole face to light up with joy. He longed into one of his jean's front pockets, pulling out a small shiny thing you couldn't properly see through your blurred vision. It was a ring. He slipped it on your ring finger, watching the way it reflected the light almost incredulously. "I love you." You both whispered at almost the same time and giggled at your simultaneity. You were about to kiss again as the apartment's front door opened, announcing the boys' return. Jinyoung entered the living room first, taking in the scene of Jaebum still on his knees and your hands still cupping his face. "Are you kidding me JB?", he exclaimed, amusement sparking his voice. "You book an entire restaurant and prepare a speech only to propose to her two weeks earlier in the damn living room just because you couldn't wait anymore?" Jaebum turned around, a huge grin adorning his features. "That's exactly what I did." Jackson let out a squeal almost inaudible for humans before throwing himself on the couch next to you. "This is so exciting! A wedding! So much to plan! Do you already know which dress you want?" You laughed loudly. Happy chaos proceeded to flood the room as the boys started showering both of you in congratulations, your hand all the while never leaving Jaebum's. After ten minutes of hugs and Yugyeom almost shooting Mark k.o with a champagne cork your now fiancé leaned close to whisper something in your ear. "I think it's time to leave." You looked at him in confusion. "Why?" A cheeky grin spread across his face, his dark eyes meeting yours. "I think we should let the guys get some sleep, shouldn't we?" His words took a few seconds to sink in but as soon as you realised their meaning you widened your eyes and slapped his arm. "Jaebum!", you whisper shouted, not really able to keep yourself from laughing. "What? We have a family to start, after all."
"(Y/N)? Do you want some orange marmalade?" You looked up from your toast and shook your head at Mark. "God no, please stay away from me with that stuff. Can you pass me the Nutella instead?" "Sure. But I always thought orange marmalade was your favourite?" You opened the Nutella with a shrug. "Maybe I just ate it too often, all I know is that I don't like the taste of it anymore." Distracted by preparing your breakfast you didn't notice the surprised glance Jaebum shot at you from his place next to you. You had asked him if he'd bought a new cologne twice this week already and he also wasn't the only one to realise the small changes in your appearance. The boys kept stealing glances at your rosy cheeks, your sparkling eyes, your messy hair that somehow seemed to shine more than usual. There was no other way to say it- you were glowing. Maybe it was just the post-honeymoon-and-all-moving-into-a-big-house-together glee. Maybe it was something else. You were on dishwashing duty that day, so after breakfast you made your way into the kitchen to get it over with as quickly as possible. Suddenly someone sneaked up behind you and placed their hands around the small of your back, making you squeal in surprise. You very quickly made the pair of hands out to be your husband's, since now, they were wandering up your torso and finally cupped your breasts through the pyjama shirt you were still wearing. You swatted his hands away and turned around to send Jaebum one of your famous death glares. "What the fuck, Jaebum?" An expression you couldn't quite decipher adorned his features, making you even more confused than you already were. "When was the last time you had your period?" You were about to hiss out another 'what the fuck' when suddenly it hit you. Your mouth fell open in a silent 'oh', your astonished gaze meeting your husband's. The next moment you were both running towards the bathroom. You almost slammed your heads together trying to get the spare pregnancy test from last time from the mirror closet, breaking into a fit of excited giggles. "Come back in five minutes, okay?" "Babe, you always leave the door open while peeing so you don't miss what's happening on TV. And believe me, seeing you pee is not the worst thing I've seen you do... remember that one time you were so dr-" "Turn around or I'll file a divorce.", you interrupted him, causing him to snort. At least he finally turned around. Ten minutes later you were in the same position as only a few months before. The nervous mess you were you almost crushed every bone in Jaebum's hand, something he didn't even realise since he himself was too occupied by chewing on the insides of his cheeks. The second your phone's timer rang you both spun around, almost stumbling into the sink. There was a moment of shocked silence. And then you started screaming. Alarmed by your noise the rest of the guys appeared in the doorframe, utter confusion displayed on their faces. Youngjae was the first to put the pieces together. With a loud gasp he tackled Jaebum, who still hadn't stopped grinning into a bear hug. "Would someone like to tell us what's going on?" Your husband pulled away from his best friend and made his way back to you, taking both of your hands in his. His now suspiciously glistening eyes searched for yours, silently asking for your approval. After you nodded the brightest smile you'd ever seen on him spread across his features. He took a deep breath. "Got7 will have an eighth member soon." That night, Yugyeom finally got his payback from Mark and a champagne cork against his head.
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dead-dialogs · 6 years
Everything’s Better(?) with Arsenic
Disclaimer: I have never dug up a dead person. That is, quite frankly, more paperwork than I have the attention span for (which is saying something, because for two years my whole job was paperwork). But fortunately for this blog post, there are a great many contemporary archaeologists who have dug up lots of dead people, including a bunch I know pretty well, and almost always they’re more than happy tell you about it. And publish about it. So thanks to everyone I used to work with, the Society for Historical Archaeology, and the multitude of private firms who put their dead shit/toxic shit protocols online in PDF format. 
The 19th century got really, really weird about death. 
To be fair, the 19th century also got really weird about a lot of things, like the color white, and putting pants on animals, and moral justifications for corporate imperialism, but we’re talking about death right now. There’s been a lot of work done about why things got so crazy, which might be a thing I talk about later. Right now, though, let’s talk embalming. 
People have been preserving other people’s dead bodies since way before the 19th century - don’t @ me, egyptology kids, I had that weird gold book with the scarab on the cover too. Even back to the Renaissance, anatomists were embalming bodies for dissection (listen, drawing the intestines takes a really long time, and it’s July and refrigeration won’t be invented for another 500 years, give or take, so we gotta do something or it’s going to get noxious in here real damn fast.) 
In the US, widespread embalming doesn’t really happen until the Civil War, for a couple reasons. In general, most people died within relatively easy riding distance of where the rest of their family was. There was this whole Victorian concept of a good death - not something we think about, in general, death is death and we normally don’t get to pick, but in the 19th century, there was a weird social stigma attached to everything you did, up to and including the way you died, because the Victorians were fucking nuts. The really only socially acceptable way to go was dying at home, in your own bedroom, ready to be prepared and brought into the parlor for the funeral. (Someone remind me to talk about coffin doors and the evolution of the living room in another post, it’s super interesting.) Dying anywhere that wasn’t home was this huge source of gossip, because if it was an illness, why weren’t you where your family was caring for you (because hospitals are deathtraps and also full of Poor People)? If it wasn’t an illness, why were you out doing something that could get you killed? Lots of judgement flying around in the Victorian era. 
The Civil War changed this in a really big, really immediate way. In addition to the whole dying away from home thing, in a way that really couldn’t be controlled since, you know, soldiers die, there’s also this lack of closure because of the chaotic nature of battle. A lot of families never really knew what happened to their male family members, because there wasn’t a system in place for notifying families of the deceased, and this is well before the era of dog tags or other forms of identification. In a lot of cases, missing in action just meant we don’t know which mass grave your son/brother/husband is in. Whoops. 
The US Army did have a system in place when they were able to identify you on the battlefield, or if you died in an army hospital, where they would embalm your remains and then ship you home on the closest railroad. After the war, this became just a cultural facet of death - you were embalmed, left out in the living room for a few days while people paid their respects, and then buried. This also dovetailed with some weird superstitious facets of the Christian traditions surrounding death (namely that Jesus would actually literally make you rise from the grave upon his return, but only if there was a body to raise, ie. cremation is definitely out). 
Since this is an era when literally no one knew what they were doing re: biology or chemistry, early chemical embalming was a lot of things getting thrown at the wall to see what would keep it from rotting. People discovered that arsenic tended to work well, so this was the primary chemical used from 1850 all the way up until 1910, when it was banned by the US because it kept killing embalmers. Go figure. Between 1853 and 1876, six different patents were filed for embalming fluid containing arsenic, ranging in concentration from four ounces to a Most Definitely Lethal twelve pounds per body. (For context, the minimum lethal dose for an average adult human is about 20mg, or eight ten thousandths of an ounce. Yikes.) 
Mercury was also used a lot, because we used mercury for goddamn everything, as well as formaldehyde. (To my knowledge, embalmers in the US still use formaldehyde today, although the EU has been trying to scale back its use because it definitely causes cancer.) In addition to all of this, some more wealthy individuals were buried in metal or lead-lined air tight caskets, which I guess were probably used primarily in shipping bodies?? I don’t know, I actually know more about dead bodies than their containers. If someone knows, come chat, we’ll be good friends. 
This is all well and good, except things like arsenic and mercury don’t actually, like, break down over time. So once the coffin is gone bc wood does break down over time, those chemicals start to leach down into the water table and get absorbed into local plant life, which is definitely not a thing you want to have happen at all. To further complicate matters, there’s very little record keeping about this from the period, so it’s functionally impossible to know which bodies were embalmed or what chemicals/how much of them were used. Which makes it really fun to be an archaeologist moving a 19th century cemetery. 
Fortunately, there’s a couple really easy ways to know if a body you’ve just excavated was embalmed with arsenic or mercury. If you open the casket and the bones are blue to blue-green and covered in tiny crystal structures, close that shit and leave immediately, that thing’s either a biohazard or an alien, and you want to be fucking with neither of those things. (Note: if there are only little spots of blue-green in places, that’s fine, because you know how copper turns your skin green? It does that to bone, too.) If you smell garlic (and no one’s eating lunch downwind), that’s also a big clue that you’re dealing with arsenic. And if you know the burial is for sure 19th century, and you crack that sucker open and there’s still little bits of flesh, that’s a dead giveaway that there’s some hardcore preservatives at work. 
If you’re really unlucky, cracking open a metal or lead-lined casket might release all sorts of pathogens you’re not prepared to deal with, in some sort of time traveler's worst nightmare. There’s not a whole lot in the way of documentation for this, since the people who were typically being buried in these caskets were more affluent and archaeologists (and developers who want cemeteries moved for space to put up a Walmart) tend to leave them be. As in all cases dealing with the Victorian era, just exercise extreme amounts of caution, because those fuckers were playing with fire and just about everything else besides, and shit is very likely to get real fucking weird. 
If you found this informative, entertaining, or weird enough that you want to see more, drop me a line at dead-dialogs.tumblr.com or at [email protected] with your history questions, and consider kicking a few bucks into my KoFi at ko-fi.com/deaddialogs. 
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