#when he knows there's flirting he's not completely inept
sierra6x · 2 years
------@stingslikeabee gifted:
Valentine's Day was an odd one at the Killer Queen - one of the few occasions where Melissa closed up earlier, and not because she had any plans - but because her employees did. The barmaid wasn't keen on keeping people around when there was no need, so she let all the girls go home during the afternoon, as well as the other people who worked there.
Six lingered behind - as he often did; the empty bar was more of a home to him than a full house, and she didn't mind his silent company while she went through the motions. Melissa was about to turn off the kitchen lights when she saw something on the counter there: a bowl of strawberries, chocolate and a folded note from Charlie (who was working out stuff with his ex-wife) that read 'to my idiot boss and her favorite idiot'.
Melissa laughed then - if it had been anyone else, the woman would have likely ignored the tease, but her cook actually predated her management era. He was some sort of an older brotherly figure, who had been fond of Borys and stayed after she took over. He looked after the barmaid, and likely watched everything from behind the scenes - as much as the tipster tried to deny, she had favorites.
Or rather - a favorite.
Picking up both things, Melissa paused by the bar to grab a bottle of champagne, too - it had been there for ages, not a drink any of the patrons really asked for, but now she was doing the entire thing. The brunette returned to the main room and placed the celebratory items on the pool table, interrupting the solitary game Six was enjoying by himself and offering him a grin as explanation, motioning for him to get closer.
"We're both idiots according to Charlie - it's a gift from him. I suppose he's sad we're both lonely today when he's seeing his ex-wife," Melissa chuckled and made herself comfortable on the edge of the table, proceeding to pick one of the strawberries to dip into the chocolate and inviting Six to stand in-between her legs, offering the delicacy to him with a teasing grin, "Happy Valentine's Day, Six. You are my favorite idiot, you know - Charlie's right."
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------HUMANS WERE SILLY little creatures of habit. it was easier to map something into the neurons by doing it repeatedly - a sense of comfort was established, stroked the mind in a way that sent ease into an otherwise shot system. six's system was pretty fucking fried. he'd heard the rumors that sierra agents usually burnt out and he could understand it. in some fashion he'd followed in their steps. turned his back on the program, on the cia, on the people that pointed their fingers and commanded someone die.
it was pretty nice to have bodily autonomy.
there were a lot of people all over the world he got information from. some he'd never met face-to-face ... always through dead drops or coded phone calls. sometimes he had short chats in public places where both parties wore sunglasses and did their best to forget any detail about the other (but secretly remembered everything just in case.) killer queen's was the only place that six kept coming back to. the only place where he struck a rapport with the fixer. the only place he had some shred of familiarity.
he'd liked borys well enough. the man was professional in his own sort of way and never grated against six's nerves. he was one of the people that stuck by when hands switched to melissa and struck some sort of chord there, too. enough that he came in his off-time, when he was stateside. not that he would ever admit those things.
too often he played pool by himself. sometimes another person balled-up and played him, but he was more than content with just games on his own. it was easier for him to keep track of what was going on around him. while regulars and visitors alike knew this was a sanctuary that didn't necessarily mean they abided those rules. occasionally six saw swift justice enacted against those that dare break them. once or twice he'd done it himself. but here he played a game alone on a table he'd moved to and fro more times than he wanted to admit. that meant he earned the right to play the fucking game alone.
he didn't even remember it was a holiday. (and when did a holiday count when it was literally bankrolled by a corporation??) it was just another tuesday night. here six sipped on ice cold water and knocked those little colored balls around while listening to people talk and schmooze, watching the girls bustle around like little bees and charlie whistle in the kitchen so loud that he heard it over the jukebox. sometimes when the song was loud enough people sang along to it like bad karaoke and six enjoyed those moments, privately, because he could just blend in without anyone remembering he was there.
but earlier than most nights the patrons slipped out. then the girls clocked out and scurried home. then charlie fucked off to wherever it was that old, nosy cooks went when they weren't occupying the kitchen. and six lingered, shooting pool while melissa closed things up. because he'd wordlessly walk her home every time he was around, just to be sure she was alright.
sierra six did not do those things willy nilly.
and when melissa wandered over with the champagne and strawberries in tow he already had an eye on her. the game she interrupted had been already paused, evident by how six leaned against the pool table with such a lax posture that deceived how attentive he actually was that it might be cause for balking. " champagne from him, too? "
one brow raised. amusement defined six's features in a subtle sort of way. he knew melissa would pick up on it.
" that's why i'm unmarried. " not the job. not the lack of social life. not the fact that he was owned by the government up until a few years ago. because of whatever song and dance charlie played with his ex wife. (buy that and he'll sell you another). without asking and without waiting to be told he set his pool cue down and reached for the champagne in question. turned out his various tactical skills applied well to popping corks, and the telltale THWUMP gave way to his success.
what would really make him an idiot was if he ignored her wordless invitation. well, mostly wordless. and for a moment he watched her posture, the expression on her face, the curve of her lips ... before he moved to where she'd intended.
he towered over her, even when she perched on the raised edge of the pool table. he didn't blink, either. just canted his head, leaned slightly forward (pushing into personal space well-beyond the definitions of comfortable friendship) and set the bottle down somewhere behind her. " yeah? " how many other idiots did she have? surely just the one.
the question hung for a moment before he bit at the strawberry, snatching it from melissa's fingers with his teeth and pulled back slightly ---not away, before claiming the berry with his own fingers. he bit into it proper, separated most of it from the green top, and chewed.
not once did he look away from her, either. direct eye contact throughout.
" you, too. " happy valentine's day. he reached for a berry on his own, skipped it entirely and opted to dip his middle finger in the chocolate instead, and offered it between he and melissa. in a dare.
even his grin emphasized it.
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seedsofagony · 1 month
Haganezuka Hotaru A–Z (KnY)
Series: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Characters: Haganezuka Hotaru
Word Count: 1,821
Summary: How does Haganezuka Flirt? What's he like on the Phone? SFW answers from A to Z for @selfloving-shipper's Self Shipping Alphabet: fluff, occasionally suggestive, x reader, modern au, spoiler free
Notes: Forever and unapologetically imagining secondary and tertiary characters ♥ I tried to keep this as gender neutral as possible because everyone should be able to enjoy our hot-headed, not-so-little firefly.
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Image Credit: Wtrsnvc
A - Activity what’s something they enjoy doing together?
Haganezuka doesn't really like crowds. He'd much rather spend quiet time alone with you where he can take off his figurative mask. He won't talk much (unless you ask him about work), but he'll enjoy just listening to you chatter away or the moment when your head starts to droop and you lean on him to doze.
B - Bashful what’s something one finds embarrassing about themselves but the other finds adorable?
As the poster boy for the socially inept, Haganezuka is embarrassed by pretty much everything you do—which makes teasing him that much more fun. You'll rib him gently in public and mercilessly at home just to bring out that blush in his cheeks, but there's a limit to how much he'll take before he makes you make good on your word.
C - Calm how do they calm the other down?
The man has no chill, so if you're upset, he's upset. Unfortunately, that also means that you're usually the one doing the calming down—which you do by pushing him into bed, straddling him, then tickling the life out of him.
D - Danger how do they react to finding out the other person is in trouble?
If someone is messing with you—your boss, some rando, doesn't matter—Haganezuka isn't afraid to do anything short of murder, and even that isn't off the table. But if it's something like being stranded with a flat tire, he'll come right away, push up his sleeves, bare those burly arms, and get to work changing it for you.
E - Encourage how do they encourage each other?
Haganezuka believes in you—totally, fully, and without reservation—and he shows it through acts of service. Looming deadline? Your coffee cup will never run dry. Big interview? He scouts the parking situation ahead of time so you don't have to sweat the small stuff. He'll also give you space to focus, but know that he'll be just around the corner, ready to get you whatever you need.
F - Flirt do they flirt? If so how do they flirt?
As someone with almost no game, Haganezuka doesn't really know how to flirt. Playful banter is beyond him, and most of his "sweet nothings" are completely serious and intense. But, sometimes, he'll say something that can be construed as EXXXTREMELY suggestive—it's always completely unwitting and he has no idea why you're looking at him like that.
G - Greetings what was their first meeting like?
The first time you met, he couldn't take his eyes off you—which actually means he was staring at you with intense RBF. He doesn't really remember it that way, though. For him, it was as if nobody else even existed. Sound was muffled, the light was diffuse. It was a canon event.
H - Hungry does one of them cook? What do they do for dinner?
Haganezuka's hyperfixation is just way too strong—when he actually remembers to eat, he's a terrible cook and will just eat whatever's lying around. Actually, it's a little-known fact that the phrase "girl dinner" was invented for him.
I - Imagine what do the imagine their futures together like?
For him, your futures are a collection of everyday moments. The way the sun glints off your hair in the morning. The hustle and bustle as you get ready for the day. The soft brightening of your expression when you see him after work. It's all the little things that add up to make a life.
J - Jealousy do they get jealous easily? What do they do when jealous?
Haganezuka trusts you. He would never doubt you. It's just that he has zero faith in the rest of humanity, and he can't stand when other guys so much as look at you. If the clerk at the checkout is a little too cheerful when he says, "Have a nice day," Haganezuka levels him with a devastating glare and gathers up all your bags with one well-muscled arm just to prove a point: Step off or else.
K - Kissing what is it like kissing them?
Despite having no game, Hagaganezuka is actually a natural when it comes to kissing. He tips your chin, looks into your eyes for a moment, then kisses you fully and deeply. The world seems to stop, and nothing and no one else exists. But if you give him a peck on the cheek? Insta-blush.
L - Love when did they realize they were in love?
They say love at first sight doesn't exist, but it does for Haganezuka. He'd barely even been "in like" before he met you, so when he saw you from across the way, he just knew you were the one.
M - Memories what is one of their favorite memories together?
The day he moved in (because there was no way you were moving into his neglected bachelor pad), you hung a windchime together. He steadied you by the waist as you stood on the ladder. He helped you down, and you slipped your arm around him as you admired your work. The chimes rang together softly, and he felt like he was home.
N - Nickname what are some names they like to call the other?
You're the only person in the world who can call him "Hotaru," but even though you've been together forever, he still stumbles over your first name. The only time it rolls off his tongue is when you're alone together between the sheets.
O - Object what’s something they have that reminds them of the other?
Haganezuka doesn't really like distractions at work, so his desk is pretty spartan. But there is one thing that he always keeps in sight—a fuzzy pompom dango keychain that you gave him when you first got together. It's ridiculous. Each dango has a little smiling face. If anyone asks him about it, he'll tell them, in no uncertain terms, that it's none of their damn business, and when they're gone, he'll bop each dango, one by one, and smile.
P - Phone how often do they talk to each other on the phone or other means of communication?
Haganezuka doesn't really like to talk on the phone, so you won't call him unless it's an emergency. He will text you, though—as long as he isn't working. After a long day, he unlocks his phone to 100 unread messages. He leaves most people on read, but he'll always text you back. It might just be 👍 but you know he cares! He's also the king of autocorrect—ducking Kamado.
Q - Quiver what’s something they do that makes the other flustered?
He hardly knows what to do when you take the lead, whether it's flirting or making love. There's some silly, old-fashioned part of him that thinks, as a man, he should always be the one to initiate. Not that he doesn't enjoy it, though. When his flustered blush fades, it's obvious he enjoys it A LOT.
R - Routine what’s something they do together like clockwork?
You could set your watch to Haganezuka's routine. Every morning, he gets up early, works out, and goes to work. The only thing you can't count on is when he'll be home, but even that's predictable. No matter how late he comes home, though, you always take time to wind down together and talk to each other about your days.
S - Selfies do they like taking pictures together? Do they keep pictures of the other?
Haganezuka really hates having his picture taken and will do anything to avoid it. He also feels awkward taking pictures of you, but he will sometimes snap one when you're not looking. His gallery is mostly selfies you sent to him and 8,000 pictures of his works in progress, plus a ton of totally random screencaps that he will never look at again.
T - Touchy do they like PDA? How do they like to cuddle?
Doing anything more than holding hands in public makes him go beet-red. Even getting to that point was a struggle—you had to graduate from walking next to him to holding the cuff of his sleeve before you could finally entwine your fingers with his. Once you got to that point, though, he wasn't about to let go.
U - Unaccustomed what’s something they had to get used to once they got together?
Haganezuka is an awkward guy and everything about you flusters him—your pretty smile, your hair, that cute outfit you're wearing, the scent of your perfume. You drive him crazy, and he can still hardly believe you're his.
V - Vanished what would they do if the other vanished one day?
If you suddenly vanished, Haganezuka wouldn't know how to go on. He would give up everything to look for you, no matter how long it took. But if HE disappeared… you'd know he just lost track of time and was inadvertently pulling an all-nighter at work.
W - Walk where do they like going together?
There's a nearby park that you love to visit—ambling along the limestone paths, pausing to watch the stream tumble beneath the Japanese-style bridge. But most of all, you love strolling through the tunnel of wisteria trees and stealing a kiss under the curtain of their fragrant purple blossoms.
X - X-ray how do they help the other if they’re sick or tired?
Haganezuka will call off work to take care of you. He'll bring you medicine and a cool drink, and press his forehead to yours to check your fever. Then, he'll look at you, earnest as ever, and tell you he heard—and clearly believes—that if you kiss someone who's sick, you can take their cold away… When he inevitably catches what you have, however, he won't take such good care of himself. He'll wear himself out, refusing to take time off, never taking a break—which means, at some point, he'll collapse and you'll finally be able to return the favor by taking care of him.
Y - Yes who would propose? What would the proposal be like?
You know it would hurt his pride too much if you proposed, but he is definitely taking his time. It's not that he doesn't want to get married. It's just that it's MARRIED. Like, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, and all that. Just the thought of spending the rest of his life with you—it's almost too much to imagine. When he finally does pop the question, it will be with fierce determination and an adorably bright red blush.
Z - Zzz how do they sleep together?
Haganezuka is the big spoon to your little spoon, and he'll stay that way all night, hugging you protectively against his chest. If you try to get up before him (which almost never happens), you'll have a hard time extricating yourself. Every time you loosen his arms just a little, he tightens his grip, pulling you back to bed in his sleep. At least, you're pretty sure he's still asleep…
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haystarlight · 6 months
I wanted to submit this to the-owl-house-takes but they don't take asks anymore and are ending the blog.
Anyway, I think I'm getting a little bit sick and tired of seeing characters act like idiots on fics and fanart where they're not together yet. Like in those getting-together fics where both characters have a crush but they're not dating yet? I'm tired of people writing the characters to be idiots at romance just to stop them from getting together.
I understand these are all neurodivergent teenagers who all have their own trauma but, at the end of the day, they're not morons. They know a few social cues, they can tell what flirting is supposed to be. I was a neurodivergent teen with problems socializing but I still knew *some things* about romance.
The character who suffers from this the most is Hunter I think. Tho Luz is a victim of it too but Hunter is the most notable. I understand that he was raised in a cult so maybe he doesn't comprehend romance as well as other teens but he's not stupid, okay? I'm tired of people writing him stupid or too socially inept to even flirt or make jokes.
Canon Hunter makes jokes all the time! I know there's a common headcanon of him being autistic but not like this, dudes.
Maybe I sound conceited when I say I think I write characters a lot better than others. I try to make them awkward crushing losers but without them looking completely socially inept. A lot of fan writers don't strike that balance.
Anyway, maybe I should just read some Established Relationship stuff for a minute.
(this is isn't directed at any specific author/artist, it's a pattern I have seen in multiple fan works by multiple people and tbh it's okay if this is how you choose to write these characters. I just don't feel like reading it anymore)
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ryuichirou · 2 years
some nsfw lilidia headcanons? 🫣
Anonymous asked:
Anyways we know the drill.
Lilidia head canons food please 😌🤲
Yesss finally, people are asking for Lilidia headcanons! FINALLY… I’ve been training my whole life for this.
Once again, I am very happy you guys are enjoying Lilia/Idia, this is so special and so fun.
A quick note before we start: we’re obviously posting this way before Crimson Muscle and Gloomy Samurai meet irl, if you know what I mean, so these headcanons are more speculative than usual. I’ll just cross my fingers and wish that every single thing I’m about to describe becomes canon lol
With that out of the way, the headcanons:
When Idia first realised that his gaming buddy he’d been crushing on is actually Lilia, he got a little bit concerned, because Lilia is quite different from the image of an experienced and mature dominant older man he had in his head. With the way Lilia looks and acts, he is definitely not Idia’s type, or at least he thought he wasn’t until they got into bed and Lilia unleashed his dominant older man power on poor Idia. After that, the realisation hit Idia again: wow, it really is Crimson Muscle-shi, huh.
Lilia is quite amused by Idia. Firstly, the whole situation about him being Gloomy Samurai is still funny to Lilia, not to mention that it was painfully obvious that his gaming buddy had a crush on him. And it’s one thing to see it in how awkward he gets in the chat sometimes, but seeing him all flustered and nervous and panicking because he’s just a socially inept virgin who doesn’t know what to do with his crush? Lilia’s always had a soft spot for introverts. But what Lilia never expected is that he would get to have sex with a Shroud. Pink hair yaaay~
Before the realisation that Crimson Muscle is Lilia, Idia had sex dreams about him, even though the image of the man was very vague and kind of like a combination of certain traits Idia would find attractive, or just his avatar character. Although what Idia does remember very well every morning is the way the man groped and fucked him in his dreams. It goes without saying, but these dreams always leave Idia very horny and frustrated. Idia finds this whole thing extremely cringy and embarrassing, but at the same time he can’t really help it. When he first saw Lilia himself in his dream, it became even more embarrassing. And even more arousing for some reason.
Sometimes the way Crimson Muscle replies to him in chat leaves Idia kind of horny. This mysterious man just has this weird ability to transform Idia from smug and confident into shy and trembling inside in one sentence. And when Lilia gets intentionally flirty, Idia is completely at his mercy. Lilia has tons of fun with how obvious Idia’s reactions are even through the monitor: he had sensed that Gloomy Samurai is quite submissive way before he found out that he is Idia.
And Lilia himself is, once again, very dominant. He is definitely going to act cutely at first, just to flirt and playfully mess with Idia, but when he sees that the cute part doesn’t really do anything but make him uncomfortable (which is also fun for Lilia, to be fair), he’ll start treating him the way he’s always treated the boys he’s slept with: with teasing, but demanding tone, experienced yet very selfish and greedy touch, and actions that would be too much for a regular pillow-princess type of a virgin, but perfect for Idia.
Lilia is very talkative. Sometimes he is playful and even mocking: he’s asking Idia embarrassing questions about how he feels and comments on how tight and tense he is. But it’s not like he’s all fluffy, sometimes his comments get quite harsh and degrading, especially since he sees that Idia enjoys it when he’s being mean to him. It’s not unnatural for general Vanrouge to talk to his lover this way though, he’s done much, much worse.
It’s also not unusual for Idia to mention some bizarre sex thing he’s seen in some hentai as a joke, and Lilia’s reaction is almost always “yeah, I’ve done it”. This scares Idia, but at the same time kind of intrigues him. Although he’s always afraid that Lilia is just trolling him (he isn’t). Or even worse: if Idia expresses that he doesn’t believe Lilia, he’s just going to do that thing with him to prove a point (he really is going to).
Lilia is definitely taking advantage of the fact that he can float, both with regular sex and oral. Idia is very tall, but it’s never an issue for Lilia: he can reach his butt literally whenever he wants. Sometimes as a surprise, just because he enjoys the way Idia flinches and jumps when spooked.
Lilia bites. He’s not as horrible as the tweels, but he does like to leave a bite mark or two on Idia’s neck, when he gets especially aroused during sex. It’s like Idia is dating a vampire or something…
I feel like I owe this one to people: Lilia is bigger than he is supposed to be logically and anatomically. He’s not as monstrously big as I (half-jokingly) draw him, but still big enough to make Idia feel him surprisingly deep and choke on him. To Idia, it really does feel like he is inside some hentai doujin sometimes. Especially when Lilia fills Idia, and Idia feels like he’s about to pass out, because this isn’t even a cream pie anymore, this is something indescribable.
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
Subtext Glorious Subtext! A Dreamling on Netflix analysis in The Sandman - Part 3
Insert distracted boyfriend meme here...
1589 is when the queer coding starts ramping up a notch. Let me tell you how I am fascinated by their choice of actor to play Shakespeare - a twink with stars in his eyes - amazing. Bravo. Not even Hob manages to look at Dream like he wants to be utterly ruined by him the way this actor looked at Tom Sturridge. Here on Tumblr.com I am sure we are all very much aware of the theories and speculation about the actual Shakespeares sexuality with the consensus being that he was probably bisexual, and my GOD have they decided to lean into that on this show.
There is a lot to analyse in this scene. Hob’s dialogue about what he has been up to is almost word for word the same as the comic, but Ferdie’s delivery is perfect with its mix of flirtation and desperate need to impress. Look at this dramatic fool:
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Dream’s curious reaction to his bragging is almost as if he is trying to figure him out, but unlike the comics/audiobook, the conversation between Shakespeare and Marlow is interspersed with this one, with Shakespeare pulling Dream’s attention before Hob has even finished talking. This adds extra tension to the scene and raises the emotional stakes. In the comics, Hob had already finished talking when Shakespeare gets up and starts reciting Faustus to the point that he draws Dream’s attention prompting Dream to ask Hob who he is.
One of the interesting changes made is the removal of Hob’s description of Kit Marlowe as “bent as a pewter ducat.” A wise choice as it comes across as somewhat homophobic, but its removal also serves to not “other” Marlowe and therefore “other” the idea of homosexuality as something different to Hob. The other similar change to the show was the removal of Shakespeare flirting with the waitress whilst Marlowe claimed he’d “stick to boys, my horned “actresses”.” 
It’s funny to me that by removing the moments in this scene that canonically confirm one characters queerness, the show also removes any interpretation that could “no homo” the other characters, ultimately making everyone appear much gayer in general!
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(My giffing skills are woefully inept so have an image of Shakespeare's heart eyes instead)
When Dream approaches Shakespeare in the show it is insanely heated. The music swells with mystery and intrigue, Shakespeare stands and stares at Dream in complete awe. Enraptured by Dream’s gaze. The whole
“Have we met?”
“We have, but men forget in waking hours.”
Sounds like the ultimate pick up line. It's basically a play on One Upon A Dream from Sleeping Beauty in my opinion! This line is in the comic, and also in the audible book, but the delivery of the line in the show is the only time it comes across like a come on. Tom Sturridge please explain yourself?!?
In fact, all the acting choices here blow my mind. Seriously. I wanna know what the director told these two. Its really easy to see Dream’s proposition to Shakespeare as something beyond a business transaction. With the mysterious and rather romantic music, the soft candlelight, and the cameras keeping in close up of the two characters as they hold each others gaze... It’s a moment where you raise your eyebrows and wonder if the show just implied that their lead character just took THE Shakespeare off for a one night stand passionate enough to inspire the entire “Fair Youth” series of sonnets.
Joking aside, it doesn’t help the extremely queer undertones when the camera cuts back and forth between Dream, Shakespeare and Hob looking on at them with an expression one can only describe as hurt.
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(Gif link)
It’s the editing in this scene that really sets it apart from the comic and audible book. Dream is distracted throughout Hob’s talk, and continues to look over at Shakespeare much to Hob’s apparent distress. When he eventually gets up to leave, he holds a hand up to stop Hob talking and simply walks away. Which only causes to further upset Hob and heightens the emotional intensity of the moment. As Neil Gaiman said in the episode 6 watch party - Hob is having to watch his date get up and leave him half way through. It’s specifically framed in a way to emphasise the hurt Hob feels, as well as the envy towards Shakespeare.
This is far more subtle in the comic and practically non existent in the audible audiobook where Dream actually tells Hob “Excuse me” before approaching Shakespeare. I found this funny because where the audiobook interpreted Dream’s behaviour in the comic as rude and clearly sought to attempt to change that, the Netflix show makes his behaviour worse by framing it as Dream abandoning his date. Playing up the emotions of the moment and making the whole scene come across like a live action distracted boyfriend meme!
I do encourage every Sandman fan to listen to the Audible audiobooks, but fair warning, the tone is NOT the same. The meeting with Shakespeare is played completely straight (in both senses of the words). This is in no way a criticism of the audiobook, but it is an excellent indication of director decisions and how different elements in different mediums can convey certain tones. I find that the show in general plays heavily into Dream being other and oftentimes it is very easy for other to be subtextually layered alongside queer (see the entire history of queer coding in cinema and why gay people love the horror genre). Interestingly, the audiobook doesn’t give Dream this same vibe. People such as Hob, Shakespeare, Constantine, etc, they just treat him as a bit of a posh lord. His otherness isn’t heavily emphasised in scenes set in the Waking World, indicating he is better at blending in than he is in the show.
So after Dream goes off to ravage Shakespeare - ahem - make a business arrangement with Shakespeare, the final 1589 scene is Hob’s final reaction. The line is the same across all mediums.
“Everything to live for, and no where to go but up.”
In the comic, the final panels here do not give any indication that Hob is upset by Dream’s leaving. He get’s distracted by the joys of having white bread. Simple pleasures please comic!Hob far greater than mysterious black clad lords.
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The audiobook follows this along to the letter. Audible!Hob is joyful, laughing and happily reminscing about killing for bread (NGL I don’t particularly like Hob in the audiobook. No offence to Mathew Horne but 1. I can’t separate his voice from Gavin in Gavin and Stacey, and 2. I just think he comes across as really laddish and I find it offputting.)
In the show, Ferdie gives an absolute brilliant performance with just the right mix of hurt at being ditched for a young twink, and hopeful optimism for the future. Gone is any mention of killing for white bread, and in it’s place is a thoughtful Hob who looks at the spread of food laid out for his Stranger, and accepts it almost as a consolation prize. He’s gonna eat through his hurt and try to forget about this for the next century, but we all know he won’t forget at all.
Follow on to Part 4 to read my analysis of 1689
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Oh. My. God.
I've been going through your bruceharvey content and I'm now obsessed. Gomez and Morticia dynamics are already top tier, but the way you describe Harvey and Bruce has me frothing at the mouth.
I keep thinking about that scene but with Harvey "I would die for him, I would kill for him. Either way what bliss" Dent and Bruce "Last night you were unhinged. You were like some desperate, howling demon. You frightened me. Do it again" Wayne.
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(live footage of me finding my own business and then finding bruceharvey)
God they make me feel aggressive affection. They're so cute I wanna punch a wall!
Can't stop thinking about how the Justice League would react to them. (Personally, I think Clark would find them cute until he hears them flirting with each other and wouldn'tbe able to look Bruce in the eyes for weeks).
Would they be shocked or freaked out that not only is Batman a father, he's married to a villain that essentially worships the ground he walks on? Their reactions to seeing how obessed the two are with each other...
Gonna be thinking about them relentlessly, so thank you.
OH MY GOD, PEACH! THAT QUOTE FOR BRUCE! YES! Bruce needs his men a little (completely) feral, otherwise what's the point.
If he doesn't feel entirely devoured, he can't do anything. A love that doesn't shatter him is not a love he understands.
Harvey is completely, irrevocably, at his best when he's a devoted husband, a walking monument of worship for Bruce specifically; If Bruce is a cross, then Harvey's the loving, blind kiss on it. Very big " You're the only faith I know" energy AS HE SHOULD
And listen, -- even if they're not romantically involved, Clark and Bruce are best friends;
Clark is embarrassed to be in the same room as Harvey because Bruce 10000% pulls him in for rapid fire kisses all over his face, until Harvey's a dopey, blank brained mess.
Very much cartoon kisses that leave you with hearts floating around. Traumatised Billy multiple times. Harvey has no shame and will catcall Bruce while being arrested, by him or otherwise.
Make no mistake; If Batman arrests Two-Face, Bruce Wayne bails his husband out not even 3 hours later, " Oh, my husband is a sweetie, Jimmy. He wouldn't do that. Can't we forget this just this once?"
A specific trait of Morticia and Gomez is that they fuck 25/7, or they're ferally horny for eachother, and these two embody that very well. Diana caught these two sharing kisses and sweet words on phone calls. They'll never leave her brain.
Hal is so insufferable with it, '' aw. Someone misses his honey bunny"
Bruce is confused, naturally, -- I call him darling, and sweetheart, and definetly honey, but not bunny. That's how he calls me. Weather or not Bruce weaponizes his social ineptness and is just fucking with Hal is up to you!!!
OLiver. Man. I'm BEGGING for Oliver and Harvey to have '' you should divorce him" sister in law and " if your sister comes over for thanksgiving I'm jumping in a highway" husband dynamic
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dnangelic · 2 months
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▌real name:  daisuke niwa / dark mousy / kokuyoku
▌single or taken: single by default
▌abilities or powers: primarily transformation on daisuke's part. dark himself is capable of just about any godly feat apart from outright necromancy and true creation, but his magic takes a hefty toll on daisuke's body and so he rarely ends up using it on any sort of large scale. both of them generally rely on their shared phantom thief skillset to get things done: absurd reflexes, dexterity, flexibility, general cleverness and trained resourcefulness, etc. dark even scolds daisuke at times for relying on his wings too much, and daisuke doesn't like relying on dark for whatever reason since he's stubborn about doing things 'by himself.'
▌eye colour:  red / red, purple ▌hair colour:  red / black or purple ▌family members:  kosuke niwa (father) emiko niwa (mother) daiki niwa (grandfather) and the more or less adopted arts; primarily wiz (family familiar/rabbit-accomplice) argentine, (family butler) towa,(family maid) and baku. (family jester/nightmare clown.)
▌pets:  wiz! 🐰💝✨
▌something they don’t like: hatred, sorrow in general. jail and jailtime. uhhh. there's really not a lot they don't like tbh. they don't like themselves i guess??? 😭
▌hobbies/activities: stealing, napping, flirting, painting, chatting or hanging out with friends, gardening
▌ever hurt anyone before:  yep.
▌ever killed anyone before:  nop.
▌worst habits:  self-blame. taking responsibility and enormous burdens on for things that actually aren't their faults. being too self-critical and having very low self esteem, which can catalyze with said self-blame and leave them to unhealthily thrash themselves and isolate or completely self-destruct over being 'useless' or inept. daisuke in particular is a liar and a coward while dark is an incorrigible flirt and troublemaker, but neither of them usually mean any malicious harm.
▌role models:  daisuke is dark's role model for kindness, dark is daisuke's role model for confidence.
▌sexual orientation:  bi. their love is agape
▌thoughts on marriage/kids:  dark n dai are still minors so actually being married and having kids is wayyyy far away ahead of them. that being said, they'd still love to get married someday and generally expect it from anyone they get romantically involved with. kids are a nice thought for the future, but that's very 'we'll get there when we get there' and not something to think about just now when they don't even know if they'll ever be first loved/accepted for being little goth body horror freaks. 👍
▌fears:  being alone, being forgotten, being despised, general helplessness, worse if they're the cause of a certain hurt and they can't do anything about it.
▌style preferences: daisuke prefers plain, comfortable outfits while dark prefers something flashier and dramatic. that being said, daisuke's usually in his white+red school uniform while dark wears a lot of tight black.
▌someone they love: try to name someone they don't love instead.
▌approach to friendships:  daisuke just kind of.... spazzes around until he gets someplace usually. a few heart to hearts, a gift here and there maybe, although he's friendly and attentive enough for the most part, he's actually always surprised whenever somebody outright declares they're his friend given his semi-friendless reputation at school. dark isn't usually invested in making friends and tends to excuse himself as elegantly but swiftly as he can from intimate approach or conversation around strangers, he knows his presence as an extremely infamous celebrity-criminal means he's always gotta be on the move or else he's going to get people into dangerous trouble, so if there's 'any' approach of his, it's going to generally, (if not simply genuinely) come through daisuke.
▌thoughts on pie:  oh u know they follow those cartoon scent trails to a pie they swipe and run off with from somebody's windowsill all the time
▌favourite drink:  something sweet, like a milkshake or lemonade, or orange juice!
▌favourite place to spend time at:  the niwa mansion is really the only place where dark and daisuke can freely relax since the family and its artworks are the only ones who understand just what the heck is going on with the two and won't care whoever it is loafing around. given how busy daisuke usually is, he doesn't really get a lot of free time to spend at home, either; dark meanwhile doesn't have the freedom to spend his time anywhere unattached from daisuke at all, and so he also freely hands over control of the body within the mansion even if it's presently in his form. i guess u could say his favorite place to spend time at is inside daisuke's mind for that. 🧍‍♂️
▌swim in the lake or in the ocean:  probably the ocean. less bugs.
▌their type:  hard to nail down given how open they are in general, but the sorts of traits they like in others include confidence that comes with genuine kindness and compassion, self-integrity, and good amounts of willpower, or as canon puts it, 'strong eyes.' people that scare them juuuuuust a little bit can get them excited, and just a tiny bit of (returned) possessiveness doesn't hurt. someone who appreciates their corny romantic behavior, or doesn't mind being teased a little every once in a while, someone who's willing to administer, or at the very least not avoid, a lot of physical contact. the biggest bottom line, make it or break it trial really is whether or not anyone can accept dark as daisuke and daisuke as dark despite any initial preconceptions and equally love them both; can you reconcile dark's suave, perfected celebrity image with his inner awkward loser and can you reconcile daisuke's sweeter cherub image with his inner freak and demon??
▌camping or indoors: indoors.... camping's come to be associated with way too many hardcore training survive-for-his-life memories 💀 let him stay inside for once!!
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I was wondering or not to send this in: but whoever needs to hear this rn is for them tbh. As I didn't have to say shit about this clown to begin with. Anyone who believed his rumor about me still after it came out of all his bs is probably actually an inept fucking slug at that point as much as he is, but I put everything to do my part for the people he hurt and he dragged my ass into it. So to begin? Knowing how spiteful Shep is? I have realized going through my archive: that about 10 months later, that I had made a post I was less active/busy, but that somehow gave him the idea I was gone. I found this mostly to cover any loose ends to the story, but also realized how pathetic he really is. Bc during this time, I had completely forgotten Shep, I was talking with friends, my gf, rping and doing my hobbies and loving life. And that's where the rumor of me being a pedophile started from him in the vent chat and them calling me a nonbeliever and nursing a grudge that extremely for 10 months. This rumor never came back to me until everything exploded, bc he insisted to his circles it be a block and move on and tell no one as he knew I wouldn't have taken it lying down and the fact Shep is spineless to confrontation, I know from us talking that he is. And then never showing evidence and it was that lack of evidence even after being asked I believe if I remember from Star? Is really what made her start catching on among other things.
Yet Shep was that assmad that I found them weird, that nicely I told them it was a lot but internally I thought: even with knowing my gf for 4 years, I found him that insufferable but forgettable and if he talked like this to anyone else? I imagined he had little friends tbh, I actually felt sorry for him to some degree because I couldn't tolerate him even when handling him with 'kid gloves' bc of how much of a little bitch he was and wouldn't calm down and stfu even after being patient with him for an hour bc he wanted empathy in reality. We wouldn't have made it past the first convo if not for that and his past close friend relations to my gf which he USED to get me to trust him so I'd tolerate him more. I also didn't appreciate their subtle flirting I've come to realize they weaseled in the convos (I thought he was just weird, I didn't realize that was supposed to be flirting or getting us to bond or some shit) or weird meltdowns in the week that we knew each other.
So doing all of this after being blocked: if that is their response to me? How they feel about everything and everyone else is probably driving them up the wall. They are probably having meltdowns and crying and I know when it first started they probably did bc I know how much of a little bitch they are when confronted. They'd crumple to me in convos when I told them: 'You're acting weird again. Stop it. o: ' . It took me a total of several hours our first convo when we JUST met to calm them down until I told them to knock it off, they were being weird and that quickly clammed it. In response the funniest thing that made me first notice it was them saying: 'maybe we shouldn't talk.' Me: 'Okay let's stop talking then and block each other.' Them: 'No wait.' Essentially is how that convo went bc again, just trying to be pathetic and a sad loser to get empathy. So Shep if you're reading this bc I know you will from how much you read my blog to find when I was 'gone' but not really? You're not slick, you're not smart, you're obsessed with anything or anyone you want or dislike including blogs like Fuckhouse or ppl you once knew like me even for just a week or so. Then throw a whole ass toddler tantrum when you don't get your way or nurse a grudge for nearly a year bc I almost think you took what happened as rejection from me, but I can't confirm that other than at least as a friend. It's the only way to explain why tf you acted the way you have and how I've seen you be a sex pest to trans fem ppl or kids that let you in though but in general are a sex pest and don't take no for an answer unless it damages your image. But the only thing I'll give you credit for is being decently 'ok' at preying upon ppl's kindness and inexperience to manipulate them the short term. No one thinks you're a mastermind, bc I thought you were fucking stupid when we met, but now I know you're even dumber thinking you could go behind my gf's back, my back when both of us thought you were a friend to both of us even if I didn't want to talk to you. And that if you had just stfu? I wouldn't be involved in this or be aware of what was happening and neither would my gf who btw, was actually angry and thought you were disgusting for doing that all that time when first meeting her to the now. And tbh I'm glad it hurt when I saw your ass groveling to a literal child, bc Shep you don't give a fuck unless it's your own pain because that's all you understand or care about.
Posting as is
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dragon-strata · 2 years
Ima and Krem share a quiet moment together on the balcony after the ordeal at the winter palace.
It has been a very long day.
Ima is tired and sore and has discreetly taken off her shoes because her feet ache and the hem of her dress hides it. The balcony is cool and hidden away and isolated, and Vivienne is artfully turning away potential suitors and nobles with a flick of her wrist and a few choice words. Not many people are willing to go toe to toe with the Madame de Fer, even for an audience with the Inquisitor.
She has never been happier to have a friend from Orlais.
The strange woman in the purple dress, Morrigan, left a while ago and Ima hasn’t mustered the energy to tear her eyes away from the garden, so exhausted that when someone comes up behind her and taps her gently on the shoulder, she jumps a foot in the air. (Of course, if anyone asks, she will say that all that happened was she jerked and turned around.)
It is Cremisius, dressed in green and red and silver to match her, face open and smile small. Ima has aggressively avoided lingering too long on how good he looks in her house colours, but she is too tired to police her eyes now, and lets her gaze wander across his shoulders, following the delicate silver vines as they curl around his collarbones.
“You’ve taken your shoes off.”
He joins her on the balcony, leans his forearms against it, and Ima faces him, her hip against the stone. The silence is comfortable, stretching between them, and they don’t say anything until something falls over in the ballroom, the crash immediately followed by mumbled qunari curses. The stones are cold under her feet as she shifts.
Cremisius huffs a laugh.
Ima is suddenly struck by the desire to kiss him.
Pushing off the balcony, he bows down and offers her his hand. She just stares at him until he meets her eyes and speaks.
“I’m not very good, but I won’t ever get to do this again, so… dance? With me, I mean.”
All Ima’s breath leaves her in a moment.
She can only mutely nod and barely pulls together a lopsided smile, already reaching out to take his hand. Cremisius pulls her close and his hand settles on the small of her back, warm and large and solid, and probably the only thing keeping her knees from giving out. He’s got his other hand raised and clasped with hers, and Ima gingerly places her free one on his shoulder. Their arms are bent and their faces are close and when Ima meets his eyes, he winks.
Shiraleth, he’s good at this.
The dance starts slowly, with Cremisius just gently swaying her side to side, smiling down with the warmth of the sun. Ima wants to run away. Instead, she takes a very deep breath in and rests her head on Cremisius’s shoulder, facing his neck, and smiles privately to herself when he stutters. She’s not completely inept in that face of excellent flirting, just unsure.
Something clicks, in her head, pieces slotting together to form the picture she has been searching for.
The words won’t come in common. They get stuck somewhere between her lungs and her mouth, and Ima can’t do anything except finish her sentence, so she lets slip the endearment in Soven before she can think better of it.
“Thank you, Des .”
Cremisius stops breathing, very briefly, and for a second Ima is terrified he knows what it means. Then he huffs out that laugh again and tightens his hold, suddenly spinning them and dipping Ima, his nose brushing hers and his smile wide and brilliant. Her hair falls out from behind her ear, and he reaches out the hand not holding it up to tuck it back where it was.
“One day,” he says, very, very quietly, “I’m going to kiss you.”
Ima gulps and blinks once as Cremisius rights their positions. “Why not now?”
His smile wavers and his eyes widen a fraction. Then he shakes his head and they’re swaying again. “Not here. I’m going to do it properly.”
Though she doesn’t say anything, Ima wonders just how much more ’proper’ a person can get outside of Halamshiral.
Ima nods and rests her head on his shoulder again. “Alright.”
He rests his cheek on the crown of her head. “Okay.”
They stay that way, alone and breathing the same air until there’s a noise closer to the balcony than before, and when Varric comes to fetch them Ima has her shoes on again and breezes past him without a word. The dwarf makes that same joke about them being in love that they both normally laugh to, but Cremisius is silent. His eyes are on her until she puts a wall between them, and Ima has to lean against a table for support.
She hopes he asks her to dance again, one day.
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throwaway0613 · 1 year
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Jeon Jungkook/Park JiminKim Taehyung | V & Park Jimin
Jeon JungkookKim Taehyung | VPark Jimin (BTS)Kim Seokjin | Jin
Additional Tags:
Top Jeon JungkookBottom Park Jimin (BTS)BoypussyBoypussy Park Jimin (BTS)Mutual PiningFriends to Loversjimin is needy and whiny and cutehe wears lots of skirtsAged-Up Jeon JungkookHyung Jeon JungkookAlternate Universe - College/UniversityIntercrural SexVaginal FingeringPorn With PlotOther Additional Tags to Be AddedTattoo Artist Jeon JungkookUniversity Student Jeon JungkookUniversity Student Park Jimin (BTS)Shy Park Jimin (BTS)AFAB Park Jimin (BTS)First TimeEndgame Jeon Jungkook/Park JiminHand JobsBlow JobsDancer Park Jimin (BTS)FluffMiscommunicationLight Angstmy attempt at my own rom-comHurt/ComfortDom/sub Undertones
if you're too shy (let me know)
“just hurry up and tell me, jimin-ah. i don’t have all day.”
uttering a curse to himself, jimin decides it’s best to just get it over with.
so he blurts, “i need you to teach me how — how to have sex.”
at first, there’s only a rigid silence blanketing the air.
in order to impress his crush, jimin turns to his favorite hyung and well-known bachelor, jeongguk. he needs jeongguk to teach him how to have sex.
as expected, things get more complicated.
hi guys!
before you read:
this is based off of a twitter thread of mine that i revamped/rewrote.
jimin does have small breasts and a vagina in this fic, but he is not considered trans. just in case, i tagged it AFAB and boy pussy. i'm still learning the technicalities of it all.
also, this is unbeta'd so please forgive any mistakes.
the anticipated update will be early-mid july.
anyways, please enjoy :)
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Chapter 1: one.
Chapter Text
jimin is desperate to lose his virginity.
being nineteen years old, he thought he’d have gathered his fair share of sexual experiences by now.
things haven’t got exactly to plan, though. instead, he’s been stuck with the short end of the stick. he can’t go on like this, getting off to the wickedly lustful and unrealistic scenarios that repeat behind his eyelids each night due to the absence of a warm body next to him.
especially because of his huge crush on one of the seniors, taehyung.
he’s in jimin’s literature class, all curly hair and long legs with the brightest smile. just thinking about the way taehyung’s brown eyes light up when jimin’s brave enough to initiate a conversation makes his cheeks burn.
even if they casually flirt with small touches and hushed whispers about whatever crosses their minds as they sit in the back of the classroom, even if there really is a palpable sexual tension between them, he is terrified of it going any further.
mostly, jimin fears that if he ever got the chance to hook up with taehyung, it would be painfully obvious that he’s never done anything like it before.
he has only indulged in a few excessively long pecks on the lips, maybe a slight hint of tongue that he can remember. but never second base, never escalating to touching down there. and sure, over the years jimin has watched his fair share of porn, but actually having sex is completely different and he doesn’t want to appear to be a fumbling amateur. he couldn’t bear the thought of taehyung taking him to bed only to be visibly disappointed by his inept sex skills killing the mood and any future of a relationship.
within a few days of having to consider unfavorable solution after another to his secret problem, a brilliant idea comes to him as he’s doing homework at his desk.
his brother seokjin and best friend, jeongguk, have been laughing and cursing obnoxiously for the past two hours while they play whatever new video game that was just released; sounds jimin has had to drown out with the help of his airpods.
it dawned on him.
jimin has had a sex god in his house this whole time.
jeongguk was one of the most popular guys at the university, a well-known bachelor.
he's notorious for being the type that allows one hookup per person, boys and girls alike. he doesn’t pursue relationships. he acts cool and collected at all times, even when old flames would get attached to him after their rumored (amazing) experience and beg him for a date, or at least a second fuck that he consistently and politely declines.
case in point, he’s the perfect candidate for jimin to learn about sex from.
once he hears jeongguk’s deep voice traveling down the hall ten minutes later as he begins to leave, jimin is presented with the opportunity to pounce.
he’s not going to get any closer to impressing taehyung just complacently sitting around.
it may be a bit weird that he’s jeongguk’s best friend’s younger brother, an introverted sophomore with no experience but jimin doesn’t think of himself as ugly.
he’ll be cool. he can be cool. maybe jeongguk won’t completely laugh in his face. and it may take some begging, but he has to try.
“jeonggukie-hyung,” jimin calls, stumbling out of his room to catch up with jeongguk who is already nearing the stairs, “can i talk to you for a second?”
glancing over his shoulder with an inquisitive brow, a smile breaks out over jeongguk’s face upon seeing the younger scurrying toward him.
“hey tiny,” he beams, “what’s up?”
sometimes, jimin forgets how gigantic jeongguk is until he’s standing right next to him. in reality, jimin knows he’s only a few inches or more taller than him, but jeongguk is big everywhere, thick and broad with defined muscles.
he’s the textbook definition of handsome: sharp cheekbones, pierced lip and brow, and tattoos covering the entirety of his toned arms.
suddenly, this feels much more intimidating. fiddling with his sweater, jimin’s eyes stray to jeongguk’s boots in hesitation. doubts begin to cloud his mind, uncertain if this was actually a good idea. jeongguk has been like a second older brother to him since he was fourteen.
“um,” jimin says, trying his best not to stutter, “i need to ask a favor of you. a really big one.”
whether jeongguk accepts or rejects his proposal, jimin hopes their relationship doesn't change for the worse.
“why do you look so nervous?” he chuckles, eyes narrowing in concern after a beat, “did something bad happen? is someone messing with you?”
his concerned response is exactly why jimin doesn’t need to be nervous, yet he is anyway, his pulse hammering away in his chest as jeongguk takes a step closer into his space. it's just jeongguk, jimin reminds himself, the same guy he's seen nearly every day for the past five years.
although now, jimin battles the distraction that is his hyung's signature, amber cologne.
“what? — no, it’s not that,” jimin scratches the back of his neck, reluctantly pulling his gaze to meet jeongguk’s, “i need your help. i need you to teach me… ah — how do i say this?”
“teach you?” he interjects, “are you failing your classes? i thought you were a straight A student.”
jimin groans internally.
why does jeongguk have to be so himself when jimin is already struggling to find the words to politely ask him to teach him how to fuck?
“no! i mean i am but just — stop. you’re not going to guess it.” he tacks on nervously.
“okay, okay, sorry,” jeongguk sighs in defeat, leaning up against the wall, “but just tell me. whatever it is, i’m sure i could help.”
jimin clears his throat, a blush rising. he can’t believe he’s really a foot away from jeongguk, about to ask him something like this. if jeongguk rejects him, he will have to hole up in his room wallowing in his horny shame for at least a few days.
“i need you to help teach me…” jimin squeezes his eyes shut as he quickly whispers the next words, “how to have sex.”
a pause.
“why are you whispering?" jeongguk asks dumbly, "i can’t hear you.”
he huffs, annoyed and flustered. he tugs jeongguk down to his height with a, “don’t be so loud!”
jeongguk rolls his eyes but relents in a quieter tone, “just hurry up and tell me, jimin-ah. i don’t have all day.”
uttering a curse to himself, jimin decides it’s best to just get it over with.
so he blurts, “i need you to teach me how — how to have sex .”
at first, there’s only a rigid silence blanketing the air.
slowly pulling back with wide doe eyes and shocked parted lips, jeongguk stares at him as if he’s grown two heads.
“come again?”
jimin smacks him hard on the bicep, which jeongguk responds with a sarcastic hiss as he cradles his “wounded” arm.
“i’m serious,” he pleads pathetically, “you heard me. i need you to — help me learn. please?”
jeongguk huffs incredulously, “why would you ask me something like that? no guys your age available? also, did you forget i’m friends with seokjin? your brother.”
“hyung,” jimin whines petulantly, “you’re just so experienced and i need someone like that to teach me how to impress my crush. pretty please?”
as jeongguk stared down at the small, silver-haired boy, he allowed jimin’s words to sink in. peering up with his plump lips pouted, puppy dog eyes activated, along with the batting of eyelashes for emphasis, jimin whines in his throat.
ashamedly, jeongguk’s dick twitched in his pants at the younger's request. being his best friend’s little brother, he strictly tried to view jimin as off-limits. honestly, it was a difficult process coming to that decision because he’s born witness to jimin filling out nicely, growing into and embracing his curvy figure that prompted the younger to wear items accentuating his thick hips and thighs. hastily, he would tear his eyes away from the image of jimin’s perky ass peeking from his skirts. when that no longer worked, jeongguk resorted to physically shaking his head or leaving the room altogether to squash the temptation of the resulting lustful thoughts.
and now here was the same, forbidden boy, the boy he’s known for years, and has assumed jimin was too pure, not ready or interested; let alone having sex on his radar, offering himself up to jeongguk on a silver platter and begging him to teach him.
he must be dreaming.
“you’re insane.” jeongguk concludes, deadpan as he crosses his arms over his chest.
then, there’s another sulky tug on jeongguk's folded arm.
“come on, i’ll do anything you ask in return?” jimin adds, “laundry? cleaning? i’ll even beg on my knees if you want.”
although he liked the sound of it, he didn’t want to appear too indulgent, too quickly. if he did this, it would have to be a secret. seokjin could never find out. if he's not careful, if they're not careful, things could go very wrong.
after a few more seconds mulling it over and trying to ignore the way blood continues rushing south as he stares at the pretty boy, jeongguk throws caution to the wind.
he huffs, lamenting, “fine, i’ll help you. just don’t tell anyone. we can't have seokjin finding out. got it?”
as jimin squealed and jumped with excitement, and after awkwardly hugging jeongguk, he added, “of course! thank you thank you thank you. you’re the best, hyung!”
he rolled his eyes but thought: this might be fun.
a lot of fun.
if anyone could show him the pleasures of sex, jeongguk would definitely be the man for the job.
to say that jimin was a contradicting ball of eager, anxious energy about jeongguk accepting his proposal would be an understatement. since that afternoon, he had been anticipating their first lesson, his stomach erupting with a flurry of butterflies every time he thought about it.
it meant that he was one step closer to losing his virginity, which meant one step closer to blowing taehyung’s mind when they finally, hopefully, hooked up.
so when he got a text from jeongguk inviting him over to his apartment this weekend, jimin agreed, responding with his consent within a minute.
today was saturday, which meant seokjin was at the gym and then would head to his girlfriend’s house for the rest of the night. his parents would do whatever they do, jimin doesn’t really pay attention. they’re around, but both work so much that he usually only sees them for dinner. so, when jimin tells them he’s going out with friends, they don’t bat an eye.
the reality of the situation doesn't hit jimin until he's already standing at his doorstep and jeongguk opens the door in a tank top and gray sweats, the same familiar and charming smile plastered across his face.
“hey jimin-ah, come in,” he greets, stepping aside to let the younger one pass him.
jeongguk has only had his own place for about a few months now and jimin is shocked by how clean and well-decorated everything is. it smells just like jeongguk, with some traces of fresh linen from what jimin assumes is from him doing a load of laundry.
it’s more put together than he expected.
“wow, nice place,” jimin observes, still distracted by the kept state of the apartment for a college student; pleased with the fact that jeongguk had nice furniture, a flat-screen television, and a sufficiently sized, open kitchen.
jimin was aware jeongguk made good money on the side by apprenticing at a tattoo shop while he finished his graphic design classes but jimin is glad to know it seems to have paid off.
“thanks, it’s still pretty new so i haven’t had time to mess it up yet,” jeongguk laughs.
jimin giggles, trying to hide his nerves about the fact that his hyung is about to give him his first lesson. as their voices die down and jeongguk shuts the door behind him, an awkward tension settles in the air.
“do you want something to drink?” jeongguk quips, sensing jimin’s nerves, “i’ve got some water, tea, soda?”
“um — just water is good, thanks hyung,” he responds politely.
jeongguk nods, subtly imploring jimin to follow him to the kitchen with a quick wave of his hand.
“so,” jeongguk clears his throat, grabbing a glass of water for jimin, “tell me about this guy you’re trying to impress. does he go to our university? do i know him?”
“i don’t think you do,” he answers, leaning his hip on the side of the counter.
“okay, well is he older?” jeongguk pries as he sets the full glass down in front of him, “what’s his name?”
“really, hyung? now you’re interrogating me?” jimin says, a cheeky deflection.
it’s embarrassing enough to be here in this situation as a sad virgin. he doesn’t want to fawn over his crush or indulge in all the details of who it is. it would feel weird. plus, he doesn’t want to give jeongguk a reason to go around trying to find out if taehyung measures up to his standards.
“just trying to understand this, is all,” jeongguk explains, uncharacteristically serious, “i’ve never even heard you talk about a guy before, having a crush, so i’m curious.”
“i know,” jimin sighs, “the crushes i’ve had before haven’t really been this strong, i guess. but now — i really think this one could turn into something and i wanna be… prepared.”
jeongguk breathes a laugh at the pink hue staining jimin’s cheeks, nodding his head curtly at the younger’s answer.
“you’re so cute, min,” he ruffles his hair, “i get it, i do. shall we start then? we can go to my room if you want and talk about things.”
jimin grabs the glass, chugging the water in one go.
“sure, let’s go.”
once they’re in jeongguk’s room, jimin takes a timid seat on the edge of his spacious bed. jeongguk stays standing, stopping a foot away from jimin.
“first things first,” he begins, clapping his hands together, “we will start with something light, just touching. i’ll teach you what to do, maybe how to give a hand job today? how does that sound?”
suddenly, his heart stutters. his hand is going to be on jeongguk’s dick in the next few minutes. okay, cool.
he gulps, nodding rapidly.
jeongguk gives him a reassuring smile before adding, “if we do something and you don’t like it or don’t feel comfortable, we can stop."
he takes a seat next to jimin on the bed, thighs brushing together, "or if you change your mind and want to do something else, just tell me. i just want you to feel like you can tell me anything as we do this.”
his whole spiel is rather sweet. jimin's kind of endeared that he’s taking it so seriously and wants him to feel as comfortable as possible.
“can you look at me, tiny?” jeongguk asks softly, gently directing his face in his direction with a hand on jimin’s chin, “do you have any questions?”
jimin is distracted. jeongguk’s hair is still damp from a shower in some places, stray dry strands twisting into curls.
tracing the curve of his nose, his gaze lowers to where jeongguk is biting his lip and his round, brown eyes are surveying his own expression. as jeongguk gently holds his face, he notes how big and calloused they are. suddenly, he’s beginning to understand the desperation of his former partners. jeongguk is undeniably handsome.
“um — yeah,” jimin squeaks, turning his head away, “no, i don’t have any questions.”
a few moments later, jeongguk has them standing for his demonstration.
being only a few inches from one another, jimin has to crane his neck slightly to be able to see his hyung's face completely, who's studying him with a curious smile.
shifting back and forth on his feet from the silence, jimin pops his lips together as a way to say go on.
“so,” jeongguk starts with a friendly grin, “let’s say you’re with your crush. you’re kissing, things are getting heated, basically — it’s escalating.”
jimin hums, listening attentively.
“you’re going to want to touch each other. now, don’t be shy at showing him how much you want him,” jeongguk’s large hands come to rest on jimin's lanky arms, “what you wanna do is touch his chest — his arms, stuff like that.”
“oh, okay, yeah,” he agrees.
honestly, jimin never thought much about the build-up to sex, too consumed with thoughts about the actual act of penetration itself but jeongguk is right.
this is important information.
“here,” jeongguk grabs jimin’s wrists abruptly, pulling him forward.
with a surprised yelp, jimin stumbles, his forehead nearly colliding with jeongguk’s chin. underneath where his palms rest over the swell of his pecs, jimin can feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, contradicting his own erratic one.
“i'll show you," jeongguk continues, guiding his limp hands and allowing his fingers to slowly map his chest through his thin tank top.
when jeongguk brings his hands to run along the hardened muscle of his abs, jimin can’t suppress the slight hitch of his breath.
“nervous?” he prompts quietly, angling his head down to assess jimin’s reaction.
“no — just keep going,” jimin presses. when he's led to caress the sinewy muscles of jeongguk’s biceps, he has to resist the urge to squeeze and knead the hardened muscles the way his brain tells him to do.
it’s exhilarating, feeling a man like this. sparks of eagerness ignite. he wants to do more.
“then what do i do?” jimin asks in a small, breathless voice.
“you could always kiss his neck while your hands get lower,” jeongguk adds, returning jimin’s hands to trace along his abs, “be a tease if you want, but not too much — unless he’s somehow into that… dragging it out shit.”
jimin regains control, curiously moving along jeongguk’s abdomen lower and lower until his fingers reach the band of his sweatpants.
“o-okay… what else?”
“put your hand here,” jeongguk grabs his palm and places it over his soft bulge through the cotton, “cup him just firm enough to get the point across. that this is what you want.”
jimin is at a loss for words from feeling the outline of his length as he’s made to grip tighter.
an electrifying zap of lust shoots straight to his core, a heavy tension settling in between his legs when realizing how thick jeongguk is even through the separating layer.
he can't make eye contact, despite his hyung's gaze burning through him. he doesn't want to give away that only fondling is having that type of effect on him, that it has him wondering what it would feel like stretching his pussy open.
a few seconds pass before jeongguk speaks up, “can i kiss you?”
when jimin peers at jeongguk, he realizes how close their faces have grown.
“kiss me?”
“how do you expect him to get hard if there’s no kissing or foreplay?" jeongguk responds smoothly, "am i not teaching you how to turn a guy on? i know you haven’t had much experience with kissing either.”
before jimin can form a sassy rebuttal, jeongguk manhandles him against the nearest wall with a knee between his thighs and his palms softly cupping his cheeks.
he's forced to meet jeongguk's penetrating gaze and the air spikes with an unfamiliar tension.
it’s not that jimin doesn’t want to kiss jeongguk. rather, it's the overwhelmingly confusing fact that he does want it and is already imagining how his lip ring would feel pressed against his lips.
“it’s just a kiss, tiny,” he laughs gruffly, his knee brushing against the skin of jimin's inner thighs.
his skirt has been forcibly rucked up by their position and if jimin moves even the slightest bit, his pussy is in the perfect position to bump jeongguk’s leg.
oh fuck. what did jimin get himself into?
he's slowly being consumed by jeongguk's looming figure dwarfing him as made to fall further against the wall.
jimin's pulse echoes in his ears from the thrilling, new proximity. he tries to calm the growing and incessant lust muddying his senses by taking a subtle, deep breath.
you’re here to learn, jimin reminds himself. jeongguk is just doing what's asked of him.
“fine," he agrees, deceptively nonchalant, "teach me how to do it.”
“as we kiss, keep your hand here if you want," jeongguk pointedly looks to where jimin still has a hand on him, "explore as much as you want.”
jeongguk’s thinner lips are slotting with jimin's before he can finish squeaking out an okay.
eyes fluttering from the hot pressure of jeongguk’s mouth mixing with the slightly cool touch of his lip ring, he whimpers, fumbling to react. jeongguk tilts his chin up, forcing his mouth to open wider.
the subtle, pleasant flavor of mint from the remnants of jeongguk's toothpaste distantly registers as their lips sensually glide together.
jeongguk’s hands travel to rest on the column of his slender neck as their spit-slick kiss moves faster, wet smacking noises resounding in the quiet room. the kiss grows heavier, sloppier, desperate. it's definitely the best kiss he's ever had, but he knows he must be falling short in hyung's eyes. jimin is still as uncoordinated as ever, stuck between enjoying and adequately matching jeongguk's lead.
it's a struggle to breathe through his nose as jeongguk's tongue slips past his lips, skillfully claiming his mouth. when jimin discovers the fattened erection under his limp hand, his whine is swallowed once more by the older's ravenous mouth.
after a few more seconds of him trying to reciprocate but failing to keep up the pace due to his racing thoughts, jeongguk pulls away to rest his forehead against his.
“stop thinking so much,” he scolds lightly, thumb delicately caressing jimin’s pillowy bottom lip, “and open your mouth wider — also don’t stand there like a dead fish, keep touching while you kiss.”
jimin rolls his eyes with a huff, “have any more pointers for me?”
“you wanna learn or not?" jeongguk teases, pausing when jimin's eyes dart away, "or are you feeling uncomfortable?”
“no, it’s not that,” he whispers, “i just feel so — i am clueless. it’s embarrassing.”
"practice makes perfect, little one,” jeongguk encourages, soothingly trailing his hands down the curve of his ribs, “remember, i’m not here to judge you.”
jimin hums, “okay… let’s try again.”
closing his eyes, jimin puckers his lips to start kissing again but is met with silence.
1 note · View note
also if you think will is shy or awkward it’s because he wants you to think that. he actually has very impressive people skills and knows exactly how to read people and situations and give people what they need / are looking for. i’m not saying he’s not introverted or uncomfortable with different social situations especially casual ones / ones involving large groups ? but he has no trouble reading them and he can mask his discomfort very well. if he’s coming off as shy and insecure it’s because he wants you to either underestimate him or leave him alone and if he’s being awkward it’s because he doesn’t care.
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povlvr · 3 years
The Nanny Pt 2
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Pairing: DILF Bucky Barnes x Nanny
Summary: Bucky hasn’t touched his philanderious wife since he first laid eyes on the new Nanny Amelia, after 6 months of tension things take an interesting turn.
Word Count: 6k+
Warnings: 18+ NSFW, Smut, extra marital affairs, masturbation, slight breeding kink, porn with a plot.
A/N: I can only apologise for the length of this!! Thank you for all your feedback for part 1, i appreciate it more than you could know!! I have a teeny tag list going if anyone wants adding & if you want a part three shout!
Part 1
The anxiety of having FaceTime’d her boss whilst touching herself & watching him jerk off hit her as soon as her alarm sounded the next morning, surprisingly she felt little guilt, she justified it to herself that Mrs. Barnes played away so her husband should be able to partake in the same extramarital activities. Her worries felt more like overwhelming nerves & anticipation of what was to come, she constantly wondered if Bucky would acknowledge what happened if so would he act on it, or just completely ignore the wholly inappropriate phone call?
Amelia decided the best way to deal with her racing thoughts was to stick to her usual routine, she arrived at the Barnes residence after a particular stressful commute, seriously, how are people so inept at driving at 7am?? the house was still sleeping so she let her self in the property with her key, she quietly prepared breakfast & headed upstairs to wake the little sleeping beauty.
Nestled amongst the white closed doors along the long beige corridor stood a baby pink glitter covered entrance, it had only taken some mild puppy eyes & a few fluttered lashes to persuade Bucky to let her decorate it after showing Ellie a picture from Pinterest one morning. She was about to wake the 5-year-old, hesitating momentarily as she looked down the hall towards the master bedroom, the temptation to wake her boss up with a smile crossed her mind but she didn't want to presume he didn't feel guilty or regret the night before or would even want her mouth around his cock for a wakeup call. Instead she knocked lightly & woke up the ray of sunshine behind the door, she would never tire of the pure excitement each morning when the adorable child insisted on telling her about her dreams & what she was going to do that day whilst getting her washed & dressed.
Having not seen her father the previous night Ellie bounded up to Bucky & practically threw herself in his arms when she saw him sat down at the table, he had already brewed his morning coffee & started his newspaper in the time Amelia had been getting his daughter ready for the day.
'Morning honey, did you sleep well?' his gruff morning voice affected Amelia more than she would admit most mornings.
'Uh huh' she managed to mumble as she attacked the food place on the table in front of her, with the other plate in her hand Amelia passed behind Bucky's chair making sure to lean over his shoulder & press herself against him with her chest as she served him his breakfast.
'Thank you, and morning Amelia' he reached out to touch her hand as she was moving away from him to her place at the table.
'You’re most welcome, Mr. Barnes.' his eyes shot up to meet hers with a somewhat playful smirk plastered on his face.
As she sat down next to Bucky he reached for the cafetiere he had prepared, 'Coffee? You like it tall & dark if I remember correctly' he almost sounded cocky which she loved.
'Just how I like it Mr. Barnes' She had no idea she was capable of this level of flirting before 8am on a Wednesday morning but she was determined to give it as good as she got. He may have been her boss, but she held all the power between them & revelled in it.
'Oh, I know how you like it.' His voice deeper than its usual tone, the reverberations hit her all at once making her shift on her seat, the affect his words had on her was noted as she squirmed for some relief from the throbbing that increased dramatically when he raised his brow. He knew exactly what he was doing to her.
The nerves she was feeling dissolved when she realised that he didn't regret a thing, quite the opposite because now his flirting wasn't quite as subtle & it left Amelia feeling like she needed a cold shower to temper the heat rising between her legs.
Bucky quickly turned his attention towards Ellie to stop himself from saying anything inappropriate in front of his daughter, as Amelia sipped her coffee she observed the doting father making sure all the food was eaten & no mess was made. The spiralling thoughts of consequences, repercussions & what would actually happen if anything happened between the two were slowly rising now that she knew he wanted her just as much as she did him, so she missed Bucky asking her a question.
‘Ellie, honey go put on your jacket & shoes.’ He softly instructed to a very receptive little girl, she toddled off in her own world to do as she was told by her dad & his eyes immediately focused on The Nanny. He reached out his hand to hers seeing that she had zoned out.
‘Sugar.’ Bucky teased in a low drawn out manor.
Her head rose & their eyes connected as her focus came back to the room.
‘Sorry Mr. Barnes, clearly need the coffee this morning?’ chuckling to herself she began clearing the table as he sat back & observed her, she seemed apprehensive & nervous, he wondered if she regretted what had happened the night before. Bucky wanted to test the waters, knowing Ellie was occupied he quietly approached her at the kitchen skink.
He stood behind her tentatively wrapping his arms around the nanny’s waist, lowering his head to her ear.
‘Did I not tell you to call me Bucky, Sugar.’ His voice was low, dripping with sweetness.
‘I didn’t want Ellie to pick up on anything.’ She moved her head back to rest on his shoulder, his scent was all encompassing hitting her with spice, vanilla, pine all at once, the gesture far more intimate than two people who hadn’t so much as kissed should have.
His lips grazed her neck as he spoke sending a kaleidoscope of butterflies to her stomach & a familiar dampness in her underwear ‘So, I was thinking of leaving the office on time tonight, how about we all have dinner, watch a move, hang out with Ellie? Then once she’s asleep …’
‘… You hang out of me?’ she teased glancing back at the man she had fantasised about for 6 months.
‘Fuck.' He let out a breath against her neck, his head dipping to her shoulder, the sensation hit her right in her pussy, she couldn't help clenching her thighs together as he practically growled in her ear.
'You really have no idea what you do to me.’ He pressed his erect length up against her, she couldn’t help but let out a moan making him rut his hips in her backside.
She began unwrapping his arm from around her waist to connect their hands, tracing them down her stomach down to the hem of her skirt, Bucky couldn't resist stroking her inner thigh with a stray finger as she moved their intertwined fingers underneath her skirt where his hand cupped her mound, finally his fingers padded over her soaked panties as she let out another stifled moan, he pushed them to one side & she jolted in his grip as he stroked her clit working his way back to her sodden core, collecting her wetness before returning his way to her bundle of nerves.
She angled her head back to ghost her plump lips against his ear with a whispery breath ‘.. and that’s what you do to me.’
As quickly as it started, it was over, his hand retreated as they untangled their limbs hearing the patter of feet making their way back to the kitchen.
‘ ’meeliaaaa, I’m ready.’ She really couldn't be cuter at times but for once Amelia was hoping she would take longer finding her coat.
‘Ok, honey one second.’ The flustered Nanny managed to shout out.
They both looking fucked out having barley made contact, eyes locked in lust for a moment. As Amelia swayed past her boss to the hallway, her fingers traced the bulge in his trousers & she couldn’t help bite her lip looking up at him, the sight of him taking his fingers into his mouth stopped her in her tracks.
‘Mmm sweet as Sugar. I’ll see you tonight ‘melia’ he taunted with a devilish look on his face.
‘Have a good day Mr. Barnes.’ Batting her eyelashes feigning innocence as she turned the corner where the 5-year-old was battling the zip on her jacket.
'Come on sweetie let’s get you buckled in your seat.' She bent over to help with the jammed zip knowing Bucky was watching & getting a show, he enjoyed every second knowing he would have his face buried between those sweet folds tonight.
After graduating 8 years ago Amelia felt taking a summer job as a Nanny would be ideal to earn some money & look favourable on her applications for teaching graduate positions in Fall. It was her life dream to become a kindergarten teacher, she loved working with children & helping them reach their potential even when they were young, that was until she fell in love with a family assigned her to by her agency. Her plans were quickly shelved being content with helping to support two busy parents in raising their three wonderful children. She didn’t prepare herself or heart for the inevitable flying of the nest so to speak & after 7 glorious years when the children she cared for outgrew the need for a nanny her services were deemed ‘surplus to requirements’, those cold words were seared into her soul.
Some would say it was a teachable moment, to Amelia it was a harsh slap in the face to remind her that she was not part of the family or any family that she worked for, she was an employee, nothing more. She should have thought twice about accepting another position immediately, but the Barnes’ family offer was too good an opportunity to pass; great pay, one happy child who seemed as good as gold when they met & minimal working hours, meaning she could further her studies & get her career goals back on track.
She thanked the higher powers for the assignment she needed to write in order to keep her distracted, without it her day would have been torture just waiting around for the afternoon school pick up. The morning’s events were repeating in her mind the entire car ride, his touch, his smell, his heat. It felt so wrong to be thinking about him in his child’s presence before dropping her off at school but the absolute magnetism she felt towards Bucky was unlike anything she had felt before; it was pure unadulterated lust that had consumed her for months.
Having gathered some supplies on the way home she hunkered down to get stuck into her essay, where words usually stalled at her fingertips they flowed freely today. Her eyes glanced at her phone on occasion to check the time which was a total lie she kept repeating to herself instead of allowing herself to be disappointed by the lack of texts from her boss.
Across town Bucky paced in his office questioning whether he really needed to be in the office that day, he wasn’t getting any work done so reasoned that being buried in his daughter’s nanny would be a more productive use of his time than wearing a hole in the carpet. He had been playing a dangerous game of text roulette all morning, type, erase, type, almost send, erase & repeat.
He had zoned out half way through a marketing presentation daydreaming of her coming into his office, locking the door then getting down on her knees in front of him & sucking him off with her beautiful lips, once the meeting was over & he was finally alone he pulled his thick heavy length out of his suit trousers, he found himself stroking his painfully pink cock longing for her to relieve his ache. As a grown man & a father he was mortified at himself by how many pictures he had taken & almost sent to entice her into fulfilling that particular fantasy. He was a volcano on the precipice of eruption but quelling his urges was a skill he had acquired over the last 6 months & he didn’t want to settle with a quick office hook up sorely for his pleasure, he refused to disrespect her like that, he planned to worship every square inch of her, take his time, educate himself in her body’s needs. There would always be time for risqué quickies if she wanted that later down the line, for now he put himself away & sent a succinct message.
I’ve never tasted anyone so sweet, it’s all I can think about, I’m looking forward to burying my face in you tonight x
After that text she wasn’t getting any more of her assignment done so Amelia ran herself a bath thinking that shaving, exfoliating & moisturising within an inch of her life would be time well spent knowing his hands would be roaming her body soon. It took all of her strength not to touch herself whilst thinking of him, she could still feel the weight of his cock pressed against her & from the little she did feel earlier she knew she would feel him the next day. After soaking in the tub scrolling on her phone she decided to wet Bucky’s appetite, what better way than a picture, the lighting was sensual, she was in a bubble bath, a hand carefully placed between her legs, it was like the stars aligned. Before overthinking it, she typed a quick message & pressed send.
You’re all I’m thinking about right now.
Bucky hadn’t ever looked at his phone as quickly when he heard the ping, his eyes were wide at the sight. He figured she sent the first picture so surely, he could now, he chose one of the many he had saved in a hidden folder, triple checked the recipient & gave her a taste of what was to come.
Fuck, I’ve been hard all day.
Like the morning Amelia let herself into the Barnes house but this time she had a buzzing 6-year-old in tow talking in detail about her day. Unlike the morning she was confident with how her evening was going to pan out, she didn’t presume she would stay over so a few choice items were ready in her car if the need arose for her to take her makeup off & brush her teeth, fail to prepare, prepare to fail.
And a total fail is what it was, sat waiting in the kitchen in all her glory, Jessica Barnes. Fuck. Amelia felt as though she had been slapped in the face by the glamorous brunette, a dose of reality that Bucky wasn’t hers, despite the sham marriage he was still married. She froze momentarily before regaining some composure, ‘Hi Mrs. Barnes, you startled me, I didn’t expect you’d be home so soon.’
‘Well I thought I’d come back & spend the afternoon with Ellie, you can have the rest of the day off.’ Gesturing to leave with her hands, it infuriated Amelia, the dismissive tone & waving her off like she was a fly in her face.
‘I don’t mind staying to help with her, Bu… Mr. Barnes will be home soon.’
‘I can handle her, that will be all Amelia.’ She sauntered off to the lounge, she hated leaving Ellie in her mother’s care & felt guilty for allowing it to happen knowing the effect she had on her daughter.
‘I’ll see you tomorrow Ellie’ Amelia crouched down to her level making sure to make sure she was ok with her leaving her, she whispered ‘Your dad will be home really soon so just play in your room until he comes home. Ask him to watch a movie with you tonight, ok?’
‘I wish you were staying ‘melia.’ She whined, making Amelia feel even more guilty for leaving.
‘I know honey, but I’ll be here bright & early tomorrow. I can make you the unicorn oatmeal for breakfast, how about that?’
‘Yesssss, glitter sprinkles too??’
‘Of course! It’s not unicorn oatmeal without glitter sprinkles.’
That was all it took for the sweet little thing to skip off to her bedroom out of her mother’s way, taking a second to re-adjust her head Amelia let out a long sigh & left.
Bucky arrived home within the hour, he had picked up a few snacks for the movie night & couldn’t help himself from buying some flowers for Amelia, as he walked into the house he spotted his wife’s handbag on the counter & her obnoxious fur coat hung on the back of a chair. His stomach dropped.
‘Ellie, Amelia. Anyone home?’
‘What’s with the flowers?’ her voice almost made him shudder as her heels clicked on the tiled marble floor towards him.
‘They are for Amelia, a thank you for watching Ellie last night after you fucked off.’
‘It’s her job’ she sniped back dismissing his criticism for her handling of Amelia entirely.
‘No, it fucking isn’t, I’m sure she has a life & doesn’t need to be staying here until I get home from work.’ He stopped himself from acting like he cared too much, she would pick up on it & he wanted the interaction to be as brief as possible.
‘Why are you home so early? She said you were going to be here soon.’
‘It’s only fair, she worked late last night so I said I’d come home early tonight & she could leave earlier than normal seen as I don’t have a clue where you are most of the time.’
‘Well I already sent her home, so she already got her early finish.’
‘Ok well, I guess I’ll put them in some water or whatever you do with them. Where’s Ellie?’
‘In her bedroom I assume.’ With that she sauntered off to the orangery for a drink.
Bucky pulled out his phone on his way upstairs & saw her text.
FYI Jessica’s back, she sent me home. Make sure you watch Minions with Els, she’s really looking forward to it. See you tomorrow.
Bucky’s brain went into overdrive thinking of some way to fix the situation, divorcing Jessica would be a good start but for now he had a plan.
Her timing is impeccable as always. I could always tell her I’m heading back to the office & come to yours.
Don’t leave Ellie with her for whatever this is, how about after she is in bed?
I love how much you love my daughter. You’re making me a little weak at the knees if I’m honest.
She deserves to be loved. Come over once she’s asleep, I’ll send you my address.
I’ll see you soon Sugar x
Bucky had always had endless patience with his daughter, he enjoyed every precious minute with her but today the minutes felt like hours, he lost count of how many times he checked his watch but once she was tucked up in bed he quickly showered, changed & was out the door telling his wife there was an emergency at the office. She barely listened to him already texting her lover to come over.
Three firm knocks at the door woke Amelia from her nap, rushing to the door she checked herself in the mirror, drool wasn’t the most attractive look but she would have to make it work. Checking the peep-hole she saw Bucky shifting on his feet with a big bunch of peonies, he was dressed far more casually than she was used to, grey sweatpants, a dark grey sweatshirt & his hair un-styled & fluffy.
‘I can see your feet Sugar.’ He chuckled to himself seeing the shadow of his Nanny’s feet under the door.
She giggled as she opened the door, ‘Sorry, I got distracted by all this.’ She gestured to his appearance & the bouquet he was currently holding out for her, if hearts skipping beats was bad for you she swore her life expectancy would be taking a nose dive in his presence.
‘Here, I got these for you.’ She noticed he came across almost shy as he passed her the flowers, Bucky had a boyish charm at times which was incredibly endearing to Amelia because he looked like a man who would take anyone he wanted right there & then if he so chose.
‘Thank you Bucky, I love peonies, they’re beautiful.’ She guided him into her home, the entrance way they were stood in lead to an open plan living space, as she put the flowers in the sink & turned on the faucet Bucky sat himself on the stools at the kitchen island.
‘There’s a bunch at my house for you too.’ He said smiling.
‘Oh god, how did you explain that getting home?’ she giggled at the thought of him being questioned by his wife, she felt strangely comfortable mentioning Jessica knowing what was about to go down, but to Amelia you reap what you sew & she was the worst.
‘I told her they were for you … for working late last night.’ He raised a brow, he was proud of his quick thinking & it showed.
‘Oh, great save, can I get you a drink or something to eat?’ she was unsure of how to act, what to do, where to start so thought being a host & maybe getting buzzed would help the evening progress without being awkward. Bucky, however, knew exactly how to start, he had been planning this moment in his head for so long.
He moved from the stool he had been perched on to around the counter where she stood at the fridge , mimicking his actions from the morning, wrapping his arms around her, connecting his lips to her shoulder.
‘Hi’ he shyly whispered.
‘Hi’ she giggled in return.
Bucky manoeuvred himself between Amelia & the sink, so she was facing him, he placed a hand on her face stroking her cheek with his thumb & looking in her eyes before leaning in.
‘I’ve wanted you for so long. You’re so fucking beautiful.’ He whispered, their lips a hair’s breadth away from touching.
‘Kiss me Bucky’ it came out as a moan practically from the anticipation & tension that had been building between them.
He didn’t need to hear another word before he crashed his lips into hers, it should have been softer, more timid but their desperation for each other culminated in a fiercely passionate all-encompassing kiss. Their lips fitting against each other’s perfectly, their tongues exploring each other deeply as Bucky’s hands made their way from her face trailing their way down her body, she moaned into his mouth & pushed her fingers through his hair tugging on his locks. Bucky’s roaming digits cupped her breast & the other squeezed her ass, as she was pulling him as close as she possibly could with her hands still on the back of his head. He began retreating & softening the kiss moving his fingers back to her face stroking her cheeks, he couldn’t help smiling as he held her face taking every inch of her beautiful face.
‘it’s been a long time since I’ve done this so if I’m a little rusty, go easy on me.’ It could feel like a meaningless tryst between them but his touches & hesitancy, the lust & trepidation in his eyes suggested it meant more to him.
‘You seem to be doing fine, tell me what you want Bucky. What do you want me to do? You’ve had 6 months to think about it, tell me what you fantasise about when you’re touching your cock thinking of me at night.’ Bucky couldn’t believe his ears, he had to actually check he hadn’t died & gone to heaven with the words pouring out of her mouth.
‘Usually I don’t last past the thought of you on your knees with my cock in your mouth.’ As if on instinct Amelia licked her lips, she wanted to taste him, feel the weight of him on her tongue, smiling she reconnected their lips sucking his lip before releasing it with glee.
‘Your wish is my command Mr. Barnes.’ Spinning on her heels she reached back pulling Bucky by the string of his sweatpants guiding him through her apartment into her bedroom, he couldn’t help but press himself to her behind attaching his lips to her neck.
‘Fuck, you like to take charge Sugar?’ he couldn’t resist biting her gently as he sucked on her skin.
‘Yeah, sometimes, but sometimes I like receiving orders.’ She pushed him down on the bed, his torso was propped up by his elbows as he watched her slowly strip to her underwear leaving Bucky just a little to peel off when it was her turn. He was transfixed by her, from the look on his face Amelia felt like a pin up girl in his gaze giving her all the confidence she needed to fuck her insanely hot boss. Climbing on the bed she crawled over to where he lay hooking one leg over his thick thighs straddling him, his hands instinctively found her hips & he bucked up to meet her soaking mound. She couldn’t contain her moan when he sat up from the bed with her straddled on his lap attaching his lips to her neck & slowly grinding against her.
‘If you feel like taking over Mr. Barnes just give me an order.’ She moaned into his mouth, Bucky’s head rolled back in pleasure as she ground down on his hard cock pressing her whole body against him.
‘Suck my cock Sugar’ Amelia was nothing if not a good girl so didn’t need telling twice, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders & connected their lips in a messy kiss, he moved his lips to her chest desperate to worship her ‘Yes, Mr. Barnes.’ She moaned out, her whole body felt on fire from his touch, his lips igniting each spot they grazed.
Lowering them both down to the bed so their bodies were pressed together she began trailing kisses down his neck, stopping when she was hindered by his t-shirt, she concentrated her tongue & mouth gently sucking whilst her hands found the hem, pulling it up & only breaking apart to take it off over his head. He was sculpted like a Greek god she thought & couldn’t help running her hands over his body, she noticed how responsive he was to her touch, moaning & writhing beneath her. It was a mesmerising sight & she could feel herself getting drunk off the power she exerted over him.
Her trail of kisses stopped as she reached his sweatpants, the unmistakable bulge waiting for her, she figured he’d waited 6 months so a bit of teasing with kisses & touches wouldn’t kill him. Slowly she moved her kisses towards the waistband sat on his hip peppering him micro kisses & her tongue until she reached the other side, his hips in constant movement desperate for more contact, she couldn’t help ghosting her finger tips over his skin whilst he expressed himself in expletives & moans above her. Once she pulled down the grey sweats his cock sprung free & she took her time admiring the sight, he was big both in length & thickness, a beautiful cock if there ever was one, the tip glistening ready for her to taste his juices.
As her tongue ran down the length of his shaft he shuddered at the contact breathless, he could have cum right there if he had let himself go, once she reached the tip she struggled wrapped her lips around the sheer girth, he was the biggest she had & the weight on her tongue made her jaw ache, the noises Bucky was making spurring her on as she was taking his length down her throat.
‘Shit, fu-fuck Sugar I’ll cum down your pretty throat if you keep doing that. Feels so good, what the fu-fuck are you doing with your tongue?’
Amelia pulled him from her mouth with a pop, she was officially cock drunk & turned on more than she ever had been, ‘Cum down my throat, choke me with your cock til I’ve swallowed every. Last. Drop, I need to taste you.’ She continued, swallowing down his length whilst rippling her tongue along his shaft, he unclenched one hand from the bed sheet & gathered her hair holding her head whilst she sank up & down on his length.
‘Let me see your beautiful mouth round my cock. Fuck sweetheart, this is so fucking good.’
She reached out for his other fist, moving it to the back of her head, breathless her lips skimming the head of his cock she mumbled ‘fuck my mouth Mr. Barnes.’ Before taking his entire length, he couldn’t help thrust his hips making her gag.
‘Fuck, sorry.’ He stopped speaking when he saw the delight in her eyes & the debauched look on her face, he slowly thrust again, Amelia couldn’t help moaning spurring Bucky on to pick up the pace, she loved him using her mouth as his toy, the fire in her igniting with every gag leaving her a dripping mess.
‘Fuck, don’t stop, fuck, shit Sugar I’m gonna cum.’
Her mouth & tongue moving at lightening pace on his cock combined with his hips thrusting & hands on the back of her head had Bucky shooting his cum in the back of Amelia’s throat.
Without waiting a second, he pulled Amelia from between his legs like she was made of nothing & suspended her above his face, lips grazing on her heat, he lifted her up to speak.
‘My turn now sweetheart.’ She watched as he licked his lips looking at her dripping pussy, ‘You’re so fucking wet, you loved sucking my cock, didn’t you?’
Amelia couldn’t help but squirm above him, she needed his mouth on her heat, ‘Bucky please.’
‘What do you want Sugar, your turn to tell me.’
‘I need you to touch me. Make me cum on your face.’ Bucky raised his head to meet her mound, furiously brushing his nose & mouth over her soaking underwear as he lowered them both to the bed, once her knees were secure & holding her weight he pushed the sodden fabric to one side before latching on to her clit with his mouth, Bucky was like a starved man devouring Amelia like she was his first meal in days, like she was an oasis in the desert, she hadn’t ever been eaten out with such gusto.
‘The prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen Sugar.’… ‘fuck you taste so good.’ … ‘roll those hips sweetheart show me how you like it.’ He muttered the words into her folds as he lapped up all she had to offer, the vibrations quickly bringing Amelia into nirvana, she could feel her orgasm building with every flick of his tongue & every bit of filth uttered until she hit her peak of pleasure ripping though her whole body grinding down on his face as she rode out her high.
Still in a haze of bliss Amelia felt like a rag doll when Bucky lifted her from his face & placing her back straddled over his legs, instinctively their mouth’s met in a passionate kiss, ‘can you taste yourself Sugar?’ she couldn’t help running her tongue on his chin before running her mouth along his jaw line sucking & kissing as she went. ‘Fuck sweetheart’ he couldn’t help bucking his hips pressing his growing cock to her core, her hands found the sides of his face, as she looked into his azure eyes there was only one thing she wanted in this world, ‘Fuck me Bucky… please’ she didn’t care how desperate she sounded she needed to feel him inside her, to be filled by him, to feel whole. As he wrapped his arms around Amelia’s waist he thrust his length up to meet her entrance, raising his head he kissed her deeply both his tongue entering her mouth simultaneously with his cock inching it’s way into her pussy, swallowing her moans in the kiss.
Once he was fully seated he paused, looking deeply into her eyes he knew how much he wanted to never leave the room, stay buried in her, with her in his arms for the rest of time, he couldn’t help the smile that radiated as he kissed her, she reflected it perfectly on her face practically giddy with what they were doing.
‘Bucky, fuck me exactly how you’ve imagined it.’ He sat up, moving her legs with each hand wrapping them around her, ‘Well sugar I’ve always imagined fucking you against the wall so I think we’ll start there.’ Effortlessly he picked her up, his cock still nestled in her pussy, her walls constricting with the thought of what was about to happen, ‘oh you like that idea?’ she tightened her thighs around his waist as he walked them both to the wall, with minimal force he pushed her against it, she giggled by how careful he was handling her ‘harder Bucky, like you mean it’ he pulled her back & gently slammed her into the wall, ‘we’ll work on that, now please fuck me.’ He wasted no time moving his hips pulling his thick cock back from her pussy before thrusting the whole length back in. ‘Fuck Sugar your pussy is made for me.’
‘Do-don’t stop, fuck, feels so good Bucky, fuck’ she hadn’t ever felt so full.
‘Never gonna stop fucking this pussy Sugar, who’s pussy is it?’
‘Yours Bucky, fuck … it’s yours, need you to fill me’ hearing those words from her mouth did something to him, a primal feeling of needing to claim her, fill her, breed her. He was feral.
‘You want my cum dripping out of ya?’
‘Yes, fuck yes. Holy fuck, you feel so good’ she craved it, yearned to have him paint her insides with his seed & spill out of her with their combined juices.
Bucky could feel her walls gripping him as he slammed into her over & over hitting her g spot making her shudder in pleasure, he caught on to her responses & where they were being stimulated, he began to slowly push his cock over her spot almost caressing it with his thick tip.
‘Fucccckkk Bucky there, oh my fuck, there.’ Like an electric shock to her system each time he would run his cock over her spot her vision would flash white in sheer overwhelming pleasure.
‘Cum on my cock darlin’ let go, come on sugar need to feel your pussy clenching me’
The second it hit her Bucky knew, his hips felt like they were in quick sand from the grip her pussy had on his cock, he spun her around & dropped them both on the bed fucking her through her crescendo, pounding her into the bed sending her to experience her first ever back to back orgasm.
“Fuck sweetheart, you’re gripping me so tight, fuck’
‘Fill me with your cum Buck, fill me up, need to feel it dripping out my cunt.’
Amelia pleading for him to cum in her sent him over the edge & he spilled his load deep in her pussy, holding her tightly in his arms until every last drop had been spent.
As they caught their breath not leaving each others arms, still connected he lifted his head, she saw no regret in his eyes, their lips met before Bucky broke the post coital silence, ‘Can I stay right here forever with you?’ he was pretty sure the smile that had taken residence on his face was there to stay.
‘I don’t see why not? My boss might not be happy with me not showing up for work in the morning though.’ Amelia decided right there & then that Bucky didn’t laugh enough because him laughing at something she had said was her new favourite sound.
‘I’m sure I can have a word … oh yeah he said it’s fine.’ She burst out laughing grabbing his face & reconnecting their lips.
They fell into a comfortable blissed out silence, sharing occasional kisses & caresses, they had exchanged places so Amelia was lead on Bucky’s chest whilst he played with her hair, he was lost in his head with thoughts of what this all meant, what he was going to do once he left the haven he was currently experiencing, she was enjoying the silence, the feeling of being absolute content within his embrace.
‘I wish I could stay tonight; I’m giving her the papers tomorrow. So it will be you, me & Ellie, if you’ll have us?’
Let me know if you want a part three!!
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virtual--hug · 3 years
BNHA Imagine - Spiderman
A/N: So... Marvel huh? There was literally nothing specific that inspired this other than me just suddenly feeling like writing this AU. Also, this would have totally been posted yesterday, but I decided I was going to add Sero because what's a Spiderman reference in BNHA without Sero.
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Hitoshi Shinsou, Hanta Sero, and Shouta Aizawa x GN Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of harassment in Sero's (reader and other characters get followed by someone) & robbery in Aizawa's.
Summary: Either imagine the MCU or the BNHA universe, but the majority is quirkless so heroes are much more rare. Where, these heroes hear their crush mention or talk about their secret hero identity.
Word Count: 3.5K
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Izuku Midoriya
  "Have you heard about that new hero yet?" Midoriya had heard the words more than once in his school. But, it still shocked him to the core when he heard your friend ask you about it.
"Huh? I don't think I have." You replied.
Midoriya attempted to be just slightly more subtle in his eavesdropping. He looked back to the books before him; afterall, he'd been studying just moments before you and your friend entered the library. It wasn't like it was uncommon for the two of you to come to the library; Midoriya was just really bad at not eavesdropping. 
"Seriously!" They exclaimed, "C'mon, look at this!" 
Midoriya did everything in his power to not look back up to see what your friend was showing you. He had a likely guess, though. The green haired boy wasn't inept on social media; he kept close tabs on any public information that was spreading about him. Admittedly, it was relatively isolated right now: local news and posts from people mostly located within this town. In this instance, he'd already seen the video on his own and had been shown it by Uraraka. It was a video of him, (well, the masked hero "Veridian") jumping across the tops of buildings and sliding down a fire escape before promptly looking at the camera after the person behind it yelled. 
"So," Your friend prompted once the video presumably ended, "isn't he hot?" 
Izuku instantly flushed.
"Kind of, but you can't just say that after seeing one video of him." You countered. 
"Well you haven't seen the other videos. Hold on, there's one where he saves a cat, and he's so cute! Let me find it." Your friend began scrolling through her phone while Izuku was absolutely burning in his seat.
"Kind of? What do they mean by kind off? Do they mean I'm hot? No one's ever called me that before!" Izuku repeated mentally. He really hoped he wasn't muttering those words.
"Oh, hey Midoriya. 'Didn't notice you there!" Once your attention was away from your friend's phone, it seemed you finally took notice of your surroundings. Izuku wasn't too far from the two of you, just a table away.
"H-hey (L/N)!" He returned the greeting. He failed miserably to hide the stutter, blush, or the small giddy smile overtaking his face. Midoriya wasn't a completely hopeless romantic, at least. He'd made multiple efforts to talk to you (with varying levels of success), and you sat next to him in one of the several classes you two shared. Although, he wouldn't boast his ability too much; Midoriya and you were acquaintances at most. 
"Look, found it!" You seemed ready to say more, but you were quickly distracted by your friend shoving another video towards you. 
His next words died on his tongue, but he could still feel a tiny smile on his face as he tried to make his brain focus back on his notes before him. Although, his attention was really on you. 
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Hitoshi Shinsou 
   "Shinsou loves heroes– actually, he knows a couple heroes!" Kaminari loudly declared while Shinsou paled at the accusation. He regretted this interaction instantly. 
Denki Kaminari was undeniably the school flirt– when they graduated in a year the title will be under his name in the yearbook. Kaminari went to every social event he had access to, talked to anyone who would listen, and was more or less the class clown. And, he was Hitoshi Shinsou's best friend since middle school. The relationship was very obviously odd. Shinsou sort of disappeared in the crowds with his dark clothing and frequent silence, meanwhile Kaminari was visibly bright and could fill a room with just his voice.
Despite their differences, Shinsou wouldn't really have it any other way. Kaminari was a good friend, and, no matter how popular he got, he never skipped out on Shinsou. But, at times like these, the purple haired boy really wished he could go back and just strangle the blonde before they could have even met.
Today, Kaminari had tugged Shinsou from their usual library spot to the much busier high school cafeteria. All the while, he rambled on and on with a mix of some much needed context for Shinsou. 
"So– y'know your crush, right?" Kaminari began.
"I don't have a–" the blonde didn't even let Shinsou speak as he continued, "Well, I just got sat next to one of their friends in Algebra, they're cute by the way. And, they said I could sit with them at lunch. So, as your great best friend who won't let you keep pining for (Y/N) for the rest of high school, I'm bringing you with me!"
"I have homework to do, though." Shinsou tried to avoid the event he was being "invited" to. 
"Nope, now you don't. Did you miss the part where I said you won't be pining anymore?" Kaminari repeated.
"I didn't tell you about this just for you to drag me around school and play matchmaker." The purple haired boy attempted to dissuade the blonde with his cynical comment. 
"Must suck because we're here." As usual, it didn't work, and they were standing at the entryway of the cafeteria
The blonde rather easily found the group, and Shinsou was just as easily ditched by the blonde to sit beside you. He could, maybe, forgive Kaminari for this just a little bit. It was pretty easy to strike up a conversation with you; the two of you shared a couple of classes, afterall. But, that goodwill ended instantly when Shinsou and you were brought back to the conversation of the rest of the table. "Hey, Shinsou, what do you think about heroes?" 
He wasn't quite sure what led up to the conversation, but he answered normally, "They're cool, I guess." 
"Oh come on– Shinsou loves heroes! Actually, he knows a couple heroes!" The only indication of what Kaminari was about to say was a seconds-long, telling stare.
Shinsou had to channel all his willpower in that moment to not get up and drag the blonde out of the cafeteria right at that second. He'd told Kaminari when the blonde found out about him being a hero, "I don't want this to be a public thing, alright. It's for my safety and everyone else that this stays secret." What was he even trying to do by mentioning it? Make himself more popular? He promised in that same conversation he would never do something like that– no matter how awful he is at keeping secrets. 
"What heroes do you know?" Was asked on top of, "Do you really?" 
"He's lying. I've talked to a hero that comes near my apartment, but that's about it." Shinsou countered. He could back that up, right? He'd talked to a couple of older, underground heroes, but he'd have to twist the story just a bit about why they were talking.
"No, you're lying," if looks could kill, Kaminari was six feet under, "He makes equipment and stuff for this new hero!" 
"Who!" The questioning shouts of your friends persisted. 
"Um– Mindjack…" Shinsou didn't know what else to add about him– well, himself. This wasn't what he planned for at all today, and Kaminari will be paying for it.
"Huh– never heard of him." Relief flooded over him at the words of the first response.
"I guess if they're new then there isn't much out about them yet." Another friend spoke. They were technically right, but it was more like Shinsou actively avoided any sort of public attention in the past two years he'd been officially doing hero-work now. 
"No wait, we had a real question to ask first," Someone else said before holding a phone towards Shinsou, "Which hero is hotter?"
Shinsou had to stop his complete deadpan expression at the words just uttered. It was the person sitting next to Kaminari too– no wonder the blonde liked them, that was exactly something he would ask. 
"Uh– the left one, I guess." He answered bluntly. Thankfully, it was enough for everyone else to head back to their conversations even as the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.
Instantly, his eyes were on Kaminari. He was trying to corral the group, more specifically the one person he had interest in, out the door as soon as possible. Kaminari had been friends with Shinsou for long enough to know the "your days are numbered" look, and he was wisely trying to escape. 
"Hey, um–" Luckily for Kaminari, a voice interrupted his war path towards the blonde.  You, who had been silent most of the previous interaction, finally began talking again.
"Do you actually work with Mindjack?" You asked.
"Yeah, I kinda do. I help– him make equipment and those sorts of things." It felt odd talking about himself in the third person.
"That's so cool!" You exclaimed, "I've been wondering for a while how things like that voice modulator work– oh, and the capture scarf too! Did you, or him, based it off Eraserhead? They seem really similar, but I've never really seen them work." 
The more you talked, the bright red Shinsou's face flushed and his heart raced, "You know who Mindjack is? And Eraserhead?" He voiced his thoughts exactly. Well, more exactly would be the wonders of how you knew about his equipment. Had people managed to take pictures of him? When? 
"Well um– yeah, kind of. There's a lot more interesting communities about the less– mainstream heroes, you could say. Sorry if the questions were weird, though! I get it if it's private information and stuff." You rambled your explanation. 
Heroes had been brought up only a couple of times the two of you talked, but he had no clue you were such a big hero fan. Much less that you knew a lot about underground heroes of all things.
"It's not weird," he quickly corrected, "Um– I have some of the basic designs I could show you tomorrow for the artificial vocal chords, that's what the voice modulator is called. I'm sure Mindjack wouldn't mind if you saw them." 
"Really? That'd be great, thank you so much!" You smiled brightly. Maybe, some of that forgiveness for Kaminari returned…
But only a little. 
"Seriously? I work with heroes?" Shinsou asked Kaminari, who was currently dangling from the ledge of their apartment building with Shinsou's binding cloth as the only thing keeping him from falling the multiple stories. Was it cruel? Yeah. But, would he drop the blonde? Probably not. 
"C'mon, I didn't say you are one! And, it worked didn't it? (Y/N)'s super into heroes, and I saw you two talking after!" Kaminari explained. 
"So you were trying to set me up?" Shinsou spoke evenly. Neither continued rage or a new calm was particularly clear in his voice.
"Does that make it better or worse?" The other timidly asked. 
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Hanta Sero 
   Sero's rooftop swinging halted as a shout came from somewhere below him. It was a couple people shouting things along the lines of, "Leave us alone" and "Stop following us!" Neither of those phrases were usually a good sign. He scanned the area quickly before making his way over to the group he could see in the distance: it was a group of six huddled together with the perpetrators clearly being three guys following behind.
"C'mon, I didn't mean to scare you away. It was just a joke." One of the guys insisted. 
"No, it wasn't just a joke." One of the people in the group shouted back.
The guy previously speaking stepped forward, "Babe, I really didn't mean it. Just come back to the party and–" 
He was interrupted by someone else, "Just go away. She's not going back–" 
"I didn't ask you!" The guy snapped and shoved whoever had interrupted him to the ground.
"Okay, now seems like a good time to do something." Sero determined. From his previous spot, he jumped to the sidewalk– perfectly landing between whoever this guy was and the other group. Lucky for him (and his dignity) he didn't mess up the landing as he did many times before.
"You alright?" He addressed the person who had been pushed first and– oh shit.  Sero recognized you instantly. You were dressed slightly differently from earlier, but it made sense; you had just been at a party after all. 
"Yeah, we're all going," You had mentioned during lunch, "(Name)'s going with her boyfriend, but I get really bad vibes from him, y'know. So none of us really wanted her to be alone." 
Remembering that information, he easily recognized everyone standing around him now. Your friend group was the five others behind him, and your one friend's boyfriend was standing inches before him. 
"Thanks." You accepted the hand he had reached out to help pull you up. 
"Everything alright here?" Sero turned his attention back towards the upperclassmen before him.
"Yeah, we're fine." The guy responded.
"Um– yeah, I'm pretty sure fine doesn't mean pushing people to the ground," Sero said, "Why don't you go back to your party over there and leave these people alone." 
"This is none of your business, tape boy." He sneered. 
"Cellophane." Sero corrected. 
"Whatever," he scoffed, "just fuck off already." 
He reached a hand up to push Sero, much as he had done to you, only for his fist to be wrapped in a heavy layer of tape. "What?" Seconds later, he was stumbling backwards towards his friends– Sero having kicked him square in the stomach.
"Let's just get out of here, it's not worth it." One of his smarter friends suggested. 
The main guy muttered something before calling out to, presumably, his girlfriend, "You better call me later!" 
Sero had to hold back a laugh as one of your friend behind him whispered, "Don't fucking call him." 
"Asshole," You muttered as you watched the three guys retreat, "Thank you so much. Cellophane, right?" 
"Y-yeah," he stuttered, "No problem! Just get back home safe, got it?" 
God, he sounded like someone's Dad. He was so thankful for the decision to wear a mask and keep his identity secret.
"Sure thing!" You called back with a wave while a couple of other friends added, "Thank you!" 
He easily caught the ledge of the closest roof with his tape and pulled himself back up to return to his previous patrolling route. 
"Then he went like," You demonstrated a kick as well as you could from your seat at the cafeteria, "and he ran away! I can't believe he helped us, though. I don't know what we would have done if that asshole kept following us." 
"Yeah, that is lucky. I'm glad you guys were safe." Sero wasn't the best actor, but he seemed to be pretty good at convincing you that this was his first time hearing of this. 
"Yeah, I'm glad too… oh, and the hero was nice too! Like, he helped me up and everything." You continued talking about the hero.
"Wow, sounds like you have a crush on this hero." Sero teased. 
"Hm– wouldn't be the first time I fell in love with someone after talking once," You replied jokingly, "I'm sure he's cute under his mask, though.. Maybe I should try and get in more danger to get his number?" 
No matter if you were serious or not, a deep blush covered Sero's face. Did that mean you think he's cute? "Y-you could become his uh– archenemy or something, start robbing banks."
Whether you noticed or not, you didn't mention it, "Ooh an enemies to lovers thing, I like it." 
He awkwardly laughed, "Y-yeah…"
He was so bad at this. 
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Shouta Aizawa 
   "Welcome in!" You called out as Aizawa slowly pushed the door open to the brightly illuminated Cafe. It was one of the few places that was open so late and served coffee good enough to get Aizawa to power through the night.
"I haven't seen you around in awhile, 'zawa." The wait staff was nice too. Well, you're the only person ever working at such a late hour. Also considering he was often the only person occupying the building at his very specific time, it was inevitable he ended up talking to you a bit.
"Been busy." He took a seat down at the exact spot across from you.
"With…" You prompted him to continue as you poured his usual. It wasn't too complicated of an order: plain, black coffee. 
"Finals week," he sighed deeply, "Lots of grading." 
Aizawa, unfortunately, found himself settled as a highschool teacher. He would really rather be teaching college level courses, but he began his hero work at the same time he got hired for a part-time teacher position. So, now he was just a full time teacher coupled with nightly hero work, and he did not have the time to switch up his routine. 
"I feel you," You nodded in agreement, "Well, as a student more than a teacher." 
You held up a messy notebook from behind the counter to indicate the studying you were doing prior. In the time you two talked, Aizawa learned that you had just recently returned to college after a many year break to finish the degree you dropped. The night job at the Cafe seemed to be your best bet for paying the simpler college expenses. 
"Don't let me distract you, studying is important." The man took a sip of his coffee. 
"Sure thing, sensei." You teased, "But seriously, I needed a break anyway. I've been working on it since my shift started –no one's really come in anyway, probably 'cause of the robberies and stuff." 
"Right, you told me about those. How's everything been lately?" He asked. 
"Fine, apparently there's been some sort of hero hanging around here and scaring guys off. So, maybe business will pick up again." You replied. 
The question was really only a formality. Aizawa was the said "hero" hanging around, and he was, in fact, "scaring away" any possible criminals after you'd informed him of the robberies. 
"They're probably hitting all the stores around. I hope there's at least someone else working with me whenever they come by here." You solemnly said.
"You can't call the police?" Aizawa mildly expected the answer you would give. 
"No, they won't really stick around unless they have some reason to believe it's soon. But, it seems like the group waits a couple before robbing another place. That's why they've just been hitting every store down the block in a row." You explained.
With the renewed resentment he had for the local police force (that same resentment had pushed him to become a hero in the first place), he changed up his patrol area to hang around the Cafe. He wasn't quite sure what the criminal group looked like, but he was successful in scaring off some suspicious groups so far. He kept a close eye on the Cafe too. If he saw anyone go in, Aizawa was on guard until they left. 
Was it a bit over the top? Yeah, Aizawa would admit to that. 
"At least someone is doing something around here." He responded to your explanation.
"Yeah, it's nice to feel a bit safer around here." You smiled.
Aizawa went to take another sip of his coffee –only to notice that he'd finished the cup in the rather short time you two had been talking. Awkwardly, he placed the mug back down after pretending to take a final sip. 
"Want any more?" You seemed to notice while holding up the coffee pot.
"No," his voice held evident disappointment at the denial, "I've had a lot today anyways, just thought I'd stop by."
Yamada had become very serious recently with getting Aizawa to stop drinking as much coffee. "Only 3 cups at most," the blonde English teacher declared, "Otherwise, I'm sending you home and you're sleeping for the day."
It was unfortunate the man was so good at talking to others, especially their boss, to actually make the threat a reality. He'd demonstrated so just last week. 
"Aww, thanks! I enjoy it when you come by, too." You smiled. 
"Oh uh– I've been meaning to ask. Can I get your number– i-if you're alright with that. We've been talking a lot here, so I thought that maybe it'd be nice to see you when I'm not on the clock for once." You nervously added. 
Aizawa paused for a moment in contemplation. He hadn't really given his number out in a long time, much less to someone he found himself interested in, and it was mostly because of his secretive hero career. The moment Yamada got close to him, it was only weeks later the blonde found out about the hero stuff. 
"This is different." He concluded the train of thought before verbally responding, "Sure, here." 
You beamed as you pulled your phone out and put your numbers in each other's phones. "See you around soon, 'zawa." You called out as the dark haired man left after paying. 
A small smile came across his face when he received your first text only moments after he had resumed his perched spot near the Cafe, "good luck getting me to stop bothering you now >:)" 
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nekropsii · 2 years
I think you misunderstood why I dislike Tavros and how he's seen, which I will preface you are absolutely right to misunderstand, upon rereading I didn't actually make my point, which is 100% on me. And you are definitely allowed to disagree with me however I do want to make sure that my point isn't misread.
My dislike of Tavros isn't from a place of being annoyed at him or thinking that he's not a victim, he absolutely is. It's that his victimhood is used by fans and by him as an excuse for his behavior which is often really damaging and kinda shitty.
This is the troll that found out that he seriously hurt Jade and basically responded with "I had good intentions and that absolves me of fault and anger, and I'm hurt that you're still upset at me! But it's okay I forgive you, and I forgive myself for hurting you" which is such a cruel response!
In every instance he "gains confidence" he almost immediately starts uncomfortably flirting with whoever has shown him any kindness. You see it with him flirting with Jade after the aforementioned interaction as soon as she showed any sense that she might not treat him like trolls treat her, or flirting with Kanaya (who is a lesbian) when she helps him in Pesterquest.
After dying and the Tavrissprite debaucle he again starts acting like an absolute tool, getting in everyone's face and acting like a spoiled child.
And the worst part is on the rare occasion that someone calls out his behavior he starts to claim victimhood and claims that that absolves him of his actions, like because he was hurt he now has a license to act however he wants and people have to give him pity.
Again you're allowed to disagree, and he is absolutely a victim, but that doesn't give him a license to act how he does
I’m glad you’re taking the blame on the fact that you did not, in fact, make any point in your original ask outside of insult. I’m also glad that you’re open to disagreement, because I’m gonna take you up on that. So, yeah, if you don’t mind, I’ve got a few counterpoints for this:
This level of shitty behavior is typical for… Just about every single Homestuck character. Sure, you can dislike Tavros for his specific brand of shitty behavior, but he’s absolutely not special, nor is he an isolated case in this regard. He’s not even the only character to behave in this exact manner- I get that he’s the focal point here, but I still need to point that out. He isn’t special. Hell, some fan favorites are known for doing worse things than this.
Pesterquest is not canon, and therefore is not a valid example of his character within canon. Yes, it is official content, but it is quite literally not canon. These two labels can coexist.
Tavros is a socially inept 13 year old boy. He’s 13 years old. 13. He is a middle schooler. He is an awkward 13 year old boy who has been put through the fucking wringer, the fact that he’s doing shitty things makes complete and utter sense. Genuinely, he could be so much worse. Yes, the things he did were shitty, but he’s a kid. They do that. Kids are shitty sometimes. They don’t fuckin’ know any better, dude. I guarantee you that you were kind of a bastard when you were 13.
When you are abused, you do not become a good person. Abuse almost never makes someone a good person, especially not immediately. It makes you an asshole. That’s why Vriska is like that. That’s also why Tavros is like that. In fact, Tavros is like that… Probably largely because of Vriska. Tavros kinda just… Acts like your average 13 year old abuse victim.
Our collective understanding of Tavros as a person- as well as Equius and Eridan, since we’re discussing problem children now- is based on a very troubled literal child with zero sense of self worth. We can’t really judge his morality when his sense of morality/reasonability genuinely is not fully formed yet, and is honestly being actively impeded upon. This is just speculation, but I’m betting that if he’d been given the room to actually grow and mature as a person- you know, past the age of 13- he wouldn’t be nearly as bad.
I’m willing to bet his, yes, highly awkward flirtations were just what he thought you were supposed to do when you were confident. Does that make it ok? No. It’s still weird! I’m not enacting apologetics for that. But as I’ve stated previously… Socially inept 13 year old with no sense of self worth + there’s characters that are worse off than him. Again… 13 year olds are just… Like that, sometimes.
I understand that this could have just been poor wording on your own part, but in your original ask, you literally said that Vriska was “keeping Tavros in check”, so I’m not exactly willing to trust that you have an objective view on the actions of either of these characters. Say that you’re aware he’s a victim all you want, that line just personally raises a lot of red flags for me, and I don’t think you understand the implications of calling abuse someone being “kept in check”. Was Vriska really “keeping him in check” by purposefully physically disabling him, and then constantly ridiculing him for the disability she caused? Was she really in the right for that? Was that something he deserved?
I don’t know, dude. He’s a fictional character, yeah, but it feels kind of weird to be weighing a 13 year old boy’s morality on a scale like this. He hasn’t really done anything warranting much heavy insults, or a callout post, or anything- he’s just a kid who was kind of a social fuck-up. If you’re so heated about Tavros’s level of shitty, I kinda have to wonder if there’s any Homestuck characters you even can tolerate. They’re all kind of assholes. You know… Because they’re children.
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pencilscratchins · 4 years
- SO SCENE SET a few years after canon, in their mid twenties (post sokka & azula solo) sokka and zuko are newly engaged, katara just decided to run for chief when hakoda steps down-- everyones pretty set in their lives.
-- azula’s doing pretty good- she’s grown a lot and learned some coping mechanisms and she’s gotten to a pretty good place with most of the group. especially toph and sokka-- but she’s starting to feel out of place in the palace.
--- like her whole life she was raised to be the fire lord, and now-- not only is she not the fire lord, she doesn’t really think being a part of the government's healthy for her at all. but she cant do that to zuko, whos done so much for her, who is she abandon him
- they all take a summer off and spend a few weeks in toph’s family’s country home bc rich people always just have house places smh (well, aang mentions he and zuko technically always on the job and zukos like “speak for yourself, hotman, iroh’s covering my gig, i’m lee from the tea shop rn”)
- the beifong’s house is in the middle of this smaller village on the coast, where there’s a farmers market every morning of local vendors, which sokkas psyched about.
-- nobody wants to go with sokka bc shopping with sokka means getting up at 7am and spending a full hour at each booth, but azula gets roped into tagging along when sokka is like “none of you are STRONG enough to wake up early and get going huh?” and her pride cant let that hang
-- rookie mistake.
- so she goes and spots nasim’s booth almost immediately and realizes in that moment: she’s not just a lesbian in theory. It is in fact, in practice. she is very gay.
- NASIM is a local greens farmer, whos family runs a pretty good sized farm on the outskirts of the village. her uncle is the bad boy of the family, who split off from lettuce to travel with his cabbage business. (this is completely added when i saw the cabbage merchant responses on the other post and laughed so hard SKSK)
-- nasim has always been a very level headed, calm sort of person. not shy, but careful with her words and very considerate. she’s one of those good men in the storm, so to speak; she’s the person who will level out every solution to a problem with immense patience. but with that, she’s not great at making decisions for herself, and is in NO MEANS a risk taker. 
- sokka notices azula flustered immediately and is like “well as your almost brother i need to tell you how to flirt with her” and shes like “excuse you i know how to flirt” and goes up and just… bombs it. like we’re talking “you’re outfits really sharp” pt 2
-- “these are incredible lettuces. were i an enemy leader, i would burn your fields down as to ensure the opposing forces could not gain their nutrition!” “.... well lettuce burns more calories to eat than it gives but… uh thanks,”
--- sokkas like i may be above my head here, i recognize that.
- he brings it up to zuko who, in a rare display of pure big brother energy, immediately tells the group who all decided they HAVE to make this happen. toph, because she thinks it ripe with hilarious opportunity; katara because she thinks a relationship might chill azula out a little; suki because she has nothing better to do; and aang because he just loves love :,)
- obviously, they are all inept idiots who can only date members of their immediate friend group, so they do not help. aang goes along with her and nasim is like “are you the avatar?” and he’s like “why yes! yes i am!!” and shes like “you have to leave immediately, my uncle warned me about you.” “that tracks, that does track”
- azula is kinda freaking out bc through all this misplaced attempts, she is spending time with and getting to know nasim and genuinely likes her- to the point where she could see herself starting a life in the village which is DISGUSTING and very unazula like!
-- like nasim and her keep running into each other, even outside of the groups intervention and they like... get along? nasims one of the first people who knows who she was and doesnt care; and nasim has never met anyone with so much passion and fire.
- azula & katara have a talk where katara’s like look. you were pretty fucked up and you did fucked up things, but those don’t have to define you for the rest of your life. if i have found a way to forgive you, you have to forgive yourself. And if forgiving yourself means moving away from the capital and marrying a woman-- do it.
-- azulas like why are you being nice to me and shes like well “my brothers marrying your brother so that makes us…” “nothing to each other” “oh thank tui and lu”
- anywayy this is already far too long BUT YOU GET THE GIST they fall in love and she moves to the village and run the farm together and my god, ive made yet another farm lesbian god DAMMIT
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xxdragonwriterxx · 4 years
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🐉 Song Recommendation: “Rain Clouds” By: The Arcadian Wild 🐉
Well, one thing was for sure, (Y/N) was fucked. Absolutely fucked. She tried not to let the horror show on her face as she listened to her Captain Levi’s orders, her blood roaring in her ears as only one sentence rang through her brain on a constant loop.
“We’re going to have to pair up and share tents tonight.”
(Y/N) had figured something like this would happen when a cart full of supplies had been crushed by a titan on their way to their breakpoint, but she hadn’t expected it to happen this way. She had expected to be sharing with Petra, keeping everyone separated by gender. At least, until she had seen the sweet ginger-haired girl glance at her boyfriend, Oulo, a look (Y/N) knew Levi hadn’t missed either.
It was at that point she knew she was screwed. She had no idea what she was going to do. She knew she would be mortified no matter who she was paired with, but when it was announced that she was going to be sharing a tent with her long time crush and Captain, she was pretty sure she felt her soul leave her body. What the hell was she going to do!?
She didn’t have any more time to think about it as Levi pushed off of the tree he’d been leaning on and approached her, jerking his head for her to follow him. He looked confident as he strode to the place where his tent had already been set up, but on the inside, he was a bit nervous. He hadn’t missed the look of horror that had flickered across (Y/N)’s face when he had ordered her to share a tent with him, something that made his insides clench painfully.
Levi had wanted (Y/N) for ages. She always made him feel so comfortable with her naturally quiet yet sociable personality, her sharp intelligence and quick observations never failing to impress him. He only ever felt anxious around her because he knew he felt something more than just comradeship with his squad member, his heart pounding every time she entered a room or flashed a smile at him. Even though he had been pissed off at the loss of one of the carts, he had been secretly pleased at the opportunity to share a tent with (Y/N), especially when he caught Petra eyeing Oulo excitedly, making it easy to pair himself with (Y/N) without seeming suspicious.
But that look on her face as he stated the order had made him nervous about this whole thing. What if she was uncomfortable? Wait, what was he thinking? Of course she was uncomfortable! She was being ordered to sleep beside her superior for fucks sake. Levi growled to himself in frustration. He hated how inept he was at wooing gestures and charming words, his personality better suited for threatening and killing without hesitation than comforting and flirting.
Holding the flap open for her, Levi allowed her to pass into the tent in front of him before following her in. It was still early, but all of the traps had been set, the food dispersed, and the horses taken care of. Levi’s squad had done their chores earlier than usual just in case they ran into more titans, Levi wanting his squad to be fed and energized in the event of a surprise attack. He sighed as he watched her look around the space, her eyes darting to look everywhere but at him.
“Oi,” Levi said, the young scout turning to face him as he came up to her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. “Breathe, (Y/N). I know it’s shitty, but it’s only for one night. If you really are that uncomfortable though, I can always sleep outside the tent. Your choice.”
(Y/N)’s eyes immediately widened and she shook her head, her hands waving in front of her, causing his lips to twitch slightly at the cute sight of her embarrassment. “No, of course not, sir! I’m sorry, I’m just a little nervous. Sharing a tent with my Captain? It just seems a little…, strange?”
“I know what you mean,” Levi said with a nod. Despite his interest in her, he could feel what she was feeling. She was his subordinate after all, a member of his squad. And now, he was sharing a bed with her, albeit innocently of course, but it still left a strange feeling in his chest, as if someone had placed a weight there that was both heavy as an anvil and light as a feather.
“A-Are you okay with this, sir? I can always sleep outside if you want your own space.”
“I ordered this didn’t I?” Levi asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Yeah, but you only did that because the cart was destroyed. The last thing I want is to make you feel uncomfortable in your own room.”
Levi’s heart rate sped up a little, humbled by her thoughtfulness. “You're not making me uncomfortable.”
“O-Oh, okay. That’s good, I guess I can stay here.”
Levi nodded once before turning around to perform his bedtime ritual, (Y/N) turning in the other direction to give him privacy and do her own routine before bed. The tent was completely silent aside from the rustling of their clothes and the sound of the trees blowing in the wind outside. The silence made (Y/N) feel funny, like she felt both comfortable and awkward at the same time, his soothing aura making her feel calm while her embarrassment kept rearing its head to make her feel uncomfortable. Her roiling emotions made her want to let out a groan of frustration but she reeled it in, not wanting to have the Captain question her.
Levi wasn’t much better off, sighing quietly when he found her presence to be soothing but also wanting to bang his head against the wall when his feelings wouldn’t stop interfering, making his heart beat twice as fast and his brain overthink every little thing he did. He managed to relax a little when (Y/N) left to brush her teeth, giving him the chance to take a deep breath and shove down his doubts about this whole thing. She had said she was fine with him sleeping beside her, so he just had to take her word for it, no matter how many times his brain tried to convince him she was just being polite.
(Y/N) slapped her cheeks with water when she finished cleaning her teeth, cooling down her wired emotions and allowing her to calm down. She could do this, no matter her own doubts. She had to do this, because she knew that if she tried to change anything he would leave, forgoing his own comfort for hers, and she refused to let him do that. She was an adult, a soldier on the best squad in the military, skilled in killing huge man-eating monsters. She could sleep for one night in her crush’s bed without doing anything embarrassing.
When she reentered the tent, Levi was shirtless, making her cheeks burn like fire as she caught sight of his sculpted chest and powerful abs. When he turned around, she could’ve drooled as the muscles in his back rippled. She looked up to find him watching her with a slight smirk on his face, making her squeak in embarrassment at having been caught ogling him.
Thankfully, he decided not to tease her other than the shit-eating grin on his face as she strode up beside him, folding her clothes neatly before making her way to the cot in the middle of the space. Levi joined her soon after, sliding under the covers and dousing the lantern, throwing the room in darkness.
“Goodnight, Captain.”
“Night, (Y/N).”
Levi knew she was still awake, her back facing him, but he eventually felt her relax, her breathing slowing down and her body unwinding as the influence of sleep took over. The tension in his own body was released when he noticed her relax, a sigh of relief falling from his lips before he could stop it. As he lay quietly in the cot, he could hear the sound of (Y/N)’s soft snores and sleepy whimpers start to filter in with the noises of the wind and the animals outside, the sound soothing him further.
He was just about to drift off himself, ready to roll over to the side from where he was laying on his back when he felt (Y/N) shift. Levi choked on his sharp inhale, his eyes flying open to look down and see (Y/N) pressed up against him. His heart was in his throat at the sight of the pretty girl snuggled into his side, her arms coming up to wrap around his waist and pull him to her with a tiny grunt. Levi was too speechless to do more than let her move him, his breath coming out in short, quick gasps as she held him close, sighing happily and nuzzling her face into his chest. She finally stopped moving, her light snores picking back up again as soon as she was happily cuddled up with him.
Levi’s eyes were wide, his lips slightly parted as an innocent sense of wonder filled him. Never in his life had a woman ever fallen asleep beside him, let alone cuddled up to him affectionately, nuzzling his skin. He felt warm and tingly all throughout his body, a small smile curling on his lips before he even knew what happened. He was surprised by his reaction, his urge to pull her closer and snuggle deeper into her embrace. He had never craved intimacy before, usually opting to break someone’s wrist if they tried to touch him. But with (Y/N), he found himself wanting her to be closer, already surprisingly greedy for her warm touch.
Indulging himself a little, Levi leaned down and pressed a light kiss on her head before settling back into the cot, moving his arms from behind his head to wrap around her body and pull her closer against him.
“Sweet dreams, (Y/N),” Levi murmured with a quiet chuckle before falling asleep himself, wrapped up with the girl he secretly adored.
(Y/N) groaned as she woke, the cheery sound of birds chirping filling her ears as she came back to reality, blinking the sleep from her eyes. Immediately closing them again at the  bright sunlight that assaulted them, (Y/N) yawned and stretched an arm up over her head, moaning quietly at the delicious feeling of her back popping.
“Sleep well, brat?” A voice said from below her, her whole body vibrating with the feeling of his chuckle.
“HUH!?” (Y/N)'s eyes snapped open, immediately awake, her head turning to see exactly what she had feared. Smirking at her, his eyes twinkling, was her Captain, his arms wrapped lazily around her shoulders. Her face immediately flushed a furious bright red as she realized she was sprawled on top of him, her leg thrown over his groin and her chest pressed against his. Her arms were wrapped around his waist possessively, holding him close to her. She let out an embarrassed squeak and shot away from him, her eyes wide and her hands flailing as she tried to fumble her way through an apology.
“O-Oh gods L-Levi, I mean, Captain, I am s-so sorry! I know I should’ve told you, but I didn’t because I was embarrassed and I overthink everything so I kept it to myself and I shouldn’t have. Now I’ve just ruined everything, with my stupid habit! I am so sorry Captain, if I had told you last night that I always end up cuddling whatever is next to me, I wouldn’t have invaded your space,” (Y/N) rambled, the words tumbling from her mouth before she could stop them, her mind frazzled and completely out of sorts in her embarrassment.
She eventually managed to finally shut her mouth, hanging her head in eternal mortification. At that moment, she just wanted the ground to swallow her up. She couldn’t believe she had been so stupid and selfish. This whole situation could’ve been avoided if she had just been honest with him, but she had decided against telling him, worried he would be anxious about sharing a tent with her if he knew she became very cuddly in her sleep. 
But now that was completely out the window, her traitorous body having drifted over to her Captain without her permission, ruining not only her chance at possibly ever having a relationship with him, but also her current subordinate/superior relationship with the stoic man. Fear flooded her system at the thought of possibly being reassigned, sent to another team for creating unnecessary tension within the squad. She wouldn’t put it past Levi to do something like that, wouldn’t blame him if he did. She had seen him do way worse to other people for doing a tenth of what she had just done. He had every right to be furious with her after touching him intimately without his strict permission.
A sudden sound in front of her had her head shooting back up, her eyes widening at what she saw, her hands even coming up to rub at her eyes, convinced her vision was playing tricks on her. She figured she ought to get her ears checked too, as the sound continued to fill the tent and her heart with warmth.
Levi was laughing. And not just his signature chuckle, he was genuinely laughing. The sound was quiet, but it was one of the most beautiful noises (Y/N) had ever heard. It made her smile brightly despite the fear and embarrassment in her gut, her whole body humming as she watched her seemingly emotionless Captain close his eyes and bring his hand to his mouth, stifling the chuckles.
When Levi opened his eyes again, he saw (Y/N) staring at him with comically wide eyes, a bright, shocked smile on her gorgeous face. He hadn’t meant to laugh, but he hadn’t been able to help it. She had been so adorable, curled up on his chest like that with her face buried in his neck and their legs tangled together. He hadn’t wanted to wake her, content to just analyze her pretty features as she snoozed, but also didn’t miss the chance to tease the hell out of her when the light from the rising sun eventually roused her. 
He just hadn’t been able to contain himself when she had started rambling on and on. Normally, he was the one fighting to retain his composure around her, not that she knew that, but the sight of her struggling to meet his eyes, her face aflame with a violent blush as she stuttered through an apology had made him feel full and warm. It told him that maybe he affected her in the same way she affected him, something he had always craved but never expected, the discovery of this knowledge like an unexpected gift. She tilted her head a little when he looked into her eyes, trying to read him.
Gods, she was breathtaking. Her hair was kind of a mess, not having yet been brushed in the early morning. Her eyes were a little red from sleep and her rubbing them, but they sparkled in the light that shone through the canvas of their tent, making her seem so alive. Her skin was even glowing, making her shine in a way that made his breath hitch. He was silent now despite his laughing a few minutes ago, his silver hues trailing over her before meeting her gaze. He noticed her swallow hard.
“So…, you’re not mad?” (Y/N) asked hesitantly.
“No, I found it amusing.”
“So I didn’t bother you too much? I didn’t keep you awake all night?”
“Quite the opposite really.”
His simple answer made her visibly relax, but she was still watching him warily, as if waiting for him to suddenly change his mind and give her a punishment, not that she’d complain, Levi knew. The tension in the air dissipated despite (Y/N)’s obvious lingering embarrassment, enough so that (Y/N) felt comfortable preparing for the day.
Levi followed suit, standing and moving over to where he’d folded his clothes neatly, efficiently transforming himself back into a proper soldier. As soon as everything was in place, Levi turned to find (Y/N) still getting ready, her back facing him as she pulled her boots on and adjusted the leather skirt of her uniform. Smirking to himself, Levi crept up behind her, relishing in her surprised squeak when he leaned down to her ear.
“I thought you were pretty fucking cute last night, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) gasped loudly and whirled around to confront him only to find him already leaving the tent. She saw him pause, his hand on the flap as he turned and sent her a wink before slipping outside, his loud, commanding voice ringing out over the field to order her fellow squad members to start the day.
 (Y/N) raised a hand and brought it up to her ear and the back of her neck, smiling as she felt the spot where Levi’s warm breath had fanned out over her skin just seconds earlier. If she didn’t know any better, she would’ve thought it was a dream, her stoic, cold-hearted Captain calling her cute. Her heart was pounding, her cheeks flushed with a little more than just embarrassment. Maybe she hadn’t ruined her chances with him after all.
A/N: Does anyone else fucking do this? I mean, I’m sure at least some of you do, but for some reason, when I sleep, I always cuddle whatever is next to me. Whether that be my dog, a pillow, a stuffed animal, a blanket, whatever it is, I will latch onto it at night. I actually wrote this story based on something that happened to me a few months ago when I was staying with a friend and I ended up cuddling her in the middle of the night, surprising her. It was a little less awkward for me than what was portrayed in the story because she’s my friend, but still, I felt a little bad wrapping myself around her all night  😅😂.
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