fickes · 11 months
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Top surgery journal #6: I may be stupid
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cawcawrobinjay · 5 months
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itscthulhubitch · 2 months
if this gets 1000 notes ill ask my mum for a binder.
we did it! :DD i just woke up but ill ask today
ITS ORDEREDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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not-a-biscuit · 2 years
Ok y’all, I need you to drop links for free binder services. It’s November which means that parents won’t think it’s odd for their children to request that they not inspect packages. They’ll simply assume it’s a present for whatever holiday they observe. So please do your part by dropping links in the reblogs and trying to get this seen by those who need it
edit: I’m not going to guilt you into reblogging, because that might not be safe for you for whatever reason, but if it is possible, it would be greatly appreciated if you could reblog instead of/as well as liking. Reblogging ensures that more people see this, and the more people who see it the greater possibility for good.
edit 2: ok @the-maddened-hatter made a master list of what’s been added so far
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grace-and-ace · 2 years
there's a Czech transdude in one of my servers who was like going through the complex process of trying to get binders from the UK and it's like my dude. that's gonna cost a fuck ton cuz of brexit shipping and so i told him about an online shop in amsterdam. in the process of getting that info one of the irl trans guys i know is like "i have two old binders from that shop, why don't we just mail it to him?"
so i'm mailing him two free binders (it'll be super cheap to send within' the eu) and in exchange i'm getting his grandma's secret recipe for Žemlovka
this is the pinnacle. community is actually about secret grandma recipes and sharing used gender affirming clothing
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raphael-angele · 2 months
The Gift
POV: It's Regulus' birthday and he's opening presents at the breakfast table.
Regulus: Okay, so far I got a journal that cannot be opened unless I'm the one holding it; thank you, Evan. The Cain's Jawbone book; thank you, Barty. A brand new stationary set; thank you, Pandora. And a silver snake ring that has a needle that injects poison to whoever it punctures; thank you, Dorcas.
Pandora: Happy birthday, Reg.
Evan: Happy birthday, buddy.
Barty: Yeah, yeah, yeah, happy birthday and all that. So which one is your favorite?
Dorcas: You kidding? I win by a mile.
Evan: Oh, I almost forgot *pulls out a small box* This is from Potter.
Dorcas: Why was James Potter giving you a gift for Regulus?
Barty: And why was he with you in the first place?
Evan: Calm down. We bumped into each other in the halls and he asked me to give it to Reg.
Regulus: *opens the box* oh wow.
Pandora: What is it?
Regulus: *shows it to Pandora*
Pandora: Aww, that's so cute.
Barty: What is it?
Pandora: It's like an small pin of the golden snitch but instead of a ball, it's shaped like a star.
Regulus: *reads the note* "Still can't believe I caught you. JP"
Dorcas: Aw, Now that's just romantic
Barty: If Potter wanted to be romantic, he'd realign the stars to say, "I am untterly, undoubtedly, and deeply in love with Regulus Arcturus Black. I say with with sound mind and body. Love, James Potter"
Regulus, putting the pin on his robe: So whose gift is that one? *points to a box*
Regulus: ...no one?
Evan: *inspects* Well, it's addressed to you. And it says Happy Birthday. Maybe it's from your parents?
Regulus: Unlikely. Give it? *takes the box* Really nothing written on here.
Barty: Open it.
Regulus: *opens it and gasps*
Dorcas: What is it?
Regulus: *looks over at the Gryffindor table* Nothing *packs up the gifts, stands and leaves* Thanks for the gifts.
At the Gryffindor table:
Sirius: Hey, the birthday boy himself.
James: Oh, hi, babe.
Regulus: Hey. Sirius, a word? *they move a bit farther away*
Sirius: So what's up? Did you need something?
Regulus: The gift.
Sirius: Yeah? What about it?
Regulus: ...help me put it on?
Sirius: ...*smiles softly* Yeah, okay.
In the bathroom:
Sirius: You okay in there?
Regulus: *comes out of the stall with a roll of bandage*
Sirius: What do you think?
Regulus: *runs his hands through his torso, looks at the mirror and turns to the side*
Sirius: It's not too tight right? I think I hooked it on the right row.
Regulus: *cries*
Sirius: *goes up to him* Hey, hey, c'mon, don't cry. It's okay. What's wrong? Is it too small? Does it hurt?
Regulus: *shakes his head* No. It's perfect.
Sirius: Aww, I'm glad. Feels better right?
Regulus: Mhm.
Sirius: *sighs* I told you to stop using bandages to bind. You're gonna hurt yourself.
Regulus: I didn't have a binder to use.
Sirius: Well now you do. And this is a lot safer and comfier. Right?
Regulus: *nods*
Sirius: Yeah. Now, you have to promise me that you won't wear it for too long. If I find out that you've been binding longer than what's safe, I'm confiscating them. Understand?
Regulus: Mhm. I promise
Sirius: Okay.
Regulus: *hugs Sirius tightly* Love you
Sirius: *kisses the top of his head* Love you, too. Now, let's get you to class.
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lights-at-night · 9 months
rb to tell my parents that getting me a binder is indeed safe and would be beneficial
fellow trans people add ur insight so i can prove things to them
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punkboyjuul · 11 months
if this post gets 1000 notes I'll ask my desi mom to buy me a chest binder
Edit: i asked her and she said yes!! she's a little iffy on the place i found to buy it from though (there's no COD) but she agreed so that's a big win!!!
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
Wikipedia opened a merch store and the only product was a binder that read “boobs [CITATION NEEDED]”.
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junithelooperrrr · 2 months
Announcing the newest transmasc and nonbinary-oriented dating/hookup app! We're calling it Bindr.
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fickes · 9 months
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Top surgery journal #7: OBVIOUSLY I expected it I just wish it weren't. two whole years before topless transman summer
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jayjay-thejet-plane · 2 months
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(theyre commenting on jakes fresh top surgery btw (bradley’s wearing a binder)⬆️)
someone said “t4t hangster” and i said “bet”
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everybodysinvited · 11 months
Binder Safety Guide
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Binders are wonderful, transformative things! BUT there are a lot of things to consider and prep yourself for if you want to wear a binder safely. So here's a quick guide on the top 10 tips for binder safety.
Your health is paramount and wearing a binder incorrectly can really damage your skin, and lead to breathing problems or back pain etc, so please listen to your body, and if it hurts, stop. Binders aren't for everyone but their are alternative methods to a flatter chest!
For more tips and guidance on binder safety, check out Point of Pride, Spectrum Outfitters, Amor Binders, Mermaids or my previous post, An Intro to Binders!
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behindthekitty · 3 months
be like naoto! not akechi
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lazycranberrydoodles · 8 months
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i see your starember hua cheng butterfly boxers and raise you butterfly binder
crimson rain sought flower miku binder….
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So Terry is wearning a binder!!
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